TIIR IMPBNDIHO VROVBLK. Active Preparation for War. Sailing of Steameri and War Vettelt with 7Vff. Immense Fleet to Concentrate in the Gulf. The. Loteit Newt from the Federal City The Tkreattned Retignatxon of Army Uffi cert All Communication with Fort Sumter at off. The Adminittratinn Weeding th drn,v The Federal Capital l he iao tiff and the War Movement!. Officer Dismitted Organization of Northern Militia The Departure of Lieut. Talbot for Charleston. Washington, April t, TI1IICOMINO BTRCOOLR. l !. hBit a stnrmv. dreary Sabbath, end it may hn Mo tiay that the heart ofa large majority of the citifeu. or the metropo lis have tieen heavy and desolate, oppressed with hd undefined fears of ome impending disaster. We re evidently approaching the .i..,.nt nf the creHt nnlical drum of focssitin, and about tn test toe strength of K-puMicnn institutions, wnien cannoi eiei without law, neither can there be any law not unstained by the voluntary loyally of the p.-nple. President Lincolu has provoked no contest! but tf called upon to sustain Oov. Ilnustnn against a mob, or to reinforce forts lielnoging to the United State, he will do his duty, and those who mav provoke hostilities must take the responsibility. FROM niARLRSTOSf. Lieut. Theodore Talbot, o( Kenlocky, who bis been with Major Anderson, at Tort Snniter, arrived here yesterday, and at once waited oo President Lincoln who lost no time in assembling his Cabinet. He left Charleston by permission nf Governor Pick ens, to bo to Oregon, where he has been detniled to act as Assistant Adjutaot Gene ral, with the nndereiinding that no officer is to be seot to Fort Sumter in his place It is believed that Major Anderson was also ordered to leave with the remainder of his command, in the nsnal way of detailing ofli pers and men to differedt pots. Hut Gene ral Heanregard was not willing to have a Government steamer come iuto Charleston harbor and take away his "enemy." lie wanted a "surrender" of the fort which he has so long barked at, bill has not felt strong enough to seiie, and it is understood lluit he has made it an ultimatum that Major Ander son aod his command must not go out in peace. FORT sl'MTER. Notice lias been given to Major Anderson by General Beauregard that bia supplies ol provisions have been cut off. So stringently das this order been obeyed, that the boat's crew who brought Lietit. Talbot to Charles tun from the Fort, (soldiers, of coarse,) were deprived of some small individual supplies or whisky, tobacco aod fruit, which they had irrlmed at stores on the wharr, h le Lieut. Snyder, who accompanied Lieut. Talbot, was with Gnvert,or Pickeos. The double mean oess of permitting these enlisted men to expend their scanty pittance in the purchase of a few luxuries, and then seizing their purchases, is unworthy of a people who pos sess such a high standard nl chivalry. The mail facilities hitherto enjoyed by the garrison at Fort Sumter (under espionage, it is believed,) have been cut off also, and they cannot even receive the Charleston tiewspa pers henceforth. Neither can messengers from or to Washington be allowed trunsit through the C. H. A. Km with all this vali ant stoppage of cahbages and of mail bags, en official intimation has been given by Governor Pickens, that the Govurument ol (hu Confederate States directs him not tn open fire on Fort Sumter, unless Major Anderson provokes an attack, or there is un itileinpt made to reinfnice him. it is very evident that, as the critical moment approach i s. there is a hesitation about taking the initiative. TI1IC ADMINISTRATION. President Lincoln is daily giving fresh proofs that he is equal to the emergency, and uh!y is he seconded by Gen. Cameron, who is carefully weeding the army of traitors ere it shall be called upon tn sustain the honor of the "stars and stripes " When the prepa r it ions made for embarking and filling out lh expeoiiion from Yew York can be made pulilte without disclosing important facts to enemy, it will he seen that Pennsj Ivmiia has reason tn be proud of her representative in the Cabinet. The Secretary of the Navy is equally active and careful in his movements. ('lie honor of the country is in safe bunds, nor will it he tarnished. Fort Suuiler may be evacuated as a military necessity, but it will not be surrendered, and if the Carolinians refuse to permit the scanty, unprovisioned garrison to leave in peace, they may find a stronger force, and supplies of provisions, 1 placed there al all huzurdt. So with Fort Pickeos, and if Governor Houston desires to brt g'isiained in the "execution of the laws," lie will receive aid from the Federal Execu tive, as have Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Uhnde Island when, when their legally constituted authorities ask for it. "The Administration it Pence," but those who expect to see it falter in the performance of its duties, are much mistaken. If it cunoot receive the support of filixetis, who should yecond it exertions to prevent collision, I u-ill command I'tace. THE FEDERAL CAI'ITAL. M:ijor Ben. McCullough, who, during the pt Administration, was a guest al the White House when here, is hovering about the metropolis, riding in after rightfull to plot treason with his associates. Many think that there is oaoger that Washington may he seized bat active precautious have been tukeii to preveot a eoupd' elat. Scouting parties are quietly out to give notice of the movement ol any