THE LATEST STYLE OP GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY HADE at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of Market Mrect, MltlltV. ln. n ilV. subscriber, in addition tn his l.inje .it. irk i 1 of j CLOTHS, I Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Vcstings, etc J is constantly receiving new supplies from the cjtv keeping n full assortment of the mail KuliHiniititil i Uuil Intent style i.f (jonds in the city markets. Ho is prepand to make to order nil kinds id . ('en'.lemen's and Viov's wear, such as ! OVER COATS, DRESS. COATS. FROCK COATS.ilUslNl.s'S.C'OATs, VESTS j PANTALOON". Ac. Ac. Ac, the very latest civic nnd in tho sulistan j I manner, at short iinti.e. Any Ootids not im huml, will be furnished ni I'liilai rlfiliia, lv givin.; two day's notice. Li- Cull a id examine my stock, no charge., mailt' for showing. iacoh o. reck. Sunburv, November H Infill Cure Covyh, C uiiivnw, , Jnjluemu. on ri iM'i'.m nr j MuffWM of the Throat, V,V it if All' till I'mith, i i (unfumjitiijn, P.ron. chilis, .Isthmti, and Ha? Catarrh, Clear and (ice slrenrth tit the cuice vf Public Speakers und Singers. Few are aware f the impoiiauee of checking n Cnujrh or "Cnimnou Cold" in lis first staire ; that whit h in (In becin k would yield to mild teinedv, it iif utcptnl, soon thicks the Lungs "DROWNS HIIUNCIII Al. THU CHFiS,'' eonluiuintr demulcent ingredients, uliuy Puluio naiy and Bronchial Imtation. -That trouble tn my t h rout , (Tor which Hrown's ihe "TROCHES" me a eoilii) Imvi. g wade meoflen u mere whisneicr" TROCHES N P. WILLIS. "I recommend their use to Public Speak Brown's crs." nr.v. k. it. chapin. TROCHES. ''Hove proved extremely scrviccuble for ' Hoarseness. " Drown' I KKV 1IF.NRY WARD BEKCIIKIt. "Altni'kt niitniiit iciiei hi me tiisirestung TROCHES, ilnl'or ol lut-uihiiig peculiar to Aithina." UEV A C Milil.KSTON. Bruwn'i "Contain no Opium or hiiviImh? injuri w." DU.AAHAiK?, TR0CI1E8. CheHimt, llnln. "A simple mid pleasant c'tiiliinutiiii fur ttrown'a .Couirlin. A:c.M DR C F B1GKI.OW, TROCHES. Huston. "Beneficial in Uioi.c'liitis " Brown's DR J F W LAVE, tiosion TROCHES. I "t linve proved them exeellei.t for Whoop ling Cuugli." Brown's I LEV H W WARREN', I Jtuston. TROCHES. I 'tlenefieiiil wlien compelled to speak, 'siiff-'riiig Ironl fold." Brovn's I UEV S J P ANDERSON, St. 1'UIS. TROCHES. "EtTeetu:il in removing Hotiieenens nnd 'iriilntion nf the Tlirnat, so eoniinoii with BrJWll'B iSpeukcrs and Sniffers " i Prof M STACY JOHNSON, TROCHES. I Iji (irHiipe, H:i., j Teacher of MiiKie, Southern Brown's reniule Clleee. I '"Grent benefit when tiKei heforo nnd TROCHIS. nfter preiietiiu, 'is ihev prevent Hoarseness Krnm their prmt elfect, I think Iney will be of Brown's permanent iidviintjr.'e m- o I UEV K ROWLEY, A M , TROCHES. I President of Athens Colh-gt, Tenn. I Cy Slid hv nil DrugglBlfc ul W centsu bus. Decemtier b, Ittiu. Ou'ipl BOOT A N J ) S 11 O E MANLTACTORV. Corner of Market S'uarc and River Street STJnSTBXJB,, PA. flH E sulisirtlipr respectfully informa the citi zera ol Sunbury anil Mcinity, that he ha opened a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the corner ol Market Square ami River street, opposite thf Court House, where he can he found ut all tiinea ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he i prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest style and workmanship. He keeps constantly on hand a large asort' ment of Leather, of the heat quality, w hich en' able him to make up good and durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur' chasing elsewhero and you will save money, JOHN WILVEK. Sunhury, Nov. 10, 18U0 ly New Goods for the Ladies JDST ltlXI'll l n AT BRIGHT Ss SON'S!"" Plain, all Wool Delaines, Nent figured Delaines, Handsome Cashmerex, 1 1 it'll Colored De luiues. Striped Dusters, Mice Silk Pop lins, Mixed Mohair Dusters, Plain French Merinos, Printed Trench Merinos, Persian Twill, Brocade No- veau. Plain Co burgs, Dark mixed Debege, Hauds'u IHack Silks, New style Dark Prints, Cloves of all Kinds. Hosiery of all Kinds, New Style .ubias, Opera Caps, Chenilie Scarf, Mohair Head Dresses, Needle Worked Collars, &c., &e, cVc. Hut it is useless to attempt enumerating the great variety of Coods we have now in store, suitable for Ladies' wear. We invite an inspec tion of our store. E. Y. BK1U11T & SON. Sunbury, October 27. 1 80. HLACKSMITIIIKG !" HENRlrr PETE s3 Wl A VINO taken the Ulacksmithshop A at Ilohrhai'h's Foundry, is pre- 0 pared to do all kinds of blacksmithine to order, including horseshoeing in the best style. Thankful for the patronage lieretefnre extend ed, he hopes by strict uttention to business lo continue the same. Country produce taken in exchange. (Sunbury, November 3, I S6U GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sis KBTAIL fA'lLlNO A CHANT (at the M aiumoth - store,) nave just received SOO Pis. of Solar (.round, Solar arid tine Salt, 7(10 Sucks of Ground Solar SaW every sack warranted to contain 225 pound iif(jt and '200 bagsofSalt containing one Uusnel each. This salt is the best and stroiigawt now manufactured and in market. Call and see fur yourselves. Sunbury Sept.. 8, IHfiU. NOTICE VLL persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers, engaged in the Foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, re erjiii'sled lo ell!u the same without delay, 'l b 1-c neglecting this notice must not complain if coals are added to their accounts C. 1. & J. KUHRIUCH. Siinl.urv. Nov. 17, IMili 5m BLANItS ! BLANKS!! Anaw supplv of Summons', Kieculioiia. Warrants, Supuuas, Jteeiis, Mortgages, Hjrnli, J, eases, Naturalisation papers, Justices ud l.'onataliles Fee Kills, it, ac, jut jirinted and for sale at this Ollice. utihury, April HU, lei.i'J. KINOF.S, Delaine. I'oplitis. l-'ihe stock lllui-k liress liouds. I'riuted C'anhiiicit-s, )' irdido, 31 and UT cents. Some Dress (jobda. much rodnivd. COO I'KU A; CON A Ul), 8. K. coruer Ninth and Maikui ts., Dae 8, 1800. FhiUdelphiH. fLOTUS, Casaiineies, ijalliiiett. Heavy smd light ws-ilii Heaver cloths. Tricots, . Frosted Heavers, I'Uiu Uroad clothg. Faucj and lllark Casfitneres. COOPF.U it CON A1U, 8. E corner Ninth Market atreets. Que. 8, 18t;0. I'hiladelphia. d 'litAl KKltslt'K ACKEKS, just received L and for sale by Ihe barrel or pound, at the I oiil'ecuoiieiy s ine ot M. I .'