aiLJ!l!Ll" II- - "' ' -' . War! Wart War! OME FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM Tim SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM HIE WEST, Save the country end build yrfursrilves homrs, or now U the lime to get jour Lumber cheap. Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER t i LUMBER ! ! ! ran be purchased at low rates at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CX.EBIX2NT, BUNDUBY, jP.Au., Such an Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, (tiding, Shingles from $3 to 8 per thousand, I'lnntvrin; I.otli, Paling, ltfiofinB; Lath, Vc, Sic. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the shortest notice IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury , March 9, 1861. - niixADELrniA roixrou. 5. E. corner of Seventh and Chesnut Streets. Tliia is one of EIGHT, CONSTITUTING THE "NA T10NAL CHAIN." LOCATED IN rhihulelpliin, New York City, Allmny, BulTiil", Cleve land, Chicuir, and St. Louis. 8clnlninhiis can lie pur clisaed ut either point, good at all the Colleges. THE COM.K0IATK COl ItSE embraces Double mid Sinsrle Knlrjr H'mk-Iveepinf, Coin mercinl Computations, Coinmerciiil Law, lVnmmistnp, Jjusincss Col respondejice, Fartnerr-hip Settlements, etc. PRACTICAL TKXT-HOOKS. The Tcact ing in the Book-Keeping Department is most. )y from written manuscript forms, Willi oral instructions lectures, and black-hoard elnciilniions ; in addition to which, in order to make the Collegiate Course ns thorough and effectual as possible, the following Text-Books have been prepared : Bryant f truttnn's nnnk-Kceping, in three editions Common School. High School, and Counting House ; Bry. ant A Stratum's Conunercitil Arithmetic) Hrunt Sc Stratum's Commercial Law, by Amos Ucan, L L D. SPENCERIAN SYSTl'M OF riONMANSIIIP, in a scries ( nine books, by I'. It. SPKNCER. P. K. fl'I'.NCKn, Ji., Teacher of rcnmuiishlp, Indi vidual instruction. Students enter at any tune. Diplo mas iiWitrdcd. Of" For Cntnlogucs nnd Circulars, enll nt the Collerftt, or address HHYA.VI' STKATTOiS & ! AlKHAIVHS February W,lB6t. ly Phlludelphiu. ELYSISVKCr ACADKMV, FOR MALES AND FEMALES. Rev. J. F. W AM POLE, A. M., PRINCI PAL, and Teacher of Latin, Greek and Oerman Languages. Mr. STEPHEN W. OWEN. Teacher o Mathematics nnd English Branches. Miss CAROLINE RODRKjUJB, Teacher ol Music on Piano and Melodcon. The Summer Session will commence on Mon day the First of April, 1861. Good boarding can be had in private families in the villago, cither by the neck or by the meal at reasonable prices. Terms per qrarter of eleven weeks. Common English Brachcs, $3,00. Higher, " " fl.OO. Latin or Greek, 7,00. Music, (extra), 10,00. German, (cxtra, J, 00. Elyshurg, Pa., March P, 1861. tf TO ALL. TUOSE IIAT IXO Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A raro chance is now afforded to select und order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines, Shrubtiary, ire., from the celebrated Clover Street nurseries, located ut Kuciitster, new York. Messrs, DIOORE, RIIOTIIERS, PROPRIETOBS Who beg leave to announce that they are prepared uiruuga ineir qutuuieu anu RESPONSIBLE AGENTS, To distribute their superior stock on the .most ressonabl terms. PF.OPLE OK THE EEYSTOITE STATE. '.oveisof Nnturennd the lroutiful,and justly celebrate for your intelligence, wraith, liberality and taste, now ii mo nine iu ums.e your selections iroin our DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE AND PLATE HOOKS; v men win ueiurnisneti you, inrougn our i-cfii agents j and you may rest assured that your orders will be iiuiiura- wiy unci. Fur further particulars apply to FllKDMlICK A. HOWE, Or JOHN D. JONES, . Agent tor Northumberland county. REFERENCES: IIn. r.BF.NF ZF.R Ulill-FIN, Rochester, N. Y. Hon. JOHN OAI.UI! A1TII, Erie, l'a. Col. J. K. JOHNSON, Mcudville, Fa. February 8, Istil m MOO T A Nl) S II O 1 MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and River Street r sunscriuer respccllully informs the citi' zens of Sunhury and vicinity, that he Ins openeu a lsoot und fhoe Shop on the corner of Market Sijuare and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at ell times ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a large assort' mem oi learner, ot the best quality, which ena lues mm to ninKe up good and durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur cuusiiigeibewiiere, anu ju will save money. JOHN WILVER Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1800. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT 5Y LSS1A( MASON'8 Patent Kheet Metal ' Screw Topl'RESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAI. SCREW TOP! AW that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon tho Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured Lycoming in contact with the Rubber. Persons, lesiritig these Jars, can he supplied by leaviuir their orders with H. 11. MAb&KR, Wunbury, June S, 1 860. Agent. I)J1Y 'GOODS' 7RILNG & GRANT, at the Mammoth Store '"ve this day, Janutsry 24th, received nnd opened another. Ircsh supply of DRY GOODS and Notions, Junbury, January 20, lfifil. LOTUS, Cassimeres, Kottiiiets. Heavy and lijjht weight Leaver cloths. Tricots, Trotjled Ueavera, i'luiu liroad. tloibs. Fttucj aud Hlack Ca,8imerps. COO!JKK& CON A HP, S. E corner Niutb Jt Market street, Deo. 8, lbOO. Philadelphia. -11JNUOW SHAPES.A very fine and cheap assortment, iuBt leceived bv lull. road from New York, at the Mammoth store of i ruing tf urant. we have also for sale 8.M. Putnam &, Co'a celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. COTTAGE BIBLES. 