miscellaneous. The following resolutions passed the SoetAe during the I in I houri of its eiisteoce. TflVj hate edready passer! (be Moose s Be it enacted fty the Senate and ILtune nf I?tlrfHtntativt n the United Stale nf Ame rica in Conqrets atfenihled, (liro third uf hoth l!oue concurring ) That the futluwiriK article be proposed to the Legislature of the several States ss an amendineut to tbn Constitution of the United Stale which, when ratified by Uiree-fonrthn of said L'isla' lures (hull be valid, to nil intents, and purpo' Kan, an pnrt of Rani Constitution, vie : Art XII. No amendment of this Consti' tution, having for Us object any interference withio the Slate with the relation between their citizens and those described in section second of the first article of the Constitution 9 "all other persons" shall originate with any Stats that does not recopnire that relation Within its own limits, rr shall be valid with out the assent of every cce of the States composing tbeLnton. i C'orwio's mrndmDt j .No i mecdmcnt shall be made to thn Con- j etitulinn which will authority or give to Coir j tress the power to abolish or interfere within j an .Slate with the domestic institutions thereof, including that ol persons held to labor nf service by the laws of said Stale. The vote in the Senate stood as follows : Yi-Messrs. Anthony. Buker, Uiglir, Vtnght, Crittenden, Dixon. Douglas, Foster, Urunes, Uw;n, Harlan, lluuter. Johnson, ( Tennessee,) Keonedy. Latham, Mason, 41 or nil, Nicholson. Polk;, 1'ugh. Ittce, Ssebustian, Ten, Kck and Thomson 21 Nsvs Messrs. Lime ham, Chatidlrr, Clark, Onolittlo, Uurkee, Fool King. Sumner, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson and Wilson 12 The President (Mr. I'olk in the Chair) cVcided that the resulution was curried Iwi." t birds voting fur it. 1 lit SOUTH til CAhl&liT. j The Montgomery corresprodent of the j Charleston Mercury writes i . The nomination uf Mallory for the Secre ! tnryof the Navy is strongly opposed by the Florida delegation. I hey i peniy say mat Mr. M allot y was oposed to the causa of seces sion, and would uot cet mora than one vote ici the Legislature of Florida for auy position, j that he had been in concert witn llie uovern n.eiil at Washington to prevent Fort Pick ens biting tuketi, uud is distrusted by Ibe w hole Suit'. ax ex vkkke'i oriMON or TIIK buvkrv QfHSTION. I Kx-Se'nator llatlimotid, of .South Curoliua. wntes n politieul letter to u Northern cousiu This is an extract : S e rliBsulve the Union and il is ferever il:Sfo!v d, be assured to ?et clear of Yankee metl.llesoineness and Puritauical Inquiry. 1 .iy this being half a Yankee and half a Puri tan. We absolve, you, liy this, from all the mii of slavery, and take upon ourselves all its (.opposed in and evil, openly before Ibe world and in tbe sight of O ml. Lit us alone. e shall make no war on yon. Let us work tiul our salvation in our way. We a(iree that you shall do the same. And let me tell you my dear cousin, tbut if then is any attempt Hlwuronthe part of tbe North, wu can aountlly thrash them ou any field of battle ; uud nut only that ; we cau give them over to .lean Jac)'ie, and leuva tbetn to manage that. "We know our strength. Why, wa expt-ct nver two hundred millions of produce, which the world eagerly seeks and cannot do With out. A six months' failure of our exports to Kurnpe would revolutionize every iXiSting li ivu mnent there, as well as at tbe North. All knoic it. The North exports some sixty millions in cnmpitilion with the Kuropeau j .... . . . v. u :. l. - ! p-ouueer. ny. iue .orin, anuuut our rustutn for its manufactures, aud our produce lor it commerce and its exchanges, is neither more nor less than tbe poorest portion of tbe civ lued world. To that it bus come on an iitllt! and abstract idea." ATltnK A SIATIOM.tl, AIKS. We believe thai not one of tbe three na tiouul airs ol toe United States is strictly an original A merican composition. Their histo ry is not in every case lully ascertained, but is somewhat as lollows .' "Yankee Doodle," ,s said, by most critics, to have been the com position nf an Ktiglteh physician, and to date back to the French wars, when it was Com p ii-e,l in derision or the appesrance of the -volunteers from the colonies who asssisled ttio Urilish regulars, liy others it is said to Oate as far back as the lime of Cromwell. It was certainly known ir.J Kngland before the American U-volnlion, and was sung in deri i-ion of the lioetnuiaus by the soldier who garrisoned that city Hut the laugh turning to the other side at the retreat of Concmd and Lexington, amlthe people thus inaugu rating tbe levolt, made tbe troops del are (four way hack to the same tune their bamtt jiujS' as they marched. . nre that time the air has been a nati mat one, and American hearts have exultingM responded to it in every age, and in all lands Tne music of the "8lar tit-angled Itanner" is mi (ld Kuglish air, once bearini tbu title, we believe, of "Anacreon in Heaven." Hubert Treat Paine adapted to this air one nf bis popular song. "Adams and Liberty," ituni.g tbe life of Washisgton. one verse of which was in praise of the Father of b: Country. Lint it was not until 1811 that Francis Scott Key. then a young lawyer com posed Ibe present words in remembrance ol the bombardment of Fort Mcllenry. when X iltimore was besieged by the Uritish fleet ; the s i;bt of tbe national banner prootlly i.nuiina amid the crug end destruc lou ol tbe attack inspiring the refrain, which ha-" given the title to the song. The words of "Hail Columbia" were writ ten in 