THS LATEST STYLE OF ARB COJVSTAKTliT MADE at tlie raoliionablo Tailoring Establishment of JACOB O. BECK, it:;irtM't Htrect, srxuriiY. i;. HIliK eubscribcr, in addition to hi large stork J. of CLOTHS, Ilatn Fancy Cassirnerei. Vesting!!, &e i.' ctmtnttllv rcci-ivine hp supplies from f itv Ku- in? lull Mnitim-iit of the niorl ulst.uitial l.iirl stvle f Good in tin' city marM. lie is prepared to make to order all kind of ( rn'lf-men's Htid iioy's wrm. ucti n OVLKCOAT.S, Dlir.sS COATS. FROCK COATS, nl.'PINEs-S COATS. VESTS. I'ANT Al.OK.N . Ac. Ac, i-.. J in the very Intt-xt style, in the most ul'Stan lint manner, lit tl.-'rt notice. i Anv lIo,l not un hand, will le f.irni,ieit i from I'hiladelphia, bv kivititf tiro day' tinticr. j tV Cb'I m .l enniuin my Mock, no L.rft- j mude for hotting. .,,,.. I At I 'H '. li '- IV. Snnbtirv, November 3 I nfni. Cuff O'tn h, Cold. Ilvnrti no, j Inllutmn, il'iv Irritation nt" Snrmrn nf Iht 'throat, lie- I wee the HucHny Couyk I t'i ' ' ri.-wnt!in, limn--a. Attuma, ami Catarrh, Ctcnr and jiri strcuri In the ruiee of Public Speukirs ami Singtrt. Few are aware of lhe importance i T checking a Couch r-t "fi.uunon O'lit"' in lie first t.i;;e ; tliel which in the tkvii'niiii ivttlil vitld to a niiUt loiiiedv, il nee'eclcd, soon at. A. the Lime's "HUOWNS BRONCHIAL TKO CUES."' containing demulcent ingredients, allay Pulino. nm) and Bronchial lniUilion. I "ThM tronVIe In my thixni, (fur wlic'1 Brown's I the "TROCHES" are n npeciti--) huvi.iK made me olten a meie wlti:erer-" THOP11F.9. N. I. WILLIS. I u recommend their use to Public Speak Brown's Icrs." I 11F.V. K. II. (JltAl'IN TROCHES. "Have provrd eiticnicly rvicvabie for Hoarseness " Brown' REV. Hf.NHY W ARD REECHKR. I A;u;"l instant relief in the distressing THOrHF.S llnbor ol bicaihmi: peculiar to Anlimn." I hev a c KC.iii.i:sr()N. Brown's "Contain no Ot-ijm pr nnvihimr mjuri oils." Kit. A A IIAYKO, TROCHES. I himim, B,-m..ii. "A wmple md ptcotunt combination uf UrOITti'l Cough. ic." nt C F BIGKI.OW, THOCHES. Umt.m. 'Beneficaa'. in nroi.cliiti " Brown'a Lilt i F W LAN!, J) -n'lin TUOCIIES. "I hiivr J them excellci.t fur Whoop ing Cuiigh." Hiown't r.EV II XV WARRKN. Boston. TROCHES. "Beneficial when emiiprlleil lo t;t..k. suffering iriin r.'lil." Brown'a lii:V S J P ANDKBfOV, fl. Imi. TROCHES, I "FfTftriut in remnvin? Ilonmenesa and UrittHiioti of t lie Throat, no common with Brown'a neukcrs and Sineera " I'rol M STACY JOHNSON, TKOCHES l.n ttiBiii;, l.a.. Teacher of Mimie. S'uthern Biown'a Female College. '( henfit when tlie.i hei .ie and TROCHES, nfter preuehmr, nfllttey prevent llonrpeness !Fr 'in their runt ellret. I think tliey will boot Brown'a lueri. unent ni!v:mt:ii.'e t" me." ! I!t:V K KOWI.I'.Y. A M.t TROCHES. I Prriutcill of Athem t'ollegr, Tenil. ! C7 Sold hy all UriiL't, :i'.a at ii centaa box. December f, lr'tu. Cmpl BOO T A X I) S IIO E MANUFACTORY. Corner of Mai lt t -Square and Hirer Street s Tjr :b xr:Rrs TjH E eubsrrilier ipupcctfully inform tlie citi zera ol tunlmrv anl vicinity, that ho baa opened a Boot and Shoe fhop on tho corner of Market Mquarc anJ Ktvrr street, oppomte the Court House, where lie eon he found at all limes ready to wait ppon rutonicr. Having considerable rNpericnrc, lie i prepared to molie up citetotner wotii of all kinds, at abort notice. in the latest style anil workmanship. He ki epa constantly on hands larqe aaort incnt of Leather, of the hent quality, w hich en ahlea him to make up Rood and durntle work. Call and examine for ) ourselves before pur chasing eUenhere and you will save money. JOHN WILVER. Huntury, Nov. 10, t860. ly ?faw Goods for the Ladies Jl'ST HIXFIVKl) AT BRIGHT cte SON'S I 'loin, all Wool Pehines, Neat figured Uelainea. Handsome Cashmeres, High Coiorcd De laines, t-triped Dusters, Nice Silk Top- lina. Alixej .vi chair Uustera, I'lam French Merinos, Printed French Merinos, Persian Twill, Brocage No- veau.l'lainCo. Vurga, Dark mixed Deheee, IIjiihU'o it 'ark f-ilka. New Ktyle Dark Printa. G!ovra of all Kinds. Hosiery of all Kinds, NewHtyle Nubina, Opera Caia, CUe:iillc Kcurf, Mohair Head Dresaea, redlo Worked Collars, &e., &c. Ac. Hut it is useless to attempt enumerating the nl variety of Ooods we have now in aloie, table for 1, ndies' wear. We invite an iiopec i of our store. 1,. Y. 1? KIUHT &. SON. runbury, Octuber 27. ih-U. "RLACKSrmTlXCi ! CEISTX" PETERS, A VING taken the U!ackiniithhop SO tit Itolirbncli t l oundrv, la d to do all kind of hUcktmilhing .ler, including horaeshoeing in the a'.vlo. htuikful for the patronage hcrctefore extend e hopes hy strict attention to business to ;uo the same. mntry produce taken in exchange, inbiiry, Novcm'-er 3, 10. GENESEE SALT. ;iOLE8ALK Sc HETAIL, IL1.NU A. tilt AN T (at the Mammoth t ire,) have just received 600 th. of Solar .id. Solar and Kino Salt, 700 Saclu of id Solar fait every suck warranted to n fib pound of S.ilt and 200 Imgsof Ball ning one Uualiel each. This salt is the md tronEa' iww manufactured ajid in t. Call and see for yourselves. dory Sept., , ISriO. NOTICB " , persons knowing themselves indebted tn lu subscribers, engaged in the Foundry sa, on notes, bonk accounts, or other wife, )ueited to settle the same without delay, neglecting this notice must not complain arc added to llieir account. C. I. V J. KOHR13ACH. urv. Nov. 17, 18fi0. 5m ANUS ! BLANKS!! w aupplv uf Summon', Kieculimia 'arranU, Sppir.naa, Deed, Mortgages Leant-, Naturalization paper, Justice i-tul'le Fee Bill, Ac., Ac, jut prime J ,a!e at this Oll'.ce. iry. April UO, lhMl. ISOF.S, Delttinei, I'nplins. re Ntuck Black Dresi Isoudx. fit Caabtmire, Jurd wtdo, 21 auJ ST Dress Oonds, much reduced. COOI'lilt ic CON A UP, cornt-r Ninth and Mai ket mi., 1 ). PLiladlj)hia. lib, (,'assimerea. Sullinet. ry end light weipbt Heaver clotbl. i, -'rolbd Heaven, 1'laio Broad- auj Clack Cas-imrrea. t'OOl'Kft 1 CONAPtP. ;nrner Nilith i Market street, lH60. Philadelphia. KK,i:! I li At K ERS, just received fir aale by the larrel or pound, at Ihe ,e ry More of M ' . f i U A R H A K T. , Cftoii.