Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 01, 1861, Image 3

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    M at JJ t to: s,.
Conveyance bfthe body to New York. Th
, The Funtral Ceremonies Scenei in Bal
timore, Washington and New York. The
Anamination, -
Oos of tbe associates of Col. Ellsworth
thai deUilt the particulars of tbt ltd occur
- "In passing op the street of Alexandria,
he was accomoauied by Mr. H. J. Wioaer,
Military Secretary ef tae regiment, tbe Ubep
lain, the Rev. K. W. Dodge, and myself. Al
lint he summoned no Board to folio him,
bnt he afterward turned and called forward
loele squad, wilb a sergeant from the first
company. We passed quickly throogb tbe
treeta, meeting a few bewildered travelers
isaoiog from the principal hotel, which eoemed
to be cotnina slowly to its daily tenses, and
were about to turn to tbo telegraph office,
when the Colonel, first or all, cangbt light o!
the Seceseiou lisp, which bad so long swung
Insolently in full view or tbe President's
House. He immediately sent back- the
sergeant, wilb an order for the advance of the
entire first company, aod, leaving the matter
of the telegraph office lor a wolie, punned on
to tbe hotel which proved to be the Marshall
House second-class inn.
On enter ng tbe open door, tbe Colonel
met a man in bis shirt and troweers, of whom
be demanded what Bort of a flag it was that
bung above tbe roof. The stranger who
seemed greatly alarmed, declared tbat he
kuew nothing of it. aod that be was only
boarder there. Without questioning him
further, the Colonel sprang np stairs, aod we
nil followed to the topmost story, whence, by
means or a ladder, be cumbered to tbe root,
cut donn tbe flag with Winser'i knife, and
brought it from its staff. There were two
men 10 bed iu the (turret whom we bad not
Observed al all when we entered, t heir position
beiog somewhat concealed, but wbo now rose
in great apparent amazement, although I
observed tbat they were more than half
dressed. We ot once turned to descend
private Browncll leading the way, and Colo
nel bllswortli immediately folllowiog him
wi'.h the flag.
As Urowoell reached tbe first landing
place, or entry, after a descent of some dozen
steps, a man jumped from a dark passage,
end hardly noticing the private, leveled a
double-barrelled gun square at tbe Colonel's
broast. Urownell made a quick pass to torn
the weapon aBide, but the fellow's band was
firm, and he discharged one barrel straight
to its aim, the slugs or buckshot with which
it was loaded eutering the Colonel's heart,
uud killing bim at the instant. 1 think my
arm was renting oo poor Ellsworth's shoulder
ul the moment. At any rate, be eeenied to
full almost from my own grasp. He was on
the second or third step from the luodioe,
uud he dropped forward wilb that heavy,
horrible, headlong weight which always
comes of sudden death indicted in this mao
Ler. His assailant had turned like a flash to give
the contents of the other barrel to Brnwnell,
I. 'it either he could not command his aim or
the Zouave was tuo quick for bim, for the
Mugs went over his bead and passed through
tbe panels and waiiiicoat of a door which
sheltered some sleeping lodgers, Simultao
tnuftly wiln this second shot, and sounding
like the echo of the first, Urownell's rifle was
hoard, and the assassin staggered backward.
He was hit exactly in the middle of the face,
and the wound, as I afterward saw it, was
tbe most frightful ever witnessed. OT
course Dtowuell did not know how fatal his
shot bad been, and so before the man drop
ped, he thrust his sabre bayonet tlirnug and
turouub the body, the force of the blow send
ing the dead tuau violently duwn the upper
section of tbo second flight of stairs, at the
foot of which he lay witb bis face to tbe floor.
Winser ran from above crying, "Who is hit?"
but as he glanced downward by our feet, be
Heeded nu answer.
Early on Saturday morniug, tbe remains of
Col. E. Elmer Ellsworth were placed in an
vlegaul rosewood coffio, at tint navy yard,
with glass cover and conveyed to a bearw
to the Executive Maasinn, under an escort
by a detachment from the Seventy-first New
York H-giineot. The sword and cap of the
deceased were placed on the coffin, which was
1-overod witb rich bouquets of flowers, among
which was a very Urge and beautiful wreath,
bearing on the inside of the circle, in velvet
letters, the words, "Washington Zouaves,"
by whom it was presented and placed on the
remains of one whom they honored aud loved.
The body wls clolbed iu the uniform io which
he was nseassioated.
The cuflio was placed iu the East Room of
tin. Executive Mousion at 8 o'clock, wbere it
was visited by a large number of citizens and
soldiers, uutil 11 o'clock, when the solemn
and appropriate burial service of the Episco
pal Ciiuich was performed by Rev. J. S
I'nie, Mr. lodge, Cbaplaiu of Zouave Regi
weiil, Chaplain I'ieree, New York Ueventy
first, Uev. C. liuller, Trinity Cburcb, and
Rev. J. L. M uracil, Cbrist Cbureh, Navy
Yard, 'resident Lincoln and lady, fc'eeretay
Cameron, Ueoeral Scott and staff, witb As
sistant Secretary Smith aod lady, were seated
iiuuiediutely al tbe foot of the coflia during j
tue services.
Wasuinotok, May 26. To day, one of the
Zouaves (now stationed at Alexandria) nam
ed Buckley, assaulted bis superior office wbo
iustantly shot bim dead.
Private Jacot.son, of the New York Seventy-first,
was drowned to-day. The firing
of guns Irom the Pocahontas, to raise big
body, caused a false report lo prevail tbat a
fight was io progress.
The New York txsveoth returned to this
city Sunday. Tbey will leave for borne oo
Tuesday morning.
Reliable despatches state that there was
no truth in the report of another attack oo
Bewall's 1'oiot.
All the Pennsylvania regiments are In food
health and spirits. Tbey are beinj drilled
into wonderful ellfc-ienry.
The commandant, Major Joseph A. Has
kin, whose skill and bravery were tested al
i'bepultepec, wbere he lost an arm, is io com
ma J, aud iias thoroughly strengthened bis
position. Tbe 32-pounders are all mounted
the furnaces for heating shot ara in apple
pie order, the raagazinea are full, tbe baod
grenades are ready for use at a moment's no
tice, the bombs are "lying around loose," aod
the artillerists deep nightly beneath tbeir
paos. It is tbe iouotion of the Government
to erect a battery oo tbe bill, immediately
behind tbe f.Jit.
