Cclcgrapjric fl'ctos. THE AMERICAN. LATER FROM EUROPE. Portland, Aoril 8 Advices from .Teddo atata that the American Secretary of Leg, tion at Jeddo, M r. Ilansken, had been mur dered. The English and French Ministers kml retired, bat tbe American Minister remained there. Count b'svorrr announced to tho Italian Cbimber Hint the Ministerial prngrame was onchaeged. !n his speech on the Unman, question hvi claimed tbat I tat; baa the right' to hate Rom for bar capital ; but she mint go there with the content of France. He laid the anion of the temporal and epiritaal powers was the source nfevil. Negotiations were on Toot for the steam ship Great Eastern to convey to New York troupe of 1,200 Uermao Emigrants, bound to the Mormon Territory. The 'limei' Paris correspondent says that Hen. Ooyon has been authorized to make contracts for the French army at Home for six months longer. The Rev. Dr. Cheover had been lecturing In Liverpool on the question of slavery and tbe American crisis. X.i"Tr ubcStt u NDFfcTiDtNce 8ATURDAY, APRILJ31861. II. B. MABSER, Editor and Proprietor. Tn AovilTIsIM. The circulation of tha BoKsrat Amckican among the different towns on theSatqaehanna in not exceeded, if equalled by any paper published In Northern Pennsylvania. MEBCAKTILR CoLLKOR SCHOLARSHIP. For sale at this office, several certificates of scholarship on reasonable terms. lIllWI'llRKV's lloMCEOPATIIIO M KDICINR, put np Id small cases, with directions for family nee, for sale at this office. FROM WASHIKWIO Wsshisotos, Apiil 0. Every one here Is on the qui vive to hear from Charleston, a it la con sidered probable that the Secessionists may fire on Fort Sumter or Fort Pickens, or on those cnn vcyinfr provisions to them, in which case the strength ofthia Government will be full tested. Many expect to hear, at any moment, that the cannonading baa commenced, while others a to positive that no hoatilitiea will take plaee, feeling certa'n that the Secessionists will shrink from the contest. They are evidently in a dilemma. Before them is the gulf of financial confusion, home discontent, a latent Union feeling, and inevitable fratricidal war while necessity goads them im placably on. Meanwhile a nation divided though it may be wails the result. Tat Coue o'Esat. With news of the firing of the first gun at the South, aome expect to hear the booming of ran' Hon and the fusillade of small arme in this metro polia. All aorta of cock-tnd bull stortee are circu lated about the presence of Ben McCulloch, and the orgamzatione of Knights of the Unldan Lir cle and National Tolunteera. But it is believed that I he city ia in tale keeping, and that the rcgu' Inra here and in the neighboring fortifications can preserve tbe ieacs. PHILADELPHIA MILITARY. The Secretary of War baa been notified, by two of tbe heat military companies in r htlader phia, mat it a requisition la mails on Governor Curtin for volunteers, they will respond at day's notii e, ready to take tbe field. Tins spirit, doubtless, animates other bodies of the present organized force, and if they are needed, it will take but a few hours to bring them here, TALBOT REFUSED ACCES8 TO SUM TER. The official information is, that Lieut. Talbot on hia return to Charleston, was not allowed to resume hia connection with the little, band at Fort Sumter, who alone in the entire State live and move uncVr the ahadow of their country's flag. A LETTER TO GOVERNOR PICKENS. The President, a couple of days ago, despatch" ed Mr. Chew, a prudent and reliable clerk in, the Male Department, with a letter to Gov Pickens, notifying him that if it waa attempted to cut off tbe supplies Irora r ort Sumter, recently obtained in Charleston, that the Government would under' take, at all bazarda, to supply Major Anderson witn luel and provisions, WAR MOVEMENTS ABOUT THE CAP TAL. Roger A. Pryor has raised a company of aoldiera in Virginia, and haa tendered hisaervices to Jell. Davis. Aa an offset to this, Hon. John B. Potter is here, and may tender his services to President Lincoln, After all it may be reduced to a single banded contest between these two distinguished warriors at tbe head of their respec tive forcea. THE NORlil AROUSED. On evcrv hand assurances continue to pour in from the Northern Statea. giving assurance that the people of the free Statea are ready to stand py the Government. Governor of Massachusetts has sent on a con fidential agent, wbo gives assurance that she will furnish two thousand picked troops ready for service at any moment their services may be re quired, WAR VESSELS TO BE FITTED OUT. Special messengers left here to-day with in structions to hsve tbe Savannah, Wabash and Vincennea. at New Vork. and the Jamestown and St. Lawrences, a Philadelphia, titled eut for eca immediately. The preparations of the War and Navy Department are on the most extensive scale, snd will embrace every means within reach or lbs Government Confidential agents are in all of the Northern cities arranging lor the char ter and purchase of every merchant stesmer whose frame is strong enough to enable her to carry a battery of even a single gun. FROM I'HARLKaTOS. Hostile Preparations Five Thousand Troops Ordered Out iVeto Batteries Constructed. Cuarlcston, April 8. General Beauregard Las ordered out 5, DUO troops. Companies are constantly arriving and being put in position. New Batteriea are also being constructed. Major Anderosu'a