t c to s THE GREAT REBELLION. Waipikoton City, May 10. THIS BCRNB Or TDK FIRST CONFLICT. It is highly probable thnt t conflict may . Uka place at Culpepper Court House, town of about 1000 inhabitants, CO miles distant from Washington, aoJ 100 from liicbmond. It will not be precipitated however, by the Federal troops. At tbis point Brie. Odd. Cooke bai 6000 well-armed troops ho lo expectancy oi an eariy as null. Scattered at convenient points he tween Alexandria and io are nearly 3000 troopn, who are not expected to make a stand or sbnw fight until tbey bare retreated to tbe main body at Culpepper. TIIK FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA BKOtMRHT, Tbe Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment is quartered io the Assembly Rooms. Tbey coagaiO bitterly of the manner in which they linvtwen treated. 1 hey say their uniforms ere aftterly worthies, sod that tbe sharpers io Philadelphia who furnished them are alone responsible;. They say their suits, costing 5 1 1, are not half so good as those of th Khode Island Regiment, which cost only 8 't he State paid $1 50 for shoes, which can be purchased even here lor ,o cents. STorriita tss si-rrt.itts. The rebels of Virginit. have been supplying itieniseives oy way m toe Kiver ilappahan n.H-k. I his fact was discovered hv or.e of Cen. Duller' coast brigade, and on Saturday l hat lu river was blockaded, so that Old L'ornininu is ttiorongkly invested. THR SOL'TMKRN CAPITAL TO BK IHtMOVKD. Jefferson Davis' paper of ibe 14th Says, it is positively settled, by a vote of the Con press taken ou the previous day. that the Capital of the Southern Confederacy is iin tr.odiuUly to be removed to Uiehininl. A MOMIMCAUT CALL. Mr. l'ixon, of Virginia, the Republican who vcit "i for Lincoln with pht il i band, and win will be appointed Collector nt Alexan dria has been notified to he here early oext week, as be will be needed at his post. TIIK CABINET. The Cabinet has been in almost continuous teflon for the past two days, arranging the programme for a grand Southern expedition, tho rusult of which has been to decide upon the creation of a Military IVpnrtuiect of Virginia. Il.t.NKSS OK OONFRNOn WISH. A report reaches here that ex-Governor v ;su is in very great danger, and that his recently reported illness is ho much incroiised that his life is despaired of. THR 1.0 NO BMDGR. The 1, org Bridge, connecting Washington with tbe Virginia shore, is now occupied by nn uoustin! large force, and an armed Vessel is k-pt in the vicinity. General Scott having prob iMy got information of some attempt on the part of rebels in that quarter. forward! soFTiin-ARDl march ! Generul Ben. F. Ij.itler, of Massachusetts, was summoned here on Thursday eight, and on his arrival he received his cemmlssion as Major General, io token of the approval of his course at Annapolis and at Baltimore by the Government. Since the General has been closeted with the veteran cornmanderinehief of tbe Army, and with the Secretary of Wur, planning a campaign which will probably he deci.nvn in lis effects. The "Marion of .Massachusetts" insisted on having the men of that old Com uiouwealtb with him, ood he will bo joined there by Cook's Boston Duller? of Licht Artillery, with four IufBiitry Regiments : J me i mm, jO. rachnrn ; Hie 1 irih. Col. Liwreuce; tbe Sixth, Col. Jones, ond the f IT:. I., . .... r.i(!"ii '-oi. niiiKs. in aadinon to these, Umu. Ilntler will hv enough New Yoik troops to uiuke bis command twelve tbousuud ttroiiu;. st. Lnru rnviroskd r.v militaby tosts. St. LofH. MnV 13 The Ktntn T Warehouse wan also vistxl jrsterday Wy the United States authorities, aod a considerable quauty of amis' and munition of war taken therefrom. The rifles taken yesterday from the Cen tral Metropolitan Police .Station belonged to lleury X. Hurt, Colonel of the Constitutional Guard, and had been taken to the Police Station for safe keeping. The city is now environed by a linn ot military posts, extending from the river, below tbe Arsenal, around the western nut' tliirls to the river again on the north. The object of these polls is to prevent hostile troops and muuitioos of war from entering Hie city and to protect the public peaoe, ar.d give security to every peaceful citizen. The! forces competing these encampments belong t' the regiments under command ef Colonels IIUt. Itoerstein, and Seige!. Twenty suveo persons have died of wounds received at the Camp Jackson jffjir, and eight io thii Wuluut street collision. IKIZL'RR Or ARMS AT (T. LOUIS. St. Lokih, May 18. Two pieces of cannon, several huuiired muskets and rides, and a supply of ammunitions, were taken from the I'ulije Commissioners to'day by ord. r of the l.'uilej Slates authorities. Also, silly Colt's Navy Revolver, while in charge of the Ame rican Express Company. FKCREIOK TBOl'i'S AT TENSACOLA. Sr. Loiis, May 13 The Peoeacolo cor respondent of the Mobil Advertiser lays that COO troops from Georgia and Alabama arrived there on the loth, being an advuoee guard of 2000 troops receullv ordered to that P'Htit. They will incmase Gen. Uragg's command to tboul 10, C00. SOl'TiiKRK CGNGllKSe alrMlSSION OF ARKANiAS. Mo.Tr.oUAv, May lj. Arkansas was to ilny admitted as oue of the Confederate .States. Tlie deleg.ites present, were R. V. Johnson, A. liul, A. il. Gariobd, W. II WiiiU'us and H. F. Tbonipaon. KKEPIM3 TUB fOTOVftC opf.y. Wahiinoton, May 21 The Government is firmly resolved to (lotnnli.h all the butteries or the rebels on the Potoiuae river uud to Capture all auspicious vtsstls ou tbotd ucii adjacent wuUfs. TLAS FOR TUB WUITB HOlsR. The ladies of Washingten have prepared a uiagu.uurni nag, wuicu tuey proprose lo pre Inn' tfk lhu I'.ucii'anl In tw. I( .. 1 I . l . sen! to the t'resident, lo be Uoaled from tbe White II oust). The dunensious of the banner will be thirty-six feet by Uliyfour, and will cuit about SOU. llAJOB-CEMFRAt. The War Department to day made a very important decision. 