Y E A life! The term years of anrivalrwl soexsrss attending the COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION.' I kn-e made t household word throughout svety quarter 'l'l!!l'er7he"i'P'-'' "f " P"P'' Institution, over thice toualied thousand homes have kimnl appreciate .Uv beautiful works ..I' mt n their walls, snd .H..ire literature on theii tnbica, ths gtest bsntliLS derived Irom tircoiiniif S stltiarriHer ... ".insctipttons ' " 'W b""'! received in a latin aii.arsl ll'e,l wilh lhnt.il any precious ycni. TKRMSor PliilsCllirTION. A ny p?rs "ii ran hc me mctnbei by subset gangtbree d Mnrs, l' which a im they will recite 11.-The laigu mid supctb sicel engraving, 30 X 30 battles, emitted, F.LS.'.UT MUSI "P. HI NO HIS UK CKUUS." VdOne eopy, una year, uf that sicipnil)- ilLiiitated n.aitBjEine, TDK COsMOPOUTAV ART J' 'I HNAL," nrimr admissions, dunne- the season, t' lb. Uallrry ol "oiullii. S Is llrouilway, ! V ; tna'Vitl.'l. to Ihe nbuvo bench's, H'l re will be given lo .ib.ciit-ra, nndgialaiti.as preauunia, mil j .live Hundred Beautiful Works of Art! comprising valuable pniiiiiiige, n.urbiti., wia, culiinrs, ' Jto , f.rii.itip n tru.) 1.UU..IUM Im m,-,i Tr.eaupeit. tiig'xviti. which ibaenl.cr wi'l re- line entitled Falst..iTMuseiiiig h.ciuits. m one j ut I tie III biwlltliul anil popular euKlnVhns ever Issued in itnae'iiiiliy. Il is done un steel, m bur line mill ,i; It nJ it Plinlnl :i heavy flute ipi-r. ai by : inrhee. laul;. ' iti a uri choice or.ciineuia, a itnh e mm tue ulta . I either t Ihe library, pallor ot ollue lis subied la the cnrliM'i-,1 awue i'l Sir John FalaiafT nveiv in:, in Justice Mi di, w's i-lVc, the recluit. which have been slithered lor to 'mir. , artriliriTiit-m 1 It eouid-not be luiiiuhtdliy Ibe trade l.ir I Irs tti'iii five dollar I The Art Jouniiil is ti hi well known to tie whole cmitty 1 tJ tired rcmiiifmlMlhin. It ii a iimintif nt'y int.itr.itrd ino!.iziiie of Art, fui 'amirii Khaiiia, rl'ru-a. i'.tina, li, a- i aiti Ac , bv llie vety beat viitira in Aitit-ricii. A.ldrw, C. L. Dl'IIHY, Arn,ry T.A A. M6 fliuiHay, NeW'Yuik N. B- S'llwiii'tiwa rt'ceivtil ninl firwfi(d by II. II. MAilll. Annit, Fur Sun'niry and vkinity, where apvcuuni iJngioving unil Art .liMirnnl rnn tie ami. llrrrmber I, IftfO O O T A N 1) sTfoE MANUFACTOKY. Corner of liftirkit Square ami Hirer Strut STTlSriBTTIEVY, TJ. 1 111 E lulnrrihrr respoclfully informn llio riti ier ol tSunlmry and vicinity, that he hna opeiifJ a Bunt anil Shoe Simp on the corner nf Market Square anJ River street, opprmite the Court House, where he can he found at ail times ready to wait upon cin-tomers. Having conxidcrable experience, he is prepareJ to make up customer work of all kinds, at short juitiro, in the latent style and workmanship He keeps constantly on hnnd a large asort ment of Leather, of the heat quality, which en' aides him to make up good and duruhle work. Call and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere and you will save money. JOHN WILVEH. Sunhury, Nov. 10, I8ti0. ly "THELATEST STYLEOF GARMENTS, ARB CONSTANTLY MADE at the Fashionable Tailoring1 Establishment of .J .A. C OB O. 33 33 OIK, Market mrect, SI'MirnV. Pa. MHE subscriber, in addition to his large stock 1 of CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vcstings, &c ia constantly receiving new supplies from the citv Keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Uouda in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinds of Oentlemen s and Z'ov s wear, such as OVEK.COATS, DRESS COATS, FROCK. COATS, nUSINESS-COATS, VESTS, TANTALOONS. &c. 4c, 4c, in the very latest style, and in the most substun tial manner, at short notice. Any (ioods not on hand, will hn furnished ft nil Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. t f Call and examine my stock, no charges made fur showing. JACOB O. BECK. Sun'.iury, November 3 lNiiil . " A PRO FIT A B L E"iUJSIN ESS. "V'E wih to engage a number of good sub- " staiitial bu.siuois luen, to prosecute a buti iii's mcn is permanent, and in the bands nt active energetic persons can I e made very profita. die, altliougn we will not guarantee that any man can at first clcur $100 ur !jslf.tl dollars per imuiih, yet we do not consider that a man is doing justice to the business who does not clear above all expenses over $60 dollars every month. Any one out of employment will find it to their interot to call on, or write to us. We have (omcthing new, and only ubk to have those who would like to make money examine into this matter. A branch office of the business has been per manently located at buubury. For particulars address, or c ill on VM. M. THAYER. Kunbury, IV Olfice opposite Weaver's Hotel. Kunbury, December I. 1HK0 AOENTa WANTED I 1 A liook (hut ttcry Farmer, Mtcltaiiic and Liusinefs Man Wauls. fT PtBI.lMlEI), " TIIK TOWNSHIP AND t LOCAL LAWS OF Tllli STATKOF FK.NNSYI.