Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 30, 1861, Image 2
i - sr rr .---;'aw. rr..tY. YAX LPG1I..TIKI". H AKiitM.rnii, March 25. Sl.NA TP. !,::. r r.'.ir v.: i. n i. n. r ' Trent to the act authorising t I'rrt-'il.'r.i .lodges to holj Conns out uf Ihr.t severul districts. . Tin. I..;: tn incorporate the Herbs and Lancaster County lUilroad Company was titMit fin ami naSe.I tit!"!!?. t.vr.nis-n wicy. i ...M-l - AYlWfc. and! I HW e,.,... " . .....I. .. i 1 1, J I'nmilliltPH (if tlie " hole, the, I m.r.i.l nr.l. r beinir tlio tuM til provide tor B ! ppiOIUI ". , . ,. m.,.1 , resumption ol sp.-cio puyineem . j . 'm n. tl,e Jlhuu ol lb. currency of j 'Vr. Ir!. moved to amend I.y ii.ietlii.jr. in the seventh line uf the ti rat m'l'tii'ti, th : words, "and balances due buulis ta specie." I The amendment ismnw nm' : lencth bv Messrs'. Irish, elsh. r inney urr.l t'lirn m.ti'vfd. ' ! .Mr. (Jru'i; moved to iimr,d the firpt 8"c thin bv striking out tho hisl day of J'y ns tifrio.l lor u resuiiiptiun mstrlllig tuo r.titi day ot .November. j Mr. Lawrence opposed the amendment, j jltl rum puiipit ui tnu .jtiiiixB wt ii. .irtiii iu Tesunio on the first of April. The Hanks .. ... ...-...,.. ,u. cAicuucu fcevond t'.ie first orjuiv. ! :l he nrtietidment was" then decreed 1. The first section, requiring Ihe Uanks to j trsurpe specie piiyineuts on the lit.vl of July next, ur.d relieving them from the pemiltic I iocuncd by Iheir suspension, was then agreed j "Vhe second section, rnnuiring all Banks, i .1 i. .. .1.. .. .i... .; , . iintil the tiist of July next, to receive ot. par in payments of debts due Ihe notes of nil nolveiit liuoks which puid' specie prior to Ihe 10th of November ltsGO, was also agreed to. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. .V;)rs of Committer Mr. Abbott, from the Committee oo Ranks, reported a bill inauiPg suiniry ntnt nauienls to lue ueuerat RjnkinR Uw. J ir. ilnev moved that the House proceed : . ,, . . .. ,. ., ... 1 , .. 1 1 the cons deration o the joint resolution. fixing tho 3d April m xt lor linul adjourn ment. The motion r.fter considerable dijCiision, nas disagreed to. Dills iu f'laee Mr. Tierce rad in p'ace a supplement to the act relative to mechanics' From Charleston. Washington, March 21. Tho Charleston C"iirier of Friday says that Surgeon Fox, of ; .1, 1 S; Vol-,' l,U,rnr. ivA ...ii 1, . J.u I'rnm i Washington, to.visit und repmt in re'loiionto : f l'""slv.iia, the two new Slates to be tlio condition of Fori Sumter. He was per- j on either side of tho Aileghenies- Tho pi-Urn ilted to visit Major Anderson, on condition I tiou is u curious production, tif hit!ff necoinpinied ly I. 'apt. Ilarslein. i I lie Courier also reports the arrival ol .Mr. ; Holmes, lormeily member of Loniiress Ironi rupiii v.aroiiua. n says tnai neiore oo leu Wsl,;nlnn M Ua..-.l ,luir. l.,m lc.o to the people 'of Charleston that he was h.r a peaceful Setllemont, nud wouid do everything : in bis power for Ihe amicable arrangement ol affairs. M r. II olmes also reports that (jen. Scott gavo similar assurance, nnd that tho President favors the policy, und that nj majority of the Cabinet desire a withdrawal of t Im troops from F'ort Pickens as well as i Fort Sumter I . i The l.nle It., I rond Ili.a.ier ; I uil.Aur.iviiiA, rnUay, .ilarcti ii, ishl. There were 35 mar! pouches on the Tcnnsyl- ; var.ia Iladroad train which was burnt on Wed- ! ricsday night, most of which wera destroyed. I Am mj tiiem tlie M. Louis and Louisville mailn if !ic I'ilh, and the C'iiuinuati. Toledo, C'oluin- ' t us and 1'iUai.iirch m;llls of the Slil'i, div lliinl ; H.irrishura, Philadelphia und Washington. I Tho HarrUbur mail alone was taved. Among tilt iclteia partly destroyed wan one to the I'resi- : ilsiit. A special l'oat Ullice a?ent left hero it ! day to secure the remains of letters, which will ; be eeul lo the Dead Letter otfice. ! From C T.VTttV'EW BETWEEN C0I.. LAMOM AND MAJOR ANDERSON. CiiARLKbTON, March 2") Col. Ramon, the U. S Cmiimis-ionerto Major Anderson, had I an interview this morniim with (!ov. Pickens ! nnd Gen Beauregard. He then left for Fort , fc.imler, in company with Col. Uuryea. The (.pin.on is prevaleut tint Major Anderson' r. ' J w.ll evacuate Port Sumter on Wednesday. ' Of the truth of this, however, cun only tiniu (Jeterninie C'n uiLKsTfix, March 2'). Cul. Lsaioo visi t.'d t ort Sumter this morning. Nothing definite is known as to the result I of bis interview with . Major Anderson. He leave lor Washington here to night ! and sjya be hopes to return to Chatlebtou ut g 11s has been well received by the Governor, ' . and is to have an interview with (jen. Henure gard this uflernucu. Dralh of Hie linn Sir. Sicranton. Scranton, March 21. The Hon. (J. W. S. ruutou, member of Congress from this District, died at his residence here to-day. Richmond. March 23. In the Convention to-duy, Mr. Bildwio fiuished bis speech iu ; uvor ot trie J'eace t .inference propositions and the majority report cf the Comuutteo on Relations. Mr. Bruce, of Halifax commenced a rep! The Convention ogreed to hold evening sessions. After the adjournment of Iho Convention tei-uay, a splendid wreath was presented to ' M r. Baldwin, oo behalf of the Union Udits i oi Virgioii. Important .'eutfiuiii Trim, Oai.vkstov. Tuxa.i, via New Ou. s.ans, March 23 The St.te Legislature inel on the ISth in-t. Tho iiieiubers of ihe House an t Seimtij look the oath ot allegiance to the new iiiiveruineul, a few of ttiem under pro- U,U' Governor Houston and the Secretarv of Slate hvu retired from tr.e.r oil'.. e and nirretiuereo li.e archives, i.ov. iiourton Lad issued an uppeul lo the people denoun- c:r.g the State Ct cventii. ii, 'I he Convention . , .... r ,i , i ii h.s passed a substitute fur Ihe Army bill, prove. i. g for the of uuly one mounted r.'g ojieU., March "fi. P. r several! week past reports have prevailed that many ; l"nion nu n, in scuuo of the secede-i .States, tnteuded to apply to lue ILivernmenl tor ' bniiointineiits Ibcteiu as .iuoiciul olhcers. The truth of these statement seems to be i confirmed in part by Ihe fact that lh I'rerideiil In.s noicinaled tjenrge W . I .ane, M j the N. C. road these things are freouent ligm of old age are beginning to be visible .Judge or the Northeru uud houlheru U.s- ( jg ,.,-, BI1j , . in numerous gray hairs. He is no longer a tricls ol Aiaouina. i . .. ... ... ' r... i,, ..