1 bas resolved that New York shull have but one Major (Juneral iuslead of four, and farther, that be is to be oppoiuted by the Secretary of War aod not by the Executive of State, as has been the ease in New York in the appoiutmeut of Major Cecerul lix. This deciaicn, of cuurae, applies equally to other States. Letters have been received to day from that staunch patriot, Andrew Johnson, who siatea his beliel tout lennessee will yet go for tbe Union, lie is still stumping the ml ;t r ciuie, and leudiug bis and luUuuoce ia vari ous ways to accomplish such a result. TUB GKORai LAW MUSKETS. The George Law muskets, which have mare tbe circuit or almost tbe entire globe for a purchase were finally brought back to Montgomery about two months since, and made such favorable impression upoo Jefferson Davis, that he at once purcbasbed them lo tbe number of 8000, at (13 a piece. These mu.Lela origiually cost Ueorge Law $1.50 each aud for alteration 1 75 addition' al. When they were distributed aod fired it U said that nine out of twelve of Ibe to icstautlt burst. - - ....:. ' MILITARY MOVFMKNTS KRVf YORK. Elvira, N. Y , May 21. Eight Volanteer regiments were orsauizou in tbe camp here to'day. A SOVTHKRlt BLOCKADR AT MEMPHIS. St. Lours, May 21. A private despatch from Memphis announces that tbe Southern Confederacy has established blockade at Memphis prohibiting tbe passage of all upward bound boats. fKCKXSlON 0F NORTH CAROLINA. Montgomery, May 21. Governor F.llis has sent the following telegram to President Davis : "North Carolina has passed an ordinance of secession unanimously. THR MARYLAND BKUIMKNTS. Washington, May 19th. Gen. Cameron has declined to receive the four regiments from Maryland, proffered by Gov. Dicks, with the qualification that tbey were simply for the defence of the District or Columbia. VEST POINT CADETS. ' Brig. General Totlen, of tbe Engineers, is preparing a list or tbe itepreieolatives in Congress, for tbe purpose of making the usual distribution of csdets to serve for tbe term of four year at the Uoited Stales Military Acad emy at West Point, New York. It is tbo't that more than one cadet to a district will be appointed, owing to the secession of some of toe Southern cadets from tbe Academy. DECAPITATED. Fifteen clerks In tbe Treasury Department, who reinsert to tuke the olb of fealty to-cay Wire discharged. OUIO TROOPS- FOB TVASIIINflTOK. ft is understood that 2.000 Ohio troops will be lie re on 1 hursday next, via 1 luladel nliu. It is probable that the troops refer red to io the above despatch are those now stationed at SuQolk Park, in this uty. Wo may therefore look for the "striking of their tent to uiorrow l',u- Jnqutrer. PITIM TO II R COLLECTED ON BUABO OF NK.N- I'F WAR. Reliable authorities state that it is decided tit appoint Collectors for the ditlerent South ern ports, and that men of energy have been selected lor the office. SiOYKHKNT OF TROOrS. A gentleman who arrived from the South or. Maturday lust, has given me some interest, iug information relative to the movement of troops in that Section. New Orleans, he ivs, bus nbout hi or eight thousand troop?. most of them encamped just outside of ttie city. At Montgomery there were about four thousand, and at Lyocliburg, Virginia, about the some number. Every city, town, Bnd hamlet on Ibe route between New Oileans atio: the Southern line of Maryland, was filled with soldiers, old and youug, the majority on their way ro the expected seat of war in Vir ginia, and encouraged in their movements by the females, who appeared to be as much ex cited und determined as the sterner sex General indignation is expressed against the North, and it is confidently believed that tbey will be able to capture Fort I'ickens aud also tbe Fcdtrul Capital. TIIK MISSIHSirrjANS. The greater part of the troops are uniform ed, well drilled, and armed with Minie rifles. Tue Mississippi Regiment at Montgomery, are armed with "Mississippi Rilles," are ex cellent shotp, ouOerstand perfectly the Zouave drill, particularly tbe movements iu which the front rank load while in a reclining position, the rear rank at tbe same time dig charging their pieces. GKNKRSL BKAUREJARD. At New Orleans, nbout three weeks since, our informant sow General Ueauregard standing in the St. Charles Hotel, converting. He was dressed iu citizen's garb, uud burn no appearance of having been au iuvolid. This can be relit J on. TKXAB r.NPROTECTKD. Another gentleman, who arrived nn Satur day from the South, stules that it will be im possible for the people of Texns tn protect themselves against the incursions of the Indi ans, the Northern CamancheB and the ludi ans from the Government Reserve having al ready signified their intention to enter the State. The Stale forces are increasing slow ly, the citizens not coming forward as rapidly as was expected; and our itfurmuiit ridicules the idea nt'any soldiers being spared from the State to assist in the war against the Union as they cauuol raise enough to protest them- I'rom linlliinore. CNITKD STATES VESSKI.S FIKKU ITON TWO nEB KU SCIIOONKItS CAP111IKP. Eai.timokk, May '20. An ensagemeot oc curred yesterday at Sewall's Point, tbe full particulars of wLich have not yet been receiv ed. It is known, however, that the 17. S Steamers, Fret horn and Monliceiln were fired upon from a laud battery very heavily mount ed. They immediately replied with 6ucb ef fect, that the battery was speedily demolish ed, aud its occupuuts were compelled to tu tor their lives. Last evening the Freelorn captured two schooners in the folomac, which were filled wilh troops for ibe Confederate army. The vessels were towed to tho Navy Yard at this city, where tbey will be held as prizes. The Ktbi-U al Willianxpai t, MJ. Daltimohf, May 20. A loiter to the Amir-ii-nn from Wiiiianisport, Ml,, says that about onehousaud Virginia and ouib Carolina troops from Harper's Ferry, took up o posi tion ou .Suuday on the Virginia side of the Folomac, opposite tbut town, commanding the Ferry, uud expected to b joined by another (ielatchment, bbfi thousand atrotig to lay. with lield pieces.