- AM A," c-JinpiM Iroin the acta of Aarembly by William T. tluiuea; K mid iiubnUital by Edward P. Jainta. West t biatcr, . Tina w.uk c mtaiiia over 400 fiwx ofileacly primed matter, and will be a.ld by aupaTipli.iii. It iraehra the duties i. Juaiieeaol me Pceoe, Willi loriiis I r ttie tran,aeti.n .f tticu buamtea. It te.u iic ,iie dutiea oi ' Ci'natablea wilh all Ibe nteeanuy I vnua, ai.ertuuiiji u, Hit-i.itire. It iMiiums ibe dutu-a of bupci viik'H of ereiy County and lowiitbip in ibe iiute. ii eoiiuiiiiaine ni'xie ol prnce'tuTe for lh lut ing out and i f tha ivoilt wna compiled at Unmbliurir bv Mr Sumucl I u.itea. lie.iuly (uperiiilendcnt, and i l. ne worth Ibe nrice U the v.xuule lo any one luieri.twl Ii, C. mihoii Sth.iJia- It ciilitains Ibe ilullea o Towi.ihip Auun.ira. It Cuiiluina the Ihwi relative lo iiogaand 8i,cv It c.'UilMini the duneaof Aaarharua It eouUiiia the laws in Bwiue. relation to tkruya, Mules and It eonlnina the laws relative to Fences and Fence leweis. It contain! the bwi reiaiire tnUaine tluntins Tro, ....I Iieer. . Il mn'aiiis the Electiou Iws with all the neceaaaiy Forms Il contains the Naturalization laws, with all the neces sary Forii-e of Application. Iieoiiiunia a large number or I-gnl I'nruia, which are aaid in the eveiy ijav trunaactiou of huaineaa. such us Acauow'eilimeiiu, Alfidavita, Auicleaof Agrceincinaand Coi tMcia. rartuerahip, Apprentices, Assigiiineula, Altea-t-'ilbina, Hilli of Kxcbnnge and FiniuiBin.ry Nolea, Ihlla of t.ile, H.'uda, ChiH:ka. Covenmta. Dceda, Dcpiaition, lue H.I.I unci rr atnee Nolea, (jiiiilloid und 'i'elinut, Leueea, llottfraof Attorney, .Marriage, Moiteagea, Jtttceipls and Relea.sea. The work ia bound in Law aheep, and will be an Ul to aultfk nbcra at ffl 23 per eupy, payable nu delivery ol the work. The work hua iwnuied the revision ol ninny I Hie lieat lawcera in Ibe rHnle, ami liaa received their uiKpidl.tiM.laiauohution, aaa reli.ible band book of relerenra up mi all aih).ris up-mi which il tieuta. The whole ia arraiiL'ed in aueb a maimer aa to priacnt .a pbnii, eoiM'ine und t-x.ili'.'it atnteineiit of tbedutieaid' all Towiiklnp Orti re:a. .ia iniiyha readily uuderalial bv any one. Tics county will la? Ihorouiilily cunviniveil .if llie woik, ttn-l llo- anpnort of Ibe eilixaoa is lei-pc, tfiilly s heiicl. K. W. CONkl.INO CO, (ieiieral Ageula lot Nor. ttiuiu'wrlund and Montour roiiiiiii. I". . li xl eaiivuaaera are wauled ii all pal'B lie" Ibis county for the above work, to w h an a hlwral compensa tion will be given. Appliculiona, winch moat be main- at i early date, addressed to the (icncral Agculsul Duuulle, I a , will receive prompt atlcnlloii, Ileiteinbw- S, IPbO 41 fl Ell I N 0 EST Pelaineg, I'npling. 1M- Fine stoclc Black Dresg UooiIh. PrioUd Cashmeres, void wide, 31 aod 37 cents. Soon Dre Goods, much reduced C 00 P K R 4 CO N A It P. 8. K. corner Ninth and Market sis., -i8li2: Philadelphia. JLOTUS, Cassimeres, Katlinet. Heavy and light weight Ueaer elotha. clothi30"' 'Froud Be'i P'in Broad Paocy tod Rlack Cassimereg. COOPKHiCONARn. H. h corner Niotb 4 Market streets, 1'oc. 8, lG0. Philadelphia, , 15 V E N i iruing in puniieniiii private roada, of viicmiiiu; and aitci log roaJa, Hie building of brittle?, 4c., Ac- It t uiuina lhe Coii,uhii.