Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 16, 1861, Image 2

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    Sckgrapjjic $(ctos.
Kt-i.i:, Feb. 22 TIih Government bas
taken posses-loo ot all the religion properly
n: Uaels, and thu garrison ul Oaela tins bi'i u
sent to a Neapolitan isl.nd.
Tho Papal Zonnves are reported tn have
tnauacred Doctor Yatui and bin little dauyb
UT at Cnllattn.
Tl'M, Saturday. Admiral Pessaco has
arrived r Messina, which he will suuiinou
tf surrender.
It'iMK, Friday The National Committee
have issued a proclamation declaring that
Victor Emmanuel will soon bo proclaimed
K inn from the Capitol, and expressing
thnnk to France for its pencrcm aid.
The Freudi authorities have taken posies
(ion of the keys tn the repitol.
Brvnral persons buve bvtu expelled for p:
liticul reasons.
Vie.nha, Saturday It is reported that
Austria, Russia and Prussia have concluded
a Convention to art in concert in earn i f a
Polish or Hungarian outbreak.
Vf uisoiox. March 12.
Ft TRKMR col' lit BKM II.
The President unquestionably desired to
appoint Mr. Crittenden to it soat on the
ol h Supreme Court as graceful tribute
to bis lotifT services iu thu cournols of the
country, ltul the Chase wing objected, and
as the; would have bad the power, with the
id of the Southerners in the Senate, to have
defe ited tbe nomination, the Cabinet recom
mended tbe President not to make it.
Governor Seward hat assured acme New
York merchants, w ho came on here expressly
to inquire whether they could engage io some
large business operations, liable to be affected
by war, that peace wjb, and would be, the
watchword of the Administration. Bellige
rent individuals may not fancy this, but tbey
will Cud the rocruiting office of tbe Southern
Confederacy open in Baltimore, and tbey
must certainly prefer fighting tbe Mexicans
to fighting their countrymen.
It is very evident that a pretty clean sweep
is to be made of the brawling Secessionists
who have been in office here, and who have
odeavored to fouiuul the existing difficul
ties. Yet there are Dot nearly as many
applicants for tbe office now as tbere were
eight, or even four years ago. In 1 8j7
Pennsylvania bad lea office-seekers here
where she uow has odd.
Tho Hoard of Officer have not yet furnish
ed the Heport on Fort Pointer, but the evue
nation is believed to night to be fully deter
mined upon. Jeo. Scott is preptring a
report, showing conclusively that thu benefits
reuniting from the reinforcement will not
compensate for tbe inauguration of civil
Mr. Thomas Corwin'a aceeptauce of the
mission to Mexico ia considered quite uncer
tain. Ho has declined.
Mr. Cassias M. Clay, of Kentucky, has
duel i nod being appointed Minister to .Spain.
Col. F.lliworlh, of tbe Chicago Zouaves,
lias beeu appointed a Lieuteuaot in tho
General Scott, with seveoty officers io full
uniform, called ou tbe Secretary of War to
day. Speeches were interchanged. Tbey
ail went to tbe White House, where Secreta
ry Cameron introduced th.ui to President
Washington, March 12 11 o'clock. P.
M. Gentlemen in prominent positions t:l!
confidently express tbe belief that Fort
8omter will be abandoned in obedience to the
peremptory opinion of (Jen. Scott, and some
even go as fur as to eay that this will be done
next Monday. The information ia dot,
however, derived from an official source.
All that tbe Commissioners of tbe Confed
erate Slates bavn done ao far, has been in
o informal manoer, and in tbe direction of
Washington, March 12 Tbe President
to day nominated to the Senate lion. Cassins
M. Clay, of Kentucky, a9 M iniater to Spain,
and lion. Tbnmas Corwin, of Obio, Minister
to Mexico. Tbe latter is considered tbe
most important mission under the Govern
ment at tbia time, considering the Territorial
expansion question as connected with tbe
Coufederute States. Both have declined.
Frmn WatUingtsa.
Washington, March 11 The silver tones
of the trumpet of peace, announcing that
there is to be no immediate conflict between
those who have a common ancestry, and wbo
nntil recently were citizens of a common
eountry, have echoed joyously in many a
heart here. The Gery Secessionists and tbe
ultra Abolitionists are evidently annoyed at
tbe removul of a subject of contention, wblcb
tbey have hoped would "precipitate" tbe two
sections into a conflict. Each of these dis
cordant elementa of our common country
hoped for warfare, for bloodshed, for tbe
killiug, maiming or wounding of hundreds,
bringing desolation to many a home, and
engendering feelinga of bitterness, of hatred,
of uialignauey, where there should be fraternul
Oatiiof Ornc F. Administered to Secrk
tart Camfron. This morning Judge Crier
visted the War Department, aud administer
ed the oath of office to the new Secretary,
Hon. Simon Cameron, in the presence of a
large number of the clerks and other officiuls.
Mr. Holt, after introducing hia subordinates
to bia successor, retired, wishing great suc
cess and prosperity to General Cameron.
Justice Grier and General Cameron and
about the same age. Tbey were boys to
gether in Northumberland county, many
years ego, and they started life the one aa a
chool feacber aod the other aa a printer.
During all tbe interval between youth and
mature age tbey have preserved tbe kindest
relations. It was fitting, therefore, that the
oitb of office should be administered by tbe
ooetotbe other. Philadelphia Press.
Edward P. Weston, the young nun who was
t.i walk frmn Boston to Washington if Mr. Lin
coln wan elected, arrived in Washington on the
4th at hal'-pasl lour P. M-, consequently he was
just loo U'e to are the inauguration. He com
plained somewhat of being sure and weak, am)
declares Ii would not undertake the journey strain
ever such road for y rum of inonev. ilia
walking dieaa was a pair ol blue knit woolen
drawers, tilting tinhl to the limbs, and a blue
coat with bras buttons. He states, that three
horsea were worn out on tbe wa) by tbe "coin
mittee of two" who accompanied him to see tbe
jb done, and one of the gentlemen waa compell
ed to take toe ears at Annapolis junction and came
to Washington by i ail way. Weston applied at
tpe Clarendon House for rooms, but being full
they directed him to a boarding houi-e, and at
night, accompanied by the Massachusetts dele
gallon, be attended the Inauguration Hall.
