Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 23, 1861, Image 2

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Ji'it '"' til iht (treat l'anign Potters.
Vaiiistn, M.irrb H
The T'rosiiiont to-tin nominated to the
Minister to Kngluiut C'nuilfS 1 . Auatris,
r,f Massiioh'iselts
Minister to I' ranee Willinm L. Pay-ton,
r,l Nr Jer.n')-.
Minister to Sardinia George I. Marsb,
ef Vermont.
Minister to Turkey James utson ebb
of New York. .
Tha iKiiiiination (r Mr. Pay ton, Minis
ter to France, was immediately confirmed,
the rule requiring it to tin referred Ia vitig
been suspended, na that gentleman was fnf
tnurly ft member of the Metiato, and his char
acter is, therefore, aiilliciontly known without
f.. rnil investigation. This is the osuul
courtesy in such cases.
The Senate also cunBrined tbo following
romioatiotis :
Ik-njamin M . Trumbull ns. Urjcuivirurrub
lift Moneys at Omaha, N. T.
Kx Congressman William A. Howard as
Postiiias t"r at Petruit, Michigan.
tt'm. S. Thayer was nominated for Consul-fji-nt-ral
to Kgypt, aud Fatrick J. Dtsviue bh
Consul at Cork.
fir. Locke, of Indiana, lias' been appointed
Chief of the Agricultural Bureau ul tbe
I'atsi.t office.
Varhinotos, March If.
Pitlicnlt as those at ft distance may find it
to even imagine such a thing, there are those
here who really believe that within thirty
days Jeflerson Davis will be on the sooth
bank of the Potomac with bis "army of inva
sion." Commissioner ltoman 1ms arrived from tbe
Soothern Confederacy, and the illustrious
triumvirate of traitors is completed. The
pood sense of Washington is now shown in
not locating the Federal capitol iu one of the
Urge cities, as it would be hard to answer for
en excited populace, of auy extent, with three
men among them on such an infamous
M. Orfutt, who has been clerk in tho Poet
Olice Department for fifteen years, and Mr.
Lewis, a clerk in the same department, have
resigned their positions, nnd cone to Mont
gomery to assist in getting the wbuels of'
uoverurueni mere in proper motion.
Harripbi'rh, March 1C, 1661.
fiilli in Place. A large nnmber of bills
wero read iu place, Among thorn tbe follow
ing :
An net to redHC! the State tax on real and
personal property of two uJ a Lulf mills to
two mills on the dollar.
An act supplementary tr the several acts
in relation to the Green P.idge Improvement
A n act rotative to Courts of this Cominon
weuiLh. This bill provides that whenever a
traverse jury shall Cud the defendant not
guilty, and shall i:npo30 the costs npon tbe
county or tho prosecutor, or shull apportion
the costs between tho prosecutor and defen
dant in accordance with existing laws, such
verdict shall iuclude the defendant's bill and
costs for witnesses, subpiruus acd serving
tbe same.
IIarrisbi ro, Marcu 1?, IsCl.
Tilth Consvlered. Mr. Ilonnd called up
the House bill entitled an act to repeal an
net relating to hawkers in Northumberland
4od -Union counties, which passed finally.
Mr. Connell oallud up an act to reduce the
enrollment tax on acts of incorporation of
'iigine, hose, and hook and ladder compauies.
Mr. Nichols callod np the House bill enti
tled an "Act for tho Suppression of Fortune
TVliin!;, and other Purposes," which passed
to a third reading, and waj laid over.
Hills Pasftt!. The following with a num
bur of other billd, were coosiderered and
passed finally :
An act to decimalize the fee bill of Pro-I
thonotaries, except in Allegheny, Lancaster !
nnd Philadelphia counties. j
St. I.olis, March 19.
Tho following amendment to the fifth reso
lution of the majority report of the Commit
tee on Federal Kelations, which has been
under discussion tho past week, was voted
down yesterday in the Convention, by a vote
of til to 30 : "And further, believing that
the fate of Missouri depends npon tho peace
able adjustment of our present difficulties,
she will never counteuance or aid a seceding
State In making war upon tho General Gov
ernment, nor will she provide men and money
fur the purpose of aiding tbe General Gov
ercment in any attempt to coerce a seceding
Nt.w Ori-kans, March IS.
Ports Brown and Uinggold, and tbe bar
rueks at lirazos and Santiago, Lave been
virtually surrendered to the Teias autk'.ri'
tie it.
The entire evacuation by tho Federal
troops will take place on the 20lb instant
Possession will then be taken by the Texas
troops, who have enlisted for sis months.
A resolution has been unanimously adopted
by the Texas Convention, tendering their
thanks to Gen. Twiggs.
CiURLKsro.v, March 13.
'I h i Cvuri, r of to-day learni from a de"
spatch received by a mercantile houteofthis
city, that the proper officers at the Custom
House at Havre, have notified the merchants
xnai snips trom tho Seceded States of Amerr i
ra will be admitted on the same footing as !
those carrying the Furfural ll.-ig.
Moiilk, March 13.
Col. I'.Hi McCu'ilocu passed through Mo-b-.itf
ou buturduy, en rjoie to Kichwond to :
parcbos.8 arms for 'Vxt.3. Ho will stop at
Montgomery, with a view or inducing Freei
dent Davis to order a leoinient of mounted'men fur the Vol tiers of Texas.
WAU.ikK M.Aiiirs-.s os ru,: GiiA.oi:
Uillun the .sl nek (Im,, ii,.,,.
I'.'iek bus returned from bin -in
smii.u tbree l.nuilred men u- :fiiil.,iieiii, i,u to
th'.S8 aln-siy nt Knuoi Kan t in-n ; s ,hul
there re uw Bt tlut imH.r,alll ptii(lt u.
t wo. 1, t-un 4,,d lmiil men. who hip sii turtifying
tbe n-liii, ,1 to uinke it iiupr-giibh.
We hImj lertrti that to or tin. nix mounted
compniiua deHined fur thin frontier have
arrived near town, fo Hint i ,, ,,t.k 110I(
v. may expect a force i.f at lean l.V.KI IVxans
en tue Itio Grande. ( dy ,,al , u, l!;i f(u.v,
ii. of course, remain after atl'uir, becouN
Sullied on the border.
Hon. F. W. l.uth.m, iU L'it..J states
Collector of Cuetoui, tr tho 1 ittrtt-t of
llrazoa, Santiago, baa resigned lu connec
tion w.lh tba Federal Goviriimcnt, nd, on
demand from tbe Commissioners from the
Convention, turned over ull tbe pro
perty in his Charge to tbe agents ol the riuic,
from whom be has takes receipts. ia
b ii.furms Dl, given bonds to the latisfaction
of the Commissioners, and resinned the dis
charge of hia duties under the authority of the
Male of Texas.
