Mlisccll ancDus. TltK TAniFr DILI.. resident Buchanan hag igned the Tariff hill, ioJ this long desired measure will go loto effect on the first of next month. This act of JnBtice to the labor of the country ba already carried joy into many comma liitlei, which hitherto have been pafslired for want of thnt needful protection lht fery yonog and vioroua people requires, to compete with the capital of older nations. To Pennsylvania, In particular, this new law will prove a great blessing, unlocking the capital in the Stute, and giving new and wider employment to the industrious within her borders. Already, in despite or the common prostration of enterprise, arising from thegrave political disturbances or the couotry, we learn of movements immediate ly to be commenced throughout the Situfe, the results of which, while they promise to be advantageous to capital, will only be developed by carrying happiness Into tmin) a Umily that is dependent upon duily labor for the necessaries and comforts or lite. We auticipate that the bene6ls or this valuable and important luw will soon be manifested in every portion of this S3tetet ond, also, In ull parts of the country. We have not space, to lay before our readers more of the bill as adopted, than Section 7, which establishes the duties ou articles mainly the products of Pennsylva nia. The Senate amendments are in Ilulic : Bkctiox 7. And be il further enacted, Thai uod alter the day ubd year alore said there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the. importation or the articles hereiualler un-utiuued, the following duties, that is to P.r.t On bar iron, rolled or hammered comprising flats, oot less than one inch or , more than Is. x seven, nor less j than one-quarter of an inch or more than hub inch and a bait J Mo inches thick; rounds, not less than Gv eighths of one out half an inch, or more than three four luehes lu i diameter ; and squures, nut less than hve. I eighths of one imeW'an itch, or more than fthreel bur inches square, filled! dol-! . - i. :.i .1 ..11 irnn III 1 rOVIUeu. I lint, on iivt. ... . foot j over nine Inches wide, twenty cents per lineal font ; on skate costing twenty cent r less, per pair, six e fit per pair ; on te t oiling over tx-enty crf per pair, thirty pr centum ad valorem ; on all munufuctuieis ot Steel, or of which steel shall be a competent part, noi otherwise provided rot, thirty per centum a1 vulorem. Provided. That ull articles pnrtially rnanufictured, not otherwise provided for, shall pay the same rate of duty as if wholly manufactured. Seventh. On bituminous coal, one dollar per ton ohwenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds tn the bushels J on all other coal fifty cents per ton of twenty eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel; on coke and culm of Coal, twenty five per centnm ad valorem. Mrs. DotinLis Ix i Fix. A newspaper con temporary says that tho beautiful and accomplish ed wife of Judge Dounlasmado a wager of g 1 00, prior to the lute election, that ahe would sleep with the next President of the United States. We think the Judge will prefer to advance the money, and pay the wager. M .. - New Advertisements. 1TOTICE. TVOTICE is hereby given, that ' was taken up while floating in the Susquo hanna river, near Georgetown, Northumberland county, on iho 1'Jth. l:!th and Hlh day of Feb ruary, A. I). IH'il.'iy Jaruli Aumillcr and Isaac Uohi), consisting of ten While Pine and Hemlock LOUS, marked 0 tx III, KtiK, I) Ac, K f Ac E. M Ac H, 11 Ac S. M K. A list and de scription or which is lodfjrd in my ollice at (.e.irgetown, Lower Mahnnoy township, Nor thumberland county, Pa., lor the inspection of all concerned. The owner or owner thereof are requested to prove property, pay all legal charges and lake it away widiin three month from the date hereof, otherwise the same will he forfeited. I. II. liESSLEU, J. P. Ccorgetown, Feb. Sti, 186!. mar. 0, 3t EXECUTOR'S SALE. "UI!SL'ANT to Ihe directions, contained in Notice to the Heirs of the estate of Jacob Dressier, deceased. , Xnrthumberland County, S, AT an Orphans' Court Tor the county of Northumberland, held at Sunbury, on the 14th of January, 1861 ; in the matter of the estate nf Jacob Dressier, deceased, the Court granted a rule, directed to the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said decedent at the valuation, to wit ! Daniel Dressier, residing in the State of Illinois ; John Dress ier, Joseph Dressier, Sarah Daniel, late Sa rah Dressier. Hannah Dressier, intermarried with Michael Kmerirk, (Jacob Dressier, Klias Dressier and Isaac Dressier, who are minors, end have for their guardian Solomon Btllmnn) Harriet, intermarried with Benjamin Stepp, who is deceased, loaving her husband, Benja min Stnpp.surviving.ona child, namely, Sarah Jane Stepp, who is a minor, and has for her guardian Benjamin Stepp, all or Northum berland county, Pennsylvania, to be and ap pear on the first Monday or next Term of said Court, viz : the first Monday or April next, to accept or refuse to take the said real estate nt the valuation thereof, or show cause why the same should not be sold according to the Act of the (ieneral Assembly in such cases mude and provided. All or which the said heirsof the said Jacob Dressier, deceased, and all other persons iuterested, will please take notice. By order of the Conrt. J. B. MASSKK. Clk.. O. C. DAVID WALDHON, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Sunbury, Feb. 1G, 1SCI. J4t s - - i T.tifrwl the last will and tcstument of lUrinon Sliipmati, deceased, the undersigned will expose to Public. Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 3()lh day of March, IHtil, all that certain Tract or Piece of Land, situate in Lower Au cusia township, Northumberland county, Pemia., bounded by lauds of Lot Uergslres-er, and other ' EIGHT CUI land of the said deceased, and others on the j sooth; laud of Lot uergsliesscr on the west ; laud of John and James Culdron, on the north ; and other land nf the decedent (being part of the same tract) on the east, containing about sixty one acres, about filly ucres of which are cleared, and the balance well finitiered, about live acres riiiiYtii:i.riiii roi.i.rr..:. 5. K. corner of' Seventh and Chesnut Streets T'.is it one of is a small apple M., of said A UK. Ml AM SAH VIS, Lira tiuf t till. slabs, bloom, loops or oilier tonus. j, ,.,,d ir eadow land There tiuisued Ibjn iron in oars, auu more, nu.anveu ori..llirii ,le ,,,,.,,1. i,,-n t.ii. iron, exceut castinKS, shull be rated le , ..mnience at 10 o'clock A ns irou in bars, and pay a iluly accordingly, j J.,v, when the terms and conditions will be made And provided, further, I hat mine vj me nonce i llluWll ,y tron An pny a left ran oj uwy uum ..ic....y it cm if vuli.rtin; on ull iron imported in I Lara, lor railroads ur inclined planes, made to j p. t terns, and fitted to be laid down up.m such j r.,ads or planes without furlhf r manufacture, ! and i,ol exceeding six inches high, twelve j .lullarj pr tou ; on boiler plate irou twenty . ,!iilnrs per ; on irou wire, ttraicn and u;- , Kuishcd, uol more tbau ono fourth of an inch j ",n .liaineter, nor less than number sixteen , wire gauge, sewntj-Cvo ceula per one bun- j .Ired pounds, and fifteen percent, ad vulureen; I over number sixteen aud l.ol over number twenty five wire gauge, one dollar and fifty , ceuta per one hnndrvd pounds, aud lu addition , rilteeu p-r centum ad valorem, over or liner j thau r.u'Jiber twenty-five wire gauge, two dol- ; Urs per one hundred pouuds, end in addition : ti.'ieen per centum ad valorem ; on all olbjr ; of rolled or hammered iron, not I j.therwiSH provided for, twenty dollars p r ton. Second. On irou in pigs, six dollars per . ton ; on ves.ols of cast-iron, not otherwise provided for, and on sadirons, tailors' and) hatters' irons, stoves and stove-plates, one . 1 . ir..rt aldain fffld 111! i C-'Ul 1 e llOUIUI ; Ulltnr, iivii """'"I p. water ome. tifiy cents per oue pounds ; on cast iron butts ana binges, iwo cuts per pound; on hollow ware, glazed or t iui. it, two rents and a hutf per pound ; ou a I oiher castings of iron, not otherwise pro vided for, wenty.five per cenlnni ad valorem. Third. On old scrap iron, six dollats per Provided, that nothing suall be jleemeo St -nlv I., he r .man ifactnrec Kouith. On band and hoop iror, slit rod (Tor nail, nut and horse-shoes,) not other wire provided r..r. twenty dollars per ton ; mien nails and spikes one cent per pound; on iron cables or chains, or pans thereof. and ti'ii -Hi. one dollar and twenty-five cents per one hundred pounsjs ; on anchors, or parts i oereof, and anvi'.s, one dollar and fifty cents one hundred nounds ; ou wrought board nails, spikes, rivets and bolt, two cents per per pound ; ( bed r-erewsaud wrought hinges ,ne cent !" a nm per pouu , i-"'. truce chains, halter chains, and fence chaius. made of wir or rods one-half of oue inch in j diameter or over, one cent and a hair per , pound ; under one half or one inch in diume. ; ter, aud not un.ier one-jai. o. un .....u m.- Executor nf I lie last will and teslniuiut of Harmon iSliip.nan, deceased. Lower Augusta tp., Maich 'J, Ifirjl. 4t Crpbaus' Court Sale. I N pursuance ulan order mI llie .)rphblis' Court ot .Northumberland cnunly, will be exposed to public sale at I he t'ourl House In the borough of Sunbury, on Salunlay, the UUlli day ul March, inst., at one o'clock, P. M., of said day. All that ct rlaii. messuage uud lot of ground, situale in said borough, bounded north by ttrunberry street, east ty lot No U9, souili by an alley and west by JJcer street, and numbered in the general ilan of feaid borough as number 100. It being the south em half of said lot, cuiitaiiniiii ou the north on line ul lot biloiigiug to ill lam Youngmaii, about BO feet and ill jlepth 100 fell whereon is i-ri-cle.l a two slorv Iralim boin... iriuili.i(r mi Duer alreet. late tbu est.tti nt 'illiini J'nrr. i (incased. Tonus and conditions of sale will be mado known by PHILIP HUFF. Adm'r. Uy order of the Court, 1 J. I). .MAisSEK, Clk., O. C. . aeubury, March !), Ihtil. ) hundred oiiPJIAXS' COURT SALE. iN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Northumberland county, will be exposed to pubiic sale un I be premises, alorday. the 30lh day ol M arch, iust , all that certain House and Lot of Ciround, situate in tha luwn of rshaniokin in said county and numbered in I lie general plot 31, bounded oil south by Sun- bury street, on the cast by lot No. "'32, uud on west ly Hianiokiu stutt. containing in front twenty-eight aud a ball lift, and in depth about two hundred feet. To bo sold kh the estate of William A. Harrison, a minor child of Amanda Harrison, late of Shuiiiokin, deceased. The sale to commence l 10 o'clock A. M. of said day when the terms aud conditions of sale will be made know n by AI.VIN D. HCfJHES, Guardian. lly order of the Court. J. It. MASSE It, Clk. O C. Sunbury. Mairh 9. 1HHI :gf.!. constituting the ".na- TIDNAl. CHAIN." Located in Philintrtiliin, New York City, Albany, BnlWi, Ctevr Innd, (Jhirutfii, and Hi. Sclinlafships can be pur chased ateltlier point, good at all the Colleges. TUB Coi.l.KGIATK COL'KSK embraces Double uud Single Kntry !!k-Keeniiw, Com-nit-K-ii.l J:oi.(iiun.ti'ii.s, Coirimern:.! liw. Penmanship, IjusniCiS Corrrs..(lnice. 1' ettleiue.its, etc. l it ACT1CAI. THXT-UOOKS. Ths Ti?.'