IJJisccIlaiuflus, rmiM (MAnLF.ni on." CiiAM-gsTo. March 14, 1861. Tbi con flicJing minors from Washington keep tba peoplo of Charleston in cnntinunl anxiety. 'I'hff certainly expected or this to bare taken tiossecBion of Fort Sumter, and to have fioistcd upon it thn flar; of the Confederate Htai.s. Tho wood cnt engraving1 -h" inirer of Tuesday last, Is a perfectly correct representation of the bunting that now (touts nver thn custom house nnd other public build ings in Charleston, nnd which, upon "evacua tion" Jay will tuke the place of the stars and atripes, over the now world wide renowned fort Gcation which stands in the centre of Charleston harbor. The two sobjpcts which enprosf thooghl, and ore the subject of con versation cenerally, are dill Major Aodersoo and Kort Sumter. I cannot refrain from tolling you what camo to tuv knowledge, in a very direct way, r-speetine '.he former; It is a well known fict that Jefferson Davis and Oov. Pickens have been continually correspond o with bim nnd 1 happen to know, from one oftho Aids of Governer Pickens that the Inst proposition made to him was to resgo his command in he Unite 1 States Army, and accept the i.nsiti.m of Dricndier-Oeneral io the Southern Arror. My informant, who is a man with a rv high sense of honor, and one who very much despises the lato conduct of General Twittc. telle that Major Anderson, ine iiiediatelv i"d indignantly rejected the ofTer, nnd pave his correspondent to understand Unit he had hoped that their former knowl ..gi of Lis character as a soldier would have pievi-nted any such propositions from being presented to" him. The people here were verv onsious, when they discovered that there whs' "no back down" in the Major, to stop his marketing fupplies, and to cornnienre star vine him out : but ihey have been continued by ttie pxprss desire of Jefterson Davis, who whs always on terms of personal friendship with the Major and so lately ns this morn in is his boat brought a good supply of poultry vegetables, and other ol the good things of life. !n respect to Fort Sumter, the drift of the local anxiety seems to be how the evacuation is to to be consummated. General Heaure L'oard has been heard to state thtt no United States vessel shall enter the harbor, except under his supervision, it being very generally suspected that the reported evacuation is a Tue, under cover of which the Government intended to send in reinforcements. The General is also reported to have said that he will not crnserit to a simple evacuation, and will demand a surrender. It is scarcely pos sible that the Government will consent to this humiliation ; but do not be surprised nl uiiy unreasonable or ridiculous proceedings on tins new Budged ('.imman ler in-t 'hief. II a h so puffed op with the importance of his position that I am inclined to believe him reckless of consequences, so he can but have the opportunity Io clispley l is irwly and m-jostly acquired power. It reminds sensi ble, people of whom 1 have told yon there urn a few left in Charleston of that old proverb which speaks of placing a "beggar on horseback." nnd further suggests the pro bable termination of his journey. 1 he James Adger has just arrived from New York. The custom house officers are on the out viie for tl.e spoils, hot 1 fear they will discover that the 'patriotic citixerg" made all their purchases prior to the 25th of ; l'ebiuarv. Thev will, howevpr. Collect twen ty cents a head duty on the passengers, and small favors jnt now will be thankfully re ceived in Charleston. The floatiD? battery, which some of the papers, on the authority oftho Albany Even injr Journal, have reported bb capsized, has not yet been moved : that enterprising cno trtnporary of yours hns, however, probnhly anticiptited whnt I shall possible have to re mi' you as a fact, shortly. The name I gave it is becoming cpjite general, the sianKhier er,..cted, n obe aud a half story liame house p-n." Ft .oatino Battekt. 1 BCti hank barn, tfeizeel, taken in execotion the iikroe f italv. ! Jd u "id as the propeity or John Tho revolution whicli bus nr.ited Italy, and v,'n,e". .,d.. her ftve. giving her a Kin and Pallia.,. A -SO, at the same time and pluco a cor- ...e., nf ber own choosinrr. a rilace j the Tree peoples, and a voice in the world's ; n Ivancement. has been a war ol various nnd beautiful victories triumphs of devo tion, nnd magnanimity illuminating its own history With a thousand reflections of the heart an I soul of Oaribaldi. It is indeed n spectacle for the world's applause, and Christianity and civilization may well be ready with their chiiplets. when three such T,i?n as Victor Emmanuel, (Jaribnldi, and i'laldini. are met tocether on the) same field, for the same cau, in the same spirit, t Nor is it just to separata them: th"y ate run. ft trimitv of nobleness, hixI Victor , I'.inmnnuel, OariWnMi, Cialdini speak to- I pettier in the hitter's grand Order of the H.,.v: "rfot.titi:ns : We have fo-itht atf iinst Ital- ; iin; indeed, a cruel duty. Therefore, 1 r.mpnt invite yo'i to demonstrations oT joy to tho ex'iltinsr transports of conquerors, I esteem it morn worthy f yriu, and of tn, that we meet to.dny tinder the walls r.f d iet a. to celebrate a prand funeral mas. There we will pray for the peace of the tir iv. souls who, in his memorable siege1 fell fightinp, some in our own ranks, some on the enemy's ramparts. "Heath drops a monrnful veil over htimnn I rotill cts, end the dead are all equal in the eyes of tho generous. Our rage mnt not nrvivs) the comhnt ; the soldier of Victor Emmanuel fights and forgives." To pr iii such lanenago were presnmp- t'oi. il celebrates itself. "To conquer this way is to conqujr twice." C.issiiia M. Clay, t!ienew minister to thernurt of .Spain, was horn in Madison county, Kentucky, (ii the 19lh of October. 