War! War! War! CHIE FROM THE NORTH, come rnoM rim south, CCMli FROM niU EA ST, COME FROM 'J HE WEST, Save the) country anil buiJJ yourwNe homes, or no U the tiro lu gut your Lumber cheap- Yea, . LUMBER f LUMBER M MJMBEim I fan lip purchased al low rale the BTEAM 8AW-MLLLof XI1A T. CLTKIBNT, 8UHBUHY, J?A., Such s Ponel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Pilling. Shingle from $3 to 8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Taling, Roofing Lath, ftcfi. All hill" ordered, fur any Kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the shortest notice IH V T. CLEMEiVT. rJunbnry, M arch 0, I Mil. z 5 1 -6- S. E. corner cf Seventh and Chesnut Streets. This it (tie of ElUHT COLLECT.?, CONSTlTliTINtl THE 'NA ' T1UNAL CHAIN." LOCATED IH Philadelphia, New York City, Allsnry, Buffalo. Clevc. hmd, Chicago, and St. lsmis. 'FchoiitTshitai can be pur chased al either p., in!, good nl all the Colleges. THE COLLEGIATE COURSE embraces Double nnd rjinele Knlry Hook-Keeping, Conv tnrrcml Computations, Commercial lnw, PenncniPhlp, Liusincss Correspondence, Partnership tettlcmenls, etc. PRACTICAL TEXT-BOOKS. TheTeacl lag In tlte Book-Keeping Department ismost. Iv from written manuscript forms, with otnl lust'uclhuis lectures, and hlnck-honrd elucitiuliom ; ill addition to which, ill order to tnuke the Collecinte Course us thorough and effectual ns possible, the following Text-Hooks liuve been prepared : Hrynnt tt Strnttnn's Rook-Keeping, in three edition" Common School. High School, nnd Couiitti' House ; Ury mit .Sc. Strutton'a Commercial Arithmetic ; Hrymit St Stratum's Commercial Ijiw, by Ami Ucmi, L Li). SPI'NCERIAN SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP, in a series of nine bonks, by P. It. SPENCER. P. R SPENCER. Ji., Tciieln-r of Penmanship. InrM. ruiunl instruction. Students enlei at any tune. Uiplo Km nwnrded. C3" For Catalogues and Circulars', roll nt 'he College, or mldiesa BRYANT. STRA'ITON & FAIR HANKS February?, UrOl ly -Philadelphia, ISLYSni KG ACADEMY, TOR MALES AND FEMALES. Rev. J F. WAMTOLE. A. M., PRINCI PAL, and Teacher of Latin, Greek anil Herman Languages. Mr. STEPHEN W. OWEN. Teacher o Mathematics and Finish Branches. Miss- CAROLINE ROLRIUUE, Teacher ol Mimic on Piano nnd Melodoon. The Snmincr Session will commence on Mon day the First of April, 1861. Good boarding can bo had in private families in the villnge, either hy the week or by the meal at reasonable pried. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks. Common English B raches, $3,00. Higher, " ft.00. Latin or Greek, 7,00. Music, (extra), 10,00. German, (extra), Elyaburg, Pa., March P, 168!. tf TO ALLUIOEIMTIMJ Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rr.re chance is now niforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Ymes, Slirubi-ery, tc..froi.i the celebrated Clnver Stffct iXLirseries iuc;ttcut uoehesier, iew liut, Irles.rs, SiOOIt '-, K2UOM1Ii:3!, PROPRIETORS Wtvi be? leave to nnnounee . Ihui tliry are prepared through their qtui!iii.d bnd RUSPONSIIM.E AOHXT9, To diotriuute their superior stock on tiie most recsuunbl Wrins. rEOPLK Vi' THE ZE7STC1TE STATE. Iveis of Xotnre and the benutiful.rind justly eelchrate for your intclliiirnce, wenhh, liliernliiy and tuite, now is the lime to iniike your st-lcetions from mir DESCKIPTIVK CTALOGl"F. ANU PLATE ROOKS, Which wit' he fiTiiished yon, thriug.h our lucnl neents; Bint vou inav rest ansuretl that your orders will be honora bly (tiled. Ful further purticuIarBnnplyto FREDERICK A. HOWE, Or JOIINB.JONF.S, Aitcut ffir Xortbumherlnnd c lunty. REFERENCES: nun. F.RENEKKR UlilFFIN, Rochester, N. Y. Hon. JlifIN (iALHKAITII, Erie. Pa. Col. J. 11. JuHiVSON, Mendville, Pa. Febrtmry Irlil. inn BOOT A N J) SHOE MANUFACTORV. Corner of Miu lit uare and Rieer Street STjrirsTBTjrivY, fT HE subscriber respeclfully informs the citi Tens of Snnbiiry and vicinity, that he his opened a Boot unci Slice Shop on the corner of Market Square and River street, opposite the Cuurl House, where he can he found tit all times leaily to wait upon customers. Hiving considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest stylo and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a large assort ment of Leather, of lite beet quality, which eua hies him to make up pood ami durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur' cbaaing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN W1LYER. Sunbury. Nov. 10, 1SB0. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! rill that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber liaskei, which in placed outside upon itie anouiiier ct the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis lant from ihe tup; prevent the possibility f the uavoroltne truti being injured by coming in contact wi'.h the liubber. Personsiiesiring these Jurs. can be supplied hy leainia u;eir orueia Wlin II. U, .llASci.K, punnury, June g. Iht.Q. Agent. DRY GOODS- TRILM. oi ti RAN I , at inc. .Haininoth Store nave tins Uiy, January alih, teciived and opened another fresh supply of Duy GOODS aim iotioris. Sunbuiy, January 56, 1-6 1. LOTUS, Cassitneres, Kattiueta. Heuvyand light weight Heaver cloths. Tricuts, Frtnited Beuverf, Plain Broad cloths, I'tiDCj aod Hlack CasBinierea. COOPER & CON A RD, S. E. corner Ninth 4; Market streetn. Doc. 8, 1860. PbiUdelpbia. lyMiOVV SHADED A terv Pne and ihesp asworlrr.eiit, iust leceived bv Rail road from New Vi rk, at the Manimotli sloro ol Friling A Grant. We have also for aula S. 8. Pntnam & Go's lelebruled Patent Pendulum (Jurtain t ixtures. COTTAGE BIBLES. jTOR SALE, chaap, three copies cf tl Cottage bible, iu two volumes, wilh ecu fnin rnentar:8. II. B. MASSKU. "DLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Uonils, Executions, Summons. sVc, for tale b H. B. MASSEh. ( 1 i A C K EliS ! CRACK b If 8, just received and for snld by the barn I or pound, at the t w.le.tionery store of M . (.'