. 1U AKH AltT. J i untiurv, O.-iji.u '. (jii MJi ALL, i and examine tlio I Fij beautiful '! tikMw 8 n a w l s I Ij PI DRESS GOODS !t' 'Jl"'"ir it S"N' i? lA'Hy-i' ham jut ope ted f,'? TUB (J K N T It K l' A T T II A C T I O N .' 151(11 DlSl'L.VY nf HANDSOME GOODS AT LOW PRICES i C'HIli'illill J K A U T V A N L) 1) U It It I I. t V V tiow on FKBS EXHIBITION At the People's ONE PJUCE STOKE, or E. V. BRIGHT & SON, Our extensive Slock of rOKElCiN AND DOMKsTIO 132. c2 CS CX CL 23, Notions, iiosifcitv, BOO T.S A X I) S 11 o i: S, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Carpets, and Oilcloths, &.,&, Presents RARE ATTRACTION?, A .V D Splendid Inducements TO PTOCZJLSERS, ho wish to secure GREAT BARGAINS For the Smallest Qaarjtity of CAPTAIN CASH OR Country Produce. ' REM Eivi E E R that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be as 7 "V -O rr -x3 (" r? irr m t r. AM) NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. In addition to our LARGE STOCK. We are constantly receiving New Oonds, thus keeping up our assortment at all seasons of the year. We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and nl.all make tvery elfurt on our part to render satisfaction. l!e lieving that the nimble dime is heller than the slow quarter, we thull adhjre to that olj time honored motlo : "Small profits ond quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunburv, November 17, ISfiO. . EVANS & WATSOVft K?f':'V? , mm U,lS'i8aluiuau(lcr Safe. 301 Chcsnut Street, I'HII.ADIIl.PHIA. riHKPR Safes are now in use till over the I'luted Stutes, i and imve heen tesletl in tniiiiy lireii; the f.'llitwmg shows another luslunee in their eapahil ty at resisting fue ; WiTMKH's Hridok, 1 Ijinenster Toiviishii. July 30, lsBn J MeksIIS. Kvnb ,V Wa TfaON, Ufiitieiiieu ; 'J'-ie sinali size No. 1 e-Hlamiiiider Sale which I pur.-hased fnmi your aneut. Mr Adam K. Birr, in Ijmcustcr Jnly .jmh, ISO?., has lieeli suhjei'ted In a very severe lesl, which ll withstood in a liiosl salisIui't'Ty maimer. Tins Sine, cu' tulinng all III) books, lopelher with valutlhle papers Mung llt; lo iniself and BolMe to my lic-igtitjora und Iriends, und represent inc a value ol over 'I'wenly Tie .usuud lniJaiH, (&'iil,IMio) was in my Mill, which was destroyed nn the mailt fo ihe -J7th of July, Mil), Hud passed tlnuu'h the ticry ordeul miseulhed, '('he Sul'e wus on ihe secuud rl.N.r, und fell to tiis hasiaiienl ul the Mill, und was suhjected fur six hums ti.uu intense heut lonoiig the ruins, which was greatly inereused l.y the eoinhusti.iii of s Iuikc ijuaulnv of jriaui confined within the bru-k Wilis. Aftel tlieliie the Safe was opened und the honks und tapcrs luken out in s statu of perfect preservation, the paper imt even hems, ed. This fact was, however, in many bystanders, u heller reet.innn-ii.lalii.n'.f your Sales than could be expressed in any other words irom me. V..urs. respectfully, SAMrW, RANCH Another Victory fur Evam and Watson's Salamander Safe. Oswann, V. V., .March 7 Ifitn : renr;enieii me much ile:oure t inf. nn you j thai the Sale No fl, (niiriehlt which 1 purchased of II. . Sir. n. I. yi'Ul Iraveiuii.' auiil, has ims.-icd through an ex I ccedoiely hot fire in uihrie srmy brick huildinir, which ! heated Ihe Safe to a Vlhllehent, so that the cruets uf it uppear lnelte.1; hul it preseiled my Ir-nks mid valuable l.ap.-is to the Ulliouut ill seveml tiiousslid ik'llllls, for which I It-cl Ihal.klul. S ,airs, respecifuMv, J I l.lilillM.i;. W A larne ass.irlnieiit iflhe above S),4Kt-Si sin-ai, on hand, ul Uol Chesuul strcel. (late ai SmiuUi r'oiiitu st HhiUdilphiu. ct..U-r tl, ImIO ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY I'SINfi MASON'S Pater.l Sheet Metal Screw Top PKESKHVE JAK. MASON'S PAT F.N T SHEET METAL 8CKEW TOP i AW that is necessary being to screw the Cjpdowii upon the Kubtier liusket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of ihe Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from ihe top prevent the possibilitv of the llavor ot itis fruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Persoiisdesiring these Jars, can lw supplied by leaving their orders with H. U. M AssHR, Sunbury, June S, I H60. Agent. Il.VEK WATCHES A few double case 3 Euglili Silver atclies. for sale at ver loss o'n ss by II. U MAtsSfi;. urn ihrci IftEMIflUSft ML t " HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLK SAY. Tlie nn.lerleneil hmtnr IW'l Prorewr III Jiriuir.i a I'KCIKIO MOMiEDPATIItO HKM 1.1)1 KS in our fiunllles Willi the mint sntisnirtnry reialtj, nl toivlnu full eonfl. tlenee in their ireniilm'tienl, purity, arel eilh-sey, elieerfiilly recommenii them to nil persons who wish to Imve safe, re liable, snd eltkai-louB remedies nt han't fur private or do- "Th'e il'v. Win. Horner, editor of "The Northern tn.le fiemtent," AutVirn. N. Y.; the Krv. K. It. Cremey, D O., Iteetnr of SH. Peter's fhun h, Ailliurri, N. V. ; the Rev. II. I. Ivc, Chtplnli) of the A'limrn Cute Prlion the Iter, di.encer M. ltl.e, R tor,, Mam. the Itey. Alton Steele. New-York Cnferenee ; the Ki'V. Siinuiel Nichols, Kill (lenesee foiiierenee, N. Y. ; the Hey. P. t?. Pi ntt, llorsel, Vt. the lli-v. J"lm K. R"l'!e, HiifTiilo ; A. C. Hurt, Kr., t'll ' i, N. V. ; the Hon. Neiil How, Purllnml, Me : Ihe lion. rtmvl-r C .inix, tinith-lleinl, lml. ; the lion, nenrrm lliunpiirev N. Y. Henry D. .t'ook, K., Kdltor of T'l" Ohio Sure joniM-,1, f, iXdo; the Hon. R. II. tlruhim, M line. III.; Ihe lion. Thomrii .t. Chase, Moiitt rello, Kls.