mail facilities bsve not been cut olf. ss reported. Only bis supplies have been discontinued. . Considerable activity ia being manifested in military quarters, indicating tbat matters are ap proximating a crisis. Departure el (Ji Baltic. Nsw Yoaa, April 8 The transport steam ship Illinois will probably aail to morrow. Tbe transport steamer Baltic saifd this after noon, o'he passed through the Nsrrows at 7 o clocb ibis evening. The steam lugs Thomas Freeborn and Yankee have been chartered by the Government, the lat ter accompanying tbe Bailie , the lormer will sail with the Illinois. s" The Report of tbe County Auditors was inadvertently omitted this week, but will appear in our oext issoe. ' . t-jr IItdrofhoma. A cure for this die tressing malady is published Id another col amo. C-sTMakora Arabic a. Tbis is another missionary bambug discovery, wbich some of onr greener coiemporaries bare swallowed whole. I tr Nsw Milukirt Goods. We csll at tention to the sdvertiaement of Miss M. L. Guss' ler, wno nss returned trom the city with a large assortment of Millinery Goods. Miss Gussler is well and favorably known in this neighborhood in all mailers pertaining to her business. Uy A vein of Iron Ore, thirty-two inches in thickness, bas been opened on tbe land of John Brobst, io Clinton county, less than two miles from the river and canal. 0"Thb Tost Office. Tbe new Post M aster, George M Renn, having received hjs commission, tbe Pest Office wns removed to its present location on Tuesday last. The new office is oot so large as tbe late one, bat it has been neatly fitted op by Mr Reoo, and tbe location is perhaps as nearly cootral. tit Hooa. 8iz ear loads of live hogs passed over the Sunbury &. Erie snd Northern Central roada on Saturday last, for the city market. 3T A notiier Arrival Missus D.iL. Shiskler have just received aod opened their new Millinery Goods io (Simpson's building, Market street. They have a lame aod well selected assortment of tbe latest Philadelphia aod New York styles. AIbo gentlemen's goods, such a; collars &c. Call and see them. THB RRW APPOnTtOlvMCSJT BILL. The apportionment bill, as adopted by the Senate, forms oar Congressional district out of the following counties, namely t Bradford, Wyoming, Colombia, Montour, Sullivan, Cliutoo, Lycomiog and Northumberland. Tbis, if oot altered io the House, most ne. cessarily be a Republican district, as Bradford usually gives a Republican majority of 4000, while the remaining counties give a Demo- cratie mnjerity of less than 3000. Lower Mahanoy is again cot ou in tbis bill, and' Is attached to Dauphin and York and as York bas a Democratic majority about eqeal to tbe Republican majotity of Dauphin, our Republicau opponents were smart to aid Danphin by attaching Lower Mahanoy. tbe strongest Republican district in this county Tbe House may, however, alter tbis prettily planned arrangement. Tbe Republicans bay ing a majority io both Ilooses, we must oat urally eipct tbe "Gerrymander" to be on their side this time, but if they are shrewd, they will take warning from tbe past, aod oot spread themselves too wide. sfj" 1'be news from the South, which wn publish to the exclusion of editorial and other matter, is of deep interest. About 200C troops bave already sailed South from New York, and 2500 soldiers are on their way from Texas, while the sailors aod ma rines aboard oar men-of-war will number 150(1. Tbe Confederated army in the South is about 5000. Tbe programme of throning supplies and men into Fort Sumpter, by means of small vessels filled with sand bags to protect tbe small boats inside, is said to be determined on. A collision is expected at Charleston almost every bour, and tbe citizens are in a terrible state of excitement. We think, however, iT Gov. Pickens will permit Major Anderson to withdraw his men, without a fo'tjial surrender, there will be no conflict. If that is reinsert, tbe United States Government will reinforce Major Anderson at all hazards. sJi Thc Crops 1'be intelligence in rela tioo to tbe growing crops, is of the most cheering character. Wheat generally promi ses to be fine, though we bave beard that it bas been frosted in some places. sMT The Jersey Snore boom bill was kill ed iolne Senate. Tbe vole stood : lo favor of tbe bill, none; against tbe bill, 26. sSFThe store of Mr. Thomus Fairman, at Middlelown, below tbe railroad, waa burned ou Tboradaj night. Tbe goods in tbe build ing were all more or less damaged Mr Fairman was insured for 3.000 in the Lvco miog Mutual I nsuraoce company. EF" We ask friend Brower, of tbe Montour American, when be quotes from tbis paper to state tbe language we osed, and not bis own. "A number of accidents" can't be uiuub vu reau "laiui acciaeois without a great stretch of the imagination. What we said .about tbe Nortkero Central aod Catta wissa roads, is strictly true. (3 Accident. A freight engine on the Swatara Railroad, when ou its way to tbe Donaldson colliery, ran off tbe track, and was precipitated into a dam over an embankment twenty-five feet high. W. D. Moore, Eq.i tbe superintendent, wbo was on tbe engine at tha time, wag completely buried amid tbe mass of ruios, but escaped with bis life, though seriously injured. An Eatraerdlnary Mavesnt at. ("hicibo, April 8. One hundred anj aix fu gitive slaves left this city last night for Canada via the Michigan, Southern, and Northern Indi ana railroad. It appeaia