9 Y K SEVEN A It S ! The sevenTe" f i"'"11'"1 ' attending th. COSMOPOLITAN AKT AS jOCIATION.' I,,,,-, nu.de its househokl wtd IbroBghvut eveiy quarter t P"i"' '"""". Ihjeehu.ia.edih.Hwnd h1..b.v. lrin.-d t.. u,.,...cmt Ll"l.eaut.lul wo,.. ..f a.t on tl,nr wall., and choice literature on theit Inhies, the gteal benefit, d. rived ir.nn iirtniiiic tultvrr itvr . "ubat.iptiiaw are now being received m a rami unparul hied Willi that nt any previous yew. TERMSOF SUBSCRIPTION. Any ncrem can twoume a member by subset jingthree dollars, f. which S'irii they will receive ,,., Int. lie kirga Bis SUpeiu steel tltgrevmg, 00 X 3S inches, eniiihai, FALSTaFF M U3TF.RINQ II 13 RE CRUITtf." 91 One copy, one year, of that elegantly illustrated niugnzine, "THB COSMOPOLITAN AKT JOURNAL," 3d Four admissions, during the season, to The Gallery of minting. 0 Urnnil way. H.V In addttuin lo Ihe als.vn heiudi's, there 'U l given to mlsciibere, and giutuitou. rrmiuin. uvrr Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art ! comprising valuable paintings, n.rt.lt, pinion., oul.'iiua, Ac., forming a tally iiaiicnin Ifmlit The.upeth Engraving, which every .nlscrihcr will re. l-ive entitled "Fa'stall Mustering hi Hccruns, is one i. the most benntlhil .nil popular cngiuvinc.. ever muni in thiscntilty. It i. done on etc. I, in fin'- lint- .nil ipple .ii.l if printed on hcuvv plate paper. :m hy inci.i s. inuk. iil ni.wl choice ornaments, liable fur the walls "I cither the library. parlor or "thee. He subject I. the rHrt.Ml.-d scene ul Sir J"hn I'nlamtT iccciving, in Justice Mmilotv'a office, the recruits which have ben, gnhrrrd lor Ins 'my genres uncut ' I' could n'.l Le lutuoiico'by the trade lor Itn thin live d.illnm. The Art Jiiurmil i too well known to ll'C whole country M need cnnimemlailon. It a magnificently illustrated mngszine of Art, corlniniiig Ksis, Sloric., Poems, li.a in, Ac , by the my lesi writers in America. Address, C. I. .DERBY, Actuary C. A A. SIC Bioadway, .New-Yolk N. B Subtcrinlion. feceiveil nd forwiml.'rt by II. B MA!rKH, Agrat, For Sunbury nnd vicinity where .pcciiueu Kngruvnig. .ml Art Journal ran lie .ecu. December I, It-AO. MOO T A N 1) S If 0E MANUFACTORY. Corner of ftfarkel Square and Iiieer Street STTlSriBTTIVXV PA. 'IH E lubru-Tihrr reupcctfully InformH the citi- zen ol tSunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a Boot anil Shoe Shop on the corner of Market nquarc and Ihvcr street, opposite th Court House, where he can be found at all timca rendy to wait upon customora. Having considerable experience, he it prepared to make up customer work of oil kinds, at short .- .i i I i. iiiiiire,in me laieai siyie Bliu worKmniiKiup. He keepa constantly on hand a large risort meut of Leather, of the best quality, which en' ahlca him to make up good and durable work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere and jou will save money. JOHN W1LVER. Kunbury, Nov. 10, I860. ly THE LATEST STYLE OF GARMENTS, AaB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment of JACOB O. BECK, Market street, SLMU RY, ra. M'HE subscriber, ill addition to his large stock 3. of CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &o is constantly receiving new supplies from the city keeping a full aanortraent of the most substantial and latest Bt vie of Uoods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of (-'eti'lemen's and .Boy's wear, such as UVEU.COATS, DRESS COATS, "FflOCK COATS, BUSINE8S.UOAT8. VESTS. PANTALOONS. &c, 4c, &c, in the very latest style, and in iIm most aubstan tiul manner, at short notice. Any Uoods nut on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. tiT Call and examine iny stock, no charges u i a ile lor showing. I A COB O. BECK. Sunbury, November 3 IHfiy A rUOFITALVLE 12 ILLNESS. TE with to engage a number of good sub ' stantiul busineav men, to proaecute a busi r.ea which is permanent, and in the hands of active encrnelic persons cau tie made very profita. lie, although we will not guarantee thut any man can at first clear $100 or$l!0 dullars per month, yet we do not conm.li r that a imtn is doing justice to the business who does not clear ubovo all expensia over $.r.O dollars every month. Any one out of employment will find it to their interest to rail on, or write to us. We have something new, and only ask to have those who would like to make money examine into this matter. A branch office of the business has been per manently located at Sunbury. Pur particulars address, or cill on YM. M. THAYER. SuuLury, Pa. Office opposite Weaver's Hotel. Hunbnry, l)ermber 1. I8K0 a&ents wanted i i A Book that every Farmer, Mechanic and Business Man Wants. ti;sT ruw.ir'HKD, "Tin: township and tl LOCAL LAWS OK Till-; STATKOF i'LNNSYI N A.N1 A," eouipilul from the aelsof Aaucmbly by William T. Ilaiuea, l.( and published by bdwaid F. Junn.-., cs:. Chester, l'u. 'I hi. work contains over 4u0 pages of elcscly printed iiiuttci.and will be sold by aupai-nptioii. 1; leache. the dune, of Ju.ticeaoi Hit Peace, witli forms for the transaction of their business. It leuche the duties of Constables with a J the nccessary f ' this, uivurtaiiihig to t!ie oriiee. 1: eoiiuius the dune, of Huperviaors of tveiy County and Township u ilie Siule. It contains the mode of piocedure for the laying out aiul ipeiiiii)r of nubile and private r.atds, of vacHttug and alter ing roads, the buildiug of bridge., &c., Jcc. ll contains the Common riclusil Uw, with expUmattoiis, dccJFiona and directions, together with fonu. lur Deeds, llouds, Coutructa, Certitkatea, Ac, Ac- Tins deiarlment of the wojk was compiled at tlurrisburg by Mr tNimuel P liutea, i)e ,tuty r4uieriiilejHleiit, and isulune worth the price the volume to any one interested in Common Schools- ll eoltluius the dulic of Township Auditors It contains the luws relative to Dogs and uecp- It ooinallis the duties of Awc.aiis- It coiitsius the laws in relation to Strays, Mules and P.v!ie. It contains the law. relative to Fences and Fence leweia ll contains the laws lelaiive loGume Hunting, Trout and l. . r. It contains the Election Law. with all the necessary Foi ma lt contains the .Vatiiralizatiou Laws, with all the neees auiy forms id Application. Iicmiiaius a large number of legal Forms, which sra nsrd ill tha eveiy itay lrans.-ictiou of business, such as Aek-iow:eliriiienls, Aihduvits, Articles of Agreements and Oaitracta, Partnership, Apprentices, Assignments, Attea UO ma, iiilUof Kxchunge and Piomisaory Notes, Udls of H-ili-. U.aids, Checks, Coveuauts, Denis, I). s.itioii, Hue Hills mid Produce .Notea, Ijnatloid and Tenant, leasee, lleiters of Attorney, Marriage, Moilirugea, ttueeipla and Kuleasei. The w ik is bound in liw sheep, and will la! a ld to su!.'lilers at gt tf.j per cipy, myuble on delivery of the work. Tha w irk has iassed the revision of many ft tile b'.'St lwvers ill the Sliite, ami lias received their mi jubtie lappiotaiti'ill, as a relmble bund lasik of rcfeienre up hi hII sibjecla u; hi which ll lieiue. 