THE OSEAT HEBELLION. IMPORTANT FROM WASHIiVtiTO:. Washinqton, Jone 2, 1861. - The ttetmnrt Freeborn and Anncostia, with teamtogt Resolute and Reliance, rrired here to-day. The Pretident Visili J hern, The President drove down to the Navy Yard at tit o'clock thi evening, and went On board the Freeborn, aod Captain Ward showed him over the boat, pointing ont where the ibotitrnck. The Injury to th Frtehorn. One shell went through the railing. In the lore part or the boat, and (truck a man on the icir, bat withont injuring him. It did not explode, and wag dent to the Navy De parttnent. One ball etrnck the paddle-box of the eteamer, and went through, carrying way an arm. The Anncostia and Tugs Uninjured. The Anacortia and the steamtags were not injurea in me engagement. No one Hurt. The Pawnee hag several tbotg In Iter hall, end is still off the month of Acqnia Creek. ' None of the men 'on board of the vessels were wounded. The loss of the Rebels i BuppoBed to be very great. n Particulars of the Engagement on Sulurdag, The Pawnee reached Nanganoy on Satur day morning, end the Uotilla was placed ' tinder the command of Captain Ward. The Yankee arrived eoon after, and at thirty minutes past eleven o'clock, atood close in ebore, until the light draoght vessels had arrived within two thousand yards. The fire was then opened from the Freeborn and the Pawnee followed with shell, with marked effect upon the batteries. The rebels answered by firing rifled cannon, which had been removed on the night before from the battery on the Bluff to the wharf, no rifled cannon having been used from the lower buttering duriug the engagement on Friday. The Pawnee used shot and shell alternately. One shell exploded in the Passenger Depot and set it on fire. The flotilla then kept up an incessant fire. Hundred of persons were observed leaving the town, and standing on the bill sides look ing at the engagement. A great consterna' tion during the entire engagement prevailed all the time amoog the Rebels at the Batter ies, caused by the explosion of the shellp. So rapid wis the fire from the flotilla, that vohon the Depot was burning no one tried to extinguish the flames. The Anacastia took a prominent position, oiBnned by members of the New York Sev enty first Regiment, nnder command of Lien tenant Fendergraqt, and a number of shots from her guns told with ereat execution. After the Gring bad been kept np for about an hour, the Freeborn steamed within three quarters of a mile of the shore, aod, backed by the Pawnee, opened a terrific Ere upon the Rebels, who retored rapidly from their batteries but seemed to fire at random. The flotilla was rapidly gainidg ground, ond the fire of the Rebels in a few minutes slackened until one of oar guns returned Are, end then at very long intervals. Several of the shells from the Freeborn were fired with great precision, and fell into the buildings and battery. Men were dis tinctly seen carrying ont bodies and laying them npno the ground under the trees. The Freeborn fired over one hundred half shells ; the Anacostia about fortv, and the Pawnee over three hundred. The Yankee fired four and then lalt for Fortress Monroe, with despatches to General Butler. The Freeborn's bow gnn is a ten-inch colnmbiad, and was fired during the oneage ment by Captain Ward. All the officers end crew acted with great bravery and cool ness. At six o'clock Saturday evening, when the four vessels arrived at Washington left tbe creek, the Pawnee wag still there. The others came to this city to get more ammu nition and receive instructions. The Montietllo. The Monticelle, which had six or seven boles clear through her, the re 9 a U of a previ ous engagement, has been repaired, and will be sflpplied with rifled cannon. It is believed that a land movement could now annihilate the Rebels at tbe creek, ag their batteries are all on tbe water's edge. Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiment. Col. Jarrett's Regiment is still at Ilavre de Grace. They have guards all alcng the Railroad, watching the bridges aod telegraph line clear to Wilmington. On Friday, the Danville rifles, Capt. Me CI lire, were changing guard t4 of tbe men undertook to show one another bow to no bayonet the other ; one of the muskets went of, and tbe load went into the breast of pri vate McGuire, of Danville, who fell and died in five minutes. Mijor-General Banks. It is finally settled that Major General Banks is to take the Geld at the bead of a division. He is engaged night and day conferring with the beads of departments. Seeling Protection. Steamboats from Alexandria to Washing ton are crowded with passengers escaping from the Sooth. Even while seeking refuge, many of them lavish espressioos of hatred towards tho North. The passes issued by tbe I'rovost-Marsbal of Alexandria, have this conditional attached : "It is understood that tbe within named accepted this pass on his word of honor that he is loyal to the Union, and if, hereafter, found in arms against the Union, the penalty Will be dealb." Gov. Sprague's Rhode Island Regimtnt. The Rhode Island Regiment are wncamped close by the Ohio troops, aod have tjba most expensive and luxurious quarters ever indul ged in by an army. A full Brass and String Band continually playing, and tbe beautiful location makes their quarters seem like a pienic. Arrival of a Prize. ' New York, Jane 2. the schooner Lynch hurg arrived here to-day in charge of a prize crew, with 3000 bags of coffee. She was bound to Richmond, where she is owned, and tried to run the blockade, but tbe Cumberland was in the road. From Montgomery, St. Loots, June I The Mobile Advertiser bas a Montgomery despatch, dated