. ,....,.,.,-,.w, , , , .,. IJ., II,11 . . ' - - le 7 Arrival of Clothing. ; largest and best Stock of FALL AND INTER CLOTHING "ver brmiifhl to arc, irriTdl t th Msmmoth Clothing ,,f HCHWKiTZER, HEILBKOiNNKU .in Market streel, ueaily opposite Wca Intel. Their Ptnek iobitIw f IN1 CLOTH COATfl, Drca ("nan, Ovb Coat. Hol!)1 Poets, A. ?EST8 OF ALL KINDS. t n 'cr6hirt, Dritwcrs, At". .v 1ST ID luOTrt ANDHIOK. of ihe latest sivlr. try description Olid quality, .hea' "'n ,ir pTCnPiit tf trrnrleie-h' fwuishing ting U Ihe u.oat tmnjiiete ! . ir variety and t; ni.l allincl".ve. J i!ip i.rlies btfy all compfi'itinn. r Coll ninl exemine fr J ourselves. cveM'7.cu,he:i.ui:o.n.ne:: .v co. mbury. Oct. C, I SCO. JSURY, ITorthnsiberlaa;! County, la 4 IS l.tTcp and Cf)ir,moili'ii:s IIuti-1, nnw i..M,.fiprj .v JAMCs VAN' DYKE. It , :u lie at l'..c Railroad L' t.t North East lt if Market !Si;v.-to. t.Ui.!' jry, nod tu :c;mi;nis if (lie Sunbury 4- Erid and North Central Railroads, anJ in ipcn fi.rthe ni'eor.i mion nf Travelers oml the public in general in- proprietor will Rive hi exclusive nUen . !o ;l coin fort and convenience of his cuesla i-s di- cm. incl lu n'ul.o Oils cotubiishuu'Ut i I'.inorg tlie first in th .State, li: table will bo supplied wiih the lest ti e kot can produce having tlic advantage of y cimmi'niiia.liim by cars direct from Haiti o, unJ also from t'.ioso bringing produce from sniruuiuling country. i is liar will to aupplte A "villi the purest liquors i:iatl:et can projuco ,'a-eful and oblong servants ulnays in at 'jure. UW and commodious shilling baa just been id to the premise. V ."lisre ot the local and traveling eammuniU Hunt rcsi't't'llutly dicitcd. vunhjry, January 12, IfrSl. I77iTIIIN REACH OP IltT (llJOYElfljAKER'S 1 a TEE LATEST STYLE OV OABMBNTS, ARB CONSTANTXjT MADB at th. Fashionabla Tailoring Establishment! of JACOB O. BEOK, Kfarket tUrcef, MJKBIJIIY. Pa. TJI E subscriber, in addition to hit large atock of OLOTH3, Tlaiii and Fancy Cassimcres. Vestin8, &o in constantly receiving new supplies from the citv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and laiest style of Goods in the rity market. He in prepared to make to order all kindi of G'eMlemen'a and i?ov's wear, such a OVER. COATS, DRE8SCOATS. FROCK. COATS. BUSINESS-COATS, VESTS, PANTALOON'S. Ac.. Ac, Ac, the very latest style, and in the moat subtan ai manner, at al.ort nntioe. Any (iuud not on hand, nil) he furnivhcJ 'mm Philadelphia, hv diving two Jay'a notice, t i' Cull and examine my ttnek, tin charges made for khowhig. JACOB O. BECK. Snhhury, November 3 lMfiU t ' noue &mⅈ ana examine tho beautiful 8 11 A W-L S, and Rich CHESS GOODS HsinHT & Son, just v. fi.-'r mm r" a . . . it A opened 5f:3 Peoji 1 aial NOISELESS E L E U H A TE D Sewing: EIacliin.es 4 'J 5 EnoAinvAT, New Yoiik. lte public attention 1 respectfully leqnested to le following cards cf Eli. is Hjwe, Jr., and iu (trover ic Eaker S. M. Co t Card frcai the GPv072P. & EAK"R S. 71. Co. Our Patents bein; no estublinhej by t. .mrla, we are cnuhled to furnikli the Urov c Daker Machine, with important iinproveaitiiij .1 greatly Reduced T5s'iee3. The pioderate prico ht which Macbinra msk 1.3 the lirovcr & lial.tr stitch, enn now lie Ufa rings tl.rm within the reach of all, and n'ndcrs Jic use of Machines making inferior ttilchej as jnnecetisary as it is unwise. T rccwis desiring the best Machines, and the iiiht to uc them, must not only be sure to buy V. ichi'ies making the Grcver &. Euker atitch. jut is. that KO.ch Machines are made and damped under our patents and those of Elias Itouer, Jr. tiEOVCn & BAKE 11 S. M. CO , 4'J3 Broadway, New Yoik. TUB CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! (Vre Cnugh, Cold, Jf'ir.icnes; liftuenzn, on.v IrritntX'M or Hornier ;' Ike Thrmil, He lirce the lhn.int I'owjh i'l Con.um)!vn, Urnn c'liliii, .-l,s(iMifi, aiir Cutanh, Clear anil girt ttreurjlh to the mice of J ubuc kpcukert ana stiiytrs. Vcvf arenvrre''f iLc imp'rlunre or che'-kiim n Coiifih "U'Mlitiion Colli" in Its first Huge J tl. il wlni h 111 Ihr lipRinliiiiH vouM vici'l t n tml! U'iikiH', 11 nclt'CleO, mii lun'ka int; 1. line I'.,"'.. . 1 ttlK,' fintiiitiiii? I'.cinulcciil ingredients, aimy I ulinu llury snil Uriiuetiiul In Hal nut. 'Thnt Iniiil.iB 111 tny tlncat, (inr tviora the TltoCHES" are n tiilii ) lmvin); rnaile meoficn a niCif wlnspeier" N. I" WII.l.lS. 'I rc-ommeiul (heir use tu l'utilic tfpeak crE." VT.V. P.. II. CIIAI'IN. Ilnve privvcd cxtrcinvly scrviceaiile for lIoort.-finTS.:' ni:v. iicnkv ward nF.i'.cuKn. "AUni'Bl instout relief in the distrt-Ming lulwr of bleulliiim pi cclmr t.i Aslt iua." l.i.V A C l.liUI.IiSTOV. "C'mtatu no Uui'im or atiY'liin? injur! icus." 1)H. A A HAY K, TKOCIIG3. 1 . Chemist, H st..n. "A smp:e r.rn piensruu ciuniouu-.n tor Couglu. A.C CltGF BICEI.mV, ilnsum. "BuicfiCiai in Broncliitif " 1JIIJ F WLANn, 1! "Sli'll "I have proved Uierrj exctllei.t f.r Vlxip- mg Cjugh." LEV II W WARREN, tnsti'n. 1 "Penef i-i.il when coinjielltJ to tcuk, tulturiiig frum C"lil.M m:v s J i' ANDEnsox, M. I. uil. "EfTM-tunl in removiiiy 11-nusein s m.J Irtthuitm i-f the Tnr-tnt," so cuuiinoil Willi 'Speakers (mil ii:rer " ATI'! HBIAll Jt'tl.MM'., 11 (Iraniie, ti., TeacJir of MnsiL-.'imhern Ettr.rile L' lle'jo. "Great iecfU when tnke.i lielnia nail after preaching, nsthey prevent lionrseneM From their pafct clleet, 1 think tney w.ll be of nemiuileiit ailvanta-jc P me " ni;v nmnvi.i'.v.AM, TV-'iJelit ''f Alliens Cclleie, 'J'eim. 1 C7 Sola hy nil Urui'uistsut i cenKu box. Deceml'Cr IcOu. Oni'l Brown's J rnociiE?. Brown's ntOCUEd. 1 Bi owu's . Tnocnr-aj. Briiwn's Crown's TROCDUS. Brown's 1 T.10C11E3.I Biown's j TROCHES.: Brown's rr.ocurA Brown's TF.ocnns. Brown's TROCHES. Brown's thociies. 