High Railroad Hmiu'im. From tbe
report of the Auditor General o' Pennsjlva
liia, we glean the following interesting statis
tic :Tb highest railroad bridge in tbe
State is apon the Catawissa rail'oud, aod i
128 feet high. The Media bridge, on the
Weat Chester and Philadelphia railroad, it
101 feet high. Tha highest bridge on lb
Pennsylvania Railroad, is at Coatcsville, and
is "2 feat bigh. The bridge on the Hunting
i u and Broad Top Road, at Stonerstowo, la
i fat high ; and the celebrated Wiasabirkoo
bridge, o the Philadelphia aid Norriitow
uilro.d, ia bat CS ftet k ,h
11. B. MASSES, Editor and Proprietor.
To AuviaTtsKM.. -The elrculutinn or the Bckicm
A mis :r ax among the different lownton the Susquehanna
is n it exeeerfrd, If eqiinllcd by any paper puliliihrd in
.Niiithtrn rennsvlrsnla.
tljrFoR Kknt. A bonse and lot in Market
street, Sunbury. Apply at this office.
LV David Wilmot has received thecaosna
nomination for United States Senate for Geo.
Cameron's unexpired term.
fi? Growing Fink Wont.. We call at.
tenlion to an article on our first page, on
Ibis (abject. Tbe writer, Mr. Kllis, is one of
our moat successful and intelligent egricul
turisu, wbo baa shown by practical results
tbe value df scientific farming. The article
is in reply to one on the same subject, from
the Baltimore Sun. We trust we tLall hear
from Mr. Ellis frequently.
sj" Sai.k of rim lioHoiiiu Fkrrt -The
lease of tbe Ferry for oue year, belonging to
the Borough of Sunbury, was sold at public
sale on Saturday last, and was struck down
at $142 to Mr. Ira T. Clement, oftbis place, j
IjyM KTiionifT The Haiti
in ( re and Fast Baltimore Conferences met
Ust Wednesnny, the former at Staunton,
Virginio, and tbe latter at Chambershorg, in I
this State. The Philadelphia Conference
meets in that city on Wednesday of next
SJ3T Mrdicai, Gradi'atks We observe in
the Philadelphia papers the announcement
of two graduates of this place, from the
Medical Colleges in that city, namely, .1. E
McCarty. from the Philadelphia College of
Dental Surgery, and F. L. Haupt, froui the
JefTerBon Medical College.
Es"i'he sale of the real estate of Wm, L.
Dewart, advertised te be sold by tbe Sheriff
on Monday lent, has again been postponed.
C3" Oi'Rsei.vks. The American will appear
before long io a new dress, having engaged
new type for that purpose of a superior style
and quality.
sHTXew Advkrtisemknts We call at
tention to a number of new advertisements
among them Crandjll's Spring Horse, and
Ward's Shirts.
tfJT AcnoRA Bureaus. This beautiful
phenomenon was witnessed hereon Saturday
night, betweco nine end ten o'clock, tbe
rapidly forming columns presenting a brilliant
scarlet appearance towards tbe zenith.
Gov. Floyd's Dkffnck. Gov. Floyd has
published a defence to the charges and insin
oations contained in the report of tho com
mittee appointed to investigate the charges
connected witb tbe Indian Trust Bond rob
bery. He says, tbat of the acceptances issued
amounting to between 3,000,001) and $0,000,
U00, less tbnn SG00 000 remain uncancelled
tQ Death of H. J. Woi.vkrton. We
regret to record the Budden death of Horatio
J. Wolverton, Esq., a member of the Bur of
tbis pla:e, and oue of our most respectable
citizens. The deceased bad been suffering
for several years from a pulmonary disease
which was gradually but certainly undermi
oiug his health and constitution. On Wed
nesday, aboot noon, be called upon us in
regard to some business, remarking tbat bis
health was such thut he desired to have ali
bis worldly affairs settled. A few hours
afterwards wo were startled with the inlelli
gence or bis death In tbe sbop of Mr. A. M.
Covert, where a slight effort in taking off his
boot for repair, had caused hemorrhage of
the lungs. So copious was the effusion of
blood that he expired in less than five min
ntes. His remains were tutu conveyed to
his residence.
The deceased was a son of Dennis Wolver
ton, Esq., of Lower Augusta, and was about
35 years of age. He leaves a wife and child
to mooro bis sodden departure.
(7 Having beeo absent, we did not, last
week, notice the advent ol new papei io
this place, entitled The Northumberland
County Democrat. Tbe new paper is about
tbe aize of tbe American, and bears tbe im.
press of editorial industry and ability. 'I be
policy of starting a new paper, whether wise
or indiscreet is, of course, a mutter tbat most
interests tbose wbo choose to make invest
meots io such evunescent aud incorponal
bereditsuieots. But tbis is a Tree country
and no man can be required to give an
aecouut bow be spends bis money, provided
be transgresses no law,
Mr. Purdy, the editor, is a strong partisan,
as is evident by bis remarks oo Mr. Lincoln's
j inaogural Address, which ha considers
j 'oiuddle" of ideas, scarcely without a para
lell. Id tbis it is Mr. Purdy's misfortune to
dider from Judge Doslas and nearly all tba
Lading patriotic and Union loving Dem
ocrats of tbe whole country. No man can be
a patriot, or even a good Democrat, wbo does
not rise superior to party io tbe bonr or peril,
or wbeo bis country aod bis country's gov.
eroineut is on tba verge of dissolutioo.
Happily, tbe time has arrived wbeo rabid
partisans are nearly shorn of political iufJu
ence, except iu the Sooth among the cotton
lorde, where tbe masses lack intelligence
it was tbis rabid partisanship, under the cloak
It slavery grievances, that broke op tbe
Charleston convention, cheated Judge Doog.
las out ot bis nomination, and elected tbe
preseut Itepubl.cao President. Tbat tbis
was a preconcerted game of ths disooionists
is no looger questioned. The very fact that
tbe luaugural is distasteful to the rabid Re.
publicans of the North, as well ss to lbs fir
eaters of the South, is ths best evidence of
its patriotic aod statesmanlike character.
These remarks are not made witb any unkind
spirit towards oor oew cotemparary whom we
welcome into tba corps editorial, bot witb
that spirit or frankness aud fair play, that has
always prompted us to speak justly of pnljti.
ca) C priests si w!l as df friecds
fJT Auksdhknti er rn Tostai. Laws.
