parrisbnrg $Jctos. rtCSJSYLVAfttA LEGISIMTIRE. IIarribruro, Feb. 4, 18G1. The Senate was celled to order at I o'clock. Original Resolutions, Mr. Finney offered the following resold rioti. proposing amendment! to the State Const itnt ion : liesolved, liy the Srnate and Mount of Jieprese.ntativet of the Commonwealth nf 1'enn rylvania in Central Assembly met, That the following amendments are proposed to the Confutation of the Commonwealth, in ac cordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. There shall be en additional article to said Constitution, to be designated "article xut," us follows : Skction 1. The Legislature shall pass no special act conferring corporate powers. Skit. 2. Corporation charters may on r. sod under general laws j but all such laws insy. from time to time, be altered or repealed with due rerd to the rights of corporators s Provided, That alt corporations created under general laws may be extended in the limita ticn of time by special enactment. Sk.-t. 3. The Legislature shall provide for mmiicipal corporations by general lows, and extend their power of taxation, assessment, borrowing money, contracting debts, and binning their credit, so as to prevent tbo iibnse nf such power. .Ski t. 4. The LegNdutnre ahnll have no pow. r to pass any act granting or extending ny ppociol charter for banking purposes, but corporations or associations may bo formod fur firh purposes under general laws. Laid over uniler the rules. Mr Finney's resolution directing an inves tirntiMi into the ulTjirs of the banks, came up in order. M r. Smith's amendment being nnder con piiternt it. n, Mr. Finney moved an amendment to tho pmeiiilmeiil, empowering the Committee on Hunks to investigate the condition iT such no!;" as they may. from facta brought to their knowledge, deem nnsound ; that they i-hiill huve power to send fur persons am) papers ; and lluit the committee bn required tn report what legislation, if any, is necessary or expedient. The nnieiidnient, nfler considerable debute, was figreed to yeas 17, nays 11 Hill in I'lnce. Mr. Irviu read in plc a bill to incorporate Ihe Mfchinicshnrg Hank. Mr. IMarK. Dill to tncnrpnruie t us liar- risbnrg I'.ixsenger Kailwny Company. M r. A rrn'tronn. a bill to erect Lycoming voiinty into a separate judiciul district. C" The Suiibiiry aud Krio IMI is os fol Iuwm : Hh it einicted, kc . thai the corpornt" name and title of tho .Sunbiiry and Krie Hailroad, lie nml the same is hereby changed tn that of tbo Philadelphia and Krie Hailroad, by which tntne and under which title the said company shall hereafler he managed and conducted, with the same effect as if tho name thereof Lad not been changed. Section 'J. That, said Philadelphia and Kri Hailroad Company be, and is hereby authorized tn execute and issue under its cor porate seal, live thousand bonds not exceed in in Amount the aggregate sum of .1,0(10, DUO sterling money of Great Britain, or S-v t(10 000 lawful money of the UniUd Stales; line ii u in he r of all of which may be issued fur t'200 each, sterling mooey aforesaid, and any number or all of which for 1000 each, pay able, in twenty yeats from the date thereof. The said bnndi shall bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, payable semi annu ally, and shall not ha subject to taxation ; and as security fr the payment nf principal mid interest nf Said bonds, the said company is hereby authorized to execute in trust, undur its corporate seal, a nioilago of tbo whole line of its Hailroad, finished, unfinished, or to be finished, from rjunhury to Erie Harbor, i. ml its appurtenances, including all locomo t v '? and cars which may at any lime be ph.ced thereon, together with oil its real es'ate, rights, liberties, privileges and fran chises which said mortgage shall be deliver ed to tho trustee or trustees herein named, mill recorded in therein described, or any part thereof, may be situate, and shall thereon be and remuin ths first mortgage on all the pro perty liu-reiu described nntil fully satisfied, except as to that part of the road of said company which extends from Sonbury to U'liliaiiirport, on which a mortgage for 100, (Mill now exist Section 'A. Thnt said Philadelphia, and Kiie Hailroad Company be, and is hereby nulhori.eil to execute, tinder its corporate n'ul, forty bonds for $100,000 each, payable in I'oity years from the date thereof, bearing interes't ut tho rate of six per cent , from and nfler Jan. 1 t, 1 872, and secure the payment t hereof by a mortitage to be execoted to the I'oiiiinnnwealih of the whole line of railroad, 1inihi-d, unfinished, or to bu finished from Wiiliuimport to the harbor of Erie, and till the real estate, rights, privileges and fran chist-a of tho said Company, which said mort i.,. 