Celcgrapljtc THE AMERICAN. i until it will be J-'KIMl WAKIIIMTIIKI. WAont.NuTON.rub. 19, 1801. trie tamit. Senator Cameron made n earnest appeal Ibis niornitt to his cnllennnes, " pas 1,10 ! Tariff with the It-net possible delay, onil mil; be swayed hy tin? appeal "t gentlemen rep resenling almost every brunch fif American I industry onct foreign 'ppportn'inn. There in j ruiiiifi In that the iw York nn- I porters would to defeat the passaire of the hill by ennsmninj time, "overslaughed. tub trtom nit ros loan. j Secretary Hit objects to the ioo ff fifty- j fVllar ronpon hon'-ls. Several reason? are t assigned in support nf his objections. Oa er-'ument i. that Hie etvrnvinir nnd prinliiin nf'th bonds for the lv'itht Million l.nsnwill met the Mine' mm of one hundred ami two thousand dollars, and 'hut iho epensus should not be unnecessarily increased. 1 'fiiltt'V lore oil the I'tannf Cmirilitili'm. , Thn rumor, ennorolly currenton ihe strcels he- ynslerdav. thrtt tlm Peace Cnnlnrencn j broke tp on Saturday under nn i'?riM-mfnt In ttrri. is wholtv unfounded. Tim proceed ittir cave hope that the report or Committee f wmhl ho adopted. Today was civen to debute, and to-morrow there will be an eflnrt : to bring the Conference to a votp, which. : from the demonstrat Urns, will probably stand ; thin : l-'i.r the Report Wiodn Island. New -Jersey. Ponnsvlvauia. Illinois, Delaware, Mary- land, Virginia. North Carolina, Ketitucky, : Tennessee sod Missouri 1 1. j Against thn Report Maine. New Harnp. fhire, Vermont, Massachusetts. Connecticut, New York. Ohio, ludiaca, Iowa, end Wis urinnin 1 ll This veto would carry tho report of tho committee by one majority, but there will be onlv fonr out of fourteen free States voting J. ,.i u i. .. - i.nn for it. I he Vote ol Ullin wouiu nmu uttu, Tur the report, had Judfo Wright lived. Wo ; held the casting vote or his Statu, end ailvo rated Mr. Outturn's proposition. Displace hns been DUed by the appoiulmeut of Mr. I Walcott. The Virginia Commitsiotiers dnRirp to leave tiothini; to construction, and in this they arn sustained by Maryland and the other States. Hence, efforts will he made to clear up all BUibisuities hy amendments, befnro a direct vote be taken on th report. Mr. I'ylor has nl?o nroposed amendments to the ellcct that thn Trfsident shull appoint all Territorial officers for Southern Territories npon the recommendation of two thirJunr the Southern Henators, and those for tho Northern Terri tories upno a siinilnr recommendutiou from two.thir.ls of the Northern Seuators. This is designed to Runrd tho Southern Territory from anti slavery troiaeanJisls in tho way oT Federal officers. TheKUtesof Khode.lsland. New Jersey and Pennsylvania are anxious and determined to have a saf tuctory stlllo- i inetit. i Further Ttttimany ayuinst Fx Secretary Flnjil Ike VolunUcr Mil Unfit a Satis- ; factory A'ljusli:.nt ty the I'eace Cohj'e. ' rence. ! It appears from thn invpsticntirin of the 1 House Military Committee, that ex Secretary ; Floyd accepted A. K. Kelknap's bid for a j hundred thousand muskets, but that Secretary Holt refuses to recognize tho contract. Mr. 1 Iiulknap says they were Intended for the i Sardininn (Jovernment. It is further shown ' that Floyd distributed, without any order, I through th Fnirintier Department, sisty-five , thousand percussion muskets, forty thousand -iiltered inusUels, and ten thousand riliefi, among tho arsenals at Charleston, Augusta, Mount Vernon, Hnton Kongo, and in North ' Carolina. With tho exception of those for thn lat named, tho arms fell into the pos session of Mouth Carolina, Alabama, Louisia na and Georgia, by their secession movement. Some of the delegatrs to the Peace Con ference say to-night that they will probably by Wednesday, agree opon ft plan of adjust ment which will be satisfactory even to tho Virginia Commissioners. The Territorial Huestion was under consideration to. day, and the debate was directed to the object of securing unanimity on that point. BUNBUHY, FA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1861. II. B. MAS3ER, Editor and Proprietor. r n. To Advkrthsih - -The rirrnlRtion of III ?csiii bt Amrhicatc Rfnittiq the (tifTrrinl townunn the Sufqurhnitiin in not exrerilril, if rnnxlleil ly any pnper nilhlillii'd ill Northtrti IViitiiylvmiiR. CJT For Kknt. A house and lot in Market street, Sin. bury. Apply at this office. Mkpi-a.mii.k Coi.i.Knis Si iioi.arsiiii' For sale nt this office, several ceitiGcatvs of scholarship on reasonnble terms. KJ." Hank Hirkctoii. Samuel J . Packer V.ri , or this place, was on the 7th inst., elec ted n director of the Hunk o! Norlhuruberland, in pbice of William T. Forsythe. resigned. Fresh Sliud, the first of the season, made their appearanco in llarritburg on lust Saturday, and sold for filty cents each, a price : which gives thetn rather a silvery taste. i They will noon be nbtmd.int at cheaper rates. .. I 65? 1 Dkstiu i tive Fuksiikts. A largo num. i her of pur exchanges bring details nf the late frefdiots, which seem to have visited many j places, both at tho North and at the South , The Albany, N. Yr., papers estimate the , damage occasioned by the freshet at that i city at $10(1,000. The Troy papers set down '. their loss at about $10,000. I fri" lioiiLY Lady's Hook for March is on ; our table, and is a handsomer number I than either the January or February num. , hera. This shows that Uodey does not ! waste his strength on tho January number to ' the detriment of the following numbers of the year. I lie engraving "(. urixt lllessmg Little Children," is splendid, tho Fashion Plate large and attractive, and the other illustra tions numerous, which, with the reading mutter, is just such as tho ladies want. conditio op the I'tninAi, in ham ky issue op mvtitVMK.T iiumii. Secretary Dix sent to tho House of Ileprn. seulutives, on the 12lh inst., a letter in rela tion to the financial condition of the country' He shows that before the 4lh of March the following liabilities (all due l Km ihePintr Drpnrtnrnit, l!0,Mi9 r,9 Fur Ihc InicriiM HrpurOlirnt I,kiiH,3-27 .15 for the Wni Urpmlmriit, 1 ..VJI.CII 00 Kif Ihr Nvy lir.purinieiit, ,iMi,ihu iki I-' or thn IWioflire Di'pattinvnt, 7liu,IKl0 (IU Jtcpiifitiuna el Wur und Navy lift enmpMpi! with I.FM.WS I!) Trcnnirv Notes fulling due before the llh ol .Miii. h, l,'l1,7(iO 00 i For the Tirimiirvr'-pnrtinriit SOI . 