Miscellaneous. Cy The correspondence between President liuchaoao end Secretary Thompson, on tb0 occasion of the resignation of the latter, is as follows I Washington, Jan. 8, 18C1 8in: It is with extreme regret 1 havejost learned that additional troops have been ordered to Charleston. This subject has linen irequentty discussed in Cabinet Conn tils ; and when on Monday night, Dec. 31, till, the orders for reinforcements to Fort Sumpter were countermanded, 1 distinctly understood from yon that no order of the kind would be made without being previously sonsidered and decided in Cabinet. It is true that on Wednesday, Jan. 2, this subject wag again discussed in Cabinet, but certainly no conclusion was reached, and the War 1'c parlmeut was not lQBtiBed in ordering rein, forcemetits without something more than was then said. I learn, however, this morning. tor (lie first time, that the steamer Star of lie H est sailed from New York last Sulnrdny night with 250 men. Under Lieut. Martlet t, bound for Fort Sumter. Under these cir cumstances i fuel myself bound to resign my commission, as one of yuur constitutional hiUisnrs, into your bands. With high respect, your obedient servant. J. THOMPSON, (lis Excellency James Buchanan, Presi dent of the United States. TIIK I'RKSIDF.NT'SRKrt.Y. Washington, Jun. 9, 1801. Sir: I have received and accepted your resignation, on yesterday, of the office or Secretary of the Interior. tii Monday i-veiling, 3lst December, 1SG0, 1 buspended the orders which had been issued by the Wnr and Navy Departments, to send the Jlronklyn with reinforcements to Port Suiiit.T. 1 stated to you aiy reusoti lor this suspension, which you know, from its nature, would be cpei-dily ruiuuved. lu consequence of your request, however, 1 promised Unit these orders should not be renewed "without being previously considered and decided jti Cabinet," 'ibis promise was fuithfully obser ved on my port. In order to curry it iuto flVc t , 1 called a speciul Cabinet meeting un Weduesduy, 2 J January. 1 BUI , iu which the (iiestiou of sending reiuforceiuents to Fort Sumter was amply discussed both by yourself and olbeis. The decided majority of opinion was aguinst you.- At this moment the. an swer of the South Carolina "CouimissionerH" to my communication to them of .list Decent In r was received and read. It produc t) much indignation among the members of the Cabinet. After a further Conversation 1 I l . i. . r..n I . .. i. ' J . - 0 ' , . i titl nt'tr. mill retnliirremfints must h xeul " ' Judge Black said, at tbe moment of my drci non, that ulur this letter the t.uutnft Mould lie unanimous, and 1 beard do disseutiog voice, ludeed, the spirit and lone of the Liter left oo doubt on my mind tbal Fort Sumter would be immediately attacked, and hence the neces sity uf sumlmj; reinforcements there without I delay. I While t you admit "that on Wednesday, J in. 2, this subject was ugain discussed lu ! t ah.net,' you say, "out certainty no conclu. ftion was reiicbed, and the War 1'epartm eutj was not justified iu sending reinforcements without something more thun was then said." You ere certainly mistaken in alleging that 'uo conclusion was reached." lo this your recollection was entirely different from that nf your four oldest colleagues iu the Cabinet. Indeed, my language was bo unuustskable that the Secretaries of War and the Navy proceeded to act upon it without any further intercourse with myself than what you heard, or might have beard me say. You bad been so emphatic in opposing" these reinforcements that I thought yon would resign in couse tpienco of my decision. 1 deeply regret that you have heen disappointed in point of f.ct, idioiigh 1 liruily beliee honestly mistaken. Still it is certain that you have pot the less been mistaken. Yours, very respectfully, JAMKS BUCHANAN. Hon. Jacob Thompson. Startlino lit' ho r. We extract the fob I lowing communication from the columns of tae New Yoik 1'ribune of yeeterduy : 1 have reliable secret end confidential - information that there is a practicul expedi- tiou in contemplating among some reckless biid desperate men, some of them belonging to a vile portion of this city to foicibly seizx the Caliloruia steamers with their immense i treasure in case of bloodshed at Charleston. , A schooner has been already chartered at ' New Orleans to tuke these pirates clundes tiui ly to the Isthmus, where they will wait ' t.ll the treasure is aboard I he steamer, aod ' then seize the vessel under tbe I'ulinelto fl.ig j mid under tbe authority of tbe South Curoliun i government. They intend to seise two ves- j sets or steamers id succession in this way, and tow llioin into tbe Charleston harbor, where ti e plunder will be distributed among the j revolutionary mob. This is no humbug it i-t true ! and were 1 at liberty, and il it