Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 06, 1861, Image 4
y Arrival of Clothing. r. l-rg. st and best tock of KAM. AND .INTER CLOI'IILXO ever brought lo htcr. arilvcrt 1 the Mammoth Clothm of SCH U KITZEIt, i:lLB R0. N EU i . In Market m1, nearly oppose Wea Unlet. Their flock rnmprisrsof CLOTH COATS, tires Coals. 0ef Coats. . Business Costs. Ac. ' VESTS OF ALL KINDS. 'n !er-Sh;rts, Dritwer". Ac. ;AT3 vDtSTlD CAPS. HOOTS AND PHOEW, of the latrsi styles very description and uoa.Uv, clie. " l,,un 1,.ir assortment f ceutl-men's furnishing mini! iii the most complete ! I'hrir vstiefy mJ st) hs attractive. nd the I'lirn defy rtil cor)ipt-iiiin:i. riTCttll "t exuniiiif for ynree'srs. HUVliirZEH,UEl!.lJKC).NKir4- CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, lsfld. ENTML HOTEL, JN3UEY, liorthumberi&nd County, Fa. PHIS large null commodious Hotel, now t IP :i III! Ut'll l,v JAME VAN DYKE. U filiitttc ul the Railroad Depot Nortli East irner of Market fipiure. fctmliury, mid el .o terminus of the Sunbury ,y Eric and North n Central Railroads, and i open for the accotn nidation i.f Travelers and the .utlic in general 'J lie pnprietor will Rive his exclusive alien on. totLe comfort and convenience of his guests nd is de'crminod to mnke this establishment u u U anions the first in the tnte. II ii tulilc will be supplied with the best the na'ket can produce having the advni'.taii l liiily communiiielion by curs direct from Haiti note, and also from those bringing produce from iho surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest litmors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. Ntw and commodious tabling has just been eJ.'nd to the premises A share ul the local and traveling enmmunK i-: most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 12, ISfil. NOW WITIIIN REACH OF ALL GUOVEUlJAKKR'S d2 CELEBR A TE U N O I S E L F. S 3 Sewing Machines, 495 Ddoiiiwat, New Youk. Ths jnihlic attention is respectfully le.iuested to the following card of Elias Howk, (he (irover &. Baker . M. Co A Card from the GHOVEH & BAKEE S. M. Co. Our I'atcnts being now established by tJ5 Courts, we are enabled to furnish the tirover A Baker Machine, with important improvement at greatly Ilcdnccd Pi'Ices. Tito moderate prke at which Mathines mik ing tho Orovcr & Baker stitch, con now bo hod, hu:i; them within the reach of all, unJ renders tle use uf Machines making inferior Hitches as umeci!sary a it is unwise. I'rrsons desiring tlio best Machines, and the rinht to use them, not only bs sure lo buy M idlines making the tinner At Buk- r milch, but also that such Machines ore made and stamped under our patents and thoee of Klias lower, Jr. GKOVEK& BAKERS. M. CO . 4'J."j Broaiiway, New York. A CAUD FROM EI.IAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewins Machine which sew from two Cj'iu!a and make the stitch known as the (.'rover & rSakcr stitch, unless the same are purchased nM. . i i?., v. ..b.. wdH.;.. vt....i.;..u ir':.l lliu uiuu-l i. u.nci t-i-. mi; iituuim. Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and klainped under my patent of September 10, 1816. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am lnv said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, whureer iouud. EI.IA8 HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 50. 180. tf FRILINti A. GRANT, at the M AMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT cr tub NEWEST STYLE3 AND PATTERNS OK -VV A.X.X. PAPER, which are telling at prices that defy competition. Sutibury, January 11), 1S0I- NOTICE VI.T, persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers, engaged in the foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, are equested to settle the same without delay. 'J'bise oeglecting this nolic must not complain if costs are added to tueiraecoiints C. I). A J. R01IRUACH. 8un!'urv, Nov. 17, i860. 5m BLANKS! BLANKS!! A new supply of fciumtnoiis'. Executions, Warrants, Huputnas, Deeds, Mortnajics, Bonds, Legist's, Nuturulizutlou papers. Justices tild ('uiutu)iles Fee Bills Ac, Ac, just printed and for svle at this Office. ISutibtiry, April CO, lefiU. anil f .r sale by the tairel or pound, si the Cot.feviiutiery Mi-re of M. C. GCAKH ART. hunbury, Oelulier 13, lBt;l. IJI.ANK Harchlnelii Fapor Deaus and biunl j MortiiOges, Bum's, Eieeuiion., uu,moiis, Ac. tor sale b ii. 1; MASoL'h. lyiNBow m i a 1 1 1:57 "aVTiT cIIT" a7j chean assortment, jo.t leum d b Rail road from New York, al the Mamiimlb storo ol I nllr.K A (Jrant. a s! lit (.ttlft K K 1 lntnani A Co's ce!lraled I'ment I'endulun. I urthin I'iMuies. DRY GOODS- TRILNG A GUAM", at the Mammoth ktore this day, January a4th. leceuvj and opened another fresh ttupply of DU Y UUUUS and Notions. Suobury, January S6, IH6 1. BOO I A 1 HIOF.P, can h pu,chd at the Mammoih Utor of Kriliug A Orant, very we ara dswrminej not to be undersold by any body. CeU tori en the list of ,,nc.s for youraelvea. FKII.ING GRANT. Sunkp.ry, January u. 1861 WARCe A very cheap an4 dsvirabl asaortmrul ju4 fiJ this wmk, al (Us y.imyth etoie of Fft'l.INU ft UHANT. si. lIu?, January H, Ifcrjl, m THE LATEST STYLE OP O ABMBNTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE . at the Fashionable Tailorinjr Establishment! it JACOB O- 1313 012, It.iirkrl Mrcci, Sl'MItV I'n. t "HR subscriber, in addition lo Ills large stock "f CLOTIIS, riuin and Fancy Cassimeres. Vesting, &o is constantly receiving new supplies from the city keeping foil st-ortmelit of the most substantial ami latest style of Ooode in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order nil kinds of (' n'leiiK n's ami bo' wear, such as 0 Eli-COATS, DRESS COATS,FROCK. COATS. lU'PINEsa-COATS, VESTS. PANTALOONS, At.. Ac., Ac, tliB very Utest style, and in the most suhstan al manner, at short tiotiee. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnikhed in Philadelphia, by giving two iluv s notice. 'if" fall and eiainioe my stock, no c.hnrrs made for showing. l ron o. Bncic. Sunbiirv, November 3 I "fid Cire Cmiijh, Cvld. lloiimintsy htjlutuza, any Iriittili'in nr SoreiieM r; Ac imo'il, J.c lifve the Hacking Cuu'jh i't Ciinmimpiinn, Lmn ci.iVin. .Ullunn, owl Catarrh. Clear end iire ftrrn; tli In t'tc ruicc uf Public Stptaktrt una linger. Vtw nreowarenf tlie Iinpoi'tniire of ehPcUinfr a C-intrh "c:iMnui"ii OKI" in us lirst smie i Hint wliicli in tiio bciintiuia w-mlil yifla t" n mild it-nu-fly, il' ii'-Rlerlwl, s i bt'nrk lite I. lines "IIKIM1. s iwn i. v n I I. ii.w CMK?V coiiUiiiiinir ileiimlreiit ingreUii-uls, uimy I'ulmn n or iiJ lirouchml irntuuon. T!i:ir irnnhle tti my Min-nt. f.irvlnfli the "THtit'lll'.;'' an) a speeitiv) bnvi.-g inaile insi.den a niet wliireit-r-:' Brown's TK0CIIK3 . ! W II.I.IS. 'i iee'iiiinciiu luciruieio I'uutit.' 'c:k Brew.,'. ier. pl-'.V. I' II. CltAPIN. TROCUKrt. "Hiive proved extremely stTViuenbtc fur i lioarstpiiRB " Urown' ' HKV.HKNUY W AHD lU'.r.CIII'R. i 'Alin'Bt infitMi t iriict in Hip tliBlrf shiiic TRCH'UKS ilalxir ol hiratlnnff p-cu1uir to Aniiin:i " li lj V A v r.' ill I r.o J I 'il . Brown1! 4Ontam no Oi.ium or uiiyiliuiff mjuri U,w DU. A A HAVKS, 1 'A nimpttT ovA pleasant iviubinuht'i, lor Tlr. iivi.'si CttuuaJ. skc.'1 1J.I. U I' UMJt.l.OU , Huston. "UrnLftcinl in DioifhUii iH J F W LANK, TROCHES. Frown's TKOC1IKS. Brown's TRncHi:?. i "I hnvf proved them exrellci.t fr Wli-top line Coucii." I ELV II W WAR H FX, I ltoiton. ' ,tn!irfi(.'i.'il wticn compf licit t. hjujI;, mlU-niig iroin i.m." i lln.wn ! KEY SJP ANDERSON, j Si. 1. miff. I TROCilES. j "KiTtftUHl in rem wing (IiiftitM uml 1 !initaif'ti uf tlie Tlinmt, bo common Willi 1 lirowu'i Spwiiivri uiiri Jinper " i lr.-f M STACY JOIIXSOV, TKUC1IE9. i a t-rnupe, ifi., j TiacliT 01 Music, si uthem iirown't Femnlc Cltet:e. ! ,(itpmI ln'ittflt wlie.n (utip'i tu't'oic nnJ TROClHs?. 'nfur preftchiinr, nstlipy prevfiil HKirspncFn ;t'roiiiiht:ir past etlcrt, I tlinik ttiry will be of Browii't r-ernianeiit mivant'i to me " j REV 11 KOWI.EY, A M , TROCHE, j Prpffi.lent of AHipiii U.lir-ip. Trim I tF" S'lM by ulUJrugginiiut flj cenUa box. December H, IttiO. liniil '?I,"-v, -EVAK3 & "WATSON S "i ' 1'hitaiktylia Manufacfd V - "r'LSulaniander Safes. s'jU-iriiif A. 301 Chmnul Street, - iun,.ii)i.i.riii.. ri'HI'.SH Siifes are now In use nil over the I'nitnlSiutrs, JL and hnve liein Ksteil in iiiuny tires; tlie fallowing iiuws siKiihcr initauce oi tlitrir eupjbil tv in resisn.ig tile : WlTMKR'i nurTinC, 1 T.nnenter Townshin. Jnlv 30, MlrR. Kvans ,V Wtin,' ( : Tlie stniU ie N". I SWrinuindrr Safe wliirh 1 pureliased 1'ioin yi.ur ssiit, Mr Arliiin R. Hurr, in Lancarlrr City, "n July '.'0:li, I.t Ei. ti-is l,een sul.jeeied loo very severe test.wiupii it witiislO'.id in u inost s.itiifnrl'iry mannrr. T'tiij Si.fe. eon luliimg -ill ray bo.ks, tojsellier Willi viiirmMe papers ludnnir- liir t' mvHcll and some to my iifiiiliorB intil friends, and represeji'tingr a value ol" over Twenty Thuuwuid Unllara, (S'io.tHKI) was in mv IMi'l. which wus drstmysd on tlie infill fo the 27th of July. l-'OU, nil! pnsed thrwiifli the (ieiy irdt-al utiMittieil, The Sufe will on tlie seeotid dimr, ami fellt.i tlie tuisi'inrnt of tlie Mill, and w:is stil..!aeted for six limns t-i mi intense heat ninotig the ruins, wtneti wusgreutly iuerfiiscd hv i lie eonilnislttin of a linvie tjunittitv nf pmiii C'ltihiu-d within tlie iirick wills. Alter lliefne the tfuie Wiisopeurd und the to,4raiid uipers taken out in a st.-ito nf perfect preservation, the pnjicr lint even heintr diK-,il,ir ed. Tliistnel wns, however, to many byslandera, n tietler reeniiruiiditii u of yourSifcs than could tie expressed in tiny other worus troui me. Yours, respectfully, PAMl'KI, RANCK. -liiot?,cr lic((r for Jcans and ll'urson'j Salamander Safe. O.wroo, N. Y., March 27 VC0. Gentlemen It otTirdt nie much pleusurr tinufortn you tliat lue hule No fi, (upriittt) which I purclmsed of U. Stroud, vour trivelina ptf.-nt, hnl Missed Ihrouirti an ex ceedingly hot h re in u three sruiy brick huildine, which heated the frile too while heat, so tlmt the corners of it uppear melted; but it preserved nry b'oks and vahmhle IMipers to the umouiit of scverul Lhuussud dollms, for which led thankful. Yours, respectfully, J.N KI.DRIDCil-i. C7" A isrrs Hssortmeiit ' f the slsive iA Vt S always on t,nud. nt 3o1 Chesuut street, (latent siouttl Fourth St., i'niliiiklphiii, October u, lfGO. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT L'MNll MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal rxrew Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! A II that is necessary bei ng to screw the Cap down Upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3 4 of an inch di taut from the top ; prevent the possibility of the llavorollhe trutt being injured by coming in contact witn tlie Kubtier. Porsonsfesiring these Jar, can be supplied by leaving Itieir orders with II. 13. M ASSr.K, Su.'ihury, June 2, IbCO. Agent. IJ O O T A N I) S II O E MANUFACTORY. Cocner of ifarket Square and Hirer Street fj'HE subscriber respectfully informs the cili zer s oi ounoury nil vicin.ty, mot lie tias opened a Boot and Shoe Shop tin the corner of Market Square and River stieet, opposite the Court House, where lie can bo found at all limes ready to wait upon custnineig. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of oil kinds, al short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a lure asort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which en abba bi n to make up good and durable work. Call and examine for yntirselvea before pur chasing elsewhere and you will save money. JOHN WiLVER. Sonbnry, Nov. 10, 1HU0. ly New Gccds for the Ladies Ji sr KP.CHIVtO AT BKIQUT Se GON'Q 1 Plain, all ool Uehiines, Neat f-gurej Delaines, Handsome Cashmeres, Iliijh Colored De laines. Striped Dusters, Nice Silk Pop. litis, Mied Mohair Dusters, Plain f re rich Merinos, Printed l-'reiich Merinos, Persian 'J' will, Brocsdi) No tesu. Plain Co. butgs. Dark mixeil llebene,'e ll'aek Silks, New style Dark Prinl. iiloves uf all Kindr, Hosiery of all Kinds, New ajtvle Nahias, Opera Caps, ('betiilie Sea if, Mohsir Head Dresses, Needla Worked Collars, Ac, Ar, Ac. But it is useless to attempt eituiiierating (ha great variety nf Goods we have onw in alore, suitable lor Ladies' wear. We invite an inspec tion qf our store. E. V. BRIGHT A SON. Sunbury, October 7. 181.0. PJLOTHS. Caaaimerei. Bsttinets. Heavy and light woigbt liesver clotlt. TncoU, .Frosud U avers, FUio Broad cloths. Fancy and Black Caaaimerea. COOPER CON ARD. 8. E. ooroar Nictb. A Market (treats, Duo. 8. 160. ' VbUadalphia. ' at-1' rH L 1 fvViv" nnil examine bmmiful SHAWL LS. MS anil Rich DRESS GOODS URiunr & Has, II just optntl if TUB CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! RICH DISPLAY XIANDSOWCS GOODS AT LOW PRICES 1 combining F. A UT Y A N U DUUADILIT V now on FREE EXHIBITION At the People's ONE THICK STORE, OK B. V. BRIGHT &. SON, Our extensive Stork of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Cl CD CO S3 NOTIONS. HOSIKKY. BOOTS A N D S II 0 E S, HATS AND CAl'S, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac Presents RARE ATTRACTION?, A A D Splendid Inducements TO Who wish lo secure r GREAT DAHGAINS Fop tho Smallest Qoautity of CAPTAIN CA II OI Country Produce. KEM IE BBB that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be as AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. In addition to our LAPwGE S-rCCrS. We are constantly receiving New Goods, thti keeping up our assortment at all seasunsof the year e return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and shall make ivery ellurl on our part lo render satisfaction, lie- ilewng lliat the nimtile dime is heller than the slow quarter, we shall adhore to that nld tune houoied motto : "Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunburv, November 17. I860 WIISTTiJIR, GOODS, F 0 H M EN'S WE A R . I! lack and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, lilaok Doeskins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds. Heavy Kentucky Jeans. Real Good Cassinetls, til Miyed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords. 13 lack Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting, rancy Silk velvet testings, 1'Uin bilk Velvet Vcalings, Nice Cassimere Veslings In fact all kinds of goons for Men's and Roys' wear, can be found ul the 1'eople's One I'rice cSlnre uf V.. Y. irighl i Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds uf goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. K. Y. UKIUHT & RON. Sunhtirv, October S7. I SCO. REVERB HOUSE, (I.ATi: K.Atit.K HOTtiL.) Third Street, abort Jiace, I'hiladelphia, KilOADS II BAILOR, I'roptieiors. JMPnOVKMI A TS nave been nude, and the House bas been rebtlrd throughout 'i'ilghsum V. It no us, f rrmeily of the NkIioiiuI Hotel CuiatM "-silob, foiinerly ul Sibuyikill co.,Pa. 1'biladclphiu, Jan. IU, IK) I ly GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALB Se KJSTAIL, rVi'lLlNU Sl till A NT (at the Mauimolb t- Hloie,) have just received 6U0 lbs. ol Volar Ground, Molar ami f ine Salt, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Kail every sack warranted to contain 25 pounds uf Sail and 200 bags of Sail containing one Uusliel each. Thia call is the but ami alrongast now manufactured and iu market. Call and see for yourselves. Suubury Sept., H, IbbO. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Not. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 t' 85 Duaut Street Would notify the Trade that they ere opening Weekly, iu new and beautiful patterns, the WAMSl'TTA PRINT, also the A luoikea gt A New Print, wbicb excels every prinl in the Country for perfection of execution end design iu full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any iu market, eud meeting with extensive sale. Ordere promptly attended ta. February 4, 1J0. ly pi the a HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAT. Tl, nlerrf,.,! hsrlnff n.el Prnfrwr HCMrnRfTS' PKCIKIO HOMigOPVTIIIO RKNKDIKS In eur fsmllles with ttie must sntlsractorv rMiill', snu navins run ennn dence In lliclr geiiulnensin, (Mirlty, ami elllciacy. cheerfully recnmrncnil (hem to ll pern ios whn ulsli to hnrs ssfe, re llable, and eltlcachnis remedies at hsntl for prlvst or dr miotic u.e. . , The llv. Wm. tl'simrr, editor of "The Northern Inde pen lent," Aulmrn. N. Y. ; the Rev. R. II. Cresvr, D.D., Hector of St. I'eter's Churrh, Auburn, N. Y. ( the Rev. II. I. Ives, Chaplain nf tin Auhnrii Stite Prison) the Rev. Kliencor M. Klea, RecUir, Nor Rtdtord, Mass. tlie Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Conference i the Rev. gnmuel Meiiols tlsst-Oenewe Conference, N. Y. ; (he Rev. I. 8. IValt, D.itsel, Vi. ; the Rev. John R. Il .bie, riuffnlo; A. 0. Hurl, Ksi , Utlca, N. Y. ; the l.m. Neat l)"iv, Portland, Me. ; the Hon. g hiivlcr Colfax, Houth llcnd, Ind. i the Hon. (Ivorue Hninphrev; N. Y. j Henry It. Cook, Kan,., EillUir ol The Oiit'i State Journnl, Coliimlins, lldo; the Hon. U. It. Orsfnrn, Hollne 111. ; tin Hon. Tiiomaa .t. Chase, Monti cello, Pla. ; the lion. Xweph nenedlet, I'tlca, N. Y. ; wm. I., Vilca, N. Y. ; A. 8. Pond, Ksq., uuca, n. 1. 