Baltimore, May 28. The three hundred
treopa which had been ststionod on the line of
tbe Ni.rihern Central Kailwsy passed en roete
fur Washington to day.
Gen. Cadwalader' troops encamped here are
doing well. They are visited by large nombara
of the citizens.
The lest information from Washington and
points farther Mouth represents that all tbe rumors
of fighting near Aleiandria and Court House
are totally unfounded, ans) also ihe rumors of a
collision al KewaU's Point. Aflairsin Washing
ton arc said to he quiet
A gentleman who left Wheeling last night
aays that the- Uuiou feeling there is intense, and
several' imminent Secessionists have been driven
from the city. The Western Virginians aie de
termined to support the Union al all hasarda.
From paaaviiars who passed through Helper's
Ferry at noon to day, I learn thai ail is quial
there. . At the Point of Hocks, whan tbe mails
nJ passengers are daily Usnahmsd, the travel
has torn .obstructed by so mining tin ImmlhM
rtftk that It overhangs the -road, and Is ready lo
be toppled ever on tho track at any moment".--The
road Is also guarded by the Virginian. W.
1 The Virginia Trasaa art ft.aanssas Gap,
' Wakhixutok, May C7-A gentleman, wbo
left Richmond yesterday, arrived here this
morning, coming by the way of Manassas,
Gap. II says tbe train in which he traveled
brought a thousand Booth Carolina troops
te the Gap, and that the entire number there
was estimated at five thousand. Tbey were
tolerably well armed acd equipped, and were
throwing up entrenchments lo anticipation or
an attack, iue dpiibi mere was, vnat toe
Federal troops would move toward Harper'a
Ferrry by that route.
Wasuinqtom. May 27 Evening To-day,
a amall gaard of men was ordered from Alex
andria toward Fairfax Court House, oo a
reconnoietering expedition.
Wbeo some miles out tbey discovered at
tbe latter place a company of rebel cavalry,
drawn op in line. Satisfied witb ibis view,
tbey retraced their Steps, capturiug on tbeir
way two of the enemy picket guard, wbo
were broucht to Washington. One of them
confirms the report that on Saturday after
noon, abont seven hundred rebels were seven
miles obly from Arlington, but prudently
retired farther back, wheo they discovered
the hurrying of the troops thitherward from
Tbe War Department Is satisfied ot these
tacts Irom reliable quarters.
A rebel acoot was to-day released irom
arrest on taking tbe oath or allegiance. 11
stated that several weeks ago he was acci
dentally prevented from subscribing to tbat
of the Secessionists, and was now glad tbat
he bad escaped the severe hardship to wbicb
be bad been subjected. He represents tbat
many of his former military companions would
rejoice to be similarly released.
Bai.timorr, Monday, May 27,1861
Chief Justice Taney has isBued a writ of
habeas corpus, directed to General Cadwala-
der, directing him to produce the body of Mr.
Merriman. The writ is made returnable to
two Prizes captured.
Tbe steamer Quaker City bad arrived at
Fort Monroe witb two prizes, both very volu
ble. One is a large barque from Uto, owned
io Richmond, loaded with coffee- Tbe other
is a schooner, with a full cargo. Tbey will be
taken either to Philadelphia or New York.
Commodore litriuebam with the steamer
Mimusota, was to proceed to join the Uulf
Squadron to day.
Tbe burning of the bridge between Fort
Monroe aud Hampton is coufirmed. It was
one on Friday. I bis cuts oil tbe communt-
ation wilb Hampton, but tbe bridge can be
asily rebuilt. It is a mile aod quarter
from tbe Fortress. Tbe report of an action
at Sewall't Point is incorrect. Neither Sew.
il's Point nor Norfolk will be attacked, uutil
reiuforcemeots arrive, but both will be attack-
und taken as soon as a sufficient force can
be concentrated.
Tbe passenger traiu oo the Baltimore and
bio Railroad is in as nsual, with the West
ern mail. All reports o! ne-ttruciion or injury
of the track at Harper's Ferry are uufounded.
1 learn from good authority lust Geo. donn
on is greatly incensed ut tbe attempt to
throw down tollman's ruck upon tbe track,
nd saya that be will puuisb the parties en-
ayed io that attempt.
News mrunli Hebel Sources.
Xamiviixf, Tenn., May 27 A special da
tpatib lo the Daily GutUte says thai "a fight
look place at Harper's Ferry on Saturday, in
which the enemy were repulsed," and tbat "on
Sunday there was a tight nl Hampton, bear
Fortress Monroe, m which six hundred of
Liocolu's troops were killed and wounded,
while tbe Southern loss only fifty." Also, that
partial returns from eighteen couuties io Vir
ginia show only thirteen votes against Seces
sion. Washington, May 28.
It is rumered here, but not generally be
lieved, that tho Commissioners from the
Couiederale Stales have bad au iuterview
witb the British Ministry, and received a
reply to their mifsian, to the effect that the
Untish Government Could not receive them
representatives of any independent govern
ment outside nf the Government of the United
Mtutes. Tbe diptomalt here credit this infor
mation, as also statements that the French
Government has made s.milur answer.
The tjeventyfirsl New Yoik llegimeDt is
encamped at present at lilexaudria, but it is
believed will take possession of Acquia
Creek to-morrow.
Efforts have been made to cut off immedi
ately the retreat of the Disunion forces from
Harper's Ferry. General McDowell will
command the Department of Virginia, and
will superintend the movement. His Depart
ment embraces all that portion or the Stale
east of tbe Allegbenies (excepting Fort Moo
roe.) witb a radins of sixty miles. This shows
tbat a demonstration on Richmond will be
made by land from this direction. Tbe
Guards thrown out into Virginia report tbat
tbe people are all in arms oo the border.
Owing to (he various' reports of tbe dis
graceful condition of the Pennsylvania regi
ments, Secretary Cameron will take the
matter in his ouu bauds.
Washington, May 23. Col. Butler and
Hon Messi8. Asbloy, of Ohio, and Dnno, of
Iudiauna, arrived to day here from Fortess
Monroe, oo tbe Governmenl transport City
of RichmoLd. All was quiet at tbe For
tress. Five hundred troops, conveyed by tbe Har
riet Lane, weul up Hampton Roads toward
tbe rauulb of tba James Kiver, and look
possession of Newport News Point, and there
entrenched themselves. The position is one
of importance, as it commands tbe montb
of the James River about six miles from
The tradsport accompanying tba Harriet
Lane was tired at by tbe bewall's Point
rifled cannoo, but tbe range waa toe great to
be effective.
