Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 06, 1861, Image 2

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    Cclcgrapjnc $l'etos.
Death of thi Duckets of Kent, the Mother of
Queen Victoria. Ik Surrender oj Jiett
Tti Puchesiof Kmt, mother or Queen
Victoria, died on Saturday, tbe 16th tost.,
utter serions illness.
The no.lon 7iwir ssks where the Conri-d-rate
estates ere to negotiate the pronged
loan, seeing that ona fifth of their population
1 pledged to repudiation. The Timet eys
that President Davis it the man who laughed
at t ha dopes 10 lha Mississippi bonds.
The Duchess of Kkkt, mother or Quff-n
Victoria, wan taken danperottsly III ob the
1Mb. and the Queeo and Hovel lemily at onco
refi town tot her residence, near Windsor.
The Duchess is aaid to have long suffered
from-cancer, and tbe disease bat assumed an
alarming character.
The case or the Hungarian bnnk note in
the Court or Kqnity, io which tb Kmperor
of Austria and M. Kossuth are plaintiff and
defendant, came up oo the 14lh of March,
bat was postponed till the next term.
The Daily Nawt sys thai the English
Government, struck by some inaccuracies in
the dates and circumstances put forward by
tbe Chinese authorities, had offered the Cbi
t'i Government 20,000 for tbe production
of Captain Hrabazuo aliva.
Tbe citadel of Messina surrendered nncon
ditiooally, after four days' Gring, during bicb
the Sardinian artillery meu caused a great fire
in tbe citadel.
Return of Iba Federal Troop from Texas.
Nitw Yonit, March 30. The steamship
Daniel Webster, from tbe Rio Qrande, via
Key West and tbe Tortugai forts, with Uoi
tea states ttoops, arrived atisew xork on
tbe 30th. Sbe left Bror.os on tbe 19lb, Fort
Jefl'erson on the 24lh, and Fort Taylor on the
25th of March, She- landed two companies
oi iroops at i-ort Jertorson, and two com pa
Dies at Fort Taylor. The steamer Gen. Husk
also landed two companies at each or these
forts on tbe Z4tb. Fort Taylor is now on
complete war footing, amply garrisoned and
furnished with supplies of all sorts for one
When the Danitl Wthter left Brazos,
there were one company or artillery and two
of cavalry at Fort Brown, and two companies
of infuolry were daily expected to arrive
Since tbe secession of Texas from tbe Union,
the military posts io the upper part of tbe
State have been abandonod by the United
States troops. All along the frontier the
savages have renewed their depredations,
killing tbe settlers, running off stock, and
committing great havoc. In addition to the
nttacks of the Indians, the Texsns were me
naced on tbe Uio Grande by tbe Mexican
robber chief, Cortinas. He is reported to
have a large force in readiness for a foray up
on ho Texana as soon ns tbe United States
trops are withdrawn. From alt the indica
tion!! it is likely that before many weeks tbe
Southern Republic will find ample employ,
ment for a portion of its army in repelling
tbe Cfimaoches and Mexican bandits from
tbe frontier.
Richmond, Va., April L In tbe State
Convention to day.
Mr. James, of Barbour, fioisbed his speech
in favor or Secession.
Mr, Tredway followed, favoring tbe pre
sentation of an ultimatum by Virginia.
Mr. Montague commeoced a speech in
favor or the Secession or tbe State.
Mr. Soalball presented a set of resolutions
ndopted by a portion of the people or Albe
marle county, instructing bim to vote ror an
ordinance of Secession. He said be was
aware or the change which tbe seutimeot of
the people or bis county bad undergone, and
when convinced that a majority were in favor
of Secession, be would shape bis course to
meet their views.
Resolutions were also presented from Bed
ford, Amelia and Madison counties favoring
immediate secession. Adjourned.
Important from llaytl.
Later news bas been received from rjayti.
Tbe brig Echo arrived at New York yester
day, with advices op to March 9tb.
Tbe attempt of Spain to seize the Island
bad excited the liveliest indignation.
Exciting flfwi From Trim.
New Orleans, April 2. Tbe following im
portant advices from Texas have been re
ceived :
Uol. Ford, or the Texan army, baa received
reliable information from Matamoras to tbe
effect that (Jen. Ampudia, with three thou
sand Mexicans, is marching upon Browosville,
and was then only sixty miles off.
(jeoeral Ampudia bad announced his pro
gress by despatching expresses to distribute
placards and handbills, announcing tbat '-Tex-es
rightfully belonged to Mexico. Sbe had
declared tbat abe would no lunger support tbe
Federal Government, and now is tbe lime tc
retake ber."
Reinforcements, in large numbers, were
rapidly coming to bim.
Col. Ford has ordered all lha heavy guns,
ordinance, and stores at Brazos Inland, to be
immediately removed to tbe scene of the an
ticipated difficulties.
Recantr at Rlcbrasnd.
RtcnMOND, March 31. A reeontre occurred
yesterday between Mr. Ballard, a member of
tbe IIou9e, and Hugh L. Gallaber, tbe con
tractor at the Rip-Raps. 1'be Utter Gred a
pistol, the ball from which passed through
tbe coat or Joseph Segar, a member or the
Legislature, who, however, escaped uninjured.
Mr. Gultaher accidently shot himself, today,
and it is (eared that the wound wilt prove
Death of Ei-t'blef Jnalle thaw.
Boston, March 30 Ex -Chief Justice
Shaw died suddenly tbia morning, while en
gaged in dressing himself.
Norfolk, April I. A desperate affray
took place during a parade, at Louden
Bridge, in Princess Anne coouty, oo Satur
day, between Jas. M. Land and William
Urimstead. Tbe Utter run bis bayonet
through Land, killing him immediately.