1 James flunked, Bsq., Nashville, Tenn, usr op FPuriKic rkmrdika. " For Kree, Oonseiitfin, and Inflammation. Ho' for Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Wellinir the Bed. K ! J Kor Colic, Crying, iecUdng, aud Wakefulntu of Infnnta. N,,. 4 Fur niarrliea, Cliolera lntsntura, snd Man C"rnp,r'n,S- . t fi Pr Colic, flrltdnen, rventer.v, or Rloody Flua. K' 6 For Oolera, Cliolera Morhna, Vnmltlnn. C t pr,r Couihs, Culil, tniliieiiis, and Sore Tlirost. fi' .For To.ith i. he. Faee-aehe, and Neuratirls. tt o.Kor Headache, Vertlfc-o, Heat and Fullness of the "'no.' 10. tiTaeenau Pit.i.a For Weak- and Deranged Stunarti, Constipation, and l.iree Cnmplslnt. No. II Fns Knat.K IsssaLHRirias, gcanty, Palnrul, or 8uplres.ed Periods. No. 12. For Uucorrliea, Profuse Menses, snd Dcarlns D wn of Females. sjn it For Croup, Ifoaese C-usti, Rail RreatMnf. sj.,i.T Itnu M Pns For F.ryslpelsj, Eruptions. Pimples on te Face. i:,. ititKc,Trc Pn.i.a For Piln, I.mnws, or Bore ncas In the Chest, Hack, Luins, or l.lrnln. V. For Fever am" A?ue, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OU Mlnmanaced Airucs. l For I'dea, li'oid or IVee line, Internal or External. Il For Sir, Weak, or luilaiuad F-es sud Eyelids; Fall ne, WcmV. or lllurrcd fW.k C. For Catarrh, of Ion? tor. ling or recent, either with obstruction or proliie.- ,lii.:!ir.m'. W. c For Ui opli;4 t'ouh, nbithip Iti violence and al.nrlvnllii' It. Mlinf III all acule diseases, such as fevers. Inflammations, Pinrrheft, llscmerv. Croup, Uheuinnlisrit, ar.d such erup tive diseases' as Scarlet Fever, M-a'lea, and Krysiielas. the advnularte of trlvinit the proier r" promptly is ob vious, ntrd in oil such enscs the specifics act like a charm. Tlie enUro disease Is often arrested at once, anil In all cases the violence ol the attack Is moderated, the disease short ened, and rendered le..s daneei-ous. Concha and Colds, hich are ol such frequent occurrence, anil wl.ii li s.i olten lny tin Inundation of diseased lunRS, bronchitis and consumption, may all be al ouce cured by the Fever and CoSsh Pills. In all chronic diseases, such as nynepsla, eak y tomacn, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Piles, Female nihility, and IrrcsuUritits, old Headache. Sre or Weak t'.yes. Catarrh, Ball Rheum, slid ether oid eruptions, the ease has specifics whose proper application will afford a cure In almost every Instance. Often tlit cure of a sinirle ohi oulc dilliculty, such as II) jpepsln, Piles or Catarrh, Ilea. Incite or Female Weak oess, list tuurs ihsti paid fur the case leu limes over PRICE. Cass of !n vial complete, In tnoroeeo, and Book Case of ill vials, nml Hook, plain ? Case of 15 nun.beied, and Hook s Cam of 6 boxi-.. nuudiere.. HI.. I It if 1 Hincle numbered boxes, with directions cents. ',...rl l..,,urw.l I..,.. Mtlh directions. .V) cents. - ...... - - , . . Lajse case ot 'i us. vtnls. tor uiairters ina pnj.....i,i... Al.f BPKCIFICS. Foa .Vsntut o P'trrrrsie. flppres-e.l, ntrncnlt. Labored RreatliliiK. attended h,h Cough and Kxpectoration. Puce, DU eents ier bos. Fua i:R lnCHsnit on I'sin. '-; n'i ....... .... Ear the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials. For Noise in the lit ad. Hardness of lleai inr. ai d llmiiiiif In the Far, snd Fnr nehe price, f.0 cuts per hox. Foa Schoh ls. hnlarpe.l tilamis, i-.uiarceu smi imeiw el Tonsils, S vellioci and Hid I leers, Scrolulous vaciicsj oi Cliil-ll'etl. rricr. ;-u coil, v-r una. Fos (;mksl IlsrniTT.- I'hvsicsl or Nervous Weakness. Kitlter the see ill ol ickue,i, lAC-s-ivs Mvilicadun, or F.s hsustin? IMseharcea. Price, ,'(1 eenl. per loot. Foa liuopsv Fiul.l Arctic o.i:Ci' ns. luniid Selllnts, with Scat.ty Secretions. Price, f o ,-ei rs ,er t-nr. Fi'R Shr.-Sics,. I''ilv Si. Une, teetk-o. Nausea, Vomiting. Sicknew. Iroin ridinc or nudum. Price, SO cents P'Foli't;sltlv Ttist, . Vnr C.rsvel, Renal Cntcull, Drfjl enlt, Painful L'rbustiun, I'lseiuK-s of the Kidneas. Price, 00 cents tier bos. Foa Srats.l. Karsstox. Involuntarv Discharces and Conseouent Prostration and Debility, Rail ltes.ilrs of Kvll ll ibirs Tlie not successful and etti ient remedy known, and may be relied upon iu a cure. Price, with full dlrec lions. 1 r box. .... Persons who lsh In place themselves nnder tbs profes sion:.; care, or to s.k advice of Pi of. Hceiev., can do so, st I is ofT.ce trii Bioudwsj-, dally from s A.M. lo S P.M. or by icltvr. OUR REMF.MK3 BY MAll Iok over the llsl ; make up a case of what kind yea et,ooe siei Inclose the amount In a current mde or itamH bv mail to our address, nt No. Ml Headway, New-Yolk, ' and the medicine will be duly relumed by mail or express, free of cltari-e. AflFNTS WASTER. We desire an aettve, efficient Afent for the sale of our Heme lies Ineveeytoa n or conmiunity hi the lulled States. Address Dr. F. IR'.MPHItr , . Co. No. of.j Ilaoiiiwjy, Nsw-YokC. A.W nSHER.Agent. Sunbury, Ta. May 2fl. ISliO. ly SUXBURY STEAM FLOURING T. St H ULs HL s f1HE subscribers having tuken possession of luis first cla-a Kl.Ol KI.MJ Mil. I., are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus loin wotk at the shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon Ihcir being left at the Mill. As it is the mien tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Hup ply ot Grain, will be constantly kept o r hand and flour by the quantity can always be obtained The greatest cam will be taken lo luin out a su peri"r quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirahly adapted. Mtict attention will be paid lo the wants of customers, and the patronage ol tlie public generally is respecllullv requested. MUKCiAN & CO. Punhury. June 23, I8f'0. I IlLXltriU. Al'lUEMY. 