2.i sh ill be deposited in the office of the State. Treasurer, and shull thereupon be unit Ii-iiimii the second mortgage on all the pro perly therein described uutil fully satisfied, nml the said Company may deliver the said forty bonds to the Commissioners ol the Siuk it'B Fand. in payment of all the five percent bunds of the Smihury and Erie Hailroad Company iiuw owned by the Stale ; and upon toii-h payment being made, it shall be duty of -iiJ Commissioner to cancel end surrender the said five percent, bonds to the said Com pany, and it shull he the duty of the Stute Treasurer forthwith to caurel end surrender all the five per cent bonds now owned by iIm sui'l Company deposited in ibe Treasu rer's cuVe, under the ptovisions of the act lorthetuU of the Statu Canals, approved the 21 si of April, I8."i8. Seclinu 4. That upon presentation to thu Trustees of the Mortgage for 87.000,000 duly i geruted under the provisions of the said act for the sule of the Slate Canals, or all the & p-r cent, bonds cancelled or paid, the pay merit whereof was intended to be secured by the said mortgage, it shall be the duly of the said Trustees to enter satisfaction oo the record thereof, and cancel and surrender thu same to the suid Philadelphia aud Erie Hail roud Company. The Pennsylvania Railroad Tonnage bill proposes to py into the blate Treasury a commutation of said lonage tas so as to make the snioant of debt, principal and interest the earn of $460,000 per annum. The amount is to be paid io half-yearly instalments, and be cootiuued ootil the year IS'JO, when all the debt due by the Company to the (State is to tie paid io full. The Company it required to pay all ordinary taxes to the Stat upon all tbeir property, and assist in lb construction ir a nn mher of lateral raiirotdi. The aid to be given it loto to tbe extent ,,f tho tounace lax accrued iroro August i.i the Dtsssiia of this act : and it is to be ,iiui,leii hetweea the Cbarliert Valley lUil road. Tittsburg and Steubenville, Fayette County Railroad, West Pennsylvania Hail, rm.ii fbetsreea Blairsville and batter.) Ebeos burg and Crcston Railroad, Chaaibersburg mid AlleBheny, Bedford Railroad, Tyrone ,,,t riuarfiold. aud Mifllio and Ceotre. Tbe ..,,, a Rid to be rjronortioned to their respec I v lengthi ; to be applied exclusively to su perstraciure. and to b paid io iustaltneoti, us tbe respective road are graded ia tectioot of ten or more tnilet. Upon these cooditiona the StuU libretea the Company from the payment of all toi.BSfe duties, prospective uinl retrospective. The Suubury uud Erie Relief bill lll oisol i.J iliolg I'jipOiitiJII. TUB PEAf BCOHORES. This will lie one of the moat Important weeks in American hbtory, ami upon the nature ol Hie action decided upon More U closoa ,'' future deslinv of ihe republic- may depend The people of Virginia will virtually del-ruiine hv the character ol the men they select to their State Convention whether they, too, will be pre-cipitat-d into the Recession revolution, and forced to join their fortunes wih the men who are attempting to form a new Southern Conreile racy. The delegates from the six revolting States of Alabama. Florida, Georgia. Louisisnna, Mississippi, and South Carolina will endeavor, at Montgomery, to forma Provisional Govern ment, which they hope to render a rallying point for all the other slavehnldlng 6lates if an ami calile adjustment of tho existing difficulties is not aoon made, i no Yunuus peace piupcamnHis which have long been under discussion in Con gress will also protiahly he voted upon during the nresent week, a notice has been given of an in tention to bring to a close the protracted debate. And just at this period, too, the conference of Commissioners, appointed by a number of differ ent States it the suggestion of Virginia, takes place at Washington, and although it cannot control the legblation or change the Constitu tion ol the country ; yet, by wiso and conciliato ry action, it can do murh to restore peace and harmony, or. by a failure or refusal to recognize tho overwhelming necessity for mutual sacrifices and concessions for the common welfare of the whole American people, it can still further widen the existing breach, and render the salvation nf the Union almost impossible. Commissioners will lie present representing the froe (Stales of Illinois, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Iowa, and Connecticut, and the slave Slate of Virginia. Delaware, Kentucky, Mary hind, Missouri, Noilh Carolina, and Tennessee Tue movement, c wsideriiig the limited lima which has elupscd since it was originated, has become a very general one.- It was but natural ihut the six Stales which h.ive already seceded, and two others Texas and Arkansas which are apparently preparing for secession, should not have participated in it. California and Oregon were loo distant to send Commissioners in time j fur the day fixed fur the meeting. Michigan and j Massachusetts have refused, and Maine, Miiineso- j la. Kansas, Wisconsin have virtually declined to I be represent ed. Hut, still the States which have j. chosen Commissioners contain much more than 1 half Ihe population ol' the whole country ; th.-y occupy an inllueiitial and com minding position, and their united counsels would exercise an almost irresistible influence. Philadelphia Press. SOU 111 CAKOMNA. The Charleston correspondent of the New York Time, suts : "It is a mutter of great surprise here that a certain leudiui; sheet in vnur citv should give circulation to the moriFtrnus rumor cou- cerning Mhj. A nderson s intended sin render i of Eort Sumter when Lincoln assumes tho Presidential reins. South Carolinians are j brave if Ihey uro so rash, and they worship oravery in others. I hey know and feel that the commander of thai island fort that sternly frowns on their city, and who holds the lives of tins people it; his iron will, is perfectly incnriiiht'le. His father was a hero, uud de feuded this very city against the British. His mother was of the same blood ns Chief Justice Marshall, of Virginia, and he himself is till led by marriage to a daughter of the gallunt Clinch, ol tjeorgia. His being born in a Slave State, end allied by tnarriuge to one, bus