Both were respectable farmers aud uieu of
CuanLiarnif. March 241 am buppy to
he able to inform you that a Union Club was
formed last eveoing. It will of con me - as a
matter or necessity, be a secret society ror
the present. A Urge number were present,
and each banded to tbe Chairman a list of
names for wbicb ba was responsible. They
are sworn at tbe firat opporluuiiy to render
aid to the oiily Government tbey acknowl
edge. I aball ror ward to you, and also to
the Government, tbe Constitution of this
Society. It already comprises some good
New Yorkers, New Eogleoders, a few Irish
men, and a good maoy Germans j and oot au
incooaidereble portion of them are doiog doty
upon tbe Palmetto Island Cvr. A". 1.
XjST 8ma. The shad fishermen in the vicin
ity of Philadelphia era getting ready to com
mence operations on tbe Delaware river, and
should the weather be fsvor.lle at the close of
this waek, or the beguiling- of next, we may look
out for Delaware abad.
C'(Tiisii. An Eria paper aaya
there U living in tbat county a woman named, wbi is out hundred and five year uld.
she it the widow of a Revolutionary realign',
tni new lecciraa a pension.
IT. B. MASSERTEditor and Proprietor.
Tn AnvMTiim.The circulation of the Bcnbcrv
AntiiteSmon:trie dilfcrmt towns on the Bur qnehanna
in ikI exceeded, if dualled fey any pupet published In
Norilern Pennsylvania.
a) -1 i m i.
Mircaktii.r Cm.t.Foic Sntot.A itsttip For
aale at this office, several certificates of
scholarship on reasonable terms.
U3T I1i:mmirkv's HomtopATtttri Medicine,
pot np in small cases, with directions fur
family nsft, for sale at this office.
f2T The first of A pril was a cold, cheerless
day, and most unpleasant for those who are
obliged Io move.
83! The Busqunhanna River is in good
rafting condition, and timber and board rafts
daily pass this place cn their way to the
lower markets.
fcJT We observe that Charles Bound, of
Milton, brother of tbe Senator for this dis
trict, bas received tbe appointment of a
cletkship in the War Department, ot Wash
ington. t2" The NoRTin aiiKfii.AND Fresijytfry
will meet at Willinmrport, on Tuesday evtn
ing IGth instant. The sermon will be deliver
ed by the Rev. M. Nesbit.
3" Thevorto!. We onderstand that op
erations will be commenced in tbe Trevorton
Coal Region, under Mr. Mowtoo, who has
become the lessee or tbe mines or the Com
pany. We learn also tbat Mr. Mowtoo bos
bought ont the store of Mr. Deppio, in
tV Admittsd. Oc motion or J. W. Com
1y, Esq., Isaac R. Dunkelberger, was admit
ted to practice in the several Courts or this
county. Mr. Dunkelberger was a student in
tho office or J. B. Packer, Esq., or this place,
and passod a creditable examination. Mr.
Donkelberger is a self-made mas, and has
reached bis present position by indomitable
erergy nnd perseverance.
C3" ImprovementsNear Town. Col. Cuke,
of rottsvillc, whose form adjoins the Bor
ough, is building nnd making other valuable
improvements on his property. Mr. Benja.
roin Hendricks, who owns tbe Hunter farm
adjoining, and Peter Baldy, Esq., or Danville,
tbe owcer of the Grant farm, are both clear
ing ont and improving tbeir valuable property-
PBATII of Coi.. Georok W. Scranton.
Tbe papers of Luzerne coanty come to ns
filled with mournful eulogies on tbe death of
Col. Scranton, who died at bis residence in
Scranton, a town containing with its suburbs,
some ten thousand inhabitants, wbicb was
Tounded by Colonel Scranton about fifteen
years since. Col. Scranton, like most of our
great men, commeoced tbe world without any
capital, but energy, perseverance and unspot
ted character. His first efforts were in tbe
iron basiness, aud then io tbe construction of
a rail communication from the Scranton
mines to New York. II is whole life wbs
devoted to enterprises calculated to con
fer benefits on bis follow men. This was the
secret of his unboundod popularity. He was
elected to Congress on the Republican ticket
by a majority of several thousand, in a Demo
cratic district. All Scranton was draped in
moorcing at Lis death, and all places of busi
ness closed.
f35" The Magic Oil Men, Messrs. Pratt
& Kimball, gave a free concert io the Coort
House, last week. Tbe house was filled, and
the performances, vocul and instrumental,
elicited great applause. Tbey also appeared
at tbe Protnocade Concert, on Tuesday
oignt. .Messrs. 1'ratt & Kimball made a
decided bit in Ibis place with tbeir medicine
and music. Tbe combination of music and
Magic Oil is a novel idea, but the two seemed
to go down well together. Tbe first being
free, tbe other was oot bard to take, and is a
papular article.
63" Newspapers Defunct. The Phila
delphia papers record tbe demise of the
r Penniylvanian, long known as tbe would-be
leading Democratic paper of tbe State. Tbe
rennsyh-anian was established in 1831, and
expired April 2d, 1861, for want of suste
nance, the Government pap having been
withdrawn. It was a rabid political paper,
and like all papers or that class, exercised
but little iofiueuce over tbe people. It was
useful only to the wire workers and office
hunters io controlling pot bouse politicians'
as an strong partisan papers are, and never
did command the respect or intelligent and
disinterested members or tbe party, and was
kept alive only by Governmtot patronage
aud forced contributions. We bava before
remarked that tbe time for such papers Las
gone by.
Hjp Tbe Sbamokio JUyUter has been dis
continued. In its issue or Saturday last, Mr,
John auoouueed its suspension rrom tbat
date, and offers the estublislmeot for sale or
rent. One year's experience bas satisfied
frleud John, who possessed both means and
uergy oi cuaracier, mei no men are so
poorly paid for tbeir services as editors.