The steamer Yankee arrived to-day, bring
ing three prizes ; at least one of tbe vessel
is loaded with tobacco.- -
Cuabbkrhbcro, May 28 The Virginia
eaoip, opposite Williamsport, was reiuforced
by live hundred men oo Monday night and
four field pieces. Tbey are without the reg
ular army supplies, aod are fed by the Beces
sion.sls io thai neighborhood.
Oo Saturday aigbt, a deserter swam tbe
PoloaBAO and escaped iulo Pennsylvania.
Harrishuro, May 2d It i reported tbat
ex-Senator Jordoo of Bedford will be tender
ed tbe post of Attorney General, aod tbat
Puriviauce sent in bis resignation because the
Governor pardoned Byerly over Its written
Washington, May 28 Information has
been received here tbat over 2U0 Ohio troop
from Camp Deonison, yesterday look posses
siou ot tbe Northwestern Yirgioia railroad,
from Purkeraburg lo Grafton, a distance of
eighty miles intervening, aod proceeded in
the latter direction.
A Urge number also crossed below Ohio,
three mile from Wheeling, for tba iiui
destination. Thi is indicative of vat at
Harper's ferry.
Baltimore, Tt r- r 'ri . CS, 1861. A
I iotiaiutud iu av .v.i.t ! jxtsitiuf CUJ
Xnmltoa TaMfcc nu tianalnx thm rant nf nna'
rel Cadwalader (decllnioff to fcroduce tbe
bod, of Mr. Merryman) ordered a writ of
attachment for eoatempt of Cobft to ird
agalnat that officer. Tba U. 8. Marabal, Mr.
liooifaot, took lb writ, and proceeded with
It 'lbi morning to Fort Mc Henry. The
eeargeaot Went, delivered bit message, and
brought back to th astonished Marabal this
laoonio response i ,
' "General Cadwalader hat received Marshal
Boairani'a message, and baa ao reply to make
Whefevpon Marshal Conifant retraced his
tep, and entering tba court room wbere
Chief Jastice Taney was Bitting, reported
what bad taken place. .
I Tbe venerable Jndge wag evldeotly greatly
affected and displeased, lie remarked tbat
It were useless to attempt to arrest General
Cadwalader, (and 1 Ihooght from tbe tone
in which be said that, if it were possible be
would arest him) f that ba would writa oat
his views of the case, and submit them td the
President of tbe United States) and would
urge bim at tbe same time, to discharge bis
constitutional duty in regard to tbe case,
and aea tbat the dignity ol tba law of the
land was upheld.
Thus stand tbe Merryman knbeae corpus
case at present. It will be a memorable one
in tbe-history of the jurisprudence of the
Country. Ooe thing is clear, General Cad
walader will never bring tbe body of John
Merryman before Judge Taney without tbe
orders of President Lincoln i and Mr. Lin1
coin will give no such orders. In time like
these, the personal liberty of tbe subject must
give way belore tbe safety of tba state. In
ter armei Icqes silent : and in these times, lb
sword is more powerful tbao the pen or tbe
gowo, or both together.
A Baltimoreao arrived here to day, direct
from Lynchburg, Vs., which place be left on
Sunday night. Me says tbe number ol bouih
ero troops at tbat city bas been greatly exag
gerated, as there were certainly not ove
10,000 there on Friday and Saturday last
There were about 8000 at Charlottesville,
5000 at Gordonsville, and 3000 at Culpepper
t;ourt House, un arriving at Olanassas
Gap the train was stopped, and .not allowed
to proceed any further East. Ha found
large force of Southern troops there, posted
along tbe Orange and Alexandria, Railroad
towards Alexandria, and the Manassas Gap
Kailroad towards alrasburg. I bey were
constructing earthworks, some of wbicb were
finished, defending the railroad junction. H
estimates the number of troops there at fif
teen thousand. He saw very Tew heavy guns
mounted, but was informed that more were
expected every day. He is satisfied, from
all that he saw and beard there, that is tbe
determination of the rebels to make a despe
rate stand et the point.
Wasminoton, May 29. Two citizen of
Alexandria, who on tbeir word of honor de
dared that tbey were loyal to tbe United
States, were recently granted passes, with
permission to return to tbat city at pleasure,
They went bryond the outside guards to-day.
got into the bushes, and fired npoo the guards
of the United States Artillery, They were
immediately pursued and soot. The passes
referred to were lound in tbeir pockets.
Pittsbcro, May 29. On Snnday the Be
cessionists burned two of the bridges between
rarmington and Maonington on tbe Haiti
more and Ohib Kailrohd, and later in tbe
day tbe rerofts were that they were husp
tearing up tbe track between Ibose pieces
and Grafton. Tbe cohsexuence wag tbat tbe
express tr in did not arrive.
Al.EtiftriRiA. May 26. The Marshall House
is the hotel in which General Washington stop
ped, and Col Ellsworth was shot near Ihe door
nf the chamber that Washington occupied.
Sergeant Uutterworth, of the New York Zuuaves,
woa shot last night by Mike O'Neal, of the tame
corps, who was acting as sentry, and receiving
no te.y to his challenge, fired and instantly kil
led Ihe former. Uutterworth unfortunately waa
a stutterer, and his failing to answer waa caused
by the Infirmity.
New Advertisements.
Aoliec Iforoiigli Orders.
VLL persons holding old Uorough Order, that
are not numbered, and dated previous to
September, lAoi), are requested lo report the
same to either of the unsigned immediately, in
accordance with a resolution passed by the llur-
gessea and Council nl Sunhury, May 7th, 1861.
men ni ounoury, itiay fit
J. OR A NT. 1 F.
.M. SHIN DEL, Jc,m
' 8.
Bunbury, May 25, 1861
ri'KAYEi.LERS and others are respectfully
informed that the subscriber, iu order io ac
commodate ihe public and facilitate travel, bas
reduced the rates of ferriage at his STEAM
KERRY, ever the Susquehanna, at Sunbury, and
will carrv Passengers, Horses, Carriages, and
other vehicles, at Ihe following rates, viz
Foot Passengers, each ft cents.
Horse and HhJer, )5
Horse and Bungy, SS
Two-Horse Conveyance, 40 "
Farmers and others, wishing to transport Coal
and i'roduce, can make arrangement at still
lower rates.