1SIU After studying io Transvlvnnia I'niversilv at Lexington, in that State, he entered the junior class of Vale College, uhere he graduated in IS:I2. and returned to Kentucky. He devoted himself tn the law, and in lfid.i was elected to the citato Legislature. lie was re elected in H37. and in lH39wasa member of tho National Whig invention, at llarrialiurg, which nominated General Harrison for President. Taking up his residence at Lex-r-Uton, he was elected to ihe Legislature in 181 0. He was, however, defeated in 1S4I, owing to hi opinions on the slavery question, which he every where fearlessly expressed. Ha denounced the scheme for the annexation of Texas, and in Ia44 traversed the Northern States addressing immense audiences in favor of the whig presidential candi date In lKLS he established the "True Ameri can," an emancipation journal, in Lexington, amid H'cal or. position. I' port the declaration of war with Mexico, he entered the service as captain of the "Old Infantry," a volunteer company which had distinguished itself at the battle of Tippeca noe in I Ml I. He was taken prisoner at Encar narioii in January, 1817. He was exchanged ami returned home in tha autumn of that year, and was presented with a sword ill honor of his services. In 1848 he labored hard for the elec tion of General Taylor, and in i860 presented himself as a candidate for Governor of Kentucky, on the basis of political organization against sla' very. He received some fi.OIIO vote. Ua has not since been a candidal before tha people, though active in political life. David Wilmot, the successor of Simon Came mn in the United rltates rlenate, was born in l'.ethan), Wayne county, Pennsylvania, on tha SOth of January, 111. H was educated at Hclhany Academy, and at Aurora, Cayuga coun ty. New Voik; read law and waa admitted to the bar in 1834. He waa a member of Congrea from 1143 to lH.M. and has tine been president Judge uf the Thirteenth Judicial district of Penn klvanis. and resides at Towanda. Bradford coun- (v. Pennsylvania. He waa a prominent member f the recent Peace rr.nfnrence, and has long en- inyeil a national reputation, vu is cnirny uisier .'uivhrd as Ihe author of tha celebrated anti-mi' i.rv provisn irlioilnrr.l while a mtnibrl cf C on. re.-s, and which bears h nsme. Time wss in nrviiij ol a f t buck." admin istered Io tiie youni; nisii uu aiirxcursimi ti.it ; wlu, in making his wa through the crowd, ven- I... ....... . . . lureu io lemarK mat "nonps malt up a great ueai ol room. "Not so murh as whiskey," replied a young miss in the assemblage. The returns of the recent census show that in Lancaster county, this State, there ia mora mon ey inveated in agricultural implement than in the Slates of New Jtreey and Delaware combined. An Irishman, who had laid sick a long time, was one day met by the paraih priest, when tho following conversation took place: "Well, Patrick. I am glad, you have roenvered but were you not atraid to meet your God 1 "Och I no, your riverance, it wa the meetin of t'other chap 1 waa aleared u." replied Pat. A piece of "and was recently sold in London, at the rate of 1 1.900.000 per acre, sufficient to cover il with silver equal to a half dollar in thick nces. New Advertisements. T: ii ij is u A l liiti V , FOR MALES AND FEMALES, i rtev. J r. WAMroi.B. A. m , tkinci- PAL, and Teacher of Latin, Greek and German J Languages. Mr. STEPHEN W OWEN, Teacher o 1 Mathematics and English nranches. ' I Miss C A KOI. INK KOI'IUGIJE, Teacher of Music on Piano and Mrlodenn. The Summer Sr.ion will commence on Mon day the First of April, IR6I. Good boarding can be had in private families in the village, either by the veek or by the meal at reasonable prices. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks. Common English Braches, $3,00. Higher, " " .00. Latin or Greek, 7 00. Music, (extra). 10.00. German, (ejtraV. 1,00. Elysburg. Pa., March 1661. tf rjRIKD PKACHKS. pared and unpared, at the Mummoth store of FRIL1NU A GRANT. A rrcali Supply of lry Good. C'ONSLSTINU in part of Prints, Delaines. ' bleached utid uubleuche.d M nslins, Checks Stripe Hunims, & DnlK Ac, jut received by K. li ul the Mammoth store of FRI LING & GRANT. NOTICE. jV'OTIf 'E is hereby given, that a lot of lumber --' was taken up while lloatiog in tha river 5tiKipiehaiina in Northumberland county by William Faulk, consisting of thirty. one LOGS, marked x. M. x IL. C. M. U.. i- C, J. N. B..0 R. A t..B. 1). N., J J. B. Ii., I C, U. E., S. E E., A with a Deer head stamp, und 13 not marked- a statement and description was filed io my office on the 21st ol Foliruary IS6l,at SSliSlll'KY, Northumberland county, Pa., for tha inspection of all concerned. Tha owner or owners thereof are requested to prove properly, pay all legal charges and take them away within three momiix or olhcrsnina the same will 1 e forfeited. FREDERICK LAZARL'S, J. P. Stinhnrv. March 10, ISG1. 3t SHERIFF SALES. HY virtue of sundry writs ol Ytn. Esponat Al. Ytn Erponui, At. Lrvaria Faeint anr j ioi 'in'ins. issued out of the Court ol Com- nutn I leus ol .Norlnuiiibetlaiol cuuniv. u.. , ,1IB directed, will be exposed to public, sale, ut the Court House, in the Kiircugh of Sun bury, on Monday, Al'KIL 1, ISol, at one o'clock, P. M., tba followiuir described real estate, to it Ail that certiin tract or piece of laud, sit- nate in Jackson township, Northumberland I j county, bounded on the north by Christian I Albert, ou Hi" south hy tlenry t oiler, on the : eo6l by Adam Eensl and on tho west by Joho I Wenriik, containing 100 acres more or less, ! ahont fift v of which aro rieured. whereon is v'uioi or pteco oigrounu s.luie in ine .Hn of Ml. Cartiiel, in Mt. Carmel townelii, Nor- j tl.umberland county, liein lot No. l'J in ; block No. 24, hounded w et by Mark't btreet ; luirth by lot 18 in sumo bloik, south by Sec j ond street nnd on thn east by Lemon street, containini; 2j feet in idth und 13(1 feet in I deptk, whereon is erected u two