THE LATEST STYLE OF ARB CONSTANTLY MACK at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of ,T ACOB O. BECK, naUl mli-fff, SlIUUUV. Pa. r-TOlE subscriber, in udditiun In. Luge sink " "' CLOTHS, i lain r.B'.l fancy Ciissinteics. Vc tliis. &i, i i. r.nitutiHy rcccniiia Tn u supplies Ircm tin ntv i K, a lull assortment of Hit- most substantial . hii.i l.itcslsljlc i'l Ootids in lb cily market--, i Hi' l prepared hi make lo unler uil kiinU "I ! t ni'h ineii'e unil i.'n as ' t'LU-COAT, 1I 'O FiiOCK.i COATS. F.LSI.N Ls- 'o ATS. VI'.siH I'A I'A !. 'I .. I1.'. Ac, Ac, i 'l'i very Litest style. I-1 il ill Hit' niosl eubsiuu i.l mntiiii'r. nt nl.ort uoH, v. i.v Hoods not on Inin.l, wi.l In.' furnished i ii.Ylnliulelplini.t'V givit',4 'l'" nolioc 1 l ull m il iiuinioc my stuck, im i-luigcs rt-oi'e for showing. jacoii o. 1 1 1: k . r-'onSiirv. No--t mber :l I slid C j I ! C' i.'iutjh. L'uht, Jloarxenesx, ' J'tjluaiz:!, '( IrriUuvm or j .;; ii i f s i j Hie flu out, He tii ce the lluck iiiij L oinjk j i' i'viininqiii'in, liron- . cCifis, Aftlomi, unit ( 'atarrh, Clear anil gice stnmjth to tin voice of j I'utdic SjicuLirs mid iniiirn. i V'W are nwnre '! the impni limn.' oi riit-rkm? n C mi-jIi n '-CiMiiiiiiin Ui-iil'1 in us hint btiiit-; Hun wiiii'li in tho I P liiiium W llUI Ifltl In 11 lllllil leillfiH , il" llrnl.'rUMl, s i. ' u hs l ip l.uiics IIIHIW.N'S IIKOMJUl.Vl. '11111 . Ill-.S.'1 o.iiii.iiuiiii; ilriiiiilucut itigrcJitriila, uiii.y I'u Int. - ! ,.l.;y dllli Uliilll'llllll lllltlltliitl. i i I' l'lvil (roilI'lK in iny lhr.i:i. (fur'li ! ll'nu n'a M!IH Hi:s Ht.'WM'l I l!(ifl)K5. Hi"wu i iiocur.s Bniwira Iho "TKIU'IIKS" me ll h:i'Iih) Ii,ivi.i(l I llimtL nie.'Ufii a lucre wllilitifi N I' Wll.l.l. "1 lei'ijnuiK'nU tlicir use m I'uhiic iienk .rf.'' ki;v. f.. ii. ciiAriN '1 In vc ruvrtl LXlreuiely iiervicctililu i. -r IIi.iarienrsK." IIF.V MF.NHY WAIiD Ill' ".MinnKt itisttiiit lcilL'1 in ttiu liltruusii lub'ir oi bUMllilns n.culi:ir to" IIKV A C IS('llN. ''Ci'liUin n j 1 pi .1 in or iinylluiic injurl oils." ilt. A A WW V, rudcuKi? i i:iu'iiiit, Hniiii'ii. "Asimplt' :u-.l iiii'H?niit tMliiUiiiatii ii t'i Hrowu'l Ci'tighs, Ac 1 HI! U I-, I'ltncilKS. lln.wii't THOCIIKS. iiu.wir TKOt'IU',! Ul.St.ill. l;Dt-ntitomi i.i liroin' " li K J F w i. am:, H.'l"ll lI Inivf (iroveil lli-.'in excellet.t fur VYhooi iiiu Cutiirh." DtVIIWWAIillFV I loW. Tl 'Ilint-ncil when c m(.t;lliiil to BjicaB,, iuli.-riliir iroiu 1 "!d Rrown'a I I!i: J I' ANL)l".nso, St. Iiuia. 1 KOCII KS. "Kil'fi'tuul in rc-ni'ivitii; Ili.:iiHenes-n anJ :lnituli"li ot" tlie Tlin'nt," 8o coiinnoii Willi Urmvu'H SpwiKery anfl Smp'Ts ' , I'rol' Al STACY JOHNSON, riUICHFS Iji Uihiikc tin., Teach, r ol' Miimc, S-uitlierii llr.iwn'a IViiii.le Ci.ll.'ce. "(ire;it tietH'fit when t'ike.i h'liiie nnj TUOrlll'.S. ;IHT prta-'lniiir. lie tl.ey prei'Lhl tl.ri.,'jirps Ki-'.'in tli'jir I'-i'-t i ll.'cl. 'l lli. nk tney will tn;. f llr.twu'ii perinuMem niHaiiU.t:e M me " ; RI'.VKIUWl,i:V.AM., 1 UOCIlI. I I'ff.h'lll "f AlheriK C.ill.'i.',-, l'l'lin. i r7" 1 hy all Uruijgia'ii in i tnisn bu.. Iitein.liet f, leOO -iiu..l j i A . i; s ii o j; MAXITAC I'TORV. t'tirfur of Mm let S-juare und Jiu cr Xtrtit f jli U stiliPTiber rciFpi'iifully informH the ctti jfi ot t-'unl'ury anil i irinily, llint liu lnm opt-mii a Until nnd Shoe Shop on the turner ol Market Square and liivir tureet, opposite, the Court House, where he ran he found at uli times reailv to wait fpon ctn-tonir rn. Having eonsiilerahlc experietui', he isprepurcJ t i mnke up customer work of all kinds, at short tlie latent .-ty!e and workiiiutuhii. He keeps cmstniitly on hand a In rue nsort inrnt of Leather, of the heat quality, which cir ahlw him to make up good and durable work. Call and exnniine tor yourselves hefore pur chasing elsewhere and you will save money. JOHN WlLVEIi. iSunliury, Nov. 10, 18tiU ly New Goods for the Ladies JUST KECiCIVED AT BRIGHT Ss BON'S 1 I'l.iin, all Wool Dclaincf, Neat figured Delaine, Handsome Cashmcrea, Hinh Coiorrd De laines, Striped Dusters, Nice 8ilk l'op lini. Mixed Mohair Dusters, l'laiu French Merinos, J'rinted French Merinos, Tersian Twill, Uroeado No- veau.l'lainCo bururt, Dark mixed Delierje, llands'o II lack Silks, New Style Dark l'rintt, filoves of all Kinds, Hosiery of all Kinds, New Style Nubias, Open Caps, Chenillo Scarf, Mohair Head Dresses, Needle Worked Collars, &c, &c, &c. Hut it is useless to attempt cnumeiatiui; the preal variety nf (ioods we have now in ktore, suitable for Ladies' wear. We invite an inspect-on of our store. 13. V. UK1UHT St SOX. Suubury, Octuber 27. 18K0. IJLACKSJUTIIINd HENRY PETE X I A VINli taken tlie Blacksmithshop at liobrlincb's Foundry, is pre pared to do all kinds of lilackBinitlung to order, including horseshoeing in the l.est style. Thankful for the patronage hereiefore extend ed, he hopes by strict attention to business to continue the same. Country produce taken in exchange, Sunbury, November 3, I hot). GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sc BETAIL, &. Git AN T (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received &UU tijs, of Solar lirnund, Solar and Fine Salt, 7(10 Sacks of (round Solar Suit every sack warranted to eontuin 2v!.S pounds of Salt and 200 bugs of Salt i .nilaining one liushel each. 2'nis salt ia the be-t and strongast now manufactured and in in irkct. ('all and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 18B0. 3Jc5TiaE , .f I.l. persons knowing themselves indebted lo the subscribers, engaged in the Foundry I'liriuess, on notes, liook accounts, or otherwise, are cpiextrd to settle the same without delay. 'I Ii .?t uetjlecting this notice must not complain it costs aic added to their accounts. C. D. & J. KOIIUUACH. funf tirv. Nov. 17, lsr,05m BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! A nnv supply ul ruiniinins , j'.ecuti.uit arraiils, Supiiiuas, Deeds, Moitguges, I;, 'li'!., I.eaMi, Nuluraluulioii papers, i nd Coin'-aliles Fee Uills, Ac, oc, juet priniid j and for sale at this Mice. I M'loburw April 0, lH.r.'