A large, safe and commodious Steamboat will
rnn regularly and promptly ut all hours of the
day. and to accommodate those who desire to at
tend the Churche at Sunbury and Seiinsgrovc,
the Boat will run on Sunday.
Tbe Steamboat will run from Market Street
Warf, and promptly convey Passengera from
both shies of the River, wifhont delay.
1 he Steam terry now aflorda not only a safe
and convenient transit over the Susquehanna,
but also a pleasant and agreeable ride.
1 RA T. CLEM ENT, Lessee and Proprietor.
Sunbury, May 25, 1801,
pleasure in announcing that they are now
prepared lo moil (free) to those who wish ii, a
copy of an important little work, by the late Dr.
Brampton, entitled "The Invalid's Medical Con
fidant," published for the benefit, and as a warn
ing to young men and persona who suffer from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, &c, die,
supplying the meana of self cure. The reader ia
irresistibly led lo compare a useful life WRh an
ignoble death.
Header, lose net a moment, but ene year ad
dress fur a copy of this little Work. Address the
64 & 66 John SL. New York.
May 18, 1861-. 3mos
A R E G E 8.
Rich Figured Barege, 19, SSand 31 cent,
Darrge Robes. S3 60, S4. 00 aud 60,
Moxambique Robe at $6 00,
Traveling Dress Goods,
Shepherd's Plaids, Mohair Plaid.
Gingham', Lawn, Print, Challiea,
Grey Figured Goods,
8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
N B. Best quality Hoop Skirt, 94 cent to
S3 25.
May 18, 1861.
S. JS. Corner Second and Chestnut ste.,
DAY CLOCKS, a vsiy dcoirable artivl rot Caerca
c. II '', Banks, Coeutfti Houim, fallen, Axe.
a i..,alaolararof FINE OOl.D PL.N8.
i i , T,,Mi,red aud wairaulrd.
' .s 'I'iuuiii1 stof overy ewvl(4toii.
r.i- -rhia, ."'uusy t, ttx3
Th Beat Military book ever PohHshod
Containing full instructions for the RECRUIT,
in the School of the Holdicr and ftqitad, given
in the most bimple Htyle, and all the information
necessary fot the forming of C OKI'S OF HOME
GUARDS. Tlli'i'rated with over 100 engravings,
showing the Different Positions in tho Facings
and Manual ol Arms, and complete directions
relative to Loading and Firing. Arranged ac
cording to
Ail J In conformation -with the army require
ments for ic present War, by
Lt. Col. D. W. C. BAXTER,
of the Kntintiat Guard.
The instruction given are of the rreKtest im
portance to the rew volunteer, and should be
thoroughly understood, being 'indispensable to
the instruction of a company.
Bound in one volume, !2mo.,fi3 pages, Paper
Cover, price 25 cents. Flexible Cloth, 3D cents.
The Same Work
Is also published in the German Language, at
the same price, and is the only German
Book of American Tactics pub
lished in the United States.
Agents and Canvassers Wanted.
To engage in the aale of this Work, in every
City, Town and Village in the country.
Price per Dof,n Copies, ji'-IO
Filly " H.00
" Hundred" 15.00
All orders accompanied With the Cash will be
dispatched immediately, either by posr or express.
If ordered by post. Stamps must be enclosed lo
pay postage. If by express, the freight can be
paid on delivery.
The Camp-Fire Companion.
A New and Original Collection of Military
and Patriotic Songi,; adapted especially for Ihe
piesent Campaign. One vol. 12ino. With il
lustration. Paper cover, IS cts. Flexible Cloth, 25 cts.
Single Copies, pf the above Books
Mailed free of postage.
To any address in the United States, upon re
ceipt of the price, by
K1XU & BAIRD, Printers and Publishers.
607 Sanson St., Philadelphia.
To whom all Orders should be addressed,
MaylS, I8HI. ftt
at the
fashionable Tailoring Establishment
Market street, StMU ICY, Pa.
THE subscriber has just received and opened
a large assortment bl'Kl.Mi AND e'M
MF.H GOODS, such as
Plain and Fancy Cassimercs, Vestings, &c.
of the latest styles. In addition to his stock he
rs constantly receiving new sopplies from the ritv
keeping a full assortment of the most substantial
and latest style of Goods in the city markets.
He is prepared t mak to order all kmdi of
Gentlemen a and H) a war, ucU as
LOONS, it, Ac.
of the very latest style, and in Ihe most substan
tial manner, at short notice.
Any Goods not on hand, will he furnUhcd
from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice.
IV Call and examine my stock, no charges
made for showing'
Sunbury, May J iJL
1st. "The Taper Neck Tie !"
(I'ateut applied lor.)
This Tie is msde entirely of paper, in 100 dif
ferent styles, and in perfect imitation of silks and
other fabrics. The price is ao low that a gentle
man may wear a new neck tie every day, and yet
not ncr be cbnrgtalile witb extravagance, ot one
lie can be worn 3 to b days, if necessary
2nd The Relief Tic.
Patented Jan. '.'9, I01.
This is doubtless the most perfect bilk Tic ever
invented, and is just what the name implies, a
perfect 'Relief from all farther trouble' in tying
3rd The Lace Edge Tic.
An exquisite beautiful article It has only to be
seen to be admired.
bole Manufacturers,
No. SO Warren street, New York,
N. B. We sell lo wholesale Jobber only,
Country Merchant can order our gooda of any
notecale House with wbom they are dealing
May II, IHlil 4t '
Orphans' Court Sala.
IN pursuance of an order of Ihe Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
to public sale, on the premises, on (Saturday. Ihe
27th day of JULY, next, all that certain Tract
or Piece of LAND, situate paitly in Sbamokin
township, and partly in Coal township, Northurr
herland county, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands
of M artin Gass, land surveyed to Ubediah Camp
betl, John Titaworth, Robert Tapeart, John Mil.
ler, and Thomas Hamilton, containing Four Hun
dred and Twenly-Eii;ht Acres and Fifty one
perches of Land aud allowance, ba the same
more or less, late the property of Christian Ka
bel, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M , of said
day, when ihe term and conditions of sale will
be aiaJc known by
ISAAC ri. HAfSS. Adin'r.