.c-I nig in ll.e llis.k. Keeping is m ft Iv iMin written ..iioiusi-.ii( lurins. with o.ul j lei-liin-H. and blurk-lHiard elni'iil'itions ; III mttl.tnm to ! ivitn-li. in onte. to ...nke tl-e Cnllt-gmte Course as t lion nut. and eltirln.ili.sposs.lile, the following Text-Uooks hav tieeu prepnrsd : Hiynnt A Slratton's rtonk-Keeping, in three editions Conilivill N'hool. Hmli riclniol, and I'nui.tuie House ; Hrv nut V Slrittni.t's Cii.u.iie.rlul Ar.ttimeltr ; Hrvniil At Sltutton's Coi.i.nen-ial Imw. Iiy Amos llt-au, L..I. D. SI'llNCHRIAN SVSTMM OF I'HNMANSHIP, il. a series of nine h.Miks, bv P. R. MM.NCKIt. I' It M'llNCHK.Ji.. Teacher of l'enm....liip. tm'i. vtjasl instruction staueuts enlel at an)' time. Dinlo ni'is nw inU-H. For ( stalii-iles nnt Circnlirs. cil st the Col'ege, ori.d.tie-s HHVAN T. STUATION i KAIKItANKS l ehiusry aa, I"C1 ly Pluludcliua. flIN WAKE. A very cheap and desirable A assortment iust received this week, lit the r KII.INU . UKAN I . COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, II. IJ. IIOOKEK, ftOO,. A ln; the one sixth part of all that trisnoular I lot; situate between the aforesaid lot number ' 1R3, and the Kchnol House lot, in the plan j aforesaid, coulaining about three fourth of an i acre. i Also; all that certain mrssuaga and tract or j land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, being i pail or a larger tract of land surveyed on a war. rant in the name of John Brady, containing HO ' acres and allowance, hounded and described as ' folio, to wit I on the north by Lu.twig ias, ' east by land of Wm. L. Hewart, south by ofHamuel Clarke, and west by lands of Henry Masscr, dee'd, and on which are opened I no : large vtini nf coat, note being varied. ! Also, the surface right of the lollowing des- I cribed lots of ground laid out upon the said Inst mentioned tract of laud, situate in the town of due-inn fine eoecinien tshamokin, and county and Niatn aforesaid, and, ' very short time. in the plan of said town wilh the niimliera, Dwarf Cherry Trees, budded 257, SflH, 2.r.'J. 2ti0, 261, 2(i'J, S3, 2flt, VlliS, (Stocks, handsome trees. VfiB. 207. 268, 269, 274, 275, 27' , 277, 2S'J, 290 291, 296, 2!l7, 294 299, and 300, contain ing about one eight of an acre each A Iso ; all that certain mess. lagn ami Irnct of land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, beu.ii part or larger tract or laud surveyed in the name of John Drady, containing 50 acres and allow ance, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on tho north by land of Ludwig (is, enst by land surveyed in tho name of Luke Kidler. south by land of ttamuel Wetbeiill, and west by the above described tract of Wm L, Dewart. noon which two veins of coul are opened, and nrnv in work ing order. Also, the right to all the follow inn des cribed lots of ground laid out upon the last men. tinned tracts of la.nj, and situate in the town of tshamokin aforesaid, and marked in the plan of said town, with the iiunibeis. 255, 254 253, 252, 251, 250,300, 307, 308, 3011, 31(1, 311, 812, UocllKiim, N. 1 JOHN W. CCCHEI:, Local Pa. Pllie subscriber, having been appointed local JL Agent for the sale of Fruit trees, plants, vines, &c, of one of the must reliable Nurseries, calls the attention of all who want choice fruit to this method, as more cettain than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among those d.seiibed in the Catalogue arc, Divarf Pear Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably fine. Dwarf A pple Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma king beautiful little trees for the garden, ami pro of Iruit in a on Mithalrb Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very j tine, with a hirer list of varieties. ! Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. ' Cooseberrv, Hlackhcrrv and .Strawberry Plants ' all of the liiiet kind-. j j Currants, many new and improved varieties, , i such ns Cherry, While (jrape, H lute (iondouin, ; ' lied firape, Victoria, Ac. ' Strawberry Plants, it. great varietv, including t!i Hooker, Wilson's Albany, Trimnphie ile j (and, (the most approved old varieties,) as wi ll , us all the novelties. ; (iiape ines, including those fine, new, et ( will lesttil kinds, which no planter should be , will. out. such i Delaware, Concord, end Hart lord Prohlic. These we have propaualed so e ; tensively as to able to oiler them ul reduced and j ; s.ilisfictory priees. i ! Plants, Koaes, Everercetis anil evert variety of i ' ornamental trees and Shrubbery, securely packed' , 313, 314, 315, 316. 317, 328. 323, JZi 32;.. ,(,Hs,' V. IHXHEIl. Agent, Sunbury Pa. i 3'i0, 331, 332. 334. 335. 230. 337, 33H. 31') i fcnnhurv. V,Ua,y, 9, IHtil. j 341, 342, 343. 344. 345, 346.347.348, 319, 3.H) " 351, M52, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357.358. 359. I'alt llt .lllj U I.UU1 tilln J 3C0, 361,302, containing about one eighth of ' A I.AMI' CUIMNHY THAT WILL NOT I'RKAK an acre each. ' rTMll invention ron.niends itself toeverv oue ' Also, all that certain messuage and tract ul i 1 u.n.a C(A I. !. l! 'lv''"'''!f'lr , . . , i i :. nnires less eleiuin c nd will nil lueas l.y lite Inat or c .d, land, situate III Coal township, a oresaul, hemg ( llUhl( nt n1. m:iry u,-,gr. I'or s.le Iiy J part of a larger tract of land surveyed in the gem-oiliv- tliroui'liout .lie I totrd Sn.tis. and the Cunadun, ! . . ... ... ... . i ....I U'I.'i.L.iI.I.p 1 1... M Oii.tmeiM I'lOlliitei'S I iiatrn ol John coniaiiiinu tin, acres, "i - strict measure, hounded on ihe north by lands of Martin (lass, on the east by land of Purdy and GEEATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE I SEASON ! ! FIULIKG & GRANT. at the MAMMOTH STORE, have just received a M:V AN I; DEsIlI ABLU NOW WITHIN BEACH OF ALL rsHOVKlfBAKKH'S r. x -3 of falLjSj wintkh (;ooi). ton : rrovii.ea, tnav .... or ,,, f Baid lowu , .ot 0. ; old mm that has not been lu actual use, aud ,,. ... kl nll ... Mammoth Store of Sunbury, January 12, 1861. EIliHTV THOUSAND 13AUKKLS Pf'l'D UE I' l'K, made by the Lodi Manufacturing Co., for sale in lots lo suit purchasers. This is the Cheapest Fertilizer ill maiket. $3 worth will manure an acre or corn, will increase the crop from one-third to one-half, and will ripen the crop two weeks earlier, and, unlike guano, neither injur'- the seed nor land. A pamphlet, with satisfactory evidence and full particulars, will be sent gratis to any one sending address to LODI MANL'KACTLKINli CO., 130 South Wharves, Philadelphia. Febuaiy, c. 101. 