Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 02, 1861, Image 2

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    Cclcgrapjjic U'ctos
7 hi Ovtrturei of Virginia Rejtcted
tion Ikclartdto It Final.
Sfepara-!, Jen. 28 The State Leg la
torn baa adopted the fallowing resolutions in
reply to the overtures made by the Legiele
lure f Virginia i
Jiesolved, unanimously. That tbe General
Assembly of South Carolina tender to the
Legislature of Virginia their acknowledg
ment of ll friendly motive which Inspired
the mission entrusting to the lion. Judgo
Rohertsco, ber commissioner.
Resolved, uuatdiRcusly, That the randor
which it due to tbe lunar continued sympathy
nil reaped which has suboieled between
Virginia end Sooth Ceroliea, induce! the
Assembly to declare, with frankness that
they do not deem it advisable to Iniliute oe
goliatione when the have no desire or iuten
tioo to promote the ultimate object in view,
which it declared in tbe resolution of the
Virginia Legislature to be the procurement .
of emendmeun or new giiamiilees to the
Constitution of tbe United tStaU.
Resohed, unanimously. That tbe separat ion
or bomb Carolina from the l'ederul Union ia
final, and she has no farther interests in Hid
Cooititutioo of the United States, and that
tbe only appropriate negotiations between
her and tbe Federal Government are a to
their uiatoal relations at foreign State.
Resolved, unanimously. That this Assem
bly further owe it to ber friendly relations
With tbe State of Virginia to declure that
they have no confidence in tbe Federal Gov.
eminent of the Uuittd States ; that tbe moat
solemn pledges of that Government have
been disregarded ; that coder tbe pretence of
preserving properly, hostile troops have been
attempted to be introduced into one of tbe
fortresses of this State, concealed in the bold
of a vessel of commerce, with the view to
sobjngate the people of South Carolina ; and
that even since tbe authorities of Washington
have been informed of the present mediation
of Virginia, a vessel-of-war baa been sent
booth wilb troops and munitions of war con
centrated on tbe soil of Virginia.
Resolved, unanimously. That, onder these
circurnstaucet, this Assembly with renewed
assurance of cordinl respect and esteem for
tbe people of Virgiuia, and high consideration
for ber commissioner, decline entering into
the regotiations proposed by both branches
of her Legislature.
The Legislature was in executive session
to-day oo tbe correspondence of Commission
er Hayoe and Governor Pickens. Itappoars
that the ultimatum of Booth Carolina was the
surrender of Fort Sumter, and the withdrawal
of tbe Federal troops, and that South Caro
lina promised to pay for the forts: but that
Mr. Ilayne, in deterrence, to tbe wishes of
(southern Congressmen, withheld tbe proposi
Gov. Pickens now tells Ilavne to make a
final demand for the forts, and repudiates tbe
position of too President when be says he bas
no power to give them op, but must leave it
to Congress.
Gov. Pickoos further tells Hayne to wait a
reasonable time fur an answer to Ibis final
demand of Sou'Ji Carolina, and then, if it is
refused, lorl isumler mutt be taken.
The Legislature eudoises tbe Governor's
Tbe commission of Hod. Join S. FreBton,
as private envoy of South Carolina to Vir
ginia, was sent on to-day. Mr. Frcitoo is in
Salt of the Erie Railroad
New York, Jan. 28 The New York and
Lrie (iailroad was sold, the morning, at eoo
tion for S20,C00, uud was bought in by the
WasuikstOk, Jan. 29. Mr. Mallory, the
seeeding Senator front Florida, has telegraphed
u ibis city, that lithe steamer Brooklyn should
enter the harbor of Penaacola, the diiunioniat
wdl fire upon fort Pickena.
It ia stated as certain that tbe President has
given orders to the Brooklyn not to enter Penaa
e j)a harbor, and that these orders have keen, sent
to Major Chase, commanding the Penaaeola
JJisumomsts, to be transmitted to tbe ofheers in
command of the steamer. Tbe purpose ol this
remarkable act is to prevent the shedding of
Senators Sumner and Wilson, it is said, favor
the Convention called here fur the fourth of
February. Maaaachuactts, with the other States
already announced, will probably be represented
President Buchanan acceded to tlio request of
Ueneral Scott, yesterday fur the employment of
wo more companies of flying artillery, and after
yard thought it wise not to have them. The
ime is approaching when it may be necessary
o have more troops. It will all depend upon the
ourse of events in Congress.
In the Tariff bill now preparing by the com
tittae.iron remsins unchanged. Woolens pay
valve per pound, instead of sixteen aa in
lorriU'e bill. This c informs to the rates on the
iw material. All dutiea are to be paid within
tirty days alter the entry. Merchandise intend
1 for rcshipment can be stored for six months,
'be committee will recommend thst the Mew
w Khali go into effect on the first of A pril next,
tcept that portion which relates to the ware
juaing, which gues into operation on the first
July. A pruposilion is also under discussion
r imposing a duty of five per eent. on tea,
ffee and sugar, taking nineteen per cent, from
e present sugar duties.
jv. Houston favors a Convention The Legis
lature for immediate secession.
Nan Okliaks, Jan. 39. A despatch from
istin, Texas, on the 22d inst.,tava the Lcgisla
e of thst Slate bad met and the Governor's
Mage received. He favor the calling of a
ite Convention such being the manifest
ire of the people.
lioth Housea repealed the Kansas resolutiens
acd by the Legislature in 1H5S.
