Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 04, 1861, Image 3

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    Mar $t't fos.
rnoM p
By order of thn Government, ihe ttessnef
Mount Vernon bag bean croisinjr op nd dowo
tht Pototnae for about moek past. On
Wednesday Istt, when about Oft; miles below
the city, she mi ottncked by twenty men in
boats. A short conflict ensued, bat the 8fty
.marines on board presented to formidable an
appearance, tbat tbe' attacking party Qad to
tbe ihore.
' ' To Government bas received despatches
from Peneaeola. The people at Warrington
are represented to be in distress. ' They were
- mostly employees of the Uoitnd States, but
ot present buvo no work. An interview took
place on April 19th, between General Bragg
and Lieutenant Slemer, bat with what result
1 am not able to aay. Seven vessels are off
tbe coast the Atlautic' having arrived on
April 16th, and six or seven thousand Seces
sion troops maintaining tbe seire of the Fort.
The Secessionists are reported to bave huoff
the Postmaster at Warrington, who was
appointed originally by the Federal Govern
At trie time of the conflict in Baltimore,
the Massachusetts Regiment lost their bag-.
. It was, however, carefully taken care
if by tbe authorities, end to day was received
at this place.
A messenger leaves here to'day having In
charge three corpses of those killed at Balti
more, aud who have died sine, lie takes
them to Boston for interment,
Special Despatch to tht Inquirer.
.. Baltimprr, April 27. A bold move was
made yesterday by ; the Government. The
(impeller. New York arrived here from Anna
polie during the afternoon, and proceeded to
the dockVwhere Ihfl receiving ebip Allegheny
was moored, and after that vessel had made
the necessary-preparations, towed ber dowo
to Kort McHehry, wbero'sLe will remain in
eafety under the guns - of .'tbe Fort. Capt.
Hunter, of the New York, kept the Ameri
can colors flying on bis boat, bat so sudden
was tbe movement; tbat ' it- was .successful
before tbe Baltioibreaos were aware of what
was being transacted.
Annapolis, April 26, 1861. Ori Thursday
night another outrage was committed on tbe
road to the Junction, and ubout three miles
from that termiong. :The train Which "left
here about midnight.- and in which were
seated Gen. W. U. Keith, and Staff, Carl
Kchartzand others, passed safely -through,
but upon the return, an hour later, the em
ployees and Col. Vosburgh, who was on tbe
tender, mot with a narrow escape.
At a point where the road is about thirty
feet above tbe level of the country, tbe
spikes had been removed from tbe cbairs, and
the rail partially turned. The locomotive
aod several of theTreight cars were thrown
from ths track niid badly damaged, and Col
Tosburgb bad bis leg considerably strained
The rumored resignation of-Judjes Taney,
Campbell and Wayne, of the United Stales
Supreme Court, is wholly discredited.
Boston irritRS. . ,
A despatch from Concord, ssys that ex
President Pierce, in obedience to a despatch
from . Mr. . lngersoll, .of . Pennsylvania, has
gone to Philadelphia, and perha) s to Ba'ti
more, on a mission of :heditalioii(betweeo the
-Government arid the rebels.
- WAsiHKOTmf, April 28 liThe President
will, to morrow, promulgate his proclamation
extending tbe blockade to the ports of Vir
ginia mid North Carolina for the same rea
sons as heretofore declared by liim for block
ading the other Southern ports.
Copt Stringham will direct the general
blockade moveriient.
Troops from tho-'North continue to arrive
without obstruction, both by river and rail.
.in order will be issued to morrow prohibi
ting soldiers from wearing sfde arms, unlet?
wheu on duty.
IlAnntsBDRO, April 27. Col. McClure re
turned from the camp at York tonight, and
reports all right there, nnd the men are
eager to march through Baltimore.
The people of Chamheraburg bave organi
led a mounted patrol, rea'hing clear to the
Maryland line. Tbey make roturns every
Butteries of artillery are being formed at
Chainberaburg, and other points of the inte
rior, to protect any. forward movements of
tbe 1 ennsylvaoia volunteers..
Washington, April 29 Geo. Beauregard
has vig.tnj Alexandria,, and has examined
the Arlington. be, igh.ts, which with. the Alex
endria canal, from, a key peint,, either lor
offence or defence. H is Sjnid, however .that
the Federal Government will not take pos
session of tbosa heights, becanse it would be
an act of aggression, which it disclaims, but
tbat meaos are devised -whereby a hostile
force may be dislodged from that point.
It is stilted that tbe company of General
Laue, ofKansis notoriety, consists of be
tweeo four and Qve hundred meu, principally
from tbn Northwest, and known as the
Frontier Guards. Tbe men. are armed .with
Minie rifles, sword bayonets, navy revolvers,
aod with smell patent pistols and bowie knife
Tbe Secretaries of the Ladles' Washington
National Monument Society acknowledges
the receipt of seven dollars and twenty one
ceuts from the senate of the United (states
contributed during two sessions in a box
placed in tbe Post Office of that bod.
Movement Troops Blockade of the Ches
apeake.The Union Sentiment. Southern
Troops in Virginia.
Aknspous, April 29.-6 o'clock P. M.
Tbe steamer Monticello and a gun boat
arrived lo usy irom isesr xorir, nave gone
down tbe bay, to participate to the blockad
of the, V irgioia ports. Tbe steamer Wyo
intog is beiug converted into a gun boat, an
will lollow, Tbe steamer Maryland broug
Jown from Perryville a large number of
transport cars, for tbe railroad, to be used
between this point and Washington.