would i not p'iil the lileofmy informant, would sthte frankly and feurlessly how i became possessed i,l tnis inloruiulion. it wnuia oe a sad tiling fur the merchants of San Francisco 1 1'KATit of an Oi.n IiAiiv. In Boston, on Thursday afternoon, M is s SI arv 1. Townkknd ii iluugliter of lr. Towusend, died at her resi dence in Hawkins street, where she was born, nod bud lived for sixty-five years. She was reputed to be worth $100,0U0, yet she was never known to mingle in society or to receive any of her relatives at her bouse since the death of ber sister, who also preferred a single life to a married one. Tbe only otteo' uuiil which was permitted in the boose was a woman. Since tbe death of tbe doctor the iiarringe bouse bas remained closed, with tbe carriuge and harness just as be left tbem, and no one was allowed to euter il. When Miss Towusend was first taken ill she was advised to rousull a physician, but she refused, and continued obdurate to the last. Neither would she allow a single person in ber room while sick aod dying, excepting her female servant. Like her sister she is supposed .to have left all her wealth for charitable purpo ses. A New Stimi'Lant. Among Kuropean tiovelties, it seems tbat a Dew stimulant has appeared, which, if tbe accooots received of it are true, promises to contest tbe prece dence with opium and tobacco. 1; is the dried leaf of the trylhoiylon cocoa, a Peruvi an plaot, which, wbeo chewed in small quan tities, gives rise to a gentle nervous excite ment, acting at the same time (it is claimed) as an aid to digestion. Tbe doae required to produce tbis effect is from four to six grains, its power to increase tbe heart's action is suid to be twice as great as coffee, and four times that of tea. Under its IofJueoee stu dent of Milan testified that be was enabled to study forty boors without cessation, and without afterwards feeling any convenience f rom tbe experiment. Jo South America it as largely used by tbe natives, who sometimes subsist upon it for days, with no other food. When taken carelessly, in oousual quantities, it causes fever and delirium. 1'hii.abki.puia, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1 801. The bigb price of coal obtained at Charles ton bas iuducod persons of Ibis city to attempt aendiug ship load tbere, but ship owners Refuse L.0 lake it, though $5 a ton Ireigbt is xiffered- Tbe Montour Iron Works have eommeDO operations again. Tbe company having se cured a pretty Jarge cootract, tbe employees went to work again, ttitbout beiog obliged to submit to a reduction of wages. Thus much lU.leriug bas doubtles, bou avsrUd, PIANO-FORTE MANI'FACTI RB. .. ,r-Meyer, being one of our "long estab. lisbed business men, his history need not be particularly dwelt upon. Ua has been en gaged in business since the year 1824, ted commeno.ng on comparatively small scale, bas risen. His old location was Fonrlb street near Chesnut j his present, 722 Arc street, aud 530 540, (new numbers) North third street. The pianos of this establishment are char ncterieed by their volume, sweet tone, and elastic, durable action. These merits all good musicians will appreciate. M r. Meyer, though be has not been as ex tensively bepuffed as some other discoverers, is nevertheless the inventor of several most valuable and generally adopted improvements uiauns. in tne year 1832 be introduced the Iron Plate Frame. This is chiefly adapt ed to warm or damp latitudes, keeeping the .iinrumeot at concert pitch, and preventing warpine. He i also the nalentna of the oversea lop J'mnn Forte. Uy this Inven tion the position of the top cau be varied, and Huneu to lue wishes of tbe singer or per for mer t tie bock only is raised the niueiciao facing his hearers. In the words of another aescriber of this invention ; "This instrument is so arranged that if it is wished to throw the sound through the room, by raising tbe top in front, first letting the silver book fall into the space near the bince. and then rais ing tbe back, tbe end can be perfectly attain- 1 1, Mr. Mryer's last, and, perhaps, best im provement, has been perfected within the last two months. He baa invented new scale j or, in other words, a new division ol the strings, and an improved construction of tbe souoding board. This arrangement gives a fuller, sweeter, and more powerful lone than has heretofore been attained. The iJaily Xlui has been the Grst journal to notice this improvement, which we are ussur- d, ou the testimony ol good musical critics, is destined to ultimately cause a. secession, (to use a now popular phrase.) from the "old paths" of piano forte muuufuctare. Mr. Meyer has received numerous tangible as well aB Muttering testimonials to the ex cellence of his instruments. Among these we may enumerate eight premiums I ro in the Fiiiiiklin Institute, aud various premiums from various Societies nt Boston and else wlimo ; and lastly and chiefly, a prise medal nl the World's Fuir, Lnnduu, iu 1S.")1. Tbe piauos sent on to this lust exhibition were not "got up" for tbe .occasion, but were only average instruments such us are daily lor sain at Muyer's ware-rooms. Vet the lloyul Survey on M usicul Instruments, comprising men like Bishop, Tbulbcrg and lterlioz. awi- dud them the highest testimonials iu their power. And the "The London ErjHirilnr'' and in the well known "Tunis' History unit iifcrtjilton oj the Lryntul I uluce high hmj authoring both) the pianos arexuoken .. . . . ' 1 . 