. G 1. A till A UT. rr.tury, (Hhr i, jgw. GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE SEASON t PBIL1NG & GRANT. l ih MAMMOTH STORE, have Juat received" a NEW AND DESIRABLE Stock of FALL J? WINTER GOODS! A ary eitensiv assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Black and Fancy Silka of very choic patterns DEBEGE3, Ducals, Cashmeres French and English Merinos, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Toil lie Chevrcs. Saimand Wool Plaids. I a. LIES' FURS, BROtJHE, Bay State and Wool SHAWLS of evry va liety, &c, &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every atvle, consisting of Cloths, Casimeres. Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vestings. of every variety. Our stock of Silk and Silk Velvet Vesting!, cannot be surpassed in the country. J lease calii and examine them. CLOTHING ! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, has been rephiiisheJ, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants end Vest?, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS LISTED CAPS of every ttyle and variety at the lowest prices. Our stock of HARDWIIRE has been renew ed and we have now a larger assortment than ever before cflered to our customers, consisting in part ol Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolls and Pud Locks, X Cut Saws, Mill Saws, Scoop Shovels. &c, Ac, &c, 4c, ic, tic 1uceu-iTai'e .nnd Glassware 7 of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of GPsOCEPsIZS is very lino. We havefthe best quality of Syrup Molasses ever heforo oflcre to Ihe citizens of Sunburv and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of every vaiiety. Carps, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c Also a Iresh supply of Drugs, Paints, Oilr, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Dye Sufis, G.US9, , Brushes, ic. Particular care having been taken in the so lection of our goo-Is in regard to qualiiv. style and rice, we call the nUeCbm of the pnlilic to our large stock to which constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favor?, we hope to merit a con'iuuunce of the patronago of the public bv selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING Si GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, lHHO. FILES & RASPS and made equal to NEW, at the old stand No. 21 1 NEW STREFT, (near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, t!ml Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All work done al this establishment warranted good, ut a saving ut Tilly per cet-i. A large assortment of New Files, on hand Wholesale oi Retail, ut Maiiulueluivra' Prices. J- B. SMITH. A nil 6, lHfil. 3m w NOTICH 4 I.L persona knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers, engaged in the Foundry business, on notes, book account, or otherwise, are eq nested to settle the same without delay! Tli jse neglecting this notice must not complain if costs are added to their accounia. C. It. A J. ROHRBACH. Sunburv, Nov. IT, I8H0. Am CLANKS! BLANKS ! ! 4 new supply of Summons', Executions, Warrants, Supcenas, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Naluraliiatiou papers, Justices slid Constable Fee Bills, Ac, Ac, just printed and lor sale at this Ollice. Sunbury. April 80, H."9. rpiN WARE. A very cheap and desiroble -- assortment just received this week, at Ihe Mammoth Store of FlllLLSU ii GRANT. atUstlury, Jtaaart Is, trat. N 0W WITHIN REACH OF ALL G I. O VKlfSTllAKKirs CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 UmunwiT, Naw York. The public attention is respectfully jequeated to the following cards of Eli as Hows, Jr., and the Grover A Baker 8. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M- Co. Our Paten's being now established hy tj! Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grover & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly EttriiiciMl Price. The moderate price at which Machines mak' ing the Grover & linker stitch, can now bo bad, brings ihein wiihin the reach of all. and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the riclit to use them, must not only be sure to buy Midlines rn iking the Grover & Baker slitch. hut a so lint such Machines aro made and sinmprd under our patents and those) of Eiias Hower, Jr. GROVE I! .V BAKER 8. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM ELLAS HOWE, JR. All persona are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools ami make the stitch known aa the Grover 6c S Baker stitch, unless the s;irnc aro purchased from the Grover At Uaker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamped under my palem of September 1(1, 1S46. Said Company, and Iheir Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own pa'cnts. am my said patent, during the extended term there of, to mako and sell this kind of Sewing M nchine and all nlhers are piracies upon my raid patent, and will be dealt with accordingly , wherever found. ELI AS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29. IHiiO. if New Arrival of Clothing. rjMIE freest and best Stock of FALL AND A WINTER CLOTHING ever broueht ti this place, arrived at the Mammoth Chnhing Store of SCHUTI'IY.EU, HP. I LB HON N T.U oV CO.. in Market street, uraily opposite Wea ver's Holel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coata, Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF' ALL KINDS. Under'Shirt?, Drawers, Ac. HATS A3STI3 CA.3?S- BtlOTS AND SHOES, of tho latest stylo uf every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Thvir assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete ! 