1 n n or
Dr. J. P. Hodg-
1, an echciic plij.uun of liualon, died last
i-k of dioiherii. lie took the disease from t
o man whom fa. .u.ud.J. and dud after .
illness of aix data,
A little boy in Verm. Hit, ha tw iHownl a cent
lsi suilinu r, h iImiij alnwiy i,f roj.i'fr .- i-.-n.
Hi" l'g hais LiconiK iuiIim.
1 tSW.-iiVPL
8UNBUBT, 33-A..
SATDTYrMARCH23, 1861."
IT. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
To ADVFRTixm.- .The pln-iilatlon of the fiiprav
Amskicam anions the different tttwnson thc&uvquehHiiiia '
is nit exceeded, if equalled by any paper puMished in I
Nmtlierti PciiiitYlvaiiia.
Mkhcantius Com.kor Si-HouR'tur. l'.r
sale at this office, several certificates of
Bcboloreliip on reasonable terms.
IV Tbo Jersey Shore Boom Dill on a test
vute taken in the House of Hopresentativcs,
. on Friday, showed a majority of 43 in its fa
1 vor.
Ssnow. We had another fall of snow
: some three inches in depth on Wednesday
I night which Is neither useful for sleighing or
! couifortnble for pedestrians.
I it" Tba Legislature is now engaged on
the general appropriation bill. Tbe day for
! fin adjournment has not yet been agreed
upon, which will be aboot the middle of April.
j CIV Our papers for Trevorton and tbn
Mahanoys will be sent, hereafter, by the mail
i on Friday morning, in order to supply our
; subscribers on Friday and Saturday.
j Ci5' A New Uroom. Some admirers of
i President Lincoln have sent him from Cin
cinnati a new broom, to sweep clean the de
partments. It is highly oronmtiuted and o
Urge size. The otiM want in.
C3T Tbe L'nitod States Government ap-
l priation of ten thousand dollars towards tbe
erection of tbo new Coort flouse at Williams
port failed in the Senate, for want of time.
It passed the House of Representatives.
Ijy We take pleasure in calling the atten.
tioa of M iLt.iNERS, ie., to tbe Btraw and
Lnce Goods House of II. Ward's, Nos. 103,
105 & 107 N". Second Street, Philadelphia,
whose advertisement appears in another
tJT The Journal of the Franklin Instituto
jnet out, contains a number of interesting
articles on scientific subjects, and also a list
of patents granted.
63" The liloomsburg Democrat and Ber
wick Gazette, both Democratic papers, com
pliment our Senator, Mr. Dound, on his
course ns a Senator. The compliment is
certainly a deserved one on the part of Mr.
Bound. Our Senator aud representative have,
both, acquitted themselves well, thus far.
. C3 The CTth and last volume of Lord
Macauley's history of England has been pub
lished. It embraces the events from 109S to
1701, including tbe death of James II. It is
to be regretted tbat the great historian did
not live to finish his great work.
C3" U. S. Senator Hon. David Wilmot,
was on Weduesday last nominated by tie
Republicans, for U. S. Senator, in place of
Hon. Simon Cnmcron, renigned, and on
Thursday was elected in joint convention of
the Legislature. Mr. Wela'h, of York, was
the democratic candidate.
t3T Spanish Coin. Our merchants have
resolved to received Spanish quarters, levies
and fip, hercarte, at 20, 10 and 5 cents each
This, they say, they are compelled to do in
self defence as these coins were brought from
a distance for circulation.
They will, however, be taken at par, in pay
ment of subscription and advertising, in this
C?iT Gookv'b LaDY8 Hook for April is j
ont again with another of his magnificent and
superbly colored double mammoth fashion
plates and other valuable matter. Tho steel
plate is a picture and a specimen of engraving
that has never been equalled. The literatura
is of the choicest kind. Price $3 per annum.
C3 Jeff Davis has been provided with a '
private residence by tho Congress of the j
Southern Confederacy paying the moderate j
rental of $5,000 a year. Toombs and Sto-
veos have joined funds and taken a small !
house, in which they receive their frieuds. i
CJT OmaAL Vav. According to the 1
Tuk'grapb, there are now at Washington fif
teen Harrisburgers holding office ondor the
government with salaries from 1 ,4 00 to $2,. j
000, receiving in tba aggregate over 21,000 j
per oounin. The Telegraph thinks they should ;
be removed, and Republicans put in place,
aud we would add, not all from Harriebuig. ,
C5T Cur eld fiicnd Major Freus, of the
Germantown 'ltltgrajh announces the com-'
nieoceut of tbe thirty-second volume of that
excellent Journal. Tko Major says when he '
commenced buiiuess in Germantown in 1830 !
a new huumj huj not been erected in that
place, within tho previous fifteen years
l l.o, construction of tie railroad in 1 331 j
gave it new life uud caused its advancement. !
. - .. ... - 1
jr J'.iirns and uriKn. We refer our rea- i
di rs to the card of Messrs. C lienkert k Son, .
No. South Fourth Street, Philadelphia.
Mr. Jienliert'i reputation, not otly for good J
litliiU bouts, but for excellence of material
has long been established at borne at abroad. ;
Hia son, a youn;; gentleman of taste and in- j
t'-llciice, now oao of the firm, is an acquisi- :
ti.m. j
Our friends who procure their boots in .
Philadelphia, will, of course, get thuui of C-
oiiitei . A. hon.
US I "it KvrntK. Oun is luJeed a
changuble climate, aud iu that respect not
conducive to beealtu. February spring
weather broke suddenly upon at which con
tinued as balmy as May for more than a week
; and vegetatiun was progressing 10 rapidly, as
1 to cause alarin on acconut of future frosts.
Last week we had atern wioter iu a con-
;iuerule fall of snow, and durini tba nresent
j week tbe air baa been as cold bleak and oc
1 nlaaaiit 1 1 '
P .."? ',1,r.l " 8. W
iruii mat tue reign nfwii.ter will terminate
with the preecnt moctU auj that pril will
cpeu upon u. with wcAlha fvorbl tQ our
.1, , j , , u '
Utca.s tui our f.u.t.
Onr Wilmington lottery friends insist opor !
giving ns a large prize. On Wednesday we I
received a letter from one who oilers to lusure j
us a price ef $6,000 more than the money
paid for tbe tickets. On Thursday we re
ceived a letter from two other firms at
Wilmington. One offers only $5,000 of a
prize. The other says we might draw as
much as $50,000 Only think of ao editor
refusing such tempting oilers. Cowper hits
said tbat "the age of virtuous politics is
past, and we are now deep in that of cold
pretence." If Cowper was alive now, ho
would mako an exception in fuvor of editor,
who refuse tbe tempting offers of these mag
nanimous lottery dealers. We think, how
ever, we shall, opon teflection, accept tho
proposition of the first marwho proposes to
insure ns a prize of $(1,0110. A nd as he shows
himself to be a generous fellow, we are do
tertnined not to be outdone in generosity and
magnanimity, and will, therefore, agree to
throw off $1000, nnd take $5000, if he will
give us good and undoubted security for the
payment of that sum, before we send him tku
i $10 la question.