01 iu terms mine nattering to the mater and botiroublo to Philadelphia. l'lti'.a. .Xtvt. (ST A Bkaitifcl Poem A friend has sent us for re-publication, the following poetic gem, contained in a copy of the "Times," in wc b it originally appeared, published iu this pluce in 1814, or during the second war of Independence. Its talented author, tbe . . K Chai-man of this nlar- i. rot , " .. . - membered by many of our citizens as an ac I complishcd scbolur. Tbis beautiful poem, so j well adapted to the preseut times, will be j readily recognized by a number of tho eurly ; friends uud associates of tbe author ; TOR THE THUS. I A friend has furnished us with the following j lines, the production of bia leisure moments, for t which he will be pleased to accept the acknow ledgements of the printer, who will at all times be gratified in having an opportunity of laying his productions before the readers of the Times. COLUMBIA. Columbia's shores are wild and wide, Columbia's hills are hi jh ; And rudely plauted side by aide, Her furesta meet the eye. But narrow must those shorts be made, And low Columbia's bills; And low her ancient forests laid, Kie Freedom leaves her fields; For 'lis the l.und, where, rude and wild, Mie play'd her gambols when a child. And deep and wide her streams that flow impetuous lo the tide; And thick and green the laurels grow On everv river's side. l!ul should a transatlantic boat I'olule her waters lair, We'll inert them on the rocky coast, A gather laurels there: Fur It ! Columbia's sons are brac, And fre as Ocean's wildestawave. The gales that wave her mountain pine, Are tragiaiil and serene; And iieer clearer sun did shine, Than lights her vullies green, But putrid must those breezes blow, That suu must set in gore, Eru footsteps ol a foreign loe Imprint Columbia's shore I For O ! her sons are brave and frre, Their breaMs beat high with librily. For urming boMcst cuirassier, We've mine ul sterling worth ; For sword and buckler, spur and spear, Kmhowell'd in the earth. Dul ere Columbia' sons retigit The boon thtir J'utlmri tro, The polish tl ure Jr'nu entry luint Hiull (Utter in the tun : For bngbl's the blade, and sharp the spear. Which Freedom's sons to battle bear. Let Britain boast the deeds she's done; Display ber trophies bright ; And count htr laurels bravely won In well contested tight. Columbia can a band array, Will wrest that tbat laurel wreath ; With truer eye and steadier hand, Will strike tbe blow ol death ; For whether on the land or sea, Columbia's fight is victory. Let France in blood through Europe wade, Aud in ber frantic mood, In ritil ducord.draw the blade. And spill her children's blood. Too dear that skill in arms is louylt, Where kindred life llaodjlows, Columbia's sous are only tauyhl 'Jo triumph o'er their Juts : An then to comfort aoatue and save, Tbe feelings of tbe conquered brave. Then let Columbia's esgle soar, And bear ber banner high ; Thslhumder from her dexter pour. And lightning from her eye. And when sha sees, from realms above, The storm of war is spent ; Descending, like the welcome dove, The olive branch present ; And then will beauty's hand divine Tbe never fading wreath entwine. EDWIN. buaaeai, July 13, 1814. New Advertisements. Adjourned Sale of Timber Lands. THE Big Mountain Improvement Company nol having sold all of their Timber Lands at Kehra's on Ibe S7th ult., have adjourned their aalesor said lands till Saturday, January IDtn, IHl,et 10 o'clock, A. IL at lb public bouse of Daniel Kramer, in Little Mahonoy township, near liotncrmei s v in. HEM N '. '.'KIN. .Sr.,t. January ft, l -'. Orphans' Court Sale OF Valuable Real Estate. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol N OTthumberlatid county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Borough, on SATURDAY, the 9th of FEB RUARY next, all that certain messuage, tene ment and Tract of Land, situate in the township of Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, ad joining land of Michael tihipo On the north land of John Farneworlb on the east, the Shamokln cteek and land of John W. Friling on the south and land of Joseph Ooss on tbe west, containing eighty-eight acres more or less, about eovenly acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, whereon are erected a two story log dwelling House (weatherboarded) a large bank Barn, a two atory Tenant House with cel lar and ice house under it, and other outbuildings also a good well of water, a good orchard, Ac. Also a certain other tract of Land, situate in said township of Upper Augusta, adjoining (he Shamokln creek and land of Joseph (iass on the north, other land of said intestate and Joseph Savidge oh tbe east, land of J. W 1'eale and Samuel V. Sickle on tbe south, and land of Philip Harvey on tbe west, containing nine-live acres more or less, about sixty arm of which are cleared and under a good etato uf cultivation ; wbereon are erected a large two story log dwel ling House, rough cast, a large bank Barn, wagon bed and numerous otbet outbuildings, a good never-failing spring of water, a good peach and apple orchard, dec. A Iso a certain other tract or piece of Land, situate tn said township of Lnner Auaueta. ad joining Shamokin creek and land of Joseph Uses on the north and adjoining the oiher land of said intestate last above mentioned and drsenbed on the east, south and west, containing three and a half acres mora or less, all of which is cleared and in a irood state of cultivation, whereon are erected a one and a half story log bouse, a frame table, and a good spring sf water, Ac Alsoa certain other incssunce and piece nf Land, situate in said township of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek end land of enid in testate on the north, land of John W. Friling on the east, laud of Joseph Mavidge on the south and other land ol said intestate on the west, contain ing six acres more or less, all of which is cleared and in a good vtala of cultivation. Late the cstiitu of Silas Wolvertou, deceased. S le to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., of suid day, when the terms and conditions of B ile will be made known by wm. HKfcU, Adm r. By order of the Court, J. B. M ASSEK, Clk., O. C Sunbury. Jan- 12, IH6I. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUJJBURY, Northumberland County, Pa- 11118 large and commodious Hotel, now JL managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market 8uare, Bunbury, end at the terminus of the Suiihury iV Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open fnrthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The priprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, tetbc comfort and convenience of bis guests and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hi table will be supplied with the best the ma'ket can produce having the advantage nf daily communination by cars direct from Balti more, unci also from thoro bringiug'produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with tho purest liquors the market can produce Ca-cful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stuMing has just been added to tbe premises. A share ol the local and traveling community is most respectfully solicited. Hunbury, January 12, IRtil. "orphans- court sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will he exposed to public sale on rialurdav tbe 16th day of Feb ruary next, on the premises, all that ccrtuin messuage and tract of land, situate iu Shamokin township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, adjoining laud of the heirs of Daniel Camp lied, heirs of Silas Farrow, deceased, Samuel Epler and others, containing one hundred and sixty six acres and US perches of land, more or less, with the appurtenances, on which are erected a frame dwelling house, a log tenant house, frame wagon house, frame barn, a wheel wright shop, ai'd other outbuildings, several never failing springs, a large apple orchard, c. Late the estate of John .Moore, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 .o'clock, A.M., nf said day, when the terais aud conditions of sale will be made known by WILLIAM A MM E KM A N, Adm'r. By order of tbe Court, . B. MASSE It, Clk., O. C. tSuuhury, Jan. 12, 1861. ) 6t State of the Bank of Northumberland, January 3th, 1861. AWKTS. latit nnil IhK-ottnts, Norlliuiiilirrlnitil itHtik Stocks, (Mhtr Wik-ks Litis by oilier Hanks, ntr im olhrr liaiiks, S.e.-ie in Vaults, Ileal l:il.ilo, patjf.nro tt A i 111 OO t .