He bus, oo doubt, also learned tbe fact tbat
many persons iuiagiue that editors are not,
like other individuals, entitled to a fair com
pensation ror tbeir services, but should be
thankful for what tbey can get, and tbat an
immense auiouot of niooey is annually sunk
ic newspaper enterprises, wbicb somebody
most, eventually, pay for.
tJT The Pbomknadk Concert by tbe Miltoo
Silver Comet Band, came off at tbe Central
Hotel on Tuetduy eveoing last. The Com
pany was a large and pleasant one. After
some instrumental and vocal music, dancing
commeoced. The ladies and gentlemen
present entered baartily into tba amusements.
Tba performance by the Bond was highly
creditable to tbeir musical proficiency. Wa
are also iodebted to tbem ror a eomplimen.
tary serenade, for which tlj a ill accept oar
Tba editor or tbe Bloomsburg Demoerat
and other indignant editors t( tbe Breckin
ridge stripe, who were as mute as sucking
doves in regard to the treason and robbery
of the Government, ont of millions of dollars
by tbe secession traitors io Mr. Buchanan's
Cabinet, profess great indignation at what
they call "Tbe Sunbury 4 Erie Railroad
Swindle," and by wbicb, thny say, tbe Stale
bas been cheated out of $4,000,000.
Some, who bava never examined tbe sob.
ject, may think there ii some little truth at
least in this charge, but we undertake to say
that do candid, fair dealing man, whose in
tellect does not border on Idiocy, would ever
attempt to show by argument tbat there is
the least truth in such a statement. What
ever objection might have been made to the
mote and manner of tbe sale of tbe canals,
none can be fairly urged against this last
measure. The question is, simply, whether
a second mortgage on a property which is
fully capable of paying interest on tbe money
invested, is not better than a first mortgage
on an unfinished project, which is utterly
worthless, for tbat is the whole tprstion.
Our attention was attracted to this subject
by a communication in the Blonmsbnrg Dem.
ocrut, rrom Mr. Kline, the member rrom
Columbia county, who bad been denounced
by the editor of that paper, and who at
tempted a reply to Mr. Kline without making
u single point, except as to the "grammar
and orthography." which the editor, with
great magnanimity, professes to publish ver
batim. 1'be Democrat says that Mr. Kline
was, perhaps, the only man in tbe Legislature
so ienoraot as to suppose tbat a lien of
1, COO, 000 existed, which bad priority over tbe
State. As Mr. Kline (whom we never saw)
is perfectly correct in this statement, he
might in reply say that Col. Tate was,
perhaps, the only editor in the State who did
oot know the fact. We would advise the
Colooel to try his band on another subject,
end ventilate the late Government Swindle
at Washington. We cannot see how any
man or common sense, having any regard for
the interests of the Stale, could Lave voted
against the bill.
The report of the Committee on Banks in
tbe State Seuate censures tbe conduct or the
Philadelphia Banks fur their hasty action in
suspending specie payments, thus bringing
on a general suspension throughout th
State. Tbe Committee, io reference to tbe
alarm caused by tbe secession niovemeuts,
aud tbe suspension of tbe Southern Banks,
says :
"Yonr Committee are aware that about
one-filth of the specie was drawo from the
banks or Philadelphia in one duy of the ex
citement, which was well calculated to pro
duce alarm ; yet they believe there was no
such general distrust in the public mind
within this Stale as justified a course in
direct violation or the obligations or those
institutions to tbe people, wbicb could only
produce panic and financial distress through
out the country.
"31061 or tbese banKs bad an abundance or
specie to enable tbem to pass through tbe
monetary crisis, and a compliance wilb tbe
law on their part, would have inspired con
fidence where it was wavering, and preveuted
much embarrassment and Buttering ; and if it
were not for tbe great injury which would
inevitably be indicted Boon the people in
their business relations by compelling socb
nanus as nave tbua violated tbe law to yield
tbeir charters to tbe Stale, your Committee
would recommend their forfeiture with little
The decrease in the lice of discounts in
nearly ell of the country banks was very
considerable, and consequently added to tbe
Cnanciul troubles. We extract from tbe
report tba curtailment or the discounts ot
the following banks, in this neighborhood :
Bank of Northumberland, discounts de
creased, $94,(100.
Sbamokio Bank, discoonts decreased, $41,-
Milton Saving Bank, no answer.
Lewisburg Hank, no difference.
Bank or Danvillu, discounts decreased,
West Branch Bauk, disconnts decreased,
33 percent., $99,2SC 49.
Lock Uaveu Hank, discounts decreased,
Jersey Shore Bank, discounts decreased, 7
per cert., $10,007 78.
Miners' Bunk or Pottsville, discounts de'
creased, SI 00,000.
Farmers' Bauk or Schuylkill county, dis
counts increased, $16.1100.
O Disunion. We regret to say tbat
matters do not look favoruble in tbe South.
Terrible efforts are making to induce Virginia
to secede If sbe does, Maryland will go
also, and wilb them petbaps tbe Capitol at
Hunter and Mason, the U. 8. Senators
from Virginia, are both wotking to accom
plish disunion, and we regret te see that Mr.
Breckinridge, late candidate for the Presi
dency, is doing all be cao to aid tbem.
Nothing but tbe firm stand of Kentucky, in
favor of the Union, bas kept him going over
body and breeches, as did Joe Lane, who was
on the ticket with bim as Vice President.
We predicted at tbe time, that the Breck
inridge ticket was a disunion movement
But ibis was denied, afld muny or our Demo
crats were led to vote for these treacherous
men, who now regret tbut tbey did not sup
port Douglas.
Y'et we bava papers among ns sustaining
these dieuuionists.
Siy Northumberland Duthict. Tbe
Methodists or tbe ditlrict wera reported by
Ibe stewards at tbe Conference sitting at
Cbambersburg, to have paid $448,58, as
Conference co'.lectioc.
