I 9 q g K V 15 N Y B A It S ! The seven youi of unrivalled success attending the COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION,' H 'ih"cow!!,".h"""'K''a ,h"mS,"" I"" I mtei th. .apices U. pop,,),, Institution, over llucehundied thousand h. .it.ee have teamed to appreciate '"' "f "l "" """ ''' ' lhe t'n !" Unveil irons Brooming a luiiKTiliet f UlHK.-,,pt, rt. w j1J( received , , lali m,.nni. led with that u any previous yeui. TER.MStiF PUHSCKll'TION. An) person cm become mrnil.ct by ulci citi-llnce dehors, tor winch . ti,cy wnl receive " in'5''.:,',!;r,M,se a"u ,u,h"' ". , "FALSTaKF MU8TKRIXU ills Kli CRUl'I'S." 5.1- On. copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated a.uguzine, ' "I'llE COSMOPOLITAN AHT JOtKNAI.," UJ Four admissions, during the season, to 1 he Uullerjr ot Paiiitliira, 94b llronilvvny, Ps.v In uiitu.u to the al..vclioiichis, there will be given to iilmciiueif, and giulultous leuiliiitie, over rive Hundred Beautiful Woiks of Art ! comprising vnlunble pmiitnir. innit.les, punnns, outlines, - 7 0 " ..-' -it... ornciii f i I l.esupetl. hugiuvmg. which every sol.seril.or will re. ecive. eulllhd. "l'ul.lJ,lT.lust.iiij I". K.r.uit,, ,. ol the most bcnmiful iin.l popuuir ii.kiuhi.bj ever issued I in tins country. It n done on 1. 1.. to, !,.... ...i . ,.. I end it printed m:i henvv plnte paper, 3ll I.) ;ln inches, ii'i'k. nyi ii most choice ornaments, iuioie lor iliewolk,i euhe, li.c library, pnrl.it or ..ItR-e lis Mined is the c-lchrulrd scene of Mir John FnlMatT leceiviug. in .insure Nuillow's ..thee, the recruit! which have lci, gmhered lor his grd regiment.) It could not be furnished by the trude l..r lew then fivedolhrii I he Art Jouriml n too well known to the whole cotinlii to need C'.iuinenduti.m. It in li.ugiiihceutly illustrated magazine of Art, p., inining Utm, M..r.ea, l'.,eins, u. 'IS nv the veiy best wilier, in Amerien. Address, c. .. DK.HUY, Actuary C A A. 616 Broadway, New-York. N 1J Subscriptions received nnd forwarded by , j ... H. B. MASSKK, Agent, For Sunbury and vicinity, where specimen En8ruvi,nts and Art Journal cun be seen. Llecen.hel I, le-AO. WINTElTaoODS FOR MEN'S WEAK. Black end Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blnok Doeskins, Kcw Style Cassimeres, All Wool Tweed. , Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Krai fjood Cassincttg, SiU Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Oordn, Black Urenndine Vesting, Black Salin Vesting, Faney Silk Velvet Vrstingit, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting!, Nice Casnimere Vcstings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at the People's One Price Ktore of E. Y. .Bright 4 Son, who have just eceived ty Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds ot goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & HON. HurAury, October 27, 1860. BLAClirrniNG ! I-IElSTIVy PETERSy IA U0 taken the Ulacksmithshop at Rohrbacb's Foundry, is prc- if) pareuiouo all kinds of blacksmithing to order, including horseshoeing in the nest style. Thankful for the patronage heretefore extend ed, he hopes ty strict attention to business to continue the same. Country produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, IN'oveinVr 3, I860. m BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Square and River Street T" E subscriber respectfully Informs the citi "fs of Bunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Hquaro and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in the latest stylo and workmanship. Ho keeps constantly on hand a large asort merit of Leather, of the best quality, which en ables him to muke up good and durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur cliubing elsewhere and you will save money . JOHN WILVEH. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 18U0 ly THE LATEST STYLE OF-" GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Tashionable Tailoring Establishment of J-A.OOB O. BE CK, Market strcel, Sl'Mll'R Y, Ia. 'HE subscriber, in addition to his large stock CLOTHS, f lain and Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, &c is constantly receiving new supplies from the citv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Goods in the cily markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of (''entlcnien's and iVoy's wear, such as OVEK.COATS, DRE88 COATS, 'FROCK COATS, BUfclNESS.COATS, VESTS, PANTALOONS, &c., Ac, 4c, J in lhe very latest stylo, and in the most substan tial manner, at sl.ort notice. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. CV Call and examine iny stock, no charges made for showing. u , JACOB O. BECK. Nunbury, November 3 1S0. A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. "IVf E wish to engage a number of good sub untial business men, to prosecute a busi ness which is permanent, and iu the bands of active energetic persons cq be made very prof.ta. tie, although we will not guarantee that .nv man can at lust clear $100 or ISU dollars per month, yet we do not consider that a man is doing justice to the business who does not clear abov all expense, over i0 dollar, every month. 7 Any one out of employment will find it to their interest to call on, or write to us. We have something now, and ouly ask to have those who would like to make money examine into thU matter. A branch office of the business has been per Uianently located at Sunbury. For pailiculais U.Ulli.u sa all .... WM. M. THAYER. Sunbury, Pa. Office opposite Weaver's Hotel. M'ltrlnirv. lomher I. lNf.ll GENESEE SALtT WHOLE6ALB Se HETAIL iA'lLlNG 6i Gil AN T (at the . Mamiuoill - Store,) have just received 600 ltis. ol Volar Ground, Solar and Fine Suit, 700 Sticks ol Ground Solar Halt every sack warranted lo contain 223 pounds of Salt and 800 bugsol Salt containing one Bushel each. This salt is the best and atrougssi now manulsclureU and iu market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, IHfiO. t KUINOKS, Delaines. Poplins! 