Some material changes and improvements In
the postal service have been authorised by an
act of the late Congress. The st-cond section
of ths act empowera the Postmaster General
to procure and furnish letter sheets, with
postage stamps impressed thereon, combining
io one both a sheet and an envelope. This
supplies a desideratum io certain busines and
legal proceedings where it ia important to
prove tbe date of mailing of a letter by the
Another ecclioo of the act requires that
letters which have been advertised (ball be
returned to tbe Post Office Department, if
ncclaimod, lico months after the date of tbe
advertisement ; except in cases where letters
are directed to seaports for persons on board
of designated vessels expected to arrive ; and
also, in cases where letters are specially
marked to be retained for a longer period.
Maps, engravings, lithographs, or photo
graphic prints on rollers or in paper covers;
books, bound or unbound ; phonographic
paper and letter envelopes j are to be rated
at one cent ao ounce for any place within
the United States not over fifteen hundred
miles, and two cents an ounce for any dis
tuuee over fifteen hundred miles, prepaid by
postage stamps. Tbe packages uvibI not
j exceed four pounds. Curds blank or print
j ed, in packages weighing at least eight
j ounces, and feeds or colling, io packages
not exceoding eight ounces, era made maila
ble matter at tbe same rates, prepared iu
tbe same way.
Hereafter ten cent postage is to be prepaid
on all letters conveyed in the mail between
ny points in tbe United States east of the
Rocky Monutaio, and any State or Territo
ry on the Pacific.
3" l'oaK LT F0" Smash We find tbe
following ominous paragraph io tbe last
Columbia Democrat :
"Want of space compels os to postpone
any remarks on tne inaugural or Sir. Lincoln
tbis week
Wo shall dissect and examine it !
at our leisure in our next ; and if we do not
show it to bo the most impud- nt, aud crude,
and silly cnmpnseo document we have bud
since lien. Tajlor wrote thut wn "were at
peace with ail the world" and the rest of
mankind, then wo are slightly mistaken."
We beg of the Colonel to be moderate, and
keep cool io tbe operation, whether he uses
tbe delicate and keen edged blade of tbn sur
geon, or the long saw. backed knife of the
kitchen. The lnau:oral of "Old Abe," after
having passed tbe ordeal, and received the
commendations of the liberal and putriotic of
all parties, except tbe secessionists and their
sympathisers, is doomed to be imputed ul lust,
on the spear r our indignant coternporary,
unless be should be "iliihlhi mistuhn."
C3F Fort Si mikr. It is now certain that
Fort Sumter will not be reiuTorced, and thut
it will be evacuated ic a few days, for want of
Many will find fault with tbis determine
tion on the part of tbe War Department, but
we bave oo doubt that tbis is tho true policy.
1 be seceders are uoxious to bring on a colli
sion io order to involve the border Stat'S,
aod detach them from tbe Union. Without
tbe border States the Southern Confederacy
must prove a failure iu less than a year. The
knowledge of this fact, and tbe known aver
sion of tbe border States to suy coercive
measures has, no doubt, induced the War
Department to remove every obstacle that
might lead to a collision, believing that time
will more effectually accomplish the object
of bringiug back tho revolting States than
civil war and bloodshed.
tiji' Tavkkns. There ure uow io Philadel
phia about 3300 places licenced to sell liquur.
Tbe annual receipts of tbe taverns canuot
full short of $3,000,000. The license fees
yield the State a yearly revenue of more than
S 150,000.
CiT Tub Philadelphia Coli.ectorship.
Tbe Philadelphia Inquirer says there is u
warm contest for tho Philadelphia Collector
ship, between Messis. Thomas, Pollock aod
Webster. A compiomise has been proposed
among tbe friends of tho candidates, and th. re
will be an eodeovor to 'give Mr. Pollock a
foreign mission.
OT Tbe following is General Cameron's
letter, resigning bis seat io the United States
Seoats :
Wasuington, March 11, 1861.
To His Excellency Andrew G. Curtin, Gov.
eroor of Pennsylvania :
Dkar Sir : Having accepted tbe positioo
of Secretary of War, tendered to me by the
President, 1 hereby resigu uiy seut iu tbe
Senate of tbe Uuiled Slules.
I leave thai body witb feelings of deep
regret, as well because it severs my immedi
ate connection with tbe people of my native
State, as because it removes me from tbe
cherished personal associations of tbat high
and dignified body. But 1 am consoled by
tbe fact tbat the change io our Tariff laws,
fur which 1 bave labored for more than hi-
teen years, and which 1 trust will add greatly
to tbe benefit of Pennsylvania, wua accom
plished at the close of my Senatorial service.
1 beg to say to the Legislature, and to the
people of Pennsylvania, tbat iu my new
position, which a deference to tbeir earnest
wishes induced me reluctantly to accept, my
best energies shall be exerted lor tbe benefit
of tbe whole country, of which Pennsylvania
foims so important a put.
1 am, sir, very respectfully your obedient
aervsnt, Simon Cambron,
US" The General Bankino Law. Tbe
Bank Committee of tbe House of Represeo
talives have agreed to suggest curiam amend
ments to tbe general Bunking Law, substan
tially as follows :
First. To tbe fifth section, so as to order
the prioting of 32o0 copies of tbe annual bank
report of tbe Auditor General, for lbs use of
lue legislature, etc.
Second. To tbo seventh section, allowing
the issue of small uotes to the amount ol 15
per cent, of tbe eulire issue, aod repealing
the clause requiring all outes to be uoiforuitv
. Third. To tbe tenth section, providing tbat
securities of the State or United Stales sball
be accepted by Ibe Auditor General, at par,
ss legal deposits. Tbe present law requires
tbat tbey be received only with a discount of
5 per cent.
J'uurth. To tbe thirty first section, slrikiog
out tbe entire section, thus releasing banks
from keeping 20 per cent of tbeir circulation
id tbeir vaults iu specie.
Death or Ma. Johs Coldib. This gentla
nun, whose illness ws noticed on Friday, died ou
Saturday availing, of inflammation of tba lungs.
As our readers are already aware, be came bar
te attend the funeral of bia brother, Wm. Colder,
Sr., which took place oo Thursday. Mr, Colder
waa suly .ix yrara of age at the the litnc ct bis
dea'h Hirrisl urj Tl'.tgrnpk.
rnuvi WAninxoros.
"Occasional," tba Wasbiogtoo correspond
ent of Forney's Prttt, says
Two of tba tbrsa Commissioners appointed
by the Southern Confedeiacy, to treat with
tbe Federal Government, are now io ibis city.