8J3" Jersey Shore Railroad. Tbe Jersey
Shore folks are making arrangements to
build a railroad from tbeir town to tbe depot
about two miles distant, on tba opposite side
of tbe river.
American Aoricultcbut. Tbis excellent
and useful Journal, fur April, is filled with a
great variety of matter interesting to tba
farmer and gardener. Tbe illuslratios too,
are of a very superior order.
The April number of tba Farmer & Gar
dener, by A. M. Spangler, or Philadelphia,
a useful agricultural publication, is also oo
our table. Tbese Journals both contain much
valuable matter.
tT The New Senate Tba Daw Ssnats,
when full, without those from tba seceding
States, will stand 32 Republican! to 24
Democrats. Had tba seceding Senators
remained, tbe Democrats woold have bad a
eUer majoritj of tbat is 88 t9 32.
The April term or Court commenced on
M onday last Owing to the unpleasant stale
or the weather the attendance was not very
large. II. H. Teats, Esq, of Shamokin
township, was appointed foreman of the
Grand Jury. Sit bills were plaeed in tbeir
hands, alt for minor offences, foor of which
were Ignored, and two returned True Dills,
The Grand Jory were discharged oo Tuesday.
William U. Oalbrailb Jas appointed by the
Court as Deputy Constable for the Borough
of Milton.
Tbe citizens of Upper Mabanoy township
having failed to elect a constable, the Court
appointed Joseph Groves to serve io that
Commonwealth vt Joteph Buckiealter.
Charge, larceny. No bill- On proclama
tion, defendant discharged.
Commomt'eaM vt. Joseph Ilarrit. Indict
ment, tampering with a witness and prevent
ing bim from testifying in a previous case.
No witnesses appearing, the jury rendered a
vi rdict of oot guilty. The prosecutor, Geo.
Smith, to pay the costs.
ConimontrriirVA vt. John V. Header In
dictment, usseolt and battery. The defend.
ant being a poguacious individual, became
enraged at a certain John Uenner, and
determined that be should be licked. He
and a man named Hess pitcher! in, and
bandied HefTner pretty roughly. Hess could
not be cauebt. The affair occurred at the
Stone Tavern in Delaware township. Verdict,
guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine or $10, and
t he costs or prosecution. Cleoient for Com. ;
Porter for defendant.
CommonirenM vt. Jonat T. Stine Charge,
assault end battery. No bill. Prosecutor,
John McDonald, to pay the costs.
Edward Heljenttein vt. Wett Branch nsu-
ranee Lompany. An action orougni on,a pol
icy of Insurance Tor plaintiff's store io Tre
vorton, consumed by fire in 1656. Defend
ants allege a transfer of properly, which an
nulled the policy. Verdict in favor of the
Plaintff ror $3.729 .60. Packer and Lawson
for plaintiff j Mayur, Bruner and Itockefellt-r
for defendants.
Commomt'cafrA vt. Jfm. Conrad Charge,
Assault and Battery. No bill ; the prosecu
tor, Samuel Neidig, to py the costs.
Commonwealth vs. Henry Baker. Charge,
Assault and Battery. No bill; the prosecu
tor. John Shissler, to pay the costs.
Commonwealth vt. Ed Knoebel. Charge,
forgery, in altering a receipt and increasing
the payment one hundred dollars. Verdict,
not guilty, but to pay the costs. Clement
nnd (iotiin Tor Commonwealth; Miller and
Hill Tor defendant.
Isaac R. Duukelberger was admitted to
practice in the several courts or this county.
Julin Vincent' Administratrix vt. David
Watmn't Executor This same old case, that
bas been drawing the attention or the court
for the past three or Tour years, taking np
more or less time every term. An action or
assumpsit for monies and goods bad and
received. (On trial ) Maynard, Miller and
Gnffy for plaintiff's; Comly, Lawson and
Packer ror defendant.
W Fikk. We neglected to notice last
week a Gre tbat occurred io this place, oo
account of which we copy rrom tbe Gazette:
"On last Saturday morning at about 2
o'clock, one of the firemen on the Northern
Ceutral railroad discovered a dense smoke
Issuing from the building in Market street oc
cupied by Daniel Druckemiller. 1'be alarm
was given and tbe fire wa round to have
originated in a room io that building used by
John Decard as a liquor store, and was burn
ing in the partition between lha Druckemiller
Building and C. A. Bright's shoemaker shop.
A rtcr considerable difficulty the fire was ex
tinguished without doing much damage." .
Genkrai IIovnio. The address oi Gov
ernor Houston gives a forcible and true narrative
of the extra ordimry acta or the Convention
or Texas, by which she has been deprived of a
good Government, and made to acknowledge the
supremacy of King Cotton. There is something
noMe as well as touching in the language by
which the old General announces the cloe or his
career. He says :
" Fellowriiizens, think not that I complain at
the lot which Providence has now asuigned me.
It is perhaps but meet that mv career should close
thus. I have seen the patriots and Hatesrwcn or
my voutb. one by one, gathered to their fathers,
and the Government which they bad reared, rent
in twain; and none like them are left to unite it
once again. I aland the last a) moat or a race,
who learned from llieir lips the lessons or human
Ireedom. I am stricken down now because I will
not yield those princ'plea which I have fought
ror and struggled to maintain. The severest
pang is that the blow comes in the name or the
Slate or J exat.
sjy Boiled Oysters. At the Federal
City tbey have an epicurean luxury wbicb
is thus immortalized io tbe Cleveland Her
aliCt correspondence.
"Did yon ever eat a boiled oyster? We
have discovered a new institution in Wash
ington. A friend asked us to follow whither
he should lead. Entering a lowt shed like
building, pervaded by a fish like smell, and
penetrating the inner recesses, where twenty
men ere opening oysters, passing along into
an apartment where two boilers or cauldrons
were set in furnaces, our friend ordered some
boiled oysters. 'How many ?' was tbequery
and 'a peck,' was tbe reply. We stared, but
stood by io mute astonishment a peck or
oysters and only two small men as feeders.