1TX ylD9 8tock Black Dress Goods. Pricted Cashmeres, jmd wide, 31 kDd 37 cent a. Borne Dreta (roodn. mnch reduced. COO PICK & CON A HI). 6. Yi. corner Ninth nod Market Dec 8, 18W). Pbijadelphia. LOTUS, Cdssiineres, tiatuuets. Heavy and light weight Heaver cloth. -Tricots, Frosted Heaver, Plain Broad tl.itb. J'aDCy aud Klack Caseitnnrei. COOPER St fONARD, S. K. corner Nicth Matket atreets, Dec. ?,1 6u0. I-biltdelpbit. COMK ALL. and examine tlio S beautiful SHAWLS, and Rich DRESS GOODS f J Hrkiiit Sc Bon, - avt just opened h.J hi .: I. mmmm CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! lilCIt DISPLAY of HAM DSC ME GOODS AT LOW PRICES 1 combining K A U T Y A N D D V R A B I L I T Y now on rKEIi E3CHI33ITI01T At the People's ONE PIUCE STOKE, OF E. V. BRIGHT & SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC E LJi C2 CD CD LO S3, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Carpets, nnd Oil Cloths, Sic, Ac Presents RARE ATTRACTIONS, AND Splendid Inducements TO PTJPsCZASEHS. Who wish to secure GREAT BARGAINS For the Smallest Quantity of CAPTAIN CASH Oil Country Produce. REM E JsL BUR that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be as AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. In addition to our LARGE STCSZ, Wo are constantly receiving New Goods, thus keeping up our assortment at all seasons of the year. We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and shall make every effort on our part to render satisfaction, be lieving that the nimble dime is better than the slow quarter, we shall adhjr to that old time honored motto : "Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunburv, November 17, 1860. srj. EVANS & WATSONS VAJml & Slllnninnr t.. .... UiLiiCiAu. 304 Chesnut Street, I'HILADELPIIIA. rpIlKPi; Safes are now hi use all over the United States, X anil hsva been tested in many fires; the fullowuif shows another instance ol their cspubil ly iu resisting tiis : wiiMsa's Ubiixs, Ineuster Township, July 30, IHIO. ) MsssBS. Kvans h. VTSON, Gelltleliien : The 1 sinsli sizeN. I Suluinander tufe which J purchased inun your noil, Mr. Adum K. Harr, iu Ijuicsster Cily, 011 July troth, Iran iiccii luiijctia. w m veiy severe ICBI, w IllCB II withsloiMl 111 s roost untisisclnry niunner. This Hufe, oon Uluing sll my books. tinK'lher with vuluiiblepspersoelong. nrto loyscir sihI soims to my nelghliorfl and iriends. and repi escnting a value ol' over Twenty 'Thousand Dt.lliirs, (J,immi) win in my Mill, which was destroyed on the initht frt the 97th of July, IKtin, and passed thfnuph theliery ordeal unsestiied, The tile was ou the second 8'ior, and fell to the ussenient or Uie Mill, and was subjected for sis houis to an intense heatanionf the rums, which was greatly litereaaed Uy the eouihuslion cif a btrge qoantitv of grain confined within the hnck walls. Alter the hie the Kafe was opened and the bonks and mpers Uken out Ui a stntn of perfect j.riMivali'jii, the paper w4 even being discolor ed. Tins lact was, however, lo inuny hysuuiders, a heiter reenmuirmlutioiii.r your Sales tlum could b espreased is any other words ln.111 me. Yours, respectfully, SAMI'Kl. RANCK. Another Victory for Evant and H'uliun't , Sulumander Safe. r . , O.wsoo, N. V., March 47, 1800. .1. I!"1-., ".h pleasure to inform you t Jl ".N" ? ul"hO which I purchased of 11. IlMi?'i"a 'rHvel"W "I""', hss n.i-cd through an ex ceed.u,rly ls. bra u, . iree mtHy k i,mMjl" w : h I 1 feel thanklul. -mih wiuiis, lor WHICH vttx,? c"e-,ui " hv:i.: I Uct..lc , IH60 ly SAVE YOUR FEDIT Y LI.(J MASON'8 Patent Sbeel M. 1 ' cr.w Top PKE8EKVE J A R MASON'S PATENT fcHEET METAI SCI1EW TOP I illl that ' ; being to rew the Capdown u,nn He Kubter Gasket, which is placed JjJJ upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3 4 Jf aniiich d I Ut from the lop , prevent pol'bm itf ,h." Ds.orolth. fru.t being injured by eomin, in contact with the Rubber. "ing in Persons desiring these Jars, can be supplied b, Icavina their orders with H. U. M AbsKR Sunbury, June , I BbO. A genu CH'VEK WATCHEH A few double TaT. Luglith SUw V stihes, lor sale at vers low l"irM ' T H. B MAMSEK. Pi Peojt HKAB WHAT THE PE0FLB SAT. Tlie nndernlime.1 ImTln med Pmfenr llUMPirnKTS' I'KCtrlO HIIMiKOr T1II0 KKMKDIR9 In our families lth the muMt sntirsct(rjr renult, and hsvlng full confl. ilence In their fcniilnenrm, purity, and elllcscy, eheerfuH recnmmen.l them to sll persons who wuh to have Bare, re. tlnble, and eincaclous remedies at hand for prlrats or do mril ic one. The llcv. Vs. Ilnmer, Hllor nf " The Northern Inde pendent," Auhurn, N. Y. 1 Uie R. K. II. Creiwey, D.D., Heetor of Be. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. j the Rev. B. I. (res. Chaplain nf the Auburn Kate rriaonj the Rev. Bpeucer M. Hire, R.relor, Ncw-Be.Honl, Man. the Rev. Alln Steele, Non-York Conference t the Rer. Samuel NW.nU, Conlerence, N. Y. t lhe Rev. P. S. Pratt, Uorset, Vt. t the Her. John K. R..ble, Buffalo j A. 0. Hart, K., t'llca, N. Y. i the Hon. Nral Dow, Portland, Me. i the Hon. Schuyler Ooira. Sonlh nend, In.l. J the Hon. (leorce llinnphreva, N. Y. J Henry D. Cook, Mo,., Kdltor of The Ohio Stale J.nirnnl, C .t.imh.n, IKilo; the lion. R. H. Mriha 'ii, Midlne, III. ! the Hon. Thomai J. Chane, Monti e. II.., Pin.; the lion. Joaeph llene.Hct, t'llca, N. Y. i Wra. Ilrl.tol, K., HlU-a, N. Y. 1 A. 8. Pond, Kiq., Ullca, N. T. Junius Pluukelt, K-., Nalivllle, Tenn. 1.I8T op srEcmo rrmfdies. if,,, I pr Pcver. C-OMMtlon, and Inflammation. No. 4 P..r Worm Pever, Worm Colic, Welllne the Bed. No. a p,r Ciilis, Crvlng, Teething, and Wakefulness of tnfinH. No. 4 Por Dlsrrhes, Cliolera Infantum, and Summer CoMiplnllttt. No. .V Por C.llc, flrlplnCT, Bysentery, nr Blondy Plus. No. tl. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomlllnir. N. T. Kr Conirhii, C..I.I', Inllnenia, anil Sore Throat. No. 9. Kor T.H.ih-arlie, P,n'e.a.'he, and Neuralirla, No. . For llca lachc, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness of the ll.a.i. No. in. Dwkihu P11.1 Por WcnV nnd Deranged stomach, C'.nilipitl'.n, Hod llwr Complaint. No. ll..Kut FKM.n.h iRnuncLASiTiii?, Sk-snty, Falnful, or 3o..ri.-'cil I'erlorU. No. 12. For Irf'.icorrlien, Profinte Menses, and Bearing Down of P.-mali-. No. :1. For Croup, lloar.e Conjrn. Ba.l Breaching. No. 14. Svt.T ItoKcu I'lUJI Por KryBipelus, Kruptloos. Piiuplu on the Fn.'e. No. l. P.uixu t nc To i.a. Por P.iln, Lamsness, or Sore ntm In tlie Clni4t, n.ick. t,..int. or l.lmbn. A For Fi'vr eiw1 A rue, Chill Pever, Dumb Ague, W M'.niHO U''l AiriH'!!. P. -P..r Piles, llllnd ..r llleedlns, Inle'nsl or Filernrvl. O For H-.n-, Weik. or liilliuued Kjes sad Kyelidi; Fall rar, 'tak, or blurred tfiht. C Por Cntarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuse .liscl.io c. W. C Por Wh.H.inu C riih, nljjtintr li violence snd ihortcnlliK its course. In nil scute diseases, such n I'ercrs, Inflammations, Diarrhea, llyseutery, Croup, lUiemiinlisni, nnd such eriii tivc diseases as Hoirlct K-ver, Meiisles, and br sipelas, lhe advantage of giviiu: tlie proper letcedics proicplly is oil vious, and in all such coses the specifics act like a clmim. The entire disease hi often arrested at once, nnd In all eases the violence uf the attack is moderated, tlie disease short ened, nnd rendered lcs rluneroiMi. C-uirhi and Cnl.ts, which arc .r such frequent occurrence, and which so uflen lay tl.s louudntlon of diseased lunixs, bronchitis snd cunsuioplion, may all be ut ouce cured 0 tlie (ever snd Counh Pills. Iu sllehronlc discuses, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Slomseh, Cunttlpation, Uver Complaints, Piles, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old llcuaehes, i re or Weak Kyes, Catarrh, Salt llheum, and oth.T old eruptions, the case has specifics whose proper npplicalion all! sllord H cure In nlmost every Instance. Often the cure of a single olii ulilc difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles or Cali.rrh, llea-laetie or Pcouile esk aess, has uiurethaii pu!l lor l!ie case ten times unit THICK. Case of 20 vials eompVte. In morocco, nnd Book ft Case of HO vials, and nook, philiL 4 Case of If. numbered boxes, and Hook 2 Case of 6 boxes, imniherc.l, and Honk 1 Single munbere'! hoses, with direetions. '2? cents. Single lettered tmx.es, with directi-o s f.0 cents. Lsre case of 2 ot. vials, Tor planters and physicians.. ..1& AI.S0 SI'M'IPICS. Poa Astiimi oh Pimimwr OppriT-e.1, DimeuH, Labored Breathing, attended 'h Couh and IXpcclorutiuti. Price, 50 eenfs por bos. Pos Kah DiscatRnes isn Dpifni. tiis..linrgs from the P.ar, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Mercurials, Por Noises In the lleasl, llardtuw nf Hearing, nnd Hinging Id the liars, and Kar-scbe. Price, fit! cents per box. Poa b aori LA. Ktilarged t.laiuls, Fulari.'e-l nnd Indurat ed Tonsils, SaeUhies and Old fleers, Scrofulous Cachexy cf Cldklrein Pries, M) cents per box. FOH OkSkKAi. Drsh.itv.- Plivsieal or Nerrous Weakness, tlthsr the scsult of aickness, liveessive Mclicution, or Kx hsustlng Dlachsreea. Price, .'.0 cents r Ik.k. For Daorav. Fluid Acuutnuliitioi.s, Tuiol.l Swellings, with Scanty Secretions. Price, Ml cents per b..x. Fo Ss Sicska Deathly tflckness. Vertigo, Nausea, Youdtlng. Sickness from ridins or tnotioii. Price, 60 cents per Jinx. Fob rniSASV DisttASfji. For C.rnrel, Renal Calculi, Difll cult. Painful Urination, Diseases uf the Kidneys. Price, 00 eents per box. Por SeMtN.it EMMsinNS. Involuntary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility, B id K.-milts of tvll llnhilo. Tlie most successful and etlielent remedy known, and mag be relied upon as a cure. Price, with full direc tions, Si per box. Persoiw who wish to place themselves under the profes sional aare, or to seek advice of Prc.r. Ilrupwaeri", onn do so, at his oflies b&i Broadway, dally from 9 A.M. lo sP.M. r by letter. oit. m:.MKiitKa by mail. Look over the list ; make up a ease of what kind you choose, and inclose the amnntit hi a current note or stnmpi by nuill to our ad.lr.n-, at No. h02 Broadway, New-York, snd lite medicine will be duly relumed by mail or exprsss, free of charge. AC.KNT8 WANTKn We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Hetnedles In every town or community kl Uie United Htutes. Address lr. F. Hl'MPUItKYS A Co. No. M'.'J ltatmWAr, Nkw-Yous. A.W FISH ER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. May 8C, 18H0 . ly SUNBUItY STEAM FLOmUNG ni sc His T3L rXHE subscribers having tnken possession of Una lirst clauj r LUl lilAU Mil, I,, are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cur torn Work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the inten. tion of the firm to slock the Mill a large Sup' ply ot Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest cam will be taken to turn out a su' perior quality of flour, for which lhe mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MOKUAN di CO., Sunbury, June 23, I8"0. FKEElll'llG ACADEMY. rpHE FAM. TERM of the present year was opened on Tuesday, the Ititu uf October, ult. Board of Jnstructon. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. Literuture. I). S. Dnyer, Associate, and Instructor in Math in a I ics. Natural Sciences, Book Keeping, Ac. Assisted by able and cxerienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Department. The government of this Institution is mild but firm, and all atadenis are required lo be diligent and obedient. luicnse.i. Boarding, room with furniture, per week, 1,50 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, Si, 00 $7,01) Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, etc., eitra. Studcnta admitted at any lima during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J. K MILLET, Freeburg, Snyder county. Pa. Freeburg, November 3. IStiO. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, JVw. 75, 77, 7, 81, 83 85 Duaue Strtet Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly, iu new and beautiful patterns, the WANSUTTA rniJVT, also the A in o m li c a g i A New Print, which excel every print in the Country fur erfeclion of execution and design in full Madder Colore. Our Prints are cheaper thau any in market, aud meeting with ax tensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, 18i0 ly pi FI&I RKD WOOL DKI.AINK8. Auetuui lots from In 73 cents. Children's Plaids and Delaines lrtj toSOets. I .Umii' kneel Kreneh Mernview flora auction I'biM vary ikoire hsal8U,b7 snd 1st cts. I'laui all wool Ckshiiusrea from aacliou, cheap St ii snd as eenis. Pigured Ci.ii.la odors, Cash uteres, Sd, 98, M aad SO ets. riaid, striped and bg'd Valeucias, SS lo 40 els. rig'd audniqiod Preneh lutliiw. BLACK DHtaS 00008. stiou lou IJsu-k Prewch Meeiuoes, ad to lot). turn ka Idaek Wool Dekoues 30 to 641 els. aoliniequaliiy (i Md mtim u t Hcst J ecul block Wc.il Uebmes ui town, bku k Asuelioe. audio's Al..-s. as- ..,v.V"'f. fcONARn, Otp.be, : ;rr" 1 U ' ";.' J ' rhiLUclflua. AtUPtRLATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, IMYPRAT lira CORDIAL To the Citizen.of Uew Jersey & Pennsyl Tania. ' Apnthscarirs, Crupglsts, Grocers and Private Families Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy. Woire's Pure Mmleris, Sherry snd Port Wms. Wolfe's Pare Jamaica and Ut. Crnix Rum. Wulle'a Pure tkaitch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of lhe United State to the above Wines and Liquors, imported by UooLran Woi.rs.id New York, whose name Is fami liar In every putt ol this country for the purity of hie cele brated nchlednm Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, in hia letter to ine, spanking of the punty of his Wines snd Liquors, says; 'l will stake my reputation as a man', my sbjudmg as a merchant of thirty yeurs's residence in Jhe City of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which 1 bottle ais pure as imported, aud of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser ' Kvery btle has the proprie tor's name on the wax, aud a fee simile of bis signature on the eeitibeate. The public are respectfully invited tocH nnd examine for themselves The public are respectfully invited to cull and examine for themselves For Kill) at lletail by all ApolheeuiiesandUiocers in Philadelphia. lison&g H. Ashton, No. hM Market st , Phil's. Read the following from the New Yeik Courier : Ksokmoos BttsiKKss sna otsa Nsw YoRs MRRcnsKT We are happy to inform oar fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go aud purchase pure Wines snd Llquors,as pure as imported, sudof the best quality. We do nnt intend to give sn elaborate deaci.ptien of this nicichnui's extensive business, although it will well repay any stronger or citizen to visit Udolpho Woll'e'sextensive warehouse, Nos. IH, 30 snd fcl, Beaver street, and Ns. 17, IVaud'JI.iMarkeifield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand rendy for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousnnd cases ; the Hiandy, some ten thousand crises Vintages of IKJd to ISS6 j and ten thousand cases of Mndeirti, Sheiry and Port Wine, fetch aud Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and eqniiltiiaiiy iutliis ei untry. He also had three large cel lars, rilled with Brandy, Wine Ac , ill casks, ander Cus Inm-House key, n ady for 1oiiIiihj. Mr. Wolfe's antes of Schnapps lust yenr amounted lo one hundred and eighty ihonsnud dozen, nnd we hope in leu than two years he inay be equally successful with his Brandies and Wines. His business merits the pstrouige of every lover ol his species. Private families who wish pore Wines and Li. floors foi medical use should send their orders direct to Alt. WoLs, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discord the poisonous stuff from their shelves and replace it with Wolps's pure Winessnd Liquors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the secommtidaliini of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines urn) Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should he sustained against his tens of thousands of iippn. nente in the I 'nited Stales, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous uhke to human health aud happiness. lor Sole by GKORGK BKIU11T, Agent, Sunbury, Ps. September 8. IfflO 6m p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EXCEL of Sunbury, Pa., AS just arrived with splendid STOCK of A 8PKINU AND SUMMKR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call aud inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his slock of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FE.E1TCE CLOTS. Fine Black and Fancy Casimerea '1 weeds. Sat inetts, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerclte, Cotlonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Fa--cy Vesting, also a large assortment of Itcady-made CLOTH1NU for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, 'Silk