H H V U N V K A It S ! The ftrveu yenrtof Hrivolrrd aucceM atttndinf the COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION,' mive mnde it it household wtj throughout every quarter n! the Country. Vtuter the mippirtii i'f ttiii piipnlnt tiiPiHtitrn, ovri ttuve huiKlrfd tlii'tinml htnehHve Imiittl tu nir cltr by tmuitinil wmlia if kit on their wnllf, ami t b"M e litri-Hture ntilhvh tnhV Ihn feral bene At I ikrivtd I rum bn'timinc n ulrrrtter Htiiift't'iittiom are w Nmii rrceirwl in mti'i imparti. WltU mtli tliatol any prtrvinui yqai. TKRMSOF PUHrfCR.rT.ON. A n? pr-m enti bee.Mne a by tubtct sing three ii. Ultra. i'r which rim they will tcfi 1-1 The huge and mtpeik steel engraving, 3U I 39 tucliea, i it 1 1 led, "falstaff mustering ujs re cruits." 1 Onf eopy, one year, of thnt elegantly Illustrated magazine, THE COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL," 3d Four admissions, durnif the nwii, to Ihe Onllerjrnl PB,liitliiu,s,JS15 Broadway. ' V In addition to the above twiiffil, there will be given to r.ibrc. .bei e, and gtatuiluus premiums, over live Hundred Beautiful "Works of Art ! minprimnfc valuable paintings, marbles, puuaus, iiuiIhsub, Ac , forming a truly i leiii-ht. Tliesnpeib Kiiemviug. which every enl'scrtber will re. eeive. entitled. "Fn!sii,g Manning Ins Hermits, is int of the lil"St beautiful and popufeir engiaviMtf. i-ver issued in tliisc wintry. It ie d micoii sled, in fine linf and supple nil it printed en hecicy plule iir.U(i hj indies, mak ing a misi choice oma ua, ir:iL!e foi tlie walls ol either ..ri.l- I..- ... ...I...- Ila ui.l.luil H... ,.l..l.,l..,t uie main y, t,i iih ... ""'jn' ' scene oi Sir Juliil Faletnn" receiving, in Justice Sliullnw' Iliee, the recruits which hnve been gnlliercd for hi.'nuj. getl reg iment ' It could m t be Ininishidby the trade lor lea than live d"llHra. The Art Journal ia too well known to the whole country to seed commendation. It ia a niiigiiifu-c.iillv illustrated gneln ,f Art, coi raining K.wis, Morni, P.wtns, G eip.,c bv ti...,.,T ijat writer in America. Address, CI. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A A. ' Hiwdwiiy, New-York. N. II Subscription received ami fur.. , , , I II. B . MASSER1. .., FnrSuVury and vicinity, where apeciiuen Engraving. aim Arruournai can ne aecu. l)!eiilier 1, 1U. "WjisTTEK. GOODS, F OIl MEN'S W E A R . Black art Blua Hair Cloth, Uoater Overcoatint;, flnok Dooakina, Now 8iyle Cataimfrra, All Wool Twecila. 2icvT Kentucky Jcarn, Reol Good CaaaiurtiR, Bili Mited Coa'.inga, KtTjPr Wlvet Corila, Black Unnailine Venting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy fiilk Vdvct Vrslinpa, Pliin bilk Volvet Veatingn, t Wice Caapimere Vcatingt Ia fact all kiblii of goocia for Mcn'e nnJ Boya' wear, ran be fcini at the Pcoplo'e t)n Price Mtoro of E. Y. .Aright k Son, who have juat orvived by Ruiioad aplendiil stuck of all kinJa vf ftouda, aililale fcar colli weather, l'leaae o lid be convinrrd. I E, Y, UKIUHT & HON. Suitbury, CHobci 57, 1800. BLAOvijMLTIIlXr. ! .HENBX PETERS, T J A VINO takenthVniackstnillmHop r-v MM- at Rokrbach'a Fmndry. ia pre- f pared to do all kiudkof blackamitliina If ) to order, including lioraefcoemg ill tho l if beat atyle. v Thankful for the (latroni heretefnre extend ed, he hopea by atrict attanlion to buainvaa to continue the aame. - Country produce taken inxchange, Kunbury, November 3, ISO. 3in iJ O O T A N 11 siicTe MANUFACTORY. Comer of Mar.t Squart dii Rioer Street pHE aubacrilier reFpectfty lnforma the citi 1 icra of funbury and eickjiw, Ibat he baa opeucd a Boot and Shoe SkopV, the corner of Marcl Square and Kiver atreeiv opponite the CourVHoi"f, where he can be fouDj at all tiinea ready upon cuetoinera, Jling conaidemble exeriomvJUprf pared to kf UP cuaromer work or lii kiaia, at abort nyte,m the latent atyle and workmanihip. 4io keepa conatantly on hand a laife aaorf pml of Leather of the beat quality. hich en iblea htm to niuko up good and durable work. L all and examine for youraelvca bifote pur cha.ing tUewhere and you will aave morev. , XT JOHN W1LVEU. hunbury, Nor. 10, IgtiO ly THE ImTTfYLjfoF-" ,TiMTLY M4DB Fashionable Tailoring J-A.OOB O. BEC IT , niarliet sli eet, SUXHL'nv, Pa. rjHE aubscriber, in addition to hie large stock CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &o ia conatantly receiving now eupplira from the citv keeping a full aaaortment of the moat aulietantial and latest atyle of Goods in the city marketa. He ia prepared to make to order all kinds of t-'entlf tnen'a and iiov'a wear, auch aa OVEK-COATS, DRESS COATS. FROCK. COATS, BUS IN ESS-COATS, VESTS. PANTALOONS. &c. Ac, Ac, in the very lateHt atyle, and in the most eubstan tial nianner, at al.ort notice. Any Uootla not on band, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day 'a notice. CiV Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Snnbury, November 3 160 A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. wikh to engage a number of good sub- stantial busiuen men, to prosecute a buai liens which ia permanent, and in the hands of active energetic persona can be made very profit, ble, although we will not guarantee that any man ran at first clear J 1 00 or IjilSU dollars per month, yet we do riot consider that a man ia doing justice to the businesa who doea not rlear a novo all expenrea over $50 dollars every month. Any one out of employment will find it to their interest to call on, or write to us, We have something m w, and only ask to huve those who would like to make money examine into this matter. A branch office of the business baa lieen per manently located at Suubury. For parliculuis address, or e til on WM. M. THAYER. Sunbury, Pa. Office opposite Weaver's Hotel, Stirihury, IXfwinber 1, IHliO aNESEU SALT. WIIOLliaALti 5b lifiTAIL, filLINU etc UU AN T (at the Mammoth Ktore,) have jusl received )0U ilia, of Volar ('round, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sacks of (.'ounJ Solar Salt every sark warranted to contain 225 pound ufSdlt and .00 bags of Salt containing one Bushel each. This salt is the but and strongas' now manufactured and iu market. Call and sea for yourselves. Suubury Sept., B, 1 81)0. Ml'. KINOES, DeUinoi. I'nplim. Fine atock Black Urest Good a. Friuted Caabwerei, yird wide, 31 aid 37 cents. Soma Dreft Rnnrla, moch rerluead. COOFKR A CONAKD, 6. K. corner Ninth and Market tti., Dee 8. 