THE LATESI SIYIE OP nt tint Ta.hi'jnal'c Tailoriif? Establishment .f JACOB O. BECK, Mnrktt rtfiet. M:IsTRYi I'm. r?''i'!J set ribcr, in addition to hi large stuck I A cf CLOTHS, TV.::: or.d Fancy Caumcrr. Vetting. &c is eon-tnijtlv rrcewiig lit w eiipplire from thetilv ! ev is. v a lull MwiriRitii! of ihe noil stil atmilial Bin1 lulcsl tv le of Good in tin- city triailicn. j lie is prepared tea make l nrdrr nil kinds of , (in'it mi n a nii.l ,'io 'i wur, mr!i as "vr.K-coA'r.s. DRE covrs. frock.! . o.vis.miMc'.roATf. vrsra. ! PANTALOON. Ar., Sit:, Ac, j in ihe very lotcst stvlo. and in the tnot substan tial, at short brtuo. v Guide not on html, will be furnished fn'ni Philadelphia, bv giving two day's notice. t'f Cull und riatnine my Hock, tio charges mm! for khowiii,;. IACOH O. DECK. Sunbury, November 3 Ihno. Cure fuutjh, Culil. Ihiarsenett Jnjluema. any Irritation or Soreness of the Throat, .V litre Me Hacking Cuuyk ii Vimttimptiun, Jlron thftis, Asthma, ciri' C'aMf r A, Cor nni (iV stroi'jth to the t tue ' I 1'whc rptaktii una itnytri. KfW nrenworeof ttn imr'"t""cc of rhtckit'ir ft C'ph cr Omiiui'ii C'"U" I" Hi lirt litner j lhat whirh iu the h'trimtiae woki vielil a mild imiedv. If nmi-ll, ""n ntineht the I.unt'a "BKOW.N'St HUONCHIAI. TIKI-UIJ-IH,'1 rontainiiitf tlcmiilcvut ingrudietita, allay l'glim' naiy aud ltruiicliiiil lrntution. "Tlint imtil.le In my tmnnt, (it whip" tha ''TBOCHKK" arc a eprriti") hnvuig made lue oltui a mtte wiii'titrtr '' S. 1'. Wll.I.l. I recunmieud their ue lo Tublie 6tuk cr." hev. r.. n. ciiatin. "Rare proved cauerne!y eerviceable !i ilrown'a 1UOC1IES Uruwu! TilOCHUS Xltown't IHoaTeiwM." j 11 KV. HENRY WARDnRRCHKR. "A!m 'ft niftuiit relief in the dirrramtr VKOCIIES. .lulwr ol bita:i.m r-''r t" -Aaitima tit: V A C Klitil.KSTltN. Bruwu'i "C ntnin liu t'pium or anthm mjuri lilt. T ROrilfc'.B I Cttrmist, Buflot "A eimplf unit plenum cuiubmuun Tor Bruwu'i iCougtu. H ' I)K G F UlGKUnv, TUOCIICS. Hunvm. 'Bentficio: in Bruncfi:tia " Brown'i nil J F W LANE, THOCUES1. "I Hve provr-d Hum esce'Iei.t for Wlwcp-ii-g Ctuirh." Brawn! tEV II W WARRFV, Kk)Min. TKOCUE5.! "Heneficml when enr pelted lo apeak, iviflruig irom CHil.'1 Iirwn a i Hl.V S J H ANDERSON, t St. !ouia. rROCUti!. ' ''KtTtvtuHl in rrm"viug HnnrtuneHi ami ;iniUitiun of tho Ttirout. au cuiunion with BrownTa ij;tiakera ndtiiie,ra " Vtvi M STACY JOHNSON, Titocm:. i L mngrf Gn., ITeccSff of Muftic.iuthtrn Female College. "Orent bwirfit v!icrt UiKri l-eioie aitd TIOCHES. ufler preach tnpr, astiiey prevetil Hnarwiifii it'rm tticir xiit eitrct. 1 thmk tiiey will beuf Irc-wu"i periuuueut mlvfln'riee to m " I UKV K llOWI.KV, A M.. TlUiCHF.3. 1 Prra:rtet of Aihvita Collf, Tenn. 1 CV Sold by nil Druggma wt So centa a box. nccciaber 1?, lc6U. 6mpl liOO T A N D S IIO E MANLFACTORV. Corner of' farket Square and River Street SUNBURY, ZPk.- f J'llK suharribcr rosppctfully infurma the citi- -"- zera of fcunl ury nnd vicinity, that lio baa opened a lioot and Klioe Shop on the corner of Marki't iSquoro and Kiver atrrct, oupoeite the Court House, where he can be found tit all time rtuJv to wait upon customers, Having connhlcrablo experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of oil kinds, at short notice, in His latest style ond workmanahip. He keeps constantly on bund a large esort int nt of Leather, of the best quality, which en' aiilea hiin to make up (rood and durable work. Call and eiutnine for juurst lvea before pur chasing eleewhore and you will save money. JOHN WlLVEIt. Sunbury, Nor. 10, 18U0 ly New Goods for the Ladies JUST KF.CEIVED AT BRIGHT Ss SON'S 1 Plain, all Wool Uehii.cs, Neat figured Delaines, Handsome Cushmeres, Higli Colored De laines, Striped Dusters, Nice Silk Pop kins, Mi -o, Mohair Uuaicrs, Plain French Merintis, Printed French Merinoa, Tersian Twill, Brocade No- viau.PlainCo. burgs. Dark miied Kebeje, HunJa'e lilack tvilks, New ftyle Uatk Prints, (loves of all Kinds, lloaicry nf all Kinds, New Style NubUs, 0H?ru Cajs, Chenille Scarf. .Mohair Head Dreeses. Needle Worked Collars, &c, &c, &c Hut it is useless to attempt enumerating the great variety nf (iooda wn have now in atorc, uituMe for Ladies' wur. We invite an inapec tion of our store. K. V. HKKJHT & SUN. Sunbury, October 2 7. lHO. DIACKSM1 THING ! I-IB3SriR,"rr PETE n A VINO taken the Dlacksinilhshop at Kohrbach's Foundry, ia pre. pared to do all kinds of hlucksmilhins lo order, including horseshoeing m the best style. 0 Thankful for the patronage heretefore extend- d. he hopes by strict attention to business lo continue the samo. Country produce taken in exchange. Hunbury. November 3, IH6U. " gjesbaltT WHOLESALa Jte KETAIL, "aVVflLlNU Ac CHANT (at the Mammoth Sti're,) have just received COD lbs. of Seolur tirouinl, Solar and Fine fult, 700 8icks of liuunJ Solar fcalt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and V00 bagsof8lt toutaiiiitiir one Utishel each. This salt is the beet and strong"' now manufactured and in maiket. ('all and see for yourselves. Hunbury Sept., 8, I860. NOTICD VLL persons knowing thems the subscribers, engaged nsrlvei indebted to in the Foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, ate equestt J to settle the same without delay. 