41 Jd For the l.ishlhoufe Uonnl, All , Fiiliing tlountiei due, eiliniHtcd, -ti5. .VJI til Sf.mil.llS oil Mr. Dx further remarks : j "The accruing revenues will it is estimated meet about $1.1 100,000 of the amount, leaving $8,000,000 to be borrowed. There is in the Treasury, snbjoct to the druft of the Treasu rer of the United States, but little more than $r00,000, and there are requisitions in the I ft, f, - ... l that the crisis was I 1 "-usury iparimcni amouuui.g to ueany t-,ouu,iiuu unanswered. "In the present condition of the couDtry it would be impossible to borrow the money needed to meot the wants of thn Treasury, unless at a discount which would seriously impair the public credit, without some pledge in additiou to thut ol the fuith of the govern ment. Several of tho Slates, iu accordance with a suggestion contained in my letter to your committee of the 1 8th of Junuary last, have offered to superadd a pledge of their fnitb to that of the United States for the re demption of any bonds it may issue to the amount of the public monev denositet) with purchased by the proprietors of the ! ,bem f spectively for safe keeping under ; the ... i ii . i,i i u i i .i ,, i i act of 23d June. 1830. If Congress will au mental Hotel,' wh.eh, hke the C.rard, ; .,,, - . h .,?,,. lll6 mnni. refjuired to meet the liabilities due and to full due before the 4lb oT March cau be obtaiued ut par. "If the authority is not granted, I am sat isfied it ran only he procured on terms which wonld be exceedingly disadvantageous to the government, and in thn highest degree rielri mental to its credit I should not venture to Bsk for a loan exceeding two millions of dol lars, and neurly thn whole of this amount to be retired to meet the redemption of treo Kiiry notes to full due before the 4lh of March, There would be due on that d.iy about sis millions of dullnri to public creditors, whose demands could not reinuin unsatisfied with out subjecting ihcin to thd mofct serious, and j tUT 'The Latkst. 'The spring f.ihions for . pntitaloons are already out in Philadelphia, i and of course will soon be introduced here. The favorite style is a narrow plaiJ, iu euor- mous squares. Our reportorial cotemporary 1 of the Xorth .hncrv:an saw a samplo, which : he thus describes : "Cue bar rests upon the ! boot, the next at the knee, and the third ut the hip, the fnirth forming the waistband. 'The legs of tho gentleman sporting these trowsers reminded us of the loog loop-bolo windows iu the front of the Fastern Pemteo liary. The color is a lively hrickdust, barred witli orange." i tier a a fu&uioa tbut 13 a I fubbioo 1 l.fcTTl:n from the r.niTOR. DATttn Wasiiinoton HnfSK. 1 mtatlelfhia, Feb. 19, 18C1. J Few people who reside outside of the great cities, ran imagine the disastrons effects which such n crisis as tho one under which wo aro now suffering produces on the manufacturing and commercial iuteresls of the country. Failures io Philadelphia and New York, of houses hitherto deemed thn best in the country, have given such a shock to public confidence, that trade and commerce are everywhere paralyzed. Notwithstanding our abundant crops and good prices our mineral wealth and extensive commerce of tho past year all business seems prostrated. The banks io New Yoik have over thirty. seven millions of specie in their vaults, or about nineteen millions more than tbo usual amount, yet the United States Government caunoi effect loan, eaetpt at exorbitant rates Mr. Lincoln's declaration an artificial one, was an unfortunate slip of tho tongue. Indeed, tho President elect has not added much to his n potation as a slates man by some of his recent impromptu speech, es, and has said a number of things tbut bad better remained unsaid. The uaual Southern travel having in a measure ceased, its effects are severely felt by the lurge hotels. The (jirurd House, in this city, is to be clospd on the first of March, the bulnnre of thn lease, it is said, having been "Continental has not been paying expenses, for some months pBst. The action of the Legislature in the passage of theSunbury & F.rie ltailroad bill, and the commutation of the tonnage tax, which passed the House by a largo majority, gives greut satisfaction in this city. Philadelphia and the whole State are deeply interested io these great improvements. After these mat. tors are disposed of, Mr. Williums, of Alls gheny, intends to stir up the Supremo Court. He says if he don't empty tho benches, he will nt least make them shake in their seat?. M r. Williams is an aliio lawyer, and io debate, perhaps, the strongest man iu thn Legislature, Some of his friends think over zealous, hut no one who converses with hi.u, can doubt his sincerity. 'Tho new government of the South is be. ginning to assume form and shape, but it Is singular that South Carolina should be rep resented in it and its cabinet, by only one, and that tho least important office, Secretary 'Till'. PHACK CON'li I! F.SS. him to ascertain whether Mr. Floyds acccp It must he borne in mind I hat the Pome , t.ioeos wi-r.- good. Congr.-ss sits with closed door, ami that in.- . r '" ' J on the l resident, who Commissioners aro iduilgeil, us hm.oi e , said he kn. w iiollnou ul.oiit them, or any lw men. nnL In rpvniil wtini Iritiiti.ii-fA Tlo has forced correspondents, who are required tailed on Mr. Floyd, who said that the accept. io seoa a certain quota or "sensation items," to forward many apparent sketches of debates which have only taken place in their owe imaginations, greatly to the amusement of those who have had speeches manufactured for them. Mr. Uuthrio stated to day, in conversation with a circle of his acquaintan ces, that the remarks of F.x-(jovcrnor limit well, or Massachusetts, were doubtless a cor rect exposition of the views of the New F.ngland Republicans that Mr. Redden, of Virginia, wus a lair representative wf the Secessionists and that there was a medium ground, npon which bo believed tbut the conservatives of the country might stand. Mr. Hives, of Virginia spoke at length in the Congress, and implored Northern men not to sacrifice the Union. 