Tbe peck or oysters were shoveled into a
basket, placed under a force pump and
thoroughly washed ; then the basket and
oysters went into the cauldron of boiling
water and remaiced five minutes. Plates
meanwhile were heated, and tbe peck or
oysters deposited oo tbe bench ; butler
placed in tbe hot plates, wilb salt and pepper
and the opeoing commenced. Tbis was ao
easy task, as each shell bad opened. Tbe
oysters were deposited in the plates raster
than we could eat them, but we balled not
until tbe peck or shells were scraped into
tbe trough. Tbe bill was twenty-five cents.
A boiled oyster is very much like a broiled
one iu delicacy or Savor."
Taxation. The followiog notice is is,
sued by lbs Sheriffs of tbe counties io Mis.
sissippi. It presents to property-holders in
that State a pleasant prospect of the amuse
ment of providing Tor tbe expenses of tbe
oovel luxury of seceisioo :
Five Thousand Dollars Penalty To the
Ta Payer of Maditon County By an or
dioance of the State Convention a military
tax bas been levied for tbe defence of tbe
State. You are hereby notified to coma for
ward immediately and pay tba same; and, as
said Convention has levied a tax on all mo
ney loaned outside of tba State, aud on all
money kept from circulation within the State,
it becomes the doty of every tax payer to ap
pear at tbe Sheriffs office and give in, under
oath, said assessment or monuy forthwith,
under a penalty of Jive thoutand dollars.
Tbis act applies as well to those who bava
heretofore paid tbeir taxei as to those wbo
bava not paid tbem.
A. RMADDOX, Sheriff.
lir Wx. P. I. Painter, Esq Oar old
time friend, Wro. P. I. Painter, Esq., for.
marl ona of tba editors of tba Muncy Lumi
nary, has been appointed to tba office o
Superintendent of Publio Printing. Tbe
nomination was isot to the Senate scd
Promptly fetormsd.
tub BceiNKs ur TMst "aussntnT."
One of the Erie papers thus Oolfces she
Increasiog business on tbe Sunbury Erie
road, which is oow legally, but not judicially,
styled lbs Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, as
is apparent by the manner io wbicli a Wil
lismsport cotemporary plarea tbe above esp.
tioo of "Senbnry," Io order to designate the
road meant. The proper style would have
been Philadelphia, Sunbury and Erie.
"The business on the Philadelphia and
Erie Railroad is largely oo the inrrease, and
each day the trains grow larger, notwithstand
ing the fulling off in the shipment of oil,
which does not now average one hundred bar
rels per day. We may expect to see a still
larger increase io the business of this road
upon the opening of navigation; and as there
is a fair prospect that a large quantity or bonds
will be negotiated st an early day, the work
may be completed during the coming summer.
CJ" The National Inte lliyencer ridicule
the apprehension professed at the Sontb that
the General Government is preparing to make
war upon tbem, Tbe Intelligencer adds :
" So far from meditating the 'military sub
jugation' of the Sooth, the Administration,
as we learn, is studiously desirous to avoid
the very appearance of practicing anything
like a constraint on fublic opinion, and, as evi
dence or tbis disposition, we understand that
thl troops about to leave Texas, instead or
being dintributd at points io Virginia sod
North Carolina, where it might have been
otherwise most convenient to station them,
bave all been ordered North, wheie theft
presence can irritate no excited sensibilities
and give rise to no panic fears."
J. !!".. ' . - . . .J-L1. H -
leanings bltovial anil Qclectco.
Married. Mr. John Stranee to Miss
Mary Strange. Strange, indeed 1 The next
thing may be a little ttrangtr.
A young gentleman graduatod at Yale
College, recently with a white bead and
whiskers, who entered with auburn locks and
no heard. Tho change took place in one
night, oo account or lha anxiety incident to a
biennial examination.
Mr. Mills and daoghtar, spiritnal "mejums,"
or Oswego, expect to visit England some
time in June, with Judge Edmonds aod
daughter the party going by invitation or
Buodry believers over the water.
The Coal Trade. The q'innty sent by
Railroad this week I 25,942 OA tons by
Canal 15,395 00v-for tbe week 41,337 05
tons against CI, 8f0 tons for the corresponding
week last year, showing a loss lor tbe week
of 20,013 tons.
We stated last week that tbe report this
week would show a loss of about 20,000 tons
from Schuylkill County, and from all the
regions about 35,000 tons. The loss is 20,
013 from the Schuylkill, and from all the
regions 33.23 1 tons. Ibe whole loss so far
in tbe trade, compared with last year, is b0.
311 tons. Schuylkill Couuty loses 97.893
tons, while the other regions show a guiu of
7,552 tons, so Ur. Miners' Journal.
ArroiNTMKST iiy the Governor. Gov.
Curtin bas appointed Hon. U. Mercnr to be
President Judge of tbe 13th judicial district,
in tbe place or tbe lloo. David Wilinot,
elected U. S. Senator.
Hon. Robert M. Palmer, Speaker or the
aenute, who it was reported was to be Minis
ter to Ecuador, has been oppointed M mister
to the Argentine Confederation.
Ofpfortrr Oil Regions. Isaac Ultnan
and D. R. Jameson relumed home, on Sat
urday, from a tour of a week iu the oil regious
of westeio Pennsylvania. Each or tbem
bought a lot at Titutvilje, with ibe iulenlion
of erecting building!) and opening tbeir
respective business. Peter Wolf and T,bos.