that over 1,000 fugitives have ar rived there sinre last fall, most of whom have left since the recent arrest of fivo slaves by the United States marshal). Ditboit, April 8. About three hundred fu gitive stares, principally by the way of Illinois, bave passed into CanaJa at tbis point since Sa turday. Large numncrs are reportod en route for the same destination. Many of theae unfortunate creatures are en tirely destitute, snd much suflt-riiui ia anticipated, notwithstanding tbe eiiort being made fur their Klief. Nsw Or nnas. April 8 A private lelegrauj from Fort Jackson says ibat a war (learner, dis guised, paawd the mouh of Ibe yea ttilday afuraoon, and came wilhilt reach of the gun of the fort, hhe waa reconnoitring about until towards morning, when abe proceeded to sea. The mechanics at the Warrington tiavy yard are becoming dissatisfied uu account ot lite non payment of their wages. n.w.u Eaol Valle Railroad Co. Tbia company, recently chartered by tha Legisla ture as tbe successor of tbe Tyrooa and iii "V" "''road Company, was organ- . ih i P 00 UoodJ. !. 1661, 7 ,-"v ui me totiowiug OUiCert 2 President-Philip Vik TM Hi Jacknjiao, W. Mayoard, -. -"i. "im coaiuaru. Treasurer L. A. Mackey. . tinier r-Dgiossr-Wm. Ilariis.-ninosj 'r mpernr. ISP Death: or Judok McLean Hon Jobn McLean, of Ohio, Associate Justice of tbe United States Supreme Coort, died at bis residence in Ohio, oo tbe fourth instant, in bis seventy-sixth year. He was s u.uve ui t-ew iiersey, ana received b:i en pointment lo the Supreme Court from Gene ral Jackson. He bad previously filled public office as a representative in Cnnrni frnm vnio, t ostmaster General and Land Com missioner. tttf-i'ort rickeoa bas been, or wilt be, reinlorced beyond all question. The other military matters io the Gulf will be governed ny circumstaoces. The Administration is strengthening itself, and designs to act strictly ou tue aeieosive. Ibe Government will act witbesutioo and secresy. Tbe policy it still to be the policy of peace. C3T P kknstlvia Railroad Tbe revenae of the Pennsylvania Railroad company fur tbe year eighteen hundred and sixty, sbows a most satisfactory increase of tbe local freight business as compared with the revenue in 1859 The total earnings of the road for 1860 was 85.W2.701. against 85,362.356 101859, an increase of 8570.346, or a sum equal to 847,528 per month for tbe year round. . The Palmetto W e bava re ceived tbe first tiamber of a oew paper, under tbis startling title, just commenced in Pbila delpbU. Jt is, of course, a secession Journal aod advocates what all secessionists calj soutbeio rights, but what we beard a frieod mora properly term, $outhern outrages. 1 any northern man would attempt to establish paper advocating oortbero rights, iu any would most proba bly receive for bit trouble a oew raiment oow freely bestowed in tba south, cousistiog of tar and fealbert. Thvse fire eaters are becumiug to bold, reckless aud ooprincipled, tbat longer forbearance caooot well be toler ated without abject humiliation oo tba part of tba people north aod west. Although oo paper outaide of Philadelphia, lo tbis State would dara lo advocate tbe tressoo of tba se cetaiooitti openly, vst we regret to tsy there are a numhar in ihifu,.i.u t ---.-.uu j wuv.i sympaiuivs I art io that d.rsctioo. GOV. l'HIINS MEtSAUE. Tbe followiog message or Gov. Cortin was sent to both Houses of tho Legislature on Tuesday last. Tbe Message refers to the necessity of patting our military in a condi tion tbat would make their services available if suddenly called upon for action, "lo time of peace prepare for war," is the advice given by tbe immortal Washington, on this subject, and as tbe times woar a threatening aspect, tbe wisdom of bis counsels should out be Oli heeded : Executive Chamber, 1 II ABRimt ko, April 9. 1801. J 70 the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania : Gentleoieu As tbe period fixed for the adjournment of the Legislature is rapidly approaching, 1 feel coustraintd by a sense f duly to call your utleiilioo to tbe condilioo oi tbe military organization or tbe State. It is scarcely accessary to s,y more than tbat the militia system of the State, during a long rind distinguished by the pursuits ol peaceful industry exclusively, bas become wholly iuefiicteut, and tbe interference of tbe Legislature is required to remove its delects, aud to render it useful aod available to tbe public 3ervice. Many of our volunteer companies do not poi-seBs the oumber of men required by our nnlitury law, and steps should be forthwith taken to supply these deficiencies. There are numerous companies, too, that are with out tbe necessary arms, and of tbe arms tbat are distributed, but few are provided with the more modern appliances to reuder tueto serviceable. 