The House touk up and passed the Senate
(cling the Niale Comptroller, to proceed In
ishington and receive the 1 19,0000 duo to
State of Texas by the Federsl Government.
i rmi'lutioii was unanimously pawed by the
e, declaring that the Federal Government
no power to coerce a sovereign Stale
r she hss pronounced her deciee of separa
. The Kenan will pans the saute resolution
i similar vote.
be members of the Legislature favor the iin
tale eereoeiun of the state v a majority .if
o to one.
vmx Jan. 21 Both Houses of the
alalure hss pstsed the ralutions repudia
the idea of using forcible means to coerce
eding mate, and declaring that sny such
apt will be restated la the last eireiuity.
jly one fifth of ihe niealeis of ilia Huuae
pposed In immediate action, but it ia ss-
d that the question of secession will be
d to lbs people.
iw Om.KiKs. Jan. 29th. Tbe U. 8.
cutter Lewis Cats bas received
to proceed to New York,
plain lireswood refuse to take ber oat
t river.
ono Breath.--A man named Morphy.
idiaoapolis. was blowing soma coals to
a fire, wheo bis breath caught aod com -
:ated to bis face, which was so conoieU.
rateo w iu wti...y u i
If Ha I. ehockingly boroed aod may
01 bit sight-
n. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
T AmMium --Tb circulation or the imvav
Annn-AXamntiK the different town a on the Sot qaetraiina
! not exceeded, If equalled by any paper published in
Northern Pemievhrniiia.
jr For Rent. A boose and lot in Market
street, Hunbury. Apply at this office.
sale at tbi office, several certificates of
scholarship on reasonable term.
has received and opened a fine assortment of
sentimental and tomic ValenliDes. -
C5f The ice oo the Susquehanna at tbi
place, is from seven to ten inches thick, and
teams have been passing over it tbe past
week. Tbe ice houses have beeD pretty gen
erally filled.
E7 Prof. Sands, uiagiuiuu and veutrilo-
quiet, will give one of bis entertainments at
the Court House io this place on Wednes
day next. An exposition of the so called
spiritual manifestation will also be made. In
fact the Professor, according to the bills, will
muke hie evening's entertainment one of in
terest to those wbo are fond of fun and
Rkprievbu. McKinley, at Pooville, bas
been reprieved till 3d of May next.
CiE" President Lincoln intends leaving
Springfield about tbe middle of this month,
and will psB throngb LIarri6borg on his way
to the Federal Capitol, io a splendid extra
car fitted up ewpressly for tho occasion.
Firemen's Funeral Tbe first fire'
meu's funeral took place, on Monday last, at
tbe burial of Oscar Kiel)!, a member of tbe
"Good Intent Compuoy." Tbirty-two mom
be rs were io tbe procession.
CiT Bccher's Stbino Bind Cotilio.ns.
Tbe second cotillion party of this baod came
off at the Central Hotel, oo Tuesday evening.
It was well conducted, and well attended.
We observed from six to eight cotiliona on
the floor,
S3T IIarrisburo. Tbe "Third House" at
Harrisburg, la well represented Ibis winter.
There will be some heavy operations and
bard fighting on tbe Tonnage tax kand Sao-
bury & i,ne railroad bills. All parties are
prepared for tho conflict. Wbat tbe result
will be is as yet a matter of conjecture.
C3 Mr. Armstrong, of Lycoming, read !
place a bill requiring sberiQs and constables,
iuall case of dispates arising under the $300
law to demand bond of indemnity from tbe
plaintiff io the suit, as they are now bound to
do io case of disputed ownership. If the
defendant is aggrieved be can eoo and recovor
damages from the officer, who, in tarn, can
reach tbe plaintiff opoo bis bond of indemui
ly. Cose of levy by tbe landlord for rent
where do waiver of tbe exemption law bave
been entered into by tbe tenant, will be cover
ed by this law.
17 Our friends at Williameport and Jer
Bey Shore are engaged io a bot contest oo
tbe boom question, before the legislature.
Jersey Shore want a boom, and Williamsport
having one, don't want any rival io the bust
ness. We bavo an idea that tbe best place
ou tho river for a boom is on tbe West
Branch, a few mile above Northumberland.
Tbeo, with eawmills at Ibis place and Nor
thonibetland, the lumber could be niado quite
a cheap and would ba forty miles nearer
C2" Extreme Meet. It is a singular fact
that the Southern Disooioniets ana the North
era Abolitionist are both struggling to ac
coo.plish the lame object. Toombs, Rbett,
Vanoey, and otber disonionisti, say there is
oo safety for tbe institution of slavery bot
actual and final secession from tbe Northern
State. Tbi is precisely tbe doctrine advo.
cated by tba Abolitionist of the Garrison
school, wbo denounce tbe Constitution ol
this glorious Union as "a covenant with death
and a leagoa with bell." None rejoice
more at the secession movements of tbe Soutb
tbao Wendell Phillips, Garrison, and otber
of that class. Wendell Phillips, a few days
since, declared io a public speech at Boston,
that "Disunion was Abolitiouism,"and would
accomplish what they desired.
E7" Gkn. Cameron and tub Cabinet.
It is now pretty well settled tbat Genera)
Cameron will ba one of the Cabinet of Mr.
Lincoln's Administration. Tbe position as
signed him will be Secretary of the Treasury.
Tba conservative portico of the Republicans
are almost unanimous in favor of bis appoint
ment. There are few men in Pennsylvania
as wall qualified for tb'; position, and Done
whose appointment would ive mora general
satisfaction to the people of all parties. It
is emphatically a Pennsylvania appointment,
aud President Lincoln conld not well over,
look the leader of this cflice to Gen. Cameron
if be were ever inclined to do so, wbicb is oot
the case. Tbat tbi appointment doe pot
meet wilb the approbation of the New 'York
Tribune, and a few disappointed politicians
in this (stale, will bave but little weight with
the President elect.
eiS Latest News. Gen. Scott, it is said,
i bas bad a rupture witb tba Tresideot, oo tbe
subject of bringing troops to Washington.
I'enueylvania has agreed to appoint Commis
sioners to lbs Wasbingtoo Conference, so
ba Obi, Massachusetts aod Tennessee
Tba tariff bill will be reported Fridav. Tbe
! rf0 P" Ih.Seo.w, 37 to
, H. I be reooiylvanie democratic State com-
j miltea have called State Convention
1 for tb, Jlst of Feboary. Mr. Cochran re-
I porled bill declaring Sooleero Tort, of
clirg State to I clostJ sgeioet foreign.
i lot not domestic commarr.
Ikstbcctio or Tt Blind. Wt bav receiv-
ed tbe 28tb annoal report of tbi praisewor
thy and charitable Institution, wbicb appear
to b Ids flourishing condition. I be num.
bsr of popils Is ICS, via t 138 from Pennsyt.
veole, 9 from New Jersey, 4 from Uelewer
and from other place. Mosio appear to be
extensively cultivated. They bare a fine
band of thirty Instruments, beside two or
gan and fourteen piano. Some of the pu
pils are good oiuticians and excellent piano
toner. Tbe value of maooractured article
I $12,717 CO, for tbe past year. lirootn and
brush making are the chief branches of man'
nfacture, 27,000 corn brooms and 34,000
broshe having been turned out.
