Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 11, 1861, Image 4
War! War! War! come from Till! NORTH, COME FROM THE SO 172, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM HIE WEST, Ssve the country and build yourmdves rtomca, for now la the liiue la get your Lumber cht-ap.- Yes, LUMBER ! LUMBER I ! LUMBER 1 ! ! can ha purchased al loir rule al lh TEAM SAWMILL uf IRA T. CfcEftZENT, Such aa Pnurl Lumlu-r, Frame Lumber, Hoards, Siding. Shingles fmm rj,:! to S prr thousand, l'ltrrinj( I nt !, Folio;', Roofing Lath, iVp,,Ac. All bill ordered, fur any K i . i I uf Lumber, will tf furnished at the (diortert noiice 1 1! A T. CLEMGA'T. Sunbury, March 9, 1K6 1. S. E. corner of Stemlh and Chc&nut Strtet TMb ii one of EIGHT COLLKGUS, CONSTITUTINO THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED IS rhitntV!phin. New York City. Al'ianr, n.:Th!o, Cleve hnd, Chirac", nmi Pt. Imi. SHi'-InrFliipa van lie pur chined atettttrr point, good i nli tin LVIlrpea. Ttii-; cumj-:giati: couhtr embrncea pDiitile nuiI Siitiile I'.ry IIu(.k-K fpinff, Com tnercial C :"Tipututimis, Cotmm ni:tl l.u.v, IViniiailiip, jUuiiim'S Coiresp .iu(enr, I'mineifliip Stit-HicM, tic. Pit actical Ti;x'.JiotKs. TheTe.MiJ ing in llie M". It-Keeping Department i m.Pt Jy ir-'in nrnien innmnwiirt ft rii., yv.iIi mai iiiMineit..i leei-ms, nmi litiifK-lwiint elm idaM t.a ; in in.ili!hii to v. Inert , in order to ttt.iUc Hi-; tVlifHjmie (Vtitjr t,thoron!i ItllJ t lfi C :tt pOSMlMP, lllO I'oliuWH g Tt'Al-Hunk llJVC been prep irril : lir:int A tlniltoha r!"'nl.Kpiphip, ill tltTfr rdltif'MR Ct'iuiii'Mt SclnH.j, Hiil) School, and On i it ma li'Mit-e i Hry mit A. S.ratt.m's r-imintrcinl A rit htuetir ; Hryanl it Slrutlon't Couirnewinl l,iwvt hy Ainos Demi, L I b. SPKNCI.HIAN SVSITK.M OF PT.NMANSIJIP, in a aerie of nine l.ks, by P. R. SPF.NCKK. P. K prrACKU, .ft., Trailer of Pt-nm ImM viduil in. ruction. Student enter n: tiny lime. Dip la inns uwartVd. Hi Kr Cntnt "trues rni'l Oirrn'nrs, n!! nt t!? Cti.Vije, ormtiheK IlKYANT.iSXUAT'iON A FAIltHANKS February J, ISUI. ly Phtunleljiltta. CfsxjiL'iic: acasb:mv, TOR MALES AND FEMALES. Kcv. J T. XV AM POLE. A. M., rRINCI r.I., unJ 'i'cathor of Latin, C!rcek and German Lan;u.ipo8. y.r. STEPHEN W. OWEN. Teacher o Hathemutirs nmi l'ni!iih Brnnchea. Misa CAROLINE liOMilliLE, Teacher ol Mu."ic on Piano an.J Miloilron. The funnier Session will commence on Mon iny the Kirst of April, lBfil. (iood bnarilin(j can lc hail in firivoto familif! in the villa;?, either ly the week or by the meal at reasonable price. Terms fir r.'mrtcr of elnven wceka. Cominon English Uraches, $3.00. iiighrr, " " S.00. Lr-lin orCrffk, 7.01). Mnaic, (extra), 10,00. German, (extrn, J,00. EiyAurg, Ia., March f, 18G1 tf TO ALL. f2EUSEIIlVln Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rrre ciiuuee i imv uiT'ir'i to gvi' et ihk) urtlrr TETJIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES ViiicB. Hl.ruldteiy. Acfrmn llie ctlel-ini-t Clever Street jMirrciiea icciitM cl io net.icr, .m w ii&. PBOPBIETOHS Wha be leovf to nmiuiico tliut tlity tre pieimred tUruogu lliei ' (aitlitic( mat RK3FON81BLE AGENTS, T ilistribme lUtii Kupciior bWck on (he .mutt ruaiuiiabl tcims. rnon i: vv mn Iveif f Nature nmi ihe itf.-i'.;::1. "mhI jufctlv eclelr:te I ir your tir.'Tisenee , wvulth, liltrrulify mid taslc, now is tno itmc ur!.'1 yuui t'le(tiniis imia 'i'r llKSCTll'TIVH C!TA1.0Cl'K AM) I't.ATK HOOK?, W'litoh will lie furui.lieil yn, tlimuph nur K'ChI tiuenis; niulv'Mi uuiy re(l uzisiir t-il Uiat yuur (irdcrs will be liunuru l.:y liiiinl. lrui furuiLr jianicuUr n;;Mv rn riu.Di:niciv a. iiowr, Xi:.'.SVlLLI, FA. Ol JOHN B. JON r.S. Aciit fur NfTtlium'.tcrli-.iid coun'.y. ITiri. KPFN'i:v;i-,l OIIIKI'IN, If... Inbler, N. Y. JJ 'ii. JOHN (iAi.llUM TM. f.rit-. I'.i. Cut. J. It. JOHNmiN, Mouilvilic, fa.- Februiny V, l;l. Pin B ol"T A N I) ' S Ii () E M AN IT A CTCI5 Y. Cnrner of Mm hi Square urn! R'wer Street f gIIE eiihfrrilier rcsjprtfully inlbrma tlio ciir -" zens of Siinbnry and vicinity, that lie Ins opened n Hoot and t-lme Kiu'p on the corner of M;l.vt Square an J Ifivrr bireet. ii pnnle the (Joint House, n!iere h cj:i he luui.J at ull liint a rm.!y to wait iimn custoinuru. Il'i.vine; considcrahlc cxjiciience, lie is prepared to imUo up casloiner work of all kinds, nt sliurl notice, in the latest stylo and workmanship. Ho keeps constantly on hand a large nskort ment uf Leather, of the liest qiiaiity, which cna' hies him to ni.ii.e up pood ono durahle work. Call and examine fur yourselves lielore pur chuiriiig eiaeniiCrc, and you will save mnnrv. JOHN WILYER. Sunlmry, Nov. 10, 1 ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT IY L'sING MASON'S 1'atei.t Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! 411 that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Gasket, w hich is placed out..Me upon tho shoulder of tho Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of llie fruit being injured by cum ing ill contact with the Rubber. Persons. 'esiring these Jars, can be supplied by leaving their orders with Jl. II. M Ass Ell, S-utibnry, June 8, IfefiU. Agent. iTryool pRILNG 4 GRANT, at the Mammoth Store have this day, January tilth, received and cpencd another fresh supply of DRY GOODS &nd Nution-i. Sunbury, Jnnuaiy SC, l-TJl. LOTMS, Cissimeres, Saitinets. Heavy end light weipbt Denver clnthg. Triccta, l'rosted Deavera, I'luiu liroud. clotLs. Fancy sod Dluek CnsaimerfB. COOI'F.U i: CON AH D, S. FJ corner Niuth ii ilarket etreetsi, Dec. 8, lSlill. l'liiladelphia. CKACKERS! CRACKERS, ju-t rereited and far sale by the barrel or pound, at the I oiifectionery siore of M. C. GEAR HART. Sunbury, October 13, lKill). 