'I'll H SOUTIIKKN CONGKKSS. AN IMPORTANT MM.. MoNToovKHY, Ala., Feb. 19. The Con gress has passed the bill for the regulation of the customs, which admits tree ol duty all bnadstuffs, provisions, munitions of war and materials therefor, living animals and agri culturul products in their natural state ; also, ll ooil s, wares and merchandise Iroin the Uni ted States, if purchased before the 1st of March, and imported before the 4th of M arch Texas is exempt from tbeoperation of the tariff laws. 1 his news is reliable. AHKIVAL OF 1'HLJ.IDE.Vr U.1VIS-IIIS SI'Ktl II. Montoomkry, Ala., Feb. 1C. President Davis arrived last night, and wus haudsoiue-1 ly received by a military escort, oud also a I civic procession. A salute was lired, und I much enthusiasm manifested. MoNTnot.KKY, Feb. IT The trip of Picsi- deut Davis from Mississippi to this city, has beeu a perfect ovation. He uiadu Iweuty- I live speeches on the route, returning thanks ; for thecoiiiplimeiitury greetings to the crowds i assembled nt the Vunuus depots, where he i was received with uiilitury escorts and salutes. 'The committee ol' Congress und the Mont- eomery authorities met Presideul Duvis j about eight miles from this cny, and formally ances w ere In accordance wit a the usage oi the Department, and were giveu conditionally as to the arrival of trains from one point to another. Mr. Henjamin reminded him of the impro priety of such proceedings, and Mr. Floyd said he would sign no more. Hut notwillv standing, from April to December he gave acceptances to the amount or two millions one hundred and sixty three thousand dollars. 'The lust hatch was on the 13tb of December, the day Hailey delivered the lust supply ol bonds, 'The committee have ascertained that mnny of these acceptances are still out, and $'JC0, Ol'O worth of them are in the hands of one or two parties alone, but which are worthless. The committee make no recumineudalion, but merely report the fuels. Sbamokin Coal Trade. SlIA.MOKl.N, Fub.M, lf-01. TONS. CWT. Sent for the week ending Feb ruary H)tb, 3.M8 0C Per last Ueport, 17,1 10 10 To same time last year, Increase, 20 ii;s 13.001 ii; id i.TOC IT Tho Northern Central Railway. The arrival of Pasdenger Trains on the North ern Central Kail lioad Iroin SSunliury, is as lol ows : ARRIVAL. tlFPA KTI'RK Mail Train, North, 4.W I". M , S.ihi f. M " rs.utii, n.lsA At , ii.suA.M Sunbury & Erio Railroad. The anival Hint ilrpnrlurr nf P:iw;ene.er Tonus on the Sunbury ,V l'.rie Kutlroiiil m thn place, if as follows New Advertisements. am: in it tAu:s. Y virtue of sniuhy writs of Vin. p.jporm i- ued out ol the Court or Cninninn I'll - f Northumberland county, lViiiivlM1,,i;ii t.j tlin directed will he ex pored Io public dale, nt thn public houae oH.'spt. J. M. Un; j tlc 'r.., of Milton, on Thurmlav the 1 llh duy 0, ,lr ""i A.l) lM,.t 10 o'rjock, A. M., the f!uw . described rei.1 estate, to wit : 1 A cert tin tract or piece of land, Kitimtp j ,, , wnre townKhip, Norlliuniherlainl cnuntv s.vl vfliiia, bounded anil described nH loll.ms ,. isinning at a post in Turhulvillc n.nd ; ili.-'i,u. north 14, west 64.0 perches by land of Phi!,,, Hteinrick to a pout ; thence by same south ?::, west 4.".4 to a post; thence by Innd of lir T." bias Piper, north 14. w. st 44 pen hes to a i,0-t : " omxei, norm tiv r.t i 8a. to a post; thence by land of t w .1M ,,t j Samuel Cnhiw. ll dt e'd , south ljwesl 'H'.1, t , n i (Mist, in Turhulvillc road, thence hy sunn- hii,, I f,5l we' 20 2 to the place of brginnins, roiitan . j ill!! 3d acres and !M pirclies, Mrict me sn,: ! mote or less, all of which i i clearp I, upn'i uhi 'i there is a prowiug orchard. Heiwd taken in e ,. I ecution and to be solJ as llic properly of P. . , I Fox. AI,iS(l : At the same time and place, two cer. i lain lots of KMond, sjlu itn in t!iu Imroim'li of I Millon, Norlhliniherliilnl coonly, bonnilr.l nn the j north by Mnrket strei t, on the south hy nn nlle, j on the eaBt by a lot ol John is. M irti, and on i!o wesi oy oecniid slrecl. wbereon is erected a two slory log dwelling houe, weatherbi anted, and kitchen, a stable elaiiuhlcr hou-e aid u'her ni f huildiniis. feized taken in i xecutiori and to be sold as the property ot .l icoh Miller. DAVID AI.DHON. Sheiiff. PherilF's ollice, ) Hunhiiry, Peh. !i0. I HO I. ft- 'f . - Mail Train. North, ' " S.nlli, Ffi-rght nml Aceom. N.irlh, Sonlh, Arrival. KM V. M., !l,4.- A. S im P M. Iemrlnre. S.HI 1. M. l,jll A.M. ?,i) A M The Klmniokin Volley nml rullnvllie nnilrnml. n nil A M. 4 30I-.M. Ml. t'nrmel. in some cases ruinous, losses. Mr. .Sherman, rrom tho committee of ways and means iu the House, reported a hill authorizing thn President, in place of a part of thn loun hill, to issue coupon bonds of a denomination not exceeding filly dollars, and bearing not exceeding six per centum inter est, end running twenty years, und pay such bonds at pur to those creditors who may he willing to receive them, not to exceed the amount authorized by the recent louu act. of the Interior, nn office for which there is no business. Already South Carolina protects against the tariff policy of the cow govern ment, and against tho clause of the coutlilu tion prohibiting the stave trade. I witnessed, a few evenings since, the TIIK TAIUI'F. Washington, Feb. 10, l8(il. Tho Senate, has harmoniously considered the various amendments proposed to the new Turit)', and the New Yorkers keep their warehouse sys tem by a vole of 2T to IS. Senator Cameruu vainly endeuvnred to convince bis colleagues thut this wurebousd system is in reality on performance of Mr. Harcy, tho greut horse. uctimt for the foreign merchants of New received 111 III. 