10 R SALK, cheap, three copies ef tie Cottage Hiblo, iu two volume, with com. inentaKes. II. H. MA8SEH. 1)1. ANK Porchniant Paper Deeds and blank " Mnrlgagea, llotids, Execution, Summons, etc, for sale b H. B. MASSL'K. jpitfAlKERS! CKACKEKS, juat received and for sale by tho barrel or pound, at tha Confectionery store of M. C. CEAKHARIf. . Suubtiry, October 13, 1809. EXCITEMENT OF SEASON I THE FIULING & GRANT. t tha MAMMOTH STORE, have just received a NEW AND DESIRABLE Stock of FALL f$ WINTER GOODS! A very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Black and Fancy Silks of very choice patterns DEBEtiES, Ducnls, Cashmere. French and English Merinos, riain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Toil Do Chcvres. Saxon'and Wool I'laids, i .DIES' FURS, BROCIIH, Bay State and Wool SHAWLS of every va- ricty, &c, Sic, Gcntlcmen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Clothe, Casimeres, Sattinctt", Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vcslings. of every variety. Our stock of Silk and Silk Velvet t cstinirs, cannot be surpassed in the untry. Please calJi and examine them. CLOTHING ! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, haa been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Tests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ngee. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS VISTTD CAPS of every style and variety at the lowest prices. Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew' cd and we have now a larger assortment than ever before offered to our customers, consisting in pari ot Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts und Pad Locks, A Cut caws, Mill Sows, Scoop Shovels, &c, &c, &c, cVc., &c, ic. lluecjiftv.are and Glassware. of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES, Oar stock of ' GROCERIES is very fine. We havefthe test quality of Syrup Molasses ever bctore ofjere to the citizens of bunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of overy vaumj. Carps, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, 8ADLERY. ROOTS AND SHOES, Ac., &c Also a Iresh supply ot Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye Sniffs, l'erfumery, Glass, Fancy Soaps, Uruslies, &c. Particular care havinu been taken in the se lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and trice, we call the atteMion of the public to our targe hoc it iu winch constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance oi the patronage of the public bv selling cheaper than ever. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. FRII.ING Si GRANT, Sunhury, Nollemher 17, 1860. FILES & RASPS IJE-C-UT and made equal to NEW, at the old stand No. 211 NEW STREET. (near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2nd Street, below Vine, rillLAUELPHIA. All work dune at Una establishment warranted good, at a saving of Fifty per ceKl. A large assortment of New Files, on hand Wholesale cV Retail, at Manufacturers' Price J. 11. SMITH. A pril C, 1861. 3m w NOTICE persons knowina themselves ind.bte.l in A LI. lb, the subscribers, enaaecd in tbn K.iin,.lr business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, are eipaestcj to settle the same without delay. Those ueglecting this notice must not complain if costs are added to their accounts. C. I), & J. ROHRBACH. Sunhury, Nov. 17, 1800. 6m BLANKS! BLANKS!! A n"w "I'p'y of Summons', Kxecutions, " Warrants, Suptmas, Heeds, Mortgages, Oouds, Leases, Naturalization papers, Justices sud Constables Fee Bills, &c, cVc, just printed and for sale at this Ollice. Sut.bury, April 80, 1859. rpiN WAKE A ary cheap an - assortment just received this in J desirable week, at i)m Mammoth Store of KKILINU 4 GKAIS f. I anbury, January 12, 1&61. greatest NOW "WITHIN REACH OF AIL onovKnajluKEirs CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 403 Bhoadwat, New Yoke. The public attention is respectfully lequestcd to the following cards of Eliar Howe, Jb , and the Drover & Baker 3. M. Co A Card from the GROVES & BAKER S. Iff. Co. Our Talents being now established hy tj Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grovcr & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly Itcdttccd Prices. The moderate price at which Machines mik' ing the Grover & Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use thciri, must not only bo sure to buy Machines making the Grover & Baker stitch. but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Elias Ilower, Jr. GROVER cV BAKERS. M. CO., 49.) Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM KI.IAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or tiso any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Grover & cliiaker stitch, unless the same aro .purchased from the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamped under my patentof September 10, 1846. bold Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, anc my said patent, during the extended term thcro- of, to mako nnd sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR New York, Doc. 29, 1800. tf New Arrival of Clothing. npiIE largest and best Slock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived nt thn Mmnmnth Clothing Store of SCHWEITZER, HEIL11RONNER & CO., in Market street, nearly opposite Wca vcr's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of riKTB CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coats, Busincsft Coats, &c. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UndcrShirts, Drawers, etc. HATS AND CAPS. MOOTS AND SHOES, of the lutest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing ia tho moat complete I Their variety and styles most attractive. And the prices defy all competition. O?" Call and examine for yourselves. 6C WEITZER, HEILIJRONNER 4 CO. Sunbury, Oct. C, 1860. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. CTMIIS largo and commodious Hotel, now JL mnnarred bv JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury if Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modation ot I ravelers and the public in general J he prjpnctor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his gucsls and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hi3 table will he supplied with the best the market can produce having tho advantage of daily communiiialion by cars direct from Haiti more, und also from thute bringing produce from the surrounding countrv. His bar will be supplied with the putest liquors the market enn produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling haa iust been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling commumt most respectfully solicited. S jnhury, January 12, 1S0I. WIISTTJBE, GOODS, FOU MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cluth, lleavt-r Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinctls, bili Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Corda, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, I'lain Silk t civet N estings, Nice Cassimere Voslings In fact all kinds of goods for Men' and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. JVright & Son, who have iust ccelved by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, biulublo for cold weather. Please cull and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, I860. REVERB HOUSE, (LATli KAOLK HuTKI.,) Third Street, alov Race. I'hiladeluhia. RIIOADS & SAILOR, PropneUira. 1MPROVEMFATS have been made, and tbe Iljuse has ( liceu refitted throughout Tiluhman V. Kiioaus, formerly of the National Hotel CutRLKs Saili.h, formerly of Schuylkill Co., Pa. I'lulurlelphja, Jan. Ill, Istil y GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Ss BBTAIL, rVilLINU & GK ANT (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 lts. of Hoat (round, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sucks of Ground Solar Salt every aack warranted to contain 285 pounds of Salt and 200 bags of Salt containing one Uualiel each. This salt is the best and strongast now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I8U0, FRILING Sc. GKAVr, t tha MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 received a CII01CH ASSORTMENT OF THS NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF W A. L X, 3? A. PER, which they ara selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1861- STOVES- OR BALE an excellent second-hand Caok- Hig Stove, also ssvaral wylinder Coal troves Eniurre at this oflite. Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, Influenza, any Irritation or Soreness nf the Throat, Re lieve the Hacking Cough in Consumption, Rron- . chili), Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and give strength to the voice of Public Speakers and Singers. Few are aware nf the Importance nf chrckinp; a Counh or "Common ;oid" in its turn singe i inu win u ue bcirinniiMr would yield to a mild lomedy, if inflected, soon ntiacks the Lnnqi "HilOWN'S BRONCHIAL TltO CUES," contiilnlnpt de.mnlcsnt inrodients, allay Pulmo nary and Bronchial Irntulion. "Thnt tmnWe In my throat, (for which Brown's the "TROCHES" ara a specific) having made moot ton a mors whisperer" TROCHES. N. F. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public Speak Brown's era." REV. K.H. CHAPIN. TROCHES. "Have proved extremely serviceable for HoHTRfjness." Brown's KEV. HENRY WARD MEECHFR. "Almost inttmit relief in the distressing TROCHES, labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." K E V A C BOB I.KSTON . Brown's "Contain n Opium or anything Injun ous." JJR. A A HAYES, TROCHES. Chemist, Boston. I "A simple and pleasant combination lor Coughs, &." DROFB1GELOW, TROCHES. . . . Boston. "Uenehcial In Bronchitis." Brown's DRJFWLANF., Boston TROCHES. "I hnve proved them excellcl.t for Whoop- I ing Cough." KEV II W WARREN, Boston. TROCHES. Beneficial when compelled to speak, sullerlng trom i;ow." Brown's REV S J F ANDERSON, St. Louis. rROCHES. "F.rTcctunl In removing Hoaiseness and irritation of the Throat, so common with Brown's Speakers nnd Singers." Prof M STACY JOHNSON, TROCHES. lJi Grnnce, Ga., Teacher or Music, Southern Brown's Femnle College. "Grent benefit when taken before and TROCHES, after nreachinrr. nHhev prevent Hoarseness From their past edict, I think they will be of Hrown's permanent ndvnnrnpe to me." REV E ROWLEY, A M., TROCHES. President of Athens Colkge, Tenn. I Cv" Sold hy all Druggists at 2 cents a box. December 6, ltGU Gnipl EVAN8 & WATSON'S Of Philadelphia Manufact'd VVT paiamanucr sales. AiiVe. 