--50 (Ml s..ocm J-.IM Oil SI.W 9rt S-.SSS .' fcim.lHo US 171.371 !t e.lKM 44 M.lil Ifi U,-J' 31 UAiiii.rrii.s. Notes is eirrulKtiiia, Due ottier Ifctnks, . lr(vsiltiri, . ' l'ommoiiwullh. i7i.l43 l I certify that the stiove statement In tn rjrrcvl and true Ui the I ml of my kunwleilce miri belief. J. K.'1'ltlKSTl.KY, Cashier. tworn suit subscribed before me, Jnnuary5, lettl. (iuoaas Mssmcs, J. P. Administrator's Notice " OTICE hereby given, that letters of admin ' ' islration having been granted to tbe subscri ber, on the estate of Ahsolem Conrad, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty, ra., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to meet the subscriber at the late residence oftbe dee'd., on Saturday the Ulh of February, 1861, and make payment, and those having claims to present them for settle, meut. HENRY blllPK, Adm'r. Lower Augusta twp., January ft, I8G1 MT. CAEMEL HOTEL FOR RENT. PROPOSALS will be received at the public bouse of Abraham Lerch, Ml Carmel, Northumberland county, 'a., until Ibe SGtli day of January, U6l,forthe renting of the public house known as the old Mt Carmel Hotel. AMOS VA8TLNK, Adm'r. ML Carmel, January S, 1861. 3t Admlulalrator'8 Notice. TOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin- islration having been granted on the estate of Peter Bixler, late of Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims lo present them for settlement. ABRAHAM BLASKER, i4Jin'r. Lower Mahonoy, January 13, leiol.,-3t WIN WARE A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at Ihe Mammoth Store of FKILINU St GRANT. Sunbury, January 12, 18til. BOOTS & SHOES, ran be purchased at Ihe Mammoth Store of Friling Si Grant, very cheap, aa we are determined not to be undersold by anybody. Call and learn the list of prices for yourselves. FRILING A GRANT. Sunbnry, January 13, 1861. V I NDOW SHADES. A very One and ' cheap assortment Just received by Rail road from New York, at the Mammoth store of Friliug 4- Grant. Wa have also for aale 8.8. Pntnam Sc. Co's celebrated Patent Peudulum Curtain Fixtures. B JLAS'I ER, I0U tons prime Nova Scotia PUsT ' r for aale at the lowest prices at the Mam' "," "o' FKILINU 4 GRANT. .. . Jsauait 13, HA. HERE 1 1 Eyery Man and Woman should Look to their own Interesti ! I A .. WOPaD TO '.YOTJ. WE must all wear some kind of BOOTS AND 8HOES then you should look around and see where the Cheapest, Best and Largest assort meut can be found to select from, ami whether the person 'who selected them is competent to make good selection. I will say that my stock tins been selected by one who ha had practical experience in tho business for alioul thirty years. I will also add that I can sell, and will sell, cheaper than you can buy at retail in the city nf Philadelphia because my rent snfl living is uot one half as much as tbere and I can buy as cheap as they can. As to tbe mode of doing business in the coun try, it is only necessary to say, it is generally done, as you all know, on a long credit, and I say to you oil if you dn business in tbis wsv you must let me say if you buy your Boots and Shoes at a credit store, you are bound to help to pay for Shoes brugbt by those who do not pay The man who does not pay. must buy his Boots and Shoes at a crrdil counter, aud if you bay at the same counter you must help to pay all the losses aiade at that counter. Thus you will see tbat the Boots and Shoes bought at my counter must be paid for at the time i they are bought III Cash cf Country Produce, so tbat every man, woman and child shall have their Boots and Shoes at a LOW PKICE. as there is nothing to be paid for losses and interest. It is impossible to give you a list of all my prices, as 1 hava so many fgwj different kinds of Boots and Shoes, for men women and children, of ALL SIZES & KINDS, Coarse and Fine, Heavy and Light, and also OVERSHOES of all kinds; and also CARPET BAGS, VALISES, AN P THL'NKs of all kinds, at different prices. Mens' (Jailers, from $1 25 tc 4 (10. Boots, " 2 2U to 0 00. ' Shoes, " 87JIO 2 25. Ladies' Uoiters. from 60 ID . B7J. Slippers, from 80 to 1 2ft. Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and gain and calf skin at different pieces, from 80 cts. to $1 H7J. Bote Shoes, from 8ft cts. lo 3 871. Mens' Shires from 6B cts. to 1 AO. Bovs Shoes from 75 cts- to 1 60. Childrcns' Shoes from 20 to 87$ cents. Ladles and Cenucmen ot Suubury, not for getting to include with you a large portion of Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties, I you all have my sincere thanks for the patronage I I have received from you for the few weeks that I have been doing business in Suubury. (remem ber tbe place, Market Street, next door to the Post Office). I deserile it thus, that yoi.r friends may not make a mistake, where those thing' are. lo Ire found. 