4 EVAKS & WATSON'S favfd I Salamander Safes. Ot Clutnut Street, fSIti-Sl I'UladttrMa STanu A CARD T ROM T'LIAH HOWE, JR. AU persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, ti use any Sciii; Machines which seiv from two huoots and make the stitch known as the drover '4 Uuker stitch, unlfs the same aio purchased the llrittr iV linker rSewir.g Machine Comj.iiiy, or tiitit Afienls, or Liceitnta, and stamped under my pntcnlof September 19, IS1G. Said Company, and thoir Licenses, alone, an ! gaily authorized under their own patents, am. nv raid patent, during the externVd term there i'l. to make and sell this kind cf Sewing Machine and all oiliers are piracies upon my said patent, and will Lb dealt with accorikngly, wherever found. EL! AS HOWE, JR. New York. Dec. S9, Hiit). tf F'VfrSU6&jj: rillLAPELPHIA. rf 'IIESI? ?afvs are now i'l use "it over the I'liiteil States, I unit huva been testis! i'l ninny tiri-sj Hie f. Ilowiinj shows aaoilicr instunce 01 their capuuil ty in resitting Ine: WlTV.EtTs rtainaR, ) Ijincast-r Township, July 90, 1?S0 ( Tr.sr.s. Evtsa .V Watsox. Gui'Iemen : The sinali s z-.Ni'. I Snlainai.der Safe which 1 piin l.asitt Ironl your f"nt, Mr. A.lani It. liarr, in I.ancusur City, on July Willi, 5. has been snl.jeetcil to n very severe test, which it withstood in b most snlisfictory manner. This Safe, con taming all my U.ioks, torether with vnlnal.le papers helonc- l;l to in5t-lf am! tome "to my nelr;hbois mal lnenils. UnJ iettseiiting a value of over Twenty Tiiotisniul Dollars, (SV-lSC'U) wn. in my M'll, which was ilestroyeil on tlie lii'nt fo ItieiiTlhof July, tf-CO, an.l pasteil llin ush the fiery oroVal unicatlieil, Tlie Safr was on tlie second Hour, and fell to t!ie basement of the .Mill, sail was snli.'eelnl for Fix honis to an intense hen I anion? tlie rnias, wim-ri wab sirtaily inercuscit by the eonilninion of a lume iiuanlilv of gitiin eonri-ieU w-ithni the brick walis. Atler tiiefie tUe sis was openeJ anil the books niul papers taken oat in a sitn cf perfect preseriBlion, the pa(cr not even btinn diu-olor-eJ. Thitlact wat, hnwvir, to many l.vs'ainlers, b better reciimmeudution of yo,r Salts thuu could be expietsed iu any other words from ir, . Vours, rtfi ecifuMy, PAMI'EL RAXCK. jlici(7ir Victart for Era and Vi'atson'i Salamander Snf;. CMv.-io, X. Y., March 27. 1?C0. Gcnllemeii It sfT.Tds me mncli p'euMire I'liufirin yon that lite Snie Nu ft, (upncht) which I purchased of U. Strou.;. your traveling acenl, lias jvifted thriui:ll un ex ceedinply hot tire iu a three srory brick building, wlm h healed li;e Si.1'13 to n while h -at. to thst the corneis of it appear melted; bit it pretciveil my tr okt and vulaable papert to -be amount of several tlioussud dulLus, fur which 1 feel t'.unk l ;l. Ynurs. retnectfullv. J. N. Et.DRimiB. A larce a-tiirtment f the alwive h t- l.s always on iiaud. nl .'lot Lbesnut street, (litcSI srfiuin t'ourlU St., 'S!UIHIilia. October 0, 1100 ly RICH DISPLAY of HAWDSCMB OOODSJAT . LOW PRICES 1 combining EAUTYANDDU II ABILITY now on FBEB EXHIBITTIOISr At the People'a ONE PKICE STORE, OF B. IT. BRIGHT St SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 53-2 ZsT G CD CXD Notions, hosieky, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CArs, QUEENSWAUE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Caipcts, and Oil Cloths, 4c, Ac Presents RARE ATTRACTIONS, X D Splendid "Inducements TO PTOCZASERS, Who wish to secure GREAT BARGAINS For the Smallest Quantity of ' CAPTAIN CASH on Country l'roducc. "W-A-LI-. PAPER 1 rr.ILING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, JSG1 redived a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THE ITEZST STYLES AUD PATIE22:3 CF V ALL PAPER, wlii'b they are selling at piices tkat defy ecu); etnion. SjnLury, January 19, 1361- NOTICE LL perfons knowing themselves indebted to the euhsciiliers, engaged in the Foundry 1. , .tines., on notes, book sccaunls, or otherwise, are erjuested to settle the same without delay. IhitO neglecting this notice must not complain if co:ts 8re added to their accounts V. 1). & J. liOHRDACir. Rui.burv, Nov. 17, IPr.U f.rn SAVE YCTTR. TIIUIT TY X.'SING MASON'j l'atet.l .Sheet Metal - Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! AW that is necessary I cing to screw the Cepdown upon the Kuhl.cr liasket, which is placed outside upon the shrm.drr o Iho Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis Unt from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit being injured by coining in contact with the Rubber." 1'ersons desiring these Jora, can be supplied by Uat ine their orders with H. B. M AiSl'.K, Kunbury, June 2, 1 S30. Agent. COO T A N 1) S 11 O IS MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Suare and J2iver Street REMEMBER that all'goods sold at our estal lUhmenl WARRANTED to be as T vz "m w :p rt us rp e cm- hi '1'ilE subscriber respectfully inlorms thi jers ot Sunbury ar.d vicin.ly. that h onencd a boot and hoe bhop on the corner of Mirket Hqnare and River street, opposite the Court House, where be can Le fouud at u'.l times ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make uu customer work of ail kinds, al short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on band a larre asorf Dirnt ol Leather, of the best quality, which en aides hiu tj make upcood and durable work. ts'sll and examine for yourselves btfoie Lur- nXiAHHS ! BLANKS ! ! t rnw supply of fcummons', Kiecutiona, Varrauls, rMipccnu, Deeds, Moitgages, l'....t 1 ,u j V ..I o r.. li ... tt. ... r-uf,.ra fi.jll, ,..d Con-iai.los'Fec Bills, Ac. 4.C.. list printed I cU'"'" "J you will save money. and f ir sale at this Ollico. Kuiibury, ApJii 30, lufifl. h yt'..y libliS! CRACK ti!8. just received X.J atid Ijr sale by the barrel ur ooui,d. at the i Loiiiocioi.ery stre of M. C. UEARilA RT. j iSunuury. Ui ioU-r 13, I HtfO. JOHN W1LVER. 10. 