'Their variety and styles most attractive. And tho prices defy all competition. CiT" Call arm examine for yourselves. SCWEtTZER.HEILBKONNER V CO. Sunburv, Oct. B, IStiO. CENTRAL HOTEL, STJNEUIIY, Northumberland Couuty, Pa. fjMUS largo and commodious Holel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square. Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open fur the accom modation of 'Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort nnd convenience of bis guests and is do crmitied to muke this establishment rank among the first in the .State. Hit table wiil be supplied wilh tho best the market can produce having the advantage ol daily Cixiiniuuinnlioii by cars direct from liulti rnore, and also from ilm-c btingiiig produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-clul and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the locul and traveling communit a most respectfully solicited. S'jnbury. Juiioary 12, INbl. FOR M E IN ' S W E A It . Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver ' tvercoating. Blank Doeskins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool 'Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinrtls, SiU M ixed Coalings. Super Velvet Cords. Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings. Plain Silk Velvet Ve-liugs, Nice Cnssimere Vestings Iu fact all kinds of goous for Men's and Boys' wear, cun be found at Ihe People's Due Price Store of E. Y. 'light A Sou, who have just cceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds ol goods, kiiiiublc. for cold wenlher. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27. I Slit). REVERE HOUSE, (I.Ali: EAlii.E HOTEL.) Third Street, ulmre Race, Philadelphia, RHOADS At. SAILOR, Propnetors. IMPROVEMENTS h.ive been made, anil the House bus Iweu refilled hr..uuhout Til.uiiiu.ii V. Ii'iioaus, fonueilv of the National Hot.. -I CiiAUt Ks silob, i'oiuieri ol Schuylkill co., Pa rinluilclphiu, Jan. in, letil ly GENESEE SALT. WIiJ;SA.XiJzJ Sz KiJTAIL, ji'lLING A UliA.'i"(t llio Muininolh - M. nc) have just received fiOO lbs. ol olar Ground, fiul.ir unj Tine Suit, VOU Sjcks ol Ground Solar Salt every sack wurrauied to contain Vii poiindi o Sail and "J00 bag ol Salt conuiiiing one Bushel each. This suit is the best and ktroi,ga now manufactured and iu market. Call und see lor ) ouiseltc. Sunbury tii pt , tl, leiliO, "WALL PAPER i FRILING A GRANT, atthe MAMMOTH STOKE, have ibis day (January 17th, lafil received a CllOlCK ASSORTMENT nf IliU NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OK "W ALL I5 A P E R , which tl.ey are selling at (nice that defy coin petition. Sunbury, January 19, I8CI- "stoves TOR 8ALE an excellent second-hand Ceok lag Stove, aiao several Cyltudet Coal Enquire t this olekst. , Oir Gnigh, Cold, llonrtenest, JKjtueiita, any imlah'tn or Sinner nf I lit Thrmit, Re lieve the Hurt ing Vougk in Cnti$:tmption, Hrnn chiiii, Juihma, and Catarrh, Clear and yive ttrenrlh to the vote of Public Speaker and Singrr. Few sreaworei'f the imr"'tne of ehecaiiit a Onart or "Coinwn UliP In its hrirt stupe) that which in ilia, bes-iniiins would yield I" n mild remedy, If neleetrl, mhw snacks me l.niis IIIUiWN'rt BRONCHIAL TRO CIlUsV emiiHinliur demnleent ingredients, allay Pulmo nary and llronchinl Irlilnlnm. 'Th-it trontite in my throat, (fur wale Brown's TROCHES Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES Brown's TROCIIF.!?. Brown's TROCHES Brown's TROCHES Brown's the TIIOCHE" "re specific) havi.i made tueollen a mers whisper et " pi. i . w 1 1.1. IB. "1 recommcini their uss tn Public tpn- ers." . .. . Kr.v. i'.. n. uh Ann. 'Ibive proved extremely serviceable for Hoarseness. o . ItliV HENRY WAI1U PKKCHK.K. Alin. at instant relief in the dlstressiilf lalsir of Iirealhinir peculiar to Asihnia " Ilv n i r.uui,r.niMi. "Cniitain no Opium or anytliitift Injur! IIUS.M Ut. A A 11 A 1 r.B, Chemist, nostun. "A simple D"t pleasant frnubinulion for Louutts, Ac." I'll u r oiuriix"., Boston. 'OeneGcial in Broneh'.tis." DR i FWLANE, Bnstnn "I hsve proved them ejtcellei.t Ut Whuop- ilig umijll.". ....,.. II IT irnnnr.n, Bowon. "Ili-neficiiil when comiielled to spenk TROCHES. sufferiua from Ctlil.n ...... a n .ftmeuimv Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. eV D I Btiwr.npw,,, St. Louis. "l'.rTrt-tunl In removing Ifoaiaeuesa nnd iriiiHtinti of liie Thr-ut, so common wilh Speakers and bluffer " Pmr M 9TACY JOHNSON. li (irsuce, (ta., Teacher of (Music, Southern F'emnle College. oUrent lienefit when Uika:i before and lifter tireiirhinff. nsthev prevent Hoarseness From their p:ii eueei. i iniiiK iney win neor permanent mlvnni:ijte to me." REV E RciWI.F.Y, A M.. Presnlent "f Alliens College, Tenn. tW 9ohl tiy nil DruirKisis at i cents n box, December 8, IcOO. Cinpl .wo-V- EVANS & WATSON S tr' ' 'WES . lylWiaWi..;. I'hilailtlvhia Manutact U crWSr;fl.t' illUllllllltll PHI CD, 304 CAtttnuf Street, PHILADELPHIA. ri'HESE Snfcs are now in use nil over the I'nitea urates, I nnd linve heeu tested in many hresj the following shows another instance ol theii enpubil lyin resisting fiic: Vitmks's llainoa, I LnneaPter 'I'ownshiti, July 30, IPflO Jri!R'. 1".'N A. 