301 Chesnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. mrtF.SF. Snfrai r! nnw in use all over t:ie united stales, I and liave been tested in inimy tires) the following shows another instance ol their enmbil ty in resisting me s WiTMin's Bridge, T.nnr..nRtpr Tawnshin. July 30. IPftO. SlEsns. Kvahs ft VTwis, Gentlemen : The small size N. 1 SKlnmmnler Safe which 1 purchiised from your neent, .Mr. Adain It. H:irr, in 1 .ancuster City, on July atlth, 1858, has been subjected to a very severe test, which it wnnaujl'il ill tl IIH'SI bhiihihuiin y iii.tinii .. ., ...i inininir m!I mv txiokn. Inepther with valuable papers helonir- ng to mysell nnd iKiiae to my neiglilmra and frienils. and r..nrfRinlincr ft VIlhlR nf over TlventV ThOUSnnd UollltrS, (S JO.niifl) was ill my Mill, which was destroyed on the night fo the Stb of Jnlv, 1H10, and passed through the fiery ordeal unscatlinl, The Safe wns on the aeennd fliKir, and fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected fur six hours tn an intense bcatniasnig the ruins, which wnsffrenlly iiicrctifipd bv the combustion of a lame ouailtilv of craill confined within the brick wills. After the fire the Safe was opened and the books and papers taken out in a state of prrfect nreservrilion, the pnper not even bmng discolor ed. This tact was, however, to many bystanders, a better recommendation nf your Safes than could Im expressed ia any other worus trom me. Yours, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. Another Victory for Evans and Watson's Salamander Safe. Osweoo. N. Y.. March 27 INTO. flentlemen It affords me much pleasure to inform you that the pale No n, (upright) winch 1 purchased or B. Stroud, your truvelini! agent, lins passed through an ex- ceedinelv hot fire in u three srorv brick building, which heated the afe to n vyliite heat, so thnt the cornets of it appear melted; but it preserved my bioks and valunble papers to the amount ol several moussnu aoiiais, lor wnica I leel inmiKiui. Yours, rcinoetfullv. J. N. EI.DRIDGK. Hf A lame nnsortincnt f the alKive ISA FK8 alwnva on hand, at 301 Chesnut street, (lute SI iomh Fourth St., fniiiiuripnia. uctouo- o, itou. ly LOOK HERE, IF Y017 WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR t CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES- His stock consists of Gen'ts Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boota. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf I.ace Boots, Women's Morocco I. ace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call and examine lor yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale tor cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunhury, January 7, 1860, SUNBURY STEAM FL0UHING TlgHlTilTsiai Flllin subscribers haviupr taken possession of tins first class FLOURIMj MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at tha Mill. As it is the inten. tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large but ply ot Grain, will he constantly kept on bend, ami flour by tue quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a su' pertor quality of frur, for which the mill is ad mirahly adapted. Strict attention will lie paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectlully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunhury, June S3, 1810. MANL'FACTVHEas OF FINEST QUALITY OF B09TB AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL No 49 South Vovuth Street. Vliiindclphia. C. Denkght. v. J. liz.Mtaar. March l!J, IMil Cm. Watches, Jewelry & Silver Ware WE would respectfully infnnn our friends, patrons and the puhlic irencrnllv, that we have now mStoie andotrer WUOI.K15AI.K AND KKTA1L, at ihe lowest Cash Prices, a luiec and very choice stwk of WATCHK8. Ji:VKI.R V, SILVER AND PLATED WAR13, of every variety and style. Kvery ileseripiiou of DIAMOND WORK and other JKW Kl.ifi, nmda to order, at slwit notice. CV All Goods Warranted to be as represented. N. B Particular attention given to the repairing of tv&iciics snu jeweuy or every ucscripitou. STAL'KFKR & HARI.EY. No. OW Market Street, South Side, Philadelphia. 1I1I1TUII iduu. 3in LUMBER! LUMBER PHILIP 811 AY, MUNOY. PA. NFORMS his friends and the public in gene ral, that he constantly keens on hand. Boards. Shingles, Lath, Joists and all kinds of Lumber and building materhls, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March 30, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER, OFFEKS his professional services to tha ciii m nf Kii,,i,.i.u ..,.1 ;;;.. .. w. -"..uij aim . l ii 1 1 , OHice at the Druij Store. Sunbury, June 30, 1830. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. F1MIE subscriber respectfully informs tha public that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery. 4 miles east nf Kiinlmrv .11 kin. I. r v.. W... t Red Cement Clay. This clay produces llie best and most desirable kind uf ware, equal, In many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat ana coiu. the subscriber refers to Friling St Grant, nuuuury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGH. Oct. J3, 1800 ly Sunhury, Pa. HOOTS & SHOE8, ran b purchased at the JLsf AlamuiotU btore ol t riling Urant, very cheap, as we are determined not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn the list of prices for yourselves. FRILING & GKANT. -unbory, January It. 18ol t It A fl duimNireiis1 Specific mi . iff Iff (J I Poop HEAB WHAT THK PEOPLE BAT. Tlie onderslimed havtnr nserl Profrwror trMPnEYS, PPPX'IKIO 1IUMIKOPA.THIO RKMKUIKa In our fftmlllee with the monk atttsractory remiits, and having rua conn dene In their genutnensiw, purity, snil efficacy, cheerfully recomfiend theui to alt persons who wish to have safe, re liable, and eUlosclous remedies at hand for prints or do mestic use. Ths Rev. Wm. Hosmer, enitor or The northern jnne- psndent," Antmrn, N. Y.