1 recommend, therefore, that the Legisla ture make immediate provisioo for the remo- vul ot these capital delects; tbat arms be procured and distributed to those of our citizeus wbo aay enter iuto tbe military service of the State, and that stepj be taken to change the guns already distributed, by tbe adoptiuu of such well known and tried im provements as will reuder tin m effective in the event of tbeir employment iu actual service. In tbis connection, I recommend tbe esta blishment of a military Bureau ul the Capitul, aod tbat the mililiu laws of tbe Common wealth be so modified and amended as to impart to ibe military organization of the State tbe vitality and energy eesenliul to its practical Value aod usefulness. Precautions sucb as I have suggested, are wise and proper at all times in a Government line ours But especial aod momentous con siderations, arising trom tbe condition ol public atl'uirs outside the limits, yet of incal culable coosequence to tbe people, aud de uiauding tbe gravest alteution ol the Legis lature of Pennsylvania, invest tbe subject to wtiicb your action is invited by this commu nicatioo with extraordinary interest and tin portunce. We cannot be insensible to the fact that serious jealousies uod divisions distract the public mind, and tbat io portions of this Unioo Ibe peace of tbe country, if not the Sately ol tbe Uoveroment Itself, is ecdungered Military organizations of a formidable character, whicb seem not to be demanded by any existing public exigency, have been formed in certaio ol tbe btatet. On whatever pre texts these extraordinary military prepara tion! may bave been made, oo purpose tbat may contemplate resistance te tbe enforce ment of tbe laws will meet tbe sympathy or encouragement from tbe people of tl is Com tuooweeilb. Peuosylvauia yields to do State io her respect lor aud her willingness to protect, by an oeeoiul guarantees, thu constitutions rrto.vtt iMnLF.Tox. Nxw York, April 9. The 7ern hs received a special despatch from Charleston, dated this morning, giving tbe following items of Interest : A fleet of seven Government war vesaeta was reported off the Bar, and Major Aoder. son displayed signal lanterot from )tt Sumter dorian toe ntgnt. At midnight all the military to toe city were ordered under arms. Lieut. Talbot, who bad arrived at Charles- ton. with desDatches for Major Anderson a dnid access to Fort Sumter, and bat tinea started on bit return to Washington. Special despatch to the N. V. Herakl Coarlkstoii, April 8, Midnight. Tha authorities received a notification tbat sup plies would be furnished to Major Anderson by the United States Government, at uy hazard. Immense preparations were Immedi ately commenced to repel any sucb attempt, aud orders were issued for the entire military reserve to proceed their several stations Four regiments, of a thousand men each were telegraphed for from the country. Am bulatices and other preoariitioot for tbo wounded are beinn made. At midnight seven guns from the citadel were fired as the sigoal for tbe assembling of tbe Reserves and the city was thrown into tbe greatest excitemant. The Seventeenth Regiment, eight hundred strong assembled in no hour, aod left for tbe fortibrations. At three o'clock in the morning all the vessels in the barbor necessary for transport ation of tbe jroops, will be pet In service. A fleet of seven Government war vessel are reported off the bar, aud Major Anderson has apparently been in communication witb them by means of signal lanterns displayed trom the walls or r ort Sumter. It is believed tbat tbe fight will commence with the battery at Stony Island, twenty five miles southward, and that thu batteries along tbe coast being silenced in turn, after clearing Morris Island, tbe Government forces wi cross to Fort Sumter while Major Anderson engages Fort Moultrie. Lieut. Talbot was denied admission to Fort Sumter by the authorities. R. S. Chew brought despatches from Washington to Governor Pickens, annnun cing that Fort Sumter would be supplied with provisions, aud In company with Lieu Talbot be left for Washington at 11 o'clock to-night. Charleston, April 9. Affairs arj culmi nating to a point. A bout 800 men left this morning for differ ent points. It Is estimated that nearly liOOO men are stationed at Sullivan's and Morris Islands, aud aloog the const. Companies are arriving from tho interior, and the posts will bu further strengthened to morrow hy nearly a thousand additions! men. A II classes of our inhuditunts are elated witb the prospect, aud tbe enthusiasm is general. . Counoll Proceedings. ScttBuat, April 9lb. 1SC1. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Chief Burgess and 2d Burgess absent. On motion, Assistant Burgess E. W avert wat called to tba chair. Jacob F. Rohrbach aad O.J. Broner. Com mon Cooncllmen elect, present and tworn. . B. Boyer, excused for the evening. Members present, Bucber, Hendricks, Bra Der, Dewart, Rohrbach, Bright and Sbindel. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Committe oo Finance reported bill of II. B. Masser. correct, for printing from March 18th, 1854,to July 21, 18G0 inclusive, 873 37, aod on motion, an order was granted for tbe n"8. ... . Oo motion, an order wat granted to W . li. Dewart. for 8150. to be credited on tbe Judgment be holds against tba Borough. Committee on Kiver IfanR, reporter me landing at the Ferry bouse in a bad condition and difficult to ascent witb a heavy load, aod recommended repairing it, at iteould be done at very little expense. Tbat a flat-boat was lying in Market street landing wnirn snooia be removed immediately. Also, that tbe landing, known as Greenoogh't landing, was completely blocked witb logs, wbich should be removed. On motion of Mr. Dewarl, Htsnlved. Tbat tbe report of committee oo River Bank be adopted and tbe street Utnimitisiooert oe directed to do the work immediately. On motion of Mr. Sbindel. I'esolred, Tbat tbe High Constable be directed to notify the owner or owners of tbe Oat boat lyiog In tne Market