'I'll .xe uiglecting this notice must not complain if costs are added to their account. C. D. & J. KOHRIiACH. Sunbury, Nov. 17, 1800 5m BliANIIS! IILANKS!! A new supplv of Kaoiinnna', Kirculioiia, Warrants, Hupuuaa, Deeds, Mortgages, Don la. Leases, Naturalisation papers, Ju.licea md Cwlistable Fee Dills, 4c., JVc just printed and for sale at this IMliie. funloiry. April 30, IriS'J. "4 jKHINOKS, DeluiiiHi. I'ppliLi. Filif stock Ulack lfei tioods. I'riuteJ Casbiiit-rei, jnrd mde, 31 auj 37 Cflit. tiuLue Drei"i Onnds, mnch reductii). COOFElli CON A UP, S. E. corner Ninth and Markot sis., 1)hc 8, 1860. Fbil ideipl.ia. LOTUS, Cassimpreo, Halln.m. J Heavy end light weight Heaver cloths. Tricots, ,l'roted Jieuvers, I'laiu Uroad clotbi. I'tfOCT nd li.'ack Cnasiinerel. COOfKK CON AliO, 8. K. corner N'iutb k Market street, Pee. 8, 18G0. I'hiladnlpbit. ClitAtKERS! CKACKEItil, jut received and for sale by the barrel or pound, at tha Confectionery store of M. C. Gt'AKH A HT. Hunbury, October 13, leiJJ. -"7 i ,,V. .e-e conn ALL, and examine beautiful SHAWLS, and Rich DRESS GOODS Uriqut J Sow, i ' P. w """t5 t,Pf WJ vjmricu Jl.ute just opened ( oaw' TIIF, C H NTH E 0 V A T T R A C T I 0 X '. j MCll DISMAY J HAirssciria ooods at LOW PRICES 1 cowliiiiiiiK K V L ' Y A N V I) V 11 A D 1 I. I T V FBEB EXHIBITION At the People's oap: pjuce stobe, or E. r. BRIGHT & SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 2D Hi 'J2 C2 CD CO 3jD NOTIONS. HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOE S, II ATS AND CArS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Larpets, and Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac Prevents RARE ATTRACTIONS, A AT D Splendid Inducements TO FTOCHAS3SSIS, Who wish to secure GliEAT ILV11GAINS For the Smallest Qnantitj of CAPTAIN OH Country Produce. that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be ai i T3 AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. In addition to our We are constantly receiving Nw Goods, thus keeping up our assortment at all seasons of the year. Wo return our thnnks to the public for their lilwrttl patronage, and shall inuke tvery effort on our part to render satisfaction. He litwng that the nimble dune is better than the slow quarter, we shall adhare to that old time honored motto : "Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunhurv, November 17, 18G0. P" EVANS & WATSON'S 5?jj!f8alniiianl'r Safea. 301 Chttnut Street, rim.ADi:i.puiA. riIIKiK riafca ore now in ue all over the t'oited Sui'ia, 1 and Iibvh heen teattd in many firea; ttie f dlowiin siiowci aaoiher instance ol thcii cuulol ly iu resisting bie : VlTMER:S ItltlbGB, J Ijinciiler Township, Jul) 30, 1,-lKl t MtMBS Kvass At WAraos.Ueiitleuien Tiiu until Size .No. 1 Pulainamler whudi 1 purehuaed troni your spent, Mr. Adnin R. Ilarr, ill Iniruster City, on July yiuii, l-i?, hua been subjected In a Very severe test, which it wi' in a in fcl autialactory manner. Tills Sufe, con taming all my h ioka, ba:ellier with vnluuMepupersticlung UK t" myself and aoiae lo iny iieiglibnia and irieuds, und reineaeuliiiK a value of iw Twenty Thouaniid JJollurs, lon,0l)) was in my .Mill, which was destroyed on the uishl fu the 7lli of July, IHio, and pnsail thiouiih tlic liery ordeal unsenllied. The Sul'e uus nil llie fiiair, Ullr( fell In the baaeineiil ill the Mill, und was subjected for six houia to an intense heat among the ruins, which was ereully increased hv Ilia eiunhiislion ol a Uoce quaulitv ? giuin eonfiiied within the brick wolls. Alter tliefwe the Sife wua opened and the Imoka and papers taken nut in a slain if perfect preservation, the pajr lot even lieing diacokir ed. Tins met waa. however, pi many l.yatnndcrs, a belter recnnrn.'hrtiitionof your (sales tluni eould Im eipreased ia any other words Iroin me. Yours, respectfully, B.lMl'KI. RANCK Another Yietnrij for J.'vans and Watson't Salamander Safe. , , fHwsao, N. Y., March 7 I MM. nentlcmen- It affords me much pleasure 1 o inform ynu Dial the lole No 5, (iiprigui) which I purchased of II. turoud, oui traveling aseul, has passed ll.t..Uih an ex reediugly hot fire in a three sroiy brick building, which heated the Pale lo a white heat, ao that the oorneis of it appear melted; but it preset ved my hw.k snd vsluahle paiters to ihe aiuuuiil uf several thousand Oollais, fur which 1 feel thankful. Yours, resteetfullv, J X 1'I.DItlDr.F. W A larKe useortmeiit i f the IK aluat 011 iiaud. at Ulll Chemtut Slleel, (late il oalh Fourth st I'll I.l.ih.a. ' Oil. .be. , 160 ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY UHNU MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! AW that is necessary being lo screw the Capdown upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoiildor of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the lop j prevent the possibility of the flavor ol the fruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Persons desiring these Jars, ran be supplied by leaving their order with 11. B. M AfesKH, Sunbury, Juno 2, I bCO. Agent. t-Mi.i,it nun nin. A low double rase r.ll von 111 iq,iir,. . - ... Engli iglikh fciltor at. he for sale at teiv low II. U MAf-SEH. f rices thoH I II EE4a Hlt THK PEOPB BAT. TSa tiivlmftrnM ln na.J P-afVaaar nrMPHRFTS' JPKC1PIC IIOM'W'f ATHtO RBMKIllKS In our fnoiUje :lh tha mot antwracwry rr-'nu', ......a . rlnnce In ih-r ccnuimwa, i.nrity, and effjciK-y, l"rfunr reoommand taam to all para im h;' W' " k ". r IHhla, an I ellK-acioui remedlea at hand for prlrate or do- 'Vhe R Wm. Hnawar, Mllor of "Tha Northern ln'le ...ndent." Auhnrn. . Y. ; tha five. K II. Creaarr, U.D., ll.-.-tor oI. Pefer'a C'hnrrh, Auhnrn. N.V i the Ree. B. I. rna, Chaplain of the A-ihnrn Blute Pnaon; the RaT. fftcer M. Ilka. Ilartor, S-.Bdford, Maaa. s the Rr. A kn SU'rlc, Nfw-Vork C.iif, rence ; the ReT. rJamuel MchoU, Eait(tnwe Cii.roronra N V j the RaT. P. . Pratt. D-.rart. Vt, 1 the 1U. J.'ltn K. H..blr, Ili.lTalo-, A. 0. l it KanTt-lka: N. V.; the ltr.n. Nanl l m, Portland, Mo ; the Hon. Hrlnnlar C.lfar. P,.nth-Hend, Ind. ; the Hon. Goo.Ve llomphrov,, N. V. ; Henry 0 C A' Tlie OMn S''o Journal, Cxluiubna, Olil.'i lha Hon. R. H. Orahim, M.illne. til.; tl.e lion. Tlmmia J. a,aaa, Monti- ... . .. . It.... i..A..t. iin.lct. t . tl.'aj. N. v.: nm. llr'l'.aZ.t. MV. flWa, S. V. : A. 8. Pnml, KC., fllca, S. V. i J.i:urt I'limkctt, jq., Niiahviiio, i i-nn. UST OF PPKCtl'IO UEMK.niM. Vo 1 por P'-eor, Conjtestl .n, and Inniinimallnn. V ' 1 For W.irin Kerur, Worm (.Vilic, WctUne the Bad. He! t'or Clio, Ciyinj, Teethlns, and Wakefulueaa ol ' 'no!'