considerable body of men towards the nietopolis ; and although the g.irrixon was somewhat weak-oed by the transfer of troops to New York, others have been detailed til take their places. Col lirinkard, who was Floyd's chief clerk, with other prominent discharged officials, are still about here, evideolly bopit for something to "turn op," by which tbey can be reinstated in power. Tbey hula know bow well their movements are known, and how their little game it so effectually "checked," that they way be regarded at "played out." omenta cisMtssKD. Yesterday two officers, who bad been ordered to embark on the expedition at New York, waited on General Cameron, and requested to be informed what was the object of tbe movement aod whether it was intended to operate against the acceding Status. With the almost coolness, tbe Secretary of War replied. "Give me your commissions ; enn .re dismissed from tbe service from this r hour." Such will also be the fate of every officer, in either branch of tbe service, having put bit hand to tbe plough, looks back in this boor of our country's peril. oroanizaTio or kortherii militia. Krrnora Morton of Indiaona, Dennisnn of Ohio, Washburoe of Maine, and Cartin of Pennsylvania, were closeted witn rreiiueoi for two bouri yesterday, and came to an understanding to place tbe militia of each State upon a war footing, uovernor Curtio left for llarrisburg on Satorday night, to prepare a message to send to tbe Legisla ture on Monday, recommending the adoption tif immediate measures toorgauue tbe militia - of the Commonwealth, and tu teuder its ser vices to President Liucolo. IRCKtilOH 1.1 NORFOLK, TA. A prominent offieer of the Army passed Ihroug-b bere to day from Norfolk, where be ,4 bceu stationed for some time. He says last lL L'i)it,B (u'ug g'PPJ ground rapidly in Norfolk, and that the Secessionist allege that the State has been sold ool to the Union men. They are consequently India nt( at being foiled in their efforts to effect Immediate secession, and will now attempt to accomplish, by intimidation and force, what luey tailed to secure et tbe ballot bos, mi trkasdrt notes' all tax xx. Wasuinocoh, April 1. Tbe Five Million Treasury notes bare been taken by New York capitalists at a shade above par. This Is regarded as, Indicating pacifio policy. FORT SOUTHS. TO Bt IIKI.D. Tbe latest newt is that Lieut. Talbot car ried back orders to hold Fort Sumter until reinforcements could reach there, but army omcers say inti ne will oe obliged to leave. COSTAL AFFAIRS SOUTH. B. Sayles baa been sent South by Assis tent Postmaster General King to examine tbe orates. He has returned and regards a separation as inevitable. from washi.gto:v. Washington, April 8, ISC1. The Skcrktart of War, The determuliun of General Cameron, Se cretary of Wjjr, to strike tbe name of every omce ol toe arm? oil the list who inunires "to, or refuses to obey, the orders of tbe Gen- eral Government, is generally approved. Shall Washington br Dkfkndrd t The bold attitude of the President in rein. forcing Fort Pickens, aod sending aid to Sam Houston in I en as, has produced the bonniest erlect among the residents of Washington, who ate all interested io the preservation of peace io tine capital. Although many in Washington are known to sympitbize with the Meouders, yet, when Mr. Lincoln avows his determination to protect Washington at all hazards, their interests and tbeir patrio tism combine to sanction bis course. CoMMnDORK STRINntlAM. This gallant sailor leaves Washington this evening for toe purpose of taking command of the naval forces seot, it is supposed, to tbe relet ol fort t likens end the Lnion men of Texas. It is stated and believed that Gene ral Sain Houston, of Texas, has Called for as sistance, in order to maintain himself against he enemies ol the country in that State. Commodore St ring ham entered the navy when ne was leu years old, anil, althouub in the service more than half a century, is as hale and Vigorous os most men at forty-fivo He was bom in New York, and belongs to tbe iss ol men who have contended Iroin tbe beginning that Fort Sumter could be rein forced and snpplicd. Our Forricn Ministkrs. The policy ef sending ministers to the Euro pean courts, pledged to the known determination ol the Government u sustain itself, is proved to tie right. Inasmuch as none ol the great I'oweia would respect any representative ol" the United Mtate who did not feel authorized to sustain every demand by the whole lorce ol authority al home. Reply of the Administration to the Southern (..ommissioners. IKasrisgton, April s. Evening The State Department replied to-day t the note of the Confederate States Commissioners declining to receive them in their official capacity lo-t expres sing deference for them as gentlemen. The Sec. retary indicated a peaceful policy on the part of the Government, declaring a Purpose to defend i only when assailed. I 1'he reply is of such a character as to require continuation of the correspondence. It ia not known when the Commissioners will esve Washington may be discredited, it ia cer tain that officer high in - authority are taking precautionary measures lor the safety of the cap ital. The anxiety to hear from Port Sumter and other Southern points, where conflicts are appre hended, is miens. tiik ltKVoLuiiusi in rue south. FOItT St'MI'TKR TO UK II K.I. D AND RKINFOKCKD. The Trihune Washington correspondence. of Sunday, says: Lieutenunt Talbot reached ere yesterduy muruing with despatches from Major Anderson, and Lad full interviews witu the President, Secretury of War, acd General Scott There is no doubt but tbe condition of ibe garrison requires relief in many respects. Various necessaries are nearly or quite exhausted, and must be sup plied, u one no oincial lutimu'.ion was ever ommunicateu to Major Auderson that bis coiiimaud would be withdrawn from Fort Sumpier, it is undoubtedly true that be re ceived such an impression from personal con- leieucea which were supposed to relied Ibe purposes here, They were predicated upon tbe belief, however, that the withdrawal was a military necessity, which could not bo avoided. Receut information has changed that belief, aod other lucls have induced a course of policy consistent with this idea. In a word, Major Anderton it not to be withdrawn, and ke i to be procisvmed, as was prefigured in my Usl despatch. Lieutenant Talbot will reach Charleston to-morrow ulieruoon, and, of course, carries buck tbe conclusive deoisioo of tbe President, ll is culm, but firm, end in hurmooy with his former declarations. The responsibility rests witb South Carolina entirely, and the country Mill see, when all tbe tacts are disclosed, that the utmost foibearance and moderation buvu been practised. There is no iulention to introduce reinforcements voluntarily, or to L'hunge tbe status which now exiols. Bui the President is unwilling to strike tbe national tlug, aud deleriniund not to permit tbe gam sou al Fort Sampler to be starved out, or abandoned to the alternative of a humiliating surrender. Whatever is done will be done in tbe broad ligbt of day, and after full and fair notice, so thai tbe consequences will fall oo those wbouiay make tbeelecliou of peace or war. DESTINATION OF TIIK NAVAL F.XP EDITION. Premising that nothing definite can be learned as to tbe deetiualiou of the expedition, the following three programmes are giveu as having many believers among the best in formed military aud Laval people in the country ; i'royramme First. The clearance of the steamers fur Texas is bona fide. Tbey are going there. Hut they will distribute tbe troops among the men-of.war off Peosacola for reinforcing Fort' Pickens ; then go to Brazos aud bring back whatever scattered troops have accumulated oo the coast, to be tried aud reorganized bere, and subsequently lent to Pickens, bere reverses Uiigbl render reinforcements a necessity. i'rngramme Second The troops are going tn Fort Sumpier. Tbe light-draught steamers Water Wilcb, Wyandotte, Mohawk, aud Crusader will be lined wtlb double banked sand bugs, and tke io as many men as tbey cau hold, towiog tbe launches, wbicb are also to have tbe saod bag protection, defying Morris Island end all other batteries. 'I' bis is said to be ibe plan that Capl. Ward, of tbe North Carolina, ba beeu advocating before tbe Cabinet at Washington. It is certain that be tried these saod bag experi ments in this barbor some week since. J'roqrumme Third. The troops are bound to Texas to "sweep tbe rebels off the (rack, and co.operate witb Geo. Houston." This ia altogether the most probable, as burses for laud service bave gone. These speculations, considered tbe most probable by parties "posted," are merely sab' initted for what tbey ere worth. OTUCR TCS8RLS AT THI BROOKLYN KAVT YARD. From tbe New York News J As we stated on Saturday, do orders bave beeo received to fit out any other vessels at the Navy Yard, for immediate sea service- There is, however, geovral understanding cow among tbe commandants of all oavsl station, that every ship is tbe service worib tbe trouble, shall be pot ia "ste't of for wardness" that i, made so as to be suscep tible of being i.ripnreit f,,f core mission in fthout ten M ., toy eener.il order I I t Ited to tt of fcecreU'v W. !i effect we cannot eey. The corvette Savannah and brig Perry will probably continue to occupy tbe attention of tbe authorities until they have reached tbe "ready state." The Rosooke and Wabash are being prepared for sea, Jnst as they bave been preparing for months. The Potomac and Brandy wine are not to be touched for tbe present. Tbe Corwin, Bibb. Vixen. Varina. and Crawford surveying steamers sod schooners, lie io tbe stream, awaiting Instructions from tbe de partments to whose orders thev are suhlect The force of men at tbe yard is Drobablv 900, and the disbursements about $40,000 monthly. I bere are over eighty marines. onder tbe control of Capt. Breveort, at tbe oarracss. TUR IViCUATtON OF FORT IDXFTKR Wasiiikoton. Anril 7 lRfit1t nn n. pears that an understanding baa beeo agreed npon oeiweeo me Administration and Gov. Pickens for tbe evacuation of Fort 8nmpter, and that the order will probably go forward to-morrow, the difficulties heretofore existing o regard to the maoner in which it should ake place havinsr been satisfactorily er ranged. This was the result of Lieutenant I Hi bo'. S mission. He will nrnhaMv carre .l j-- -. ..i . . r J me oiuer oacK wiin mm fFrom the New York Kveiiint Pott.1 CUSJTEMPSATEU RAID UPOH WASHING TOM, fifn. McCulloch't Scheme In the third edition of the Kceninn Pntt nf o . i . . , . . ... oaiuruay we eiaiea inal Major iJen. McCnl loch bad organized a military force lor the purpose ot oiaKing uesceut upon Wasb-ng-ton. Further pBrticulors of this movement have come to our knowledge. A Virginia gentle. man, now in this city, informs us that had long