101. it PKOCLAMATION. VOICK is hereby given that the several ' Courts of Common Pleas, (ieneral Quarter Sessions of the peace, aud'Orphans' Court. Court frontier uud (ieneral Jail Delivery', ill ami lor Hie county ot .Aortliunitierlniui, to commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the first d.iv of AI'KIL, next, and will continue TWO WKEK8. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in uud for the county of Northumberland, are ., - , ressious oi me meter, and not under one tourth or one inch l f 0 m, T in diameter, and not under one fourth er one ; - inch in diameter, two cents per pounu unuer una lourth r.r one inch ill diameter, and uot under number nine wire gauge, two cents and a hall per pound ; uudor number nine wire gauge, twenty-five per centum ud valorem; nr. blacksmiths' hammers, and sledges, axle- tree.l uxUt. or patts thereof, and malleaoie ( c 1(j ,0 bc lhell allJ tlt,rc ju tlejr ,,ro,,er ,lfr irou in cast tigs, not ollierwise provioeu lor, j tim wi(h t)l(,ir .u recorjHi i,.iisitiona, and two cent psr pound j ou horse shoe na,,,, . other r'mfmbruncc, to ilo thosue tilings to their three Cents and a half per poond ; on steam, ; .vt,ra offices appertaining to 1? done. And all gs, and water luln-s and ti'les, (rf wrougut , vvitiii-eeos prosecuting' in lictmlf of the Comnioii iron, two tents pouuds; on wrought iron weallli against any prisoner are also requested and railroad chairs, one dollar and twenty five i commanJcJ t be then and there attending in their cents per one hundred pounds.) arid On tvrouht j,r0p(.r persons to prosecute against him, as shull i..n ;nM ii'iJ irnken, ready punched, twen- j just and not lo depart without ieae at their Jy ice dollars per ton; on .cut tacks, brads i ,eril. Jurors aru requested to be punctual in their Htid sprigs, not t seceding sixlm n ounces to j attendance, at the lime appointed ojjrccable to the thousand, two cents per thousand ; ex- tiir notices ediiig sixteen ounces to the inousanu, iwu ' uiven under my hand at Sunbury, the :at .lay TO .41. Ij THOSE II 4T1C4 Farms, Parks or Gardens, IN CKNTKAL PENNSYLVANIA. A raro chance is n afforded lo select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Vines. Muublieiy, Ac. .train Ihe celebrated Clover tftrett Nurenes licuti-d at Koeiieitcr, New Yolk. Mewsr. MUOItl.', IIIIO THKItit, PBOPKIETOR8 Vb,i lire leave to announce that they are piepartd through llieir qafilifltd and It K 8 P O N S I 1) L K A u I'. .N T S, To dutribuis their sareiior stock on the most leiiuiiabia tenns. PEOPLE OK THE . EETSTCITE STATS. Loveis of Nature and the tieanlifal, and justly celehrated I'nr your uitelltgeni'e, wraith, liberality and taste, now is the lime to uiase youi selections trout our I)F.!CKIP I IVK C TAI.OOL I'. AND PLATE MOOKS, Wmi li will l luriuslied vou. through our local stems; nnd you ..ray rest assuted llial yuar orders will be lioi.ora- blv toltil. J'ol nartlcumrs apply in KHLUKR1CK A. HOWE. uunviLLS, Or JOHN I) JONES. Agviitlor Nortbumberlsnd county. REFERENCES: Hob. KHENKZEH llltlFFIN, Kochealer, .N. V. linn. JOHN OAl HIt MTII, Erie. Pa. Got. J. 11. JOHNSON, Mcadvillc, Pa. Fcbraaiy 8, lb8t S;n Dew-art. fnow Purdv.) on the sonlh hv lands or Thomas Hamilton, and on Ihe west by lands rf William P. frady. on which are opened tno large veint of coal. Also ;the undivided hair i.r a certain Hart (r land, situate in Oal township aforesaid, survey ed in the name or William P ltrady. coniaiiiinu: !44l acres, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by land of Martin f .ass. east by lands of John Brady, sooth by lands of Tho mas Hamilton and Ksther Kramer, west by lands or M. E. Leversnn and Jehu Boyd, being a val uable tract or coal land. Also; the undivided third part or all that cer tain tract of land situate ill ("oal township afore said, surveyed in the name of Johh llnvd. con taining 414 J acres, hounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by land nf Thomas Hamilton, (old stnvey.) on the east by hind ol' William P. Ilrady. on the south by lands orM. E. Leversnn and Frederick Kramer, and on the west bv lands or Maihias Zimmerman, bring a valuable tractor coal land. Also ; the undivided ninth part ur all that cer tain tract or land situate in Coal to'vnship afore stid surveyed in Ihe name nf Thorn;. s Hamil'un, containing 412 acres and allowance, boui.iled on the north by lands ol" William P lltady and John Ilrady, east bv land or Samuel Clark, south by lands ir John Carson and Ksther Kramer, and west bv lands or William P. Diady, on which a coal t'ti'i has been vpened. Also; the undivided half part of a. 1 'hat rrrtain tract nf land, situate in Little Mahanoy township, county and Slate aforesaid, surveyed in tho iiBme of Joseph Lyon, containing HO acres, bound.'d and described as follows: ou the ninth bv land of John Dunkleberger, east bv land of r rcderiek Kees, south by lauds of r rcderick Punkleberger aud west by Iho Cap, upon which a coal vein is opened. 