By order of Court,
J. H. MASKER, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, May 4, 1861.
IN A 8KA1.KB KNVt.l.OI'K :
ON Ihe nature, tleatment, and rud:f-nl etiie of ffipnn.
toirhira, or Srmiiul Wcukucu. 8,-xunl IJt-bility, Nt-r-Vousik-m
uud involuntary smiMiiiiiiii, iuilut-lng iuioteiic)',
aud Meutulaiul I'll J Ileal lucauaciry.
Author of tue '-Gieeu Book'Ao.
The world-reuowncd author, in this uilmral4 Ln'inrel
clearly proves liuiu Ins own npericm-e thut tho uwiu,
voiiNcquviH-es of eclf-attusc may ba ellectually reuuivtxl
without inedieine and without dungeiuus iursMl uoeia
Itouii, bougies, iitstruiui-itis, rings or coriluil, pniniiii. nut
aimKleol curs at o,iee ecii-iiii a:id tiTectual, l.y which
every auder, no matter whut his ciMuiinnn may be, may
cuie hiiuell clieuply, prixultly and radically. Tnia leeluia
will piovea b'il l-i Ihouvantlcund thouKuiiJs
Sent under seal, iu a plani envelope, u adireu, ioat
jwia, ou the receipt of two postage uumjia, bv addrrMiug.
fil.CU. J. C. KU.NK, 137 Bowery, New York.
I'ost Olttie box4,3a.
April til. Ii1l.-ly pi
'To Ihe Voters of A'trthmiiberland County
Fsllov CiTiess t
I offer myself as a Union Candidate foi
the office or ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at tbe uexl
election. Should I elected, 1 pledge myself
to perforin Ihe duties of tbe office to the best of
my ability. JOHN DUN U AM.
jXorthucabfrlendt May 4, 161.-1
Aja jim lrh, iWM arM
cofijTThliiingf Am youeurof
oiuvr, whii jour nvBtt-m (
runrMi. ftinl ymtr IWIiiiKu un
conilejitatlilfiF ' 'jiicra flvmn-
,vJ'-V5r C.' -a '!' out iii"HiTii hu-
'hsv?-o?,7 ir .1 mum porifr tliu l li,d. aiwr
a rillv, anJ
h "g'i;Tf'i-5-.-1 - W 1 M flro UnMs uiov.i on nimb
"(Clv Vr' Mnl"l niMlih airain.
YV'Jfa', a '-. .Z TiH-ir iiimiim m mutti.
sS-''-!sJ 1 .E". Z&i&h'j f lly w vIkoiwi
'.a.-. .S.M:l '.-J thlty. purif tits m lrm fi
f Iff ohslrOCIIflhS will, b tunica
mtmna. A enl.i iKinft,lMre In lim timly, ami i.h-
striicni Ita Tmtiiral riinrtk,rt 'J'lu-m, If n,.t rilioTd,
ren'-t up-io llt.inalT.ia Mint the Bilrrmiittliug orana. uo
dicing trrneriil aKaravn:l,,n, aiiir-rlnn:, mid itiai,e.
While In ihia on-liiiiui, rpiinweil tv IIim deranfti-iuctita,
take Avar' l'llla,aiut aae bow direcllf tbuy ivatoie tlia
r. ituriil nrtion ot IIm s.vt-in, and with it the liiwynnt
f"lliur of hn!'li n( ilu. ' Wlmltn trnannd So appuri'iit In
tlila tnrlal and ouiuitiou culnplnint. la almi trit,. hi luaiiy
of tbo dwip-ated and diinauroiia iliali-liiifr4. TliMiNlua
r.'.iwvniv,, ettw;t axiwla liinui. Cineul l almlfiir ohhtruo
tluiiR nod dMi-arifrf-iin-utH nf Ilia ttatiitiif I'.iuc -i ma id tlia
b,iiy, tlnsy ara rnplillv, anil many of tlmni Siirolv rerei
by thepnuia ini-ftnp. None who know the virtu. of IIu.m
Villa, will iiPKhmt to oiualoy theui wheu sullui-iiig Iruuf
tbaiiiaurdi.ra tlu.y run.
Blali'tnanta from ImuIIii (diyalrtins In soma nf Hi
principal cltius, and from other well kuowu publii por
ons. iVam a PnDnrdlng J.'-rrtrmf ,.. tmil, Ht. t, 1ST,.
T)rt. AvK! Your Pills are (! iwragim of all that Is
(rrent In luedichmi They haro rnru-l inv little ihniuhtor
of u h er. in. aortal upon Inn- bandn nnd feut that had proved
tnrnrulilo Sir aiun. Her m. ill. or lina botut I(,iir Rrlev
ruidr alHInteil tvilli bli,ti:liaa nnd piiiipliui on hor alllli and
lii Imr hair. Afinr our child wna cured, aha also tiled
yuur fills, and tliey have cured bur.
A a Family Physic.
lm Dr. E. fr. (MirrisM, Acre Vrltans.
Ynnr Pills are the prince of purge. Their eirelltnt
qnalitiwa surpnu any cathartic we MMsna. Thev ara
feiiid, but very certain and elVcttml In their notion on tha
howelB, which in-ik.n them Inraluablu to us lu the dalle
treatment of dliaa.
Ileadnclie, Sir kllendarhe, Foul KtOmnch.
Vom Vr. tktwmd lh)it, U illimurt.
Tic in lino. I cannot aimwur you what complartiW
I have cwrs l with your I'illi than to ny oil (Aaf u
ntr trc it with u purgatim mttlicint. I place great d-pen-deuce
an an eir-ctunl ratlmrtic in my dnily enntcat Willi
iliwaao. end lajlievine ria t ,t Hint j,ir l ilia aflord us th
last u have, 1 ol course valuu tlioin highly.
t,. n . , . ritTsame. Ta., Slny 1,
I'a. J. r. Arm. Sir: t liavo ln repeatedly cured af
the wn.t A-utt-f-fa any body enu Imve by a dene or two
?'!"r. 11 ""'"1" t0 arise from a foul stomach,
which tlicy cleanse at once.
V'jiita wtih great roqiect, fcl). tr. TTlKnf.K,
rTTti itf Sl'umtr clari mi
Itlllnna Dliorder Liver Complaint
'mia Or. TlieiHtm-r. Iktl, nf Xnv l'i Cl'fy.