Tissue, Beregea, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Hobts, Figured Brilliant and a variety of olher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white gnoda, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry (io ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glasare, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Taints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta eu in exchange for Goods. J. II. ENGEL. Runbury, May. 19, I860. tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C r jHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Ufick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the bestbrandaof Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcriu, Champagne and olher Winea of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholeaale at lhe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquor for FAMILY II 8 E, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. y Being determined to establish a reputation lor selling cheap ha respectfully solicits lhe pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. r ' ., . JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure 16, I860. HARRIS PAINTER 3 1 1 o r n r 2? at JL a to , MARKET SQUARE, S XT JNT 33 URY, PA. June 33, 1860. DR. A. W. FISCHER, "JFFERS his professional services to the cili v' xena of Sunbury and vicinity. Ofiire at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 3b, 1830. SHAMOXIN VALLEY POTTERY. rH E subscriber respectfully inform the public that he is now manufacturing at hia Pottery, 4 miles east of 8unbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of Red Cement Clay. This clay produce the best and most desirable kind uf ware, equal. In mans respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. Tie subscriber refer to Friling &. Graut, Huubury. ' Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE. Oct. 13. I60 ly Sunbury. Pa. INGRAINED CARPETS, MAN I'FACTt'RKD and fer Pal, by M. Peiper k Co: l-eibrandl and McDowell's Building;, North test coiner, Second aud Kacs streets Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October 7, leto. ALFRED dTbRJCK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN XA.TEJSrX OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. T B. Communications by mail promptly i- attended to. ' V 7 Sept , I860 lyfi J. PALMER & CO., Market StrtM Wharf, i'AiiWa," Dealer tit Flub, Cheese and Provisions. HA VP. eosatauUy oa hand sa asaortawiil of Priest and Pickled Fish, Ae., via : Mackerel, 8aad, tklasou, rllus Pish, Herrings, C aleak, Bosf, Pork, Lard, Sooukter. Hams, Hides, Cheese, Beaus, Hios, As. October (, lbtal 3iuw lKILIXG V GRANT have just received bp - railroad Ihs largest assortment of QUEENS WAKE and GLASSWARE ever brought lo Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRV GOODS, coiiaisling of Spring Dress Goods, Prints. Mus lins and Notions. apr T, ID60. T)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, Bouds, Luscutiona, Summons, Ac, forsalab H. B. MASSEK. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEAIU1ART, Ha returned with new Stork nf Confectionariei, Fruit ftnd Toyi. TTsoem as If a new age, t new life was open- ing upon as, animating every heart to nobler deed and higher aim! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub timer beauties and grsnder conception. Tlie business world too must feel the new in fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than wa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great event of the Age," th sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionariei, Fruit and Toys that ha ever been brought to thi section of country. He i also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, o fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among hi dock of Confectionariei, may be found French Secrets. Burned Almonds, Cream White, " linou Rose, Vanilla, Cammint 9eeiets. Liquorice, Gum Drops, all kiwis of scent, Lrcre Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Caniliea, ef all scents Rack Candy, Almmid Caudy, FRUIT. Bananas, Prunes, Dates, Figs, Currsnts dlied, Citrous, Almonds, Rsisotis, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Spgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnaries, fruit. Toys, Ac, ail ol which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. UT Remember the name and place. M. C. GEA KH ART, Market St., 3 doors west of E. V. Bright & Son' tore. Sunbur, April 14, I860 ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fnr Store ! John Farelra. No. 719 ARCIIHtreet, I. tween 71 h, snd 8tli, tts. rillLADF.I.I'HIA. -(Ijte of 819 Market Sir.,) Importer, Manufacturer of and Dealer in alt kinds of FANCVFUK!. .Sirfe Having removed to my New Stole, 71ft Arch 9t.. nnd helne now eufraited entirely in the Manufacture and Sule of Faney Furs, which, in accordance with the oOne Price Principle,'1 I have marked at the lowest pnesiMe piices consistent with a renaonnlile profit, 1 would solicit s visit from th.ate in want nf Fursfor either Ijidies' orChildrens' Wenr,and a'l inspection ot my selection of those s:"sk1s. satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every desired essential. r7 Persons nts distance, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, need ouly name thn article, they wish toiether with the price, and instructions for Bendiufr. nnd forward the order to my address money accompany infr to insure n satisfactory compliance with their wisiies. Philadelphia Augusts. Into Smojw 18C0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. I860 NEW YOKK LINES- CA.MDKN ft AM HOY AND PIIILADF.I.PI1IA AND TKKNTON RAILROAD CO. LINK.!, From Philadelphia to New York and Way Placet. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as oJlowa, ii lass. At H A M, via Camden and Ainlary C ft A Accoin- nKKlntion, f.i 26 At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey nccouimcMlnti.nl, 3 9) At tl A M, vis Camden snd Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 (io At ll A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern F.zpress, 3 no At I'll P M via Camden and Ambny, aecommod.-ttion tl ttf At P M, via Cumdcii and Amis.) c and A. Kx- press, 3 0(1 At 41 P M, via Kensington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Kxpress, 3 oc At 41 P M, vis Kensington and Jel ey city, Sd Clnss Ticket, J 9 At 6 P M, viu Camden ft Jersey city F.venioit Mail 3 ill At II PM,via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail t ii At S P M. via Camden and Ainlaiy Aecoinni.4ta- tiou. (Fieight und Passenger,) 1st class ticket, i '.$ Sd I 511 The P. M. Mull Line runs daily. The II Southern Mail !nrurdnya excepted. Fnr Helvtalere, Pjtsio, FVtmngMn, if., at A.M., from Walnut street wharf snd 3 P. M , from Kensin(t..fi For Munch Chunk. Ailentowii sod Bethlehem, ut 9. A M. Via I.elnoh Valley Railr.iad. For nter Gap, eltrnudahurg. Si-mnton, Wilkeshnrre, Montrose, Great Rend, Ac., ut 6 A M, via Delaware, l-ockowiililia and Western Railnaul Foi Freehold, at 8 A. M. and S P. M. Foi Mount Holly, at 6 and V A M , aud i, and 4' P. M. WAY LINF.S, For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 3 and 4j P. M., from Kensington. For Palmyra. Delauco, Beverly, Burlington, Bordeu town, Ac, nt )!,.. 1. and 4 ( 1. M. Fifty pounds of ll ircnite only, allowed each passenger, Piisseugers sre piohilnled from taking anything as llinr guge hut their wrnrmg apparel. All Baggage over fifty pounila to la- paid for extra. The C oiy limit then responsibility for Bnggnge to One Dollur per pound, aud will not lie liable for any amount lasyond 1UU DolLns, ex cept by special contract WM H GATMKK Agent C. ft A. R. R Co February 18. IMU. HEGE1MAN & COS CC3D1AI. KL1XIROF CALISAYA BARK Prepsred only by IIF.UKMAN ft CO., Wholesals snd Retail Chemists snd Druggists, 161, SOU, Sll aud 736 Broadway, New Yotk. THE virtuea of PP.RU VI AN BARK aa a Tonic have been ton king k low 11 to need eminent. The CAUSA V A ('-or King's Burk,") is the most valu able of the numersusvaiietiesnf the Peruvun Burk, snd in the 1UJXIK is comhiiied with other iugredieuis that increase iu eirksey and at the snme time ovrrc.nie the intensity of iu billet, reudcring its most Agreeable Cor disl. For persons living in FF.VF.R snd AGl'F. districts, it will be found invaluable as a preventive, Half of a wine glues full Uken night and morning, rendering the system much less subject to the unhealthy influence ol the atiuoa phere. DIRF.CTIONS Dose for an adult, half a wineglass (pll before brenkfaat and dinner ; children fioin one to two ioiiSks.iis lull; ii amy be taken with or without s little water For sale nt this office. March 17, IHMi LOOK HERE, IF 0U WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. G' O TO WM. H. MILLER, ha has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. H i stock consists of Gen'ts Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lacs Boot, Women' Morocco Lace Boots, Children' Morocco and Calf Lac Uoota. all of which he will sell cheap fur CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1860. New Air Line Route TO 3ST E "W YORK. SHORTEST IN D18TANCE AND QUICaTKST IN Tl.MK bet see en th two Citis of NEW YOKK AND HABJUSBUKO. vu READING, ALLkN TOWN AND EA8TON. Morning lis press West leaves New Y.ark at a. at . and Philadelphia al a. sr., arrive al Harriatwrg at la 4a r. at. eusuwetins al HairiaUiig with Iraia on Nianhsru Csntrsl Road fur Suubury, V lUiaiosport, Lock Havsu and iuler HMdiale ssalluiis. hi ail Traia West leaves New York at I am, and Philadelphia at 3 30 r. ., eoonacling with Usui on Notlh. era Centiai R.asd fur sutiiais as above, aud also iwi all Iraiuaon lhe Wilhaiusporl and Eliuira. Mail Tiaia bst leaves Hariisbuig at S, A IS , aud ar rives at Philadelphia al I p. at., snd New Yiak at fJO r. St., in tiats lo laks boat or ears fosBoatoa, A e. Is st txpreaa Ivaa leeeea HarroJaig al I IS, oa airiral of Nortbera Ceoiral Tiata, aud arnvss al PkiAulelpkia at .l r at . aud New Yut k atsr. at. No ehangs of ears or baggaga inlwsea New York or Philadelikla aad alarrisbuig. For beaaly of sosuasy aud speed, eosn.xt aad acaoauan. oation, this routs jveseats superior usliicsuueai lo la Iraveiiug pubue O&ca ut Nsw York, fortnf Courtlsad eUeet, Phlladsl. phai, lioasd and CaiiowkiU aueets. Fsj bslwseu Nsw York and llarnstairg FIVE DtL For Tickeu, Freight or other lnf.insti.n, applt lo J 1 CLYDL, Ocmiai .iot llsxtubutg, Jans , l(-0 -ly NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STR KKT, SUNBURY, PA. i'lHE subscriber ha just opened at hi well X known establishment in Sunburv, on of th hea test and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in th place, and which n will sell for CASH or exchange for Ceuntry Preduce. Those desiring to purchase foods will do well to call and examine hi stock. BLACK AND FANCY SHE. All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped snd Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .Plain and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawl. Clothi Ca8imeres and Satinet For Men and Bay' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, aid stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets sll kinds. ,,.. , FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and price, Bay Stat Sack Flannels, color finest qnaltioi. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoe, Hate and Cap, Ac, o;e., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, a regard quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (Jueensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, etc., Paints, Oil. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Oct. 8, I8.19. 1A3 SB JLVS PXTEIT T FIVE-MINUTE FREEZE E, As Improved for 1HS9 and 0, Uy E. KETCHVM & CO., SHU Pc.rl Htreit, New-York. "pHE only Freexer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the free ring of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rnpid iu freezing, with lhe least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple snd durable in structure. For sale in all tlie principal cities and town in the l'i.ion. Each Fleeter accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, 4 (IU 6 quarts, 5 8 quarts, K 00 M quarts, (j 00 211 quarts, 12 00 Apply t. H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, Id CO. 1860. THE BEST E0UTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley lo IMillndi Ipliln, New York, llaltlmore, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH j- WEST. LACKAWANNA k BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ABRAHOEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will l run between Scrantoa and NnrthuinheilaiKl, as follows: AIOVI.NO SOUTH : lmve Serauton, A invent 1'illslon, Kingston, fhtckshuiny, Berwick, Hl.aiiushutg, Runeft, Danville, Northumberland, MOV Iave Northumlrland, Arrive at Danville, Hupelt, ltl.Mmelmrg, Berwick, Hliicksliiuny, Kingston, Pituton, cVruuton, Phil'a.Mail. N. y yx- lo A. M. 4 P. Al. 39 4 53 1 04 A -Jtl 7 6H Ki W 0 M 60 7 :J It IK1 7 411 S S 10 IU OO g north : N. V. Fx. Phil'aMnil. 00 A. M. 4 IS P. M 06 S tm .M 6 M 4i r isi 15 6 3-1 15 1 M s an 7 45 8 57 8 15 tl 45 oe 1 jirsi.wanna ano iibx.ui.l.uig Railroad connects with the Delaware, I jickuwaiiii.i and Weslern Knilroud, al st'iaiiMn, for New York and Philadelphia, ami uilerme dinte remits Kast ; als,i for lirent Ueod, Bingluimton, Syracuse, UuRahi. Ningnia Falls, and all iinnorlunl points West. At Itupeit II connects with the Cattawissu Rail rood, for points both Fjiat and Wist. At Nuithumlwilaud it connects with the Suul.ury and Krie Kailr.ml. foi points W est snd South. M, V. JACKSON, Sup't. Kingston, Augusts, 1S6U. SUNBURY ACADEMY. riMIF. Sunhury Aeudeiny will be reopened on Monday I he 7;h of August, IttW, under Lie caia ol S. P. W OI.V 1 KTON , Tlie onutee of instruction will embrace every depart mem of edueution tsugln 111 our best Academics, preparing studeuis one either f,w a profession or lo eutei any class in College. TF.RMS PKR til ARTIIR: Onrimon School Branches, $4 no Higher F.ngliah Brunches, $ no ldstliiand Ureek languages. 701) All entering before the Iniiildle of the l(uartel will lie reiuiied In pay f.u the whole term 01 tuition, unless ape- cialairangeiiieut is made. Tuition to be aiid hefore tlie middle of the term. Hoard can he hud 111 pnvule fani.lica at lion. UI ',i to Si tU pel week. r?iiiil.ury, August 35, IcAO. U'atcltei, Je.velrr v Sliver Ware WK would respectfully inform our friends, patrons snd the pul.lic generally. Unit we have now iiittnra and offer WHOI.KMAI.F. AND KKTAIL, al the lovr.l Cakh Prices, a huge and very choice slock of WATCH KS JKWtXR Y, SILVER A.b PIMTKU WAKH, of eveTy' variety and style. ' ,.!;y.7.Y ,df?"'''"' of DIAMOND WORK snd other Jl.WM.Kt, mude tit order, al shall uotlit 0 All UikhIs Warranted to be as represented. N. B Particular attention given in ih repairing of n atcbes snd Jewelry of every deseripiton. v. PTAlFFKIl A II A RLE Y, No. sM Market Street, South 8ide, Phitadeluhia. rVgtemhel 1, lr).-3in ' HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. All tnevolent lntitutin eftablisked hi rpecial Endowment, fur the Relief oj th Sick and Dislrttted, afflicted with Virulent and Ejri. demic Diteatei, and enpecinlly for the Cure of Diteatei of the Sexual Organt. EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by th Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description ol their condition, (age, occu pation, habit of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Sperniatorrbcca, and other Diseases of the ctexual Organ, and on th iEW KEMED'ES employed in th Dispen ry, sent to Ih ifflicled iu sealed letter enve lops, free of charge. Two or three Maftip for postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Burgeon, Howard Association, No. South Ninth ritroel, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of th Director. EZRA D. HEARTWELL. President, (sio. riiBcuian, Secretary. January 14, 1859. y POR SALE. TWO LOT8 aituaU in Market atreet, in Ih town of Trvorton, No It and 13, in bloek No. 90. Apply to WM. OAUGLER, 8eli f0' H. B. MASSE K, Sunbury. TJ8EFUI, IN ALL FAMILIES-HEisEMAN CO'8 Hen sins, which removes paiai spots greasy 4c, sc, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbona, &., qual to new, without th slightest injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also at thia olfic. li cents per boltlei STOVES. po R SALE aa excellent aecond-hand Caok ing Slov. also several Cylinder Coal Stovi Emjuir at thij otiica. I OV'S HOOTS aud SHOKS, cheap for cash WM. MILI.KR'S. Sun ury, August 7, Iho'J. NEW rtOUB, PEED, rEITIT AND PROVISION STORE. ritHE anbscriber respectfully informs th cirl A tons of Sunbury and ths surrounding neigh borhood, thai b ha opened a Store at the north weat corner of Market Sqaar, opposite Vandyke' Railroad Hotel, where h la receiving, and will keep on hand, Floor, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinda, och a WHEAT. RYE o BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oat, Corn and all kinda of Feed, Cracker, Orange, Nut Ac, Fresh Shsd in sea on, Early Vegetable Fruit 