conversation with McCulloch a few davs siuce, and that tbe design or attacking the Federal capital was freely avowed by that reckless filibuster! McCulloch, who is well known as a Texan ranger of unusual braverv and skill, declared to our informant thot bis sole object in visiting Maryland and Virginia was the organization or a suitable military force to be prepared Tor instant service as soon as war had actually commenced. aict uiiocn stated to our informant, in the course of a frank conversation, that bis object in coming from Texas was to cement and consolidate the Secessionist sentiment. He saw an opportunity for exciting the pas sions of the discontented, and proceeded without delay to put his scheme in practice. ' "w ueciares in me most positive mnnr.er, that, with the assistance of Governor Wise and other rank Secessionists of lha ultra Virginia school, he has succeeded in effect- ug a complete military organization, recruit. ed both from Maryland and Virginia. The number ol men already enrolled in five housond. The order is that tbe shall be ready at a moment's not ice, and that the first step will be a march upon Washington. and the seizure of the Federal Capitol and he archives of tbe Government, at the mo- ment when civil war shall commence. The active military preparations or the Govern ment bave inspired McColloURb acd hi fellow rebels with the belief thai a d- cis ve blow ia to be struck, and the nnoorlunitv that will then be ofiered for a display of his force will be eagerly seized. Ihese statements seem to be confirmed bv the following account of McCullocb's move. meots in Washington dunog the past week, which we find in the Washington Eceuino Star f Saturday. "Major Rkn McCplloch We are inform. ed that Major Ben. McCulloch, of TexaB, was seen io emerge yesterday morning, about daybreak, from the residence nf a odd. tloman in the First Word or this city, noted for his complicity with the counsels of the chief conspirators of the idigarchy at this peiot. Oo quitting tbe bouse be mounted a horse standing conveniently near the door, and rode off doubtless across tbe Long Bridge, into Virginia, from whence we take it for grouted, ho came to pay his secret mid night visit to the Federal metropolis. We bave every reason to place implicit confidence io this statement." So much for McCullocb's scheme. In put ting bis plan io operation, however, the Major will do well to remember that he has neither Buchanan nor Floyd to deal with, and that instead of aid and contort from per sons high in ar.tbority, he will be wathced at every step, and arrested without delay as soon as be commits the first overt ext. The President and Cabinet, we have reason to know, are fully advised or his schemes, and the presence or General Scott at Washington will effectually block any attempt which may be made to seize tbe capitol. That McCul loch is capable of any act of treachery is sufficiently shown by his resent connivance witb the rebels io Texas, and that be is in earnest in this last effort to overturn the Government there is no reason to doubt j but he reckons without bis host. Slekfino Car Cap. The latest invention is a sleeping car rap. It consists of a small velvet or cloth cap, ornamented according to the t:iste or the wearer, with a couple or long straps attached to each side. When tbe tra veler becomes weary or sleepy be or she tints on the cap and attaches the straps, by means or brass honks, to the hack of the seat next orward of the traveler, and then leans back composedly, the head supported by the cap sod brace, and sleeps as comfortably as if r posing id oeu. Mr. Randolph, the Secession delegate from Richmond to the Vln inia Convention, is a grandson of Thomas Jefferson. New Advertisements. Northumberland Bridge Company. AN ELECTION for offlcen and manager! of k"-tne Northumberland Undue Cornnanv will be held at the house or Mrs. Anna Burr, in the Borough or Northumberland, on Monday the 6lh day or May, lli. The election will open at 2 o'clock. P. M.. anu ciose al 4 o clock, r. M , of id day. JOHN TAOGART, President, A.oil 6 5801. 41. BEEEYSBURO MALE AND FEMALE OETER H. BERGSTRESSER. Principal and i muri ui i.aiin, ureeg and .Matliematic. PRESTON MILLER, Teacher of Practical surveying and English. Mia SOPHIA WILCOX, Teacher of Instru mental Music. SUMMER TERM commences on Monday April nth. 161. Terms per Quarter of 11 xcetlt. LTuilion in Primary Department, $3,00 " Acauemie " 84,00 to 6,00 Classical 7.00 Musie on Piano with use of Instrument, 8,00 Good Boarding, die., ib the Village, per wees, l.nu 10 .ou. For further particulars, address the PRIN'CI PAL. Uerryaburg. Uaupbin county, Pa. April A, l61 4l$ Stat of tbe Batik of Northumberland, AprU 4th. 18GL Loans and Discounts, . . Pcnnaylvaiila Btaia Lean, Northumberland Mauk stocks, OlUel BbclM . . . . Due by ulnar Bapks, Notes and Cbarka of oilier Basks, . Pnafue iu Vault, KealfcMata, 311SSS S6 31,719 14 ,eu OU 4, one uo . tt.niT is la.CM M S6,e3 S7 t,6M as l6-i,S7S ST LlABILITim. Note ia eiirulatioa, 14S,74 ft ihm otnar muma, M lpueiura, S.'