NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL CUOYEll $ UAKKIt'S CELEBRATED N.O ISELES8 Sewing Machines, 495 DnoAUWAT, Nkw York. The public attention is respectfully jequested to tlie following cards of Elias Howe, Jr., nd the (irovrr & Baker 8. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Fstents being now ' established by tjg Courts, we aru enabled to furnish the (irovcr & Baker Machine, with important improvement at greatly Kcduced Prices. The moderate price at which Machines mak ing the ti rover & Baker stitch, ran now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Grover & Baker stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Eiias Hower, Jr. ' GROVER & BAKER 8. M. CO., 49S Broadway, New York. A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned net to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Grover & 8 Baker stitch, unless the same are purchased from tha Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and stamped under my paterflof September 10, 1846. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own palent3,,ani tny said patent, during the extended term (here of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. S3. I860. tf rniXAELlIIIA COLLF.GE.' S. E. corner of Seventh and Chesnut Streets. This Is cne of EIGHT COLLECTS, CONSTITUTING THE "NA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED Iff Philadelphia, New York City, Albany, Buffalo, Cleve land, Chicago, and St. I,ouis. Scholarships cull be pur chased ut either point, good nt all the Colleges. THE COLLEGIATE COURSE embraces Double mid Sinple Knlry Hook-Keening, Com mercial Computations, Commercial Law, Ptntnunshlp, Business Correspondence, Partnership Settlements, etc. PRACTICAL, TEXT-HOOKS. The in the Book-Keepingr Department it mutt ly from written manuscript forms, with oiul mutt actions lectures, and Mack-board elucidations ; in uddition lo which, iri order to make the Collegiate Course ns thorough and effectual as possible, the following Text-Hooks huve been prepared : Hryunt A Slruttnii't Book-Keeping, in three editions Common School, High School, and Counting House; Ury ant Ac Stratton's Commercial Arithmetic; Bryant Stratum's Commercial Law, by Amos Deun, L.L D. 8PENCERIAN SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP, inn series of nine books, by P. R. SPENCER. P. It SPENCER, Ji.. Teacher of Prnnwiishlp, Irnii. vidual instruction. Students enter at any time. Hiplo rnus awarded. For Catalogues and Circulars, call nt the College, or address BRYANT, 8TRATTON & FAIRBANKS February Si3, lbfll ly Philadelphia. War! War! War! COME FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM HIE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, for now is the time to get your Lumber cheap. Ves, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! can be purchased at low rates at the STEAM SAW MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, SUNBURY, PA., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding, Shingles from $3 to 8 per thousand, Mastering Lath, Paling, Roofing Lath, Vc, &c. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at iho shortest notice. IRA T. CLEMEAT. Sunbury, March 9, 18C1. IjYS11X'IEC acaoiimv, FOR MALES AND FEMALES. Rev. J F. WAMPOLE. A. M., PRINCI PAL, and Teacher of Latin, Greek and German Languages. Mr. STEPHEN W. OWEN, Teacher o Mathematics and English Branches. Miss CAROLINE RODRIGL'E, Teacher of Music on Piano and Melodeon, The Summer Session will commence on Mon day the First of April, IH6I. Good boarding can be had in private families in the village, either by the week or by the meal at reasonable prices. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks. Common English ttraches, $3,00. Higher, o,H0. Latin or Greek, 7,00. Music, (extra), in'.OO. German, (extra, Jt00. Elysburg, Pa., March gci tf TO ALL THOSE IIATIXG Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance it now afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vines. Shi uhbery, c, from the celebrated Clover fttrtwt hursetiea Located at Rochester, New Yolk. aicatsi's, Mount;, uuo ru cus, PBOPBIETORB Who beg have to announce that they are pieiwrad thlougli their qualified and RESPONSIBLE AGENTS, To distribute their supciiur stock on the mutt ruitoiiahl terms. PEOPLE OF Til H KEYS T CITE STATE. 1iveie of Nature and the beautiful, and justly celebrate lor your intelligence, wealth, lilierahty and laale, now is the time to make your selections from our DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG I RAND PLATE BOOKS, i Inch will be furnished you, through our local agents; and you may real usauicd thai yuui uiders will tie liouore L'y filled. For further particulars apply in FREDERICK A. HOWE, Or JOHN B. JONES, "UDV'LU' Atfcutlor Northumberland eounty. REFBRENOE8: Itoa. K.RF.NKZEH ORIFFIN, Itorhuaier. N. Y. Hon. JuIlN UAI.HKAlTH.Krie, Ha. Col. i. H. JollNnllN, Meudvihe, Pa. February 1, lool flin COTTAGE L1BLE3. F OR SALE, cheap, tbree copies' ef the CotUga HiWe, in two Tolamni, with com- oiBDtant. U. B. MA.SbLH. GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE SEASON t FWLING & GRANT. '. at tin .f " MAMMOTH STORE) have just received a KEVV AND DESIRABLE Stock of FALL 5j WINTER GOODS! A very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Dlack and Fancy Silks of very choice patterns.' DEBEGES, Ducals, Cashmeres. French and English Merinos, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil Do Chevres. Saion'and Wool Plaids. I ..DIES' FURS, BKOCHE, Bay State and Wool 8HAWL8 of every va riety, etc., 5tc. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Caaimeres, baltinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vesting!. of every variety. Our stock of Milk and Silk Velvet Vesting, cannot be surpassed in the ountry. Please call, and examine them. CLOTHING ! Our stock of KEADY MADE CLOTHING, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -A-ISTID CAPS of every Mylo and variety at the lowest prices. Our stock of HARDWHRE has been renew' ed and we have now a larger assortment than ever before eflered to our customers, consisting in part of Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut f-nwa, Mill f-'uws, Scoop Shovels, &c, Ac, Ac, (5 c, ic, Ac. liuecm.rnre and Glassware, of every .variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of GROCERIES is very fine. We have the best quality of Syrup Molasses ever before otlere to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WAKE of every variety. Carpets, Notions, Hosiery, Cloves, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, 4c, &c Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Class, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, &o. Particular care having been taken in the ee lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and vrice, we call the attention of the public to our lame stock to which Cftnafflnt n.ldilirtna nrill be made Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public by sellirg cheaper than ever. Uive us a cali before pur hading elsewhere. FRILING & GRANT. jPunbury, Nollemlier 17, 1H60. HOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and Rlcer Street sunxriBTTiFt-'sr, MP HE subscriber respectfully informs the riti- lens of Bjutihury and vicinity, that he his opened a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and Hiver street, opposite the Court House, where he can lie found at all times reauy to wail upon customers. Huving considerable experience, he Is prepared to make up customer work of all kims. at short iimice, in me istest stylo and workmanship. He kc )S constantly on hand a large assort ment ul Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles h,m to mske up good and durable work. 4 ull and examine for yourselves before pur chasing eUewhere, and yon will save money. u . , JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Nov, 10, IRCO. ly SAVE YOUR FEUIT " KYrMNUMASON's Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! II that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Casket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the top 5 prevent the possibility f the flavor of the fruit being injured by coming iu contact with the Rubber. Persons dciring these Jars, can be supplied by leaving their ordera with H. U. M ASSl'.K, Sunbury, June 'J, 1800, Ayeiit. New Arrival of Clothing. THE largest and best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought to this placo, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWEITZER, HEILBRONNEH A CO., In Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of FINE OLOTH COATS, - Dress Coats, Over Coats, Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. t'nderShirts, Drawers, &c. HATS A. 1ST ID CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their asortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is tha most complete 1 Their variety and styles most attractive. And the prices defy all competition. E7 Call and examine for yourselves. SCWEITZER, HEILBRONNER e CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, 1860. centralcotelT" SUNBUEY, Northumberland County, Pa." THIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square. (Sunbury, and at tho terminus of the Sunbury If Erie and North ern Central Kuilroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. His 'able will be supplied with the best the market can produce having Ihe advantage of daily communination by cars direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce C'a-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share of the local and traveling community a'niost respectfully solicited. S-jnbury, January 12, 1861. WINTBRabODS, FOR MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, New Style Cassimerea, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinetta, Sili Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting, Nice Cassimere Yeatings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at tho People's Ono Prico Store of E. Y. bright A Son, who have juat eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kind of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 87, 18C0. REVERB HOUSE, (LATE EAGI.i: HOTEL,) Third Street, above Race, Philadelphia, EHOADS A SAILOR, Proprietors. IMPROVEMENTS nave been made, and the House bas been refitted throughout Tilohman V. Rhobs, forineilyof the National Hotel CiiaLKs8ir.oR, foiuierly ol Schuylkill Co., Pa. Philadelphia, Jan. IB, JNI1 ly aUNESEE SALT. WHOLESALE So RETAIL, FAILING & GRANT (nt the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 Ris. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sucks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and "00 bags of Salt containing one Bushel each. This salt is the best and strongast now manufactured and in market. Call and see fur yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I860. WALXi PAPER 1 FRILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 1SCI received a CUOICE ASSORTMENT OK TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. OF WALL' I? A. PER, which they are selling ut piices that defy competition. . Sunbury, January 19, 1861- FILES & HASPS HE-CUT and made equal to NEW, at the old stand No. 211 NEW STREET, (near the Barley Shenf Hotel, 2nd Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All work done at this establishment warranted good, at a saving of Fifty per cent. A large assortment of New Files, on hand Wholesale & Retail, at Manufacturers' Prices. J. U. SMITH. AprU 6, 1861. 3m w NOTICE A LL persons knowing themselves indebted to -- the subscribers, engaged in the Foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, are eijuestcd to settle the same without delay. Those neglecting this notice must not complain if costs are added to their accounts. C. D. A J. ROHRBACH. Sunbury, Nov. 17, 1860. 5m BLANKS! BLANKS !! A new supply of Summons', Executions, Warrants, Supcenas, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Naturalization papers, Justices nd Constables Fee Bills, Ac., Ac, just printed and for sale at this Office. Sunbury, April 30, 1859. CRACKERS! CRACKERS, just recVi7ed and for sale by the barrel or pound, at the Confectionery store of M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, October 13, 1860. T3LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Vc, for sale b H. B. MAssEh. yiTNDOW SHADES. A very7n7and " cheaD assortment, iuat t..iv..l 1... n.:i. road from New York, nt the Mammoth store of r ruing cj- Urant. We have also for sale 8.S. Putnam A Cu'a celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. DJ1Y GOODS. E G1RILNU & GRANT, at the Mammoth Store - have this dav. Junuarv il lih. opened another fresh supply of DRY GOODS and Notions. Sunbury, January 26, 1P61. CLOTHS, Cassiuieres, isuttineU. Heavy and light weight Heaver clothe. Tricots, , Frobtod Heavers, Plain Broad cloths. Fancy anil lilaok Cassimeres. C'OOPKtt & CONARD, S. E. corner Niuth !t Market atreeta, Dec. 8, 160. l'biladelnhia. rpiX WARE. A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at tha Mammoth Store of FRILING cV GRANT. Sunbury, January 18, 1861. STOVE3T ' XOR SALE an excellent socond-hand fTm.k. ing Stove, also several Cylinder C'eal Mutes. Enquire at this ollite. ' THE LATEST STYLE OP OARMENTS, ABB CONSTANTLY MADS at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment; of JACOB O. BE OK, Market street, SUNBUIIY, Pa. rjHE subscriber, in addition to his large stock J. of CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &o is constantly receiving new supplies from the cil keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Goods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen's and ifoy's wear, such aa OVER-COATS, DRE8S.COATS, 'FROCK COATS, BUSINESS-COATS, VESTS, PANTALOONS. Ac, &c, Ac, the very latest style, and in the most aubstan al manner, at abort notice. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished m Philadelphia, by giving two Jay'a, notice, t If Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Sunbury, November 3 I860. ystJPfWW. Cure Cough, Cold, Hoartenets, 'niluemtl. anu Irrilnfinn n PltrtjrnjlTA Soreiiert of ihe Throat, Re WwkTjw Here the Hacking Cough AyvJfXJr t CorwtimJdorj, ISron m4iHr chilis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and give strength to the voice of J'uolic Speaker ana btngert, . Few are aware of the importance of checking; a Cough or "Common Coal" in its first stage ; that which in the beginning would yield to n mild remedy, if neglected, soon stuu ks the Lungs "BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TRO CI1K9,'1 containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmo nary and Bronchial Irritation. 'That tmiihle in my throat, (for which Brown's the "TROCHES" are a specific) having made meolieu a mere whisperer-" TROCHES. N. P. WILMS. "I recommend their use to Public Speak Brown's era." REV. E H. CHAPI.N. TROCHES. "Have proved extremely serviceable fur iHoarseness." Brown's I RKV. HENRY WARD BEECHER. "Almost instant relief in the distressing TROCHES, labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." REV A C EOGLESTON. Brown's "Contain no Opium or anything injurs ous." DR. A A HAVES, TROCHES. Chemist, Boston. "A simple sird pleasant combination for Brown's Coughs, 4 c." DR O F BIGEI.OW, TROCIIE9. Boston. "Beneficial in Bronchitis." Brown's DR J F W LANE, Boston TROCHES. "I have proved them excellent for Whoop ing Cough." Brown's EEV H W WARREN, Boston. TROCHES. "Beneficial when compelled to speak, suffering from Cold." Brown's