The bead work, tidies, knitting, sewing, &c,
of tbe female, amouoted to $9G2,28.
A Dictionary of tbe English language for
tbe blind, in raised letters, the first in the
world, bas been completed Io three large
volume. .
Those are two pupils from this county,
John Henry and Martha T. Pitner.
C-J" Governor Packer. Tbe administra
tion of Governor Packer, who ha just re'
tired from tbe excutive cbair of tbi State,
is jnstly commended by our beBt aud most
respectable Journals of all parties, Tb
measures inaugurated and carried out onder
bis administration, are begiuuiug now to be
appreciated by all. Whatever objection
might bave been urged to some of the details
in accomplishing these measures, the wisdom
of the policy that adopted them, cannot be
questioned. It must be admitted by all, that
Gov. Pucker's administration bas been a most
successful one.
aiMua CA.Yicito.
On Saturday evening, Gen. Cameron ar
rived in Philadelphia, at the Cirard Houso,
where be was serenaded by bis political
friends and admirers. Tbe party went incide
tbe hotel, where Gen. Cameron made a con
versational speech, io wbicb be referred to
tbe secession movements, and to the deplora
ble condition of the country. He said I
I am one of those wbo supported tbe
electioo, and mean to sustain tbe adminislra-
tioo of Mr. Lincoln, cordially and faithfully
upon tbe principles laid down in tbe Chicago
platform. But 1 atn willing to make any
reasonable concession, not involving a vital
principle to save this great country from
anarchy and bloodshed, and to preserve the
proud posiliou.whicb it occupies bcrore tbe
world. It is oot necessary to take a step
backwards in supporting tbe resolutions of
Mr. Crittenden, which seem to meet tbe lull
approbation of the people of tbis city, if it be
amended so as nut to extend to territory
hereafter to be acquired, and not to remove
from it tbe feature which proposes to mcor
purate into the Constitution the doctrine of
the tired bcott decision.
1 prefer to leave tbe Constitution on that
subject as made by our fathers, nntil reason
shall have again assumed bar proper fcway
over tbe public mind, in otber words lam
ready and williug that tbe Missouri coin pro
mise shall be restored. Tbe repeat of that
measure led to tbe organization of the Re
publican party. Upon that question it gained
its strength and secured its victory. If now
our Uniou loving brethren of the Slave lior
der fctutes shall be willing to nnite witb us in
its restoration, and accept tbat as the basis
of settlement of existing difficulties, wby
snould we nesilale thus to meet tiietn T
These sentimeats I took occasion to ex press
a few days since, in my place in tbe Senate of
tbe Coded States, in doing so 1 did not
mean to endorse all tbe sentiments expressed
by my colleague ( M r. Biglor, but only meant
cordially to express my opprouatioo or tbe
spirit and seulitnem in favor oi tbe Union
wbicb he expressed. I did, however, express
my willingness lo support and vote for his
proposition, if tbat would satisfy tbe voilenl
men of tbe bomb, aud bring them buck to
tbeir doty.
His proposition is simply to submit tbe
Crittenden amendments to a vote or tbe
people for tbeir adoption or rejection. As a
last resort, when Congress shell prove itself
incompetent to adjust existing difficulties end
when tbe disruption of the Union into two
Confederacies shall become inevitable, 1 shall
bold it to be my dutylo join in an appeal to
tbe people to tuke the mutter into tbeir own
bands, aud determine in tbeir own way, as
they may deem best.
For a life time 1 have never yet seen pub
lic opinion wroag, lormed after duo delibera
tion and reflection. This is a Government,
not of States, but or the people of tbe States
and they will oot suffer this glorious Confed
eracy to be destroyed at the dictations ol
selbsb agitator wbo may be governed by
personal ambition. Failing in all efforts,
either in Congress or by action oo tba part
of tbe people themselves, to restore concord
and harmony, and civil suite must come opoo
os, I shall be found among the sons of Penn
sylvania, in defeuco of her soil, ber principles
and ber interests.
1ST Lackawanna & Bloomsi'.irg 11. 11.
At ao election held of tbis Company, on tbe
lltb tilt., tbe following officers were elected :
Col. C. F. Wells, of Athens, President;
Win. Swetland. Wm. C. Ueyuolds, I). G.
Driesbach, E. McNiell, John BrUbio, Moses
Taylor, Wm. E. Dodge, John I. Blair, Tbos.
F. Atbertoo, Joseph H. Scraoton, N. Clapp
and H. Gaylord, Directors.
Col. M. W. Jackson is still, acting Super
U" The Harrisburg TtUgraph referring
to tbe able speecb of Mr. Armstrong of Ly
coming, io tbe Legislature, soys :
"In additioo to tbe large extra edition of
tbe Telegraph containing tbe raceut able and
conciliatory speech of Mr. Armstrong, we
to-day filled order for over fifteen hundred
copie io pamphlet form. Tbe extensive de
mand for this speecb, and tbe anxiety to read
and circulate it, ia the blithest cooipiiroeut
tbat con be paid to its talented author.
(3 The Lock llaveo and Tyrone IUilroad
wa again advertised for tale oo tbe 2'Jtb day
of January tbe Merchant' Exchange
Philadelphia. Oo the 2tb of las'. Novem
ber it wa told for tbe mm of $55,000, to Mr.
Bamoel Brady, tbe former contractor, wbo
failed to comply witb tbe requisition of tbe
"Tia a very good world tliat wt live in,
Tu lend, or to spend, or lo five hi ;
But tu beg , or to borrow, or tu gat a nan's ewa,
Tia the very worat woihl ll at wse ever knowa '
Tbi proverb an old one, i aa applicable to
our time a those of our ancestors. Foverty
has not mnch credit in bank parlor, though
wealth is frequently less reliable, unless ac
compacted by honest priocipla. Tbe only
thing to b depended upon tbes days i
T Tn On. Tbadk, Tba Krie papers
etau tbat tweoty-one ear loads of oil, making
about eleveo barrels, were received at that
polot over tba fconbury and F.rie Railroad
oca evening last week. It cam from Titos
villa and Tideoote, and indicate a rapid in
crease io tba oil yield of those localities
Tbi kind or freight will, in Itself, era long
task the carrjiog capacity of tb roai-
It is well known that England and France,
bave been Baking extraordinary eiTorts to relieve
themselves from their dependency on the United
States for the supply of Cotton. That they bave.