1860. Philadelphia. C1 LOT lis, Cassiuieres, tjatiinels. ' llfavyand liifht weight Iieaver clothi, Trujoti, Frosted Beavere, l'laio Broad. el-tha. . u Vocj and Rlarii Casslmerei. t'OOPKIt A CONARD, R. K. corner KiotbA Market etreeta, Ueo. 8, 1S0O. Fhilad.lphit. r and exnmino the S A beautiful R jl? SHAWLS, I IfeJSI DBESSQ00D3 i 52H yfr1 havt jutt opened M Mit!5r THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! IMCH DISPLAY of IJANDS02ME OOOCS AT LOW PRICES 1 combining EAl'TV A N D DUR A B I L I T Y now on TREE EXHIBITION ' the People'a ONE PPJCE STOKE, OF S. IT. BRIGHT & SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Lll (22- CD CD S23, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, Ac, &c Presents RARE ATTRACTIONS, A iV D Splendid Inducements TO Who wish to aecure GREAT BARGAINS For the Smallest Quantity of CAPTAIN O ASH OR Country Produce. REMEMBER that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be aa AND NO DEVIATION IN P R ICES. In addition to our STOCK. keepre constantly receiving New Goods, thus j ear. Uoiur assortment at ail seasons of the their liberal patrniloMhauka to the public for elforl on our part to rcllvl shall make tvery lieving 1h.1t the nimble dime is joaction. Bo. alow quarter, we shall adhere to Ihafbaji the honored motto : "Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SOIT. Sunburv, November 17, 1860. EVANS & WATSONS iif..vM'. Vhiladtlpltia Manufact'd If Tier - i ;t sa,an,and'r san. I'lIlI.ADLLPHl A. fl'H K9K Safes are now in use all over the United Suites, 1 and hnva been tested in muny tires ; the folkiwinf altowa another iiistaiit-e 01 Uieir cafHihil ly 111 resisting liie ; Wi rMKR's BRinoa, Ijinenster 'I'owuship, July 30, IH10 J Massas. Kvse fc V4Tso.N,ljeiilleineii : The smoll aiaeNo. I Sukiifiaiider Pufe which 1 pun liased from your agent, Mr. Aibim It. Burr, in ) .unrulier City, on July sloth, 13N, hits lieeu aulijeclril to a very severe test, wliieh it withsloixl in s most autiafactury ninmier. This Aife, con tuiinrs ull my b..k, liclher with vulunble papers hrloni ng to myself and aoiae to my tiei;lilxis and I l imits, and epreseuliiiK a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, (i,wiO) was 111 my Mill, which was destroyed on the mailt fu Ihe imli of July, I1-6U, ami passed tbioush Ihe 6erv ordeal unscathed, The Sule una 011 ihe second tt..r. and fell to the taw-mcnl H" Ihe Mill, and waa aul.jected lor six houis 10 an intense heat among Ihe rums, which waa greatly inereased by I lie eolnhuslioii of a hoys quanlilr of (noil conhned within the brick wills. Alter thefiie Uie Hula was opened and the honks and iapers taken out in a atam or perfect preservali.m, the par u4 even beiiu. diaeukw ed. 1 Ins fact was. however, to luanj? bystnialers, a beller reeomim-udation of yimr bales than could be sinressed ia any other Wools lr..,n me: "easeu la Yours, respecliully, BAMl'EL RANCK. Aitolher Victory for Evans and Watson'i Salamander Safe.. n .1 .. O'waao, N. Y., MarckSJ 1HI0. I.eulleinen II afTorda Die much pleasure to Inform you that the ale No 4, (upright) which I purchased of U. rM rood, your traveling agm, has laisaed tluouab an ceedunrly h4 bra iu a three arory brick building, which heated the fata to a while heat, an that the eomeia of it appear melted; but it Bremved mv lrokt ami valuable p j-rs 111 the amount of KVeral tbousaud (Wilms, fur winch I teel thauklul. V.aira, reaperlfully, J N. KLDRIDfiK. IT A leree awvtmeiit rf the alova A Fe alwais LT'; ?' """"A suest, (lau Jl koaUl Fourth at., Philailrlphln. 1 (k-U.l, 6, 1680. ly SAVE Y0TJR FETJIT BY UMNO MASON'S Patei.t Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MA80N'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOPI AW that is aeresssry Wing to screw the Capdown Uion Ihe Rubber Casket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder of the Jar. 3-4 of an inch dis taut from Ihe top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor ef the fruit being injured by coming in contact wilh the Rubber. Persons itesiring these Jars, ran he supplied by leavins; their orders wilh H. U. M ASSER, Suubury, June I, ISG0. Agent. SILVER WATCHES A few double ease 3 English Silver Watches, for sale at verv low prices by H. U MASTER. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE 8Af. Tb nn.1rtirnM Murine uvH Profwor TirMPItRFTB ItPKOIKIO IIOMiBOrATIIlO KKMKhll-M In our familiee It), the mt ttahctrr txUm, and Mrlnj Mlj?; rlenoe In their jremilww. purity, ami fflwwy, cheorfuHy wommend them to all perrtw who wlnh to hye rvre, re Nthlfi, nn.l etDcaclom remwliea at hand for prlrate or do- mTU Iw. Wm. llopmr, e Hinf of " Th If orthem Tndt MiLlent," Auhtirn. N. Y. ; the IW. R II. Creawy, IVD., Ileotor of SH. Peter'i Church, Auburn, N. Y. the Rot. B I. rrea, ChnnWn of the Auburn Ptnte Pr!nnj the Re. ftpeiicer M. Rie, Rn'tnr, New Tletlfonl, Mami.; the Re. Allen Steele, New-York Cmtferettce i the Rcr. Sfirauel Nich-il. kiwt-Oenceee C'nferene, N. Y. ; the UeT. P. 8. Ptntt, tiraet, Vt; the Rev. Jolm K. Rnble, BulTalp; A. a lUrl, fq., ITtlni, N. Y. ; Hie Hwti. Neal Dow, Portland, i . ti ii, .n rmuhU r.iirnv. Hnutb-ltcivl. It id. : the Hon. rwtre tliiimibrevMl N. Y. : Henry P. Cook, Km.. KdHw of Ttie Ohio ftnte Journnl, Cohiinbua, Ohio; Uie Hon. R, H. Orahatn, Mullne, 111.; the Hon. Thonms J. Chwe, Mrmti- ...II.. L'L. . V.A II. .r losrnli IWnwIkt. VlU'A. S. Y. 1 WtV, HrWtl.1. rVi., VtW. Y. ; A. 8. Pond, Eq., UUca, N. Y. J mum Pluiikett, tsq., NiwtiviHe, Tenn. W3T OP RPKCIVIC REMKD1B9. For Frrer, Conffentlnn, and Tnflammatton. v ' i" c. r wrm k'-v.