REV S J P ANDERSON, St. Louis. TROCHES. "Effectual in removing Hoarseness and llniuition of the Thnait, so common with Brown's Speakers and Singers." Prof M STACY JOHNSON, TROCHES. La Orange, G., Teacher of Music, Southern Brown's Female College. "Great benefit when tnke:i before and TROCHES, after preaching, as they prevent Hoarseness From their past effect, 1 think tney will be of Brown's permanent advantage to me." REV K ROWLEY. A M., TROCHES. President of Athens College, Tenn. tf Sold by all Druggists at 85 cents a borf December 8, IfcOO mpl EVANS & WATSON'S Philadelphia Manufact'd Salamander Safe-. No. 304 Chesnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ri H ESE Safes are now in use ail over the United States, 1 nnd have been tested in many fires; the following shuws another instance ol their capabil ty 111 resisting file : Witmir's Bridoi, Lnncaster Township, July 30, IPSO. ( Messrs. Evins Watson, Gentlemen : The smali size No. 1 Salamander Safe which I purchased from your agent, Mr. Aduin K. Barr, in lnncaster City, on July SJOth, lh.5?s has been subjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, con taining all my books, together with valuable papers belong tig to myself and some to my neighbors and friends, and representing a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, (?'il),OIKl) was in my Mill, which was destroyed on the night f the 37th of July, 1800, and passed through the fiery ordt-al unscathed, The Safe was on the second floor, and fell to the basement of the ftl ill, and was subjected for six hours loan intense heat among the ruins, which was greatly increased by the combustion of a laige quantity of giain confined within the brick walls. After the fire the Safe was opened and the books and papers taken out ill a statu of perfect preservation, the paper not even being discolor ed. This fact was, however, to many bystanders, a better recommendation of your Safes than could bu expressed ia any other words from me; Yours, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCH. Another Victtiry for Evans and Watson's Salamander Safe, Oswioo. N. V.. March 27 1P60. Gentlemen It affords me much pleasure to inform you mm iiie cult, i-ju o, -upngnij wnirn 1 purciiasca or u Stroud, your traveline aireut, has passed throush an ex ceedingly hot fire iu a three srory brick building, which heated the Safe to a white heat, an that the cornets of it appear melted; but it preserved my b-aiks and valuable iiaiiers to the amount of several thousand dollars, for which 1 leei tnaiiKiui. Yours, resnectfullv. J. N. ELDRIDGE. A large assortment f the aliove SA FKS always fn hand, at 3ol Chesnut street, (late 24 south Fourth St., w niuiiriiiiia, October e, 1S60. Iy LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO VM. H. MILLER, he has received Irom 1'hiladelphia a large slock of BOOTS & SHOES His stock consists of Oen'ts Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women'a Morocco i.ace Boots, Children a Morocco and Calf Lace Hoots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH Call and examine for vourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroeo for sate ror casb. WM. II . MILLER, Sunbury, January 7, 1860. SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING fTIHE subscribers having taken possession of mis nrst class rLULKIINU MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their gnats ground immediately upon meir ueing ten at tne Milt. As it is the inten, tion of the firm to stock the Mill a larne Suu' ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept 011 band, aim nour uy tne quantity can always be obtained, The greatest care will be taken lo turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the puuuc generally ia respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunbury, June S3, 1880. DB. A. W. FISCHER, flFFERS his professional services to the eiti " xena of Sunbury and vicinity. Oilire at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 3b, 1830. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. flHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he ia now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinda of Earthen Ware, made out of Bed Cement Clay. This clay produce the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is lea liable to crack by sudden Leal and cold. Tha subscriber refer to Friling Si Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8 A VI DOE, Oct J3, I860. ly Hunbury, Pa. B00T8 & SHOES, can be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friliog at Grant, vary cheap, aa w are detarsoined not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn ihe list of price for yourselves. yv FAILING A URANT. Sunbnry, January IS, 1861 PIP EOPATHlc reus -jv'W- JPeot HEAH WHAT THK PEOPLE SAT. The wndfrtlirnM hftTlnff ntffl Profwunr HUMPHRBTS1 IPROIFIO HuMCEOPATHIO REM KIN B8 In our nunltlef with tli mort ilfctorjr multo, and hitTtng fall oonfl Atnce In titter genutivneM, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to all peraoni who wWi to liava safe, re llrtbfe, and efllcacloui reinedlet at hand for prtrata or do mtllc me, The Rev. Wm. ITosmer. editor of " The Northern Tnde nendent,11 Auburn. N. Y, ; the Rev. 1. II. CreMny, D.D., Rector of 8t Peler'i Church, Auburn. N. Y. ( the Rev. B. I. Nm, OhAplntn of the Auburn BUt Prtion ; tha Rer. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-Bedford, Mmi.; the Rer. Allen Steele, New-York Conference f the Rer. Samuel Nlchott, KAtt-Oeneeee Conference, N. Y. the Rer. P. 8. Pratt, lionet, Vt. ; the Rer. John R. RoMe, Buffalo ; A. O. Hurt, Run., Utlca, N. Y. ; the Hon. Neal Dow, Portland, Me. ; the (ton. Schuyler Colfax, Routh-Reud, Ind. ; the lion. George Humphrey), N. Y. ; Henry I. Cook, Eeq., Editor of The Ohio Suta Journal, Columbia, Olilo; the Hon. R. H. Or Ah am, Moltne. IU. 1 the Hon. Thomai J. Chaae, Monti eello, ria. ; the Hon. Joneph BenHlct, Utlca, N, Y. ; Wat, Brlto, Raq., DtWa, N. Y. ; A. 8. Pond, Kaa., UUoa, M. Y. James Plunkett, Kq., lie, Tenn. M ST OP BPRCIFI0 REMEDTR9. No. 1. Por Pcrer, Conprestton, and lofl animation. No. 1 Por Worm Perer, Worm Oolle, Wetting tha Bed. No. &V-For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Infants, No. 4, For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer CompUlnU. No. A. For Colic, Griplnjr, Braentery, or Bloody FIujc. No. 6. For Cholera, Cholera Morbua, Vomiting. No. 7. For Cnughe, Cold, lufluensa, and Sore Throat. No. ft. For Tooth -ar he, Pace-ache, and Neuralfrta. No, ft. For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and FullneM of tht Beau. No. 10 Drsrawr Pima Pot Weak and Deranged Stomach, Cnnatlpatlon, and Urer Comalnt, No. 11. Foa Fan a li IaaaouLARiTin, Scanty, Painful, 01 Suppreed Periods, No. 19. For lseueorrhea, Profuit Mensea, and Bearing Down of Female. No. IA. For Croap. Hoaree Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 1 4. Salt Hrroh Piixa For Eryalpelaa, Kruptlonf. Pimple on the Face. No. 15. Riibitmatig Pm.iji. Por Pain, Lameoen, or Sor neea In the Chest, Back, Ilns, or Limbs. A For Perer aa Ague, Clilll Perer, Dumb Ague, Ott? Minmanaged Agues. p. For Hltea, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or P.xternat. O. For Sore, Weak, or hidamed Eyes and Eyelids; FaQ mf, Weak, or lllurred Bltflit. Cr Por Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with Obstruction or profuse discharge. W. O. For "ft hooping Cough, abating Its rlolenct and ahortenbig Its course. In all acute dise&ees, such as Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Crvup, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Hoar let Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas, the advantage of giving the proer remedies promptly Is ob vious, and In all such cases the specifics act like a charm. The entire UUeasc Is often arrested at once, aud in all cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease short ened, and rendered less dangerous. Coughs and Colds, whit-h are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may all be at ouce cured by the Fever and Cmtgh Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Files, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old Headuchus, ti ore or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specific whoso proper application will afford a cure In almost every Instance. Often the cure of a single oh runic difllculty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak aess, has more thau paid fur Die case ten times over PRICE. Case of SO rials complete. In morocco, and Book 95 Case of SO rlnLo, and lhM.k, plain. 4 Case of 1ft numbered boxes, qnd llook S Case of 6 boxes, numbered, ami Honk . . 1 Single numbered boxes, with directions 25 ceuts. Single lettered boxes, with directions IV) cents. Large case of 2 us. vUU, for planters aud physicians... .$16 ALSO SPECIFICS. Pob Asthma or Pbthisk'. Oppress!, Dlfflrutt, Labored Breathing, attended hUIi Cough and Kxpuctoratlou. Price, DO cents per box. For Kir Dihciiirors Attn Deafkkds. DltH-harprs from Ote Ear, the result of Scarlet Fever, Menales, or Mercurials. Fur Noises in the Head, Hardness of 1 1 taring, nnd Hinging in the Ears, and Ear-ache. Price, ISO cents per bux. Foa SCRon-i.A. Knlarod Clauds, Enlarged and Indurat ed Tonsils, Swell ines and Old I'h-em, Horofuluus Cachexy of Children. Price, IW cents per box. FfH Gkvrral Piiwu.itt.- Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either the sesnlt of Sickness, K.ceslve Mtslicatlou, or Ex hausting Dlsrharges. Price, nO cents ier box. Fuh Dropkt. Fluid Accumulations, Tumid Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, M cents per box. For Sea Hicssbm. Denthly Siknt's, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motiuo. Price, ftt) cents per box. For ITrikart DimtAsrs. Por Cravol, Renal Calculi, Dlffl cult, Painful Urtttatlun, Diseases of the Kidneys. Price, 00 cetds per box. For StcutNAL EsiiRotost. Involuntary Discharges ar.rl Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Results of Evil Habits. The must successful end elli lent remedy known, and may be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, f 1 per box. persona who wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or to seek advice of l'mf, IIimph-khvs, rau do so, at his otlice 562 Uroadway, daily from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. or by letter. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list; make up a case of what kind you choose, ami Inclose the amount In a current note or stame by mail to our address, at No. 60'2 Broadway, New-York, and the medicine wilt be duly returned by mail or express, tree of charpe. AGENTS WANTED. We desire an active, efficient Agent tor the sale of our Remedies in every town or community fa the United Stutes. Addrens Dr. F. HUMI'UKKYS A Co. No. bGi Broadway, Nkw-Yorsv A.W FISHER,Agent,SuRbury,Pa. May 26, 1800. ly ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EGEL. of Sunbury, Pa., I WAS just arrived with splemliil STOCK of " SFKINU AND SIMM KR GOODS, from riiilailelphia, to which lie respectfully .invites bis friends anil the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of goods will befouud, FINE 13 LLE ANU 11 LACK FB.E1TCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimerea '1 weeds, 8at inetts, Jeans, Illack Italian Cloth. Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check. and Farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Keady-made Cl.Ol HIAU for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali itches, Bcrege Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of olber Dress Goods, Hpnng and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac A general assjrtment of domestic Dry (iods. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, btone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil 1 ar Scc. Uc. N. B Wall and Window Paper. Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. HARRIS PAINTERj, attorney at 3L a to , MARKET SQUARE, 8UNBURT, I A. June 83, 1860. New Air Line Route TO 2STE-W YORK SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW YOB.K AND HABKISBTJ a. READING, ALI.ENTOWN AND EA8TON. Morning Express West leaves Now York at 8 a. M . and Philadelphia at 8 . it., arrives at Harrisbnrg at 14 45 . M. connecting at Hairiabuig with traiu on Northern Central nuau iw BuiiDury, vv iiiiainsriort, Uxn liaven and inter mediate stations. Mail Tram West leaves New York at 13 noon, and Philadelphia at 3.U0 p. u., connecting with tiain on North ern genual Kind lor stations as above, and also ou all iiamaoii me iiiianispori anu r.imira. Mail Tisin East leuvua Hurrisiiuiir at R. i. u . and ar. rives at Philadelphia al 1 r. St., and New Yoik si 3 30 r. M., in lime to take boat or cars for Boston, e. Fast Express Euat leaves Hamsbug at 1.15, on ai rival oi rsoriueru central nam, awl arrives at rauadeipaia al (Yd r M .and New YoikatRr. M. No eliange of cursor baggage between New York or c miqii,iiB ana iiarrisDuig. For betuitv at acaiiarvaiid anaeil. eomfoit and sccomnao. datioa, this route presents superior luduceuteals lo the .ciiiiii puiiiie Office in New York, font of CourUand street, rhlladel phia, Uioad and CahuwhlU streets. Fare between New York and ilarriaburg FIVE DOL LARS. For Tickets; Freight or other Information, apply to J. J. CLYDE, Genual Agent. Harsislairg, June 30, IBtte. ly ALFEED D. BEICK'8 UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South'Fourth 8Ueat, Philadelphia. NB. Communications by mail promptly attended Ia. rvi III if -. -iTa, 6epl VI, U60 lyS HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. M. C. GEARHART, Has returned with a new Stock of Confeotionarits, Fruit and Toys. TT seerae as If new age, a new life was open- Ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Set. errce will glow anew and seek to develop aub timer beauties and grander conception. ZTie business world too must feel the new In fluence and avery)part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to tha consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in tha Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevatlea all classes, and desiroua of doing his share to wards "The great evenu of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the aoo4 peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he bas just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con icctionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to thia section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinda of Confectioneries, Ac, o Gil up ordera, wholesa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among hia stock of Confoctionariea, may ba found : French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream White, " Iemon Rose, " Vanilla, Cemmnn Secrete. Liquorice, Gam Drops, all kinds of scent, Love Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Cnndtrs, of all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Bananas, Prunes, Dates, Figs, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raisrms, Nuts ofsll kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the aingle or dozen. A auperior quality of Begara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Toys, 4 c, all of wnicn is otlered cheap at wholesale or retail. EjT" Remember the name and place. Jtr M. C.GEARHARTT Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright & Son' store. Sunburir, April 14, I860 ly 1ASSEB.'S PATE ITT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 and 60, By E. KETCHAM & CO., 289 Pearl-Btreet, New-York. T1HE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and snriiia- blade scraper. The one hastens tha freezing of tne cream tne other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, a it is tha most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Uiiion. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 U0 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply to H. B. MAS8BR, Sunbury. June 2, 1860. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia, new York, Baltimore, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJMMEK ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will he run between Scrauton aim aortnumneriaiiu, as follows: MOVING SOUTH: I-enve Phil's Mail. N. Y. Ex. Scrauton, 6 10 A. M. 4 35 P. M Airiveat i'ittston, 6 38 .1 3.1 Kingston, 7 115 S SO rilmksliinny, 7 6(1 e ss Herwirk, 6 20 0 55 BliHinnuuig, 8 50 7 30 Kupell, 9 no 1 4( Danville, V -a, g 0 Northumberland, In ou 6 45 MOVING NORTH : Leave N. Y. Kx. Phil's Mini. Nurihumherland, a 30 A. M. 4 5 P.M. Arrive at Danville, 8 05 8 JO Kupert, t 35 6 50 UkHimshurg, a 45 f (a) tier wick, 7 15 6 35 Hiic'kshiuny, 7 45 7 05 Kinpstun, 8 30 7 45 I'lltstiill, 8 57 8 15 gcrautoil, 9 25 8 45 The l-arkawannu and BliK.msbura Railroad connects with the Delaware, I-uckawauua and Western Kudrund, at k'raut"il, for New York and Philadelphia, and tiitcruie liuite points Kast ; also for (ireat Brnd, Bingluimton, Syracuse, linnu.o, Niagara Falls, and all important poinla West. At K uncit it connects with the CulUiwissa Kail road, for points both Kust and West. At Nvrlhumlieiland it connects with the Sunlmry and Krie Railroad, for points e si anil souin. m . ,v. J AUliMO , Sup't. Kingston, August 25, I960. 1860 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 18C0 NEW YORK LINES CAMDEN ft AM BOY AND PHILADIXPilU AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO. LINKS', From Philadelphia Ut New York and Way l 'laces. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as TUIows, is saks. At 8 A M, via Caiudi n aud Ainboy C A Accorn- nuKlution, f a 25 At d a hi, via camuen ana jersey city new Jer sey accommodation, f At v a iti, via latuueii ana Jersey city Morninc Mail, 300 ai lit a bi, vis Kensington and Jersey eity. Wes tern Express, 3 (10 At 121 PM via Camden and Amhoy, accommodation t 45 ai a r iu, via lumueii anu Aiiiuoj c and A. Ex press, 3 on At ft r ni, via-iieruingtoa, and Jersey city. Eve. uiiig Kxpreas, 3 O0 Ait) r ni, via Kensington aim Jertey city, 2d Class Ticket, 2 '45 At 6 H M, via Camden k Jersey city Evening Mail 3 mi At II P M, via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail 2 25 A I 5 P M . via Camden aud Ainboy Accommoda tion. (Freight and ruMiiger,) 1st class ticket, 2 85 d " 1 60 1 ne o r. ni. man i.ine runs tuny. The 11 Southern Mail frtrurdays excepted. For Helvidere, Easton, Fleimngton, Ac, at 6 A.M., from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensington. r or niaucn ununs. Aiienlown aim iietlilehtm, at 6, AM via Lehieli Valley Railroad. ' Fur Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Pcranlon, Wilkesharre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, at 6 A M, via Delaware, Aiui-Kuwaiiiia aim esiern ivmiiiaii. F01 Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 8 and 9 A M , aud , and 4 P. M. WAY IJNK8, For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 3 and 4 P. M., from Kensington. For Paunyra, Delancn, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac, at 13J.3, and 4JP. M. Fifty pounds of lini.a;age only, allowed each paasenger, PiisseneiS are nlobibited from takins anvthms as Uhs- gage but their wearing apparel. All Baggage over filly pounda to lie paid for extra. The Comiauiy limit their resiHinsihility for Baggage to One Dollar ier pound, and win not oe name 101 any amount ueyono iw uunaia, ex cept by special contract. WM H GATMKR Agent C. A A. K. K Co February 18. 1880. IIEGItfAN 8c COS U03UIAL ELIXIU OV CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by li HUE. MAX A CO., Tholeaals and Retail ChemisU and Druggists, 161, 3U, 511 aud 750 Broadway, New York. rpHE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK aa a Touio have J. been too long known to need comment. TI. j nilldlVi . w i 11 ... 1, 11, . 1 k . .... I .. ..v v n 1 v. ' 1 . ... 1 , , m m. iii., valu able of the numer sua varieties of the Peruvian Bark, and iu Ihs ELI XI H is euniliiued with other ingredients that increase 11s emcacy anu ai tne same tune overcome ins intensliv 01 Its bitter, reuderini It a most Axreea.b e Cor. dial. For peraona living in FEVER and AGUE districts, it will b found Invaluable aa a preventive. Half of s wine glass full takeu nighl aud morning, rendering the system much leas subject to the unhealthy inllusuce ol the auuua- ubere. 