( the Rev. E. U. Crtssey, V.D., Rector of St. I'cter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. B. I. rves, Otiaplatn or the Aunura pvsui rnsoni ui kbt. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-Bedford, Mass.) the Bev. Allen Steele, New-York Conference j ths Rev. Samuel Nichols, Kast-Genee Conference, N. Y. the Rev. P. B. I'rntt, Dorset, VI. i the Kcv. Jolin a. Kowe, nuuaio j a. v. Hart, Bin,., titles, N. Y. the lion. Neal Dow, Portland, He. i the Hon. Schuyler Oolfsv, South-Bend, Ind. t the Hon. Heorge Humphreys, N. Y. t llsnry D. Cook, Esq., Editor of llie Ohio BWU Journal, Coliimbun, Ohio t the Hon. R. H. The Ohio Butt Journal, Onlumbu-, Otilo Graham. HoUne. III. t tlis Hon. Thomas J. Chase, MonU. Wranam, Moune, ill. m lion, niomiui . wiwa ni" lk H t the lion. JoicdIi Beneillet. Utlea. N. T. I Wm. Ilrlaua, r.q., liura, . I. n. o. .iw, wuv, ... . , ' . .... . . . . ...... a 11 , I- 1 i 1 ml V . James riuuiMtt, u-., i-asnvuis, lenn. J.I8T OF 81'EOIFIO RKMEDIIS. If No. 1. Tnr Pever, Congestion, and TnflammatVon. No. For worm rover, -vnrm uouo. weiiina ine tea, No. 8. For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infanta. ... . . No. 4, For tnarrnea, vnoiera iniruitum, sua ouhuds Oomplalrvts. HO, D. For UOUC, UnpiOFS, uvNcnierj.u, i.kmjuj k .ujk. No. (1. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, vomiting. Mo, T, For Coughs, Colds, Influents., and Sore Throat. HO. O, rT OUVII-LOV, 1M-Ivnr, ni.u ... No. . For Ileadaehe, Vertigo, Ileal and Fullnsss of tht 1n. DrarsniA Pii.! For Weak and Deranged Btimach, Constipation, and I.lver Complaint No. ll.roa eRMAiiK inasouuKiTiBs, ockutjr, x-iuuiu,, v. Buppressed Periods. No. Ii. rot lucorrnea, itoiusb rueuses, sua scaring. Powa or remaies. Mn in for iirnnn. linAniff i:oiitrn. linn ijrenfuunir. No! 14. 8i.t Ilnsusi Pills For Erysipelas, Eruptions. Pimples on the race. SO. 10. llllKCMATH; t n.lj.. ror I ui, louruim, dui. dom In the Chest, uack, 1,01ns, or i.imns. A. For Fever w' Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Ole Mismanaged Agues. .... n Vnr 1' lie. U lna or it CPum. imernni or r.xwrnni. n' For Aore. Weak, or Intlruncd Kyn and Eyelids; Fall mg, Weak, or Blurred sight. O. Fdr Catarrh, of long standing or recent, cither with Obstruction or profuse ilichnrge. . W. C For Whooping Coagh, abatluu Its violence and shortening its course. In all acute utscases, sucn as revess, innamnn,i.u.ia, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as goailct Fever,", and Krysipelfis, the advantage or giving me proper remeuies proiniiujr i- "u vloits. ana In n.11 sorb cum the tmerll'tcs act like a charai. Ihe entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all cases ths violence of the attack Is moderated, the disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, which irre of such frequent occurrence, and irhlch so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, uiay all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough fills. In oil rhrnnlr. iltHPiiscs. Koch AS T)VnClSin. W eak Stomach. (Wistiimtlnn. l.Wcr Coniohilnts. l'iies. Kemsle Utbillty, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Kyes, Catarrh, Bait Rheuro, and other old eruptions, the case has f iwclflcs whose proper uppucauou win imoru a core in inmost j Instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as" Dyspepsia, Files or Catarrh, Headache or remuie neas- m, lius wore Uiau paiu lor tue case ten units over THICK. Case of 20 vials complete, la morocco, snd Book 5 Case of 211 visls, and Honk, plain rioaM nf 1 X ,iiini1pt-.l hnV.H. ntifl llliok. Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and ll"nk 1 Rlnwlp tiumliereit boxes, with directions 2n Cents. at..ia l..i,r...l hnvotf tvltl. tllrei-tlons bU celKs. Large case of it oa. viais, lor piamers nuu )njsiciuuD.....w ALSO SPECIFICS. Fn Astomi oa Phthisic fllmressed, DiBleult, Labored Breathing, attended with Cough and Kxpcctoratlou. Trice, an .mil. nor hnv. KOa UK UMCHAanKB ASH USArSKW. mm... K' -o n-'.u r., ,h. re.olt nt tVari,., Fever. Measles, or Mercurials. For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Kinging In the Kars, and Kar-ache. Trice, CO cents per box. ed Tonsils, rlwelllngs and Old lMcors, Scrofulous Cadiexy of Tn. Rwnvirt.A Kn arL'eu a It s. Mlinrneti boo i .rak Uinurcn. rnce, .ai ceois per Fo OinaaAi. Dkbiutv.- Plivslcnl or Nervous Weakness. Either the acsult of Blrkncss, Kvcesslva Medication, or Ex.,aa 1M.... t.ft ciMiu, hit box. Fob Dropsv. Fluid Accumulations, 'tumid Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Trice, Ml cents ptrT.x. Vomiting. BicknciS from riding or motion. Trice, 50 ccnta ..llfiTn.w.n nisKiBK For nrftYel. Tlpnul Calculi. Dlffl- cult, Painful Urination, Diseases of the Kidneys. Trice, 60 cents per box. ,... Consequent. Trostrailon and Debility, liad Itesnlts of Evil HnUlta. Tne most succesami anil cuiieu. '""j;"-'! and mar be rellcil upon as a cure. Ti ke, with full dlreo tn. Al n.r hnv Tersons who wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or to seek advice of Trof. HuMriiRtrs, eiin do BO, at Ills nuice Wi uroauwpy, oapy irum a ,w o. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES UV MAIU l,nlr ne the list ! make un a case of bat kind yoo choose, and Inclose the amount In a current note or stamps by mall to our address, at No. f)6'i Broadway, New-York, and the mcoicine win oe uioy iuinn v. vA,, AGENTS WANTED. We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies In every town or community In tue United States. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS 4 Co. INQ, oui iinUAUMAi .lan-jun. A.W FISHEU.Agent, Sunhury, Pa. May 2G, 18G0. ly ANOTHER ARRIVAL O NEW GOODS, J. II. EXGEL. orstmbury, Pa IA8 iust arrived with splendid STOCK of -l SPRING AND 51JMMF.R GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully .invites his friends snd the Public to call and inspect, ho will spare no time in showing them. Anion his stuck of goods will befound, FINE DLL' AND BLACK PB.E1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimeres, Tweeds, Sat inetts, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING tor men and boys (cheap.) FUR LADIES WE AH, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Borages, Chsli nnd Chali Robes, Uerege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of olher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Gonds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, lioots and shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &c. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. II. J.NULL. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. U ARRIS PAINTER", attorney at 31 a in , MARKET SQUARE, SU N B UB "X-, I A.. June 83, 1860. New Air Line Route T O 1ST E "W YORK SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW YOBS AND HASSISBUBO, via READING, ALLEN TOWN AND EASTON Momma Kxoress West leaves New York at 6 A. M . and Philadrluhia at 8 a. h., arrives at Harnsljurii at fJ41 r. n comiectuie; at Harnshurg wita train on moruiern ceiurai Koati lor Sanliary, W illianisiort, iock ilaven ana inter mediate atationa. Mail Train West leaves New York at 13 noon, and l'hilauelplua at 3.30 r. at., eoniiectiiiir with tiain on north eriiCential Itoad for stutions as above, and alio on all traiason the WilhanisDort anil Ktinira. Mail Tiain East leavos Harrisbarff at 8. A. H . and ar rives at Philadelphia at 1 r. u , and New York at 3 30 r. it., in time to uka boat or ears for Boston, fee. Fast Express East leaves Harrisbua at 1.15, on ai rival Northern Central Tiain, and arrives at PluladeluUia at i s id f. a , sim new s oik at v r. is. No chnnea of earsor bairirnira between New York or rniatueipnia ana narrisDuig. For oeuatv of aeenerv and aneed. oomfoit and acoommn- i dation, this rout presents superior inducements to tha lisvciuiK puuiie Ufiee iu New York, foot of Our Hand street. Palludtl phiu, lliiiad and Callowhill streela. Pare between New York and llarrisburg FIVE DOL LARS. For Tickets; Freight or other Information, apply to J. J. CLYDE, fJeueial Agent. Harrisburs:, June 30, 1WU ly ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN 2? IST OFFIOB, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. NB. Communications by mail promptly attended to, Bept , ltr60. ly III SJ-, ray' j&-va-wjzzs HIGHLY IMPORT ANT NEWS. M. (J. Uh.NUJIAllT, Hasieturued with a new Stock of Confectionarien, Fruit and Toys. T seems as if a new aire, a new Ufa waa open ing upon un, animating evnrr heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and leek to develops sub- limer ueautiei and grander conception. Tat Dusinesa world too must feel tbe new in uenceand every'rart be Quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge sonwiln electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in tha rhilosnphy of the past Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great event of the Age," tha sub scriber would respectfully inform the ood peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city f Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toy that haa ever been brought to this soctien of country. He ia also manufacturing all kind of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hia stock of Confectionariea, may be found i French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Irfive Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Ptiok Candles, f all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Figs, Citrons. Huriied Almonds, Cream White, 11 l.emon Hose, " Vanilla, Cammon Beet eta. Liquorice, Dnnanas, Dates, Currants dried, Aimoiiiis, Raisnns, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, hy the single or dozen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, end a variety of Confcctinnarieg, fruit, Toys, Sr,c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. I JV Itemcmber tbe name and place, jrj M C.GEAKHART. Market bL, 3 doers west of E. Y. Bright & Sun's store. Sunburv, April 14, 18GD. ly MASSEP.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 am 60, BjE. KETCH AM oc CO., 2B9 Pearl8trect, iew-Y ork. TmIE only Freezer constructed on aeicntific -- priuciplcs, with a revolving can and surina blade scraper. 