19ti0 ly Hew Goods for the Ladies 111.ANK .Vortijagcs, lioi.J. Liwutiuiis, rsrcl.oiru, J'al er l)cj, r sale l Jt and blaiik bumrnunt, 1 AlASdEK. TIMNL-OW m.E.S -A very tine and j ilui assortment, jnsl received Ly Rail-1 r.a I from N.ci Yeik, st the Mammoth store of i I'lilins; (J- Oiaril. W e have slso lor sale H tt. j 1't.tnnin A. Co s ctkbrst. d Falsnt I'tudulum ! V uiuai ! utarea. DRY GOODS- T7"ILN0 & GRANT, al the Mammoth Store 1 havethie day, January Iti. received and f, en. d another fresh aupply U DU V UOO04 au Notion. Suuliury, January tO, ltCI. EOO'1'8 & Ml OEs77rich."s,i .T the Mammoth tore i f Fnling A; Grant, very chea 3, as we are determined not to b undersold I J anybody. CU and learn the list of prices lor yourselves. FRII.IXU & UK A NT. dunbnry, January IX, JSC I p1' WARE A ry cheap aud alesirable assottmaot just nceived thi week, al the MartirarHo Hn.ra of FRILINQ 4. UBANT. bunbury, Jtnusry It, tatil. Jtsr Ktctiveu at I1RIGHT & SON'S I I'luin. all Wool Delaines, Neat figured Delaines, Handsome Cashmeres, Until Colored Lie laines. Hlrijied Dusters. Nice bilk Fop. lii.n, Miked Mohair Dusters, l'lain J'rencb Merinos, PiinleJ French Merinos, Persian Twill, Brocade No- ifau.Plaiu Co burgs, Dark miicd Detepe, Hands' lllack Silks. New Ktyle Dark Prints, Glove of all Kinds. Hosiery of all Kinds, New bit) In N obi as, Opera. Cspa, Choiiihie bcarf. Mohair Head Dresses, Need! Worked Collars, Ac, Ac, Ac. But it is useless to attempt ennmerslina the frest variety f Goods we have now in (tore, suitable for I.adiea' wear. We invit an inspec tion of our aim. P. V. B RIGHT & KON. tiubbury, October S7. 18h0. LOTUS, Caimerf. Sattineta. v-' Heav end light weight Hearer clotba. Tricots, Frosted Heaver, Flairs Broad cloths. Faocj and Black Catfioiere. t'OOi'EK A CONARP, S. E eorner XiiUii Market atreeu. l)c. 8, I860. Pbiladelpb;. AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES In addition to our LAP.GE STCCH, We are constantly receiving New Goods, thus keeping up our assortment at all seasons of the year We return our thanks to the public, foi their liberal patronage, and shall make every ell'ort on our part to render satisfaction. Be lieving that the nimble dime is better than the slow quarter, we shall adhere to that old lime honored motto : "Small profits and rjuick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT k SON Sunburv. November 17, 18G0 WINTER GOODS, T O R 11 ENS W EAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Ileal tiood l asstnetta. blU Mivrd Coalings. Super Velvet Cords. Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings, I'laiu Silk Velvet Votings, Nice Castimere Vetings In fact all kinds of goods for Men'a and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's On Price lore of E. Y. .Bright A Bon. who have just ercned by Ruilroad a eplendid stock of all kinds ol goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT Si SON. Suiihury. October 27. IKfJO. SEVERE HOUSE, (I.ATK KAGLK MOTEL,) Third Street, abort tiace, Philadelphia, RHOADS h BAILOR, Proprietors. 1 MPROVEMENTS hsvs been nude, and the House bat X been refifed throughout TiuoilKiii V. Huo.Dl, formeilyof Ihe Xtl,.nl Hotel f.i. i 7. ".' '""''"ly 01 Bcbuyliill eo.. Pa. I'lnlsuelpbu, J. to, htt, lr ' ' HEA2 WHAT THK PKOPH SAT. Tie nn tsrl'rne.1 Imvlne nterl Pmfor IIUMPirnKTS SI'KtMKIl) WlM'KOr'VrillO RKMKI1K8 In our fsjolllea ith l!ie most satUfsctnrjr results, and htrlng full cenlt iltnce In the'r genalnenem, purity, sikI elUcacr, cheerfully reciiiniHCnd them In all pertons whe wish t bars safe, re liable, and enlesaiout remedies at band fur private or ao- n,The I't'v. IVm. TI.!mer, editor ef "The Northern Inde pendent," Auhiirn, N. Y.j tlie Rev. B. K. Cretsey, U.O., It '?tr nrM. tvtev t caiurcn, Auuurn, r.. 1. i me n". i. .. ra.,.t..i r ii,i Antuirn Hints Prls on t the Kev. Spencer M. Hire, R:lor, New-Redford, Mats. the Iter. Allen Dteele, Tlew-lors uanierence , vne nev. ciiii Mtl.Al. V'4.i.n,,MM. nnrarenee. N. T. ! the Kev. f. D. Pratt, Dorset, vt. i the Iter. Jonn n. nooie, nuunio; . v. Hart, Kni., Utlcn, N. V. j the (Ion. Nesl Dow, Portland, u. . i,. lnn a.a,cli.r n,lrny. Honth-npnit. Ind. ! the Hon. flVri ll.imi'.lirevl! N. Y. ! llenre D. Cook. Esq., Kdltor ol The Ohio Wile J airnst, Columbut, Ohio ; Hie Hon. R. H. Orithwn, Miline. III.; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, MnriU- ee'ln, Fla. : the lion, j itepn neneoiei, uum, 1. 1.1 11,1st d, Km., tttea, N. t. ; A. 8. Pond, Etq., Ullcs, N. T. Jaatn I'limselt, Kq., Niahrtlle, Tenn. LIST OP SPEC1VIO RKMKDIM. Ho t For Ferer, Pongestton, and Inflammsllon. u.. .F.,r Worm Fever. Worm Colic. Welling the Be. K.! 8 For Oollc, Crying, Teething, ami Wakefulness at Infants. . . No. . For Diarrhea, Cinder Infantum, and Summer Complaints. . H. s For C itle, Orlptngs, Bwientery, or Bloody Tin. No. 6. For Cholera, Cholera Slorbus, Vomiting. (Jo. 7 For Coughs, Coldt, Influents, snd gore Throat. ,, g For Tooth-nche, Face-ache, snd Nenrstpls. K. . For Headache, VerUgo, Heat and Fullness of the "ko." in Drsrrpsi Pu.is For Wetk and Derange Stoai icti, Conttlpallon. and l.lrer Complaint. N ,. 11. Kim Fkvmls UssaULiaiTiss, Bcanlj, Painful, ot 8unprejed Periods. , No. H For Uucorrhea, Profute Menses, and Bearing Down of Feinalet. No. II. For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing. No. U. tii.T Itnsua Puxs Fur iu-ytlpelss, Kruntlons. Ptrnplvs en the Face. No. i.