nothing to do with his patriotism now, or his fancied position hereafter. An author, a boldier, and a gentleman, a man of strict religious sentiments, Muj. Andeison is looked upon here as sound tn the core in his devotion to the Union which they have cast o-Jt, and they know he will deleud himself if culled upon, even though he may burl de. structiou on Moultrie, 1'iuckuey, und Chailcs ton itsilf. "Although it is generally considered that the present .,'. will remain until the 4th of March, yet if Fort Pickens should be rein forced, and Pensuculu reinvested, 1 should not lie surprised to see 10,000 men poer in here from the country, who would ride over every plea for delay, and assault Sumter They might take it, but they would lose 2,000 men. Sixty feet hijih, and with a parapet overhung ut such uu unglu, it would be im possible to escalade. Tlfe only way would be the floating upon it of some huge ruft, so heaped with un-n that they would overcome all resistance by tbe mere force of brute nun, be is." Pktkoi.ei'M On.. We were shown, on Saturday lust, several samples of tho lately discovered Petroleum oil, tnkeu from a well suuk at Smith's l-Vrry, in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, about 2ii miles from Pittsburg. Thu sumples were six in number, all from the same source, but varying in appearance from the chemical changes they have uodergono iu the bauds of the goutlumao who exhibit them Mr. Ceo. lloburt, of Philadelphia, who has devoted considerable attention to the devel opeuient of Ibe various qualities inherent in the article. Tho fiuest of the sample; was an article that in appearance and smell bears a strong resemblance to the oil or almonds, and indeed is Bold to the uuinitiated for that arti cle. Its perfume is dulighlful, end suiting all tho purposes of bilter almonds, for which it will doubtless, be in a great meusure substi tuted, as it can be uffurdud at a much lower price. 'I he uext is a very superior burninc oil, perfectly transparent aud ulmosl devoid of smell and smoke in burning, and nut ej-jilo- sice, i be ngni ii emits :s almost as brilliant as gas, aud where that article is not to bu bad, this luruishes a good substitute. Another was a lubricating oil. lor median- icul purposes which is said to be superior to all other lubricating oils, from tbe fact alone that it does utt "gum," a very serious objec tion to must other oils uow in use. The next was a coloring liquid extracted from the oil which will impart a color etpial to the French to woolen, Haxen, and cotton fabrics, and it is said to answer the same pur pose in dyeing of of an article imported from orouo, ul trout twenty to eighty dollars a pound in coloring royal purple, yellow, Ac, while this cun be atlorded at from bliy ceulu to forty dulluis a pound, according to quality uud the color needed. The last of the samples is the refuse of the oil, which mukea a most excellent W blixk- tng, imparling a gloss equal to tbo famous Uay A; Marlin s, ol Loudon, costing almost nothing and acting as a preservative of tho leather. I'be discovery of Petroleum Oil is certainly a most important oue. and aiav lead to a ruvututiou iu the processor tnaoyofour uiuDuloclures I'tiiladJphia Inquirer, A Mketimi Held ur Tki.kohapii In an other column we publish Ibo pioceediogs of iub ura meeting ever held, by any class of industry, s.lely through telegrapbio commu nication. The manifold uses and blessiugs of the telegraph have beeo tbe frequent theoie of Ihe orator aud poet, and yet we question whether its chords have ever beeo swept with such notes of sympathy with bamas aiotioo, as they were last evenicg. Ao ordioar ties, patch lo yesterday's Inuihrr announced the death of Mr. Jsxw Mitcwci.l. Jr., operator or the N asbiogtoo oflice. He bad endeared himself to bit associates in the quiet mission of bit profession, winning the affectiuu aud regard of those who bad never seen him ni who only judged bit character by the geutht nature of fcis conversation as it throbbed over tba wires. It was touching spectacle ; tbe little groups gathered jo tbe respective offices or that vast establishment whose apparatus webt a continent, with no sound but the tick ing of tba wonderful iustrutnent, ooderstood by them all, while those tiogera which had to often challenged their io friendly intercourse, rested from tbeir accustomed offices io tba still, cold rigidity of death. I'hila. Inquirer I.tBKRAt. Pavmkkt The Berkley Asso ciation of Bostoo pay the Hev. Henry Ward j Beecbep one ihriiemi I it It n f. r tho f -.r . lectures of i',.u..,.r '.c , i.jt di In t i there. New Advertisements. TO ALL, THOSE: II OLIO , 'PaTTna PnrlrO AT CtarAtfna X 0.11110 f XUIIVS VI UdlUCAlS, IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare ehance is nnw afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Vines. RhrnuhriT, e.,from the celebrated Clover Street Nurena Jsicaled at Ror.hesier, New York. Messrs, MOOIIL', I1IIOTIIEI13, PHOPBIETOB0 Who lies; leave to announce ihut they are preiiared mrougn ineir quniiriea sun it E 9 P O N 8 I II t. E AGENTS, To diitritiute their superior slock on Ihe ,mott reasonable tCIIIIS. PEOPI.H OK THE EETSTOITE STATE. Iiveis of Nature and Ihe beautiful, and Justly celebrated fur ynar intelligence, wenlth, laterality and taste, nuw is mo uine. it, muse, your selections iroin our DRftCRIPTlVK CATALOGUE AND PLATE KOOKf, Which will lie furnished you, thrnush our locnl agents ; and you may rest assuictl that your orders will be