.. i Al1 ;K1MH;S, lieluiiicn. IV plins. I- 1 1- nt.ick III ick Diers tiooils. ; 1'rluieJ Cuuhiuures, y.uj, O'l auj , ci' j So'- J Die.'s O'li.fls, much reduei-il. ( ooi'Ki: a r(NAKi, 3- K. lOrLei' Niulb ui.d Matkel fIh.. Dec &, 180k. ri.ii't.i. ijihi.i. ; 4 ILOl'HS, Cassnneres, Sul I met". i J Heavy and liyhl weight Hesver flubs. Tricota, l'roali-d DuaVers, I'luiu Urnai!- llotli9. Faucy u4 Hluek Cavsiineres. COOfliK & CON A IIP, H. K corunr Nitilhii M srkel htieetn, Dec. t. lH(i0. I'hiludelphis. 41 Ai Ki:i(S ! (;iAt'KEI!.S, jul re.fned J and fur sale by the barrel or pound, at the ( oiifrriiouery store ol M. (.'. (itlAIIIl A il l', t uabuy, O. u ' ei 13, l"(;l- if" -r 1 COME A.I.Ij, - and examine the beautiful II A W L S, find Rli'lt DRESS GOODS Hiuuht . .Sun, J,,'-..-. v, 1 A ust opened iJ, " ''V.-'-.t;..1', -nsifj THE EN Tit E 0 F A T T U A C T I 0 IS ! men nisrLAY HANDSOME GOOrS AT LOW PRICES 1 ci hi . In 1 1 1 n i? k s i; r v x d i) i: u it i 1. 1 r v ' C - ; ' now nn FREE EXHIBITION A I t!ie lVnle' one nncE store,; OF 13. "ST. BSIIGHT & SON, Our oxlonsivc Stink of I'OKKIC.N AND DOMKsTIU UL1 Cgj- CX) X IsJ 3, NoTlu.xs, HOslKllY, B 0 O T ,S A X 1) S 11 0 E S, HATS AND CAl'S, QUEENS WARE, GUOOERIEi?, Hardware, Carpels, and Oil Cloths, Ac., Ac Prcsenls HARE ATTRACTIONS, .1 .V Splendid Inducements Tl) T-i r W ho wish to secure GKEAT BARGAINS For the .Suioliest (jnantily of CAPTAIN CASH OK Country Produce. REM ELVr BBS, that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED . to be as u ii i AM) No ! DEVIATION IN PRICES. ' In addition to our - ! We are constantly receiving New Goodi, thus keeping up our assortment at all Masons of iho year. Wo returti our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and shall make every effort on onr part to render satisfaction, lie. lieving lUat the nimble dime is better than the slow quarter, w shall adlure to that old lime honored motto : "Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunburv, November 17, 18(10. EVANS & WATSON S riiiluiUli-hia Manufact'd Salamander Salcv. EffiSSl'ifVa. 304 Chesnut Street, ' '-K-;.. . ..... . rniij.i a. rpIII'SK Safes are now in use nil over the United States, 1 und linvo tK'eii tested in many tires; the follow-in, sliows unotlicr instanee oi their caalul ty in resisting; Inc : WriMKli's IlHiIaiB, ( Ijineaster 'rownship, July 30. Mekiri. F.vans ,V W'htboN, Oeutleinen : The small size No. I r-alaiuander Safu i hicli 1 purchased i'luiu your i.eetit, Mr. Ailaiii It. ltarr, in Isiueasler City, on July liotli, l".'iH, has been suhieeud to a very severe lest, wiuell it witlmto "I ill a iii'isl satisfactory manlier. This !jfc, coil Limine all my bonks, together with valuable papers belourt ntt to myself und s use to iny neililaiis and friends, and n piesentliip u value nf over Twenty Thousand Dollars, (.s-'jii.niHi) was in in v Mill, winch was destroyed on ihu uiuhl fo the 'JTth ol July, Ir-no, ami passed llnouuli thelieiy ord.-al unscathed, Tlie fate was on the second nisir. and fell In tlie imsctneut ol the .Mill, anil wus subjeeled for six l.taiis tiisn intent ileal auioitir llie ruins, which was grently increased by the eoiuliuMinn "1 a luliie quanlitv of giuiu e.iiihueil willini tile l.nck wills. Altei the lire the bale wis oiciiid and the bonks ami papers taken out Hi u statu of perfect pres. aval. nil, the paper not even lauug discolor ed. This fact was, however, to many bystanders, s better recommendation of your Sales than could be expressed in tiny oilier words Iroiu me. Yours, respectfully, SA.MVF.I. RANCK. Anutlitr Vixtort fur ICcuos und W'utson't Salamander Safe, Osweiio, N. Y., Mareh 37 lc80. Ocnilenien It afT 'rils me mueli pleasure toinforiu yrn, thai the Sale No A, (upright) which 1 purchased of' i, Stroud, ynui toiveling aci nr, has aisseil throuirh an ex eecduii'ty li 't lire 111 a II. rue sroiy brii k huilditui, wlneh heated the Sine to ii while heat, so Iliat the eorneis of il appeal melted: but it Freseived my b"oks and valuable L ipers to the amount oi several tlioussnd dollnis, tor wliieli 1 leel tlit.nkl'ul Yours, rupenfiil'v, J N KI.URIDCK IV" A laii;e ussiirliii, nt ' t Ike als.vo ftASl-ks slwnis on hani. nt 3 l Chesi.ul street, (late'.'l Sj 'Uin Foul, I. .1,, I'soadi iphi.'l. llct ilie' 0, 1500. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT LLG MASON'S Palti.t Sheet Melul screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! .Ill that is 111 ce.sary being to screw the Cap down upon the liubU-r Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from I be lop; pievent the possibility of the flavor nl llie 1 1 uil being injured ty coining in contact will) the Rubber. Persons desiring these Jars, ran he supplied hy leaving their orders with 11. B. MASSEK, Sunbury, June 2, 1 800. Agent. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case Lngli.'h I'ilvor WsUlics, for sale at vi tv low pru.s by 11. U MASoLR. Ml if K iu - 2' m O Specific In.'" HEAR WHVT THE PEOPLE SAY. T., o,1 tiv!-c. Ufi I Prn?.-nr 1 1 L'Ml'l I Itr'.VS' HI'I I'II'IO II()M-r.l'f TM1U IlKMIMM' hi our KIi tl. I"'"!! niHinfiH-t-ry r.-..:f, nml I' " -ili n-i- In th"lr p-n il-n-iii", I'uri'.y, nn.l tlliciK-y, cheerfnHy ri-oi.inmcii'l lli"m t '' " ,"" f0- li iWc. fin I t-fttcaclnui r.iiit.lioj ot tmn.l tor iirlYiito or Ui- 'i'l'i'f Win. II i.nKr, FliH.r of "Tli- Northern tmls ,,,.l,.,.t," A..l-ir.i. W V.; I'.;' !. K II. Cr'wjsr, IJ-Bi. nfft rVUr'n l".'ir. li. Anli.ini. N. Y. j the KrV. II. 1. Iv.n C' "f ' Aul'irn ftilr rrlnni) the KcT. h .. M 111-'- II' "I'.r, No v llij'lfor.l, Mum ; tho Ilcr. v'l'.lH ' Hi-i-d.'M'H'.' r.,i'T,.r.. N. Y. ; the Kcv. P. 8. ! ,1- llurSLt. Vl. ; li e II. v. J..m K. Il.ih'.e i A. C. II in l'-l I 'l l, N. Y.t llw H n. t-. nl I).., IMrtUml, M -'lie II 'li. P-1.-.I.T r-.lln-,S'U"i-H I, Iii'l. ; the M"H. f i.'.'i'ci' llumi'lircv-; N. Y. ; H'Mirv 11. C..,k, Ki ., , Killtor r.f Ti, Ol.l,. Sl-.t.' ,), C'l'iiiil"i, Uhln; the linn. R. H. dritm"!, M'.ll.i. III-! - Tli'imiw f ;, r.-ll... I'l,. ; thi' ll-.iv .1l'h IfcnHht, l il'ii.N. Y.t , Win. Hi-... l C-i , t'lh-Ti. N. V. ; A. ! 