1 w ill also say that there seems 10 ne a irouoie aooui ine uanhs. i say i givo ynursclt no trouble about any ol tnem within fifty miles of this place. As I am de- termined and intend to back them up by rereiv- : ing their bills at par at my counter, so be not j trouoled, the banks are good, and my Boots aud Shoes are good, they are all made for the good of man lo be used, and not to bo abused. WILLIAM M. Al'SLEY. j Suubury, December 8, 1R60. LZVC AND LEARN 1 LET THE FEOrLE STILL. COVriME TO LIVE, AND TUFA WILL SOON LEARN THAT FRILING & GRANT, AT TIIK MAMMOTH STORE, ARE SELLISG GOODS OHEAPEB than canbe purchased elsewhere. .A. FRESH 8UPPL V ust received by Railroad this Week. REMEMBER THIS, AND PROFIT BY IT Sunbury, December 15, 1SG0. EOLTOAT TOYS C O N F E CTIONARIES. IVT. O. QEARHART, II AH just returned from the titv with the lamest assortment of Cl rpest assortment of CONFECTION A I RIES, FRl.TP and 2XJY8, ever brought to this l section of country. He is determined to supply all with Holvday presents, sellng them at whole- sule and retail, at prices to suit purchasers. Having the necessary machinery, Ac, he is manufacturing all kinds of Toys, and keeps up his stock, so that purchasers will not be at a loss for a supply of almost any article .they may desire, M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, December 1, IMU0. Buckwheat Holler. THE auhscrihers respectfully informs the public that they have added lo the machinery in their Steam Mill, in Sunbury, a new improved fuebwheat Duller and wheal cleaner, which enables them to furnieh wheat, and buckwheat Hour of the finest quality. Customers promptly attended to. MO RUIN & CO Sunbujy, December 1. 160. i Notice to Creditors. ; IJERSON'S indebted to the subscrilr on book ! aeefftiuil nnlM nr nlhin,,irie. il. rimiftjuil til account notes or otherwise, aie ri quested to call and make settlement on or before the 1st of January, after which time the books will be left with a Justice for collection. JOHN C. MORGAN. Sunbury, December I, 18h0. GRIST MILL FOR RENT. f ynHE undersigned oilers to let his Grinl Mill Jf for the ensuing year to a competent miller either on share or rent. The mill contains three run of burs with all necessary machinery, all in good running order. ' For further particulars apply to the subscriber at the premises, three miles west of Selinsgrove, iu Snyder county, Pa. JOSEPH EYKTER. Ksnti. Decembers!, 1 Still. AUG K BLAN K VA'i," FL i A X X F.LS Linens. Bed, Crib and Cradle Blankets. Marseilles and Dimity Quilts. Fiue Table Linens, Napkinsand Towels. COOFEH&CONUAD, S- K. corner Ninth and Market, Fbila. Dec. 8, 1600. OUU NKW CLOAK ROOMS COX. TAIN Elegant Clotb Cloaks. Kvery new style Coat and Cloak. Woolen, Hroche and Thibet Shawls. COOPF.K 4 CONRAD. 8. E. corner Ninth aod Market, J'bils. Dec. 8, 18C0. Keroaene Lamps. AVERY LARGE and cheap assortment will be found at the Mammoth flora of Dec l, I Nu. FRILING A GRANT. LOOK GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE SEASON I riULING & GRANT. t the MAMMOTH STORE, have jnst received a NEW AND DESIRABLE Stork or FALL $ W1XTEU (JOOJ)S! A very extensive assortment of la diss; dress goods, Consisting in part of Black and Fanry Silks of very choice patterns DEUEtiES, Ducals, Cashmeres French and English Merinos, I'lain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil De Chevres. Saxon and Wool Plaids. I .DIES' FL'RS, BROCHK. Boy Stole and Wool SHAWLS of every va riety, oVc &c. (-aciUlenicn's Dress (lootls, of every stylo, consisting of Cloths, Casimeres, Satlinetls, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velvirteeri, Vcstings. . rtur stock of Silk and Silk of every variety ,vft V estings, cannot be surpassed in tbe country. I'leme call and cxamiiio them. CLOTHING-! Our stock of READY MADE CLOTFIN'O, has been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRKSS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Dress Coats fir Boys of all ages. ALSO, a very handnome assurtnicut of HATS -A.ISTID CAPS of every rtyle and variety at the lowest prices. I j Our stock of HARD WH RE has heen renew I ed and we have now, larger assortment than ever nciore onered lo our customers, consisting j in part of ! Sausage Cutters, ; Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges. Bolts and Tad Locks, ! X Cut Saws, j Mill Saws, Rcoop Shovels, !&c., 4c, &c, i-c. Ac. .v.. tlitcciisirnrc and Glasiinn re. of every variety at the V E K V LOWEST PRICES, Our stock ol i very 6ne. We have ihe best quality of Syrup Molasses ever before em-re to tbe citizens uf funhury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of every variety. Carpets, Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, &c Also a fresh supply of Drugs, Oils. Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Paints, Dye Sufis, Glass, Brushes, Ac, I Particular care having been taken in the se ! lection of our goods in regard to quality, style I and (.rice, we call the attention of the public lo our large stock to which constant additions will miJe. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a n f u .... i ..... - ,.r .i. ...,i.i: i.uiiiHUfluvv ui tiiv ip .Miotic UY selling cheaper than ever. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. FRILING Sl GRANT. Sunbury, Nollember 17, I860. FURNITUEE ! JUIINITUEE ! ! New and Fatihlouable Cabinet Mare. flIIE aubscriliers respectfully inform the 1 citizens of Sunbury and the public generally, tbal they have commenced Ihe CABINET MA KIN U business in the shop lately occupied by William Snyder, in Fawn Street Sunbury, and are prepared to supply their customers promptly with every variety of articles in tbe line of their busii.ess, on reasonable terms. Their work will l made of the best materials, and in the best and latest styles. Country produce taken in exchange. WILLIAM HAI'PT. BEN'J. HECKEKT. Sunbury, December 1, IH60. Notice lo Creditor. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted lo ibe subscribers for a period of over 6 months, will save costs by calling and settling before the 1st of february next, as alter that tune the ac counts will be placed in Ihe hands of a Justice for collection. I iill-i.Mj &. bttAA I . Suubury, December 15, I860 COTTAGE BIELES. 10 R SALE, cheap, three copies ef Cottage Bible, io two volumes, with c tbe com- iuentar.es. II. b. MASStU. 'QjCOllE ONE V3 and examine the u : and beautiful 8 II A Y L 8, and Rich DRESS GOODS Hrioht Sc Son, i ' - fin-. if- THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION: ItlCH DISPLAY of handsome goods at LOW PRICES 1 combining B E A L'T V ANDDURABILIT now on FREE EXHIBITION At 'the People's ONE P1UCE STOKE, OF 13. IT. BRIGHT 8c SON, Our extensive Stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Ui 2T C CD CO LE) 3, Notions, hosiery, jTOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CArS,- QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES, Hardware, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, Ac, Ac, Presents HARE ATTRACTIONS, A X D Splendid Inducements TO PTOCZASEPsS, Who wish to secure GREAT BARGAINS For the Smallest Quantity of CAPTAIN CAS II Oil Country Produce. REMEMBER that all goods sold at our establishment WARRANTED to be as 2). AND NO DEVIATION IN PRICES. In addition to our LiLP.GE STOCZ. We are constantly receiving New Goods, thus keeping up our assortment at all seasons of the year. VVe return our thanks to the public foi their liberal patronage, and shall make every etl'orl on our pari lo render satisfaction. Be lieving that Ihe nimble dime is better than tbe sluw quarter, we shall adlure to that olj time honored motto : 'Small profits and quick sales." E. Y. BRIGHT & SON Sunburv, November 17, 1800. y57lV "re C"9h Cold, Hoarseness jiijutcnzu, uuy irrtttmon or Soreness of ihe Throat, lie lieee the Hacking Couyk in Consumption, Iiron. chilis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and iice strength to the voice of Public Speakers and Singers. Few are aware of the importance of ciiM-kiiifi a Cnu?ti or (-CotiMiitii Cokl" in us firM stage tlsit which la the bt-iziiimiiK wuulu yield to s reiki lenicilv, if uritlttMeil, ikniii ulim-ks the Lun 'IlltOW.VW llliONclll Al, TKO till):,'' eoliuumii? rteimtlcr-nl ingrt-Uleuls, stlay l'ulino nary and llrom-liiiil Imtaliou. . I "Tint trouble in my ihrout, (for whi-h Brown's TKOCIIKS, Urown's TROCHF.S Urowu's tlie " I'KOCUKS" are a iu. ili,-) ntivit g aiuUe meotteu a mere waui'urtr N. P. WILMS -! recommend their me to rul.lictYt-uU-crs." nr.v. mi. ciiai-iw "Have proved extremely st-rvut.-ul'le lor Uuurm-iit-ift " KKV. HENRY WARD IlKI'CIICR. -'Alliii'iit inftluut lelitf in the tbktreakiilff TIIOCIIKB labor ol bieuthin cnlinr to Ami n.u " I KKV A C KUlil.OTON. Urowu's I "C'nntaiu uo Opium or auylloits nnttri :us." DR. A A HAVi:s, TROCHES. I Chemist, Uoi.m. 14 A simple ami pleasant combination lor Urown's .Cuiiftus, Ac " DB G F IHUKUlW, TROl'UKS.1 Uottoii. j ''Beneficial ill Bionrlntis." Brown's I Dli J K tV LAVK, j Bi'so.,1 TROCHKS ! "I hare proved Hum escellci.l f Whoop ing Ciaisli." Uiowu's , i'iV H W WARItKN, Uos on. TROCHKri. 'lienefii-ial wlien coiurtclu.il lo ,Kk, uAering Iroin I'okt." Urown's KKV 8 J P ANHKRHON, i ei l,iuur. TKOCIIKJ.. ! KnVrtual in removing H aimeiieu and iriiuiiiMi of the Thr-ut, so eoiauuia with Urown's iieakers snd Hinsers u Prof M r-TACY JOHNSON, TROCIIt;S. ' lilanse, Uh., Teaca m' tluiw, Houtiiera Urown's i Feinnle ColU-ire. oljrejit beiu-Gt when kikej lima and TIIOC1IKS. after preaching, aithey prevent HoarM-nrM t'n.iu llieir Mkl elteel, 1 think tney Witt beuf Urowus iienusneut ailvttnuitie to me M KKV K KOWI.KY, A M , TROCIll'.S.i Prrsntent of Athena Collrfie, Teuii. I rr Sold hy all Druggists at j cents a box. December tl, Utal tiiiipl NOTICE, 4 1.1. persons knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers, engsged in the Foundiy business, on uolcs, liook accounts, or otherwise, are eiuested to settle tbe same without delay. Thcue neglecting this notice must taut complain Il costs are auutu iu ineir accouuta. C. Its A J. KOKRBACH. Ruuhury, Nov. 17, 18B0. but C BACKERS CRACKERS, just received and for sale by tbe barrel or pound, at the Confectionery store of M. C. CKAKII