-r W .rm C.ta. Wettins Uie Bd, K. A. For Colic, Orjfliiif, Teething, aud Wakefulneai of jin. 4, For Piarrhea, Cholera Infantum, und Bummor Cottiplmiits. . , , No. fi. Kor Cnlle, Ortplnpi, n.vntrrjf, or Woody Flux. No. fi. For Uholem, Chnlerfi Morbus, Yomltlnft. 7. For Cmitfli, CoM, Inllueiiia, and Sore Throat n.. a' w..r r.inih-n.itie. Faife-achA. and Nturalirla. 0' D.'For Headache, Vertigo, Ileal and rallntat of the 11 iJo 10, PYPKt Pn.tJ-j-For Weak and Deranged a. ...... i-v.natlt.eiiW.il ax.1,1 Liver CnutOnbit. jir,, n! Fm Fkmai. iHKKaci.ABiTiM, Scanty, Painful, or Supprn! Period. No. 11 For Leucorrhea, Profuse Mcn.ee, and Bearing Down of Pemalif. V . U V..p iVmm ITnnr-a r-wib. Bad Rr"jhlne. No. U. fin.T Rhkch Pills For Kryeipelaa, KruUone, Ptmpl on the Face. j(0 Hhkl'mitic Ph,?.. For pMn, LameneH, or Ber nm in the Omit lin k, Irfdne, or Limbs. a For F.v?r Ami, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, QM Mtfj-itftrnifM AiJiw-a. P For I'iUa, Ulitid nr Umr. Internal or FTternal. -F.r R- rc, WV iW, or ltifliifued Kjei and Kyelidi; Fall C For Catarrh, of v.p r rcCent, eltlitr with o t ruction or jiruiuM.- iilntotrLe. W. C Fur hotiphiij Coul., abaia t violence and alturtt'iitti li cuuree. In all acute dist-a', euch as Ftvers, Inflammnllons, rnrrlira, Uymriitei-y, Ci uji, Kinuiii'ktixfn, and fucIi erun ttve du(is.Vtu Hoarlrt FtviT, Men!-, and Krvnlpelaa, Uie dvAiitiirfe of irivinr Uie proper remetllea promptly la ob vloun, atul In alt such ctues liie ntviticti act like a charm. The cut ire diafeve la oKi-n arrested at once, and In all cases Hit vlulence of the atuick in moderated, Uie disease sliort enfd, and rendered lei OniiKernu. Coufhs and Colds, which are of sueh frfi'if nt occurrence, and nhicli so often Ih.v the foundation of tiineaned lunfta, broucliitis and consumption, uuiy all bu at ouce cured by the Fever and Coujih Pills. In all chronic diiruscs, mich as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constlpritloii, Liver CmitplHlnts, Piles, Kvmule Debility, and Irrexularliies, old Ueft.iclnm, Sire or Menk Kest Cutarrh, Bait Kheuni, and otbpr oil eruption, the caw has specirice whose proer api)icution mill ajTonl a cure in almost every tastauce, Oftcu the cure of a siiiKle ol ironic dlmculty, such as DyNfiepfntt,, Piles ur CutHrrb, ll-H'lach or Female Weak Bess, bju uoreCmn pttij fur the cunt ten linn's over PRICK. Case of td vials cnptee in nmroeeo, and B"fk Case of ?t vlal, atul DoV, pliii 4 CriSe of 15 numbered boken. Mint Hoi k S Case of 6 boxes, numbered, nod Itookc .. 1 Plnirle numbered boxes, with direc tions S. cent. Sulfite letiered hours, with dire tU-iis. .') Otnts. isW vase of I us. ials, for planters and plieiclaiiS....f 10 AL90 t?Pi;cincs. Fosi AivriTMA na Puuittuc. Oppresse!, DliTl'-ult, labored RreatidnK, mttemlvd hUIi Cotijjh and lvxpecVirAtion. Price, 60 en it per boi. Fa Kah DirK'BAROaM (n D.rxKris. Dinclmrpes from tiie KiiT, the result of rkurlel lever, M-oii, or slcrciirials. Fur Hcttc in Uie Head, Hiii'luerw of H. siIha and Ringing In the firs, and Fur-ache. Price, W tvnis per bov. Fun tVetori LA. Knlnrjfed (i lands, Kitlnreit and Indurat ed TrnisUs, Swelllntr and 4 Mil I'lrers, Scrofulous Cachexy of UldldretH Price, Ml cents er box. Foa Uuhkal Uvhm.itv.- phj sical or 'Nervous Weakness, t( titer the teult uf tri knewi, Fvrmxilve .Meiiicatlon, ur tlx beitstins' Dlscharrfve. Price, f it rents )er box. Foa DHorat mU.I Accutnulrtttoiis. Tumid Swvlllogi, with Boajity Seer t lom. pru, Ui cents per box. tent ri-KicsKt. K.-mMy Hitkmss, Vertigo, Kausea, Vomiting. Slvknew from riuii.t; ur mutiuii. Price, bM cent per box. Fua TatHiav Disks For firnvel, Renal Calculi, Dtffl euH, Painful L'l-Lnnttoii, Uiseuscs ur vlie aiidnsr s, 1'rlue, W eents per box. Fua Bkmikai. V.mimsrOJfS, Involuntary Dlschnreee and Comefiuertt Pntralron ami LtehHIiy. IWul U'-sulisi of Fvll Hnbita Trie most emvt-sstul and einciem remjy known, and m be relied uptui as a cure. Price, with fell direc tions, 1 parthix. .... pron who wish to place thern-elves ander the prorVt slonal care, or to seek advice of Prf. IU mi mhkys, can do so. at his olhce 601. Mrosutway, dally from s A.M. to 8 P.M. er by letter. Ot'R RHMKDH13 BY M IT.. 1.ook ever tl e list; make up a ease of nhat kiwi yon choose, air1 Inclose the amount In n current nole or stamps be mall to our ad hni, nt N. f-tfi Hmadway, New-York, and the metllcine a ill be duly returned by mail or express, free of chare. AGKNTH WANTKR. We desire an jtlv, efllclent A pent for Uie sale of our Ketne'Mcs in ererv town or community tc Ute Vulted States. Addict Dr. F. HL'MPUIIKYS k Co. No. Mi? Uimuuwav, Nsw-YokK, A. W FISKER, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. May 26, 18(1. ly SUNBUIIY STEAM FLOUIUG rrHE aubscribers having taken possession of A tiiis first claw r l.OL'KINtJ MII.I., are pre pared to receive grain nf lII kinda, and to do cue torn work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the iuten. tion of tho firm to stork the Mill a large Sup ply ot Orsin, will be constantly kept O'l band, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will I paid lo the wants ol customers, and th. patronage of tlie vnc generally is respectruRy requested Sunbui MORGAN &. CO., -e 3. lgfiO. i IsHM V. 'S'lit. r Abb i Lll.il 01 the pre. -"- opened on Tuesday, the 16th oflK wa Ult. Hoard of Instrvctori. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and Kngltsh. Literature. I). S. Dnyer, Associate, and Instructor in Math in a tics, Natural Scionres, book Keeping, Ac Assisted by able, and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Departments. The government of this Institution is mild, but firm, and all atadenis are required to be uiugcni ami oDedient. 7iV;)e;is.. Doarding, room with furniture, per ,wee". $1,50 to $1,79 Tuition per Quarter, 82,00 ,7,10 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, Ac., extra. "Indent admitted at any time during the vuarier. For further particulars, address, J. K MILLET, Freehurg, Snyder county, Pa. Frceburg, November 3, 1800. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, aVe. 15, 77, 73, 61, 83 j- 85 Duaue Str,et Would notify Ihe Trade that they are opening Weekly, in uew and beautiful patterns, the WAMSl'TTA I'llI.Vrs, also the A in o s k e a g , A New Print, which heels every print in Ihe Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colore. Our Print, are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, U 10 ly p , F'lGI RKD WOOL PFLAINES. Auction bus fr.aii life lo 75 cents Children's Plaids and IMaiues IS lo Otters Ijiprn'slunst Kreiuh Menuoeatrom auction l lire. veiy choice lotaal bti,87 aud 14 els. Plaui all wl Cashmeres fieoi auctiou, cheap at ti aud nuts. "" Figured Chii.ig enl.ua. Caabmeres, H, 69 sod (0 ets. Plaid, sUipedaial h'd Vale.icu,M to 10 cts. r ig'd and striped Krencb Poplins. BLACK UK KSS GOODS. Clioulolsblaek Preach Merinoea, U to Ida llou liH. black Wool IJrlaines 3D to SO ets. UJHine quality U yards wuls at el WJ. ieat Js cent buuk Wiil Dalanwa u, tow a. Black Aaiclines uod ag'd Alpai-aa. MlPKR A CONARD, J:.,or NINTH aud M AUKF. T Mimis. October?, IMJ. Pbihulali4ii. AlUPIAlArrVC TOmc,DIURETIC, .41 ' . ' WmUMK CORDIAL To the CitizDS.of New J ersey & Penniyl vania. Apnlhecarioa, Srupgiata, Grocers and Private Familia.. Wolfe's Pure Cognac Brandy, Wolfe's PureMaderia, therry and Port W HIS. Wolfe's Pure Jnmnica and !t. Croix Rum. Wolle'a Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLKS. I beg leave to rail Ihe attention of the ciliicn. of the United Suite to the above Wines mid Uquois, imported by Ldoli mo Wolfs, ol New York, whose name ia laini har in ever, nort of this eouutrv for the purity of biacele- bruted Schiedum HchnaDpa. Mr. Wolfe, in hia letter lo me. aintkin. of the mo Itv of his WillCB Bud Liquors, Sava: "I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant nf thirty yeara's residence in the City of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle sie pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser Every bol'le has the proprie tor's iinmeim the ax, sod a fuc simile of his signature on th cnitihcntn. The niiblic are resnecllilllv invited to call and examine for themselves The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves ror amu at detail by all ApbthecaiiesandUtocera in Philadelphia. (igoRGi H A.iiton.No. Wi Matketat , Phil's. Bend the following from the New York Courier : I:ormok. BitsiaaKS to a on s Naw Yoax MmcmXT We are happy to inform our felluw-cltizelia that thers isouenlaca innureitv where the Dhvsician. apothecary. and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, ns pure as imported, and of the best qunlity. We do not intend to give an elaborate deacilptien ot this meichani'a extensive business, although it will well repay any stranger or ritnen to visit IJdolpho Wolfe's extensive wnrehouse, Nils 18, SO and 21, Beaver street, and Noa. 17, IU and 'J I, Market held atreet. His stock of Schnapps on linml rendy for shipment could not have been leas than thirty thousand cases: the lliandy, some ten thousand cinrs Vintages of IH38 to 1856 j and ten thousand eases of itiwleira, Sheiry and port wine, pcoicn aim irisn Whisky, Jnmaira and St. Croix Rum, some very old and eqiinltonuy inthtscLUiitry. He also had three large cel lars, tilled with Bramlv. Wine Ac . in casks, ander Cus toiu llouse key, riady for bollliiij. Mr. Wolte's aalea of Schnapps last year amounted lo one hundred and eighty thousand Jogcn, and we hope in less than Iwo years he may beeoiiiillv successful with his Brandies and Wines. His business merlm the patronage of every lover ot his species. Private fnrailiea who wish pure Wince and Li quors foi medical use should send their ordeis direct to Ml. Wolf, until every Anothecarv in the laud make up their minds to discard lha poisonous stuff from their shelves and replace it with Wol.FS's pure Winesaud Liquora W'e unilersunal Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers ill the country, puts up assorted cases of W'iiip and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his lens of thousands of oppo nent, in tne tinned Mutea, who sen nothing but mutations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For Sale by GKOIlliE BRIUHT, Agent, Suubury, Pa. September g, IHSO 6m p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EXGEI of Sunbury, Pa, I AS juat arrived with splendid STOCK of jtPKINO AND SUMMRK GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites nts friends and the I uhlic to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stork of goods will befound, FINE BLUE AND IS LACK FE.E1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy fasimeres '1 weeds, Sat- inetts, Jeans, Black Italian ('loth, Caahmerette Cotlonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check and Farcy Vesting, also a large essortment of Keady-made CLOTHING for men ami buys (cheap. 1 FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali Kobea, Uerrge Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of olber Uveas Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Psrasols, a good assort rnetit ol white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac general assjrtment of domestic Dry Co'ds. Also a Urge atock of Hats aud Caps, Boots and shoes, llardw.r.. Queens and Glassware, (iroccnea, Cedar ware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cbeeee, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will lie sold at low prices for cask or country produce la wn in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbtiry, May. 19, 1860. tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, OINS.