In a measure succeeded, is evident from the fact
that one-third of their supply now come from
other quarters. Tbat the war with China had
much to do with this matter, we always believed.
That country now produces much more of that
staple than we do, and wsuld be able to supply
England and France, aa will be seen by the fol
lowing correspondence of the New York Times i
"Tbe far-seeing Emperor of Franca only
availed himself of Chinese outrage opon a
French missionary as a pretext fur obtaining
Coolie labor for tbe cultivation of cotton iu
Algeria, that France may obtain her supplies
thence, and be independent in tbat particular
of tbe reBt of tbe world. Travelers io Cbioa
inform us tbat tho valley of the Yaug-lse-Kiang
is twice as large as tbe valley of tbe
Mississippi, and that it is wholly a cotton
belt. This great valley is cultivated by irri
gation, and yields a crop of cereals besides a
crop of cotton, oo tbe same soil, during each
year, without exhaustien of tbe land, which
is fertilized by the water that is Bowed upon
it from lime to time. Jn view of this fuct,
John Mitchel's statement tbat tbe cotton
crop ol Cbiua is six times as large as that of
all our Southern ftlutes IB not so surprising.
It will be remeiuber-jd tbut live or six years
ago, Hon. Humphrey Marshall, then Minis
ter tu China, reported ollicially to 'the Slate
Department tbut tbe cotton crop of tbe vol
ley of the Yaog-lsu alone exceeded tbe en
tire cotton crop of tho United States. The
reader will bear io mind that this crop was
raised upon only a portion of the district
named. It is estimated tbat tbe Yana-tse
Valley is capable ol producing ten times the
amouut of cottou produced iu tbe American
Slates: wkile it is notorions that Chinese
labor ul home is the cheapest in the world
for the laborers, wbo are coolent wilb earn
ing a bare subsistence, live chiefly upon rice,
are simple io tbeir babits, aud require tnutth
less clothing than is indispensable for our
negro bluves. Cbiuese laborers, too, besides
being cheap and abundant, are fur more in
telligeut thun nogro laborers, require a less
expensive system of supervision, and can ac
complish nio re work in a given liuie aud do
it better. From the population distributed
aloug the Valley of the Yang-lse, France cun
now obtain precisely tbe description of labo
rers she now needs for Algeria.
It will eveutually tara out that England
bus obtained some concession wbicb give ber
an opportunity to trade wilb the interior of
Cbiua, oo the Yang-tee River, and we may
t-xpucl to see British merchants, at an early
day, settled iu the towns all along its naviga
ble length. Through their instrumentality
Ihe Chinese will be induced to improve llioir
system ol coltoti-raisiug, improved agricul
tural implements, witb American cotton seed
and gins, will speedily be introduced, and iu
vunous ways the production of cottou will be
eucouraged and stimulated.
Tbe important facts and suggestions above
noted, seem to iudicate tbat Culten is not
much lunger tube "King," at least so far as
France and England ore concerned." S.
HOW at.ttait WoltKS
The Washington correspondent of the
New York Lxpres writes :
"A relative of Col. John I'reston, of South
Carolina, states tbut in a recent interview
with that gentleman, he informed bim that
he regarded himself as a bankrupt, end that
all his friends in South Carolina were in the
same condition, including bis brother in law,
Wado Hampton, always regarded as one or
tho wealthiest men of the tioulb ; tbat there
was no money iu circulation, and no possibili
ty of collecting debts' Col. Prestou is a
Stale Uigbts man and co-operationist, but
be was not altra enough to be elected to the
Convention. Ity hit marriage witb the
daughter of General Hampton, be is the
possessor of a very large estate. If he, and
others of equal we.iltb, are suffering for want
of money, it may easily be imagined what is
the condition of persons of moderate menus."
Tbe Wasbingtoo correspondent of the
World narrates tbe contents of a private let
ter from Soutb Carolina, io which tbe writer
says that "persons who, at other times, are
well off, are sorely embarrassed for tbe ne
cessaries of life for themselves and tbeir de
pendents. There is but little money io cir
culation, and when our scanty stock of pro
visions is gone, where lo get a fresh supply
none of us can tell. The premonition of im
pending calamity weighs down my spirits and
makes my nights wakeful." The writer makes
the following suggestion :
"I think if the act of magnanimity would
not be taken as a taunt, or construed into
giving aid and comfort lo the enemy, t would
tie a qooit tiling (or the merchants ot Act
York to load a vessel with breadstuff's, and
sead them to Charleston, to be distributed
among the poorer classes, ss no evidence of
fraternal affection, wbicb would be revived in
full force if South Carolina would give op
ber neuatural position."
The same evil and troubles are spreading
themselves io Cieorgia and Alabama.
CP NoRTHaaff Central Railroad Cox
rim. In the report of the Comptroller of the
Slate of Mary land, is the following item relative
to the financial condition of the above named
company :
"There was received into the treaauiy from
this company, during ihe fiscal year, the sum of
3 10,01)0 only or the $911,000 annuity due, in
accordance wuh the proviaiom of chapter 2M of
the Acta of AaaemMy of 1 H -" 4 . Jn consequence
of this default Ihe Comptroller, as required by
law, instituted legal proceedinge againat the
company, and the eminent legal gentleman
appointed hy your Excellency special attorney in
this case, in coujunctiun with the State's attorney
of Baltimore city, has obtained a judgment
againat it, and an injunction restraining the
company from applying the receipts ot Ihe road
lo any other purpose, except to defray neeeaairy
repairs and txpenaes, until ilia claim of the State
shall first have been aatisfied. The quarterly
payments due from this company have been
regularly received up to about eighteen months
ago, aud it is lo be hoped that tb load will
hereafter be conducted in aurb a manner aa to
re-establish its character and relieve its embar
rassments." The Philadelphia North American, referring
to these difficulties, aays :
"The Northern Central Pailroad ia vehement
ly attacked by the IJaltimora Kepublican, (Dem.)
aa in the interest of Penm ylvania. The work
shops have beeu removed from Ualtiiuore into
this fetale, and the organization, il ia alleged,
will soon also paaa into th bands of Pennsylva
nia. Well, seeing tbat tbe greater part of the
road lies in this Htale, and that nine-tenths of
tbe business u derivtd fram It, this is not very
extraordinary. Tba trouble, probably, lie in
tba fact that the road wsa built by Pennaylvaniana,
while Uattiuiore expects to reap the wbole benefit
of it."