-T 74 7,.S U t I certify that Ike above atateaiwil to la eoriacl and true to Uta beat oil smiwlrOre and briirl. J. K. PHIk-STLEV, CaJner, PivrHana' eulterte balurema, v t ei 1 r, Notsry Takhc .' iii. i':. FILES & RASPS HE-CUT and made equal to NEW, at ths old stand No. 11 1 NEW STREET. (near the Barley Sheaf Hotel, 2nd Street, below Vine, PHILADELPHIA. All work done at this establishment warranted good, at a saving of Fifty per ceal. A large assortment of New Files, on hand Wholesale dt Retail, at Manufactiirera' Prices. i. a. SMITH. April 6, 1 88 L 3m w TREE NOTICE. rTMIE trees sold by J. B. Jones, Agent for the - Clover Street Nurseries, Rochtater, N. Y., well he delivered as follows t Point township, A pril 1 0th at the house or I'eter Hansylman, in Northumberland. Upper and Lower AugiuM townships, April ZU, al the house of Charles W eaver, in Sunhury Alt east of Kline's Grove, at the house of Wm. Farrow, Snydertown, April 22. Snyder county, April 20, in the afternoon, at tbe bouse of Ueorge Keen, Mhsmnkin Dam. J. U. JON Est, Agent April 0, 1891. JS H EREBY given to the Collectors of the dif. ferent Townships and boroughs of Norihum norland county, that It is absolutely nerexasry tnst they should pay the amount ot their Dupli pltcates to the Treasurer or said county, by the April Court. The county tequires fund funds very much, and a longer indulgence cannot lie graiiteU. JOSEPH EVERETT. PHILI' CLARK, ISAAC RAKER, Commissioners' Office, 1 Commissioners, Sunhury, March 10, 1NGI. J NOTICE. r 18 HEREBY given that an appeal wiTl be held by the Commissioners or Northumberland county at their office in Munbury, on the follow ng days, and for the following! townships. For - Delaware, McEwensville, Lewis and Turhut ville, on Toescay the S2d day or April. '801. Coal. Milton. Turdut, Chilisqoaque and Little Mahanoy, on Wednesday the 24th day or April, Zerhe, Point. Nortbumher'and. Jordnn and Aaahingtnn, on Thursday the 25lh dav of April, INfil. Jackson, Lower Mahanov. Upper Mahanov. Lower Augusta and Cameron, on Friday the 26th dav of April, ISA I. tunhuiy. Upper Augueta. Rhamnkin. Ruth and Mount Carmel, on Saturday the 27th da) of April, isoi. JOSEPH EVERETT, PHILIP CLARK. ISAAC D. RAKER, Cominiasiunera Commissioners' Office, ) 8unhury, April C, 1S61 LUMBER! LUIYIBER PHILIP H AY. MUNCY, FA.. NFOftMS hia rriends and th- public in lenr ral. that he constantly keeps on hand. Doarda I Shingles, Lath, Joints and all kinda of l.uml-er ml building materials, which he will sell al the lowest prices. Mirrh 30. ISfil. EHlate of II. J. W OiYt EK toy. tic craned. VOTICE is hereby given, that letters or ad ' nistration having been granted Io the um di g heen granted to the umlcir signed, on the estate of Horatio J Wolverton, ate of the borough of Sunhury, Northumberland rountv. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate and those having claims against the same, are requested to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to J UEOROIANA WOLVERTON. Adm'trix. Or W. I, GrilSnovgh, her Attorney. Sunhury, March 30, 1861 61 Oval Photograph Frames. vv TE desire to call the attention of the public toour L.lthoconia tlval riiotogranh r rallies They possess all the good qualities ol mood frames with the advantage of greater durakilil a they never warp or crack, and are sold much cheaper. e alto have on hand a large variety id WOOD OVALS, which we offer twenty five per cent lower than ran lie bought elsewhere. Also, a good assortment of Paee I'artoula. Square r rallies at proportionally low prices. All orders bv mail promptly filled. All who come to our great Commercial Metropolis we invite to call are and examine. H. W. I.ADD 4 CO. 453 Broadway, New York. March 30, ISfil. hOLO.UO 31 A 1.11 K. Attorney at Law, SUNBURY. Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freehurg, Snyder county.) OFFICE, Market Street, a lew doors cast of the Northern Central Railroad Depot and two doors west of the Pout Oifice. All Professional Dusinefs, Collections, 4c. will receive prompt attention. March 30, 1H61. SUNBURY ACADEMY. 'I'HRHL'MMKK TKKM of the guubuiy Academy will commence on thett.h of April. The course fa nwtructioa embraces every depart, ment of education taiialil ui our best At-wlrtnii-a, nrciui ug siuileiiis on eiibei fttf a proleMion or to euici any class in lllrye. jE.ii.ii9 rr.n . 1 An tr.11; Common School Hnuiches, ffl 00 IliKhet Knflish BfSiKhts, 6 OU Latin and Gieck Languages. 7 OU Tuition tn be paid bef.e tlia midtlle of ths tenn. Hiritcaii be had in piivaia fum.iies al liom VI 75 to fi H pel week. p 1 . nuL, en iw.i, 1 rincipsi. Pnnbury, March 30, lt-60. J. Ill ki:it & M , MANDfACTBHSHS OF FINK8T QUALITY OF BOOTS A.3NTr SHOES FUR UENTLEMEN II' OLE SALE AND RE TA 1 L No 4 South Founh Street, Philadelphia. C ilssiir W. J. liaMCkr. March fcl, lotil flm. Watt-lien, Jewelry & Sliver Ware WB would respectfully niforuf our frirmls, patrons and the public generally, thai wm bnve nt-w mftr Slid offer WHOI.KHAI.K ANU KKTAII , si the lowrat t Hh frlres, a hnsr anil very f-linlce iIik-a or WA rl:tlr.9, JKWr'.LII Y, tlLVLK AND PLATED WAHK, of eciy variety and style. Kveiv descnniion of DIAMOND WORK ant) other JKWK1.HY, liuu to order, at slwrt aiHica 17" All Gtcsls Wsrrunted ti be as represented. N. H rarticuiar aiieuuon given to Hie rejiainng o Watches and Jewelry of every ilrsrripiton. piAiei-r.il it tiAKL,i-.r, No. 6tN Market Street, SouUi Hide, I'niUuleHihia. March a, leOO. -3n H. WARD, Miw factum of ijiiMt Prnlr in STRAW GOODS, Nos. 103, 101 aid 107 North rWud Street, Phirsilelpliia WfH are now are receiving our SI'ltlNO STOr K v 1 which will jumarise a ktrira aud deniable assoit- luent of alt kmds of KlrHv aud I-iice GoimIs. Also, a large sssortneut of Ladies' Cloklreu's Hals. Our stork of Fhiwsia and Ruchea, will be