-. i-u ikch itic Piua For Patn, Lsxaeness, or Sor new in Uie Ci.t, Hark, Wins, or I.lrnbt. A For Fever aiu" Ajue, Cblll Ferer, Dumb Ague, OW Miwaarilged Airm-s. p. For files, lllind or Tlleedlne, Internsl or External. O For A ire, Weak, or Inflamed F-ves and Eyelids; Fall in,' WuaV, or HiurreJ SWit. C For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, elthtr with obstruction or profuse discharge. W. t Fur W lioopini Couth, soiling Iu violence and In all acute diteuies, such as Ferert, Inflammations, mI,r,.t.uii ll,wm.ri. IVuiin. Hlieumstisin. and such eruli live diseases St Hea'rlit Fever, Metttles, and lirytipelus, the ailvantagc of giving tlie proper renieuiet proiupoj in. .,,.1 In .11 mueh citaea the toeeiftct act like a charm. The entire dlseaw It often arrejie l at once, and in ail cases Uie violence ol tlie attack It moderated, Uie dkease tbort- ened, and rendererl les rlanirerout. r.....i.. ,.n,i r.i.u l,icl. tie r tnch frenncnt occurrence. anil vMrh to often lav tl.e fcillulnllon uf dUette,! lungs, bronchitis and consumption, may ail be at once cured by the Fever and Cough fills. .... v In all chronic diseases, such st njspenia, 11 can numn.. Constipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, snd i-.,.,i.ri,u. l,l lleM,lHrlies s.ire or Weak r.vra. Catarrh. Salt llheum. ami other dd eruptions, the ease lias tpecilics .knu ..rnau.r a..,,llrNil,tt. sill srtor,! n cure ill almost every Instance. Often the cure of a lincle ohiuldc dltticuity, such at Dyspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Headache or remaie aw nest, has rauic than paid lor the cats ten tinici over rr.TCF. Case nf Sn vials emnplele. In morocco, and Book Hi Case of 0 vial., snd ltok, plain Case of lf numbered boxes, and llook Case of 6 boxes, numbered, and Hook .. .. I facile numbered boxel, will, direction! 5 eenlt. ... 1. I.,(n.-.l l.,.v.. Mill. dlre..-tioii .rl cenls Laive cats uf 2 ot. vials, for lanlers and plij;ciiis...tlo ALSO SPECIFICS. e p,iTirc ninins,l. DIITi.'ult. Labored Breathing, attended with Cough and Evpecloralioll. I'l ice, bti cents per box. . , , . Foa Kak DiscH islfs i?v Pmrsrss. Dlicbarces from the ti.. ......i ,.r k....,.i K..vei-. Meiotles. or slercurlalt. ForVolses Iu the Head, Hardness nf Hearing, and Kinging in the Kan. and Ear-ache. Price, Ml cents per box. v..- c. ....... . Snlr.,l liianils. Knlai-eil and Indura ed Tonrils. Swelilucs and Old fleers. Scrofulous Caches ol r-t. 11.lt..,, Prl.-,. .1 rents tier box. Foa flssmnt IlKBU-crv.- Phi steal or Nervous Weakness. Father the salt of Sickness, K.vicsiovs M-licalion, or fcx 1 .t i,t... 1. P.lr.. tfl teiiis i-r box. Foa Diuirsv Fluid A.-cuioulailons, Tuinlil Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Prico, rsi cenls per 11. Foa Sri-Sicssrss. Ileatldy Sickliest, erllgn, Nantes, Vomlilnr. Ditkueas from ridiuc or motion. Price, on ceiili 1 ....... ,-..... rvawtra For flravel. Rensl Calculi. Dlffl e,.li PAiiif.d Ui Inalioii. Diteases of the koine t. 1 rKe, 00 rents per box ,.... t,... ,.,.,,,... r.l...,.rcea snd roa r-Kaissi. r.wn,wp. . - -- Cnse.uent Proslisllon ami Debility, Had Resultant l.vil llabtls. memoai tucccs.ioi o.. and mav be relied Usu as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, i per box. Persons r no wisri 10 pmi-e uinn.e,, ., , - tionat care, or u. seek advice 01 -r..l iiiwrosK,., ., 10, at his olhce Ml! Urosulway, dally from A.M. to 6 P.M. or' by letter. OUR REMEDIES UH SIA1I Look over the Halt niake up a case of what kirn! you choose, and inclose the amount in a current note or stamps bvmsil to our address, at No. Mil! Broadway, New-York, and the medicine will be duly relumed by mall or express, free of chares. ... AOFNTS WAXTKI. We desire an active, efficient Agenl for the sale of onr Remedies .1,1 every or r on uniiiil Hy hi tbe tidied Slates. Address Dr. F. Ill Ml'llllt 13 A to. No. SitS ItaoanwAV, Nr.w UkS. A. W FIS HE R.A gent, Bunbury, Ta. May ?0, 1860 iy A SUPtRtATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC,. Avr ' 1HYIC0RATIN& CORDIAL To the Citizeos of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apothwarlea, Dropgiitt, Orocert and Privmtt Pmli. Wolfe1! Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe Pure.MQtlena. Sherry and Port Wine Wolfe's I'ure Juinnia. and St. Croix Hum. Wolle'a Vuf Scotch and Irish Whuky. ALL IN BOTTLK3. Ibefrleavato cull the Rttetition of the citlzena of the UnUeii tiate M the alKwa Winn nntl I.iquora, imtiorted by liDoLmo Wolte. if New York, whoae imtne ia fu mi ll nr In every part ol thia country fr ihe purity of htacel brated Sichictlum Bchimppi. Mr. Wolle, in tna tetter to me. anratkinrurthe mitiLv of hia VVineaand Liquora, auya: "1 will atuke my reputation ni e nmn, my atniHliiifi nst, merchantof thiny ymri't rraideme in the City of New Yrk. that all the Mramlv and Winea which 1 uttle ate pureaaimported, and of the beat quality, end can be relied unon bv everv nurclmaer 1 Every bottle hna the propne- tr'Bm.meoii the wax, anda facsimile of his tiguuture on the certificate. The public are rnpectfiillv invited Mcoll and examine for themselves The public are respectfully invited tu cull end exnmnie for themselves t-T an ID at Retail by nil AptilhecndesaiidUrncers in Philaileiphta. Read the following from the New Yoik Courier t Koxmovs UitsiMK!t won onr Nkw Yobk Mr.nciuST We are happy to inform onr feltow-finzcna that thefe isnnonlnca in our ritv where the nhvaiciun. o not Ik ciirv. and country merchant, enn go end purclmse pure Wines and Llauors.as nure as iinjiorteil. and of the lst quality. we do n-it intend togivn an riuiKUute aesciipTien pi una mete haul's extensive Ntiiirin, nillmuffn it win wen rere.y any nt rugger or citizen to visit L'dolplio AVolfe's exieniivc