13LANK Parchment Paper Dead and hie.nk Mortgages, Bonds, l.xecution, Summoiis, iiC, for sale b II. U. MAEK. TIT N DOW SHADES A very fine and cheap assurimeiit, jul leceived t.y Rail road fir. in New oik. al the Mammoth store of tilling o Grant. We hive uli.ii for sale U.S. J'lilnsiu .& Go's celebrated Patent Pendulum Curuiii Fixtures. COTTAGE BIBLE lxOft SALB, cheap, thren copies nf" lbs - Cottags Bible, to two volumes, with eom- our.tss u. ii. iiAssi:;:. GREATEST EXCITEMENT 07 THE SEASON I F1UL1NG & GRANT. MAMMOTH STORE, have juit rccfivcJ a NEW AND DESIRABLE Stork of FALL cj WINTER GOODS! A very extensive tifortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Rlack and Taney Silks of very choice puttcrni DKBEGES. Ducalt, Caahmerei. French and English Merinoo, riuiu and Figured Wool Delainea. Muilin Delaines of all style and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Toil He Chcvrci. Saxou'and Wool Plaids. I -.DIES' FURS, IiROCHE, Bay State and Wool SHAWLS of every va riety, etc., &c. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casimcrcs, Satlinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweed. Velvet Cerd, Velveteen, Votings. of every variety. Oat stork of Silk and Silk Velvet Vesting, cntinot he surpasted in the coun'ry. Picasc call, and examine them. CLOTHING-! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, tins been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS, rants nnd Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coals for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -AISTTZ) CAPS of every ttyle and variety at the lowest prices. Our etoc't ofHARDWIIRE has been renew' ed end wc have now a Inrcer m--orlment than ever before ciierui! to our customers, consisting in part ol Sausage Cutter, Pocket Cutlery, llutcber Knives Mayer Hinges, Dolls nnJ Pad Locks, X Cut Saws, Mill Saws, Scoop Shovels. eVc., &c, &c, 4c-i c &c iieciivi arc mid f;iassuare? of every variety at tho VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stuck of is very fine. We liavo the best ij inlity of Syrup Molasses ever lefjm oll'cre to tho citizens of Sutil'ury and vicinity. CliDAit AND WILLOW. WARE of every vari-ty. Carpets, Notions, Hosiery, Cloves, SAI'LERY. POOTSAND SHOES, lc, &c Alsj a fresh supply uf Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Fuucy Soaps, Dye Sufis, Glass, Brushes Arc. Particular care having been taken in the se lection of our goods in regard to iiality. nyle and i rice, we call the otlci-Mon of ihe public to nur large block to which constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, wc hope to merit a cor'inuancn of the patronage of the public by selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FRII.ING ck GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, l-iUO. FILLS & RASPS Eir.-t i r and made equal to NEW, at the old stand No. 211 NEW STREFT, (near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2nd Slieet, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All wo'k done at this establishment warranted good, at a saving of Fifty p r res t. A larcu assortment of New Files, on hand Wliolesule & Retail, at Manufacturers' Pric. s. J. B. SM11H. April C, 1 SGI. 3m w NOTICE ALL persona knowing themselves indebted to ---- the subscriber, engaged ill the Foundry business, on no-, hook aecjunis, or otherwise are equetcd to settle the same without delay! Th-we neglecting this noiice must not complain it costs aie added to their accounts C. I. & J. ROHRBACH. SunliurV, Nov. 17, lKu 5, Er7ANKS ! BLANKsTf ,4 new supply of Summons'. Kxeculions, Wariauu, Suptena. Deeds, Mori-rages, Bonds, Lenses, Naturslizalinn papers, Justices ind Constables Fee Hills. .Ve.. Ar.. -.1 aii.l liWH ..! ,l.iu I 111'.-. Sunbury, April HO, lnfi. flMIN WARE A very cheap and desirable ts8ortment just received this week, at the Maminnth Store of FRII.INU & GRANT. Suubtry, Jauaary 13, 1861. NOW WITHIN EEACn OF ALL G It OYElfijll A KEKS it!! CELEBKA NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 4U5 Oiioadwat, New York. The public attention i reupcctrully aequcsted to the following cards of Elia Howe, Jr., and the Grover & Baker 8. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patent bcintf now established by tjj Court, we are enabled to the Grover cV Uokcr Machine, with imjiortanl improvements at greatly Kcdiiccri I'rires. The moderate rice at which Machine rmk" ing the Grover & Baker stitch, enn now be hail, brings them w iiliin the reaeh of nil, uml renders the use of Machine milking inferior r-titches a uiiiitTO-siiry n it is unwise. Persons ilcsirmi) the best .Miieliincs, and the rii'Jil to use them, must not only he Hire to but Machines making the Grover & linker stitch, but n'so tliit such Machines are made mid stamped under our patents and thoso of Elias Howcr, Jr. GROVE!! cV BAKER S. M. CO , 49") 1) roadway, New York. A CARD F ROM hi. IAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use ony Sewing Machine which sew from two spool mid make the stitch known ns the (inner k K Maker stitch, unless the same are purclia-cd frmn the Grover it Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agent, or Licenses, and slumped under my patentof September lit, ISlfi. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, ntu mv said patent, during the extended term there ol. to make and sell this kiud of Sew ing M uchiuc nnd nil others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. 