'Two I'lUe inilllury companies I nsseni;er train leaves Sni.bnrv at from Columbus, Ueorgiu, joined the escort at Opeleku. He arrived here at 10 o'clock last night, and was received with should Iroin the large crowd usseinbled. Iu reluming thuuks at tho depot, Presi dent I 'avis said that he felt proud to receive the congratulations und bospitulities ol the citizens of Alabumu. Ho briefly reviewed the present positiou of the South and said the tune lor cuinpioiiiiiies hud pussed. We are now dulurmmed to iiiuintuin our position and muke all who oppose us smell Southern powder, und leel the .Southern steel, ll coer cion is persisted in hu hud no doubts ol the result. S u will maintain our righls and our (Jovurnnnjiit at ull hazard. We aak nutb.ng oud will buvu Do compliculiuns. ll the other iSiules join our cuulederutiou they can I'reuly come In ou our terms. Uur separaliuu Irom iho old Union is comple, und no com promise, no reconstruction, cau be entertain ed. A lurce crowd awaited President Davis's t" A Uoou Stuiii;sTo!. A hill was in troduced by some member of the Legislature who appreciates tho services of the "boys who run with the masheens," to exempt the off), cers end members of all regularly organized turner. Turco, a handsome but a most savage gray horse, was brought on the stage. He would snfTer no one but his groom, a colored man, to approach him. As Mr. Haiey camo near he would strike at him with his fore feet, nod mouth wide open. Mr. Karey, watching his opportunity, suddenly sprung to bis shoulder, and with his little straps soon got him on his knees, and iu ubuul thirty minutes laid alongside of him, playing with his heels. When he arose Bo phiyed on a drum placed on bis buck threw a saddle Vol I;, yet those Seuators opposed to pro- j arrival ul the Kxchuuge Hotel, and lliu ladies Ore companies from the performance of i loose and ungirthed on bis back, and mounted Mr. Ilnmlin on Ills way Io Washington Sjieech tit liaiifjnr, Maine. llANrion, Mo., Feb. 18. Mr. Hamlin, the Vice President elect, accompanied by his j ilo, leTt for Washington this morning, lie vas escorted to the depot by thousands of. lis fellow townsmen, who cheered end bade lim farewell. j Previous to the starting of the train, Mr. j lamliu reEpoodud io a brief address, us fol j jws : 'I go to discharge the official dnties which avo been conferred hy a generous people dying on Divine I rovidence military duty, unices iu time of actual war. A cotuinpnrary, endorsing the measure, says j that the "boys" devote uiore time Qd money I to the protection of the rights oud property ! of others thau all tho military companies put together, but suggests that the bill "bo co I amended as to cmbruco only the uclive mem ; born, and exclude from its benefits the mere j tlronet in the lire companies." We heartily secocd the amendment, and hope our I.egis lative friends will pass tbo bill, with the aAeudment. and dismounted without disturbing the cuddle. 1 IMAL PASSAOI-: OF TIIK SLMtLHV All) FKIK HILL. The bill to rhani'G the name of the Kiinlin. 1 facturer. who is bench ted bv it. ry and Erie Railroad was passed finally on ! whole history of tho warehouses teclion were clamorous id us buhalf. He suid : "If the duty was paid to day ou the goods now iu houd in the diU'ereiit warehouses of thu Coiled dilutes, we should have in our 'Treasury about 1 10.0111', mil). Those 10, OnO.OUU would relieve as from ull trouble. We wo now paying 12 or 1-1 per eeut. for the use of money which is jujtly due to us from these goods. Senators talk against giving protection to the manufacturer und thu labo rer : but wheu we come to this protection to the merchant, nothing is sitid about it. My I impression is, that this thiog is more to the ! advantage or the owners of tho warehouse.1! : iu New York '.hen it is to uy other people. I Cerlaiuly the legitimate merchants ol New York, the men born, raised und edueuted ' here, whose capital belongs to this couttry, have no be lit In from it ; but it is the loreigu t ir.or.-haiit nr llis nrronl. nf t ha fiimin-11 niMiin. J hut IS the 5- Latest Nkws. The Merrill LurifT bill, after being chutiged iu many important re spects, was passed in the United Status Sen ate on Wednesday lust, by a vote of 25 yeas to 14 nays. Senator Kigler voted with the Republicans present io its favor. Tho pro vision for the ubolition of tho warehouse sys- I trust that i tcm in 1,18 ori8'ua' bill has, we believe, beeo confidence shall never he betrayed. 1 . eutirely removed from it, and the rate of duly iow full well that dark clouds are hover inj j on a number of articles have been reduced. oiinJ the political horizon and thut "mad- .... future proceedings in the House will '1.9 lUll-n I Ut, IIUUI. J.lfc Olll UUIVI Ol e lllli ir pJiple are not only loyal to the Covern- decide whether these amemltocuts will be nt. but Bre fraternal to all its citizens. i concurred in. i l, when in practice, it shall bo domonstra-I Old Fort Kearney, Nebraska territory. ; Saturday last, io the House oi Repretenta i tives by the following vote, viz : 1 Yeas Messrs. Ahhou. Acker, Aiuleisrai, Annslronir, Atheoin, Ausllil, tliill liiinuley, lh.rthol.anew. Itisl, lllair, Hoer, llrestler, llrewseer lluller, (CarlH.n.) llutler (Ornwfonl,) Byrne Tielwell Cnlliiis. Coivan, Ciaii;. Done- lass, Llinfii-lil, llilneali, l)iiiilai, Kllenl.erer, (irtsluM. lira ham, llHi(H.'r, llaivey, Mayes, lMlnian, llo,4l, llohns, llulin, Kline, Koch, lawreiiee, I.eisfi,rinir, lwthcr, M: tloiiiuch, .M'iiomyal, .MuiiiloiU. .Markliall. Moore, . rri s,il. Mullin, Olter, Dfleihoilt. I'ielee. Preslon, P'tehe, Kaiulull, Iteily, Khoads, Ki.lwav, Roltinson, KH-r, Seliroeh, Sell.er, Siialer, SI eptuir.l, Smuh (fierks.) Smuli, (I'hilnilelphia,) Stehirmii, Strane, Teller, TIiomihb, Walker, While, Wlkli yai il I lain. rH'akel 7ii Nav Messrs. AlexainlHr. Hixlei, Tllanehsril. Kliss, Itrrwlheurf. Ilurns, Clark. Cope. DiFiiiant. llonley, r.liiott, l-'razier, liililtoiiey. Ooehrnn:. Ileek, (till, Irvia, l.irtien wallner. Mver, rulleroii, lieirl, Stonctek. Taylor, Tracy, Williams anil Wilson 'it.. 1'ollitically eighteen Democrats voted for the bill and ten against it. The others vo ting were all Republicans. bill, for tiik ruinicTATiu.i ot-Toiv na;k iil'tii-.s. The bill commuting the tonnage duties on the Pennsylvania Ruilroad passed Gnal read. "Seuators tulk about olber countries pro tecting commerce by the warehousing syblein but they forget that io no country iu the world are the foreign products allowed to stay in bond, except bo fur as they add to the ben efit of the maoufuclurer of the country io which they are. 'That is the system in Eng land. 'Their whole warehousing system is for the benefit or the uiauufucluiers of loreign couutries." A M K N I) M E N Tri Cl X 1 UO X . 