street landing to remove tbe same. Also, to notify tbe owoer or owners of tbe logs lying in the landing at Greenougk's, to remove aod open tbe same immediately. Mr. Bruner offered the following resolution: Itesohed, Tbat tbe resolution passed at last meeting, giving each member of Council tbe sum of fifty cents for attendance at eacb meeting of council be and tbe same is hereby repealed. On motion laid over until next meeting. bumuol J. Packer, Esq., tendered bis resig nation as 2nd Burgess, whicb on motioD, was accepted. Oo motion of Mr. Shindel, Resolved, That we proceed to an election for Borough Trea surer. Peter W. Gray was Dominated. Nomina tions closed. Oo motion of Mr. De'wsrt, P. W. Gray was unanimously elected Treasurer for tbe ensuing year. Oo motion, adjourned, J NO. W. BUCHKR, Clerk. A Ci iik vnn HvDRni-ilMMA rmes to nt from hcm. the water. A rtxnn forester, named Umtell, new of the verivUhls) age of eighty-two, unwilling In lake to the grave with bin) a secret of ao much Importaoce, hat made public In tba Irelpsie Journal tbe meant wbicb he hat used for fifty years, and where with he affirms he htt rescued many betneo beings and cattle from tba fearful death of hydrophobia, lake Immediately warm, vine, gar br tepid water, wash tha woand clean therewith, and tben dry tt i then pour upon the wound a few drops of hydrochloric acid, because mineral acids destroy the poison of tbe saliva, by whicb meant tbe latter it neu trained. (9 Tbe Editor of tbe Titusville Gazette states the following singular facts in regard to one of the oil wells at that place : "Tbe well of Cortia k Hickok. ha says is 192 feet deep. Its largest oil vein was open ed on Friday January 11th, at 9 o'clock, A M. Previous lo the striking of that vein, f2 barrels of nil bad been dippej off. At the opening of the vein the well commenced flowins since which time 1200 barrels of oi have been saved, at a low estimate 50 bar els have been lost on the ground. Unti recently this well has flowed at regular inter vals, four times a dsy, Sundays excepted. We mean just wbat we say that tbe wall flowed once every six boors for six days of tbe week, bat on the Sabbath, the first day of the week, it did not Bow. Tin Vacast Jennsmr. Secretary Chase is spoken of. in political circles, aa the choice of the President to fill the seat on the bench of the Uni ted Mtatvs Supreme Court, made vacant by tbe death of Judge McLean. Laror Accession to the Lotiinrar Cm-Rcn At the late preparatory service of the Lutheran Church, in this Borough, forty-six members united witb the Church-sixteen by Baptism, twenty-lbree by Confirmation, and seven by Certificate. The Church is in a flourishing condition. Muncy Luminary. It is difficult to understand by what process of reasoning the Secessionists conclude that their new formed Government is a "Govern ment of the people," when the people hsve had no voice in i:s formation. If a Govern ment at all, it is simply a Go'.rriment over the people. Lnuisville Journc'. In tbis place, on Wednesday morning la Mrs. RACHEL, wife of Isaac K. Seller, a eldest daughter of tbe lata George Zirnrni man, deceased, aged 39 years, J months, a- IU days. Dear Mother, thoo bast left no. Here thy loss we deeply feel ( lint 'tis Uod who bas bereft as, He can all oar sorrows beal. Berks coooty papers please copy. lo Koatt, t'wa eiveftfv. liwa. on the l;"i olt Dr. J. I. M ,llf, fvr r,f this plac son a native ot K I. f. !. tbis coo aged 35 yuars Io Bloomlng4aV, DtM t,ly, I)., o tbe 22ri of March, IKI, t I .'nrer-stirm of tl brain. Re JOHN H. WOKkKI.L. formerl of Rusb township, Northumberland eonnt Pa., io the 44th year of his age. The d ceased was a Minister of the regular Bapti: denomioation for more than 20 years. Philadelphia Market. ruil.ADEi.rniA. March. 2" Wheat Flour, (extra.) liye r lour, Corn Meal, lied Wheat, per bushel, While ' Cora, " Oats, Rye, Cloverseed, Timothy, Flaxseed. $5 25 a I its f 83 A I 3 0 i Q '4 7 4 7 3 0 1 4 SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, 8 ' lOol 30 Butter, . $ l Rye, .... 75,, ... i Corn, .... 7f T,w, - 1 Oats 33 Lard, ... 1 Buckwheat, . . 6J Pork, .... Potatoes, CO Uerswai, - 1 Snamokin Coal Trade. Suamokin, April 9, 18C1. THE lOtTHtnjI LOAN lit! LIKtD BY LUMIOI UtMOtH. On the 28lh of February last, according to tbe Xew York Evening Post, one J. Singleton Crawford, Bunker, ol Charleston, S. C, ad dressed a letter to Messrs Slope ic C"-, Bankers, of London, making certain proposals for the negotiation of the fifteen million loan of tbe C. S. A. The Messrs. S. & Co. reply onlhe22d oil . decliniuing the offer fiimly, yet politely. We quote from tbeir letter, wbich biiB somewhat the smack of a canard : As to any success for your Confederate loan, as you please to term it. in the London Mouey market, we adviBe you at once to abandon all hope or expectation oo that point. Tbe people here bave already suffer ed losses enough in the taking of the boods ot 1 1 or io ii, Mississippi, Ecuador, Prnamhu co, Patagonia, Arkansus, and olhet of your uuijili Alutes, ana tney ao not, at present, leel inclined to renew their acquaintance witb you again in money matters, on tbe gecerous terms beretnlore proposed even if you were not, as you now are, in open rebellion against tbe legitimately consl.tuted Goveromeot of tbe United States. "We, therefore, repeat ibat yon can have no success here, in London, io the negotiation of your proposed loan. Our seuior bad ao interview with Lord Palmerston on tbe sub ect of your letter, and be assured him that it 9 the unanimous determination of Her Ma esty's Government to discourage any efforts oo tbe part ol the V n. A to procure money hern, and you may rely upou it that be it in earnest. 