2!. isiit). If New Arrival of Clothing. rjpHK. larr-en and best Stock of FALL AND - WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to I this place, arrived nt the Mammoth l loihing j Store of SCHU FITZEI!, 1IEIL11RONNER I St CO.. iii Maikct street, ueaily opposite ca ver's Hotel. Their Slock comprises nf FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coats, Business. Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, eVc. HATS A1STT3 CAPS. COOTS AND SHOES, of the lutest style of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete ! Their variety and styles must attractive. And the prices dify oil competition. Call and exnmine for yourselves. SCWEITZER, HEILDKONNEIi A CO. Sunbury, Oct. fi, I ffiO. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Fa. r"gHIS largo and commodious Hotel, now managed hy JAMES VAN' DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North Eust corner of Market Suuare. Suobnrv, and al the terminus of the Sunbui) -V Eiie and North- 1 cm Central Railroads, nnd is open furthe accom- modation of Travelers ami the public in general 1 1 he pripnetor will give his exclusive atten tion, totro comlorl and convenience of lus guest utid is tie crmineil to make Ibis establishment rank among the first in the .State. llij table will be supplied with tho best the mii'ket can produce having ihc aJvar.laee ol daily coliiouiiiiialion by cars direct from Balti more, and also from thue bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market rnu produce Ca-eful and obliging servants alwavs in at tendance. New and comro.-iliou stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling commuuil most respectfully solicited. Sjjnhury, J-jnnnry 12, 1801. "WIlNrT-EjR, GOODS, F O 11 M EN'S WT E A 11 . Black nnd Blue Hail Cloth, Beaver Overcoaling, Blank Doeskins, New Style Cassimere, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassiuett. SiU Mixed Coatine. Super Velvet Conls. Black Grenadine Vesling, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Pluin Silk Velvet Votings, Nice Cassimere Vesting In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. iVright Sun, who have just eceived by Railroud a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Octuber 27, IStiO. REVERE HOUSE, (LAlt: KAIil.K HOTeU..) Third Strut, above Jlnre, I'liiUuhlhhia, r.HOAUS i 8AU.OH, Propii,.i..ri. I e-vil-.A If liavelMcn made, and llie Ilouielnis j "rn .rill I liri'U-llltillt Tiloiihax V. Kiio.d., furinei Iv of lh Mulct t sa.ia, i.nui.-ri)- m 'frhuyikm cu., t'a riilliuicl-iliia. Jmii. Ill, y GENESLE SALT, WIIOi,ESA.X,E -SB HETAIL, IAILING cV GRANT (at lliu Mamniolli - Sloie,) have just received fiOO His. of Solar t.rouuil, hotar ami tine Salt. 700 Sacks of (j round Solar Salt every -.ack wavrunled l.i cuntiiin 225 pound of Salt and U0t lugs of Salt containing one Bushel each. This salt is tne lust and strong! now manufactured nnd in market. tTall and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, IMIiO. "WALL 2?J.2P11JJI 1 FRILING cV GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, ISbl received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT or THIS NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS or which tl.ey are selling at ptices that dcy coinpelnion. Sunbury, January 19, 1861- STOVES- poll SALE an excellent aecond-haud 0ok. - Inj Stove, also several Cylindar Coal Suivl Eo'pair. at this orlire. TE D THE LATEST STYLE OP O- -A. JR-lsA. EWTS, Ana tCNSTANTLV SZAXB t the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of J" A COB O. BEOK, Mai ki t Mrcct, rSll VUUUY. Ph. flHB subscriber, in addition to hit large stock 1 of CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Vesting;, &o is constantly receiving new supplies from the eitv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Goods in the city market. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of (eii'lemen s ami 4?ov s wear, such as OVEK.COAT5, DRESS-COATS, ' FROCK. COATS, BUSINESS-COATS, VESTS, r-ANTALOONS. &c.,ic.,&e., the very latest style, and in the most subatan al manner, at l,irt notice. Any (ionds Dot on hand, will bo furnished vni I'liilsdeliiliiu, tv giving two day s notice. IPS Cull and examine my stock, no charges marie lor snowing. JACOB O. DECK. Simbury, November 3 lHfid fiire Cough, Cold, Jharencti, Jujluenza, out Imtahon or Soreness ;' the Throat, Re lieve the llticliny Cotiyk ii Cntifunijilion, liron chili?, Aflhma. uud Cutarrh, Clmr and ijice strenrth to the voice of J'ulilw Speaker uuil imperil. Vow nrcnwnreof llie iiriinrla:u-e nf checking, a Couirh or '-Oiium in Coi.r' in its fust ; that wlnc-li in llie lit-ditliuiic w-iultl yit-lil to n uillil, if in-cleeKil, sunn iittai-Ks ine i. lines "Ultimo Iilfw.-SIIIIAI, IIH). lIKsl,', e-Milaiiiinir ilmul'.-eiit ingredients, ullay Pulmo nary uml liroiK-liirii iriitalion. I ''Tliiit irnnlite in my lliront, (fur wliieli Hruwn's 'l'e "'i Kl'lJllllS" nr n speeilie) liaving lliaue me 1411 u mere wniffi-ier ' TROCHES i N. P. WtlsI.H. I fwommeuu thfiruretn PubJ c ?ne.ik Drowir. ! TROCHK3.' Hrown's j H'ltOCIIKS Drnwn's I TROCI1K? Itrowii Briiwirs j TROCHKS.1 Itiown's TltOCIlKS. Drovn's rnociu. 11 Town's TKOCIll'.S. crs.' ni:v. r. n. ciiapin "Hav provcil extremely srrviceatile for tltMirpeiiffin iinv. ut;ni:y ayakd hrkchkr 'ahii'i iiiHiniit ifiifi in Hie ciiHiroMRing i;i;v a c K(.niJ;sro. 