A detachment of 300 men, of the 8lb New
York Uegiinoot, with two pieces of artillery,
are eotreccbiog themselves on an elevation
About ten miles from Annapolis, completely
commanding tbe road to Baltimore. Tbe
position is on tbe north side of Severn
All tbe Northern mails ere no to go via
Annapolis aod Perryville.
The Union sentiment is rapidly gaining
ground in this part of Maryland.
Two additional New York regiment! ere
aid to be in the bay oo tbe way to this
By a private letter just received by tb
chaplain of the Annapolis naval school. 1 bear
that the Virgiuians are wild with tbe war
excitement, and everywhere rushing to arms.
Tbe letter says there are 7.000 South Caroli
na troops in Richmond, aod 1,500 troops from
Georgia, at Norfolk, Vs. Last Sunday tbe
commons to arms reached Lexington, in
Hockbridge eonetv, Va., aod before sundown
five companies bad started.
A pressing want of provisions Is already
felt In Virginia, end tbe paper currency of
tbe State it alsjeet werth'ses.
Annapous. April 29 0 o'clock A. M
Four companies of tbe Norriatown Rifles have
ust arrived from rerryvuie oy steamers u.
Oam.tna Maryland.
Aonapulis was made military department
yesterday. General Butler will remain here.
All toe movements ere aepi very secret,
From an attache of Mr. Drayton, minister
to Paris, just from Washington, 1 bave relia
ble Information tbat 10,000 troops from tbe
Southern Confederacy are now in Virginia,
and more are pouring In.
The Admioistra'.fon has Donneo governor
Letcher that one step In advance from Rich
mond will cause a speedy Invasion of Virgin
a from tbe west.
Farmers from Virgsnie bave forced tbelr
way through the Secession lines, end report
strong Union reeling a lew nines iron id
The Seventh New York Regiment occupy
the Hall of tbe Bouso of Representative.
nd take their meals at the National Hotel.
be regiment has Just made np a purse of
81.000 for the lieutenant of the Massacbu-
setts Regiment, accidentally wounded, ten-
erlng amputation necessary.
Trains are run from Baltimore to w nett
ing, but are searched at Harpers terry Dy
the Secsslonists, who "e all along the route.
I learn from a private that tbe Se
cessionists nianoged to save 6,0o0 muskets
t Harper's terry, all tbe arms not being De
Frem Washington.
A Nucleus for a Standing Army Thru ana
fivt Years Enlistment for the Volunteers
18,000 Sailors to be placed in tht Service.
Wirhinoton. A mil 29. The Government
to-day formally decided to receive 40,000 of
tbe 75,000 voluMeurs, recently called for by
proclamation, for tbe term or ibree years ;
25,00" for five years ; and 18,000 Bailors for
tbe same period.
Orders to carry IDis measure into eueci
will be nt once issued.
An armory, in place of tbat at Harpers
Ferry, is to be established at Rock Island,
Washington. April 29 Tue military or.
der of to-day is out altogether correctly stated
in the first despatch.
1 be troops called out bv tne eroer are au
ddilional to the 75,000 already required, so
that tbe whole rum be i called lor by tbe Gov-
rnmeot are volunteers.
In addition to these 75,000 voluoteers, who
are for three months, 4U,uuu are canea lor
three years' service, 25,000 for live years' ser-
ice, and lo.UUU seamen lor tne same term,
making a total of 158,000 troops.
Even this number fulls short of the real
umber, as several of the States send double
tbe number of regiments asked for.
A large number of additional volunteers
arrived Irom Annapolis yesterday end to-day.
Suroical On Wednesday an operation for
the removal of ah encysted ovarian Tumor was
performed on a Lady of this pluce. The entire
Tumor weighing twenty-five pounds, was com
plettly removed from the cavity of the abdomen,
the parts dressed, and the Lady comfortab.y
placad in bed in the short space ol thirty five min
utes, and at Ibis writing every appearance indi-
ate a perfect and speedy recovery. 1 hia .bril
liant Surgical leat was bv Doctor W.
Atlee, of Philadelphia, assisted by his son,
and Dr. J. M. Crawford, of Williamsport with a
number of medical gentlumen of this place and
neighboring towns. West branch Democrat.
New Advertisements.
Millinery Goods.
at the Store of
BIlNfte B K I,. MIISSL,r.n.
Simpson's Building, Market Square, SUNBURY
TUB public are Invited lo call ami examine
their Millinery Goods just opened, such as
Ladies' Diess Gooda, Silks, Lawns and the latest
New York and Fhiladelpbii styles BONNETS.
Corseta, Skeleton Skirts, Notions, Ladies' Gloves,
Hosiery, Handkerchief, ic , it.
Gentlemen a Uoods such as Collars 'Union,
Anderson' and a variety of patterns.
We intend to sell low, call and examine our
Sunbury. April SO, l61.3m
ON the nature, treatment, and radical cure of sperma
torrhea, or Hi-mi'ial Wrakness. Sexual Dshihtv, Nor-
vnusnM and involuntary emisainns, inducing- tmpotency,
and Mental and Physical Incapacity.
Author of the Giaeu Bunk," Ac.
The world-renowrttd author, in this admirable Lecture
elearly provat from hii own experience I lint the uwfu.
cmurquencra OF reir.ohuee rnav lie etlectually removed
without medicine and without aansetous surgical orera-
tiona, hougies, iiiairumenla, rmga or cordials, painting- out
s mods of cure at once certain and erTectu'al, Ly which
every suffer, no matter what hii condition may He, may
cms himielf cheaply. privately and mdicnlly. This lecture
will pinve a booh to thoueanoiann thousands
Saul under seal, in a alaiii envelope, In address, post
paid, on the receipt of two pottage stamps, bv addrraiing-.
Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 137 Bowery, New York.
Putt Office box 4,66
April W, 188! ly pi
' " "Assign6ff ITotioar'"-
NOTICE is hereby given, that alt the properly
both real and personal, of George Zimmer
man of Upper Augusta township, Northumber
land county, Pa., has been assigned to the sub
scribers for -the benefit- of-hir-creditors, by his
Deed of Assignment having date March 29th,
Therefore, all persons having claims, will pre
sent them duly authenticated, to Jeremiah Zim
merman at wnamoiuiitown, or to John r awns'
worth, Esq., in Upper A uguala township, and all
indebted will please come forward and acttle
without delav.
tipper Augusta twp., April 13, 1861. ft -
New Millinery Goods.
Minis 31. JL. GLSSLEIl,
Fotcn Street, two doors south oj the Shamolin
Valley Potttville Rail Road,
8 XT 3M B XT 3R "X" , I E N N A..,
I ESfEUTt ULLY informs the citizens of
6LN I3LKY and vicinity, that she has jubI
received from I'hiladelphia a large and splendid
assortment of the most fashionable and latest
style of
ES3 CE S31 LS3 "Q S3 ,
which she is selling at the moit reasonable prices.
To which aha directs the attention of the ladies
and invites all to call and aettljem.
' Thankful for past patronsge, she hopes by
keeping to best assortment at reasonable prices
to continue the same.
8unbury, April 13. 186! Sm
pETER 8. BERG8TRESSER, Principal and
Teacher of Latin, Greek and Mathematics.
PRESTON MILLER, Teacher of Practical
Surveying and English.
Miss SOPHIA WILCOX, Teacher of Instru-
mental Music.
SUMMER TERM commences on Mondav.
April 8lh, 1861.
J'srms per Quarter of 11 weeks.
Tuition in Primary Department, - $3,00
- " Academic $4,00 to 6.00
" " Classical 7.00
Music on Piano with uae of Instrument, 8,00
Good Boarding, 4c, lo the Village, per
week, tl.ftO to 3,00.
For furthsi particular. Wrse ha flUffC'I
rALBrry!wS' P-ii.r-uia (. unit, Ta.
Aprtl , WtV
F021 PtraiTYIffG THE BLOOD, ,
And for tb tpAy rat or (ha M low In compfolfiter
Itorofnlaandflrrofutfttti AiTvctlona.aaoH
Tumoiij llerft ttrea, Kraptlonii
Plmpliis Pttatules, Blotchaa. BoiU,
Bllui Kttd U1 Skin !!
Oaiukd, Ind.. etb Jan, 1969.
J. O. Am A Oa QMitai I feel It my dutj to to
fcnowlodre mhnt yonr FatitAprirlllik lina done for an.
lUvinc rnhritd ft Bcrofiitoui infection, I hav aaffare4
from li tn rlon vraya for yvara. Sooittlmea It burst
ut tn Uleai-a ou mf handi and artnai aomatlioea It
turnsd liiwnrd aiiddUttwaml me at tbe Atom noli. Two
ymrt nip It btoke otit on my litad and corared mr aonlp
and eara with on aore. which wna pnliifitl nnd IcmtliMma
beyond dMerlptlon. 1 tilt-d ninny medic Inn and aaTaral
phyalelana, but without much relief from any tiling- n
fact, tbe disorder giw worse. At length I wan rrjolctvi
to rend In the tioftpcl Mesnenger tit at you had prepared
an alterative (Samnpnrllln), for I knew from your reputa
tion thnt any thing you mud must be good. I aent to
Cincinnati and got it, and wed It till It cured me. I took
It, an you advice, lit aomll donea of a tAnpoonful over a
month, and used almost three bottle. New and healthy
akin aoon begun to form undur tbe acnb, which after
while Ml off. My akin is now eJmr, and I know by my
feelings that tbe ilfsnue bits gone from my system. Yott
can wull believe thnt I twl what 1 am anying when I toll
you, that 1 hold you to he one of the apuetlea of the age,
aud remain ever gratefully Youm,
tt. Anthony's t?lr. Rase or Ervolpelaa.
Tottor anU Saltniieum, Sen Id Head,
Ringworm, Sore Kyea jUropaye
Dr. Itolieii tU Treble writes from Salem, N. Y.( 12th
Sept., ltJ50, that ho linn cured an inveterate cose of
2ropty, which threatened to term i note fatally, by tbe
persevering use of our Hai snpn'rilln, and nlo a uangeroua
Malignant Erysipcimt by larne doses of tbe same j aaya
he curea the common Ktnptim$ by It constantly.
Bronchocelea Ooltro or Swelled Neck
Zebulnn 81onn of Pmfipect, Texas, writes t " Three bot
tles of your SiirNapsrilla cured me from a GVnr a hid
eoua awelllng on the neck, ahlcb 1 bad suffered from
ovor two years."
Zjencorrlimai orWhUfli, Ovnrlan Tnmor,
fterlne Ulceration, Female jOlaeaaee
Dr. J. D. 8. Channing. f New York City, writes I
most cheerfully comply with the requestor your agent In
earing I bave found your lnrapnrilla a moxt excellent
alterative In tbe numernus couilntnls for which wa
employ audi a remedy, but espectstly In TVmaU Viwtau
,of the Scrofulous dlaiheflis. J have cured many Inveter
ate cases of Iseucorrhcea by It, and some where the com
plaint was caused by nwudou of the uterus. The ulcer
ation itself wna soon cured. Nothing within my kn owl
et! ro equals It for these female derHiigeninnts."