'The amendmeuts affecting iron and steel, as adopted, make the sections amended, read thus : Section 7. And be it further enacted, Thut from and alter the day and year uforeaid, were equally eiithusiuslic with the gentlemen In respunse lo eulhusiuHliv calls he uppeared ou the balcony, and suid . Ft llow-cilizeus Drelheru of thu Conf .der ated Slates of America lor now we uro brethern, not iu name merely, but iu fuel, nreu ol flesh, of onu lioue, of oliu interest of thu i identity of our domestic institutions. We ; havo henceforth, 1 trmt, a prospect ol living together iu peace with our institutions, the . subject of protection and uot delumutiou. ll j may hu thut our career will be ushered in amiust a storm. It muy be that, as this, ! mummy opened wilh clouds, and uiist, und ruin, we shall have to eucouuler iucouvem j euces at thu begmuiui;, but us the euu rose be lifted the mitt, dispersed the clouds, and I left us iu tbo sunlight of Huuven, so w,ll the progress of Southern Conleiierazy carry us i bale over lb sea to the sale harbor of cou- I bliliitioiial liberty and political equality : ( A ppluuse.) I 'Thus we shull have nothing to fear ut j borne, because ut home we huvu no homo- geuity. We have nothing to fear abroad, because if war should come if we must agaiu ' bjptisu in blood tho principles lot which our ! fathers bled ill the Revolution, we shall show thut we are not degenerate sous, but will re deem the pledges ihey gave to preserve the sucred rights Irausmitlfd to us, and show that Southern vulor still shines as brightly as in 1710, in 1 to 1 2 . aud every other conllicl. (Applause.) 1 was lulorined, my Iriends, of ! your kindness, und that you ouly required thut 1 should appeal before you. Fatigued by travel, aud so hoarse thut I am unable to speuk al any length, I came merely , to assure you of my grutiluou 0r these maiii- festulious ol your good will. 1 come with Tiik (Irkat Horbk Tamkk. Mr. f! itpv fs astonishing the admirers of horse flesh here j hy his exploits wilh nntamed steeds. He j tnkes in hand the most savage of erpiines. und i he usually bring' them to terms in about lif i teen minutes. There is nothing verv remar j kable ahoet the uppearanre of the preat ; lamer. He is a good lookinjj man with ft I benevolent Tace and firm eyp, and hn always presents nn elepant and centletnanlv appear onre, from thn fact that he invariably dresses in thp earments made af the Itrown Stone ' Clothine Hull of Roctihill .V Wilson. Nos. : fiilll and CO") Chestnut street obove Sixth, Philadelphia. t'ot f.-irs The Fndden chances of our cli' mate are sonrres of IVlmonabv HnoM-iitAi. and Asttiwatio Aitwtions. F.xperienrp havinr proved that imple remedies often net ; speedily and certainly when taken in the , curly stages of the diseases, recourse should nt onee be hail to "l,rcns hnmrlititi l nirlitu" or Lo7."lice, let the Cold, I'odl'Ii, or Irritation of the throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a moro serious nttack may he effectually warded off. Prr.l.H' SrKAKK.ns and Sim:krs will find them effectu al for plearirir and strengthening the voice. See advertisement. riiii.ADKi.t'iiii coi.ixii:. S. ,'. corner of' Stvrnllt nml Clxnittl Strcftf. Tins is one ol I'.IUHT COU.V.r.l.S. rflXSTITfTlMi Till: -N TIO.V.M. CHAIN." I.iW?A1Kn is oimtieipliia, ,rw ork uuy. AILunv, Uull.,1 ,. (:,.VI- I hieau-', nml Ct. Loins. Ci-h . ,;u fIiiiih i mii lie our I I ell ised ia r- "Not dniiaerons to the lliminu I'ronile. " . "Itats coin," ..ut of thi-ir holes to i!ir." 'Pi lTAR" Kiit It!irh, Ar , KxtTiinu;il.'f t'llSTAt'S" llfit-lm" rxftTlinii:it.'r "I'OS'l'AirS" Klrrtric P'twilrr, hir ItifrrlP, Ar , PKA1KCIVH ISKT ANT1Y. Hntr ftimrlirw Mi.'i' MhIcp iiniiiui M -it Hfl. line Ami MoHm MttuquitiM-i !'U' I iiri 'is n I'l nitu. K'nvln, AiMinitl. Ac., Ac in li"rt, every tiu uml spf I'il'rll' VKItMtN. in vt:iT fHtulliilii't1 in NVw Vttik Ct!v--HKril liv ll. City IVm lliMii tlif City I'nvHis nml ScitCMi Mohmps the City SfriiiiiiTK, hl(F. A A t lie City ll"trl. A fr." 'St. Nictirw." Ac. uiifl by inure trnm f.Ki0 private . rnmi'irii. : llritL-jriiit :mi Rein licit evcrvwli- 'll thnn j fr"'hi.lett:ile Atrenln m nil llie Ijitim- Ciru-n niitl Tt'Wiis. ' V Jl.ftO pimple li-ixc" ft nl by Mtnl. iy Ailtlies i.t'lei-- tir for "Cireuliir in Den!er?" lf lirTNKV R. Ct rsTAH , I'rminl Dt pnl. rdO .r-'iiifw:tV, nppimile St. irhotn M'Mtnt.) Y. ' S.imM.v I'lill.l.NO A till AN T, Sm.lmty, 1'. April's!!. i that Um coDfititutinnal riehts of all tho j Wtt9 uke0 pneeeioD of on Mootiuy night lust I ing the Houie of UepmenUtives on hutnr Mta pMi I y . P17 of secessionists, the t a P-P day, and Was sent to the Senate, bere it .ill owing t iio pnttiu illumined by asliincton, Terson and Madison, may we not reaonv hope and expert that quiet will bo tortd. and tl e whole country still advance t career which will elevate man in his ial, moral and intellectual condition ?" Ihr I nissi lirket Carried iu m. I.unlt. 77ie State Fnvor the (Won. T- l.tii iii, Pi'h. 1" Incomplete returns :to the election of tlm Union ticket for State Ciinveutiou in thU city, by about I majority. Tbo election paused pff Ik. with do disturbance of any kind rrinir. . returns from the .State, s fur as re id, favor the tlecliou of the l.'iiioo candi-i. melto Flair was wuivinc over the fortress hearing the motto or Southern nights. The outrage caused greut excitement, acd the Union men mustered in force, anil at ten o'clock an attack was made, the Palmetto Hug torn dowo und tho stars aud stripes raised io iis P'aw CjTAn I wiourANT lin.i.. A bill of very ! great importance to luborers throughout the ! ritute has passed the House, and beeu seni to the fceiiula foi" concurrence. It U cutitled 1 "au Act for tho heller security or the wages ' t,r luborers," and provides as follows : "That all wages that may ha doe from the 1 owner or owuers or any manufacturing eBtab' i l.sliineut. to uuy laborer or laborers iu or ! about .neb establishment, for any period Dot exceediug ix monlhs immediately preceding nT 'I'i-xas l.r.sF.s. The Louisville our 'iy : "The incratitude or Texas seems to provu a very cosily luxury (u her. lepession arrests Ihr passace or tho bill nereis for a mniintMil roi.initfnl In nra. her frontier- it rl..nriv.oi her of ineiit. and shull be first paid Troin the proceeds ' ol lue suit) oi sucu emuuiieo ia . i o, the death or insolvency of bucU owner or owners, shall be a lien upon such establish I service which has been peirformwd for the yearly expense or half a million of .4 above the receipts, and it cuts her off he lliirty six millions fit dollars which ee4 lot been determined to appropriate construction of a railroad throughout oIm length of Seven or eiclit liniidtvd incniMieet bi.r with the Pacific Stales 1'acitie Ocean. She has acted linger iienen of atrocious inisn present t ion kins pounsels. ned bui long duy of egret is not far off." no doubt be properly examined at au early day and finally disposed of. The vote on final passage was as follows : Vias Messrs. Ahhott, Aeker, Aehoni, Ailflkll. Hull Illltlliololliew, lllair, llirhlli-r, tlrewslel, liartis, IlilUeri (Cmliuli.) Hutlel, (Crnwlottl,) llynie, Cuilwell, Cownil' Craig. iJoaiilas. llullielil. lui,eaa, Dilnlap lalentM.'riferi (inkill. (ohli,iiiey, (iuehriiif. Graham, llaivey, llilliunn llohus. lluhn, K'H-li, Lawrvnee, J-ik.