!. Tor DUrrltea, Cliolera Infantum, and Bummer Ccmj.lMnta. 0r,,,,nT,, n -,Ptary. or Ploody Flux. Nu 0 K..r Clioli-ra, Clioh-ra Mnrlma, Vomiting. Na' 7 p.,r Couutia, IJ.jWa, Ititlnrnia, and Sore Tliroat. ti' p'PrT.Kith-a -ha. f ica-a' ha. and NeurnlKla. tio. . For HcaJaclie, Vertigo, H-at and Pullneaa of ihe "1?o.' 10, Dvarapait Pit.iA-For Waak and Peranged loinarti.Cnnatlp-ill.'ii, and 1,'ver lamipiaini. N ll!-K"n rnm lBai:uvLAHiTiss, Scanty, Painful, or "Jill' Uueiarrhea, Profuse Menace, and Bcarlna tta!w. rCMir, lloarae Cou-'h, Had tlranli)ne. No. It. 8U.T KliKt.'M l.l.;.-iur r.i j Bi-tto, n, Ptmplat on the f v,. Ko IttiKfJitTie Pn.t.a Por Pain, Lameness, or Sot lieai in the Clival, Hack, l.oina. or ljmta. A For Fever urn' Au-, Chill lever, Dumb Ague, OW airman is'e-l Apita. I- Kor Pllpa, Blind or ll!-r line. Internal or Frlrnal. O. For Rre, W.mW, i-r hillvned Kj-ss and Eyelids; Fall toy, Wck, or Blurred eiR.:t. C. lor Catarrh, of I rtniidlre or recent, clllier alth ctlru tl'-n ,-r proluv oi.-' l nrvt. W. t. For m..i'iits tViuh, ab:ith:t( Its violence and Slifrtvtdtif; It eourav. In all acul- dii":!-!.-, ai'i-h aa F,-vt-a, tnftamniationa, Diarrhea, Dywutcry. Cri.up. Kl.tainiati.'iit, ajul rich rnif ttve ttiaoasea as Smrlrt l"ei i, Mi a.-lcs, and Krysipclaa, the Silvarit.ise of eivit.e the proj t-r mnvdica prc-rrplly la ob vioua. and In all audi caa. the feeili,a net like a charm. The entire akvaim ia ottm arrcatvl at once, nnd In all ctuee the vlvlcnce of the attack l iwdt i atid, the diycaae aliort. ene.1, and rendvrt-d h s dnr.ccr,nia. Coiufha nlnl Colrta, a hich are id auch frequent occurrence. and ahlch ao often hiv It.e Ixuiidnth-n of dieiied lunpa, bronchitil and ennaun-j.tlnr, may all be at once cured by Che Fever and Courh 1 ,iK In all chronic ilia, awa, anrh aa nyaipeia, eaa rt.niaco, Conalipation, Liver I'on plaW.ta, Piles, F.-iaale Htbllily, and Irrecullritiea. old llealn.diea, l re or Weak Kvt J, Calarrb, Bait ill, cum, and other old eru tiona, the caav Ima aiilllcs whoae propr upph. iili, n old anoru a cure in man eeiy loitance. (irteii ti.e cure of a sinvle iin-tdc tlillieulty, aucb aa Dy wpaia, t'ih-a or Curat rh, tleuda.-lif or Female Weak aeaa,'haa mora-Uian paid for the ciu. ten tnue over PIUCP. Gaae of ?a viala compete. In rn-roco, aa-l Doek .A Caae of '.HI Tmh1, ao,l ll-'ok, plai' ' Caae of 1ft iiumbeied b'-a, a'-.l lt',.,k Caae of a boxea, nomoere.1, ai,: Single nunibereil boxes. ni:l. dlreeli. i.a V5 cetda. Sl.,Ll. Irtovwl hovea. nilli .lire, tioiyi ceota. Lorge tu of t at. vil, for pla:dera and p.)lrlna....t 16 AI..-0 FPKCII R-.O. Fob Arm( oa Piiimaic. 0ij.ri.-l, Mrr.cnlt, t.ahored Breathing, a'onidt.1 Willi t'onf'. uiid Lxp-ctoratlou. P.lce, M eeida p r l"X. For Kh loacnane fn liaFai-R.-. P:a.-ba rpoa from the Var, tlic remit nf Scarlet l'-vcr. Meaalea, or Mercurials. For Solars In the Head, llaidn,T of Hearinir, ai d l;mklng Id the Kara, and Kar-a-he. Price, f centa per t". Kim Si-aorci i. Knliu f'd lilanda, l'uhir.'ed and Indurat ed Tonsils, BweUinea nnd old l'l.-i it, 1 r...' Cachexy of UlitViren. Price. Ml cents per b . Fim (tKXsaL Pkiiu itv.- PI.vkK uI or Xtv .iu W enkneas. F'tther the veaolt "f McM i Tx, eilve Mfticulioll, or Lx hauatinir 1'ia.hurfia. 1'il.v, f. rei.ta r box. Foa llaoeav. Flliid ccutiiiilatioiia, Tumid Eweutnftl, with ScAtitJ' S-H-ratlona. Price, fal ceota )K-r box. Foa Ska .yieKai. Sickhe", Vrrtliro, Nanaea, Vomiting. ckiK from ridini! or lu. t! -n. Price. W cents per bov. Foa l atVAnv ritria For fi ravel, Renal Culrull, Dim. cult, Painful I' filiation, Mseiieoa of the Kidneys. Pi ke, 60 oeril per boa. ... . I'ba eMisii. PviKtiioNS. Involontnry )ia..iarFrs ami Consequent Pr.ielrmion nod p. blHty, Ibid Kulta nf aMI Hivl.ila. Tl,e niist surceysfut and elli' ient re-nedy known, and may be relie I l!,-n at u cure. Price, alth full direc tions, tl pr box. p. rauiw alei wlah to plnoe tl.eifsolv. l undr the prores Sluiiat .ire. or to aeik ndvice of Pr. '. Ilewimuvs, can do ao, at h; olliue 6i,-J Uroada ay, dally troni 5 A.M. to 6 P.M. er'by letter. Orit P.l.MKl'll.S BV MAIL. Lock ovor the nme un a case of vhat Vim you rhooce. and Inclo-.e the amount in u current n.'le cr fiopa by rnail to our -a, at No. f.f.i Bioa.Uay, Nea Totk, and the medicine ilt be duly ictorned by mail or express, free of charce. AlihNIi WANTKO Wedralre na active, effrlent Acen for the rale of our lleraediea ll every town or community tu the Lulled Mates. A.ldre-, lr. I. III'MIMIRKYS t C. No. M Uaoal-'iViV, Nsw-ukC, A. W FISHER. Agent, Sunbury, Ta. May S6, lHfiO. ly SUNBUItr STEAM FLOURING! rHE subiscribcrs having tuken possession of - this first cljis FLOCKING MILL, are pre- pared to receive grain of lII kind-, and to do cus- torn work at the shorteat Notice, t u.lomers will have their grtsts Rfotiiid imincilialcly upon ill, li I't-iii 1,1, a. me .-nil. jm i ia inv 111.. ... tion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup' ply nt Grain, will le constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. Tl.e greatest cure will be taken lo turn nut a su" perinr quality of flour, lor which the mill is ad' mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally ia respectfully requested. MuKOA.N A CO., Sunbury, June 23, lSAO. FRECUIRU AttUIMV. fpiIE -- opi ult. encd on Tuesday, the IGih of (Jctuber, JSourd of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor iu Ancient Languages and English. Literature. I). S. Beyer, Associate, ond Instructor in Math matics. Natural Sciences, Book Keeping, Ac. Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Department.. The government of this Institution is mild but firm, and all students arc required to be diligent and obedient. Kipenses. Boarding, room with furniture, per week, l,f)f) to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, S'i.OO ' Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, Ac, eitra. Students admitted at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J K MILLET, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Freeburg, November 3. 1B00. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Af. 73, 77, 79, 81, 83 85 Duane Strut Would notify tho Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, the WAS1SLTTA PRIM, alsn the A moikca g, A New Print, which eicels every prim in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Mi!.ler Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive ale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, 18 10 ly pi F'lorRIt) WOOL DF.I.AINF.S. Auehon l.tls from lo7Aeents. Children's 1'unds and Detinues Id UiSOela. I.upoi'sliucat French Merinoesliom aucluio Three veiy chines ktUal SO,b7 and fl eta. Pbnu all wool Cualiuuuea fieiu auction, cheap at SI end 115 cents. Figured Chinia enliwa. Cashmeres, W, Sri, SO and 60 eta. I'luid, striped und hu'd Vaieuciaa, lti lu IU els. Fig'd and striped French Poplins. BLACK DUliSjl GOODS, t 1011 lots black Freurh Merinors, fU In SIOO 'uou lots black Wool Delaines 30 to AO cts. uolimtsiUalilv 11 yards wide St II IU. rieWJoceiii b. iek Wmil Delaines iu Iowa. Black Anieliiies and fig'd Alpacas. CHOPK.R A rnNARP, F. cot N1N ril an I M AKKKT Slieeis. Oct bri l-oj. PhilaJtli U. ! II S1R0.H.1TIC A iUPtHlATI TONIC, DIURETIC, tHYIGORATINGL CORDIAL To the Citizeni of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apotheraricc, nmpfiata, Grocera and Private Faimliee, Wnlfe'a Pure Ctrnrc Brandy Wnlfe'a PiucMnderia, lhcriy and Port Wme. Wolfe Pure Jimmir nnd St. Croix Huntw WoKe'a Pure Scotch and Iriah Whiaky. ALL IN BOTTLKd. 1beliflvelo mil the attention of the eitiaena of the r.iiteti Stale t. the alxve Wniea nnd Liquor iuipirteU by I doliho Wolfe ol ew ork, wUom .mine ia mini luir in every part of thia country for the purity of hiaeete- bmlrd Stliit-diim Schnanpa. Mr. Wolfe, m hia letter k nit!, apeiiknifrol the puiity of hia Winea and Uquora. aayt: -l will at fee inv leDutMtion hs a loan, nil itanduiit aa a merchant of thirty yeuri'a rt-aidenee in the City uf New York, (Imt nil the Urundy and Wmee which I bottle are purr an imported. Hitd of Iht tieet quality, nnd van he relied upon by every purrhatcr 1 Kveiy bill Id hue the proprie tr'a tiiime 'n the whx, and a fut-simile of hia nnHture on the Feititimte. The public are reapevtfullv invited tocnll mid examine for thenitelvea The public ure reapeclfutly inviteo loenn Hiin examine lr tliemseivea rr auiu IteUiil by nil AjothecaiieaBiid(trocrra in Philadelphia, '(iKoitr.K H. Axiitoh,N(. KJi Mnrkelat , Plul'a. Rend the fnlltiwinir from the New York Couriel : r.MIUMOlTg UrsiNBtB FOR ONt N KV Yokft MKRCUANT We tire hrtpoy to mrorm our fellow-cilizena Unit there iiotiephire in our city where the ulivatoiHu, o not lit chtv. hihI c-'uniry nn'rchnnt, enn go and purchoae pure Wiuea ntid pnre ai imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an etaboruie dcitciiptien of thia ineiehunL'a extensive buBim n. altbuush it will well reiwy any ttruii(fi:r or citizen to vitit L'dolpho Wolfe'aexteiiiive wnrclMuae, Noa. IH, jfjnnd tt2, Heaver air eel, and Na. 17, lilnnd'Jl.Miirketneld it reel. II n stock of Pchnupps on hand rrmly for ahipmenl could not have been lesa than thirty tli'iuannd c.itiea ; the Hiandy, ime ten thou rand msM Vintufreaol It3d tf lWtt ; and ten thouennd caaea of .Mudeiru, hetry and Port Wme. fetch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and it. Croix Hum, me very old and equtu toany ininnt-.untry. Menlmi iiiiu three larpe eel I urn, filletl with Unnnly, Wine Ac, m casks, andcr Cua t"in-IIHise key. riady ior bottlinc. Mr. Wolie'a an lea fchnapps last year amounted to one hundred and emhly mouftruio aozcn.ann we hope in less than two years neina uc e.ii,n,y successlul with his Mrandiea and inea. II is biisinetm merlta the patroti.iee v( every hiver of h species. I'rimtetamihes who wish pure Wines and l.i qimrs for nicdic il use should aend their orders direct to Mr. Woi.r. until every Apotherarv in the land make up llieir minds to discard the poiaonou st afTl rom their shelves Hud replace it with Wot.ra's pure Wineaand Liquors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the aceomnioditifii of sninll denlets in the country, puts up assorted caftea ol Win s and Liqtiors. Such a man, ana aurh a merchant eltould be sustniried acainst hia lens of ttmuennda f oppo nents in the I'nited States, wbo sell nothiitfr; but imilaliona, ruinous alike to huimn health a utl happiness. For Sale by GKOKUK UUU-ll T, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. September f . 1H30 fim p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. ESKEIa. of Sunbury, Pa., I AS inat arrived with splendid STOCK of 3FKINU AND SL'MM KR GOODS, from I'hibtdelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect. ho will spare no time in showing them. Anion his stock of goods will befound, FINE ULL'K AND 11 LACK FPkElTGJE CLOTH. Fine lilnck and Fancy Casimcrea 1 weeds, Sat- metts, Jeans, lilack Italian t loth, t aahmerelie I ottunade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check and Faecv Vesting, also a large assortment of Keiuly.made CLOTHING for men and boy (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, liereges. Chilli and Chilli Holies, llerege Delaine, llerege Rotten. Figured Brilliant and variety of olher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mcr Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort, ment of white goods. Collars. Sleeves, Irish Linen, shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go'ds. A Iho a largo stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassivarc, Groceries, Ccdarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &c. Sic. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce la en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19 1860. tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, ttC fjHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large ' and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, compri,illB ,he be.thrandsof Brandies. Gin, Old tnJ Whj,L pott . ,B1rr:1 Champagne and other Wine, of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY i: S E . may rely upon being" furnished with a pure and ! unadulterated article. l"a?" Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage uf the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1860. II A II R 1 S -3 1 1 0 r n r 2? PAIN T KR, at JLan MARKET SQUARE, STJ 1ST b June 23, 1860. TJ n Y, PA.. DR. A. W. FISCHER. FFERM his professional service to zens of Sunbury and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 30, I8it0. the citi- SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'IMIK subscriber respectfully informs the public that he ia now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Red Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heal and cold. The subscriber refers to Friling A Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE. Oct. 13. IPCC ly Sunbury, Pa. " INGRiNEDARPETSr MAN I FACTIRF.D and fer Sale by M. Feiper ft Co: i4nhralKtt and AlcDoweli'e Building, North fcjul cwi uer, Second and Hacs streets Philadelphia. GOODS Gl ARASTEED. October 7, lc0. ALFRED D. BRICK'S L'XJTED STATES AXD EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 Souib Fourth Street, Philadelpbie. VT B. Communications by mail promptly ' ' attended to. &cpt VI, I860. I y ft J. PALMER & CO.) Market Street Wharf, Phitad'a, Dealer iit rub, Cheese and Provisions, HAVE constantly oa baud an assortment of Dried and Pickled Fiah, Ac, vis t Mackerel, Shad, S-lunm, lilua Fish, Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Furk, Lard, Shoulders, Hams, t-ulea, Cheese, Beans, Itice, As. October, leoO 3iuw Ilill.lNG tV GRANT have just received by railroad the largest easortment of QUEENS WARE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dress Goods, Prints, Mu. line and Notions. epr 7, IH60. 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank - Morlgsges, Uonds Executions, Summons, etc., for isle b n. u. MASSLfl. tout, v TivrpnuTAWT wrttra. M. C. GEAR1IAKT, Hal returned with a new Mock nf Confeclionaries, Fruit and Toys. TT seems as ir a new age, a new life waa open A ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and aeek to develop sub- inner oeauues ana grander conception. i ne business world too must feel the new in fluence and everv'part be quickened and strength- ned by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation nf greater things than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevaoes all claaaes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age, the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food pco- le of SLNBLKY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city 1 Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock, ol uon fectionaries. Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries), itc, o fill up orders, wbulesa'e or retail, at short no tice. AmoBg liia stock ol Coiifectionaries, may be found ! Krenoh fVcrels, Oum Drops, all kinds of scent, Hurued Almonds, l.ove Dions, Orenm While, Mini Drops, red and whits, Imrtn Jelly Cakes, Kom, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla, flick Can lies, el all scents Cemmon Seeiela. Ruck Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Itansnas, Prunes, louts, Fte-a, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raisons, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doien. j superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of (onfectionarics, fruit, 1 oys, Ac, all of which is ottered cheap at wholesale or retail. IF Kenieraber the name and place, rj M. C.GEAKHART, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. 8unbur, April 14, 1800 ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fut Store ! John Farelra No 71? ARCH Street, be. twoen 7lh. and Hth, rtls. rillLADK.i.l'UIA. (LateoreieMsrketStr,) Importer, Mnnnfaeturer of uud Dealer in all knuls of FANCY FL'KS. Having removed to my New Ptore, 7IS Arch St.. sml belns now engaged entirely in the Miinulacture and Sale of Fancy Furs, which, in accordance with the "One Price Principle." I have marked at the lowest possible puces consistent with a renennahle profit, I would solicit a visit from those in want of Fare for eilher tjidiea' nrChildrena' Wear, and an inspection ol my selection nf those Rooda. satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every desired eaecnlial. fV Persons sta distance, who may find it inconvenient tocnll personally, need nnlr name the article, they wish bitether with the price, and instructions for senuiur, ond forward the order tn my address money accompanying tn inauie a satisfactory compliance with their wishes. Philadelphia Augustus. lf0. 