-, tin- Hon. Joseph llene-Het. ITIlea, N. Y. ; Wm. II, 1,1.1. I'll. i. N. V. ; A. . P .nd, Ks.., Ullca, N. Y. i J iuiei, Pluukell, Kv.. N. fh villi', Teun. list or sprcific ukmkdivs. v.. I Kor V -v r. ConiTe-ili in, and tuflnnmritlnn. N.. '1. I'or Worm Fever Worm folic. Welllnir the Bed, N i. l. Far Colio, Ciyin , Teething, nnd Wukefulness of j Intiiii No. 4 For IV nrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer N,; 5Krf ,15.- firloin-s Dyvnlery, or tlloody flux. ! !ud i xanune fur themselves The public arc respccllully No a Far f hoh'-ei f holers Moi has, Vnmlilua. nivileil In cull mid examine for iheinselvrs I'or salli ut V,' 7 For f oinrlH. f ildJ. lull. lentil, nd Sore Throat. Retail by ell Apiilhecai ies anil tirncers III Philudelphul. fi', K For T.iolh -i '', F I ael.e, hii.I Neursla. 1 (iiiolll.s II. AIITu.v, No. y.-i .M.nkel SI , I'llll'U. ,',,' p.Fur Ilea l.i.'l.e. Verlto, Heat and Fullne-is of the Read i lie lollowiui; Ir.nti the New York Courier : t.A,'tt ' I EmikM'H's IlrsiNR.S FOB OSU NkW YoKK MHHl'IM.NT to lv --r. i-i i I'nis For Weik and Deranged I We are happy b. nilorin our fellow-cilizena tliut then Stoi.ia'.ii, Ooijsiit., an I l.ivei t' iiii.!aliit. i is one place iniiuicily where Hie .hsieiaii,iipollireiiry, No. 11. Ko.t F.. ii.k tiiio.i' l Aiil ltKs, rteanty, Palaful, or uitd country iiu-reliiint, can po mid purchase pure Wines 5 ipore-e I I'.jfio.l. I mid 1.1 pure us imported, mid of the best qualitv. N... 1-2 For l.o.iei.rrhea, Profme Menses, ami Bearing j r . I . n,,t nitinil t"i!ive nn eln!i..rate desei iptieu i.l'lli'is U wn of Feiuiile. . Illeteliaiit's exteuMVe Inli-ineSS, lllthouch ll will well repay N . W -f-r 'i' "in. Hoarw Conirli, Ita.J IlreMMne. I any si ranger or enzen lo visit 1,'dolpho'e's exUnuve No. ll.-fUl.T Knu'M PiLl.l For hryslpehis, hrupttoal. ..,,,. ,,., , ., ,, t, ,Ver street, mill N'os 1?, Pimpks on theril.-e. ,.. ., I "luliil '.'I, Murkoilield street. Mis stock nf Schnapps on Vo-." ".'V- i 7 ; lianil ready f. shipment culd not have he,,, less I , ne?ln ,he i., I. ' I thirty ,l.ld eases ; the l.inuily, e ten ll,md 1 ' o , M BHiarBn-i'-f 1 A : p K r r.l1'. 1 "i- ll'.'f'Hn". Tit'rn1 or Kxtenvii. O. Fir f t. Vf ,!:. t I-iilrutic 1 rj-r aitd K.velida ; Kali !iV. W'Mk, or lUurrr 1 .z-A. C for Citur-N, r,i tlfc- ji'.iii;,- df rk'ixnt, cUJitr with obntrih't'"!! tr j n- -i . V. f.Fur Wh-H.;.-- i'uhI, nltisCnv It-i vi-'lone &ud llicitci it C"iirM', In all .licusi-, iu-ii ns !' vt'-s, lufbimiuHii.trnt, Diai rl-vfi, D sent" r . i'i .un, Hl.-tm.-itisui, nt.-l u'h rru live iisc!t.cs ns H-:m lt fever, Mt:itlt-it, in.d krysipfls, tiie Bilvantuuc of (;:vin )T-i,er rfnu-.H'-s pt ly Is ob vious, Hti.i In Hli fi-'S ons'.-c tht Ji-tl'i-s acl like a charm. The I'lit'.rt; iltst.-iift- (s oii.-u arrtstfil m .mt c, ai.d in all cat tin? violence of the iiii uk U iii.'ilcratfJ, tltc liiawast shcrt ent"I, ami reinhffvj K-sc tla't-rou-f. Couijh and C-ii'iM, wh'wh im .i nuch frequpht occurrfiice, nd M.-h gn nfii-n lay tin; U'ii!itlnii"n of disi-jiKfi. limps, bronchitis and :otiun.ti(.ii, tu nil he ut unci; cured by Die Kever Mid Cmirh I'Mi. In alUhrui:lc tlisi-tisi-s, sui-h a? lniri sir., cik Nmacii, CoDsMipation, rivt-r oiMpi.ntiis, i , t-iitalf hilHlity, and lrreLpti!iriiif!), rid in j or Weak yv Cutarrh, Bait Kl.funi. Htid filifi' old rui-t the CHrf' ha it.'t'iiic8 wtiostj prtiprr mu'liciili-'M will athi l lintiiue. Irtfii the corf "fa souit as U,Mip-,'SIii, ISN'f or i ntiinh, Uri,, ntft3, has more lh:tii ja;J lor il.t- r;. rtnc::. Capf of ?0 via1!! p.'.npW-!?, hi ni'-n cc Cas of 'JO vinh, ;tin! It. k, uni. . r ' 1luttl.ll.ll...l i..t ntui it. ;i curt- in n'.iiiont every d.i.n.h- ililliculty, i'Jcli iii-lie or Ktiiitiln Weak- id It k ... . 4 i .. .. 1 ;.ri cents, ul CfliN. ! Cao of hiMH, iiuiiilfv' t'd. i" 1 Hinplc nuruhri i-ii lt,e, with dirv.'ti- fllllef leUW-.i li.'Xt'P, V it! 'lift ILare curt of 'J ut. uiis, for iitilrrB and pliysiriaiis.. ClKIt'A ;ii A 1.50 ?r Plinllil'-. For .Vstiivi i. HreKll.liip, ntt.'i. pr..--l. 1 1; ;i ..-un , i.i pit e-l nil'i t'utit, mi. I I .lit.:l..raliaii. I'riee, &0 eeuH per L, x. Fos Kill Ills. U.IH.1.-5 ss-i. I'i- u sii lile.-l.srp. frciii Ihe Eur, the result nf S.-n i l.-r K.v. r, M. .:.', ..r M.TfinlaH. X.iises it. the Head, li-ir.lin-w ol ll.-nilug, and Uniting In the Kars. si.d Kar a he. ! i. .-, h i .-.Ms pi-r h x. Pu Sk-anrei.s lliilarscl lilwK Knlars.-I ami llidiirnt .l T..tisils, i'rt and HI I I "i'-.-l i, S. Cachexy uf Children. I'm e. .Mi eei.ts I" r h. x. Kor (llSHS.ll. Iil.liu 1 1 v. I'.iyKi. a! er Ncrvnes Weakness. Fither the seiul! i.i Si -kn.'-'. tA-'eiviive t.-.i.-:ili iii, or K hanslln Dis. hai ; ri. IMoe, ,-enis per 1. ,x. Fok Inuil-sv. Klui I A.-. u-tiulnti -ns, T in. id y-velhncs, tilth geanty yeeivli, e.s. I'i h e, ,r,il , .-:ii- per In A'. Kua SK4-Si. knks kklie!., Veli'.e.i, Nnuseii, Vnnitilng. EuknvBB rriiia vhlhi.' ur motion. I'ikc, ho cents per b..x. s'oa t'HISARV ll?'r:i?vs. F-.r (irnvel, Calculi, Difrl cult, Painful Dr'u-atiiui, llisiaecs i.f ll.t-K.dlns. I'rlne, Ml Oents rer box. For .ipMiSAl. KMtsrr.Ns. Tnvi.luiitiiry fl.-hRrces snn Ceiuent l'1'..tiaTl.n and Kb .lily. Hid Results ot Kvil llahtls. Tlie su.'cewrul Slid elh.-ifi.t re. nedv known, and amy be relied upon us a cute. I'rhe, Kith full direc tions, 1 per bi.x. Persons who !sh to place themselves under the pr.'fes si'inal oare, or t.. sei-k advice ol I'rol. llcill-lH.i-YS, can do bo, ut his ollice iaii in .aid way , daily from s A.M. lu e I'.M. er by tstter. 01R ni'MKIIinS HV MAIL. Look over the hst ; make up a ease of vhnt kind you choose, and In. h-se ti e iitn.-uiil in a em lei t ii'.te nr slainps by mail to our address, at No. Mi Uma.lsuy. Ne-Y..ik, and the medleine ill he duly returned by mail or express, free nf ehnr.-e. AliF.NTS ANTKO Wedeslre an Relive, efh.-ieiit Ajreiit for the Bile of our lleliiedli s in every ! :i or c. ii.niliiiiljr tu the United States. Pr. F. II I M I'll 1! I VS Co. N . .'