CJ"Tbs Trevorton Coal and Railroad Cora
paoy' property, located principally io tbis
county, wa sold at tba Exchange, io Phila
delphia, ou tb 23J inst-, for about 00 mil
Hod or dollar. It wa told at tba instance
of th bood holders tba amount of tb
bond beiog oina bondred thousand dollar.
Tb Company, wa presume, will soea ba re
organized. CT Si.eiouino Tb alelgbiog ba been
excellent for two weeks paat, and people wbo
bav tba "means and appliance," asa it to
tbe beat advantage.
ft I. AVE qtllST Tlir. MOV f M B 1 T IS TMK
iiAaua or Tiitc w.ali si v. !
Tbe following extracts of
Charleston and a town iu Alabuina, are -im. ;
manicated to The Journal nf Coinmm t ; j
it t simple riuieoioos lor tne papers ot
tba North to characterise tba revolution
movement here as the proceeding of a mop.
ever step taken is In accordance wilb tbe
laws of the State. It doea Dot sprlog from
the lower orders, but bas takeo it rise from
the controlling and wealthy classes of society
tbe llaynes, Middlctowns, l.aurecses,
Lowndeses, and each names are fonmoal in
the lead. 1 happen to know Individual mem
bers of each of their families, and can assert
with troth, that tbeir wbole hearts ar io the
cause. I attended a meeting the otber day
of the Nineteenth Regiment. The men fairly
rusbed oot of tbe ranks, spurning tbe idea of
a draft. So much for the military spirit.
"Now as to the stale of tbe negroes. 1
live oo a rich plantation, in tbe brart of Ibe
institution. From my windows 1 can see
twenty plantations, containing about 4000 ne
groes at least. Our district opoo tbe coast
is most sparsely populated with whites. 1
suppose there are about 00 whito men io the
vicinity of those negroes. They ar extieuie
ly quiet, orderly aod loyal. We bave no ap
prehension about them. The negro requires
good food, warm fires aod warm clothes, and
plenty of work. He never think for a mo
ment that the Northern conscience ia so
much exercised about him. His idea of
perfect happiness consists in having nothing
to do sad plenty to eat. The liberty of star
ving would be more monstrous tbau eternal
"We bave blocked up the main channels
in tbe horbor, and only left one open tbe
Mafl'et chanuel. Tbis runs for a mile and
three quarters along Sullivan's Island, aod
so close to tbe shore that you can pitch a
biscuit opon a steamer comiug in. Along
the beach batteries bave beeu thrown p of
sand, and tbe young men stationed there are
prepared to give a good account of any vessel
that will bave the temerity to enter."
To the same effect write maoy intelligent
persons from Alabama and Mississippi. A
letter from the former State says :
"It is astonishing to see bow ready all are
to be enrolled in tbe Southern army. Tbe
best men of the country mechanic!, planters
merchants, lawyers are anxious to take a
share in the defence of the country. It
would seem ordinary that such a slate of
things would produce low spirits among the
people, but this not the case here cow. I
am acquainted witb the history of tbe Italian
campaign, and 1 venture to Buy there is as
much enthusiasm among our peoplo in re
gard to fighting tor tbeir rights than there
was in Garibaldi's ranks. As a singular in
stance, 1 want to mention C. White, of tbis
county, a brother-in-law of President Lin
coin, wbo bas joined the volunteers, and bus
gone to help to tuke Foit Morgan."
We find in tbe l'ittsburg Journal the sub
joined :
"Nearly all tbe iinmonsn trade hitherto j
carried on through New Orlearns and via ' Hold FoROKiiiKa. Wm. J. Schuyler, a
Memphis, Chattanooga and Charleston or gentleman who las beeu engaged in the mil
fuvuoooh, is now rapidly turning northward, j ling business iu Moreland lnp.t this county
aud finding its way tu the seaboard via for some time past, aod more recently in the
Cincinnati, Pittsburg and Baltimore. Pitts-
burg is ready to do her part in the vast trade 1 tne couutry some three weeks ago. Tor parts
tbat is thus forced upon her. A largo Heel ! unknown, is charged with having nbtuined
of steamers is prepariug to do Ibis carrying I money from tbe Dnuvilla Honk. Nnrthumber
trode already begun. There is also a regular land Bank, and Wen Branch Bank to tbe
Piltsburg sud Memphis line or boats esta- i
Ki:.l....l Tl. L.,nl.. I ' .... a Bn.t
I uu ncumii, ufj.aiu ivudo, auu
n, Captain Sliouse, will carry from
the Citizen
lbOO to 2000 bales or cotton. e perceive
that all the available bouts are already taken
up at Memphis. A Memphis paper of the
19th says :
"There was a perfect fleet of Cincinnati
and Pittsburg boUs yeaterday. The depar
tures were the Lady Franklin, with loll
bales , tbe Arizona, witb 1050 bale and 500
bble. molasses , the Wenouo, with 1000 bales
and tbe Izetta with 1117 bules cottou."
The same issue of tbe same paper remarks :
"There bas been a general cbunge in regard
to the direction in which cotton is being ship
ped from ibis poiut. Two doys ago and the
New Orleans packets weru being loaded to
tbeir guards, aud tbeir capacity tested lo the
utmost. Now we learo by a prooiinent
steamboat man, their propped for coutioued
large trips are slim, wllile there are from nine
to teo thousand baits of cotton awaiting
shipment for tbe Ohio river. On Saturday
4100 bales for the Ohio river, and no ship
ments for New Orleans.