- Williuuisport is but seven m.its fronr llugerstown. kirzure ol Ariut Iu Uallimor. Bai.timokk, May 21 Considerable excite menl was creeled iu tho city this afternoon in consrqueuco of the seizure of thirty six wag on loads of arms by Gen. Cadwalader, Com pony K, Lieut. Wriugle, and Compuny G, Copt. F. Dunfield, wilh one hundred and twenty men nnJer command of Major Georce Mcl .ane, from Cul. Moreheud's Regimeut, acting on information received from the U. S. District Attorney and the V. S. Marsh&ll, proceeded, fully urmed, to un old house, in the noitbern part r.r the city, near Green moutsl Cemetery. There tbey captured about Clleen biinrtred muskets uud four thousand pike, besides a quantity of cannon bull, pow. dor, etc. The material thos taken possession of, di ed twenty five eaits. The urms were taken to Fort McIItory aud there eeposited. This was douo by order of General Cad. walader, who instructed Major McLane to sei. the arms, "peaceably if be could, but forcibly if he mus j." An immense crowd assembled In the vicini ty. Much excitement prevailed, end tbo Se cessionists seemed especially iudignant at tbe procedure, but no resibtuuce was ofleered. It is not exactly kuowo to whom tbe arms belonged, but it is supposed they were in the bauds oi certain riecessiouists iu the "bloody Liplh Ward," called the Limerick I'ikce. It '.s thought that tbe arms were made im mediately after tbe riot of tbe 19tb of A nril at Denuiead'e foundry for "home protection." New Lnoixb. The new Fire Engine, 1 Huso, mm nose carriage, me purcbase of wb cb was authorized some time since by the Borough authorities, for the Vieilaat Fire Company, arrived from tbe manufacturers, on Weduesriay last. The cost of the Kogine, Hose, liose Carriage, and freight on tbe'same, will foot up io the neighborhood of nine bun dred and fifty dollars. Messrs. Button & Blake, Waterford, New York, are tbo manu facturers. Muncy Luminary. The PbiUdelphl,, '( says thr.t ll. Banks of ihi en ,,. u to tbe net, meni out uji.v, u in. ir ia,Ko(. - CAMP WAV.1C AT WEST CHESTER. Camp Wayni, May 17. From our Camp we still have the cry of "uothing to wear." Each day now for four weeks, hvo the men woke in the fond antici pation of seeing the promise fulfilled. Home of tbe men are now not fit to be seen, and feel cruelly mortified to have to come nut on a review io tbeir present conditiou. Tbe officers have done everything that could be done, but there is shameful neglect some where. Those who were so fortunate as. to bring more clothes than tbey bad on, have given them away, and as we passed along yesterday we found Quarter-master Hay distributing tbe contents of his trunk among the men. No vote has been taken yet among the ranks as for the willingness to go for three years, but the treatment tbey are now recei ving is fast dampening tbeir ardor. Quartermaster House, who is now acting as Quartermaster for tbe camp, has procured a large lot of dry, hard crackers, and yester day they were distributed to the men in place of the good bread tbe? have been receiving. Tbis is certainly wrong. Captain McLeary U. a. A., is the authonred Commissary for me camp, i ne naro crackers were worn as epaulettes upoo the shoulders of tbe men, aod fired into the air to tbe imminent peril of all bystanders within ranee of the ornjectileB. The companies presented qnite grotesque appearance, and tbe crackers were treated with great indignity. The men say there is no reason why the Government Bhonld put hard sea crackers npon tbe men in camp, when the most ampin supplies ofgood and wholesome bread may be obtained ut the lowest rates in West Chester. Hard bread may be a convenience to men in active duly or on a march, bnt no mean two penny spirit should prompt the Government to withhold from the voluuteers such rations as are allowed to tbe lowest menial in society. The men swear tbev will not enlist for three years unless tbe Govern ment allows them substantial erub. The disturbance in camp was finally "quelbd" by me arresi ot some oi tne "ringleaders, who were placed iu the guard bouse. Doubtless complaint is frennentlv made without cause, but there is no excuse for placing the men on salt meat and drv crack ers now, when fresh meat and bread are so plenty end cbep. Mr. House is generally active anil r nergeiic. to try and make bis men comfortable ; all the mistakes be has made are in confjdicir. to others his dutv. Bnd then if there is cnmpluint be is censured. We have daily drills and reviews. Colonel ,orreii is now in command, lie seems to- bave the unlimited confidence of tbe men, and being a thorough soldier himself, no pains are spared to instruct tbe men io all tbe duties of a soldier's life. Miijor-Gpoerul McCall. who has been nrr pointed commander of the Pennsylvania Militia, has been out frequently to Seo the cump. lie resides about a mile aud a half east of here, on a beautiful ennntry seat. The Hrandywine Gnardn. a fine rifle corns. of West Chester, have just been accepted by the Governor. This makes five enmpj. nies for a town of about 800 voters. There remains a Resi-v Guard, of two companies the Reserve Greys. Cant. E. L. Chris man ; and an Artillery Company. Cant. J. . a-, HWIIO. ttuatlt tilna Jiimurrr. Jj I II II III III New Advertisements. WP A R E G E. 8 Rich Fieured Raregea. 