the 24th olt., stating that the clerks of tbe depart ments bad been ordered to be ordered to be roady to leave for Richmond on Wednesday or Thursday last. ARRIVAL Or JKFrERtON DAVIS AT RICH MUM). Interesting Extracts rem Virginia Papers. President Davis, accompauied by bis Aid, Colonel Wig fall, and lady, and by Hon. Robert Toombs, of Georgia, left Montgomery by cars on Wednesday evening last. They made no special stoppage on the route, and owing to previous severe indisposition of tbe President, it was detirable tbat bis trip to Richmond should be as private as possible. Tbe Despatch announces tbe appointment of David II. Todd, brotber in law to Presi dent Lincoln, to a Lieutenancy in tbe Coo federate Army. He is stationed in North Carolina. Tbs brother of Jackson is aonnonnced to be near Alexandria, with bis wife, picking off from two to five Northern soldiers daily. Got. Letcher bag sent for tbe family of tbe slayer of Kllswortb, who will hereafter be provided for by the Stats j and monument will be erected to the memory of "tbe first martyr, as the murderer la termed. Two hundred thousand dollars' worth of beef were purchased a few days since, at Lou isville, for the Confederate Army. There are three South Carolina Regiments at tbe Manassas Junction. Mr. Crenshaw bas tendered to Jeff. Davis the gratuitous use of bis house, furniture, and negroes for a term of three months, or longer if desired, for the " Presidential Mansion." Howell Cobb recommends that the South ern planters of rioe, cotton and wheat shall give their crops to the Southern Confederacy, taking in payment therefor their bonds. Tbe Confederacy will tben send tueir crops to Europe and receive payment in cash. He does not say bowe?r bow be intends to evade tbe blockade. A percussion cap factory in Richmond is tnrning ont thirty tbonsand caps day. Howell Cobb recently made a speech at Atlanta, Georgia In which he prophetically remarked : "If Virginia falls, we shall all fall ; and we are willing to be at the spot, to be among the first victims." The Richmond Examiner of the 31st nit , speaking of the Federal troops, says, "Take thorn all in all, their forces are as precious a set of rascals as conld be scraped together witb a tine tooth comb from the pot nonses and hell holes of the North. Tbey have been fertilized by fil'.b and grown np crisp, fresh and nnmitigatedly wretched from the mire of mnnicipal corruption." The Virginia papers strongly recommend a guerilla warfare as the most effective, and recommend the formation of companies for tbe purpose of "picking off Northern hire lings." FIGHT AT FAIR TAX COURT HOUSE. Five Rebels Captured Two United States Dragoons Missing and Two Wounded. Washington, June 1. An engagement certainly occurred in tbe vicioity of Fairfax Court Home, in wbicb tour of tbe united States troops were killed, and twenty-seven of the rebels killed aod wounded, according to tbe official report. Official RsrosT of Fight at Fairfax Court Uocsit. The following is the official report of Gen eral McDowell to Gen. Scott, of the fight at Fairfax Court House. Lieutenant lompkins, who commanded the company, was severely wounded, so much so that be was unable to make his report Head-Quarters, Department Eastern Va., Arlington, Jone 1, lUbl. J Colonel K. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant Geoneral, Head-quarters of tbe Army, Washington : Sir: The following facts have just been reported to me by the Orderly Sergeant of Company B, of tbo Second Cavalry, com manded by Lieutenant Tompkins, the com manding officer being too unwell to report in persoo. It appears that a company or the becon d Cavalry, commandedsby Lieutenant Tump kins, aggregate number seveuty five, left their camp at half-past ten b'clock last night, on a scouting expedition. Tbey reached Fairfax Court House at three in tbe morn ing, where tuey lound several nundrea men stationed, Captain Ewell, late of the United States Dragoons, said to be in command. A skirmish then took place, in which a num ber of tbe enemy were killed bow many the Sergeant does not know. Many bodies were seen on the ground, and several were carried a to the Court House, and seen there by one of oor Cavalry, who was a prisoner in the Court House for a short time, but afterwards made his escape. The following is tbe report by tbe Ser geant of our loss : Killed. Private Suintcloir 1 Wounded. Corporal Max, bull through tbe hrp 1 Corporal turner, ball in the ankle 1 Private lyoch, bull in the band 1 Private Baggs, ball in the foot 1 Missing. Private Sullivan 1 Total casualties 6 Five prisoners were captured by oor roopB. Tne Catalrt and their Tropuibs. The Cavalry company that made tbe at tack rensisted of dragoons lately returned from Texas. Tbey have seen years of bard Indian nchting on tbe Irontior, and are bead ed by Lieuteuacts Tompkins and Gordon. The Federal loss was caused by the firing from tbe windows of a tavern and the Court Honse. The troopers rode np to tbe win dows, and discharged their Sharp's rifles and revolvers at tbeir assailants. The Federal cavalry being bailed, just before entering tbe village, Lieut, lompkins rode np to tbe reb els ami replied, "Cavalrv," to the challenge. I lie sentinel tben asking "What Cavalry?" the Lieutenant sang out, "United States Cavalry," simultaneously bringing the rebel tothe ground by a shot from his revolver. Ibe trophies won by tbe troopers were seven prisoners, two rifles and five revolvers. I wo of the prisoners, made previous to the charge on the rebels, attempted to escape, but were tired at and Killed. Una or the rines bad a fllint lock, showing that the rebels are not wen armed. Tun Sheriff