'It is lamentable that a person of your apparent financial sagacity could entertain, for a moment, an idea that the security lo be onerea for the loan ov the '-U. S A would enable you to negotiate it here, and by Eog lihhmen, ton, who bave the greatest abhor rence of dishonesty. "1 he mortgage you propose opon tbe Torts. arsenals, custom boui-e, mints, and ell other property which has -fallen iuto your posset sion,' is intensely ludicrous How this pro rty fill into your bands we ere informed by your papers, but we hav- no idea that our money shall fall into your bands without Some better pledges tbuu tbe oue you propose. "I he transferor Honda to trustees! and the pledge of the faitb and hooor' of Missis- ippt, are equally ridiculous. Indeed, all persons to whom we bave exhibited your letter regard tbe propositions as tbe best joke of the season, and propose to get up a larce at Vrrary l.ane theatre, to be eotitled l ne u. f. A-, or a rew ay to secure ftew Debts.' " rigbtsaod eotiatitutiunul independence of ber sister States, uor infidelity to that constitu tional Uuiou, whose unexampled benefits bave oeeosauwereo-alike upon herself aud tbem. ibe most exalted public policy aod tbe clearest obligations ol true patriotism, there lure, admouiab ut. in tbe existine denlorable aud dangerous crisis or affairs, that our militia system should receive from the Legislature iuai prouipi attention whicb poblie exigeu vu-s, nuer oi tue aisle or the nation niav appear to demand, aud wbicb may seem iu your wisdom best edai ted to preserve aod secure to tbe people of Peuoajlvama and tbe Uuiou Ibe blessings of peace and the integrity ou stauimy oi our uur.valled Constitution Government. Tba government of this great State was established by its illustrious louuder "in deeds ol peace. Uur people have been trained aud diauiplioed io those aita wbicb lead to the promotion of tbeir own mural aud physical ueveiupuieoi sou progress, and with tbe highest regard for the rights of olbers, bave always cultivated fraternal relations wiib tbe people of all the Stales devoted to tbe Con stituliou and the Union, aud alwatt reoogni nog the spirit of concession aod compromise tbat ooderliet tbe foundation of tbe Govero meot Pennsylvania offers do counsel and takes on action io tbe nature of a menace. Her desire it for peace, and ber obieet tbe nreser vstioo of tbe peraoual aod political rigbla of Cil'ieus, or the true sovereignty of Slates aud tbe supremacy or law aod order. Auiiaated by these aentimenta and iodol giog an earnest hope of tba speedy restoration of tbosa harmonious and friendly relationt between tbe various members of Ibis Coofe deracy wbich bava brought our beloved country to a condition of unequalled power and prosperity. I commit tbe grava subject of Ibis cotumu mention to your ac uueni on. I (Sigtit-d,) A. G. CrttTLv, From the Philadelphia Inquirer. ttiAnLtsro-v conn icspuKDr.icE. Charleston, April 4, 18C1. The last week hat been devoid of interest, and 1 am inclined to tbink may be taken as the calm wbicb portends tbe storm. The Convention bave, siuce I last wrote to you been in secret sessioo. The most important item of news 1 cud send you it tbe adoption of the Montgomery Constitution. Thia waa a bitter pill lor the violeut tJaroliua fire eatert to swallow. To tbem it is full of ob jectionable features ; its provisions against the slave trade, ami the retention ol the three fifths negro representation, io place of a full Irancbiae, together witb tbe loop bole left for the admission ol free States, are all totally opposed to tba views and wishes of the Rheti school of politicians, at tha in stance, and onder tbe advice of Wig fall ; however, It bat all been swallowed Rhelt himself, who was Chairman of Committee on Constitutional Montgomery, admitting tbat it was only by engrafting these doctrines into the document tbat they could hope to gain recognition from F.uropeao powers, If B R Rhett aud L T. speak the troth, there is no doubt tbat were it possible to place the Government on a durable foun dation, ao indirect slave trade, would be in operation within oue year. Of tbis there can be no two opinions either, for by far tbe larger mill' ber of secession politicians look lo the re opening or Ibe slave trade as tbe pane cea for all tbeir wants and whims. Battery. leanings GrtV.tovtal ani) Silcctcli. Florida has sold half a million acres of wild land, tn New Orleaus speculators, at tiro cents per acre. It is stated that Gov. Curtin has appointed Capt. Given, of West Chester, Adjutant Geueral of tbe State. The Southern people are grumbling it tho duty of two dollars a ton on ice. lo ibe South during ibe heated term, ice is not merely a luxury, but a necessity. Tbe tariff of tbe Confederate Statea on Northern manufacturers is already found to be burdensome by tbe Southern merchants, and. it is said, will be reduced wben tbe Soulbero Congress reassembles. Two men had a quarrel in West Chester a day or two since, when one struck an axe ioto tbe skull of tbe olber. There are five living ex- Presidents of the United Slates Van Bureo, Tyler, Fillmoie, Pierce aod Bucbaoan. Tbe solary of tbo President is 825.000 per annum; or tbe Vice President, 80,000 ; of eacb member of tbe Cabinet, $8,000. Wild beet have been fouod io California something unusual for the State which fur nisbes everything vlso. Tbcre is a bright Chines editor in Sacra ment, named Ye Yuoe. He writes well, and it fund of the ladies just now be it iu jail for abducting oce. In Erie county. Pa., a woman named Baroes. 