'tsos, lieutleinen : The small size No. I Saliimnmler Safe w hich I purchased fiom your agent. Mr Adnm R. It irr. in Lnncnster City, on July SMMh, lf, has been s'lbjericd very severe test, which it Withstood in u in t suiisfncinry nmiiner. Tins Snfe, eon. linuin)! nil my li-mka. together with vnlunblepnpersbi long nirtoiuystlt lllid soise to my nelulihors ini'l friends, and representing nvniue of over Twenty Thonsnnd Dollars, ((ti.i no) u in m Mill, which was destrnyeil on the main fo the liTlh of July, I'llo. nnd pusscil through the fiery onlriil inisemheil, The afe was on the second floor, and fi llio the Insetueiit of the Mill, and was subjected for six hours loan intense heutmnongthe ml. is, which was greatly increased bv ihe eon, bus! ion of a Inure ejoantitv of grain confined within the brick w ills. After the fire the Safe was opened mid the Imi ks mid papers tnken out in n stiitn of perfect preservation, the paer not even being discolor ed. Thi" fact was, however, to many byslandera, a better reeinnm-ndaiion of yoiir Sifes than could tm expressed iu any other words (rotu me. Yours, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCK. Another Yivtrtry for Fvunt and Watsnn't Salamander Safe. O.wroo, N. Y., March 87 1580 Gentlemen It off rus nie much pleasure to inform yon thnt the Safe No 5, (upright) which 1 purchased of B, Slroud, your traveling nfreai, inis passed tbrouph an ex ceedingly lea fire in n Ibree srory brick buildiiia. which hented ihe rnte to u while bent, so that the corners of it uppcur melted: but it preserved my h 'oks and valuable rapt-r t thcain.iuiitof several thoussnd dollars, for which feel Ibnnkful. Yiairs. rerpeelfully, J N. ELPRIDGE. 1" A larire nsHortineiit fthenlsive SAKfiSi always on band, ut 3IM Clicsuut street, (late 21 South Fourth St., Pliiladf Iphia. Octobc 0, 1S00. ly LOOK HERE, YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR IF CASH. jpiO TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received MjEf from Philadelphia, a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES- His stock consists of Gen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Cull Boots. AUo a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco l.nce Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace lioots, ull of which lie will sell cheap for CASH i allaiid examine for yourselves. A I. SO, first quality of Tampero Muroco for sale tor cash. WM.II. MILLAR. Sunbury, January 7, !8fi0. S UJN BU 11 Y" STEAM FLOURING FEHE subscribers having taken possession of this first clam FLOCKING MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of ull kinds, and to do cus' torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being lilt atthe Mill. As it is the luten. Hon of the Ann to stock the Mill a large Sui ply ot Grain, will be constantly kept o.i hand. and flour by the quantity can always be obtained 'Tho greatest cure will be taken to turn nut a su peri r quality ol flour, for which the mill is ad miriihly adapted. Strict attention will be paid to tnc wauls of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is rcspet'tlully requested. MORGAN A CO., Sunbury, June 83, 1 80. I A!ti:HT A. !SO, MANL'afACTUKERt OF r t N 13 S T Q UAUTY OF BOOTS -A. 3ST ID SHOES WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL No 4s (... i Fouuh ftrret. Afarcb si3, Itlii Oin. lMlilfl(lt?lptlle. . J. liiMvimr. Wnfclics Jewelry X Silver Ware WK wmilti rrpt-oi fully infnrin our frieiult, pntron find Hie (in htic 4fiui:i!ty. that wo huve now intftoie nntlnlTcr V!lUl.r.?A .K AND KKTAlL, tit (lit- lowest Cun. Truro, a l:if u mill v v cimhpv hH'k tf WATCH KS. Ji:VKI.KV,SlisVi:K A.MJI'LATKU WAlta, of eveiy vufiety miit llvs-iv ilfKL-riittioii of PlAMOD WORK and other .li;VK!,ItV, iimite to onler, al tilioit iintice 7 All Uooiidi iirranfeii to he na represented. S. H I'uiiiciiliir intention given to the repairing of o uiruc uihi jeweiry oi eveiy o- serinnon. MTAOFFEH ft HARI.EY, No. ." Market Street, South side, Philadelphia. March S3, IMsJ. -3in LUMBER! LU 1MB IMI, PHILIP 8 H Y. FEN KOI! Ms bis friends and Ihe public in gene H ml. that he constantly keeps on huml, Uoard; Shingles, Lath, Joists ar.d all kinds of Lumber and building muteriuls, whicb be will sell at the lowest prices. M.rch 30, 1861. DH. A. W. FISCHER. OFFERS his professional service to the citi zen of Sunhury and vicinity. Oilice at the Drug Store. Sunoury, June Hu, 1830. 6HAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. flHE suUacrilier reepedfully inform the public that he. is now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 mile east of Sunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of Ited C'emeut Clay. -This clay produces tie best and most deairabli kind of ware, equal, in many respect, to atone ware, and is lesa liable to crack by audden heat and cold. 'The (ubscriber refer to Friling A. Grant, Wunbury. Addres, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct. .3. 1P60. If Sunbury, Pa, OOTS St SHOES, con be purchased at Ihe Mammoik Store of r riling A brant, very fthTS5siu '?.s:.tf chao,a we are deierniiued not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn Ihe list of prices for yourselves. FK1L1NU 4 GRANT. (Sineiuy, JSnuary II, laJJI mm lift gpM Peojt HXMl WHAT THK PIOPW UX. The nn.lerstened TrtTta need strnfessor ttCTIm!Trf PROMO IIOMiWPATU10 RKMK1NIH In ma famiNea with ...... .. ... - m 1 X Zfe d i.' I . 