All this, of course, ori?es from tbe course
pnrsued by tbe Southern Slates ic obetruc
ling the commerce of their own seaporls.
Miisna. EotTuas : -Many of your readers
may be interested iu comparing the Coal produce
tion of Oteat Britain with that of the Anthracite
Coal Field of Pennsylvania. puhlUhed in the
Journal of Ihe 1 2th uliimo. The production of
Ihe English Coal Fields in 1R58 and ltts'J were
as follows :
. M0.U7
Tot a.
16,0H1. 123
t,X7 1U0
Durham and North
umberland, Cuiutierland,
Dcrbyalure, Nottine
aaniotiire. and Lei
eeeurartire. 75
1 .
(rlouceatrrehire, Kim-
laetirme, auile
viaialiile. North Wales,
rViutb Walce,
3,MI OJ,00e,W
There are 23 Collieries in Durham and North,
umherland -, England and Walea have 2,4ii3
Collieries; Scotland. 4 13, and Ireland, 73;
making a total of 2.949 Collieries and a yield of
24,400 tons each 1'oltsrille Miners' Journal.
A MississirriAN. The Springfield (III.)
Journal of Monday relates tba following io
cident: Ab old man, hailing from Mississip
pi, dressed ia plain boniesprjn, came to oar
city 00 Saturday. Ha mingled freely with
the KepnblicuD Representative, got their
views, dad teemed to tbiuk tbat we ere not
0 bad as we are represented. He celled 00
Mr. l.iucolo, talked freely with bim, aod
beard Ibe I'reaident elect express hi senti
ments and iutentiona. lielearoed tbat Mr.
Lincolo entertained hods but tbe kindest
feeling toward the people of the booth, aod
that he woold protect the Booth ia ber just
rights. He had a long conversation, aad
went away delighted, lie left the office of
Mr. Lincoln, ia company witb a friend, wbo
commuuicetei this to os, and when outside
tbe door be remarked, while the tear stole
dowo hi furrowed cheek. "Ob I if tbe peo
ple or tbe South could bear wbat I bave
beard, tbey would love, and Dot bat Mr.
Lincoln. I will tell my friends at borne, but"
be added sorrowfully, "they will not believe
me." II said that he did wish that every
oiao in tbe South conld be personally ac
quainted witb Mr. Lincoln.
J- Habbirbiro S.ntinel. Tbi paper
ba passed into tb band of W. B. bipea,
formerly of Harrisburg. It will ba tbe organ
of Governor Cortin. Under Mr. Hinetiueit
wa tbe organ of Governor Packer. Tb
Beotioel il a good paper.
fjf- Pat Toca Postaob. Vbn yon bav
occasion to writ to member of tb Senate
or House of Representative at Ilerrisborg,
an order issued by tb Postmaster General
require postect to be paid in all cats. If
th postage is not paid, lb letter are sent to
I the dead letter office.
mom M-AftiiiftCTo. !
V AsiiiMiTcn, Jan. M. It is now certain
tint private It tit-rs Iniva been received here
Irniii Mr. I.ii.fulii, uiging bis Iriends to con.
filiation ami -iiniri.iii.-; and it Is staled
that be indicate Ibe border-State resolution
a tbe basis of an adjujlment.
Tba assurance is given tbat tbis informa
tion is reliable.
Soon after the electoral vote shall be conn
tad, In tbe pretence of tba two Hooseaof
Congress, on the second Wednesday in Feb
ruary, Mr. Lincoln wilt acquaint tbe ptiblie
with bis views on the pending crisis. Here
tofore be bas not felt that it was ptoper for
bini, in advance of tbe official declaration of
bis election, to take a prominent part in tbe
direction of political affair.
The friends of the Union are mnch encour
aged by the prompt response to the invita
tion of Virginia lor commissioners from Ibe
several States to meet in Convention hereon
tbe 4th of February, and it is believed tbat
its action will command tbe support of a
large majority of both branches of Congress.
Secretary Dix bas instructed tbe comman
ders of Revenue cutters, if attacked, to make
tbe best defence in tbeir power, and if they
are assailed by a superior force, to run their
vessels ashore and blow them up. He bas
also written a letter to tbe Collector of the
Port at New Orleans to apply to the Gover
nor of Louisiana to revoke the act nf seizing
tbe Government Hospital end ordering 2C0
patients to be removed, io order tbat the
building might be occupied as barrack by
the Stale troops. He deuounces it is ao scl
ol outrageous barbarity, disgraceful to any
age or couutry.
Interesting Ion eapondenre.
Wasuimoton, Jan. 29. The following is
the correspondence between the Collector of
the Port of New Orleans and Secretary of
the Treasury, Dix :
Collector Hatch write onder date of Joe
1C :-
"I hsvo the honor to inform ynn that the
United State barracks below the city, bave
been taken possession of in the name of the
State of Louisiana, as wiil appear by the
enclosed communication from CM. Bradford,
Captain of the Louisiana Infantry. I shall
take steps to remove the invalids, if necessary
at an early dale and with due respect to
Secretary Dix replied by telegraph on the
27th as follows :
"Apply lo tlio Governor of Louisiana to
revoke Capt. Brodfurd's order.
"Remonstrate with the Governor ngsinst
tbe inhumanity of turning the sick out of tbe
"If he rotate to interfere, hnva them
removed onder the care of the Resident
Surgaon, and do all in your power to provide
fiir their comfort."
Secretary Dix, in reply to his telegraphic
despatch, lias received tho lolloping reply
from Collector Hatch :
New Orleans, Jan. 2S. Tho Marine
Hospital oHair bus been satisfactorily ur
ranged. Th barracks are retained. See
my letter of the 20ih inet.
mercantile business, and who left tbis part ol
amount or 1,.iu0, upon Jsotes which the
n.iniaa f tba .n.lnraii.B a,.a r.,.nn.l aa f. l
I .. .uw - ...... i . j i v . . . . . . . , u . -
lows : Danville Bank $800, Northumber-
loud Bunk $100, and Wett Branck Bai.k
JIIGO. Besidi-s this il is said there are seve
rul Notes of smaller amount, in the hands
of private individuals, which Schuyler bad
disposed of, with tho names of prominent
men of Morelund attached, which are olfo
prouounced forgeries. uney Luminary.