-iirinpT. liwther, M' I'ououph, M'lioui'al, Mursliall, M.Mre, .Mornsoii, Mahilt llls-r. Ofctethotit, 1'ieiee, I'reston, I'ue.he. Itiuul.tll, Hellv, Hidtfumv, Itolaiison, Itolk-r, Sell er, stutter, !hepHiril, Sniilli, (PhilailLlphm.) Tavlor, Teller, 'I'iiomas, Hiker, White, Wililley anil Diivii Cpeaker SO. Navb Messrs. AU-iiiiitler. Aialeiii, Arnistroiif., Il.irus ley, Uisel, Hixlri, lilaneharil. 111, is, llorr Bnsllieail, C talk, Collins, Co,e, sJieiii.uil, llonley, Mlliott, Fraier, lla,,rr, Hayes. Ileek. Mill, llnod. Ill in, Kliae. I.itehtrn walinel, Miniifokt. Myers, Patlersial, Iteitl, Khou,ls. ehrK-k, hinilh, (lleri. ) telnnsii, SioiivUiek, Straiif, I'lai y, Williums, and WiIkoii :is. . - Railroad Ei.kctio.n. The following shows the vote given for Uireolors of the Sunbury and l'-rie liailroad at the election held io Philadelphia on the 11th inst. : K I... ii i. ..li.,.,. ,.;.i lenuii mr i c oiiuu 'o ic iu, v Hint, tcu, aim liuiu. vu ... . , , . . . . , , - r . . lire the imuortution of the articles hereinafter 1"1"k"cu aud dl,ilru8.1 lo ll,e ."'"barge of the i . mentioned, the following duties, that is to treat duties devolved ou lou by the kmduees und conlideuce uf Congress of the Confede rated States. 1 thank you my friends, lor of favor and appro- buliou you exhibit ou this occasion. Tluough out my entire progress to this city 1 have re ceived the same tlatleriug demonstrations of geuerous support- 1 did not regard them as personal to my self, but tendered me as the humble repre sentative of the principles aud policy ot the Conferated Slates. 1 will devote to thu du ties or tbe high offiice to which 1 have been Called, all 1 have of heart, of bead, and of baud. If, iu tbe progress of events, it shall become necessary, or my services he needed in another p sitiou ; if. to he plain, necessity shall require that I shull agaiu enter the rauks as a soldier, 1 hope you will welcome me there. (Appluuse.) Now, tr.y Irieods, again thanking you for this mauifestutiou of your approbutiou, allow uie to bid you good uiglil. IMA V'.l.KrrioN. The majority i one 1 and threa cities and count im in lavor . ring the action or lh Convention to , te or the people ia n t. tug The . iD SfWtatitr says : "The best test ! ,d by the recent election or the com l strength or the Union men and oists. consists in Ibe vote for and eferring the Union men as a peoe t, voted fur referring, and he Sece. Voted agaiti.it referrnir. We am not yet to slate by what majority the ntiment prevailed shown hy this it U aot less, we kuppose, tbuu forty i. tpels t-ii.ee wp noticed the birth of.t jle child ia this plac. purporting lo loubla bead. It diej yrttetdaj i lluji'hr 'il-t I'lial the same be ret.reseliled to the officer j executing the writ before distribution ol the I proceeds of tho aule. The second section , declare, lliul, III cane oi me uit.oiuiiou, uj deulb or otherwise, of auy par tuerslup, linn or incorporated company, ull debt due or i ! owing lo opemtivus or laborers for services j , periormed for such partnership, linn or mcor ; loiialed comtiuliy, lor auy period not exceed' I ing one year, htirtll first be provided lor and paid out of thu tiled of assets (if suid tirm or 1 eompauy iu preference of or lo any other . claim : I'rm iilul, That this act shall not J . . ..... . t , , i -l impair or alien icu rtgni oi uiu wiuow or cliiidnu of uuy decedent to reluiil three hundred dollars, as provided by existing laws ol' this t'uiniiiouelih." It will give luborers that protection to!, whicb they are justly untitled, aud which bhould have beeu extended lothem long ago. Wm. (j. Moor head Kllis Lewis A. ltoyd Cuainiings 1. K. Juckmau H. V. Merrick J. 1. Wbelhuui II. llubring. C. Ii. Wright Jaa. M. Sterrclt F. M. Drexel IS. Hush Petriken 12.C73.T.4 PJ,&;3.54 12r)73.r)4 12. 54 PJ,5':i.54 12,57:1.00 12,573 51 12.573 51 12,57354 12,573.54 54 12.627 12.027 12.C27 12 C27 12.C27 12,673 12.627 12,627 12.627 12.573 04 Tkkkitoht or tiik nkw Comkhkracv.-. At this particular juncture it will be interest ing to note somo of the statistics or the suv er.l seceding Elates with reference to their population, Stale debt, ic. We find them io the New York Herald, al follows : I'opulullmi ill li-flO Hlale riebt Not I'kioiiiknkii A proposition has beeo made to hang Parson Hrowulow, tbe eccen tric editor of the K uox villa ( l enn ) H'Ai.7, for liia bitter opposition to the KecessiouisUi. The Pal sou accedes lo the arraoaement aud desiguatei al the most fitting day for the performance, that appointed for the holding of mass nieeliug uear bis residence. The Birangeincot, he tays, will kecure hi in a large audieuce to beat his dying epeecb- Miailli Csioluis, .e4l!Ul, AlalunllH h ississippt IJUISltlUl r'lorulil Tola l're nis.ia 6IJ.KW 51.4 14 4ii7.li.',l a-.