L. Darnuton started on Monday evening for
an inspeclion of the oil couotry, and others
expect to follow in a few days. E. Kilbourn
has been there for several weeks. Lycoming
Death Rksultino pros a Toothache. A
few days since Mr. Levi Cain died at bis
residence, near Harringtnfl, Delaware, from
the ell eels or a disease originating witn a
slight toothucbe, but which afterwards as
sumed the form of erysipelas, and spread
through his whole system. He was a wealthy
and useful citizen.
Important to Snuit Taeers. At a Ute
meeting of the Manchester (England) Phil
osophical .-Society Dr. C. Calvert stated tbat
he had recently analyzed several samples of
snuff, in all ot which be found traces of red
lead. Tbis is a most dangerous adulteration
as the lead in such snuff will ultimately
accumulate in the heads of snuff takers and
produce dreadful diseases.
Pickings At tbe late session of tbe Illi
nois Legislature the members, among olber
extravagances voted themselves a gold pen
each, valued at $15. Some of tbe members,
who bad no special nse for gold pens, asp
plied themselves with table spoons, casters.
aud like articles of household value.
A Wonderful Progress. The Mel-
bourne Herald states that in less than a
quarter of a century Australia has increased
from a population or 170 to 530,000 persons ;
and io ten years has exported 23,000,000
ounces or gold.
Samuel Cooper, ex-Adjutanl General, United
States Army, haa been appointed Brigadier Gen
eral, commanding the provuional army of the
Southern Confederacy. He is the bruther'in
law of Senator Mi ion, and i put down aa of
Virginia, but he was born in Massachusetts.
Success or the Government Loan A sig
nal repuke to ibe efforts of tbe New York
Herald, aod kindred prints, to break down
tbe credit or tbe Uuited Slates, was adminis
tered yesterday, at tbe opening or tbe bids for
the eight million loan. So far rrom there be
ing a paucity of bidders, ibe proposals, at a
roogh guess, may be estimated at thirty mil
lions, and tbe average or the bids was ninety
three and a half per ceut-, somewhat over the
price at which tbe loan of tbe twenty-second
or February was taken. Tbe bids range rrom
ninety per cent, to par ; none, however, bave
accepted below 93.17. which is tba rata at
which Read, Drexel &. Co., or New York, pro
posed to taks two millions, two hundred thou
sand dollars.
From New York there were one hundred
and eighty eight bidders, who proposed ror
27,000,000, at various rates, or which tbe
Bank of Bommeree offered to take $2,500,000,
at 94. Boston bid ror about $1,120,000
Inquirer, April 3d.
seems by an advertisement of the Secretary or
the Treasury of lha southern Conleuerucv that
no portion or the loan of $15,000,000, author
ized by the Montgomery Congress, has yet been
taken. Tbat oflicer gives notice that ons'third
of the amoc-nt will be offered to tho public on
be 17th of the ensuing month, to be iaiued in
tuma ranging from $50 Io $1,000. Tba Secre
tary saya that in order to enable all portions of
the people throughout the Confederal Slates
"to exhibit their common interest in raiting funds
for the common delence, books of subscription
will he opened at the cilioaand principal interior
towns," and, "to enable all persona conveniently
to subscribe, current bank noleaof the place will
be received at tbeir market value in coin." He
alto tttttt tbe debt ia secured by a duty of one
eighth of a rent par pound, or about 6 cents
per bale, on all cotton exported."
Oil in Elmira A wealthy farmer, living
but a abort distance front tbe corporation
line, io tbis town, is making preparation! to
bora oo bis plaoe for oil. it is asserted tbat
lha "surface indications" are good and war
rant tbe ooderlaking or tbe enterprise. Wa
hope tba farmer will be successful iu Coding
; much sought fur olesgeoous flaiJ. lie
ts abundantly able to tore for it Elvira '
appeals Hint the Cingr' f the 6eeded
American Stales havn resolved to raise an 8
per cent, loan ol 3,000,000, redeemable io
ten years. As the new Confederacy inclodes
in its total populatloo of f,100 0!0, no less
tbao 1.050.000 who are pledged to repudia
tion, it is difficult to understand the possibil
ity of such an amount being raised either in
home or foreign markets. Tbis reeling is In
creased by Ibe lact that, indirectly, the entire
population may be considered to have signi
fied tbeir approval or repudiation as a princi
ple, by having selected Col. Jefferson Davis
ss thoir first President. This personage bas
long been regarded as tbe apostle or repudia
tion, and the holders or Mississippi bonds
have reason to remember his celebrated
speech, delivered within tbe legislative ball
built by British money, io which be ridiculed
tbe "crocodile tears" tit the dupes who had
ventured to petition for the payment or their
claims. London 7met, March lbtA. ,
A National Convention. Mr. Seward, it
is well known, is engoged in preparing a reply
to the demand or tbe Commissioners or the
"Confederated States," which is intended also
to be a proclamation to tbe People of the
United Slates, touching upon all the ques
tions involved in tbe crisis into which the
country is precipitated, aod elaborating folly
the policy which will be pursued by the Gov
ernment or the United States. This policy
will be eminently one or peace. He will also
doubtless recommend the calling or a Nation
al Convention to settle our difficulties as the
only feasible plan left to os We will add,
that should tbis convention fail, after foil de
liberation, in harmonizing our troubles and
disturbances, Goal arrangements will proba
bly be entered into for a peaceful and perma
nent separation. However painful tbis would
be, if ell other measures fail, we shall be
obliged eventually to look this question in
the face. O'timrmoicn 'Telegraph.
jAi ar v l Cass or HtritornoaiA Dkath or
a I.ittlk Girl The Lancaster Exprrit savs
that "on Friday evening last the villige of Mount-
I ville, in that county, wu thrown into much ex
citement and surpme by the report mat l rniicet
Marks, a girl of fouiteen years ot age, manifest
ed symptom of hydrophobia. On iuvettigation
the report proved only too true, tbe tymi.tomt
ahowing themtelvx in an unmiitakeaMc manner,
and which gradually increased until Nunday
evaning, when death released tha unfortunate
girl from her sufferings. It appeal that during
the night about six week aince, Kr a licet and her
sinter Lizzie were going to ur returning from a
neighbora, when they were attacked by a dug and
latteii severely. No suspicion waa entertained
at the time thatthe dog was rnhid, from the fart
that the attack seemed directed to a dog which
waa will) the girls at the time. On Friday even
ing, however, the fearful truth became apparent
aa the aymptom gradually developed themtelvea.
