War! War! Wart CO MR FROM THE NORTH, come from the SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM 1 HE WEST, Sav th country inl build yoursnlvc home, for now is lb lime to get jour Lumber cheep. Ye, , LUMBER! LUMBER t! LUMBER ! 1 1 can bo purchased at low fate at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, BUNBUBY, iW., 'uch Tarifl Lumber, Frame Lumber, BoarJs, Siding. Shingle from t S3 per thousand, ClHi-tnrinif Lath, Paling, Roofing Lalh, Ac, Ac. . All bill ordered, for eny kind of L umber, will be furnished tit the nhtrricvt notice IKA T. CLEMENT. Bunbury, March 9, I HO I. rmXinixrKU coixr.c.i. s. E. corner of Seventh and Chennul Streets. This is one of LIGHT COLLEGES, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED 1.1 Phitnrtr'pfft, New York City, AUraiiy, BuJaln, Cleve. laud, Chirue'i, nml St. Louis. rfh"limip can be pur caused ut either point, nood nt oil the Colleges. THE COLLEGIATE COURSE embraces Double nnd Single Entry linok-Kwrin:, Com niereinl Computations, Commercial Low, Penmanship, Business Correspondence, Partnership r-etilemonln, etc PRACTICAL TEXT-HOOKS. 'flic Tcscl ing in the Book-Keeping Department is most ly from written nionum-i int forms, with orul iimrt'ctimif Irctiucs, and bluck-Uiard eliiriilntioim : in audition to which, in order to in-ikc the Collegiate Course in thorough vini cifietniil in possible, tha following TcM-Bouks, have been prepared : Bryant ft Stratum's Pci-'k-Kccphig, in three editions Common School. High School, and Counting Uoiiae ; Bry ant Stratnn's Commcicial Arithmrtir ; Bryant ft Stralton's Commercial Law, by Amoa Derm, L I. 1). PI'ENCERIAN 8TST13M OF PENMANSHIP, In n series of nine books, by P. It. SPENCER. P. R. SPENCER, Ji., Teacher of Peiiin..hip. Imil vhluil instruction. Staiictils enter ut tiny tune. Diplo mas awarded. fi'" For Catalogues und Circulars, call nt the Co'lrga, or address Dli YANT, ST11AT ION ft FAIRBANKS Februarys, 1ML ly Puilndclpliia. ELYHsIlt'HCi, ACAI)KM5r, FOR MALES AND FEMALES. Ttev. J F. W AM POLE. A. M., PRINCI PAL, and Teacher of Latin, Greek and German Languages. Kr. 8TEPHE0? W. OWEN, Teacher o Mathematics end Enplinh lirnnches. Miss CAROLINE- EOLRIGUE, Teacher ol Music on Piano and Mclodeon. The ijurnmcr Session will commence on'Mon day the First of April, I SGI. Good boarding can bo had in privato families in the village, cither by the week or by the meal at reasonable prices. Terms ptr quarter of eleven weeks. Common English Brachoi, $3,00. Higher, " 6,00. Latin or Greek, 7,00. Music, (oxtn), 10,00. German, (exira), 1,00. Eiyeburg, Pa., March P, 1801 tf TO Aiti THOSE II 1VIXC1 Farms, Parks cr Gardens, I CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rnrc chance is now afforded to acl"Ct an J order FE.UIT AND CrtNAHENTAL TEEES Viae. Shrubbery, 4c.,fiom the celebrated Clover Street iureiies ikht,ui1 nt itof:iielur, new ioik. 5ICSSF8, MOOriK, KIKOTIICSlii, PKUl'KIKTOHS Who beg leave to unnounce Hint they are Biejiaied ujioufen iiieir iuaioieu hiki nF. SPONJIBLE AGENTS, To dlitribute their superior Block on the moat reasnabl tenia. PEOPLK OK THE ZZTSTOITE STATE. Loven of Nature nnd the beiiiitiful.nnd iustlv celebrate tor your uitelliRriice, wenilli, liberality and taste, now ia me nine u uihm. )oui eiLeii"iiB irora our BK&CniPTIVi: CATAI.qfiL R AND PLATE llOOKS, Vloch will be furiiiHluil yoll, ihrouuli our lih'id uitnita; un,i you may real asauitu lliul your oiuera wilt bs liuuoru, Diy niiid. Foi fu.ther particulars npplvtn FUKJJEMCK A. HOWE, U1LADV1I.LK, fi, OrJOIINB.JONns, Aijent for NorthumWrlmiii eotinty. HEPEBENCES: Hob. ERENLDR CRIFFIN, Roiheater, N. V. lion. JOHN oALUKAlTil.r.rie, Pu. Ool. J. U. JOHNSON, Mcndville, Pa. rebranrv , tcOl I'm BOOT A N 1) SHOE MANUFACTORY. Corner of Murh t Square and River Street fjHE Fubsctiber rcsjiectfully informs the cili' lens of atibury and vicinity, that he lisi opened a L'oot und b'hoe iShoji on the corner of Market r-ijuaro and Ifiver tlmt, opposite the t.ciirt Ifouso, nheru he can be found at all times ready to wait upon custruicrs. Having considerable experirnre, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short liutico. in the latest style and workmanship. lie keeps constantly on hand a large assort' ment ol Leather, of the best quality, which ena' ties lnm to make up good and durable work. Cull and examine lor yourselves before pur cussing ci.-cwutri;, una you will cave money. JOHN WiLVER. Simluiry, Nov. 10, 1SG0. ly SAVI2 YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Ecrew Top PKEsEltYK JAP.. Metal MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! illl that is necessary being to sitcw the Capdown upon tl.e Lubber Oa.kel, wl.uh i placed outride upon tlio elioulder of the Jar, 3 i of an incli dii lant from the lop ; prevent the posuibility of lli Cavorofthe fruit being injured by coining in ontact with the Kuiilcr. Pcrsoiisdcsiiin; lhef Jars, ran be supplied by it-awnc men orurrs wnn li. li. jliSM'.K, tur.bury, June 1 ECO. Agent DRY GOODS. T'F.II.NU & GRANT, at the Mammoth t?ton have this dr.y, January iMiri, received am u; rued another fresh supply of biiX GOODS atiu .Notions. fMii.hf ry, January S6, 1SCI. L0T1IS, Uassioinrea, Satliuet9. Ifeuvyard liaht weiobt Heaver clolba Tricots, ,i'ro6ted Leavers, I'Jaiu Croud ciot 118. i'aticy and Tilack CaaBitneres. COOI'ERi- L'ONATtn. R. E. corner NiMh i ilrket Btreela, iJei-. 