-Ii.h. Ijhc, , expWnntlnns. ikv.ui .na und direcnona, together will, f,M (,t Uceda, Hoii.lt, l.'ontrueu. Ceilihialmi. Ac. A ... i. .' EVANS ft WATSON S 1'hiladtljjltia Manufact'd HalAtitander SnPe. 304 Chttnul Street, ririt.AtiKt.PIHA. riHFUK rVifea are now in oe all nvi-r the t'iiited?tntea, I and bava Ih-cii teated in mnny brrej tha following abuwa another iiietance ol theii eapubil ly in resisting fin i Witmfb's Ha IMS, J - I.anenater Tow nhln, July 30, 1WW J MF. Kvasa A WTan, Orntlrinni : The amnll slse No. 1 aaliimantlrr fafe which I puri bnai d from ynur HKent, Mr. Adam H. Dnrr, in Lnncnairr City, on J'lly Vtith, lHH. baa been aubjeeleil to a very aevera lent, wlnrh it witbatood in a moat antiefactory manner. This Hnli, eon latniiiff all my luaika, together with valuable pnpera hfloug. nt. to myaelf and aorae to my neighbors and irirnde, and rrrreaeMing a value of over Twenty Thonaaud Dollara, (jn.fhKi) waa in my Mill, which waa di airoved on lbs nighi fo the ilTlh of Jnlv. and pnaant thtouirh the lieiy orHeal onaeathed, ''he fnl wiA on the second tb-or, and fell In the tnaeii.rnt m the .Mill, and wna aiibjrctfd fur aix home uian mlciiae neul among Hie ruiiia. which wna zrently I inrreianl bv Hie romlmalion of a Imge qilulitltv of gram I eonRiird u itbtn the hrirk wille. After the fire tht rufe I wia opene,! nail tbr h.4a mid paprra taken out in a atiitn i 'f perfect pteaervarion, the paper not even benia itisi'nlor- ed. I'hia I'set wna, liowrvcr. to ninnv bvatnudera. a heller reei rnin-liiintl mi'f your PjIcS Itl lll could be einreunl in any other words Irom me. Yours, re.pcitlully, rMMfKl, RANCH Another Victory fur Kvant and HVf.wit'd SaUiniandt.r afe. O.wsno, N. Y., March 9 If-fiO Gentlemen It aff- rda me nmch plraiuie loiufortn you tbnt the Cafe N" ft, (upright) which I llrchaed of' I). Stroud, you I traveling agent, hna pimeil Ihioiigh an ex ceeibnyly ho( file in a three erotr brick building, which h-ate.l the nte t o while heat, a that the ci.rncia of il appear mcf.; ltt it urra.-rved mv h aika and valuable pnprra to the amount of sercrul Uiouaaud il.llaia, for which 1 leel Ibiinklul Yours, rrlpppifully, J.N Kl.llRIIKiK. tl? A hoire tiaa Ttmenl rftheni-.ve t.'l nlwn' f on i.nn l at ac4 Chonul street. I ilc-Jl Sjoulh Fuuilli n fhl'1elptnu. lletoU.-' , IMiO ly i'ii:t.iti m. v mh.my. rtMii: FAl.l, TERM of the present year was opened on Tuesday, the llith ol October, ult. Tiinird if Instructor. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancient Languages and English. Literature. It. S. Boyer, Associate, and Instructor in Muth matics, Natural Sciences, Book Keeping, cVc. Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embraces all the branches usually taught in Primary, Academical awl Claaaical Departnienta. The government of this Institution is mild, but firm, and all students are required to be diligent and obedient. llcpenscs. Boarding, room wilh furniture, per week, tf I, Ml to t,7.j Tuition per Quarter, S'i.OO " 7, 10 Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, Ac, extra. Students admitted at any time during the Quarter. For further particulars, address, J. K MIM-ET, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. Freeburg, November 3. I860. FURS I FUKS1 FURS I LADIES' IWXCV FLU KMl'OltlLM. tARi:iKA & THOMSON, oldstnnd No. fis Market airc.'t, nlKive F.ighth, south side, Philadelphia. We beg leave to call the attention of the IiiIicb to our large and varied slock of Ladies' and Childreu's FANCY FLKrt. Having had great experience, and enjoying pecuhal facilities in the selection nt Fura, xvu conhdi ntly nrlei our new stock to the inspection of the Indies, feeling assured Hint they will decide with us, in Us being unrivalled for bea ty and variety, consisting aa it doea oif every description of American and Kiimpeun Furs, manufactured in the latest and most approved stvles. Capes, Tulmns, Victorincs, Cliaika, Mutla and Culls, embracing Suble, Mink, Slone Martin, German Fitch, iSil'eriau Squirrel, French Sable, French Squirrel, American Fitch, and Silver Mnltin. ' f" Thankful for the very liberal patrnnnge heretofore extended to ua. we hope to merit a cniiliniMnce of the same, by lurmthing a gox1 article nt the lowest Cuah Pllees. FARF.IRA A. THOMSON, No. 818 Market Street, Philadelphia. N B Old Furs altered to faahiounble styles. Octobers, 1K! 3inw DEFOREST. ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Nus. 75, 77, 70, 81, 83 J- 85 Duane Street Would notify tho Trade that they are opening Weekly, in new and beautiful patterns, the wamsi'tta rmvrs, also the A in o m It c n g , A New Print, which excels every print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive tale. OrderB promptly attended to. February 4, 18ii0 ly pi TflUL'Rl.D WOOL DKI.AINI'S. I . Auction lots from ii toTScelils. Children's Plaids and Delaines ICJ loSOrla. Lupiii'abutat French Merinoeafroin auction Three very choice tola at en. p; and !H eta. Plamall w.a.1 Caahmerca Irom aucuou, cheap at SS and o-i ceiila. r Figured Chintz colors, Cuehtncrcs, SS, 3, J8 d ao ets Fund, striped and fig 'd Valeuciaa,24 to 4U els. I ig'U aud striped Flench Poplins. UI.ACK DKKSS GOODS. ctioiilolB black French Mcruioea, 6.'i to fllKI lion Iota black Wool Delallua an to 50 els. iljlime rpi.ilny I J ynnla wide at 1 ij. ileal .IS cent black Wool Ilelamea in totvil. liiuck Amelines and lig'd Alpacas. .... C("JPKR A CONAKU, . P E cor N'-V'H and M AHKK T Stiecta. October 7, l.-ftll. Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. Paper Hanglug Manufacturers, (FALL TRADE,) TOVVKM. A BOl HKE. haviin? removed In then Xew 1 l Sl.ore. f'l.rii... I."......! 1 !... . . ..... w..... ... ..U..M niiu ..jni.ri streets, are - prewiialuoflerM the Hade a Inrae and cl.cai.t .ti "'"I ol Wail I'apci., B,"fr. FireSere.ua, n iinfeiw Curtain Gonda, etc, &e, a.loftbe nevve.t aiai l-n designs. Ii"i tha ..west priced alti. la to the tioesl Hold and clvtd lleeoiationa. l'urchaaers will do wed lo visit llie eaiablislimenr ( SAVE YOUR FRUIT V UMNO MAMON-M Patent Sheet Metal " Kcrow Top PliEsKHVi; JAU. MASON'S J'ATENT SHEET MKT A I. MlinW 7'OP! 11 that is necessary being to screw tho Cap down upon the HubU-r Oasket, which is pl.ecd outside Ua.n the shoulder of the Jar, 3 4 of ... inch dis tant from the lop ; prevent the possibility f ,... flavor ol the fruit being injured by coming in contact wuh llie Rubber. ' 8 I ersonsileatrmg tleM J,r,t can ,up b avms Iheir orders with H. JJ. MAbSKR, ' rvunl.ury, J ,,n8 8 , 8fi0 w CENESEK SALT. WHOLESALE &c KETATT I eraona. leaning tin lei Ff'1 & OBANT (a, ,h. Man, - More,) have just received 600 ln. of mmoth .f Ik .. i (round, Kolar and rine Wait, 700 8scks of every sack dirrum..! ... . . . . - - - -mar (round Solar Kalt contain 2a5 pounds nfSalt and 200 bags of 8alt containing one Bushel each, rtiie salt is the best and strongest now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves, riillihury Kept., 8, IfjfiO. uutnrv srovi: moiiks AND HOLLOW. WARE FOl'XDRY, rill.ADlil.l'HIA. ABBOT &b TJnnT t- f"vT Jwr'lpl'i. n' ,UO' f,'"ov,'d "y'" r HTWVES dimple and Stile Riaiins KIM Wale, Pus!, New York. If 4ltl Hmwii Kieet. I'biludeli.na. IV II rVnd f..r Caiatntue. Aiiiuat4, leOO Uin w DRESS COATS OF Hie best quality and latest ityle. just received and for sale at HWKITZKR. UKILIJROXNKR CO buuburj, Aogost 11,1800. PWIMXQ ? GRANT have just received b , , railroad Ihs largest assortment of QUEENS. WARE and CJLAKSWARK ever brought to Bunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting- of Horinrr llrraa p,inl. si... 1 ,. - . . . ... niua. A ,i (uiasi li'X i1- Ar. reus' Peoji HEAR .WHAT THS PEOPLB BAT. Tha nnderraewt having twe ) rmfesanr HUMPimRrS' PPFCIKIO HOMiKdPATIIIO RRMKt)tK In our families wilh the mwrt satisfactory results, and bating full eontV danca In Hielr genntneiwas, purity, and eniracy, cbeerfnHjr reenmmend them l all pemnna a im wlnh to hare safe, re liable, and eiBcaclnus raiucdles at hand fur prirals or do mettle iie, . . . The Rev. Wm. Iloamer, e lllnr of " Tlie Northern Inde pendent," Auburn, ! V. i Ibe lice. K. II. creaaey, n.ii., Ilectiir of !. t'cter'a Church, Auburn, N. Y. the ReT. B. I. rrea, Chaplain of the Auburn Mule Priaon; lbs Kev. Spencer M. lib''. Rflnr, NeK lbhlford, lin the Rev. Atlen 8telr, Near Vork Conference ; the Her. Pamuel Nlchnta, KaavOcnenea Conference, N. Y. i ttie Rev. P. 8. Pratt, llnraet, VI. ; the Iter. John K. Ib.ble, Mutraln ; A. O. Ilarl, V.v.. Clb-a. N. Y. I Ibe Hon. Neat Dow, Portland, Me. ; the ,m. fVlnuler Colfax, South-Henri, Ind. , the Hon. Ile.,re llumpbrev; N. V. ; Henry D. Cook, K.q., Eilitor o( The Ohio tt.itc Jniiriint, Colninbiii, OtJo; the Hon. R. II. Oriibam, M.illue 111.; Il.e lion. Tlmmna .1. Chase, Monti cello, FK ; the Hon. J icph llenedk't, t'tica, N. Y. ; Wm. It. iatot. f'..., lltb a, N. V. i A. t. H "id, Hsip, UUca, N. Y. ; J;iBwa Plnnkcll, M'., hv11lc, Innn. MST OK PPKl'llftC ItKVIEDIM. t Vo 1. For fever, Conie!lon, an.1 Inflammation. I No A For Worm Fever, Worm Pelic, Welling the Bed. fc. i.For Colic, Crying, Teething, aud Wskefalneai of I Inrnnta. No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera Iufantam, and Rummer i Complaint. . j N. . For Colic, rtrlfluga, D-.