17'J8, by Judge Jotepb Hopktnsnn, one i.f tbe signers of Ibe Declaration of Independ ence, to what was called the "President's March,'' uo air composed by a German tamed Fojles, on the occasion of a visit from the President to one of the New York theatres. .Yen; Muica.' Review O'.'R rM'Hl'YI.inU. Ol-KTT LlBKL CfKS Tbe prosecutions for libel, instituted in the C.oirtol Schuylkill county, against the pub lisher of the Jleadintj (Jnzrtte and publisher ol the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, growing out of the publication, in the latter part of December last, of a report, alleged to be f iunded upon the death of a man in Schuyl V.ll county, who was said to have niaie a confession implicating Samuel Heilner in tbe murder of Adeline Bavor, were taken op for trial oo Thursday. At the suggestion of couns I. the defendants put in a perial plea to the indictment, admitting the publication of the matter charged as libellous, but dii claimiujt any malicious motive, or intention to defame the character of Heilner. and in rippnrt of such disclaimer, reciting tbe retraction they voluntarily made as non as they ascertained that the report was onfoond-i-d and furthermore and asking that the plea be entered npon tbe records of the Court. Whereupon, the eoontel for tbe prosecolioo entered a nolle prosequi io both Case, 00 tbe agreement of the defendant to pay the Cojrt cost. I'bi disposed of the whole matter, to tbe satisfaction of all tbe parties. A gentUmao from McKinney, Teia, is reported by tbe St. Loui Democrat a paving tbat the recent crazy action nf thai Ktate ba already creeled quite a panic io many portion ofthe State. Thousand of f imilies are aniion tn aell fff their properly and emigrate to California. Many of the most etiter,ristDg farmers, formerly from the r nrthere h'-alot. have c'etermiocii to go bsrk l t. . r ' t k-ttv Tub notmnoin. -Now thftt King Prans s and his family hare qniltvd Naples, there are In rule nm fewer than fifty five memb ra i f the Hotirtmn family out of the seventy lour who are tb direct or collateral descendants of Li-ais XIV. The fifty Ave are these t The Bourbons of Naples, cunsisting of King Francis. Bve brothers end four sisters ( bis Mnjegty's onrles Prince do Capua end two children, Count d'Aqila and two rhildren. Count de Trupaiii. end five bis Majesty's aunls luen Marie Amelie, widow of King Louis Philippe) the Duchess de lierry, the Duchess de Snlernn; and lastly a cousin grinan, the Duchess d' A omale total, twen ty-six. The New Orleans branch of the French lionrbons the Count de Paris, the Duke de Chartres, the Duke de Nemours end four children, the Priuce de Joinville and two, the Duke d'Anmnle and two, tbe Duke de Montpensier and six total, twenty. Nineteen lionrbons are now in exile, namely, the rovnl family of Spain, sixteen in number; the Kn. press of Hrazil (nee Princess of Naples): the Duchess Augustus of Saxe Colmrg Uuthn nee Princess d'Orlenns) and the Duki! Charles III of I'arma. Infante of !..;.. .k. i i; , i r -i r i t-. hpuin. wbo abdicated. Frutn the London i-tar, t LU. t7. A Poet ht . 'Ob, she was fair but sorrow came and left bis traces there." What became of tbe lect of the hsrnrss he don't alate. New Advertisements. J.A. CP.AITDALL'S PATENT SPRING HORSE, 470 EHO AD WAV, NEW VOXIK. Should be in every familv. School, Gymnaai- ' mn. Asylum, and Hospital in the land. Are ; not DAN(ibR'U8, like the common Rocking l Horse. Stniiil.-firm on its Prderta, will not wear (' RPETl, and has no Rockers to injure I the Feet. 'Health i,J hippiam ia tlie aameasdille." N T. Wiliig. FROM THE "HOME JoLTLNiL." "Of nil the child furniture we have ever seen n-t article conibiuet so much of those two jmpnr. taut tliioES health anil happiness as the Ad justable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in vented by les-e A. Cramlall, It is not dancer nus, like a common rockinc-liorse. lo children's feet, cannot be upset, does not wear carpets, but stands firm on its base, and its action is so like I he gallop of a live horse that tbe child never wearies of it. This ,niest nf i hild novelties is ex reediuuly elegant snd sni-tic in design ; and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will last a lifetime It ia imlispe.isahle in every family where there are children. It should la in every primary school and gvmnasitim in the countrv, at it can be made large and strontr .nonijli to sustain Rrown perons As a pedestal for photographic pictures, nothing it more beauti ful. Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children are cotiKreguted, should be furnished with a number of these beautiful articles They are fitted with tide-saddles whet; required." PIRKCTIONs KOIl ADJUSTING. Open tbe after ptrt of the base sull'n icntly tn allow the axle to go in its place; then raise or lower tbe j Hore to suit you. Screw the bolts in tbe tide erv tight If" These Hones are WARRANTED one year. March 16, 1KG1 if SENT BY EXPRESS EVERYWHERE. Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Hasure at $18 per doz. On 8IX FOR K1XE DOLLARS, niLoat Colltrs on. vthb Collar! on 1 per dos. ciUa. MADE Or NL'.V-YOr.K MILLS MCSLIN, TT.-.h f.ne I.'r.en rjpsoins, tnt warranted as rood a Ehlrl si i old in t!,e mall ttcret at $A0 each. AL"0. THE VtltY 1IK.T FHIP.T3 TUAT CAN Et MAlii. AT i EACH. p. p. Thi-H wlio think I eannnt make a oed Shtrl tor fin per dnien are mittakea. Ucrc't tht Cusl bt be doitn flBliuesLiru. t3 j-nr-ts ef New-York Mills muslin r.t U.Ve- Pr ji-1-4 t5 1 j .t: nf fine I.tuen, at Wc per yard, 3 .' 