5m5jw 1860 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. lSbO NEW YORK LINES- CAM D F.N ft AM HOY AND I'MII.ADKI.PHl A AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO. I.1NI1S, l'rom 1'hiladelphia to Sew l'ort und It'ny laces. From AValnut Street Yluirf snd Keuaingbie Depot, riuladelpkiH, will leave as follows, is lass. At 8 A M. via Cauidi n and Ainuoy C A A Aeeom- modiition, fl i5 At 0 A M, via Cnmden snd Jersey City New Jer sey nccoiniuctduliiiii, 3 9) At U A M, viu Cunidcu suid Jejaey city Morning mini, 9 oo At Hi A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern F.ipresa, 3 00 At -l P M via Cumden and Ambny, accoinmctdntion a -45 It Uj I'M UH P M,v ia Cumdeu und Ainboy C and A. Fix- press, 3 00 3 Ob At 4 P M, via'Keusington, and Jersey city, Kv mug F.xpresa, At4y P M, via Kensingloo and Jersey olj, Id Clues Ticket. 5 6 At 0 P M, viu Camden ft Jersey city Kvetutig Mai 3 id At 1 1 I M, via CaiDdru and Jeisey city South 'Mail I M AI 5 V M. via Cuuideii and Amlsty Accommoda- Uou. (Fietghl and Passenger,) 1st cluss ticket, t IIS JJ .. i jo The S P. M. Mail l ine runs dany. The 11 eVmlhern Mail SuturHnys excepted. For Hetvidere. Fjiston. Fleimngton, &e., st fl A. M., from Walnut street wharf sud 3 F. M , from Kensington For Munch Chunk. Ailentowu and itelhlehem, at tt, A M. via l.ehich Vaiiey Railroad. For VVuter liup, !'roud.burg. ftcranton. Wilkeslairre, Moutroae, ttieut Hend. Ac at! A M, Via Delaware, Ijickawuiina and Western Railr.tad Fin Freehold, at A M and I' M. Ft Mount Holly, at tt and BAM, audi, and 41 P. M. WAY LINES, For llnstol, Trenton, Ac, at 3 and 4 I'. HI., .from Kensington. For Pulmvrn. Delanen, Iteverlv, Burlington, Borden liwn, Ac, at !'.. 1, and 4JI'. M. Fifty pounds wf b-ifiiae only, allowed each passenger, PrissciiKers nre plohibitil from taking anything aa liae gaige bul their aptarel. All liarfrage ,,ver fifty pouuda lo la? paid for extra. 1'he Coiiiwtuy limit then responsibility for llntrgitge to tine llollur per pound, and will not la; liable fol any amount beyond IOU Dolklts, ex cept by special contract. WM H. OAT.UF.R Agent C. U.R.R Co February IP. IMtl). IIEGEIV1AN St CO S C0IID1AL ELIXIR OF C A L I S A Y A 15 A R K Prepared only by HF.GF.MAN ft CO., Wholesale and lletull Chenuais aud Druggisu, 161, 39 U, 611 and 7S6 Broadway, New Yoik. THE virtues nf PERUVIAN BARK as a Tunic have been tia long known to need comment. The CA1.ISA A ("or King's liars.") is the mtst valu able of Ihe nuinersua vanetiea of the Peruvian Bark, and in the F.1.1X1K is combined with other mgredieiita that lucreaae na etneacy and at the same time overcome the intensity of its biltei, rendering it s most Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living in FF.VKR snd AGl'E districts, it will tie found invaluable as a preventive, Half of a wine glass full taken night and morning, rendering the system niuen leas subject to the uuneaitay influence ol the atinos phere. DIRKCTIONH Dose for an adult, half a wineelast full before hreiikl'ast and dinner ; children fiom one to two teaspouns full; it may lie taken Willi er without a Utile water For sale at this ofhee. Merca 17, lt3ll I00E HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. TO WM. H. MILLER, be has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES ' His stock consists of Gen'ls Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Bool. Children' Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women' Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children'e Morocco and Calf Lace Bool, all of which he wilt tell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tempero Moroco for ale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. New Air Line Route TONE "W" YOR IC. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST I.N -TIME between the two Cities of NEW TORE AMD HABKXSBTTK0. via READING, ALLLNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Ext ress West leaves New York at a. . and Philadelphia at a n , arrives ai Hainaburg al in 46 r. at. connecting at Hainsbuig with train on Northern CenUal Road for bbubury, W Uluunspof t, Laick liavau aud lulcr sasdiate etaluma. Mail Train West leaves New York al 19 anon, and Philadelphia al 3 30 r. at., connecting, with Uain on North ern Cenlial Koad fur stations aa aUivs, aud also ou all Irainaon the Williamsport aial Klmira. Mad Tiain Eaat leaves Harriabuig at B, a. M , and ar rives al Philadelphia al i r. at , and New Yoik al 3 3U r. at., in lime lo take Uait iw cars for Boston, e. Fset K.xpieaa East leaves llarrubug al I 16, no ai rival of Northern Central Tiaiu, aud arrives al Philadelphia al (16 r at . and New YoikalSr. at. No changa of earsor baggag between New York or Philadelphia and Harrisbutg. For beauty of scenery and speed, oomfmt and aeeosnmo. dation, this route pieseuu superior Indueeiueals lo ths Irsveling publio Ortic ia New York, font nf CourtlarHl stiset, Phlladal. phut, Broad and Callowhill sueeta. Far betwaea New York and Harriabtirg FIVE DOL Lars. Fol Tickets; Freight or other information, apple tn 1 I CLYDE. Irenuel Ac-! llanisbiiig, Jan30, l4n-ly NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of 1R.V T. CLEMENT, NO. I MAIIKKT STHT.KT. BUNBLRY. PA. rilHE autasciiber has just opened at his well X known establishment in SunVmra. ana nt tha hea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods. I... I u tr j . .. . ..... i. "iiereo in me place, and which ne wiu sen iot bflsti or exchange for Crmntr Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will u wen 10 can ana examine hisstuvk. BLACK AND FANCY BILK, All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .'lain and striped must be seen te form an idea of the eitent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay state Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, 4c, all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards quality, atyle and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full aBsortmeut. Wood and Willow Ware, (jucenawarc, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Ptuffs. Thankful fur the patronage heretofore received he will spare no psins to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, tlcL 2. 