-C-' IlKoinWAV, Ni.M-Voltl. A. W FIslIER.Agent. Sunbury, Pa. May SC, iHbll. ly SUNRURY STEAM l'LOURLNC. "rr3.;Q.;Ea"i3 THE subscribers having taken possession of tfjis first chits Fl.OI KINO M 1 1,1.. are pre pared to receive grain of Ul kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Miorliet Notice. Cuitoim-rs will have their grp-ts gronnd iinint'diatcly upon their being left at the Mill. As it Is the iulcn. tiou of the lirrn to stock the .Mill a large Sup ply ol liruin, will l u constantly kept on hand, und flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care w ill be taken lo tuiti out a su' perior quality uf Hour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Sliict attention will be paid to the wants ol customers, and toe patronagu ul the public generally is rcspcctiully requested. MO Mi AN a CO., Sunbury, June '2D, ISM). 1 itDinii u; avc to urn. rpHi: FAI.I. TKItM of the present year was -- opened on 'J'uesdav, ibe ltith of October, ult. Puimd of Instructor. Rev. J. K. Millet, Piiuiipal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages und Fngiish. .ifcTiifurf. H. S. Dover, Associate, ond Instructor in Matlj. lliatics, Natural Sciences, Hoi k Keeping, Ac. Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course uf Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Department. The goicriiinciil of this Institution is mild but lino, and ail students lite required to be diligent uud ubedit nt. l'.ljiense.i. Boarding, room with luniiiurt-, per week, I. fill to $I,',S Tuiliun per Quarter, 8. ,00 " ij7, III Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, Ac, eilia. stiidcnu admitted at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J K MII.l.F.T, Freiburg, Snyder county, Pa. Freiburg, November 'A. IbtJO. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, NhS. "5, 7", 1'J, SI, 8U A' 65 Ihiane Street Would notify tho Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, the WAMSl'TTA lMltM'S, ah i the A 111 o b li c a g , A New Piint, which excels every print in the Country for perfection uf execution and design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with eilen.ite ale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, liiiiO. ly pi FMOFRKD WOOL DF.I.AINKS. Auction has Iruiu Jb luTdeeuts. C'biklren's Plaids and slelames lb j luaUeta. Lupin's anest French Meriiiisfrunt auelloa Three veiy hoiee kUal eu,a7 and M eta. Plum all wool Cusliiiieiea lisio auctiou, cheap al 63 awl tto cents. Figured Chillis oolols, Cashmurea, 38, tO stud (0 CU Puid, suiMslaud fi('d to 40 vl. t- lg'd and striped Flench Popuua. BLACK DHES8 GOODS, lion lou hlack French Mef iiKass, ea hi I0U. luai lot black DeluiueB M to SO ela. aaliinc(ualily II yards wide at 13. ileal Ha eenl black Wuol DeUunes ui luwn. Ulai'll Auielmes awl litf'd Allejis. cool'FH CONARD. S F. e NIM H and M All KFT Htisnes O-l.lan n M. rho.dtL ii a A SUPEFUATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, HRAflfTaCOFiDlAL To the Citizens of New J ersey & Pennsyl vania. Apothecaries, Drupgists, Grocers nnd Private Families. Wolfe's Pure f oiiiuic llnindy, Wnlii-'s Pine Miulerm, Sherry nnd Port Wine. Wolfe's Pine J-iiniiien slid Si. f mix Rum. Wnllu's Pure Sculeh and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. 1 bee leave to cull the intention of the cilirens of the l'uilt-,1 Mule to the niiove Wines nnd Liijuois, imported by l liol-IKO W.urK ol New York, wll oso mime IB luiin. hnr in everv pint of tins country lor Ihe purity of hisrele bnileil Si lik.luin Scliiiiippa. iMr. Wulle, ill Ins Idler to me, speaking of Ihe punty of hu Wines and Liquors, sus : 'I will Kluke my repiiiiilinn as n man, rny sliiniliiia us it liiereliunt of Ihiily yeurs's residence In Ihe I ily ot New York, I hat nil the Hrandy mid Wines Which 1 Uotlle are pure as nnporled, met i-f Hu best (pialny, and cnil be relied npoa ny every piirelinser ' r.vei y b a' le nas me prupne , . ,,. n, a va.a , iii;.io,.M,,i i-ju i,, i.-,0 . a.,0 ten thousand cases "l iMimeirn. Sheny and Port Wine, Scotch und Irish l U hisky. Jam in n mid f-t. Croix Rum. some very i. Id anil ! ef lal toiiny in ih se imtrv. Heiilsn had three lame eel- lurs, Illicit with, W me Ac , in casks, Hiuhr I'ns t..iu ll..iiiekey, rimly b.r holiliu;. Mr. W. die's sales sciiiiiipps lust year iiiii.inntisl to one linnrlreil and emhiy thousand lozi ii, mid we hope in lesslh iii two Tears he inuy he e.ually siiccessliil Willi his llran. lies nnd Wines. Ills business merits the palr.inaee ..f even- .vcr ol his species. rriv.ilelaiHiiicswIio wish pure Wines mid I.i. qnois f..l medical use should Bend Iheir nrdeis direct to Ml. W..I.C, unlll every Apolhecary in Ihe laud make up ll.eil im nils toiliscard I he p. us iiimis stufl irom their s iclvee mid replace it with Wot fk's pure Winesund l.iquorB We uiulerslaiul Mr. Wulle. lur Ihe nei...ti,iii,nboi..,i nf small de tiers in ihe cuntrv, puts up nssorted ens.-s of Vines nnd Liquors. Such 11 'man. and such u merchant, should be siisltin.eil ncunifet his lens nl thousands of oppo. neiii ni Ihe t'nileil Sial.-s, who sell hut llnilalions, ruinous n'lke hi hmn.iu health and linppini s. Koi Sale by GlitiKGK HKHJHT, Agent, Sunhury, Ii S.ieinher a i-r,o (!,., p. A N 0 T II E R A R R I V A L 0 F i E W G 0 0 D S , J. II. i:f. i:i,. of iiiihiii'y, Ia., HAS just arrived with pplendiil STOCK of sl'KINO AND SUMll Kit COODS, frum Philadelphia, to which he ri'-pectfully invites his friends and the Public lo call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his sto'-k of goods will befound, FINE lil.L'K AND 11 1. A Civ FP.E1TCH CLOTH. pine Ulack and Fancy Cnsimrres "i weeds, Sat itictls, Jeans, Ulack Italian ('loth, Cashmeielte, Cottoiiitde, l inens, I.inen Hrill, l.inen Check, and Fa' iy Vesting, also n large assortment of lieady-madi) CI.OTHINO for men and hoys (chcup.) FOR LADIES WEAR, II lack and Fancy Hress Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, lit reges, Chali and Chnli Uobes, Derege Delaine, lierege linbes. Figured Brilliant and a variety of iv her Dress (inods. Spring and Sum mer Shaw ls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good oswirt ment of while gooiK ('ollars, Sleeves, Irish I.inen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, llrilliant Vc. A general assortment of domestic Dry Oo'ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Uoots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, (irocerics, Cednrware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar A-c. &c. N II. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, nil the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for floods. j. u. i;ngi:i,. Stinbury, May. 19, ISfiO. tf. WHOLESALE DEAI.EK IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C. 'IM! E subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOL-KIGX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands nf Brandies, (Jin, Old liye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderi.i, Champagne and other W ines of all I guides, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keeper by buy ing of us can save at least Ihe freight. Persons desirous uf purchasing liquors fur FA M I L V U s E , may rely upon being' furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. Being determined lo establish a reputation for selling cheap ho respectfully solicits iV pa tronnee of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. IEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, Jul e IC, ISIJO. II A It It I S .l 1 1 0 v n r y MARKET V 1 1 X T i: It , at 51 a Uj , SQL'AItK, str 3sr 33 Jure 'i t, I8ti0. U R Y, I? A. . DR. A. W. FISCHER, rf"FFEI?S his professional services to the citi-v-' zens of Sunbury and vicinity. 1 nin e at tne Drug Store. Sunbury, June :iu, IHO. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'IMIE subscriber respectfully informs the public - iliat he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles cast uf Sunbury, all kinds uf Earthen Waie, made uut of lU'tl (fine ut Clay. This clay produces ihe best and most desirable kind uf ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers lo Friling & (irant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH SWIDOE. Oct. 13. IHfiO. ly Sunbury, Pa. JngIUiTned caretsT A f AN L'FAC'I'L'RKD and I'er Sale tiv M. Peiper A Co: llA Leihrandt and McDowell's molding, North F-usl comer, Second and Knee stieets Philadelphia, 000 us (j l a it a y ti:el. October V, IMll. ALFRED D. BRICK'S IWPIED STATES ASH ELPOPF.AS PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. JV U- Communication by mail jiromptly ' ' attended to. Sept 88, INliO. lyS J. PALMEII& C6 Market Street Wharf, Philada, Dealer in ruii, Cheeiie and I'roi Isloiia, HAVE einiuly on baud an assortment of Dried and Pickled Fish, Ac., via : Mackerel, Shad, tjulunai, Hlu Fish, Herrings, Cidhsh, Bed, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, Uams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, Ac. October , ItsiO. 3iuw IRILINU tV GRANT have just received by - railroad Ihe largest assortment of QUEENS WAUE end ULAS'iWAKti ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fiesh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dress Goods, Print. Mua. lins and Notions. (pr T, IHQ. 1) LA NIC Parchment Paper Deed end blank Mortgages, Uonds, Elocutions, Summons, Ac, for salsb II. U. MASSF-K. i I HlOIILY IMFOETANT NEWS. M. C. GEAIUIAHT, Has returned with a new Siui-k nf Confectionariej, Fniit and Toys IT scents as If new age, new Iile wan open- ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Science- will glow anew nnd seek to devetope sub limcr beauties and grander conception. Tlie business world too must feel the new in fluence and every part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy ol the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "Tho great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple nf SCNBl'KY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city (if I hiltnlel phia with the largeHt and chniccft stock of Con i'cctiotinries, Fruit and 'J'oys thul has ever been bronchi to this section uf country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Conteclioiiiiries, Ac., o fill tip orders, wliutesu'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Coufectionaries, may uc found (turn Drops, all kinds o'l scent, !,ove Diops, Mint Lirops, red ami white, J. lly I'ukes, I'luit Hroj-s, Stick Ciiuiltes, ot all scents R-K-k Uandy, Akiiond Candy, IturuL-ii Atiiit'iKlt, U8t ' VfiniUn, hitjutirKc, FRUIT. I'niiifM, r iu, ; KuisoiiK, Null nf all kitidn i CliMlintK tlTit'tl, Aiinuiitta, LKMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of St gars Hnd Tobacco, und a ! variety nf Conl'ectioniiries, fruit, Toys, eVc, all ol j which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Ft ltcniemher the name and place. J i M. C.OKAItHAUT, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright &. Son's : store. Sunburn, April 14, 1800. ly Ladies One Price Fancy Fur Store ! John B aiclra. Sn, ARCH!ftrrft, be-iw-'cii 7th. mul t-t ti, St. I'lflLAOKI.rHlA. I Me of SIN Market Str.J .fe'ami Oeiilcr in all kinds ot j-k iiniif'iier. ,vi!iiiuiiipinri"r Hiivmir reinnveil t rny New Stnie, ? Areh Pt . nnd beiMif now entirely in thf Mumifneture nnd S:tle tf raney rur't. which, in iiconlnnre with the "(ne Price rrineiple.'1 1 huve marlietl ut Ihr I. .west pomMe piicea ciinitent wiih h rt"irt'iui''l'i pr-Tii. I wm.lil ti''it a vitot fri'in th"f in want nf Knrnfur enh r lrffllC8, or ihilHrt-i'' Wcnr.nml iim h.spfctiin vt mv n lectom nf Th' h 8 !. naiiffi'il. ua 1 niii, "i niy uh.hty t pif.ifi in every tit-Mud Clfilt.'ll. ffi"- IV ra "i" '' litnnfr, who rmy find it iii"niivciiitnt t'l p (!l ,tT?l HiIlllV, IH'fd Mlllv li:im'' till' Ulliclr-, ih.'V Wlll t'-uethcr with the pner. nnd nnmm'tnnn for iHii.iiny. m d f.irward fh on'rt tn mv niMifS" in-Mify :irr-nip:nH nig tn hisjiite a liJiUrfiict'irv rninpU;utt"r with their wishes PhiUdtrlphi.-i A njr-usi I i-di. flmS! w IcOO WINTER ARRANGEMENT. lMio NKW Y01UC LINKS. CAMDl'.N .V AMHUY AND I'llll.ADr.I.l'lllA AND TRENTON RAILROAD Cu.'i LINKS, From Philadelphia V -Yete i'vrk and Way Placts. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depoi, Philadelphia, will Icuve us 'i-llows, Fakb At BAM via Camden and Autbuy C A Accoin- iniKliittoit, f'2 2.1 At 6 A M, via Csmdeu and Jersey City New Jer sey iii it.minoiljitn n, t -Jl At tl A M, via Cuiudcii and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 IK At II j A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Kaiires, ' 3 on At -i P M , Via L'mtideu und Alllboy-C und A. Kx- press, 3 oil At P M, via'Keniiiigton, and Jersey city, Kve- 11111 t.xprets, 3 00 At 41 P M, via Kensiugion and Jetey city, Sd Class Ticket, o 5 At 6 P M. vui Camden A Jersey city IVenii.g Mail 3 I (I At 1 1 P M, via Camden and Jersey city Soulh. Mull &i Al 5 P M. via Caiiitleu and AmUiy Accouim.Hlu. Hon. (1'ielght uud Passenger,) 1st class ticket, S '25 2d " I 50 The 6 P.M. Mud I.inu runs daily. Tue 11 Sj,.utli,.-rn Muil Sa'tlrdayB excepted. I'or Kclviderc. Kaston, Fleinincton, Ac., nt 6 A M , from Walnut street w hurl' and a P. M , from Keiisnu-ton. for Mauch Chunk. Aiieut.iwii and llelhicl.1.111, at 0 A M. via alley Huilroa.1. For Water liup. Slrouitshurir. Scnnton, Wiikesourre, Montrose, liieat Iteud, Ac, ut ti A M, via lo l.ii .ire, LucKawanua und et.-rn Kailroud I'or Frechol I. at ti A M und '2 P. M. For Mount Holy, ut (I uud H A M , and '2, und 11 P M. i'i WAY LINKS, Tor Bristol, Trenton, Ac at 3 ond JJ P. M., .from lensinetoii. For Palmyra, Pcluneo, lleverly Burlington, nitlcn- town, Ac, at r.'j. J. mul 4-1'. M. Fifty iiouuds ut Uaet;iii:e ou.y. ullowed each iasseneer, Pnsseni-rs are pioiiihiteit Irom taking anytliiiu,' as Hue iraiie hut their wear, ng uppntel. All Uaeilaire overtitv p.iiiiulu t 1 be paid for exira. The Company lima tlu-ii risp -iisi luiit y for Baggage to I Hie Dollar per pound, and Will not be liable f.. nay uuiouiil beyond 1HU Doll.iis, i. ccpt hy special contra, t WM II tiATMKH Agent C. A A. R It Co February 1-. i-tin. HEGEMAN Si COS CCI'.DIAI. LI.1X1U OF C A L I S A V A R A R K Prepared only hy UKI.KMAN A CO., Wholesale Retail Cheilosis and Druggists, Mil, .T.i'J, 511 and 7 ..1,1 llroudwny. New V. oik. THF. Virtues of PF.HF VI AN HARK us a Tom,, have been Ion long k.n.wn 1.1 neeil comiu.-ut. The CAUSA V A ('-or Knm's liara.'") is the most valu able nl' the liunier li.s vui ieue ul the Peruvian Hark, and in the F.1.1XIM is combined v nh oilier iiiiireilieuls teat llHTeusa lis 1 :fa aey and at tin- same tune iiveicome liie nileiisily ,11' n, hittel, rctdei li e 11 a most Aerteable Cor dial. 6 For persons livinc in FKVFIl and A ft UK will be found in valuable us a pievrnme. Hall' ol a wine Ulass full taken st 1, t and moniine:. tendering Ihe svstetn much less subject to the uiiliea.ihi inliuenee ol Ihe atiuos phere III KF.CTIONS Dose for nil adult, half a winealuss full before hreakfavt and dinner : ehil.lren liotn one tn two teaspoons full ; it may I e taken with or without little WUliT For sale nt fh.s 1 Ilarcli 17, isiill LOOK HERE, IF VxlU WANT TO liUV CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock coiibi..t n C.en'ts Kipp Hunts, Youths' Kipp Bunt. Children's Cull liool. Also variety of Women's Calf Lace Hoots, Women's Morocco Lace Roots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace ISools. all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. Callaud examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale tor cash. W.M.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, IKbO. New Air Line Route TONE "W YORK tSHOHTLST IN' DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN T1MK between the two Cities of NEW YORK AND HARRISBUIIO. vu READING, ALLKNTOWN AND EA9TO.V. Morning Fapress Weal leaveB New York at 6 a. at , and Philadelphia alba M , arrives at Harrishurs at P2 45 r. M connecting at llairisbuig wnh truut un Northern Central 1,04 tor Mnibury, W illiuuisporl, Lia-k Haven and inter mediate Blatiuna. Mail Tram West leaves New York at I'J 110.111, and Philadelphia at 3 JO r St., connecting with nam 011 Norih em Ceutinl K.sid for Bullous as above, aud also uu all Iramaou the Wilhauispori snd Flinita. Mail Tiaiu Falsi leaves Harrishuig at ft, am, and ar. rives al Philadelphia at I r. at., and New Ymk al 3 30 t. M., in tune to uks Uait uresis for Bsmtiai, Ao. Fast Express F-aat leaves Ilarrislan al 1 15, on ai rival of Northern Central Tiaiu, and arrive al Philadelphia al IS r at . anil New Yotk at Or. it. No rhant. of ears' baggag test ween New York or Philadelphia and llamabuig. Fur beauty of sccirsryand spaed, eomfoit and aeensnnvw daiiun, Una mul pieswaui supru inducsuMiiia lo the traveaiug publio Oniu is Nr York, fosit nf CoBnland stitet, rhlssdsl phia, Brcatd aird Calluwhill streets. Far tsMwasMiNsss Yotk aud Harr tabor FIVE POL LAUB I Fos Tieksts; Frcifht or otast Infornwthin, sor'i " 1 J J I I V1H.. .' , I 11.11. k'u'l Jul,." I MS I; , mm NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. (JEKaMENT, NO. 1 MAHKr.T STltcr.T, SUNBURY, PA. I pHB subsctilier has Just opened at hi well .1 known establishment in Sunburv, one of the heapestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or Mchangf for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. TH.Anf AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delttins, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Mfirinn. all colors. beautiful Dress Kohes, Cashmeres, Shaded, i'lain und Striped must be seen to form an idoa of the extent variety. and Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Droche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet. For Men and Hoys' Wear, Ulack Cassimeres. Fancy Cassimeres, side snipes heavy. Doc- J Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds, FLANNELS, White and lied Flannels, all grades and prices, liay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnniuou READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cups, Ac, ie., all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regnrds quality, style and price, with any in the country. I1AUDWAUK. a full iissortimut. Wood and Willow Ware, y ui ctiswurc, of all descriptions, (inn-cries, a full slock in sluro, Curpet Chains, fuc, Paints, Oils. Class, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the palronugc heretofore received I he will spare no pains to please all who may lavor I him with thcircustmn in the future. Sunbiirv.Oct. 82, I HSU. FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, ; As Improved for IN.ID and fiO, , By E. KETCHXMiV CO., 8-1) Pearl-Nireel, i Ncw-V'ork. 