Knt only are your Pill admirably adapted to their pnr-po-
in nn niKTk'iit. lint I dud their hcndl -i d elTi-cla upon
the Liver very niaikod In.lwl. 'Iluy linvo in my prac
lic proved ui:u virvctnnl for Ihe cure of eihous aa
pti,it limn any one lu.uuily 1 can mention. I muwly
rejoiee tlmt wn have nl. Iuitlh a piiiKntle which is wor
thy the cculiJulice of tho piultohiin uud tho ieo,le.
DtifAUTurxT or tiis tNTtmos, t
IVnuhlngtiiit. t. C, 7th Feb., li60. f
Fiat I lmve med your 1'illa in my twiicrul nnd hoapitaf
practice oor mcu you tiiuilo tlu ni, mid cniinut hcaitate to'
any Ihcy uru tiie lamt iiithio tic we vuiph y. 'J heir n gu
latlnir au'lKili nu the livn- in quirk and ilfcMt J, cdiao
fiint!y they are nn iidiuiiiibie leuicily lor di rnirucnetit'
of that ni-Hiiu. 1 nil. ed, I have round n raae of
V'lioul u..rusc ao obillnulo that it did not readily yield lo
thciu. J-ialcilially jotira, A I.ON7.IJ HALL, M. D.,
i'UyiiciiM uJ'Uk Jitiins JJuijiituL
Dysentery, Dinrrhtra, Relax, AVorma.
Voia Vr. J. G. Green, of L'liiaigo,
Your tilla have had a long Irinl in my prarlice, and I
hold I In in In i-xti'om an one or l!'e beat npericutii 1 lima
ever found. Their altei'atite cftocl upon the liver llav
th. io un excellent remedy, when given in mnall doa,.a fr
Oilmul .!,,, ry uii.i tliirrliuu, 'I heir H'n-o-C'Htirg.
tmtknft them very in;, a.tal lo and ferivcuKut lor tho um
of women and i-hildan.
Oysiirpsla, Impiulty of the Blood.
From Jit c, J. i; 11, .un, itn(.a-, A.!t Chmft, Vti.,
Us. Aim: I have uc1 your PPh wilb eti-a.,r,lin,ir
sncei aa in my lul.iilv and among tli jte I am called to viit
iu istrvm. To i.-khI.ii,, the iuvium nf diKci.tioii and
1'nrlfy the, Iheymo II, e very laiat remedy 1 )nia
ever known, uud 1 tau toiili.l. utly iiicoinmend th, in to
Biyfiionds. lours, J. V. 1IIMK9.
IT (I194T, tryomlliK Co., X. T., Vt. 21, lSSS.
Inn Sir: I nm nsimc ..ur Oiihaille pilli iu me pruc
tlee. in,l find theui nn excellent pei tniive to tleuusc th
; tein aud 2'UrUy t'ie iwdonni f lltr U.uit.
Constipation. Coal Ivciieaa, nppi-esf:lait,
iiheitmiiliaiii, (iout,, Uron.
J-f I', 1,-lt., etc.
I'rem Dr. J. J'. m!;hn, .1l, i,trt, Ctna-la.
Too much cniinut bo aald of your rills f.,r the furerf
CM(m-i . If olliera of our n ut li Ii 1 1 v bnve liiund tli.m
aa ollii iicioua n I have, thev should J..i o in proeloiiii.
lux It lor the benellt of i lie uiulilttidea wl, niiier fiom
hat coini.bilnt. whieli. nli;,.,iiah b 1 vnou,;h lu llw lr t
i -"-'-i i omen, iii.ii ur,. nore. j iH ieve cor-
Im iiwi f.ioriftiuato lu the liver, but your t'ilu abaci liiut
oiran and cure the dineaae.
Frtm Mr.: E. Stuart, HutMan bud iMwift, -n.
I find one or two larire doi ofToi r I'illa. luli. i, at t!,a
la-oH-r tlliie.ino excellent i,r Iive.,l ihe ,ii ,., t.
doiiwhen wholly ur pniliallv rn,pl,ae.l, ui.d nUovsiv
efo to r',o'e tbo Ummh mid rjjW in..n,ii Tlii 'y
BU. so much Ihe best pliyalo no have tliJt I rceauuiiuud
Lo ether to my patic-nta.
From the llrr. Vr. luwK,s,i,ftl,e .Vrilrf;,t ,-.,. CAvi-ci.
rt t.isKt Ili.rsK. (lu. .I.oi. fl. ISM
IlnN-narn Sir: I hlmul.l K. uiu-inulut f n the n il. f
ymr hkill hie. brouubt me ir I did m,t i,. it my in-,, to
you. A cold m ttl. d in mv Inul i liliil liiollu-lit oil ixelu
riiuinir nrnr,i',c, Kbleb i ini. d in riimnir r',ni,n.
Una. Notwitliataiidiim I hud th,. best of ,hiei,iu. t,a
diaeare Rlew irnw nml wolsu. liu'.il bv Ihe iiiiiicv ot your
exri rienr lifent in Ikdiimore, Ur. Mm keiule. I tried lour
I'illa. Their eilert. were alow, but lire. Ily lei hcvcrilii;
III tho use ol ibem. 1 am uow eiitii. lv well.
8rxTe Cinanra. Itatoti l!oni:e, I,a 8 Hoc. isr.r,,
nn Avr.n: T bnve been in ly rui'ed, bv viiur I'illa. of
Jllifiim.ilir Gout u I'jiulul dis that had" iifllbte.l me
for years.- YIM'E.NT SI.IDLI.L.
ajf-Mort of the fltla In market contain Mefcitrr,
whl. h. ulthouijh a vidual.le renie,ly in skilful lmuiU. it
dannerona in a public .;n, frm the droadful mns.
Ueneea fn.U, inly follow lt inciiutiona use. These
coniain no meri-ary or luiueiat whatever.
Price, 25 centa per Box, or S Boxes for $1.
Jrepared by Dr. J. C. ATEfl lo CO., Lowell, Mass.
Hold by Kriling ft Cnuit, and A. V. r ischer, Sunbury
J P. Cimlnw nnd C Urowu. Milton: l)r W'euck. Mc.
hwensville; Kelfrnyder fc Clilininin, Turluttville ; U. H
.McCoy, iVntiliiiiiiberlaud anil by Dealers everywbeie.
Apill 811, lelil. ly
Contro Turnpike ItorJ.
XIIE Stwckholtlers are hereby nnlifii'il, that an
election will lie held at the houne ol Mm.
Urown, in the Zf.irougli of NorihuiDborluinl, on
Monday, the Md dav of June, next, between the
hours ol 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.,
for the puriose of electing oiiicers to serve for Ihe
eusuing year.