As this is a fair proposition it will, no
doubt, be accepted.
P. S We neglected to say that a black
euvelnpo was also enclosed, which may be
used for other parposes in casu our proposi
tion Is refused.
imrsmi kYMtMTtiitr.n.
We think thern ore but few individuals
among the masses, in Pennsylvania, who favor
the destructive doctrine of secession, and the
robbory of the pnblic property consequent
theroon. Yet it is a fact that many of the
late Breckinridge papers, though they do not
openly approve, yet endeavor to palliate and
excuse those outrages upon our government
and glorious Union.
Tims one of the late Breckinridge organs
of this neighborhood notices the treason of
General Twiggs :
'Si-naK'tnr.nKn. Generul Twigga, who had
charge of the military deportment of the State of
Texan, surrendered all the federal property under
his chartjo, into the hands of the Toms authori
ties." Not a word is ottered in regard to the
traitorous conduct of Twiggs, but tbe fact Is
simply stated as if it were a fair and manly
business transaction. If a respectable jour
nal should refer to the- depredations of a
notorious bnrglor, In the same style, it would
probably read thus :
SfecESSFUL Entkri'risr. Mr. Richard Tur. I
pin, vulgarly called Dick Tlhimn by his ene- j
mies, visited last night, ufter midnight, the
residence of U. S. A., known ns p.rother '
Jonathan, and finding tbi proprietor and his
family quietly usbep, entered bis dwelling;
with keys which had been entrusted to his j
care and safe keeping. Mr. Turpin peacea- I
bly took possession oT all the silver plate, i
coin, watches, and other valuables that he i
could lay his bunds on, belonging to the pro
prietor, and removed them to his own quar
ters, for tho use und comfort of himsell and
such of his neighbors who sympathize with
him in enterprises of chivalry and the equal
distribution of property. This bold and da- :
ring enterprise of Mr. Turpin will, no doubt, !
be stigmatised by hypocritical moralists as a ',
burglary or midnight robbery. Put Mr. 1
Turpiu's fame, in his line, is world wide, and ;
these attacks of moralists uud christians will
fall harmless at his ft et
C3" Ki.kction. The following is tho list of
Borough officers, Justices of the Peacu and i
Coustablos, elected in this county on Friday
the l")tu inst :
Sunbury. Chief Durgess, Goo. 15. Yonng
raaii ; Socor.d Uurgoss, Samuel J. (-'acker ;
Assistant Burgesses, Francis Uucher, lferj.
Hendricks, bonj. Zetllomoyer and Kniaouel
Wilvert; Common Council.' Win. , Dewart,
C. A. Bright, C!. .. llruner, J. F. (iohibach,
W.T.Grant, Solomon Stroh, S. B. (tnyer '
and P. M. Shindel ; Clerk, John W. Bucher;
High Constable, Benjunin Hro?ioiis; School
Directors, I. W. Gray nnd M K. liucher ;
Street Commissioners. John B. Looker and
Wm. M. Hendricks ; Overseers of the Poor,
Jacob O. Beck and G-'orge Lyon ; Constable.
Charles F. Martin ; Asses-Mr, Peter Ilile
man; Assistant Assessors, Win. K. Martz
and Isaac Seller ; Judge of Flections, Sim-
nel cetter; Inspectors, Jacob Cable and
Wm. II. Bright.
Xortliumbu land Inrmtrjh Constable, Jos
Johnson; Judgo of the Flections, George
W. Hoimdinger ; Inspectors, W. Guekins
and J. II. Wallis; Assessor, C. F. Little;
Assistant Assessors, G. Apsley and George
F.verard ; Burgess, C B. Smith ; Town
Council, A. K. Kapp, C. B. Kenninger, H. D.
Jones. Wm. T. Forsyth, Peter Hanselinan,
D. G. Yoris and James Tairgart ; Snpervj.
sors, John Who itley and Dennis Waters;
School Directors, I. P. Tustin and D. G.
Voris ; Overseers of the Poor, Jas. Martin,
and A. II. Stone; High Constable, Joseph
! Milton Boro'ifh Constable, It Galbraith ;
1 Chief Burgess, C. Hoy; Assistant Burgess,
W. Critzer; Town Council, J. Miller, A.
i Stranb and It. M. Frick ; High Constable,
! James Hadley; Assessor, Joseph Hound;
I Assistant Assessors. J. II. McCormick and
j Selb Cadwalader; Judge of Klections, A. C.
Dongan; Inspectors, C. C. Stranb and J.
I llogendoebler ; School Directors, Thomas
Mervino, L. D. P.Vi-land.
I McF.wtnti'illii. Constable, K F. Gold,
j TurhuteiUe. Justice of the Peace, Jacob
Stahl; Constable, II. Miller.
! 'htrlmt Constable, A. Kissineer.
ihhtwnre. Constable, Hugh Holmes.
I Leu: i'. Constublu, D. II. Drieshach.
. f Viii.''ia'e. Constable, W. Pordoe.
! I'oiut Juelice of the Peace, Joseph Yao- j
1 kirk ; Constable, Henry Slmk.
insA. Justice of tho Penes, It. B. Cuth. 1
bert; Constable, Joseph Hammer.
ShamtUn Constable, B. Uobner.
('ml. Justice of the Peace, John Cald
well ; Constable, Fiseuhart.
t'pper Augusta Constable, Michael A
Keeler; Supervisors, Philip Ilenn and M.
Lawrence; Overseen of the Poor, Henry
Haupt and Jacob Kckman ; School Directors,
William Iteed and David Fisher ; Assessor,
John Farnsworlh; Alnii-tant Assessors, Jacob
Seogholtz and 11. G. Kline ; Judge, George
Oberdorf; Inspectors, Robert Campbell aod
Samuel K. Hill ; Auditor, Jas. Bachelor.
Lower Auguttu. Constable, J. It. Clark J
Supervisors, John T. McPherson and Samuel
Garringer; Overseers of tba Poor, George
Keefer and John Snyder ; School Directors,
Jacob Bloom aod Jacob Bartholomew;
I Assessor, Henry Bloom; Auditor, Joel
ordy ; Judges of I Jection, A. Krieger;
Inspectors, Andrew Hauck and Samuel B.
Conrad: Assistant Aeseator?, A. Shipmun
aud Peter 11. Snyder.