4c, from the South. He will'constantly receive, by Railroad, frem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicaeiea of the season, ss they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re. ceive share of th public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. il0a Doming,. COFFEE POT Tea Iot., Being baaed, ss Dp. Hall, of tha J ournal of Health, says, "on toioncs nnd common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTIIVR, BURNIIAM, k GII.ROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St, Philadelphia Sole Manufacturer umlor the Patent, aTB-Por sale hy D.al.rs In llauar. jrf 1 "kvp."s ' December A, 1859. T CTT'TIT A Tins Ttwwrrw A TOORNKMl-SMAHANK, No V53,itn, ii7. .T'!'d ("rxl ''"" c- U .Mcnch's) O 1 n. uilelpinn, w,i,i lllvilt attention oi their! friends and enstouiers. and the pulilie in general, C M a lurge aud well selected sl.'ck i.f ', S -'"-"xi a. xxn t-J63, ousistiug of Velvets, Tapestries, Three-PIvs i: lugraius, snd Veniliatn. v ivmnv C I , T'v' ' mS' AU r. UTAIIt Kt)U, Ac, a which he sells very close for cash, wholesole 7t .!f ."!"!' lMrehl,'(.0ly "J du. esjenVvein-s TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL, I ? the best Medicine in the world f.a- u Cure of Cnnghs laud folds Croup, Hronehilis. Asllmin, llifficiillv I icnthing, Palpitation of the Heart, lliplhcr.a , f therel.ei of patient, in then.lv. ml slate, of ou oT lion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and CI ." snd which predispose 1 1 Consumption. vneat, It i peculiarly adapted lo the radical cure nf AnHmta. Being prepared hy a pra.tical Physician nnd Ilriiccin nnd one of great experience in the cure of the vaii. .,. drseaseato which the llnnian frame is hulile "ons It is olTeied to the ntlltcted with the greatest confidence Ttv itand ln. cnvincerl th., ,1 viVlunhle in I , Cu,. of Uroi .-h.nl aiTjr tioiis. Price .Weciils per llultle Is" Pkepaskd onlv hv Dr.'A. r:Si:WEIN A CO.. , ... ... . ""WB'Sls nnd Chemists. n- sin) n?ln" ""' V1'1"' fhHadelphis tr WII.U hv eveiy r. apee a e ilrurcist and ll..,.l.. ... Medicine thr.ajghout the State. b V"l" "' Philadelphia. A! archo I, Ih6n lyw ROC KEFELLER&" B0YEIl7 Attorneys at Law SUNBURY, IA. A. Jordan nockefeller and Solomon II. Ilojcr, respectfully announce tar. they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi r.ess entrusted to their charge in the counties ol Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at terition will be given to the COLLECTIONS .Ebm sv' ? Con,u",io " be 1J in lhe Ur.KMAN language. Ollice, Market .Street, opposite Weaver1 Hotel Sunbury, February , H(). EMPORIUM. rpHE undersigned having received a larje and A well selected stock of Pure Drugs aud 1'Itemlcul, Dye.ttifl., Oils, Paints. Class ,nd Putty, i now ready to fill ordcrsat a moments notice. In connection with the alwve you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and crfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair. .Nail, and llollies U rushes ol every Variety. Customers will' find his stock complete, com prising many article it is impossible heie lo enumerate. KEMEMBER the 'place, under the offic. of tlie "Sunbury American." Physicians' Preoptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April Sd, igsg. P. MEIANCHTONSmNDELT JI STH K OP Tilt I'Eack SUNBURY, Ojfice in Deer Street,i,meditKly vpposite the Public School Houte. All business promptly attended to. Moi.ic. olleclcd and all ordinary writing, done. Sunbury. Auril 25. Is,'7.tf 5)?raL? D ""T,, HKOFA tan, cur. of Coo.uin.HU.n, ll,,.n " "'Z'Z lh" Caurrh, A si hum, Keveis, llnrl luma lspepsia. l.,ver CMumn"L.f'''. leinale Cmpklnls. Ae. llliiatiMM? w..k Z VP."" eerlfhcatesofeureaand enj rav'i 1 ), ''u,")r"l " rcSLUingas uu.iiy sulfering ?X.wL,:.l f "!''"" '" preimtur. death, ii will be lrt J7,ll' t "ou neiil, by sending 14 cents to 1 1 '" eV.ld.aksa.hy A. W. fl'Zr. .V.TI liuii.lwrla.nl j T S.Caldwell, v Jlmrr r i n 1 l-ela-uiv Is.letio. ly. " IIEN11Y DONNEL, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Ojfice opposite ik, Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa :en.3 UenUcB 10 bu,ines i" aJjoiiiinj sav st- jf - V 13 . v ' -"V. 'fA fD- J4:r! T..A.fu o A r i C CP m I V . aeeioents will eappea, evea la well-regulated faini hea, it is very de.iralae la have ansae cheap and omiveuisut way for repairing Faruitais, Toya, Crockery, Ae. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meeu all suck euiergeueies, aud uo b.Kisrnold eaa sthod to ba wiihual ll. ll h always rastly aial up lo the sticking point. There is eu kutgtar a neettsaiiy fur limping chairs, splinters veneers, headless soils, and broken eiadlea. ll is )us lita article for eone, shell, aial other ornauieuul well, so popular with kdMss of leaneiuenl and lasts. Thai aOssimble pieparatioii is used on Id, being cheinicalhr bets) la aiauuan , and Doasessuiig all th. valualae qualities l lhe boat eahuist-saakw' iilius. ll swty he used in Ih pise uf ordinary aweihigts, being vastly mors adhesive. 'USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B A Brash aoonipauia sash boll!. fiieassesuis. Wholeaakl Depot, No 4 Cedar street. New Vork. Addrtssa, 11K.NHV C. HPAI.IIING A CO., this No. 3,seo, New York. Put ap fnr Dealers ia eases containing Four Eight, an Twelve Doses a beaatifui Lnaugraohic Soow Card as eunipejiyuuj sac paekag.. Cf Awughj houleoi Btakhug's Prepared Glu. wiilasrs leu uawa us oust annua 11. lo every boaseSold. Sold by aU sannaiiHHi Statlmiers, Druggtsla, Hardware Sad Farnilurs Dssslees, Onatsrs, aud Faaey More.. Couuuy Merchants should make iv. ol KpaWing's pro,red Uiaa, wkwa t.y auks sp thul list It wil suind any eSimatts. For asl st this olBc. Much l, lean. ly s