warehouse, Pins. IH, wnnd ai, Heuver street, nna rt"S u, lnandlaAtiirketiield street. Uia stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shinment c mld not have been icw than tlnrtv thousand enses : the llimicty, m"me ten Ihoufond cnacs VinUifffiof lr3ti to )H.6 ; mid ten thoumnd criura ot ninucira, SNieiry nnn rori ine, ccticn anu intn Whitky, Jumnica und St. Croix Rum. some very nld and equal to nny inthiactuntty. Ilealso had three lurge eel lara, nued with lfrnndv. vine kc . hi enema, enarr t-us tom-House kev, nady for boltlinri. Mr. Wolte'g anlt-a of Schnapps Uiri year amounted to one hundred mid eighty thuusnud Jozcn.aml we hope in leas lhau two venrshc inuy be equally succeMiul with Ina Uraiu.ies oim! v hies. His busittfts merits the potroinge of evrry lover of his species. VriViitefHmihes who wish pure Wines and I . qu on for medico, use should send liit-ir ordeis direct to Mr. Woi,vt until every Apothecary In the kind mnke up their minds todirnrd the poisonous tMufTiroin their s (elves and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines mid Liquors We underslnnil Mr. Wolfe, for the ominimHUiti"ii of sninll denlers in the cmiittry, puts vp assorted enses of vinrs nnd Liquors, fuch b man, anti surri n n.frchniu, should besusiuihed acninst his lens of thousnmU of oppo. ncnts in the Lulled States, wlm srll iHtliiog but imiUtions, ruinous ntike to hummt hi-nlth mnl hnppiness. mu sae uy Uhuut ukivu i, Ageut, sunoury, ra. fptemher ft. 1-C0 fim p. HIGHLY IMPORT AWT NEWS M. C. OEAUI1AUT, HaateturneJ with a new Stock of Confectlonarics, Fruit and Toys. IT eeerta at If a new age, a nw lift waa open ins iinnn ns. ammatint every heart to nobler deeds and higher aima I Art, Literature and Sel ene will glow anew and aeeli to uevetopa bud- limer beautiea and grander eoncepimn. The buaineaa world too must feel lha new In fluence and every part be quickened and etrenglh ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric epeed to the consummation of greater things than waa ver dreamed of in the Philnannhv nf the naat. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevatlea 11 rlasses. and desiroua of doing hia ahars lr wanla"The great evenU of Ilia Age," the aub- acrilier would respectfully Inform the fooo peo ple of SUNUUHY and tlie public generally, that ha haa iust returned from Uie city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest atock of Con- r I t-...:. I nn... it... I 1... r lipon lecitoilBiies, lull nun Avjm in. - - - brought to this section of country. He Is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionnrtea, Ac., o fill up orders, wholeaa'e or retail, at abort no tice. Among his atock of Confectionartea, may b found t Oum Drops, all kinds of scent, tsvre Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fioit Drops, Stick Candles, of all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Figs, Citiotis, Raiir.nl, Nuts nf all kinds LKMON SYKUP of a superior quality, by the single or dorn. A superior quality of Scsars and Tobacco, and a variety of Cotifertinnariea, fruit, Toys, Ac. all of which isollered cheap at wholesale or retail. 3T Uemeuiber the name and place, gj M. U.OEAKHAUT. Market st., 3 doora west of E. Y. Bright i Sun'a store. Sunburv, April 14, I860. Iy French ferrets. llumed Aim. mils, Cream Wbfte, Row, Vanilla, Crvminrm Sect eta. Liquor u s, Bantnat, Dates. Currants dried, Aiinonds, NEW GOODS Atth Mammoth 8t6r of IRA T. CLEMENT, IfO. I MARKET STREET, BUNBURY, FA. fiHE subscriber haa just opened at hia well ,L known establishment in Sunburv, on of the haa pest and most desirable slocks of Fall and Vinter Goods, that haa ever been oflered in the place, and which ne will aell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and (gamine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY 6ILE. All W ool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmetes, Shaded, Plain and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the eitent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and llroche Shawl. Cloths Cas&imeres and Satinet, For Men and Doys' Wear, Ulack L'assimrrea, fancy Cassimeres, sule stupes heavy, Uoe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. FT. A 3NTJNTEIL,r3. White and Rod Flannels, all grades and price, Bay State Hark Flannels, colors finest qnaltiua. READY-MADE CLOTHING Doata and Shoe, Mats and Caps, Ac, 4 c, all of which were selected with great care, end will compare favorably, aa regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II AIU) W A UK, a lull assort men L Wood and Willow Ware, tajueeueware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Csrpet Chains, Ac, Faints, Oils. Ulass. Dye Stuns. Thankful fur the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the fulure. Sunburv, Utl. Ti, 1859. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EXKr.L.. of Mmbtirr. Ia , I AS iust arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect he wilt spare no time in slimiing them. Among his stork uf eoods will bcfounJ, Fl.NE Ul.l'E AND lil.ACK FPwSlTCH CLOTZ. Fine IS luck and Fancy ("asinieres Tweeds, Sat- inetts, Jeans, Ulack Italian Cloth, Cashnierrtte, Coltonade. Linens, I.inen Drill, I.inen Cheek, and Farcv Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and b-iy (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Clack and Fnne.y Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Uerertes, ('halt and Choli Robes, Uerege Delaine, Uerege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a ariety of other Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Urilliant Ac A general assortment tif domestic Dry Go ds. Also a laree stock ot Mats and Laps, Uoots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware. Drugs and Paints, 6'alt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil Tar Ac. Sic. N. 1). Wall and Window Taper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices fur cash or country produce ta en in exchange lor Guotls. J. H. ENGEI. Punbury, May. 13, I8R0. tf. 1AS32.3.'3 P-TE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. As Improved for IM59 and 60, By E. KETCH AM A CO., SHU Pearl-Street, ru'w-y ork. 