Tribute of Bcapect.
At a meeting or the "Good Intent Fire
Company," held et their room on Salurduy
evening, January 2(lb, 18C1, the followji g
proceedings were unanimously adopted :
WuerEas, it bas pleased the Divine authi r ,
of lite and or destinies to remove Irom among
us, and from this world, our late fellow mem
ber OSCAR K1KI1L. Therefore.
Jitsohed, Tbut we sincerely sympathize
witb the bereaved mother and family of the
deceased, a son and bro'.her gone, tbeir hearts
must, indeed, be full ol sorrow ; but, strength
lu bear, aud hopes to console, are to be found
! io Hun who has promised to ba a help to the
; widow, a father to tba fatherless, and u pre
i sent help io trouble.
! J'csnlued, Thai, whila as men we must re
gret thst our fellow member has been re
moved, yet the Christian's faith, leaches ibut
our loss is Ins great gain, therulore, we munt
aot mourn for him. but for ourselves ; nor
will we oiouro as those without hope; bot,
submitting, revcully, to the decree of Him
whose ways are always wise, bow our beads
and say, "Tbe Lord gave and the Lord hath
taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
Jlesolved, That we will attend tbe funeral
of our deceased fellow member in a body,
clothed with the Company's usual budgn of
uiouroitig, and tbat we will wear ibe same
badge for thirty days.
Jtesolvtd, That II. D. Wharton, Samuel
Bright aud J. Kay Clement be a committee
to communicate thee proceedings to tbe
family or tbe deceased, and that the same
Committee be also authorized to have said
proceedings published io the Sunbury Amtri
Bhamokin Coal Trade.
Suamokin, Jan. 26, 16C1.
tons. cwt.
Sent Tor the week ending Jan
uary 2tith, 2,617 10
Per last Hnport, l.o'J'J 11
10.017 01
r,097 13
919 08
To same time last year,
The Northern Central Railway.
The arriaal of Passenger Trains on the North
ern Central Kail Road from Sunhury, is aa fol
ovrs ;
4. of) P. M ,
s.isa M ,
10 id P. M.,
3,3d A. M ,
,00 P. M
11,00 P. M
3,40 A M-
Mail Train, North,
.. m Kouth,
NifbtEspreea, North,
. Houia,
Bunbury 81 Erie Railroad.
Til arrival and departure of Paaaengar Tiaina oa th
lunoory It Erie Railroad at this place, ia aa fullowa
4.S P. M.,
9,45 A. Al.,
in, P. M
3,3 A. M ,
Mail Traia, North,
Nigbt F-xpieai, North,
'" South,
S,00 P. M.
S.iO A.M.
11.00 P.M.
3,4V A. M.
7,00 A. M.
Freight and Aeeora., North,
South, ,00 P. H.
Tb Ihemokln Valley aad Pttavlll Railraad.
Paaaengei traia leavo funhuiy al . 00AM.
" " Ml. Caraul, - - 4 3U P M.
Tea Excitibjibt Dvise Our. feceaaion
aeema to be getting al a discount, even al the
South. Th extremists bave been auubbed hy
lhair brother Southerner, and ronaervaliva peo.
pie in both aoclion of the country are gaining
apirit and courage. We are glad tu see the
cloud in the political aky dispelling, and sun
shine breakiog through, and we bop soon to
ae peace and prosperity exerting a hleaaed in
fluence throughout th land i while people from
the North, the Soutb, Ihe East and Weal, flock
lo the Old Keyalone ant! procure their garments
at the famous Brown Mtone Clothing Hall of
It'K-khill V Wllaon. N" ' and 80S cbstlnul
' .iri d, Kor Suiti.
CouoBS. The sudden change of oar cli
mate are courcet or Pcijionarv Bronchial.
and Asthmatic Affections. Kxperieoca
having proved that simple remedies often act
speedily and certainly when taken In tbo
early stages of the diseases, recourse hoo)d
at once be bad to ;(.. r i- .
ur L.oiaDKes, lei toe CniH i:n.k
"KA"" b"er .o slight;
tun I'lBiauiivu r mors ser ous attack
may be eOectu.lly warded off. ' p"",
BrcAKM and Sinoers will find them e iW
al fur clearing and lengthening the voice
See advertisement.
"Not dantrtrmia to the Human r'amiiv
"Kola coins out of tbtir holta to dit '
"CORTAR'S" Rt Roarh.A., Extnii,iair
'COSTAK'S" KbcUic Nwur, fur n:ia, Ac.
Ant.-Mntha-Mnaquiuwa- l lMa,lw
.Wvib :.c-
10 years rauliliabrd iu New Yuik Cily-uart bv tin
F'ty,.' '"I" '' C"V I'naons and Slit," H.Zr?2
.w "i7.hB,"T ""t"--th" t'.ty ll..t..A ,
families V m" 8u'fcw l'""ta
nr Draniau and Retnilera everywhere eHI Ihrm
!V.'!"!,"ul" m all the larK Citiee ana T-wm
1 '. ! HxwAKa ! ! ! of S)iuriiua imitatioi.t.
r'IH,'iufcnmpUi lkrM-ul by Mail.
VT Address ordra- or for "f'lrcnlnr In Pealere" 1.1
.,nIULNHV R-CORTAH. Principal
. Ti'X.' ("Wane ft . NuMna ll..ic;,i. i.
IMJ hy FR1LI.NO i CHANT, tfuulxur, pa A
April 21. IMH).
Iteligiou lolice
Divine arrvica will ba heM every HuMath in tMa II,
loufh na fnllnwa:
I Inrkbeiry and Irrl .Irttle, Hi v. J I). K kamhi?!, t'ai-.or.