1 he one hastens the freezing of the cream llie otber removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in fresaina, with the least quantity of ice. 1 he most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. Vot sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Ficezer accompanied with a hook of rc- ripes and full directions. I'KICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 3 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 SO quarts, 13 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, 18UII. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia, Kcw York, Ilaltlniorc, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH J- irS7'. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJIMIMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will be run between Scrantou and Noithuinherland, as follows; MOVING SOUTH: Leava Phil'aMail. N. Y. E. Serunttin, 0 lu A. M. 4 84 I. M A i rive at l'ittston, 8 09 4 63 Kingston, 7 US o iK) bhlcksbluny, 7 SO 6 2i llcrwick, 6 Sid 0 55 llloomsbuig, 8 60 7 IV) Itilpelt, 9 00 7 411 Diinville, p li5 S 10 Northumberland, In no 8 45 MOVING NORTH: Leave N. Y. Kx. Phil'aMail. Nortl'uinlierland, S 00 A. M. 4 15h.M. Arrive ut Danville, 0 OS S 80 Rupert, 6 35 8 511 DlixnnsbuTg, (1 45 f PO Dei wick, 7 15 as rMiickslllliny, 7 45 7 PS Kingston, 8 no 7 43 l'ittston, 8 57 8 15 fcninton, II 25 8 45 The l,ack.iwaiina nnd Dloi.msburs; Rnilroad cnunccts with the llelawire, Lackuwuniia nnd Western Ruilrond, at Scrantou, for New York and l'hilailelphiu, and interme diate points Mast : alsi fur Great Rend, Uini'haiutoir; r-yrncuse, Rulfaln, Niagara Fn8, and all important points Vest. At Rupert it connects with the Cutmwisea Rrfil niad, fur piiinls both Kast and West. At Narlhurnbeiland it cunuects with the Sunhury and Krie Rnilruail. fur points West and South. M. W. JACKSON, Sup't. Kingston, Augutt 25, 18611. 18G0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1800 NEW YORK LINES- CAMDEN AMUOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TUENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to New York and Way 1 laces. From V-luut Street Wharf and Kcnaiuiiton Denot. Philadelphia, will leave as follows, ix iakk. At 6 A M, via Caiudcji and Aniboy C k A Accom- . Immunol!, n At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accommodation, 2S At 0 A M, via Camden and Jersey city Mornaig Mail, 3 (X) At 11 A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Express, 3 00 At P M via Camden and Amlioy, accommodation 2 5 At 1 (' M, via Cuniden and Aniboy G and A. Ex press, 3 00 At 4 P M, via'Kenaington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Express, 3 OC At 41 1 M, via Kensington and Jertey city, 2d Class Ticket, 9 At 6 P M, via Camden ft Jersey city Evening Mail 3 110 At 11 P M, via Camden and Jersey city South. Muil 2 iiS At 6 P M. via Camden and AmlxiyAccoiiunoda- tiiai. (Freight and Passenger,) 1st class ticket, 8 S5 d " 1 60 The 0 P. AT Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Southern man rorurflnys excepted. For Kelvidere, Easton, Flemincton, Ae., at 6 A. M from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensington. r or niancii ununa, Aiientowu ana lieuiielicm, at o, A ll, via I ,eli nil Valley Railroad. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scrantnn, Wilkesluirre, Montrose, Great liend, Ae., at 6 A M, via Delawaie, idickHwauna ana tvesiern nniiroan. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 8 and t) A M., audi, and 4j r. at. WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, Ae at 3 and 41 P. M., from Kensington. For Palmyra, Delanco, Deverly, Burlington, Borden town. Ac., at 121.3, and 4 IP. M. Fifty pounds uf llafirage only, allowed each passenger, Pnaaeinrera ara nmhlbited from taking anvltiuis as llna- gage but their wearing apparel. All Uuguge over fifty pounds to lie paid for extra. Tha Company limit then responsibility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and win not ne name 101 any amount uvyuuu tuu Clonals, n cent bv snecial eontraot. WM II. GATMER Agent C. k A. R. R Co February 1. ibUO- HECEIVIAN & COS C03DIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prenarcd only by HEGEMAN k CO.. Wholesale sud Retail Chemists and Druggists, 181, 300, Sit sud 73d Broadway, New York. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Tonio have bee a tM long known to need comment. The CALISAYA (''or King's Bark,") is the moat valu able of the luminous varieties of the Pernvi.m Hark, uud in the ELIXIR is combined with other ingredients that increase its eflicary and at tha same time overcome the intensity ol its Ditter, reuaermg 11 a naosi agreeauie uor dial. For persons living in FEVER and AGUE districts, it will ba found invaluahla as a pieveutiva. Half of a wine, glass full taken night and mm uing, rendering the aysteni mucli insssuujtxt to uio uuneaiiay innuence ot uie aiiuus nhers. Dl HECTIONS. Dose for ao adult, half a wiuegtaai full bufora breakfast and dinner j children ffoin one u two teaspoons f ull j it way be Ukeu wither without a bill water For sale at this office. March 17, lSUil A Freftli Supply of Iry ooda. CONSISTING in part of Prists, Delsinti bleached snd oubleachsd Maaliot, Cbecka Stripe Denims, t Drills, Ac, Just received bj R. U. At tb Mtmmotb (tore of FRILING k CRANT. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, 1'A. F11HE subscriber has just opened at his wsll X known establishment in Sunburv, one of tbe heapestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the placa,and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. . BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Dclains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, Ucautiful Ihesa Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, Thin and Stripetl must be teen te form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls l nmet and Jdroche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet. For Men and Boys' Wear, Ulock Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets, all kinds, ,.,. , FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay Sfoto Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, cVc, rj-e., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, stylo and pricefMth any in the country. IIAUDWsARK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, yueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, cVc, Pnints, Oils. Glass. Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no paina to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Ucl. S'l, 1859. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attornies at Law, STJ-JSTBTJU-V, A. Jordan Itockrfeller and Solomon II. Iloyer, respectfully announce tnai they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will oontinuc to ottend to all busi r.ess entrusted to llieir charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to tho COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Office, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February A, mon. EIIVLlF'OIRITTZrM:. THE undersigned having received a large and well selected stock of I'wre Drugs ana Chemicals, Dyestufls, Oil, Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready to fillordcrsat a moments notice. In connection with tho above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet rlic)es and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers wilb find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of tho "Sunbury American." Physicians' Precriptions compounded aecurate Iv and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April SJ, 1859. P. MELANCHTON BHINDEL, JUSTICI OF TIIK PEACE, STJ3STBTJR,-5r, PA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Puhlic School Ilmise. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. Anril 2ft. 1847. tf HENRY DONKEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pn. Pro jmpi niieanoa to bosfness in adjoining Conn WHOLESALE HEALER I BRANDIES. WINES, G.INS, &C rIHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick lluildinir, Mill street, Ddnvillo, a Jarge and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS; comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old ltye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Fort, Sherry, Maderiu, ChanipnRiic and other Wines of ull grades, all or which will be sold Wholesale at fho lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing Honors for FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. CP Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap ho respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the public. All frders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 18ti0. "'INGRAINED CARPETS,'" T A1V I FACTL'RED and fer Sale hy M. Peiper xA Lejhrnndt and AUUowelPs Building, Nrt! A Crc rib F.s-t ciniicr, iciiiiu sua nuce streets I'hitadelpluu. CtOOns GUARANTEED. October J7, le0. As accidents will happen, eveu in wril-regiilated fami lies, it is very detirabia 10 have soijie cheap and couvelileut way for rejiuiring Furniture, Toys, Crocker) , Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE mteta all uch eniergeiicit f, and no household enn aiTord W Im without it. It ii nlwuyareaily and up tutiie stii-King point. There ia no longrr a iiecs-ity ior limping clintri-, plinters vencen, head lets dnllsi, and Woken cratilcs H ia juat Hit article for ciHir, -hell, and other muamcntul wrk, o noputur with Mies of lefiucpienl und tiiete. Tina uti in i ruble pi eparatton ife ud clii, he i tiff chemically held in atilutiontaitd rosKwinr all the vuhiaUe qimlitu.-B of tho beat eabiiiet-niaVcr'a iilue. it may to ut-ed in tha pluce of ordmury inucilugo, being vusll) more adheaiva. UtEKrt IN KVKKY HOrtK' N. PA Cruih ai:tympnnit'j each bottle, Trice H acuta. Wholeaale Depot, N 4$ CetlHf atreet. New York. Addrese, iltAHY C. HPAMJlNti k CO., Box No. 3,io, New Yurk. Put up for Deatera in raees containing Fcwir Right, and Twelve Dozen a beautiful Ulhogrupiuc 8bow Card ac Ctuiunyiiis each puck ape. CV A single bottle of Spulding-s PrejMtred Glue will aavt twi time its cost aummllv to every household. Bold by alt piomiueut Utliouers, UruRgifU, Hard wore and Furniture Denlers, Grorers, and Futiry btoiea. Country Merchanu aliould nwkea nia o( tSpaidtpg'a. pre m red Glue, wkeu tuey make up their list, ll wil aland wiy cluuKte. 'For sale at this office. March 10, 1-60. ly FOR S .!. TWO LOT situate in Market street, in the town of Trevorton, Nos. IS snd 13, in block No. 80. Apply to WM. UAWJl.KR, Kelins grow, or H. It. MA8SER, Sunbury. T78EFUL h ALL FAMII.IF.5-HEUKM AN 'J Si, CO'H Bermiie, which reuuives paint spots grease, &e, c, snd cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, c, equal to new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric, bold by ell Druggists, elao el this otlice. 25 cents per bottle; I JOY'S I3001W and BHOKS, sheep Tor tuh - Wtf. MILLES'8. siunVur i August IT Save lhc fkcm !