story frame I house and a Irame blucksin lii shop, now used ns a stable. Seized, taken in execution and I to be sold as the property of Jot-eph H. Was i ser, John W. Varnell at'.U Henry Sharp. ALhO, at the snie time and place, all that certain tract or pitrce of land mtuate in 'Lower Augunta township, Northumberland county, bounded north by land of John Fry, east by Franklin Klase and John Sun l.z, south by Jacob llartholomew and John Ma ' lick, and on the west by Caleb ISarret, con tainitiR about eighty-six acres more or less, j GO acres of which are cleared, whereon is ! erected a two story stooe house, nn old log ' barn, a cider press, 4c. Seized, taken in ex I rcutiou and to be cold as the property of Jul. u j Smith. ' ALSO, at the same timo and plaio, accr- 1 tain lot and a half lot of ground, situate in tha town of i revorton, -ibu towuship, Nor ! tbumherUnd co inty, boundud and described as lollows : Ua the north tiy siuatnoltiti street, on the south by an alley, on the east by Geo. 1 Keieer, oo the wet by Benjamin Kuoose id I block Xo. 117. No , cont.iinin( in width j37J fret and in depth ISO Tret, whereoc is reuted a ouo and n half story frame store I room. Also, two oilier lots in same town, , county, townslnd tn I state, bounded on the j north by Market street, ou the south by . in ! alley, on the west by Henry Shruiler. on the j east by Eighth street. No. 12 and 13 ID bb ck 67, containing m aidtb 23 led ouch, uud in depth 12.r) feet, whereon is erected a small frame bouse. Seized, taken in execuliou uud to be sold as the properly of Isaac Reiser. ALSO, at the same time and place, a cer tain lot of ground, situate in the town of M t. Carmel, in Mt. Carmel township, Nortlnm berland couuty, being lot Nu. 19 IU block No' 21, fronting on Maikot street on the west, and bounded by Second aired on tba south, an alley ou tha east und lot No. IS in samu block j on the north, containing 2.i feet in frout and I 150 feet in depth, wheron is erected a two I story frame dwelling house and a small frame stable. (Seized, taken in execution and tn be sold as the property of James nice aod Jos. B. Wasser. A I. SO, at the same lime and place, all that certain doublu two ktoty brick house, situate on the corner of Fawn uud Blackberry streets in tha borough ol Sunhuty, Pa., and two half lots of ground on which said brick buildings are erected, bounded nortb by lot of M rs. M. Haas and an alley, on the weal by lot of Ja cob Cable, soulb hy Blackberry street and on the east by Fawn street. Seized, taken io execution aud to ba sold as tba property of Jacob Weiuier. ALSO, at the same time aod place, all that certain two itory dwelling house or building, situate on lots Xos. C and 6 1 4 in block No. 8, bounded by lot No. & on tba west, by lot No. 6J on tba east, and on the north and sooth by streets io tba towo of Travorlon, said bonsa or building containing in front twenty-four feet aod in depth twenty tbrea feat, and tha said lota No. 6 aod C I 'i were returned by ths commissioners "ap pointed hy tbe court" as curtilage, aod direc tad to be sold as such. Seized, taken in execution, aod to ba sold at tba propertv of ! John Swift. Al.riO, at tha sama lima and place, all tha j defendant's interest in a certain tract of utr seated Isr.d. situate partly in Coal and partly i mi niinio'ii. 01 1 i. .a ortiuiniheriariil in rihamoti in t . connly, IViii finely or u i . aariai t kisi.i j It In ! a h'll.dtnl anil . 'II '.e A ,...f . Hsiiili in i i!j I i.i I t o or 17UI. situate on Little Mountain, and eiij. uning a stirvev on toe ral in (he name of liichard Lake. t-emed, taken in execution, and to b sold as the property of James VanOjke, Oc Satnrday, the 30h day of Marsh, 1861 at the Oonrt lloose, io tba borough of ton bury, North'd. couuty, at 2 o'clock, cer taiu out lot situate in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Peno'a, bound ed on the .South by Henry Jiaupt, oo tba east by Sryder'.own road, on the west by Cattawlssa road, oo tha north by Henry Weise, containing Gve acres 55 perches more or less. Also, another cnt lot sjtuate in the sama township, county and state, bounded on the north by Peter II. Masser, on tho west by Cattawissa road, on the east by Hnydertown road, on the South by Henry Weise, contain ing five acres more or less. (Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Weise. DA V 1 D W A L PRON, Sheriff, sheriff's Office. ( nrbnrv, March 15, 1F61. J J-A. CRAXTDALM" PATENT SPRING HORE. 470 BIIOASWAV) NEW TTORK. Should be in every family. School, Gymna-i-tim, Asvlum. and Hospital in tho land. Are not DANGhMtOUS, like the common Knrking Horse. 8tanils firm on ill Pedestal, will not veor CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the teet. 'Health ai,d happiness in lh samesndrlle." N r FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "Of all the child furniture we have ever seen no article combines so much of those two impor tant things health and happiness as the Ad justable Patent Steel fpring Saddle Horso, in vented by Jesse A. Crandall, It ia not danger ous, like a common rorking-horse, to children's tout ,-nnn,-it Iia tmsAt il.tnu ,,,1 Knar ra,nld I ' ', r .. . , . . ',.. ! stands firm on its base, and its action is so like the gallop of a live hore thit tho child never i wearies of it. rhis .stcst of rhild-novelties ia ex reedinglv elegant and artistic in design ; and o adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will j last a iiletime. It ia indispensable in every family where there are children. It should bo ! in every primary school and gymnasium in tho country, as It can lie made large and strong Miough to sustain grown persons. As a pedestal lor photographic pictures, nothing is more brauti lul. "Every fliphan Asylum and Institution where children are congregated, should be furnished wlth number ot these heautirul articles I hey are fitted with side-saddles when required." I DIRECTIONS FOR A PJCSTIN'G. Open the after part of the base sufficiently to allow the axle to go in its place; then raise or lower tho Hone to suit you. Screw the bolts in the aide vcrv tiibt. tlT These Horsos are WARRAFTED one year. March Hi, l-'Gl. tf SENT BY EXPRESS EVEKYWHEKE. mm Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Mario to MVasure at $18 per doz. Oil SIX FOR MSB DOLLARS, Tithout Collars on,lth Collarj on 3 per dot extra. MADE OF NLW-YOKK WILLS MUSLIN, With fine Linrn Bosyma, and warrante t ns pood a Fli'.rt us i.'l 1 in the relail stores ut t-,00 eah. AL'-O. THE VERY It EST PIItr.TS THAT CAN' T,t MAPI. AT fl EACH, p.'g, Those ho tliink I cannot mnke a eoM Hdrt for f l.H pt.