J. K. PKlSsTLET, Preeident.
May 4, IS6I 4t
Exccufors Notice.
VOTlCE rs hereby given that letters testnmen-
- tary on the estate of lohn Kline, r-'r., lale of
Hush townahip, Northumberland county, deceas
ed, have bren granted to the undersigned. All
persons having claims aauiimi the estate of tho
said deceased, are requested to .irer.t them, and
persons indebted thereto to make imintdiatu
payment to
May 4, IK6L 6t
Attorney at Law,
SUNBURY, Northuroberland Co . Pa
(Formerly Freeliura, Suvder county.)
OFFIL'K, Market Street, a lew doors e.i-f of the
Northern Central Iwilrood Depot anJ two
doors west of the I'oat OtHce.
All Professional llustneas, Collections, &e.
will receive prompt altcrHiom
March at), I Sol.
S. L. fiERGSTfiESBta.
Photograph and Ambiotype Artist,
W UULl inlorm tbe Ladies uud (ientlemeu
of ibis place and vicinity, that l.o will be in
town iu a abort time with bis CA ll, for the
purpose of furnipbing all wbo may desire,
with lirst-cluss pictures.
Moris' experieoce in the business enahlcs
bim to guarautee sahisluctiun th his Matrons
AmbroUpis or Duuguurreotypea' eblaittcd
to life-size.
Pictures taken lu Cloudy as welt as Clear
iUtlOKS FOR PI10T0GRAPU3, from
1$00 tolO OO.
A large assortment of Frames for Photo
graphs always on band.
buubury, April 11th, lr?CI.
Ciored Mantles,
Poplin Dusters,
French Haquea,
Bilk Basqtiines.
Newest Designs, A'eady Made, or Made to Order.
E. Corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
May 18, 161. '
l. - WritY-aJari "' lliniw. Eiana lit of
f TfwzJX', J sti-kuns In rrn tup ui'on yon,
-V,TS t Z Ul t"b- uw of Ilia rMil rim-
.-..O. - Ik. t'.J -S . 'Hk Av,r
Splendid Inducements
jt ls jr. w -i i. ia) j-i r. kJ
Sunhury, April 13, I66t.
Rc.H.ishnm' CcbraJed
For the Whiskers anil Hair.
The subccribers u'.;o plci.mirc iu aiiiinunciiig to Hie cili
r.rm 01 tha VoKed )ih.ii;8, timt tltex have obtained the
Agency tor, nialaie n..vr enabled loiillcl to the American
public, the above jually ccltbralce and yt orld-rcnowutd
The Stimulating Onpueii!.
is prepared by Dr. C. 1'. Bellinenum, un cninieiit physician
ol Louden, ut::l is w nrrai.Leo to bung out a thick act of
Whifkcrs or Afauttache.
in from threct.) si rec;.-The article is the onlvone
of the kind used by the freuch, and m lawdu ai.i IV
ris tl is iu universal use.
It is u beiutiiial, rcnuomical, sooihin, yet stimuluiii
compound, ueiing.n if by miigic upon the loots, i-nitsiiii. u
beutuul fifowlll of hixuriiuil Jiuir. li applied to the sculp,
it will cure buithicss, uml cause to bprine up in p.a'-o of
the b.ilil upon a hue irrou-tli of li iir. Aipl,ed urc idip
tod:rertlous It wiil turn led or towy hair .link, ni'il restore
fray hair lo -is minimi col. I, leaving it a II, Muuotii, and
rlcxible. The 'Oiisuenl'1 is nn uiticle in
eveiyijentU-iuairs toilet, unit uf'cr one vcck?s use they
would nut for aiv consideration be without it.
Tue siibseriln-rs are the only Silent., for the article in
the 1'iiitiil Stules, to wliom nil orders must be inhircssed
Trice One Dollar a box lor sale by all Druiriiists nnd
Dealers; or n box nl the "Oiisucnt" (wnrinnteil to have
mc oesireu cuccij win ue sent to any who tlcslrc u, by,cnnici, nu receipt Ol price ailU post
uge, Sl,ls. Apply to or iiiUrrss
Druggists, ,Vc, 81 Willuim Bt., New Yotk.
Forwleat tins office.
.March 30, lttil.
New Millinery Goods.
nisH 91. L. GL.SSI.CEt,
i''iihvn Street, two doors south oj the Shamokin
I alley ,y I'otlsaUe Hail lioad,
EyPEi;TFLLLY informs the citizens of
- Sl-'NllL'RV and vicinity, that she has us
received Irom I uilailcljibia a large and s leiiuid
unaortmei.l of the most inshiouablo and latest
M C2 S31 ST? 53 13 ,
II A T 8, 8 li A K E R , TRIM MI.NGd, See.,
which she is selling at the most reasonable prices.
'I o which she directs the attention of the ladies
and invites all to call and see them.
Thankful for nast catrunairc. eho hnnea bv
kepiug to best aKsotlment at reasonable prices
to continue the same.
Bunbury, April III, 18f.l Dm
Uoi:utsTKK. K. Y
JOHN W. BtCfiER, Local Agent, Sunbury
Ihe subacrilier, having been appointed loral
Aeent for the sale of rruil tree?, plants,
vines, eve, of one of the most reliable Nurseries,
calls the attention of all who want choice fruit to
this method, as more rettuin than by obtaining
them throuuh traveling agents. Among llmae
described in Ihe Catalogue ore. Dwarf IVor
Trees, of the srge fir IrausplsMttia;, remnrka! !y
Dwarf A t 'l Trees, oti Paradise Rioiks, ma
king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro
ducing remarkably line specimens ot fruit in a
very short time.
Dwatf Cherry Trees, buJJcd on Mahulcb
Stocks, hantliouie trees.
SStandaid Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very
fine, with a larga list of varieties.
Peach, Plum. Nettarine and Apricot Trees.
(jouaetierry, blackberry and Ktiawberry Plant
uil of lilt: rinel kinds.
Cnrraiiis, many new and improved varialies.
tin-h es Cherry, White Grape, W bite Uundouin,
lii il (irape, Victoria, Ac.
Strawberry Plants, iu great variety, inrludhig
tho Hooker, Wilsoti a Albany,. 1 rioinpliie tie
Uand, (the most approved old varieties,) as well
as all ll.o novelties.