of Fairfax Kileed. Mrs. Taylor, of this city, has received intel- that her brother, tbe sheriff of the county of Fairfax, was one of tbe rebels kill ed at tbe battle of tbe Fairfax Conrt House. ANOTHER DARING FKAT. Washington, May 2. A gentleman, direct from the neighborbobd of Fairfax Court House, states tbat during last night word was received at tne camp hi tbe New York Twenty-eighth Regiment that the two dragoons missing Irom Company U, wbicb made the rally on Fairfax Court House, on Saturday morning, were captureu by the rebels, and were to be hung this morning. Company B was immediately eoonmoued from their quar ters, and, mounting, rode up to the Court House, and having by some means ascertain ed the precise locality of their imprisoned comrades, made a dash through the village and released the two men, whom they bro t back in triumph to tbe camp at daybreak. Ihe live rebel prisoners brought sway from the Court House, are in this city. One of them, a son of the late Maj. Washington, of the Army, said tbat be did not waut to fight against the United States, and made amends by taking tbe oath of allegiance. Tbe other four refused to subscribe to it, and were de tained. Tim fennstltama fifth. WiiHIKQTnn .lann 3 Th Pannitlnnit Fifth was visited by a number of Government uujiciv vuetcruay, woo report mem in a wretched condition. Some of them are nearly naked. Tbey are at Alexandria, and are tbe subject of pity for tbe soldiers, and tbe authorities who will permit tbe in to want for tbe few comforts of a soldier's life should be turned out of the office tbey disgrace. THE rCNNSYLNAKIA FOURTH. The Fourtb Pennsylvania Regiment are mostly at Fort Wasnington. at al(x:;oria. The U. S. Volunteers now at Alexandria, are tbe Michigan First, Col. Wilcox, 780 men. Fire Zouaves, Lieot.-Co. Farohaui, 1157 men. Massachusetts Fifth, Col. Lawrence, 880 men. Pennsylvania Fifth, Col. McDowell, 1014 men. Light Battery, Regulars, six pieces, 100 men. Company E, Sect: d C'av -liy, Lieut, fetrosf 76 men. TRI TEXAN OFFICERS. It ts understood that the officers who gave their parole in Texas, will be assigned, as far as possible, to positions in the tjuartermas ter's Department. This will prevent them from being called upon to violate their pa roles. Barsacrs, June 3. Two hnn dred and twenty -five recrnits left Carlisle Barracks to-day, destined it is laid for New Mexico. Four full companies of the Second Cavalry soldiers who are accustomed to the hardships of a frontier life in Texas, left here on Friday for Chambersbnrg, nnder tbe command of Colonel 1 homes, Cepts. R. W, Johnson, W. B. Royall and Whiting, and Lients. A. P. Porter, A. K. Arnold and Wm. McLean. Tbe City Troop of Philadelphia will accom pany them. Washington, June 3 Captain Marr, who who was killed in tbe first fight at Fairfax Conrt Hoose, was a member of tbe Virginia State Convention aod a member elect of tbe Legislature from Fauquier connty. Reliable information bas reached here that the Rebel troops at Fairfax CoiTrt Honse number only 200 t at Centreville 1000 ; at Lees or Fairfax Station 300, and at Manas sas Junction from 4000 to 6000. It is understood tbat Col. Anderson will be promoted to a Brigadier-Generalship. Alexandria, June 3. t he Government bas taken possession of two cars at tbe depot of tbo Orange and Alexandria Railroad, con taining a quantity of musket stocks and two boxes of highly finished tools for the con. struction of implements of war, each of which is valued at $3000. Washington. Jone, 3. The Twelfth New York Regiment have received orSers to sleep on their arms to-night, end reports are prevalent of additional troops soon to be despatched into Virginia. TBR BKCENT ARRR8TS. The statement that ex Governor Pratt bad been arrested has been denied by sne of the papers here, but it is cerrect, never theless. MORE SEIZURES OF ARMS. Governor Hicks made this morning, a demand on all tbe military companies in Baltimore, for all tbe arms and equipments belonging to tbe State, in tbeir possession. The execution of the demand may cause some trouble, bnt it will not be resisted. The arms are not at the armories, and have not been left there for more than a month ; but are either et tbe private dwellings of the respective members, or else hare been secre ted. Worth Knowing. As "fly time" is nearly npon us, we may remind onr readers that it is said that if three or four onions are boiled in a pint of water, and the liquid is brushed over glasses or frames, the flies will not light on the articles washed. This may be used without tbe least apprehonsion, as it will not do tbe least injury to the frames. , Sdggestivb to Companies aboct Uni forming. It would appear from numerous observations made by military writers, that soldiers are bit dnring battle according to the color of their dress, in the following or der : Red, the most fatal color ; tbe least fatal, Austrian Gray. I he proportions are : Red, 12 ; rifle green, 7 ; brown, 6 ; Austrian blush grey, 5. Soldiers will do well to make a note of this : A little musk wrapped np in a piece of paper and carried in tbe vast pocket is a sure safeguard against vermin of any kind infect ing tbe clothes or body. New Advertisements. PROPOSALS. ROPOSAL8 will he received by the Com missioners of Northumberland county, on the 18lU day ol Juno, 1SGI, at their office in Sun bury, for the building of a Bridge across Big Mahonoy Creek in Cameron township. Plan and Specification of the linage to be built, can be seen at the Commissioner1! office up till that time. Proposals will be received from !0 o'clock A.M., until 3 o'clock P. M. of same day. JOSEPH EVERITT, ) PHILIP CLARK. Comm'rs. ISAAC