Kdward 8. Mnrrow, of Newhury, Ala., wiitea, "A dan
gerou ovanan tun tor nn one of tho females In my family,
which had defied all the remedies we could employ, baa
at length, been completely cured by your Extinct of Sar
aitparllla. wur pliynician thoitht nothinitbut extirpa
tion could afford relief, hut he advised Ihe trial of your
Enreitparilla as the last resort before cutting, aud it
proved effectual. Aftur taking your remedy eight week
00 ay in p torn of the d he use remsins.
Byplallla and Mercurlo,! DUenee.
NfW OniRAHR, 2&th August, 1869.
Dr. J. C. Atbk t Sir, I cheerfully comply with tho re
quest of your nixeiit, and report to ou some or the eflette
1 have reallxed with yunr 8;irsnpitrllla.
I have cured with It, in ray mart ice, most of the com
plaint for which It la recommended, and have fhund ft
effecta truly wonderful In the cure of Vntrtal and Mer
curial Data . One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcere
in bie throat, which were consuming hi pitlato and the
top of hla mouth. Your tSnrsnpoi ilia, steWlly taken,
cured hlu In live weeks. Another was nttacTted by sec
ondary symptoms In hla uom's, ttnd the ulceration had
eaten away a considerable part of It, so tlmt I btlievo the
diHorder would sooa rench hit bniln nnd Mil lilm. Hut it
yielded to my administration of your Snranparllia; the
ulcere healed, and he Is wull uguiu, nut of course without
some distlgurutlon to his fnc. A wnmnn who liad been
treatttd for the same ditwder ly mercury was aufferlng
from this poison bur bone. Tliey had he com so ou
aitive to the wuntner Uint on a dump dny hbe su tiered ex
cruciatimc pnin in her joints and bones, tbe, too, was
cured entirely by your tnrttaiilia in a few weeks. I
know from it formula, which your agent gave tne, that
this Preparation from your lnrmrntry must be a great
remedy; consequently, thnsa tiuly louiaikubla I faults
with It havo not suiiulned iue.
liatetually ouib, O. V. LA III MBit, M. D.
Rhettmatiam, Gont. Mvtr Complaint
J NnirRNPtcNCK, r ren ton Co., Vn., 6th July, 1S59.
Dlt. J. C. AYr.n; Sir, 1 have bevn ultlicled with a pi in
fill chronic lifievmalum for a long lime, which biiftk-d the
skill of physicians, and stuck to me In spite of all the
remedies 1 could llnd, uatil I tried ymir tiarsaparilla. One
bottle cured me In two weeks, and restored my general
health so much that 1 nut fnr bettor than befote 1 wai
attacked. 1 think it a wonderful medidne. J. jVltKAM.
Jules Y. OtitcbeM, of St. Louis, write t "I have been
afflicted ler years with nn aflctitm nf the Livr, which
destfoved my heullb. 1 Irietl ovnry thing, and every thing
fa i let I to rolieve me ; and 1 have been ahiolten down man
ftr tome years fnun no olhor ruulo thftti Jeruvgemrnt of
Vie .ivrr. ly brlovcU pastor, the Kuv. 1r. Kpy, ndt Ued
me to try your Sarsaparilla, because lie fcuid ho knew yoa,
and any lliiii;; you maile was worth trying. Py the bless
ing f God It lias- cnitid me, aud lias no purified my blood
as lo muke a new man of toe. 1 ft-l young again. The
tjt tbat can he said ot you is not half good enough'
ichlrrns, Cancer Tnmori, Buln vffrment,
Ulcernt Ion, Carioa aud Kzfollatlou of
the Bonee
A frreat rm My of fft-iM hare been report J to tl wbora
cures of lli cue formidable complaint Imve rusnlted from
the ase of this remedy, but our space here will not admit
them. Borne of tlretu may he tound in onr American
Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to
fiirnikh gratis to all who call fur them,
Dyepcpsltt, Honrt Dlaenae, Fits, Epllop-
myt jiteiancitoiyt .iVHinigia
Many lauinrkithlfl curve of these affections hare been
made by the attt-rutlve power of this medicine. It stimu
late the vital fiiucifons Into viRoionn action, and thus
overcomes divordera which would be supposed beyond lta
reach. 8ui-h a remedy hat; long been required by the no
cesaltiak of tho pcnpla, and we are confideut that tUis will
do for them all that medicine can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarienen.
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con
auuij)tloiit mid for tike Relief
of Comuniptlve Patients
in advanrrd fttagea
of the Uiecaace
Tbla Is a remedy so universally known to rurpaaf any
other fr the cure of throat nnd lung complaints, that It
Is useless here to publish the evidence of ita virtues, lta
unrivalled exctillcneo for coughs and colds, aud its truly
wonderful cures of pulmonttry disease, bave made ft
known throughout tao civil i ted nations of the earth.
Few aro the communities, or even families, among thtm
who have not lonio petsonal experience of Its effect
aome living trophy In their midst of its rlctovy over the
eubtteand dun get one disorders of the throat and luuKa
As all know the drcndful fulality of these disorders, and
as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, wo need not
do more than to ossuro them that It has now all the vir
tue that it did have when making the cures which bave
won to strongly upon tho confidence of mankind.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Has.