1)1 KKCTIONS. Dose for aa adult, half a wineglass full before breakfast aim dinner; children from one lo two teaspoons full; it may ba taken wither without a bills water For sals at this office. March 17, 1S60 IRILIXG eV GRANT have just received bv railroad the largest assortment of QUEENS- WARE and GLA8SWARK ever brought to Punbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dress Goods, Prints, Mus. Iina and -Notions. ait 7. I860, NEW GOODS Atth Mammoth Store of . IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. THE ubscriber has just opened at hia well known establishment in Sunbury, on of tha bea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the which' ne will sell for CA8H or eicbanre for Mnuntr Produce. Those desiring, to purchase a-ooda will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaine. Fiffured. Btriwd and Plain. French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dree nones, Uaahmeres, Shaded, "lain and Htriped must be seen to form an idoa of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Bhawla Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimerei and Satinet, For Men and Boys' Wear, black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side atripea heavy, Doe fSkin Cassimeres, Satinet all kinda. White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltioa. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boota and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, e.f all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, tjueenaware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, dec, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye 8tufts. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. S, 1&59. ROCKEFELLER A B0YER, Attorneys at Law STJ3STBTJB,-Sr, A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon II. Iloyer, respectfully announce taat they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, 8nyder and Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Office, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, moo. EP-TJO- & CHEltCICAL EMPORIUM. riHE undersigned having received a lar and X well selected stock of Pure Drugs and Chemical, Dyestuffs, Oils, Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready to fill orders at a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will-find his stock complete, com prising many article it is impossible hero to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physiciiins' Precriptiona compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April Sd, 18S9. P. MELANCHTOlir SHINDEL, JUSTICE OP TIII3 I'EACB, STJ3STBTJR-5r, PA. Office in Deer Street, iinediutely opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollccted and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, Anril 35. 1857 tf HENRY DONNE 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta. Prompt attention to business in adjoining Counties. s WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C. THE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the Wat brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY V 8 E. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. ty Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure 16, I8G0. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAMTACTL'RKD and fer 9ale by M. Pciper & Co: liliramlt snd McDowell's Building, Nona Kusl coiner, Second and Race streets Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. Octolier 7, IPSO. C . '-Sf "art J sal W. M s. 'eA TV 5.. Tf. . TI ft C- . P ,L T! I 9 Asaecidcnta will happen, evea in wcll.rsfrulsed fami liea, H is very ile, irsbla to have aoraecheapaiidcoiivenleiit way for rcii ing r'urmture, Toys, Crockery, 4o. ' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such eiueriteiiciea, and no household can sflurd to be wnhrxit il. It is always ready and up to tin stii kuii; point. There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splinters voneers, headless dolls, snd broken cradlea It is just the article lor cone, shell, and other ornamental wwrk, so popular with ladies of efinemenl snd taste. This admirable menaration la used uold. bcina chcmicallv held in aolulioit,uud toascsaiug all Ihe valuable qualities of the best caliiuet'inaser'a Olua. Il may be used lit Ilia place of ordinary mucilage, being vsstl) more adhesive. "CSEFl'L IN EVK.aY HOC8E" N. B A Brush aeeompaiiies each bottle. f rice U6 cents. Wholesale Depot, Nn it Cedar street, New York. Address, tlEr.R Y C. M'ALDINU t CI).. Jox No. 3,M0, New York. Put up for Dealers in cases containing Foar Eight, snd Twelve Dozen a beautiful tathograjibie riaow Card as companyiiig each ackuge. tW A single bottle ol Spalding's Prepared Olus will save ten times us cost aunuallv to every household. Sold by all prominent Sutlioiters, Druggists, Hardware snd Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy e)ioiea. Country Merchants should make a note ol bnuMtng'e prepared tiluo, when Ihey make up their liai. It wit aunid any clnuale- For sale at this office. March III, IbtW. ly FOR SALE. TWO LOTS situate in Market atreet, in the town of Trevorton, No. IS and 1 3, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. OAl'OLER, Selina grove. or H. B. MASSE R, Sunbury. TJSEFULIN ALLFAMILIES-HEksEMAN U 6c CO'S Benzine, which removes paint snot grease, Ac, ye, tnj clean gloves, silks, ribbons, ccn equal to new, without lb slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also al this olnce. SS cent per boltlat OOY'S BOOTS and SHOES, cheap for cash WM. MILLER'S. 8un'ui$, August 17 1859.