19, 25nnd 31 cents, Rarege Kobe. $3 SO, S4 HO and 00, Mozambique Holies at $5 00, Traveling Drees Coeds, 8 lie hard's J'laids, Mohair Plaid. Gingham', Dawns. Prints, ChallieS, (irey Figured Honda, COOPER A. CON AUD. S E corner Ninth anil Market, Philadelphia. N I!. liet quality Hoap Skirts, 84 cents to $2 25. May 18. IRC1. ATTENTION". The Ucst Military Book ever Published NOW READY, BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER' 3 MANUAL Containing fufl instructions for the RE:KUIT, in the Mchoola of the Soldier and Sijuad, given in tho inokt .Simple .Style, and all thn intuiuiatinn neeesrary for the forming of COKPS OK HOME UCRD.S. llles'ralcd with over 100 engraving, limning the Different Pus lions in the Fuciuga and Manual ol Arms, and complete directions relative to Loading and Firing. Arranged ac cording to SCOTT'S SYSTEM OF INFANTRY TAfe' TIC'S, Aud in conformation with the menu for the piebenl War, by army require- Col. D. W. C. BAXTER, of the National Guard. THIS BOOK IS OFFICIALLY APPKOVI-.D OF. Tho instructions given are .of tho created im portance to the l ew volunteer, and should lie tlffirout-hly understood, being 'indispensable Iu the iinur uction of a company. Iljund in one volume, l2ino fi2 pages. Paper Cover, price 85 cents. Flexible Clolh, 38 cenis. The Same M'ork la also pnblikhed in the German Language, at the same price, and ia the only Herman liunk of American Tactics pub' lithcd in the United States. A(jt)it$ and Canvasteri Wanted. To engage in the sale of this Work, in every City, Tows and Village in the country. Price per Drain Copies, $'.10 Fitly .oo " Hundred" 15.00 All orders accompanied wilh the Catdi will he dispatched immediately, either by potr or express. If ordered by post, Stamps riinatbe enclosed tu pay postage. If by express, the freight can he paij ou delivery. SONG FOR THE VOLUNTEER. 77( Cump-Fire Cumpat.inn. A New and Oiigiual Colleeth u of Military and Patriotic Song; adapted espveially for tho present Campaign. One vol. ISnio. With il lustrations. Taper cover, 15 cts. Flexible Cloth, 25 eta. Single Copies of tbe above Books MAILED FUEL' OF POSTAGE. To any address in the United States, upon re ceipt of the price, by KING & BAIRD.Yinieri nnd Tuhlhhtrt. 607 Kaksom St., Philadelphia. To whom all Order should be addressed. May 18, 61 JAMES L A 11 li E K ' S WHOLESALE AND fcETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Sectnd and Chestnut tit., 1'bllatlelphla. AGENCY for the PATENT EQUALIZING THIRTY DAY CLOl US, a veiy deumlile article lor Caurck ea, Hiilela, Uanks, Countins; tluaaea, Parltira, tta. Aim, Maiiulaelurerof UNE OULil PJb.VS. Clia-ka rciaire4 aad watraaled. Cliick Tnniiiniifi-a of every deecriptlon. Philadelphia, January 111, lr4. Sy To tA Votert of Northumberland County riiuw i iTinas: I offer myaelf as a Union Candidate tot the office of ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the next elretinn. Should I be elected, I pledge myself iierform the duties of the office lo the beat of in .nTuy. JOHN DUNHAM. i.uithu;i Stwland, lUy 1, 1-61. ta THE LATEST STYLE OP SPRING AND SUMMER GARMENTS, ' AaS CONSTANTLY XASB at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment; of JACOB O. BECK, Market street, St Ml lit v. I'u. 'flJIE subscriber has jut roroiveJ and opened a large assortment 81'KINR AND SUM MER GOODS, such as CLOTHS, OP EVEP.Y l)ESCI?IPTION A. QUALITY. Plain and Taney Cagslmerc3, Vcstinys, &c. of the latent style. In addition to his stock he is Constantly receiving new supplies from the ellv keeping a full assortment of the most suhstaniiat and latest style of Uoods in the city markuta. - He is prepared to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen's and Uo't wear, such as DKESS-COATS, FROCK-COATS. Lt.'SI-NESS-COATS. VE3T8. PANTA . LOONH. &c. Ac. I of the very latest style, and in the tntxt auhataii tial manner, at sl.ort notice. Any Goods not on hand, will he furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day' notice. t.V Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Sunhury, May 11, 1H11. a rAin or heal iwviariiis. AND ONE WITHOUT A MATE. 1st. "The Taper Neck Tio 1" (Patent applied for.) This Tic is niado entirely of paper, in 100 dif ferent styles, ami in perfect imitation of silks and other fahries. The priee iao low that a gentle man may wear a new neck tie every day, and yet not no he chargealilo wiili extravagance, oi one Tie can he worn 3 to 0 days, if noccsaary to economize. 2n;l ThrTLlicf Tio. Patented Jan. !i0. 1861. This is doiihtless the moat perfect silk Tie rver invented, and is iusl what the name imolies. a j perfect 'Relief from all farther trouole in tying bows. i 3rd The Lace EJgc Tie. An exquisite heautiful article L has only to he scan lo be admire 1. SMITH & BKOUWEIt, Sole Manufacturers, No. J Warren street, New York. N. B. We sell to wholesale Jobbers onlv, Country Merchants can order our goods of niiy Wholesale House with whom they are dealing. May 1 1, lHKi4t Orphans' Court Sale. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will bo exposed to public sale, on the premises, on f"attirday, the itTth day of JULY, next, all that certain Tract or Pieee of LAND, situate paitiy in Slisinokin towiiKhip, and partly in Coal townshin. .Northurr' norland ccunty, Peiinsvlvanh. bounded bv lands of Martin (.'iiks, lands surveyed to Ohcilinh (.'amp bell, John Trtsworth, Robert Tngitarl, John Mil. If r, and Thomas Hamilton, roi-.tiiining Four Hun. dred and Twenty-Eight Acres and Fifty one perches of Land and ullowanco, he tho suine more or lens, late tho property of Christian Ka hel, deceased. Sale to comnibiir-e at 10 o'clock, A. M.,of said day. when the terms and conditions of sain will he made known by ISAAC N. IIAUSE. AJin'r. Uv order of Court, J, n. MASTER, Ulk. O. C Sunl.urv. Mnv 4. ISCl. BLACK SILK COATS. (jored Mantles, Popfin Dusters, French Smjues, k rf-tiinoa, Newest Designs, lletJy Made, or Made to Order. C0OPER 6t CONARl), S. E. Corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. May IS, luifil. SHERIFF'S isALES7 By virtuo of Sundry writs of Yen. Exponas issued out of tho Court of Common Plcai of Northumberland County, Pa., to mr directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the borough of Suuhnry, on Thursday the ailth day of May A D. 18111 ut 1 o'clock P. L, the following described real estate, to wit : A certain hit of ground situate in Sunbury Northumberland County, on the corner of 1'an-ii and Pokdherrv street, containing iu front on Fawn street S8 fict, and in depth on Pokehcrrv strvet 150 fL-ct, bring the northern part ol lot's No. 2!!t, 414, ar.d lil.'i, whereon are creeled n two story frame dwelling house, frame kitchen and Iruine Hal le, and wilier out buildings Seized taiieu in execution and to Lo sold a the property of Michael Wi.vert. A!