0 MaLine and cuttine COO I.v.nury, $1 ; button! end cotton, COc ...1 fO rroCt 8 Ci Total $18 CO Self Measurement for Shirts. Printed direction! tent free everywhere, end io hip? to ur.ilertur.tl, tiit try cne enn take tt.cir own meenure for i' irti. I arrant a Hood fit. T c.itb to be ptud lo ti e hxr m Cuoirituy on receipt of goout, Tbe KxireM rhurpfs on one dosea Shirt from lrrc Tork to New Orlrenili $1. P. 8, PARTIES WISHING FinitTS IN nASTK.nr-t Ibaviiif time to lend for Kulee of McMurement, thouli fnd per mail, prepaid, one of the best fittin ehirte they LiiTeot, itating ty eVlteratioDi that my be required. S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, Between IVtttc 4 Walker Etrctta, M.W-TOKU-March lb, IttGl.- Il State ef the Sank of Northumberland. March 7th, 1861. ASKT. I,oant sad Oiseounts. tW91l t'eiinsvtvaiua Mats t,iaii. 31 ,7i0 13 NurlSuinhernnU Bank Stocks, 6,1 li Ou other Nicii .... 4.nnn nu Due hv tlier Baukt, . t tk8 Ui ..ttsiHj ri-ecks nf other Bsnkt, ' .! no Hpci'ie in Vtuitt, .... m Vin IS Keai Little, .... S.Se lis UAHlUTltf. Notet ia eireutstina, . . line other Banks, .... lep.isiltirs, . ... . " Commonwealth, ... JK.an. M .10 IB 77 7U,ti'i SS W3 SI tiOI.IOC il I eartify that tha ahova statement tn ha irrct and true in the teM of my knuwledre snd helief . J R Pitt rTl.KY, Cashier. Hwrnand mtiferibed htture me. Msirh a, Geosas Mtssm, 1 P. iirTj. He sllcCAUTy, ID E IS1 TIST. "VVFFR ht prnfeMinuel fvieff in the citisent of v rannurv una ticmiuj. Office in Mmhetiuare.adooteweetof the Pet Office, ieWH-iid stitry Buul.ory, March , 1861 6 CONFECTION ARIES, TOYS &c. O. OEARHAT, CONSTANTLY kp on html .11 kindi of Conffctinnarie, Fruit and Toy, whirh U is selling at wholeaala and retail. Having the narresary mtfhinrry ha ia manufacturing all kind of Toy, an, karpa up hia Block, au that purchaara wilt not haal a loaa fur a aupply of a I in out any articla they may deaira. APPLES! APPLE5I! APPLES!!t Juat rerejva!, a large lot afapplea. whirh ha ia clling at wbolmla and reUil, at low pn a. tiiva ia a ctl' v . i ry , K T. 5iirA.H!V War! War! War! rOMIi FJlOAf THE north, CO.mi FtlOM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM IHE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes), for now is the time to get your Lumber cheap. Yea, LUMBER t LUMBER I! LUMBER ! 1 1 can be purchased at low rates al the STEAM SAW-MIl 1. of IRA T. CLEMENT, HUNBUIVX-, PA., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding, Shingles from 3 to $8 per thousand, Plastering Lath, Paling, Roofing Lath, Vc, Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will be furnished at the ahoilest notice IRA T. ULEMEiVT. Sunbury, March 9, 101. Register'! Notice VOT1CE is hereby given lo all l-ep-nteii, Creditor!, and 1 other persons interested in the following eltntet. that ",r r.seciimrs, Aainiiiistrutott and uutinlisnt ol the snine havefiie.1 n,e,rnrc win, o,e Kn,.,r n.-.h,,,,-. Iti-riautl couufv. and that the same will lie tiresentej to lha Orphans' Oi.urt i.f snnl eonnt)-, on Tui sdny, the Kit rtay of April nejti, in the foitimuu of that day, fur caiB.ma ti'Mi, tn wit : I Suainna K. Andtrnn. deceased, leltlrd hv her Ad- ministtalnr, Jatnh Vnrdy. Hriasrl U.iiiiel, doceaseit, settled by liii Ejctutor, I Daniel II. Kernel I 3 Bloom Jacob, deceased, aetlleil bv James Taeparf, ! Adiniaiatriitornf Jainea Vnndvke. who vua Kxeeutur t4 said Jjieoh llloom, deceased. 4 H 'ash J.icoli, deceased, minor rloldren, settli-d by their O aolian. John MrCoiiro. k 5 Conrail Jtiirnh, decensed, artlli-d by Ahiahnm Shipmaa and Daniel Conmd her Gaaidians S t inmfo Daniel, deceased, settled by his Administia tor, Samuel II. Dornsife. 7 Derk Ueotte, deceased, settled by his r.lecatnra Oeo ce Kersietn r mid Michael Deik. his Kieeumrs. 8 Dewalt Klizttieth, deceased, settled by her Admiais trst or. J.ihn C Itrmey 9 Gray Wm. M., deceased, settled by Peter V. Gray, bis Kxecuttir III (i'lss Ma'tluas, deceased, set l led by his Administra tor. John Kimkel 1 1 Karasworth Mary, deceased, settled by her Adminis trator, Peter Maliik. 12 Heim Georgu deceasrd, aetllct by his Administrator John llnm. 1:1 Henry Mason, deceased, settled by hit Administrator Michael Aluolil. It l.vhr Daniel, decelsed, settled by his Adiniitistratia Isaae Alliert, 15 Masxer Hcmy. deceased, settled liy Francis Uaehrr, one of his Kxcuti"iis. 16 M 'Ilea Thomas J., settled by his Guardian, Fams w rth Reed. 17 Masteller flemee, deceased, settled by hit Adminis trator William Trimsne. IS PeiflV-r Isaac, deceased, settled by hit Administrator William Venter, sr. Ill IMnlips Kiizaheth, decease.!, settled by her Admin istrator J Hover. u Watson John, decensed, aettled by hit Kiecitnt, Motet rimnihcrim. "i Vasiine William, deceased, settled by hit Adminis trators. Amos Vattlne, jr., Jacob H. Vuttine and Hugh II. Vastine. 'i'l Z-oNnaii Joseph, decensed, settled by hit Adminis trator IVler Weit. Register's wince. J. B MASSKft, Register. Wanliary, March il, 11 J or CAUSES. T?OR TRIAL in the CVuit nf Common ritwii of Nor Jl thuiutieitand euunty, at April Tenn, 11 : rtAi.iTirre. oiriNOA.iia. 1 J 'bit P Sutnmrre vs John Mrlleiuold. i Win II Prvnnie va John Millet, 3 'itf'Tfrr l."ii vii Kegely, Koiiina A C., 4 John V lucent, drtr , Adurrt va Uiivid Wntaon, dec'tl., Kx'Tiit'ir, !i Kriwaid HflfeHrteir, va Wp nmnch Insuruiic C-, 6 Peirr Hs'iiimiipi vs Hniiit A l.i e. ? Joliu Viuttiit.dfc , Adin'ra va David Wataon, dcc'J., Excrut'ir. t I'a T Clement vs Jnmet Rratd, 9 iirire Hi' it.ttis, dre , Adin'ra vi Peter Dixler, 1(1 linviri Snyder va Th"iiT.a lt:rr, 1 1 I Mar Kupp vi Jriiny hih! Jmi- Retttwa Pennypucker l'i David Lewis Miller va Dr. I.m KmiinaKua. 