'IMilF. only Freezer construcled on srieiitilie ' A piiiictples, with a revolving can and spring j blade scr.i cr. The one hastens the freezing nl the cream the other removes it as last as frozen. ' The most rapid in freezing, with the least i quantity ol ice. The most ecoiiomicarin cost, as it ia (ho most siinplu andilurnble in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towi.s in the Ci.ion. Each accompanied with a book of re cipes and lull directioi.s. FIIH.T.S. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 0 quarts, H quarts, 1 ( quarts, "0 quarts. un 4 I'D .' nu ti uo K 00 1'2 00 Apply I.. II. II. MASSEK, Sunbury. June 2, lhl'ill. 18C0. THE BEST ROUTE I860 F I! OM Wjoniina; ValU j fo IMilladt lpltln. AtlV lork. Ilakliiiitiit', AND m l, south , ;. r. LACKAWANNA cc RLOOMSRURC RAILROAD. SUrrWIHR ARRAKGEMENT. i-.'o Daiiy Passenger Tonus will he ran between Scram., ami Northliiul.eilaiitl, as luliows: MOMNU SOL'TII. Leave Scrantuu, A t ri ve at, Kini:siiii, Shicssiuuiiy, llerwu-k, Hliii'iiis'..viigl Kupell, (lanville, Nurlhuinlierbiid, Plnl'it Mail. 6 10 A. M. 8 3f? ? in 7 511 t W fl ill ti od !l -21 1 f no NOR I'll : N. V. Fx A M A. M. N V I -li p 4 .'3 a -J i 5 -2., li On V JU ; 40 10 t is MOVING Leave rad'a M ul 1 Ij P. M Norlhumberiaad, Arrive al Danville, Rupert, BI'Mimsbuig, Berwick, Shicksiiniuy, Kingston, Piitstou, 6 OA A 30 S J.l b AO 0 15 f 00 7 is a v, 7 15 1 OS M 7 45 b 47 t 15 ' fl 11 Sernnton, nisi Ldifiawnnua nun Ul sausbuig Kailroad con.iects Willi Ihe Delaware, lickawamiii and W esiem Railroad, at Scranlon, for New Vork and Philadelphia, and interme diate points Fast ; also lor Ureal Head, llmghaiiitoii. Syracuse, UutTuIn, Niagara Falls, und all ini.rt.,,it pon.ts West. At Kuiiett 11 connects with tin- I 'hii:.h.1.w:. 11. ,0. rou.l, for s.intslHah Fust and West. At N...itl,iiu,l,cili.ud it cuniects wnh the Sunbuiy and Krie Railroad, fur points West and South. .11. '.V. JACKSON. Sui. t. kiiicstoii, Aulltt -25, !-b". GOODS, S W E A R . E 0 R M E N ' Ulack and blue Hair Cloth, Reaver Overcouting, Plunk Doeskins, New Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds. Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good (.'nssiiit-tts, Sil.; M ucil I Super clut Cnrdi. Rlack (irei.adini Yesling, Ulack Satin Wsting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Plain silk Velvet Vesting. Nice Cassiincre 'elings li. fact all ki:ids nf goous for Men's and llov.' wear, ran be found al the People's One Price Slore of E. Y. Aright & Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock uf all kinJs ul goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. L Y. LRIUJIT & SON. Sunburv. October i!7, Isiio. SUNBURY ACADEMY. 'I'HK Sunbury Academy will he reopened on Monday vf ,,ih,', ll Aj6l"-i lt6"'i under loo cure of S P. w l IJ . l.(t 1 clN . Tneeouise nf iiiatrneti"ii will embrace ,v,.r. dr(U,rl. ment ,.f education taughi 111 our best Acsd.-mies, preparin srui eats one eilhcl lor a pri.le.slonor In entei any class 11, College. J TEII.MS PER QUARTER: Comm -n School Hranches, ( (,n Iligner EughBh liiaiicues, j ou 1-aiiuaiidUreeli languages. 7 yo All enter, t,g helote the (middle of the Quarter will he rcqiineil tu pay f, the wh..l term of tuiiioii.u.iliBssn. ciiilarraiigcnieiil is nuiue Tuition 10 heiaid before Ihe middle of Ihe term. H aird ran he had 111 private luin.lica al iioiu l 751,1 S'2 '25 pel week. Sunhury, August 25, lsftl. nUlitN, Jttn & silver Ware VK '!.Ukl T',P''fir1y inform our friends, patrons 1 ""-""""V. that we have now in Stole ...dotTe,mil.l:8AI.K AND R KTAI I , i, "e we." lush I rices, a huge and very choice ,.,, , Wa TCHl-st JEWEI.KV, SILVER AND PLATED W ARE, of variety and style. JV Wf" u""" ,of i wo"K and other JfcWE..Il, made to order, ut slwit uolice -All Go ats orrauted to be as U I'aiiieular alleiitmu given in it, levanting of Watches and Jewelry nl evrv descripitnii. v TAIFFER A H ARI.F.Y, JtKl' U"1 S'J"' l-CU-Bl,.... PoR SALE. 'TWO LOTS situate in Market atreet, in the town of Trevorton, No. 18 and 1 3, in block No. (10. Apply to WM. (iM.'GLKR. Selins grove, or H. X. MASSER, Sunhury. TT8EFUL IN ALL FAMII.IE5-HEi.KMAN - 4 CO'S Benzine, which removes ptinl sjiols grease, lie, r c, and cleana glove, silks, ribbons, Ac, equal to new, without the slightest injury lo roior or laorie. ooiu py an tiruggisis, also al tins ollice. 85 cenls per bottle-. STOVES I7V1R SALE an eicellent seconJ-hand Caok- M. ing stove, alio aeveral Cylinder Coal ItnstBs. Enquire at ibis nflir. I OY'S UOOTS end SilOKS, cheap for rash WM. MIU.KR'.I Sun' urv. Atiual NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. riMIE subscriber respectfully informs trre citS JL r.em of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh horhood, that he has opened a Store at the north west corner of Market Square, oppoiile Vandyke's Itailroad Hotel, where he fa receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, fruit and provisions of all kinds, torh as WHEAT, It YE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Cracktta, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Sec, from the Soulh. He will constanlly receive, by liailrotj, fr0ni Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies of the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prumpt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a share of the public patrnnnge. WM. HOOVER. Sunhury, April 10, 1889.