'!! by Pilling & Grunt, and A. W Fitcher, Sunbury
F. Caalow nd C. Brown, Milton: Dr Wenuk, M'-
F.wensville ; Reil'suvtler k Chrisman, Turbutvtlle ; R. li.
MrCoy, Nruthumherland and by Dealers everywhere.
Apni au, i to i. j y .
Northumberland Bridge Company.
A N ELECTION for nfflreia ami m.nmrri n(
- "lhe Northumberland Bridge Company will
be held at the house of Mrs. Anna Burr, in the
is . -
Borough of Northumberland, on Monday the
6th day of May, lHtil.
The election will open at 2 o clock, P. M.,
and close at 4 o'clock, P. M., of sid day. ,
JOHN T AGO ART, President,
April 6, 1861. 4t.
ISellsngliam'ii Celebrated
For the Whiskers and Hair.
The lubscrdiers take pleusure in announcing tn the citl.
Ztoas itt Hie United Stales, tlial they have obtained the
Agency for, and are now ana bled to offer to the American
public, the above justly ceiebratee and worid-ranowued
The Stimulating Onguent
is prepared by Dr. C. P. Belling ham, an ambient physician
of London, and is wai ranted 10 bung oututaickstof
Whiskers or Moustache.
in from three to six weeks. The article is the only nn
of tea kind uard by the French, aud in London and Pa
ris it la 111 universal use.
It ia a beautiful, economical, sootluni, yet stimulating
compound, acting aa if by magic upon the roots, causing a
tieatiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the acaln,
it will cur baldneaa, and cause to spring up in place of
th bald epou a fiae growth of hair. Applied accnding
to directions 11 win turn reu or towy nair tiara, ana resior
gray hair to itsorigiualcnlort leaving it lift, smooth, and
uasioie. 1 no -unguent ib mn inuispcuiinia article in
vei y gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use tbey
would not for any eoimideration ba without it.
The sulwcnhera aro the only Agents for th articl in
the United Stales, to whom all orders muat h addraated.
Price One Uollar a box for sale by all Druggista and
Dealera ; or a box of the "Onguein" (warrauied to have
lb dcaired effect) will ba aeut to any who deaire it, by
mail, direct, secuielv packet, on receipt of price and post, 18. Apply tn nr aifrireu
Druggiata, c., U William b)i., New York.
Fnr sal at this oflic.
March 30, lc61.
CONSTANTLY keep, on hand all klnda of
Contectionanes, riuit and toys, which U
I. selling at wholesale and retail. Having the
necesaary machinery Ac. he i manufacturing
all kinds of Toys, and keeps up his stock, ao that
purchasers will not beat a loss for a supply of
almost any article they may desire.
Just received, a large lot of appUa, which he I
falling at wbolasale and retail, at low price
ftrre V eall.
..r.Nirf,..Mawe , 1MI af
Splendid Inducements
r TO
' PTJB.CHii.SS Pa 3-
. Sunbury, April 13, 166 1.
Attorney at Law,
SUNBURY. Nortnumbcrland Co., Pa.
(Formerly FreeburR, Snyder county.)
OFFICE, Market Street, a lew doors east of the
Korlbern Central liailroad Depot and two
doors west of the Post Oltice.
All Professional Business, Collections, cVc,
will receive prompt attention.
March 30, 1H6I.
S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut sis.,
DAY CLOCKS, a veiy denirnblr article for Cnuroh
es, Hotels, banks, Counting Uounea, Parlors, Ate.
A lad, Manufacturer nf FINE UOLD PENS.
Clocks repaired and warranted.
Clock Trimmings of every dncriplinn.
PhiladeWiia, January in, lf-GI.--;ly
rpHE 9UMMERTER.M of the Sunbuiy Academy will.
X commence on theSth of April.
The coutse of instruction embraces every depart,
ment of education tanghl in our best Academies, preparing
students one either for a profession or lo enter any class in
Common School Branches, ff 1 00
Higher English Uranclies, S (0
Latin and Greek Languages. 7 00
Tuition to be paid before the middle of the term.
Hoard cnu be had In private families at fiom St "5 to
J S3 pet week.
e 8. P. WOLVEltTON, Principal.
Sunbury, March 30, WOO.
Estate of II. J. WOLVEU I OS, de
ceased. K'OTICE ia herehy'given, that letters of admi
nistration having been grained to the under-
signed, on the estate of Horatio J. Wolverton,
late of the borojigh of Munbury, Northumberland
countv. Pa., decaased. All persona indebted to
said estate and those having claims against the
same, are requested to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
Or VV, I. Geitnocaa, her Attorney.
8unbury, March 30, 1861 6t
Jacob F Rohrbach, Esq-, Treasurer in account
with the county of Northumberland, from
the first day of January 1860, to tht last
dau in December of the tame year, both
j v -
days inclusive.
To amount lo hands of Treasurer
as per last Auditors' report,
To amount of outstabding County
Taxrs for 1859 aod previous
To amount of County duplicates
assessed for 1660,
To amount received "on seated
8 25 16
1219 62
11560 96
laods for 1853 '59,
306 12
548 76
132 80
100 00
35 72
150 00
To amouut received 00 unseated
land book fu" 1858 and '59,
To cash refunded by collectors
which had been ezboorated
and afterwards paid.
To amount received from Francis
Bother, former Treasurer,
To amount received for reot of
oublic buildings, Ac.