unusually large tLia season, aitd wa would invite your special alien lion u that dewrtineut. Pleas call and exnniine ihem be fois nuking your purchases. II. WARD, Nos 103, los, 1U7 North Street, above Art h , Maicfc 3, Ibflltt " TO FA&lOPaS. EIGHTY THOU8AU BARKKL8 PPUD KETTE, made by lbs Lodi Manufacturing Co., for sale in lota to suit purchasers. This ia the Cheapest Fertilizer in msikeU $: worth will manure an acre of corn, will increase the crop from one-third toons-half, and will ripen the crop two weeks earlier, and, unlike guano. neither injur th seed nor Isnd. A pamphlet, with aattslactory evidence and full particulars. will b sent gratis to any one sending address to MJDI MAISUrACTlIUNU CO., ISO Mouth Wharves, Philadelphia. Febuaiy, 6, 161. I0U I) HIED PEACH KS, pared and Mopared, I 1 La BJamaiotb tor r FKIUXU GRAXT War! War! War! COME FROM TUR NORTH, COMR FROM TIIK SOUTIT, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM HIE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, for now is the limo to get your Lumber cheap, Yes, LUMBER 1 LUMBER ! ! LUMBER I ! t csn be purchased at low rate at the STEAM SAW-MILL or IRA T. CLEMENT, BU INTUITU. Y. PA... Such aa Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber. Boards, ridin. Shingles rrom :t to $8 per thourand, riastnnna; l.atli, faling. Hoofing l.alh, Arc, Ac. All hills ordered, fur any kind or Lumber, will oe lurnisucd at (he ahoriext notice IRA T. CLEMEiVT. Hunbury, March 9, N6I. FOR MALES AND FEMALES. Rev. J F. WAMPOLE. A. M , PRINCr PAL, and Teacher ot Latin, Greek and Herman Languages. Mr. STEPHEN V OWKN. Teacher o Mathematics and Kngltiih Urnticties. Miss CAUOl.l.MJ KODRIOUE, Teacher of Music on Piano and Melodcon. The Summer Session will commence on Mon day the First of April. I KG I. flood hoarding can be had in private families in the villatre, either by the veek 01 by the meal at reasonable prices. term per quarter of eleven weeks. Common English Uraclii-a, $3,0(1. Higher, ' fi.OO. Latin or Greek, 7.00. Music, (ex Ira). 10.01). German, (extru, i,00. Klysliurg. Pa., March P. 1801 . if SENT BY EXPRESS EVERVWIIKRE. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Mado to Measure at $18 per doz. Oil SIX FOR NINE DOLLARS, lrithout Collars on, itlth Collars cn t- per dot extra. MADE OP NEW-T0UK BULLS MUSLIN, flna Linen Bor,ma, anl vrarcante.1 aa rood a CMrt ns sjU lu the rt-tall stores at l.i'O f uctu ALSO, TIIE VEHY TEfT PnirtTS TIIAT CAX EE MADK AT ti tAtn. p. s.ThoM vrho thlrtt I csnrnt make a s-oot) 8ttrt for t'.s pr dozen are mlitaasu. Here's the cost of oca doiea 18 line shirts. 80 yards of Ne--Torlc MUla mualin nt 4Xe. per yd. 4 S5 7 yr.r-Ja of fine I.'.nen, at Im)c per yard, S tO Makiniraud cuttlne. S O'l I.annciry, tl ; buttoLi aud cotton, fcOc 1 Mi 1'roLV a 5 Totlt $19 CO Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed dlrtwtlmu tent free eTv-rprher, and 00 enny to understand, ihat any vat cau take thir own mnwure for phirts, 1 vrarrant a good fit. T:.e citah to be puU to the Lxpreas Company on receipt of gooua, The Krprene charp on one doaen hirU from Kew Tort to New Orleans li $1. P. S. PARTIES WISHING BTTITtTS TN TIAPTE.not harinfr time to send for Rule of Meattiremcnt, utiould end pot mail, prepaid, one of the best fiu!nrnhirtt Diey bare t;ot, ttating any alterationii that may be required. S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs. Between White A Walker Btrectn, NtW-TOnK.' March lb, inul. - tl DO VOIT W4XT M IIISKKIIS. io you want wiiiskkrs DO YOU WANT A MOI STACHET DO YOU WANT A .MOUSTACHE? Iti filenliasu's lc!tkra(cd T 1 M V L A T i N O UNGU K N T, For the Whiaktrti tnul Hair. The Biiliscriltera takt plfknure in iiiiiiiMniig t the citi zens ft Die I nttrd lHitt, ihiil Uiim have iKMuinttl the Afritcy lor. null uie ii-w eiHtbitni tiM-tJrt In the Aint-ricJii trlMii Uie HtMivtj jtnily cilebfutce and wurul-mivvvned urticie. The Stimulating Ottfjuent. it prt-pared hy Dr. C. IV Hflliiipimiii, an eminent phticiau ol Lujuii'ii, uik) ia uiif ranted t bung dulh thiek let nl H'ftisl'fi'M or Aloust'ichr in fmni thireto iix wek?. The iirnele is Ihe only one nl th kind uiwd l.y (lie FreiK-h, and 111 l.tiuiVii und la. ri 11 lain umvtTRil use ll if a bwiuiuul, rcoiKMnieal, '"lhinir, yet iliuiulut intf roiiit"iind, uctiitg :n if lv iiiuh i)xn Hit rihtte, cHinMiifiu be;itril giuwth !' luxurimit i.ktir It applied Ui the .-. !p, il will rure brt It'n elk, and euuae ti aprut up In pmet o( thn .mi hi Hputs a ii'i-' iirowth el hmr Apin d aecuiduiif t dirrcti .n 11 will turn red tr t'twy huir i:uk, nud reitme ffiaytmir tn it m tHipn.il clnr. Inivin it a ftt hiti'Knh, and rlexible. The "( 'iiuneut'1 if hii iiHlispeniihk mtiele in eveiy gcntieiiiinre t 'llet, ai.d alter nn week'f une lliey WMil'l ii-it r liny CaittahleruiitMi he without it. The fobMcrilMTt aie the only Atjentt for the article in the t-hited ttHi-a to whom nil orders niusi ha inldred. Price One lllin a box fur uie by all DruKtjiHU und DeHtfrs; ori)lxi of die ( nuni (wurrmited to have thtj drmred elirri) will he aent tn any who defire it. hy mull, direet, iieruielv pnekfe, on rceeipi of price and p 'ft-i'tlC- Appl tit or iidilreat IHK WE I,. IIKOf MAN k CO., Priirtrin. Ac., 21 William bt., New York. For wile at tm odice. Miirch3ii, ISjI. J.A. C?.A1TDALLT PATKX T SPHINO IIOKSK, 78 BRO A DWAY, NEW VORIE. tShouN le in everv family. Mrhool. Gvninnsi um. Aluin, ami ll.wiiital in the larul. Are nut DAMifc" If