-, ..i .r..i ;.. i . 1 iiiteii.geni man in me neighborhood. We Tmk Way this .Soitiikrk Pi:...i.I! ark have uo d. siie to say one word against the i'iliAiJi'At.i.Y LIkivkn into SfetssioN The j Cuttawitsa road, and no one can say anything llebel Congress at Montgomery have deter 1 Hguinst it management under Mr. Fonda ruioed iio. toiubmit the new Constitution lo , b(Jt M 3)j h tQ , 0UDiber of,ceideBti, the people, but It simply oes before the " , . ConclitioHi which elected thj delegate lo to "" eM'r80tl '"J1". which wer Moul,;omery. Thus Ihe I'toji'e t he parties never chronicled in the papers of that neigh, most interested ure foreclosed from voting I horhood. Theru hive been but few. if any ae on their organic law. T he ldii.K coosj ira- tors are manifestly afraid ul tbe aooer secuna tboajht (if Ihe people. New Orleans, a city of 2'iO.POO inhabitants, gave only 4H0 uiujori ty for the members elected to the Secession Cuoveriticn. Now it seems no more than just that where there is bo large a minority against secession, another opporlauity should be offered to the people I n sy positively and ,l'tt &ci!y wh.lher la.; are iu fut of a i ita ' 'ct.'U-reiaiy. THE AMERICAN. l - ',-.1' ' vigr It ':';tV' j-ereriEiNfc BUNBURY, I'-A. . fUEDAY7MARClI07l86 H. B. MASSER, Editor and Troprietor ' .- To AnriBTiiKMi . -7fle circulation of the SttNprnir AMCASmong Hie different tewnson thriurqufhni,a I. mil exceeded, if Mllslled l.r n r,,n.r n..l,ll.l,.a . ., , , ' ' 11 ' nV. M kk. antii.e CotLtoB Sciiot.Ansittr For ' at this office, several certificates of scholarship on rensonublc terms. .... . ...... "oirr.itr, -A Promenade Concert, bv the Concert, by k,Mitt..t. Kit.., it..;.. i - in ... ..: C""' " 'I'uclny evening nrxt. J i sncM. The I itv requires that person eiecteu jiipuces ol tlie Itace, give Dotire to1" ine rot honolary or their willing nets to serve wilMn Ulj,y du.9 lf,,r 16, eU,ctin ,oril ,cori Tncf,lliy Hstt tho cxdrui ,. ,. , . , . . na""n ol ttfme '" ,l,e !,',,"l,r', ol " I""'"""-. were much ileaed with the progress made by the scholars under the charge of Mr. Wolver twn, Another session will commen.-e on the 8th of Al,tili 08 w, ,,0 ,iy w .Jvcrli.cmera in ani"1'" column. . ' Those of our subscribers who cotitem- plBte changing their places of resilience this ; spring, will please notify us of the change. ta? liATKAWANNA .V I.i.domshliu; ii.ut.noAP , I IV llsler K.n tnrmerlv of the (Ji.ln. ! uno l. uicago L men l.ailroud, lias been up- pointed SiH.erinlendatit of this road, vice M. . . . h. Jackson, res gnen. Mfri'antii.k ArntAi-KR Mr. Win. Sa vidge of Turbntville, bus bcetl appointed to this office. The selection is a good one. g.y Aboi.isiikd. The office of ticket ngnnt of the Northern Ccnttnl Piailroad at llanis burg, having been abolished. CiJ' Fifty citizens of Lawrence county, have petitioned iu favor of n division of tho Stuto CiJ" I no Arkansas Louvvntion having re. jai.itfd Secession by a vote of M to 3."j. finally i ,... j , .,, ,i,. ,, j.;.,- i ii i ., ...u .... T'-'l'" ........... .......o. ...r..r,...i tJ th" Fot'I,le nt a:1 u,lCiou lo lo bt1,1 00 lt"' first Monday in August next, when Ihe hub hits are to decide Secession." For Cc-operutioD,"or"For ; I C3T Cosmopolitan A rt Ass iciaiion pi I u.,nio of this Association lor March, con ' ., . , ., , , ,, .... , . ,. , 8uI'erl) EUt'' plate, full paye, entitled, "1 dial 1 S.iiicitudo" and other illustrations with th" ; literary contributions of lha books of thi Association for the Tib year, will remain open ' to receive subscriptions, until tho i8t, of 1 April, for tho purpose of accoiAuioUting I subscribers who were unablo lo renew their 1 subscriptions on the first of the year. i t2T Pim-RH Frames. We refer our read-; ers to lb ! advertisement of H. W. Lndd & Co., New York. Specimens can be seen at j I ti is oliice ana irauies ordered ano delivered free ot New Y'ork prices. fcif 1'uiMi Dr.AD- tu Saturday n'ght i j last, Mr, Cobb, one of thu Engineers on the j Northern Central railroad, discovered n tnati j lying close, along the track, near the stotion i opposite Liverpool. Upon examination the 1 body was found to bo Jocob lloffuian ! v, .1 ! c. ....... ... .u.0. u i ... . . ... l,le oouy was injured except me neuo. wnicu i had several holes knonektd in, es if done by j o pick. The teuin, which the deceased had I .. ..... . ... i Murtl" tf M"sburg. arrived there safely, without tho driver. Two persons named 1 Nicholas Peipher, Jr , and Jesse Eentz have I been arrested on suspicion, having haJ b .. I ..... .1 i . I. . .1 , ijuanui wuu iuu ueceaseu uuring me uuy. j or, III other Vf orus, niiiing in tue roiioery oi iiit. " " ' ' ' Treasury, for which he was compelled to re- CT Post Mastkr at Si'.nbcrv. Ceorge i ,, .. , . , , . , .. ., i v .ibign. lie nlterards publicly boa.-ta of his . i.e.,.., t.r , , una ,, ii-iru .110 vj', v. Post Master at this place. There was con siderable competition nmona; a number of! worthy applicants for the offico, most of whom ! will feel, no doubt, greatly disappointed. j Mr. Reno, we uro sutisGed, will muko an excellent ofiicer. He is already engaged in ', fitting up his office with new boxes, Ac t for ' which purposu Lo bus taken the bu.IJing in ' Market street, lately occupied by Daniel . Bruckemiller as a shoe shop. i M r. Bucher, the retiring P. M ., has been a I most obliging offiicer, und to whom wo were '; ireipieniiy uniier obligations lor luvors. " - C2" 1'ax os Wak uks. A bill is before the , I.C slutUTH tO Ohtnin li riTi'hl nf tlin M nit. I ' 1 U'"rif' " ,"'e l"XM,io" cf K"1J BD(1 si,v"r i leut; State purposes, with a cluueu 'added prohibiting the Commissioners frciii taxing pleasure carriages at a higher rate , i ,.,-,.., i.. ,,i . . , i !. "n5 "a,r lUr T" ( PT"y - ; 1 ne la ( n :' I" tbo n.ost unjust, be- j , ; . im muii iwijuu in the Blule, owing ; lo the fact, that Dot one-third of the watches j urR aBSPS0.i i i, . ! are asseseeo. v e Lave heard of instances IU ,, ... , low,l!i Bt"' c;t"'9 rtf r'ot lf, " huu- . oreo waicnes nail roerii r.