1 . .11 ...... i.n wish in haM mtm. saa . recommend tlism In all pwsuns who wish to have safe, r ruble, and stDcaelous femedlas at hand lor private or ds m Ths Rctt. Wro. Hnsmer, sttor of " The northern Ints Knrtent," Auhaen, N. T. : tlie Rev. R II. Ortssev, D.UL, Kitor nf St. Peter's Church, Auburn, M. Y. t the Rev. R. L Ires, Ohnnliiln of fx Aufiara Btata Prnwai the Rev. Bpniear M. JUoc, Rwtor, Nwnllord, Mass.) the Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Onnferene l Die Rev. Sarmssl Nichols, fjut-flenesM Omfereooe, H. T. Ui Rev. P. & Pratt, Dorset, Tt. t the Rev. John R. KoMs.KurTsto ; A. CL llHr, Wmn . Illt.-K. N. Y. t th Itotl. Neat lOW. PortlaiuL Me. ; Hit linn. rV-hurler Oolfas, gonth-Ilenrl, InL the Hon. ' fionrct llirmphrcva, n. v. i nenry v. uoos, iwq cAiuor oi Tlte Otiln rotate Joornal, Cotumhtw, Otdo ; the Hon. R. H. Ornhara, Marine. IU.; the Unn. Thomas J. Chase, MonU eello, ria. I the lion. Joseph Benedict, Utlca, N, Y. l . !rlL.I, Kv,., tHIea, N. Y. ; A. 8. Pond, ESmi., Utlca, K Y. J nines Pluukett, Ksh., NuhTllle, Tenn. LIST OF 8PEC1F10 RttMKDIEa Na I. Par Pevee, OoniresMon, and InttammalVin. No. 1 For Woria fever, Worm Oolle, tVettlng the Bed. No. 8. Kor Oolle, Orytng, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infants. . No. 4. For Blarrhea, Cholera Inhtntoia, and iammsr Ootaltdnts. No. 6. For Ooltc, (Irlplnirs, Dysentery, or Bloody Flos. No. 6. Por Ohnlera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 1. For Oourha, Colds, Influents, and Sore Throat, No. 8. For Tooth-ache, Fsce-arhe, and Neuralirta. No. 9. Par Headache, Vertigo, Ileal and Fullness of the it.... No. 10 Drsrimnx Pu.i Foe Wear, and Deranged Stomach, Constipation, and l.lver Complalat. No. 11. Fob FnaAi.a laasauLAaiTiss, Scanty, Painful, M Suppressed Periods. No. 12. For lH!ucorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Bearing Down nf Females. No, IS For Croup, Hoarse Cnngh, nan Breathing. No. 14. Su.t llimrm Fiu-For Kryslielss, Eruptions. Pimples on the Face. No. lft. lliiBt'M Tie Piliji. For Pnln, Lameness, ar Sore ness In the Chest, Back, Isilns, or Limbs. A. For Fever aw' Aiiue, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OU5 lllsmanaged A-nc. p. For Piles, Blind or Biee llnr. Internal or F.xlernal. 0 For Rare, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelids; Fall Itxr, Weak, or Blurred Sight. C For Csurrh, of long standing or recent, either with Obstruction or profuse discharge. W. C For Whooping Cough, abating lu violence and thorleninir Its course. In all acute diseases, snch as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases Its Scarlet lever, Measles, Slid Erysipelas, the Advntioice or irivlne the i.roner remedies promptly is ob vious, and in all such cases the stieclllcs act like a charm. The entire disease Is often arrested al once, and In all cases the violence of Ihe stuck Is moderated, the disease sliuitr ened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs ami Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lav the fcuudalion uf diseased luncs, broachitii and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Fever and C"u?b Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as tvspela, Weak stomach, Ooustipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female tleblllty, and Irregularities, old Ilea Inches, Sore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and "thcr old eruptions, the rase has specifics whoss proper application will iillord a cure iu almost every Instance. Often the cure or a sincle chronic dlllicnlt v, s-ich as Dyspepsia, Piles or Cutnrrli, Mciulachc or Female Weak ness, has more Uian paid for Ike case ten times over PRICE. Oase of !0 vtsls complete, In morocco, and Book 5 Case of i0 vials, and Book, plain .... Case of lf numbered hoses, ami Hook Case of 6 bases, nuuibered, arid Book 1 Slnjile nund.eie.1 boxes, with dli ei tbins Ss cents. Sinple letterel boxes, witn uirecnnns ov Larue case uf 'i ut. vials, for planters and physicians.. ..tIB ALSO SPECIFICS. Tm Wtomi ns PiiTiusie tlimrr-sscl. lllfTicuU. Lshored Rreatbiiii.-, attended with Cuugh and Expectoration. Price, 60 cents per box. FOB EAB lISCHAfinB ABU USirSKSS. i.isviiniHr:. iivui in. Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, .Measles, or Mercurials. For Noises In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Hinirhig In the Ears, and Eur sche. Price, BO cents per box. Foa Scauecl.A. Knlarccn mantis, r.inarpeo ana unuirai ed Tonsils, Swelllncs and Old 1 leers. Scrofulous Cachexy of Children. Price, fa) cenls per box. Foa Gssaan. Dr.tm-nv.- riiysicai or rrvnus lu-imiira. Either the sesult of Slkiiess, Exeeemvs sie llcation, or r.x- ....., In liu,.l.ar..s I'rii-r. Ml cents tier box. Fob usoesv. lluiu AfeuninnnpM, ' aium pniniiis.,niHi ..ni. Wi-tlnt,a. Price, fill cenls Der box. Fob Sba-Sicksbss. Deathly Sickness, Venice, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding nr mollon. rrlce, ou cents per box. . . , Fob ITsisakt DisBAses For firnvct, Renal Calculi, Dim eult, Painful Urination, Diseases uf the Kidneys. Price, 60 cents per box. rOB SKMIN 11 CMISSIOSS. iiiYi'.iiinBi., ..i-.v..,.., ...... n,...,,n,i Prostration and Debility. Bnd Itcsulls of Evil Habits. The most successful and ellicieut remedy known, nnd may he relied upon as a cure. Price, wilh full direc tions, ji per box. sUilial care, nr to seek advice of Prof. lIusrllBBYS, can do vannna n in , in in I m'C inriii---i.tt mi,".., ,......w- so, l Ins ortiee OO'i llioiulway, oany rrom a iu o or by letter. ouit itr.MEDira ur siaii Look over the list : aiake up ft case of what kind yon choase. and Inclose the amount In a current note or stamps by niall to our address, at No. fa!i Bmailway, en- orw, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express. AtiKN'lS W ANTKII. Weilesire an aenve, eincieiu nrreni for the sale of o'ir Iteineilles in every town or community lu Ui Culled States. Address Dr. F. HUMPH Br.ITi Co. ixn. on. DRiiiuwii, ni.