-?! At tho same time utid place, a certain piece or lot or lot of ground, situate in tlio bur ourIi of Sunbury Northumhvrhid Couiilv, Pa., containioij one ball' aire more or lej.-, bounded on theweat by land bile of John Young, decen'a " ed, nu thu north by Hubert If. Awl, oil ,1B eufit bv Jesse M. Simpson, and tho heirs of (it-orige Weiser deceased, and on the south by the hirs ef Ueorge Weiser deceased. Seized taken in execution and to be salj as the property of John Young. David walduon, f-hcricr. Khenll s Ulne!. Punburv, May 11, 1R61. S. L. EEEGSTSESSErw, rhotograplt and Arubi-otypo Artist, WOULD iuform the Ladies end Gentlemen of this place und vicinity, that he will be in town in a short time with bis CAR, for the poiposo of fumirhinc all who may desire, wilh fJrst-cUss pictures. Long experieuco in thn business enables him to qnrirantee sasisfaction th his I'atrons. Am'uroUpts or Danguerreotypes eulargt-d to life-size. Pictures taken in Cloudy S3 well as Clear Weather. PRICKS FOR FUOTOGUAPnS, from 1? 00 tn $10.00. A larce assortment of Frames for Photo graphs ulwuys nn bund. bui:bory, April 11th, 1801. ASOTUEK ARRIVAL OF Hi Hi n cry Goods, at the M jro of !Issos It. &. Ii. SllISS7.i:il. Simpson' Uudding, Market tvjuare, SO EUltY 'JHE public are invited to call and examine their Millinery Uoods jiiht opened, turh as Ladies' Dies Uooda, 6ilk. Lawns aud the latest New York and Philadelphia styles III I.N Mil's. LADIES' D11ESS CAPS. Corsets, Skeleton fr-kirt. Notions, Ladies' Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchief, &e , iVe. Ocntlenifii' (ioods such as Collar 'Union,' 'Anderson' and a variety of patterns. We intend to sell low, call and examine our stock. B. &L. 8HISSLER. Sunbury, April 20, la'il. 3in MANHOQjrJ! " HOW LOST, HOW RliSTOUKD, JI ST PUJUSI1ED JN A SKALKP KN VtLOPK ! ON the nature, lieHluient, otut rndicul cure of sperma-Uiirlia-a, or beniiu-il Wt-akiicMjMcxuul Debility, Nei vniiha nuil invnluiitiiry eiiiikaiMis, tliducuig laiioUncy, ajid Maalal and Pli) neul Ineajucily. By BOUT. J. CTLVEKWE I.L, M 1)., Author of the '-Giecu Uouk," ie. The tvnrtd-reunwued author, iu tlua ailmirahla Lecturel Clearly pruvel from htl own txpencitCtf that the awln, tiouiiqiiriieca i1 tull.ahuke inuy be rlteetieill) rriuevrU wilh-iut irteuieine aud wtthnnt dangeioua aursleal uperu tioua, hiiuciee, biMruineuU, ins r corOuila, pniuliuff mil a Beats of cure at once ceiuoti and rtteeiuMl. by wliicb every aufler, no mutter what hie condition may be, nuy cute hiinerlf ctasnply, privattlv and radii-ally, 'itita lecluie will piove a bo. 'U to Ihouaandeand UiiHiaanda bcul ainier seal, iu a iluiu envrHipe, to adileas, poal puia, oa the receiptor two postage suiupa, bv addrraaiug. Dr. CU. i. C. KLINE, 13? Bowery, New York. Pott eoV arm I . t m $f, lWS.-ly 1 Sarsaparilia fou puhifylsg Tin: elcoj. And r,.r Hit vjjr cnio of U. r,,Ilotn; r.miplnlnt.. Scrnrutn nnil M. , oflo.n ATcetlont.mrh JMiijr-lc. r'H.cul..., Hlofelum,1 Uoli.I r Blului, natd all Sklu ilaeias. ' nut ill t'lwra , ,, ,, ,, arm turn-d li.nnd and dUirwil meat In. i..aauh. T ycnmnKo.lt krek unt en n,v hon.l ,l rotf, ,nv win .ml ear., will, ,., ,u .(M mm ,, ,, b. yo ,d d.cri.tuin. I ut4 nu InmiMom .!'.. r.1 j4'.lf.u, but will,,,,,) u.ucl, i, r rr.n, n, ,hlll , lli'l. Hi., .1!m.i,I. ,,., ,.,.. At iu ,,, ri,,:, tor.'ad Iu lira ll.p.. M,.,.K..r ,, , M ' r an i,l eratlv. (Kn,,,i;i, ,r , ,,.. f . ' r.i ifcnred . ", iiuinr jeu ni d . riuwr im r,j. .-i t UiiHnrmtlaridnut lt,, ,,,, u itcu,,,l,t. J lo, It, m t yonadvUe. In inuml do,i. or a l. .p,wnM, ,,,.,. n neiatli. an. M l,.;l ,. ,,.. ,! . , V','!1 i."".'! ",'" "''r llietcnl.. wl.tc-la alter n Willie t5.ll 0- Mjraklu ia now clear, ami I km,,, b y" f frelniRS that tb.. dir, lj khu, r,, ,,,. 'V(,J Cn welt iHrtieT.. thnt I f,-.! ,al I a, ni,rl I yi.u, that I I.U,I , l uf , " u f aud rauiulu v,r ,,tcl,ill; . V ,iu-,, AI.HIKD n.TAM.KV. f. Antlmnr'sT'lre. Ttose e.r Irlpet. Hltijjtt.ria, More Ji e, Wi ol,, . Dr. Itnliert M. Preble rll.. from f.a1. nl. N. V.. ltb ei-pl., lua'j, tlmt In, ,:.,! ii,v,...,,t t;e,e of Viipy, whIMi Uiront. lie.1 ti, teniillmtn fatally, ny llie prmveiiiiK line of oui Sniii.arllM. uti.l U a uanxemiia Jhlirnirt -.'.i-ti l,y Inrre .I,.-,-, ,r the suiui aaya no cures the common Vntjtli nn by If c-uiKtnmly. Rronrhocele, fJoltre or P.rellrl Nrrlr. Z-linloa fl.nn (,r pnf t. T.-xih, Milt,-,. : rbre bnt. Has of ynur Saisaimi illn eur.-it i,i Uom n (; !r' ,i l,U euiu arrelllnir on the rnvl., ulii.li I li:,d auiion,a fioni Ofer two jfenrw." Lenrori l.rrrt or YVti Urn, Ovnrtnn Tumor, Iteillie I'leerntloii, 1'rimile Uiariises. Dr. J. II. 9. I'll inning, r New Vmk i'v, rlt..i " I lnnt cWi rally r..ni 1;, with lli im,u..-t.f'nur airent In peine; I have fmnd your fe.n .in'mlUn a n. l exn-llent alii't-.tiro in (he iiunoo-oim ri-ii.-h-i,it f..r wlinh we ii,pl. n,-, ,, rlu.-.tv. I.ut eap-r.illr in 7' milt Difii'tt .i : .. . . j'"o o i-nta- m tin. Kerornlrxia ilinlli. I L ,i im-... niruv lnvrtrr ate enne i,f l,ru.