4lso; the undivided hair pirt or all that certain tract of land, s tuato in Point tow nship, county aforesaid, surveyed in the name John Barron, jr., containing 410 acres and allowance, bounded on the north by hind of T. llewit, .n Ihe east by lands nf William Benson and il obert Erwin. on the south by land of Urodie. and west by lands of A. Keiising. Also; all that certain tract (r land, surveyed in the name of I!obrt Erwir, situate in Point township aforesaid, containine 4 I H acres boun ded on the north by land ol' William Uetison, on the east bv lands or E. Uranham, on the south bv 11. Kurtz, and on the west by lands or John HORNING k HUMPHREY, NO. Hill N.Si;C(Nl !trret r.lll.Atrt.U'.J.A. N. U A brea iJ !tiii.rir tltK'lrof MIA LOIL LAMI'S, Wrataon jViihI. prici-a i)Tm.i; 4'f(npi-'.tti"ii Ai, 1 I'i-HI iU.NH COAI IL, bl .U!iulrti-Uir,-' privc. Kf(triiiiy M. If til 4t LAWKS' DHKSS tiOtyDS, ('niiHlltm in p.rl ol Ilia il anil Taury fttU.s ot very diui'd palleins Dl'.HKfill.S. I)urIv, f 'aslimeres French and Lrjhsn Mcinx, I'lain and FiuureJ Wool l'e nics Muslin Delaines of all styles ai.J priros. Kouiarrls, Thibet t.'loth, Piii Ds C'lixerea. Kaxoirand W ool Plaids. I .DIES' FL'KS. UUDi.IIi:. '-Vl C E L K U H A TE I) M)stl, Sewing Machines. 4!) 5 lluuaiMVAt, NswVuhk. The public sllenltoii is respectfully iequcsto.! tie follow ii'.i; earns .if Kin, Howt, Ju., sn.i llie (jrov. r A Under S. M. (J,i A Card iiom the GROVER & BAKK S K. Co. I t'ur Psten's In inn now established 1 t ( 'oiiru. v e a.o ciisob-.i la fiirnisli the (iiuv."r wdU Miportiiiit ltnproveuienls ,i iciiiuc. at k;it-nlly liciiiici'd li'ici'M The in idcrate ptiee ut which Machinse ins ; inu the t.mver .V H-.ik. r slt'i l,. ,-af now be lisJ. brums tl.em Willi!. i the rea.-tl ol all, nr. ! r.-rn!, the use of .Machines imiking inferior stitches u.itn-. essaty ns u ih utivi. Persons ilesuin llie best .Machines, ami t'.n , ri:ht to use the. ii, must not imlv be sure to 1 n ' M idlines iin.kit the (ir.ner At llak-r X,Uu. but also such Machines aru made an I : sta::i;.ed nm'.er our putcnts anJ llioee ul Ellas ; flower, Jr. .iHOVKl! A EAKEKS. M. CO . It' '. II in.iilwav , New Voilv Bay S'ate and Ac, Ac. Wool SHAWLS ol in try m LOOK Every HERE 1 1 Man and Woman should Look to their own Interests ! ! E m-ikt all wear some kind ol , BOOTS AND SHOES then j von .oiihl liink iiriiiiinl ami sse wburA ;V iho t 'heapt t, Best and Largest asiunt- ' incut can be looud to select from, ami whether ; ihe poison who seltvtcd tli.'in is competent to ; makes f;ood silecliou. I wtl! say that my slock ! bus been si lei led by one who has had practicsl cxperienre in the busines f ir about ihirtv years. I will ulo adil that 1 inn siil, and will sell, ! cheaper than you ran buy at retail in ll.erity nf j Philadelphia because my rent ami living is . Hot one half as much as there and I can buy as ; che.ip as they can. . As to the mode or doing business in the c .un- ' try, it is only necessary lo say, it is generally ! done, as you all know, on a long edit, and 1 ! say to you till if yuu d. business in this way you must let me say if yuu buv your Boots and . Slfje at a credit store, you are bound to help lo ; pay fjr Slip's b'ught by those who do not pay The man who does not pay. must buy his BooU f and shoes at a credit cuuuti-r, aud il you boy at ( the same counter vou must help to pay all toe ; losses niode at that counter. j Thus you will see that the Boots and Shnes i bought at my couutir must be paid for at the time they aro bought In 'uil or Country I'ru.lucn. so that every man, woman and child .hall hi ve their lio.its ami t'hocs nt a LOW PHU'K. o-i there is nothing to l e pud l'r losses and intent. It is inpoMliie to tive you a h..t of all inv prices, as 1 have m. inaiiv tpRvfJls . dillereiit kinds of Boots and Shm-s, W!5S?!, for men women aud children, ol' ALIi SISSS &. KIWDS, Coarse and Pine, Heavy and l.tglit, and lo OVEKsHOES of ad kinds; and also CARPET BACS. VALISES, ; (Jciitlcnu'irs (looils, of every stylo, conisttng of Clot: i, (.asime-es. ballinei'.s. Kentnckv Jeans. TbVtil .is, cliet Cord. "elvetHen, YeiUtifii. of every variety. u r stock of Silk and Silk elvsl Vestings, cannot be surpassed in the couutiy. Please call and examine them. CLOTHING 1 Our stock of READY MADE CLOnMNU. has been replenished, and wo have a full assort ment of OVEKCOAT.S Dnr.SS COATS. Pants A CAP.I) I HUM KI.I s HOW E, JK. All persons ate i nuiiotiet! not to make, desl i.i. I or use any Sewing Machines whuh sew from Iwo j spunls aud make the siitrh known s- tiie Orovi r , A ."iHaker stitch, unless ihe same an. purchasid I troui the lirover A linker Sewing Machir.o j t.'uiupiiiiy, or liuir Agents, or Lieensjs. hi ) i elnuiprd under my paieni of September III, I 6 . ! Saul Conip.iny, and ti.eir Liccn-es, alone, art : legally auihuneil umlor tlieir own patenis, anv I uiy said pal. nt, during the extended term there : ot. to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine ; and ail others are piracies upon inv said palaut, ', and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever ! louinl. ELIA4 HOWE, Jlv New York. Dec. ';5. lis'ii'. tf and Vests, Uvoreonta and Dress Coa'.s Uoys uf ail for ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS A 1ST ID CAPS nl' every tyle and variety at the lowrst ptires ; New Arrival of Clothing. ' 'IMIK largest and best Stock of FALL AND ; WIN'lEU CLOTHI.NO ever bmilit m I this place, arrived at Iho Momtin.'h Clothing j sioro ol st HWhi'l ZE, HEH.UI'ONNKK I A- CO. in Mai kit street, neatly oppovite Vs- vcr'a Hotel. 'I heir Stock c itnpri-rs JPHSTE CLOTH COATO, Dress Couts, Ucr CouU. ii,tiiess ('outs, &4- VESTS OF ALL KLDS. I nder'Shirt--, 1'iawers, Ac. HATS AHSTJ3 CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, or the latest style r every description and futility, cheaper than I ever. Tl.cir saor Illicit of f entlemiii.'s furiiuUiini ' Clothing is tlie most complete ! 