honora bly rilled. For further particulars nprdv to FRKDKRICK A. HOWE. , , . MXADVILLK, TA. Or JOHN B. JONES, Arp'iitliir Northumberland county. REFERENOE8: Hon. KRKNKXKK HHIF1I.N. R.. Chester, N. V. Hull. JOHN UALHItAITH, Erir, IV t"..l. J. R. JOHNSON, Memlville, Pa. February V, IHtl. Sm List of Unclaimed Depositee JF.MAININC. in the Bank of Northnmbe.r- land for 1st. I H 0 1 . :liree years and upwards. January Thomaa 'uller, $130 00 William H. Davis, 20 00 Philip Krcedmau, 100 0(1 J Cra fius 4- Co., 28 6M Wm. Koons, 1 1 Ti H. P. Craves, 2S 00 James Lowry, 40 00 Wm. Kule, fid 0(1 1). W. Woods, 1 2 20 Gideon M. Yorks, 25 02 I cerlity the atiove to he correct and true ac rount to Ihe best of inv knowledge and belief. J. R. PRIESTLEY, Cashier. - ISworn and suhsciihcd before me Jon i Cakk, J. P. Northumberland, Feb. 2, 1861. 4t Orphans' ourt Sale. IX purauarico of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will bo ex posed lo Public Sale, on SATUUDAY, the IGlh of February, I hoi, cn the premises, all those two full equal undivided fifths of two certain tracts or pieces of land, situate in . Upper Mahanoy town ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described aa follows: The first thereof beginning at stones; thence hv bind of Nicholas Adam, north eighty-four de grees east, twenty and three-tenths perches to stones j thence by land of Peter Orosious, six de grees east eiuhty one perches to atone; thence by lands of John Killing, south eighty-seven de grees west twenty -one perches and three thenths to stones ; thence north live aed one half degrees west, eighty, perches to atones, the place of beginning ; containing ten acres and fifty six perches of laud, more or less. And the other tract, thereof, beginning at stones ; thence by land of Philip licit x north eigh teen degrees west, twenty one perchea to a pine ; thence by land of John Massrr north eighty three and one fourth degrees east thirty nine perches to a fallen pine ; ihcnro north seventeen degrees east, sixty three perches and seven tenths lo stones ; thence north eighty seven degrees cast, fifteen perches and six tenths to stones ; thence south three degrees east, sixty perches to atones; thence south seventy one degrees west, seventy five perches to stones, the place of beginning: containing sixteen acres and seventeen peichca of land, more or less. To he sold aa the estate of Peter Brnsious and Joseph lirosious, minor children of Godfrey lirosious, late of Washington township, Nor thuniherlaud county, deceased. Hule to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said day, w hen the terms and conditions of sale wiil he made known hv PHILIP REITZ, GuarJian. By order of ihe Court, 1. U MASSEK.CIk. i). C. Sunliur.v, Jan. 26, IHG1. "W-AJLILi PAPER 1 FKIl.ING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January 17th, lHlil) received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OK TIIK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF W ALL PAPER, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1 8G I JAMES BARBER'S WIIOI.KSAI.K AND RKTAIIj CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT. S. lu. Corner Second and Chestnut sis., Plillaflelpliln. A GENCY fer ilir PATENT EQUALIZING THIRTY IV lA Y CLOCKS, very drsirulilr article lor Cuurch- i, 10. O il. Bunks, CuuiiIimk Houses, l'urlurs. Ao. Al, Manufacturer of H.NK GU1.D PENS. O'jt-ks rcwiired ami warranted. Cluck Triiuniits of every drsi-riptinu. l'lnludclniiiu, January Jo, lstil.---3y REVERE HOUSE, (LA TK LA OLE HOTEL,) Third Street, above llace, Philadelphia, KHOAD & PAILOR, Priipnetiirs. MPItOVEMK.NT9 uetn made, and Ihe House bus lieen rrtiUt-d llirougiiout Tilghman V. Ksimu, formeily of ths National Hotel Hl K S"lLos, fiiimerly in HvliuylklU Co., Pa. Pluludelphlu, Juil. 19, IsOt. ly DRY GOODS- IKII.NG dr. GRANT, at the Mammoth rttore - have this day, January 24th, received and opened another fresh supply of DUY GUOUS and Notions. Hunbury, January 26, 1861. Orphan' Court Sale. 1 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court af Norihumtterlund county, will be e posed to Public Sale, at the late residence of said decedent, In Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, on Saturday, the 6th day of February next, all that certain Tract or piece of Land, situate in Lower Muhanoy town ship, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Ucnneville Witmer, Joseph Slialler, Jacob Witmer, William Kiebach and Catharine Witmer, containing 71) acres end 116 perchea, neat measure, on which are erected a good two story Log Dwelling House, a new Bank Barn, and other outbuildings. There ia also on the premises a good well of water, and an otchurd of excellent fruit, and the land is ia a good state of cultivation returned by the Inquest as tract number one. Also, ail that other rertain tract or piece of laud, aituate in Upper Pa ton township, JJauphin county. Pa., adjoining lands of Jonathan Doihler, John Schroyer, John A. einvder, Beuneville Kopfenheller and Catharine Witmer, containing 34 acres and 66 perchea, neat measure returned in the Inquest aforesaid as number two. Late the estate of John Tschopp, deceased. Kale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of sanj day, when the terms of sale will be made known by I. H. RE88LER, AdmY ny order ol the Court, the Court, ) I, Clk. o. c. a. IU, 1861. ) J D MAbStK, Bunbury, Jan. "tyiNDOW SHADESA yery fine and cheau assortmri in, ;...l k d.ii. road frem New York, lDe Mammoth store of xnung o-uraut. w have also .for sale 8.8. Pntnam fc Cq'e celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. GROCERIES, , r RESH Bi:ppi,Y just received at the '4iiiiiili alMPO HI ...., taiil. FKILINO X (iRANT. Orphan' Court Sale or Valuable Real Estate. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Northumberland county, will be exposeJ to public sale at the Court House in the Dnrnugh ofSunbury, on SATURDAY, the 8th of FEB RUARY next, all that certain messuage, tene ment and Tract of Land, aituste in the township of Upper Augusts, Northumberland county, ad joining land of Michael Hhipe on the north, laud of John Farnsworth on the cast, the Mhamokiii cieck and land of John W. Friling on the south and land of Joseph (ioas on the west, containing eighty-eight acres more or less, about soventy acres of which are cleared and in a high state ol cultivation, whereon are erected a two story log dwelling House (wcaiherhoarded) a largo bank Barn, a two story Tenant House with cel lar and ice house under it, and other outbuildings also a good well of water, a good orchard, &c. Also a certain other tract of Land, situate in said township of Upper Augusta, adjoining ihe Sbamokln creek and land of Joseph Cass on the north, other land of said intcslale ami Joseph Savidge oh the east, land of J. W Peale and Kamuel V. Sickle on the south, and land of Philip Karvey on the west, containing nine-live acres more or less, about sixty acres of ivbirh are cleared and under a good stato of cultivation ; whereon are erected a large two story log dwel ling House, rough cast, a lurge bank Barn, wagon shed and numerous othei outbuildings, a good never-failinR spring of water, a good peach and apple orchard, Ac. Also a certain other tract or piece of Land, situate in said township of Upper Augusta, ad joining Shamokin creek and laud of Joseph (inns on the north and adjoining the other land of said intestate last above mentioned and described on the east, south and west, containing three and a half acres more or less, all of which is cleared and in a good stale of cultivation, whereon are erected a one and a half story lug house, a frame stable, and a good spring f water, 4C. Also a certain other messuage and piece ol Land, situate in snid township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shainokin creek and land of said in testate on the north, land ol John W. Friling on Ihe east, land of Joseph Havidge on Ihe south and other laud of said intestate on the west, contain ing six acres more or loss, all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Late tho estate of Silas Wolverlon, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M , of said day, when the terma and conditions of silo will be made known by VM. HEED, Adm'r. By order of the Court, ) J. B.MASSER. Clk., O. C. Sunhury, Jan. 12, 1801. ) H CjTML HOTEir SUNBUKY, Northumberlaud County, Pa. rHl3 large and commodious Hotel, now J- managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Rnilrond Depot North Eitt corner of Market Square, rjunhury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open fortho accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totte comfort and convenience of his guests and isde'ermined to make this establishment rank among the first in the tuto. Hit table will be supplied with the best the ma'ket can produce having the advautace of daily ctnmuninalioii by cars direct from Balti more, and also from thore bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling communit is most respectfully solicited. Kunhury, January lit, 1861. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the Ifith day of Feb ruary next, on the premises, all that certain messuage and tract of land, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, Pennsyba' nia, adjoining hind of the heirs of Daniel Camp bell, heirs nf Silas Farrow, deceased, Smnuel Epler and others, containing one hundred and sixty six acres and H8 perches of land, more or less, with the appurtenances, on which are erected a frame dwelling house, a log tenant house, frame wagon house, frame burn, a w heel wright shop, aid other outbuilding, n-vcnil never failing springs, a large apple orchard, Stc. Late the estate of John Moore, deceased. Sale to commence a. 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, w hen the terms and conditions of snle will be made known by WILLIAM AM MERMAN, Adm'r. By order of tho Court, ) J. B. MASSER, Clk.. O. C. j Sunbury, Jan. 12, I8GI. ) 6t New York and Middle Coal Field Hail Eoad and Coal Company. rMIE annual meeting of tho stockholders of the Company will he held at their oliice, No. 204 South Fourth Street, en MONDAY, the 4th day of Febiuary next, at II o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of electing FIVE Directors of suid Company for the ensuinc year. HENRY ROBINSON, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan 1!), IH0!. 