-luriie1. 11T A II r - Coder t hi. head the M.tnur Amerirttn recomiuends to the people of Pan. ,,lii(( ,U(. Cattuwissa over tho Northern Ceo- ' ' ' aiitnutui' oi the f.ct, states that -no passenger was ever lost or injured" on the former toad, w bite on idnta ,0 D8tftl)lfer. on tbe Korthern Ceu- , trul. US' The Philadelphia banks resumed spe cie payments the early part of last week. The fact is our neighboring Hanks never suspend ed in one sense of the term, at we never knew cf any one ho could ret (ret coin when ts t it s demacjed. Til I. AHIMI V. Win. II. Sew jnl, i f New Socrr. Inry (if tliitil mci'l'eJii J. Hereon, M Arslml I Mndison, Monroe, John tjninry Adams, Clny ' Culhouo, VViibatirr, Evertlt, Marcy and Cat?, wbo lire bis predecessors. Tim administr ! lion lias stututnun of grout capacity ns its I premier. Mr. tewurd is in the prime if hi? und viffor, just turning bin hixtii lh your. t.ilinon l L'lmse, of Ohio, piiccecds to llie chuir disgriivcd by t'olib. lie is flrst-clnss lawyer, and nn experienced financier. Mr. Cbnse was born in New Hmnpsliire in 1&08 Studied law in Willium Witt's ( fTirP, eud bns practiced his profession in Cincinnati since 1830. He was governor uf Obio, and United States Senator. Simon ('aineron succeeds to tlie Depart' ment of Wsr, the duties of which in troublous times sre of the firil importance. Gen. Cntneton hs carved out bis own fortune, he was born iu 17'JO, und wheu boy, begun life an n journeyman printer, but soon bpcumo an editor, llu bus twice been United flutes Senator from Pennsylvania. llldeon Welles wbn succeeds 10 lli0 Drc'""l ,"c -'"'j.""' ""'j jm.s men a ie.iuing politician in innnmitui, wielding an able p n in the presa of that I state, and sometimes holdini: federal oflico i iiifin Montgomery Rlair. of .Maryland, tho Post master General, I, ke M r. Hates, conies I'ruin o slave state. His f.vther, Francis P. lilair, , and his brother of the same name, a repre. sentutive from Missoiri, are each much bel li r known. Cu'eh 1!. Smith, Secretary of the Interior was hoin iu IjusIoii, but moved West wlu n young, and has mice lived in Indiana. He was lormeily un editor, but since M'i'j 1ms been in the tiractice of thu law. Edward bates, of Missouri, the Attorney. ! ...i i... i i...- i...... :...t i.. i slave state. He was uduiitled to the bur in 1616, and has been engaged in a large and lucrative practice. In lb"0 be us appointed by President Pierce Secietury ol War, but declined to tuke the ollice. UIK.IS AI) I.R1 lslG We have, on occasions, referred to tho fuel that countiy editors are swindled j out of a larjje umoiiiit of advertising by im- 1 porters und those who never intend to pay. Most of tl ese impostors reside in New York. 1 A few weeks since, while in the office of Messrs. S. M. Pettengill Co., New Yoik. this subject was rufeired to iii a conversation with Mr. Rates, one of the firm of this ex. celletit and rli..!i!e agency. 11 u remarked that he hud leasou to believe that bogus or wi ilhless advertising, to the amount of ijlOO, 000 had b.-ct) sent into Pennsylvania from New Y'ork alone, the Dast year. As an evidence of ihe truth of his statement, he showed us a batch of letters received by thu' morning g mail, all containing bills lor col- lection from various parts of the Union, and somu of them lor considerable sums, scarcely a dollar of which could ever be collected Thi.t, he teniiiiked, was an every day occur- ,,!UC 6,1,1 8!,u'-u 11 hrI l l,n'' u" 'r h' almcst con.t intly employed in hunting ul' lbeM ""arpers. and that they but seldom a"'''1 g-tlmir nry money f,.r these editors and deluded victims of misplaced coufidence. If u'.l editors would, as they ,hou!J iy TI.,VITS re!eret,c.s and r. jec, wor,i,es8 uj improper advertisements, th. y woul,j ni)t rill!j. benefit themselves, but uwid becoming ihe iiiitruuieuts of in posiliou upon their readers. j. ii. ri.ovu. We observe, occasionally, eorreof tho pa- P1'" w neretoure aupponeo ... .am, ioB , aJ Lane, now acting the part of apologists , f-,r ll,opo w,1 lluve bten I'it,ui"K the treason i of secession otid disunion- But we hardly . ai.nnn.uil 11, at t, ninn whf. hnif n ..yeellfl e.l PI it""-- ow puLtics and nvr..!, ns John P. Floyd, i late Secretary of w ur, under .Mr. Luchanun, , . , , .. . i i r.i w .i cipled lire-eaters and seceders or the South- But we were mistaken. Even M r. I loyd h js apologists with somu of tho Press. Mr Floyd is charged with a high misdemeanor . . . , . ... . .... i treason, and endeavors to t xcusu his villainy by meanly revealing the secrets of the (,'abi. imt, iu order to put some of the odium on Mr Buchanan, whose positioU pievenlcil nun irom defending himself his treacherous counsellors. Next Mr. Floyd is indicted, and Ihe Jury find a true bill. Instead of defend. , . , , , , , ing seeas tneiier unoer a pica .., privilege, iu conse((Uence of having appealed belore a Congressional committee, thus vir- it ,,r.B;., l.ia .,iti VJJ.. vwi 'loco's, ."