Jackson Constable, S. W, Watt.
Cameron. Constable, Harrison Wagner.
,antan Constable, Daniel Geise,
I'jiper Mahanay Justice of tbe Peace,
John timinkey ; Constable, 1). H. Adam and
D. Malick. tie vote,
I.nwer Ualynoy -Constable, J. II. Lenker.
Il'aiiiioi. J ustice of th 1 Peace, D. L.
hi eh res ; Constable, George KeilTer.
I.ittlt Mnhanoy Constable, J. It. Swine
ban. ! ri Justice of tbe Peace, Jacob Yordy;
I Cu,B;ubU- '-'"ore.
.Uo,iuf f hi u. Justice of th Peace,
rbllln V(ouotn . ConiUbei Jun&, u.
Wa8iiin!)To!, March 19.
The appointments of Charles Francis
Adams as Minister to England, of Win. I,.
Payton as Minister to France, and ofUeorge
I', Marsh as Minister to Sardinia, give gene
ral satisfaction among conservatives, while a
few or the more radical Republicans are not
over pleased. Mr. Adams will prove a
worthy successor of his grandfather and ol
bis father, who occupy a high position on the
records or our diplomacy, and be will be
enabled to dispense proper hospitality, as
Mrs. Adams a sister of the late Mrs.
Ldward Kvcn-tte Is a daughter of I'eter C.
Brooks, a Uoston millionnre.
It is not probablo that President Lincoln
will withdraw the Jorcos from Fort 8nmter.
Very good authority exists for believing that
be has not, for a moment, seriously contein
plated doing so, though he has been anxious
to give a fuir hearing to his Cabinet on the
subject, and tbe better to understand tbe
views of each has sought their opinions in a
written form. This question has been a diffi
cult one to settlo, but the fact that the mnl i.f M ninr Anderson would have
the nrreBrancH 0 a virtual snrrondor. and be
a species of acknowledgment of a legal power
in the South, which tbe President by bis
oath, is forbidden to entertain keeps matters
nreciselv where they are. Had tbe Adminis
tration determined to give up Fort Sumter,
they miebt as well entertain negotiations with
the Commissioners of the Southern Congress.
Hy an ordnr of the Military Superintendent,
Major Anderson is directed, in tho regular
course of his service, to leave Fort Sumter at
tho end of June, Bnd will be then transferred
to the barracks at Newport, Kentucky, for
tho recruiting service of tbo Western De
partment. A PrOINTMKNTS.
Mr. Anson Bnrlirgame goes to Austria,
Mr. Carl Schnrz to Portugal, which he
prefers to Brazil.
Doctor Fletcher (Minnesota) :.s urged as
Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands.
About forty clerks ore required in the
respective departments to read and file
applications for office. There are nineteen
in the Post Office Department alone I Ten
post route agents have just bepn dismissed
and Republicans appointed. Salaries S00
The Hi-publican says of the disunion efforts
of Roger A. Pryor and hi9 associates :
"We have no belief that this thing willl
have an end, until theso Democratic demogo
guep, who have bpen blustering and threat
ening for twenty yeurs, are put down by cold
steel and told lead. Tbe mischief has como
to pucli a bead, that it must end in a collision
of arms in the bosom of the South itself.
i The people of that region have too much
j enprgy nnd too much courage, to bo made
slaves of by Roger A. Pryor and Roger A.
! Pryo''s associates. Tho war is inevitably
I nd wiil come beforo tho year is out."
! .Savannah, March 19. In consideration of
: the surrender of the arms by tbe New York
lice tho New Yoik vessels held here und !
advertised to be sold on the 2.'lh instant,
i "for the purpose of indemnifying citizeus of
j Georgia for tho losses which they have sus
tained," have been released,
I Washington, March 19 The Commis
I sioner3 from the Southern Confederacy ex
pect to recoive no answer to their official
; communication to tho Government for ten
or twelve diijs.
1 They feci confident that meanwhilo thero
I wiil be no collision or chance of the military
I st'itus in tho Seceded States. They have
telegrephic assurances from Montgomery
j that ample nrraugements have boen made to
j avoid all troublu for the present at Fort
i Pickens.
Latkst Nkviu from tub Socrn. It
is now certain that the Pr?sident will pursue
a peaceful policy, uud most probably a call
for a National Convention will ba adopted.
A Border State Convention will also bo
held. Gen. Twiggs retires from service, a',
he says, on account of ill health. All is
quiet at Fort Pickens, and a gocd under,
standing is maintained.
Governor Houston aul tho Secretary of
State refused to appear on the lClh before
the Stale Convention, when summoned to
take the oath of ullegianco to tho Provisional
Tho other State officer complied with the
so mm or. s.
The Indians are gathering iu large num
bers on the western frontiers.
fcl .ll K LUV.ILTY I V ntl-l.
Nothing is more interesting anJ instructive
tlmu to observe which were tho firm aod
loy nl States iu the dark days of our history.
During the thirteen years prior to tbe
adoptioti of the Constitution, iu 1787, the
Gem-rul Government had uo power of taxa
tion. Lveu wfaen, in March. 1731, tbe whole
of the States assented to the "Articles of
Confederation." Congress hud only the
power of iudicatitig what sums it stood in
need of, and of requesting etch state to con
tribute the lair proportion which It was its
duty to pay. The adoption uf the Articles of
Confederation rendered tbis an honorable
obliution, which each State, though it could
not be compelled, was bound to meet. It is
most iuterestiug to observe how it was met
during the five years which elapsed belweeu
ITH'J und 1787,
.State which paid mnre than its quota .-
Nkw York.
State which paid nearly the whole .-
State which paid three jiths :
States uhichpaid one half;
Kiioiik Island.
Ulatei which paid ahnut out third .-
States which paid not in so :
SotTii Carolina.
North Carolina.
Nkw 11 ami-shirk.
Tbe above facts are derived from Judge
Story's Commentaries on tbe Constitution,
section 209, edition or 1851. Tbe extent to
which tbe several States fulfilled their honor
able obligations may ba taken as an index of
their respective loyalty and good faith. It it
interesting to observe that those States which
now repudiate their obligations to tbe Cen
tral Government, then also showed tbe same
disposition to let others pay the price of tbe
benefits which tbey received.
UjT Tbe uew Court House in Williamsport,
ia so far advanced tbat the county afBcers
expect to occupy their respectiva apartments
ia it next week.