'I'he whole is airjimc l in auch a iiiuiuier aa to present a plain, caieise a. id rX.il.-it lalcmeiit of the duties of all Township Olll tes is mny I leudily uiidemtM4t by any one, Tiiacmuiy will lie thoroughly cauvns--ed lia the woik, HU1 I he Bup rt of tlie Cllizans is leapecll'tilly s dls-lU-rl. K W. CONKI.INU CO, tieneral Ag.nls ba Nor th fiK-i laad and MiatliHtr eimulies. P. r-. l-i.al csmvaasera lira wnulcd ir all palls of lios county f-ir theahova w.rk, to whom a lilieral e-niH.iisa-tiou will be given, Apphe.itioua, which must be made at a-i enrlv itule, aihlf eas-d to the tieneiul Agents ut Danville, J. . will receive proin4 aiunlion. liecembxr , fM04t MK.RIK0K.S, Delaines, 'upline. Fiue stock Black Preei Uuod. I'rioted Cash meres, yird wide, 31 oJ 37 cents. Bom Drwa (Jonda, mnch sedueerl. COOPKll & CON A UP, S. K (oruer Ninth and Market sti.. Deo 8, lriliO. PhiUdelphia. 1I.OTIIS, Caatiuierea, rjaltinets. Heavy and light weight bearer clot bt. Tricots, Fruited Ueaverg, I'Uiu Broad cloth. , Fancy nd Rlaek Cimre. COOI'KR 4 ONARD, P. K. corner Niutb Market streets, 1'ec. H, 1. 00. rtiladt !jd,;. EVANS & WATSON'S ; 'i jyiS Philadelphia Manufact'd V.taulirniiiiilrr Kn frM. WLgiiAT.. 3( - 304 Chtiiut Street, I'HILAOtl.PHIA. ri-HEfK fafes sre now In n.e an over trie imiien iair., I and hva Intn tesled In many tea tha folkiwmg how. aiimhef Instance ot their eapabil ly i resirtmg tie : Wiimt Bmoos, ) Ijmrsatef Township, July 30, lpen Means. Is. W.tsou, OetitleineH i The sirmli aire .No. I Sitamniuler Xafe which I purrhaaed from your .cent, Mr. Adam R. Barr, in Unrn.ter City.'ti July twill, l.rf , ha. been subjected Ui a vary vrtr teat, which it wilbstood in a moat sutisiiictory manner. Thia Aife, con taining all my books, loeelher with valuable papers hehnig ng to myself and eolne to my iieifrhbor. and friends, and repieaentiug a valua of over Twenty Thousand Dollnrft, 191.0110) " in mv Mill, which was destroyed on the night fo the li;th of July, l-tflo, and pawed thronah the rieiy orHenl unarathrd, The Safe wns on ths second thior, nml felltotlis bmrmrntof the Mill, and wiis sutijrcted for six bonis loan intense heat among the ruin., wIiiimi wns greatly Increased by the eombu.tioii of a laiae ipinuiilv of gtnin eoiitined within the brick wills. Afler the tire the rafe wis oellel nnd the hooka and pnpera tnkeu out in a statn l of perfee' preservation, the pitier led even being discolor ed. This fa.'t wns, liow.-vcr. to many bystanders, s better ! reeomm-ndnlion of your flifes than could be expressed in i any olher w.ints from me. Yours, respectfully, PAMUI-'.I. RANCH. I Another Victory for Kmin and Watson's Salamander Safe.' Omvfoo, y. Y., March 27 1?0 fJentlemen It afT'-da Vne much pleasure to inform von thm the fine No f. (gprieht) which I purchased of H. Stroud, your traveling agent, has pnsscil through an ex ceedingly h d fire in a lliree army brick building, which heated the fnle to a W hite heat, so that the cornel, of it lpenr melted; but it preserved my h-mka and valuable pmws to the amount of several thounnd dollats, for which I ICCI I'lllllKIUI. Your., respectfully, J N t'.f.DRIDfil-'. t7" A Inrire assortment i f the alnive ft always on band, nt :)ol chesnut street, (lale'.'l Sioutli Fourth aaa l'h I nilf uliiii. lictobei 0, lt-CO. ly nnHE FALL TERM of the present year was -- opened on Tuesday, the 16lh of October, ult. Hoard of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. I.iteruturc. P. S. Beyer, Associate, and Instructor in Mnlh- niatics, Natural (Sciences, Book Keeping, Ac Assisted by able and experienced teachers. 1 tie course ol Instruction embraces all the branches usunlly taught in Primary, Academical ami Classical Department". J he government of this Institution is mild. but firm, and all atodents are required to be diligent and obedient Expenses. Bonnling, room with furniture, per week, 1.50 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, $2,00 ' lj7,10 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, &c., extra. Students admitted at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J. K MILLET, Frceburg, Snyder county, Pa. Prccburg, November 3, 18C0. FTJflS! FURSI FUR8I 1 DIES' FANCY FUJI EMPORIUM. .''AREIHA ft: THOMSON, old stand No. PIS Market street, above Liehlli. south side. I'hlliulrlnl,, we beg leave to cull the attention of the Indies to nnr Inrrje and varus.1 .lock of Ladle.' and Children's FANCY Ft ItS. Having had grant experience, rtnd enioynif. peculiiii fucihtie. in the selection ol O urs, wu confidently oiTei our new stock to the inspection of the Indies, feeling assured thut they will decide Willi us, in its being unrivalled for ben ty and variety, consisting as it doca of eveiy description of American and Kuropeuu Fura, inanufactiircd in the Ulteat nnd most approved stvles. Capes, Tiilulns, Vict.irines, Cl.siks, MnHs and Culf., embracing fable, Mink, Suuia Martin, German Filch, fil-enaii t5quirrel, French rnible, French Snuiricl, American Fitch, and Silver Martin. C" Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore exiend.it to us, we hope to merit a continuance ol the same, by furnishing a good article at the lowest Cii&h pticce. FARKIKA & THOMSON, No SIS Murket Street, Philadelphia. N B Old Furs altered to fashioiuible all ies. October 9, IhUO. 3mw DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, A. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 4- 85 Duatit! Street Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, the WAMSl'TTA PKISTS, also the A in o U c a g , A New i'rint, which excels every print in the Country for iierfectiun of execution end design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than uny in market, and meeting with extensive iiile. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, I8:i0. ly p FIOI KLD WOOL DELAINES. Auction lots from a to 75 cents. Children's Hauls and Delaines IKJ to SO els Lupin's finest French Merinoeslroin aueliou Three very choice lota at 60, r7 and ft eta 1'laiu all I wool CashiaaVes fraia auction, cheap at SS-and 05 ceina, r Figured Cuintx eolois. Cashmeres. IH, 3?, 50 and 60 cu. I laid, striped mid fig'd Valeucina,SrS to 40 eta. t ig d and striped French I'opiius. BLACK DRESS GOODS, etion lots black French Meriuoea.O., to 9100 tiou k,u black Wool Delainea 3o to 50 eta. Il.ilmieiuallly 1J yarda wide at CI 45. ItestHe cent black W.a.l Delainea in town. Black Auieliues and hg'd Alpacas. . COOPER ft CONARD, r. . u , . ? cor- M-NTU and MARKET sneets. October 37, JdOO. Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. Paper Hanging Manufacturers, (FALL rilAUE,) HO WELL ft BOI-RKE. having removed to then New Store, Comor Fourth and Market streets, ara in,w ptered to ofler to the tr.de large and elegant aaaoru meut ol aU 1'apel., B"r.eI'. ''' Sereeus, " mdow Curtain G.aids, Ac, 4e, stl orthe newest and beat design., 1, (ne l,we.t nrieed ariiclv toil,. u,eat uoW ami Velvet Docnaii,,,.. P I urchasua will do well to vi.it the ntablishment f Nvn v HOWELL V BOI HKK, SAVE YOUR FRUIT 1Y USING MASON'S Patent sheet Metal " Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! AW that is accessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Casket, which is placed ouUide upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor cf the fruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Personedesiring these Jara. can be snpptied by leaving their orders with H. B. M ASSEK Sunbury, June 8, I860. Agent. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Ss liETAIL plilLlSU & GRANT (at th. Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 IU. of lolar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sacks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 235 pound of Salt and 800 bags of Salt containing one Bushel each. TuiM salt i the best and strongaat now manufactured and in market. Call and are for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., tt, lMriO. I.IIIEIITY STOVE WOltfiS AND . III)!. I.OW'.W Alt P vnnvnn' I'HILADEI.I'HIA. ABBOT 5e NOBLE. Maiiufaeluieraof the 111 appioved styles of STOVES of even description. ftunpla aial Sale Himiiii. re" tllh Walel Slieel, New Yoik. lectio Riowii Sticet, PhiUidclphm. N. II. Send for Caiakarua. August., INio Jiu w DRE83 COATS OF the best quality tod lutatt itvle, just received and for tale at KWKITZKU. lIKILimONNERi CO. Kunburj, Autfu., 11,1800. IHILIXO 4. GRANT have just received by J- railroad the largest assortment of QUEENS WAKE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Diaaa Goods, Printa. Mus. Ims and Auli'ins. ar,, y g(j0. HEAR WHAT TH PE0PLI BAT. The nnden.time.1 hivlnf nswt Profrssr IICMPHRFYS' UPKCIt'lO IIUMiKOP.VTlllO RKMKIItm la our families llh the most STitlstnetory result, and having full eonll denca In their genuineness, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to all persons who alsh to have safe, re llnble, and cfttcacious remedies at hand for private or do mestic ue. The Iter. Vtm. rtosnier, editor of " The Nnrtliern inde pendent," Auburn, N. Y. , the Iter. K. II. Cressey, D.D., Itcitnr of . Peter's Church, Auburn, N. Y. j the Rev. B. I, Ires, Chapl-iln of the Auburn State prison ( ins iter. Upcneer M. Hire, n-ctnr, Near Redfurd, Mass.) the Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Oorderem-e ; ths Rev. Samuel Nichols, Hast (lenesec Conference, N. Y. I the Rev. P. 8. Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. Roble, HutTalot A. 0. Hurt, Ksn,., ITH.-n, N. Y. ; the Hon. Neal Dosr, Portland, Me ; tlie lion. Rchavlcr Polfav, Pouth-llend, lnd. j the Hon. Heorge Humphreys! N. Y. i Henry II. Cook, Ksn,., Bdltor ol The Ohio Slate Journal, Columbus, Oldo; tlie Hon. R. H. Graham, M.dine III. j the linn. Thomas J. Chase, Mnntl eelln, I'W l the llolv Jofcih llene.Hct, I'llea, N. Y. ; Wra. Il-iatol, K t'tU-a, N. Y. , A. a Pond, Esq., tltioa, N. Y. J imee I'lunkelt, K'H., Nashville, Tenn. LIST OP SPKCH'IC RKMKDIE9. ln I. For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation. No! 'I for Worm Vever, Worm Colic, Wetting the Bed. No. . gur Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness of Irifmls. No. A. For Diarrhea, Cholera linamara, anu oummar Cnniplilltlta. No. 5 For Colic, flrlpinga. Ursentery, or Bloody Tux. fia. B.-l'or Cholera, Cholera Slorhus, Vomiting, ft,,, 7.p,,r Cmiglis, Cilds, lulluensa, and Sore Throat. N g Knr Tooth ache, Face-ache, and Neuralgia. No. 9. For lleadaohc, Vertigo, Ileal and Fulln.M of the it.... Mt 10. PYsryrsu Pots For IVcuk and Deranged fttninacti, Coivllpilloii, nnd l.lver Complaint. No. 11 Foa PitsuiJi laKKuixsaiTiaa, Scanty, Painful, or Silppresnsl Periods. S. 12. For LeiKorrhca, Profuse Menses, and Bearing Down of F'male. ;, j-i . pr Crmip, Hoarse Cmigti, Bnd Breaslilng. K, 14. f!.T ItiiKia Pii.! For F.ryslpelaa, KrupUons. Piiuplvs on the F:tee. No. U'iKca iric Pn.t.s. For P dn, I.amsnMS, or Sore ness In the Chwt, B ick, Loins, or I.ltnbs. A For Fever ' A---ue, Chill Fever, Dumb Agne, 01 Mlsmanace.1 Ainies. p F ,r Piles, Blind or nie.tlng. Internal or Fvtscnal. O For Sir.-, We-ik, -rr hillitMicd F.ycs and Kyelldsi Fan hig, Weak, or Blurred SigliU C For Cutairh, .if l,.ng slniuMiia or recent, either with obstruction or pmlbrtv ilis.hnri:e. W. C Fur Whooping Uoiish, abating Its violence and shortening Its course. In all acute diseases, such as Fevers. Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Ci.itii, Rheumatism, and such erup tive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Mi-aslrs, and Krysipelas, lh a-lvantage of ('lying the proper remedies promptly Is ob vious, and in all Sik h r.ia. s the sjuvmcs ail like a t-narui. The entire disease Is often arrested at once, and In all cases ths violence of the attack 1. iiioderutvil, the disease short ened, and rendered les dangerous. Cough, and Colds, which are of such frequent occurrence, sod which an orten lay the foundation of diseased lungs, bronchitis nnd consumption, uia) all be at once cured by the Fever and Cough Pills. Ill all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaints, Files, F.-ieule Debility, and Irreeiilsrtlirs. dl lb-a,hi.-hes. S-re or Weak Kvea. Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the case has sa;clflcs whom proper application will ku"rd a cure In almost every Instance, often the cure of a single chronic difficult , such as D.vsHpsla, I'll. or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weak Bess,' baa inure lian paid fur the ease ten time, over PRICK. Case of 40 vial, complete. In morocco, nnd Book Case of ill vials, and Hok, plain Case of 15 numbered boxes, and llook Case, of 6 buses, numbered, and Hook 1 Single numbered boxes, alth directions .... cviita. Hlnirlii leltreil hi.xeA. uith iltre,-ti"lis h0 cents. Lar.o case of 2 os. vials, for phititer and physicians.. ..glfi AI.0 SPECIFICS. Fob AsrnWA on Pinitisic. Oppressed, IliMK-ult, Labored tlreuthitig, alti'iidvd Uh Cuoli and Kpect,. ration. Price, rwi .!. ut li'iv. Foa Ka liiH.'HAfls n isir!!w. Discltarpcs from the Far. the result ot (Varlct Fever, M-nsbs. or Mercurials. For Noises In ti e Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In Hn- Fes. ami kur-.che. Price. Ml cents iir bon. Foa Scanri-Ll. Kulargnl tllsti.ls. Ki.larv".! and Indurat ed Totisils, Swelllma. and (Mil l leers.bcrolulous Cachexy of ChlUlrera Price, f-O cel ts -r tt..s. Foa CKHl-au. Iii.iiu.itv.