D. RAKER.) Commissioner's Oflice, Sunbury, Juno 1, 1861. JOHNS & CEOSLEY, SOLK MANUFACTURERS OP THE IMPROVED GTJTTA PERCHA CEMENT HOOFING, The cheapest and most durable Roofing in una. It it Fire una witter rrooi. It can be b on tied to new mid old K oof of all kindi. ud to Shingle Rooff withuut removing the shingles. The Cost is only about One-Third that 01 lin, and it is twice as Durable, GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, For nresevine and rerK.iri.ii? Tin and other Metfil Rood of every deactiptiun, from its gieut eltifticity, is not injured by the cuniructiim and expansion of metals, and will nut cmck in cold or run in wunn went her. These miitermls ruive m-eu thoroughly tested in New York and all parts of the Southern and Western &tutea, and wo can give ubunduiitrjof uf all we claim la their favor. Thcvnre readilv onnlicd bv or marr laborers, at a tri fling expense. These materials are put up ready for use, and for ship ping to all purtsof the country, with full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulate will be furnisher! on applica tion by mail r in person at our Principal Office and VVure house, 7(9 wuujau blKLbi, (Corner ol 1-ibeity Street,) New York. JUtliNS.t CKUBMSY. Aoknts Wakikd ! Terms Cash I ! J'ii:e 1,U0I ty JAMES BARBER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut sis., Philadelphia. AGENCY for the PATENT EQUALIZING THIRTY DAY CLOCKS, very dciiruWe article fur CDurch- ei, llnteli, Bunks, Counting Hou-a, Ptirlora, Kit. Alao.niiinutHCturFrnf H.K UOL1J I'K.NS. Clocks rrnuired and warranted. Clock Tnmmiiips of every description. 1'liilailelnlnn, Jnnuary 10, 1NH. 3y SUNBURY STEAM FERRY AND TOWINGBOATCOMPANY. rpRAVELLERS sod others are respectfully informed tbat the iulncriber, in order 10 ac commodate the puMic and facilitate travel, has reduced the rate of ferriage at hia STEAM FERRY, over the Susquehanna, at bunliury, and will carrv Passengers, Horaea, Carriages, and other vehicles, at the following rates, viz : Foot Passengers, each fi cents, Horso and Rider, 15 " Horse and Buggy, 25 ' Two-Morse Conveyance, 40 " Farmers and others, wishing to transport Coal and 1'roduce, can make arrangements at still lower ratea. A large, safe and commodious Steamboat will rnn regularly and promptly at all hours of the day, and to accommodate those who desire to at tend the Churches at Bunbury and Belinsgrove, the Boat will run on Sunday. - The Steamboat will run from Market Street Warf, and promptly convey Passengers from both sides of the River, without delay. Tbe Steam Ferry now alforda not only safe and convenient transit over the Susquehanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IRA T. CLEM ENT, Lessee and Proprietor. Sunbury.May 85, 1861, BA R E O E 8. Rich Figured Bareges, 19, 25 and 31 cents, Barege Robes. S3 60, 4 00 and $5 00, Mozambique Robes at $5 00, Traveling Dress Goods, Shephard'a Plaids, Mohair Plaids, liingbaru'a, Lawns, Prints, Chillies, Grey Figured Goods, COOPER 8c CONARD, R E comer Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. ' ". Best quality Hoop Skirta, 64 cent to ' .V.j IMf. The Best Military Book ever Published KO'.V READY, BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL Containing full Instructions for the RECRUIT, in the Hchools of the Soldier and Squad, given In the most Simple Style, and all the information necessary foe the forming of CORPS OF HOME GIMRD3. Illustrated with over 1 00 engraving, showing the Different Positions in the Facings and Manual ot Arms, and complete directions relative to Loading and Firing. Arranged ac cording to SCOTT'S SYSTEM OF JKFANTRY TAC TICS, And In conformation vith t'ie army require ments for the present War, by Lt.Col. D. W. C. BAXTER, ' of the National Guar !. THIS BOOK IS OFFICIALLY APPROVED OF. The instructions given are of the greatest im portance to tbe rew volunteer, and should be thoroughly understood, being 'indispensable to the instruction of a company. Bound in one volume, 12mo 2 pages, Paper Cover, price 25 cents. Flcxiblo Cloth, 38 cents. The Same Work la also published in the German Language, at the aame price, and ia the only German Book of American Tactics pub lished in the United States. Agents and Canvassers Wanted. To engage in the sale of this Woik, in every City, Town and Village in the country. Price per Dozen Copies, $2.10 " Fifty " R.00 " Hundred" 15.00 AH orders accompanied with the Cah will be dispatched immediately, either by pnnr or ej press. If ordered by post, Stamps must he enclosed ts pay postage. If by express, the freight can be paid on delivery. 80NG FOR THE VOLUNTEER. 7'ie Camp-Fire Companion. A New and Original Collection of Military and Patriotic Songs; adapted especially for the ptesent Campaign. One vol. l!mo. With il lustrations. . Paper cover, 15 ets. Flcxiblo Cloth, 25 cts. Single Copies of tho above Books MAILED FREE OF POSTAGE. To any address in the United States, upon re ceipt of the price, by KINO & BAIUD, Printers and Publishers. C07 SAitson St., Philadelphia. To whom all Orders should be addressed. May 18, 1BB1. Gt THE LATEST STYLE OF SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment! or JACOBO. BECK, Market street, S17NIIURY Pa. THE subscriber has just received and opened "a largo assortment Sl'KI.V) AND SUM MER GOODS, such as CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION &. QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Cassimercf . Vestings, &c of the lutent styles. In ad lition to h;f eto?k he is constantly receiving new supplies lrtim the citv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Goods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen's and ifev'a wear, such