France, Austria, and tiir Italia Revo.
i.i'tion. The Paris stutter of tbe Loudon
Daily Sews mentions as a rumor ia accredi
ted quarters tbut Prince Metternicb has just
communicated to M. 't'houvenel an Important
note from tbe Court of Vienna. Ia this note
it it asserted tbe A astrian government de
clares that it nei-r will recognize Victor
Emanuel ns Kinq of Italy; but if Franca
recalls her troops from Home, sha will imme
diately replace them by an Austrian army.
and that if the recolvti-m'ut mole the least
' mocc'itc'it ii 'cctia or llutjary f'le will
I i ( the .'i ki'i.
IttrtUlMTIM IHKt. .
Waiiinoton, March J7. The u-al ques
tion before the Cabinet and it bn t-evn
pretty thoroughly discussed there, both di
rectly and deliberating on w hat is to be done
with Fort Pickens and Sumter ia the vital
recognition of the Southern Confederate
States of America by the United States of
America. On tbis there is a division of pub
lie opinion, and ibe Cabinet may not agree.
Some Republicans, belligerent and blood
thirsty, would at once seizo the Commission
ers here and bang them as traitors, then
proceed with Bre and sword to "enforce the
laws " Others, who desire to avoid civil war,
and who see no other alternative, will gladly
seo President Lineoln gracefully give np
Sumter and Pickens, and miter into tempor
ary postal and custom arrangement, certain
tbot they thus rimarm militton. If there Is
no conflict the South will soon full to pieces, I
and the speeders will be glad to return to I
their old allegiance.
Another protracted meeting of tbe Cabinet
was held on Saturday. After passing upon
a number of Territorial and other appoint
ments, the Southern question, in its various
bearings, was again taken np and discussed
for nearly two hours. Tbe instructions to
Major Anderson, in reference to tbe evacua
tion of Fort Sumter, Tormed the principal
subject under consideration. Much diversity
of opinion is known to have prevailed as to
the manner of withdrawing the garrison, and
no ultimate conclusion was arrived at on that
point. The apparently nnavoidahln necessity
of treating with tbe revolutionary authorities
of the South, evpn to offect a peaceful remo
val, owing to their control of tbe inlet to the
harbor or Charleston, is found greatly per
plexing. Some members of the Cabinet strennonulv
opposed all direct or indirect recognition oT
the rebellions Government on the one hand.
while on the other, they are fully awaro of the i
improbability of the assent of Gen. Beanro
gard to tbe entranco of any Federal vessel
or vessels into the harbor, and the withdrawal ;
or Major Anderson's command, and without1
having first expressly stipulated, not only
agaiost all rusnt. but also the. delivery of the :
fort and its armaments in an intact condition
Thero are Republicans here, of high political
standing, who assert, both knowingly and .
positively, thBt the secret of the unexpected :
consent of Gov. Chusn and other radical !
members of the Cabinet to the surrender of!
Fort Sumter, is their firm belief in the inevi- j
tubility of the ultimate division of the country t
into two confederacies one distinctly free
labor, the other slavobolding, and their desiro
to bring abont tbe separation without blood- '
shed. Tbat this idea has boen broached in
Cabioot couucil is certain.
High authority states that the French
Mission has been accepted by Chnrles Fran
cis Adams. Mr. W. II. Fry, the eminent
mnsicial composer, is to bo Secretary cf Lh
gation at Paris.
The President to day notified John I).
Pefreca of his appointment as Superintendent
of the Public Printing. Tbe law establish
ing the Government Print ine Uureau went
',"t0. operation on the 4tb of March, end M
Defrees, therefore, has the responsibility and
importaut duty of putting this matter into 1
operation. He was selecten by the Presi
dent owing to his peculiar fitness, being a
practical printer and a thorough business
Fatal Aitiiiist. On Knturday, as (he train
on I. .A 13. IS. It., moving south, nenred the cut at
Bellevue, a boy and mule were discovered on the
track, and the train being so near them, it was im
possible to check its speml in time. The liny waa
so injured that ho died in a abort time of hia injii.
ries, and the mule waa considerably hurt. It
eeenu that the boy wis riding the mule from the
mines, and the animal becoming frartioua, ran
away and threw its rider olf on the track.
The same paper eav : "We ore informed by
a gentleman who came up on the Bloomsburg
train hil night, that aa the ears were passing
Uellevue, two shots in quick succession were firej
at the train, but happily tvitbnnt injury to any
one. It ia thought that they were aimed at tho
engineer, and that tbo object was revenge for the
acrk'enlal killing of the bov who waa rnn over
by the train on Saturday. The engineer waa a
new one; M r. Thonian, who has herotn'orc
had chariio of the engine, having been suspended
by the company in consequence of threata made
against him."
A large body of Irishmen assembled at thi
point with Ihe intention of firing into the up
train, but the Cundoctnr becoming aware nf the
fact, ordered tbe engineer to put nn more steam
and tbo train ranio through taft-. Scrantoti
A Somewhat serious, yet ludicious affair,
took plaae yesterday upon the Canal Basin,
near Washington Avonuo. It seems that a
number of tbe College girls huvo been in the
habit of resorting to the ice during a portion
of their leisure moments, where under the
kind guardianship of one of the Professors,
they have nnido great progress during the
winter in the pleasant exercise of skating.
They closed that particular form of exercist-,
for tbe season, yesterday, under circumstan
ces at once exciting, instructive and amusing.
Professor Lattimer examined tbe ice early
yesterday morning, tried its strength to bis
entire satisfaction, and pronounced it safe.
Later in the day some fifteen of the young ,
ladies, accompanied by Prof. L., pro, edeu
to the "Pond," adjusted their skates, and
; pursued their favorite pastime for a consider- i
j ablo time, with a zest increased hy the fact j
that the skating season had nearly arrived at
its close. Their fun, however, as brought'
to a sudden termination. Two of the young
ladies unfortunutely approuceed a thin pur :
! tion of tbo ice near the centra of tbe Basin
I there was a crash, several shrieks, aod then !
1 a hastening to and fro ! Tho treacherous ice :
had given way. and two of the fairest young '
j girls in the company suddenly found them-;
, selves splashing about iu cold watei, five feet 1
i deep! A number of young men, who were
skatinc near by, eallantlv flew to their rescue
! but in more haute than prudencn approached
. - .
I too near the broken edges of the ice, and !
, three of them shared a like fate with the .
i young ladies. Here was a piedfcumont j
j indeed ! Prof. Lattimer however, managed
; more cautiously than tho impetuous young ;
: men did, and by putting out planks to thn
involuntary bathers, tbey were all rescued j
: from their unpleasant situation, nothing the i
i worse ofsthe accident, with the acception of a I
slight irigbt, some cbattcring or the jaws I
and five suits of clothes rather uncomfortably 1
damp. Llmira Press.