-r 13, 1" U. l&i$IM COME and cxamino beautiful II A W I. S, and Rich CHESS GOODS Bbijut 1 Son, mm TIIE CENTIiE OF ATTRACTION! HK'll DISPLAY rf HANESCIUE QCOrS AT LO"W PRICES 1 combining K V i; r V ANDDCRABltIT Y noiv on FEED EXHIBITION At the People! ONE PIUCE STOKE, OF E. IT. BRIGHT &. SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND D0ML8TIC LO Lt ZkT C2 CD CD LL (S3, NOTIONS, HOSIEKY, BOOTS AND S II 0 E S, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENSWARE, GROCEIUEy, Har.'Hore. Carets, and Oil Cloths, Ac, 4c, Presents HARE ATTRACTIONS, A A" D Splendid Inducements TO P"JE.G;Hi.J3E?aS, Who wish to secure GREAT IiAllGAINS For the Smallest QoaDtity of CAPTAIN CASH on Country Produce. REM E ZLVX B E B that all gooJa sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be as AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES In addition to our LAPaO-IE STOCK. We are constantly receiving New (tooda, thus keeping up our aasortment at nil seasons of the year. VV e return our thank lo the nutilic fm I their liberal patronage and shall niuke every niun on our pun to renuer satisfaction. He lieving that the nimble dime is better than the alow ijuartcr, we shall adhjr to that old time liotioicd tiictto : "Small profit and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Bunburv, November 17, 1800. -EVANS & WATSONS K'l.Uf I'hiludtliihia Munufucl'd '.a Jt:8alaniaiilfr Sirr jiliiSaf-Vtf. 30-1 Chctnut Street, V. :rfs-- XiJm I'lllI-AOKLPHIA. rpHI'SH Safes are nnv in use all over the I'm ted Srwtct, i. and iiWti Uen tetetl in inuny fires; Ihe following saows an jlhrr ins:uitce ol their capbtl ty in resisting hie ; WlfMER's L'KIWB, 1 IjincaMer Towash.p, Jm 30, ldO J Mraitt. F.V'ans V Watso, Geittiei'iieu : The tmuh sie ". I Salamander Safe which 1 purehustd fit tin iur atceui, Mr. Acbui It. H.irr, in lancuster Ciiy,ou July 'Jtirh, s'f. hjs been subjeeieil tottveiy severe tent, which it w n hi! oid in u im 'ift satisfuetory manner. T.i:t Sale, ftm tuiiiuijj all piy btoks, locether with vuliuihlepapersiiel-nid u$ to uise!f and me to my netnlilrott mid triendet, and reprtscutinij o vulue ot over Twenty ThmBHiid Dulhirs, (S-JU.iMKtl vui in my Mill, which was deHrovctl on ihe iufhl fo the 07 th ol .luly. Ir-flo, and passetl through the hery ordeal uiimilied. The Suic was on the second fit -or, und fell to the UiaM'tuent ol the Mill, and was ul,.ccted for six h.'Uis to an intense heat auvuig the rums, which was greatly .-iisei IV HI iiierenwea ny ine coininisiiou oi laise ouunlllv of eraiu e'lurtuetl within Ihe brick w-tlls. After Ihe hre the Sul'e was iieiieil and the laa.ks and mper taken out in a stiitti of perfect preaervation, tnr wiper not even being discolor ed. 'Phis tact was, however, lo many bystanders, a better recommendation i. your Hates Itiau eould be eipieMed ia any other word Irom me. Youra, respectfully, 8AMI KI, BANCK. Another Victory for .Van und IVutsuii's Salamander Safe. Oswir.o, N. Y., Mfireh 47 tofid ffen!lenienft kfTord me much pleasure to inform you that the fuie No S, (upright) winch I purchased of K. !lroud, your Huvelln stent, ha pessed thmuch an ex. eeeduiely h-d fire in a three srury brick hultdiiiK, which heated the rafe to whit heat, ao Uiat the eoriier id il Prar melted : lull it preserved tnv le-nks and va'uable n..iers tn he amount of several ilviuaand Uollaia, for w hich I feel thankful. Ynura, respectfully, J.N I'l.DBIDOl:. rV A larce ass irtment t ( ihe al'iyei aA - at bIwhii i u... ,iicbio4i slice,, t.arci biohiu rourta si., I S aiatoi ipnia. Oeli.bc , ISO0. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT nV IVINH MArsON'S latent fsheet Metal Hcrew Top PKEsEKVE J Alt. MASON'S PATENT MIEET METAL HL'IiEW TXJPI al It U I . " a .1 nil iiisiisurrrnarj oeilig lo screw me Uaptlown Upon tlie Kubtd-r liuaket, which I placed ouUide upon the shoulder of the Jar. 3-4 of an inch di. tant Irom llie tup ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the fruit Uiug injured by coining in contact with the Kublarr. Pcroiisi'eiring theee Jars, can be (applied by tearing their order with H. B., Hunbury, June 8, IbUO. Agent. ... - SILVER WATCH Eft A few double case Knirlitih Hitvias- IV.t, !... f... U .1 ln priee hy II. H VtAKhL'!!. 1 KfcCT -r---il have just opened i-stiyi r ' Peoju HEAR WHAT THS PEOPLE BAT. Tie nn.-lrHtw1 Iiavlnr n.1 prifnr Ilt;MPIlnTi, SflX'irtC llllM'UnrWHUC ItKMhlllKS In our fmlll with tho mo. S!tl.tietc.rv re.iil, and having full cmitl-iten-e In their geniilneneM, purity, and eltlniey, eheerfnHj rcnnmmeinl H t all peranni wlio wih tn hve safe, re Itabla, and eillcaektui remeillei at hand for private or do- "The It'-v "iVm. nwr, wittor of ' Tin1 Northern tn.le en.lenl," Anlnirn. S. V. ; the R.-r. V. It. Creioey, I).D., Keitor i.r St. Peter'n Clmreh, Auburn, N. I . ; the Kit. B. I. he. Cliitdsln of tlie Auburn Mtnte I'rl.on; the RT. ttpenrer M. Ith-e, Iteetnr, Ncw-lladford, Maw.; the neT. Aih n ftleele, Nen York Cnnfercnee t tlie Itev. Samuel Niches, Fjul 'lenew Cmifrrenee, N. Y. ; the llev. P. 8. Prill, llnrjet. Vt. i the It. v. , K. Itnble, llutlaln ; A. C. Hart, Kn , I'tl'-a. N. Y. : the lion. Neil rt iw, Portland, Me the Hon. fchuvl-r Colfav, f"th !lend, Ind. i the Hon. (tc.irce Huniphrev.; N. Y. ; Henry I). Cook, Kq., Kditor of The OMn S'.-ite Ji-nrnnl. r.luuibm, Oliio ; the Hon. R. II. Onhvn. Mdine. 111.; the II. .n. Th m J. Chaw. Montl- . . ,i. n..- j ,.,.h l lh a. N. Y. : m. Kri-t t, F'!., I lura, T . i A. r. roini, lm.m, -., J Pluukeil, E.., Naiville, Tenn. I.tST OK apKCtnO P.EMFD1RS. t ?.,r Peeer. C n!reitt'n, an.l Infli-nmation. X,,' 'Kor W inn fever, Winn Colic, Welting the Bait X 3. Por Colie, lairing, Teething, and Wakefulness of (.,. 