The lullermga of the unfortunate girl wereintenac,
the frightful convulsion and diatorliona pcculiur
Io tbe dreadful malady thowmg themselves thro
IU various alages. Frances, however, bore her
aulferinfrs with fortitude and resignation, and died
in the conviction that she was about tnlering a
worlJ where suffering wa unknown, l.iizie,
the sister, had not, up to the luteal accounts, ei
hibiled any symptoms of the disease, and it It
hopeJ that the will escape the dreadful fate of ber
Tin. STRuacLS for trx(ion ik Virginia.
The fust move of the ditunionitta waa to steal
"a revolution" on the people of Virginia. Their
design waa to carry them "high and dry" oot ut
Union without consulting the peaple. !iap
poir.teJ in this, they set to wo:k to deceive and
enjole the masses promptly by urging them
tn vol against a reference or the action or the
Convention of the people the source of all po
litical power. Thty were too jealous cf their
liberty, however, to Tall into the trap net for tlieiu.
The result oS the election! filled tha precipitator
for a time with dismay. Finding, however, tbat
their case was well nigh deperata, tbey are now
retorting to desperate remedies. At tbe com
mencement of the station of tbo Convention,
"hot haste" wat their motto; everything vraa to
be done with a rush. Foiled in tbia, they have
now fallen an the opposite tack. Belay ia uuw
the word ; their purpose it two fold first, to
bring odium on the Convention, and, seooml, to
gain tirr.e to operate, by mean of bogu instruc.
tiout, on tbe mora timid or tbe conservative mem
bers. The Misfino Found. Several months
since Thomas ilgenlritz. of York, absconded
rrom home. Nothing was beard of bis wbera
abouts until a few evenings sgo, when two
men discovered bis dead body iu tbe Codorus
creek oear York.
Shamokin Coal Trade.
Shamokin, March 30, 1861.
Sent for the week ending March
30th, C.C32 13
Terlast Report, . 32,618 09
35.250 13
23.322 17
11,927 16
. a . . . . -1
To same time last year,
Northern Central and Sunbury & Erie
Tht arrival and departure of Passenger Train on trie
Nnrihern Central anil Banbury A Erie Raiircaue at Ihie
place, it at tollowe :
N.C.R. R. R R.
Going north, arrive 4 45 P.M. I I.eavea 4 ISP. M.
" south, leave HSA.M Amvca StSA .M
Oniug nnrth, arrives It 10 P. M. I Leave II 10 P.M.
soutli, teavea 3 4UA.M-I Arrive 3 SS A M.
The thamoklu Valley and Pattsvllla Stailraad.
raitenger train leaves Sunhury al S 00 A M.
" " Ml. Cairncl, . 4 30 P.M.
Grist Writeii. Some ot lh most sublime
and ti utliful thing ever written were firat clothed
in the English language. Chaucer and Spenser
are the acknowledged rather of English poetry ;
Shakpeare and Milton ware very respectable
son to the original foundera or the institution,
and Byron, Shelly and Tennvson aland fair at
grand children. The writer named, together
with Scott, Itickent, Irving, Lungfellow and
Holme have, ve admit, written some verv passa
ble things ; but nothing more truthful and practi
cal ever came from their pen than then assertion
that the moat elegant garment for gentlemen
and youtha, to be round in the Union, are those
made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall ol
Korkhiil and Wilson, No. 803 and C05 Cheuiut
street, above fiith, Philadelphia.
Coughs. The sudden changes of our cli'
mate are sources or I'u.nonabv Bronchial
and Asthmatic Affections. Experience
having proved that simple remedies ofteo act
speedily and certainly when takeo io tbe
early alages of tbe diseases, recourse should
at once be had to "Brown' Bronchial
Troches," or Lozenges, let tbe Cold, Cough,
or Irritation or tbe throat be ever so slight,
as by tbis precaution a more serious attack
may be effectually warded off. Public
Si-kakkbs and Hinuers will find them effectu
al tor elearieg and strengthening tho voice.
Sea advertisement.
"Not dangerous to the lloman Family.1
"Hat eoiua out of their hole 10 die."
"CnSTAft'Jl" Rat Fetch, Ao., F.itermnialof
COSl-All'ri" Bed-bug txitrmuuuor
cusiAK'S" tiacuie rowder, lor luatcla, ax
nasiaoi iatTATi.v.
Rata Rnaetue Mice Moles Ginond Mica Bad-Buta
Ants Mm lis Mntquitoe Klaaa Ineeria ou Plains,
Vuwi'ST?fi,h'- f ' a"", every form aud arc.
aiaa of VKKWIN. V
10 yean established in New York Cityused by Iba
City P.t Ofheee the Cily Prisons and Huii.w House
Iba City Bteanicri, I hint, At tha City llotate. A stor,"
'St. .Nicholas," Ac., and by mora tuau tti.ooa private
tr Unite ista and Retailtr nanrwhera salt Uem.
' Wholesale Aaila 111 all tha larg Cities aud Town.
CT t ! ! Us wita : ! of aourious imitation,
t ar SI, OOHampla Boxeatrut by .Mail.
Aadraaa crows- or for -rir-u'r tn Heatere" la
. COKTAH, Pnn- pai Il.p.4.
olf Broadway, (nnjvaii sh s fc-.t H4 )N -Y
Hl.r PRIUNO A CRAM', cm .i-r.ffe.