&C FMIE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete atock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Winea of all gradra, all of which will be euld Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us csn save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquora for FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with'a pure and unadulterated article. Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he reafieclfully solicits the pa tronage of Ihe public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 1860. I,Ab"'8 l'AISTBRi Attorney . MARKET SQUARE, SUNBTJRY, June S3, 1HC0. DR. A. W. FISCHER. fFFERS his professional service to the citi lens of Suubury and vicinity. Ollice at the Drug Store. Suubury, June 30, 1830. SIIAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. f IM1E subscriber respectfully inform Ihe public - that be is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinda of Earthen Ware, made out of . Seed Cement Clay. This clay produce the best and most desirsble kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone wsre, and is less liable lo erack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refer to Friling A Grant, Hunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct. 13. I60. ly Sunbury, Pa. Ingrained carpets," MANUFACTURED and far Sal. by M. Peiper Co: Lcibrandt and McDowell's Building, North Earl coiner, Second and Race street. Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October 7, IBM. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UXITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. Mi South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. IV' B. Communications by mail promptly J- attended to. ' Sept 18G0 ly. J. P ALMER & CO., Market Street Wharf, Philad'a, Dealer iit null, Cueeae and rrovlslona. HAVK constantly oa band aa assort nwnt nf Dried and Pickled Kish, Ae.. vis : Mackerel, Shad, Salnaai, Blue Fi.li, Herrings, Codfish, Bee, Pork, Laid, Bbutudus, llama, Side., Chew, Beans, Itux, Ao. October , ls0 3tuw lRILIMG A GRANT have jusl received by - railroad the largest assortment of QUEENS WARE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Suubury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dresa Goods, Print, Mus. line and Notions. apr 7, I860. 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deedo and blank - Mortgagee, Bonds, Executions, Summon, 4c, for sale H. S. MAbSEK. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS.I M. C. GEARI1ART, Has returned with a new Rtutk nf ! Confeotionariei, Trait And Toys. IT eeerss as If e new ftge, I nw life waa open ing opffft , animating every heart to nobler deeds ind higher aims I Art, Literature and Set' nee will glow anew and seek to develope sub- limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel tho new in fluence and every' part be quickened and strength ened by an Increased vitality, which shall urge ua on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed ef In the Philosophy of the past Animated by the enthusiasm which prevsdes all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the looJ peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he haa just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest atock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys that haa ever been brought to this section of country. He ie also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at ahort no lice. Among hia stock of Confectioneries, may be found I French Secrets, Burned A Immids, Cream While, " Lemon Rose, Vanilla, Cmnmoti Secieta. Liquorice, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Love Dions, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Candtea, ef all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Bananas, - Prunes, Dates, Figs, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Raiaons, Nuts of sll kinds LKMON SYRUP of a auperior quality, by the aingle or dozen. A auperior quality of Scgara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnariea, fruit. Toys, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. t7 Remember the name and place. M. C.OEAKHAKT, Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Sun' store. 8unbur, April 14, I860. ly Ladies' One Price Fancy For Store ! John Fare Ira, No. 718 ARCH Street, be tween 7th, Bllll 8lh, SIS, PHILADELPHIA. (Late of 816 Msrket Str.,) Importer, MtnufneMirer of and Dealer is nil kinds of FANCY FUK8. Having removed to my New Store, 71 Arch St.. and being now engaged entirely iu the Mniiuractire and Sale of Funcy Furs, which, in accordance with the "One Price Principle," I have innrked at the lowest possible piices consistent with a reasonable profit. 1 woukl solicit a visit from thos in want of Furs for either Indies' or Children.' Wear, and an iuipeetion ol mv selection of thie goads. satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in tvery desired essctiiisl. fV Persons at a distance, who may find it neonvenient to call neraonallv. need only name the article, they wish together with the price, and instructions for lending, and. lorward the orner lo mynanrcss money aocvipiiiiyiiig. to insure a satisfactory compliance with their wishes. Philadelphia AuguslH.1. lt-80 Sm5w 16C0 "WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1BC0 NEW YOllK LINKS CAMDKN A AM HOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND Tit KN TON RAILROAD CO. LINKS, From Philadelphia to Attn York und ll'uy laces. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will luave aa I'otiowa, is raas. At 8 A M, via Camden and Ainboy C A A Accom modation, f 1 83 At 8 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accommodation, , At 9 A M, via Camden and Jeisey city Morning Mail, ) 00 At II, A M, via Kensington and Jersey city, Wes tern Kxpress, 3 no At 1-JI P M via Camden and Amhoy, accommodation i At P M, via Cuinden and Amboy C and A. Ex press, 3 on At II r M, via Kensington, and Jersey city. Eve ning Kxpress, 3 00 -41 P M, via Kensington and Jer ey city, 3d 7. i, ii i Vl u.rTr." Jeraeyclty Kvenlng Mail 3 Ml " ' ' " """"-d Jersey city Soul h Alail ll It5 At 6 P M via Camden ana -v-AceiMiim.ata. noii. tr icigot uuu raaaeuger,; is, ,R.ket, t 2S . n . sr.., It... ...... mL . . .. I 60 i 7 . ' uojr. ine ll cxtutheru man c-a,u,,ia). w,(.-cjeu. For Helvidere, lOastou, Flemtngton, Ac , at 6 A M iroin tiaiuui street wnari anil Jl. .VI , trnm IveiM Fur Munch Chunk. Allcutowu and Bethlehem, at 8, ington via ladneh Valley Railroad. For ater Gap, Slroudsburg, Seranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, local Bend, Ac, ml A M, via Delaware, lau-kawanna aiai Western Railroad For Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 8 and 9 A M , and I, and it P.M. 5 WAY UNKS, For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3 and I) P. M., mm Kensington. Fur Palmyra, Delaneo, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac, at 1JJ,3. and 4,1. M. Fifty pounds id' Haf gnge only, allowed each passenger, Passengers ara piohibited from tuking any-thing aa Bag. gage but their wearing apparel. All Baggage over fifty pouuda to be paid for extra. The ComMiuy limit then responsibility lor Baggage to tin. Dollar per pound, and will not be liable foi any amount beyond 100 Doilaia, ex cept by special contract WM II GATMKR Agent 6. 4 A. R. R Co February 18. Irfio. HEGEIttAN & COS COItDlAL KLIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by IIKGK.MAN A CO., Wboksala and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, MP, Sit aud 790 Broadway, New York. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK aa a Tonie have been too long k.Hiwn to need comment. The C A LIS A V A ("or King's Bark,") is the most valu able of the numer.ua vutietiea of the Peruvian Hark, aial in the KI 1XIH is combined with other ingredients that increase its emcary and at the same lime overcome the intensity of ila bittei, rendering it a most Agreeable Cor- wiirbe"f5t?n,"vil,g'n FF.VK.lt and AGUE districts, it glass ruu takeiYY.Blu1'1 " preventive. Half of a wine much less subject io ft)!? morniug. rendering the system phere. " -'eallhy iiinueiice ot Uie aliuoe DIRECTIONS Dos. for au ... full before breakfast and dinner; childreilV.f wineglass teaspoons full j it may bs taken Wilbur wiUiiVietntwo Water I'llie For sale at this offics. March 17, IhSlI LOOK HERE, YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP IF FOR CASH. f1 O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received 11 lr Philadelphia a large atock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hia stock consist of Gen'l Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children' Calf Boot. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boot, Wemen'e Morocco i -see uoou, Children's Morocco and Calf Lece Doota, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for -m tur casa, WM. H. MILLER. 8unbury, January 7, I860. New Air Line Eoute T O 1T E "W 'YOR IC. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW TOBS AND HABIUSBUaO. via READING, ALI.KNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Express W leaves Now York at (in. n.i Philadelihia at 8 a. h ., arrives at Harrisburg at liii r 'ijiai. .... s1 arrives at narristairg at l a y h line at Uairisbur, witk tram on Northern Cwiirai it Saubury, M Uluunsuorl, Lock iUveu aud niter- eutlmaL Kotdfut Udiat I Philadelphia at 3 e. at., eouiwctiua with nam ua Nona. sru Cential Road for stations a. above, aud ., r. .n Irainaon lb. Williaiusport aud Umira. Mail Tiaia East leaves Harriabuig u 1.1 a and ar. r.v.l PbiUulelphm at I , si!d New Yusk M r. m , is i tiai. to tak. boat ureari fo. eVcl, 4. Fast Express East hares Harrisbug at 1.15, ue ai rival r Northern Ceniral Tiain, a.al .,, PhihaJelphi. mt 18 M. snd Naw YoikstWr. at. Phiiiu!",la"0L '' New York ar Philadelphia and Harrisbuig. For beauty of senary and sraied somfott and aocojamo dation, una rout uraaaais superiue lintuseinsals lo la. traveling puHie Oftc. u. New York, fixat Courtis sUMt, Palladal. pkM, Brwd and Callow hi II suaata. ' I A KB bc,wccoN,w Vo,k ud Harriaoarg FIVE DOL For TicAsU j Freijkl or othsjr laformataw, aoplr to . J J. CLYDE, UeiacialAgem ilainabvif , June 30, lafiu ly aTfiB F are sU 1 11 V NEW GOODS ' Atth Mammoth Store of lit A T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT STRUT, SUNBURY, PA. flHE subscriber haa just opened at hia well L known establishment in Sunburv, one of th bea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that haa ever been offered in the place.and which ne will ecu ror UASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring lo purchase goods will do well to call and examine histock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Detains, Figured, 8triped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Urea Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, ilain and Striped must be seen te form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls 1 bibet end Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimerei and 8atinet For Men and Boya' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, aide stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinet all kinda. FXjA.lsrjTEriS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay Slate Sark Flannels, colors finest qnaltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoe, Hots and Cap, Ac, 6C, all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards quality, atyle and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Queensware, of all deacriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful fur Ihe patronage heretofore received he will spare no psins to please all who may favor him wilh their custom in the future. Suubury, Oct. 2'i, 1859. FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, A Improved for 1859 and 60, By E. KETCH AM A CO., 8NU Pearl-Street, New-York. TMIE only Frrexer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fsst as frozen. The most rapid iu freezing, wilh the least quantity of ice. The most economical in coat, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Earb Fieezer accompanied with a book of re ripes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 5,3 oo 4 quarts, 4 ()0 6 quarts, 5 ()0 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts. 8 ,,0 2tl quarts, 1 j U0 Apply Iu II. B. MASSEIJ, Sunbury. June 3, IhCO. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Tallcj lo IMilladelphla. Kew York. Ilalllmore, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH j- H7;6'7'. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. STJTflMEU ABHANOEMENT, Two Daily Passenger Train, will he run between Scranlon and Northumbeilnnd, as follows: moving south : tav. Scruutoii, Ainve . 1'ilt.u,, Kmgsto, Shicksh"' Berwie,1"". Bl.am Knpei,'""g, Danvir, orrh"e', w uinberlaud, MOV Leave Northumlrland, Arrive at Danville, Rupert, Hloomsbuig, Berwick, Phil's Mail. N. V 1.x. 8 10 A.M. 4 OS P.M. 6 M 4 63 7 01 3 110 7 5 8 DM 0 45 n so 7 an no 7 40 114 8 IU 10 tsi b IS NORTH : N. Y. Ex. Phil's Mail. 8 30 A. M. 4 IS P. M 8 OS 8 SO S 8 SO a 48 r no 7 15 8 :i5 7 15 1 05 8 .1)1 7 45 8 57 8 IS 5 8 45 ffock shinny, KlIlflM.,,, Piltstoii, Scranton, Ihe lckawanna Biia.insharg Rnilroad connect, with the Delaware, 1 jicj.j1im, ,J eat era Railroad, at Scranton, for New Y ork auu hiladelph.a, and iulerme dials poims East ; also ! Grea. itcd, Binghauitoii, Svracuse, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and an H.tDI,rUllt pttim. West. At Rupeit it connects with the t ana,.. Mn n.,. road, for points both East and West. At NwrlhumlM.,wluf it connects with the Sunbury and Erie Kuilroad. foi points West and South M. V. JACKSON, Sap't. Kiagston, AuguitM, m. SUNBURY ACADEMY. 1 'HK Suubury Academy will be reopened 1 Monday the xTth nf August, Icon, under t,ie cats 01 . r. CILVEKTON. The couiae of InstrnctliHl will embrace every depart, ment id" education taught in iHir Iwat Acwleniies, preparing students on. cither for a proiessitai or to .uler any class 111 College. TERMS PER QUARTER: Common School Branches, V4 00 Higher English Branches, 4 00 lailiu and Greek Languagca. 7 00 All entering before thermtdilleof the Quarter will be required tu pay for the whole term id tuition, unless Se- cialairaiigcitieut is mad. Tuition lo be land Iwfore the middle of the term. Board can be laid in private fain. Ilea at I loin 81 7 to 8'J 'Jo pel week. Sunbury, August 25, lf0. Walrliea, Jewelry Sl Silver Ware yr. would respeetfully Inf.ain our friends, pstrons Vf and the public generally. Uiat w. have now InStoi. and ffer WHOLESALE AND KETAI at Ihe lowest Cash Prices, a btge aial very choice sl,a-k of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WAItH, of evely varieiy aiai siyie. Kveiv rieacnolion of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, made to order, at shart notice VT All Goods Warranted to be aa represented. N. B Particular atteuUou given to th repairing of Watchea and Jewelry of every descripiton. STAUFFEK A HARLEY, Senem-of1'- Market Street, Siaith Hide, Philadelphia. . '"111. -3m HOWARD AfcaoorVTION PHILADELPHIA. ' A Rtnevolent institution established by special Entiotrment, for the Relief of the i'icJfc and Distressed, afflicted u-ith Virulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially for the Cure oj int eases rtj me orruai Urijans. ( LUIUAE A LI VIC K given gratis, by the Acting 8urgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a deecription of their condition, (age, occu pation, nanus 01 uie, ae.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicine furnished free of cnirge. VALUABLE REPORTS on 8permlorrhoa, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on iu. new ncAix.uix.s employed in the Dispen sary, aent lo the afllicted iu aealed letter enve- lope, free of charge. Two or three stamp for rwwlaaa amrill aVa i.l I . Addre., DR. J. SKILI.IN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. I r 1! 1 " -rouadelphia, Pa. By order vs ii a'airciuraj. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Gie. Faibchidd, Secretary. January 14, 18S9 ly FUR SALE TWO LOT8 situate in Marks! street, in the town of Trevorton, No. IS end IS, in block No. 90. Apply lo WM. OACGLtR, 81.0- (rove, or H. R. MASSER, Sunbury. USEFUL IN ALL FAMILIE5-HEUE.MAN A CO'S Benune, which removee paiat spot grease, Ae, cVe, and cleana gloves, silks, ribbons. Ae- equal to new, without Ibe slightest injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also at this olhce. 86 cool per boltlei STOVES- rcOR SALE an eieellenl second-hand Ceok- lug Stove, also sevaraj Cylinder Coel titflvea Enquire al this office. HOY'S B00T8 and SHOKS, cheap for rash WM. MILLER'S. Sun' ury, August 17. U. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. flMIE subscriber respectfully informs the riM J. tens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that he haa opened a Store at the north, west corner of Matket Square, opposite Vandyke's Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provision of all kind, soch a WHEAT. RYE e BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shsd in sea on, Early Vegetable Fruit Ac, from the South. He wiirconatantly receive, by Railroad, Irem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the deliraeiee of the (eason, a they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices lo re ceive a shsre of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Punhury, April 16, 1859.