4 Fur Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Hummer Complaint. . . ,, t., A Kor C !le, (irip'nrs. 1 .el.trry, or Plnodjr Flax. (Jn A K..r Ohoh ra. Cholera Storbn, Vomiting, fjo 7 Por Vmgh, Ch)W, Iniliienaa, and Sore 'Diroat, Sa For To"th aehe. Fa.'e-neh, and Nenrnlgia. No. . for Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullnw of the "no. 10. rirari:r--u rn.t." P anil Deranged . .t. nml Mvee (1.imtihilnt ISn. it'Fa mm laaaornaniaa, Stanly, Painful, of J i-.itr-"ed Perii.t. !. rnr l.ueirrhea, Pr"foe Menses, and Bearing Down of Fcm'ile. f;., pi f.,r C'riiil", II nre Couih, Bad BreMhlne. j,, 14. PllJJl Pr KrydlpelM, Kruptiona. Piniplm on the Pvt. So. 1ft. Riuvh tic Pit t.". Por Pain, Lamaneas, or gore new in tlie Cii't, Baek. le.-na, or I,imh. A F ,r Fever at.' Ar le, Ch'.ll Fever, Dumb Ague, OK' p - -F -r I'lle., Iili'.i! or Bi-edinv, Trtrrnu! or Ftteennl. ll'.For ft'ire. We-il;. .'r Indiuned Fees and Kyelldl; Pall ng. Weak, or Blurred SiJU. C For Catarrh, of t.-iir .f.miliij or re etd, eltlier with Ohrttructh n or prolmie il.i'lirirre. y. c. For Yi huopiMg tonsil, abating In violence and Shortening tl9 eourte. In all aente dlwapea, siK-h an Pever, Inflammation, Diarrhea, llf"Tilerv, Cruiy., Khearnat:iil, and such eni live Unma Scarlet Fevr. M. i . and Kryeipilaf, the avlvanlac of giving the pi.-p.-r rrinedi. promptly mob viou., and In all wh ean. i the upecifn-s act lUe a . harm. Ihe entire disi-ae in otlen arreio.eil al once, and in all eaacs the violence of the at:ack in niodcratcd, the d.uaiie short ened, and rendcri'd U- -laiveroue. Oiuvl s and t'ohle, n hich are or men freqnenl occurrence, and wiiich so urtui la Ine tound-ition of di.ea.ed lunpa, bronchitis and consiii'iption, may all be al once cured by the Fever and;h I'iiH. In all chronic .li.seasm.wich a. Pyapopsla, eak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Coniplalntc. Piles, Fewwile IHliilily, and Irregularities, old Heartaches, Sore or W'enk K.vos, Catarrh, Salt Ithenin, and other old eruption?, the cane has upcciflea whose proper application "111 all. .id a cure In iilmol every Instance. Often the core of a sioele iironic dilliciilly, snch aa Iyspepla. Piles or Cltanh, ilia.lnche or Fnniile Weak aesa,'haa wurvUiau paid fur the c:mv ten times over I'lllCP.. Case of M vials ejmplete. in moneo. and B .ok I Case of V vinln. and B.ioli. plain Cue of 1 numbered hove., rnd II" k 8 Case of I boxes, niri.bered, and U"' k 1 Single numbered boves, aiih dii-eclions 06 eenls. Singlt letlereil boie. alth direction. !0 cen-s. Large casf of i o. vials, for planters and p!.j.;cin....lS ALSO fl'I'f'ini?. Po AarnMA ob Pnrin,ic.-nppr-d. Pirn-tilt. I.aliorcd Brealhlnj, utten.H! I Willi C.uHh an t Kvpecloration. Price, W eenls fier hov. Foa Ka lii.scinan.ti unp li:irij 1 .ichare.-s fi"m the Far, the result of Beam t Fever, M.-iistsV. or Mercurials. For Noises in the Head, Hiir-lnee. ..f Ileal inr. ami Uinpnft In tlrf V. irs. and!te. Price. Mi it. per l. x. Foa Si aopri.A. Knivred tilaioi., Fnhnee.l and In-lurat id Tonsils, SucIhiilk and Hid t'h-cre, Scrofulous I'ucheky of fn.llro. l'ilce .Vi I'etit. b". Foa li..t.:: u. In-aiJ irv.- Phvaieel or N. rvoii. Weakness. the sesuil . f ii ki F.ceiv Modi -1111011, or K- . hawliri! Ill-chsrve.. PrU . . Ml r 1...X. j k'na DnorsT. Fluid Acuiiollatl'.l.s. Tinnid Swelhr.irs, Willi Scimty Serelions. Price. per lu x. Foil Pb-P:. l--ii"'ic flcktieo. Vertiiro. Nunea, Vomitin,;. Sickness from lidn..- or iwliuu. Price, I 'A tents I ""pua'paisiKT nijej.t.s F .r firav.-l, Renal Calculi. Bim- ; eult. Painful L'rllKill. n, Disease .1 Plhe, 50 cents pur box. Foa g;:tiNst. Pmimiiin-i. Tnvoluntarv ln..d:nrpes nnd Consequent Prost-alk'n and letiiltty. B id Kessilis of Fvil Habits. Tee most successful and elli.'iem remeily known, and may be relied upon 11a a core. Price, with rull dlrcc Won". l per box. Persons who wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or inseek lli(Ol Put. 1 1 1'MruavV, call do so. at h. olhee f 'j-J Ur.xn'.waj, d ii y (rem a A.M. to S P.M. r by latter. OVR ltlMKtilf.a BY MAIL Iyok ever the list; lua:;e up a ease of what kind yon enoow. and Ir.c! is- the anion:.! in a current n"le "r svim Br mall to our addrj-ss, at No. .MC Broadway, Scu Y-ik, and tlie medicine will be duly returned by mall or express, free of eharee. , ... AOFNT.-t WANTF.B. We desire an artlve, flelent Arenl for the sale of our Heine lies in every town or community tu tbs United Stale. Address I)'. F. lit MPI1P.KVS Co. No. .V.2 Itlii.inwiY, Nfcw-Yoha. A. W FISllEK.Agcnt, Sukbury, Ta. May SO, 1KB0 ly S UNHURT STEAM FLOUKLNG IHU subscribers having taken possession of -l this first clu KI.OI KINO Mil. I., are pro pared to receive i;r i i 11 nfi.ll kinds, and to do cus tom work at tho Shortest Notice. Customer will have their griats ground immediately upon their being left at the .Mill. Aa il ia the inten. tion of the linn to stock the .Mill large Sup ply ot Grain, will be conntaiitly kept on hand, and flour by the ijuntitity can always be obtained. The greatest cure will be taken to turn out a su perior quality of Hour, lor winch the mill is ad mirably adapted. Mrict attention will be paid lo the wants uf customers, and the patronage of the public generally ia respictlully requested. Mo KUAN & CO., Sunbury, June 23, ISK0. rnci'.ni nu Ai'.t ntiv. 'II HE FALL TERM of ihe preaenl year was - opened on Tuesday, the ib'th of October, ult. IJiiurd of Instructor. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. I.iteruture. D. S. Boyer. Associate, and InMrticlor in Math maticn, N utural Sciences, Hook Keeping, Ac - Assisted by utile and experienced teachers. 1 be course ul Instruction eiunraces branches usually taught in Primary, Acad and Lluaaicul Departments-. The goveruinent of this Iimtitution is mild but firm, and all stndenu arc required lo be diligent and obedient. l'.rtenses. Boarding, room with furniture, per week, l,fi0 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, 83,00 " iv, 10 Drawing, painting, Mueic, French, Practical Surveying, Ac., eatra. studtiii admitted at any time during tbc Quarter. For further particulars, addresx, J. K MILLET. Freeburg, Snyder county, Ta. Kreeburg, November J, 18110. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG ti CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Km. 75, "7, 79, 81, 63 85 Ihiant Street Would noiify the Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful pattern, the WA5IS1TTA PRINT, aln the A in o tt k e a g , A New Print, which excels every print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Color. Our Pi hits are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, IH it). ty pi i ,-KiiRKr wooi. rr.i.AiM-.s. J Auction lois (r.aii J." li.'6eeuts I Children's and llcluinca Wi toSOet. Lupin' fweal French Mcrinorafruin auction c.n"l"r 1 aatsti.c and i ti. ! riUI.I f.ll ..-iKtl 1 flam all wa4 Caauuieiea lieiu auction, cheap al Si and fijured Chiuix cdors. CashoH-rea, J-J, jo and 60 els. Plant, alriied uud h'd Yalcuciu,& lu 40 cla. t-'ig'd aialalnpcd s-'lcueh Poplui. ULACK LKKSf GOODS, ctionlotsblaek French Meriuoea, 65 to 100 llou kils black Wool DcLnnes 3u lo 50 cla. u.ihiur quuliiy li yurda wide at fl M. itest ;ta cent blai k tV'ool Deunueaiu town. Hack Amen ilea and 6'd Al'ieaa. eoorEK rONARD, e.w MARK T f-'ieet. oet-, ii. mi, raiuideipb,, "J v r.-aTslVH AtUPIRlATtVt TONIC, DIURETIC, DYSPt? iTORAtife CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apnthprnricr., Drupglm, Orocers ond Trivite rimttirt WniiV'i pure C"pnnc Drnnrtye wining ntre M..i.mti, Mirny itnii rnn int. Wolle'i Pure .Inirmirn nnd tt. ('mix Rum Wolle'i Pure tkoirh nnd Irish Whisky. A LI IN IIOTTLK!. 1 bcii lenve to mil the nttrntimi of the ritinna of the t'tiiu-ii rtuu. t't the olHve Wnwa nnd Ltquoii. iinpufleU ly I D'Li mo ulf. nl new inrk,whoH nmne u laiui' liar in everv nnrt ol this cnuntrv for the purity of lueccle- hratfd chuittim Hchmippi. Mr. Wolie, in hn letter u nif, uuktngof the puitty uf hie Winn and Leiqmwi, aayt. l will etuke my rrpuiBiinn ne a nwii, my tMitduifr. nea merchnnt of thiriv vtiin'ii rem den re in thr Citv of New York, lint all the limivry and Wmra which 1 hottle aie pure a imported, nnd of tlit beat quality, and enn be relied upon hy every ptirrhuier 1 lively bottle hat the propne ! tor's ilium on the wux, find n Cue iiimle of his mgnalure on the ceiiitinittv Theptihhc are rettpeilfully mvitol to cull nnd exntuine for themsHves The public are rvtpectfully invited to eiill mid exntnine for themselves For Bulb at Ketnil by nil Apolhccai ien and'irocer in Philadelphia. liEORi.t H. AHTn!i.Nn. K)2 Mnrketst , Hliil'a. Rend the following from the New Vofk Courier : Dnurmouii HrttKPS rrnt one Nkw York Mkkchamt We nre hnppy to lufonn our fellow-citizens that there is out place in our city where the physic tuii, nnotht enry, nnd ciintry merchnnt, enn fo and pure rune pure Wines nnd lalrpjori, us pure ns im(Hrtcd. and of the best quality. We d' not intend to eive un elaborate dracnptien ol" this meiehiint's extensive buinrm, iillhoiiKh it will well repny nny strnuper or citizen to visit I'dolplio Wolfe's extensive w.-irehousc, Nos. Ir-, lidnnd iti, Beiiver itrtet, and Nob. 17, lDfiiid'l, Miirkelfiekl street. His stck of Schnapps on I hniid reiidy fur sliipiueut c.tuld not hnve been lew than i thirty Ih'iuKind euses ; the Itiandv. some ten thousand ! cnir V in t slue of ?1rt to IMS : and ten Ihommnd eases of .Madeira, Cherry nnd Port Wine, Scotch and Irish Wlnsky, Jamairu hihI Hi, Croix Hum. Some very old and en.1111! tonny initiinoi mitry. Heulsu hud three huge cel Inm, tilled with Hmndy, Wine Ac . in c:isks, under Cu totu-IIdUBC key, ria'ly Iot bottling. Mr. Wolte's aides of Si'hniipps hint year amounted to one hundred and eighty tliounnd dorm, and we hope in lean tliuu two rears he may beennnlty sneceKsiul with his Urandirs and Wines. Ihs ImsiiM- merits the pnirouinre of every lover n his upeeies. Private tiiimlit'S who wish tmre Wines nnd ipiors tnr medical ue should tend their ordeis direct to Mr. Wolf, until every Apothecary in the land make tip their mi lulu to discard ihe pfiaonotiN ftulTtrom their shelves and reniiice it with Woi.rg'n mire Wmesaud l.iuunra We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommoilatton of small de.der in the pountry, puta up assorted casi-t of " int-s and Liquirs. Such n man, and inch a merchant, should be sustiiii.ed neniust his tens of thoiitMHris of oppo. nentR in tbe I'm ted Slates, who sell nothing but irmtuliout, rniidius alike to human health nnd hnpniuess. Tor Sale by (iKOHliK CKiUIl T, Agcut, Suubury, Pa. Spptemher p, NJn fjm p ANOTHER A Hit IV A L OF NKW GOODS, J. II. i:(.EL. of Suubury, Ia.. j B AS just arrived with splendid STOCK of I " " SI'KISU AiNl) fl'MMKlt (ilMJUS, from : I'hilaA-lphia, to which he respectfully invites I his IriemU ami the l ublic to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among In stuck of goods will befound, FINE ULL'K AND UI.ACK FPaElTCH CLCTE, i Fine Ulack and Fancy Casitnerea 1 weeds, Sat- j itii'tts. .Irana, Ulack Italian Cloth, ( ashmerette, i (.oltonuile. I. mens, Linen Drill, I. men Check 1 and ra-"cy vesting, alao a large assortment of ; lieady-made CLOTH IN U for men and bjv ; (cheap.) j FOR LADIES WEAR, Ulack and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Itercgea, l.'hnli and Chali Kobe, Uerege Hi'hune-, Uerege Kobee, Iigure.l Urilliant and i variety of o'her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum hut Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment ol whito gooda, Collara, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Urilliant Ac. general aa irtment of domestic Dry Go-ids. Also a largo stock of Hat and Caps, Dools and shoes. Hardware, Oueena and Glassware. Groceries, Ccdarware, Stone and Earthenware, j Drugs and