To cash received lor tlucksters
To balance da,
7915 14
821994 31
By amonnt cf outstanding taxei
for 1860 and previous years, $ 8701 21
By amouut of exonerations allow
ed collectors, 337 73
By collector! commissions, 675 23
Hy errors to duplicates. 2 93
By amount paid on County orders 12055 33
By Treasurers commission on
812055 33. 301 38
By depreciated money,'' 10 00
By 5 per ceot feet oa Uocksters
1st nee, 1 6
I ami si
Jacob F. RahrLacli, Esq., Treasurer, tn ac
count with tht county of Northumberland,
from the first da of January 18C0, to the
lart day of December, of the tame year,
both days inclusiijf, respecting Stale lax.
Tq amoont of outstanding State
tax for 1859 and previous years, $4894 45
To total amount of State tax da
plicate for 1860, 13638 96
To amount received on unseated
lands, - 183 85
To amount due Jacob V. Rohr
bach Treasurer, Irom Common
wealth 331 13
819708 38
By amount of outstanding taxes
for I860 nnd previous years, 4717 0TJ
Hy amount of exonerations for
1860 and previous years, 820 93
By Collectors Commissions, 613 85
By abatements allowed by State
Treasurer, 4"7 33
By cash paid State Treasurer es
per receipts, 11186 29
By County Treasurer's commis
sion on $11186 28J 111 86
519103 38
Jacob F. Rohrbach, Esq., Treasurer, in oc
count with the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, for License from the first day of Jan
uari 1860. to the last day of Dccembtf of
the same year, both days inclusive.
To amouct received for licenses
for restaurants for 18C0, $340 00
To amount received for license
for Taverns for 18C8, 1162 50
To amount ree'd for license for li
quor stores for 1860, 350 00
To amount received for license for
retailots of merchandize, brew
eries, billiuril rooms, teo pin al
leys, patent medicines, coal &
lumber yards lor 1 ((), as per
mercantile oppruiseis report.
To amount roe'd of Hawkers &
Pedlurs liceuse for 1860,
1240 46
60 00
17 00
323 00
$340 00
By 5 per cent commission on ?340
By cash paid State Treasurer 03
per receipt,
By 5 par cent commission 00
1000 and 1 per ceot on
162 50.
CI 621
1110 67$
$1162 50
17 CO
By cash paid State Treasurer as
per receipt,
By 5 per cent on $350,
By cush paid State Treasurer'
per receipt,
332 50
$350 00
33 50
52 07
By exonerations,
Hy 5 per cent on $1000 4 1 per
Ct. on '206 96
By L. n. Funk's receipt fnr pub-
lisbing mercantile appraisers
list of 140 names.
14 00
14 00
1 40
1125 49
By John O. & A . A. Yoongman's
ri-coipt Tor publishing inercan.
tiin appraisers list of 140
By 5 per cent on $23 amount
paid for printer s hill.
Dy cash paid State Treasurer as
per receipt,
$1240 46
2 50
47 50
By 5 per cent commission oo S50
By cash paid State Treasurer as
per rsceipt,
$50 00
Jacob F. Rnfiriach, Esq., Treasurer, in ac
count toith the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, respecting Militia fines.
To amount 2ua Commonwealth
aa Auditors report of !8iS $147 42
Outstanding Taxes for
1853 Wm B Irwin.
1855 James Linn,
1815 A J Cenrad,
I6f6 Jacob lilonm,
1857 Anthony Galaspy
1856 Joseph Uogendoblar
1858 J li Wasser
1S58 Jacob Miller
I85ri George Zimmerman,
1H58 F.lias Eisenhart,
1859 Klius Eisenhart,
1859 James Oakesf
1859 David Heiser
1 859 Abraham Eckman
lHf 9 John G Vouim
1859 John Farnswortb
185!) John HiinLirJ
1859 Daniel Wolf
1859 Jacob Hui sicker
1859 Jacob R Clark
1859 J V aiiodlaier
1859 II R Gulp
INCO Jacob Uishel
1860 John H Haupt
I8G0 John II L'nebach
1HC0 Jacob D Hodman
lKtSO Edward liautn
I8G0 Jacob Hunsicker
1800 Danivl V Conrad
I860 Genrgo Harris
1SIJ0 Philip Kcratetter
I860 Samuel Oruckemillar
I860 Jonus .Stine
I860 H R Culp
I SCO Joseph Johnson
1860 George P Morti
I860 William Johnson
I860 Benjamin Banner
18H0 Solomon Sliindel.
I8fi0 JohnLampher
I860 John J. Kilter
I860 John Farnswortb.
160 Joseph Graves
I860 E T Drumhellet
I860 John Banford
I860 John Dunkleberger
Those marked () have since paid. Marked
Statement of Finances of Northumberland
County, January 1, 18C1.
To amonnt of outstanding Com
misjsioner's orders for I860 &
previous years, J1711 42
To excess of county funds above
tbe iudebteduesa of the county 7C01 99
$9313 41
7915 U
100 00
1298 27
$9313 41
By balance due-ns per auditor's
settlement with Jacob F.
Rohrbach. Treasurer.
By amount due from Francis
Bucher, former Treasurer,
By amount due from Jacob
Youog, former Treasurer,
Northumberland County in account with the
Cvmmonwerlth of Pennsylvania re. peeling
State Tax on Red and Personal, from
the first day of January 1859 to December
tht Zlst of tht tame year, both days inclu
tivt. DR.