1'on.l, U'., Llloa, N. I. ( J.-inwit i'lautetl, Su-ivllle, T.-nn. list ok srixnic nKMEPits. K,.. i -r K.-v.-r (' .n-.'r".l;nn, mi'l lnlHii-infillon. C .. . t-... I'. v.t W .nn n.'li.'. Wclllnn the Bui. N.,'. It. Fur C'lio, Crj-itif, Tecthliiij, iml akefiilnrM ol l l'i' '-ii'i- ... . . . ,i . ' s,-., 4 -K ir ll.:'.rrl.r:l, euoliTH iiii.uiiuii., '" !!!'' li'-V' .r C nil.', (irl,itii", nwnlcry, nr Tllonrty Flux. ,' i'. i.'.,.- l'l'"l''r:i, l'h"l"rn M.iihui, Vomiting. ij,,' 7 p ,r r inclii. 0"l'l", Iiiiln.'iun, mi'l Sore Throat. j;.,' s -K',r T,.'lt.-ii,'lie, F u'e-in'li, ami Nrurnliria. S.i il. F .r llni'l. u !'.', Vti-lU"J, Ileal anil Fullno ol th N.,' in nvri:i'n Pii.t For Weak nnd Dcrangrl F: ''-ii".'i'. (' """lipni"". -'"l l.ivr ('"mphiliit. N.i. 11. r..n l i "i n.K Ii.bkui-hhities, Scanty, Painrul, or !'"n!','iV F,'r ' 'l.,'-ii'-"-rhei, I'mfnse Mens, anil Bearlnj " N'" 1 F'"rrn.'li'. Il"iir" P-llL-h. lin.l rtn-Whliip. ic.,' tl -tii t K'lKt'x 1'n.i.s For Ko-sipelaa, Kriitlnni. r;.npl en til'- F;irc. a N., 1.'. -lini i n irn- I'h.i.'. Piiln,Lannci,orBor new in tin; Clm-l. H i''k. I.'.'.n, r Unh. A -F .r Pit . A.-ne, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, W M''ieinnireil Awn'-. . .... , p F .r l'il- llllnil 1""f'!i'i?. I-i1rrnal or F.rternnl. t)'F..r f .r.-, Wi-iW. or li.ll-uiie. Fjea ami Kyellils; Fall loir, We-i':, nr llhiri-t-'l Si-ht.. C Fnr Catarrh, "f I "'S Hiiii'lllig or rei-ent, either with fil'irurli..ii ..r pr..fu- .o.-.-!iiii!'i-. . W. l'. For Vt'li....pii's C .ir-li, nhaliiiK lu vlolfiic anil Jioi teliln;: 113 .'"urne. In all anile ilisi-ns.'", n F.v.-rs, Iiiflnpimatnins, Iliiirrh.-n, !vv.-a!'-rv, t ...iiji, lIln-tiiiitHi.-iii, .-ii'.l -i"-h erup tive ilisenwn'iii S.-u'i-ii-l F. i.-r, Mi-a.ln, ami l.rjuipeliw, ll.e a.iv.nil .L-i.- ot civin-j the .r'..i-r rrmclii'S i.r..U'1'il.vta "- ! vi ami in nil k-Ii i"'"- ti e fp.-i HI' S ail lik" a eliarm. i The entire rilseaje ia ol'i a arrr.ti-.l al i.u.-e, ami in all mm j the vluleiiceof the imii.-k in ino.k-rateil, the distiue ihoit- ene-l, an.l rt-mleri-.l I' lani;.-i-.ui'. t'oiiirhi lin.l Cil-iK. "I i 1. mi- "' mu-Ii freiiu.'iit occurrence, nd which m ollci. I:iy tl e h.ui.ilai..i. of iliieuwil iuuk, hronchitii mirt c.iKiH -iilii.l., may all be al nine cured by tlie Fever ami Coui;h Pirn In all.-hr.,iiicilii.. :icf, su.h n Uj .e"a, w elk Ft"mai-h,, Liver fouphiiiiM. I'.le, F- '"ah- Hil'ihiy, and lrri-uluriti-K, i hi lli-a-lii.'h.i, S'le or Weak Fjes, Calarrh, falt itl.eura, anil "He r i l l .nipt'...n, the f .ie has specitics ! Hi, inn prnper nppli. all' II Hill I." -i-'l a cure in ninci-i eei i Ihitauce llflcn the i ire "I a single irmilc illlli. ulty, aucll I h Ui'pepia, l'iks ur C.ituirli, II--ii'la. he ..r I'l-male Weak- i uei, has luurw tl.ul. .ai-l id- Hie cac ten over I I'l-.ll'J'. i Cime r.f CO viiile ccii.pvt". In iimr i. ..nil H .ok j Case of '-''I vial, ami tl..s. la1u iCar-e "f lrniuu.l'.-i-.-'l li"e, an.l II. .- Cape of C boxes, mniil-.n-'l, ai.l ll-'l. Uiuifle h"X'-.. , 'ali . 1 i i 1 i . -: ih thnaU leuwc-l 1".m-s. ni'li Oiie-'li -I."- ... . Large van of i! ,. v tab, f-r pl.o.i'- n'el 1 -I IS 4 ..1 . ,'i5 eeiils. . ,.r.O ci-uM. iani... ..$16 Al.fl fTIVlFir. Fi'k VsniMi on pun"a--Uppi.-"..!. H'f! u' l.-.l.-.r.-.l I Brsalhli.e. alien ie l sitli C'if.i aii I'.' l -raO 'ii. I rice, Vl .ciiM per l. v I F..a Fir Ii.-.i.mih.:.- is-, in iin ' Far, the remit,, l ,-,. r. ' V,,r Nim. In 11 e Hi.-..!. Hi.r.l .i -i. -IVci !, .-. fi-r the -r M.-tcuriaN. , iii. Uniting i h..v. II-;ii1m I 111 tU Kirn. Kiel l: I'-'' ' v . . . l -. .1 . . .- '.-,1 i..iii,N. t i.lav :ip I liulural- I e,l T .1.1.11s, HiirllU,t .'ml "I I I .ei..S-r,.,.l.-iu Cachexy nf ; CI,Mm, Price. .V c ntM"-'' l"' . Foa (l..klil. Hi i"l l - l';i.i"ii;al F.llher tin- eoll nl s-i.-...--. I i. ' - r Nti'V'Mi!. Weaknetia. v... M li.-atioli, or Iji- i hairnln; Ii'ncliarp... I' ' Fin I)Bnrsv. r'li'i'l A ii .-. ? o .-, cli:n:.ia!i i.t. pel (.... a , Tuuiil Selllnir, wltli .,r l."V. i-I;ii.-k, Vertin, Nausea, r laoli.-li. 1'i i. e, i-eula I Peiutty Feci-.tiopi. Pi-ii- ', F'lS FfiA-SlCKNI.n - I' Vi.inltlns. Siekni-.iJ ft-"' I PKct"l; l-'..rlinivel, lleiial C.iVull D.ffl- j cult, Paii.lJ I'.ii'a'.i, ii, Pi- av-i -I lliehi.lli'-J.. Prlne, uO cenli pi-r lex. , . , , ! I F0K I'uw-'.'vs.- Ii v..l.m'arv IIii.Icobi-s and i Consequcct Fi ..sli .-oi.n: ami n.-hll.ty. Hi.d K- soils of Fvll llalvl. Thcni.cU c,-f.,l ii:-l etV'. '.ei.l icn,cili knr.,,n, ( and uiav he leli.'.l as a viae, l'lice, ullii lull Jlrec- I ti.'ii?. I per nnx. , , Person.. ho wish to place Ihcc- lvn under the pri.fcl- . lonill oaic, or ! sc, k u-IMcecl Pr..t. Ill Ml -irnns, ill u . fn, at hi" nlhi'S WJ Ulouduay, ilal1 Iruiu S A.M. to b 1 M. ur by inter. oni nraiKims r.v mail. lwk river the lil : ta'i'.c up a chs of kind ynll eh"'t, and lia-lom- the aaioucl in a cn reiit n. te or .lampl if mall t. nur r, .it No. M'.i P.i-'.adiiay, Neiv Ymk, and the medl'-me iiill he duly returned by mail ur c..rM, free nf clno v'c AliFNTS W A NTT 0. We ill -Ire nn active, ethcu-nt Aeenl for the mle cf our ll.-ine.ll.-s in every town or roiiinmnllj L! UK United Stales. A,Ur,-, lr. F. Hl'MI'lJIit.YH A Co. No. oi'.- IlmiAUivAV, Ni-W-loas. A. W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, I'a. May SO, 18(50. ly jSUNRlTRV STEAM FLOURING TI1U subscribers having taken possession of ttiis first clas FI.OL KING Mll.I,, are pre pared to receive grain of lII kinds, nnd to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers w ill have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the inten. lion of the linn lo stock the Mill a large Sup ply ot (ir nn, will be constantly kept on hand, mid flour by the quantity can always be olitnincd. The greatest cite will be taken to turn nut a su perinr quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Stiict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MOHGAN cV CO., Sunhury, June 23, 18(10. . FIlLEJillM; ACAOOIV. fTMlE FAIL TEKM of the present year was opened on Tuesday, the 10th of October, ult. Hoard of Instructors. Kcv. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. Literature. P. S. Hover, Associate, and Instructor in Math mslics. Natural Sciences, liook Keeping, 6cc. Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all tho branches usually taught iti 1'rimary, Academical and Classical Departments. The government of this Institution is mild but firm, and all students are required to be diligent and obedient. 'j-;cnscs. Hoarding, room with furniture, per week, I, CO to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, 52,00 " $7, 10 Drawing, Tainting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, & c, rxlra. Students admitted at any time during the yuarter. For further particulars, address, J K MILLET, rreebiirg, Snyder county, Pi. I'rceburg, November U, Iritill. DEFOREST. ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 8j Duane Strut Would notify tho Trade that they aro opening Weekly, in new und beautiful patterns, tho WAMSLTTA I'liHTS, also the A 111 o s Ii c a , A New Print, which excels every print in the Country Inr pcrficlioii of execution and design in full Ma.Mcr ( olors. Our Prints uru cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders prompt!) attended to. February 4, IN 50 ly pi T. llil RFD WOriLpI'LAlNF. P Auction lois from 'J lo?Aceiits. L'hllilieu's Planls und Delaines It j toaOets. Lupin's liae-sl Flench Mennoes in.iii uuetioa '1 titee veiy thoice lots at Kl,r7 and 14 els. Plain all wool Caslnueies (rem suction, cheap at &j and b3 cents. Fisure.l Clouts colors, rashmer-s. tH, 5t) and lio ets. t'ln.d, strqteilMnd fiit'd Ya!euela.,lj to 1U els. Fig'd uiidslriH:ri French Poplins. ULACK DHLS GOODS, tion lots lilaek French Merinoes, IU tn aibu. 'll. ll lots black Wool Delsuies 30 to AO CIS. uatiiueqiiahly 1 yards wide at fcl 2A. licit 3-5 cent blues. Wool llelailies 111 lown. likick Aiucliuts Slid (is d Alpacas. CUUIT.H CON AIID. MS HI mil MALKF.T Mieeis (KU'lstt 2', l.l. Pboailelplus v? .moMirc A SUrERlATIVS TONIC. DIURETIC 4V DYSPt LHViGSRMIViG. CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl varki. Api tlii'cnries, P.rupgists, Oroceii anil Private Families. Wnifi 's Pine Cecnne Ilrnnilv. Wolfe's Pure .Maderia, Sl.cri'y and Port Wine. Wolle's Pure Jamaica nuil St. I'n ix Hum. Wi'lle'f Pure Suotcll nnd Irish Whisky. A I.l, IN 1IOTTI.F.S. I hctr lenvc to call tho attention of the ciliirena nf the I nite.l Slate to thctils'Ve W i ms and Lliiuois, iinporled by I.'d,,i.iho ot New York, w hose inline is lumi nal 111 every pint ol this country for the purity of hiBccle l.raled Seliiid iiil Schnapps. Mr. Wolle, lu his letter to me, speaking ot the pinny of his Wines und Liquors, sajs; ' I will stake my lepulalloli as a mini, my sianduip asa im-ri haul ..I tl.irlv vears's residence In the Clly of New York, that nil the and Wines which 1 bottle me pure as imported, und of tin best quality, ami can be relied iiivin bv ei'eiv nureliaser ' Fiveiv h 'ltle has the proprie tor's unuic on the wux, nndn fae simile of his signal ilte on the eeililicalu. The public are respcellully invited oill and e.xainine for tlieinsi.lves The public uie respecttully invileil tocall and examine for themselves For nib nl Ketuil hy nil AK.tlieeiiiicsauil(lrocers in Philadelphia. Ukokok II. AsitroN, No. ta-J Mntket st , 1'hil'a. riend the t'olliiwing from the New York Courier : l'.M)KM"tl IlnsiMtsS TOR O.NK iNkW YoKK Mk.BCUANT We nre happy to liil'orin our fellow-eitizcns that there is one place in our city where the pliysiciuu, npotln i-ary, anil country iilerclinut, can go nnd puiehase pure Wines and l.l'U'iis,as pure as imported, und of the best quality. We do lot intend to give an elahiirule desei iptien of this meichaut's extensive business, althouy,h it will well rcwiy any stranger or citizen lo visit l ilolpho Wolfe's extensive Wiireh.'use. Nos. IH, -Jlland IM, Hcuver Flrret, and Nns. 17, l'.liiiul j,.Markel field street. His stock o Schnapps on liaud ready lor shipment could not have been less Itiun thirty IhoiiKui'l cases; the lliaudy, some ten thntmind eases V ullages ol INltl to If'Si ; and tell thousand eases of .Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine, Scotch find Irish Whisky, Jiimaii-n nnd St. Croix Hum. some vciy old and equal loaiiy inlli'Si.-! uutrv. lluaiso nail llirec laige eel- j lars, lilh il with Hrandv, U'ine Ac , In casks, under Cus t'lin lloiise key, ntiily i'or lioitling. Mr. W. .lie's sales ol I Schnapps Inst year amounted to one hundred und cutlily I thousand Inzcti, and we hoe in lesslhan two years he may l,e equally snceesslul Willi his llrandles and Wines. Hit business merlls the patr'onaee of every l"ier ol his specter. Private faliilhcs who wish pure W incs Hud I.i ! qiiors foi medical use elunilil send their onleis direct lo Mr. Wnl.r, until every Apotnceary in me iinai mase up their iilinils todise.iiil the oiinoin stuiTlrom their shelves und replace it with Wnl.FE's pure Wines unit Liquors We uu'tcrplanil Mr. Wolfe, lor the nm.n.lliodulioii of sin-ill dealers ill the country, tails up nss.'rleil cases ..I Wines anil Liquors. Suchn man, and such n int-rchaiil, should be sustained ueainst his tens of Ihinisatiils of oppo ncnlK ill the 1'niteil Slates, who sell nothinc but llllitallons, ruinous alike to human health nnd l.uppinens. For Sale by OFOHUK UHIU11T, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. S.pteinherf.l'-Cn (liu p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF i: w g o o i) s , .1. II- LMilX. ol Ssiinlmi y, I'a , I B AS just arrived w ith splendid STOCK of SI'KING AND SIMM K.K GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call nnd inspect he will spare no time in showing them. Among bis stock of goods will befound, FINE 151, LE AN 1) ULACK FPsElTCS CLCTH. Fine lilaek and Fancy Ca"iineres '1 weeds, Sal inelts, .leans, Pluck, Italian Cloth, Cashmeretie, Cottnnade, Liu. :.s. Lim n Drill, Linen Check, and I'a' ey Vesting, also a large assortment of CLOTHING for men and Ih.vs 'fOR LADIES WEAK, ! Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, liereges, Chali and Chuli Hubes, Uerege Delnine, Herege Holies, Figured Ilrilliunt and a variety of oilier Dress (ioods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Hrilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Gods. Also a large stock of Hals and Caps, Hoots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarwnre, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Puints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &c. &c. N. IL Wall and Window Taper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all tho above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. U. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, ISfiO. tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C )"MIE subscriber having opened in Thompson's II rick Building, Mill street, Danville, a lurgo and complete stock of FOKKIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best briindsof Brandies, Gin, Old l!ye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, M aderi.i, Champagne nnd other Wines ol all grades, ull of which will bo sold Wholesale at the Istwest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing nf us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors fur F a m ii, y i:sii, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unndultcratcd article. CV Being determined to establish a reputation lor selling cheap ho respectfully solicits the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure Hi, I860. II .1 Ii li 1 S PilSTER, 3 1 1 o v n r y at ?I a to , M AKKET SQUARE, STJ N B U R Y, FA. June 23, I860. DR. A. W. FISCHER, "VrFERS his professional services to the rili zens of Sunbury and vicinity. OHice at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June HO, 1H30. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. HE subscrilier respectfully informs the public - that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 1 miles cast of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of lied Crmrnt Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of wsro, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden beat nud eold. The subscriber refers lo Friling & Grant, Nuubury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE. Oct. !3, IpTjO. ly Sunbury, Pa. INGRINEDARPE TS7 A T AN I'PAOTURF.D snd fer Sale by M. IVner A Co: llX Leihraudt and McDowell's Building, North Kail cui uer, second and nuee streets Philuueiphiu. COO OS C L'A HA STEED. Oeu.ber V7, IHIO. ALFRED D. BRICK'S LMTED STATES ASD EUHOPEAN r;A.TEisrx office, No. 141 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. T B. Communications by mail promptly " ' attended lo. Sept 22, ISti'J. Iy5 j.pXlmer &"co Market Street 'harj Vhilada, Dealers in riKh, C hcfse aiul rrovlMtoiDi. T A VE C"i.Binlly on hand an Mtortnient if Dried and J l rickifii r mil, At1., via ; ftjucKerei. pnaa, iNiirnoii, Mine Full, licrringi, C-nllibti, Bvct, Hork, Lard Lww;ideia, lliuiii, nlt-1 Cliceae, beaiut, luce, AC. Oftubrr 6. lftKJ. 3uiw IIMUMi V GKANT hva jual receiyeJ by railroad the larcoat aMortmcnt of UL'KENS- WAKK and GhASVAHK ever bronRht to Huiiburv. AUo. a frwh nupply of DKV GOODS, coiieUtinjc of Hpring Urctw (iooiis, TrinU, Mus. tins and A'otuma. ajr 7, iwou. BLANK Farciiuitru Taper Det-Ja and bUuk Mortgito, Koi.d., Exicutioiia, 8un.moii(t U , fur .ttk b H U. M AbbLn. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS.' M. 0. UEARItAUT, .; Has returned with a new Shirk of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. IT seems as If a new ago, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds nnd higher aitnsl Art, Literature nnd Sei etiio will glow anew and seek to develops sub limer beauties nnd grander conception. Jlie business world loo must feel the new In fluence nnd every part be quickened nnd strength ened by nn increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric, speed to tho consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, nnd desirous of doing his shore to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo- .,t f sCNHLKY end tho public generally, that he has just returned from tho city nf Philndeb ttliisl w itb the larucst nnd choicest stock of Con feetionaries. Fruit nnd Tovs that has ever teen brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionaries, Ac., o fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at snort no. lice. Among his slock of Confectionaries, maybe found French Secrets, llnrned Almonds, Cretiin White, o Lemon Hose, " Vanilla, Cninmou Secrets. Liquorice, Haunnas, I laics. Rum props, nil kinds of scent Is've LtiopB, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit llrops, Slick Candtes, ol all sculls Hock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. I'ruiit'i, Kick, Cilroiin, Currant dried, Almonds, Hninnni. Null of all kinds I, KM ON SVKUl' of a sniie.rior uualilv. bv the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and variety of Confectionnrics, fruit. Toys, Ac, ail of which is ollcreil cheap at wholesale or renin, in Remember lh name ond place. M. C.GEAKHAKT. Market st., 3 doors west of E. V. Bright A Son t store. Sunburi', April II, ISfiO ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store John I'aiclra. No 71" ARCH Street, I. tw-.'cn 7th, and Mb, Sis. rillLAIU.LPIIIA ," (Iitoof elBMotket Str ,) iB!inporter, Manufacturer f,traiid Dealer in nil kinds ol fJ Arct 1 i li!) Having removed to my New Stole, 71" Arch St. nnd being n"w engaged entirely in the Mutnil-ieiure and Sale f 1'iinev ! urs. which, in accordance m-iiii in.--i.iiR i ric Prineii.le." I have marked nt the lowest possible pin eousi-lent with a reasonable prolit. I woi.ld solicit a visit from those in want of Furs fur cither Lndics' or rhtldrcns' Wear. nnd lei inspection of mv selection of those goads, satisfied, us 1 11111, of my ability to please in every desii. d essenlial. IV Persons aln dislnaee, who innv find It tocall personally, need only name the article, Ihev nh ti'CCIher with tin-price, omt mslrilctions for fccliillia!, and forw ard the order to my adilress money nccnini"ini oig to insiiteu satiifactnrv erunplianee with their wishes. Philadelphia August -J.1. IMh r.m.'