Faint, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, j Tar &c. &c. I N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpcla, all the above will be ! sold at low price for cash or country produce ta- en in exchunge for Good, j J. H. ENGEL. j Sutibury, May. 19, I8fifl. tf. i WHOLESALE DEALER IN I BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C flMIE subscriber having opened in Thompson's llrick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOKKIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the besthrandeof Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Ma.lcri.i, Champagne and other Wine of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city price. Tavern-keeper by buy ing of ti can save at least the freight. Person desirous of purchasing liquora for FA M I I. V I'SE, may rely upon being' furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. l17Beiiig determined to establish a reputation fur selling cheap he respectfully solicit the pa- iroii.iKe ui 1 1 ic puniic. All orders promptly at- I tended to. JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jute 16, 1860. II tfin IS PAISTER, kl 1 1 o v n r j at E a b MARKET SQUARE, June 33, 18(10. DR. A. W. FISCHER. all the Jl'FniIShi professional aervicea to the citi lemical J of Hunliury and vicinity. IMliee at the Drug Store. Hunbury, June 30, 1S30. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. 'SHE subscriber respectfully inform the public that he ia now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 miles east of Hunbury, all kind of Earlben Ware, made out of I Red Cement Clay. j Tins clay produce the beat and most desirable i kind of ware, eu,ual, in many respect, to stone ware, and i lea liable to crack by sudden heat I and cold. The subscriber refer to Friling &. Grant, j Hunbury. Addle, I JOSEPH 8AVIDGE. Oct. !3, IH60. ly Hunbury, P. " ingrTiFeJ5cr1w MAN IKACTtHrU and fer Sale by M. I'eiper ft Co: I and McDowell's Buildina, North tJiil comer, Second and Kaee streets Philadelphia. GOOUJ G LA HAS'TEED. October 7, INto. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UXITEI) STATES ASD EL'liOPEAX PATENT OFFICE. No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. T B. Communication by mail promptly attended to. ' Sept SS, I860. lyft J. P ALBXER & CO., Market Street Wharf, Philada. Dealer, in Fluli, I heme and ITovlalona. HAVE constantly na baud an assortment of Drietl and Pickled Fish, o., vn -.Mackerel, Shad, tsalinou, Ulua r nil, Herrings, C.aJnsh, BeeJ, Pork, Lard, tihoulder llama, t-ides, Cheese, Beans, Kice, 4. ' Ocluucr, lblkl 3mw 11IL10 V GRANT have juat received by - railroad Ihe largest assortment of QUEENS. WARE and GLAtS.SWARE ever brought to Sunbury. Alao, a freh upply of DRY GOODS, conaisting of Spring Drca Good, Print. Mua. Iins and Notion. pr 7, I860. 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgage, Donds, Execution, Summons, 4c, for sal H. B. MAHLER. II 1 0 II L Y IMPORTANT NEWS ' M. C. (JEAUIIAUT, Ha returned with a new Nteck nf Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. TT eeemi a if a new age, a new life was open 1 ine; upon us, animating ever heart to nobler deeds and higher aimal Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and eeek to devoJone sub limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in fluenceand every'jrart he quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge ue on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevadea all classes, and desirous of doing hie chare to wards "The great event of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the f.ood peo ple of HUNI5UKY and the public generally, that he ha jnat returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that ha ever been brought to this section of country. He i also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionaries, &c, o Cll up order, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hi stock of Conlectionartes, may be found Kreneh fecreta, Hurneil Almiaids, Cmim White, 11 Lemon Rose, ' Vanilla, Comnv m reet et. Urjuorice, Rnnaiias, Dates, flum Drops, all kinds of scent, leive Dions, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, l-'tuit Drops, Stick Caudles, of all scent Book Candy, Almoin! Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, KlKB, Citrons, Currants dried, Aunouus, liaisons. Nuts of ail kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the ingle or down. A superior quality of Segar and Tobacco, and a variety of Confertinnarie, Iruit, J oys, Ac, all ot which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. 17 Remember the name and place. M. C.OEARHAKT. Market at., 3 door west of . Y. Bright A Son' store. Sunburr, April 14, 1860 ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Far Store ! John Farrlra. No. Tia ARCH Street, be tweeit ?th, and bth, rtts. 1'IIILAUK.I.I'HIA. V (Uta of 818 Market Str.,) Imnorter, Manufaeturer of jrauu ire.iier ill no sinus 01 i3 i eivrv pi-iih IluVing removed to my New Store, 71" Arch St.. and being now encnged entirely in the . Manufacture and Side nf Fancy Furs, which, in accordance with the "One Price Principle." 1 hava marked at the lowest possible prices ecajisi.tent with a rrnwniiable profit. I would solicit a visit from those in want of Furs for either (.ailie1 or t:hildrens Wear. end a-i inspection ot my selection of those N.ds. satisfied, aa I am, uf my ability to please in every desirri' esseuiinl. l"1 Persons nt a distance, who msy tinH it inconvenient to call perronnlly. need onlv name the atticle, they wish toyelher with the price, and instruction for sending, nnd forward the order to my address money accompanying to insure n anti. factory compliance wiih their wishea. Philadelphia August 2.1. leWU Sm.'