'IU IE FALL TERM nf the present year was -1- opened on Tuesday, the 16th of October, ult. Board of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languagea and English. Literature. P. 8. Iloyer, Associate. and Instructor in Math ills lies, Nalpra! Sciences, Book Keeping, dec Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embracea all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical ami Classical Departments. The government uf this Institution is mild but firm, and all students are required to be diligent and obedient. I'zpentet. Boarding, room with furniture, per week, it 1,50 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, 82,00 $7,)0 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Suivevinu. Ac , extra. Modems admitted at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J K MILLET. Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Freehurg, November 3. 18C0. II A It R IS paiiv xi;ii, ;3ttornry at a to , MARKET SQUARE, HUNBTJRY, June 83, 18C0. DR. A. W. FISCHER. OFFERS his professional aervicea to the cili tena of Sunbury and vicinity. Office at the Drug Slore. Sunbury, June 30, 1830. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. rHE subscriber respectfully Informs the publio -1 that be is now manufacturing at hie Pottery, 4 miles east of 8unbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Red Cement Clay. This clay produces tbe beat and moat desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to atone were, and is leaa liable lo creek by sudden beat and eold. . The subscriber refer lo Truing Orant, ubr AW JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct J3. I860 If Sunbury. Pa. STOVES- X50B SALE an excellent eecond-hand Ceok aV Ing Stove, ftlea eeveral Cylinder Coal itoe- Enijtire at this ofTirsx, A SUPCRUTIve TONIC, DIURETIC, DYSPt mYi&ORAflNCL CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apnlhecories, Drupgfitt, Grocenond Private FamillM. Wolfe'i I'uie Cosmic Brnndy. Wnlie't 1'ureMii.lrnu, Hhrrry und Tnrt Wine. Woltc't lurf Jiimnica mid tt Crnix Harn. Wullo't Pure Scotch mi) Irish Whuky. ALU IN BOTTIsKS. 1 lie leave to cull the allfntiow uf tlrt citiai of tlie I'inirtt JiiUf t the ulxve Wmce nml l.iqunii, imixifrcd In I thiii mi Wni rt nfNew York. whitN nnme la fHini I hnr in cvprv nait til ihia atuiitrv ltr Hie nnritr 'f hitcelc briiimi SM'iikUiun Mtninppt. iir. woiie, in in w-iu-r w ntf, ipetikinril the puiity of hie Wmee tino ijiqunra, anye: "I will ttttike mv rroutiHion o a timn. mv aiiiiHliiiff u merchtintol tinny vvun'a rt-miieiue in llie City of New Yurk, Hint all Uir Hnmvlv and met which I bottle aie pureHBimrxirlctl, mid f the lieet quality, and e be relied iiu'iti hv cverv imrchuter Kveiv bnule line the nronne- ir'mi:n!ifn the wiix.tnida faceimile f hit igimlure on thr certificate. '1 lie publio are reaprcltiiiiy niviieo khi and exiunine for llieinsHvtn The public are rcipectfull) invited to lull and exninine ft Iheiitaelvea F'f ainb at Keiailbvnlt Aptthcani andtirocere in Thitadelphia. Giorui II. Aoiiton , No. bM M-.rkrtPl . I'luPa Rend the loll-iwin from the New Yoik tlnuriei : KsoftMori liuniNKris roe on a Nkw York Mkbchakt We are huppy to iiiform nur fclktwi'ilisenB that there iannri'lrice iiiourritv where the nhxeirian. aootht cnry Biide-MiiiirynnTclmnt, c:in go and puichnve pure Wmee nnd lilqu'ri.n pure af inipoited. and of the litfst qunhty. we lint Inteiiil togivi nil eiunrtue u'm'iipiien ni inn meiclinni'ii exteumve Iiubhii'M. tilthush it will well reimy uny ei Dinger nr citiZ'-u to vifit Ldilpho WnUVs extensive w treh tune. INob tti, allium , i.eitver rcei, nna i, Ifljiiut'Jl .MtirketTielil atretrt. Hie Btock of on hnnd rendy ftir thipnieiil cmld iv have been lew iIihii tinny ttMUKiiut cHeH-nj 1 her Hiniidy, ta.nie ten thoutrtiid cuneit Viiilng. iol t" l.'G ; mid ten tlMuannd cinea of Miideirn, Mierry mid I'ort uic, e-coicii uiki insn Whifcky, Jjunntcfi and st. Un ix Hum, n-me very ohi ana eniuil tiiimv in ihtt ct unttv lie hi, una inree inre rei- Inrii, Tilled witn Urainiy, tt ine &c , ui chaki, vmier i ni ttin-lIoue key. nmiy fr b4.tiliiist. Mr. Wohe' an leu of Sehnnppi In i t yenr tiniouulrd to one hum) red and eighty ttiaiifuoitl Jnzfti, hi if I we lidpe in letuilmu tw renrs he may be equally surceiwiul with tin lirHiHiies nuu - incs. Ilii liusint M merits the pntnoKtce of every lover of his specie. Private fnmiliee whti wihh pure Wines nnd l.i qnors fill use uliould send their ordeis direct tn Mt. Wolf, until every Apothecary in the Innd mnke up their minds to dmcnrd ihc pitisonounXnlTfroin iheir ilielvei and renlace it with WmiR'n Dure Wines and Liouora We underrtnnd Mr. Wolle. lor the nretmmiil:li"ii of small dealers in the conntry, puis tip nfMrtwl CHes of met nnd Liquors. Cliche mioi. aiui smri a inercnnuie ilmulil he Ruicoiieil ncninst hi trim orihoitunni's of opp. nents iii the Tinted Stntcs, who sell untliing but imitotuuis, ruinous alike to humnn hen it h nml hnppiness. For 9ule by GKOHGK UKIGIIT. Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Sptem1r (. tsr-) Am p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF N E W GOODS, j. ii. r.xf.r.i.. orsiinbuiy, Pa., n AS jnl arrived with splendid STOCK of fil'KlNG AND SIMM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he resieclfully invites his friends and the l'ublic to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing Ihem. Among his stock of goods will befoiind, FINE UI.I C AND 11 LACK PPwElTCE CLCTH. Fine liluck and Fancy Casirneres 'I weeds, Sal- inetts, Jenns, Ulack Itclian Cloth, (.'ashmerelte, Cottonade, Linens, I.inen Drill, Linen Check, and Fa"cy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOI HINU for men and boys (cheap.) I UK LADIES WEAR, Black and Fanc.v Press Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Uereges, Clrnli and C'lluli Robes, Berege llplnitie, Berege Robes, rignred Unllisnt and I variety of oilier Dress Goods, Spiing and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, l'arasols, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant esc. A general assjrtmenl of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cidarware, Sione and Karthenwnre, Drugs and Faints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. kc. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce la en in exchange for Goods. j. ii. nNGi:L. Sunbury, May. 19, ISfiO. If. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO 'BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. G' O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received fmm Philadelphia a large slock of BOOTS & SHOES His stock consists ol Gen'ls Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Culf Boots, A Iso a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CAH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, fust quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. 8unbury, January 7, 1R60. New Air Line Route TONE "W YOR IK. HHORTl.ST IN IUSTANCK AND QUICKEST IN TI.MK between the two Cities of NEW YORK ANDZXARBISBTJRGr. via READING, A1.1.KNTOWN AND E ASTON. Morning Express West leaves New York at 6a.m. and Piiiludelplna ot 8a H,arrrvesat Hitrrisburc; ut 'i 45 . at eonnectliig at Hatrrshurg with Irsiu on Northern Central Road for ."x.nlmry, V ilujinnporl, Lock Haven and inter ineuiute stutioiis. Alait Train Wesl leaves New York st 12 noon, snd Philadelphia nt 3 3ll r. ., eonneclirit! with tintn on Norlh eru Cenlrul Kond for slutusis os aoove, snd also oil all trains on the Wilbaiusport and Elmira. Mad Train East teuves llarrisburg nt S, a. M , ami ar. rives at i-iiiiuaeipina at 1 r. u , and rvew Ynik al 3 30 r. St., iu tune to Inks boat or ears for lloslon, kc. Fast Express Eusl leave. Ilarrrshus at 1 1.1, nn si rival nf Northern Central Tiuiu, and arrives at Philadelphia at 0 13 P u . and New Yoik atbr. m. No chnitite of bngeigo b-ttween New Vork or Philadelphia and llarrisbuiit. For beautv of scenery am! speed, eomfott and seeommo. datiou, this route presents superior inducements to the liuveiuift punue Office in New York, fool nf Courtland street, Philadel phia, HroaJ and Cnllowhill streets. Fare bctwecu New York and llarnsbarg FIVE DOL Lars For Tickets; Freight or other information, apply to J. J. CLYDE, Uencral Agent. Harrislmtg, June SO, IfflO ly WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C FIHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large ami complete slock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Oid life. Scotch end Irish Wniskey, fort, 63erry, Madcria, Champagne and other Winea of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices, J avern-keepora py Buy ing of ua can save at leaat the freight. Persone desirous of purchasing liquore for FAMILY USE. may rely upon being furnished wilh pure and unsdtilterauul ar.icle. y Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully eoliciu the pa tronage of the publio. AU erdere promptly at toiidcJ to JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville. Jure U, IBBO. INGRAINED CARPETS, MANUFACTURED and far Me by M. Peiper C llbraiail and McDowell's building, Null tail ear usf , isoeond oitd Hace strsots Phiatdalufcia. OOODS GUARANTEED. Oa lobar 17, IfatO, ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN IA.TElsTX OFFICE, No. 144 Bouth Fourth Street, Philadelphia. NB. CommuDicatioct by Kail proo-.ptly attendeJ lo. ttet SI, IH5. lyl HIGnLY IMPORTANT NEWS. .M. C. GE A I! H ART, lias relumed with a new Block of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. IT seeme as ir a new age, new life was open ins: tiuon us. animation every heart lo nobler deeds and higher aimat Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek lo develop auo- limer beauties and grander conception. The buainesa world too must feel the new In fluence and every part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater thinsa lhan waa ever dreamed of In the Philosophy of the past. Animated bv the enthusiasm which nrevadea all claara, and desirous or doing his share to wards "The great events of the A Re," the aub acriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of 8UNUURY and the public generally, that he has jiirt returned from the cily ef I'liiladel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He Is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, o ftlf up ordere, wholesa'e or retail, at ehort no tice. Among his stock of Confectionaries, may be found : French 9erets, Harried Almonds, Crenm Whila, lmnn Rose, Vanilla, Common Secrets. Liquorice, Gum Drops, sll k mds of scent, Love minis, Mint Drops, red and whits, Jelly Cakes, Punt Drops, Suck Candies, el sll scents Rsick Csndy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Bananss, Prunes, Dates, Fin, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raiaons, Nuts nf all kinds LEMON SYIiUP of a superior Quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Sceara and Tobacco, and a variety of Conlectionartea, fruit, I oys, Ac, all ol which la tillered cheap at wholesale or retail. (If Remember the name and place. IJ M. C. (iKA Kll Alt I', Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Uright A Son's store. Sunhtirv, April 14. 18R0. ly lLASGEPb'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. As Improved for 1H59 and 60. By E. KETCH IM A CO., 29 IVarl-fUreet, ivew-j ork. 'pilE only Freezer constructed jn scientific A principles, with a revolvit.g can and spring blade scraper. The one hnstetis the Ireezing uf the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ire. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Ui.ion. Karh Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 20 quarts. Apply to II. B June 2, 1KG0. $3 00 4 (10 5 (JO 6 00 8 Oil 12 00 MASSER, Sunbury. 1SC0. THE BEST ROUTE 1360 FROM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia. Kew lurk, lialUiuoro, AND ALL P0IXTS NORTH, SOUTH $ H'Sr. LACKAWANNA 4: DL00MSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will lie run between Scrantoit and Northumberland, us loilows; MOVING SOUTH: Leave Phil'a.Mad. Seiantoli, 0 10 A. M. Atrrveut Pittst.m, S M Kingston, 7 (i.l r-riifkshiiiny, ? 50 Herwiek, 8 U0 UUsuiisbuig, S 60 Kuert, 0 to Dmiville, S til .Norihumberbiid. lo iki .MOVING NORTH: Leave N. Y. Ex. Norihumberiauil, a 30 A. M. Arrive al Donville, 6 OS Rupert, S J.1 Illo.inrbburg, 6 45 N. Y 7.x. i 25 V. Al 4 S3 5 viO e n j 0 65 7 30 7 40 t III a 15 ritil'a Mail. 4 15 I'.Al s so 5 50 r oo 6 35 7 05 Her wick, 7 15 Miickstnuny, 7 15 Uinpstoo, a 30 Pulsion, 8 .17 ci:ihtoo. 9 '5 7 45 8 11 8 45 The Ijtekavcsnna and Rloi.msburg Rnilroad connect, with the Dcl'tvvsre, IjickuwsnnH and Western Rnilroad, tit Svriiiitoti. for New York nnd rbilndelph,a, nnd luleruie di:ite points l-jist ; sls, lor tireut Hood, Bm( Camion, Syrucuse. U'ltf.ilo, Niuc:irn Falls, und all nnrsa ,nt luunta West. At Rupeit it connects with tlie t'tilt ssu Hud roinl, for iinls isith I'.url und West. At N. -'iiihelliiiol it connects with lire Suuhury and fine Hin'rr.. for h i ii, West uuil Smth. Al. '.V. JACiibON, Sul. Kingston, AuguH21, lP6n. 181.0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 18C0 NKW YOltK LINES- CAMDEN k AM BOY AND I'HII.ADEI.PIIIA AND THEN TON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, from Philadelphia to New York and Way Places. From Walnut Street Wharf snd Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will lesve as .'..Hows, is Vsax. At tt A Al , v la CatnJeii and Atnbuy C k A Aceora- inrMtiiiioa, f 2 25 At 8 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jet- sey acciHiiin'aluti.'ii, t S5 At OA M, via Caiudeu and Jersey city -Morning Mail, 3 00 At 11 A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Express, 3 00 At 1V1 P Al via Camden and Amhoy, accommodation g U5 Al 4 P M, via Cailidea and Autboy C and A. Ex press, 3 on At 41 P M, via'Keusington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Express, 3 00 At 4) P M, via Kensingtou and Jertey city, l Class Ticket, 1 13 At P Al , vui Cumden k Jersey city Evening Mail 3 to At II P At, Via Camden and Jersey city South Mail i 43 Al o r M. via imuueu auilAmuoy Aec.Miiin.ala- tioit. (I- icigbi and Passenger,) 1st eluss ticket, 4 25 2d " ' I 60 The 8 P.M. Mail I .ins runs daily. Ths 11 Southern ,-tiau .'iiuroiiys excepleu. For Helvidere. Fiston, Fletntugton, fte, at 6 A. M , from Walnut stteet wharf sud 3 P. M , from Kensington For Aluucli C'hniik. AHentowti and Uethlebein, at 6, A M via Lehiuli Valley Kailrrmd. For Water (iap, Stroudsburg, flcranMn, Wilkeslstrre, Mouirose, Gieat llend. Ac, at 8 A Al, via Delaware, tawauna stul w esteru Hallronn For Freehold, at 8 A.M. and 2 I'. M. Fi Mounl Holly, al tf and 8 A M , and 2, and 4J r. ii. WAY LINES, For rh-i. tot, Trenton, e , at 3 and 41 P. M., from Kensinston. For PiiUnyra, Dektnen, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town. e at Ul .1 bih! ii Al. Fifty pnuiKls ul U t only, allowed each passenrer, rnsseiiivr. aie pioh.brtial rro, tukma aitylliriHi as liig. gaea but their apparel. All U'lfTKugc over filly poumlu li he paid for extra. Ths Comiaiuy limn llisrr rcsfWMisihility f' Batgura to (Ins Dlk,r per pound, and will uh ls uauie 101 any amount osjuuu iuu iotuo ., m eeul by specisl eontrocl. 1 WM H GATAIER Agent C. k A. R. R Co February la. Ibdu. HEGEIMAN & COS C0?.DIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by IIF.GEMAN CO , Wholeaale and Reuil Cbconsts and Druggists, 181, 309, ill and 758 ssroauway, rsew xura. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Tame have been loo kmc k:Hiwu lo ueetl Cssnnneol. Tlis CAUSAYA (-or King's Hark,") is ihe nisi vslu abl of the nuiiiersustraristics of the Peruvian Bark, and in the EUXIH is emnbutcd with other ingratlisiits that Increase its emcscy aud al Ilia same tune overcome the inleuaity uf iu brlloi, raudsiing Ha moat Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living In and AGUE districts, ll will be found luvaluabla ass pravsutivs, Half ol' a wine glass full taken night and morning, rendering lha s) stem muek lass sabjeet lo the auheadiky influeisse ut the aunue phere. DIRECTIONS Dose forae sdnll, kslf a wineglass fug before brssikfasl aud dinner j ch'klreu fiom ens In two Uasrsons full it ssay be token wke wiiaoui a Intle water For sals al thlsuffiee. Marck I J, ItsSu I RILING V GRANT have juel received bv railroad Ihe largest assortment of QUEENS. WARE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Runbory. Also, a fresjj s ipply of DRY GOODS, i cvitisia'in ol BDTtarr U:. ("....' Pont. Mas. , itiis ki .Vcioni. st-r 7, 1IS3. i NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREKT, SUNBURY, PA. filHE subscriber haa just opened at hie well 1 known establishment in Sunbury, one of the hea pest and moat desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place.and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well lo call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Dclains, Figured, Striped and Plsin, Fretirh Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robea. Cashmeiea, Shaded, 'lain and Striped must be seen to form an idoa nf the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Casfimerea and Satinet, For Men and Hove Wear, Black C'assimeras. Fancy Cesimcres, side stripea heavy. Doe- J Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. While and Red Flannels, all grades and prices. Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltios. READY-MADE CL0TIIIN0 Boota and Shoes, Hats and Cape, Ac, Ac, all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quslity, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full asorltuent. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stoik in store, Carpel Chains, etc., Paints, Oils. Glass. Dye KtufT. Thankful for the patronage heretofore rcceiveJ he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him Willi Ihcir custom in the future. Sunburv, Oct. S'l. 1859. J. STEWART DEPUY, I A T CORNV.UUS M All AN S, No i!M South. liV Seeotid streeis, (nest ihsil to C. II .Meoeh's) O Phintflelphin, w uld invite the attention id theirj Iriemls and customers. Hud the public In ueitcrshl ;.n a large and well selected Mock id fi OARPETINaS. 12 rx'ousisting of Velvets. Tapestries, Three-Plvs.l k .l . la. . vvivmiwt rr -11 sur.,iai, v. I .J I ll?,niA I i I .-n. untie j -lKT'!s, Kl'a, MAT'S, M AUI RHUS, At..! ET Iwluth he sells very cheap for ensh, wholeMile: 'ji 'and ichnl. Murrh 'il. lean I y - I)H. TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL, IS tlie iwst Medicine in the world fm tlie Cur nf Coughs und Colds. Cioup, HroiK-luiiH, An lima, DttficiiHy in Kit-iitliii-g, Piilpitntmn nf thr Ht irt, Lip!lirn&, nntl for lh rt-1 ei of putirnts in Ihe auVuni'r.l t:ites if iVnsufTrt; tin, fcethcf with !l DiBiMisrs if tlie 'iliruot and Cli-st. mid winch jiredispuit 1 1 Ciuisnniptiun-. It in peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Beinjr prppam! ly a yrw ticul Phys-fian ami Drofifft nnd one nf preiit rxiirtinicn in tlitr cure ( the vuiiuus dntedtes 1 1 winch the Hiinuin frnnie i linble. It is fflVird to the nfiiit ltfl with tt-e grrtiirit ennfidrtiif). Ttv ii timt lf! cMiviticfd tti-it n is inviuu.iltie in itit Cuie nf Hrm chml nlT-vtiniia. Price 50 cents per liuHie. (y I'ubpaheo onlv hy Dr. A. FPr.NWr.lN A CO , piticsistf and Chrtnusti, N. W. CnrncrNintit nml P"plai Stu . Plnlatlejiphiii. ry SOLD tiy every r. tperiohle jJrugint nnd lealet in MHicine llimuctuMtt thlati. PhilfiilefphmAfiirch l, lcGO. lyw ROCKEFELLER & B0YER. Attorneys at Law STJNBUBY, FA.. A. Jordnn llocUc Tt llcr and Sulonion II. Iloyer, respectfully announce Uj. lluy entered into Copartnership in the practice of iheir profession, and w ill continue to attend to all busi ness entruotcd to their charge iu the counties uf .Northumberland, Union, bnyder and Montour . promptly, faithfully and carefully. Secini at tention will I given lo the COLLECTION! OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the OK KM AN language. Ofiice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February , 160. EsPJO & CEElsCICAL Tv. HE undersigned having received a lare and well selected stock of I'ure Drugs and ChcnilcaSs, UvestulTs, Oils, Puints, filaas and Putty, is now ready to fill ordcrsat a moments notice. In connection wiili the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will' find his stock complete, com prising uauy articles it is impossible here lj enumerate. RE MEM HER the 'place, under the omcs of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Pteciiplions compounded accurate ly and careiully. A. W. FISHER. Sunburv , April M, 18S9. P. JflELANCHTON SHINDEL. JiSTin; f tuu l-nior. Office ill Deer Street, i.nmediaUly opposite tit Public School Houte. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunburv. A uril IS. 1857 tf HENRY DON N EL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OKf opposite the Lourt House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piempl aileulioH lo business in adjoining .ounlies. wT JVUil U1IX a , Save the Tiefcs! AsHceidents will htppen, even in well-rcu1 ted fami. lies, il it very de.imhle it have snme cliflHp ami convenient way fur repaiiing Furniture, T ')S, Cn-cktry, Jto. SPALDING S PREPARED GLUE meet, sll such emergeiiciei, and no hou.uliokl can a,T rd lo Imj witliout It. It is always ready aud up Ui the streko.g poiul. There is no longer a neeessiiy for limping cl.aos, .philters veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles It is just tbe article for eone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of lefiiiernent and taste. This admrrabu, piepuralion t. uaed cold, being cbamiealtv held in solution, aud rossessing all the valuulde qualities of the best eubinet.makei'a tiiue. Ji may lie used iu itis place of ordinary muciloge, being vastly more adbesivs. 'USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B A Brush accompanies eseb bottle. Pries & cents. Wholesale Depot, No 4a Cedar street, New York. Address, UENK Y C. CPAI.I1INO k CO.. B No. 3.SO0, New York. Put up Dealers in eases enntaiiiitif Foar Eight, and Twelve Doaett a beautiful Lnbog raphic Show Card ac eomnariying each paekage. W A single bonis of Spalding's Prepared Glue will save ten limes its cost sunualle Ui every household. -Id by all prominsot fHaiioneis, Druggists, Hardware end Furniture Dealers, Grocers, aud Fancy Stores. Country Merchants snould make a inns ol bpalding's pretaired Glue, wbsu ibey Disks sp lorn list. Il wil era id any elitaaU. , For aale at Ihia office). ' March 10, le0 y FOR SALE. rpWO LOTS siluata in Market afreet, in the -S- town of Trevortnn, Noa. IS and IS, in block No. 80. Apply to WM. UAl'GLKK. Belins grove, or H. H. MASHER, Sunbury. USEFUL IS ALL FAMILIES-HEbEMAN tV CO'S Bennne, which removes paint spole grease. Ac, e, and cleana gloves, silks, rihbone. Ae.. equal lo new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also al ihia office, to cents per botllei BOY'S BOOTS end SHOES, ehesp for cash WM. MILLER'S. 64 vj. Aoijw 87. A a- A?