.Jw ier.0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. lfo NKW YORK LINES- CAMIUCN A AMI3UY AND PI1II.ADF.I.P11IA AND Til K.N TUN HAII.HOAD CU.'S LINKS, Yrom I'hiladclpl.iu to Aiu; l urk and H'ug Places. From Wulnnl Street Whnrf anil Kensington Depot. Philadelpliia, will leave as ,low, is abk. At t) A M via Csmtlen and Ainboy C A A Accom- lllialatioa, 92 2a At A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey aceotninodatloii, 2 2J At 0 A M, via Camden and Jisscy cily Morninj, 3 on At 11) A M, via Kensington nnd Jersey city, Wes tern Fxpreis, 3 oil At P.'l P M via Camden nuil Ainbny, aceommiKlatioil 2 25 Al 2 V M, viu Camden and Aruboy C and A, Ex press, 3 00 At 1J P M, vial(einington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Fixpiess, 3 00 At 41 1' M, via Kensington and Jeitey city, 2d Class Picket, - ' At 0 P M, via Camden A Jersey city I-.veunig Mail 3 if At II P M, via Camden ami Jersey city South. Mail i V.1 At 5 1' M . via Camden nud Amlsiy Accommoda tion. (Frcieul and PusseilRer,) 1st class ticket, 2 '-'5 2t 1 5U The 6 P. M. Mml Line ruiii daily Tiie 11 Southern Myil Sal ur tin ya excepted. For Helvidere, K.mion, Fleinnipton, Ac , at 6 A.. M , from Wuliiul ptreet wharf and 3 V. -M , irom Keiitimi;li'i). For Mn itch Chunk, Allmtowii und Ueliilchtin. ul b, A M. Viu l.chiph Vnllt-y Huilroiid. For Walrr Gap. Stroudl.urir, Scnnt"n, Mlkfslwrre, M'nitr)8e, Uieut itiud. kc, at ti A .M, via Delaware, IsMckuwuiitm nnd Western H ailri mi For Freehold, at 6 A M. und 2 V. M For Mount Holly, ul tf and 9 A M , and '2, and 4j A' WAY LINKS, FnrBrifUit, Trentoii, 4c. at 3 und A V, M., from Keiisinuton. For I'ubnyrn. IJeliinrit, i.evcrly, uurlinglon, uorticih town. Ve., at l'JJ, J, and 4JF. M. Mlty hiuiuIij ol i$.i,'C'r;e "n;y, mu'wen mm pnwnn, PasHciiirciK are uinhihiled from taWnip anythim;a Umi:- giiije hut llieir weannn upirel. All llnKuKe ver hity iHiiiiw h i-i it mini it ir t-xira. ine i i iji v min nin rciiMiiiKihilitv f(r liaL'kruire to ( ne Dollur per pound, nud will run he hahle fi imy amouiit heyoud I0U DulUia, ex cept by specinl eutilrui't Ft!mi;iry IS. IhfiU. IIEGEIflAN & CO S COIiUIAI, KL1X1U OF CALISAYA Ii A R K 1'repute.l only by IIKOF.MAN A CO., WhoU'snle nnd Ketuil Chemists and Druggists, 101, 3'JU, Sll Bud 760 Broadway, New York. rpHE virtues of FF.Ill'VIAN BAHK as a Tonic have X been too long Known to uecii comment. The CAUSA i A for Kum's Bark,") is the most vain uble of the uuiiier lus vaiteties of the Peruvian Hark, and in the EL1X1H is combined with other lueredieuts lhat iucreass us ellicncy Hud at the same lime overcome the intensity of its bitter, rendering it a most Agreeable Cor. dial. Fnr persons livine in FhVf.U nud AGCF. districts, it will he found invaluable us a preventive. Half ol a wine. glass full tuken night and morions, rendering the system much less subject to the unhealthy innueuce ol tne aimos Phere. DIRF.CTIONS Dose for sn adult, hslf a wineglass full before breakfast mid dinner ; children from one to two teaspoons lull; il maybe lukeu with wr without s lilile water For sale nt this office. March 17, IMill LOOK HERE, IF OU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. jspi O TO WM. II. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOZS. His stock consists of Cien'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Doots. Children's Calf Hoots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Hoots, Women's Morocco Lace Hoots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Hoots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first cjuulity of Tampero Moroco for sale lor cash. WM.H. MILLER Sunbury, January 7, I8C0. New Air Line Route T O NEW 'YORK BUOKTLST IN DISTANCE AND O.UCKF.9T IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW YOBK AND HAEBISBUBG. VIS BEADING, ALI.KNTOWN AND E ASTON. Morions Exsresa West leaves New York at 0 . M . sad I'loladelnhia ut 8 a u.. arrives ul Harrisbure st 111 45 P eonnecling at Hainsburg with trsiu on Northern Cenlisl ttuaa lor DuuDury, w niiamsnan, lsk-h iiaven ana unet mediale slat ions. Mail Train West leaves New York at It noon, and rhiladeli.liia at 310 r. H., connect!!! with tiaiu on North- era Central Koad for stations us alaive, aiul slso ou sll trains on the vv illiamsiiorl snu e.iniirs. Mail Tisin Faist leaves llurnshuis at 8, a , and ar rives at Philadelphia al I r. H , and New Ymk al 3 3U r. M.. in time to take Dtstt oreuis for Boston, &c. Fsst Fxpress East leaves llarnsliug at I 15, on sirivs) of Norlherii Central Tiuin, aiul arrives at Philadelphia at I ISr s and New Yoik atvr. u. No rhange of carsor baggage b-)tween New York or I'liiisneipiuaaiid iiurnsiang. For Scauly of scenery and speed, comfoit and aeeommrs duliiui, this route preseuls superior inducements to (he traveling punue Orliee ia New York, f.sit of Cnurtland street, riilladel phia, ifroad sua I uis.wnin streeis. Fare between New York and llsrnshurg FIVE POI LA no. FurTiekelSi Freight or other inf.-imiati'w, appii o J J I'l.YDF., Oeunal a ;u,i llsinsluig. Jmis V, IbhU. ly NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I M AKKI-.T BTIU'.KT, SUNBURY, FA. IHE subscriber has just opened at his well known establishment in Sunburn, on. at il, i . --i - - - nea pest and most desirnMe flocks of Fall and Winter Goods. l. 1. - . r .... . . ... iias ever ueen onercu in tlie place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Preduce. Those desiring to purchase goods will uo wen to call and examine his stock. ULACK AND FANCY RTT.Tf. All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped nnd Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful 1 tress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, i'lain nnd Striped must be scent form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Btelln, Chenille, French Wool Shawls 1 lnbet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and IJoys' Wear, Black Cassimeres. Fancy Cassimeres, sido stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. , FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices. Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qunltios READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, it.. all of which were selected with great care, nnd will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HA umvAKr;, a loll assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Queensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, n full stock in store, Cnrpet Chains, A c, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains lo please nil who may fuvor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Oct. 24, Ibfi'l. 1.GSEPG P.TEITT ' FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. As Improved for IS5D and b'0, By E. KETCH AM A CO., 2SJ Pearl-Htre. I, New-York. nilE only Freeier ennstruett d on seienlitit principles, with a revolving can and spring blade semper. The one hastens tbc freezing ol the cream the other tenioves it as fast os frozen. The most rnpid in freezing, with the quantity of ice. The must ecotioniienl in est, ns it is the moat simple and durable in structure, For sale in uli the principal cities and lowi.s in the l.'i.ion. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of te cipes and lull directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, f quarts, H quarts, 1 I quarts, 211 quarts, Apply to H. IL June 2, 18(50. $o 11(1 1 no fi oo ( '. 00 S 00 I 12 00 MASSEK, Sunbury. I860. THE BEST ROUTE FROM 18G0 W301.U1.1r Valley to riillndHpliln. Sew Yoi-U, llaltliiuiio, AND ALL I'OLXTS XOJmi, SOUTH A- wr.yi; lackawannaIbloomsrurg RAILROAD. suivimee akhangement, j Two Daily rassenger Trains will he rim hetweeu Pi-rauton Ulin cVoitliumlierlniid, ns lolluivs: MiiVINC Sul T ; I.euve riol'a .Mad. 6 10 A. Al, rw 7 115 7 ill b '.'U H il) 9 I il li i 111 IS! MOVING NORTH : N. Y. F.x 5 3U A. M. 6 (15 0 35 45 7 15 7 45 8 30 b 57 N. V 4 ' 4 M ,'r -11 0 2a 1 i .'. i 7 ;lll 7 40 8 II) 8 15 'cranti'M, A i rue u( ItlHtnll, Ktnvton, hu-Kshiniiv, lierwiek, HIiHiimtbujg. K upeit, Ummlle, .Nortliuinlerbiul, Ienve I'hil'a Mail. 4 IS l'.M 5 20 5 50 I' (HI B : 1 (15 7 45 15 Norihumhrrloiid. Arrive al Pimville, It u pert, ltti)m$huis. Iterwicli, hliK-knininiy. IMilpbtnii, ittton, cnltton, 9 Ii5 45 i ne iicKnwnnnu nn.t iti.M.m.i,iire n.. ...,, ...... with the Delaware, 1 jickawannn and Western Hailroad. ul Scraubai, for New York and Philadelphia, and inienne dials points F.ast ; sis., lor Ureal Uend, Itinghainlon, Syracuse, liuiralo, Nuignrii Fulls, mid ull iiiipoituiit points West. At liupeit it connects with llie it.ill rond, for points hoib Fast and West. At Nwilhuiiibeilaud it C'.nueels with the Sunbury und Itailr.wd, lis points ai. -,V. JAI-MSON. S.UI.-1. Kingsioii, August 3,1, 1860. "WINTER GOODS OR MEN'S WEAK. Ulack and Illue Hair Cloth, Ueaver 'ivercooting, Hlaok Doeskins, New Style Cassitneres, All Wool Tweeds, lleavv Kei.t.teLv lunc ileal (iood Csssinetts, Siu Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, II lack Lircnadine Vesting;, Elack Satin YHtinp. Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting, Plain Silk elvct Vesting, Nice Cussimere Vestinga In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and llovs' weur, can be found nt the People's One Price Slore of E. Y. iiright & Son, who have just cceiveil by Katlroad a snlendid stock of all kinds oi goons, suitable lor cold weather. i'lease call and be convinced. E. Y. IIKIUHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, IsiiO. SUNBURY ACADEMY. fpiIE Sunbury Academy will he reopened on Momlav WoI'vititiJn Aueu"' ,ww '' toe care M S. I'. The course of instruction will embrace every .h parl- ...ctii ,. I'uucuuon tuuirhl 111 our iiesl ti'a, ,iniM .... in,. uue ciiuer lor s prolessiou or to enlel any class TERMS PER QUAKTLTt: Common School llranehes, Jfl 01) Higher English Urnuches, 6 OU lttlii and Greek Languages. 7 no All entering before the fnnddle of theQuarlei will he requited to pay foi the whole term ol tuition, unless spe cials, luiigenieni is muue. Tuition lo be land before the middle of the term. Hoard can he had lu private Isimhes st lioni Si 75 lo 91 65 per week, tiunhury, August 85, If-60. Valtlics, Je lrj & er M'are TTrE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons V nd the public generally, that we have now inStore snd offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, al the lowest Canh Prices, a latge and very choice sioek of W'A I'dlES JEWELRY, WLVER AND PLATED WARH, ol evety vuriety and style. Every descrintioii of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, nude to order, al short notice, ty All Uuods Warranted to be as represented. N. B Purlieu lar attentioii given to the reuniting of W alches snd Jewelry of every descripitnn. v- . PTAFFFER HARI.EY, No 6 Market Rireet, South Side, Philadelphia. rVstembei I, lt-00. -3ui ' FUR 'pWO LOTS situate in Market street, in the tQWn of TrPVrtrlAn V.u lO 11 : 1.1 I. - - - ..v., s m inu 111 UlUt If, No. 90. Apply to WM. UAL'ULER, Selins ve. or H. B. MASSEK. Sunbury. TTBEFl'L IN ALL FAMILIES-HEtiEMAN & CO'8 Ileiinne, which removes paint spots grease, &e, fj c, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, 4c, equal to new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold hy all Druggists, also at this oiiice. cents fet bottle-. STOVES- TOR BALE an excellent second-hand Cook- ing Stova, also several Cylinder Coal Stove Enijuira at this nriiea. I lOV'S Ut'OTS and SHOV'.S, rhssp for rash " W M. MILLKII'S. Sun ury, Aufitsi 27, tSj'i, NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. fl'HE subscriber respectfully informs the eiri X tens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that ha has opened a Store at the north west corner of Market Square, oppoiite Vandyke's lioilrosd Hotel, where he is receiving, ana will keep on hnnd, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, eoch as WHEAT, RYE o BUCKWHEAT FI.OI.R, Oals, Corn am all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac, from the South. He wiU'constantly receive, by Railroad, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, nil the delicacies of the season, as they come into market, nnd trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. TKn 4t0ci Domin0jJ COFFEE POT ASK Tea Pot, BoinR boflod, n Dr. TlaU, of tho Journal of Health, Bays, "on fcaienca nnd common sonso," nro rapidly coming into use, and destinod Boon to auporoodo all others. ARTHUR, BURN HAM, & GII.EOV, 117 & 110 S. Tenth tit., Philadelphia Sol Msiinfai'tureis tinder the Patent 4rf-rnr snle liy fenlrn In ltreittiu Aitlelss, nuil SI uer Leeicis fjuiierHlly. Ileeeinbcr 4, 18..9. J. STEWART DEPIIY, VTl'01tll.ll! MAMAVb, No '.".J South Second streets, (iu l ilooi to C. It. Alencli's) I'hllaiklphi'l, would invite the nltenll"n i f their Irn lids and ciHlotncrs, and Ihepulilie in general, .'