8, IHtiO. Philadtlpbis. GiAlIiEKS! :(ACia:i:S, just receive, and fur sale by the barrel or ound.al ih fonfectionery atura of M. C. GEAKHART, ounuury, Uclober 13, lfeCO. T)LANK Parcl iineni Pnuar Dnnrla nA i,iu..l Mortaes, liouJa, Jxecutioiik, tiuimnou l A r,,- .... i i. . . "117NEOW SUA llCS. A very fine r cheap assortuimt. lust received Lv 1;.. ioad frum New Voik, at the Mamnioth store of t iiiing 4- Urunt. have also for sale 8.8, 1 ntimm Si fu s celebrated Patent Pendulum uurtai.i t ix lima. COTTAGE J3ICLES TO R 8 ALE, cheap, three copiei of th Cottaja ltible, la two Tolume. with toa CMS piflDuai.a. u. U MAStU, EXCITEMENT OF SEASON t THE FRILING & GRANT. at the MAMMOTH STORE, have jat received a KEW AND DESIRABLE Stock of FALL S$ WINTER GOODS'. A very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting !n part of Unci; end Tuncy Silk of very choice patterns DECEGES, Ducalt. Cashmere. French and English Meiinos, Pluia and Figured 'Wool Celainea. Muslin De'iiinesof all styles and price. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Foil l)c Chevres. Saxonand AVool Plaids. .DIES' FURS, BKOl'HE. Ecy State and Wool SHAWLS of every va iely, cVc, ic. Gentlemen's Cress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casi meres, Sattinetta, Kentucky Jean. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Veslirtgs. of every variety. Our stock of Silk and Silk Velvet istiugs, cntinot be surpassed in the country. Please calli and examine thcui. QZiGTIIZNG ! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTI'INO, has been replenished, end we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coat for Boys of all oges. ALSO, a Tcry handsome assortment of J&JTsTJD COIF'S of every stylo and raricty at the lowest prices. Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew' ed and we have now a larger assortment Ibnn ever before offered to our customers, consisting lu pan oi Sausage Cutters, rocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut taws, Mill Saws, fc'coop Shovels, &-C, &c, &c, ic., ic, Sic. QuecnMvare and Glassware 7 of every variety at iba VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of GPaOCERIZS is very fine. We havillhe best quality of Svrun Molasses ever before olTcro to the ciniens of iSuubury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW. WARE of every variety. C atp, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, Jcc Also a fresh supply of Drugs Paints, Dye St jlTs, Glass, Brimhes, &c. Oil', l'erfumery, Fancy Soaps, Particular care having been taken !n Ihe se. lection of our goods in regard to quality, stylo and ( rice, we call the alleuiion of the public lo our large stock to which constant additions will be mado. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public by aelling cheaper than ever. Give us a tali before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING &. GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, IcO'O. FILES & RASPS and made equal to NEW, at the old stand No. SU NEW STIiEET, (near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2nd Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All wort done at this establishment warranted good, at a saving of Kilty per cpjiI. A large assortment ol New Files, on hand Wholesale & Retail, at .Manufacturers' Prices. J. B. SMITH. A pril C, 18CI. 3m w NOTICE ILL persons knowing themselves indebted t Hie njhr.rril.ers, entraped in the 1'oundiy business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, are equested to settle Ihe same without delay. Thje neglecting this notice must not cuuiplaiu if costs are added to their accounts. O. I). cV J. KOHRBACH. Sunbury, Nov. 17, lbBO 5n BLANKS! BLANKS!! new supply of Summons', Kxecutious, Warrants, Snpccua, Deeds, Mortgages, Uonds, Lenses, Naturulixalion papers, Justice slid Constables Fee Hills, Ac, ic, just priuled and for sale at this Ollice. Sunbury, April no, lfe.VJ. rpiN WARE A very cheap and deairablo aaaortiiiont just -received lbi wnk, at ilia MamiuoiU Store uf FRILINU it Git A NT. Hunbury, JsnuarylS, 161. GREATEST K0W' WITHIN REACH OF ALL G llOVKRiB AKEH'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machinesj 405 BltOAD WAT, Nsw Yobk. The public attention is respectfully Jtequostcd to the following cards of Eliai Howe, Jr. and the Grovcr & Baker H. Af. Co A Card from the GR0VER' & BAKER 8. M. Co. Our Parents brine now established by t, Courts, we ore enabled to furnish the Grover cV Baker Machine, with important improvements at greatly IZ etlH red Priecs. The moderate price at which Machines malt Ini the Grover & linker stitch, can now be had, brings them within Ihe reach of all, and renders the uc of Machines making inferior stitches as unnr'i'ct-'sarv as it is unwise. IVrtons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Grover & Uaker stitch but also that such Machines aro made nnd stamped under our patents and those of Eliaa Hower, Jr. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 4U3 Broadway, New York, A CARD T ROM ELI AS HOWE, JR All pcrt-ons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make tlio stiu'u known us tlio Grover & bHukcr stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grovcr it linker Sewing .Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, nnd stamped under my pntentof September It), 1816. iSunl Company, and their Licenses, alone, art lepally authorised under thoir own patents, ant my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon tny said patent, und will bo dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 20. 