A,:t SI, It) "
Itcligioit IVolicei
tviM (etvie will be ark) rf8bl
loath at follnwa:
ttltetibeiry and Peer atreeta, Bev. J. D. Itaaa
iHvlne srrviea avery rtahbaU, at 10) A. M. 1
hi on Thursday evening. At Norihamliert
ftchnol Presbyterian Cfeufta, at i o'clock, P
eotner of Rirar and Rlarlii-rrry streets, Hev. I
T, Pastor. Divine service, alternately, v
at 10 A.M. and T P.M. Player mteting
street brlowS V A P. Rill Kisid.Rev. P. Hi:
Pivlne service, alternately, every Swbbath at !
7 P. M. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evci
M F.TBODIST Kfisenett. CI! L'R Clt Dew
weal of 8. A K Rail Road, Rev. K. Dutlrs
RwaHOE. Pastora. Divine tuviee, alirmatHr,
bath at 10) A.M. and 1 P. M. Prayer mswiiiu,
day evening.
On the 2Gth alt., by the lierT
Steinmetc, A. W. Fischkk, M. D.,
Limit, daughter of Ex Sheriff llenr
til of this place.
On the 24th tilt., by Rev. P. llis
Christian Witurt, of Union county,
Mahv Ann Christ, of Northumberli
In West Hemlock tp.. Montour eo'
the 25th ins!., or apoplexy, Mr. D
FLICK, oca of tha oldest inhabitant
county, aged about 11 years,
Philadelphia Market.
TulLAORLrHiA. March
Wheat Flour, (aitra.) $5 IS t
Rye Flour,
Corn Meal. J g
lied Wheat, r kusjie', I ti
Whit j jo
Cora, - fl0
My a. " - 6M
Wheat, $1 10a!
Lard, -Pork,
Hew Advertisements.
Northumberland Bridge Compi
4N ELECTION foriffl.-fissnd mana
-lhe Northumberland Jjridge Compai
be held at ihe liiiure of Mr. Anna Uurr.
Borough of Northumberland, on Moiiva
Glh day or May, lHfil.
The election will open at 5 o'clock,
and close at 4 o'clock, V. M . of mJ tlsy.
April -. 186 1 4l.
- Teacher of Lslm, Oreek and Matlietr
PKE3TON MH.LEn, Teacher of l'
Surveying and English.
Misa SOPHIA WILCOX, Teaches of L
mentnl Musk:.
HVMMER TERM coormvncaa on Mo
April Bth. leEl.
7rier Quarter of 11 wetii
Tuition in Primtry Department, j
" Academic S-00 o
' Clasaical "
Music ou Piano with use of Instrument,
(lood Boarding-, akc, ii. lb Village
weeV, $ la X.uO.
For luitbrr particular, addreta the PP. I
l'AL, Uerryaburg. Dauphin county, Pa.
April ft, 1x61 4t$
8tate of the Bank of North uiaberi
April 4th. 186L
tnnt an,! fntount. 313,?
rimi)!vuiiia Mate l,tan, 3;,:
NoTlhutnleri&i:4 ii lult atoeka, - 5 1
Other ttt'tiis . . . VC
Uue by i-lher Daeks, fll.l
Notaa and Cliecka of othtt Csaka, li t
Spc ir in Vaults, .... i(j,t
Real tttalc, .... ,3
I Note la ,?eiUttaa,,
' n ....... uu..u-
I certify that tha above attlement tn La correct
true to the betl ef m anowte.-tci and tiriirf
J R. PHlfcTLEY, Caahi
SJwiiruand an'jseriori1 tiefore me,
Wat. Et-aatva. Notary fsU
Apriillli IfSI.
and made eqal t ITS
at the old aland
(near the Barley Mbaaf Hotel, 2nd Strcat, be
All work done at thi establishment warrai
gend, at a laving ef fifty per caal.
A large assortment of Naw File, on hi
Wholesale it Itetail, at M.nufadurera' Price
A pril 6, 116!. Out w
rptlE trees sold by J. 11. Jane. Agent for t
Clover Street Nursries, Rochiater, ?f . '
well he delivered aa follow :
Point township, A pril 19th at the house
Peter Hausylman, in Northumberland.
Upper and Lower August township. Af
SO, at the house of Charle Weaver, in rlunbu
A II east of Kline's Urove, al the house of Y
Farrow, Hnydertown, April St.
rinyder county, April 30, in the afternoon,
lha house of George Keen, Shamokin Dam.
J. B. JON KM, AgenL
April 6, IS91.
IS HEREBY given to lb Collector of the i
ferent Townships and Borougha of Norlhui
berland county, tbat it ia absolutely neca
that they ahould pay the amount ef their Dup
plicate to the Treasurer of aaid county, by ll
April Court The county Itquire fund fun.
vary much, and longer indulgent cannot I
Comnjiitioner' Office. Commissioner
8unbary, March 10, 1861. J
IS HEREBY given that an appeal will be 11
by tha Commissioner of NorlhumUrlan
county at their office in Sunbury, on the follow
ing day, and for the following lownahjpa.
Delaware, McEwenaville, Lewis and Turbul
ville, on Tuescay the Md day of April, 1861.
Coal. Milton. Turdut, Chilisauaqu and Lltll
Mshanoy. on Wednesday the lth day of A aril
1861. r
Zerbe, Point, Nartbumnerlana, Jordoa am
A'aahington, on Tburaday the Sola da o
Apiil, 7
Jackson, Lower Mahanoy, Upper Mshanoy, ,
Lower Augusta and Cameron, on Friday taw '
S6thdavof Apiil, I8l.
Hunbmy, Upper Augusta, tihaasskin, Rash
and Mount CaimeU on Saturday tbe S7th day ef
April, uei.
CsmtslMaonart' Office, I
Sunbury, April t, latfl f