1.1 a-tine v 1) K Arnwiii nnt wife, 14 Philipllilffrrt.der.. Adtn'ra va David KehLach, 15 S'doiii.ui Siivuef va W N and Kilry Hn-iinn, 10 J. B M ister va II ig MiiunlHin In.provciueiit Co. 17 (iroea and Knnkle va Jumes Covrit, IN Mntthcvv V. Cifity va Chiistmn Aitett. I!' D II Dnrnhnrh and wile va lulmn Dnrnrh, 2i Atirnham (irrnian va Jnsrh Ort-rn mill Krtl Hownwn j Jama Mfilntie vsMiHin hm Valley k. Putuvilic Kail rourt roinpHtiy, Putrictt J Qninn va Ileuiy KnufTmnn. a:l r rnimiiuwcaltii f"i J Schtuniiiey va Jamei Van yka ami Itml, VI .Iras C H"tt'it va Clement and Weiizel, ii& IWTfiiff Tieincy va Witiiaiit II Marr. VO NaVt. Wnicne & Co. va J hn K Mc.Micken i7 Hans . H"wni va Hiamin 'h'irn .Mifluel (jrabam va Ralph B a'e, dee'd , Kx'r, it auine vs (todninii and M'Ktdia, 3i fieiTi C MrKa va joaiph lan(r. 31 Ueorpr K IVittl vsS D"ittv nnd f, .W PantH Rohrtwirri va J hn V He trick 33 John Kfitfrvi J"hn hiaa!er 31 Gi)fiel Klinrva Ci-orefC McKee 3 Jroh Frederick va Ralph B"gte, dcr'd , Fxrt 3ft Philip Th..pp, dee'd, Adin'r, vs Chniles W llcff1na. 37 Henry Ti h"ppdrr'd, AdmN.vs Charles W IDgms. ,) Chrisnini 'IVchopp. dre'd Adrn'r va Chaa V IKfius. 3) Pennavtvitiiinht'itc Lunatic Asylum vs Nnilhumber Ininl p 'tiniv jn John Keiter and wife vs K refer h Shisaler, The hrm fii'iefn nf the ithve atMted cj-s will Vte f(r trial the first week, and the bn'finefr thest-conil week 1) MKIa liKCkLLV, Piuihuiioiary. Pf'-rhnnrtinrv'a (iffice. ) unhury, Marrh 9, 16, Tavern and Liquor Store License. VOTICR ia hervliy Riven thnl the f.-H -winff named I perbuna have tiled fheir petitions in the ProthnntHry's CKTu-e. a-d th.it thi-y will upptv the net Court of (,unrter Heaaiona of the Pence ot Norlhutnt.eilund eourtv. tor l.i. ceiin" f t Taverns unci Liquor Murea, under the late act of Atsemuiy : Stores Not Less than Qrrvar. Daniel Prnekemill, Sunhuiy, Joseph Hill. hamoWin, l'at township. Nav ies A Foiayth. Trevorton. Henry Deekeit, Suulnny. Oruae Kncht, AVdham It Lerrh Mauct Car moi ryrtia brown, Milton. JonuKuhr, Mnii'n. Tavbrk. On!en H Smith, o!d lUnd, Jackson tcmnehip ('aihi:nne Clark, Jort!u " Jn.iU rttr.nib, " 41 Wm SHirt( , n Kilns thnffer, ' Daniel Heim, Tpper Mnh'niv- J.tuathjii Soweta, new etaiul Jnekaon fwi'ihtp. u miev H. KeUuck.nlo srand. V nshingtuii luwnanip. Peter Weikel, Cumt T'.ii r,liz.dieth Ituker, John BnEinMii, J)ainel Heih. Ahruham Rothermel, fteisrpe V . Arbog.iat, I'.'ins N'ieat, Wm. Kehies. lanac Millrr, Wm. J. Mattz, Pautel Smell , John M Ficster, 0.. M McDowell. Little Mahoimy (ienfgetfwn I pper .Mahs'iiy. Iver Muhout-y. Wnslnti(iion townehip. Mount t'Hnnel. Mount Citrniel. Cameron township poign ve. ChiluonnQiie. DAN1KL BlXKLfcV, Protb y. Pn-lhnn' tarv's Oifice. ( iml.ury.M.itch 4, P-l 1TCTICJE. VOTIf'E it hereby given, thai a lot of Timlicr " was taken up while Ousting in llie (Susque hanna river, near lieoraetown. .N'orihunilx-rlxiid county, on the I'itli, l:tili ami 1 tih day rf r'eb ruory, A. I). INKI.'iy Jacob A umiller and Isaac liolih, connning of ten White 1'ine and Hemlmk I.HU8, marked 0 is 10, K it K, II &c, l". K &c K. M Ate H, b Ac 8 M II. A list and de trrij.tion of which ia lodged in my oilice al Cieorgetnwn. I.owtr Matior.ny township, Nor thumberland county, I'a., lor the inspection ot all concerned. Tbe owner or owners thereof are requeued lo prove property, pay all legal chtirgea and lake it away within three month trom the date hereof, oihciuise the tame will he foifmted. I. H. KES.sl.KK. J. P. Ueorgelown, Feb. 56, IH6 ! . mar. 9, 3t EXECUTORS SALE. PURSUANT to the direciiona. contained in lha last will and testament of Harmon biupman, deceased, the undersigned will eipoaa o Public Kale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 3Uih day of March, IHfil, all thai certain Tract or Piece of Land, situate in Lower Au gutta townnhii, Northumberland county, IVnna., bounded by lands of l.ol Oergtlresaer. and other land of the aaid deceased, and others on the south ; land of Lot Uergstieeser on the writ ; land of John and James Coldron, on the north j and other land nf the decedent (being part of the same tract) on the eaat, containing about tixly one acrea, about fifty seres uf which era cleared and the balance well timnered, about five seres it good rreaJow land There is small apple orchard on the premises. rials lo commence at 10 o'clock A. M , of aaid day, when the terms and eondiliona will bemads known by ABRAHAM BAHVIS. Eieculor of the latt will end teau incut of Harmon Bliipmsn, deceased. Lower Augusta tp., March 9, 1861, 4t IVTINDOW SHADES A very line end ' cheap assortment, just received by Hail- osd from New York, tt lb Mtmmolli store of V i-i. i K Grsnt. Wi htva alto for tale S. 8. fVs re'elute Paeet Ptrduluro Orphans' Cocrt Enle. IN pursuance ofan order af the Orphans' Uomt of Nnrlhumberltnrl cminiv, will be eposcl public eale si the 1,'ourl House In the Ixirntist's nl ftunbtiry.on Halunlny, (he Sltlh day ol March, inst., at nne u'rhvck, P. M , nl aaid ilsy. All Ihst certain mpasuafre end lut of groutid, situate in aaid borough, bntmj.'d mttli by (Cranberry etrrrt, east by lot No 99, south by an alley and west by Derr street, and numbered in lite general plan of said borough as number 100. It brine, the south ern half ot aaid lot, containing on Hip north on line of lot Mnnsinir la William Yonngman, about 60 leet ami in itrpih 100 fil whereon is erected a two stor frame tl welling linuse frnnlitiK on Peer street, Isle the estate uf William Carr, deceased. Terms and conditions of aale will be made known by