-r dozen are cusuikeu. lieru's tliu cost uf one dozeu $1S fine shirts. f.D vsrds of Vew-York Mll'.s muslin at 14V- jot J"!- f M 7 yards of fine I.inen, al ioc )r yrd S M) Makinitan'l cuuin?, 00 J.rmdry, 1 i buttons oml rottun, GO 1 r Profit 2 W Total $!S 0U Self Measurement for Shirts. Prlntel directions sect free seerywhere, anil so easy to unclerstunil, that any one can take their own measure for shirts. 1 warrant a pood tit. The cash to be (iuid to the Express Cou.pm.y ou receipt of goods. The Express charges on one doten Shirts from Nrc Tork to New Orleans is (1. P. S. PARTUS WISHING BinitTS IX ITAfTr.not baring time to send for Rules of Measurement, should sen'l per mall, prepaid, one of the best tilting shirts they Lave got, stuting any alterations that may be required. T S. W. II. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, sUetwwn WUte & Walker 8trvcts, NEW-TORK March Ui, 1801.- tf State of the Bank of Northumberland. March 7th, 1861. Ixrfiiifl nnd fnwiMintn, i't-HimvlvHiiia hta( l,t'an. Notthuinbf rlui.d 1 tan it M)cki, Other Mix'ka Due hy c-tiirr B.11.V11, NiHt-ii Miifj t'lieeki ti uthrr Uunki, Sportf in Vault, Ileal l.fctutr. 3I.9II -l - 3I.7ID IJ 5.ICU UU 4.0011 ISI - ui 8.UI3 isi - Sl,6l IS t,5SS S eittV'Uo 3 IM.nn; a 3. II!) 77 7u.d:r. an:i m LIADIUTIES. N'ots in ciiruisiina, Uut nttief H-'iiils. n llepnSllnrs, " Cuiniiinuwenllh. e.l'l.lOG 5-J I certify that the above statement to Im e.reci and true to the best of my kanwlnli!' and lieiief. J. R. PRIKSTLLY, Cashier, tivnrnanrt subscribed beloreme, Match 9, IH)I. Gsoq Mianirs. J P Ir. jTlFcCAKTY, DENTIST. OF FT.K his proW-Mi'insI eivu-ri in tn cuilrns nr lonhuivaiiil vieinitr (lr,,-,u.Maiaeliqaaie,aunor.wc.... in. ri-.n-., ml sl.trv Sunhury, March , IMI m nnvrrrvriflV t DII7Q TiAV! X-o COLLllUaAUlit iuia 1VC. C OEAKHAT, (INSTANTLY keeps on lisnil all kimli of tOiileclionane, rrun ano i oys, uim no is selling at wholesale and retail. Having the necessary machinery Ac, he is manufacturing all kinds of Toys, and keeps up his stock, so that purchasers will not heat loss for supply of almost any article they may desire. APPLES! APPLES!! APPLES!!! Just received, a large lot of apple, which hes selling at wholesale and retail, at low prues. liiva ua a call. M. C. GEAKHART Ruubury, Match 5, 18KI. tf OUK NEW CLOAK UOOMS TAIN Kleoant I'loth t'lnaka CON. , V.very new style Coat wnri Cloak. Woolen, Hroche and Thibet Hhawls. niOPF.K CUNKAlt. ' enrnsr Ninth and Maiket, Tb'la. I "w'!'"''l' jiiusujii -.sVal vtr . , WUI Will I W UT s . COME FROM THE .OJ! TU. COME FROM THE SOUTH, I COME FROM THE EAST. CO Alii FROM IHE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves liomra, for new ia the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yea, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ' LUMBER ' ! can I purchased allow rules . I the 8TB AM MAW-MILL of " J'm IlliiV, Ti CXlI2XvCIirXT,7 fcJTj-UB trie's", 1?A.., Such as Panel Lumber. Krarue Lumler. Boarils. Siilmir. Sliinirl riun A:! t., td ' Widing. Shinglca from :t to grj per thmisand, flastenng l.atli, 1'aling, Hoofing Lnth, Ac., Ac. All bills ordered, for anv kind of Lumber, will be furnished at tho shortest notice IRA T. CLEMEAT. Punbury, March 9, 1NCI. Register's Notice VOTICE is hereby given in all Lrgruers, Cristil.'rf .eiwi a.1 otboi pertims intem(1 mi the iMtiuwini.- emaiei, IIimi tllHt the KErt'iilors. Administrators amt fiijniditnis f tiie nte tinve nte.1 their account wild the Krenter !' .Sortl-un,. i.erlumJ noiiiitv, Hnil thm the same will lie ptesenled to Ine Urphana' Cuuit of smd county, nn Tneailav, Hie HO .ley ol April nexl, in the toieiKKm uf that day, lor c nronui. tlon, In wit : I fiKinnn K. Anders n, drce.ito.1, "i-oirj ,y her Ail miiiisirntor, Junoti Vorily. X tjenwel lHiuel. duceased. Bell)! hv hia Pirnl... Dhiio.'lil. Ilt'miil. if Diooiiuaron, ucceaseo, settled ny Jmncs 1 arcirr, AUilllinslrnlor ul J;innl Vandyke, who Wus Lxecu'tul ol I BHid Jnuoii Hloonl, deceRSed. i t Housh JmcoO, deceased, minor childien, srtill liv I j their tieardlioi, John Mi-CoiiuN k. ' j ft Cmirn'J fMrah, deceased, s-tlled liy Atnahim Siiipnnn , and Daniel O'onrait, her (jiiaruutn. H liorniifu tlniurl, deceased, suttled by his Adinmistis- , i tr, Himuel H. linrnsile. 7 irk (icoiR, deceased, Sett'ed by his I'xecut'Ms I I Ooo'te Keretettrr and Mn liael lletk. his Kxeeutors. j B bewalt KlizihrOi, dectvue.l, settled by nor AdiniRia trator, John C. Helnny I I Oray Win, M., deceased, settled by Teter V. Grsv, . his i.xecutor. IU Oass Matthias, deceased, sctlleil by his Adinmistra- tor, John Kaukel. i II r'arnsu'orth Mary, deceased, settled by her Admiian- ' trator, Peter Maluk. I Isl liciui Geuge, deceased, settled by hii Administrate 1 Johnlleiin. IJ Henry Mason, deceased, settled by his Administrator I Michael Arnold. II L-hi Uauiel, deceised, settled liy his Administrator i isaac Allien, IS M alter lleniy, deeoaseil, stttiedby Francis Kurher, one of his Klecutot. Iti Milieu 'i'lioinasj., settled ty his GuurtliHii, Fame worth Heed. 17 Mnsteller Oeorre, decensed. icttlt d by bia Ailmioia trator William Trinii.ue. 1 I'eiller Isaac, deceased, settled ty his Adunnistiator Willinm YerKer. ST. VJ rinllps lilizalieth, deceascil, settled by her Adooii istrator. S. U Unyer. ao Watson John, deceased, settled by his Flecutot, .Moses Chaintierliii. 