.jw 18C0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT, mo NKW Y01UC LINES- CAMUKN ft AM BOY AND PniIADrI.PIII A AND TK E.N TON KAU.ROAU UNKl, From lhiladttpJ.ia to Xtic York und Way Places. From Walnut Strert Whuff anil Kc-iisnigtoa Depot, PliiUnJf 4tnu, will leave as -'otlows, iz fahk. At 6 A M , via Cuuidt n and Auiboy C ft A Accorn- mo(J:itir.i, fi 95 At 6 A M, vtu Cnnxten and Jersey City New Jef- Ssry nccoiiiiiKKhition, t 45 At D A M, via Cumdcu and Jprsey city Mornuig Mini, 3 "0 At It j A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Kxpre, 3 00 At Pil P M via Cnmden and Amboy, accmmodntion n m Al it V M, via Camden and Anitifv C and A. Kx- prefs, 3 00 At 4 V .M, via'Kensington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Kxpretfs, 3 00 At 4i P M, via Kensington and Jeiaey city, 3d C'Ihss Ticket, 2 i5 At 6 P M, vmCamdenft Jerspy city Kvenh.t; Mail 3)0 At II P Mt via Oatnilen and Jeisey city South. Mail t 't At 5 P M . via Camden and Amtioy Arcoinm'da- lion. (Freigbl and Passenger,) 1st class lu-kct, 3 35 The 6 P.M. Mutt Line runs dully. The 11 Southern Mail S:ituiditya excepted. For Hetvidere, Huston, Fleininpton, Ac, at 0 A.M., from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kemintiii For Munch Chunk, AUentowu and tUetlileht-m, at tf, A M. vm l.ehiph Valley Huilroitd, For uter (iap, Stroudshur, Srranton, WitkeiLarre, Montrose, tiretit ileiid, Ac, at 6 A M, via Delaware, laJicka wanna and Wettteru Hnilrond For Fri-ehold, nl 6 A. M. and 2 P. M For Mount Hully, at 0 and 9AM, and , and 4 WAY LlN'Kft, For Bristol, Trent"ii, ft c, at 3 and 4 P. M.. ruin Kensinrton. For Pntiuvra. Delanen, Iteverty, Burlnigun, Urden town, ftc., at l-.,.3. and -1J1. M. Fifty pounds uf B-ifiHce only, allowed eaeh nnssenper, Pima npiB are piohilnttl from taking nuythm; as U'ur fruee hut their wearing apparel. Ail Hnirpne over liiy pounds to (re paid for exir;i. The Compuny limit their respoimhility fur infnnfre t'i One Dollar per pound, and will not he linhle lor any amount beyond 100 DulUis, ex cept by speeint eontrnrt. WM II G ATM Ell Agent C. ft A. U. R d February 18. IStiO- IIECEIYIAN Sc COS CCIiDIAL KLIX1U OF C A L I S A Y A BA R K Trepured only by IITfiKMAN At CO., Wholesnla and Retail Clienust and Druggist, ICI, 399, ill and Till Broadway, New York. TIIK virtues nf 1'Klil VI AN HARK as a Tue have been Uai kin kjown to need comment. Tho CAL1SAY A ("or King's liars.") is the moat valu able ol the nuiiiersus vnneliea of the Petuvian ltrk, and in the F.I.IX1H is coniluueil with other ingredients thai luereas it efficacy and nl the same time overcome the intensity ol" it biltet, rendering it a most Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living in FEVKtt and Afil'K district, it will be found invaluable a a preventive, Half ot wine glusa full taken night and morning, rendering the aysteni much lea subject lo Ine. unhealthy influence id llie atiuoa phere. DIRF.CTIONS Dime for an adult, half a wineglass full before breaklast atal dianer ; ehiklreu finm nue to two teaspoons full j ii may be ukeii wither without a Utile wafer For sale at this otnec. Mnreh 17, lt-6ii LOOK HERE, IF OU WANT TO DUV CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he ha. received from Philadelphia a large dock of BOOTS & SHOES' Hi stock consist of Gen'ta Kipp Hoot, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children' Cull Hoots. A Iso a variety of Women' Calf Lace Uoots, Women' Morocco Lace Boot, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace Boot, all of which he will aell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for youraelve. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for ale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1860. New Air Line Route TONE W -yOH IK. SUORTF.ST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME betweea the two Cine ol" NEW YOKE AND XIABKISBTJRO. via READING, AI.I.KNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Kipreas Weal leave New York al C a. at . and Philadeldna at 8 a at., arrive al liarritburg at 14 4S r. at. connecliiig al llairisburg with Irani oil N.irlhern Central Road for Suubury, Unaniaporl, laKk lUven and inter nieiliate stations. Mail Train Wert leave New York at it noon, and Philadelphia at 3 30 r. an, eoiuietting with tiaiu un North am Centiul Road lor station aa auuva, and alao ou all trains un lh Williamaporl and Klunra. Mail Traia Law kava Hurriabuig at 8, a at , and ar rive al Philadelphia al 1 r. at., and New Yak al 3 30 r. at., in tiro lo uk boat or eara for Boatiai, 4. Fast Kxpreaa East leave Harriabug al I IS, oa ai rival of Northern Central Tiam, and arrive at Philadelphia al IS r at . and New Y iak atar. at. No ehaiigs of ear or baggage bwsen Nw York or Philadelphia and llamsbuig. For beauty of scoiwryaiku speed, eomfoil and aceosnrao. datua, this mut preaeau superior ludaccuieau lo ID traveling public Orhc u New York, foot of CoarUand trt, Phlladel. phut, Uiiavd and CallowhiU street. Far balwaen New York and llarritlnirg FIVE DOL LARS. FoiTickeisj Freight or mker inf.matinei, spplv m 1 1 CLYDF, l.enttal A.ui1. Ilstrisbu'g. Jun 30, lfsjO -1 NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IMA T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MAI. KI T HTnLKT, PUNBL'RY, PA. P!HE subscriber has just ripened at bi well L known establishment in Sunbtirv, one of the hea peat end moat desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods. that ha ever been offered in the place, and which ne will eell for CASH or eichange for Country 1'reduce. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to call and examine hi stock. BLACK AND FANCY BILE. All W ool Delaina, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Kobcs, Cashmere, 8haded, .Plain and Striped must be seen te form an idea of the eitenl and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black C'asaimere, Fancy Cassimeres, aide stripes heavy, Doe Skin Caaaimeres, Satinet all kinda. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grade and price, Bay State Sack Flannel, color fined qnaltioa. READY-MADE CLOTHING Bout and Shoe, Hat and Caps, Ac, 4- all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, a regard quality, atyle and price, with any in the cnuntry. II AKDWAKK, a full asBortrueLt. Wood and Willow Ware, (jucensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full dock in store, Carpet Chain, Ac, Paints, Oil. Glass. Dye Stuff. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury.Oct. 2, 1659. 1A55E?'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1MA9 and 60. Hy E. KETCH AM ft CO., 89 Pearl-Street. New-York. 'I 'HE only Freeicr constructed on scientific A principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing ot the cream the other removes it as fast sa frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least l quantity of ice. The most economical in coat, as il is the moat simple and durable in structure. For sale in all Ihe principal cities and town in the Union. Each Fteezer accompanied with t book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quart, 5 quarts, 11 quarts, Vt quarts. Apply t II. B. June 3, 1NG0. 3 0ft 4 DO 5 1)0 ft 00 8 Oil -i 00 M ASSER, Sunbury. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE I860! F K O M Wyoming Valley fo Philadelphia, ieT York, Ilalllinore, AND A 1 1. I OIXTS XOK ill, SO UTII V WEST. LACKAWANNA & BLOOM SBUIIG RAILROAD. SUMMER AHHANGEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will las run between f-isnUni and Noilhuinbetlnud, as lohows: MOVI.NO FOUTH : Leave 1'hil'aMail. N. Y V.x Scriiuton, in A.M. 4 as P.M. Airive at I'lttslon, IK ($3 Kingston, y us A hiekskmny, 7 .VI tf, llerwiek, a Vli ri 6S llloonisbuig, 30 7 30 Kupeit, 9 no 7 4U Danville, S VS a 10 .Northumbarlaud, lu On a 43 MUYINO NORTH : Leave N. Y. F. ThiPa Mail. Nurtr-umnerlaiid, 6 30 A.M. 4 IS P. M Arrive al Danville, 8 OA s SO Rupert, JS 6 so Hlonmsbuig, a 4S f no Heiwuk, 7 IS 6 OS Shickslnnny, 7 4S T W, a 30 7 4 A Pulsion, H S7 B IS tfcranton, N !!5 4S Tna Ijicksuanna and ftl s insbuig Railroad connects with the Delaware, l.ackuwniin and Western Railroad, at $crautou, for New York and Plnladelph.a, and Interme diate points fan j aia.i for Great Uend, Uinghamtnii, Syracuse, llulfulo, Fall, and all important point Yet. At ftupeil il connect with the CatUiwissa Rail road, for point tioth Fisl and West. At Noithunit-eilniid it connect with the Suubury and Krie Railroad, for points West andSoutli. . M. '.V. JACKSON, tap't. Kingston, Auguil is, l'On. "WHSTTJBPI GOODS, FOR MEN'S W EAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth. Ueaver ' Ivercoating, v& Illaok Doeakin. New Stvle Cauimeres, All Wool Tweed., Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good f'aesinelle, SiU Mixed Coalings, Super Velvet Cords. Ulack Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Votings, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting, Nice Caaaimere Vestings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Hoys' wear, can be found al the People's One Price Store of E. Y. .Bright & Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of goods, suitable for cold weather. j Please call and be convinced. K. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Siinhurv. October 27. IC0. SUNBURY ACADEMY. f Ml E Sunbury Academy will be reopened on Monday 1 Hi 7th of Augual, Ml. under t.i caia ol S. P. WOI.VKRTON. 'I'lieeoutw of iuatructinn will embrace every drjairt meul of education taught in our best Aeodcnncs, preparing students one either for a prulcsjuoii or to cuter any clats in College. TERMS PER QUARTER: Common School llranchrs, f I 00 Higher English Bunches, S lal Latin and O leek lamguagcs. 7 00 All entering before the f middle of the Quarter will be required to pay for the w auls term ef luituai, uule p- eialarraugenieitt ia maile. Tuilinu lo be paid before the middle of Ih terra. Hissrdcan be had in private tarn. Ilea at liom $1 73 lo fl S pel week, funlairy, August SS, leeO. Watches), Jewelry V ftllver Ware WE wniikl reapectfully inform oar friend, pntron nd the public generally, that we have now in Store and offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the lowest Cash Prices, a knge and veiy choice alock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARM, of eveiy variety and atvle. Everv description of DI AMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, mada to order, al arntrt nolle. Ci" All Good Warranted tn be aa represented. N. B Particular artenlnai given tn Ih repairing of Watcnea nd Jewelry of everv description. STAl'FFER . HARLEY, No. ta Market Street, South Bide, Philadelphia. rVptembei I, lrou..3ra FOR SALE. TWO LOT8 situate in Market itreet, in town of Trevorlon, Nos. IS and 13, in hi Ih block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAl'GLER, Selins irove. or IL B. MA88ER, Sunbury. T J8EFUL IN ALLFAMILIES-HEtaEMAN V CO'8 Hennne, which remove paint spot grease, Ac, ACi ,n(j ce,n, jiuve,, aiik( ribtion. Ac, equal to new, without ihe alighteat injury lo color or fabric. Sold by all Druggisl. alao al thia office, to cent per bottle; " STOVES- TO R SALE an excellent aeeond-band Cank. Ing Stove, alao aeveral Cylinder Coal Stoea. Enquire al thia oflic. HOY'S BOOTS and SHOF.S, eheap for cash t9 WM. MILLER'S. un ury. Augtil t7 l.,u. NEW FLOUR, FEED. FRUIT AND PROVISION STOIU3. rvHE subscriber respectfully inform the ciri 1. tens of Suubury and the surrounding neigh borbood, that ha ha opened a Store al the north west corner of MatkelSquare, oppotile Vandyke' Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kind, ocli a WHEAT. RYK BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oata, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Cracker Oranges, Nuts cVc, Fresh Shad in sea- ' eon, fcarly Vegetable t ruit Ac, from the South. He wiireonatantly receive, by Railroad, (rnm Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the dclicaeie of the season, a they come into market, ami trust, by prompt attention and reasonable price to re.' ceive a ihare of the public patronage. W M.HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1R59.