1 SCO. if New Arrival of Clothing. THE largest and Inst Slock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWirrrZLR, HEILURONNER & CO.. in Market street, neatly opposite Wea ver' Hotel. Their Stork comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Conls, Over Coats, Business Coats, &e. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. Undershirts, Drawers, &c. HATS JlsTJD CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of tlio latest styles of every description und quulity, cheaper than ever. Thvir assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete ! Their variety and styles most attractive. And the prices defy all competition. US"" Call arm examine for yourselves. SCWE1TZER, HEILURONNER y CO. Sunhary, Oct. C, lSu'0. gentbaiThotel, SUNEURY, Nortliumbcrlana County, Pa. TIILS largo and commodious lintel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It ia situate at Ihe Railroad Depot North Eaut corner of Mntket Square, biunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury d Erie and North ern Central Railruids, and is open fur the accom modation of Travelers and the public in guneral . The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, tottc comfort and convenience of his guests and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. His table will bo sunntied with IliA best the - 1 1 market can produce having the advantagu W daily ctvnmuuiiialiou by cais direct from Balti more, und uiso from tluue bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors tho market can produce Ca-rful and obliging servants alwa)s in at tendance. New and commodious stabling ha just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling communiU a most respectfully solicited. S-jtibury, January 12, lull I. WINTER GOODS, 17 0 It MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Black Doeskins, New Style Cassimercs, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Kcal uood f-asstuclts, Sill Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vcstitig, I ancy Silk elvct Nestings, Plain Silk Velvet Vestings, Nice Cutsiruero Vcttingsl lu fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found nt the People's (lue Price Store uf E. Y. Viright & Son, who have just cccived by Railroad a splendid stork of all kinds ol goods, suitable for cold weather. Flcise call and be convince ,1. E. V. BRIGHT : RON, Sunbury, October 57, I SCO. REVERE HOUSE," (LATE EAOLE HOTEL,) Tltird Street, ahore Ruce, PliUidtlphia, KIIOAMS rV SAILOR, PwpiKtora. JMrROYKUENTS have' been irmde, and the Ilou been ri lured il.r"uclniit Tii.jiiM . ituoAus, formeily of the Nutioual Hotel t.iiARr.Ks AlLllH, toriiirriy oi eiiuj Ikill co., I'a. Piiiludclplou, Jan. 11), 1-01. ly GENESIS 23 SALT. WHOLESALE Sc KETAIL liILlNG At GRANT (at Ihe Mammoth Store,) have jut received i00 lbs. ol Solar (round. Solar tuid Fine Ss.lt, 7t.'0 Sacks of Ground Solar Suit every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and 200 b igs of bull cuiilaiuiug cue llushel each. This salt is the best and btroiigasi now manufactured avid in market. Cull and r-oe for ) ourselves. Sunbury fcept , 8, lHtiO. FRILING A GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (Jauuury 17th, lbol received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT or i iik NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS vr W-A-IsX. I? w r E R , which they are aelling at juices that defy coin petition. Sunbury, January 19, 18CI- STOVES- FOR SALE an (iccllont second-hand Cook ing Stove, also otiversl Cylinder CooJ Stoierh Euqvjre at this ollic. Curt Cough, Cold, Hoartenets, Influenza, any Irritatiin or Sorenem vfthi Throat, Re . ..lieve the Hacking Cougk in Consumption, Uron chili, Atlhma, and Catarrh, Clear and give strength to the voice of Public Speaker and Siugen. . Few areawnreof the Importance of checking a Conph Or "Common Colli" in ita Brat aUis I that which In the bwinninr wonkl yield to mild remedy, if neejected, soon atiVks ilie Luina "HROWN'8 HHONCillAL TRO-CI1KS,-' eontninin demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmo nury and Bronchial lriibition. "Thnt IronWa In my thront, (for which Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Biown's TROCHES Ihe "TROCHKS" "re a apecilic) having made meuaeu a mere whiaperef" . r. vvii,i.i. "t recommend their use to Public Speak er." . . . HI.V. tt. H. CtiAl'ini. 'Tnva proved extremely aerviceubla for uoawneM." HKV. HENRY WAKIJ HKKCHKH. Alinoat iuilant teliel in the dutreaaing labor of biealhliift I" cilliar to Aathmo." Iii;v a v buui,r,9ioii. (lContain no Opium or anything; injur! cue." DR. A A HAYES, Chemist, Uoflton. "A simple and pleaaant eoinhinatitn for UOUgllB, AC." Dlt G F BIOF.I.OW, Baaton. "Beneficial in Brow-h'tis." DHJFW LANE, Boston "I hnve proved them exceller.t for Whoop me CllUffh,, EEV H W WARREN, Boston. 'Beneficial when compelled to speak, ptiijtruig iroin i:oin." REV S J P ANDERSON, St. Louis. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's "Effectual In removing Itoniaeneaa unci iriitstion of the Throat, ao common with rpeitkera oniiwinirerB Prof M STACY JOHNSON, Ia Grnnire, Ga., Teacher of Music, Southern Female Collcce. "Great benefit when take:i before and nflrr nreachiiie. ualiiev prevent HonrsenrM From their pant effect, I think tney will be of permanent nnviiinnBe io me." K F.V F. ROWLEY. A M., Preaidt-nt of Athena Collecxe, Tenn. P?" Sold by nil llruiririata at Hi cenla a box. TROCHES. Peccnibcr 6, lftiU. Oiupl i7 EVAN3 & WATSON'S K.if'SC'5('?l,J1..i'i!:jf rhiUtdcljihia ManufacCd -jUWr EnlaniniHler Safes. mVMVgUlXo. m Chtsnut Street PHILADELPHIA. ri'irrsi' s ,r.