-oiHin-.i l,v 11. nr. I m.nie niiule" Ilia cm plaint wn r.-.ns..( l,v 'crr ii..i or lt. i'-, e. 1 hr u!"er e'iiin Itarlr na HK.n rutcl. Kr.tlilnf itlihin my UdowI c.!" eo,niil It fr tlira.. r-mi.i.. il-riii.. iii. f.ia." J-Mnartl f. Mnrrow, of .Vewl.urv. .. i-i.. i it..., ' A i! in. f ront urii pinn nninr nn onn of tit,, reui.ilek lit a, v f'::eiiv. tthi -li Iniil .IIUil nil till! rnmeilien w ,-ottld enii l(.v. hiie at lemrtb hern rnlil..t..!v Cilinl I'V T.oir l.-.tir. I er'.S.'o-. snparllln. Our .ti v-l.-Lui lle nt-ht' i'n.tliju I ut , i, ,.a. Iioll colli,! liflul'il rell.-r. lint tin iiim-, I J , e- Iridl it your Hilii.ii.:liilU a til.- Inr ,..,t Uiiire eullinp, nn. It pmvm eHVliml. Afl.-r liiMii -y.-ur luuio.li' ,1,1 nasymptom of the ili,.ie.e tetiiafim.'' trihllla anil Jllprrnrinl Ulnra.-. !W Oill.Mvs. Jftli Jiij,i.t, 16X Pn. J.C. Aru fir. 1 rlia. rlullv r. ti. W v bh lli. r. jue.t -ofyuejracriit. nil rei oit to vi u eotue of the eflects 1 linTP lealuM n illi vntir Mrsat al iiln. I Imve aiire.l itli i. in bt prartirn, mn. t.f tlio enm rlaliila fr wliirti it l rrft'iotn. n,l,.,. m,l l.av f.unr; he cir.-.-ta tr-lly otet.-i let in II,-. ui i r IVimi( onif V-r-rvrinl Vit.-.tt,. On. .fmy p-ilient luol rvptilllllc nl.-ars ia hit ttoiont, wlil.-li win. c i.iuiiini" hit palate ami tho t..p cf Hi mouth, y.nir rinaapiiiiiia. atadily trmm, C'll.-il him in lite vpel.a. Anollior t.an nltni:li., I y Sec on liny aylnptotn'. In l.h nine, rout th i,l.,tl,,i, mi oiti-u away a -'nis,K!.-i nt.1.- pail i,, , thai 1 tn-li.vo tl.o UiH.ir.lTr would toon iem.ii In, In.iIii und l.ill liaii. Unt it yi-l.le.l to my lelmini.-ll'iilioli of jur M.r,aiailil!l ; tlitt ulcere lu-nieil.niul ha I, n.-ll upon, n.,1 cf cuiui-e wil.h-ut .uilie liMUiilntion to liis . A lf..u,a-i vli.) .a-l l-. , i tiealcl for the sunn-.h.,i.l,r hr men in v una auflniiiK from tin- pols.ni iu in.- I ,.h. il,-, 1,,.1'iK.iomr i.f,. utive to Hi ,.all-r that ma da-np . Mii,.ru.l t. Clil 'iatiui: pain in lur ,i. int nn.l l..ir.,V. M,.., o ttua CIM..I entii-ly l.y yriir .-al f oput ill a iu ii f( tv. . I.'a. 1 know liniii in formula. tvl,i, , y.,,,,-B.ieHl M,vo mt.. that tins I -l .-para l ion lulu j out I. I...rat,: v muM li a f.iut rrme.ly; ceas-'inelilir. th:i. tuily ivu,wl.i.Ue l.-ullj Viltu H liavii tit (mi iiiiNi-d u.tf. llnlenmlly -,nia, C V. LAIUMICtt, M. p. Rheumntism, Coat, I.lvcr roinjtlnJut. 1M.EVLM.1.M K, P-asloti To.. Vn.. l lh Jul,. 1;,S. Vn J. C. Arm: Mr, I haw, I ,.n nlllk'te.l villi a p. in fill I i-lirr.nl" A.ri;liil,i.vi for a Kimr time. hi. h LiiloV! the F,ull i. h.t.ii hti'-, n,l ,:u, l( t u.,. pue t t t10 reni."lie.. lo.ii.l Hi, ,, iit, i joMrfan-atairiPa. Can pottle eunal me In t ii a-..-ln, ai,J irtui.il mv aruenl lieallh .) ni.i. h lh.it I am p.f .t,.r than brl. re 1 va attacked. I think II ii utKlvrflil imdi. ilia. J. Kit l; AM. Jules Y. fwtehall. of fit. I .;, wrll.ar I hay 1.., sSlictrd f.e yeai, ic, rn',v,.r te i.nT, i.itli e. -,lrr-.-. my heultli. 1 tiinlevi iy thliir. an.leverv t,ivg failed tw r.-licte tun; at.. I 1 Initu !,rti a iin.keii-ri.otu aiau f. rainie jvata lion, tii ollo-r ruye lean cf.a-uficrn.fT.C e V,e Aurr. lit l l.n.-d pa-tor. Ilm lliv. Air. I'.ipy, atlvUiJ ma toll; y jnnr.ai-apariila. ..-.-ail5e e.lij lie linevr J.,11, aad any l1i:rT you iiiaot.ni. Won!, ti riui-. I v tli Mwh. ii:-1. filed it l.i-n IIU...1 i,i. ar.l In., mi piiriliert n:y lined a lo malia a n'tv i.iiiu -j ma. 1 f,.t. toutn; acaln. The liest that can he a.nd of you ia not halt r;ooil enrjneh. Ficlili-rvs.rnnrrr Tnme.e, i:nlnrr;tintnt, 1 ktnitlari, lurlt.t ana LAioiiuliou of tlio iittdea. A prral vati.lyerra. haroh-.'. ri'r.orle.1 M tifctvticre eiirua .if th.... f neuUai ie coo Iu n . . li.ive .-iulli., freni the ui- of loin t--in,. 1. I ni cur api.ii, iavi ... ill not admit thrui. K.ai.s r.l th.iii limy I.- i'..r.ud in vtir Am.-iirnu -Mlilatia-?, -Aliiih lie- iicr-nu prjlnw uaiuud ai'O pieuiifd Ul fiilt.ii.li (Ti alii In nil u lui , !l l.,r tjmm, Uf Ppala, llrnrt Dlifatr, FIN, Hnllrn. J , . IokcIioI; , .t tunllt, Mi.nr reii.Hili.o.s. , iit.r of th.'f atr-cth u-i bare l,.al not i.- lo lhu hl:, i .tin. p. w.-r ol iln m.-.i.t iic. Il nin.iii lat.a I l,e v-f il litiM-li'ii into vi ;..(,. us e.-li'i, end thin Wt.-ieolIM- .t;....l, IS Vrhi.ll o,.i,.i . Biij.po-i.l Let . Old ll r. a.-li. Mm Ii a ii-i,m ; has lonj; I ii r. . ilir- t l.v lliu in-e-.-a-lti l,( tt, -.....l... no.l ,. r. I.t.d.-lit. Iliul ll.ie Kill fio f ,r th-n, all that no-e.i. ine can c Aycrs Ohcrry Pectoral, l:t Tim i-.At'iD i-i-in or ou;(V.. (olitu, Iiiiliir-. Iliinr.flltH, Ci'oii , l' kiii-Ii It irt. Iix.olent o, i- un.pt io. i. iiml I,.;- ti,',, Relief ot 'oumiit Ive 1'ni..ils Al. iMl.uiieeil Stitea Oi l.lo liaetiKt;. Till ts a rere.!y ui i ,. aall - known to rurnaaa anT i pth.-r f-.r the iu;e , r tl., rat iiti.l luiii; e'.-iephiii.te. that "1 ia ii,.l,.-. ,M. I,, riiiPloli tl.a ,o i.k-ece '1' II- til Ine. Il lltiiltlill,-l eM.i'. ll. e f..r run'ha tiud rrldl. and it tl illy woie.l..rli:l cur. H i f iilnn.l, ary iii a.-e. have niii.ie ft kiiot.n thr..ur)".ut th.i riti!i?'-.l i an. of thn earth. Ktv nie tin.- r. mniiintl it-a, or even taiuilie., nnicjii Uulu w ho hate not ie:ne eiKonal exp,ri,-i.. e . ilu e.7e.'i some li vim; tiopl.y in ih, ir mh!. f t ticloiv our I lie subtle iiiij) dani ii-u.-i r.Kor.h i of tl.a tlnoit ami lur.t.-. As all I new th til .aiilnl falnlity i f lh(-..n iti-oi.ii ih, and ns tll.-y hn.iw, t..n. liieelf.etar.f this retiu ity, tva tieed.li' t do no. re than to ti-ui.. there, that it hu.s in.tv nil the vi,. lues that it ,li,l hnve ttt.en iiinUli: the rurra wlihli Lute tvoii ca.atri iiLly upon the c..uli.h lice rftiiauuitid. Propaied by It. J. C. A?EIt & CO., Lowell, LZan. Sold hv I".. .V Grunt, nt (I A. W. l-'itele-r. Sotlbury J K. l-n-lotf iiml c. ilr.nt.l, .Milfiil; l)r Wcnvk. .Me Kivenaville; KellMiyd. r ,V Cl.ri' llilin, 'I'l.rh'.itVliie ; tt. II. Al.