- j. COFFEE POT Tea Pot, Being baned, aa Dr. HaU, of the Journal of Health, says, "on koionoe nnd common sense, are rapidly coming into rse, and destmod soon to supercode aU others. ARTHUR, r.URNHAM.t GILROT, 117 & 119 8. Tenth 8tn Philadelphia Sole .Manufacturer under the Patent sTfeir- Ie hr Healer In Iteeplna; Article, audi Itnrr ket psrs Craiieralljr. December 4, 1859. J. STEWART DEPUY, AT Con N KM I': MAI! AN f. No ..;, Pomr,, !ecitnd sirreta, (next riot to C. II. Mriifh's? O Phiistielphia, xv ukl invite the a'.teMi'-n oi thfir ( irienasann rnsiomers, sun ihe snrilii: in gnitral.i " j mi i larga and well seioried ttrk of onsisting of Velvets. Titpestrie, Thr-f;vt, .i lnsTSMii. and Veriilnv.B K- WlIo'V O r SHADE?, Oil, CEOl 'H9.MAT1 l(JS, ti. H ViOET?, KEO?, MAT?", 1 TA1K RuU. At., whieh he sel. very ch rnn f.r csh, whole-ii ri 'and retail. Marrn 31. 1H50 I y - TAR AND WOOD NAPT11A j PECTORAL, I 1 the rs-st Medicine in the woe d for the Cure of f i.ntv, I I and Colds. Crimp, llronih 'is, Asthma, llifniully in llieatlnnt;, Palpitation nf the Heart, Dipthrria, and f. r the rebel of patients in the ad-anced steees of f.',m.nutp ' ten, losrerhcr with alt Diseases of ihe Thr el and Chesl, t nd which preilispoae 1 1 Conaumptmn. ' ' j It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure nt ; .IWinin. j Being prepared hy a praitieal I'l.yS'eian t Dr'Kj ! Stat one of preat espenenr In the' cure . t tlie vaiu.u 1 diseases In which the Human frame is linl.le. It i i ffered lo the alMicled with the re.ites! eoiifnlence Tiv it and he convinced lint it is tuvatunhie in the Cui of H'ni chialatt.-etions. Price fjceut per JU.ltle Car" I'SSCARRD Clllv by Dr. A. IISKNWEIN A CO., Drucpisls and theunsi. N. W. Corner Ninth and r..plar Sts.. l'hnadiphi XV OI.II by every respectable iJruggisl and Jeaier .11 Medicine tlirirtichout the Mure. Philadelphia, .March 31, iwto.lyw ROCKEFELLER & BOYER, Attorneys at Law 6UNBURY, PA. A. .Tordau Rockefeller and Solomnn II. Iloyer, respectfully announce tai. they entered into Copartnerahip in Ihe practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi r.e entrusted to their charge in the counties ef Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the cijLLKC'i ION ft OF CLAIMS. Consultation can bo had in the GERMAN language. Ortice,- Market Street, opposite Weaver' Hotnl. Sunbury, February , I'SBO. 1 SPa'JO- & CHE1IC.L " j E-iVCFOIil-rj-lSrl. flHE undersigned having received a lare and 1 well selected stork nf Pure Di-up and Chcmlcnln, Dye.ttilT, Oil. Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready to till orders at a moments notice. lu connection with the abeir you will find an aaaortmcnt of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles ami Perfumery of all k'inds. Tooth. Hair, Naiis aud Clothes brushes of every vaitety. Customer will- find bis stock complete, com prising many articles il i impossible here u enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the olT.r. o the "Sunbury American." i'hyaiciuns' Preemption compouuded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. F1SHE!;. Sunbury, April !d, 18.19. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, nsTu t: or tiii: PKAcn 6UNBT7RY, PA. f'Ti-e in Ieer Street, immediate! y vpponile tht fulnic Schnol House. All busineaa promtly attended tn. .Monie ollectrd and all ordinary writing dune. Suubury. Aoril S5. I57. if ft OLD Dr. HEATH'S HOOK OFx M-''. i r"1 "'"-"verie of the J;,aMf V and East India Mulielnea, with lull directions lor the ,r lam cure of Consumption, Bronchitis. Bough C. tda Catarrh, Asthma, Few... Ilea,, Di..,1 wSC., Dj.pepsia. I.ue, Cou,pl.,t Oravel and t'rinai) DepJai , leinale Complaint., Ac with .,! nl, ' eertihcte ol cure and engraving. For the purpose ,. recuu,g a many suBcna lelk.w-aeing. a. p.,,t, , ,. premature deata, ,j will be ... to .,,. ' .e V ut, h) sending cent, tu .,. . cn iir.ATii. V.ll t w J"7 n,""dw;r. New by A W. Fisher, bunlury: Conrad V. N.Tlh,milc,U.,,d ; T H. Caldwell. Ixiwiilmr. j ',',' Clrc"' C,r" ' L."!d Fetauarv IS.lrOO ly. " iienry"donnel, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office oppovtt the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. ......i attention lo business in adioini... ountje. Ti W fcave tke Pieces ! r-.V AsaeeideaU will happen, ven in well-r.eulated faml hea, it ia very de.irabl t have snin p and ounveuieal way for rapairmg Fuimlure.Toy, Crcs.ry,,. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meat all such emergencies, and ao household can atf.r.l hi ba without ii. H a always ready and up lo the atirkmg point. 1 here ia rm longer a neeeaaily for limping chain, splinter, veneer, hesalleaa dolls, and broken eiadiea It is )ust Ihe article fi eaaie, ahcll, and other ornamental wwrk, ao popular wnhtadie. of le&unnent and lust. Thia admirabl piepaiatlon is uaed oold. being chemicallv heal in solution, and roaaeastng all the valuable qualities nf th beat eabinet-rnaker'a lilu. It may used in lha place of ordinary mucilage, being vaally more adhesive 'LSF.rt'LlN EVERY HOt'SE" N. B A Brink acenmpanie each butll. Pnc ti eeui. Wkoleail Depot, No 4-- Cedar atreer, New Vm. Address, HENRY C SPALIHNO CO.. Box No. 3,ou, New York. Pnl ap for Dealer in caae containing Four Htght, and Twelv Doaea a beanuful Uiaof rapkic Show Card ac OMi.panyina each rsM-kage. Cf A aingl bottla cat Spalding's Prepared Ola wilisav leu umea ita enat anuualb to every household. fold by all promineiH HtatioiiM, Iiruagiso. Ilardwar and Farinlurc Deaktra, Gmeera, and Fancy Strea, Country Merchant ahnnUI aiak a n-i 4 puldnu; prepared C.lua. whea they wak up thru list Itwd stand any eiiaaat. Far aale at thi office. Maiek 1, 140. ly e.