PHILIP HUFF, Adm'r. Uy order of Ibe Court, i . U. MAHctKK. Clk., U. C. Hunbury, March 9, IHCI. ) J ORPHANS' COURT HALE. 1 N pursuance of n order of the Orphans' Court of Nrnthuniherland county, will be espmed lo public aale on the premises, (Saturday, the 30lh day ol M arch, inst , all that certain House unci Lot of urounu, situate tn tho town of Shaitiokiii in said county and numbered in the penersl plot ! or plan oTs iiil town as Lot No. T3 1 , bouiiiled on , the north by Dewart street, on the south by Sun-1 bury street, ou ihe east by lot No. i'.it, anil on j wett by rhamokin street, rontsinirir in front Iwenty-eigtit and a half leel, and in depth about two hundred tct. To be sold as the estate of William A. Hsrnsnti, a minor child of Amanda ! Harrison, late ol tiliumukin, drrnve d. 1 he sale lo coninierice at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known by ALVIN 1). HUHHES, Guardian. Hy order of the Court. 1 J. U. MASTER, Clk. O C. J. tSunburv. Match 9. Icti I. j Notioe to the Heirs of the estate of Jacob Dressier, deceased. Northumberland County. .SS'. AT an Orphans' Court fur tlio coiuty of NorthiiinbiTUiiil, hi-ld nt .Sunliury. oo the 14lh uf January, lGI ; in t'.io matter nf the estate nl' Jacnb Prosier, dereasi-rl, tbe Court granted a rule, directed to the. heirs ami legal represent'!! ives nl said decedent lo accept or refuse to taku the real estate of said decedent at the raiiiation, to wit : lniel pressler, residing in the Stale nf Illinois j John Dross ier, Joseph Dressier, S.rah Daniel, late Sa rah Dressier, llantiuh I'ie$sler. imermurrieil with Mii-hael Kmerifk, (.lucob Dressiler, Klias Dressier and Isaac Dre.-sler, who are minors, mid have for their (ii iriluii Solninon IMIiuun) llurnet. intermnrned with Henjainin tepp, who is dei'tappd, leaving tier Ltisbuiul, lieni i nun hli'pp,survivitiL',onn t uilcl.iniinely, ha Jane Stej p, who is u minor, and hits for lo r guardian It.'t j.iinin Mei, all uf Notlliuin berland county, I Vtinsj Ivatiia, to be nud ap ; pear on the lirst Mi nd.iynl next Term nl i said Court, viz X the fi ret Motnlny of April' next. In accept or refuse lo take Hie smd teul I estate at the vuluatmn thereof, or show cause I why the snine should not be sold according to the Act of the General Assembly in such cases made ami provided. All (if which tbe said heirs of the said Jacob Dressier, deceased, I and all other persutis iuUrcsltd, will please tuke out ice. I!v order of !lip ('our!. J. li. MASsKK. Clk.. O C. DAVID W'ALDIiON. Ubvnff. Kheriff's OITife. fSnnbury, Feb. 16, ISGl. J 4t rmi,Ani:i.i9ii roi.i.fxn:. .?. E. corner of Seventh and Chemut Mtreits j Tint it rmr of ' i:ight loi.i.r.fii'.s. covsri rt Tt.Sii the '-na- ! TH'NAI. rtlAIN " ! I.OCATKD IS j rh;;oJi-:pln:i, New York City. Al!mnv. ItntT.I ', Cleee. tsar). C':iirai; i, and Si. I.oios. S-h -lariiiinis can he pur chased ntrlttier pmur, c H"t al u!i the f'.ll.ss. 1 THE CHI.I.I t'.lATK CCil'ltSK emltrarrs D.-uhle anJ Sing'c laitry lt--"k-K.-epiiur. Cim. mreinl ro npiitatlxiis, C. itiinieial Law, IViiiiinis.np, Bubilitt.-s Coiresp nileiiee. I'Mrliietrtnti eltlenieiit, etc ntACTlt.'AI. rKXT IltXlKS. The Te.-.el lug in tin- tt.'uk-Keppief. lieparttrient is m-"ft-ly from written ii.uiiiikci ipt Ifrnii, with laid uihtoieii 'iis Iri'tures, null lililek.tioiirti elio'iit'lteiiiy ; m u.tilllhill to which, ill ordei Ui liiahe the C' llepiali- l'"Uii- as tlua-.nti and flit chim as posa.LIe, the lolh-wiii 'It-xt JJ-llvS lme been pretfimt : Ittyrlet A Sliuttnn's Tt.iok.K'epii'K, in three edni.jiK C'nillion Setl'K.I. ll'h Seii. ml, aail 4 -tint t hi l..,ip ; H,y. nt Stmuoifa (.'. iiiiiieirial Arilliiiirii,' ; lh.inl Sc Strattoii's Conm.ereisl l.-iw, t-y Anios iJean, I. I, It. I'ENCERIAN SVSI'KM fF PKNMANSHII', in a lerirtof ninh.i,,ks, by 1'. II SPI'.M'Klt. I. II M'KNiCI'.lt, Jl., Teaeher of I'rinn .in-hip. Im'i vijasl inslriii'titnl tludei.ts eiitct ut suy tune. Diplo. in is HWanleS. C"sS Kor l ntalof itf-s aiat f'ireulsrs. call Ht th C' lh-ee, oraitilir.t HliVA.M', STHA 1 TON it KAIHHANhS Fehruary i t, I -3 1 y l'htUdcl,.!iia. io tn, tiidsb: iiivivr. Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CI'.NTIIAE PENNSYLVANIA. A rara chinee it n w atT irdcl to sr!eei .ind i.rdrr FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Viiii Shrulit!)-, iVc. .fntn the c!rl,rr.tcd ( rr Sttvc NurciiCti seated al lichtnier. .New Vrnk. PROPRIETORS Wh't bep Iravr lo uitiiuuuce lh.it tttc ur prepare.) thrtiugh Iticir quaJifird utnl K K s V U S 1 HI. K ADEN T S. To tlrttril ote Ihetr mpeiutr tVck on lie must r(-ja,,na le trim. n-irLK ok Tiir: KEYSTC1T3 STATS. Loveis of Nature nnd the hr.-oitit'ul. nel justly cele-brnted f..r yt.ur iiiitiliirmcr, w.-nlih. hlrnlny u.,d t:ute, iuvv is the tune to make your t Itrelious iroin nur ni'.rsritll'TIVK CVTAI.Ofil f. Al IMATK WlOKS, W hich will he furnishi-.l y.iu, lioui;li out I-4.'mI sceuli.; and you muy rest assuud thnt your ur.lets w ill t.e liom.ra. hi) tilled. Foi further particbUrs snply to r KKDIX.lCK A. IKUVK. . MSAUVH.I.S, n. Or JOHN D JONT.!s, Agent tor Northuinlierhmd eonnty. REFERENCES: Him. rilFNKKKR UIIIKKiN. Iloehesttr, N. Y. Hon. JOHN liAI.UIt AITII. Kne. IV ol J. It. JOHNSON, Meadvihe, I'a. 1'rbruury V, Ifclil. ein PR()CLAMATi6'n."" VOlf.'K is hereby Riven that thn several Courts uf Common Pleaa, (ienerul Quarter Sessions of the peace, andOrphana' Court. Cumt of Over and Terminer an j (ieneral Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, lo J comment-eat the Court IK use, in the borough ot j eiunbury, at li) o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the