'Coiitniii iij Opium or Hnyltiiin- injuri H'l." iJl, A A II A l KS. CtltTHIISt, Hi li toil "A Biinple nrd pleacnnt ctimlnti:iiifii tor DR G F UiGELoV, IltlStt'll. "Uencficiul iji Rrourhitii ' Dll J F W LANK, Host on "I tinvr pr.ived tliein excellent fur Whoop ing CoulIi." : EtVIIWWARRKN, i iltiflfitn. nrncfichil vhn compelled tu ipeuk, fuflenng from tVlil." ! i!EV Si P ANDERSON, ! ?t. I-.UIU. ' l'fTectufil in rrtniwinf (IcKiiirneu mu! iriititii'in tif Hie Ttinat, so coiuinuii with Speaker nntt timij.'r " l'rul .MM Ati JIMI.!UN, xinine, (i i., Tenchpr of M nxir, Suthem Keimtlf Collr't, ,:ire:.l hp'it fit when tnkr i hcfoie mid Itrown's TROCHES, iifii-r preit'-hir-c, nst!ii' previ-nl IltmifltMifos I nun tneir p.iyi utrct. I Hunk (ney will be of perumiiL-iit aitvi-ri'. t" mh ' m:v K iMiuu'.v.AM., Presultiit nf Athens Coil'V.', Tenn. V7T Sil I liv nil Druj-ii litis nt i2j emitau Ui Hmwn'i TROCHES December &,1t-00. Gu'.pl --7-EVANS & WATSON'S ltM Vhilad.lphia Manufavfd ttishiif-o. ao-l Clusnut Street, s -, I lllL.niJ'.l.l IIIA. f purse. P.ift-s are now in use nil over the I'nitiit States, J oial hnve lieen ti-stcd in many tires; llie following sli'iws nnolUcr instaia-e ol lln-ii eaiwilal ly in resisting fue; WiTMEn's ItmriGK, ) I.nneaster Township, July 30, I960. J Klrl. Kvans .V Wat.-on, (Jt-iiileuieii : The sinali size No. Sntilniui'lt-r Nife wliieli 1 pnrelmsed from ynnr n)-etit..Mr. Adieu It. Ilirr, in Lancaster City, on Jnly ymh, K'.'iS, has lieea sulijeclt-d lo a very severe test, w hich it w-it!is'o,Hl in a most satisfnelory iiianner TlusSnfc, -.-oii-taluin-r all lliy liouk-i, tocelher with viiliiaMfpnprrsttflon---ei to iiiyK'-ll' niul some to i"y eei-rtitior-i mri fnniils. and repTHeiiiincr n value oi over Twenty Thousand Uoliars, (Si-MI.CIHI) wn in e.iy Mill, wliieli w'as ile.troy,-d oil llie ni-rlil In llie 'JTtii of .lidv. l-tio.iuid priEsed lluou-jli llietieiy oril'-'ll ii:iH-ii!hril, 'i'lieSul-- was on llie St e-'llil floor, uud lellto tlie lia-a-inenl nl'tlie M ill, and was fnlijecled for six limns toati intense lieiitiiinoni; the ruins, whieh wasirreally in,T.-:ist d h ttie eoinlnisli hi "of a lame quaulilv uf -iiain r-iiilineit v.'itlou llietnn-k witls. Atler tlietiie the f-nfe v .1 op-'iii'tt ,u,.t th. h ioks te.iil wiper taken oat in a statu of pert'e'-l pr-'S-Tvn' ion, (lie paper not ev.-n lit-iu-i iliFeolor etl. Tiu-irarf was. however, lo many lA-sUiuders, lirller reeoi,iiu--i,.t.iliiin of niirKiies lliaa eould he exjuessed in a.:v uo..-r e.- "il-i iroin me. Yours, respeellully, SAMfKI. RANCH. Another Yictnnj for Erant and Watson's Sulaiimndcr Sne. O.w-Roo, N. Y., March 47 lcf)n. flentlenieil It n(T'ri!s me nnu-li plenure to inform you that II;. !-afe No .'i, (upnelil) w-lileh 1 purehased of' II. Slrouil, your loivi-lui!- iii-ut, ims pa.sed throuch an ex ernlin.'!v hoi tire in iii .n i- srorv hrii-k lilllldiuir. w loeh healeil llie at-; to n w Lite heat, so thai the eorueis of it appear melted; lint It presi-rveil my I, nk and vnlnnhle pniisrs lo the iiiuoiiut of several thoussud dollais, for wliieli I It:-I Ihankuil. Yours, respi-elfnlly, J. N. F.I.DRIDGK. IT I l-ire! ass Tim--,. t f the above S U KIi alwais on haial a oliesaiil street, (late 21 houlli FourlU St., I'hiln.l.lpliia. ' Hetola-r 0, IsGO. ty LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR GASH. 41" TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received tJjET from Philadelphia a large stork of EOOYS & SHOES. His stock consists of Gon'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots, ChilJrea'e Cull' Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Luce Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Loots. ul nf which he will sell cheap for CASH. Cull and examine lor yourselves. ALSO, first quulity of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Suiilitiry, January 7, lfif.0. SU.NBUllV STEAM FL0UKIKG rJ"xHE subscribers having taken possession of liis first dais FLOURING MILL, are pro pared lo receive- rjr.iin uf u kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Noiice. Customers will have their grists crouud immediately upon their being li !t at the Mill. As it is the inien. tiuu of the firm to stock the Mill a lurge Sup ply ot Grain, will he constantly kept ou hand, and flour by the ijaautity can always be obtained. The greatest cam will be taken to turn out a su' peri -r ipiality of flour, fur which Ihe mill is ad mirably adapted. Sirict ottention will be paid to tne wants ol customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. t. , T MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June 23, I860. DR. A. W. FISCHER, IFF Ells his professional services to the citi w xens of Sunbury ami vicinity, OMire at the Drug Store. Suiiuury, June ill,, 1830. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. rHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery 4 miles east of Sunbury, .11 ku.j, of ,!,' aie, made out of Hed lenient Clay. This cUy produces the beet and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is le.s liable to crack by eudden heal and cold. The subscriber refers to Hunkury. Address, Friling i Grant, .3 irn . JSEPH 8AV"G!S. '3. If CO ly Sunbury. Oct. 0 t)T8 A MIOES, fanO purchased at ihe Mammoth Store of Friline A- fir.o, cUeap,as we are determined not to be undersold by sny body, tall ami leant the li.l of prices (ot yourscJvee. FRILINU & GRANT. Suubnry, January IS, ISC1 ' 'f )PEClflC( HEAR WHAT TEK PEOFUt IAT. Th mvlewt-me-t tiivtnf tte.1 Vrnfnmnr HCMPnRrTS- SI'KOIFIO IIOMiKOPATlllO RKMKLNK8 In our fralllS) with the mo saUrolory results, anil n-itirif mu c-iii-i-(Unos In their trnnlnene, nrlt-r, anil .mciwy, ehesrfull-r rcsommsnil Ihom to nit persons who wish to have ssfs, rs rlihle, and eluc-ulous rttnedles at hand tor private of do'i use. m . Tin Iter. Wm. It-smwr, eilttot of Ttit Worttisrn Imlsj. nernlnit," Anhnrn, N. Y. ; th