-aentery. or Rloody Flul. g For Chulera. Cbolera lorbii. Vomiting, j;,, ; For Co.i-1, a, C old", Iiifi iciira. and Sore Throat. K.1 . For T ...th a. be. Face aebe, and Neuralgia. J . g.For ll.-a.lacbe, Vertigo, Heat and Fullnaas of the lleao. s.,. in. Pvjci i-'i I'ii m -Fir Weik arid Derange ! gt,....e,-,, C.otatii,.itl..o. hi, I l.lver Conipl lint. So. It. Fai Fkui. litaKiilLtaiTtus, ecamy, rainiui, or 1 gupprewd Period. ' No. 12. Fir l.e.ic irrbeft. Profuse Menses, aud Bearing Down of Feinal". No. l.l Fur ln IP. Hoarse Cough, Bad RrcaaWng. No. 14. 8mt Riikim Pius Fur Kryalpelaa, Krupllons. P'nplat nn the Face. No. t. ltni:ciric Pii.m. For Pain, Lameness, or lore ne n tiie i:iit, II ick, le.itin, or l.inilia. A.F r Fever ..' A.ue, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OK' M'oan:ivet Ague". .... , . , p K..r I'llea, tl:iod or Itlecilnu. Tnternal or Fxleenat. O. F or fore. We ik, or ln:l4ioe-l I'jea and F..vetida; FaN tuc Weal:, or ll'arre l .Si rbt. C For Catarrh. .' (t:o, Ui.w r recent, l ilbrr llh Obtrilclj ill or prolate o.el.firi. . W. C tor Mine p.iii,- Cva.ii, abating lis violence and shovW-lihig'ils couihv. In ail aoute ,Maei,.. a, u -Ii aa Ftrvera, Inrlammatlona, Diarrhea, 1vcii'im v, t rwup, lUieuiiritim. and aueh erur lire dlarates'aa Henrlel Fever, M.-iml. a, and t rjuipelaa, Ibe dvaulage ol giving Ihc proper r-inc.lia promptly la ob vloua, and in all aueh emea the apeeltira act like s charm. The entire dleeae Is utlcn arrested at ome. anil in ail capes Ilia violence of the ntluek ia imnteraied, tha uieaaae ahurt ened, and renderixl lebadanccrnu. Cuxha and Ooloa, which arc ol audi frequent occurrence, Slid wl.ieh ao often lay the loutoltilion of dlseiuietl luliga, bronrbilia and coiiautt.'ptloii, may all be al mice cured by the Fever and CeiiRh I'm is. lu allcbroiue diaenmia, nueh aa D.vapepxla, Weak Slomscb, C..nstipa1lnti, l.lver Complaint", Pile., 1'eianle llehlllty, and Irregularities, eld 1 1 -a. Incln-.e, S .re or Weak F.ycs, Calai rh, Salt Kheuni, and other old eruption", the cine baa apecltiea whose proper application oill allord a cure in aliuoat every liialauce. Olten the cute of a ah.cle igironic ditticulty, aueh aa Dyajiejiala, Piles, or Catarrh, Headache or Female Wcak Baaa, haa murcalian paid fur Hie cae ten times over PRICK. Caae of 9fl vinla eomptvle. In morocco, and Hook to Case of an vinla, and Hook, pluln .... Caae of lb uumhercd loves, atnl Honk 3 Caae of 6 boxen, umuhere'l, and Hook 1 H'ogle cumbered hoxc". with dire-'liotia '-'."i cents. binvbi lelt.aed hoxcii, wilh ilirc.-tioiin ecnta. Large case of li uc. vinla, Tor planlera and bj!iiiiaii..,.siij AI.0 SI'KCIFICi". Fob AaTnyi oa PttTiitstc Oppr.-""e., t)l(Ti nil. I.tilioretl Rreiilhliii. attended with Cough and Ko oration. Price, 60 aenta tier box. Fob Kab IitmalAlinea isn llcrxi:--". liieebarrea from tta? Ear, the result of H.-iirlvl Fever, Meioiles. or Mercurials. For Kolc tu the lli-net, llanluewi of Iteriuir, and Kinging In tlve Furs, and F.ur iielie. Price, fai iwti par boa. Fob Staoici.v. Knlarccd llt.nuls. Fnlar.'e.l and Indurat ed Toriails, Saelllmrs and Old t'lcercVmlnlouB Cactiexy of Chtklren, Price, .'ill eenls per Im.v. Fob ii:XKttil. liKrunv.- tliysical nr Nrv ills Weakness. F.ltbar the acsult of Si. ki.eia, Kvceeive Medi'-ation, or ta ttf iMting Discharires. 'i ice, Ml eel.te per box. Fob Daursr. Fluid Aeeiin.ulnll.'iis. Tumid iri-llinga,with gcaiity Secrvtioiia. Prh-e, oil eenls per box. Fob llxs-Wws. Iballdy ficknec", Vertivo, Nnt.sra, Yomlliug. SickiuMS from ri ling or motion. Price, oil eenls per box. FOR CbisjaRT DleKisra. For (Imvel, Retinl Calculi, Dim cult, Painful L'rhuillon, Diseases of Ihc Ki.lnws. Price, 50 centa per box. Fob Uf-HIHAI. KuteeHi.xa. Involuiilary Die!iargcs sod Comequcnt Prnati niton and lleblllly. Had Kesulta of Rvll llahlva, Hie innit auccesi-ful and ellieleut reinedy known, and may be relied upon aa a cure. Price, alth full direc tions, $t per box. Persona who aleli to place tliepiselvea under tl,e profes sional are, or lo aeek advice of Pror. llcMenvacva, can do So, st bla oftice Ml tluMi,lway,dally from 3 A.M. to 6 P.M. or