as DRESS-COATS, FROCK-OOATS, BUSI NESSCOATS. VESTS. PANTA LOONS, &c. Ac. of the very latest style, and in the most substan tial manner, at short notice. Any Goods not on hand, will be furninhed from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. tV Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Sunhury, May II, lHfil. A PAIR OF REAL NOVELTIES. AND ONE WITHOUT A MATE. 1st. "Tho Paper Neck Tie !" (Patent applied for.) This Tie is made entirely of patier, in 100 dif ferent styles, and in perfect imitation of silks and other fabrics. The price is so low that a gentle man may wear a new neck tie every day, and yet not no bo chargeable witb extravagance, ot one Tie can be worn 3 to 6 days, if necessary to economize 2nd The Relief Tie. Patented Jan. 29, 1861. This is doubtless the most perfect silk Tie ever invented, and is just what the name implies, a perfect 'Relief from all further trouble in tying bows. 3rd The Lace Edge Tie. An exquisite beautiful article It has only to be seen to be admired. SMITH & BROUWER, Sole Manufacturers, No. 30 Warren street, New York. N. B. We sell to wholesale Jobbers only, Country Merchants can order our goods of any Wholesale House with whom they are dealing. May II, 1801 4t Orphans' Conrt Sale. IN pursuance of anorder of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 27th day of JULY, next, all that certain Tract or Piece of LAND, situate partly in Shamokin township, and partly in Coal townshipNorthum berland county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Martin Gasa, lands surveyed to Obediah Camp bell, John TiUworth, Robert Taggart, John Mil. Icr, and Thomas HamUton, coirtuining Four Hun dred and Twenty-Eight Acres and Fifty one perches of Land and allowance, be the same more or less, late the property of Christian Ka bel, drceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by ISAAC N. HA USE, Adin'r. By order of Court, 1 J, B. MAUSER, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, May 4, 1861. . ) To he Voters of Northumberland County FlllOW CtTIZEHS I I ofler myself as a Union Candidate for the ofTice of ASMOCIATK JUDGE, at the next election. Should I be rlocled, I pledge myself to perform the dutiea of Ihe oflice to the best of my ability. JOHN DUNHAM. Northumberland, May 4, 161. ta "" lie or Death The subscribers take pleasure in anneuncing that they are now prepared to mail (free) to those who wish it, copy of an important little work, by the late Ir. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid's Medical Con fidant," published for the benefit, and aa warn' ing to young men and persona who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &c Ac, supplying tha means of self cure. The reader is irresistibly led to compare a useful life with an ignoble death. Reader, lose not a moment, but aend your ad dress for a copy of this little work. Address the Publisher DR JOHN P OO DEN & CO, 64 & f ft John St., New Totk. May 18, 1R61-. mo AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And thr His arwdv etira of tha following r wnpMnhi j Bcrornlitanrt Hrrvfnlona AfTcrt iona.siirhv Tumors, Vlvrra, More., Krnptlons, m,,lc, l'l,n!r,, Klntehes, Holla! lilalns, and all (tkln Ulseaaea , , . Oaiuto, lmt.. eth.lnne, lfiB!. J. C. AT7 A Co. O.ntn l 1 f. it my duly to w Jnuwlwlim whst your Hrapm Ills has dono for mP. llavlnR ftiherlts'l a fHTofuloiu Inlsctloo, I Imvo snrTerl from It to various ways for ymv. gometluiMi It tmrat jut In Ulcors o my luimln am) nrtna; M.nictluwR It turned inward and itlitrrwed Die at tlis alomnch. Two yuan ago It hruka out on my hrad and rovri-d nir lirn'p and mil with one nun. which wna tmlnrid ami lontlinnua lMynrid duKrlpri.m. J tiii-d many m.nliclni-. and Ti.rl ptiyMriann, but without much rollvf from any tlitiiK. Jn tot-t, tha illmrdm iew wurw. At h-hgth 1 a i-violi-cd to rond In tha 1okp1 Mmwngii- that rn hod prrunmt an alterative (,anuiMrllla;, .r I know frum your r.'i.ula tlon that any thin J-,.U mini:. lm.M. t oort. I mut In Cincinnati ami K t It, ami iiikhI It till It anrcd m. 1 timk It, aa you ailvlw, In inr.ll duraa of a twnpoonnil nrtr a month, and uod almost thriw hottloa. kflr aod liralihy skin soon twgwn to form umlor the acah, which aftor a whlls fell off .My akin in uow rlmr. and I know oy my Iflln(t that tha dhnm tina (rone from my ytm. You in well Miro that I fuel what 1 am aavlnn when 1 Ml you, that 1 hold you to lie nno or the anoatlos ot tho ftk. and remain ever gratefully. YitM, Al.t liKU B. TAf.t.Rr. S,A-?thon'r.'" P,T' n o F.rvaltela, Tetter and Salt Uhntra, firnid ileutl. Klagworm, bare Kea, Bropay. ' Dr. nohmt M. Prnlile wrtti-s from Salem, N. Y., ISMi Bopt., 13M1, that he hnn enri'd an Inveti-rat cn of Dropsy, which threat ncd to terminate fitally, by the reraererlng lira of our gnrmpariHa, and al a ilauKemus Maliffnant Krytipeltit hv Unce donee of the aamo; says he euros ttie common Eruption by It conttantly. Bronchoeele, Goitre, or Swelled Neck. Zrlmlon Slonn of Project, Toxin, write" t " Three hot ties of yonr Baraaparllla cured mn from n Cofnt a hid eous swelling on the neck, which 1 bad sulliired tVoin over two years." Lemcorrhrea or Whltea, Ovarian Tntnor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Dlneaaes. Br. J. n. 8. Channlnir, f New York City, writes ) " I moat cheerfully comply with the request of your acntln saylnu I have found your Suranparllla a moat excellent alterative In (he numrvoua romplalnta for which we employ anch a remedy, hut eajwlally In female Diieam of the Scrofulous dlalhuaia. I have cured mony Inveter ate eaaoa of i,eucorrhcea by It, and enmo where the com plaint wa caused l.y ulceration of Ihe iifrrut. Tho ulcer ation Iteelf was eoon cured. Nollilnir within my knowl edge equala It for these femate d.