Rev. B. II. CrtMer, D.D., llcuir of . IVtor's Cliarch, Auburn, N. V. t tht Kev. B. L tres, Oliaplnln of Hit Auburn Slate PrtMo; Die Rv. Silencer M. Rlee, Rector, New-IWdforil, Miun. t the Kv. Allen Steele, New-York Conference the Rev. Bimuel Nli-hols, Onnferenee, N. Y. s tlie Iter. P. B. Prsll, rinrset, Vt. ; tlie Rev. John K. RoW, IliirTalo ; A. 0. Hurt, Knq., flt.ta, N. Y. , the linn. Neat Dow, Portland, li. o,n llmt. A-hm-ler Cnlrnx. Hnutti-tlenil. Ind. l the Mon. Omtrne tliimphrevsi N. V. ! Henry D. Cook, Ksn.., Kdltor of The OMo stats journal, Oolumbm, Ohio , the Hon. R. II. tlnilism, M.illne, III.; Ihe Hon. Thorns. J. Chase, Monti, cello, KU the lion. Joseph lleneiltct, Utica, N. Y. ; Vf ax. Ilrlrtol, Ki lltlea, N. Y. ; A. 8. Pond, 11., L'tlca, N. Y. I J,ml I'luukett, , , NashTille, Tenn. LIST OP CPKCIFIO ItKMEOIES. Jin. 1. Por Fever, Conffestton, and Inflammallon. Nn. 9 For Worm Fever, Worm Calle, Vetlln ths Bed. No. 8. For Colic, Crylnir, Teclhlnir, and Wakefulness of Infant.. . . N. 4F,,r Dlarrtiea, Cholera Infantum, ana Bummer Complaints. No. ft. For C die, Orlplnps, Prtentery, or Tlloody F1n. f(o. a. For Cholera, Cholera Slorlius, Vomiting. No. T. For Couchs, Cold., Inflnenia, ami Sore Tliroat No 8. For Tooth-ache, Faee-ftehe, and Neuralirta, N. g t'ur Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullutss of the ii,.,.. No 10 Drsntpsu pn.i. Por Tfeak an! DeranBrd Stomach,, nnd l.lver Oomplalnt. No. 11. Pern Fkmals IansocLnniiM, Scanty, Painful, or Sapprewed Periods. No. 11 For beueorrliea, Trofuie Menses, and Pearlna Down of Femate.. . 13 For Croun, ltoarse Conch, Pad Breathing. No. 14. Salt Itimen Pills Fir Krysipelas, Eruplloni. Pimtiles on the Face. No. 15 IIiiki'M itic Piu.. Ft Pain, Lameness, or Sore ness In the Chest, Hack, leiins, or bimlit. A For Fever am'. Aifno, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OM MLmanaireil Av'ne... ... . p Knr Piles, lllind or Plee ttne, Internal or External. O. For Sore, Wenk, or Inlliuned Kye. sod Kyelids; Fait Inc. Weak, or lllurred SiKht. C For Catarrh, of louir itandinir or recent, either with obAtrtirtein or proluse dist-liar(iir. W. C For Yv lumping Coui;li, abating lu violence and BhorteuinK Its eout de. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, lrmip, Rheiunntlsia. nisi such erup tive diseases as Hi a'rlet lever. Mealies, and Krislpelas, the advantage of philur the proper remedies promptly is ob vious, and in all such cases the speeltics act like a cliarin. The entire disease is often am sled at once, and In all cases Ihe violence of the attack is nmilernled, the disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous. CoukIib and Colds, wtd'-h are nf .'ich freipicnt occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation id diffused Inn, bronclillis and consumption, may all be at once cured b Uie Fever and Couch 1'ilis. In all chronic diseases, such a. tiespepsln, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Mrer Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and Irreinilarities, eld Headaches, H ue or Weak Fc, Cal-arrh, Salt lliieum, and oilier old ernpllon., the ease has specifics whose proper application will iifTord a cure in almost every Instance. Often the cure of a simile olu utile ditlieulty, such as Dy.pepsia, Piles or Catarrh. Meada'.he or Female Weak Bess, has wore Uian paid fur the case ten limes over TRICK. Case of 20 vials complee. In moroeeo, and Book $?l Case of 20 vials, ami Hook, plain Cnse nf 1ft numbered boxes, and Ib-ok Case nf 6 boxes, numbered, and Hook 1 F'uik'le numbered boxes, nilti directions Cft cents. fiilinie ictu'rid ba,s, ith .lire. tion .'SI cents. Large case of If ex. viuls, for planters and physicians... ,15 AIJ'O Sl'l'ClrlCS. Fob Astn-jv oa PiiTiusir Oppressed. Diticult, Labored nr.alliioc, attended with Couith and Kxpcctoraliou. Price, &U cents imT box. Foa Kak Asn lKrxi-a. Pls.-tiarees from Ihe, the result of rVnrlct Fever, Mi-a.h-s, or Mercurials. For Noises in the Head, llardues. ol Henrluir, and Hinging In the K.ars. and Kar achi-. Price, .V cents per box. For Scaori l.A Knlaree I I, lands, Knlarveil ami Indurat ed Tonsils, Hwelltli'.n and Old Lh-ers, Scrofulous Cachexy ol Children. Price. Ml cents per lu x. For tiv.SkRAI. Unnll .nr.- Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either the sesult of Siekne.., rxees-ive M.--lication, or Kx haitstinjt Discharees. Price, M' cents per box. Fos Diiopsy. F'.uid Accai'iulations. Tumid SiVeitlnjrs, with Scanty Secretions. Price, Mi cents pir box. For fK-mi.-Kse.s.H. Ib-allily Ki-ku"W, Verttttn, Nausea, Voniltiny. Sickness rroin ri.lin- or motion. Price, 50 cents '"i-'oH rawsar". For Crave!, P.enal Cnleull, Diftl cult, Painful Urination, Hiseasos i f tlie kiiduess. Price, fa) cens tier box. Foa 5. -Mi i. Fmissiosa tnvolunrsry Ilcliarpes nnd Consequent Prostrate. n and htbilite. Had Kesuitsof Kvll Hiibits. The in-ist suceessfal and e:ticient reined v known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Pri.e, with full dlree- .',... ftl i,ir box. PersHM lio nish lo place ttiemselves under the profes. sloruil care, or In seek advice of Prof. Ili-vienssvs, can do so, at bis oll.ce uroauvtay, uauy iroiu s .v.n. vo o i-..u, or by letter. ofu nKvr.DiES hy mail. Look over Ihe list; make up a ease of what kind you etioose, and inclose the amount in a current Hole or stumps bv mail to our address, at No. :-l.-2 lli-oadwny, ew-l oik, niul llie medicine iil be duly returned by mail or express, tree nf child's. AtiP.STS WANTF.n. Wedesire an active, efficient Acent for the sale of our Koinedie.