by letter. OCR KKMI.DrM HV MAIL Irfiok over ttie tlt : make up a case of what kind yoa choose, and inclose the aiutniiil in a current note or atauijis by mail to our sildr.. at No. bll'i Broadway, New-York, and the medMna III be duly returned by mail or ax press, free of chartre. AOKNTri WANTF.D. Wcdesire an active, efTicient Aeent for Uie aale of our Kcine-lit inevervloa n or Community In tb Cidted Stales. Ad lie. Dr. F. HCMPUItl.VS A Co. No. Mill Hnoauwav, Ni:w-Yobs. A. W FISHF.lv. A gent. Sunbury, Pa. May 20, lbo.U. ly SUNlTRY STEAM FLOURliSG IJXIfflETTaLs an. flHK subsciibcrs having; taken possession of this first claw Kl.Ot KINti Mil.., arc pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Miorte.-t Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the iuten. tiou of the linn to stock the Mill a large Sup ply ol Graiu, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the ipjanlily can always be obtained. The greatest care will tie taken to turn out a su' pcrior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' iiiirably adapted. Strict attention will bo paid to tho wants of customer, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requeued. MO KUAN &. CO., Runbury, June 83, IHriO. Madame Schwend's Infallible Powders, I?OR the speedy and ifTtiCtnal cure of all Infl'tinmatitma, Fevers, Rueumativui. Dssiteitfia and Isiver Com. pin int. Pile, tiruvel, nnd all Acute and L'hiomc Diseaues ot ariulUann-WiiUlren. Semi 3 cent stamp ti her aent. (i. li. JO.VKS, Dox '-(: I) riiilmlflpliiH (. iniudreda i.f tevtimoi.iuls. Agtut-y. H W Cor I'll i id and Aruti streets. Oct ti, IhHj i;tw SHAM0KIX VALLEY POTTERY " I'lHE subscriber respectfully informs the public that be is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles eat of rSuubury, all kinds of Eaithen Ware, made out of Itetl Cement Clay. This clay produces the beat and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in inunv respeeta, to stone w are, and is less liable tu crack by sudden heat and cold. The subsciiber refers to Priling &. Grant, Sunbury. Addrets, JOSEPH SAVIllliE, Oct. J a. ICfiO. ly tuiibury. Pa. II A II HIS P II XT Ut, B 1 1 o v n r ij at 2. a in , MAUKKT SO.UAUK, 8UNBTJRY, 3?A. June 'ii, 18b0. DR. A. W. FISCHER, OFFERS his professional services to the citi una i.f M....I...... I "Mll.-U. J SOU TltlllllV. Office st ths Drug Store. Sunbury, June 3b, 1830. The Parii Mantilla Emporium. V' u. 7ll CHKSMIT STKKCT Pill I ani-i .,. ,.. Ilie.'.''''."!,'.'' '.K" dispkiy' .1KJ ductious ( Inane uutuuloeuired e OLOAiKa Se MANTH.T.AO To which haa been added a Ft'R DKPAIirvii. v r , winch embraces the sarseat aaaalineiit of Fura' oi" all Nat tons, liK'ludlne; Real Kuaaian mhle. Fine Dark iludaoii . """ iericii niina rulile. Royal Krnillie, Clonchilla, r me Dark bilierian Ruorr mads up ill the mail faablonable stylus lor Ladles Vinler Coatnuio. All UibkIb warranted One Filed Fries from which no deviation can lie made. TI a I'ana Manlilia Ckaik and Fur Kmporiuiu, No 7nn Chesnut alreet, (ahnva Seventh, south side J J. VV. FROCTOR ft CO OlMIUCI UlU, IOW. Jill T?AI.I. AND WINTER CLOAK". V if sll ths new stvles, Resdv Made, or Mads tnarde. Aa rb-;aiit slicks ul' Ckdbs from which in. select Fisaiclaaa work al popular prices, aud all garrtwiils guaran teed lo St and fdeaiHS. Ueuted, well uiads Cloaks at modarats prices for Brst ctaas people. Li.Abs,iar jnst ths right Studs for Ladies, Musses and ooys wear. COOITR ft CONRAD. NINTH and MARK KT Streets. October 7, IHk). Philadelphia. " INGRAINED CARPETSr MAM'FACTl RKD and far Sale by M. lejlhraiull and McDnwell's Building Psiner ft Co: , Nortk East eoiuer, second aim Macs streets rhuadelphra. OOODS GUARANTEED. OiU.ber jr. 1 50. A tUPt RlATIVt TONIC, DIURETIC, s- Awn lHYIGDRATINd CORDIAL To the Citkeus.of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apotheraiirt, Drupiiti, Groceriand Prirate Firnilie Wolfe'i Pute C(i7nac Bramlye Wolfe'i PiueMmleria, therry and Port Win. Wolte'i Pure Jumfticii and Ht Cfix Rum. Wolle'i Pure SkU h and Irish Whiakjr. ALU IN BOTTUiS. I bg Irflve to mil the attention of ttie citizent of the Unilt'ii Utatt t the atcve Wmra nnd igiqmna, immrted by UiMLrHO WtLr. itfNrw York, wbe name ia (ami 1 iiitr in every pHit tf ihia country for the purity of htsvele- urntra ycinrdmn