first day of AI'KIL, next, aud (will continue ! The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta' blcs in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sona, with Iheir rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several otlices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses proaeculing; in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are alto requested and commanded lo be then and there attending in their proper persons lo prosecute eainat him, as ahull be juat and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors ere requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the lime appointed agreeable to their notices Uiven under my hsnd st Sunbtiry, the '. l day of March, in the year of our Lord one thous and eiijb hundred snd sixty-one and ihs Independence of the I'nited States of America the K6lb. Ood ssvs the f'ommnnwe dtli. DAVID WAJ.DKttN, Sheriit Sheriff t Office. Sv.Va.rv, Msrch t, .Ml. i i i COMMERCIAL NURSEMKS, ii. e. iiooitEn, as oo,. ItoCIIKsTKR, N. V JOHN W. nt.Cm-n, Local Agenl.Hunbury f's. fllie suliscriber, linvlng Uen appointed local JL Agent for the sale of Fruit trees, lsnti, vines, Ac, of one of the most reliablo Nurseriea, calls the attention of all who want chuire fruit to this method, a more cei lain than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among those "escribed in the Catalogue era, Dwarf IVar Trees, of the age fir transplanting, remarkably fine. Dwarf A ppl Trees, on Paradise Htnrfcs, ma king beautiful little trees for the garden, and pro during remarkably line specimens of fruil in a very short tune. Dwatf Cherry Trees, buddrd on Mahaleb Stocks, handsome trees. Ntandmd Apple, P ear end Cherty Tr:ca, very line, with a large lit ol varieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. Gooseberry, Blackberry a-id iStrawbeirv Plants all ofthe fiuckt kinds. Curiatits, many new mid improved varieties, such as Cherry. While (trapn, While (iundouiti, Ked Or.ipe, Victoria, Ac. Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including thn Hunker, Wilson's Al'iany, Triuinpliic de Gaud, (Ihe most approved old varieties,) a well as all tbe iioveliie. Grape inri., including thn.e line, iierv, vet well lifted kiti.ls. which n.v planter should be without, such Del .ware, Coneord, and Hirl foul Prolific. These we have propagated s i ev tenstvelv at lo il.le to nil'rr lliein at reduced and salifactorv prices. I'luiil", Hoses. Kveiirrcctis aud ever vatirty of ornMinentuI trees and Mirubhcry, securely tickrd' JOHN V. HI'CIIl'.K, Afsent, Sunl.ury V. ."uiibury, Frbuary, 9. lHlil. I'alt-iit illicit l,itiH liliiim-y A LAMP CniVNRV THAT Wit. I, NOT KRKAK TIM'S tjit-Jit toveiitt.iii eon ni,-ut!s itself torvetv otii usiiilt t:i )A1. (Ill, I. A l r. It uivis in r.. lie, I ir. inires uk cli'iiiu, c mill will ii"t l.r.-r.k l.y tin- t.-t,t -r e.-;.!. titlilnir or loiy oi.liiuiry iifr.cf, t -.rsttt: In Storkl., -rr peie'i:il!y tlooliiilioet tin l itit.'il Si.o. h. ikiiI the t'unn'lis, and M'lrilKile l,v llif. Manuniet tilers .-OKI I'tt'sntc.-s IIOIIMNU .V IIUMl'IIKEY, NO. ;l!l M. SKfOMl Slrert PIIILAliCl.l'HI A. N. II. A Inrgo :iiiI superior st?k i f O W.UII, I.AMI'!, lu-nysnn l.n nt. nl pried deft n ci n.pi toi. n. A:', Iho I'tlKTLAMIl tlAI. till,, ai Mmiulaelurria' ri.-a. Ke'ineuy -J l. ! rt n look: HERE i 1 Every Man and Woman should Lcok to their own Interests ! ! VtfCPaw TO YCJt P. must all wear some kind of ! IDIOTS AND Sltli:s-t!ien I you should look iiround and see where j the Cheapest, l'e.sl and I.arzot asfcoit. ; ment cun be found to select from, and whether 1 the person who selected them is competent lo i make a good selection. I nil! .-ay tbnt mv tlock ! hits been s. leetcd by one wlu has h.n! practical j experience in ihe liusinepa lur about t'-.trtv yrara. I will also add that I can sell, and will sell. cheaper than you can buy at retinl in the city of ! Phil idelphia because my rent atid living in I Hot one half as much as there uud I can buy as I cneap as tney can. As to the mode of doing business in the coun- . try, it is only necessary to say. il i. generally i dune, as you all know, on a long ctedil, and I j ... ..... .. ,, , ..,-,, -s ,,, ,.-, , . you must let me sbt if ou buv your tloots and ' Slaves nt a credit store, you are bound to help to p.iv for Shoes h ught by those who do not py I'he man who does uot pay. mu tuy his Liou's ' and Shoes at a credit counter, aud if you buy at ! tlio tame coiititer von must help lo pay nil the j losses made at that counter. j Thus ynu will see tbat the Hoots and Shoes ! bought at my counter must be paid tor al the time i they are bought lii CtiNh tr Coutilrj. I'lodiire, so that every man, woman anil child shall htive their Wools and Mhoea at a LOW 1'Klt'L there is lint line to la- pun f ,r lo-es Rnd interest. Il is ii)poiible to e.tve yuu a iit of all my prices, as i have so many Tr"- dilVereut kinds of Hoots and Shot-. fa'VtfSff lor men women and cilJrcn, i f ALL & ZCINDS. Coarse anil Pine, Heavy nnd l.ik'hl. aud also ; OVKKSHI IKS ol nil kinds; and also ! CARPET MACS, VALISES, j A N 1 Tb'I'N KS of all kinds, nt dillerr.