Tbe tbird, Mr. Romain, of Louisiana, ac
cording to the New Orleans Ti nt Dtlla, has
declined to accept, having become ntterly
disgusted with the whole Dnuuioo experi
ment ; and one of those now here Is reported
to have admitted, since bis arrival, that he
and bis Irieuda have made a grand mistake.
They have hot yet seeo tbe President, al
though they bave sent tbeir names to him
and to tbe Secretary of State, ilow tbey
will bo received, if received at nil, 1 will not
predict, ulll ough tbey are quite hopeful of
having a fuvorable interview witb the Chief
Magistrate. Tbis, doubtless, springs from
Hie circumstances 1 bave alluded to, the
changing sentiment in fuvor of the Union
among tbe people of tbe Cotton States, aud
tbe impossibility of reinforcing Fort Sumpter
or of retuking tbe raptured fortifications in
tbe otber Southern Stales with ut ao local
eatable expenditure of blood and treasure
Another indication deserves to be mentioned
in this place, end that is, that a large portion
of the Republicans, in and Out vf CungrrsK.
ure quite trilling that the Gulf States thoultl
be permitted to rlmuin out of the Union en
hrtly They argue that if ibey are brought
back it Can only be done by such concessions
as will degrade tbe people of the free Mutes,
and that tbey never would contentedly sub
mit to tbe rule of tbe majority; tbat tbey
would be tbe source of coustant trouble, and
thut treaties of commerce and amity could be
arrunged with them, leaving both sections to
pursue their own course, without being ac
countable for tbe peculiar institutions of
either. This body of men is io favor of
peaceful separation, aud therefore opposed tn
toice 'I'll belter plan, io my opioiou, would
be to leave the whole issue to tune. Let the
Southern conspirators test tbeir experiment
to the full, let the United Statss Government
confine Itself to such precautionary measures
us will prevent the seceders from interfering
with tbe commerce of the fre States with
loreign nations, aod with its owo revenues,
and if, in tbe discharge of this high duty,
hostilities should inane, the responsibility
will not bo with Mr. Lincoln and bis friends.
Judge Douglas has cerlaiuly vindicated his
character for courage and genius iu the course
ho has taken iu tbe debate upon President
Lincoln s inaugural. 1 have never known one
or IwoMiort speeches create as much discus
sion as those which fell from his lips on this
subject ou the 6th aod lib lost. Tbe lale
Administration or Disunion men declare that
by putting a favoruble and peaceful construe
tlun opon the inaugural, bn bss thereby
provod that he bad entered into a league with
Mr. Lincoln before tba election, and that he
is fulullmg the bargain. Tbe ultra Republ
cans denounce his utterances on ibe inaugural
us the giving of uousked-for advice, and more
than one does not besitutu to suy tbat he has
assumed to speak without authority for the
l liiel Magistrate. JJut between these ex
tremes again are te be found an immense
number ot conservative citizens, who hail and
appluud his speeches as evidence of charac
teristic magnanimity and manliness. 1 have
in my possession, at this present writing,
twenty letters received from Democrats and
Republicans in Pennsylvania, in which tbe
warmest commendations are conferred upon
Douulus on account of these speeches What
struck me as worthy of remembrance, bow
ever, was tbe studied silence observed by tbe
11. puolicuo senators while ne was conducting
'UH debate against Wigfoll and Mason
Here was tbe leading opponent ol Abraham
Lincolu in tbe late campaigu holding up tbe
inaugural of tbe new President as a pledge of
peace, declaring his purpose to overlook all
party feeling, to sunder all party ties, if Mr
Lincolu would avoid a precipitate resort to
violence. Here were the men who opposed
both Lincoln and Donglas in thut campaign,
and who insisted tbal Mr. Lincoln meant
violence iu his message, finding themselves
triumphantly confuted and confounded at
every step by the "Little Giant." Tbe Re
publicau Senators, struck witb tbe masterly
ability of Douglas, impressed by tbe clear and
conclusive analysis be presented of tbe inau
gural, hesitated about approving his theory,
and yet restrained from condemning it, be
cause the lutare might show tbal be was
WonM it not he ao nnexpected seqnel to
the events ol the last two years if Abraham
1. inn. In should find in bis chief defender in
the Senate of the United States his chief
opponent or 1858 io Illinois, aod 1860 io the
country at lurge T Such things have happened
before, and may happen again. Douglas asks
nothing, and will take uuthing from tbe Ad
ministration. Gut. Wise far tbe I'nlna.
Extract of a speech of Gov. Wise at a cele
brat ion in Richmond io May, IS.'iO
"Aod if any would array this couutry's
parts hgaiust each other io sectional division
tt'.d strife, let them bave no inheritance in
tbe whole the grand, great whole, but let
them selfishly have a singlo, small place fur
their safe keeping, a borne made for treason
felony, nr mania, a prison or a mad-bouse.
''Tbey cannot destroy tbe Union without
destroying Slates and homes, und they cannot
destroy homes and States without destro iug
the Union. By strengthening each part we
fortify the whole, and by fortifying tbe whole
we protect each part. Each and all is ours ;
each und all belongs to all equally and alike;
i in tbe part and in tbe whole all citizens are
! seized ; all, all, North aod South, East and
I West, white and black, native and naturalized,
bund and tree, happy here as never men were
happy elsewhere on earth, may say, fur the
whole Union of these States, as this toast
Says for the blessed mother of States :
" 'Breathes thtreaman with s mlsodcsd,
Whoiifvsr to biniMli' halt said,
Tais is inr owu my nativs land.'
"I give yoo the Union aod the Constitu
tion of the United States, at they are tbe
country, the whole country "uiy own, my
native land,' as it is.
Pknsacola News Tbe following is from
tbe Warrington letter, dated lbs 3d iost., of
tbe Pensscola Observer :
- I.ieot. Slemmer has had aboot forty men
engaged in raising a sand battery about a
a quarter of a mile to tba eastward of Fort
Pickens, on Santa Rosa Island, for tbe past
two or three days.
The Wy undone was engaged all day yes
terday io cooveying water to tba United
States ships ontside.
Lieut. McNab, of the Eufanls Rifles, being
anxious tn find nnt what Slemmer's men were
doing on the Islaud. procured a boat aod
went over; ba waa placed onder arrest by
tba authorities of Santa Rosa Island, and
sent to tba Navy Yard.