- nr. n,,w in use nil over the United Stales, I and hnve been tested in many lirea; the following shows nnoiher initance ol tneir cnpubil ty in resisting hie ; Witmks'b BniDGS, ) Lincaster Township, July 00, 18C0. J Mr.B. Evans At Watbon, Uentleinen : The sinnli .ivr. . I Siiliimioidir Snfu wliich I rnirrliiiBeil fiom your n,rent, Mr. Ailion U. llarr, in InicvjCer City, on July ;Jiuh,1 lf-'iS, baa been subjected to a very-severe test, wiucn it withstood in n must satisfactory manner. Thia Safe, con tinuing all my b wkH, together with valuable iapera belung ng to inyrell and some to my liciglilwm nnd Irienda, and repiesenting a value of over Tw enty Thousand Dollars, (Sjn.ntHi) wn in my Mill, whii h waa destroycil on Ihe niplit fo Ihe tilth of July, Iflill, nnd passed through the fiery ord'-nl unsenthril, The Safe was on the second floor, and fell 10 the basement of the Mill, and WHS subjected fur six li''iit bo an linen jc lientnmongthe ruins, which was greatly inrrmitrd by the combustion of a laiue qunntitv of grain coiifiiieil within the buck willa. Alter the tire the Sale wad opened and the hooka and pnpers Uiken out in n statn of perfect preservnlinn, the ptM?r not even being discolor ed. TlilBlact was. however, to manv byslandera, n bettT n omiin ndation of yourS.tfea than couid be expressed in nny ntlier woida Ir-an me. Youra, re.spcctitilly, SAM FEL RANCIC. Aiwthcr Victory for Evans and Watson's Salamander Safe, Oawioo, N.Y., March S7 IPSO. GenlltMnen It nffirdB lue inueh pleasure to inform you that the Safe No 5, (upright) winch I purchased nf H. Stroud, ymir tmvelinpnirent, haa p-isseil through an ex ce'Tilmely le't fire ill n lliree srory brick buittliug. wlueh healed Hie Sale ins white heat, ao that Die cornets uf it appear melted; lint It preset ved my Iiooks and valualile ipra ifi iiiouiuoiiiiiul severui uiouasnu uoiuua, lor which feel lliaiikful. Yours, respectfully, J.N. EI.TJRIDGE. r?" A Inrire nKsorlineut f the nliove HA FFS alwnys o ivmil. ni aui Chesnut street, (lata 21 5outh Fourth St., 1 po:en ipnei. Uelobc ti, IMpO. ly LOOK HERE, YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR IF CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a largii(stoik of SOOTS & SHOES. His stock corn-ifta ol Gcu'ts Kipp Hools, Youths' Kipp Boots. LUi Id len s L-ull Hoots. Also a variety of Women Calf Loco Boots, Women' Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Call und examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tamncro Moroco for sale for caeli. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1R60. SUKUURY STEAM FLOURING FIIHE subscribers having taken possession of A this tirst clais FLOCKING MILL, are pre pared to receive grain ofu.ll kinds, aud to do cus' torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the iuten. tiou of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup' ply nt Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, und (lour by the quanlity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which ihe mill is ad' mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to tne wants ol customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June 23, lSf-J. - v. ;:i;m:i;!:t & so y, MAMUrACTl'RERS OF FINEST QUALITY OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN WHOLESALE A iV D RETAIL No i? South Fouilh EUeet, Philadelphia. C llKNKUKr. W. J. iiXMvEKr. March zi, Itul Oin. Wntclips, Jewelry & Sliver Ware WE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons ami ihe public generally, that we have now ituMoie und oiler WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, nt the lowest Cash Prices, a laice and very choice stock of WATCHES, iotl 1.1, IV 1 , TNI., l-.ll A.XLI 1'l.AtbU V Alt is, oi cveiy varietv and s'.vlc. Every description of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, maile to order, ut ahoit uouce. iy All (jo-His Warranted to baas renrcseuted. N. II Puriieulur uiteiitiou given to the repairing of IV i.-.. I iu i... ..e ... .1 ,m,i,(. uiiu.cn uij i r.r, y oc.ri ipiii,,,, STAL'FFER ft IIARLEY, No. Oi-J Market Street, South Side, Philadelphia, March "3, Idoo. -:)ui LUXV1BBR! PHILIP LUriEER 8 H AY, . 2vrxjrror, pa. NFOsRMS his friends and the public in gene rul, that he constantly keeps on hand. Boards. Shingles, Lalli, Joists and all kinds of Lumber and building materials, which he will sell at the lowest prices. March o0, I KG I. DR. A. W. FISCHER, "kFPERS his professional service to the citi sens of Sunbury aud vicinity. Ollice at the Drug Store. Sunbury, Juno lib, 1830. EHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. I'j'tHE subsciiber respectfully inform the public that he is now manufacturing at bia Pottery, 4 miles eat of Sunbury, all kind uf Eanheu t ure, made out of Hcil Cement Clay. This clay produce the best and most desiraUa kind of ware, equal, iu many respect, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat ami cold. Tho subscriber refer to Friling 6i Grant, nuubury. Address, JOSEPH 6AVIDGE, Oct. 13, lt60. ly Sunbury, Pa. KOOTS & SHOES, can be purchased at Ih Mammoth Store of F riling et Grant, very cheap, a we are determined not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn th list of price for yourselve. FRILINO ORAJKT. SutiUury, January IS, 1661 dtumhhTeiis1 ft A AH Ift&MlsniKS Peojt hear what the pkopw sat. Th unitemlimeel harln a ted Professor HUMPHREYS' (I'EOmO 1IOMIKOPAT1IIO RRMKIHHS In ear families with the most anttafMtory results, and having full eontl stnn In Uietr