- b"' We were certainly surprised to find our , neigl.lor of the Democrat, undertaking to , white-wash so black a traitor. j t x rit ioiii)i t u v i.oxus vi i v. Dr. Joseph 11. I.otz'a old horse "furrie." well known in nearly every part of tins and Snyder county, died on Thursday the 11th int. Hud ho lived until September ne.l, he would have attained the retnai kable ago ol I'orty years, probably the oldest horse in the Stale. He was sired bv the celebrated Lug beat "Lclipse," on the Long Island course. He came into possession ol the lloclor ill 1S31, and a nobler, more honest and failhlul animal never lived. He maintained hit un conquerable spirit until about a year ago, and was last used in October. Leuithurri Arius. I Ci' Ol.u Bob, a famous old horse belonging i to M r- Hl!'l3Si r tllis place, and well kuowo i 'D couul)'i is D0" lorly l,"'et $'"' olJ' uj . u fc(lU ju Urnes , ! Mr" lMl" Bl,"06t eVtfry dy in fi"e "llr. I Iic,h a hlack horse, but ihe unerring fast nag, but is extremely careful in Ins gait, which is gentle, diguiGed and becoming a a venerable horse. Nkvai.a TKRKiroRY. The territory of Nevada is formed out of portions of Utah, New Mexico, and that part of Washington Territory which forme. ly belonged to Oregon. Il comprises nearly half of the former terri tory of L'lab, aud triangular portion of New Mexico, between Virginia river and the eastern boundary of California. Tbe area of the territory over which Mr. Nye bas been appointed (joveruor ia 17.1,000 square miles, just twice as lurge as tbe island of Ureal P.ritain, and greater io extent than all New England, Yew York led Porc'ilvaDi. cr t;it; i;i;r.T V ' , i T . .ii . I - J i- Thu 1 1 .u r. I ir'.i er in. ut-id. :H Ml terest.i'j; details t prf I, n(. ti,n tbp ruins) ivmii j iiailrcr.d ! The time of thu accident was 10 I M., on Wednesday liij'IU, When the tuginn ran over the objtacie, the Iiai;j:e-mu8ter w:m rmesiderably knorked bIkuiI. bill he felt that tliehi'i ) . heels of the cur were olT the tratk. liift n.lly lie su nulieii the ptiuineer to stop, bi.t the rnie attached to the bell on the engine i ithi.r did not work or the engineer did not hear it, and the tram r in on at u fearful rate, tossing the car about and fiually thtowing nil the wheels of tbp bapsage car oil the track. The stove in Ihe baggage and mail car is Emily scenred to the (lnor, but it whs soon loosened und broken to pieces, the coula fly ing to all parts of the mail compart ment and setting Ihe bags on fire. The space of ut least live hundred yards WiS dashed over at full speed, the flumes increasing nnd the passengers in a perfect slate of consterna ti.on. Finally thu train stopped nod ihe half suffocated baggage niaMer kicked onl ihe llamxhurg bag", (which the ii i u had not reached.) and endeavored to save some ol the baggage. He was unable to do this because the door had jarred open and the smoke and ll,.mes had completely cnvch'pi-d i i"!... up. una mhB iio M.ei,e,v ,K ; "" ...... I in (1 half pictuieMjue. As mmio as the p I seneer cars could bn detui'lieil Iho ciiciub in an. f.iu.-i.i.r oui, 1... r I i.r. ill in ir drugged the Iragtnetits of thu baggage car lor l.alf a mile or so along the truck, the I incieiiM'.i velo.-ity maliiiig ihe burning cur fl.une like ii meteor gliding uloi.i: over the i 'i'i. . . t. .. i i. i . ... .. r ' ' "'(""' "'"Jiu'i "", ' : entirely up. . , , , ., : tho five bags of mail I As we have at Mod, mat lor for other b..iis ti. ai ly all of the pus.-, rii L' along 1 1 an if bin i! were saved. The , al'iiut Unity in mimber, were ileMrryed along wilh the t ug'nu" iieets, in ii it y of wbom went siiive the truck (lor it was n Very cold i mht, with a perfect c-ile blowing.) trying to find their property or jnspi cling with cum Ity the I'rugiui-ntH of letteis, the) could see by the bght of the smouldering nuns of i'"' cjr. Ihe Washington letters v.en great part applications from the Wist in for oflice, though the uddreSM'S nnd Riunuloos were so i.eurl destroyed in to b 1 1 n ( ! Th-y will he sent to the dead letter oll ee Money letters were a.imet noes teen I nil consumed. In one case un epistle ci.iita ii.irg taenty ten dolhir bills anil elm live dollar lull was Inirtied squaicly in half, leaving thu hull ol every note peifuctfy legible, while the ret as Cmepletely COU'iillled. tT' I.koai.. 1 n our ndv.-itisiig columns will be found the raid of Solomon M.m.hi Esq., attorney at Law, who has removed to this place from Snyder County, to puisne his profession. The Selioseruve 'Jinus Snys of Mr. Mulick : " I'.e-;!es, being able to speak the Germ an ll' w;il give him supillor advantages nuo'iig the niiuieious l.ieruiuti citiz'is of Unit CHUtily; und, willial, being coll p"ter.t lodis- charg tlie dut ii s of his pr. tension to the 8 it- isluclinn ol I. is clients, and being, imt only un beie-.-t, but uisj u Lrst rate dev. r b l!i w and U uelitl.'il.ali, we rest suti-.lled ! b it he w .11 .suc ceed we I in l.i- new h:cutn n. We lue s...iiv to b'Se Mr- M alick is a cii z-n of thisct uuty ." l'oiiHiix The names of the gentleiiuii who have been confirmed by the Senate f'-r the prominent fen in iiiis-ii.i.s, w:t Ii t lie sain ies at! jcln d, are as fuliows : England. Charles F Adams. Fraoee. W li'.i i-ii L. Ihij ton. Erussia, N. P. Judd. Auslni, Ai.sim I. n Irgatne. S,.i i.inia. I ieorpii !'. M .11 -h. Turkey, .Limes Wutso-i W. bb. Sweden, Jacob S 1 1 all. Iliull, l'er.iuuk, lliinifoi'd R. Wood'. L.lg.iji", ILiiiy.-s. S.iiifor.1. j. i. n, l'iie;ii, i. Clay. Ui Hie. LmI'.is K 1 Mexico, Tiioinas Corwin. Among the principal consul t IT. .iiiil .Mill tltui lillO 17 12 12 7 Mi'l 7 .'in I 7.r.(!ii 7. "eel 7 M'0 1 2 mm 7 Mil) 12, one tint 4-7.:i:;) 7.. "lie' 0 been appointed arc the fellow. eg : l.ond. ii, I'n-ein iii II Moore, l.'.v, -ip ... !. l. I.'. L.tth j.ii.u. 1 1 a' ve. J. U Putin in, Alex null 1 1, Egypt, W. S. Thayer. British Nmlli America Provinces, Joshua R. Guiding. 3.UH1) 1.000 s these, a p.n t of the suiu'.l fry con su'ships have been filled. sVJT Fast B.m.timoiik Com lulnck Tlie Fist Ijalliinoie Cuiilereice of the M. F. Church, has recently been in session at Chatn bersburg, Pu. The following iippoihtiiietts were made fur ti e .'.l uihl't : iiili i.'; iVf. Presiding Elder Thomas M- Ri k-k. Wi'iliauisport, 1st chaise A. E (1 bsun. I " R. II inkle. M on tout sv lie Sam in 1 Sinn. non. Muncy II. (J. Dill, .1. W. Buckley. M ill. hi -.1. W. Eanuley. Milieu C.icui'. (1 Warren, C. F. Thomas. Leisburtr J. W Hedges. M filinbiirg un I M iiMlubur A. W. (.iibsou Willi,..., I ' 11.,.. r , Northumher! it d J. A. Eric. -Sun bury E Butler, John .1 Dixon ! Cult iwissa Jul n Lloyd, Emory J. bwartz. ,UI,1'l",,-1V,,,1IK''t''r' Danville B B Uamlm. ij.,,,,,.!,,,. p-,Jeat hart. A R Re ,le insmle (j II II Day B" iv.