Taxation at Charleston The City
Councils of Charleston have passed to the
point or ratification, a bill for taxing persous
and property to a rngbtiul amount $1 30 on
every hundred dollars of real aod leased
property the same oo all goods and mar.
cbandiza 82 60 oo every $100 of interest
on any obligation the same oo every $100
of dividends on slock $3 a head oo slaves
$30 oo every four wheel coach, for two horses
210 and SIS oo otber vehicles 2 SO oo
very $100 of income and profits oo tba last
year tba same amount oo all commissions
$1 25 oo every $100 nf jnsurenee premioms
50 cents oo gas stock 75 cents oa every
$100 invested in shipping $10 for every
horse or mole $2 dollars oo each dog-$2
50 oo tba receipt of all agencies $ I poll
tx $5 for every slave brought in for sale
eve ry free negro $10, within eertsio ages, or
$5 or $3, if females. Psdlers ara to give
peoal hoods io $1,000 to make troa retaros,
&e. Tba wbols shows a sad condition of
hitlers tail AA nnMniimilB amIJ .1 . . J L
ksH, tiesf I tbey vsrs slsvei. !
Irumngs (fV.tovutl wti 5r fectcft. !
To Paters Not Comiko to AitM.ti'.
Tbe London Field or the Uih tilt , saya Tom I
Meyers, the chsoipioo" of LngUud, has
changed bis mind. Ha is ool coming to
Overtasked Mental Lam. Tbe London
Review asserts that railway managers, engi
neers, snrveyors, officers, and counsel, as a
rule, soon lose their health, if not tbeir lives
io consequence of tbeir brains being over
worked. Fruit Kili.kd. The Washington (Pa.)
Eiaminer says : That the late rreezing
weather has destroyed in a great measure, if
not entirely tbe buds or the peach, pear and
cherry trees. Tbe unusual warm, sonny
weather or last week brought tbom out to
such ao exteot, that the frost has killed the
promise of the crop.
Patknt Ballot Box. Ao invention of a
citizen of Indiauna is now exhibiting io this
city. It is a new coutrivaoce for preventing
ballot box stuffing. It registers each vote
as it is deposited.
Prr'kntimfnt of Offick Miss Scott,
who baa gone to Washington from Canan.
daigoa, ao applicant for the post office, was
formerly a music teacher at Elmira. She had
a presentment of the election of Lincoln last
May, aod told him an. He acknowledged her
letter, and she thinks she has thus made one
point or the game, so she has gone to Wash
ington with a petition numerously signed, and
expects tn come home, no doubt, with ber
commission in ber reticule.
A Soithf.rk OriNtnN The Brandon
(Miss) Republican, itselT a secession pappr,
advocating co-nperatino or the Sonthern
States, givs the blowing complimentary
notice of Piesident Davis' Cabinet appoint
ments : "Tnnmhs will do pretty well j Mem.
minger is a German by birth ; Walker was
never heard of before j some very bad tales
are io circulation as tn Benjamin's honesty :
Mallory is rather small potatoes, snd few in
tbe hill, and Yancy is a man of talent, but
very odious to the people generally of the
Border States, and quite a respectable num
ber in the Seceding States."
Changes in a Lifktimf.. Some twenty
eight or thirty years ago, Horatio King, the
present Postmaster-Genera), and Hannibal
Hamlin, the present Vice-President, were
engaged in publishing a weekly newspaper in
the small and obscure village nf Paris, on tbe
Little Androscoggin river, in Maine.
A HtsTonv J.'hn fSeorge Nicalai, the Tri
vate Hectetary of President Lincoln, is a Herman,
and was born in l35. in the village of Rsiingrn,
in the Pnlitinate. In 1R37 he came to this coun
try with his parents, who settled in Cin'innali.
In l4i, his mother hsving died, his rather re
moved lo Pike countv. Illinois, where young Nic
nlai was apprenticed to the printing business.
He subsequently published a paper at the county
seat, railed the Pike County Aildertiser, from
wliirh he was called to a position in the Stale
Treasurer's office, where lie took an artire part
in ferreting out dovernur Mattcsoua d(liniueu'
Council Proceedings.
Si Mint, Mnrch Sth. ISM.
C-'unei! met itbeint. the statrtl meat nf meetingr. Chief
Burgrss in the chair, mriliht-rs prt-ft-ut, llewart, Sti-o, i
Purser, liriff hr, li water, Hendricks, Uiaiit, Zi-uleni'iyrr,
Bucher and K)er.
M mules nf lust inertmp rsd and sd ptrd
Bill nf H. U. MuMi-r l- r priiilinK ;3 U7j, referred tn
Committee on Finance
Win I, Dewalt, plesentrd lull ef Jacob lOUngSl 35,
refened tn cnmiiiiure "ii finance.
Uu nintinn nt Mr. PacSr, Krsnlved, That the Htiret
Cnininisfti'iiiers tie rrqaired, iindrr the supervitnill of the
itniltniltee ai tlighwa)laiul Sidewalks, In reiair at nm-e
the culvert leading Irnru the basin to the river, and to fix.
the hririgeiiver the raiial at the nver
On in. .tern nf C. A. llnght, Kesnlred, That H D
Masser be rt-quirt-d In lay a pavement in Irnut nf Ins Men
snulh side nf Market street, aiijiiine; Adam ShiRsler, in
acenrdnnce with the ordinance pasted in IHS, directing
the paving nf said street, and in ease he neglect tn it. a-.,
said pavrment be made by the Hnrnagli as is lu such cases
provided fnr liythe nrrininntrs alniesaid-
Wm. I. Dewart s'ated that the mad by Jncb Voting's
was iu bad order. Cninmntee mi Highways und hide
walks instructed I" examine the fiad
On mt inn an order granted tn Clerk fnr tranS"rihtng
Ordinances and services as t :lcrk for yeai IH60, nf S'lli
On motion an order giuntcd to lliju Cnhilsble for tits
kill in lull. S 17 VO
Hill nf John Arnold, Htreet Commissioner, presented
811 39 Ou motion an order granted.
Ou motion, Uoyerand Hendricks, excuird for sheenee.
Mr. Dewart excused for absence except fine ingtii or
which he was fitted SI
Ou aiuunn adjourned,
jmo. w. ru ciii:n, cterk.
At a meeting of the Board ol Military Audi
tors, held in Sunbury on the tid int.. the follow
ing preamble anil resolutions were adopted, and
ordered to be published :
Wmereis, A number of the Collectors of the
Militia '1 ax of Northumberland County, are very
negligent in collecting anil paying over to the
Treasurer nf the County, the Miltia fund, there
by embarassing the Military, and as we believe,
preventing the formation ol companies, as well aa
retarding the settlements of the Board of Audi
tors Therefore,
RksuLVtn. That all collectors of Miliira Tax
es for the years Itfoti. 180!) and I H 0 . are hereto;
notified to aettle their duplicates, by the first day
of August. A. D. 18(11; and that suit will be
brought on tho bonds of all tailing to pay their in
debtedness by that time.