To moonl fixed by Reveooej
eommieeleners for I860. 14358 M
To balarce sseeeead by Cn(
By exonerations,
Collectors percentage,
By does outstanding up to Janu
ary 1, 1G1,
Treasurer's commission 00 (21 85
$86 00
1 15
38 42
21 03
$147 42
Uy amount uae Commonwealth
Expenditures j Receipts of Northumberland
County, from the first day of January 1860,
li tht ast day of December, of tht tamt
year, both days inclusive.
To 123 orders leBued by Com
missioner's' for viewing and
surveying roads, bridges, &a. 230 00
To 11 orders for prison expenses, 103 04
To 79 orders Conimouweullh
costs, 861 92
To 10 .orders for Coroner's In
quests. ' 151 CI
To 56 orders for Constable's pay 120 02
To 37 orders bridge building i
repairs, vo !o
To I order for county auditor's, ' 72 00
To I order for S. I). Jordan aa-
diting office accounts, 15 00
To 4 orders for lleftindinp:, fi9 60
To 5 orders for Joseph Everett, 1M 50
To 5 orders for Samm-I Knt, 119 25
To 4 orders for Philip Clark, 313 50
To 2 orders for printing. 70 00
To 45 orders for assessors, S33 65
To 43 orders for public buildings, 366 8fiJ
To 7 orders for prosecuting at
torney, 287 86
To 37 orders for road damAgea., 2285 08
To fi orders for atl'y for eouDty, 358 58
To 14 orders for juror's pay, 2364 25
To 13 orders for court crier, 111 00
To 6 orders for SberiQ's fees, 851 97
To 49 orders for fox sculps, 54 29
To 21 orders lor incidentals 283 64
To 10 orders for Fuel, 79 00
To 15 orders for clerk's pay, 247 92
To 69 orders for election expen-
sea, 1375 43J
To 1 order agricultural society, 100 00
To 2 orders for Pennsylvania
Lunatic Assylum 960 33
To 1 order for stationary, 59 25
To amount of outstanding coun
ty orders, for 1809 and previ
ous years,
To depreciated money,
To Treasurer's commission 00
312055 33 orders paid.
179 25
10 00
301 38
$14078 77j
By balance doe couiity by Jacob
F. Rohrbach, Treasurer, as
per receipt, 1859,
By cosh received from collectors
for 1860 & previous years
By cash from unseated lands,
By cash from seated Inods,
By cash refunded by collectors
which bad been exonerated aud
since paid,
By cosh ree'd from F, Bucher.
Dy cash received for rent of pub
lic buildinf9 Ac.
By Bmouct ree'd from Hucksters,
By amount of excess of eiptsidi.
lure above receipts,
$ 25 18
10583 96
543 76
136 56
132 SO
100 00
35 72
150 00
2360 78
14078 77$
Jacob F. Rohrbach, Er.q , Treasurer, in ac
cotmf tt-irt Ihe Treasurer of Scholl Board
and Supervisors of Roads for Taxes on
Seated and Unseatid Lands for the ytars
1853 and 1859.
To amount received for road ta 1544 42
To " " school " 1552 55
$3036 97
By receipts from Sohool Treasu
rer's and Road Supervisor's,
balance iu Treasury,
2950 64
14C S3
$3090 97
1SC0 and
Previous Years.
229 66
S 67
Shamokin 100 79
Northumberland 82 6t 83 3
Zarbe 76 33
Milton 6
Ml. Carrael 114 85 S73 17
Point 34 88
Upper Augusta 138 93 9 77
Coal 04 83
Coal 138 05 103 09
Delaware 397 83 89 04
Mount Carmel 61 27 48 15
Rush 233 41 43 48
Sunbury 130 45 79 29
Upper Augusta 176 75 83 66
Zerbe 1 67
Jackson 87 79
Lewis 78 6
Lowtr Augusta 93 23
Milton 77 61
McEwenrvilla 28 81
Chilisqueoua 679 37 607 35
Cameron 116 78 123 J)4
Delaware . 9i6 94 799 34
Jacksun 10
Jordan 155 41 220 8G
Lewis 20 93 731 3
Lower August 338 19 3u5 15
Lower Mahonoy 183 75 855 61
Little Mahonoy 118 29 65 61
Milton 146 82 351 61
Mount Carina! 74 91 S3 57
McEwensville 21 87 143 58
Northumberlsnd 168 78 290 11
Point 3f 19 315 69
Rush 61 69 271 47
Shamokin 873 81 625 0!
fcSuiibury 870 8H 890 61
Turbutville 40 8UJ 63 69
Tin-hut 255 I'S 6 lift 13
Upper Augusta 857 16 489 53
Upper Mahonoy 130 21 148 20
Washiugton 70 71 15 US
Zerbe 450 83 352 81
Coal 833 69 290 77
87178 07$ 88701 21
19 43
19 00
(t) to he settled by administrator.
commissioners over the am't
filed by revease coinmitiiom rs,
63 86
$11122 81
By amount of State tax assessed
forlboO, $13633 96
By amount assessed on nosea'.ed
lands lor 1S59 and i860, 783 85
. $14422 81
W the nmlersiened Auditors of Nor.
liiutnberluiid county, State of reoneylvau'a
do certify that iu pursuuuca of the 4lU sec
tion ol an act rcpululiiis couiuieg auu towu
sinus passed on the lfltl day of April 1631
wo met at tho CommisKioiiers' office, in ttitt
boruuRh of Sunbury, on the 21ft day 'f
Jantiury 18C1, aod adjourned f:om time to
time, und did audit aud settle tha several
acrouuts required of us agreeable to the
said acts of Assembly and supplements
thereto, according to the best of our juil(ia.
merits und abilities. Aod we do further
certify that upon duo examination of the
expense book of the county, tbe indebtedness
of the same yet uupaid in orders is $1711 42.