'il Vasiine William, deceased, settled by his Adminis trators, Anuts Yasune, jr., Jacob II. Vastintt and ilujfiill. Vastlne. 'JJ aitinan Joseph, deceased, settled by his Adminis. I Iraior I'eter Weil. It till IdUir'S (Mlice, J. 13. MAS-SI'.it, Register. Sunhnry, iMjitc Ii tl, InSI ' ; L ;OR TRIAL in Uie Court nf C minion l'lwi nf N.-r- UiuinLteiiuuu county, at April Leim. Ibltl : rt.Aixiirvn. DunsNiajin 1 John P. Summen vt. John MoIvt-'iuuM. ' Win 11 Irviniii vb Jnhn Mtl.et, 3 OenrifB Lynn v Kayly, Kubirn. At C ., 4 Jutin iiict-ul, dec, Adin'r v Ltnvtfi W at -n. Cat-'A . F.xtriMtor, I 5 K'lwanl IJetfenileut vi Wemt Mrnnch lunurance C-, ! 0 tVler lieiiiiiiigui vit llaupt A L"n;, ' ? John Vincent, dtc., A J n'ra vt UaviJ Vat ti( di c't! , j Executor. ', t Ira T Clrment Jamet Cenrrf, lieorpc liioi')na, drc f Adm'rs vi Tetor Uixler, ! In UhvkI Snyder vt Thnma liurr, i It Inane Ku)p viJenny and June Ilelteom Fennyparcr I Vi Dnvid Lewi .Miller v Dr. iim I- rnnprnkui. i Vi Minf V 1) K Arnwine ami wile. I 11 Philip Hilgert, dep., AitrnVn vn Dnvn) huhtsu. li, I IS S't!.ini(in buyuef v W , amlKiley ll;ttitin, i 1 i S. li Mauler vi Hig Mouniin Inipn.veiiieiit l' i I? Gross nnd Knnkle v J iuiet Coveit, i lrt .Matthew C (jetty va Chrutiau Altert, 11 ) II inrhach hi id wile v lulian Dnenlwirh. '.M Ahrnhatn Grrmnn v Jtiicph ircm ai.rt Kr-.1 H nvr n i ' il Jume Maltine vSmiinkiii Valley IMltavtile Hull rNi1 Cnmpany, "il P.iLrirk J Qninn va llt-roy KmlTinnn. j W Commonvejltii lui J chuiiuiiiy va Janiei V.m ! and Jiail, ! 'Ji .leaae C Iforton v Clement and Wntzel, V5 Lviencc Tieiney v Willinm H .Mhtt, tin- Nagle, Winitr & Oo. va J -hn U JcMk. J? IImjsJc Hweuri liriiiainin Shmn I SM Michael Graham va Kalph U. Rie, de'd , Kx'r, f fcimi va (jO(Mlni;.ii nnd Altd;e, j UO Oforcu C McKre va Jctih Line, ! f.crt;e K IVimyl var Lloutv tmri n, j Dunul Kohrhacli va.ldui 1 Ut tnk j tU JoIim Kcitervi J thn linjilcr t 31 Unttficl Kline va (t-irfeC McKe j mJitcob Krrderiok valiulfli It'-plc, d -r'd., V.x't Hi I'ltilip Th"pp. dcct1, Adoi'r, v (.iiul W Hep'.i.f. 3? Henry Ta'-li tpp, riee'd, Adiii't, v Charlea W H't;nii, ;H l.lirifli'iii I no lit 'pp. dT u Adnirm C ha W Hfutn. 3'.) I'ciiiiaylvniiia Statu Lunaiiu Aio lum a .oiihmiil)i - t land countv ' -1" Ji'lm Kriter ftliJ W ife V KcrfVl A Shiirr, 'I'lte lirt fu'lerii ut the Bl--ve Muted vhh will 1 h.r trial the lies', week, and the Utlnnre ir i he srvnnd vvft-k UAMKL HKL'KLLV, I'uilhuiiotHi . PfMthnintnrv'B (ihfe. ; Siiil.aty, March 1, lfc Tavern and Liquor Store License. i "VOTIOr. ia hereby iven thit Ihe f"H"Wiiifr imti'i-l II person have filed thr-ir pel itinns in the Pr"thoiwlar ' CJih-e. ad that ihey will apply the nrtt Court ul (.umttr . IScanions nf the Peace of NurihuMilierhtiid com tv. t n l.u c-iin f x Taveraa and Li ju jt Storea. unilcr the Intt n;t i-i" Aiseinbly : iSroBtta Not Lm than a9 rt. Paniel Prnr-kemillrr, hunhiiiv, J"tvph Hill, Sliuiuiikin, t'oiti t"Wiirijip. i Sayrt-s 9c Foiayth. Ticvortmi. H"nry Peekert, uiihuiy. ' (iroifje HiiRht, I Wiitwin II Lerrh Mttunt Carmel. 1 Cvrup brown, M iltnn, 1 JohiiKt'hrt Milton. TAVIRNa. Galen G Smith, old taud, Jat-kan tfwnh'p. Catherine Clark, Jortlm, JlCoh Ti'lit', . " Wm. Sfiwrtf i, " Kltuv Shaffer, ' Daniel Htim, Tpper Mahonoy. Jntiaih-in S-fivri. new Btnml, Jncka n t-Avi.:..p. Ifdfiev H. Kebtck,old aland. Vuhiii(?toii township. IVter Weikcl, Khxitrtri Rikcr. Jnhii Kiiit:inmiit D'iiim'I Herb, Atiriiiiiim Kotheimel, fiirp W. Artxtgutt, K"tii Viet, Will Krhrri, lt:illP M tllrT, Wm. Mtttu, limicl Smrii f ir . M .McDowell, I.itllt; M:t!ionoy (leurLrlxWil I'pper Miilii'iwr Wnsliint in t'lwn.n.p. o M.iun'l 1'nniif !. Mount Cailni-I. Csinernn tiiwiislnp " I'ntuuriive. 4'llllilsquHiiIS lUMKI. lil.i KI.KY, rr .li.' Pr..lhnn.itarv's OrTu-r. Siiiibury. Mauh S. Itl i 1TOTICJE. OTIL'E is hereby given, that lot of Timber ' was taken up while lloatins; in the MuMjiifl- i haniia river, near Cieorisetow n, Northumberland county, on iho I'ilh. l:tll) and 1 lit) day i f l ib- , ruary, A. lb IHfil.by Jacob Aumtller and Isaac . Uobb, com-inting of ten While J'nie and Hemlork l.lHiSI, marked 0 ix in, K it K, Ii it , tl f ' Ac E. M Ac H, U Vc S. M It. A list ami de scription uf which ia lodged in my ollire al Georgetown, Lower Miihunny towuship, Nor- ; thuinberland county, !., lor Ihe inspection of , all concerned. The owner or owners thereof are reques'.ed to prove properly, pay all lecal charge and take It away within three month from the date hereol, otherwise Ihe same will be ; forfeited. 1. H. KKsSSLEIt, J. ( : d'eorgelown, Feb. 2li, 1S61. mur. !, Bl EXECUTOR'S SALE. P I'RSl.'ANT to tbe dircrtion. eontai'ird in the Inst will ami testament of II irinon , Miipnisn, ilecea.eil, ine uiniermjneu win eipose ; o I'uhlie ale, on the premises, on ISA'I'I IUIAV, ! . ....,,,,. l-til ..i.i.., Tract or l'lice of Land, ailuala in Lower An- 1 (tuals townsnip, iioruiumoerianu couuiy, i eniia.. . . . . . . , of ,ul UerEslreer. ailJ olU:r I .... ... fl land of Ihe said deceased, ami others uu the iou,, . allj 0f Lot liergstiesser on the west ;. ' anij U John ami Jamea oniron, on ine norm j j olnt,r anj 0f Ihe decedent (being part ul the aame tract) ou the east, containing about sixty one acres, about fifty acres of which are cleared, and the balance well limbered, about five acres is good rr fadow laud There is a small apple orchard on the premises. elale to commence al 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when Ilia terms and conditions will be made known by AUK All AM bAhVK Eiecutnr of the last will and tests mi nt of Harmon Hbipman, deceased. Lower Augusta tp., March 9, ! I . -It I sawrivitnw HIIAHtS A very fiue and 1 cheap assortment, just received by Hail- : I