-r M eud.iws A M Creighton I W h ,te Haven R E Wilson. ley. Berwick tf I. Bowman, J F Porter. Blooinintidalo - J W 11 iijjhawout, 11 C lar doe. Ui ingev.lle M P Crostl.nuil, R R Putt. Thomas Mitchell. Pres'-imt of Willi tins pott Dickii toii Si nniii.i y, und member of V ililamspott (I M. Coulerence. K-jT'l'he Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Sorlli American represents the land and naval forces of the na'iou us being so scattered und ileuioi al.z.'d. that lo reinforce i mil rrni'U'nn toil fcumter is impossible.- in- p.ia i.ioi u!.r?ii.u ... i i'i. i l.u ... ... I... L.1.1 ni ..II liajii.ils None of the .lilli 'iil. ., . i . .i ins that surround ftun.l.r are encountered ... it,., ease if ' . hies. an. t nut tho .iter is vastly more important lliuu the former. Str.nrNPKRlN Tfxas. The Kan Anlonia (Tela-) ilerald'' says that Ihe following is list of the properly give 11 to the Stale by Ceu. Twiggs : IsOJ inulri v 5UO was i tl..' Iloiscs, il a. ? St each . ? SI 1 110 1.MJ Snni O j In t in llli'iii ' 5c0 limit. Ji.iii T'S'ls, w-.a"ii materials, noil, naiis, c. i e.tiyo T una I.S'SI 7.1.1 1' II 4i)U.(ieu Cora. ( .1 la.s H..t) Ll'.ia.Hii, 1'eiaii.i.Kiry inirrv, Oruiaai y stores, Total, p.xclusive of public buildings, to which the j eii.rui tjoveiuiiicoi nas a line, iuucii o. the properly is estimated al the original cosl its value in Texsa lieiu; much greater, and worth lo the State ul least a million and a Hull Hollars. l'l HMN'I I CI el 1 bh 10 i' int. ureal, biuuihb u i , 1.1. .i u 1.: .1 . . .iiiv .... 1 c. . 11 I led that Ihe abolition of other posts in the true and loyal North Carolina uhlate which r ,.,..,. . .r , ! . ' , . ' 1 1 . 1 .1 1 service oi tue t ompany are coctemn ated bv basso tloriously repudiated ihe secsss ou i,,.,..i ' .... " r ... 1 1 1 1 . .1 tue Hoard. ltamstiurq Jrlioravh, treason of Cuttondoin. In and about the J J ' laculity of Scull's Mill io the old North State ! Tue Coal Ui'sinrss. It is stated that ope- are raised annuully more lhau two hundred j rations in Ihe coal fields of M'Keau county, thousand bushel of peanuts for export. They , Pa , will be commduced, during the coming are a much more piolituble crop than citton. I summer, by an associated company, wbo in- Collou is i.'il, therefore, king at Scott's iiiil,! lend to uioko Kr;a th depot, by shipping N C. Pcsutits wear the rruo io (bat rc-! from tho i..nti over thu ivjiborv aoii I' - ..... v- .. ..r .1... ....... .1.1.1 -n. C , Ku'i: .'. i::.ii i I ri 1. Kortm 'IS Fl;;ti il iri e: ii. j i 1 1 . 4 l'eii'isjlv.iiii.i M.iii! i irricullnral .Society wns had nt their cfiicH in llarrisburg, Toesdoy, March 19, l8fil. The Secretary, A. 0. Heistsr, read his re port it) the coarse of which he remarked : "Uor expenses during the past year were as great as those of former years, while our receipts, as will be found by ihe detailed re port of the Treamirer, were less. That we have n amount in the treasury sufficient to dufiHV the expenses of the year, and to carry the Society safely through lbs risks incident to another exhibition. The Committee proceeded to elect a Re cording Secretary and a Treasurer, when John H. Zcigler was elected Secretary, and John I', ltuthnrford, Treasurer. Messrs. Colder, Kapp, Misb, Zeigler and Uuther ord were appointed a Committee to make arrangements fur tho 10th annual exh j. bitiuD. (Ciitrc.prtndence ef the Plill;idelphia Inquire! J IKIIll tlIILLSlU..'ton, March 22 J. Ths Charlestonians have come to tho con elu.-uon that delays are dangerous, and now noxious for Ihe ionif talked of evacu " r n'ii n to take placp. liOiid and long have been the complaints i niBue against Ihe course pursued by the ("us tniii House officers during the past week. Re- I ports were circulated, with the intention to deceive, that the duties would not be enforced until the fiist of Muy. Thev have, however, eome into operation as nt first air.nged. One linn. iii;ii nhn,l Hi. I.mi l,.n poor man who bau received Ir im tlin t.on ton orders lor few stvlish bonnets, and a small c ,.,, , ,,: ,.u ,,,. ,,,. . 'r Ill II rMiiuu lupr ti in. . iii.uu. iiii.ra nun iiti.j ill p iy one hundred and twenty dollars duty. j The greatest complaints have been in conse. j ipieiice of the warehousing system that bus ! b. eu adopted. 1 f goods are not sent (r al-' most immediately on their arrival, they are ' w iiehoused mid un enormous charge is mud-. This may be a qui':k way to colli ct revenue 1 which, I submit, is Very much needed by the ; huugiy soldiers ; but It is making business; men here disgusted, when they think of Ihe . s ol havoc it will make with their credit ami cinimercial relations with the North. Many of them, who have sent on orders to New' Yelk and Philadelphia, have declining; lurtlier transactions lor tho present, and some "may be often' heard iu dmcy i ts. hich the Southern polili I ..! u.. .i hard swearing c on n I mg nouses, w hicti the S.otithi i n p ..iii, ,rn, , .,.,,!. i i.L. I ,1.1 I....1 K. . .. 1. .1 j -. " positively assure von that there ie. amongsf .'.II .1.. ,,,..'l ....A ,.i,.t ere, l und increasing distrust in the i-olicv of . the Southern Coiifedera'ion. and 1 most firm- ' Iv beli. ve that it is tiossmli. bv careful and I accomplished stutesinuhship, such as the i coiint-y have n riyht to expect from Wjt. 11. j Shvaiui and Salmon P. Ciiask, to unite in i iron b inds this jjtejt c.uile.lei acy, with war ( r Li iidshed. 1'l.o.vTiM! I! a rTKKY. ! (i lemmas (tti'.tcivial anb Gclcctrb. 'Hie Hon. Henry .1. liuTmnnd of ' The N. V. Tinu's' iil be appointed Consul to Paris, one ol ' 1 l! p most agrepaMe posts in the gift of the lioern ; 'men! salary Jo.000 a year. I Why are lawyers womoa ? Because . they nie(e mules. I .I.hni It. ..ii!dinp,s bus been appointed United 1 f'lt' Consul-Ueneral for British Ameiica, lore- ' M.'.c ut Muiitreal, will a salaiy of $-t,OUO a year, j The longstanding dispute wi:h Great Britain ' al.uiil the Island of fan Juan, in Vascouver's '. S..i,n1, is likely to he relered, nt the suggrstiou of . Ihe Hiitish (ioverninent, to bwiizerland fir pr'u- I tr.itinn. (iieiU Britain psoposed to refer it to' S.veden. Holland, or Sivilzerlaml. and thu Senate j l.'