genuineness, purity, and afflcacy, cheerfully reoommend them a all nersons who wish to have Baa, ra liable, and atBoaelous remedlas at band for private or do nestle nsa, The Rev. Wm. Tlosmar, editor at " The Northern Inde pendent," Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. R, II. Creasey, D.D., Rector of St. Peter's Churoh, Auburn, N. Y. the Rev. B. I rves, Ohaplaln of the Auburn Suit Prison; tha Rev. Sjiencer M. Rice, Rector, Nesr-Bodford, Mima, t tha Rev. Allen nieeie, new-iorn Aiirieicncr; , hi. it. Nkhols, East-Oenesea Oonterence, N. Y. t th Rev. P. 8. Pratt, Dorset, VI. t the Rev. John R. RoWe, KulTalo t A. O. lUrt, Kso., Utlra, N. Y. : the lion. Neal Dow, Portland, Me i the Item. Sohnvler Oolfnx, South-Bend, Ind. ( tlio non. 4eorge llnmphrevs; N. Y. J Henry D. Cook, Kaq., Editor of The Ohio Bute Journal, Columbus, Ohio ; the Hon, R. II. Graham, .M.dlne, lit, i the Hon. Thomas J. Chases. MonU eelln, Fla. i the lion, Joseph Benedict, Utlea, N. . l VVm. Ilrbtol, Esq., Utlea, N. Y. ; A. 8. Pond, Esq., Ctlca, H. 1. 1 James l'lunkett, Ksa., Niuhvllle, Tenn. LIST OP SPEC1FI0 REMEDIES. Hn. 1 Vnr FeTef, Congestion, and Inflammation. 0 a Kor Worm Fever, Worm Colie, Wetting th Bed. No. 8 Kur Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infanta. No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Infontam, ana Banuner ConinlAlnts. . No. h. For C die, Ortplngs, Drsentery, or Bloody Flos. Ho. 0. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. 7. For Coughs, Colds, InfluetiEa, ami Sore Throat. No. 8,-Kor Tooth-ache, Fare-ache, and Neuralgia. No. t. For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of th No. 10. DvseirrsiA Pu.ia For Weak and Deranged Stomach, ConstlpaUon, and Liver Complaint. No. 11. Foa Fkwals Isjumiclasitiss, Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. No. U For Uacorrhea, Profuse SIcnsea, and Bearing Down of FcBiah-a. No lH.-Kor Croup, Hoarse Oonsth, Bad Breathing. No. U. U.u.T Riisca Pills For liryslpelaa, ErupUona Pimples on the Face. ... No, IS. ItiiKUHATin Piu-a. For Pain, Lameness, or Bora nesa in tho Chest, II n il, Ixiins, or Limbs. A. For Fever aart Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OH Mismanaged Aen-s. p.Kr Piles, Blind or Bleetlng, Internal or External. 0Knr Sore, Weak, rtr Intlanied Eyes aud F.yclida; Fall Im;, Weak, or Ulurred SigliU C For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse diseliare. W. C For Wliouping Cough, abating Its violence and slmatenlng Its course-. In all acute diseases, sueh as Fevers, lnflammntlons, Diarrhea, Dysentery, treup, ltlieiinintisin, and such crup Uve diseiues as Hiiirlet Fever, Measles, nud Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly la ob vious, and In nJl audi cases the iireellira a t like a el. arm. The entire disease la ollen arrested nt mice, and in all caeea tha violence ir the attack Is niwliruteil, the diseuse short cued, and rendered lees dangerous. Coughs and Colds, bleb are ul such frequent occurrence, and which so ofleu lay the ruiunlution of diseased luniks, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at once cured by the Fever and Cou-b Fills. Iu all chronic dim -uses, sueh ns Pvspepsln, Weak Ptoiuach, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Flics, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, bore or Weak Fees, Catarrh, Bull Rheum, ami ether old eruptions, the case has sperlhcs whose proper application will utl' inl n cure In almmt every Instance. Often the cure of a sinele chronic dilticulty, such a Dyspepsia, Piha ur Catarrh, lleaUaehr or Female Weak ness, has mure than paid fur the case leu times over PRICE. Case of 20 vluls complete, In morocco, and Book f 3 Cuse nf tol vials, and It,, ok, plain 4 Case of 15 numbered boxis, and Book 8 Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and lbo 1 Single numbered bone, with llrrelinua ? cents. Single lettered boxes, with directions :"', cents. Lare case uf us. vials, fur planters and physicians.. 15 AI.FO 8PF.CIFIC3. For Asthmi nn Phthisic. tppr' ss.-d, PlITlcult, Labored Breathing, attended ish CoukIi aud Ktpecturaliou. Price, &0 cents per box. For KARDlsCHARrlKSASnDKirSHSS Discharges from the Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, M.-iisbs, or .Mercurials. For Noises In the Hind, Hardness of Hearing, and ltingiiig In the Kara, and Ear-ache. Price, 11 cents per bo. For cVrofih. Enlarged (ilanils, hulargeu aim inuurai e.l Tomilt, Saelllnga and Old I'lccm, Scrofulous Cachexy ol Children. I'rice, :ai eenis l-er iox. Fon Gksbrai. Di;uii.itv.- Plivsical or Nervous Vtcoknoss. Either the scsult of aickucsa, Fxccssive M'-dicalion, or Ex hausting Discharges. 1'iiee, Ml cents per box. Foa Dropst. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Bnelbuga, with Beajity Fccrethui. l'rbs?, f.U rents per Inn. For 8r.A-iMCn. Deathly sickness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from ridiiu? or luotiou. Price, 00 cents '"for FaiSART Diskasis. For flrnvel, Renal CalniM, Dltll cult, 1'iHnful Urilialloa, Diseases of the Kiduejs. Price, 60 cents per box. ... . For eVxiiN.L Emissions. Involumsry Discharges and Consequent Prosliulion and Hrbility, Had lteautu of Kvil Hublls. Tlie must successful and cUiclent remedy known, and may be relied upuu as a cure. Price, iih full direc tions, i per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under tho profes sional care, or to seek advice af Prof. lli'Mrimxvs, can do so, at his otlice txii Broadway, daily from 6 A.M la S P.M. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list; make up a case of what kind you choose, and Inclose tho amount In a current note or slumps by mail to our address, at Nn. .VM Broadway, Nea-Yoik, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED. We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies in every town or community lu the United Stales. Address Dr. F. 1IUMPIJ RKYS t Co. No. 01)2 Broauwat, Nkw-Yosk. A.W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. May 20, lNuO. ly ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. i:CJIX, or .unbnry, la., ITAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of " SPUING AND rSCMMKK GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites lus Iriend and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stuck of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK 7P.E1TCE CLOTH, Fine Black and Fancy ( 'atimcres 'I weeds, Sat- inetts, Jeans, Black Italian ('loth, CashmorMtie, Cottonado, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dies Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Bereges, Clinli and Chali Robes, liarge Delaine, Bcrege Rubes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of oilier Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of whit goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Gods. Also a large slock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Cjueens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware. Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Puper, Floor and Tublo Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta eu in exchange for Goods. J. If. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19. I860. tf. HARRIS I" A I T R R. E 1 1 o r n r j) at 21 a b MARKET SQUARE, S TT 3SJ- 23 June 2.1, lHb'0. TT New Air Line Route T O 1ST 33 "W YORK SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW YORK AND HAUHISBUF.G. VIA READING, ALLEN TOWN AND EASTON, Morning express West leaves New York at a. It . and Philadelphia ut Bi s., arrives ul Harrishurg ut IV, 45 s. m. comiecllng at lluirisburg with tram tut Nortlieni Ceutial iiusui mr ouuuury, w lUiauispurt, Lock Iluvcu and uuer uiediule stations. "i "'" leaves New York at I'J uoon, and ...ioxrrprim ai j ju r. m. , couiieciing wun Hum on rvorili eiiiCentiul Kond for alutioua us above, and also on all truinsou the Williamsnort and Elmiru. MudTiaiu East leaves llurrishuig at 8, a- ar , and ar rives ai rhiludelphia at I . u , and New Yoik at 3 JO r. s.., in lime to lake boat or cure for Uoslou, Ac. f '""'"'a Eaal leaves ll orir-bug at I 15, on sirivul cif Nuilherii Central Tiaiu, und arrives at Philadelphia ut a. Id r M . and New Yoik utOr. u No ehangaof ears or baggage betwaeu Now York or Philadelphia and Hurriebuig. . For beauty of scenery and speed, enmfoit and accommo dation, this route picseuts superior luducemeuui lo the traveling public Ollica ia New York, foot of Courtland street, Philadel phla, liriwd and Callowhill snreta. L"helweeuNew Yufkand Harrishurg FIVE DOL For Tickets; Freight or other hifonnalion, apply to . . , . 31 CLYDE, Ueutial Agent. Ilarrialmrg. June SO, 18U0 y ALFRED JJ. BRICK'S UXITED STATES A.XD EUROPEAN PATENT ornoE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. NB. Coaamuuication by nail promptly ' attended to. Sept ti, I860 ly 1 HIGHLY IMPORT ANT NEWS M. '. ii. viaiAttT, Has returned null a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. TT acemi as If a new age, a new life wa open--- ing upon or, animating every heart to nobler deed and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop ub limer beauties and grander conception. The busines world too most feel the new In fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an Increased vitality, which shall urga u on with electric speed to the consummation of greater thing than wa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of Ihe pasL Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to ward "The great event of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully Inform the sood peo ple ol BUiMJUKY. and the public generally, itiei he haa just returned from the city ! Fluladoh uhia.wilh the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries. Fruit and Toy that ha ever been brought to this section of country. He i also manufacturing all kind of Confectionaries, Ac, o fill up order, whole1 or retail, at ahort no tice. Among hi dock of Confectionarie, may be found t French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream White, " Lemon Rime, " Vanilla, Common Secret. Liquorice, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, l.ove LMops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Dropa, Stick Candies, of all scent Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Primes, FrtTS, Rnnanns, Dates. Currants dried, Citiont, Almonds,' Rmsoni. Nut! of all kindi LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, aud a variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, t&c, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. fjf Remember thfl name and place. M. C. GEAKHART. Market st., 3 door west of E. Y. Bright die Son's store. Sunburv, April 14, 1800. ly FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1H.0O and 60, By E. KETCHAM & CO., 8H9 Pcarl-Htrect, New-York. THE only Freexcr constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, Willi the least quantity of ice. J he most economical in cost, us it Is the most simple and durable iu structure. I- or sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Earh Firczer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directioi'S. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 20 quarts, $3 00 4 00 5 DO 6 GO H 00 12 U0 Apply to If. B. MASSER.Sunbury June 2, lHtit). i8f3(T theeesTr6ute FROM 18G0 WYomlissr Valley lo I'lillatleliibia, lievr York, Italtltuure, AND ALL POINTS XORTH, SOUTH & WEST. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD STJIVlIrlEII AKRANOEIIENT. Two Daily Passenger Toons will he run between Scraiiton und Noithumbeilaud, ua follows; MOVING SOUTH: Iave Phil'o.Mnil. tf. Y Ex- Scrantou, 6 10 A. .M. 4 25 P. M Airiveat Pitlalmi, 9 ns 4 .1 Kingston, 7 05 S M Sliieksiuuny, 7 DO 4 lij Uerwn k, 8 WO C 65 llloomsbutg, S iO 7 Utl Unpen, fjO 7 40 Diuiville, 0 til 8 10 iNurihumberbnd, 111 (ill e 45 MOVING NORTH: Iave N. Y. Ex. Pinl'a Mail. Northumberland, a 30 A.M. 4 15 P. M Arrive at Danville, 0 (15 ' 5 $0 Rupert, ( J5 50 lll.iomshurg, 45 I 1 11 lleriviek, 7 15 6 S5 Sliiekshuiny, 7 45 1 0 Kiucstoii, 8 30 7 45 Piltkton, 8 57 8 15 Scraiiton, V 'J5 H 45 The ltrkawanua and Bloi.msburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, at Scrniitoii, for New York und I'tuludrlph.n, and inn-rum-iliiile points East; also for Great lieod, HiuglKimton, Svrucuse, Huffalo, Niagara Fulls, uud all important pwints West. At Rlipelt It conneclB with Ihe TuiUtvvissu Rail riad, for points both Eost and West. At Noilliuiulieiland it c imieels with tlie Sunbury and Erie Rinlroml. tor points West undSouth. M. '.V. JAUvSUN. Sun't. i. Kingston, Augui-t 3.1, lb6ti. 18C0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. lfcCo NEW YOKK LINES- CAMDEN ft AMUOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia U New York and Wuy 1 'laces. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave oa ,'ollowa, iz sakk. At 8 A M via Cuindin and Aiuboy C ft A Accom- inKlHiio:i, - . s;2 25 At 6 A AI, via Camden and Jirsey City New Jer sey acciMiiinod.itiu, 3:2) At 9 A M, via Caiiidtu and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 00 At 11) A M, vm Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Express, 3 no At lit P M via Camden nnd Audioy, nccommodalion 2 'J5 At 'J f M, via Cutudeu and Amboy C and A. Ex press, . 3 uo At 4 i ai, via neiisingwn, and Jersey cny, F.vo- uing Expiess, 3 m, At4J P M, via Kensington and Jeiiey city, 2,1 Llusa 1 icket, Q 'JS At G P M, viu Camden ft Jersey city Evening Mnil 3 HI AI II I ni, via cumilen undjersev cuy South. Mail 1 At 5 P M. via Camileu uud Amlsiy Aecoiuunidu- lion, (f reigut and I'ussenger,) lt class ticket, 25 ad " I 6U The P. M. Muil Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mail Saturdays excepted. Foi Kelvulere, l-stou, Fleimngton, Ar., at (A.M., ,,... .nmi .imi wuuri nuu a i-. .ii , iroin tveusiugt'ui. For Munch Chunk, Ailentowu and Uelliieheui, ul U, A..M. via Leiiieh Vullry U?iilrolid. t or Water liup, Stroudsburg, Scraiiton, Wilkealmrre. ""i i.r-uu, um a its, via uciuwure, Lnekuwunuu aud Western Riiilroml. Foi Freehold, at B A. M. aud 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, ut uud U A M , and , and V4 WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, fte., at 3 and 41 P. M., from Kenanialoii. For Pubuym, Delanro, Beverly, liurliuctuu, Bordeu tovvn, ic, ul 12. 3, and l.'l'. M. Fifty pounds of li.ii'aiii;e onlv. ullowed each pusscmrcr, llisseligeia ure inolnbited from taking anything as ling, gage but their wearing apairel. All U:igi;age over liny pounilu to be paid fur extra. The Cnuiuuy limit Iheli resoiisihility for Baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be bible foi uny uiiiouut beyond 1UU Dollais, ex- cepi ny spee-iui eoniruel. WM II GAT.MER Agent C. ft A. R. R Co February id. leoU KEGEIVIAN & CO S U03D1AL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by II EG EM AN ft CO., Wholesale and llelail Cheiaiata and Druggists, 161, 390, 511 and 750 Broadway, New Yoik. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Tonle have been loo long k.lowil to nerd comment. Ihe CAUSA Y A ("or King 'a llais,") is the moat valu able ol Ihe nuinersus vuneties of tlie Peiuviju Murk, uud III the ELIXIR IS combined wllh other iugredleula Unit increase lla edieucy and at the same liuie uvercome tlie intensity of iu billci, reudeiiiig ua uiost Agiccable Cor dial. For persona living in FEVER and AGUE districts, it will be found im-uluubie aa a preventive. Half uf a wine glass full taken night and nioruiug, leiideiiiig the ajsirin much Iris subject to the unhealthy intiucuce ol the uwioa pliere. DIRECTIONS Does for an adult, half a wineglass full belure break lust and dinner children fiom one lo uvo leasKJuus full; i uuiy bo taken with or without a little water For sale at this office. March 17, lMio A Freata Supply of llry Ciootlsj. CONSISTING in part or Priuls, Dulaioei bleached aud oableacbed Mosliu, Cheek Stripe Duuirji, A Drill, Ao., just regmved by It. R. at tha Mammoth itora of FRILING GRANT. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. rjpiIE subscriber ha just opened at hi well X known establishment in (Sunbury, one of the lies pest and most desirable (lock of Fall and Winter Goods, that ha ever been offered in the place, and which no win sen mr vAoti or exchange lor Uountry Produce. Those dcairins to nurchase o-noda will do well to call and examine bia stock. BLACTC AUTl FAWf!V RTT.ir All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Drese Robes, Cashmeies, Shaded, .Tlain nnd Striped iimsi ue ,een l0 ,orm gll jllca 0(f the extent Bnij variety. WM-HSSai Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl 1 bibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinfit. for Men and Iloys Wear, llhtck Cassimeres, I ancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cnssimerea. Sntinets all kind. .Flannels, White and Red Flannels, all grades and price, Bay State Sack Flannels, color fluent qnnHio! READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoe, Hats and Caps, Ac, de., all of which were selected with great care, anil will compare favorably, a rcgnrd quality, style and price, with any in the countiy. IIAUDWARK, u fullasuortn out. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stork in store, Carpet Ckuins, Ac, Points, Oils, Glas. Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronnce here tofnrn rcer.ivo.1 he will spare no pains to please all who may favor mm wiiu ineir custom in ine future. Sunburv, Out. SI, 1850. ROCKEFELLER &Bi) YER. Attornies at Law. BTJ3SrBTJR-5T, FA. A. Jordan Rockefeller and .Soloinitii fit, Hover, rcsnerlfullv announce t.ii. entered into Copartnership in tho practice of their lruirsiun, mm win continue to attend to all buai r.ess entrusted to their charge iu the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and .Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Mperial ai tention will bo given lo the COLLECTIONS V1''18, --'on8llltitioiie con be had in the GB K.MAN language. Ollice,- Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, 1SG0. rjHE undersigned having received a large and X Well selected stock of I'wre jTJrugs aui Clicuiicalj, Dyestuffs, OiN, Paints, Glass anJ Putty, i now ready to fillordersut a moments notice. In connection with tlio abate you will find an asHorlineut of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of nil kinds, Teolh, Hair, Nails and Clothe Brushes of every variety. Customers will- find his stock complete, com prising many article it is impossible huto to enumerate. t REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, 1SS9. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, J I' st ict: or THE I'KicE, STJIsr33TJRY, PA. Ojjke in Deer Street, immediately opposite the. Public School Hvuse. All business promptly attended to. Monies olleclrd and ul! ordinary writings done. Sunburv, A oril 25. S57. tf HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAVA OJQm opposite the Court House, Suxbury, Nortliiimbcrlaad Couuty Fh. Piampt alteutioa to business in adioimV" -ouiilies. a WHOLESALE DEALER IN ERANDIES, VINES, GINS, &C- rgHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Bnrk Building, Mill street, Danville, a lai jro and complete stork uf FOREIGN AND BO.MESTICLIQl'ORS, comprising the best brandsnf BranJiig, (Jin, Old R: c, Scolrh and Irish Whiskey, Pn, f-herrv, Maileria, Chainpigne and other Wines of nil grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale nt the lowest city price. Tuvern-kecpcis by bu iugof us can save at least ihe friithl. Persons desirous of purchasing -li-juors f.;r FA M I L V IT H E. may rely upon being furnished with a pure ar.d unailnilteraied article. tt' Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap ha respectfully solicits the p,,. tronage of the fubl.c. All order promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure lfi, 1HCU. INGRAINED CARPETS, VI AN I I ACTI REH and fer Sale hv M. Pei;. 1X l.eibraodt oud .McDowell's Building, Ni, comer, Second and Uace sircets Philndeh.liia. er ft Co: rih collier, second and Uace slreeta Phibulrh, HOODS GUARANTEED. October 27, IMiO. - i ECONOMY J Asiiccidenla will happen, even in weli-n gabled fami lies, II IB Very dc.iruhle n, have sullieciieap nnd eoiil eulelll way lur reisuiing Fuiiotuie, Tos, Creckery, u. SPALDING'S PREPAREI) GLUE meela ull sueh emereencirs, and no li 'U-ele !.l nil nil' rj to lie without it. It ia always ready ami up lo tiie t;i, !,i, g point. Tlu-ie is no lonaer a necessily l, r louping eliaus, splinters veneeis, heiidless dolls, und broken eiu.lKs It u just the article for cone, sin II, and olher oiiimnciitul work, so populur with ladiea of ictiurment und luste. Tina udiuiruble pieuiiulioius used cold, being chemiisillv held in solution, and i usseasing all the valuable inn, lines !" the brsl rabliiel-iuiiker's lilue. Il may le used In 11,0 place of oiduiuiy mucilage, bring vastl) more auhesite. "USEFUL IN EVEUY HolE" N. B A Brush uccunuiuics eucb bottle. I'rica 25 eeuu. Whjlea.iM) Deput, No 4 Ci-dar atreet. New Yuk AdJreaa, HliltY C. SPALDING ft CO.. Box No. 36o, New Yoik. Put up for Dealers in cases rnntaiuing Four Eight, and Twelve Dozen a bruuliful Lubognmhle Show Cuid -coiuiuiiyiug eueh imekngr. Fa?" Asiugle bolileol SpaklingV PrepaieilGluswillsave ten tunes its eost aiiuualu In every liouseln'lj. Sild by all prominent Stnlioneis, Druggisis, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grorers, and Fancy Sloies. Country Merchants should luase a uote ul Sialdiug'a prisired ilue, when they luuke up their l.si. It wd aland any climula. For sale at this ollice. March III. IMkl. lv FUR Sv-X-E. rpWO LOTS skuale in Market street, in A iwu f 'i'tcvorton. No. 1 and 13. in I the loek No. 80. Apply to WM. UACGLKR. Kdius '"' H. H. MAfeSER, Sunbury. USEFI'L A CO'a IN ALL FAMIL1E5-HEUKMAN S Benzine, which removes nsiiitsnol grease, Ac, 4 c, and clean glove, silks, ribbons, Ac., equal to new, without Ihe slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also at thi office. 26 cent par bottle-. 4 JOT'S HOOTS and feUOKal, cheap for cash W M. MrjjTul.Eli'ek Sun'ury, Attgual f