Iu witnesses whereof we have hereunto
set cur bands aod setils, this 14tb dey of
February, one thousaod eight buudree sixty
(J. P. LITTLE, L. 8
P. W. GRAY. L. 8
than can ba purchased elsewhere.
Ust received by Railroad this vveek.
8unbury, December 15, ISflO.
Retailed at Wholes&lo Prices,
Made to Measure at $13 per doz.
iTTIthout Collars on, with Cellars on $2 par doi. satra.
With flee Linen Bosoms, and irarrantftl ss geod a SMrs
as sold in the retail stores at 12,13 each.
r.'fl. ThM who tLlak t cannot moke a food ffldrt for
(13 p-r dozen ar mistakes. Hem's Uia coat ol en
dozen (19 fine shirif. . .
SO Tarda of Kew-ToriMllsnmsliBatHXe. per Jt ( (
1 yards of flna Linea, at OOo. per far J, 8 ta
Making and eutttnj;, 8 09
J.aumlry, tit buttons and cotton, COc 1 t'
Total.. (IS OH
Self Measurement for Shirt3.
Printed illrocllons s?nt free everywhere, and so essy
to understand, thit any one can tats their own measure
forahlrts. I warrant a good ft. The to bs paid to
th Express Company en receipt cf goods.
Ths Express charges cn oae dosan Shirts from Knr
York to New Orleans Is 1.
having time to send forkulvsof He Murament, aho-ild
send per mall, prepaid, one of the best fitting shirts tl.ey
Lave got, r.j any alterations that may ba required.
7 S. W. H. WARD, from London, ,
387 Broadway, up stairs,
' Dctwsca TVLita t Talker Strosis, KEW-tOrX'.
March 16, 18CI. tf
Should bo in every family. School, Gymnasi
um. Asylum, end Hospital in the Itinil. Ar,
not DANGEROUS, like the common Rucking
Horse. Stands firm on Us reJental, will net
weor CARPETS, and has no Rockets to itijura
the I'ect.
"Health and happiness Uitta same saddle." N P. WIS
"Of all the child-furniture we havo ever seen
no article combines so much of those two impor
tant things health anil happiness as the Ad
justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horao, in
vented by Jesse A. Crandall, It ia not tlanirer.
ou8, like a common rocking-horse, to children'
feet, cannot be upset, does not wear carpets, hut
atands firm on its base, and ita action is so like
the gallop of a live horse thnt the child never
wearies of it. This .atest of child-novelties is ex
ceedingly tlfgant and artistic in design ; and so
adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will
last a lifetime. It ia indispensable in every
family where there aro children. It should b
in every primary school end gymnasium in the
country, as it can be maJe large and sironif
jnough to sustain grown persons. As a pedes!--!
for photographic pictures, nothing is more beauti
ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Iti'titulion where
children are congregated, should be furnihcj
with a number of these beautiful articles Tbey
are filled with side-saddles when required."
the after part of the base sufficiently to allow tl e
axle to go in ils place ; then raise or Ijwrr Ilia
Horse to suit yoa. Screw the belts iu the side
verv tight.
rF' These Horse are WARRAFTED ece
March 10, ie6l tf
Oval r'ijo.ogrnph frames.
WE desire to call the attention of Ihe pubiia
toour Lithocoma Oval Photograph Frames.
They possess all the good qualities of wood frames
wiih the advantaSe of gruater durability as they
never wurp cr crack, and ere sold much cheaper,
V.'e ulao have on hand a large variety of
.WOOD OVALS, wuieb. we offer twenty five per
"cent lower than can be bought elsewhere. Also,
a good assortment of Passe I'artouts.
(Square Frames at proportionally low prices.
All oruVs bv mail promptly tilled. All who
come to our great Commercial Metropolis vie
invtle to call se and examine.
453 Broadway, New York.
March 30. lf-61.
suscrACTi-miii or
N 4SAu;h Kuiih Btrfet, Hniradclphia.
C Hrr W. J. i;itsir.
Match iJ, ltul-.8j
Wsitrriest, Jcwt'lry & PIIvr Ware
TTflJ w.M ri-sprclfully ii;;"nrm onr (YieijCs, rntrnns
V ami Hie pui-lic eenrtally, that ti ive now InStJiM
Sllj oiler WlHJt.K.sAl.i: AM) iiKTAll., tit Ihe ! uvi-lt
Cukli I'rit-tiS, a loite iinii very tiiuice iluclt ui' WATCI1KS,
Ji;V) .Lit V, MLVIUi AM) I'L.UDU V AK1J, of em Y
vanriy anl l le.
i:v,rv iJrsciiutini nf TIAMOND WOr.K and other
JIAVt:i.KV, luaJg to oiilvr, at h.irt Uitica. I3r" All
Uivxla W nrrai:tod to be i.a rifprese itrd.
N. u .r.iiticular aitvnij,iu driven to the repairing ut
Walches Si. J Jeweliy of every ili-K-ripitnn.
No. Market Street, 3 .alh SlJ.', PhiUiulj'bia.
Mari-U iJ, ls-00. -3i .
NFOUMS his friend and the public in gene
rl that he constantly keeps on hand. Boards,
Hhlngles, Lath, Joists ai.d all kiuda of Lumber
and building material, wwen M wm eeii ei ue
li wrat prices.
March 80, 1MI,