It's, like ttie e.unmiin Rocking Hursp. rStaiuls firm on l' I'nlrstal, will not wt-ur (' MJPETS, and haa no Rocker to injure th Feel. "Health and harpiiiris iu the in mr saddle." N T. Willis 'UaaBsavt FROM THE "HOME JoL'K.NiO.." "Of all the rhilJ furniture eve have ever aren no article romliinea so much nf those two impor tant thinftshralth anil happiness aa the Ad justable I'stflit Mcel Hpring Paddle Horse, in enteu hy lease A. L-ramull, it ia not daiifcr. ous, like a common rocking-horse, to children's ferl. cannot he upset, does nut wear carpets, hut atands 6rin on ita hase. and ita action is ao like the gallop nf a live borse til it the child never wearies of it. This litest of child novelties ia ei reedingly elegant aud ariitic in design ; and so ailjuKtahle, sula'tantial. and durahle, that it will last a lifetime It ia indispensable in everv family wtiere there are children. It should be io every primary aihool and gymnasium in the country, aa it can he made large and strong inouuh to austain grown persona. As a pedestal for photographic pictures, nothing is more heauti ful. Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should be furnished witb a number ol these beautiful articles They are fitted wilb aide-aaddlea when required." DIRECTIONS FOR AIUUSTIXfJ. Open the alter part of the base aulficiently to allow the axle to so in it place t then raise or lowr ih. Horse to suit you, bcrew the bolts in the aide very tight. CfTheae Horses are WAKRAFTED one yesr. I March l, lt. tl COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, H.E. HOOKER. no.. - ItoCUKSTER, N. Y JOHN W. CUCHER. Local Agent, Sunhury Pa. The laHlwernW, havlnt; been appointed local Aaent far ih ..I. f r. . - " trees, plants, vinee, &c, or one of the most reliable N'urseriea, ' " auemion 01 an wno want choice fruit to thia method, aa more ceitain than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among those described in the Catalogue are, Uwarf Tear 'IVm. rxf ,1... f . , ....,, 11)r iraiispianting, remarkably line. Dwarf A pp!. Treea, on Paradiao Htoclta, ma- If Ida hats,, ful KiHa aM. C. a I. 1 a "a w.a iMKuiiur .ne aruen, ami pro- Muring rtmarha.il fino ajweifnena of fruit in Yerv nhnrt ffiinn. Dwatr i:herry Trees, hudJed on Malialeb iirintiniiiiiv irfPN. fStandard Apple, fear and Cherry Treca very fine, with a large Mat or varieties. Peach, Plum. Nectarine and Apricot Treca. Gooseberry, Ulaekbcrry and Htrawborry Plants all nf the finest kinds. Currants, many hew and improved varieties, such aa Cherry. White Ornpo, White Oon.louin, Red Urapn, Virtoria, etc. ISirawlirrry Plants, in great variety, including tlio Hooker, WiUn's Albany, Trioinplne de (iaml, (the most approved old varieties,) as well aa all Iho novelliea. Orape Vines, incluJiiig those fine, now, yet well tested kinds, which no planter should be Without. Slicll 1. llt.Uururn I .....1 1 11 - -. - , .uiik.uui, biiii ntiri. ford Prolilic. These we have prnpaitated en fui..:...,l., . . i.. .i.i.. ... ..n- .i. : . . .. ..c-.-v.j nm up auie io uiier iiiuui ai rouuceu and I'lunl. P 1 . . , ""i,i-di fc.i-int,-rns aim ..very variety 01 "'"""""i " aim nnruDiiery, securely packed' .lUttA w. ULCHEK, ARent, 8unbury Pa. ftinbury, Febuaiy, 9, 1801. LIVE AND LEARN X LET TIIE PEOPLE STILL. CONTI.ME TO LIVE, AXD THEY WILL SOON' LEARN TIIAT FMLING & GllANT, A T THE MAMMOTH STORE. ARE SELLING GOODS CdLE-A.3?EI?, than can be purchased elsewhere. -A. FE8H 8UPP x. V list received by Railroad thia week. REMEMBER THIS, AXD PROFIT BY IT. Sunbury, December 15, 1860. I'llILinCLPIlI 1 COLLI 1H. 5. E corner of Stventh and Chesnnt Streets Tiiis is one of KKiflT COl.l.EGKS, CONSTITUTING TIftt "NA TIONAL CHAIN." I.OCTSD IN Phitailrlphia, Kevr York City, Albsnv, BufTalo, Cleve. Irrnd, CliK'iic", and Hi. Umis, Sch "lar.hips can be pur chased at cither point, b-kkJ at all the Cullrt-rs. TIIK COI.I.K01ATK COl'HMK embraces Pouble and Single Kntry II-k-Kcrpine. Com. lneri-i:il CnmputiJllons, Colnlnert-ml Law, IViiiiihii.Iii, Uullllea Coln-ap iiflencn, I'firlnerttilp Sett.rineitla, etc 111 ACTIO A L, TEXT-UOOKS. TheTc.lct Mir in Ihe B.Nk-Ker.puit; Depnrtnient iamnst- V iriii wrineti niaiiuacnpl lurma, with oml iii.tMirtmna le-lurcs, unit blni-k-tx'hrd elui-ulali.tiis ; in sililition tn which, in nriti-r Ui make the Colli-eisle Course as thumilsh and eifiriuiilas rxiMit.ie, the following 'IVai-Biioks have net n prejfiirii : Hrvant ft 9tiattnn s Hork-Keenine. in three edit Imia Cniiinun s-li..l, Hith Si-hmil, ami Ci'iinline H uiMi llry. Bill ,V Stnitl.in's C.-niniereiul Arithmrtie ; Hrvant & Mrutton's t'oiiiinc-rL-ial Law, by Amos Ueun, L.L. 1. SI'KNCKKIAN 8VSTKM OK PKN'MANSIIll', in a srriraof ninehxiks, liy P. R. SPKNCK.R. P R PPKNCKR. Jl.. Teacher of Penm-n.hin. Ini. viiliial matruelioii Students enter at any time. Dipki. iiuia nward.-H. If Kor .'atalOrnes anit Circnlnrs. call nt the Colleje, ora(ldre.s Hit V ANT, STUATTO.N k FAIRBANKS February 83, 2-l- ly Philadelphia. TO ALL TIIOSK II tVlG Farms, Parks or Gardens, I.N CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance is now iiif-trdcd to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vinctv Phrubtifry, Jte..(rnm Hie cfkl.rRttil Clever ftreet Nuffcene Licattl at KiM htier, .Nrw York. Mear, I1UO I IlKUf PROPRIETORS Whi br lc-aTt tn announce that thev are nrcimred Ihrt'uh tiieir quuiitiml und RKSrONSIBLE A E N T t, T'Mlitriluie their aupcrior flock uu the iuit rtainnaljle tuitns. rnopi.u ok TiiFs EYGTCITS STJLTE. 