'I heir variety and styles most atlractiro. And tlio prices defy all c impelitioti. tj?" Call aun examine lor yourselves. s(:sVEnZE.', !r CO. i Oct. C. JooU. -.nia tier l.nund l-'iflh. Un smootho or polished sheet iron, , bv whatever iiatne designated, two cents per I i ... . i... .......m..r, ni liluek lull I t.ouun j on succv cuu.ii.i-.. Hiititier than number twenty wire guage tuerity dollars per ton ; thinner thau uumbor twenty, aud not thinner than number twenty five wire guage. twenty live dollars per ton; thinner than uumber twenty 6ve wire guage, thirty dollars per ton j ou tiu plates galvuni r.ed, galvauized iron, or iron coated with rue, two cents per pound j on mill iron and mill cranks nf wrought iron, and wronijht irou for ships, locomotives, locomotive tire, or parts thereof, and steam engines, or parts thereof weigbitig eacll twunty uve pouuu. u. j5Do cent and a ball per pound ; ou screw commonly call?d wood screws, two inches or over in letiglji, five cents per pound; two inches and less than two inches io length, eight ceuts per poond j on screws washed or plated, aud all other screws or iron or any other metal, thirty per ceotutn ad vulorem; oa all nmuurctuies or iron oot otherwise provided tot, twenty five thirty per centum ad valorem. Kuth. On all 6teel io ingots, bar, sheets, or wire, not less thau oue rourlh or oue ioch in diameter, valued at seven ceoli per pound. . . . i.-tr..n, nu.nnniiH valued or less; oue auu a un .o ! at above sweo ceuts per pound, and not above eleven cents per pound, two ceuts per pound; land valued at eleven cents per ponnd. two cents and a bair per pound : I'rovided, That DoJ steel io any form, not otherwise provided for, shall pay duty ol lless than twenty per centum ad "slorem ; on steel wire less than one fourth of an iuch in diameter, and oot less than number sixteen wire guii'v, two dollar per one hundred pounds, and in edditioo thereto fifteen pet 'solum ed valorem ; let or finer than oim her sixteen wire guage, two dollar tod fi'ty cents per oue hundred poiiod. end in ddi Hon thsreto fHleeo per centum ed valorem ; r .i crors cut aics eipht cents per lineal fool ; ,. . . .. J .!... m ... a n,.l l.llu. ninu i n nun 1..L a".'i i.ruK i v - Darron, jr. Also ; all that certain tract nl land surveyed in the name or Uranham, situate in j Point township aloresaid, containnil? hoo aires , , .. . . .. . f .i i.i ci i... . bounded on ll.e tiurtn ny lanu oi join. ... u, ni,,ers. from AN D TIII.'N KS "f H kinds. t ditterent pii.-es. Mens' (iailera, from $ 1 SS to .1-1 110. ' liools. " 23 to 0 00. Shoes, " H7i to 25. 6U to S 7. en i., t "V east bv lands or Andrew Epplc, South and west Kl(J j.-.'u, un, Mel,, Morocct. and by Kobert Erwin. Hn, ruf kKin at different pieces, fioru 'J'J els. Also; all that certain tract of land surveyed i ( ( K. in the name of Andrew F.pple. situate " ., shin's, from 95 rt to S5 S7 j. Point township aforesaid, canlalning 430 acres. , M(W )om H tJ , f() bounded on the north by lands of David Jackson ; ron ?5 cM. )i( east by land, of John Service, south and west by , CiJri.m. k,, frora , , H7 j Kbenozer Uranham. I l,aJiM and Gentlemen of Sunbury . not for- Also, all that certain tract oflund surveyed ! K,tllllB , jnrude with vou a portion of in the name of John Service, e'tuale in ; '...,, iS j j i- jon cnuntj..s, . a l: - r ;a n,..,inW...u - ---- I'l-iiiit inwnhnni uiurrja ti, umiuiMU'i; - SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue or sundry writs or Ven. Uiponas, issued out of Ihe Court of Common Pleas of March, in the i ear ur our Lord one tlious' sod eigh' hundred sr.d sixty one and lh Independence or the United Slates or America Ihe Mith. Uod save the Commonwealth. DAVID WALDKON, Sheriff". Sheriffs Oli'ue ) Suuburv, March S. IBflt. ) SHERIFF MALE'S. BY virtue or sundry writs if Veil. Eiponas is sued out "f the Court or Common Pleas of Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, to rrrs directed will be exposed to public sale, at the public house of Capt. J. M. Hull', in the borough or Milton, on Thursday Ihe I4tb day or March, A.D I Mil, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following deneiibed rei.1 estate, lo wit I A certiin tractor piece of laud, situate in Dtla. ware township. Northutnlierland county, Penn sylvania, hounded and described as follows, be itinning at a post in Turbutville road ; thence north 14, west 54 6 perches by land f Philip Steinriik lo a post; thence by same south 73 west 4-V4 to a post; thence by land or Dr. To bias Piper, north 14, West 44 perches to a post; thence by land or Jscob Stitiel, north 60j cast H3.t to a post; thence by laud or the heirs or Samuel Caldwell dee'd., south lowest '39.5 to a post, in Turbutville road, thence by same south 6f)J west 20 4 to the piece of If ginning, contain ing 36 acres end 98 perches, strict measure moie or less, all or which is cleared, upon which there ie a growing orchard. Seized taken in ex ecution, aud to be solJ ss the properly of P. A , Fox. ALSO: At the same time and place, two cer tain lots of ground, situate in the borough of Milton, Nortbumberlsnd county, bounded on the north by Market street, un the south by an alley, on the csst by a lot of John 8. Marls, and on the west by iS'ecoiid alrsel. whereou is erected a two story log dwelling house, weather-hoarded, aud kitchen. alable slaughter house and uther out' buildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the prowrlv of Jscob Mt'ler. DV!H WAI.DKO.V, Sheriff. PherirT'j .!'