The notabilities resident in Chicago are
numerous, if we may crdit a lutter-writer
who status tbut there are there the son of an
Knglish Karl, formerly in tbe Guards, now
engaged in tbe by do means aristocratical
occupation of packing pork; a son of tbe
late liishop of Loudon, and a graduate of
Oiford, busy in tba manufacture or soap ; a
nephew of the gallant Lord Collir.gwood,
(Nelson's Collingwood,)fatteDing cattla on an
adjacent farm ; yourger son of one of
h'uglaod'a noblest families, speculating in
wheat and corn ; a reduced, bat genuine
Herman Baron, who bas hobnobbed with
Humboldt and tba titled magnates of London
fushionable circles, dispensing luger beer at
balf a dime a glass J ao accomplished Hunga
rian oohle, engaged in fresco painting at $2
a day a brother of Charles Pickens, who
bears a striking resetnblauca to tba girted
novelist. He is a clerk in tha land depart
ment of tba I. C. It. K., and it ia from him
that Picktos receivod the nom de plum of
Tut Xamis or tue N.w TsaaiTORita.
Colorsdo and Nevada aia spanih words. Coin
rado means colored, generally reddish, snd is ibe
name ijiven to teiernl rivers in Ameriei.
da means aa while as m . pjooi ih is an I i
dian woi.l.
Council rrocooumgs.
M wm. M n h Huh, IMt.
' met luirmiitiit t' ii'iie. fluef Hii'c "eerce
C ii. (
Ii. Y'luiiKH'iiiii rrriH'lil
,1 iwiirn' Hit fnliuwiiiK
nitMiilim iireeiMil mill wru : ... , i i .
Amnwiit nnmeMiee l-"rnciBnehT. fieri). Hcmlricl(,
rtenininin y.Mlleiii"yr unci Kmunuel Wilverl.
Ominiin Uiuncil Wra T. Grunt, Unties A. nrifM,
Wm. L. Ui-wori, aoloinon Siruh, P. M. Bliindel ikI bolo
mntt H. U'iyr. , .
Minutetol lnt meeting read nd d"ile.l.
tMumun irnh, J F. Kohtlmeh and U. Ilciirfrielie, were
re.npnoinlcd cnmmiltee on llinhweyi end Sidewnlki
i V Kohrbnrh, C A . Htiphtand P. M. tMimdcl, were
flpP'iil'U'd a eotnmiMee nil River llnnk.
On miitinn Mr (Jmnt. Reiolved, Tliet tlie Chief tltn
rrpF lie muliotizci in until y Hum Hnweil and Junii
k repair the cruising t the Kmlr.Md, nnmwli.
"'v. , n
Bid of O B Voonfuaii for eetvieem Chief Biirpew.
25 HO, wm pruenud, mid on million an order i granted
Inr the rune.
riillofM K llnrherof 1 00, fr ervini tnle of Ferry
w presented, and on mnlinfi, an order waa granted foi
me emne.
A mni ion waa made hy Mr. Bnver and seconded by Mr I
Orant. vie.: Whereat. an mdinaiiee impoame a fine ol one
dollar on parti mrmlM-r tit Coutirlt who 18 absent.
Resolved, Tuat each nr.emlier shall be entitled to the
rim uf fifty cenit fur each attendance during Ihe ensuing j
The yeat and aaya were required by Messrs 5hindel and ;
Plr.ih. j
Veas r.urher. Zeilletnoyer, Hendricka, Wilrerl, Ornnt,
Bnvel, Prij-ht Biidrlroh V.
NTS Di'wntt and Shindel .
On nv tioii, adjourned In nnfet nn Si-eotd Tuesday of
April next. J$tj V MUCH i:R, Clerk.
CMcaminjs iiitoviat ai Gelcctcti.
Preaidcnt Lincoln intend to preserve tbe
old fashioned etiquette of Washington, who
never dined out.
"Jon," aiid Mr. H, the. other day, to his aon,
"joii are larv ; whnt nn earth Jn you enperl to do
for a livinif!" "Why, father, I've been thinking
j as how I would be a revolutionary pi'neioner.
! ' N it rnssi BLE, Miss, thatynu don't know tho
I names nl aoine of your beet fricnila !" ' (.'erlain
I T 1 ,1,1 not know evrn wiiat ray own may be in
a vce.r from lhi time."
A witiTiil eallcj at hia iirinter'a, and arensed
the rorupositor of not having punctuated bis imem,
when tv no earnestly replied, I'm not a pointer
I'm a tetter."
"Sir, von have broken your promise." '-Oh,
never mind, I can inaka another just as good."
A Western pnper, announcing the death nf a
gonilenian in Iowa, says: "He was a great ml.
mirer of Horace Greely, but otherwise a respect- j
able man."
It ia said that Old Abe Kuehtrnl the Balti- '.
moreans; but, the facta are, that he saw their
-hand," and merely said "Ip'ifs" The Haiti-
j moreans then gave him the "deal. '
I Ladies, prepare for an extensive change of hib
j it, fir a Paris correspondent saya the ladies are
1 coming out "witboutboojis, wadding, or anything
f clee."
I Or.Tr.anra. Dr. Win, I. Walker, of Boston.
: has given to the Natural History Society of Mas-
ssrhusees, a house in Uultinch street, Ihe assessed
value of which is $30.1100.
A ParsrRi pt lox. Aberoethy once sniJ to a
rirh, but dirty patient, who consulted him about
Bn eruption, "let jour servant bring you three or
four pails of water, and put it into a wash tub ;
tnkn olTynur clothea. gt into it, and rub yourself
with soap and a rough towel, and you'll recoer."
"This advice seems very much like telling me to
waHk myself," said Ihe patient "Well," sail
Abernelhy, "it may be open to such a construc
tion." KitCuiso, the famous hunter, guide, and
mountaineer, is living al Tana, Ne-v Mexico, and
I ia Indian Agent to the lte tribe of Indiana. His
atlary amounts to 1,500 per annum.
' Heap Boiv Found On Monday even n
! last, a Mr. Barrier found a small box on the
j hank of the river opposite tbe monlb of Pine '.
, Creek, which, on opening, was found to con
i tain the deod body of an infant.
1 The box which enclosed it, had been matm- .
j factured from part of a dry goods box. which
; had at some time been shipped to Lock Ha- j
: ven, a tne name "Lock Haven" waa plainly j
' discernible on oue of the boards. Jersey
j Shnro Vedette. '.
The KximiiTiON k or 18C2. This '
structure is to exceed its illustrious pred :
cessor in grandeur, in beauty of design, and
; elegance of finish. I he main hull is to be
: 650 feet long, 2.'0 feet wide, nod 220 feet .
' high ! The picture galleries, built ol brick. .
will be 2, .101) feet ill length, CO to 70 (eel,
high, and from 35 to 55 feet wide. Tho nave ;
and traneepta are to be 2.200 feet long, ell 1
feet wide, and 100 feet high. The sheds and
other necessary bniidings, are planned on a
corresponding scale. The whole work must
ho finished in less than one year from tbe
present time, or by the 12th of February next.