-i in evtry town or coiuinuiiity lu tl! United States. Address Dr. F. llL'MPIIItF.YSt Cu. No. !i2 LhoAUWAV, NKW-Ya,. A. W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. May 20, IHiid ly ANOTHER ARRIVAL O 1; NEW GOO D S, J. II. i:GCL.. of Ainilmry, Pa., I AS itist arrived w ith splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SL'MM KU GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites Ins friends and the Public to call and inspect he will spare no time in showing them. Anions his stock of goods will befouud, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FPkSlTCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy t'asimeres '1 weeds. Sat- inetts, Jeans, Black Italian t'loth, Cashmeretle loltouade. Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check and Fa'cy V esting, alo a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Beretics, I'hali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes. Figured Brilliant and a variety of o her Dress Goods, Spring and Stun mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of while goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant esc. general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a la rite stock of Hats and Caps, Boot and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil 1 ar &c. Sic. N. B. Wall and Window Paper. Floor end Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will lie sold at low prices for rash or country produce ta en in exchange lor tiootte. J. II. ENGEL. Sunhury, May. 19, 18(10. tf. II A H ft 1 S palyti: KJ, H 1 1 o v n r )) at & a to MARKET SQUARE, STJNB URY, FA. June 2:), 18UU. New Air Line Route TONE "W "YORK. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cilies nf EWVOBK ANDHAB..ISBU G. VIA READING, AM.KNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Kx press West leaves New Vorkut S a. . and ruiiaueiphm nt e a m , arrives at lluirislain at 12 5 p con seeing at Huinslulig with train on Northern Central Road lor riuubury, IA iliuiinHrl, Lurk Haven and iuler meiliute stulious. Mud Tram West leaves New York at 13 iioon, and Philadelphia at 3 do p. m., coiuievtine with limn on North. eriiCeutiul Hood lor siatiiuis us ulsive, uud also uu ail trn.nsoii the Wilhauisport mat Kluura. Mail Tinin East leaves llurrisbuig at S, a m , and ar rives at Philadelphia at 1 p. u , and New Y"ik at 3 30 P. M., lu time tu Lake Isait oreaia for Host Ac. KaM Express East leaves ll.irrisl.ue al I 15. on amvnl nf Northern Central Timiii, and itruves at Philudelphiu at 6 IS r M . aiuf New Yoik attfr. m. Noehan.eof cursor luugaga bttweea New York or Plldadelpluuaiul llurrisbui. Kill Im-UUIV Uf M-Mleri-uod Inml s.wnf.n, on. I M..w.n.A- dalion, tins route praseuut superior inducements lo the MBVCOIIR pillHIG OflipeiuNew York, font isT Csiurlland street, Plillailel. phin, Uroad and Cnllowhill streets. between New York and llarrisburg FIVE DOL Fur Tickets; Freight or other Information, apply tn ., , , . l i- CLYDE, Ceucral Agent. Harrlslaiig,funeKI, 1660 y ALFRED D. BRICK'8 UNITED STATES AXD EUROPEAN PATENT OFFIOB, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. N . B.T-Communicalione by mail promptly attended lo. epttl, J88Wljt 1 KI0HLY IWrOBT ANT NEWS M. C. r., I, i I ART, Use returned wnli a new Slock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. TT seems as if a new age, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart lo nobler deed and higher aim! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek lo develope sub limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new In fluence and every part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated hy the enthusiasm which prcvadea all classes, and desirnos of doing hi share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo. pie or SUN BURY end the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel. tibia with the largest and choicest stuck of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section nf country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionerie. &c , o fill up orders, wbolesa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among Ms stock of Confectionaries, may oe found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, atl kinds of scent, Hunted Almonds, Love Drops, Cremn White, Mint Drops, red and white, " laimm Jelly Cakes, ' Rose, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla, (Hick Candle, of all scents Common Seel els. Rook Candv, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. rtnnanns, Prunes, Dales, r ie, Currunte dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raisnns, Nuts nf atl kuids LEMON SYltUI' of a superior qunlily, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and I obncco, and a variety nf Confectionaries, fruit. I oys, Ac, all nf which i ollercd cheap at wholesale or retail. 13 Remember the) name ami place. rj M. COKAKHAKT. Market St., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Sun's store. Sunburv, April 14, I860. ly lC.SSZ?fc'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 159 and 60, By E. KETCH M cV CO., 20 Pearl-Street, New-York. 'IHE only Freeier ronstrucle -- principles, with a revolving i onstrucled on srieniiflc can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens Hie freezing of the cream the other removes it as last as frozen. The most rapid in frecxing. with ihe least quantity of ice. 1 he moat economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. r or sale tu ull the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re ripes and full direction. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, I I quarts, 2(1 quarts. Apply tu H. B June 2, I M(HI. $3 00 4 (10 5 (10 G 00 8 00 12 00 MASSER, Sunbury. 18G0. THE BEST ROUTE F It O M 1860 Wyoming Valley to I'lillndclplila, ! lew VoiU, ISaltiiuure, AND ALL rOI.XTS NORTH, SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA & DL00MSBURG RAILROAD. STJIYIMEn ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passeoser Trains will be run between Seruntoa auu Noittiumiieiiaiid, as loiiuws; MOVING SOUTH i Leave l'lul'aMail. N. Y Ha. Scrautoii, C 10 A. At. 4 Si P. M I Ailiveut I PitfsPni, S SS 4 5.1 Kmitslou, 7 US A SO Miiekstoiuiy, ? Ml 6 t!5 uerwiek, b 0 .V) Ulianusbuig, H 60 7 U llUieil, 0 (;U 7 40 Danville, (I 21 t 10 Nortliuiuberlnnd, lu uu s IS MOVING NOHTII: Leave N. Y. Ex. Pliil'a Mail. Northumberland, S 3U A. M. 4 IS 1. Al. Arrive at Danville, S 05 8 -20 It ipctt, C 35 I SO i:tinnshurg, 6 4j t U0 llerwiek, 7 15 6 3S Sluekshuniy, 7 15 1 05 Kindlon, H .111 7 45 Pulsion, 6 67 S IS erauton, U 2.1 b 45 The l.-iekawnnna and Bl-sausburg Railroad connects woli tiie Delavv-ire. Iiekavvaiinn and Western Itnllroad, al Ssi-ranfou, for New York and I'hlUidelph.a, and liitenue dialc points 1-iast ; ols-i for Ijrent lleini, Hiu(itiauiloil, Svraeuse., Niagara l-'alls. and ail important points West. At Hapell 11 connects with the Callavvissa Had road, for siiul both England West. Al Noithuililieilaild it e iluieets vvilh Ihe Suuhury and Erie Haltrond. 101 poiuls West nndSiulli. ,M. '.V. JACKSON, S-up't. Kingston, Augult j"), ISO". 1SC0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1S60 XEW YOlUv LliM:S- CAMUKV 9t AMDOV AND WllLADr.lsnilA AND TKI'.NTON KA1LROAD CO.'d I .INKS, From 1'hilaJelithia to Kew York und Way I'tuct. From Walnut Prect VhmT und Keutingtim Depot, riiibtlrlpliia, will leave lit 'oliuwi, lit WaK.. At 0 A M mu CumJt 11 ami Anittoy C V A Arctuu- niHi:itiii:i, f j 9,1 At 0 A M, viu Cnnnlt-n and Jcney City -New Jer ty iininttl;ilii iit 9 a 5 At U A M, viu Cuindti. and Jrriey city Moniinj Mail, 3 00 At I li A M, vin Kensington und Jtfsey city, Yc li-i 11 Kxnn'vH, 3 00 At 124 ' x 111 t'lMnJen and Aniivy, tictmini Kt ition $ '5 At 'i T Al, via Camden und AniU)-C ai.d A. Kx- pre, 3 no At4J V M, viit'Keiieiiiptoii, &ud Jenny city, Kve- iimi? Kxpiraa, 3 00 At4i I M, viu Kciiaiiigton nnd Jeury cilr, M CIkni Tn-kct, g At ti I My via Lumueii Jfc jerRcy city'ning Ainu 3 1 0 At II I M, vih Ciiindeii uml Jersey ciiy Suilt Mail i At ft 1 Jl. vih tuiiiiitii end AnilHty Aer)iiiiit.ii- tMii. (t leiybl und ratuciitjcr,) 11 cluw ticket, t iid " I 5i The 6 P. M. Mai! Una rum daily. The U S.)ultirii IMtui faturd.iyi exrepletl. Fnr Ucivuiere, Kutinn, rieininelon, Ar, nt 6 A.M., fr'nn Wainul street wliarf und ji. .M , from lveniiii;t n Kor Maiielt Thunk, AUent'ivvn und Uellileliciu, ut t, A M, vm lA'liiiih Vallev K tilnunt. Vox Water liap, HinuHlalmrK, Scnititiin, t IkfStlKtrre, M'lnirote, Great ltcntl, Ac. nt 6 A M, viu Delaware, lu-h,:ii ainia 11 1 id etilfru laiim:nl Fur rreehtil.t. at 6 A. M mill j I'M. For Mount I lolly, at tt und 0 A M , and 4, and r. all. WAYUXK8, For nritlot, Trenton. &c.. at 3 and 41 F. M.. from Kentitikion. I'Vr TaUnyrrt. Delunco, Reverly, Durlingttm, Btrrien tovvii, Ac, nt nod l-H. M. Fifty itniU hi li ireae only, nllwetl nteh patteufef, rnfctVMcra are pudnhiud frin lukmr anytliiini hi lim- fHiir hut. (heir npiurei. aii lia'iice over nity I'l'Uihla tn In rwiitj fiir extra. Tlie CNiiiiNny limit then refiptMiiilnlily 6r DaxiMge M hie Dollar per pnuial, and will not I Imlile loi nv uinount l;yimu 1UU lJoiljia, ex cept by aperml (imirnet WM H OATMF.R Afieni C. k A. R. R Co Fe!ruary 18. I Ml IIEGEIMAN & COS CtliDlAL KL1XIU OF C A L I S A Y A BARK Prepared only by HF.UF.MAN h CO., Wholesale and Iletaii Chemists and Druggists, 161, 3U0, 51t and 1M Uroudway, New Yuik. rpilFvirtuesofPKKUVIAnAKKaaa Tonic have Jt been too lour k.niwii to need coinuieul. The C AI.ISAY A C or Knur's Ban,1-') is Ihe most vulu- ahleoflhe nuiner us vuiiefies of the Peiuvun hark, uial in the Kl .1 XI tt is canlaued Willi other iiiKrevlieuls thai increase its eftieoey uisl at the same time ovcrcvuue the inieiuoy ui iu buicf, renvieruif it a most Aarceublc Cor dial. For persona hviur in FKVF.R ami AGl'F distiiels, it will lis found iuvalusble asa preventive. Half ofawiue gluss full lakeu night and Inoinuig, leuderiuit Ihe syslrui much less subject to the auheaithy inlluence ol the atinue pBr. )IKnCTIO.!iDnee for an adult, half a winegUsi full before breakfast and dinner ; children fiotu one to two leu.piuus lull; II may be lakeu wua uc witboaia Intlc water Kor sale at this office. March 17, It-Un FRII.IXO cV GRANT hsve just received bv railroad lha largest assortment of QIHCENS WARE and CLAKSWABE ever brought Sunb iry. Also, a fresh supply or DRY UUODS, eonstslin af Spring Drsa Goods, Prints. Must, lias aol Notions. arj T. X9M. NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, WO. I MARKET UTRF.ET, BUNBCRT, fA. Fl'HE subscriber has just opened at hte well JL known establishment in Sunburr, one of thai heaiestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that Ims ever been offered in the place, and which no will ecll for CASH or exchange for Omuitry Produce. Those desiring tu purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. Alt Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, lleautiful rr Robes, Cashmerea, Shaded, .Plain and Striped must he seen to form an idea of the extent ami variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls rhila-t and Mrorhe Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Eatinnt. For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Caesimeres, Fancy Cassimerr. aide Mripea heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kind ..