- PhiaicHl or Nervous Weakness. Either the aemtlt of Si.-I.essa. f'V'-sslie McliciiUoli, ur Ks l..,,l Iil...Nr.i.. I'lire. Ml ccntK iwer bos. Foa Daorsv. Fluid Acciiii.ulittons, Tuiui.l Swellings, with Bj.Mv Kc-rettons. Prl e. .'-II ceols lr box. Foa Sas-Hu'SMShS. Deathly !i-:kne-H, Yerllgo, Nausea, Yomlting. eicktaus from riding ur luoiion. Price, Stl ceuts per box. Voa rBtw.itv ItisKiSva. For f.rtivel. Renal Calculi, Diffl- cult. Painful L'rlnatlun, Dlicascs of the hidineja. Price, 60 oents per boa. l,u Hcum it. FanwaiKS. lnrohuitarv Discharges atin Conwauent Prmtiation nnd D.blllty. Bud Uesulls of fcvll Hnbits. Tlie most successful nnd etlicieiil remedy known, and may be relied upon aa a cure. Price, aiUi full dlrcc- l...i. .1 (lur Ihik Persoia la wish to place themselves under the profes sional care, or I" seek ailvlce ol rmr. iirMcanaia, can no so, at his olllee 6lii Uroudaay, ihitlj Irnlu 5 A.M. to a r.JI. sr by Liter. 01-R RRMKPirS BY MAIL. txok over (he li-st -. make up a case of what kind you choose, and inch'Se the amount iti a current note ortania bj mall to our address, at No. fS Broadway, New.roik, aud the medicine will be duly returned by ni.il or eaprcts, free of charge. Al'.KNTS WANTFD. We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Rente ries In everv Iotii or cointiiunlty 1 Um United States. A I Jrrss Dr. F. 1ICMPIJ IIKYS Co. No. .-i'.'i UaoiDWAV, Naw-Yuac. A. W FWHEK.Agent, Sunbury, Pa. May 86, lMfiO ly SUNBUItY STEAil I'LOUUIISIO M&lSjaL.SL. a rlHK subscribers having taken possession of - tbia first claa r LOl KIMi MILL, are pre. pared to receive grain of all kinds, nnd to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists pround immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the inteti. Hon of the firm to stock the Mill a large Hup" ply ut Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest care will be taken to turn out a au perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirably adapted. Ktricl attention will be paid to the wanta of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MOKUA.N & CO., Sunbury, June 23, 18"0. Madame Schwend's Infallible Powders, FOR (he speedy and irTcctnal cure of all Inflammations, Fevers, Rheuinulisin, Dyspepsia and t.lver Com plaint, Piles. Gravel, and alt Acute and Chrome Diseases ul adult, aud children, r-end 3 ceul stamp to her agent, O. B. Jll, il.ii IT0 Philadelphia P. O. Hundred, of testimonials. Agency, e. W Cor 'Fluid snd Arch streets. Del 6, I.-S30 lulw "SHAM0KIN VALLEY P0TTEEYr flHE subscriber respectfully informs tht public - that he ia now manufacturing at bis Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Itcil Criiieiit Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat anil cold. Tha subscriber refert to Priling ct Grant, flunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct J3, lf60 IT tSunbury, Pa. 11 a mi i s PAIS T EH, at Slab, SQUARE, E 1 1 0 r 11 r d MARKET 8U N B June 23, 1H60. XJ 3H -3fT, I Ji. . DR. A. W. FISCHER, OFFERS hit professional services to the citi " tens of Sunbury and vicinity. Ollic at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 30, 1830. The Paris Mantilla Emporium. NO. Tig) CHKSNUTSTRKKT, PHILADKI.PHIA. Kalaulisbed in IbSS fia- the exclusive displuy and sals of the latest novelties m Paris, Luudiai, and lias finer pro duction uf home luauulsciurcd CLOAKS Sc MANTILLAS To which has bean added a KI.H DKPAHT.ME.NT ' wliK-e emhrurea the large! aasoilmcit uf Fuis ,h 'ail Nation., including Real Rusaian Sibla, fine Dark fludami Bay cable, Husaiau and American Mink Habla, Royal Krniiue, Cliliajlnlla, r'nia Dark Mlriau tSUirrel, c made up lu the irl fashioiiabla styles fi f ji.lie. tVlnU-r Cailuma. All (iisals warraulcd Una Fixed Fries fnan which no devialaia can be made. TLa Fails Mantilla Ckaik and Fur Kmiiuui, No 7nn Cbeanut aireet, (alaivs Seventh, south side ) J. w. FKOCTOR 4 CO October tfih, loon 3m I.'SAI.L AND WINTF.B CI.OAK, Ol aU Ui. saw stylea, Readr Mud., or Made to order An elej;iil aua ks of Ckuks from which to aeleot Fisat claas work at populai prices, auilaUgarujeuu luarau teail t bt umf pieasa. Guntad, well lUMOe Cloaks at snodsraM priest for list class people. CUbs,." just ths right kinds for Ladies, Misses aud Boy's wear. COOPIR CONRAD, NINTH and MARK KT Streets. 0,b aSerJ7, lfatt. pu 1Biaelph ia. INGRAINED CARPETST MAN IFACTL RED aiul far Sale by M. Pet par A C tibraiHltsnd McDowell's Building, North tast CJucr,6eeotat and Race streets Phiiadaiphia. fiOnJS GUARASTEED. Oet"lr -1. VVT sIROMTIC vaw AiUgtRlATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, lHYIMtTa CORDIAL To the Citizen s.of New Jersey & Fennsyl- vama. Apoihecariet, Drupijiiti, Orocert and Privatt Familirt. Wolfe'a Pure Cgnae Brandy Wnlfe'a Pure Malaria, Shprry and Port Wine. Wolfc'a Pure J mimic mid Ht. Cniix Rum. Wulle'a Pure Scotch and Irish Whiaky. AM. IN BOTTLES. 1 beg leave to call the attnitioii of the cilirena of the united tate the nun ve wines and i,iquoia, impirted by UrxLi HO Wulfb. of New York, whnee name ia laini Imr In evei-v nnrt iif thii mnntrv ftir the nurilv yf hitcele ttfHted Hk'hirtlnm lchnappi. Mr. Wulte, in hia letter to me, peukinufthe pmily of hia Winei.and Liquora, aaya: "I will etake my riputati(n as a man', my aundinf(aaa merchant of thirty yran'e reaidence in thm City of New York, that all the Brandy and Wiiiee which 1 bottle are pure aa imported, and of tht heat quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser 1 Every bottle haa the pmpne titr'amtmeitnthe wax, awl a facsimile of hia aiffnature on tne ccrtiheiiie. The public are reapectninv mviteu to ran ami rxtimine for themseivea The puhlic are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves For aalb at Retail by all Apothecaues and Grocers in Philadelphia. urorgi h. aprton, ino. cvrrninrKetat , rnira. Rend the following from the New York Courier : Knob no ut 13iiinkb mm on a New York Mebchant We are hnppy to inform our fellow-citizene that there isoncnlara iuuurcitv where the nhvsieinu. aixthrrnrv. and country merchant, ran gn and purchase pure Wines nnd Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality. we tin not intend to give an eiaitoritie aenenptien 01 tins merchant's extensive business, although it will well repay any atrnuger or citizen to visit Udolptio Wolfe's extrusive warehouse, INos. 18, wand w, Heaver street, and ftoe. 17, iuand.li, MarkettieM street. His atocK ol tchimppa on hand rendy for shipment could not have been leas than thirty thousand cases ; the Hrandy, some ten thousand ensrs Vintages of IKW to 16-VI ; and ten thousand cases of iMiideira, Sherry and Port Wine, tcotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, aome very old and equal to any inthiactuntry. He also had three large rel