-iwi. A. W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. May 56, IHOd. ly ANOTHER A 11 RIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. i:-i:i,. of SimlMirj, Pa., IT AS iust arrived with splendid STOCK of SPUING AND SUMM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of goods will befouud, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FP.E1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casiuierea '(weeds. Sat. inetts, Jeans, black Italian Cloth, Cuahmcreite Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check and Faecy Vesting, also a large assortment of Kcatly-made ULOIHINU lor men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereires, Chali and Chali Robes, Uerege Delaine. Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and variety of o her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum tiler Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. general assjrtment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a large stock of Hat and Caps, Boot and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil Tar Ac. &c. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en tn exchange tor Imods. J. H. ENGEI Sunhury, May. 19, I8B0. tf. II A It It 1 S I 4 I , T K It , E 1 1 o r n r i? a t H a to MARKET SQUARE, 6UNB UKY, 3?-A-. June !23. IHtiO. New Air Line Route T O YORK SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEWYOEK ANDHABItlSBUHG. VIA BEADING, AI.LKNTOtVN AND EA8TOM. Morning Express est leaves New York at 6 a. u . and Philadelphia ut b u , arrives al liurrisliarg al Is 45 r. m eiHuiectiuf at Hatrisburg with triiin on Norihern Cistiat ivsuj iwr ouuuury, v uiiauispori, ta-s tiuvcn anil inter' unfcliute stations Mail Praia West leave New York at Ii noon, and Philadelphia ut 3 30 T. H., couneeliuK wilh Ham on North ern C'eutiul Road for stsiion aa aUive, and slso on ull uunisou ine iiuaiusort and r.unira. Mail Tiaiu Eusi leuves Hurrisburg st 8, a al , sud ar rives at PhiUidelphia at I t. H , und New Yoilt st 330 r. m., in time to Inks bout or cms for Uoanni, tee. East Express Eusi leuves Harnslius at I 15. on airivnl of Norilicru Ceutml Tiuni, and arrive at Philadelphia st O.IJ r M . uial New Yiak atOr. M. No chauga of cursor tuujguge. bitwera New York or Philadelphia and Hurrishtug. Por bruuty uf scenery and speed, eomfort and aceommn datiou, this route ureaeaui superior inducements lu the traveling public. Oftc iu New York, fnotnf t'ourllsud sUeet, PhlladeJ. phia, tiroHd and Callowhili slreels. Fare belweeu New York and Hariisburg FIVE DOL LAHS. ' for Tioksts ; Frsif hi or other Information, apply te . . J 1 CLYDE, GcueiuUgaiit. llsmslans;, June yi, IMP y ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. JV B. Communication by nail promptly A ' attended to. Sept T, 1160. TY fry HIGHLY IMPORT ANT NEWS W. C. .i.JilIAriT, ; Has l. lti'ne.l wi tt a tiev Stock of Coufeotionarics, Fruit And Toyt. - IT seen aa if new age, a new life was open- ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds anil higher alma! Art, Literature and Sci ence nils glow anew and seek tn develope sub limer beaotiee ami grander conception. The business world too must feel the new In fluence and every part be quickened and strength ened hy an increased vitality, which shall urge " w " 1 -- i . , ... r iTcu iu i i i r- vi, 111111,1,11,1111,1 of greater thing, than wa. ever dreamed of in tho I'hilna.n.Kw nf Ik. . . us on with electric speed lo the consummation Philosophy of the past. Animated by Ihe enthusiasm which prevadee all classes, and desirous of doing his share to ward "The great events of the Aae."lhe sub scriber would respectfully inform the nod peo ple uf SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city nf Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. H is alee manufacturing all kinds of Coufectinnariea, Ac., lo fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectlonanes, mav m found t Frein-h Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Burned A Imoials, l-ove Drops, Cream While, Mint Drops, red and white, " Leinou Jelly Cakes, - I ' Rose. ' Fiuit Drops, II Vanilla, Suck Candles, ol all scents Common Secteta. Ruck Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Ransnns, Prunes, utiles, f igs, Currants diied, CilmitS, Almonds, Rnitous, Nuts nf s II kinds LEMON SYRUP f a sttiierior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnarics, fruit. Toys, Ac, all of which is ollercil cheap at wholesalo or retail. tir Remember lh name and place, aj M. C.GEARHART, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunburv, April 14, I860. ly iaSS2?s'S P.TE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, A Improved for !Hri9 and fiO, By E. KETCH M A CO., SHU Pearl-street, New-York. 'IHE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. 'The one hastens Ihe freezing; ol the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in fieezing, with the least quantity of ice. 1 he most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable iu structure, tor sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied wilh a book of re ipes and full direction. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quart, 4 00 6 quarts, S 00 8 quart, 6 00 14 quart, 8 00 21) quarts, 12 00 Applv to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 'I, I Klin. 1860. IHE BEST ROUTE 1860 PRO M WYomlng Valley lo IMillnsJi-Ipltln new York. Hull. more, AND ALL POINTS NORTH. SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA 4: BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJ1Y1MEK ARnANOEMENT. Two Dsily Bnssenger Trains will he run between Scranloa and Pon thuinbei laud, ns lollows: MOVING SOL'TII: I'lnPa.Mail. N. Y F.x B IU A. M. 4 5 P. M Leave Scrniilnii, Atriveat I'lttSlou .19 4 3 1 (li A -JO 7 SO U i 6 V0 G M AO 7 30 9 lit) 7 40 8 125 S It) 10 IS) t) 1j MOVING NORTH : Klliestofi, Milckshluny, tferwu-k, LUooiUhhUlg, Itapeil, Danville, NorihumberUiad, Leave N. Y. Ex. Fail's Mail. N. Y. Ex. A 3U A. M. Northumberland, A 3U A. M. 4 14 P. M Arrive at Danville, 0 OS 9 20 Rupert, ft J5 60 iii'Himsnurs;, sis r no Ut-rwick. 7 IS t 3.5 Shickshiuny, 7 15 7 05 rtiugsion, . a an 7 43 I'lithtou, B 57 b la fHTimlon, y -J' 6 44 The Iieknwnnnu nnd Dloi.tnshurir Railroad eonnecls with the Delatvale, lickaivauiin nnd Wesleru Rnitroud, in sierHulou, for New York and l'lnladrl)h;a, uudtutcriue diale poiuis last ; also for Great llei.d, lliiighuuitou, Syracuse. Hulfalo, NinKatu Pulls, nnd nil important points West. At ftupeit ll eonnecls wilh the lultuwir-sn Rail road, for points lioih East und West. At Nollhutnbeiland ir ciauieeis with the Sunbury utat Erie Railroad, lor points West nndSoiilh M. '.V. JACKSON, tjup't. Kingston, Augutt 2.'), IS6u. 1800 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ItiCO NEW YOUK LINES- CAM UK Jt AM HOY AND rUMsAUKM'UU AND TKKNTON RAII.I.UA1) CO.'S I.l.NKs. From Philadelphia to New York and Way lHacest From Walnut Street Wlmrf and Keiiiingt-m Depot, I'liiludelplnu, will ituve :tllov( )z rAti. Al 6 A M, Ma CumJt n und AiiiIkiv C A A .Accoin- mmlHtii'ii, f J SJ At tt A Mt viii viiimieii and Jersey City ew Jer sey iii'C.onuniHlu!iii( 3 At A M. vm Cuiiidtii and Jercv city Moiiimc Muil, 3 00 At IU A M, via Kt'iiiincton und Jersey city, Wes U-rn KxpreM, 3 00 At Wl I1 M vni Cmndeii and Amlioy, nccommmljtion i J5 At '4 r M. viu umueii unu Ainl'y L und A, b pref, 3 (Hi At U I M, via KentfiiiL'ton, and Jersey city. hvv hiii' Kxpieiw. 3 00 At 41 V M viu Kensington and Jeitey city, 2d t'lnttn Ticket, 9 is At 6 I M , vm Cmnden A: Jersey riiy Kveninp Mnil 3 i At II r.M.vui L-iinitieti nmlJernry city f.uih Mini V si Al 3 P M . vm C.iuiitcii uiitl Amloy AcctMiiiii'4.ln- tioil. (rreigbtmid .'utnventjr,) 1st c1h tu Lvct, i'iS TliefiP M Mml Line runs duily. The llSiiuthern ftuul tuiurdnys trxi-epied. K.ir Helvulere, Katn, Fletnuictoji, Ac., nt 0 A. At from Wulnul street wiinrf und I'- M , I nun Keiisiiiuinii, 1- or Mioicn Cliunk, Ailentowu und tiettileliiin, ut 0, A Al vm Lehiuh ViiIIpv Kailrond. Kor Wittei jup, Slmudnlmr, Pcmntoii, Wilkeslmrre, Mntroset Oieul .tend, Ac, tit 6 A Al, Via Dr-luwuie, i siick n wiiiiiih toul eiem i(iinraii For Treettold. ut A Al. mid t V. M. For Mount Holly, at 6 ami 0AM, and J, and 4j WAY LINES, For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. at 3 and 41 P. AT.. fr Kensington. For Fulinyrn. Delitnco, Beverly, Burlington. Burden town, At, 4t l''L,.l, and 41 M. Fifty pounds oi B-iige only. Hved rarh pawtnyer, Pusseiieis an piobibtied from takinr niij tlinui ns Hh ftmo but tltrir wenr.ng appnrel. Ail Hat(et;a over filly pouudu t' Ihs paid for extra. Trie tVnipMiiy limit llieu resiMmviliilily for Bufrigie to tine Dollar per pound. and will not le Italile foi uny amount rmynud 10U DolUia, ex vent by apeeitilroutrat't WM H GATMKR Aneut C. A. R.R Co Pet.rut.ry 16. l4ku HEGE2VXAN & COS CCIiDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by UEQE.M AX ft CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, 309, fit 1 and 750 Briwdway, New Ynik. THE virtues of PERUVIAN DARK as a Tonic have been ton lonf k.wiwu to need comment. The CALISAYA ("or hum's Hum, '') is the most vulu shle of the uuuier sus vntielies of the Peruvian liurk, and iu the ELIXIR is combined wilh oilier iugrrdieuls Unit iiicruHsu ils eihcscy and al ihe aim. lime uvereoine the inleuuty ol' iu biliei, roudciinf it a nnait Agreeable Cor dial. Por persons living in FEVER aiat AGUE districts, it will be found invaluable as a pievsotive. Half ol a wine, glass full Uikeit night and moiuiug, tendering the system much less subject to the unhealthy influence ol Ihs aunos paere. DIRECTIONS Dose for a a adnlt. half a wiuegluss full Iwfore breakfast and dinner ; clnklren fiom one hi two leastsioiM full ( it maybe Uikeu wither wilhoaia lull wster For sale at this office. March 17, leoii A t reitli huply il Oi y Uoude. CONSISTING in part of Print, Dolaine bleached and unbleached Muslin, C hacks Stripe) Denim, t Drill, ic, just received by E. B. 1 ib Mmmoth store of FRILING t GRANT NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Stor of IRA T. CLEMENT, MO. I NARKfrf STREET, SUNBURY, r. 'l'HE eiibscriher bee just opened at hie wejl 1 known establishment in Sunbur, one of the bee pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever Iwn offered in the plnce.and nuick ne will sell lor CASH or eichangr lor Oountry; . Produce. Those desiring In purchase goi-da wUi do well to call end examine Ida stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and PI ah), French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes. Cashmeiea, Shaded, .Plain and Striked . must be aeente form an idea nf the extent and Variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl I hibet and Broche Shawl. Cloths Cassimerfin nnd Rofinrt For Men and BotV Wear. U lack Casaimersuj. Fancy Cassimeres, side stripe heavy. Doe Skin Cassimeres. Sntinels all kinds. . , rr.A.jMjsTEr.s, w lute and Red Flannels, all grades and prioe. Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltlo READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hdta and Caps, Ac, it., ' all of which were selected with great care, am will compare favorably, as regard quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assnrtu ent. Wood and Willow Ware, Qiiecnawnre, of all description. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass. Dye Stuffs. 'Thankful for the patronage hcre'infore received he will spare no pains to please nil who may favor him wilh their custom in the future. Sunburv, (Pel. 8. 1859. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER. Attornies at Law, etJJMl3TJR-5r, 3PA. .. .Inrtlau Itoclifi-llcr and .'Milomon tt. Uii.Yt l', respectfully announce tja: they entered into Copartnership in ihe piuctitn of their proii ssiori, nun will cnnllimc lo attend in all bust. r.esM cntrusie.il to Iheir charge in the muuliea of Northumberland, Union. Knydcr and Monionr, lironiptly, lailhlnlly and carefully. (Special at tendon will be ojven lo the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Cotisullations can be bad in the HERMAN language. Otlice, M arkct Street, opposito Weaver' Hotel. Sunhury, February 4, sf,). fll'HE undersigned having received a larjo and X well (elected stock of I'urt? Iii itHuu Cltcuiiciilt, Uyestuffs, Oil-, I'nitits, Class imd utiy, is now ready to fillordersat a moment notice. In connection with the abate you will find an essoitmrnt of Fancy Notions, 'J'oje! Articles and Berlumery of all hinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Chillies Brushes of every variety. Customers will' find bis stock complete, com prising nmny article it is impossible here to enumerate lil'.MEM HER tho nlacc, under the office of the "iSuubiiry American." Physicians' I'rrcrinlious compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. YV. riUHER. Sunburv, April Sd, Ig.'iO. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, .11 ST mi: op no; it: ACE SUNBTJRY, FA. Offi.ce in Deer Street, imnediatdy opposite the J'uhlic School House. All business promptly attended to.. Mnr.te ollcctcd and nil ordinary writings done. cunnurv. Ai.ru if). sjf7 lt' HENRY DOXNEL, ATTOEN21 AT LAW. uppasue ine nourl House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piotnpl altelion to btiiines in adioinir, woiinties. 1 WHOLESALE DEALER IN " BRANDIES. WINES, OINS.&C rriE ;ibr.riher havint; opened in Thompson's Brick Dtiildiiti, MilUtreet, Danville, a larce and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQi:oR comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin. Old R;e. Scotch and Irish W hiskey, Tort, Sherry, Madcria, Chnmpacnc and other Wines of all lirades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-leepcis by buy. init of i's can save ut least ihe freight. IVrson desirous nf purchasing liquors for fa m ii, y r s v., may rely upon heini; furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. W Being determined i0 establish a rcpotation lor selling cheap h- respectfully solictis the ,. ironnue ot the public. All orders prempily at leinled to. 3 JEREMIAH. 8. H ALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1C6U. " INGRAINED CARPETS, MAl'FACTI'REDandferfalehvM. IViner Co l.eihrandt and tleOnwell's Hui'ldiiijr, .orlh l ast corner, second and Race slreels Philadrlphia. MODS GUARANTEED. October 87, leati. C5 - a-. . r a 7 C Save ihe Pieces ! Asaccutents will happen, even iu well-regulateil fanu. nee, II is veiy de.irahle lo have some cheap nnd eouveincut way for reiwiiing Furuiiute.Toys, Crocker., , Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meels all such emergencies, and lio household can nrT- rtl to lie without t. li ia ulways ready and up to I lie suesii r. point. There is no I. nfter a ucceHiiiy fir limping Chans, splinters veuceis. heiuliess dolls, and broken comas Ji is just Uie untcle lor Cone, shell, and oiher oinaineiilal wrk, so iMpulur with Indies of lehneineiit and tasle. Tins admirable piewirulu u IS used onld lienig ckeir.icully hekl ius-ilution,iuat r osscssing ull Ihe vniilalile qualities nT the in-st e.iliiuct. maker's blue, ll limy lie usc.1 In the piuce of ordinary inucihige, being vusih more udhcsivs. L'SEFl'LIN EVERY Hill st-'i N. B A Urusli accompanies each bottle. Pries 45 cents. Wholesale Depot, No 4n Cedar street. New York Address, HENRY C SPALDING & Ct).. U.'x No 3,k6o, New Y-ik. Put np for Dealers la eases containing Fo ir Eight, ami Twelve Di rcu a beautiful UUiograjiInc Show Curd sc. Couiinuyuitf each package. 17 A single bottleot Spakliug's Prepated Glue will save ten limes its cost aunuallv lu every household. Sold by ull prominent Stalioneis, Dtuggisis, Ilurdware and Furniture Deulers, Griarrs, and Fancy Shuts. Country Merciumts should make a note iu s,pulding's prepared Glue, when they uiske up thsur list It wil suiud any c.iiiMiu Kor sale si thisofnee. alar.-h in. I -an iv FuR SALE. TlWO LOTS situate in Market street, in Ihe A town of Treverton, No, lit end 13. iu block io. ( Apply to WM. (JAI'OI.KK, Selins- grove, or H. H. MASSER, Sunburv. I" JBEKL'L IN ALLFAM1LIE5-HEL.EMAN & CO'H bei sine, which removes paint spots trrease. ic, oc, and clean glove, silks, ribla us, ice., ecpisl to new, without lb slightes iijury te color or fabric, bold by all Druggists, also at (tie office. 15 cenls per bollhn a 0 V'l BOOTS and tfHOF-8, chesp for csaJt WM. MILLE8V. eOTf btf, AHst' S7 U:t.