-rmicenienta." Mward S. Marrow, of Newbury. Ala., wi itea, A dnn peroiii orortVin (mor on one of the fonmlea lo my fnmilv, which bad defied all the romerllca we could employ. hvM at length been completely cured by your Kxtract of Kar snparllla. Our physician thought nothloR but extirpa tion eould afford relief, but be a lvlaed the trial of your Earsaparllla aa tho last resort before rollicj;, ami it proved effectual. After taklmrvour remedy elAt weeks do symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Nrw Oamij, glilh August, 1S59. Da. J. C. ATtat Per, I cheerfully comply with the re- Jueat of your asent, mid renort to you aetue of tbe effects have reallird with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the com plaints for which it Is recommended, and havo lound its cfTecta truly wonderful in the cure of Vtmrrtit and Mrr atrial Ihteasn. One of my patlenta had Pyphilltic ulcers in Lis throat, which were consuming- 1.H iialate and the top of his mouth. Your farsoparilla, steadily taken, cured blln In five weeks. Another wae attacked by sec ondary symptoms in bis nose, and the ulceration bad eaten away a considerable iwrt of it, so that 1 believe tha disorder would soon mi. h his brain and kill him. Hut it yieldtd to my administration of your farsapnrilla: the ulcers healed, and ho Is well again, not of courso without some disfiguration to Ills face. A woiuau who had been treated for tho saino disorder l.y mercurv was anffoi ins; from this poison in her hones, 'i'hev bad' become so sen sitive to the weather Hint on a diunp day she suffered ex cruciating pain in her joints and bonis, h he, too, was cured entirely by your tfarsapaiilla. In a few wwk. I know from ita formula, which your aeent ravo me, that this Preparation from your li.herntory mint bo a arcat remedy; consequently, these truly jcuiaikablo rotulta with it bare not surpriaed me. Fraternally yours, O. V. LAMMER, SI. I). Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Jmitpr.NniHor., Preston (Jo., Vn.. Cth Julv, lsor. Bit. J. C. Arm: Sir, I havo been afllicted with apsln. fnl chronic Uhmmatim for a lonir time, which battled the skill of physicians, and stock to me in spite of all the remodles 1 could tiud. until I trie your faruaparilla. One bottle cared me In two weeks, and restored my general health so much tbut I am far better thau before I was attacked. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J. IKK AM. Jutea T. Gctchetl.of St. Louis, wrltesi "I lmva two afllicted for years with nn affection nf the Lir'r, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every tliion toiled to relievo me ; and 1 have been a broken-down man" for some years from no other cause than dtravrititunt of the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Hev. Mr. Kpv, advised me to try your Parsaparilln, beeau he said he k'rew you, and any thing you made was woi Hi trying, lly the bless ing of tiod it has cured me, aud has o puriQed my blood as to mako a new n an of mo. 1 frel young asaln. 'lbs beat that can be said of you is not hnlf good ououirh." Brlilrrus. Cancer Tumors, Kiilnrjrement, t lrrrn tlort, Carlea and Kxl'ollatloii of the liones. A great virK-ty af caasa have tieen reported to ua where cures of thto furiuldalile ri-iopliiiuta havo resulted from the use of ,nis remedy, !it our space here w!t! m.-( - mem. come oi iiit-in may no toiiml In our Aineriotu Almanac, which tbe ag.oits below nituied are jiluased to furnish gratis to all who call for thriu. Dyspepsia. Heart Disease, Fits, Kjillep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many remarkable cures of these affections here been made by the alterative power of this medicine, it stimu lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and tlni4 overcomes disorders whirh would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the ne reseiliee of the people, and we are confident that this w ill do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOlt TUB RAPID CITIE OP Congtie, Colda, Influenza. Iloaraenesa, t'rouo, IlruurliKts. Incipient t on aumptloii, and for the It lief of Consumptive Patlenta In advanced Mages of tike Dlaeaae. This to a remedy so universally known to surpass sny other for the corn of thioitt and lung complaints, that it Is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues, its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilised natlona of the earth, l-'ew are the communities, or even families, among thcui who have lint some personal experience f its effects some fiing trophy iu their midst uf its victory over the auntie and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of thfs remedy, we nerd not do more than to as&ure them that it baa now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon tne confidence or mankind. Preparod by Or. J. C. ATER &, CO., Lowell, Kast. Sold by Friling Grant, and A. W. Fischer, Sunhury i F. ("aalnw and C. Ilniwn, Milum ; Dr YVenck, Mo Kwniaville; fU-ifsuyilerft Chnsrrmn, Turbntville i R. H. McCoy, Northumberland and by Deulers everywhere. April !!0, 1S01 ly ALFRED D. BHICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. JI23 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. VT B. Communications by mail promptly ' ' attended lo. Kept 22, 1W50 ly.1 Executors Notice. TVOTICE is hereby givejj that letters tfstnmrn tary on the estate of lohn Kline, Sr., late of Rush township, Northumberland county, deceax ed, have bren granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims acninsi the estate of the said deceased, are requested to present them, and persons indebted