'JfMIE only Freezer constructed on scientific -L principles, with a revolving can and spring blade, scroper. 1 lie one hastens the (reeling of the cream the other removes it as fast as fiozc.n. The most rapid in freezing, with tLe least auatititv of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable iu structure, For sale tn all the bnncipal elites and towr.a in the Ui ion. Each Ficcier accompanied with a book of ro- ipes and full directions. .'KlCrJS. SUXBURY STEAM FLOURING npHE subscribers having taken possession of - turn first clas FLOL KING MILL, are pie pared to receive grain of ull kinds, aud to do cut' lorn nurk at the Shortest Notice, Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. Aa it is the intcn. tion uf the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup' ply nt Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a su' neri'-r quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of ibe public generally is respecllully requested. MORGAN A CO., Sunbury, June S3, 13"0. GENESEE SALT. WHOLE8A.r,B Se BETAIL pi'ILlNG & Git AN 7" (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 lbs. of Solar wrounu, oniar and fine Salt, 700 Sacks of urounu Dolar fcall every sack warranted to contain 825 pounds uf Salt and 800 hags of Salt containing one liunhel eaih. Tuis aalt i the best and strongast now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, UfiO. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG! & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, sYoi. 75, 77, 79, 61, 83 85 Duant Street Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, ih WA3ISITTA I'lllXTt), also Iba A m o s k e a g , A New Print, which excela every print in the Country for perfection of execution and deaia-n in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Order promptly attended to. February 4, UQ0 ly pi rREEBintt ACADEMY. T1HE FALL TERM of the present year was A- opened on Tuesday, the 16lh of October, ulL Boiird of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Piiucipal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. Literature. P. S. Dover, Associate, and Instructor in Math. matics, Nalpral Sciences, book Keeping, Ac- Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Depaitments. The government of this Institution is mild but firm, and all students are required to be diligent and obedient Expense. Doardine, room with furniture, per week, . " 1,50 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, $3,00 " $7,10 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical 8utvrvius, Ac., exit. Students admitted at any lime during the Quarter. For further particulara, address, J. K MILLET, Freeburg, Snyder county Pa. Freeburg, November 3, I860. II A llll IS I'Al.M T K It , Httorn.?!) at 3L a to MARKET SQUARE, 8U N B U K "i", FA. June S3, I860. SR. A. W. FISCHER. OFFERS his professional services to the citi tens of Sunbury and vicinity. OIKce at the Drua Store. Sunbury, June 9b, 1830. EHAK0XIN VALLEY POTTERY- riMIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that ha is now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 mile eaat of Sunbury, all kind of Ear lhau Ware, road out of Ited Cement Clay. This clay produce tha best and moat deairabU kind of war, equal, in many respecta, to atone ware, and ia le liable to crack by suddsa beat and cold. Tha subscriber refer to Friling tfc Grant, Bunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct 1 3, 1 60. I y Sunbury, Ta. STOVES- T7 OR SALE an excellent aacond-hand Caok - in Ktov, also aeveral Cylinder Coal ctovea. tnqvura at tbu ottic. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAT FOR CASH. gi O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received Xj 'rom I'biladelpbia a large stock of COOTS & SHOES. H is stock consist, of Gen'ts Kipp Hoot, Youths' Kijjp Boots. Ltiildien . Lall Uoots. Also variety of W omen's Calf Lace Boots, Women' Morocco Lace Bool. Children' Moroero and Calf Lace Uoots. all of which he will sell cheap for CASH lan and examine for yourselves. ALSO, liist quality of Tampero Muroco for sale lor cash. WM.H. MILLER. 8unbury, January 7, I860. J. STEWART LEPUY, , A T CORNKI.1U9 MAIIAN'8, No V53 eilh, iTV Second tn ecu, (next doni to C. U.iMenoli's; I'nirBrtelpliia, w.uKI invite tlie sltentit n of then .ftlendt and cuttomers, nnd the pulnic in general; Hi.o a targe and well selecled .tuck fd K CARPBTINGS, pr loiiiiilint; of Velvets. Tapestries, Three-Plj-s, i'!ln2raiiia. and Yenilinns. Alt,,. WINDOW ef-lMlADKS.OII. CLOTHS, MAT I'l.NOS. DIIL'U'-I ."UH'H, Bit), MAT?, STAIil RODS, Sir I wliich lie tells very clieae for cath, wholesslnj 'and relail. .viren t. iron ly O o I 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarta, SU quarts. Apply tu H. D. June 2, lh60. $3 4 & 6 S 18 CO MASSER, Sunbury. I860- THE BEST ROUTE F K O M DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, 19 the Wit Medicine in the world for the Cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Uronehilia, Astlnna, Dtcu!ly in Hieallihifr. Palpitation of tlie Heart, lOpllieria, and for the reliel nf patients in the adv-anerd stneete-f Cotisiinip. lion, toaeuiur wiui a:i Liiteatet is tne luroal and Cuett, and which preditpote tl Contumptiou. Jt is peculiarly adiij'tcd to the radical curt cf Asthma. Rem neptredbva prnrtical Plivsrlan atul Drurstst. and one of great experience In the cure of ll.e various ditessesto which the Unman frame is liable. It is offered to the atnicted with tl.e greatest coafdnnc.. Try it and be convinced that It is liivalnal.ie in ttis Cuts of liroi chial hfT.'ciions. Price 50 cents per Dotue. 