lara, filled with Braird v. Wine 4c . in casks, ander Cus t"m-IDekeyt nady for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's aalea of tMumpps Inst year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand ozen, and we hone in less than two years he may be equally auccessiui with his urnnoies ami wines. His business merits the mtronnee ol everv lover oi mi species. Private families who wish pure Winca and L.I qnors for medical use should send their orders direct to mi. wolf, until every Apothecary in the land mnKe up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves and renlaee it with Vol fit's nure Wines and Linuors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the arcommtdtition of smnll dealers in tha country, puts on assorted raises of vines ana Liquors. sucn a man, ana sncn a mercnani shtMild besuitnii.edscaiiisthis tens of thousands of oppo. iienta in the (Tinted States, who sell nothing but imitations, runittus alike to human henlth and happiness. For Sole by GEORGE BRIGHT, Agent, Sunbury, Pa September 8, 1Hf0 6m p. I860 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1SG0 NEW Y01UC LINES CAMDKN AM BOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.W LIMS, From ritiladelihia to iYetc York and Way J 'laces. From Walnut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as Tialowa, is rant At fl A M , via Camden and Am boy C & A Accom- m.Mlntion, Y3 95 At A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accomimulatloii, f SI At 9 A M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 Ofl At lis AM, via Kensington and Jersey city. Wes tern Kapress, 3 ot) At Wt P M via Camden and Amboy, accommodation g 'J5 At tl P M, via Camden and Ainlaiy C and A. Ex press, 3 on At 4 P M, via Kensington, and Jersey city, Eve ning Kxpreas, 3 00 AMI P M, via Kensington and Jet ey city, 2d Class Ticket, S SS At 6 P M , via Camden & Jersey city Evening M ail 3 on At II P M, via Camden ami Jersey city South. Mail g 45 A I ar.11. via camoen and Amtsiy Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger,) 1st claas ticket, 1 25 3d " I 60 The 9 P. M. Mali Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mail es-iturdnys excepted. Fur Helvidere. Easbui. Fteimngton. Ac. at 6 A. M from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensington. ror niaucn unmia, Aiieutowii anu Bethlehem, at a, am via Iehigh Valley Railroad. For Wuter Uap, Stroudsburg, Pcranton, Wilkeslmrre, Montrose, Ureal Herat, Ac, at A M, via Delaware, jiucaawuima ana western niiitnaia. For Freehold, at 0 A. M. and g P. M. For Mount Holly, at 6 and A M , and 3, and 4 . 1A. WAY IJNR9, For Hristof. Trenton. Ac, at 3 and 41 P. M., Trom Kensington. For I'ntinyra. pelsneo, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, kc.. at W1.3, and 411. M. Fifty pounds of IWtrape only, allowed each pnssenfrer. -ii ase liters are piomuiieu iron, lakiiifr anything aa n K"ae I mt their wtnrnir apimrel. All Baxeaee overfill poundu to Ire paid for extra. The Comniiiiv limit then responsibility for Bnpruge to One Dollar per pound, nnd win wh. oe name ioi uny amount twyona iuu utiiuis, ex cept by special ciNitroct. WM H. G ATM Kit Agent C. 4A.RR Co r enruary ib. itoo. ANOTHER AIIRIVAL 0 NEW GOODS. J. II. EXGEL. or Sunbury, Pa, If AS just arrived with splendid STOCK SP1U.NO AND SUMM KR GOOU8, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites hia friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no tune in showing them. Amon his stock of goods will befound, FINE 13 LL AND BLACK FPaElTCZ CLOTE. Fine Black and Fancy Casimerea '1 weeds, 8at- inetta, Jeana, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Cutlonade, I.iuens, Linen Drill, Linen Check and r arcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boy (cneap.i FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk i issue, uereget, Ubali and Uuali Holies, Ueregi Urlaine, Uerege Kobet, r igured tlrillitnl ant) variety of olher Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Sbawla, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. general aaajrtmeat of domestic Dry (Jo-da. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, ljueent and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarwara, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, 1 ar Ac. 6lc. N. B Wall and Window Pauer. Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be old at low prices ror cash or country produce la An .. I r r . - 1 Vl .11 VAlllBllga UI UUUUI. J. H. ENGEL. 8unbury, May. 19, I860. tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C fpHE subscriber having opened in Thompson Unck Building, Mill sUeet, Danville, a large ana complete mock oi FOREIGN AND D0ME8TIC LIQUORS, comprising tha beat brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Kye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, 8herry Madcria, Champagne and olher Winea of all grades, all of which will be told Wholesale at Ihe loweat city price. Tavern-keepore by buy ing of ut can tava at -least tba freight. Persons detiroui of purchasing liquora for FAMILY U 8 E , may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. ty Being determined to establish a reputation for telling cheap ha respectfully solicits th pa tronage of tha public. AU orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jura It, 18C0. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UXITED STATE? ASD EUROPEAN pa.te:mt office, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. ND. Communications by mail promptly ' attended to. Sept t, I860 lyS J. PALMER & CO., Market Strttt Wharf, I'hilada, Dealers in rtab, Cheese and Provttloui. HAVE constantly oa Band aa assortment of Dried and Pickled Fish, Ac. via : Mackerel, Shad, Haimuti, Blus Fish, Her ring a. Codfish, Beef, Pork, Lard, Bhoiudera, Hems, bides, Cheese, Beans, slice, As. tjcuioer a, isou. aiaw TLANK Parchm.ns Paper Deeds and blank AJ Mortgagee, Bonds, Eieeutiona, Summons, 4c, for aal b H. B. MA8SER. HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C.i 0EARIIA11T, Hat returned with a new Slock of Confeotionariei, Fruit and Toys. YT seems, at If a new afe, t new life wat open ing upon nt, animating every heart to nobler deeda and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow knew and seek to develop tub timer beautiet and grander conception. Zlie business world too mutt feel tha new In fluence and every'part be quickened and ttrenglh- ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge ut on with electric speed to th consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed of in tha Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prcvades all classes, and desiroua of doing hit share to wards "The great events of the Age," the tub ecriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of