road from New York, al ihe Mammoth store of filling fl tirant. We have also for sale . H. . Pninam V Co's cfbrhiaUd Pauut I'cnduluin . , Cuiuin fii'iue I Orphans' Court S.tlc. I. pursuance olau order el the Orphan' C"Ufl of iVorlliuinberlaiid reunly, will br tipurrd Io public aalc at the Court House in ths borough of i S-uubury.on Halurday, Ihe 30th day ol March, 1 innt., at one o'clock, P. M., of said day. All that I rertain messuace and lot of ciouml. situate in said borough, bounded north by Cranberry street, nut by lot No 09, south by nu alley and west by Doer street, and numbered in the general plan of F"il1 borough as number 100. It being the south, n hall mI l.rt. coi.Uln? on the nortl, on llie of t ,nlnK,iig to VNilliam 1 oungman, about fiO feet anil in depth 100 feel whereon i ' rreciei) a two story frame tlvielling house I'rontiiig on Ieer street, lute the estate of William t.'arr, deceased. Terms ami cainlitiona of sale will be ma!le known by 1'j;ji.:j' III.'PF, Adm r. 11 v order ol the C.niit, J. IS MASTER, Clk.. O. C. Puubury, March 0. iHtil. OliPHJNS' COURT SALE ! N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' t ' " of N orthiuiibi rlanil contitv. will be exi our: poed to public sale on tiie premises, Sadm.'HV, the Mu'li day of March, inst , ail lit rerhiin Iiiinseni.il Lot of (irouiid, situate in l! c town of MiamoMn ill said county and iitiuibered ill ibe freni ral plot or plan of Haiti town m Lot No. ITU, boiioib .i on the north by Dewarl trirt, on tiie mmth by fun burv rtrcet, nn tiie east by rt S:iv', nnd o:i I wr 't by Shnmokin steit, ront.iinip in fiont twenty-right nnd a ball' leet, ntol in depth nl 'Jut two hundred feet. To Nt sold b the estate o.' William A Harrison, a minor rhild of Aniendu llarrieon, late of M aiiiokui, deceased. '1 he sale to oinmenre at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day when the terms and condition o nic will bo made known by AI.VIN li. Jit.GliF.S, (niardiui. liy order ol the ( 'ourt. i .1. II MASTER. Clk. O C. Sunbury. March 0, iHfll. i Notice to the Heirs of the eet.ite of Jacob Lres'ilcTf deceased. Xorthwitou iiwl ( ii i.e. ly, ,S, AT an Urplmua' (Jnurt for tbi count y of , Nortlitiitihi'i Iuihi. ht jSiiiidury, on tho ' 1 of Jumii.ry, iSfil ; in tho nutter of tin pptute of Jacoh I'irfh'.or, (Jtre-if-Ki, tiie Court , granted n rui., directed to tiie Loirn ant ingul ropreppntdlivcs of suid iltcfdttit to Rtcppt or reluno t tukw tho rnni estttto of t5uul dcccdtTit ut llit vuiuiktioti. t( wit : Uanicl Irei-e!vr, roniiling in thn tnlr of llliunid ; John lrt:.-?. ' lor, ifoscpli 1'repsiVr, Siuh DunicI, Inte ha riih refisipr, llaiitiuh UrnrisliT, it.toriiihrritd ; wilb M irhanl Dmpriok, (Jacoh lreelrt Klin 1 Prffslor und 1mhc IrtfU'r, who nro minorR, , nnd havo for tlioir puardian Solomon liit ninn) Ilarnt't. intnnm n d wi'h lfiijHium St jip, who is iJt'CeuHi'd, leavitij! hvr !.t.ahnd( I'-onj-nun StrMi,Hijt vi iiiojniH child, num ly. S ji uh 1 Janu rsiej.ji. wlio i? u ti.iti'T, at'd ha lor Ur ennrtii'in Ji'-t jauvn Sttpp, n'.l of No;t!.uin- . Ijcrhmd comity, rirn..ytvnii..i, t j h m;d up- ! pHfirontho lirm Mndtiyot nt-Xt Trrm :f Miid Ct.-ut t, v.. : tho f.Thl Mummy of April . iip., to nrccpt or rr fui to 1 1 t !, f-nid ri"il 'hi;o nt tlio Vii'uatioi. thoivot, rr ni-ow ca'io w hy ti.u Janu should i.ot h i u coriin: to llio Act of the lii'iM ml ApsMTibl in j-uh ca;pp mudp htid prr-v-d.. All id' wire!, tho Sfi.d hrli'M.r th s?iid ,1acrN I r-r. i!fi't-as(-d, nijd n!i other piifui.-i itiNTi't-U'it, wwi picueu tnhe notice. ' ortT c f t'tf f 'not . J. II. M ASsKK, CI';.. M c ! 1A Vil WAI.! MN", sl,n,(T. MliT:! 'tilbury, J'"i (.IIH. n;, l- ! jt V' vin..vii roi.s.t .::. .S. . corner o' Stvith r;il ( 'l,r..'iu! .rrt, T'ip. Is 'MH- i 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 I' C Ui i.r.i.i Tl' v TUN- ! ',T( TIN'. N.1. i.UAI.'.'." I .'r Trl in V...W Ci:-.. A v. r... I l!K ' -N A- -1' i. Hill I.I'M". I l.i''i'.S I'll Ite I" vliitseil alenti.'i tnii;i. &. . l nl h II lim r- j'-.'. s Tin: c'ni,i.i;i;ivn: cui 1:1: f'niirsi'ri ll. i.lt:.-a:,t Si .; Kii'iv II " i; K.-,-; i..c. I' ' i. -.v,.,. f i.: .i. m, i..n-M.c.... I .ii. . l'i . !, ,.,;. i:..H:i.'.--s I 'I I f.ji..ll, 'fill'. , l'.il;,"-in Kt'.l . li, l'i; c i ir.i. i t. i kiiuic-i 'I nr Ti'.M'l 11' HI 111." Il.'..l.c-ijilrp l','i rt'ttli' l.t I. in. ! Il"1ll Writliil lii.iiiLsi-l ll't I - -1 1 1 - K . .ii Iiil'.. -li'' :-i:lur-s. in.'. Ii'iii'l,.l"iril cIim-h' iI i.s ; in ai ni'i 11 II I.I iii;:i wli.i h. in I . i.'i t, i''ic f,.i II I t II'. chr.l H ,.,l.:. : .,tr I t'tr I : itititrt ; Hi- ni't .v Sfui. -r.s i. ;.:: ('"niiii'tii s"i.,.i. Him, Sin,...!.. Hut . rl I ;tll -h'h I ..iiii:ificii,I Miiitlu'l's t'l'lilii'- rcii! I.MVI'. t'V I .1' Ilk ill,' a: U t t.1 VUl "I i-!i. 1. 1 I '.'IIiCiii llone ; It,-;. . Aullill -'tl,' i It; :j.t An,... llrJil. I, 1. II. prr.scKui.w ?vsti:m op pcn.m a.nsiiii, in s s-Tinrniii-li i"ks, Nl- IV II MM-M-l.it. I" K fl'KNTKlJ, Ji.. Tiwhrr nf IVi-.tiuiikij.. In'' Vutiii. Iiistrufliun Sl'Mfitis i-nt'i I nn tune. Iijli inns nw;iril,'d. l' I'nr I Ifi' T'l'l 'I I'lr.-i. u ., i-i Ml t' r'.'i.c t .! i:;:v N r. M k l I u it I'.Ml. I! K KclTOiuy V.'J, ly I'ilila.ll'l, il'M. I O AI.I. 1 !3(K SI ivi; Farms, Parks cr Gardens, IX CKNTiiAl. ri'.X.NV I.VA NiA. A laic rlisnre i.i n. 'v alTiril'il tn select ami order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Viiim. ShTUt-ry, At.. . t'ptm ttir tf lehrittt'tt Cl'ver Mi! PROPRIETORS Wil t Irnr" t' ii.iiiouiu' ifi.it ifity urn pfrmcd through ttu'ir j i i u 1 1- uil it r. s v u n si m u i: a v. t p. T ihfctrft-u'.e tt.t'ir .iJitU"r ' fit lao uiiHt leL n-i ,.e t ii.if. Am SmS m ls I . ky S. .fc. m J 1iveisnl Nst.ne iiiii! tin-lirl'it ifnl. fu..l i l.t 1 rIirli rl f.-r i.nir iiiti-lMgi-iice, M'-iltfi. nM r:,.i'y s.iil tJk'.e, i: .,i i. Itie tune tn in.i'ue yui srlei-ti. wia lr.nn mir IH'.Si'lUl'iiX T. C TAl.lllM'M AMI I'l.A I T. li"OK, Whll'll will be l'iiriillir.1 vn, It-r.