. a latge nnd wi II cel. ct. il .lock i f CAKPHTINQS, Inprniiia, und Vr niti-oin Aian, V.lKNv ff slLMiKS.t til. CI.OI 11, MAI IINt.S. Wi L V Jlth'l'i, l L'l.S, MAI'. M'Allt lt(;l)S, At( wht"! he eMi verv elr.T'p tor eash, w liol'-ale und ruiml. t Miirrh "21. IKH Iv r1 n TAH AXD WOOD NAPT1L1 PECTORAL, 19 the hti't Mi'diciiie in the wrld fnr tli- Cure -f f'i.ucli and t'nlds. Croup, llrt'ii', Astlimn, Hi (Tun It in liieathiup, ruipiliiti 'ii r.i liu- llcurf, Dipiherm, nnd ( r llie reliet nf paiientti in the udvunced ftiifi i-f O'tiMiiiip. tmn, t"(fi-thci wall a'l r'ic.ii-fi ol ttiu Tiiral und chtri, and which prediKpuse t ) CiHisuiMptinn. It ts H'Culinrty adopted to the radical cure nl incinp prrjmmi ny n prut urni r'nysieiaii nn-i l)rinis, and one nf j;rat rxpeiiciicii In kv cure ot the wniinn dieeis-!i t'i wln.-h the Hunnin f"r;ime is li:i)'V. ll m Mtfetetl to thr athn tftl Willi tin rvufidmri Ttv il anil In' ("nvni'-i M Ut.ii it if invalnal:n in i;,e L't.ia of Urm (hial atfirtinim p.ji-e 6()ccii!s per Huttle. L I'KtrAHKU nni hy It. A. rx?:NVF.IN .V CO . 1 t UL.t;i sin ami rtvmiKli. V. CnrnfM Xinth nnd Pnplur Sih., Plnlmtelphin rp SOI.Il hy eviv n t lahle Drurist und Dealer in MedieiJie thr hi till iit theStnti'. I'hilHilf.phifi, .March at, MW. lyw ROCKEFELLER 130YER. Attorneys at Law BTjisr33Tjn,-5r, rw. 4. Jordan Hoc krlVllt-r and Solomon II. liojCT, resi-lfullv unnounes tna. thev tnlered ititx Copartnership in the practice of llieir profession, and will continue to attend lo all busi ness entrusted to their charge, in tl:o ci niiiu-s ol Northumbcrlaiid, I i.ion, Snyder ami ,.on our, i promptly, faithfully and carefully. 8 acini at tention will Iw given to the COLLI CTP ).M Or CLAIMS. Consultations can be hail in the liKliMAN language. Ollicc, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sniihtiry, February 'I, IMill. E IvI I3 O H I XJ Ivd . j flIIE undersigned havit received a larjc un I 1 well selected slock of rnre Hi utrs nzi C !jc:iiIc:iN. DyesttifTs, Dili, Paints, filasa and I'utly, is now ready fo till ordcrsat a momenta notice. In conneclion with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy .Notions, Toilet .Irlicli aiul Perfumery of all kinds. Tooth, Hair, .Nails aiul Clothes II rushes of every variety. Customers will- find his stoi li coni lete, com prising many articles it is impossible hero to enumerate. KEME.MBEK the 'place, under the office o: llie "Sunbury American." Physicians' I'rccnptioiis compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. Flail Ell. Sunbury, April 2,1, I8.i9. P. MELANCHTON S1UNDEL, Ji stii i: or tiii: i-ek i., SUNBURY, TJV. Ojfice in Deer Strtit,imm,-diutc!y oj pmite tl.e l'uhlic Sclititd llnuse. All business promptly alii nded to. Monies ollected and ull ordinary writings done. Sunburv. A uril 25. (t57 tf OI.O Ur. IIKI I Ei s KOOEi Ol w i luvrm mm cu-ai aiwu .ri'-l ol tlie J.ij'.iuese ' hu . iiuia 'icii.eo.ei,. v. It a lull ill I ecu- 'I. s lor tae eer- laill cure of Consumption, ioinuluus, lioiichs. Cold., ('atari li. Asthma, Feveis. Heart L,iea.e.ei.'iu!a, Cunt-cj Dilpepsia Liver I .illiplait.l Ura i el and I r :ai Deu-Slls Female Ci niplaluls, Ac. Illustrated with kbiiCirds i.l eerlilicstes of cures and cngrauugs. For tho purpose .( Icsriiiii as many sullering letlotv-beincs us pos,il,ls from piomaluie death, tl will be sent to any pan ,. n,c t. in,, uent, hy sending 25 cents to Il!. HEATH. I7 Hioiulwnv, New etc. Sold, also, l,y A W. Fisher, CunlHiiv; Wn.s NorlhiiuitH-rlsnil ; T S. Caldwell, Lewishurg ; 11. ,M jja. grclineh, H.'iiilnirg ; Ljrus 11iov.ii, Milton ; N I, , , Hank A- Co , Danville Ftlau.irv le. 1-60 ly. " IIENUV DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT "LAW. Office opposite the Court House. Sunbury, Northumberland Couuty Pa. iie-mpi aueislion to busmobS in adjoinint; EfinNriMvt Save ike Pieces ! 'Vv. 3$ As accident, will happen, even in well-regulated (ami. lies, it is very de,irable In have some cheap and convenient way forrepainug Farniture, Toys, Cricicry, ic. SPALDING'S PREPABED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and tu. hou.ehold can ull-.rd to lie without it. It is always ready suit up toliie slicking point. There is nn kaiger a neeessitv for limping clisus, splinters veneers, headless dolls, and broken ciutlles. ll is just the srticle for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of lenneinent and time. This admirable pieiuiratioii ts used eold, beuie chemical Ir heis in eululioii,and riaisessiug ull the vuluahle qualities of the best enhiuet-nsiker's Olne. ll may be u.e.l m II, place ol ordliuiry mucilage, being vastly mine nilhi.ivs. 'I'SEFl'I. IN Y IIOlE" N. UA Brush accimKiuies each botile. Puce -J5 eeuls. Wholesale Deiol, No 4 C-dar stteet. New Y'-rk. Address, HENRY C HPAl.DINli 4 CO.. Hoi No. a,IKM), New York. Till upfi Drsle'S in eoutninins Four Eight, sail Twelve Doscii a beautiful Ulh"ri.hie hhow tM eoiiiisniyim each paekae e. a oiu. will save FT A single U'llleoi -aiilins i i -- , Hardware l l.l bv all BT.mimeni VTV Mores, and rr,,.tur.De..ers.t..'r ndF S",,, Country Merehan,. . 'lell !." , Hold bv ail uT.mnnent Sisli.sieis. i""" - rr.-nareil filue. win a ut.d any r.msits For sal st Ibis nffie I March 1, Ie60.-I