- ly. THJs COFFEE POT I Too, Pot, ! BeintT; based, as Dr. Hall, of tho 1 Journal of Health, says, "on suienco ; nnd common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined aooh to suporcode all others. I ARTHUR, PURNHAM.t OII.ROY. j 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia j Sole Manufacturer under the Patent j ?-Fnr sale liy la1r In rfostses KrrfiiMc A i tli Ies, ou.l Moi rket tiers tt li e r a 1 1 y , December 4, lS.'iO. ' J- STEWART DEFUY, I , A T CUHM'.I.H S SIAHAN'S, No visa South. . s. V. t-econil streets, (next rlooi to C. It. Meuch's)! C rinisilelplna, w. uid invite the ntleution ol their. fi iciiOb and cimomers, and the public in seneral, w e .., u i..r..u ... ,i .....n .-i.,. i ...... t. ... CAKPETINCrS, fl- iiiisistini- i,f Velvets, Tspvstries, Thfee-rivB, Insranis. and Venili'ins. Also, IVlNUtlW l-m A li r.rv I'll, v.. I. li I 11 ,1 A 1 I l.-M?,, UUUU- ,111,'I'S, K !.'!, MA I'?, STAIR HOLS, 4c.. j which lie Bells ery theua I'or elish, wholesale 'anil retail. (Morcli Kl, lt-611 ly DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APT HA PECTORAL, 1 ? the best Medicine ill the world tor the Cure r.f - -iiiiihi I i und L'ol.l?, Croup, Uiouihitis, Asthma. Unfit-nit 1' ... 1 ureal 1111. rr. l-nipnalion 01 the Heart, Uiptntns, si:d I the re!. el ol patients 111 the aih-nneed sme'-s of Comuirif. I tim. toselhel wnh all Diseases ul the 'Ihr.. at nnd fhtsi nnd wliieli preilisposc 1 1 Consiimplii.n. ; is peculiarly adapted to Ihe radical cure . j .sthmn. Reins prep-ireiU.y a prunic.-.l Physician an.1 Dr. $t.r, 1 Hid . f sr' fit ex;-i.eies in 0-e cure ot the cui,..., I diseases -o win. h the Humsu frame is haiili;. I It is orTeied 10 the slnicteil with the (rreatest c..iifi.ln.e I Tiv it und h convinced that it is iiiv.'iln.o, ii. i-...- of Ur..i i hiiilnir.-clioiis. Piice SO ecu's pvr Roule Ti?" PltrTASIB Hi I V hy lir. A. I'SKNWF.IN .V CO.. ,., D.uppins and I'hem.stB. N vt Crner Ninth and ! plur Sts , l'hriideip'ds ..ff ol-t hy every r. aiwctakle Druegist end Dealer in Meihr'ne throUGhoul the Slule. I'hil.i.n-pliia, Al in-hlll, sfjO.yiv ROCKEFELLER" & BOYER, Attorneys at Law BUNBURY, PA. 4. .lordnn tlockv-rii'ller and 103 r, rfMt?cuu!lv onnounre t.n. tht v enlcicd into Cupariner-hip in the practice- of their ; proiessiun, miu will continue to attend to all busi. ! i.ess entrusted to their charge in the counties ol' J Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, 1 promptly, f.iiltilnlly and carefully. S,.c-ir at' j teniioii will In- given to the COLLECTION j OF CLAIMS. Conu!tatiuns can be hud in U 1 OI.U.MAN language. I Ollice, Market Sired, opposite W caver's Hotel, j Sunbury, February , Iki'iO. flHE uuilersigtied having received a large ti.J 1 well selected slock of l'nre Irrujn ai:d t lieniU iiiN I'yistiitl's, Oil-, Piiinls, Class und Putty, i, now ready lo lill ordcrsat a mumenis notice. In connection with Ihe above you will find a-t assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Unities siui Pciluiiiciy of nil kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nana ai:J I'loihcs Urushe of every variety. Customeis will' find his to k complete, com prising many articles tt i impossible here t luuiiiiriite. IVL.1U..MULU Ihe place, under the offic of uie "Suiibury American. Physicians' Frecriptiutis compounded accurate Iv and carefully, A. W. FISHER. Sunburv, A pril JJ, ifi,',g. P. MELANCHTON SHIN DEL, 1 1 st i uv mi: i'eacu. SXJJNTBTJRY, PV. Odice in iter Stmt, immediaUl ,mpun ti.t Pullic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ulliTted uiul all ordinary writings don. Sunburv, Auril SS. is.ri7. tf T HU) Or. IIEA-l g ROK UFTM 1 . 'i ' pr"" '-V"'" of tho Japanese Si ""' '" ' Meniciiies.will. lull ill, ecuoiit lor the ce- am care ol I .unmmpt ion, BruiichiliB, Boushs C..U ararrn.,.,. Feveis. Heart D,.e.e,er,,,S:,,'cau ' Dyspepsia Luer Cunipiaini. Oiavel and I tmaiv De,...aiis ier',"i 1":' "' .C Will, hundret!. 7 ' "'" '"" i-n-'ravings. Foi Ihs purpo,, of ,"'"' " ,",:,,:' "'" te low-beice. a. r.,.t, , ,,., a.-t, , r" HEATH, o. 1.1.1 .. . ... 4.7n'"",,WI,y, New Vork en ! 1. 1.....I . w .. i . ... ' n. . isier. s.,i, . ' , , i ' aaiweii, i.ew.:.U'e genhueu, I'l.s uiKl.urg ; Cyras liiuwu, Miilu, nans A Co , Dn.ivilie. M Hi L a. . Fbruirv lo. Isdu ly. 1 1 E N R Y DON N E L, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UJice opposite tht Court Hjust, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. .ivmi..i niiruuon to Dusinon iii adioiiiiii 0llItilrS. i t 5ft v.; o ECONOMY! r- Save llie Pieces ! A urridrnli will hftpprn, even in wel!-rgu!attvJ fam' iiis, ii it very de.irHble i 1imv a-iur t'hfttp ttiiilcuuvciiicut wuy fur rtrntif uig Kuinitutc, T"ya, Crurisi-ry, 4c. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE roetrts ull luili ruit-rtEencit-i, and no bouKtioid cuji aiT-iril lu he without it. it ii 'i!wa rt-ady nnd up Lt tha s(ickn.t point. There la tin lunger a nt-eeiiny fm limping chaira, putitt-ra venecra, heudievu d"ll. mid broken ciad.ea It 11 jtiit tiir article tr O'lie, aliell, and oilier ornamental wwrl,, ao jvipulur Willi luiliea of lefinrment and Uia:. Trna ailmirrsitilc nrpufatin ta ued ld. ring chemical Jr (held in a.iutioii,and ruaseaaing ail lha valuahle qualiticauf i ha tH-at ciibiiiet-uwkei'a Olue. li niuy be uaed in tria hiaca of ordinary niuoiluge, ling vuaily mora adiieaiv. 'ISKFILI-N EVKRY HOI PE" N. B A Oruah acc-'inpuniea euch buttle. Trice t-enia. Wholeaul Penwl, Nt 4h Crdnr atT. Vew Ynr. Addreae, lib.NKV C H1MI.IMNU fc CO., Ho No. 3,(Wu, Nw 'ork. Put up fir Dealera in caaperontaiiiin. Four Eifht, a. id Twelve U- zn a brautifut Luh.f rapine Is now Card ac coiiivai,y nig rwrh pack aire. 17" A aaiie Urttleui e)Hildijig, Prepared Glut willaavt ten timea IU col auuuulj U rvery hoysehold. fcv lid b v all iitnionieiit Sutioiirra. Druaeiati. Hardwara and Furniture ralera, Orm-era, ami Fancy &ipim. I'uuniry lilarcldiiita aiHHild nuika iioia ol SMMtiif! projiurt-d Olue, wliu tOey nk ui ihcil lite, l wll etand auy elimwta. rax ( Un rm a Mi' h lo, !( - 1;