-C.-y. irit:. un, beiiiij.d and by L'uih-rs cvuytthcte. A;ni! l-t lt- Ccntro Turnpiko Road. rjpiUi SlocKlinl.lers nro ht-rcby iiotil'cl, il.pt an eleclinn wilt be hehl at the bouse ol Mrs. Brown, in tho j'ur.nik'h of NorihiiniberlaiiJ, 0:1 MomUiy, the 3J tlay of June. nut. between the hours ol IU u'clock A. M. anil 'J o'clock 1". M for tho purpose uf electing oliieets to serve for tlu ensuing year. J. II. ri!ILSTLl.V, rresiJeut. May 4. ISCl It Lixec'Jtors Notice- VTOTICE is hereby giveri that letlrr testainrn tary on the estnte of lolin K line. r., bile of Hush township, Norlhuuiberiuiitl county, dectus- ed, havo breti grantr-d to the uoderii;ued. All persons bavin- claims aunin.-i tbe erttilc of llic said ilteeavfd, arc rconcsle.l tu present ihem, and persons indebted thereto to nulta Immediate payment to ISAAC CAMrilliLL, Executor. May 4, isiil Ct rSLTF-R S. HLKlisTlUsKK, 1'rinripal ar.,1 'IVneher of l.alin, titeeli und .l;itheni.i1ii-K. rilKSTOX MI1.I.LK, 'ieaeher uf I'ractjeal Surveyini; and L'iie.ii-u. M iis SOl'llIA WILCOX, Teacher oflmtru. mental Musie. SLMMKIt THUM coiniiieme on Mondav, April ih, ISCl. 7'ri. per Quarter'cfW tcrtl-t. Tuition in l'tiniary Ueparlinen'., $':l,f O Acailni'iic " J 1.00 to fi.bl) ' ('lassical 7. I'll Music on l'iano wilh use of Insirufiiriil, x.lil) (iood ltoarilintT, -Vr., n. tha Villng, per wee!:, SI, Ml tu S.t'-O. For further particulars, address tha PUIXC'I- PAL, Uerrysbiirg. Dauphin county, Pa. April i, tr-li t.-ItU KOl.O.'tlU.'V maTsVis. Attorney at Law, SUNBURY. Nortuuniborland Co-. Pa (Korinerly Ktecburg, enyder county.) OFFICE, Market rUrcot, a few doora east uf the Northern Central limlroad Ilepot'sud two deora weat of the Pot Ollice. All rrofecFtonal Uusinrsa, Colleitior.s, &c. will receive prompt attention. March UU, HO I. C BACKERS ! CRACKERS, ju.l receiv.d and furale by the Larrel or pound, at tits Confectionery store of M. C. GEAR1I AKT. ISunbury, October 13, UCU. 1)I.ANK Parchment Taper Deed and blank Mortgage), lioud, tieculiuna, Summons, t4 1 il. MAKStKv SPRING G0QOSI A iV l GREAT VAlUETYiaS AT LOW PEICES AT THE . ONE TKICE STOKE, OF 23. TZ. BniGHT & SON, WHO OFFER Splendid Inducements AND GREAT BARGAINS TO Sunbury, April 13, I86i. BO YCC WAST TIIISKi:ns. DO YOU WXST WHliSKr.RS? DO YOU WANT A .MOISTACIIK! DO YOU WANT A .MOUSTACHE r BcUisasham's CelcSiralcd S T I Al U LATINO ON G U K N T, For the Vhiiltr and Hair. Tlieniliscrilier tuke pletimre In aiuiouticiiie to thefiti Ztnn of tlio I' mted Slaira, Hint tin-;, have f'.bMHied the Afcilcy Inr, aniline mnv enublrd KitiflVt to tliu Am.riran j.nlilic, lite auuvc juaiij- telcbrutce and nund-rennvroed articlo. The Stimulating Onguent. is prepared l.y Vr. CI. Ilt-IMncl.iim, nn cininr nt rhyincian i-i Luiiul.ii, mill ia wurraiitctl In tiling nututli.cU Set of H7iAri-. or Mmittache. in from three to six weeka. Tho article ia tlie only one in ti.e kiuil us-il hy tlie I'tench, and tu LunJuii and I'a ris it iaiu amvrul use. It is a bcnutitul, rcotiomicnt, snolhin?, yet e!imn!:ttintr I enmiioiuiil, nctinpn. if livniti'ni-iipnii tue rinit., muaiiijr a i letilifiil pruvl Ii nl 'luxuriant tiair. Il'applicd lo llir acttip, tl will cure Inl.IiifFn, nn-l eaimr to srinir up in pinoc nf the bald apmaa line growth .f Imir. Appliij m-nntdii t.i iltrci inns, it will turn rednr towy hair rhtk, nn! rcsl. re ernyiiiuf tu itainifiiini ciii.ir, IcaviiiK It Sl.11, pimauli, tuul llciiUi-. The oiicnciif' is tin iiiiliFjienailile nriicle in r.-.-iyir. ntli-mntra t.'ilet, nnit iii'tcr one weclt's uc tltcy W'.iil.l n-.t Ini any ciniiilfratiiiti li without it. j Tlie anl,ai-rihr-ra nrt. tlm i.iilv a....,. f.. ,1. -..li:.. I i ir i mini .-niu-ii. u. wiwin nil onlc-rs mus! he r.i ilrrsset . I'riceOne llnt'nt a tMX-f.ir aiile l.v nil Urnr.i.i. .l im-iii.tj. ; urnnoxiii ine "iinrneili" (u-r'rraiiie.j ti Irife tlie il-sircl cnVi-l) will lie .tut to any wln di tire it, l.y mini, ilir.-i-t, f.-ruti-ly piiellec, nn rcci-ipt of pile unupnu. uac,t51,ld. Apply tu or nHtirca IIDHACl-: I,. HFGFMAN ft CO., Ptiicpnia. .Vc, i!l Wtlii.-ini bl., N Yotk. rvr sa nt Una uiTice. iMiticli Jo, lftll. New Millinery Goods. Fawn Street, two doors nuth of the Shamokin Valley ff i'ultsvUte Rail Road, SUNBURY, XnT'V., Oi:sl'i:CTri;i.LY informs iho citizens of tsl.'NIiCKY and vh-inity. that she has just received from Philadelphia a large and srlindid assort inent ol the moe( IjsliionuMe and latent " 03 t2D 3 57 03 -P 123 , HATS, SUA KlIHiS, THIM I1.GS cVc., wUich st.c is selling t the most reasonahle piicea. JjaiiaL'J.l)!) ibji-iJjiJ 'U Alt ill 'Io which flin directs Ihe attention of the ladies ai d invite all to call and see ilirin. Thankful lor past patroiimjt., she hopes ly keepint; lo Lest asturtnit-iit at itiasonat.le prices to coiiiinue the same. funi.ury, Apiil 13. 18C1 Sin COM M E llC I A L nITi; SElTil;f?7" in. E. HOOKER, ftOO,. iti'.'utssTBit, x. y JOHN W. PrClIKn. Luci.1 Agent, Kuntmry Ta. fhn sahcrihcr, bavins; heen nppciiitvJ local p-i-nt tor ine auie ii r run tice.i, punts, I vines, Ac, of one of ihe m..vl reliable Nuiaenes, c:il! the altcntioii of all vih.i wart choico frnii to I il-i.i method, os nwm eeiluin than by c'.ilai.iinj I them throuiih traveling; nijenn. Anion; lli .y .' ileseiil-e.l in ll:n Catnh ijiie arit, llwarf Pear Trees, cf the ago f. r lianeplanling, rtmaikaMy i line. , Dwarf At'I'leTieea, on Paradise Sto.ta, nit- Itioff beautiful little tree fur the qardn, snrl j ro duiina remarkably line specimen uf fruit in a very tliuil lime. Dwuif Cherry Tree, budjed eo Muhalch SLu-ks, handtoine tree. titandiiut All-le, Pcur ami Cherry Ttct very (Sue, wiili l.trtte list cf varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. (iimnlnrrv, UlucUUrry and (strawberry Plan I l u', of the fiact kinds. j Currant, ninny new end