BUN BURY and th public generally, that he haa just returned from the city f Philadel phia with the largest and choicest Block of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toyt that hat ever been brought to thit section of country. Ha ia alto manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries., ate, to fill up orders, wholeta' or retail, at short no tice. Among hit stock of Confectionariet, may be found t French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream White, M !emm Rom, " Vanilla, Catnmon Secrets. Liquarice, Gam Drops, sll kinds of scent, Ixive Dions, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Stick Candles, of all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Rnnanas, Prunes, Dates, Figs, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Rsisons, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior Quality, by tha tingle or dozen. A superior quality of oeeart and 1 obacco, and a variety of Confuctinnariet, fruit. Toys, Ax, all of which it offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Remember tha name and place. M. C.GEARHART. Market at, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright dr. Son's store. Sunburr, April U, I860. ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store 1 John I'arelra, No. 719 ARCH Street, be tween 7tn, snd mh, rts, r. , m t.t i i l.i inn, (I M or bib Market sir.,) - m.tl.r t r-l urar nt f .... l l.v O, mil L....U ..r FANCY FUita. Having removed to my New Store, 7lf Arch St., and being now engaged entirely in the Manufacture and Sale of Fancy Furs, which, in accordance with tha "One Price Principle." I have marked at the lowest possible prices consistent with a reasonable profit. I win. Id solicit a visit rrom those in want ol r urs inr eitner uraies' or iniiorens Wear, and an inspection of mv selection of those goads. satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every desired essential. IV Persons at a distance, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, need only name the article, they wish together with the price, and instructions for sending, nnd forward the order to my address money accompanying to insme a satisfactory compliance with their wishes. Philadelphia August S.V IfflO 5m5Jw HEGE1YIAN & COS COHDIAL ELIXIR OP CALISAYA BARK Prepared only hy HF.GKMAN A CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, 3U9, 611 and IX Broadway, New Yoi k. N rpllE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Tonic have neen ton long Known in neeo comment. The CALISAYA ('-or King's Bark,") is the most valu able of the numersu.vatietlea of the Peruvian Hark, and in the KMX IK is combined with other ingredient, thut increase ita efficacy and at the name time overcome the intensity ol its bitter, rendering ita most Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living in FEVER and AGUE districts, it will be found invaluable nsa preventive, Half of s wine glass full taken night snd moiniug, rendering the system much less subject to the anheakhy inUuiiee ol the atmos phere. DIRECTIONS Dose for an adult, half a wineglass full before breakfuat sial dinner f chihtrett from one to two teaapouns full; it may be taken with wr without a little waier For sale at this ofoce. March 17, lell LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. -fPI O TO WM. II. MILLER, he haa received jf from Philadelphia a large atock of . BOOTS & SHOES. Hit stock consists of (icn'ls Kipp Roots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children' Calf Boots. Also a variety of W omrn't Calf I.ace Boots, Wemen't Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace boon, all of which he will aell cheap for CAH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for tale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 18C0. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE FROM 1860 Wyoming Taller to Philadelphia, New York, IlaUlmore, AND ALL rOIXTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA 4: BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. STJMMEH AHIIANOEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trains will ha ran between Scrauton ami lauruiumbeiiaiiu, aa follows MOVING SOUTH: Leave Phil'aMail. N. Y F.i. Scrauton, 10 A. U. i S3 P. M. Arrive at Piiisi.ni, 3g Ul Kmgatiai, 7 US S go Shickshiuny, 7 6a ti Berwick, S 0 44 ltkawiabuig, R 60 7 30 Hupert, V HO 7 40 Danville, t) gs g 0 Northumberland, lu (si g ij MOVING NORTH: Leave N. Y. Ex. Phil'aMail. NoiU-unilrland, S 39 A. M. 4.I5P.M Arrive at Danville, 6 05 S 20 Hupert, 33 1)0 HhairoslHllg, t ii f tai Berwick, 7 is 3j Shickshiuny, 7 43 v us Kingston, 8 30 7 45 Pittetoa, 8 67 8 IS Scraiiton, 8 tS 8 45 The lckawanna and Bkaxnaburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, lckawaima and Western Railroad, ai ocrautofl, lor new i org ana raiiaaeipaia, and luierme- aiai. points Mat : auu . ureal Hand, Uinghamua,, Syracuse, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and ail important point. n ear. ai nupen ll aainecta Wltn taa latlawiesa Kail road, for point, both Kawt and West. At Narthuinbeiland it connects with the Sunbury and Erie Kailnwd. ita- points vt e.t anu aouin. tu. vy. JALrkSUfii. r)up u Kingston, August S3, 1S60. New tlir Line Route T O 2STE"W YOE ir. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between ths two Cities of NEW TOKK AND HABUSBTJKO. via READING, AI.LENTOWN AND EA8TON. Mornitif Expraas West leaves New York at 8 a. at . and Philadelphia till s,, arrives at Harriaourf at It 43 e. m. euanaetiiur at Harriabuig with traia oa NiMthera CeHlfal Road for Buubary, M ilnanuport, Luck Uavaa and iiatar mediate euuiaia. Mail Traia West leaves New York at It aooa, and Pbiladdphia at 3 JO r. at., connecting with baia na North ern Cantial Riwul foe etatioua aa a nova, an also en ail trains on th. Willianiepoft aial Klnura. Mad Traia East laavaa Harrishaig at 8, a. is , sad ar rives at Phiiadaiphia at 1 r. at., and New Yoik at S3U r. at., ia tiuM to lake Unit or ears fur Boston, Aa. Fast Express East leaves Harrisbug at 1.15, oa ai rival of Northern Central Tiain, and arrives at Phihufelphuj at 8 13 r at . and New Yoik ai tl r. at. No cliauga of cars or baggage between New York or Phiiadaiphia aud Harriabuig. For beauty of scenery aiid speed, comfort and aceosnaao annua, Una riaita preseatt auperior luduc.rawau to the Iraveliug pubut Orfica ia New York, foot ct Conrtkud atieat, rhUadel phai, Br.atd aud Oalkiwhitl atraata. Fsr.batweea.New York and Uarriabarg FIVE DOL LARS. FurTickeUi Freight or other hrformatioa, apply to J. i. CLYDE, Oeaeial Agent. narruaaiif , 'anejsuj toea ly SILVER WATCHES. A few doubl eax English Sliver Watchea, for aal at verv b pritet by H. B MAfrbt'R. i I V E M 1 K U I is. FREEZER, At Improved for lf'9 and 60, By E. KETCH AM ck CO., 889 Pearl-Street, New-York. THB only Freezer conttrueted on. scientific Drinciules. with a revolvir.f can and spring blade scraper. Th ena hastens tha freeting of the cream the other removea it at fttt a froxen. Tba moat rapid in freezing, with tha least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, aa it it tba most timple and durable in structure. For ttla in all th principal cities and towr.t in th Union. Each Fleeter accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. FHHJc-S. .. k $3 00 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quart, 14 quarts, 20 quarts, Apply to II. B, June 2, I860. 