('rape Vines, including those fine, new, yet
well tested kinds, which no -plainer should lw
without, such is Delaware, Concord, and Hart
ford Prolific. These we have propagated so ex
tensively as to able to oiler theiu at reduced and
Satisfactory prices.
Plants, Roses, Evergreens aud every variety t.f
ornamental Ireea and eihrubbery, securely paiked
JOHN W. UL'CHER. Agent, Buubury Pa.
Sunbury, Febuaiy, t, IBCl.
111 Eli TlMCACilES, pared aud uopared
at the Maiuuiotb store of
Live ani LnAnni
Uian can be1 fiBicliaiJ elsewhere.
A. PRESH E3XJr,3?L "5T
ioa! reroivod liy Kbilroefl tliia weok.
KliMEMlJBi; T11W.
Bunbury, Docemher IS. j8G0.
Retailed at Wiiolcsal3 Pricey
Mae to Measure at S313 per doz.
Tnthottt Collars on; with" Collars on f 2 per do, extra'
tVtthflns Linen Bosoms, hrti warrantM r.s pood ' afihirt
as sold In the retail stores at 4,b0 each.
P. S. Those vrho think I cannot make a rood Sjlrt for
(18 per dozen are mlataktn. Here's tha cost of cso
dosen $18 fine shirts.
SOyardsof X cw-Tork Mills muslin at Uii: per yd. f 4 t
T yards of f nc Linen, at Otic. er yard, .."....8 f )
Making and cutting, g (ff
Laundry, tl; buttons and cotton, COo. 1 iu
.rroct S CS
total tis CJ
t5clf Measureraent for Shirts.
Trlntcii directions Hcnt free everywhere, and so easy
lo understand, that any one can take their own messur
for shirts. 1 warrant a good fit. fl.e cash to be paid to
the Express Company on receipt of goods;
The Express charces en ids inttt Shirts from Kctr'
Tork to Kcw Orleans Is $1.
P. 8. PARTIES WISEINGI 8rmtf3 is n.VTS,no
huTlnr time to send for Rules of Measurement, should
send per mall, prepaid, on of tbe bert fitlisit shirts thej'
tare got, stating any alterations that may bs required.
T S. W. H. WARD, bom London,
387 Broadway, up stairs,
' Bvttvccii -n-ults ft Walker BtrcoU, vriT-YOBK.'
'Ur.h 16, 1801,-lf
J . A . C B, A N"D A L l7rS
ShouU lie iu every family, School, Gym nasi
bm, Asylum, and Hiwiital in the land. Are
rmtDANGEWa-s, liko the common Hocking
Horse, citani? firm on its rdestal, wiil not
wear CASl'ETB, and has tfo Rockers to iuiure
tbo Feet.
"Health and happiness in the same raddle. N P.- Walts'
'it -;.;
"Of all the child furuituro wc have ever seen
no article combines so much nf those two impor
tant things health and haiitiini-es as tho Ad
justable Patent Steel Kpri.irj Saddle-Horse, in.
vented hy .Ic3?e A. Cramlhll, It is not danger
ou. like e common rorkimr-liorse, lo children'
feet, cannot be upaet, does not wear carpets, but
stands linn on its base, aud ils action ia so iiko
the gallop of a live horso that the child never
wearies of it. This .atett of child-novelties is ex
ceedinply elegant and arti.-lic in detian j and sj
adjuttable, suhxtanthl, und durable, that it will
last a lifetime. It is imlispeittjblc in every
family where there are children. It should be
in every primary school and gymnasium in the
country, as it can be made lar,-;o nnd strong
Jnotih to LuoTain grown personj. As a dVn&l
lor photographic picture-, nothing Is more htauti.
'Every Oiphan Asylum nnd fnititution where
children are censreguted, ehouid le furnirhe
with a number of these beautiful articles Tbey
arc fitted with side-saddles when required."
the alter part of the base stiliicionily to allow the
axle to go in its place ; then raise or lower tiio
Horse to suit you. (Screw (ho bolu in llto ti.'e
very light.
I s l'bese Horses ara WARRAFTED one
March 16, l?Gl ff
Oval Iijolo-jraifJ a?iatufi.
1VE doire to cnll the attention of the public
to our Lithocoiiia Oval Photngraiih Frames
They posress all the good ijualities nf wood frames
with the a Jvui t.i.'ic of creau r dor.-ibilitv as they
nevr warp or crack, and nr sold much cheaper.
ue ali.ii nave on liatxl a large vtrnty cf
WOOD OVALS, whifh we offer Iwenly live r cr
rent lower than ran be bought elsewhere.
a good assortnirnl ol Puse I'artouts.
Squnre Frames at proportionally low priira.
A II ordvrs by mad piomplly tilled. All who
route lo ottr greal Commercial Aletrcpo'is we
invite to call see and- rxamin.
H. W. LADD 4 CO.
453 Broadway, Jew Yorkv
March 30, led.
Jl filllLI
HKSL'.M.MKIt TP.KM of tin. Fuubuiy Araitcair wiir'
iLiuclicc i ll tliill ,.f Ajiril.
uiba ol il:itrai li.'u embraces every .-riart.
incut i f t Jucatlnn tuiiwl.l lu .in best Academics, preburintf'
siu It-uts one eiibci f.a a iiinicuiou or to eului uu- cuss m
Cull. gr.
IT.KMf i'i:K tH- AUmi:
f mini m sV-hiail tranches, fl 0ft Lhtfii.h liiai.clics.' t IV
1 iuiim.1 lireck 1juiii ,o. 7 oo
TuitU'U to He psiit before iHo IHbMIs of the ten.
H .hiuCi.ii br hacr ia irr.'ats luu lies at fmlu Si ? j" &'
f-J ao per wet.
P. WOLVERTOX, l'nuciiaJ.
Saubur-,MarcUS(i, ISW.
CONST A NTLY k-eps on haim all kinds et
('onfeclionarics, Ftuit and Toys, which-b
is aelling at wholesale aud retail. Having" the
neces.-ary machinery Ac, be t roanafacloriiig
all kiutla of Toys, aud keeps up hia stork, su tout
purchaarra will not lie at a bass for a aupfly of
aluio.t any article tbey may desire.
Just received', a letsa lot of applet WBick Ac is
sellins? al wholetaht sad ntail a low prices
Cite ns s call'. .
M O. nEUtllA.Rr
SairluryMwusi lsCI.-U"
ST T - .