HcsoLVKii, That collectors are enjoined to
carry out the Act of Assembly, to the letter,
against all persona neglecting or refusing to pat
their Militia Tux, aad if anv extra expenses a.e
incurred tiny will lay their bills before the Board
of Military Auditors, where they will receive
proper attention.
Extracted frum the Minutes.
J. P 8HINDKL COMM. Secretary
Meeting of tho Ear.
At a meeting of tbe Bench and Bar of
Northumberland county, louveoed Thursday,
March 14th, 1861, to express respect for the
memory or tbe late II. J. WOLVERTON,
E-q Hoo. Ai.kxandkr Jordan, President
Juuge, was called to preside, aud Wui .
tireebougb, Esq, was Upoiuled Setretury.
Tbe Hoo. A. Jordan, announced the object
of the meeting in a speech lull of leeling. He
reviewed, briefly, the useful proieseiouul ca
reer of tbe lamented deceased, so early closed;
commeuted upon tbe virtues and sterling
traits ol character, which wou fur bioi esteem
and respect, and uninterrupted friendly rela
tions with tbe Bench and the Bur.
Tbe following resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted :
Tbe Beucb and Bar of Northumberland
county, have learned with deep regret, tbal,
it bas pleased tbe Almighty giver of life to
take from this world our late brother ii. J.
Wolvkkton ; a man whose earnest life aud
nprigbl conduct entitled bini to our utfectlou,
respect and ceufidence. We coodsiJer it our
duty to record, und psblicly lo esprees tbe
sincere sorrow wa leel, and, tberelor, it is
Resolved, That, we bow witb revereoce
and bumble resignation to tbe righteous dis
pensations of that wise and mysterious Pro
vidence, wbtch bas taken our brother from os,
in the Mrenglb of bis early manhood, aod io
io the midst of bis usefulness
Resolved, Tbat to bis bereaved aDd afflicted
family we tender our most sincere condolence,
and emplore the blessing of Almighty Cod
opoa tbeoB. I beir loss is likewise oar loss;
tba sorrow tbey reel is fell by os j tbe name
or tbeir lamented relatioo will ba cherished
io grateful remembrance, aud respected by as
Resolved, Tbat, wa will atteod the funeral
of our deceased brother io a body, aud will
wear tha usual badge of mourning, but a
feeble expression of our sympathy aod sorrow,
for thirty days.
Resolved, i'bat, a copy of tha minutes of
these proceedings of ibe Coort aod Bar, ba
delivered to tbe family or tba deceased bro
tber, and published io tbs paper of tba bo
Th Honorable President Judgs, was
pleased to appoint Hoo. W. L. Dewart aod
George Hill. Kq , t committee to eooimaou
eat tbes proceedings to lb family of the
A. JORDAN, PrcsM."
W I Putfru vmi Stfrj.'arv.
Literary Society.
The tJlerncy !.-iHy Siusbtr, will (mid their wety
meeting on Tueaes errum. the tath mat. at Use fuUic
ts .l-il' use. (jumiki l .r rtetane t
"That Fort 'utmef shield be reltif.ifeed ana not craca
tulcd by tha tinted States Government."
Tha eitiianeuf Banbury ara reipacilgllr invited to at
" Shamokin Coal Trade.
Shamoiih, March 9, 16C1.
Sent for th week ending M arcb
th, I Li 11
Tr last n. port. 26.530 1"
23.24G 08
17,845 17
10,400 11
To same time last year,
Northern Central and Sunbury it Erie
The arrival and departure of Passenger Tiaiiaj on the
Northern Central and Sunbury ,V Eric Hailnaidi at this
place, is as fulinw-s :
NCR. R. 8. k E. R R.
doing niu-th, arrives 4 45 P. M I Leaves 4 45 P. M.
south, leaves 45 A.M. Arrivea 45 A.M.
Geiut north, arrives 11 10 P. M. I Leaves II 10 P. M.
" s.-uih, leaves 3 40 A M.
Arrivea 3 SS A M.
The Shamokin Valley and Pottsvllle Rallraad.
Passenger train leaves Runhury at 0 no A At.
Mt. Carmel, 4.3U P M.
Tiib Orkat Horbr Tamrr. Mr. Rarey is
astonishing the admirers of horse flesh here
by his exploits with untamed steeds. He
lakes in band the most savage of equines, and
ha asnnliy brings them to terms in about fif
teen minutes. Tbere is nothing very remar
kable about the appearance or the great
tamer. He is a good looking man with a
benevolent race and firm eye, and he always
presents an elegant and gentlemanly appear
ance, rrom the fact that he invariably dresses
in the garments made at the Brown 8tone
Clothing Hull of ItiickhillJ: Wilsoo, Nos.
003 and COj Chestnut street sbove Sixth,
Cni'uli. Tho sudden chunges of our cli
mate nre sources of Pclmonarv Broncihal
and AsTiiaUTic Kxperience
having proved that simple remedies often oct
speedily and certainly when taken in the
early Meges of the diseases, recourse should
at once be had to "Jroirn's Uronchitil
Troche.;" or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough,
or irritation of the throat be ever so slight,
as by this precaution a more serious attack
may be effectually warded off. Pcbi.Ii:
Spf.aki'.rs and Si.snKRS will find them effectu
al for Hearing and strengthening the vwice.
See advertisement.
"Not ikiicernns tn the Human Family."
'Kate come out of their hole to the."
COST MVS' Rut nrh.Ar , fixtermtiil..
"COSTA It" Ihd-hi); F.jUf riniimMr
'COSTAR'S" Kledric P-.wiirr, for lnirct, Vc
I)kii Roys imtantlv.
Rnt Rnarbff Mi.'f Mrr (iiountl Mice UH Imici
Anl .Mt'tlll M"i jUlttH'i KlriisV ItiiiH'tat on '!;inii,
F'nvln, Aminils ic., Ac in iiiort, every form ;ul iue.
cirof VKKMIN.