8t Estate of JACOB FRY, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters nf Ad ministration have been granted to Ihe subscriber, on the estate of Jacob Fry, bite of the Borough of Sunbury, detested. All persona indebted to said es'ate, or having claims against the tame, are requested lo present them for settlement. The Administrator will attend at the late residence of said deceased, on the S2d of February, for that purpose. WILLIAM FRY, Administrator. Sunbury, January 19, 1 b'6 1. fit ' Administrator's Notice. V OTICE hereby given, that letters of adrain 4 istration having been granted to the subscri ber, on the estate of Absolein Conrad, late of Loner Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to meet the subscriber at ihe late residence of the dee'd., on Saturday the Ulh of February, lKtil, and make payment, and those having claims to present tbeiu lor settle ment. HENRY bllll'E, AJin'r. Lower Augusta twp January 5, IbGl itdisilnlfttrulor'8 Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin' istration having been granted on the estate of Peter Bixler, late of Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims lo present them for settlement. ABRAHAM DLAseiFR, Jm'r. Lower Mahonoy, January 12, Iblil Jt F ALL CLOAKS IX PREP4RA T.OX. Some opening every day. Stock will be complete, Ordera taken and executed with despatch. Children's and Misses' Shawls. COOPER A- CON A RP S. E. comer Ninth and Market, Philadelphia, September Si. I860. TIN WARE. A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at Ihe Mammoth Store of FRILINO it URANT. Sunbury, January 12, 1301. BOO I'S & SHOES, can be purchased at Ihe Mainaiotb Store of Friling & Urant, very cheap, aa we are determined not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn the list of prices for yourselves. FRILINO A URANT. Sunbnry, January 12, IS01. PLAS'I ER, 100 ton prime Nova Scotia Plaa. ter, for sale at the lowest price at the Mam inoih Store of FK1I IMJ4 (iRANT. Sunbury, Janusr) U, ISfll. LOOK HEBE 1 I Every Man and Woman choroid Look to their own Interests 1 1 A VOPsD TO .TOTJ. T. most all wear some hind of BOOTS AND KIIOES thmi you should look around and see where the Cheapest, Best and Largest assort mcnt can be found to select from, and whether the person .who selected them is compelerrt to make a good selection. I will say that my stock hos been selected by one who has hatl practical experience in the business for aiKitit thirty years, I will also ndd that I can sell, and will suit, cheaper than you can buy at retail in the city of Philadelphia because, my rent and living in not one half as much a there and I can buy as chesp as Ihey can. As to the mode ol doing liusmcss in the coun try, it is only necessary io say, 11 is generally done, as yon nil know, on a long credit, and say to you all if yon d business in this way ynu must let me say if you buy your Boots and (Shoes at a credit store, you arc hound lo help to pay for Shoes In ugbt by those who do ol pay The man who does not pay. must buy his Boots j and Mines at a credit counter, and il you buy at I the same counter you must help to pay all Ihe j looses made at that counter. j Thus you will see that the Hoots and Shoes ' bought at my counter must he paid for at the time i they are bought I lit Vash cr Conrilrr Produce. so that every man, woman and child shall hove their Hoots and Uhora at a LOW PRICE, as ! there is nothinK to be paid fur losses and interest. It ia impoillc to i;ivc you a list of all my prices, as I have so many jF3'.tf. i different kinds of Hoots and Shoes, W"sStV ' for men women and children, nf ALL SIZCS & KINDS, j Course and Fine, Heavy and Light, and also I OVERSHOES of nil kinds; and bIso CARPET BAGS. VALISES, AND TIM'N KS of all kinds, nt different prices. Mens' Caitcrs, from $1 5 lo 4 1)0. Boots, " 2 M to 6 O'.i. ' Shoes, " 8'ijto 2 25. Ladies' (Jailers, from fin to 2 " Slippits, from CO to 1 25. "" Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and gain and calf skin at different pieces, from DO els. to $1 H7). ttojs Shues, from 95cts to ?2 S7J. Mens' Shoes from o"8 cts. to $1 fit). Hoys Shoes Irom 75 cts- to $1 fiO. Cbildiens' Shoes Iron, 20 to 87J cents. Ladles and Gentlemen of Sunbury, not for getting to include with you a Urge portion of Norlhiimlierland, Snyder and Union counties, you all have my sincere thanks for tho patronatrc I huve received Irom you for the few weeks that I have been doing business in Sunbury, (remem ber the pluce, Market Street, next dour to the Post Oliice). I describe it thus, that your friends tuny not mUe a mistake, where those thinit- artlobu found. I will aNo say that there seems to be a trouble about the Banks. I sny give yourself no tumble nlmut any of them within filly miles of this plnoe. As I am ilu tcrminrd and intend to back them up by receiv ing their tills at par at my rcimter, so he nut trounled, the banks are good, and my lioots and Shoes are good, they are all made for Ihe good of man to be used, and not to be abused. WILLIAM M. AI'SLEY. Sunbury, December 8, ISfiO. LIVE AND LEARN 1 LET THE PEOPLE still, tovnxn; to livf, AND Til KY WILL SOON LEARN THAT FRILING & G HAN'T. AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, m:k sell is u GOODS CHEAPER limn canhe purchased elsewhere. A. FHESH EXJJPIXj 'ST ust received by Ruilroad this week. REMEMBER THIS. AND rttOFIT BY IT. Sunbury, Pcrember 15. 