..i:iiiiitteo on Kreign Keiulions has r. ported in ' l.v.r ol accepting Switzerland a. the m.diater. ! ; I iie Baltimore American declares that, n nclenllis ol ihe people ol .Maryland ure in favor o' the Union. Provii'Imi ton itiK E.mi.r.',k:.T!Ps As special ellorts huv hi en made to exclud u1'. tiuyi'c i'i .nt- .-.i-. x "iu i tijttnc lioill Cii.irle&lon, that paper has three members ..I ii s stifi stationed in t hat City, ''in order" is it says, "to be salo against all ac idents " .Cool, but characteristic of thu 'J'lVmne's ' enterprise. j I OmcK lloi.tiLr.s Some of the Cabinet i ' ( fiicers of the Confederate States hold two or I I three ( fiices. As Cabinet Ministers they I ! receive SiX thousand dollurs per annum, "but ! I iili. n the payment of member of Corgress ' iniii delegate in ill- Stale Convention, : m.leage lor both, is added, it becomes rut her ' ' a tug thing," so says tho Augusta (Ca.) ' i 'n oi,ic!e und Sentinl. j A son of Andrew Kurtz, r.f Chilisipiaqie 1 township, who is clerking in u country store j iu Columbia county, ina shot by young . named St r iw bridge. The circumstances , us we gleau them are us follows It appears there wua u premeditated arrangement on ', the ait of .'Urawbridge and another indivi- '. dual Ip murder Kutz. They induced him to : g,i io un evening meeting, and on their return : home used liisuitini; l inguaee bantering him i to light, to which Kula cruiseiited. They, however, tiuding I. im unar'iii d. Strun bridge j ut pulled out a pistol and fired, the lo.d . taking ell'.'Ct in KuUS race, b it happily the ' p.stol being loaded with shot only, the result w is t.rt arrested. so serious. M raw brnlge t:ns been and is now under bad, t.ut bis uc- cu.nplice has Bed ihe country. MUtonian A Mela.. -holy Case cf Dissipation The Boston Journal mentions the following sii I instance ol mental and social ruin, re sulting from unrestrained dissipation ; Aiming the tenants ol tlie lock up on Mommy night was a man a wr.-ck of whit ! he was before he became a pley lo his per- , vert.d appetite who. until witbiu a lew years, flood in the foremost rink of the I inei! cal profession, enjoying a lucrative prae- t i e in one ol our subutbuti towns, .s irrounded ' by nil luo Comforts Inch wealth and social! position could give ; yet, having yielded to a iii-sioti for drink, has in the sp .ee of eight , years squandered a fortune of about toe hundred and fifty thousand doling, and dr. ; te nded to the lowest degree of degradation. i LvrniK Cotton States Uo. A number of the citizens of Massachusetts have signed a : pel. Hon osKina llie legislature lo pass a ! I resolution in favor of allowing th cotton , , ,v- ijnio0t -provided that ' .1 ... 1 ... .... r... a .'.:.. .... I Lev declare freedom of navigation in the M ississippi nv r, and surieuder all right to a district of territory, of six miles square, bordering (in the M ms:ssippi river, and op posite lo Ihe city of New Orleans, as a port of entry of the Culled States, and further tha' they resign all right und claim to parti' mo in Ihe territories now belonging to the I' tilted Males, and in consideration of I which II forts, custom bouses and other property of Ihe L' tilled States, lying within the boundaries of the ubove named States shall be uiude over and surrendered to Ihem." Aiioi.ispBD. The new Hoard of Directors of tha Northern Central Kailroad Company 1 nave abolished tlie otnee or Jolin 1. Itigney, j Ksq , Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Kigney left the service of the llaltiuiore and Ohio 1 ltailroad Company several years ago, to uccept the above position, tendorod him by . the Northern Central Company. It ia sta- .1 ll..;.n t . 1 ... . l r.l;c I. T, , Cm. TM Tie .".i.ti! V sent by u: ..k i- ' tins bv ( , (; :i."i I1II--I1 r (he -ek .(ll.Iiiil O'J tolll ogain.-t 53,''.'i3 loii lor lliu corret.poiid,ng week last year, showing a loss for the week of V2.915 tons. Our mnnntaina are covered with snow, and the weather bas been, and is now, more severe and wintry in appearance than it was any time durinp l month of February. Miners' Jaurnnl Tub SotiTtiKtiN Tampf A telegrophic de. spntch stales that measures have been taken taken hy the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Memminger, to prevent the Introduction of poods by the inland routes. A despatch from St. Louis states that foreign goods, freo of duty, are beginning to arrive at that point via New Orleans. "Comb Tmemsklves Tho three Oregon Presidential eleclera could not consent to appoint a messeneer to bring their vote to Washington, as the mileage (over 81S.00O) was too nice a plum to give away, so tbey all three came ou." Knch of theso Republican electors, there fore, $5,000 from the trensury. One of them draws the whole and divides it with his two colleagues 1 This is the keenest political operation we have lately Seen. A SinietricANT IsnirATlos. A gentleman residing in lown writes that the land rffiees in different sections of the West are flooded with applications for information from (south em penplo. These applications are generally mailn in writ in it nnd refer to Ihe state ol nftitira iktietitw in tlin Sni.lh nQ rn.lprina ! en.iaiation to the North decide U:., ,nn, r. . u . , ...... 1. Texa-i nod Leiiisiana. Ihe fuel iJ, Ihe "reimi of terror" prevailing in the "Cotton'" must ere long drive tens of thousands of the best inhabitants away. M isisri'R to Err apor His fellow c;lizen- ' of Schuylkill County, nnd rumermi' friends; ihroinjlmnt the Slate, are rejoiced I hit lion Robert M. Palmer. Senaton from Schuylkill ' Co'Uity, nnd Speaker of the Senate, has , received the appointment of Minister to j Ecuador, a position soocbt bvbim as a menus ', ol restoring Ins impaired health. M r. Peine r will represent the United State with treat j credit. We sincerely hope that be will be us fortunate jiq hi.s jnmie.liul1 predecessor, Chiitles R P.urknlew, Eso, . whose health l.r.s been reestiibllshed by his sojourn in that ''I ' ' a'.