therein to make ' imiuediute payment to ISAAC CAMPBELL, Executor. May 4, 161. Ct (SOLOMON 31 AMI U. Attorney at Law, SUNBURY, Northumberland Co- Ta (Formerly Freehurir, Snyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a few doors east of Ihe Northern Central Railroad Depot and two doors west of the Post Oflice. All Professional Business, Collections, 4V c. will receive prompt attention. March 30, 1861, BLACK SILK COATS. Cored Mantles, Poplin Dusters, French Saques, Silk liasqtilnes, Newest Designs, A'cady Made, or Made to Order. COO PER & CON A If U, 8. E. Corner Ninth aud Market, Philadelphia. May 18, 1861. MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW KF.STOHF.fl, JUST rUslUSHF.D IN A SF.ALED EN VKLOl'E s ON the nature, treatment, and radical cure of sperma torrhea, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and involuntary emissions, iuuuciug iuiuolency, and Juentui and t'hyaicul !ucuincity. By HOUT. J. CTL.VKKWEL1, M P., Author of the "Ciiecn l).k,"4o. ' Tha world-renowned author, iu this admirable Ieturel clearly proves from his uwil experience thut the uwlu, oinseiuenees of Self-abuse uViy bo effectually removed without luedtciue and without dangerous surgical oners turns, bougie, instruments, rings or cor.iiula, pointing nut a mode of eura at once certain and efl'exitual, by which every suffer, no mutter what his condition may be, may euie hiuwelf cheaply, nrivulrly and radically. This lecture will proves boon to tuouwiidsaiai thousaials Sent under soul, ill a piaiu ruvelope, to address, post paid, on the reoeipt of two postage stamps, bv addressing. Dr.CU. J. C. KLINE, 131 Bowery, New Vork. rest Ot&c bo ,5M. Ajfcil0, lfL-lyJ SPRING GOODS! LAF.GE OTOCZ AND GREAT VARIETY AT LOW PEICES AT THE ONE PRICE STORE, OF 23. V. BRIGHT Cl SON, WHO OFFER Splendid Inducement AND GREAT BARGAINS TO ?7?sGHASE?sS. Hunhury, April 13, 186 1. DO YOU WAXT WKUSKsCHS. DO YOU WANTWII1SKKRS? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE ? DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACIIK ? Bclliiixhasii' Celebrated 3 T I M t; L A T I K G ON7 G U E N T For the Whiskers and Hair. Theenl.Bcribern tnke p!t:npure in announcing to tha citi zens ol the I nitriU Mutes, that tiiey have uhtutned the Apeney tor, and are now enabled touUei to the American puMic. the above justly cclebrulce uitd world-renwwuwJ article. The Stimulfttlnn Onauent. is prepared by Dr. C. I'. Bellingtiuin, un eminent physician jjoiKioii, imn Us wutruiitca to niing outntincR set ot Whiskers or Moustache. in from thioeto eix weeUh-. The artirle is the only nne ui i;ie Miiu uHt-u ny uie r rencn, huu in LsOnunn anu ru ns it is in n i live rail use. It is h huuutitiil, rt'imomienl, noolhinp, yet stimulnting emnpouinl. lifting ns if by mug it upon tne rtHils, cnusinc u neuiuui po'.vui i mxnnnm nair. n uppneti lo the scalp, it will eur- Iviidiifss, and cuuhhj to Purina: up in t-!uce ol the liiiMripotSH lint iirowth ol 'hair. Applied accoidini; to direct iond, it will turn red or t'wy luur .link, and restore rniyiMir To ne original color, leaving it, sou, smooth, and nexiLIo. J he Onffuent ' is mi indiFpeneible uilicle eveiy gentleniaira toilet, and unci one week's use they would not for uuv consideration he without it. The snbsrribers are the only Agnnt for the article in the l!iit-d Xiiit-s, to whom all orders must he Hditn'Reed, Price One Dollar n box for sale by ull Dru-ru-ists uitd Dealers; or a box nf the Ontrnent" (w:irrnnted to have the diaiied effect) will be sent to any who d Rire it, hy Hum, nireei, Fecumy pricKee, on receipt ot price and post age, 81, IB. Apply to or Hddrens HOKACK 1,. HRCFMAX ft CO., Drwffgistn, ftc., 24 William St. t New York. For sale at tin ntfiee. Natch 3, 1MU. New Millinery Goods. Miss 91. La OI NSLEH, Fawn Street, two donrs south of the Shamokin Valley Pottsville Rail Road, STJNBUnY, IEKr3SrA. IBESPECTI - ULLY informs the citizens of -Lm' SUNBURY ami vicinity, that she has just received lrom rmlailclimia aiiurpe and si k-niiid assortment of the most fashionable and latest style of 03 CD EST S2f sO S3 , HATS, SHAKE RS, TRIMMINGS, &c, which she is selling at the most reasonable prices, MESS AIPS0 'I o which she directs the attention of Ihe ladies and invites all to call and see them. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes hy keeping to heat assortment at reasonable price lo continue the same. Sunhury, April 13, 1SC1 3m COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, II. E. HOOKER, Se CO,. HOCIIKSTKR, N. V JOHN W. BUCIIER. Local Agent, Sunbury Pa. fTIhe subscriber, havint; been appointed local 1 Aercnt for the sule of Fruit trees, plants, vines, &c, of one of the niOKt reliable NurseripD, calls the attention of all who want choice l'ruit In this method, as more cei tain than by obtniniuir them through traveling agents. Among Ihoso described ill the Catalogue) arc, llwarf JVar Trees, of the age fur transplanting, remarkably linn. Dwarf ApplaTrces, on Parudise Storks, ma king beautiful little trees for tlie garden, anj pro ducing remarkably line speciibc-ns of fruit in a very short lime. llwarf Cherry 1 rces, budded on Mahuleb Stocks, handsome trees. Standard Apple, Pear and I herry Trees, very tine, wilh a large list of varieties. reach. Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees, Gooseberry, Hlackberrv and Strawberry Plant all of the lines! kinds. Currants, many new and improved varieties. such as Cherry, White Grape, W bite Goudouiii, Red Grape, Victoria, &e- Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including tha Hooker, Wilson's Albany, 'i'riomphie de Gand, (the most approved old varieties,) as well aa all Ibe mrvellies. Grape Vines, iucluding those fine, new, yet well tested kinds, which no planter should be without, such is Delaware, Concord, and Hart ford Prolific. These w have propagated so ex tensively aa to able to oiler them at reduced and ttsfactory prices. Plants, Ruses, Evergreens and evert variety of ornamental trees and Shrubbery, securely packed' JOHN W. BL'CHER, Agent, Sunbury Pa. Sunbury, Febuaty,b,J8H. DttlKD PEACHES, pared aud nopared at the Mammoth atoroof 11ULINU 1 GRANT LIVE AND UQAXIN X LET THE TEOrLE STILL COtfTIXUE TO LlVr, AND TI1KY WILL SOON LEARN THAT FRILING & GKAST, A T THE IIAMiOTH STORE, ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER than can be purchased etsewhrtre. Junt tecoived by Railroad this week. REMEMBER THW, AND TROI-Tr BY IT. Sunbufy, December 15, 18C0. 0H.NT BY ''EXPRESS EVERWVHEEB. Retailed at1 rholcsalo Price?, Made to Ilea !f1 O 3. laoLUtt Ub ipxu I Jill UUi.i Oil BIX FOR NINE DOLLAR9, rWltbaut Collars on, with Collars en (3 per doa, extra. MADE OF KCTV-TOmi MILL3 MUSLIS, TTiUTDfce Linen Bosoms, and wnrrantrtl as pood a EUrt ris sold in tbe retail stores at f 'V-0 each. iafeO,-TUE VERY BEFT BniltTS THAT CAN JJU y MALE AT ti EACH. . T. B. Those srho think I cannot mMte n potftl Silrf. frr tl9 per dozen are mistaken. Here's the cost of ons dozen 118 tine sUiiK. CO ysrds nfKew-Tork JfllHTnusUn atl4,Vc per yd. f 4 CS 7 yards of fine Lint-n, at COc per yard, .r. 8 f0 Hakinrand cuttlue:,. 6 O Iftundry, 1 ; buttons ami cotton, 60c 1 60 1'rofit , a Co 'Total.. ...r. $:st CO Self lileasurcmeAt for Shirts. rjintcd dlrcctioris sent free everywhere, and si eisy to understand, that any one can take their own measure for sldrta, 1 warrant a food (it. The c.ish tu be paid to the Express Company on receipt ol go. ids. fhe Frpresii charrjes on one dosen Shirts from Jew Tork. to New Orleans is 1 '?. B. PARTIES tVIiSlIINO finP.T3 1 HAHT, not hp.vlnff time to send for Rules of Meisurement, phould serd per mail, prepaid, one of the best littimr shirts th -y bare got, stating any alterations that may be required. 7 S. "W. H. WA33D, from Lhtlon, S87 Broadway, utairs, ' ', Between IVldte Walker Streets "KW-VORK-, wch I0,I8GI. tf J . A." C II A NDALlfi ' ii PATENT SPRING H0RSE8 470 BRO UnVJATZ, TUvrCI "STOHJC. Should be in every family. School, Gymnniu uni, Asylum, and Hospital in the land. Aro not DANGEROUS, like tho common Rocking Homo. Stands firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the Feet. 'Health unci happiness in the aame saddle." N. T. Willis FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all the child-furniture we have ever seen no article combines ko much of those two impor tant tbinca heul'h anil happiness as the Ad juHtuble) Patent Steel Spriuj Saddle-Horse, in vented by Jesse A. Crambill, It ia not dunper ous, l:.ko a rommen rncking-horfe, to children's feet, cannot be upset, doea not wear carpeu, but stands firm on its base, and its action is so like the gallop of a live horse thit the child never wearies of it. This .atest of child novebicg is . credingly elegant and artistic in design ; and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it w ill lust a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family where there are children. It should b'a in every primary school amP gymnasium in the country, as it can be mndo large ond strong inotigh to sustain grown persons. As a pedestal for photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti ful. "Every Otphan Asylum and Institution wbcr children are congregated, should bo furnished with a number of these beautiful articles. They are fitted with side-saddles when required." PIRECTIONS FOR ADJrsTIXO. Open the after part of the base sufficiently to allow llm axle to go in its place; then raiie or lower Ihe Horse to suit you. Screw the bolts in the side verv tight. t These Horses ore WARRAFTED one year. March 16, 1861 tf Oval J holograph Frame's. 11JE desire to call the attention of the publin " toour Lilhoconia Oval Photograph Frames Tbey possess all the good qualities ol wood frame with the advantage of greater durability aa thev never warp or crack, and are sold much elmapi r. e also nave on Hand a large variety of WOOD OVAI whieh we offer twenty five ter cent lower than can be bought elsewhere. Alvi, a good assortment of Passe I'arlnuts. Square r rallies at proportionally low prices. A II orders bv mull promptly tilled. All who come to our great Commercial Metropolis wo invite to can see anu eiaiiiuis. H. W. LAW) cV CO. 453 Broadway, Niw York. March 33, 18CI. SUNBURY ACADEMY. 'rllKSFMMKH TI-MIM of the Sunhuiy Academy will 1 i-tlimictu-e un thef-.h if Alnl. 1 lie etiuise i'l iitstrii'-li"n emnrnees every ilcivirt- meiit il tdueutioii imiulit iiiuiir twst Arailerui. s, irei-nrii sluileuis iiie either loi a emiessicai i,r In enter any c!u in College. i i.m.ii- it .11 fi ah l roinm.iii School Branches, tin Miitlier Kni;lisi llruuciii-s, ihj in'lill and lilt-i-L lanjjuUK'-S, 7 ml Tnitinn to lie pout la-fure Ihe miilittenf the term. H'.unlcmi he h:nl iiiuiivalo l imili-s at ln.u, HI r; in -jj a.r week. I. WUI.VWITON, Prin.-ii.Hl. SuiiIiut, March 30, lfhi. CONFECTIOSARIES, TOYS 4c. X. O. OEAUIIAT, jsTONsTA N TL V keeps on hand all kinds of Confeelionaries, Fruit and Toys, which, ha is selling at wholesale and retail. Having the necessary machinery Stc, be is manufacturing- ail kinds of Toys, and keeps up his stork, ao that Purchasers will not tie at a loss for a supply of almost any article they may desir. APPLES! APPLET!! APPLES!!! Idft ....; 1 i iA, nf , i .- .. u : .u l. . ; selling at wholesale and retail, at low prices uiv us call.' M. C. GEARHARr Sunbury, MarWi S, Ibtll tf If mmm.