AllT. f'Uiibuiy, October 13, 1"p0. I 1 tfo Mi HOW WITHIH EEACH OF ALL UUOVHttiniAKKirS ) ,Asz$L CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Broiuwat, Nkw-Yukk.. The public attention is respectfully jojuestcd to the follnwine cards of Ri.ua It..t. lu . .l the fSrover A. llaker tJ. M. Co.: A Card from the GR0VER & BASER S. M. Co Our Patenis liein now estiblisherf by M Courts, we are euublrd to furnish the (jrorer A Baker Machine, with important improveneme at greatly Itt'duced Triccts. The moderate price at which Machines mak' ing the Urover A Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the uso of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only Ire sure to buy Midlines making the Urover A Baker stitch, but also that such Machine are made anl stamped under our patenis and those- uf Elias Hower, Jr. ortOVER 6c BAKER 8. M. CO.. 4U5 Broadway, New York. A CARD f KO.M KL1AM HOWE, ill. AH persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the C rover & 8 Unkcr stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Orover A Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Aeeuts, or Licenses, ami stamped under my patent of September It), IMii. Paul Company, and their Licenses, alone, are legally authorized under their nun patents, and my said patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell tbis kind of Sewing Machine and all others areTtiiracies unon mv said oatent. and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIA8 HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 23. I8HU. tf New Arrival of Clothing". TH E largest and best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever bronchi lo this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothint; Store of 8CHWEITZER, HEILBRONNEK A CO., in Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coals, . Over ('oats. Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. I'ndcrSbirts, Drawers, Ac. HATS -A-TsTID CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest style of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete ! Their variety and styles meet attractive. And the prices defy all competition. Call ano examine for yourselves. 8CWEITZER, HEILBRONNEK Ir CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, 1860. THE VERY LATESTAURIVAL of MILLINERY GOODS, at the FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTAB LISHMENT OF Miss JOSF.riUXE SHOT. MISS SHAW has jusl retorncJ from th city with the latest New York and Phila delphia styles, comprising IB D Tl H 33 T S of every style, pattern, fashion, material and price. MILLINERY COODS. Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Collars, Edg ings, Caps, Notions, etc., etc. jar olj jac psrs, The handsomest, the most fashionable, ever brought to Sunbury. Call and see her Kurs. All Ihe new and tasteful styles of the season, with every variety of Trimmings, will be sold cheaper than ever. Orders for articles not on hand, will tie sup plied from the city, at the earliest posibI moment. MISS J. SHAW. Sunbury, October 37, 18fi0 4t WIISTTER GOODS, FOll MEN'S WEAR. Black snd Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blnok Doeskins, New Style Cassimerea, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinetts, Sils Mixed Coatings, Super Velvet Cords, Black Orciiailine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk Velvet Vest'ings, I'lain Silk Velvet Vestings, Nice Caasimere Ycslings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can lie found at the People's One Trice Store of E. Y. 2 right & Son, who have just cceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kind of goods, suitable for cold westher. 1'leate call and be convinced. K. Y. BISUJHT & SON. Sunburv, October 27, lSbO. HLACKSMlTIllXr. ! HENRY PETERS, '6 n A VINO takeu the BlacksmUhshop at Robrbach's Foundry, is pre. . oared to do all kind of btacksmuhmg to order, including hurstshoting ui tbe best stylo. Thankful for the patronage heretefore extend ed, be hopes by sliict atteution to business U continue the same. Country produce taken in exchange, Sunbury, Novrni'ier 3, lr-6ll. 3iu New Goods for the Ladies JIST HtXEIVED AT 23RIO-HT Se BON'S ! Plain, all Wool Delaines, Neat figured Delaines, Handsome Cashmeres, lliqh Coiorcd De laines, Strid Dusters, Nice Silk Pop tins, Mised Mohair Dusters, Plain French Merinos, Piloted Frei.rh Merino, Persian Twill, Brocade No veau. Plain Co- burgs, Dark mixed Debege, Hands'. Black Silks, New Style Dark Prints, (iloves of all Kinds. Hosiery nl all Kinds, New Style Nubias, Oprra Caps, Chenille Scarf, Mobair Head Dresses, Nredle Worked Collars, Ac, Ac, Ac. But it hi useless to attempt enumcraiin tho great variety of tioode we have now iu at.uo, suitable for Ladies' wear. We invite an in4-t tion of our t.lortt, E. Y.BHUJUT & SON. fc'unurj.tKtoWr S7. I Hi.O.