-il ti wbli so i.blv rep at L''n Hnrlholemew; F.n , o hhlv represents, with Messrs. Ilnhn - t"1'1 Koch, this Crrnntv In the Legislature, will nccompany Mr. Palmer as Secretary of Legation A better selection could not bv 1 n,"-v made, nn.l we hope that tU' M ''"'"'t correct -,U.u.if Journal. ii-.-. ij-"j-aT -r-aws Snamokin Coal Trado. Shamokls-, March 23, l-i'l. TONS. CWT. Sent fur tLo week ending March 23th. 2 107 12 Per UdI Report, :i(i 4:"0 m 52 01 - 00 :i.r.:i7 pj To sirne time last year I ccrease, 11 021) ol .. ... wj-.-Be -jh- Northern Central Cunbury & Erie Railroads. TV ornval nnd dermture ef Piifreiicer Tinlm -n Mie .N..,:, .! a,ihurj- i;iif.: at tl... nice, i.u fuiMus : sen It " A'-'' s i r. R II Gmf,mh r.e, , 15 p. M i .sv,., ivi'.M smiili, leavn II I.'i A M Arnvu w L. A M' DXt'l! l-.Ssi TRAIN, G"inr n"ii'., nnives II lot'. M.I turn II in P. M. "" sjutli, leaves 3 in A M . Arrive 3 2? A M " 1 h' Valley nn.l rot.Mille nnilrc.a ri.iiviujel tri.n l.MV.s Sui.' LTv at - S A M. .MlOikk-:, - ijuI'.m. t i a E .T Win r kiis. Sonif. ol the most sublime , and Outl.l'ul thiuits ever wri'ien were lirsi rf.itlied i ill the English language. Chaucer and Spenser j in.' un: acun.iw ii'.ii .1 .auii'rs oi i.ininsii poetrv ; ; Siiakspeare and Millon wire very re-.ectui-le sons to the original founders of t:.e insiiiu'.iou, sons lo the original Inuiiorrs of t:.e instilii'.io and Bvron. Shelly and Tenuvson stand lair (irand ehihlieii. 'I he vviiteis named, toeliiiT wnh Scolt. Dickens. Irving, I.Hngf. Ih.w and ! llolnn s have, nu admit, written some verv pas-u' . hie things ; hut n 'thing unoe trulhhd and piarti' , nil ever came from their pons th in then asrilioii ; tiie most t'bvtut carinents for geoileiii-'n and vioiths, to he lound m ihe Fiiioo, aie tin se ( made at the Brown Moor I'lolliing Mall o i: kl.ill and i'soo. Nc. I'.(i:i and UU5 I 'liesnut . sireel, ahove Suih, I'hii idelphia. ! i Cot'Oii. Tlin sudden ehungei' of mir cii' i male are sources ot Piimonaky Pit'iNcnm. and Asthmatic Afi ki ti.ins. Expei. having proved that simple remedies often act speedily ond certainly when taken iri ihe I early stages of the diseases, recourse should i "t once be h id to "Urmcn's tlrtmclti :i : 'troches," or Li'Znge, let the Cold, Ciniub, ! or 1 r i Hat ion of t he t hrotit tie ever so slight. j as by this precaution a more serious i.ltacl; m iv he c f!eo 1 o 1 1 1 V warded f !T. Pl S it. a K Kits und Sinokhs will find ifem illeetu al for clearing and strengthening the voico See advertisement. "Not .lane te,u lo I lie Hum an Kanii'v. 'Hats e. ii. .: out el ll. ii i.i.:. s to .he " , I'xir liiiljtttt.-l j "lU lAirS" licit t i:5 i:U fii. i.ctl.T ' -tU6rAll" Kit t'i.- I'-mVrr, i..r li wil., Lc j PtHROVl I.NfcTAMLV. Rp'k R -.f'ri.s Mi -t- M. !fs liu.ui.'I Mu-f-He ' H :ci Aiitw Mi M-'8f(tiitn t ! 1 ; -t'' n eu -.t-, I I'i w.m, Aiiihi.ilv. A.c a c in rK'it, evtry (,t urnJ t.-v-i elfin'- i;uitN. hi ft9 fccihl.fchr.i in r-w V'"k Oitytiiefl bv He ! Ciiy -k irtct' liif (,'iiv I'riMitig and Siiiti.Mi fl .Uf.n. ! .c i'hv Su-iiwrin, In;. A j Htf City 11 tti'. -A tti.r." .N ictiii:;.." iVc. and i-y I....TC lE-ii Vi-'.tU j)in;ite fiitni'it I't?" 1i JtTJiftsi nt( Hrtnilcfs fvrrvw).'te tl-cin t t?' 'rfli' AtyfuU Mi ail I'tf I.triif t.'ilitfc Ui.d ImWIiI, It ' ' ! Hewaiik ' ! ( , urii.'ist iinii.tltoiis. tT A.!Uit.--t .r,i'Tn- fir lor "1 nvr'jir ' ncrtit r in Ui:KY IM'iiSl'AI!, rriiicipm L-(.ot. rtV2 Hi.'i.ilvvjiv, ("pivsi-f t. Nu-hoi-m ll"tci,) N -V. S-M l.v liilt.l.NO A OKA NT, fiuiUu v, Ai'iil'JI. iwiu. ICeliXioiisi Aolices j fllvine service will lie It.-.J cv ery Salil ath in tl.ip Bo ! .ouch lit foil. WI : j I'ltKSIIY TKItlAN I II! Ki ll Nolth vet eorner o. I I. aoUarll y mill Urel hi reels, l.t ... J. V. It htoN, 1'i.stnr ' Divine service evcrv KtLlsilh al Ii 1 A. M . I'i o.r in.-ei. " Th'V -.,.. a. N,1,r,i.,i.i.Cr.,i. , u, l'il.i'a Uiuich.ui 3 o'elock, J. M., every petv.i 11 (.r.RMAN nr.FOT?Mr:ti ciifRrn, ..t eomer rl R iver anil H'srklasrrv rwi. Itrv J VV.Sinv. UP1Z, Pastor. Divine seivice, uilei nalely. every st III A.M. mid 7 P.M. Pnnei nitrtlnuj on ln.lay eveionr r.vAr.i:t.iCA'. i.ithf.han rm rtciT -tieer street lu low S V. . P. Koi. Itoa.l, Hev P. liizes, I'aslor llii-iae service, alternately, every siai.lMitlt ul III A M. and 7 P.M. Plaver meeting 011 Weiluesday eveaiiii; MFrilOIHST Keucoe..i.flll Rfll HewlKTiystreei west ol S A K Hull K. ml. Key. K. UlTL.s aim J p. hw'4SiiRK, PaMors. Divine el viee. attenutiriv, every Sali lnnh at loj A.M.aud 7 P M. I'ruycr meeting 011 Thurs day evening. MARRIAGES. On the 26th ult., Mr. Ion n. Martin, or Union county, to Miss Hannau Sciiocii, of Snyder county. On the 27tl inst., at tha residence or Ihe bride's rather, near I.ewisburg, Pa., by Rev. A. I. Ilawo or Snamokin, Mr. II. Franklin llursh or i.ewisburg, to Miss Kate J. eldest daughter or Mr. Francis Wilson. DEATHS. In r.lyshurg, on tha 11th inst , or Dipthertu. M A It Y KLIZAULTH, daughter of S. A. and Klizabelh liergstresser, aged 16 month. If Pott3grove, on t! K'h Mrs SAVt'PI. KKU HP.! i i l l.n !(, ' ,t(.(i Ontl.e.lTth in-t . V r. J A C (11? 1 Kl (' 11. lipid uhuut 'i.'i years, lie reside.) mi it l.irm a n. lie u'.nve Shiioii.kin lor the hist, i'D Jenr. In Willinuisport, (ii the 11th inat., CA THARINE A., w:fef Henry White, Exp, and daughter of thu latu Hon. Joseph li. Anthony. In Beaver township. Union ronoty, rn the 12tb inst., SAM UEL AURAND, aged CJ yesfs. In Jackson township, Snyder ccnr.ty, oo the 27th nit., MAN A, wife of John Sowers. Id her S'.Mh year. In Franklin township, Snyder county, oa tho2.;th nit. GEORGE HARTMAN.ageJ fcl years, 4 months and 27 days. t Par hcts. Philadelphia Market. Puii.aPE1.Mjia, March. 2" Whest Flour, (extra.) l'y Flour, Corn Meal, l!ed Wheat, per bushel, White " " " Cora. " Oil; " " Rye. " Cloverseed, 'I'imoihy, Flaxseed, $6 a ?I5 f.i 3 57 I :w 1 47 yj 7:) 4 75 3 0) 1 47 BUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, -l 10a I 30 flutter. ' live, .... 75 Kgti., ... 