4 00 5 00 6 oe 8 00 12 00 MASStER, Sunbury. NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, SUNBl'RY, fA. flHE subscriber btt just opened at hit well L known establishment in Sunbury. on of th bea pest and most desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that haa ever been offered in the place, and which ne will aell for CASH or eichange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call antl examine his lock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. Alt Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robet, Cashmeres, Shaded, THain and Striped must be seen te form an idea of the extent and variety. 1 Mtntle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, aide stripes heavy, Doe Skill Caasimerea, 8alinets all kinds. FX, A. IMPELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltioa. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boett and Shoe, Hota and Capa, Ac, de., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, at regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, tjueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, eVc, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him wnn their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 23, 1859. " " ' -a THB PHILADELPHIA Cash Drag, Paint and Glass Store, S. VV. COR. FOURTH A CALI.OWH1LL STREETS, PHILADEt.PHtA. DRUGGISTS, Merchant., Farmers, and Die public everywhere. I will sell at whoiesule and retail, to the Spring Trade of leuo, a heavy stuck of Diuga, Medi cines, Chemicals, Ac, Ac, Ac. gu.uuu Boxes ol Window Glass, assorted, sizes and qualities. lu.oisj Pound, of Putty, White, Black, Red, Ac, in Bulk or Bladders. H0,HI Ga Ions Linseed Oil, Spiiila Turpentine, Camphene Alcohol, Ac. . ' ' 311 Tuna of Pure White Lead, in bble., bid.., HKI, 511, 20 and 181 Ibkrga, 30 Ton. of Peal Snow While Lend, In khls. 1 bbls 100, 60. US and Mi lb. keg. 0 Tmis of N.w Vorh While Lead, in bbls., 1 bl.ls, 100, 60. S-iund It!) Hi. kega. ' 35 Ton. of Puie French White Zinc, in bbls, i bbls, 100 60, 85 snd lij Ibkeg. 40 Ton. of American Snow While Zinc, in bbls, i bbls IW) SO, V.'i and lii Ib kegs 20 Tons of Lehigh Americun Zinc, ia bbls, 1 bbls, 10U SO, 95, and IJ) Ib. kegs 25 Ton. of Zinc Paint., of diifrrcut colon, in bids, 1 bbls. IU0, AO, 45 and I -it Ib kega. 30 Tons of Mmeial Puiuta, uf different color, dry or ground in Oil. 10,oou pounds of pure French Green, Chrome Green, Yel low, Blue, Black and olher enkira. dry ia- in oil. 1,000 pounds of Smalls' assorted Blue, Black, Red, Green, and other coloia. 100 Pack, of tiold laf, Glaziers' Diamonds, Glaziers' Putty, Hawk Knives. Ac. S.OnO Gallons Isn led oil, varnishes, Japans, Zinc Dryer, Ac. Paint, Varnish and bulaomiue Brualiea, together with a complete assortment of clusa Goods embraced iu the Drug aud Paint Business. ALIO, i.OOO bbls. Roman Cement. 3-lsiu Roseiidule and Hydraulic Cement. l.otsj " Calcined, ijind, lienliatry, Casting flasler. 4c ! All of which 1 will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at troia 10 to 'Ju per cent less .than other establishments. MCSjltY O U. UANkS, Propritor of the Philadelphia Cash Drug. Paint and (.lass Stoic. South West comer of Fourth aud Catluwhul St.., I'hila. March 3,1-tlO. 3ne SUNBURY ACADEMY. rpiIE Sunbury Academy will be reopened on M.aidny 1 the STth of August, IceO, under toe cuia ol S. r. WOI.VKRTON. Tlie course of instrnction will embrace every deirt. ment educatiiaa taught iu our beat Academies, preparing students tuw en her for a proiessnm ur to cuter any class in College. TERMS PER QUARTER: Common School B ranches, 84 no Higher English Brsuches, 5 00 Laim and Greek Languages. 7 00 All entering before the (middle of the Quarter will be reipnrea to pay lor me wnole term ol luili.ui, unless spe. ciulairaiigemeiit ia made. Tuition ui be paid before the middle of ths term. Hoard can be had in private families at lluui 81 73 to go per weea. Sunbury, August 25, lrfJO. Watches, Jewelry & Sliver Ware WE would respectfully inform our friends, patron, and Ihe public generally, that we have now in Store and offer WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at the lowest lain rricea. a laige and very choice st.a-k of WATCH F.S JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, of eveiy Variety and style. r.very ileacriutioii of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, made to order, at abort uotice Cf All Good. Warranted to be a. represented. N. B Particular attention given to the repairing of .. U..I. m.n. ewvii) ..I eve, .lewrinill.n. STALFFER A HAR1.EY, No. t-n Market Street, South Side, Philadelphia. Seplembei I, IMio. -3in HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Instilutinn established by special Endowment, fur tht Relief oj the Sick aud Distressed, a iJlicted with Virulent and Epi demic IHteases, and especially for the Cure of Diieases of the Sexual Urgans. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratia, by lit Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occu pation, habits of life, Ac,) and in case of extreme poverty, Medicine furnished free of chtrga. VA LUA BLE F EP0RT8 on Spermatorrhcea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the iVEW" RE.MED'ES employed in tha Dispen sary, tent to tha afflicted iu sealed letter tnve lopet, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will ht acceptable. Addreaa. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of tha Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, TreaidenL Gto. FxiactiiPD, Secretary. January 14, 1869 j FOR SALE. " rpWO LOT8 ailuata in Market street, in th -- town of Trevor ton. No. IS and I3,iu block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAUGLER. Baling tov. or H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. TT8EFUI. IX ALL FAMILIE5.HEk.EMAN fc CO'S benzine, which removes pit.pou great, te, (Ve, and clean glove, silks, ribbons, Ac, qual to new, without the slightest iniorv t color or fabric. Hold by all Druggists, also at thia oilic. to cauls per botthn STOVES P"aDR SALE an txcelleut aecond-hand Cook- ing Ktova, also several Cylinder Coal lain sea. Enquire at thit office. I I OY't HOOTS aud till 0K8, eheap for cash ; 1 W M. MILI.ER'H. tun ury, Au.u.t 17, 16o9. NEW FLOUR, TEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. flMlE subscriber respectfully informs th trial JL gent of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that ha hat opened a Store at tha north west corner of Market Square, opposite Vandyka'a Rtilroad Hotel, where h it receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, soeh aa WHEAT, RYE 4 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oalt, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts 4c, Fresh Shtd in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit dec, from th South. II wiH'constanlly receive, by Railroad, (rem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all tha delicacies of th teaaon, tt they com into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a there of tha public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 10,1859.- ly. 4i0i Doming,, COFFEE POT Being based, as Dr. Hall, of the Journal of Health, says, "on ssienoe and common sense,'' are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, t GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Sol Manufacturer! under th Patent a-Fnr sale y Ilealara In 11 ansa, kaeplnsr Articles, audi Storekeepers H eneralljr. December 4, 1859. J. STEWART DEPUY, . a T nmvi.-i.ira. uniivs v .o.i ...., t Second .treet., (next dooi to C. H. Mench's) Philadelphia, weuld invite the attention of their 2p flie-id. aial customers, nnd the public in geurrul. " M b.r a.,.1 u.nll ..Ui ....l. ..f ' o S-H r1 o f o H i i Q CARPETINGS, fx; nnsistlng of Yelvets, Tapestries, Three. pu-s, Ingrains, and Yenilians. Also, VI.Dt r. SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATI'INfiS, DIU.G- tiETS, HLOS, MATS, STAIR ROBS, Ac, Iwhich he sella very cheap for ensh, wholesale and retail. March Ul, lMIOly DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL, IS the liest Medicine in the world for the Cure of roughs and OUt. Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma, Difficulty in Biculhiiig, Palpitation of the Heart, Diptheria, and fur the rebel of patients in the advanced stages rf Consump. lion, together with sll Diseases of the Throat and Chest, snd which predispose tl Consumption. ll is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure nf Asthma. Being prepared by a prnrlinil Phyairisn anil Vrnfa, aud one of great expeiienca In the cure nf the vuiiou. disensestn which the Hntrain frnme i. liiihle. It ia offered to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try it nnd tie convinced thut it is invnluiihle in the Cure of Brni chinlaff.H-tioua. Price 50centa per Boule. PasrARzi only by tf. A, ESENWr.lN A CO.. Druggists and Cherrists. N. W. Cornet Ninth and Popl Sis.. Philadelphia. I " SOLD hy eveiy r. special. le Druggist and Deuier in Medicine throughout Ihe State. Philadelphia, March 31, l?0. fyw ROCKEFELLER & B0YER. Attorneys at Law STJITBTJ-RY, IA. A. Jordan Itockeleller and Soloinmi It. Ilojer, respectfully announce tn; they enlered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all bu.-i-ncse enlruaied to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given no the COLLECTIONS iw ll isfc j. I...: . -ri i ii.-ii.iic, uiieuuutiuiiB cau oe tiau in lha GERMAN language. OHice, Murkct Street, opposite Weaver'. II jlul. Sunbury, February 4, hhii. aCFJJGCHE TLIOlir ttlA.FOJRXTJ2sL. rilHE undersigned having received a Iare'c and A well srlei-trd atock of Tare Drugs ant Chemical, Dyeatufla, Oil, Paints, Glass and Putty, ia now ready to fill ordersat a momenta notice. In connection wilh the alieve yuu will findlfn assortment of Fancy Notiona, Toilet frticle and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and dollies II rushes of every variety. Customers will- find his stock complete, com prising many articlra it it impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office f the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate If and carefully. A. W. FlfeHER. Sunbury, April 5d, 18S9. P. MELANCHT0N SHINDEI," Jl'STIS'K of tiik peach SXJJNJ-EXJRY, PA. Ojfice ia Deer Street, immediately opposite tie Public School House. All business promptly mended to. Moniet ollected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 85. 1857 tf nOLI Dr. IIEATIl MnOOKoV VIV Travels and great disenveriee of tha Japaneae Vis and Mat India Mdiemes, with lull dneclions lor Uia eer. Mm cure ol C.i,auin4n, Bronchilis, B.ighs Colds l auirrh, A.lhlaa, Feveia, Heart Disease, Scrul uia Cancer' ly.ieMiia. Livar Couiplamt. Gravel and I'riiuiiy D.iw.aili reman- c.ai.plaiuia. Ae. lllu.traied with hundicds , cernhcales of cures and engiavinga. For the purpuH f rescuing aa many sufl.r,,,, leUow-Wing. .. , ., preriailure death, it w.U beae.it to any pail uf t,,e cum neol, by scuiki.g US cents tu uii- , DR. HEATH, S. .1,1, also, by A. W an r mnaowsy, r,,w i ork City, fisher, Sunbury; Ciairad Weiik. Caldwe 1. I.atvi.1...... . u , ' Norlhumlierlaiid : T 8. Caldwell, February lis, lr0 ly. . HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office opposite the Court House, ' Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to luginesa in adjoining; vountiea. ' 8 1 7$ so ECONOMY I V Save Ihe Pieces! A. accidents wdl hap pea, even ia well-regulated fami haa, ll ia very de.ir.ble ta luvs soma cheap and eouveuieut way (or repairing Fatmtuie.Toya, Crockery, Ae. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meu aU auch emergencies, aial a houseaoal can adord to he witrawt it. It n, always ready aiul ua to tha slicking piunt. rhera la en auger a oeeeaaiiy fur limping chairs, splinters r sneer., headless A'Ba. and hmkeu rradlee. ll la just Uia article for eoue. shell, aial other oruaueula! wark. tu popular with hdies of icfinement and Uste. This admirable pi eyas at toe i. .Md dd. bsmg chemically aeal ui aoluiKHi.aad eueeeaaing all tha valaalac uuali'.ies of tha beat rabniet-maker's Glua. It way be used in tht place or' ordinary mucilage, being vastly sate, adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVEHY HOUSE" N. B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price ti5 ceuia. WhcHeaala Depot, No 4b Cedar street, New York. Address, UKNK V C SPAI.DINti A CO., Mux Nu.,ou, N.w York. Put ap fi Dealers ia case, containing Four Eight, and Twelve Dozen a beautiful Luaf rapine tihow Card ac Ouiiinanyln each peeknga, A auigle bottle at raldiag's Prataued Glue will sav ten times ita eost aeHUallc to every hraiaeauid. S4d hy all pt.wuiiMMit StaiHaMas, Druggists, Hardware and Farailar. Dealer, Gnarara, and Faac) Btoiea. Country Merehela ahnuld inaks a aaa oi Spalding's prepared Olaa, when they rusk, ap then hat. It wil stand say elisaal. For aal at IhiaoflW. March lu, l;BJ ly