1859. 1A53EP.'S PATS1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1S9 and 60, By E. KETCHAMA CO., 2n9 Pearl-Ptreet. New-York. I THE only Freeier constructed on scientific principle, with a revolvirir r.n .,,,1 .r.r,,, I blade scraper. The one hastens the Ireeung of the cream the other removes it aa fast aa frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in coat, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities.and towrs in the Union. Each Ficezer accompanied with a book of re ripes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 of) 4 qnarts, 4 00 6 quarts, 5 ou 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, ly, CO Apply to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, infill. I860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to I'lillurK iphia, Aietv York. Ilnllimure, AND ' ai.t. roixrs xourii, south j- 11x57-. LACKAWANNA & RLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. STJTYIMEK Ann ANOEMENT. Two Daily Tawenger Trains will be ran between Canton and NoiihumlieilaiKl, aa lolluws: MOYINU foL'TII : Itave eVrautou, Ainveal PmsbHt, Kineston, eihleksluuny, Berwick, I'hil'a Mad. 6 It) A. M. 6 3S ; US 7 sn H 'il) 8 to 8 IK) -a to on NORTH : V Y. hi. 131) A. M. 6 OA i JJ 6 42 7 IS 7 43 ft 30 N. Y Xx i i5 P. M. 4 53 A tJ e iij w 7 30 7 40 f 10 5 IS I'bil'a Mail 4 16 1'. M 6 M 6 60 f lal 6 35 7 Hi 7 46 6 16 ItUatinsbiMg, Rupert, Danville, Nonhumberland, MOVINO Leave Northumberland, Arrive si DanviUe, Rupert, Ml.iomsbaig, Bet A-ick, bnickahiunt, Klnpatoli, I'lttaton, 8 37 tU SeranUtn, b 46 ine uicaawanna and lll.s nisburg Railroad connects with the Delaivaie, Lackawanna aral Western Rnilnaid. at Scranton, lor New York and l'hiuidelph.a, and inlennc diale points Kast ; sls.i for Great lieod,, Syracuse. BulTulo. Nlsgara Falls, and all linporla'iil points West. At Rupeit it connects wnh the ('mm wo Hail r'aid, for viinia both Ijiat and West. At Noithutnbelinod it e uiurcis with the Sunbury and fine ituilroad. .u p, IV I.1....1. ' .. ... .t iir.niN.imui . -,v . jACIkMI.'M Kiugstoti, Ati-uit 36, ISe. Sup i. "WI3STTJEPI GOODS FOR MEN'S W E A R . ' Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeskins, . New Style Casnimrree, All Wool Tweeda, Heavy Kentucky Jeans. Real Good Caasinells, SiU Mixed Coalings, Sur Velvet Cords. Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting., Plain Silk Velvet Veatinga, Nice Casaimero Vestings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' weur, csn tie found at the People's One Price Store of E. Y. bright A Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stack of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. Plesse call and be convinced. E. V. BRIGHT k SON. Sunbury, October 27, I Still. SUNBURY ACADEMY. IIK Sunbury Academy will be reopened on Monday the MTlh of Ausuel. ItW. under tue care of S. I'. J Ol.VEKTON. Thecouiae of instruction will embrace every depart ment of education taught uiour beat Aeademiea, preparing aludeuls one cllhei fur a prolessiou or lo eulei any class in College. TERMS PER Ql ARTER: Common Schiatl Branches, SM 00 Higher Euclish Branches, 4 no Lalut and Uleek languages. 7 00 All entering beloie the Innddle of the Quarter will be requited lu pay foi the whole term of tuition, unless ape. ciai arrangement is made. Tuition tu be paid before the middle of the teim. Biairdcan tie had lu private famdica al fiom St 7 lo $'i 113 per week. Sunbury, August S3, lcdfl. Watches, Jewelry Av Sliver Ware WE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons and the publie generally, that w hav now in Slot e and offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ai the lowest Cash Prices, a huge and very choice stuck of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARM, of every variety and atyle. Every description of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, mads to order, at shsrt notice. W All Goods Warranted lo be aa represented. N. B Particular attention given to the lepairiu of etches snd Jewelry of every deseripitoii. o . TAl FFEK A IIARLEY, No. 6 Market Streel, South Bide, Philadelphia Segtembei I, litw 3ui Pur sale. rTIWO LOTS situate in Market itreet, in the - town of Trevorlon, Noa. IS and 1 3, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. OAUGLER. feJelina !"" f H.J. MASSER, Kunbury. TJBEFUL IN ALLFAMILIES-IIEttEMAN V CO'8 Benzine, which remove paint spoil grease, Ac, dc, and clean glove, silks, ribbons, Ac, equal to new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggisu, also al this office. SS cent per bottle-. STOVES- POR SALE an excellent second-hand Cook. ing Stove, alio several Cylinder Coal Stoves. Enquire at thia offic. IOY'8 HOOTS and SH0F.8, eh..p f, rith " WM. MILLER'S. Kun' ttry, Auguei J7, umj. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. riMIK subscriber respectfully informs the eiti JL tens of Hunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that he has opened a Store at the north west corner of Maiket Mquare, oppotite Vandyke's Kstlroad Hotel, where he is receiving, ana will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provision of all kinds, aoch aa WHEAT. RYE ir BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Com and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shsd in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac, from the South. He will'constantly receive, by Railroad, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies of the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices lo re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1S59.J ly. COFFEE POT iBD TOsE, Pot, Being baaed, ns Dr. nail, of tha J ournal of Health, says, "on a-oienco and common Bense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined Boon to supercede all others. ARTHUR. BURNHAM. t GILROT, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia Hole Manufacturer! under the Patent V-r"r sale lty Dealere In Mouse koeplnir Articles, eiiio) Storekeepers generallr. December 4, lg.'iS. J. STEWART DEPUY, , T CORNF.i.lfS M.MIANT, No Hj.1 V.nth, L X teC"nd streets, (next dn..i to C. II Monch'sji O r. I hlludelphia. wmim invite the atteiitii.a or their. friends and cnatomera, and the public 111 general,! C"1 m a large and well selected atoek of CARPETINQS, Q 1 -i f onsisting ol Velvets. Tapestries, Threa.rU and Veintians. f. fHADi' cr.oTiit'.MA'rrN-ct.tmi-u. As-., WIN MOW UK IV, ltl.UH, MATS, STAIR, RODS), Ac. which he sells very cheaa for eaan, whnleanle Tn 'and retail. (March VI, It-AO ly - DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL, If the best Medicine m the world for the Cure of Onaba and Colds. Croup, Bronchitis, Aatrma, Difficulty m Bieatliing, I'nlpiliitlon of the Heart, llipiherm, and fr the rebel id" pntlenta in the advanced stueos of Consult!-, lion, toeiher with all Diseases of the Throat and Cheai and which prediapose 1 1 Coaaumption. ' It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure nf Asthmn. Being p-epared by a prailical rhvsiclan aud Drucs.a aial one of treat exre:irnc in Die cure n n,, vaiej-s diaenaesto which Ihe Human frame is linMe. It is offered to the afflicted with Ihe greatest confidence Trv itand lie convinced that it ia invaluable in the Cuia of Urol chial atf.v-tioua. Price iUccuts per Btua rj?" I'rkparso only by Dr. A. KPENWFIN ft CO.. Diugyisu and t.'hi-misia, N W. Corner Ninth and Popiar Sta.. Philadelphia I?" SOLD by evetv naiectable Dntkirt and Leultr in Medicine throufthout the State. I'hiladelphiH. .tlurch 31, It-Ofl 1yv ROCKEFELLER & B0YER Attorneys at Law A. Jordan Rorkefeller and Solomon II. Iloycr, respectfully announce t.i.i. they enu-red iuto Copartnership in the practice of Wieir ' r' ess entruated to their charge in tie cotintioa nf ;orlliumbfrlaiid, I i.ion, Snyder and Mmitour, promptly, f.iilhlully and curefullv. Si.fciol m! lentmn will lie given to tho COLLECTION'S OF CLAIMS. Cuneullations can he had in tlis GERMAN language. Ollice. - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February lii(l. riHE undersigned having receded a lure and M. well selected stock of I'sirc Urnirsnnil Chemicals), DyeetiilTa, OiN, Paints. Glass ond Putty, i, now ready to fill orders at a moments notice. In contiection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet .inklee ami Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails anJ ('lollies It rushes of every variety. Customers will Cud his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here u enumerate. REMEMBER the place, under the office 0' the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Prrcrinlions comunuu.l. ,1 .ri-,.t.,. Iv and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Bunbury, April Id, 18.S9. P. MELANCHTON 8HINDEL, JC8TI4 i; F THK PJUCE Office in Veer Street, immrdiatelg opposite ti.e Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Mull ICS uiiecteil and all ordinary writines done. Suuburv. Annl 85. (s57 U f VIA Or. HEATH n IIOOH OIV 5L-' and great discoveries of the Japanese V and East India Medicines, with lull duectloiis lor t'te l rt tarn cure of Consumption, Brouehil.s, H.,nsl, ev il' ,, .-.r.iinia, r ro, llCISri UlSCH... S..-.. ' '."", , " 'aei w any pan u u,e .,,.. unit, by aendlng cents tu ,.n . VR "EATM, ... 'i Btnadwnv, New York tue v" "1.1. also .by A . W. Fisher, Hunbury , Co,,, ,, Wen, NorlhillnberUnd ; T S Caldwell, I w,,,urg , i M ' genhnch, II aunsburg ; Cyrus Uluwu, Milt,,,i : N V, .. llniik A Lu , Dunvllle. .. February IM.lMk) ly. "henry "donnel, " ATTORNEV AT LAW Ofjic opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in atlioiuin s.ountiea. ' 1 Pre,x y ECONOMY! CO Sare Ihe Vkt es ! 5 U)S,tepsia Liver Colnplaiul. Oiavel and 1 noun Drp, .., leniaie Complaints, Ac. Illuslialed with hi'iiidrr,'. .,! eenilieutes of cures and engrai Ing a. For the purpose t reacuiiiaas many sugeruia lellnw-beiae. !. o. ir.iu As accidents will happen, even in well-regulated f.mi aes, il ia very de.irable tn have aomc cheap auUo..iive4itcat way for reieniing Furniture, Toys, Cnckeiy, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE rneeu all such emergencies, and no household can alford to be wuhoul it. It alwaysready and up to the tucking point. There is no longer a necessity l.uiping chaos, splinter veneers, headleaa dolts, and broken eiadiea. Il is )ust the article fur cone, shell, and olher ornamental wurk, so popular wilh ludies of irhiieinent and mate. I his admirable piejiaratioa la used ..d, being cacnvoa'lv held insoluliou.and poaseasing all the valuable qua , lies of ths beet cabinet-maker'a blue. It may be ul in ths pasc of ordinary mucilage, being easily mors adhesive "tSEPL'L IN EVERY IIOl'SE" N. B A Brush accompanies each bottl. Pnc H6 eeut. W'holesale Depot, No 4 Cedar street. New York Address, HENKY C. SPALDING A CO . Box No. 3,oo, New oik. Pat up for Dealers in ease, coutainuig Foar Eiehi. and Twelve Dozen a liosutilul UlhugrapUic Show Card a.' emttanyuif each package. IT Asnigle hultleul Spalding's Prepared Glus wdlasv ten limes iu ataal aiuiuall. lo every hnuechod. Stiklbyall pionnnenl Slatutiiera, Driipgists, Harduaia and Furniture Dealer Gripers, and Faat ) Slorea. Countiy Msrchania should make a t .T" prupared Glua, waesi Ihsy nwks up tarn ! B ' ' aund any eltmats. For ssla at this office. Muich 10, lMi.-ly