- ly. COFFEE POT BeiM based, as Dr. Hall, of tha Journal of Health, says, "on aeienee and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURNHAJf, GII.R0T, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St, Philadelphia Sola Manufacturer under the Patent IrFsr sale trjr O.aUrs In llnn.e. keeplnpr Articles, and Storekeepers generally, December 4, 1859. J. STEWART DEPUY, AT CORNELIUS MAHAN'S, No aM,,th. Second streets, (next d,,i to C. B Mench's) O Philsdelphia, w,.uld invite the atiiti,,n ol n,r; 1 1 K, friends aiat customers, nnd Ihe pudlio 111 general C" a large and well selected rttak of '. Pi OARPETINOS, O C onsisting of Velvets, Tapestries, Thrce.piv.,' Jiigranis. and Venilinua. Also, tDOV O r'SliADK-MHL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. DRUG- H - GETS, RUGS, MAT, STAIR ROUS, Ac, ;which he sells very cheap for cash, wholesale r7 and retail. (March ill, lr0 ly DR. ESENVEINrS " TAR AND. WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL, IS the liest Medicine in the world for the Cure of CongliS and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, A.tl.ma, Difficulty 111 Hiealhing, Palpitation of the Heart, lliptheria, and r, the rebel of patients in the advanced stages of Consump tion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose 1 1 Consumption. ll is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure nf Asthma. Being prepared by a pratlicnl Phrseinii nnd Drnggi.t and one of grent expeiielica In the cure o u,c vanoua 1l1sra.es to which the Human frame is liable. It is ,.Tered to the sfHlcled with the grenret conli.lpiiee Try It and be convinced that 11 is iiivnlu.il.le in t, ru,. ontroichmlairjction.. Price SOcents per Bottle C? Pakraaiu only hv Dr A. ESENWEIN A CO.. ... . Iiists and Chcinnts, tv al. i, N""h H"''"" Philadelphia. mET- .1 l,r J""" V 'J Druggia .u umitt ia Medicine llinaighout the Slate. I'hila.lelphia, March 31, l?60. lyw ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attorneys at Law SUNBURY, A. .Ionian Rockefeller and Solomon If. Ilojcr, reapertfully announce tas; thev entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi r.ess entrusted to their charge, in ihe counties of Northumberland, Union, Snvder und Montour nrnmi.llu tf.. ItU ,.. I, .. 1 ' r .. ' .aiwuuuy anu cnreiuny. Sperial at tention will Iw given lo the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultation can be had in the GERMAN language. Ofiire, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, Fcbrusry , I860. EMPORIUM. fllHE undersigned having received a lar'e and J. well selected stork of " I'nre Drugs and Cliemlciil, DyeHtufTH. OiN, Paints, Glass and Putty, i. now ready to fill ordersat a moments notice. In connection wilk the above you will find an asaortment of Fsnry Notions, Toilet rtich-s Slid 1 erl.imery of ,n kmJll To))(hi U, ,d Clothes Brushes of every v,r,elv- Customrrs will-find his atock 'complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here lo enumerate. il,.H.MMUER under the of5cs of the "Sunbury American." I. V'0"";' I,re"iPtoii. compounded accurate IV and carefully. 8unbury, April Sd, 18S9. A ''i,,En P. MELANCHTON SHIUDEL, J18TI4 i: OF TUG I'tACE, SXJlSTBTJItY, FA. OJice in Deer Street.immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857 tf f?j!fLU Or. IIEATII a HOOK OF .Yr .I"!"!!? greet diseiweries of the Japanese V-V ?:o.l,"d.',e'"'l",:' w,,h ,u" ''-t.o.irp" I'alar S a'". C",,;UmtH'n' ""lehlt.,, Bougl.s, f"i. taurrh, Aslhuu,, F.ve.s, Heart Diseaw leerotula , tiueer Dsa,,. Uv Complami. or.v.l a,J UiiiiairbVtM 1-ein.le Complaints, Ao. Illusti.teu with hu.id.Jds ,.f certificale. f ,.. lgrsvi.igs. ,he purtMI f u, many auflermg teihiw-beini. ,1 K XZX'ZZ .,, . DR. HEATH, B..1.I .U K, . w B'i"y, Nw York City. K ,k Falw" Suubury j C., Weak, NorthumberlaiKl ; T 8. Caldwell, larw.il srg ; Q. M Ha- February 18, IrjuU ly. henrydonnel7 ATTORNEY AT LAW 0-5r oppox.fs IA Court muse, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa umSer Ue"tion 10 bu' in adjoini - v;i . fCMneVfl atXw W y. W. " 4Va. .T r- j ii w."ri-YT-innr w ClL Tt A.Lfl ' "t if Sare Ibe Pieces ! Ai aocidrnta wiU bap(rn, ivm ia well-rf aahttd fuou Ba, ii is very tj,ira.l 10 ltaviUauf3apaiiauisiw way fur rtpurinf I' Bruit arc, Toys. Cruckw) SPALDING'S PREPARED GLTE seels sll such .snergeneies, sod au household can sjford lo bs without it. Ii is alwaysrsady aud up loth, siekiug p.N.11. Thar, m no loiater s nsesaslty foi liuiaiui chairs, apiiuters veauMrs, headless dous, and broken eihJl. It ui lust th. article lia eiaie, alieli, and oihar ornamatl wwrk so popular with ladies oif leiiuHnent and tast. ' Tin. adinirakts piesnuioa is aaed oold, ti. eicnrallr haM insoiutHai.aud ixaaHSaaj sU th. valualaa, qsah'.Vsof Ihe best oe biiiet-maker's UI... It a lay be avd 1Mb. place uf ordinary aiueilnsa, being vastly saor. adlaauve, "I'BEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N- B A Break seeuanpauNM each souls. PacaAsrats. WhnluBla He not. No a rA. yrM, v vl. Adarev, itENKY C. SPALDING A CO.. ' Box No.a,tKl, New York. Put an for Dealara ia Mta.au.;.iu ir.u.. f. l . . Tw.lv. Doaoa-a seaatifui LuhuaranhT. MmTcL.J - aapanyin sark packag. aw as.iujwdoui.ui Sisildiiit'arrsuedGlaswillaiva leu lime IU eost aanuall,. o, ... aZv..ia b riaiuueiit atatiourrs, Druggists, Hardware end Foroitur. Deal Gn, and Fiii-y Stoics. Oajniry Maruhants should nwks a us. ul Spslding' imparMl Gla whsa they uks up tue bM. liwd suud any eliuiau. ror eel at this office, March 10, lti,.(