105 years old. is living She is tbe widow of a Revolutionary Peosioner, aod re ceives a pension. Jobn Morrissey, the pugilist, is reported to be dead. It is said that he died ou last Saturday morning, io New York, of putrid sore throat. Colonel Fremont bas arrived in Paris, taking witb b:in a despatch bag lo the American Legation. Among tbe officers of the "Confederate" army, the only name from a free Stale it tbat of Jobo Laoe. of Oregon, son of tbe late candidal for tbe Vice Presidency. An Editor Appointkd. Major Raymond, of Ibe Muir County Whig, who was candidate for Postmaster al lloilidaysburg, bas been appointed Mail Messenger lor tbat place, at a salary of 8300- If the Maoris -thankful Tor small favors," of course be will accept tLe appoint uient. arriaouri7 Telegraph. Trr Viroisia "On. Fkvkr " Tbe excite ment growing out of I he discavery of nil in Virginia, continues unabated. Tbe Wheel ing Intelligencer says : Kanawha river is literally covered with flat boats and tbe boat men are now oo a strike. I hey ask two dollars a barrel fur taking the grease to Parkesbnrg. Tbe producers are only willing to give a dollar and fifty cents. Lands are leased oo both sides of the Kanawha al enor mous rates, tbe leaset extending from four tn five miles into the interior. The number engaged in th- production of oil from Park eraburg to Buroing Sprng Springs Ron is not less than 4.000. Tbe oil is founo at from 125 to 225 feet, from wbico distance tbe cost of the boring it about 82 per foot. Large supplies of barrels are received from Balti. more, tbe staves for wbich are shipped from tbe country where the barrels are now being filled witb "tbe greasy." Sub leases cannot be bad in the vicinity of the large producing wells at lest tbau from one to tbree thousand dollars ao aore. Sent for the week ending April Ctb, Per last Report, toss. rwT. To same time last year, Increase, 3 434 07 35,250 13 33,085 00 25 9GG 07 12,718 13 Northern Central and Sunbury & Erie Railroads. The arrival and departure nf Passenger Trains on the Norlhrrn Central anil Sunbury ft Erie Railroads at this place, is ss follows : MAIL Tit AIM. N.C.R.K. 8 an. R R. Going north, arrives 4 43 P. M I Leaves 4 4.1P.M. ' south, leaves ft 45 A.M. Arrives UtiA M EXPRF.SH9 TRAIN. Going north, arrives II HI P. M. I Leaves II in P.M. south, leaves 3 4U A M. Arrives 3 24 AM. The Shamnkin Valley and Pottsville Railroad. Passenger train leaves Culinary at no A M. " " ' Mt.Carmcl. . - 4.30 PM. New Advertisements. New Millinery Goods. Itflftrt .11. I a SSI.KK, fou-n Street, two door smith nf the Shamiili' Valley Pntttrille Rail Road. SUNBURY, PENN'A. ) ESPECTFUU.Y informs the eituens .. SUNHUKV and vic-uiitv. thai ahe haa in. received from Philadelpbia a large and silen.lii assortment of tho most fashionable and lalts style of H3 C ST 22flia "2 S3, HATS, 811 A KERS, TRIMMINGS, Ac. which she ia selling at the mokt reasonable prices '1 o which she directs the attention of thn ladies and invites all to call and see them. Thankful for past patronage, alio h ipi-4 by keeping to best assortment at reasonable price. to continue the same Sunhiiry, April 13. RCI.-3in CyTm Exooct rgoat FaBiMtuao. A West Ubester paper io noticing tbo depar. tore from Parkesburg of almost forty families tbe beads of wbicb bad been employed ia the railroad tbopt al tbat place tayt tbe largest number want to Harriaborg, a few want to Philadelphia, and tome to otbar points along tba line. S3 Accidknt Jamea F. Green, ef Money bad bis right baud cot off Juel below tba thumb, last week, at tha Saw Mill of Messrs. Fribley, Clark 3c Wells, at tho moatb. of tbo I Muecj Crack. GntiT WaiTEns. Somr. ot the most sublime and truthful things ever wrillen were first clothed in the English language. Chaucer snd Spenser are the acknowledged fathers of huglish poetry Shakspearc and Milton were very respectable, sons to the original founders of the institution, and Byron, Shelly and I ennvson stand fair grand children. The writers named, togrlher with Scott, Dickens, Irving, Longfellow and Holmes have, we admit, written sonioverv pasa- hie things ; but nothing nr re truthful and practi cal ever came from their pens than then assertion that the most elegant garments for gentlemen and youths, to be Inund in the Union, are those made at the Iirown Stone Clothing Hall o' Rorkhill and Wilson, Nus. 604 and C05 Chcanut street, above Sixlh. Philadelphia. Coi'gus. The sudden chunges of our cli mate are sources of Pulmonary liRo.vrtiiAi. and Asthmatic Affkction. Experience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily and certainly wben taken in the' early stages of tbe diseases, recourse should at once be hud to "Brown's Branchial Troche," or Lozenges, let tbe C;old, Uough, or Irritation of the throat be ever so slight, as by tbis precaution a more serious attack may be effectually warded off. Pi' uur Spkakkrs and Singkrs will find tbem effectu al for clearing and strengthening tbe