-.t privet Mens' Hailcrs, trom il 2'i to $4 till. j Uoois, " S iid to 0 O'J. " Shoes, " HJ 4 to 2 25. Ladies' (iuitcr, from 6u to 2 81). j ' Slippers, from lit) lo 1 2 " Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and f- iin and cult skin at dilVereut pieces, from 9U els. I to -tl e.7). I Uo) a Slioiis, from 05cts. to t2 -7i. j Mens' Shas trom tin cts lo til M). j liova Shoes truii 75 cts to l r,0. I Chtldrent' Slnxa (hii-i 20 lof-7J ceti's. Ladles alni tieutjeiiieu of Sunbury, riot for- Reuing io uieiuiiu witn you a iaie portion ol Norlhumtn-rljiid, -S'litdcr sod I ihl.ii counties, you all have my siueero thanks lor the ,mtroiiai;e I have received Iroin vou lor ll.e lew wieks that i I have been doiu businers in Sunbury, (remem ber the phuo, Market Stnet, next dour to the Pot Olliee). I doi'iibc it thus, that your fiiends tuny l ot m.ike a mirtske, ivhne those tint s- ar.Mil-e looi -l. I vlll alo say lliut there seems lobe a trouble at out the fl.mks. I suy jive yourself no lifuib'e about any of them within titty miles of this place. A I sin de termined and intend to buck them up bv rec eiv ing their fills at par nt rnv col, titer, so be not titiutded, the hunks are good, s.r.d my P.outs and J Shoes are good, they ate all made tor die good I uf mail to i e used, and not lo be abust J. 1 WILLIAM M. APSI.KY. I Sunbury, December S, I Win. I LIVE AMD LEARN 1 IsKT TIIK ri-ori.K siiLis couii: nt i.n::, AND THEY Will. SOON LEARN THAT FlUUING & CHANT. ! AT iv i: MAMMOTH STORE, AKE SEI.USn GOODS CHEAPER than can be purchased rlscw here. A. FKE8H BUPPLT ust nctivid by llsilroad this wetk. KEMEMUEK THIS. AND PROFIT UY IT. Sunbury, December 16, I860. TO F.?vlO?s3. EIGHTY THOl'SAND II Mi UKI.S PCL'I) I'E TTR, made by the Loll Manufacturing Co , for tale in lots o tuil purchasers. 'J'lns i, the Chesest Fertiliier in uisiket. $1 worth will manure an sere of corn, will incresse the crop from one-third to one bslf, and will ripen the crop two weckr earlier, and, unlike guano, neither injure the seed nor Uud. A pamphlet. with satisfactory evidence and full particulars, j will be sent gratis to any one sending autlrete to LODI MANIPACTI HINU CO., 130 South Whatvtt, Philadelphia, rrhuaiy, g, 1X6 1 ICt- rWMS WARE. A very cheap and desirable -- assortment juat received this cck, al the Mammoth State of FKIMMi A OKA NT. fiunlmry, Juiuatjr I IPS I. I . j t$ h : (n B-av i Vfcas CEEAILST EXCIIEMESTT OF THE SEASON I F1MLIKG & GRANT. nt tbe ItlAKMOTH ST0EE, have just received . nuvv a no DmnACt.n Mk of FALL WIXTEU (iOOOS! ! very exte n.ivf ss. rtTirnt of LADIES' DKKSS GUUDS. l.fifisitit.,r in (orrt i tlks ot ery choir pattern Uisek and rarity DI'.BKKi;.. Durals, Ctihtneiva Prench and L'nglisli Vei'.r.n, Plain ai.d Figured W v.t Del.iiiioa Muslin Delaines of ail styles ai.d pricus. Foulards, Thil-ft Cloth, I'oil De I hevivs. Saxoiaiid Wooirinijj. I ..DIi:' KfKS, JIKi M.'H K. Hay site and riety, Ac., A c. Wool SHAW 1,51 of e.crv va" (tentU-DHMi's Dpi'ss (Joodi, vttvfry style, consisting of Clotlis, C'atimetes, Sattifielts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord. Ve I vi' teen, f.ii'm. I itiSvAr, tar'atv flltr ,,-,1. .f V,tb .... 1 C:i! Velvet Vestines, cannot be surpassed in the coun'rv. Please call and etntniue them. CLOTHING Our stuck of READY MADE CIOTIMNG. has been replenished, and we have a lull anorj- , nI t, i tlVEIiCOATS DRESS COATS. Pants and Ve-ts, Overcoats snd Dress l.'oatt for Uoyt of all ages. A I. SO, a very handsome usiortment of I lHATS -AulNTID CAPS i ' I of every i-tv'e and variety at the lorrrft prices. Our stock of HAKDWHIU his been renew cd atid we have now a lar r ns.-ort!ncit 'linn ever before io par; ot i. tiered to our customers, consisting Sausaie Cutters, Pocket Cutlery. Uuti her K:iiv. t Mayer lliiii--'. Holts und Pad Locks. Cut Saws, Mi'l Siws. SrK.p Shovels. Ac, Ac, Ac, ic, ic, Ac. ui'cnwai't; nnd C.t:is.v).ii v cf every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock ol G O CJ IjI ? X i very fne. Wu have the best quality of Syrup Mola-sea ever before oll'ere to the citizens ol Sunbury and vicinity. CLDAK AND WILLOW-WALE of every vaiic'.v. Carpets, Notions, llositty, Oloves, SrI.EHY. HOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c Also a fresh supply of 1'ruc.s, Paints, Oils. Perfumery, paucy Soups, Dye Sufis, Glnss, Uru.het, ic ' Particular care having been Ukcn in the se lection of our goods in renrd lo quility, ty h- !utid I ri,;e, we call the aitcnlion of tbe public lo our large, stock to winch constant additions w ill be made. I Thankful for past favors, se hope to merit s I cor'itiuauce uf the pitronuiie ol the public bv ! .liin? ebenoer than ever. liive us a cull Lcl.na purcbaiug elsewhere. r'UILINU i URANT. ! Sunbury. Nolleinber 1 7. imitl. I i'URM II UKE ! " J? UHSIIO' RET: j t-v uud I'usiltloiiasJle lablut'l War'. tllB subscribers rest.ectluily llif mi Hie i citizens of Kiiiihury and the pul'lic ecu -rally. ; 1 that they have commenced the CAlilNET ! t i L-ivo i....;.u ;.. ii. t..,,. t.,iuu. I l.t ni.,'1 liu.llivr. ., ....v.j ... .i.i,u tiy V illiatn Miyder, in Pawn Streel Sunl-ury, and are prepared lo aupply their custtiini rs ' promptly with every variety ul articles in Ihe hue 1 of their bum ess, oil r.iasoiiabla terms. Their woik will be made of the best luateiiala, and tit ' the brat and latest ttvh t. 'oui.lrv pruduce taken in ejehange. W IL I I VM HAI PT. IlKNJ. HECK PUT. Sunbtir, DecrmUr I. Ibti. I)JY (FOODS' tSlLNU & till A NT, al the Mammoth Store have ibis dav. Januarv V till, receive J and opened another fitsh supply of ikY 00011 j and Notions. Sty bury, January Zf, H6I. OOTS A SHOPS, ran be ptirehas. d at the Mammoth Store of Fiiliux A (ir int very el. ia.), us wu ate determined not to be uiidcit-oid by anybody. Call and learn the lit of prices lor yourselves'. r'lilLIMi A I.UANT. Sunbury , January If. lhfil COTTAGK 15 1 15 1, lib. 1,0 R SAI.K. cheap, tin Cottage, li.ble, in twet v rfl copift ef tie volumes, witb com r.Ur .s,. II H YAfSt Jl. NOW ttllHIN EEACHQg ALL nUOVKRfjHAKlR-A JmMi c r. l k n n a tk d n iiisei.e Sewing Machines. IDS Diioiiiwst, New Youic The public attention ia respectfully J t)ueatei i the lollonini? cards of Ki.iss Jlowr., Jr., sr..) the firover A linker ."t. M. Co A Card from the CROVER & BAKER ' S M. Co. j i"'ur Pa'tnU liita now established bv tjj! ' t ourts. we rue eimlded to furnish toe liruv.