-'li bl.boj .J;7,I47 Msve. 4117, 115 4117'lon 4 15.C1 41H,lkl7 319.1-4 a,tHsi .IA5.Ik1 S.iMi,l47 4,45'i,7:j in O-jS IW, I'.l-J V4S aw,7i 5M,i;)4 7.'J7l,7'm I,7li3,l4 IJS.UUU The upsetting of a gig wa the occasioo of wasbiogton'i beiug bora in lb United Statei ; an error of miner in ticking a well led to the discovery of lleruulaoeum j and a blunder in nautical adventures result ed iu the discovery of tbu inland ol Madeira. Buy : l' irol, on bar iron, rolled, or hammered, ......,.,.,,, (lala nnl I... ... .......... , I .... ;.:..i. .,...... ia thu kind uiuuirestallous UU IUVII ll I.IU.V IMUU . " J lt,V,.D ..lll.Dt, MIUIIUA ; uot less tbau one half ao inch or more than j four inches in diameter ; aud squares, not less tli u ii oue-hulf an inch or uiore tuun four inches ! square, fifteen dollars per ton. j Aud provided further, That none ( f the above iron shall p.y a less rule of duly lhao 2U per centum ad valorem. On iron wire, drawn aud Gnished, not more than one fourth of oou inch io diameter, nor less tliau No. 16 wire guuge, 75 cents per one Uuourea pouuos, ana U per centum ait va lorem. Ou tire for locomotives, or parts thereof, and ou all olber descriptions of rolled or ham mered iron uot otherwise provided for 20 per too. Uo iron cables or chains, or parts thereof, aud auvils 1 25 per one hundred pounds. (In baud und hoop iron, slit rods for nails, nuts, aud horse shoes, uot olaurwise provided for, 20 per ton. Aovils provided for io the forty-eighth line or the bill, were strickeo out from the forty ninlb aud fiftieth liues, avoiding repetition. The duty remained unchanged. Uo bed screws aud wrought binges, 1 j cent tier pouud. Uo wrought iron railroad chairs, and on wrought iron uuts aod washers, ready punch ed, -25 per ton. AM F.N IM F.NT ON STKF.I.. The sectieo or the seventh section, impo sing dulieson steel, originally read thus : Uo all steel io ingots, bars or sheets, or wire, not less thao one (ourlb or one inch in diameter, valued at 7 cents per pouud, or less 1 4 cent per pound ; valued at above 7 ceuts per pound, and not above 11 cents perpouod, cents dit pound : and valued at above 11 i cents per pound, 2j cents per dound : 1'roii. ilea, tuat no aieti in any lorm tusu jr uuij or less than 20 per cecum adealnrew. I ho amendment which was passed was to strike out all after "2 cents pur pound, and iusert, "steel in any foroi, uot otherwise pro vided for, shall pay a doty of 20 per centum. Another amendment passed, was iu line one hundred aod four or the seventh section, lo iusert, "Uo cross cut saws 8 coot per liueal foot." Wasuikrtok, Feb. 19. It Is becoming daily moro evident to the friends o! the Tariff, that there it settled determination oo the fiart ol Hi enemies to ao clog tho wheel of egeelation that it caooot be passed. Tbe only hope now is, that the member! of tbe House of Representative! will not be ted into the support of individual iuteresti, causing a protracted struggle, aod really defeating tbe bill. The votoon the tariff will be reached to morrow iu the benute. Itt'liiou .olicc Divine serviee will lm hslil e ery Sail ath in this Hu inuvh as follows : rttl-".SIt TCHI AN Clli ncll ..ith west corner ii. HLarklwny iln.1 Pect ttreels. Ilev. J. II. llKAknoN, I'astor llivilie service evcrv Sil,lilh at lot A.M. Tiajer ineel iniT on Thnr'liiv eveniee. Al .,rihatol.erlioi'l. in ol,l School I'leshyterinn Chinch, ut 3 o'clock,!'. M , every Snlihath. iil'.HMAN ItKKOltMCI) CIII'IICII North wot eorm-i of Itiver unci lllaekherry strc ts. Itev J. W.Mfin stKr. I'.-iftor. Ilivitic service, alternately, eveiv S;il,k-,tti ut 111 A .M. met I. !'..!. 1'iuvei iintliiig on Kralay eveniuir HVANIiri.lCAT. LVTHKRAN CM I' RCII Deer street Ik Iow ! V A P. Unit lloail, Hev. I'. Itl.KU, I'risl.T me service, nlteriialely, everv hahkilli at III A M. niitl at !'. M. riaver IlieellliK on W eanesitay eveanm MI'.TIIIIIHST Krimivil. CHI llt'll OewN-ny stre. i wesi of 4 A K Itml lti.-iil. Ilev. I-'. Ill ti.kk nun J P. Swm,kh. I'ators. Ilivlne wcivirc. .ilterii.nely, everx Sal, Lallial ll'j A M ami SJ I' M. Prayer llleetmn on I hurs itav eeenirii:. M A 11 It I A G E S . Un the 12th inst., by Itev. J. W. Yeomans. Mr. Wi i.i.i am Cri.p, of Snydertown, and Miss Mkiiinda. J. Yoiim, of Uush township. llhcr tinf, iiooil nl hII the Coila.jt-i Till: CH.l.i;t.lATK cot list; . ciuhraces Doal.le anil Single Ktitry II .,k-1 ej.ij.c. Ci i tn.reial tjo-nputatlons. c, .iiiinercial Law. Tii-.tnaiis Jlnsoie.-s Coiies,. .nilence, l'arlaelOi Si-It . liti-ntf; cl j l'KACTICAI. l l-.X'I' lltlliKS. j 'I'lie Tc.-.e! in in Ihc llook-Uci-m;: 1 1..i rt ni.-nt iRin..M- ; ly ir an written ntaiiui-fiipt l. tins, wtth oi:0 miko , . . - i p..i, l,-i-nir,-s, mill l.lark-lH'urit elm-ii'iOioi : ni a'l.'ri. u t.. Wlo'-ll, III or.let lo llialc tl- l'"il.y:t!c C"Si.-e :ib!l.'a iiL i ;ni't t tl-eltlal as jioi.mI.1c, the I. il.. o ii. T, : IJ-, ks i,.i,i lj,'.-n pn-Nircil : i lltyatit A Snallon's It. ,ji. .lv,-,-,.it in ll".'c , i 1 i:oiii'noir s-liool. Mieh rt.-iiooi. imi.i i: .n -n ,.- ii.his,. . t;, . am ,V Stratton's (.'oiiniien-i: I Ar.' a; ' :c ; l;:.;,ut .V Slralton's Couniieri'ial l.ww. l-y Aiii- j 1'.:.!; 1.1,1). SIT.NClIlilAN S.ll;.l . If I'l ,N M ANSII 1 1', ill a scroti of uin. hook, to-I. II Sl'l Nl'I.II. I I' It srr.VCI-'.lt. .h . T -,i, ;;, r ol Mi.m..i,I,i,.. I : vnltial inslini'tion. St'i,lentn eulei at anv tieic. llij,!., iikis aw arih H. tV For Ct.t-ilin;.ies nmlCireiilais. e-i!! nl lio- C-Cir. or llll N ANT. Silt ri'tl.N I A!l:ltNlv 1'elaii.iiy aj, l-l',l ly I'lol ,.l,-l, ln:i. iMilllury AutiU. : jVOTK.'Kis heroliv Riven, that the board of j ' of Mililary Auditors ol the 1st liriuaile Hi Ei I) vision I nilonntil .M ilitia of Pennsylvania, will nn el at the office o Mnj. J. 1'. .MiiinJcl Col in. n the borough of f-unl urv. Pa., on Saturday, the 2nd tlay of March, I Mi I, for thep'irpise ol' aul ililif Military arenuiils of Islin. .ltS. I.. UlCiniLi;, llrij. (Jcn'i. 'lb t'omnmmVrii uf t.'oinpanie. ul tie al'.o.1 . Ilri.iile nre reineled lo li ft ;e tli ir rcliir., ,. ilcliii(neiils, to the Uritf nle I.i-u, 'o . n ir oelore Hit -il u.tv ol .1. ui ll, I Nl. . WM. K. MAUTZ, Dug. iii-pec u,. Pehrtiiiry 1211, I Mil. I'stt4'iit Itllra I. 4 hiitnx A I. AMI' CIHMNHY THAT WIM. NOT t:Ri:AK HIS Cleat invention fon.nicals itself to ever v , n,. iikiiis IHIAI. (HI. I, AMI'S. It civ.s in .ic Ii.jut i. rii:rrs less clt-noli c an,) wll not leenk 1V lie' hc.it i.i c ! t l itu' or any oiitmarv u''-i'. t'orsile lo- Si TiA. s ci-lo-i-.l'v IlimnL'hont thn l'ioi,-,l S:it-s. Mini tic I'niM.lt-. srid W'li'il, Kile I,;.