Uivine aervice every feUwtli at KJ A. M ivaer mm.
hie; on Thuradny evening. Al'llnlieriari I. n, I'M
N-h.x.l Pteeliyierian church, at 3 n'c,rk, V. M , avtrv
okrman iEFnrmr:i ciivnrn -noi wt
corner of Hiver and Illarkhe try alreeta. fi. v J 'V Stan
MErz, PafT'ir. livm aerviee, alttrimti lv, vry riil,',nOi
at in A.M. and (IJ P.M. pveI n j. nd .
evening 7
at reel below M V A P Hull Rrvid. Kev P Hizkb, I'sit t
llivme aervire, alternately, everv Pnl.hnth nl IU A M on 1
SJ P. M. Plover meeting on N'ednef lay evening
MKTilOplsTFriaroFAiCIItnciI -PrwVerry urer,
weal of S. F, Rail Road, Kev. F.. RcTlra ana J P
!waorii, Pnilora. Divine aervire. altenvitelv, everv fl..
hrnhnt 1CJ A.M. and OJ P.M. Prayer mmn'it "i.Tluirr
d;iv eveniiig.
Ut gar luis.
rhiladelphia Market.
Piiii.Aiipi.riiu, Jun. 31, led.
Grain. There is a fuir amount of Wheat
but the den. una is limiled. Hales of SCI)')
bur., prime Penna. red at $1 82 n $1 .11 pnr
bus. and White at 1 -15 a 1 55 lor common
quality. Rye ia Hull at C7 cents for Penna.
and 70 cents for Southern. Corn iu very quiet
and the only s.ils reported are smaiflnta of
yellow in store at 63 cts., and COO linnhels fmr
quality at 60 cts. Outs are steady ot ol a l'.'.
rents for Delaware, 0111I 33 a 37' cent for
Wieal, 1 Hlat
Ru, - .
l.'orn, ....
Oals, ....
30 Butter, - - ;o
"5 r'RC. - - IG
62 Tallow, ... t
3:t Lard. ... 12
ti2 Pork, .... k
SO lteiswai, - . 24
New Advertisements.
"Good Intent Fire Company."
A Staled meeting of the "Good Intent Kiro
C'omimnv." "ill he livid al the Court House, on
Monday evening, Feb. 4, 1h6 1. at 7 oV.oik.
I'unclunl attendance is required.
II EX II Y DO.NWEI,, rrcsiJcnt.
fSunbury, Feb. 2, 1861,
Farms, Parks or Gardens,
A rare ehaureie now afforded lu aeleet and on.'er
Vinea. ChruliiHriy, Ac. .from the eeletratid Clover Strict
Nurenco l,cated at Uoetuaier, New Yoik.
ItlcNrK, ill OO it t:, into l II Kits,
hi lieit leave lo aiinoau l.'mt thej- are piejaied
ttiwugh their qunli&til ami
it 1: a i' o .N e 1 11 1. r. ao r. s T s,
To dialril'Ute their ij;.euor alock on ilie moat mrcnal.ic
lei ma.
tiveia of Nature and Die neiiuli'ul.aiid jnally oeiel.rntr.l
for )our liiirlligenee, wealth, lilr:uy and laale, ia
Hie liuie lo make your aeleclloua Irom our
Which will t funnelled you, through our l-inl apeuta ,
and you may reat ai.and vow ordera will Lc b. noru.
Wy tilled,
l'ui luilber nariicukira applv 10
uiADvn.1.1, r.
Aircnttor Northumberland county.
Hon. F.BKNKZEK UKIFFIN, Roclicaler, S. V.
ilnn. JOHN (j Al.HUMTU, Krie. Pa.
L'ol J. . JOHNrJON, .Mcadvilie, l'a.
Februaiy S, IW1 in
List of Unclaimed Lepoeites
J V.V.MNINO in ihe Hank ot Norihumlier-
la nd for :hree J ar n, unwurd. January
lat, iNbl.
Thomas duller,
William 11. Davis,
)'hilip Krerrlmaii,
J. (jrahua ir Co ,
in. Kooiis,
II. 1. Uravca,
James I.owry,
in. liuie,
1). W. Wood,
liideon M. York,
I cartiiv th above to he
$130 00
110 0U
100 Oil
jn 6s
U iJ
40 till
59 (IU
128 SO
'.'5 0i
rorreel and true c
rount to Ihe best of my knowledge and halinf.
J. R. J'BIEBTLEV, Ca.hier.
Hworn and sulwcribed hefoie me
Jous Cask, J. P.
Northumberland, Feb. 3, Ih6 1. 4t
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN purauance of an order of the Orphan'
Couit of Northumter!and county, will ba ex
posed lo Public Hale, on HATL'RDAY, the ICtli
of February, Ih61, rn the premiacs, all those two
full equal undivided fifth of two certain tract or
piece of land, situate in Cpper Mahanoy town
hip, Northumberland rounty, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows :
Tbi first thereof beginning at stone; thence
bv land of Ntcbolaa Adam, nerth eighty-four de
grees east, twenty and Ihree-tentha pcrche'a to
stones ; thence by land of Peter flroioua, aix de
grees east eighty -one perchea lo atone; thence by
landa of John Ebling, south eight y-aeven de
gree went twenty one perches and three Ihenths
lo stones ; thence north five aad one half degree
weal, eighty, perches to atoue, Ibe place of
beginning; containing ten acres aud fifty aix
perche of land, more or lea.
And the other tract, thereof, beginning at
atone ; thence hy land of Philip Keiti north eigh
teen degreee west, twenty one perches to a
pine ; thence by land of John Maaaer north
eighty three and one fourth degree eat thirty
nine perches to a fallen pine ; thence north
seventeen degrees eaat, sixty three perches end
aeven lentha lo atone ; thence north eighty aeven
degrees eaat, fifteen perchea aud aix tenth to
stones ( thence eouth three degrees eaat. aixty
perchea to etonea; thence aoutb seventy en
degreee weal, aeventy five perchee lo tone, the
place of beginning containing eixteen acre nj
eventeen perchee of land, more or lea. To
be sold aa Ihe estate of 1'eler Brwioua and
Jeeepb Broaioua, minor children of Godfrey
Ureslou. lale of Washington towubip, Nor
thumberland county, deceased.
rial to commence at 10 o'clock, A. of
aaid day, when the terma and condition of ale
will he made knewn bv
PHILIP RE1TZ, Guardian.
Ily order of the Court, I
M A8SKit.Clk. r. S
t-uiU'tr,), Jan. in, 1661. J
Hy order of the Court,