inchnnppa. ivir. tvune, 111 nn icwcr u. me. apimkuittol the punty of tin Wiuea and Liquors, aaya: "I will atnke mv rt-nuintion as a man, my aumduiK na a inerclmnt of thirty ynirs'i residence iiUhe City uf Mew York, lh:tt nil the Hramly and Winea which 1 bnitle ate pure at imported, and of the belt quality, and cun tte relied upn by every purchaser 1 Kveiy b"l'.le haa the proprie tor's .mine on the wax, and a facsimile of his sigimture imi the cetnfirute. The public are respectfully invited to call and e xnniine fur themaclvea The public are respectfully iiivititl tncntl and examine for UieiiiKlvea For aulb at Ueiail bv all ApothrcaiieaandOrucrra in Philndelphia. Okori.s H AHTon,No t-3'2 Mntketat t PhiPa. Head the futlowinq from the New York Courier : I.normous Ki Hincs for of,a Nkw York Mkhciia?it are happy U inform onr fellow-citmena tlmt there isnneplnre iumircity where the physician, apothrenry, and country mere hunt, can go and pnrpht.se pure Wines and Liquors, ns pure as imported, and uf the best quality. We do not intend to give an eliibornte desctiptien of this meichunl's extensive busim-m, atthufrh il will well repny nuy alrimger or citizen to visit I'dolpho Wolfe's extensive wurrh nisr. Nos H, 20 and 22, Heuver street, nod N"S. 17, lyandaiaMnrketfiekl street. His sb-ck of Hehrnipps on hand rendy for nhipment coutd not have been less tlutu thirty thiJUKind enses; the Miaudy, snme ten thousand c.iset Vintjipeao to ib-iC ; and ten thnusHiid ennn of IMnrteirn, ilieiry nnd Port Wine, tScotch and Irish Whisky, Jumnirn and St. Croix Hum, aome very old and erpmltonny in thisct untry. llenlso had three large rel larfi. filled Willi iirandv. Wine Ac , in chinks, atnier Cus (tii-lliiiie key, rt miy f'tr boitlinz. Mr. Wolf.' eaten of tS'himppa bit year amounted t one hundred ami eiRtity thou wi ni I lor.rn, and we hope in leai than two rears he niny eetTunily surcessful with his Hranches and Wines. His busiuens merits the pntronnce of every kvcT ol his species, rnvote inmiiies who wmn pure wiuea ami ii nuors for meiliral use should aend their ordeia dirpft t Sit. Woi.p, until even Apothecary in the Innd make p their mimla to thseuro the poisonous Mutt irom thctr shelves and renlniT it with Wor.FB's pure Wines and t.iouors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the Bcroimnodiitioii of snmll dwilers in the country, puts up assorted ensea of "tvineji nnd Liquors. rueh a man, nuo aucn a nierctiHiu, should be snstained nsainst his tena of thousuiuls of npxi neiiTfl in the TnittMl tSiatea, who sell nothiti(t but imitutiotis. ruiiiouit ulik ti httiimti henlth nnil hannineti. For lnle by GKURGK 0UIGI1T, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. September P, 9M flm p. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1860 NEW YORK LINES- CAMDKN ft AM BOY AND PHILADKI.PIU A AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.U L1.NK9, From Philadelphia to Kew York and Wuy I 'laces From Walnut Street Wharf aud Kensington Depot, Plnladelpliiu, wilt It-ave na iuUowa, ii rAKK, At fl A M, via Camden and Ainboy C Ac. A Accom modation, 92 23 At 0 A M, via Camuen and Jersey City ew Jer sey fttimniixlnuon, J At 0 A iM. via Lunideu and Jersey city Mornuur Mail, 3 (0 At 111 A M, Via KeusiiiKton and Jersey city. Wes tern Kxjiress, 3 on At l'Ji I'M via Camden and Amhny, arcoinmodation 2 $S At 't V M, via Cumden aud Aiitboy C and A. Ex press, 3 00 At ii V M, via Kensington, and Jersey city. Lvc tiuiRT Kxpiess, 3 00 At 4 P M, via Kensington and Jet ey city, 2d Clims Ticket, 2 IK At 6 P M, viu Camden A Jersey city Evening Mail 3 00 At II P M, via Camden and Jersey city .South. Mail 4 it Al a f iM . via i'ninaeu nuu Aniboy Accoinmottq lion. (Freight and Passenger,) 1st class ticket. 