-r V linker Machine, with iinpurtanl improvementa at grpntlv Etcdiicrd I'ricc. I The Moderate price at which Machines ntak i loir ihe G rmer Ac linker stitch, ran now be had, 'hIiihs them within the reach of nil, Hnd renders j 'I e ne ol 'Machines n.aking inlerior stitehes as ! unnecessary as it is nnwHe. I Persons tlesinng the best Mnrhincs. ami Iho j rinht to use them, tnusl not onlv be sure to ba I M ichines ninkiiig tbe firmer ,V ljnk-r stitch. but a'mj that sneli Machities are made an I ! stsinped tiii.li r our pa'ents and those of Elis.1 ; llower, Jr. Gi;t)vi:r: a hakhk jt. m. co , l-.t.'i Urtenivvriy, New York. , A CA II D riloM i:i.I.- HOW E, JR. , All persons lire cautioned not li make, deal l.i, i or use any Sewing Mschtnes which new from lw. spools and make the stitch known as the Grove A fliukef stitch, utilcss tic same are purchased from the (irover At ll.iker Scwinc Machine Company, or their Agents, or l,i,ensis. and I stamped under ni- patent ul isepremhcr 10, I H40 . i aid Conip,iiiy, and ibetr I.icensca, alone, art legally authorize I under their own patents, ant 1 my snid patent, during the est. n.-.ed term there ol. to make and Ml lhi' kind of Sewing Machine and all others nre pir.iriea upon my enid patent, atid will Le dealt with accerdinglv, wherever : lound. hi.ia howe, jr. i New York. Deo. V 9 1 HHt. t ; New Arrival of Clothing. I rpHE l.irsest and best S'och nf F.U.I, AND -- WINTER CI.f'l HINff ever brought t . this place, arrivel i.t the ,l inmioth ('luthing i Store of M'HU PITZEI!. HI'll.ItKtlSN KH A- CO.. in M.wket street, nearly oppoMte IV ver'a Hotel. Their Stock comprises of EIISTE CLOTH COATB, ltress Cuats, Oer Cotits, Business Coats, .Ve. VESTS OF ALL k'lXDS. I'micrShirN. I'rswrrs, Ac. HATS A3STT3 CAPS- HOOTS ANPSHOUs. of the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Tliuir assortmrnt of pcntlenien't funiishinj; L'lolbing is the most complete ! 'I heir variety aud atv lea mast attractive. And the prices defy ull Competition. IV' Call ana evamii.e for yourselves. SCWKU.tlMIUILHKONNEK i CO. Sunbuiy, Oct. 6, IcCU. CENTEAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, I,To:uu:mbcrland County, Fft. I irjo and coinmoi'.ioiis H otel, n iv - managed bv JAMt! V N Id KE. It ! is situate ut the Huilrond Depot Ni rth Eutf corner of Market Square, Suii'on-y, and at j the Uriniinis of the Sunbury 4 Erie and North ern Central Kailro-nls, and is open forllie aecom mo.'ntiouof 'I'ravelers nnd the pul :ir in iiniernl I Tbe priprietor will give his nclin-ive iitten ' lion, totl e comfort nnd convenience of hisuuests I and is de'crmined to ninke this rstahhshmen: rank nmonR the first in the .Sttit.-. ; lliu- tjbluwillbe supplied will, the bct t.'.e , ma'ket cut produce hnvinrj the advai't'iiro if : ,l:iilv eiKiiuu. iiiiiulion by cars direct from Haiti I more, uud also from ihuic hiiiiKiiit; produce from I the surrounding country. i His bar will be supplied r.ith Ihe puret ii.juu.s j the market can produce ' Ca-eful and ubligiiij; servants always in al - lend.tncc. Ni w and commodious stabling has just boeo added to the premises. i A shure ot thf local and traveling community I is most respectfully solicited. Sunhurv, January 12, Isbl. 7V-A-Ts31s PAPER I I FKII.INt; A; !KNT, at the MAMMOTH sTOl!E, have this duy (January 17lb, HCi) ! recuved a 1 CHOICE ASSORTMENT j or t tt K NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS Of WAJL JV P E K , which tl t V are te.liug ht prices that dc'V cotnpetitiin. Sunbury, Jantmry 19, 1SG1- Notice to Creditors. SJERsONS indebted to the tubs riber on hoolc aceotiut notis or otherwise, aie r, quested to cjll al d make settlement on or bef.ire the 1ft of J :t ti it a ry . after which ' the h,.olt vs ill l-e left Willi a Justice for collection. .iohn c. .morgan. Sunbury, December I, Hi ll. REVERE HOUSE, J.A'I i: C.vtil.K IIOTKI..) Third ').'. al.'.i e J'me. Ti ilivn'--tlr. ItllO.VDS A S.sll.OK, I'ropilrt. rs l'ft 'V l:lt- I leive I cell muite, hnJ -.Le II k l is ecu 'cli',' 1 tl r ii.ti.iiu Tit-.H-ss-s V tin. i.e.., t' .inr-tly or tl i V,t.s.' H ll I'll IS I S.iL'-s. I'-luif r' .a S. M,y'ki:l p Ptuuiili 'J tou. Jii. U. It-t i . ly Buckwheat llullor 'jlil". .ulmri'ifn respectfully it forma 0 n pi. 1 1 io tint ibe v b.ive added lo tbe maebinn v in their Nte.mi Mill, in snnl.ury, a i.e.v iit.provid juehwht'.it Ikllir aiol wlie:il cleaner, which enal b t H i III to luil i.h whe:lt, nnd bl.ckwbr.,1 Hour ol the lintst quality. Customers prompt y aileiiu'td lo. MOR(JN I co. A CO. Sutioc 'V . lie. etiiiter 1 .1 A M V. S A 11 H E K S VMIDI rSVt.K AND llKTAII. CLOC K ES I'A B L IS II MEN T, i .S. I'.. Corner Second and Chestnut ttt , IMillartrlpbla. CIA"r Y f.t tar IMTIA I' l.it'AI.I7INiTniKTV llVV CI.O K-S. H t-iy rtroui.. srtl.ie l,.r VbufcA 1 il, II .t. s. Hoiks, l.'ioit Il'.aset, 1'uil. rs. c. i Ais I, M.l,:u::,. -urrr , I I INK ul'l.l I'K.NS. : 1 1 ks r,-i.:il'fl unit VVi r:olr.i. 't-s riiioie'i.if, ol every ue riti.si. I''.. m. h I .1 o i, luioiury 111, lit.-- )y UL'U NKW CI.OAK U00MS CON I' A IN KhK .nt Cloth t.'lotks. K.v, ry new stjle Coat and f.'losk W uoicli, I'.roc'heaiid Thibet Stiawla t OOPI K tl llMtsIf H F. carrier Ninth aLd M irket, Pedi Doc- r1, leW