1' I'um, .... 7-' Tullevf, ... 12 Oats, .... e3 lard, ... I- llucliwhtat, - - lii Pork, .... H I'liiutuH, tO lleeawai, - - New Advertisements. II 1 I. I P S II v. i.TU-jsra", xjrv. TNFORMS his friend, and the pt,!..c it. gen. i rnl. that he constantly keeps mi hand. H lanlt, Shiuriie. Lath, Joists bi iI all kinds of I.uin' r m.l In. il ling imtcrinU, which he will sell at 'ho lowest pliers. M.r.h So. I SO I . l7!atc of II. .1. iftji.ViViiiirv. di' rtast tl ."OriCL is hereby given, that letter of n bit ni-trati. . ll lluvim; been granted to the under' s-ieed, on ihe eslaie of f..raim J Wol.erlnn. Ij'.e el the horouuh of Suiihury. .Northumher! m.1 riu ntv, I:!., tU'caiise.L All perhotm iodehie.I t s in! r;t.i!e and tliese havuiL; rl linis ai ntit tr sime, are rcq.iis'.td to present ihem duly aullon li r.te.i tor set ement to lilKHilil AN A WilLYEHTilN. Adm'tn. Or W. 1. I'niu,. ri.i. her Aiierncy. Sunt-iirv, M im h i'll. IH'il.- ( t Otul SMutt.finjiia I iiiims. A ' L ilr.'iie t i c ill the mien'i.iM nf ihe pu1!'.; " tonor Liile'cori i ( vnl l'h t .i;'a; h fraiin . Ti.iy pes ess all the e,o d ipidlne. s tit iv.m.,1 framea Mlli ll.e nd ji.luoe of e'eater'thU as tle-y iu v. r vv e r 1 1 or track, und aie s..J much cheiprr. v e hI--i no hand a l.iiup v.mty ef WOOD O V A I. is. win. liwe . ;V. r t'.eiilv live per cent lower than . an le t.oui:ht eLcivhere. Aisj, a e"l ari-oit'iu lit ol i'asoe I'artimts. .V.prire l'r.iines at proptirl i -nal ly low prices. A It orders I v in til promptly fine.!. All v ho . e to our (fr..t t'.nnmeuiul Metropolis w h invite to cjII si e and examine. II. W. LA 1)1) i CO. i 4T.3 firoadivav. New York. M a-.-'. 30. t-ft. Sv) Hi .V3 .i t. 31 Lit ti. Attorney at Lav, SUNRURY", Northumberland Cc. I'a (Formerly Preclinrg, Sinder county.) OITItT", Market Street few ea-l of the Ner'.lorn Cen'ral b'ailreatl Pe ot and two it. ers wist uf the l'ot ililne. All Pr"li D .sii e-s. Collections, A.C.. will icceive i.ronu t attention. M . : c ! 1 ;Jo. l-i'.l. S0NEURY ACADEMY. IK St.'MMKK I'l'.ltM ..f the SjiiI.uiv Aca.t.-rri' .-: 'f'lti , X e iilili.fiiee I llr s li . .1 A , -1 1 1 . e. ,,j ..:,.,ti i.-u.ta iiicjrnees erery il.?j,:el . I . i a .i..:' T. in our Itat Ae.t.v.n.'-rt. ple :i . i'.m a or lieiilvl any c-ti. . I. Iliet Co:., f.-. C S. Il il'lier l .i.; l.allll 1.: Tll.'I MI TO n. I'l-T. (ji-au rr.R: iio,.; lr. li, e! .-j, ash Iii trel, l. e.L'i:,,;, n. S-l CI ft i .U 7 ej .. .e.l (.rl.-ie 1'ie miileieof 11- tirm II ' II tf'J 4J .1 t :nl l-r !i;ul til rau'c lliltiol.-a ut iroiliril " cl Ween. 9 P. FUN, I'r liif i I'.i . "v !areh "io. IMi i. ISO lOt' IM' 1 llltKClt.V IX) VOL" AN V WHISK Kits ? id Yiii: want a .uoi sTAiiit: : l' .l YlJl W ANT A .MOLrSTACIlKT I!llititi;i:ii's t-libratisl S T 1 M U L A 1 1 N U U N li C L N I , l'or the U'l,isktrt iin.f Hair T. r a',cri! crl t .We i. l.u tare la aiihountu n to fie ci'i - Z. l.s "I i'i L.nieil Mi.-ts, leu1, it. ev tiave .ejlu.i.i j A'-iui y loi, i.i,,i jie new to. riei to i l.c- Ait.cia. iv.u. e. n. c uouvt jusuy trltuiulce ui.d w uii.t le.i.w.. urtic.e. .1 I'ltC S;io,iiloti' ; Onyuent t i pr-'ptfr 1 :-v i V li 'in ' urn, ui. ni:i,t-!.l j j :j,--4 hi i it, i'iii Ha i: runt cm li In ii i ui tl; . k t,t t ul tn from tlift'M" :x vstii. Tlir rtii- :i the cniy ins , i u ? ki-itl ust-rl ti, itie i-'re.ich. ami in i,uuiiii jji.ti ta ' Tib H ' iii t.ur. eft-;ii tire It in it I'cuuUliH. i 1 1 m it'll I, ii'i lliin, -t L i n . n !; it i : C .tu;"ll.iiJ. If: . 2 IM If li i:i;ii'c IIJ 'li thr I ft-1 if .i . he.ii .(ui ij i"u :ii iuxun i'U h.ur I: ati!n 1 ,u ii.t- ,( u w.l cine b .li-Ii't .if , ;t. I t ..iii- t i it:i.j: t' m j-Vct- , .; I lilt u i- t.isa I. 'it; jr.vth luiir. App.-tO ... c : t , t u v i i tu ti jrd ir t ivt y h:in i'm W, :in.l n b i. i I. ill ti. i:i'.gin;i. C il-H, lruVlH(I H ft Ii, 'I1.h-! ;i .' llti'.-. ire l'..',irur,'' t an t;ii!iipt;i.i! 'f ;h i, fie i . evvM yntti inn' t-ilt-r. nnd tiitrr t nc wi-.-it'b ust i:. w n..; n t I r tiny en is lit rai ion witlnmt tr. , l '.it- -u!i; me fit i'i.') Ap. nt .r tjif iirtu',- i i . tin l'i.H-! M.s : rii, t' tii.Jci u u. t I t- in .h t t . I'r itUi.c i i.iui n i-wx -f r su e I v ail Diu-ji'i: :,, .i it-auru ; or a bx of It'e "(.yui m'1 ( v.iini:it.u in 1 Ulf i I 111 II, im tiitcij win re t-ui ii nny wti (;. . n i A:i'. t.- HuHaCK !.. nrtiFMAN CO . I rmcRifn. c , '1 W il (am M,,NilV y,-i IVrn'e Jtt this ..rce. M.ired JO, Iftil. '(iooil Intent Fire (.onipauy." A fta'i'd meeting of the ' Ojo.I Intent Pre CompHiiV," wili le hild at the Court Houc, on Monday evening, April I, Istil, at 7 o'cleck . Punctual alien. lance is mpiire I. HLNKV DtJ.N.N KL, President. I'iili hcs, Jemli j i SlUcr iVaic I "Vr' w'oulil respreifullr uioirni our li ) tf ' .' ,"',""'r " mil U.I. AM) I.KI All, Irira-is, p: e now ii. l':ih l'riff, tl t:ntf iitid v"V rh'.te llurk n " Aj'TH 1 " ! JKW l:l.nV.MIVKrt A.NU11.ATKU WAliK. i-i rvfiv nt II,.- i vanny an.lsiw I I n v ttrfiru'ii -n nf I'lAMOND WORK or 1 - fv--r j JI'AV KJ.RV, n ;i.!e ,i i.r.Ur, ut kh it u.-hce IT' A I lilt's Wi.nunif.i to lie u r.prfM-ntrd. N. Ii I'itiiu'tikir nt't-iitinii given to the ieia.tng i san is i iu .few en ii rvn v ii rrinnot . srAtu Kii .ic iini.i:v, No. 6N Market (inert, ouOl Sale, I'rnla.l.inl.n. Msrctl iKi, lt-l al H. WARD, Maaufuetuiei of sail Dealer in ST'IFt-W GOODS, os 103, tlii aid to? North Second fltn-it, phi'.-il.-!.-s "lrl'. lira now are rrceiroij our f PKINd STdi K . I wlin'li will uuipute a laiue and deout:e ss.oii nient u all k inns of Mraw ami I.tirc (.ootU. Also, a lare a ortlnrnt I ji. lies' A ri.ii.lien's Ils's Our stock el" Floweis and It iclies, w .ll Le innnns v large il is srsS(u,ai.U w would un tte jour f ...i sue i tlon lo thai .tenartnient. I'liss cnil Slid .-.iin.'ir ll.eai le One aialiins your pureriaies. II WAIiP. N"S 'lij, IH5, K IU7 North Strict, ul. us Aiiti. Mai. h 3, IcOl i C II i:. li I! Ill A: S. . M.sci.CTi-nrsi or r ixis t ti or BOOTS AND fillOKO I L K l.HM'LKMt.N 1P0 I ES l F. A X D RETAIL. Ni S ttth r-iiith f "rf , PI '. ''.. ( Pe'I'ST V.' .' PlMUl n;. - .i, i a-i