. ..the, v. ole, tv. i lit aud i b'.f cetts per line.! , unbur;'. I,! - " ol Northumberland County, Pa., and to me di rected, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the Uorough of Sunbury, on MONDAY, tho I Ith dav ol March next, at It) o'clock, A. M., the following described property, to w il : A certain lot of ground, situate in the borough of Sunhurv, Northumberland county, aud State ol Pennsylvania, numbered 21 in the general plan or said town, aud bounded and described as follows, to wit ; on the north by Shamokiu street, south by an alley, east by a lot ol' Sebastian Haupt, and west by Deer Street, containing about! or an acre, whereou are erected a large two-story stone dwelling house, kitchen, stable and other out buildings. A Us ; all the defeudanl'a interest in lot num. bei 31, situate in the borough of Sunbury afore said, and bounded and desciihed as billows to wit : north by Shamokiu street, east by lot No. 3, south by su alley, and west by Fawn street, cohtaiuing about 1 of an acre, whereon are erect ed a two story frame house and kitchen, (now occupied by Charles Weaver as a Holel large stable and oilier out buildings. Also; a certain tract or parcel of land, called "Haratatia Island" situate in the river Susouo. hanna, aud county aroresaid, opposite the mouth or Penne Creek in Snyder County, containing 7 acres and 1 18 perches or excellent tillable land. Also ; the one undivided sixth part ur all that certain tract, or parcel or land, situate in Coal township, county and Slate aforesaid, surveyed in the name uf John Ilrady, containing 135 acres slid 49 phrches of coal laud, (being e pert of larger tract of land) and bounded and des cribed as follows, to wit i on the north by land surveyed to Ludwig Uass, cast by lands ol Henry Master, dec d., on lilt soum oy isno surveyeu io Samuel Clark, and on the west by Shsmokin creek, whereon is erected a large coal breaker, with steam engine and hoisting apparatus, a two story frame dwelling house, three double 14 slorv frame dwelling houses, a blacksmith shnn. two frame stables, and other improve mciits forth mining of coal, there being two large veins of coal opened upon the tract in exctllent workinq oraer. Also: the one undivided sixth part or the surface right of, snd in all those certain lots ol eround. situate in the town or Shsmokin, county and but aforesaid, on the last above desciihed trv't of land, and numbered in the plan of said i numbers 367, 368, 39, 370 373, 37s - i.e. 'ill, 37r, 3)9 30 and :il!t, contain . n , , .'.it orn it, bl of an ei-h. seres, boncdei) on tne noriu uy nuiu u. , David Jackson, east by land (r J. Thorn- i croft, south by lands of, and wot by , lands or Andrew Epple. The lost fit tracts of land above described containing va'vutde . dtposiles of iron ore. Also, all the r.illowing described lots or , parcels of ground, situate in tho towj or Mount Cermet, in the township ol Mi not Cermet, county and state uloresnid, to wit : ' lot number 1, marked in the plan ol said town as Depot Lot block numbers in said town, situate on hbamokill Valley Railroad block ; number 10 in said town also lots numbers j 1 and 2 in block number 19 ul. lotHeiiuti,- j hers 3, 4, and J4, in block number 'JO also l lots Dumber 3 aud 4 in blbcU nutnoer .- also lots numbers 4, 11, 23 uud 21 in block I number 23 also lot numbers 14. l. lb. i ! T,IvI3 vou all have inv sincere thanks for the ;.atroiiage Our stock of HAflDWHKE Lis been renew : rl and we have now a larger assortment then 1 ever before i lVere.1 to our customers, cousia.iiig in part ot Saufafe Cutlers, Poiket Cutlery. Uul'.her Knives Mayer Hinses. liolls and Pad Locks, X Cut Saws, ; Mill Saws. Scoop Shove la. j rVc, die, iic , 1c. Ac , ic. ! iu'tjiwware and filnsMW ar? I of every variety at the V E K Y I. O W EST prices. Our stock of ss s W mS - S m .Li fc 'B"tls large and commodious ; A u.ainitfed by JAMES VAN 1 have received from vou lor the lew weeks that 1 have been ding bunness in Sunbury, (remi in her Ihe place, Maiket Street, next door to the j jjui.buiy and vicinity 'o.-l I'llue). I ucscrioe ii inus. uui friends may lint make a mistake, whiro lllosn things ere lobe found. 1 wiil also say that 'lure seems to be a trouble about Ihe Hanks. I say give yourself no tiouble about any of llicin will. in fitly miles of tins place. Aa I am de termined and intend lobaik them up by receiv ing their fills at par at mv counter, so be not trouided, the banks are good, and my Coots and Shues are good, they are all made for the good of man tone used, and not to be abused. WILLIAM M. APsl.EY. Sunbury, December 8, IbfiO. is very fine. We have the best iinalily of Syrup Molasses ever before ulieru tj the citizens uf CLDAlt AND WILLOW-WARE of every variety. Carpets, Notions, and 2S in block number 24 also lots nuH.brs AND LET TIIE LEAP.N I'LOH.r. SADLER V. BOOTS Also a fresh supply ul Drcc, Oils. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Hosiery, (dotes. AND SHOES. Ac, Ac Paints, I)e St ilK tilass, Itiuihia, Ac CENTRAL HOTEL, 5UWEUE.Y. Nortliumberland County, V.i. Hotel. lio DYKE. It 1 is situute at llo) luilrouit L'epot .Norm l.asi i corner of M.uket Sijuare. Su.ibury, and at j the terminus nl" the Sunbury If Erie and Neill. ! cm Central KallroiiU, and is open for the acccia moilaiion nf Tiavelrrs uud the public in genrrivJ '1 ho pnprieti.r will give his exclusive utten- tlon, totl e couilort and convenience ol his guests aud is de't'iiniin'd to muke this establishinci.t ratik iiumnir, the lirst in the Mate. Hn table will be supplied with the best fio ma'ket can prouun' having the adianlaie "I daily cii'iiniunuiaiiuti by curs liirecl Iroin llal't mo.e, and also Iroui bringing produce lro:n the surrounding country. Ilia bar will be supplied wub. the purest I so r. the tn.irk. t can tjro.iuce t.'ii-ilul and obliging siivaiits always in at toioJauic. Ni w and i-oinit. odious staining has jast bi-en adjed to the premises. A share l ll.e b.c:tl and traveling commui il. is most respecllully solicited. Sunbury, J uiuary 12, li-ul. KKH.INti cV IllUM, nt Ihe MAMVOIH STORE, have this Jay (January l?th, leCl, received a CHOICE ASsOUTMLNT ! iv Tin: NEWEST STYLES AXD FAT72I?sIB i ' w w r. r A PER, which ll.ey are selling at prices that diiV ' coinpe'ltioll. Sunbury, January 19. 1 HO 1- otili; 3. 4, 5, 12. 13. 14. 15, 16, 1 1. tn blocu numni r ; 25 also lots tiumbers 2, 3, DS, 19 and 20. in t block number 26 alf lots cumbers 1, J, J, ; gxiLIa 4. in block number 29 also lois uuuiners in, 22, 23. iu block uumber 31 also lots numbers j AND TUKY 4, ft, IS and 19, iu block number 32 also lot I number 2. iu block number .M -also Inta tiumbers 1. 