1tveis of N:ilnre mid the beautiful, and inattv eeleboited r your llltellti-ence, wealth. Ilberalllv sini taste, now is the time to imiku your selections lnin our DESCRll'TIVK CTALOGl K AND PI.ATK ROOKS, Which will be furniiro you, Uiroufih our kal ssenla; aud )i-u insy real asauied thst yi.ur outers will be honora bly liiM. For further particulars spplv in FUKDKRICK A. IIOWK, Or JOliN D JONKP. Ag -iillor Narthumberlsnd county. REPERENCEB: H.'B. FIIKM ZKH GRIFFIN, Rochester, N. V. Iloll. JUH I, A I .If K Al l II , r.lie. I'll. Col j It. Jt-illNri., Mcuilville, l a. Krhrmiiy H, lhH m Dr. .1. Ii. .11 c CM II TV, TIST1 OVtrTHS hit prnfYwional eervicet to the C4lneii nf tuitlmi y mid vu'iiiitv- OHite in Muiket Kquiire, 3 douis west of the Putt Oifice, uslury, Murrh n, T'.i nm JA M E S li A it li K K 7tt Vi'HOl.KSALK AMD BKTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chettnul tit , Flilladrlpltln. flKNTV f. IhePATKNT KOITAl.t'-UVnTmHTV A . . ..... .W., . . . B I . I . 1 1 .. .1.1 billllbll' es, Holela, Umii.s, Counting H..UM.S, I'ailora. Ao. .1... II u..,.luj.t.ir.r 1'IVL' tit, I 1 1 DL-V.1 mi- CI iki-k. . ....... A ). , ... , -. l'l4lia repairiNt and warranted. Cfrll Trliiiinirt:. ol every itescriplioa. Phiunlrlnloa, Junuury 10. 111 3y OUK NEW CLOAK HOOM3 CON TAIN Elegant Cloth Cloak. V'.vi ry new style Coat ami Cloak. Woolen, Hrofb and Thibet Shawls. COOPEH t CON U All. S. E. corner Ninth and Market, I'bila. v Dec. 8, 1HC0 . tOILVEU WATCHEet. A lew double ce Eii(liah Hilver WaUlies. for sale at verv low priee.s liy II It UtKsKlt. CUTTAUK lUliTF lOIl SALE, cheap, three enpiea ef tfc JL Cnltaga Bible, in two volume, with eom. mentura. . H. M ASS EH A trvftls upljr of Urylaoodsi.- " rONSlSTINO in pari of Print, IMaioe. bleached and ouhlrarhed M uslint, Checks Strina lleoim. & Drill. c, just received by K. It. at tbe Mammoth store of 1 Fill LINO Jt ur.ANT. ' lf' jf' GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF SEASON ! FIJI LING & GRAN at the MAMMOTH ST0B liave juuit rccfiveJ i NEW ANJJ DESIRABLE fit. FALL $ WINTER UOOl A very e.Ttotiaive assortment of LA'DILS' DRESS GOOD?, Consisting in pa. Blnclc and Taney Silks of vety choice jiatb IJEliEGEr, Ducals, Cashmeres. French and English Merinos, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Detainee of all atylee and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil Do Chavros. Saxun'and Wool Plaidc. I - DIES' FURS. 13 ROCHE. Day State and Wool SHAWLS of every riety, dec, eke. Gentlemen's Dress Goods of every style, consisting of Clothi, Casimeres, battinplts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vef tings. of every variety. Out stork of fcilk amis Velvet VeMinga, cannot be surpassed in t country. Please call, and examine them. CLOTHING Our stock of KKADY MADE CLOTFIN has heen replenished, and we have a full asaj tnent of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Panta and Vesta, Overcoats and Dres Coots f Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -A-TsTD CAP; of every stylo and variety at the lowest price Our stock nf If ARDWIIRK has heen renev ed and wc have now a larger assortment 'ha ever before oflered to our customers, coiihistln in par of Sausage Cuttero. Pocket Cutlery, butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Bolts and Pad Lorl X Cut baws, Mill fiws, 8coop Shovel. Ac, dec, dec, 4C 'c ' Qut'cnirai-e And lass ware of every variety at the VERV LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of GPaOCEPeXES is very fine. We have the best quality of Pyriij Molassea ever before afTere to the cjtiiens n Sunhury and vicinity. CEDAR AJID WILLOW.WARE of everj variety. Carpeti, Notions, Hosiery, Cloves, DLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &i Ale a fresh supply of Drugs, Oils. Perfumery, Fancy Bueps, Paints, Dye Stifls, Class, brushes, Ac Particular care having heen taken in the se' lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and i rice, ne call the altc''ion of the puldic t our large stock to which constant additions will be maiie. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit r cni'iinuance of the patronage of the public In selling cheaper than ever. Give us a call befon purchasing elsewhere. Flill.INQ A GRANT. Hunhury, Nollember 17, I8f(). FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! .Yew and l'UMhlouable Cabinet Wure. flHE sulwcrilvers respectfully inform t!i X ritixens of Sunhury and the public generally that they have ronuneneed the CAlilNKI M A K INti bumena in the shop lately orenpud hy William finder, in Pawn Street Munl.urv and are prepared to supply their customer promptly with every variety ul article in the line of their busn ess, on reasonable terms. Thi ll woik will he made of the best materials, and in the beat and latest atylee. Coualry produce tikrn In exchange. WILLI M HI'PT. bKNJ. HECKERT. Sunhury, Pecemhrr I, r.0. CONFKCTIONARIES, TOYS U IvI." O. OEAHHAT, CONrt TANTLY keep on hand all kinds ot Coufecliontriea, Fruit and Toys, which li is selling at wholesale and retail. Having the necessary machinery die, be ia manufeclurum (II kind of Toy a, and keeps up his stork, so that purchaser will net be at a lu for a supply u. aluioet any article they may desire. APPLES! APPLES!! APPLE8!!! Just received, a Lug lot of apple, which h is selling at wholesale and retail, at low price OjSe 0 a call.' V M. C. CEAHHARi' riunhnrv, Mrch S, lfil. If I i