voice. Sen advertisement. Ileltgioiit Notices Divine service will bo held avtry Sabbath in this Bo rough ns follows : PK K!BYTKK I A N CIIl'RCH. North west corner n. Rlnekheiry and Drel streets, Hev. J. I). HulMS, Psstnr. Uivins service svery Knouts si m) A. M. Prayer mew ing on Thumby evening. Al Northumberland, in Old Minol Pieshytenaii Church, at 3 o'clock, P. M , evarjr SS.I.hNtn fiKKMAN RKPORMRI) Til URCH North wt eorner of River snd Blarkherry streets. Hev J W. tiin mktk, Pnstor. Itivine serviee, alternately, every ftshlisth at 10 A M. and 7 P.M. Piavai meeting on Friday evening F.VANORI.tCA'. U'THF.Il AN CIIl'RCH -Deer street helnw t V. At P. Kail Itoad, Rev. P R ilea, Pastor Divine aervies, alienaiiely, every Fithbsta nt 10 A M. and 7 P.M. Piaver meeting oil Wsilnesday evening METHODIST KeiscorsL CHI RCH Dewtwrry street west nf H. A F. Ksil Risul, Rev. E. BvTt-sa sua J P. Swisau. Pastora. Divine seiviee. Alternately, every hsth at llii A.M. and 7 P.M. Prayer meetuig ou Thurs day evening. SPRING GOODS! MARRIAGES Plant a Tarn. Yea, plant two, three, or a balf a doren ol tbem. Jf Ibey all grow aod thrive, it will be ao easy matter to deplete tba leduodaoay by removing tbosa tbat are oot oeeded. Plant tbem along tba sidewalk to catch Ibe dust fiom tbe bot streets, aod to draw tbe barbs from tbe fiery shafts of the summer's suo, era they reach your chamber window. Plant tbem io your front yard, abere yoo cao sit onder tbem and watch tba battered mooebeams glimmer through tbeir waving spray, aod bear tba night winds mur mur their mystic wooiugt witb the tigbiog braocbet. Plant them wherever yoo cao find a tpara patch of unoocopied territory on your premises, large enough to dig hole in. A city without trees it a naked thing, unfit to be teen. Give nature half a chance, and tbe will ulotbe onr tlreett aod yardt witb vest ment of verdure that will gladden oor eyes and cheer our bearlt through tba loog bot day I of tbe approaching aummar. PuosrtCT or Fuit. There it torn die cossioo among fruit growers, aod otbert, at to wbttber tbe frait, tucb at peaches, char, net, to , hat been injured by tbe frost. Uur view of quettioo It thu : there it er no fruit to be iujured. lo a fruit bod there it a ruUi men! of a fruit, but tbit rudiment ia jutt at bsrdy, while it It merely rudiment, aa tbat of a leaf. It it only when tba blossom opens, aod lbs pollen it shad opoo tba germ, tbat tba froit, properly so called, Comet iuto life, lo tba first stage ol lila and growth, most fruits art very t -Oder -, but prior to tbit stage tba bud it hardy. A frost severe enough lo kill a fruit bod will kill a lesr bud aud the tig to whicb it it attached. On Sundav evening, the Slat ult by the Kev, Jacob F- Wamuole, Mr. Feast: U. I.sistatao of Dear Gap, lo Miaa Aaesnsa Kitm, ol Sharrokin township. DEATHS. In thia place, on Sunday last, of Pneumonia, Mrs. ELIZA G1USUIM, aged about years. The deceased came to this place about two years aince with ber husband, who holds tbe re sponsible position of master machinist of the Northern Central Railroa J, at this place. During her short residence bera ahe bad acquired tha esteem snd friendship of all wbo knew her. On Monday afternoon ber remains were followed to tbe depot of the Sunbury ii. Erie road, by a large procession, and were taken Irons thence by rail, way to Troy, Bradford county, in the neighbor. hood of wbich place, her friends and family reside. In this place, on Monday morning last, WM McC ARTY, Esq., formerly of Philadelphia, hut the laat thirty years a resident" of this place, aged about 73 yean. Tha deceased was long and well known net only in this neighborhood, but throughout the btate, having keen, during tha earlier portion oi bis life, a partner of the firm of McCarty dt Da. vis, ac extensive Book and Publishing boose in Philadelphia. Tba deceased was a self trade man, liberal minded and enterprising. Ha pos sessed a wall stored mind acquired by extensive reading and obaervalioo bis private library being probably one of the largest and moat valuable ia nonhern Pennsylvania. His illness wat linger ing and protracted, having su Oared tba past fouy years from paralysis, wbicb rendered bim a kelp' less iovalid, Duiiog thia period, no care and comfort wat denied bim, wbicb a devoted family of wife and children could administer. His re mains were interred at this place, on Thursday last, by tha Masonic fral. miiv, of v. huh. cider lit hid I in g been t mtinln. ur LiLPaGS STCCZ A X D REAT VARIETY AT X-.CTW PKICES AT THE ONE PIUCE STORK. OP B. TZ. BRIGHT & S03 WHO OFFER Splendid Inducements AND GREAT BARGAINS TO 8unbury, April 13, 1661. Assignee Notice. JaJOTICE is hereby given, Ibat all the property ' both real and personal, of Ueorge Zimmer man of Upper Augusta township, Nonbumber. land county, Pa., bat been assigned to tha auh acribers lor the benefit of hia creditors, by hia Deed of Assignment having uals March KBth, 1861. Therelore, all persons having claims, will pre. sent Ihein duly authenticated, lo Jeremiah Zim merman at bbamokinlown, or lo Joint Fawns worth, Esq., in Upper Auguaia township, and all ' indebted will please come forward aud acttle without delay. JKKKMIAH ZIMMERMAN, ) . . JOHN r'AHNtsWOKTH. Assigneia Upper Augusta twp., April 13, leol. 4t pi RE DRUGS. ' A freh supply ju.t received, - and prescriptinvm compounded in tha ntnsi careful manner, al lha Mammoth Swra of l'iIMM.tjR N r