2. 9, 10, 22 and 23, iu block iioui- bur Si also lots numbers S. b. uud a nuns. space of ground, in block number 3b a I .on nn.hh.H 3 4 11. 12. I. 3. 19 end 20. in block number 39 also the und.vided rourlh j usrtofall those certaiu lots or ground in ! said town, uumber 1.2. 3. 4. and ii, " ( TVT A M TVT fs T TT RTflT? V. auas avas auak auas vr as v J le Particular csre haying 'ir" taken in ihe se cti.'ll of our goods III reua'd I I quality, style i mid rice, wr rail the ailention ol" the i ublic to I'O I.IVI', j . i..r.. .i0..k to which coiislai t additions wid WILL SOON l"!'l',aiikl'ul for past favors, we hope M merit a ' continuance ol ihe patronage ot ttie p. .' in- ny LEAKS THAT ' filing cheaper than ever. One us a .a!, b, loie iiMrcl.UMlllsf f iht'W tllTl'. '; f;i; N r. U. IMin. 33-.uo;V RILING & GlvAMT. a t Tin: i block number 41, whereou is erected a steam sawmill, and other improvements also lots numbers 7, 8, 9 10, 11 aud 20, in block limn. , ber 41 also lots uumber 1, 7 and 8, in block j uumber 42 also lot tiumbers 3nd 4, iu block number 43 also lots numheia 11, 1J, 1 , 1-t. I and I ft, in block uumber 4ft also lot tiutn. tiers 1. 2, 7, 8. 9, 12, uJ 13, in otocs. num- , ber 46 also lots nuuiber 11. 1ft. Id aud 17. in block number 49 ulso lU numbers l, .'. ' , 8, 18 and 19. in block number U-eio lot j KEMEMBEK THIS, uumber 9 10 and 11. in blueH uumber .01 also lots numbers 16. 17. 18, 23 aud 2 1. in block number 51 nlsn lots uumbers 0, li, 7, i 8. 9, 12, 13, 2ft and 26, in block number 6ft j also lot number 1, in l.locU ounitmr on also tot oumher 6, 7. 8, 11. 12 end 13, in bloc t n I . I . 1 unit: 17. 18. 19.25 and 26. in block number 59- T" also lots numbers Is, 23 ana 24, in ,4i'fc1 SKl.LJSi., GOODS CJLjZVlPJZJPt than can be purchased ilseAhcre. usl irrelied by ltailroad this . AND PltOPM" 11 Y IT. Sunbury, December IS, I Still. Itiirkwlical 1 lour. NOTICE. respectfully inform lheir . . i i niiiuiiiri,, iu.i iitii win luimniiu iu u.asv block ......,,.. a il .1.. ........ v. .. ,.., ; aliiisi..1 iiuu. uiiii inv iviii ui .iiaicu. .sun number CO also lots numbers 2. 3.6, i and I 8, in block number 61 also lota uumber 8 and 9, io blnck number 62 also lots 'number 4, 5. 13, 14 ud 13, iu block Dumber 63 also lot uumber 11 end 12. io block number 66 also lot numbei 10. 11 21, 22. eud23. in block number 67 end also lots number 3 nd 4, end 9 and 10, io block number 68. Heiaed. taken in execotioo end to sold ( the property of William L. Dewart. ' road from New York, at ihe Mammuth store of DAVID WALDIION, hheiiit , Ktiliiiii 4 Ursnt. NVe bsve lo lor .e n.n. therifl's Offics, 1 Putnam Cos felebuled Pataj.1 I'.ndulne funlul', l'eb , l, I i Tuitani Futuie.. All persons who desire extra liuckw heat flour, are requested lo bring tluir isii. in, and leave lheir orders heforu suid day MOKUAX & CO. Sunbury Steam Mill. , February 33, IMil. TiMN DOW SHADEA- A Tery fina and V rKuiin BlttJUlTlniMtlt. it.St ISl-AIVHli ItV Ita.l unburv. j " FUIlilURE! fUKNITlJllE!: : Xitv Hint l'aililjiu:il)j; l.itittts?t j sVaif. r.V)IE subscribers lespicl.u'lv inform t'le ' i I. citiu'iis ol Suiibuiy and the pui In-eu. iu is. thnt ll.ey have commenced the CAlJl.NET' MAKINli business iu ll.e t-hop lately occupied : by William Snyder, in Pawn Sin wl Sunhurv, j and are pi. pari d 1 1 supply tin ir customers ' promptly wilhevcrv vail.'iy ol aiticles In me in e 'ol ll.eir busit ess, mi'M.aide teru.s. Tt'ctr ! wolk will be made nl the besl maliuals, and iu liie best and latest styles. 1 Country pioduee taken in eeh mpe. ILEUM II A I' IT. lil-lNJ. IIECKEHT. ( Sjubury. De.en.'ier I. I Mi.). i DRY (;ooi)S. 1,ti:il.N(J iV (j It A NT, at the Malum. ilh Store have tilts day, January 'Mill, ie.eiit.1 aid opened another fi'isli u j ly of DHY bl'Ob-l and .. u uis. Sunbury, Jut. tary Jd, l"ti ' OO'I'S & SHOES, can be poichasid al ihe j Mammoth Store of Puling i Uraul, very !", as we are determined noun ue unoersoni byienybody. Call and lea'll the lislol prices lor yourselves. Fltll.lNU ' A li KA N 1'. j Sunbury. January IK. Ibll I co tt a g" tTii i Li i k . IOft 6ALK. cheap, three copiee ef the Cottaia lut'lu, io to volumes, wilri rem menterce. H M Af-'S Kit ; Notice to Creditors. PJEIls'ON'S luihlted to Ihe subscriber on bock Bi i oiii i notes or otherw ise, aio rrque.tcj to call at d m ike settlement on or before the Isi ..I Jan. my, alter which time the books will le lell with a Justice lor collection. JOHN C. .MOIJOAN. Sunbury. December 1, lhhll. l1Z.TTZTl-r. HOTT3E, tl.ATU LAi.I.F. Horill..! Third ''rut. ubvee l.'acr, I'hiladtlofii. 1 IilA'Al'S A1I.11, I'ropnrt rs Iy'l'IK'VI-.Mr.N IS bei-u UKiOe, anil It.jr lb-use has l--.i '. Ii''- I i -i r--iivii: 'at 'I o nnViiN V. lllloi's, I' irntitv C'l' tne N-'.t.o.'H'. 11 I -.1 1. si K!i rr-ic-'li, l'"U'eilv ol Si-uu) isiil Co.. Pa ; l'no.,1'. ., l..j Jsii. li., I-Ct ly ' Buckwheat Ilullcr. 'BHE si.l's.'nU-rs respect'. illy inf.rrns Ui public that ihev have added to the macLinrry iu their .Sir a in Mill, in Sunbury, a lew improved tfuehwheat llullir snd wheat cle.iiier. 1 ic! ennl Us li.nii lo furnish wheat, and buckwheat ll ii:r 1 1 I'.e linist ipialitj. Customers ronij '. y atliliilrd lo. M0I!0N 4 CO. Si,..'-., iv, 1 ' I. I s('0- J A M K t HA It H E K ' S v ii.. i ksji : ani i:i:TAtt. CLOCK ESTABLISHMEST. S 1. (.'. . '.' ' ' i-onul and Ckiitnut '' . IMitlaitt li'lila. l .1 I ' I vPAHA ni ai.izimithi):i v I V V I I.I' Iv.-. a icy Jesnabie urllele lor Cti'di- '... ! ...ks. I' .uiil. 'S I'' uses, I'a s, Aw. At.., VI ils.lur.r.ii H.K UOLU Vl.SH i'i.ii-Iis n-iwnreit am. wa.ruiio CI k I i ..inn iuvs ev.y I'liiis.l na, I". NEW CLOAK KOCiMS CON. PAIN' Kleir.i.t Cloth Closlrs. Ewry re tt)lo Coat aud C oak WoolvU, ltrocke and Thibet Shawls. I'OU I'L li 1 CCNKA D, K. eort j,r Mtilj a;.d Mnikui, !'! h. l.i'.O eil-iti..... I en l. --ay a 111 K