13T raxTAasa oidv by i)r. A. fJaNM V.W c'., ltnf-:sit nnd Chemists. N W. Corner Ninth snd I'.f.lar t-tt.. Philadetnliia tV 8!I.D hy every rispertabi. iruccist and Leulet In Medicine throughout Ihe Slate. 160 I hllade'phia, Alarcli .11, lntl. ly.v ROCKEFELLER & E0VIH, 00 oo oo oa ou Wyomlnir Taltr, to 1-l.lladcIpbla. AttOmeVS at LaW New lurk, li.ilUmoi t, v J " ' art l-J X3 l x. f ir- AND ALL POIXTS XOJiTU, SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJMMER AnnAHOErjEKT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will he ran between Scrsnton and rvortnumneilaiid, as roiiows .MOVING hoUTH : Phira.Msil. Leave Scraiiton, Airiveat I'ltttlon, Kingttoii, Miickthtnny, Iserwn-k, Ukioiiitbuig, Kapert, llanvnle, Aoriliuiiibcrland, Leave Norirurnberland, Arrive at Danviiie, K iput, Blniibatf , Bl TAIUlC, hliickstniiny, Klngbloil, l'ltlStJll, bcranlon, 6 1J A. M. t M 7 US 7 60 B V0 M 9 Ud lu mi MUV1N0 NOR TH : N. Y K. t U A. M. e 05 ji 6 45 7 15 7 15 a so 8 57 V 115 New Air Line Route TONE "W YORK 6HORTLST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST I TIMK belwean the two Cities of NEW YOH AND HilUKISBURO. vt READING, AI.LhNTOYVN AND F.ASTON. Moruiiur Kspress West leaves New Vnrk at 6 a. M . i Philadelphia utHi x, arrives at tiuirlstiuri; at I'i 5 r cine.:lini! at Hainanuia with truin on Noiihem Cent. Ivoau tut -uuuury, w 11 lanisjsjrt, Lota tiuveu and liner nieniaie stations .Mini Tram West leave New York at 19 u.vnn, a f liltadelptna at a M r. ai., (ainnecinig wilh tiaui nu Anr; ernCenlml Kiiad lor stations ns above, and ai on iruntsnn ine iv ininnispori aial r.imira. Mail '1'iain Lati leaves llurritliutg at 9, a M , ami ar rivseat Philudclpliia at 1 r. at , and New Vmlc at 3 30 r. u., in time to lake Isait or ears for Itostoii. Ac. Fast Kxpiess Kaat leaves liarrist.u at I 15. on ainval of Norihcm Central Tiuiii, aud arrives at Philadelphia at 6 15 r M . and New Voik attlr. M. No change of cirsor baggng. b-.tweeu New York or Philadelphia and llarrisbuig. For beauty ot' scenery aial speetl. comfort and aceivsnmn dation, lint route presents superior inducements to the traveling public Dli.ee in New York, font of Coiirtlond street, PhlUdel. phw, Urisid snd Calkiv-loll streets. Kar. bet ecu New York and Uarritbarg FIVE DOL LA Itt. For Tickets; Freight or other lnf.-irmali.-m, apply to J. J. CLYDE, Geneiul Ageut. Harritlairg, Jane HO, I860 ly A. Jordan HooKf feller and Solomon II, Uoyer, respectfully announce tai. they entered into Copartnership in the practice nf ihoir protcssion, anil will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Li.ion, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carclully. Special at tention will b given to the COLLECTION'S OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the (IE KM AN language. Olhce,- Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, IMiO. CPs'JG &, CZS1ICAL riHE undersigned having received a lare and M. well selected stock of I'tire DriirTM aud C'licmtcals, DyeslittTa, Oils, Paints, Glass and Putty, i. unw ready to till orders at a moment notice. In connection .with the above you will nnd an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, loolh, Hair, Nails aud Clothe Brushes of everv variety. Customers will' find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible, here to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Precautions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. YV. USHER. Sunbury. April 8H, IR.tO. P. MELANCHTON SHIN DEL, Jl'STIf'i: OK Till; l'EACE. strrg-BTj-R--, pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately oppotite the I uhhe School House. All business promptly ulteuded to. Monies ollccted slid all ordinary writing done. Sunburv. Auril 5. Ibfi7. tf HENRY- DolNVN EL, ATTORNEY AT LA'V. Uj?tc opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Pteimpt aileuiiott to fcusinees in adjoining 'ounlies. WHOLESALE DEALER IN' BRANDIES, WINES, OINS.&C 'pHE aubacrilier having opened iu Thompson's Brick Building, Mill stieet, Danville, a large and complete elock of FOREIGX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tha best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rj e, Scotch and Irish Whiakey, Port, Sher(y, Madoria, Champagne and other Winea of all grades, all of which will be aold Wholraale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of ua can save at least ihe freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquora for FAMILY USE. may rely upon being' furnished wilh par and unadulterated article. tjfBeing determined to establish reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the publie. AU orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jura 18, 1860. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAM'FACTl'BFD and far tale hy M. Priner Co; Leibraikit and McDowell's Building;, Murta Last XMiisr, tteeuwl snd Hac street. Paiiudgipliia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October tr, 1M0. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Sueet, Philadelphia. NB. Communication by ajvail promptly attended to. N. Y r.x. tu r m 4 A3 5 90 HJ C 55 7 3l 7 iO 8 10 t ii Pbu's Mail. 15 l'.Al i 10 t 54 f 110 35 05 7 45 S 15 e 45 Ta. Lackawaniui and Bkv.nisbti'g Railroad connects with th. Delaware, Lackawanna sim! Western Railroad, al ScranPin, for New 1 ork and rhiladeiphlu, ami interme diate Doiuts Katt : also for Ureut liend, Binfituimtoii, tviacuse, Diifl ilo, Nisrsia Falls, and all iiriporuiut points West. At Ituneit it comieets with the I ultswifcta llail- roa,l, for points both Katt and Wear. At Nnilliumlieifand it c-iuticrie with the Sunhury end Krte llaiiroad. for hhuis W est and South. 51. . j ACtwu.v, sup u K.ngston, AugattS.'), l$i . 18C0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I860 NEW YORK LINES CAMLEN' A AMUOY AND rHILADELPHU AND THEN ION RAILROAD CO.'S LINL, From Philadelphia tn New York und Way I laces. Fri ra Walnut Street Wharf and lleiiiingt. Depot, I iiisMie.ptita, win leave aa .uuows, is ssas. At t A M v la CaraJi u and Ainbov C k A Accom- in.l..;ioa. (2 25 At 8 A M, via Cnm1e:i and Jersey City New Jer- aey accoiniiiiMinu..u, 8 21 At H A M. via Camden and Jnriev city Morning Mail, 3 00 At I Is A M, via Ku.s:nton and Jeraer city. Wes tern F.snress, 3 00 At PM via Camden and Amhny, arjeommorliitioii 8 V5 llll' M. via Camden and Amuov C and A. Ex press, 3 on At 41 I' M, via Keiumctoa. and Jersey eity. Evs- nnig Express, 3 0C At 41 F M, via hensinctoii and Jciier city, Sd ; Clan Ticket, 8 85 At 6 I' M, via Camden At Jersey city Evening M til 310 At II I' M, via Cuindell and Jersey city Boulll Mail 8 85 Al 5 F AI. Via Camden and Amisiv Accommoda tion. (Ficigln and Passenger,) 1st class ticket, 8 85 till " 1 50 The d P. M Mail Lin. tuns daily. The 11 Southern Mail tsaluidacs cxnented. For Itelvidere, ll.ul.ai. Flcintneton, Are., st 4 A. M from Wuinut slieel wharf Slid a I'. ,M , from Kensington, r or .aiaucii chunk, Aiientowu and iiouiieucm, at o, a ai. Via Lehigh Vutley Itallroud. For Witter Gup, buoudsbjrg, Scrsnton, Wilkeslatrre, M.niir.ite, Great llend. are., at 0 A M, via Ucaaware, ilekawauiia and W estertl llailrisid Fin S'reehold. Ull M and I. M F t Mount llolty, at o aud a A NL, and 8, aud 4 r. al WAY LINES, For Bristol. T fro Ion. Ate., at 3 and 4k F. M., from Ke.uunalmi. For F..unyra. Pelaneo, Ttevetly, Burlingtnn, Borden- Inu'ii. If . at 1-2 1:1 and all'. M. Fifty rsHiuds of B ipgngc only, allowed each passenger, 1'HSSengera are plunibileu irointusin. aiiyrning as ua. case hut their wear.ne annalel. AH Hagssse ovmr filty nounda rn be raid for extra. The Coiniiany limit then . responsibility for Uaggag. to One l"la.r per pound, and I Will not ue name ioi any .mount uayoim suu sonais, ex cent bv saecisl cimlract. IV M H OAT.MER Agent C. At A. R. It Co February 18. leou. HEGEIMAN & COS CCItDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by Hl'GEMAN Ai CO., Wholesale and Rsuil Cbemisu and Druggist, 161, 308, 511 aud 754 Broadway, New uik. rpilE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Toute hsv J. been Ion snig k:uiwu Ui uecd comment. Th. CALIS A A (' or King's Hark,") is the most vlu. blsofih. numer sua vai letica of the l'eiuvun Bark, and iu th. ELIXIR is combined with other ingredients that increase its clhcscy and at tha asms lime overcome th. inienti.y ot tta bittai, r.udertng it a Btost Aftnable Out. dial. For persons living in FEVER aud AGUE districts, it win oa lounu ill vaiuscie as s pfevenllv.. Mall ol a wi le gists full uken ui(tit and moi mug, rendering th. system nuea inaasuujaei w til. BIlBealMy U.nuaoc. ol til !utu Dher. DIRECTIONS Dose forsa .dart, half a wiaegkus uu ueior. Dreusisusnd dinner) eaikir.u liom tiwuiiwo I ... ... ... .,,,.,, n. cuttf IwisnoonaluUi u nay be lakeu wakat wiUwuta blue T78EFLLIN ALL rAMILIES-HLUKMAJi w.ier For sal. atthlaofae. March 17, 1 eon r . -3 ? Save tlic Pieces ! Asaecidenta will happen, even iu wrtl-regulaied fami lies, it it very lie, irable in have some cheap and oonvMiisut way for rep.in.ig Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can a.T nl to he without it. It ie always ready and up to the lin king point. There is no longer a iiecetsny for limping clia'is, spliuiert veiwers, headless dolls, and broken ciadlea It is just the article ( r cone, aliell, and nlher nruameutal wsik, ao iopular wilh lud.es of icrinement and Usie. This admiruble piesiraliou is used cokl. tieuig cherr.ie.llv held iulutioil,.iid rossessing all ihs valuable qualit.etof th. best cabinet-maker's Ulue. Il may le used in lb. place of ordinary mucilage, bemg vastly more aohasiv. "USEFUL IN EVERY UOUSE" N. B A Brash accmipaniet each butti. Fries St5 cuts. VhoUaal. IW.I. Na th Tedar atraal. New YofX. Address, UENUY C. MFAI.Dl.NG A CO.. BX No. 3,ou, hw tui. Pat ap for Dealers In eases containing Four Eight, and Twelve Doxsn beautiful Lnliof rankle cliuw Caid so eompanyiiiji each package. 17 A single bottle uf folding's PrsnaredGlu. will save tan times us oust annuallv to every houaetiokl. eVJd by all prominent Puiiioneis, Druggists, Hardware aud Furniture lleulers, Grorera, and Fancy buiies. Country Merchsnu should nisk. a uoie ol bpalduig s prepared tilue, wbau they loaka up Uiair Usi. Il wu stand any climat.. For sale al this ofiica. March 10. IrOO ly FOR SALE. TWO LOTS aituat in Market arreet, in th town of Trevorton, Nob. 18 and 1 3, in block No.0. Apply to WM. GAl'GLER, Saline grova, or H. II. MASSER, Sunbury. lRILIXU A GRANT hao Juat received bv A railroad lha largest assortment of QUEENS WAKE and GLAKKWARK vr Wrought to Sunbury. Also, a frvh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring I'reaa Gooii, Funu. aim lu.s and Nations. P V. 'I0- v A CO S Denxine, which removes paint spots grease. Ac, e, and cleaua gloves, silks, ribbon. Ae., equal to new, without lb slightest injury to color or fabric. Bold by all Druggist, also al ibis ofl'ice. 85 cants per bottle-. Hnv'ti BOOTS and SHOI-, cheap for cash WM. MILLER'S toa ury, Aagust IT, lf.