-ilkrli enr I.'im'. i i; u . si ; nniiv.'ii ilmy nst Hbs.iiid tliul )"Ui onters Ml., uu ii.'iii'fa. b!v liln-il. I i luill.ei i.'ir'.i.-iit 'vs S"''' tn fiii:ui:r.KK a. mhwi:. Wi.ii'' li.i.r, r . 01 joiin n jom:i, Aui ntt.ir V-riliiimVr; inity. REFEHENCKS: ll-n. I'fUAI-.ZHt illtll TIN. R.n-I.e.ler. N V. I.. i JilhS i. M.HH M I'll. I'm . Va. I'. l J. K. JI'llNMI.N, MeaiUiiir, I'll. I'ebiuny V. l-til '"'in ITiOCLAMATION- V(li;K is hereby Riien that Ibn si-.eral Courts of C'oiuinon l'leiis. (ieneml IJiini ter Sessions of the peace, aiurOrpluins' t'ourt, t'ouit of Oyer and Terminer and tieueral Jail lleliveiy, in anil for the county of Northumberland, to commence at thu i'ourl lKuse, in the borough ol Kunbury, at lUo'eloik, A. M. on Monliiy, the first day of Al'lill., next, ami imII roniiuue two wki:ks. Tlu coroner. Justices of the I'eare and consta bles in and for the cnunH of Norl'muul erl.in.!, are requested to bo then and there in iheir propri i r aoua. Willi tnt'ir robs, rccoros, innui.tliiiiis, ami oilier remembrances, tn do those things to their Several ollires appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting ill behalf of the Common wealth acainst any iiriaoner are also requested and commanded to he then and there attending ill their I nroiier iiersons to proseeule aaatnst bim, as shall i' .l . . i . ...i.i 1....... it...!. ,e just and not to depart without leave at their , nril. Jurors are reiiuested lo lie punctual in their . alUndunce. at the tune appointed agreeable to their notices tiiven under my hand at Punhiiry. the '.si day of March, in the year of our Lord one thous and eigh' hundred and siity oiie and the Independence ol the I'uiled Males of America the utiih. (jod save the Commonwealth. II Will W A I. I'KOX' , hheiilT. PbriifTs (llfice Suiibuiy, Marc' f. !!. ; - ; ' .-vr,. - cuMMKJiciAJi M;Kji.i':,;ii;s. ir.il. HOOKKK, eVr C3t,. lini tir.sii ii. X'. Y JOHN W. JirCHKR. Local Apint.SMinhury ! Pa. ffhfl suhscrrWr, having l,e i n H-iIuti-, locnl i A. Agent fur the sale of Krnit tre. hnre, vines, cVc, of one ofthc moit reliable Nurseries, i calls the attention of all w ho want choice fruit to J this method, as more cet tain than by obtaining them through traveling Burnt A mom; tlne . ileserilM'd in the t'alulo.m are, Dwail Pear 1 Trens, ot the ae f.f tisiisplaii'M.ir, reooirkaMy I line. ! Dwiuf Apjde Trees, on Paradise Sun ks. i a- kmit beaunlol little I I. r te ide,,, i,n,l pro. dui it. remarkably fme jn .iin.-os ) fi ,,i ,., a veiy eboit time. ii.. ..r i i 'f- . ... . i.rrr it re, liilnu. ii on y. a,, !, Stocks, li.ttidHiitite tices. Mafdatd Apple. IVar and Cherry Ti.rs n-y loir, wiih a larn iiri f varirtiea. I'eai-li, I'ioio, Nectiiriiie and Apnn.t J i. e. JooieiHUT. bl.o.knirrv ami Mraw berr Plan's ail of the fnest kilnU. Ctiiiiinia, niaov nriv niol nii; iiviol vaiores. , such ss Chrrrv, loir t.r.ij.r, bite tiund o.tn. Kril (.rape, Virio'.e, A-, S'rinviiiory Plants, in i-teai v.,,o-'v, ii;ciin:ini( tho Hookei, I, ion's ."i i ...i i: y , '1'iioin jilue or Gjod, (theiiioKt appiovtd old vaiioiie.. u.s well aa all li.e uuvritii-s. 'iraie Vine, including til line, rnv, M.t will ti'sled kiln's. birii no lanler ';ol.i,ir mliioul, such is Didaware, t'oii iurd, and tlait lord Prolilic. These we Itive propngau d ,i i x unain ly us to ab.e to olii-r liiem at reduced and a.tt. 'factory pric.a. Pla'-ls. Kivra. Evrrvjrf eir sinl very variety of oriiaini'ti'al trees and .';ni ubbvry, securely packsid' JOHN W. ISI C11IIK. Agent. Sunbil-y Ph. Sunl'urv, lVbuiiiy. K, lnt;i. loop: heke i i Han and Woman should Look to their own Interests ! ! TO3 niul ml f:ir sirnn kiml of ODfS AM) frllOKi linn tiiu should look nroun i nml urn tvl pre itie ('hr.TKt. IJ.'st miii l.nrgcui nn t- iv.i'nl run he (iiunil U srlirl Irnm, rihI ivliftrn-r tho pi'iKon wlio hi'IccUmI tiu m is compcli-nt to innki-a g.ioil fcolpction. I will kiv I'mt mv slock has lirpii pfli'clnl l v one wlio Um hni! irHttirnl exjioritni'i' in the hii'inrss for annul thirty ynri. I will also nJil (hat I imi m-II, nd will s-l, chrnper than you ran buy at reluil in tlicciiv uf rhiliiilclphi beciuiKi riv fr.t and Jiving i nut one half a murh m i.ii u- and 1 can buy k ehoiji us fury cnn. An to the modi; ufo'mi -u.i!u'Rit in tiir rouri Irv, it in oi.ly m rrssi.ry to say. it in n.'raily iliine, as you ail know, on a long crriht, am! I say to you all il you ii hu-inrsa in tins wm you must Itt mr say ii" you huv o.t llools nrd Mtors at a en ilit Mori-, you nri lmui.il Ij hil;i ;j liav for Mi ird iicngl.t hy thou who do in, I iav : The man who doc .4 not pny. tiiimi buy ina u.ioN , nnd Miues ut u crt'dit coiiiiiit. and il ou i.ty nt the danir c uinti t M u munt In iji to iay Hii tiie ; losses mailo ol ihot tonnliT. 'J liu.1 you wiil m' that t!m HooM ami Shucj lii'tiiit at loy rounUT min't iir jiatd tor nr tho (ihu tlu-y aro but ':it--- In litolt cr Country ltoUiif. i so loiU every nian. Woman ami rhild !inll htvc ! thi'ir Doots nml Miora at a I.IHV J'KlC'i:. h thrrr is iinihn to Iih joiiil fir loni and interval. ', It is inlposib!o In pive you a iit ol all my 'Hit, im I bac no many ihtVireiit kinds of Boots and !hot-sj, lor men, Women and clitldren, of ALXj SIZES &. HINDS. i (.'oarm a!iil I ine, Heavy and l.ii,!it, aud aiso 1 (lVi;i:sK)KS ol ml hinds; and alio CARPET BAGS, VALISES, A N 1) 7 i:U.N ICS nf nil kiiius. at iliirerent un.f. t-iif' (laiiera, ironi 1 ' to 4 DM. " li.ii is, ' ij S,l to 6 ('). " Mini.a, " -r '.o 'i to. l.njics' (iailers, Irom Iju to 'i b'l. ' Siijiiers, Irom dd li 1 '.'. ' Kill Kreiuh and Men' .Vturoc.-o, arid ' jrnin and rail' skin at d liur. t.t t.itcei, from ilULr to hrj. IJ.uk Mima, from i)ii cts to ti',j, . Mens' Mines Imm (' ris to y I .'id. ' Ii.'a Mioea Irom 75 els- . I .'.tl. I llllc'rt lis' Shoes lio"l'(l to Ml ' i cenls. I.iidiei and l.