-i , FLANNELS, W lute and Red Flannel, all grades and prices. Bay Slate Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltioa. READY-MADE CLOTIILNQ Dools and Shoes, Hats and Cnps, Ac, de., all of which were selected with great care, anil will compare favorably , as regarda quality, style and price, with any in the country. 1IAUDWAHK, full nsfurlinent. Wood and Willow Ware, Quccnswnre, of nil descriptions, Groceries, a full Block in store, Carpet Chains. eVc, Faints, Oil, (floss, Dye StulT. Thankful for Ihe patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to plrase all who msy favuf him w nli their custom in the future. Sunburt.Oct. 2-1, I8'9. ROCKEFELLER & B0YER. Attorneys at Law SUNBUBY, FA.. A. .lord tin ItocKt-reller and Solomon II. Iloyt'l, respectfully announce tji. ihey entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue tu attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Noiihumberlaiid, Union. Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and ca refill ly. Special at tention will be given to ihe COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be bad in live GERMAN language. OlhVc, MiirketSlrcet, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, lNfiO. EilPOIRITJIM:. PIHE undersigned having leceived a large and X well selected stork of rare Drugs und Chemicals, Dyeslttfl's, Oil. Puints, Glass and Putty, is now ready lo fill ordersat a moments notice. In connection with the above yuu will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet brides and Peifiimeiy of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nail and Clothe Brushes of every variety. Customer will- find his slock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here lo enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of inc jiuniuiry American. Physicians' Preciipltons compounded aocurale Iv and carefully. A. XV. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2i, I8S9. P. MELANCHTON SIIINDEL. jJlSTH.i; OF TIIK I'EACB, STJ3STBTJRY, FA.. j Ojjict in Deer Street, immediately opposite tht Public School House. All uusiness promptly attended to. Muuics olleclcd and all ordinary writings done. Sunhury. Anril 25. IS57. if HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT XiAW. VJJict opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberlantl County Pa. lol" aiiPkHion lo tusitiess in ftdioii,ig .ounlies. WHOI.nSAI.E DEALER IN' BRANDIES. WINES, GINS.&C. riUIE SMbscriber having opened in 'I'bompsou's Urick Uuildin?, Mill street, Danville, a larnu and camplcte stuck of FORKKJN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, emnprisins the best brands of Urun,lics. Cin, Old Rfe, Scotch and Irish Vbi!,ey. I'orl, Nhcrrv, Maderia, (.'hampacne nnd other Wines of all RrudeH, all of" which will be sold Wholesale nt (he lowest city prices. Tavcrn.kcppci by bu) iinjof us can save at least the lr. Persons desirous of purc!u-iu lienors for FA M I 1. y Ks 1;. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. . ttT Hrinir. determined to . stablisb a reputation lor M-HhiR cheap he respectiuilv solicits the pa ironnqe of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. 1FREMI.MI S. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, Irfiu. INGRAINED CARPETS, AT AMFACTI -RKDandferfliilehv J. p,iP,r r,. HX I.e-Vnnill and tlell, wrll's Hiiililin(r, Norlh l--0ti coiner, Second und Kace streets rhiladeiihiu COnns GUARANTEED. OclUer !i7, I6S0, J - c - ' V'n... .1. I) I " V cutt; uiu i .errs j ' Asaceidents will happen, even in well rejulainl fami lies, il is very de.irnble lo have s.nnc eneap uad eouveiuei way for repuiiiug Furniture, t oys. Cr ckery, die. SPALDING'S PIvEPAED GLUE meets all such emergencies, mat no househo'd out nlTi-roi lo las without it. It i ill wavs ready uud up rothe n.e.our polnl. 'I here IB no longer a ueeersily for blllplng chairs . splinters veneers, headless dolls, and broken ciailies It la just the urliele for e 'lie, hhv II, and m lift ofiiuMieiitatl v wrk uo f tputar with lidieH ( it-finemiit mid laste. ' Tin jt.iininil.le p eiwiiiitioii m uned t Id Ik-mn clirnnrnllr held lu slulloii,iiiul I tiMi itsiii); nli tlie vn'unl.u- qualt.ei ot tf.e Ik-st caltntet-iiiaks'r'a (slue, li may t ,1, tlt lac of ordinary mueisape, .who; vufl uaire sdrienve. FHKFri. IN KVKHY IIUl SK N. B A Urufeii acc mirvinies each Untie. Frice a 5 cents. Wholeaola Depot, No 4 CerMr ttreet, N'ew vrk AddreM, HUNUV C. M'AI.DING A CO.. ' D.-x S'KtMbo, aNrwvJrif. Put up for Dealera in maaron'mimi? Foif Ficnt. and Twelve Dozen a l.niuiilui Utli'rupmc fttoiv Curd ac eoMipatiyins rarh package. lV A siuiile bottle ot v(.(mp' Preated fllue vvililuvt teti times ua coul uununll lo rvery li.uieli"ki. Aiidliv nil pM'rtiiueiii hiiiiioiteist, Di upK', Hard wait ami Furniture Dealern. (irtN-era, unit Fancy tSuiits. Country Merchaiiti li uld nmke a u ie ol SpalsJint'a preprtreil tilue. wiieu they iuuk up l4isui Wl land any climate For xale al tliia oflic. Mar'h Iff MHl tr roll SALE. rpVO LOTS situate in Market street, in lha town of '1'revorion. N'os. I and IS, in block No. fltl. Apply to WM. (iAL'(;LtR, Seliu.. tr"v- ' II. H. MASSER. Sunburv. rjSEFl'l. IN ALL FAMILIES-HEtsKMAN cV CU'S Benzine, which removes paint spots erease, Ac, 4 c, and cl.ans gloves, silks, riblmns, 4c, equal lo new, without the slightest injury lo color or fabric. Sold bv all Druggists, also atlhia office. S3 cents per bottle-. a fOV'S BOOT and MIOKN, cheap for cask . WM. MlLl.KR'C uat'tary, iuf.J tl .,