The Guarantee Fund, which amounts in all
to jEiifiO.OOO, is headed by that truly royal
patron of the Arta and Sciences, the Princu
t. olisort, for JL 1 11.000. It is alateil by com
petent authori'.ieo, that the entirn atrncture
wili cost X2"u1,(l00 or SI. 000. 000. It w to
be located al South Kensington.
Spelling matchcn are all the rage in Win"
sted, Conn. They had on in Camp Hall,
Monday night, aud collected S'l in teu cent
admissions. N ine scholars of tbe town n-nt
five picked spellers, l-'irst prize, Webster's
unabridged picti riul dictionary. They used
up the spelling bonk, two or three geog.
raphies. and had to bring out the clii"ii be
fore some or tbe sharpest spellers would suc
cumb. (Communicated.
For Ihe "SuMhury Ams'ionn "J
Church Consecration
What was commonly failed ' Stone Church"
situated in Lower Augusta, some six nules
from Sunbury, it being remodeled aud repair
ed. It was formerly constructed ou the old
tierman style. The ceiliug very high and
arched galleries on three sides and on the
fourth side a very high, narrow aud uncomfor
table pulpit, looking like a mammoth wine
glass made of wood It is now being made
into two stories,' and both are ample in bight.
' The lower story contains a lurgo and ample
. i .1. 1?
basement and rather a Cue vestibule, which
contain the stairway leading to tue hall for
regular service. The sides and ceiliug a e
to be papered. I'lia pulpit is aftur tbe
modern model, and opposite to it is a raised
platform with seats intended for a choir.
The pews are comfortable, made of puo, aod
capped with white oak. 'I be Church is fur
nished with heaters in tho basement so tbat
no stoves disfigure the main ball or incom
mode tbe worshipers by tbe unequal teoiper
ature tbey cause. Altogether, tbe Church
will present a neat appearance, especially
inside. The writer knows of no Church in
all the Country round, as coveoieut, coniforta
ble aod oeat as as the old "stone Church" is
Tba members of tha congregations wor
shiping deserve great credit for tbe taste
tbey display and energy tbey exhibit in tbo
remodling of ibis Church. It belongs jointly
to tba Uermao Ruformod aud Lutheran de
nominations and is therefore what iscommouly
called a "Union Church." Tbe members
have dona all themsulves. wltb their own
baud", Tor which they will uo doubt, lova their j
Cb.urcbo?9 Trtt-n l j i i ,v , u!
This Church will ha dedicated on the 7thi
of April next.. Minister. Iron, abroad .ra
expected on tba occasion, lbs pablio is
kindly invited to attend.
Li a., l . .. - - . i i.
Bharuokin Coal Trade.
Sh-aMOkis, March 16, 1861.
Sent for tha week ending March
I'srlsst Report,
2 5111
28 24G
no.4.0 (is
I'.t.lIU 10
To same tini Ust j ar.
I nc rs a, r
Northern CcntruJ nnd Sunbury & L
The arrival and dmitnre nl ruerenp'r i in' e
Northern Central ani uu'iry
A l;rie Hallo ' et l
jiare, if a fallows
1 VII. 1 M .
N c. It. i:
. i: u i
: r- a
Onine lioilh, lirrivi t 4? P.M. I Ijuvi"
anulh, lonvia IMSA.M Aniv.i
Gniiar north, ertiva II IUl. M.l
aontli, laiv.i 4UA.M. Arm-ra
3 '
The SltnmnUIn Vnllejr and t'otlevllie ln;:rni
Paaeenger train leavca Sin.hmy nl
" Ml. Caimel.
e no a
. 4 ,K. P
TnB Grkat IIorsf Tamfr. Mr. U .rrv
astonishing tho admirers of horse flech t.r
Willi ontamed pte-(LJ. I
i u.-J iha mnat savave of enuines. a I
he osualiy bring tbetn to terms in about f
teen minutes. There is nothing very remi.
koble about the appearance of the irre
tamer. He is a good looking man wi'b
benevolent fnce nnd firm eye. and be a 1 in
presents an elegant and geiitleuiauly ty--u
ance, from the fact that be invariably drec.
in the garments made et the Hr.jwo Stoi
Clothing Hall of Kockhill & Wilson. Nr.
COS and 0U5 Chestnut street above Sixt
Philadelphia. . . rt : .i ,,i I
Cocoiis. The sudden charges of our c ;
mate are sources or Pulmonary LrdN' IU a
and Aftiimatio ArntivrmNa. Kxpeiieiu
having proved tbat simple remedies often nr
speedily end certainly when taken jn tb
eurly stages olthe diseases, recourse shun,
nt once be had to "Hrnwn'.i lirimrhii
'Irnrhtf," or Lozenges, let the Cold, Onngi
or Irritation of the throat be ever so sligli'
as by this precaution a more serious nttnrl
omy be effectually warded off. Pi:i i
Srr.xKKRS and SiNiir.r.s will find them Hl. rt'.
hi for clearing end strengthening the voice
See advertisement.
"Nut eVipR.-rous to tlielluiiin t'litailv.'
"Ruts couicnetof llicir holes to d.e.'1
"roSTAR'S'' rtnr Ronrh.Ar., F.x'.tTtninrUor
"I'usrARV" H-'J-hup Kxriniii-itor
"Cff TAR'S" l.lfrti'ic .'-'Wiler, lor InswU, Ac
Rn'n-n'rh-ML-e Moln-l.toumj V .re- IW li .
Ant Mutlttj M.tsquitofr Y jmia lnwls i I'ln:!--,
Kowli, Aiiiniit. .V.u., Ac in tmit, evtrv funn nr.d j
vie r VKRUIN.
In yen rp a-Pt'itiluiliM in mv Y"rk Oitv unrJ br II -Citv
V' pt OilircH tut- Cily I'njtMim mM riV.t"n I f --U eV-iv
Ihe fit v teamrri, hiptJ.A j thr City Il"'"t. "A
"St .ichoJ," Ac ml by ni-.'re tltnii ,1f.nj (.iivn;
frT.ii. I? Drupe i' "n'l PeTailrTd nvmty whrtr p!I
WhtneMl Afiil" in t'. llir !nrcf Cilifii nut T'-W i:".
tT?" ! ! ! Hswakr ! ! ! of ipuricuB imitJitiuin.
rr"t.nOHHu.plc lto.ifnfht ly Mail.
ty Adt1rei nr-Vr- or f. ir "Circular tn Dei.lrrV'
IIKNRV ii CUSTAU. Pnncitnti D-t.