-ienileineu of uriliurv. lint fir- ' nettiiiu to iiii hiuti Willi you a Isrqu portion of .Nortbiiiiitieiiuiid. Nnydi-r and (.uiou Ciiiiiitiis. ou all have my sincere think lor tin: Mtrooae I huie t. i-eivrj Irom jou ..r Ihj K iv wn i,. that , 1 have been dviriir business in .::ii..i y, ;m ii-em-ber the pldC, Mniket PHr.'rt, next il.ur to tbe I'n-'l Hiliie). I ileserine it tl.us, l!iut yot.r t'rieinis may r.ut r.ia'ne a io'nti'.', where ihone , thiiiai' are to be found. 1 wiii nho say t.'ial there seeiiin Io he a trouble about tiie Dai.ks. I .ay ' (live youiseif no tumble about any of thrm ivithin tilly nil lis of tins plnce. As I am de- ternuued aud intend to bark them tip bv rereiv itU' tin ir lolls at par ut my rounter, so be lint troiiiiied, the banks are good, uud my Hoots and Mines are K,,0ih tbuy are all made for tbe good ' of man lobe u.n-ii. uud lint Io be u'"u.-..'l. WK.I.IAM M. APsl.EV. uu.iUry, lccemhcr IfUi. ! xve and LEARN 1 ri:ori.K i-kt Tin: STU.I. f(iimi; AM TiiKY V.I I J II 0 N LEARX TEAT I'M LING c (.RANT. M' MAMMOTH STORE, A EE i. 1.7. .; GOODS GIr.TlJ.JPlE:iPi than can be j uiilius. .1 eisi'rt hue. V I'lLSII BUPI1 a. V ' list teciivril by Kuiiroud llii wick, UilMUMUKK 'I His, AMI rr.cn r is v ir. funbury, IVi'fnihcr l'i, IhSO. !l si Tlttf - fM tm W W tCmm S JmVmm. m IW fKillTV THOl'SA X 1 I1ALKI I.s I'l l p. UiM'l'l'., maJe by ttie l.otli Maiiutai linn. Co., lor sale in lot to suit purthaMis. '1 Ins is tne Cheapest l'ertiliier in inatUH. v.nnli w ill manure an acre of com, will iiu rese thn crop Irom one.lhild Io one hull, und will nj. n t'.e cmji two weeks tailur, ami, unlike K' .ii. . neither li jure tiie seed Imr land. A pai.i in. t, with s iltslaitnry evidence and lull pirtn niiirs. wiil be sent Kratis to ai-V one seiuliiig a l.I.er. tn l.Hl'l MAM f'A( 1 I I.i l l ' . ID II r. i n til U haivts, 1 uiia.ni, l.'.i. I'.bu.i.y, (j, litil. K'l J A M i: S 1! A U U K K ' W 1IOI FS4I.K AU P KT A II. i j (r I" l'C'nj J I YV w -"v 1 C T ' f .,..,.,.- .it.. I "..r.,i IMillatlclplila. A0,; r.i:vcv f.nm i'atkxt i iii ai.iim; nim rv t-S, listels. Knit., i'oli'tlnie II. (.., I'ttilwis. r. Ais i, M iiuulariiiirr ,f I INK 1I4 l'I.N-. I'l.H-k. riMileil suit wui lamed I'li.'S '1 1 1 mini i tf. "I ,l rt) ileTiiiii a. ruiiu.ve.liis, Jaiiuuir im, l-ai --;i- 1! AK Iron, Slerl, Xuils, Picks. Uriih-llnr. at Mason llaminers, at Imv ni. , .. iii nm c a. i. rsiiiih'i", Jure -1, IHOil. Lyery X- r-XCITCKKNI Or iaL SEASON : at tiie MAHIJ.0TII STORE, iift''e jo: I rivr ivi 1 .NEW AND PE-MRAPT.!, n-.oi.. s - , , ' A III cV I '1 J'i Si Cif)()I)- A vo' y e.t tensM e bssoi toien' of I.AI'II'.S' .U5K.-;.s (;()f)Htv 1 oitsifciinn tl. par". c:y choice p.if.e. nisek I Miey r.M'.in;f;i:,f. i.'Ural-., Casmi-ies f'reuch and I'rIii Mer-.n-i. I'Ih'ii ai..l l i jir.l W'cl rf1ft;r-" Muslin l'elainrs of ail 'lfs nnd pr!( s foulard-., Thibet (.'loth, Toil I)e I'hevioi aTon'and Wool I'lai.l.. I -.DIE' vvr,x, !5i;o: in-. Day Mate ami riety, Ac, Ac. i'ooi SHAWLS of mm. ((Mitteinen's Dress (soor, of every stylo, ronsiatinij nf C int. is. C.'a-: ie. MattiuelH. Kentueky Jeans. Tweeds. S el vet Ci'r ;'. 'elvptesn, Nestinr-.. of every variety, 'lur stork of hilk ai'il . Velitl 'pstings. ruiinot ho surjiHi-scd in '1 coiii'ry. l'lnse call and examine tl.em. CLOTHING ' Ouriot cf KAUV M A DI C'LOTIMA' Ua hot, rtplcurvhed. and we hdvn full n v tittttt ut iiVUKCOATsS LUK COA'JS. Hhd Vti.stH, til". id fill RL'I A I. SO, a vary hiidtini esAortmritl if HATS AIsriD CuAw.2?3 cjf '-.iy Hy.'t' a::d itriity t the !uwt rt irrr. 0t ..f HAKDWHKK hi Uwn tr.nv rd nnd r Iiavu low a larger rtor,tnrnt f n h ri fver tul'ti tilt red tj our cuwroinoro, c.itid'Stln,? in pari ut SjUbSgt OtltdTO. ruch.tl t'utii'i;'. it utcisC r K ;in Mnyer tlinz'a, li-iil b;iJ Pud !,ur; . X Cut .i.vi. Ac. Ac, tr . , J - , , -. t li l. u w k h j- v r i c t: . Hur stock o' s n ts srs w jt .Tb a u O i. wry f.ne. We have tbr Una .jur : it v ol 'y: Mo;.ses ever belom olh.ro to lur u'Ut-i.s Jiiourv ami itctnity. ( ' K 1 1 A R writ A Mi WII.LOW-W Ai;t; II. ...liv, i ilOl t S, MMiLEHV. LiHVf-i ami MiiS -Abu a liesh si. tiy el lrii;s. I'.ilnt-,, rer;..:.iere, tiiu-s. I ai.i'V 5js: s. li r i r.irtu-iiii,-c.tre hui!.? bcii tskin in ihe . I.ction ol our (Moos in reRrd to ijuuiiiy. stvni nml rice, we rail the attention of Hie public t our iu'e sioii U wbich coiistuut additions wi I tie iii.nie. '1 haiiklul fir pin favors, v e hope to mcr.t v c " i inoance ul t .e paltoi age nl tbe pf! :c ! m i.ini; ciuai'cr t'uan t vcr. tiive us a iu:i b, '. on putc'i.iiug iim w t.t re. KtMI.IM; A CIKA.YI'. huii'.-ivv, N..'.!e-i.ler I . I ''. I'D UU ill' UE ! i V KN ITU RE '. '. Hiktl l'iililiiiiiOic taailiK-t IV. !!. fMli K n ', -.'i'.i's rc.-i'ictfi.'.lv i'.r.e.::i tle 1 cii..-ciis ( ! u-.i-ury a 1. 1 the j uMic gen -rs'l. . li.nl It,, I. .im; c.'iiiin-iiced tiie CVlll.Mll 1 .'i K IX .1 business in ine slny I I'.l i) uccupir.l bv iliium ,-iioe-, in I' a ii -'.iit fin l.ur . . ami U'C p,isie.l f supply l.ieir .-.JsUener. flnil pill WUlir.el. la I li IV ol ai In les III till III' .1 t.'en Inii-il i s.s, i.ti r t.i.'i.al''e lertns. I ,.t ;r welk im'i. be luv'e nl lile Wain la , au.i m tbe h.-.t und i.iie-l si les. l.'ouklll Uulj.t I -ki :i :'i I " h 11:'''. 11 1 lM 11 VI rT. HI. X.I IILCKiii;. er t, Imi'hI. Kni.' inv. I' DRY (IOOD.S- T li'.l.Xti A (ili X l', al Ihe Maiiini :h S-l. ne.l . i. tllHl' a. lisia 1'ns day. January 'lh. "' i Ol. i lie I all.'llier lusll SOI'lnl ul 1L I - ami Xntlol... uiibur . .lalinaiy V)'i, Ikol. SSLV lll I'f. . I1D1. run be p..irba.' d t n -' Manininih St.ne nl Frilu .V t iraui. ' i i . . i i l ea i, a. we bib m ii i milieu ion i" b aiiybmly. Call ami h a", ihe li-t 'l prices I .r , yourselves'. KKll.IVC. A OIUNT tsuubnrv. Jamnrv IS. lsfl 'HK . very rllesp and n.f.isl. iiiuei t just in ' iied li is ne. k.sl i..' Mainuiih Mine .1 KI.H.IXi.V t.HAXl ruiibnry, Jaiui.iy 1'.', MM. ' GREATEST