HI yenra f-Atublii-Vt! in rv York Ciiy-.y).! Iiv ihr
City I'-'d Oificet tiie City I'rtiimii und StHtimi Hnutr'i
Iiif I'ifv tStftmitrrn. liiu. df 3 Hi City II -1p. " A tuT,"
rt NiHimIm. Ac iid by more than S(,(Hj iiiv:e
IV Dnifeisti anil Ret.nlrri everywhere Mil Xht-m
ItT Whole-stiile A until in nil the iartie Cittt'i ai.U luwi;,
'. ' Hkwarr ! ' ! of spnriitiip iniiiationt.
rySI.IW Himple KXtfri.l ly Mm!.
Cf Add r cm nleri- nr fnr "Cirm!nr tn Drulrm" t
HKNItV R COSTAK. Prmripul IV,...
512 Rr-mriwnv, (nppiir St. Nirtifslna Hotel,) .N -Y.
fc.M.iV PKlU.Nti & OK ANT,
Aprils.. 1-60.
ICeligiou ftoticcv
lit vine t'rvire will be held every Httbtatb ut thit Bo
tmiV'i n follnwi :
PKKSHY TKKIAX CIU'RCIl Nnuh weat earner ...
Rlnckhfity mid Urei atrrrta, Rev J I Rkakimik, litr
Divme aervice vrry !M-tmth t 1J -M Prayer ifet
ni)t nil Thursday evening. At Northuinherland, in Old
vhrn Piealiytenait Cliurcli, ul 3 o'clock, P. M., every
C'trnei f River und Blackberry atrreta. Rev. J. W.tttN.
mrtz, Pnator. Divine aervire, alternate!, everv !nV.hih
at 10 A.M. and 7 P.M. Pmver i nee ling ou Friday
atreet below S V. P. Rai. Road. Rev. P Ri2tu, Pnat'ir
!ivme arrvire, ulteniHtely, everv Hbhttth nt HI A M ftitd
7 P. M. Pi aver meeting mi Wednerday evemrg
MF.TMoniST F.piacnpALCIII nCII newiM-rrvatre-i
went of J A E Rail R'Nid, Rev. K. Hutlp ami J P.
SwaNGfR, Pantora. Divine aeivire, ailTernntety, every?..
hetth at 10 A M and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting tin Thura
duv evening.
On the 1 2th inst., hy Rev. J. W. Stein-mi-tz,
Mr. John Lakh, or Lower Augusta to
Miss IIarkiktta Form, or Uupper Augusta
township Northumberland county Ca.
On the 10:h inst . at his residence in this
place, by Rv. P. Rizer, Mr. Simon Punksx-
BKROHR. to MisS Jl'UA A'N CkoI'sKK, both
or Northumberland.
On th 19th or Feb., hy the Rev. .1. Fritr
injer, Mr- Damki. Liks, to Miss Latjka
Kistks, both or Washington.
In this place on Wednesday last, HORATIO
J. WOLVEKTON. Esq,., aged about 3S years.
In Hloomingdale, PuPace county, Illinois,
on the 21sl February, or congestion nf the
brain. .S AI. I.IK K.. riaiieliter of J. S. and M.
A. iarhart, aeed 6 years 3 months, and 1
day, and formerly or Rush township, North
umberland Co., Pa ,
In Lower Anraata, on the 12th inst.,
SAMUEL SEIisillOLTZ, aged 72 years
and 8 nit nlhs.
Cjic Markets.
Philadelphia Market.
Puh-aDKlpiiia. March, 12.
Grain Tha offanngs of Wheat are small
and it is in demand at thu advance noted
yesterday. Hales or 2000 bushels, Including
lair snd prime Penna. and WVslero red, at
$1 25al 2d per bnshel j Southern do. at f I 29
al 30, and white from 1 35 to I 50 Rye
continues to command 6kt cans Cora is
coming rorward freely, hnt the demand is only
moderate. Kules of 3,000 bushels new yellow
part after the close of our report yesterday
at f6io" ceuls, aSoat and io the cars. A
sale of 600 bushels io the cars al f8i cents
Outs are 10 belter demand. Sales ol 4,000
bushels prime Pennsylvania at 32c. per
bushel, ooothrrn ranges rrom 29 to 3lo.
Wheat, ftl 10a I SO
SO Butter, . . $ 16
75 EgR, ... U
7 ft Tallow, ... 1-2
33 Lard, ... 13
63 Pork, .... 8
60 lleeswai, H
Kya, ...
Corn, . 1
Oata, ...
Uuckwhsat, .
New Advertisements.
Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland Connty.
"VOTICE ia hereby given that appraisement or
1 raal snd personal property have been made
to the widows, rrapecttvely, of the following
named drecdante. agreeably 10 the Act or Assem
bly in such coals mad and provided t
I Auguatua Bergner, deceased.
S William Bohuar,
9 Jaeeb Frv,
4 Jeremiah Kling,
0 iiacos i.anr, "
1ml ftkat Ik. MM. Mill .MU.11 A lit
rtrnk.Ma f?,i inm ,in,A..I n ri;sValftaV Ik.
9b day of April nsit, unless ticentioa thereto
p uisaj isaiorai mat lira.
i,5l,n , "its' -o "1, ' ' I
Rev. J F. W AM POKE. A. M . pftlNCt.
rAI., and Teacher or Latin, Greek and Gtraaji
Mr. STEPHEN W. OWEN, Teach ,f
Mathematics and English Branches
Miss CAROLINE ROL-KItiL'E, Teacher of
Music on Piano snd Mrlndenn.
The Summer (Season will comtntnee on Mon
day the First or A lril, IHCI.
tiood hoarding can be had in 'mate families
in the village, either by the murk or b th meal
at reasonable prices.
Terms per quarter nr eleven weeks.
Common English Ilrachrs, fSX'O.
Hinder. " 6.00.
Latin or Greek, 7 no.
Music, (entra), 10 00.
(icrman, (eitra. J,o(i,
Elyaburg, l'a March 1 661 tf
llttlEl) PKACI1KS. paired aud unp.ired,
at tha Mammoth store nr
A Freali Supply of Dry Good.
pONSlSTINU in part or Prints, Delaine.,
bleached and uubleaclied M uslins. Checks
Stripe Denims. A Drills. Ac, just received b
U. H. at the Mammoth store of
TOTICE is hereby given, that a lot of lumUr
v was taken up while fluatinc in the river
Susquehanna in Northumberland county by
William Faulk, consisting of thirtv one Lulls,
marked I. M. H.. V. M. I).. J. i, J. N. II..O
K. & M..B. D.N..J. J- ii. B-, I C, U. A E-. H.
E E., & with a Deer head stamp, and 13 not
niarkrd a statement arid description was filed
in my ofhVe on the 2 1st nt February
SLNBL'KY, Northumberland counly, I'a., for
the inspection nf all concerneJ. The owner or
owner thereof are requested to prove property,
pay all legal charges and take them awav
within three mouths or others wise the same will
be forfeited.