JI2 Itr-'adwny, (tipp-'Htf Vw.-IioIhh H-'H;.,)' V
'AUv KRH.iNO A GUAM, Suitbi v, !'a
T'tvii.e pervice will h! h'd ) Sj.H im m lutK r
rontjri P fi11U'Pt
! I'R I'.SHYTKRl AN N "lh r-t r n.rr
, Binckbciry nnd le-i Ptrrt'p, Hv .1. P. I?r.Ah''"N. I 'ei---
! Ihvinc trrvirr tvr Sudlinth nt IW A. M. (nt cr ni--: -!
ins on Thursdny fyrning. Al N w-iintfl.-in-i. nt t'!
; TivpIiJ terin'i Clnircli. nt 11 "N i' t K.P. M , v. r RrrnRMnr. nirRrn -N-.'tt.
1 P"rti-r "f II ivt-r nnd H wk'isTt y Piri'ff. Rev J W St r
yitrz, l:tpfr pivi'f 'fvin', n.ffTiinitr.v, eicrv Ti-t- - r
j nl 10 A.M. mid 7 I1. AT. I'mvrr uitclinK n rui;.
K.VANGKMCA'. l.t'TIIKRAN CM IM. (.'It -t-r-r
i utrt et Itelitw S V A V. IUh llnnit. U ev I R ' V '
1 Divme tTVti-, n!te'n;.tt-Iy. fvrv S!iKatti 'it I A M -.m '
17 M. Tr.vrr m"irlt.g im XWdncwIay rvenifn
MKTrioiUsT Kfifc.rAL CIU'KCH Drvl crr u- -i
, ivcpt nf S A I. Itnt! Rnad, Vw. F. Rt'TIAH Hint J f
fT0VB. lH"ori. Divine urivire. t!tTiiuTtTv, rv.
I hmh ni If'j A.M and ? IV M. I'niyer ntcetii.g 'diTni"
' duv frrtnnp.
D K a T II .
In Lower Ans'i"' township, nn Sniurnsv
tin. l;t:h invt . JOHN W. MALICK. Biit-l
'.'. yexrs !l niontlis and 1 day.
On tho 14th inBt.. MAUY A LICK Lir.5!i
ter of Peter and Lnvina Miller ol Lower
Augu-U ngd about 2 yeirs.
Or Mar he t. 5.
Philadelphia Market.
1'iiii.AtiKi.i iiiA. March, j;'.
J r i: ii Th" olT-srin its of Wheat nre n",n 1
and .t lain (Inn mil at th advance int. .1
yesterday. Sales of 2IIP0 bm-beU, ii'.t-liniir.jr
: fair and prime IVnna. and W'eFtern red. at
j SI 2oal 28 pnr hushel ; ont lioi n dr. nt f I 2:
: nl ill), and white trom $ 1 3." to 1 ,rn
' continues to comman'l fi cent t'nm is
j enming forward freely, but the demand is only
; moderat. Si'b-s of 3.(lHl) bushels new yellow
I part after the close of our repmt yesterday
at riiif7 cents, afloat and in lh cars. A
sale of SOl) hiiihels in the cars at .'i.-J cents.
Oats are in hetter demand. Sles of 4.000
bushels prime Pennsylvania at It.'c. per
bushel. .Southern ranges from 2'.' to Me.
, Wheat, SI lOul yo Butur, - - f lr
; Kye, .... 7S ngpi, ... '. i
Corn, .... T.'i Tullow, ... ii
Oau, .... r,1 l.ard, ... 2
; Iturkwbeat, - - ti2 Pork, .... ?
I i'otatnes, fill llerm, - - 21
New Advertisements.
Waft'lirai, Jctvelry & Mlicr 1 arc
XTr. riu!(1 ri-sprrlfuliy inf-.rm ear fiirn.'!,. j iOiis
1 ? rtml Iti jiuiilir (leiitr:lv, w- i- ive in w In Si -
ami ofli-r 'tll)l.t:!.l K AND ttKTAlt.. nt t! I.
C'Mkh l'riri-s, a larpe mi.l ve-v choice nl V T( 'II !
ji:vi-:i rt-v. mii.vkr and pi.aiku ward, . f ,vm:
vrmtty and stvle.
Kvnv 'li-. riil"ll "! PI ANION n V(irtK n i.l ..iKrr
.ir.W'KI.K V, mi'lc to nn!rr, al n..rt uol:co i'f A.!
(."nl Wurraiiti-il t' lie as rrprcsei.'.cit
N. 0 I'ui l irulnr aueetloii c'vi-u to llie tcyutieg of
VA'jtciics ami Jewelry of cveiv lic-ripitin.
sr a i kk Kit .v tuni.r.v,
No aJ Market Plrrel, Soul.'l SiJi', Philaiklphn.
Xarch 53, ImVi. -3in
Manufacture! of uJ Dealer nt
Nos. Ifi3, ins aid 10? North Vcauid Street, Philnitel(,hia
Al'F. are nnw are receiving our SI'lll.NO STOCK.
1? which will -omrrne a lai-t: oml lieanuiile ust"i'.
tuent ef all kliitts ef
Straw ami I.a o ;ooIm.
Aim, a Inrga aianrtmeut nf IjiJiea' A Chiklieii's
Our stock of Flnweis and It irhcs, will be miusuVy
Lirjie scaoit. ws volil Invlla j-'-nr smcciiii attr.i
tl'.il til lh:tt (leivirliiient. Tless cull ami ennnne then .
fere masme V'.ur ptirchnscs. II. VA!(l
N"s IH3, 104, k t07 North Street, atsivo Arih
Msich S3, ISI it
v. ii:Ki:it r 'x miv
HsNvrtcTvaEKs or
No 48 S.oih Fouuh Street, Philadelphia.
C. llrxsisr. w j. U.N,t,r
March 23, IfSI Sm
IlL'liE DRUGS. A fresh supply just receive, I,
- and prescriptions compounded in tb most
careful manner, at lh Msininntlt More of
Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Coort
of Northumberland County.
vn npp . k.i.. .t. . . c
j iy--ZT:
to the widows, rrsoeiiivrlv. of tha followim?
named decedents, agreeably loth Acta ot Asseni-
bly in such costa made and provided :
! t Augualua Uergner, deceased.
t William Uuhner,
I 3 Jacob r'rv, "
4 Jeremiah Kling, "
i 5 Jacob l.abr, "
ti William Kreigbaum "
And that lha sain will be presenieJ to liin
Orphans' Courl for approval oil Tl'Kl'.tV lh
1 9 li d.iy nf April nest, unless n. q l.nn. ll ert in
be lilt . 1 I'f'uie Ibal Innr.
.1 It. M.XSM'.C.r.i,. O. I',
i Snnbuiv, M an h lb. I'll I