improved varirfies, i such ss Cherry, W hile Gtupe, White Cuiidouio, j Red Grafc, Victoria, &c j tSiruwberry Plant, in great variety, Includit'ij I the Houker, Wilson' Albany, Triomphie lie j (land, (the most approved old vaiitiies,) a v.t!l eu nil tho novcltiea. Grape Vines, including those fine, new, yet well irali'd kind, tahten no planter should be without, such is Delaware, Concord, and Hart ford Proline. Thee we have propagated an ex lensively a. lo b: tu oiler Ihem tt reduced snd MtUfaclory price. Plant, Roar, Everirreen tr.3 every variety nf ornamental tree snd Shrubbery, securely packed JOHN YV. ULCIIER. Agent, Suubury Pa. Sunt ury, Kebuy, l, IMtil. IHIKI PE kl lbs Mammntli store sf FRILINti 4 GRAKT LIVE iLND LET TIIK PEOPLE STIL.1. COXTIXtTE TO MFC, AND THEY "WILL SOON LEARN THAT riUUNG & GRANT. at Tnn KALI HO TII STORE, are selling GOODS CXIEZPEXI thau can tx purchased chvswtier. A. JKESH 43XTIIXi'S net received by liailroad this weak. .MEMBER THIS. AXD , . rRonmyiT. Sunhory, December 15, 1800. S EN TBYtE X PRE S S EVEKTwnnar;. KetailsdatWholesaJo Prices, llada to Ma3uro at $18 pfjr doz. OXl BIZ POIl lilsV DOLL, AXIS, TltSt Collars cn, with Collars on t) per dos. extra. . MADS OP KITW-YOBK MILLS MCSLLS, TTIth line Linen Bosoms, and warranter! as rood a Qdri as sold In tbe retail store st IJ.iO each. ALSO, THE VERT PET pmnT3 THAI ClS ES MAtiC AT i EACH. T. t. Th vrho tSi!ak I eaaaot raake a pooit Shirt for f IB per d"zea are mistakeo. Here's Uio out tt one dotu tiS fiue aairt. T,3 yards of New-TorkJmismusltaatHVc.jieryl J4 j j t yi.rcs of line l.tr.ea, at We. per rarJ 8 to Ialdnr;aii1cut.iri-, G f .a.indrr, $1 buUuUTar.d cotton, Coc 1 fin Troiit A 9 65 Total 19 00 Self Measurement fqc Eliirts. Printed direction! sunt fre erpfTvhrrif, am! ao ouf to undcrfltapd, t.irit nty ono can take their ownweasursj for shirts. I warrant a pood nt. Tho cnshHo bo paid t the Express Company cn reotlpt cf f ootis. y The Erprei hir.-is on one Juzen SLirts fcifS. Trw Tort; to New Orleans is p. a rjvarirs nsniiKG smnT3 15; nAmri;noi having time to send for Kale of ilcMuremtut, oiioultl per ma'l, prcpaii. oa of the bst fittt&aLtr.a thry tare tot, stating ouy alterations that may be required. 7 S. W. ILWAItD, from Locion, 387 Broadway ,ip stairs, Between WaJto tc VTaZicr Strtcu -SVi-rOrS-V"-h IC, 1801 If PATENT srillXG f- bliouM bo in every family. School, Gyinnni um. Asylum, and Hospital in the land. Are not DANG K RO Lis, lifco tho common Hocking; Horsca Statu firm on its Pedestal, will not wear CARI'ETd, and has n Rorkes to injoro ihe Feel. "Health aud hippln'm in Ihe sanesaiUle." N T. Willi '. lHrW - . . . a FEOM THE "HOME JOURXlL." "Of all the cbild-furniturc wo havo ever spen no article combines so in uch of those two impor tant thinpa health and haiiriinis.i n tlio Ad- justalilo I'atent feted Spring Saddle-Horse, in- ..i 1 k. A r'..n.l.ii I. :., . i I . '""'S"' ous, like a common rocking-horse, to ehildren a feet, cannot be upset, docs not wear carp-Is, !ut stamls linn on Us Imsc, and iti nction h so l.ke the gallop of a live hor;:o that the chill never wearies of it. This .atcstof eh. I I novc'itiei is cx ceediniily elcsant ami artistic in design j and so adjiistalile, suiiclunli::!, and dnruhle, that it will last A lifetime. It i iitdispi'i.tsuhle in every family where there are rhildreu. It should lie n every primary school nod cymnHiium in I'm country, os it can l. mnile large und strong Jnoush lo uftuin prown pernons. As a pedestal f.r photographic pictures, ncthirg U moro l.cai;ti ful. "Every Otphan Asylum nr.d Institution where children are c"Pt' 'canted, should lap fur.i'.' cj nilh a numher of these heat-.tifnl articles They are fitted with side-saddles when reitiired." IURECTIOXS FOK A P-U'STIXG. Open the after part of tho base soliicienlly tu allow tho nln to go in its pbeo ; then rai-a or lower tha II.rse to suit you. Screw the holts in the sida vcrv licht. I"? These Horses are WARRAFTE1) ono year. March IB, 1F61. If 9val ri:otnr;.ih rrnijicn. Xl'E desire to call the attention of the p.ihlic " toour Lithoeonin Oval rh. tn)ta h Frames They ponesa ali the g.;nj iimiliiies ot wood frames with the ridvaiiia.'ie of yrcaier dortil ilitv ss they never warp or rracl;, nnJ are si !d much cheaper. We also Imte on hand a lurpe vsm iy rf VO'L' OVAI.S whirl, oiler twenty live per cent I nver than can be bnuttht elset- here. Also, a pood assortment of Pam-e Pnrti.uts. fqnai.' I roitics at proponi.itini'v low prices. All Older hv mail promptly Jill .!. All who cuttle to our urejt Cominrrrial Mi-tropolis invite U nil SCO and examine. H. W. LA PI) ij- CO. 4.' 3 tjloadwav, irw VorL. MarcU 30. IPC!. ECNBUSy ACA2MY. I!KtflMMI'.HTt:it.M oftli Suuhuiy AcuJetny will cuitiuieui-e en lit.-H.h .!' Ai.iil. The e aia.f i in-ii ut'li'.n ajiil.rncc every dupart- rilei.t 1 1 e.lu.-a'i..n tn.iht in our 1'e.t AlMil.-utii-., pr.-iiuriue; .iit-teut one citriei fur u pit'lcaji.aiot u eulef lay uUa ut Collrj... iritM" PKrt tjuumni: C"iiiiii'ii Si-'.."'! Hraiit-lit, fl 00 lli.iier l.i.ft tliaiirlna, li'l Lalili Sti.1 ureek laaiib-uai-a, 1 Ut Tuition to be piiul bHi.'re tim midttte of Ihe ir,n. H.niJcin be bad tu trivuie (iiauiic at I'toia I ?5 In Si laJ eel week. r HP. WOLVIiltTON, Pnncinnl. Saubury, Man Ii 3H, IKW. OOKITCTI OVARIES, TOYS 4c. M. o. oearhat, CONSTANTLY keep nn band ell kinds of Coiifecitonariea, Fruit .id Toy, which ho is ellins; st w!iolca! end retail. Having the necessary inachim ry Ac, be I manufacturing all kind uf Toy, 'il keep up hi .lock. o llmt porch a sera will not be at e loss for supply of almost any article tbey may desire. APPLES! APPLES!! APPLES!!. Just received, e large lot of apple, which heie selling at wholesale aud retail, at low price Give u a call. M.C. GEAElURr fcMbury, 5, !!. If T-f ata a. 1 rs M attu aJJa. jL-wJV M V m li I'Jl-aetfTV'