- Ihc Maaal.ic! niersanil I'. .! h IIOHNLNG & llUMI'IIKKY, M). n-JI N.SKl (IN1I Slnrt I'll I LAHF.I .I'lll N. II. A hrg-niitl suj eroa s'l-k of OAI.OII, I. AMI'S, ll a son l.n-ul. nt nnceii ilctvir: c. ni;i,-l it i n A, in I'nll TI.AMI COM. Ull.. I,: .Miiuuln hne s' rice. I', hrnary t:l. - HI It T1 KikKii licat B lour, NOTICE. suliscriliers) n-ftcci fully infurm TIIK I1RKAT NATIONAL THOIIILFS The select committee to whom was refer red the resolutino or the House, adopted on the 24lb day or l'ecetnber last, directing them to inquire iuto and report tbe facts io relation to the fraudulent abstraction ofcertaio bonds held hy the government io trust for the Indi an tribes, from the Department of the Inte rior, and to whom were also referred the communication of tbe lion. Joho li. Floyd, late (Secretary of War, aud the letter of tbe Hon. Hubert McClelland, former Secretary of iho Interior, have made their report, aod it involves ao exposition of the most dis- I graceful character, and seriously implicates the oftieial integrity of Ihe late Secretary of War John 11. Floyd of Virginia. Thirty or forty witnesses were examined, Including ex Secretary Floyd aud Thompson. The latter ia exbooorated rrom any complicity in theft, but be as well aa former Secrelariea ol the Interior, are censured for the insuffi cient manner in which tbe bonds bave beeo held io that Department. There being uo adequate responsibility attached to tbe cus todiao. According to Uassell's own evidence, be did not kuow at first where tbe bonds, ol whicb be obtained possession, came from, liyerly was ao agent for the negotiation or sale of tbe bonds, and Lea was ao intermit)! ate party between Kussell aod Uailey. It was also ascertaioed that Mr- Floyd gavs acceptances to tbo roooot or nearly seveo millions or dollars, or rrom two to three mil lions more than Kussell, Majors & Company ever earned, while these contractors received 11 the money that was due them. Tbe acceptiuce was giveo on the strength or their contract. Senator Henjamin was ao important witnesi. Abont a year ago he could not exactly fix the time he rrcoived a lelUr from Puucun Mieruian .Uu, ii.iij 1) E A T 11 S . i lu Danville, on last Friday, Feb. Hilt. I SC. 1 ; or erysipelas. Mrs. M AUY .1. WKSlUN, I wife of J. V. Weston, Ki., Principul nl tint Dauvillo Academy, in the 34 1 b jeur of her i I In Shamokin tps., on the lOlh inst., M ARY, wifu of Solomon Hummel, aged 72 years, 4 mooths aud 12 duys. In .Shamokin tps., on the 14th inst., FKANKUN Al.VY, son or Jacob and l'.vu Mulcbler, agud 1 year b mouths aud 10 days. lo Shamokin, on the 1Mb inst., Mrs S.UIA1I. wife of Orlando Templio, aged 13 years, 5 months and .r duys. At Kenosha Wisconsin, oa tho fith inst. JAt'OU Mo'KINNKY, formerly Sheriff of this county, and on the 2'.Uh June 1800, Mrs. Mc'KlNNKY, wife of Jacob Mc Kinney. Io F.lvsburg, oo the 17th inst., JOsKPIl W. HUU1NS. youngest son or Dr. J. C. liobius, aged 11 years, 9 monlhs and 10 days In this place, on Sunday morning last Mr F.I) WARD CiASS, aged about f0 years. Ljjc piarhcls. Philadelphia Market. Philaiiki.i-iiia, Feb. 14. JP61. Grain. There is a fair amount or Wheat but the demand is limited. Sales ol l.'ilH) bus. prime Poena, red at SI 2,r ' SI 26 per bus. aod White at SI 38 a SI for commoo quality, llye is dull at Cd cents for Peoua. nd G4 ceots for Soulheru, Cora is very quiet and tbe only sales reported are small lots of yellow io store at 67 eta., and COO bushels fair quality at COcts. Oats are steady at 32 a 33 cents for Delaware, and 33 a 37 ceots for State. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. $1 10.1 Wheat, Kye, - Corn, Ua Urn kwhrai, litutoes,l 30 llutter, . !f 75 EK8, . 75 Tallow, . . . 31 'l.ard, . . . tii Pork, .... 1.0 litV.-VMIl, - Mr. suIiscriticM rift rrilullv intor.n t! eusfoioers, t li n t thev will eontinne f t nuJ..- , lli-cUwheat floor until the 1 Hilt of M arc!'. I M, I. All persoi.s who ilcfcire evtrn llucKwlicit ll mr, lire reijneeled to Itritni their crain in. otul Icao , their orders lu lure sui.l ilav j Jlit.'dAN A- CO. Sunbury Meatn Mill . February 23. ICt. , Notice to the Heirs of the estate of Jacob . Dressier, deceased. Xirthiiml'trluiit Ctiuntii. SS. ' AT un Orphans' Court Tor thr, county of . Nortliumberland, held at Snnbiiry, no tlo I Ith of January, 161 ; in tho niatier of the estate or Jacob Dressier, deceased, tie CnuM I (.'ranted a rule, directed to the heirs uml I. g ii I representative!) of said decedent to accept , . refuse to tako the real estate of said ilecedei.t I ut the valuation, to wit: Daniel Dresslei. I residing in the State of Illinois ; John lire.. , ler, Joseph Dressier, Sarah Daniel, late S i ; nth Dressier, Hannah Dressier, intermarried i with Michael F.merick, (Jacob Dressier, Flias j Dressier and Isaac Dressier, who are minor . and have for their cuardinn Solomon llillman) I Harriet, intermarried with Henjamin stepp. I who is deceaseil, leaving her Inisliiinl. Ileniv min Stepp.surviving.one child, namely, Sri Jane Stepp. who is a miuor, and ha "for her puardian lienjamiu Stepp. ull of Northum berland county, Pennijlvuoi.i, to be an. I op pear on tbo first Monday or next Term of said Court, vir : the iir?t .Monday or April next, to accept or refo6n to take the said real estate at the vuluatiou thereof or show cans. why the same should not he sold according to the Act of the tieneral AsBeinhlv in such cases made and provided. All or which thn said heirs of the said Jacob Dressier, deceased, and all other persons interested, will pleaso take notice. l!y order of the Court. J. H. MASsKU.CIk., O. C. DAY 1 D WALDUON.shctilT. Sheriffs Office. Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1SGI. J4t Notice to the Members cf the "Good Intent Fire Company." Y order of a resolution, pushed at a ineetioi; held on the fith inst., notice is hi rehy given that, all members of the tiood Interl Kiro t'om pany, who have not eiijued ihe new conatituliou, are requested to call on Iho Serretarv and sil-h il on or before Ihe firi-t Monday in March next, or else their names will he erased from the roll. Members who are not in town during tint lime can have an opportunity or sitrning ilierwsr.ls HENKV DONNE1., President. Km.kvil Wiiv;t, SecrrUry. Sunhury, Feh. 9, lHlil 41 MILLER WANTED IMMEDIATELY. rHE subscriber wishe to enpsco a Miller to to take rbarrje or the erimling iu a Mill where bath Merchant and (irist work are don' None need apply unlets he ia a gooJ stone dresser, and well ciuainte, with his husines. in all iu departments, and who i of sti icily teuioe- SO rate habits. To such an one s nernmucat kitua- III lion is offered, good wanes. 14 r or further particular apply wilh relereur.' Ii to K. F. TtlliUPV, llor.e.lale, Wayne cou nty, 1 lVnn'i. 21 I Fcllrv. , C.. -Ml.