18C0. HOLTBAT TC7T AND CONFECTION AMES. Xvl- C. GEAHHAHT, HAS just returned from the citv with the lurirest assortment of CONFF.CTIONA RIES, FRUIT and 2UVS, ever brought to this section of country. He is determined lo supply all with Holvday presents, sellng them at whole sale snd retail, at prices to suit purchasers. Having the necessary machinery, A c, he is manufacturing all kinds ofTovs, and keeps up his stuck, so that purchasers will not be at a loss f .r a supply of almost any article they may desire. M. C.GEARHART. Suuhurv, December 1, 1MC0. Buckwheat Huller. SII n subscribers respectfully informs the public that ihey have added lo the machinery in their Strain Mill, in Sunbury, a new improved A'uchwhcat Hullir and uncut cleaner, which enables them to wheat, and buckwheat lluur of the finest quality. Customers promptly attended to. MORUN &. CO, Sunbujy, December I, l),6U. Notice to Creditors. I1ERSONS indebted to the subscrilier on book account notes or otherwise, are ri quested to rail and make settlement on or before tba 1st of January, after which time the hooks will be left with a Justice for collection. JOHN C. MORGAN. Sunbury, December I, 18' 0. GRIST MILL FOR RENT. SfJVlE undersigned oilers lo let his CrUt Mill jj lor thu ensuing year to a competent miller either on share or rent. The mill cuntuins three run of burs with all necessary machinery, all iu good running order. For further particulars apply to the subscrilier at the premises, three miles west of Scliusgrove, in Snyder cnuntv, Pa. JOSEPH EVSTER. Kami. December S2. ISCll. LAKGK BLANKETS, FLANNELS Linens. lied, Crib and Cradle Dlankets. Marseilles aud Dimity Quilts. 1'iuo Table Linens, Napkinsand Towfcls. COOPKH & CON It AD. S. K. corner Ninth aud Market, Phils. Dec. 8, 1800. o UK NEW CLOAK ROOMS cox. TAIN Elegaut Cloth Cloaks. Every uew style Coat and Cloak. Woolen, liroche and Thibet Shawls. COO FLU Ai CONUAD, S. E. eorner Niutb and Market, I'hils. ive. 8. l&bO. He roue lie Luitifia. 4 VKRV LA fit; E an J cheap assortment will be fouud at ths M mnmoili Sloro nf Dc. IV lii,ii. r'KII. IMS A: (iRANT. QBEATEST EXCITEMEKT OF TUB SEASON ! F1ULING & GRANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, ! have just received a j p" DESIRABLE I tStoi k of o. tl'i vkkii . n,.,M IHMlili tt.II 1 lH i A very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS (HOODS, ( 'nnsisting in part of Black and Fancy tSilks ol very choice patterns DEB EKES, Ducals, Cashmeres ' French and English Merinoi, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Foil Do Chevres. .Sanoii and Wool Plaids. f I .DIES' FURS, BKOCHK. Bay State and Wool SHAWLS of every va riety, dec, &c. (ientiernoii's Dress Coods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, l.'asimeres, Saltinelts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet (lord. Velveteen, Vesting. nf every variety. )ur stock of silk and Silk Velvet Vestiiigrs, cannot be surpassed in Ihe country. Please call and examine them. CLOTHSNa ! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTPINd. has been replenished, and we lime a lull assort incut of OVERCOATS DRKSS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats for Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS OADPS j of every style and variety at the lowest prices. I Our stock of IIARDWIIRE has been renew" j ed and we havo now a larper assortment than : ever before tillered to our customers, consisting in part ol Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives i Mayer Hinges. Bolts and Pad Locks, X Cut Saws, ! Mill Saws, Scoop Shovels, ., 4 c, &c, 4 c, Ac, Ac. llwceiiMvnre ami ;iasw;in-, of every variety at the VERY LOVVE8T P R 1 C E 8 . Our stock ol C-PsOCEPsIES is very fine. We havo the best ijuality of Syrup Molassea ever before olfcre to Ihe citizens ol Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WII.LOW-WARE of every variety. Carpets, Notions, Hosiery, Cloves, SADLERV. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, ke Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye St tfTs, Perfumery, Class, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Ac. Particular care having been taken in ihe se lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and rice, we call the attention uf the public to our large stock to which constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to meiit a continuance of the patronage of the public I y selling cheaper than ever. Uivc us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. FRI LIN (, & GRANT. Sunbury, Nolleiuber 17, I Mid. FURIilTUBE! FURNITURE!! Xew ami Fashionable t'abluct Hurt. riHE subscribers respectfully infirm tho 1 citizens of Sunbury and the public generally, thut ihey have commenced the CABINET MAKING business in the shop lately occupied by William Snyder, in Fawn Street Sunbury, and are prepared to supply their customers promptly with every variety of articles in the line ot tbeir busn.esa, on roasouabla terms. Tin ir woik will In made of the best materials, and in the best anil latest styles. Country produce tken in exchange. WILLIAM II a DPT. BENJ. HECKEIiT. Sunbury, December I, Istit). Notice la C'rrdllorit. ALL persons knowing theuikelvrs mdel-ted to the subscribers lor a period of over C uioiiths, will save costs by calling and settling Mora tbe 1st of r'ehruary next, s alter that time the ac counts will be placed in the bands i f a Justice lor collection. FKlLlNli 4 CRAM'. Sunbury, December IS, 100 COTTAGE BIBLES., IOR SALK. cheap, three copies f the Cottace Hible, lu tao volumes, with coin II U M A SSI H NOW WITHIN 11EACH W? ALL CKLEB RATED NOlSEl.lif Sewing Machines, 41)5 Droaiiwa t, Naw Venn. The public attention is respectfully jrquestcd t the following cards of Elias Hows, Jit, an the (Jrovrr eV Baker S. M. Co.: A Card from the GR0VER & BAKE! S. M- Co. Our Patents being now established by I a Courts, we are enabled lo furnish the UrovTi Baker Machine, with important improvement-) at greatly Itctfiiceil Prices. I The moderate price at wh;ch Machines mis. j ing the (trover cfc Baker stitch, eon now be hu.l, brings them within Ihe reach of all. and renders j the use of Machines making inferior ttitthes a, ( unnecessary a it is unwite. j Persons desiring the best Machine', aud tl.o rii;ht lo use them, must not only be sure to bu i Midlines making the (Jrover & Baknr stitch. hut a'so that such Machines are made nml stamped under our patents and those of Elius lloivcr, Jr. CKOVER A- BAKER S. M. Co.. 4!i.ri Broadway, New York. A CARD r ROM EI.IAS HOWE. JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, dm I in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as tho (inner & SlJakcr stitch, unless the eurnc are purclmse I from the (Jrover cV. Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and slained under my patentof September III, ISI1.. Suid Company, and their Licenses, alone, re legally authorized under their own pntcnf.i, and my suid patent, during the extended term ther of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Mucliitio and all others are piracies upon my suid patent, and will he dealt with accordingly, wherever found. EI.IAS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 'i9. lttliO. tf New Arrival of Clothing". 'pHE largest and best Slock of FALL AND -- WINTER CLOTHINU rVer brought to this place, arrived at the Mammoth Cloihirir; Store of BCHWF1TZER, HEILB EONNEK cV CO.. in Market street, neatly opposite Wea ver's Hold. Their Slock comprises of FIISTE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coats, Business Coals, cvc. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. L'nderSliirts, Drawers, Ac. HATS -A-HSTZD CAPS. BOOTS ANDSHOES, of the latest style of every description and quality, cheaper ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the mosf complete ! Their variety and styles most attractive. A rid thu prices defy all competition, ri Call ami examine for yourselves. SCWEri'Elt.HCILIJKONNER b CO. Sunbury, Oct. G, IS til). Cum Cough, Cold, ll,mrsene.n' lojlueuxn, any Irritation or Soreness of the Throat, i.V litce the Hacking Cougk id Consumption, llrun chilis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear anl nice stri t,;;th to the voice of l'ublic Speuktr and Singers. Few are Hwiire "I" Hie imiKirliirce of cht-ckniij a Ciiuj.1 ul '-Ci'lllllli'll C'.lu" ill Us -.l;l.-; Ihut winch in ll-r bi-uiiiiuinr wiiitil yieM to n imiil, il ueirlecn-il, p-h-ii utiueks the l.uncs IlltllW.VS HUONl'lllAL TKO CII1''.S,'1 mntHUiiitir demulcent ingredients, u!luy I'uliso uury and Uruucliial Irrituliun. t "Ttmt trouble in luy ihinnt. (for whuii Brown's TKOCHKS Brown's THDCHKS. Brown's THDL'IIK! Brown's TROCHES. Brown's e "TUoi Ht:s" uie n sihciIi.:) Ii.ivn.i; 1 lljudc lue I'llcil u mere wlii-.crrr" X V. WII.I.H ; ll i ccviiuucuu' tU-iruseio rubi;c iicuk ' HKV. i: II. CIIAl'IV 'Hare proved extremely lia llouist'iiess i ii kv henry ward ni;i'.riinn. ' UAIiuost uislant leliet lu lh- il isl i-jsi ur laUir ia biehllio pectilmr rnAilinii " ! ItKV A O fci;i,l.ll'll. 1 4tCiiiituia iki rjiurn or auvihin? iiuii ous." UR. AA MAYKS,' I Cheniis:, Itusniu. j "A simple anil pleasunt imiiiuiquiiuu ivt Coughs, JLu " ; Dlt u 1 UIUtl.ii" , TUOCHKS.i llostoii. "Iteiiefieial in Uionchltis.o Brown's i Dll J P W LANK, ; U. sea TUOCIIKS '-I have proved tliem excellei.t f..r V'h..i ilng Cuiili." Itr.uvn's 1 KLV 11 W WARRFN. ! lluS'.MI. ritOL'HES.I 'llrurfieial whrt ei nipelled to r,.euk, .euOelllig Ir.'lll C' lll.' Brown's KliV 8 J P ANDKKSON. 8t I.'.u.s TUOCIIl'. 1 KiTitIiiiiI in remnvni llutink'ii-fl sad linilali-iii ul' Ihti 'J'l.r'Ul,' tf cuimuon will. Brown's TIIOCIJKS. Brown's 'Spcukers Mini Siiipcm " i Prof ,M STACY JdH.NSdN, Ijl OrMimf, lia., ; TeacleT or sluHie.f..iiitlicrn I female I'i'laaie. : ''tin-lit benefit when take i beline tud THOCHK. inner piehclilia, tifthey prevei.l IfmihenesN. I ram tlieir ptikl ilieet, I UuiiK llicy Will bvof peilliuiient Hit ,'anlnee to mr " Kt:V K KllWI.KY. A M., I'reslilellt i'f Alliens t'ullei-e. I'euii. Brown's TROCHES. 1 I?" f'lii by iiH Uiusgisism Sj emus a Ui . December a, ItHo. impl New Goods for the Ladies JLST KKCI:IVt:i AT BRIOUX Sc SON'S ! Plain, all Wool Delaines, Neiit figured 1'i loini's, Handboine Cashmeres, llih Coiored De lainei, Strijied Dusters, Nice Silk I'op Ihim, Mined Mahair Dusters, Plain French Merinos, Piinted French Merinos, l'eriaii Twill, llrorade No- Tcau.I'luin Co burgs, Dark mixed Deluge, IlauiU'e ll'ack Silks. Ni-w Style Daik I'm. Is, Cloves of all Kinds. Hosiery ol all Kinds, New Style Nuliias, Opera Cat s. Cheniiiu Scarf, Mohair Head 1'iesses. Needle Worked Collars, Ac., Ac, Ac. lliU it is useless to altempl euuineiutiim tl.o (treat vsrielv of C.i.uls wo have now ill store, suitable for Ladies' wear. We invite an inspec tion of nur store. l:. V. IIRIUHT cV SUN. Sunbury. 1 1. Iwber 'i l. IHI.0. NOTICE l I.I. persons knowing theinsclves ilulcldcd I tho sul s. ril rrs, 'iigdi;ed in the Foundry liusiln si, on Holes, book accounts, or utlierwisu, are tquesl,..! to se ttle the nine without delay. Tlnue aeglrcting this notice must not complain if costs am added to their accounts C. D. V J. KtJH ROACH. Suuhurv, Nov. 17, IStili. Am BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! Vnaw siipplv of Suininoiis', Kvecutious Warrants, Supii-nas, Deeds, .Morlijaites. llonds, I.euM'S, Nstuiahutiou papers, Juslnea md Constables Fee II ills, Ac., &c, just printed and for sale at this Olli. e. Sunbury, April 80, lt5'J. dU.M KERS ! CRACKERS, just reamed and for ssle hv Ihe band oi pound, at Iho t I'lifcciionery store i f M ( ' ( V. A KM A b I'. SuiiMl'V. 1 lobcl I 1, I M-;l.