Sunbury, March IC. IH61 3t
UY virtue or sundry writs nf I V t . Exponas
Al. 'tn Exponas, Al. Levaria Fucius ami
Fieri Fucius, issued out ol tbtt Court ol Com
mon Pleas of Norlbutiiheiljiid county, i'a.,
to me directed, will be exposed to public eale,
al the Court lions, in the Uor ngh of Honour)-,
ou Monday, APRIL 1, ISlil. hI 0110
o'clock, P. M., the following described reul
estate, to wit :
All that certain tract or pirce of land, s,t
uate in .'ackson township, Northumberland
county, bounded on the north by Christum
Albeit, on the south by Henry I'u-ier. ou h
iat by Adam Feast and on the weat by J ho
Wenrii k, containing luO acn-s more or I- ,
about fifty of which n clt-urt-d. wherrmi it
eiected, a one aud a hall story frame housx
aud bank barn, rietzed, taU,-u iu execution
and to be sold as the property ul' John
A I. SO, at tin; sumo time and plure, a cer
tain lot or piece of grouud situate in the town
ul M t. Caruicl, in M t. Carmel louhi, Nor
thumberland coui.ty, being; lot No. 19 in
block No- 24 honnded w. st by Market street,
hoi Hi by lot 18 in same block, smith by h-i-ond
fctie.-t atiil uu the ral b; Lemon street,
containing 25 feet in width and liO feet iu
depth, whenou is erected a two aiuiy frame
hou.'e and a frame blucksinKli shop, now use.i
an a fteble. Heized, taken in execution and
to ba sold as tbe property of Joseph D. Ws
ser, John V. Yaruell act! lieury fciiur .
Al.SU, at the same time und pluce, ail
that certain tract or piece oi I tnd situate to
Lower Augusta township, Northon.berl. ud
county, hiiuntled north by land of Joho Kr,
eat I by Franklin Klas and John gmelu,
south by Jacob Bartholomew and John Mo
Uck. aud ou tbe weat by Caleb Hum t. con-
I Uimug aiioul eighty six acres more cr loss.
I GO acres of which are cleared, whereou is
eivcl 6 a two story stone hou. au old k,'
hare, a ciiler press, Ac. ScTzed. taken in ex
ecution and to be Sold as tbe property oT Joi.L
A I. SO, at the same time and place, a cer
taiu lot and a hair lot ol ground, el! Uat iu
I town of I'revorton. Zerbe township, Nor
ibumherUod co.itity, bounded and described
as follows : Ou the oorlb by Bbamokin street,
on the south by an alley, on tti eai tiy t to.
Keiser. nti thw west by Benjamin lv nonce iu
Uh ck No. 117, No. , containing in wu th
37 Ii el and nt depth 1.10 Tret, wherein is
-retted a one and a hair story frame store
room. Also, two other lots in same towr,
county, lownshid aud state, boooded on the
north by Market street, on the south by an
aliey, on the west by liepry Shrader. on the
east by Eighth street. No 12 and 13 in block
67, containing 10 width 2i leet each, and io
depth 125 tott. whereon is erected a smtll
Iratne house. Seizad, taken in execution at;d
to be sold as the property nf Isaac Reiser.
A LSO, at the same tune and place, a cer
tain lot of ground, siluat in the town or Mt.
Caruiel, iu Ml. Carmel township, Nottlinni
herland county, beiog lot No. 19 in block No.
2t.froulicgoo Matket street on the west, aud
tiouodad by Secoud street on '.he South, au
alley on Ibe east and lot No. IS in same block
on lbs oorlb, coatainink- 2i fett in rrom and
150 feat io depth, wheroo is arreted a two
story frame dwelling boose and a small frame
stable. Keizd, taken in execution and to ha
sold as the property of James R.ce and Jos.
li Wasser.
ALsO, at th sain lima and place, all that
certain double two stoiy brick house, situate
on tha corner oi Fawn and Blackberry streets
io tbe borough of sSunbury, Pa , and two hair
lots or ground 00 which said brick buildmg4
are erected, bounded oorlb by lot or Mrs. M.
liaas aud ao alley, 00 tbe west by tot of J.
cub Cable, south by Blackberry slruet and ou
the east by Fawn street. heiz.d, lakeo in
execution aud to be sold as the property or
Jacob Weiuier.
Al.sO, at the sstn time st d place, sll
thai ceitain two itory dwelling norma or
building, situate on lots Nos 6 and 6 1 1 tn
block No- 8, bouoded by lot No. ." on tbn
est, by lot No. 5J on the east, and 00 lha
north aod soulb by streets in tho town cr
I'revorlon, said house or building conta.oin
10 front twenty-four feel and in depth twentv
three feet, and the said lots No 0 and 6 1'J
wer returned by tha commissioners "ap
pointed by tbe Courl" as curtilage, and direc
ted to be Sold as such. Seized, taken in
execution, aod to b sold as lb property or
John 8wift.
A l.sO, at tha sam tint and place, all the
defendant's interest io a certain tract or on'
seated land, situate partly ia Coal and partly
iu rihamokio township, Northumberland
county, Penna, containing live hundred and
cinety one acres, mora or l.-ss, sorreted or a
warrant granted to John Titswnrth "in 17P3
or 1794, situate on Little Mountain, and
adjniuiog a survey ou th east io ths name or
Richard Lake, rieixed, taken in execution,
and tn ba sold as th property ol James
ALaO, at th sam tint acd pta:e a car
tain out lot (ituate io Upper Augusta town
ship, Northumberland counly, Peuo'a, bound
ed oa th South by Henry Haupt, on tba
east by Heydertowo road, 00 tbe west by
Cattawisi road, 00 tb oorlb by linry
Weise, cooleiuicg five acre 65 perches more
or less.
Also, another oot lot situate in tb sam
township, connty ami slate, bounded en the
north by Peter B. Masser. on tbe west by
Celleis road, on then by Snydertown
road, on lb South by Henry Weise, contain
ing 0v acres 01 or or less.
Seised, takeo in execution and to t sod
SS tb propertv nf Henry Weise.
ll W it , "i '
ther:'J C"3 . )
Hu-'-rv. Mrst. If..