23 ! " ISO The 6 P. M. Mml Line rune daily. The 11 Southern Mini !:ttunlayB excepted. For Helvidr-re, Huston, FletnniRton, Ac, nt 8 A. M from Walnut street whnrf and 3P- M , from Kensington t- or AiHiich Uhuuk, Allentown and iJetlileliem, at 6, A M viu Lehmh Viillev Railrond. Fot Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scrantnn, Wilkeslmrre, Montroae, Gicut Hend, Ac, at 6 A M, via Delaware, int'KBwainia aim western itanroan For Freehold, nt 6 A. M. and S P. M Foi Moujit lU4iyf at tt and 9 A M , and "i, and q WAY LINES, For Rristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3 aud 4 J P. M., roin ieniniKion. For PuUnyra, Delauco, Beverly, Burluigton, Borden town, Ac, at 1-21.3, and 4iV M. Fifty p hi nds of lloKae only, allowed each passenger, Pasf tigera are pi oh tinted from tHkiiiar anvthins: as ilair- a a tie but their wearing apparel. All UaEeace over fifty pounda to be pnid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility fur R-igguge to One Dollar per pownd, and win uh ue uaoie ioi any amount ueyona iuu juoiuis, ex cept by spectid eontmet WM 11 GATMKR Agent C. A A. R. R Co February IH. lbflo. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EXGEIa. or Sunbury. Fa., HAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND St' MM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public tu call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his st.ack of goods will befound, FINE UI.UE AND BLACK 7PaElTCH CLOTZ. Fine IS lack and Fancy Casimeres '1 weeds, Sat inctts, Jeans, black Italian Cloth, Caahmerette, Cottouade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, alao a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Dlack and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Ilereges, Chali and Chali Robes, Uerege Delaine, Uerege Robes, Figured Urilliant and a variety of o. her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Stiawla, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go'ds. Also a large stuck of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, (Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N. U. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce te en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. SunburyMay.19, ISfiO.tf. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS. &C TIMIE subscriber having opened in Thompson's - Iirick liuilding. Mill street, Danville, a latge and complete stock uf FORKIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tha best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Msderia, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale al the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of ua can lava at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for PAMII, V II 8 E , may rely upon being furnished wilh a pure and unadulterated article. LT Using determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of ths publie. AU erders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jura 16, 1880. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UXITED STATES AMD EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. NB. - Communications by mail promptly attended to. Bept, I860 lyS J. PALMER & CO., Market StrtH Wharf, I'kilafa, Dealer $ in rials, tlieeie and Provlaiona, HAVE ennatautly on band an ssaor truant of Dried and I'ickled Fish, e , vis Mackerel, Shad, Salmon, Blue Fiah, Herrings, Codash, Be, Pork, Laid, Shoulders, Hams, Hides, Cbeeaa, Beaiu), Hies, fte. October S, I add 3inw TiLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank Mortgages, Uouds, Executions, Summons. U., foi sale b H. 8. MA6SEK. HIQHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. M. C. GEAlllIAUT, Hal returned with a neasj Htnek of Oobfecticmaries, Fruit and Toys. T T seerss ai If new age, a new life wa open- Ing upon na, iWmating every heart to nobler deeds and higher alms! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glew anew and teek lo develops sub limer beauties and grander conception. Tha btisineu world too must feet the new In fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than waa eter dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wardi "The greil events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionariet, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He ia also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wbolesa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among his stock of Conlectionaries. may tie found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, all k inds of scent, Hurned Almonds, laiveDiops, Cream While, Mint Drops, red snd white, 11 Ianvon Jelly Cakes, Rose, Fruit Drops, ' Vanilla, ftick Candles, ol all scents Cammon ieciets. Rnck Csndy, Liquorice, Almoiut Candy, FRUIT. Bananas, Dates, Currants dried Pranes, Flea, Citrons, Nuts of i Almonds, Ratsons, Nuts of all kinds I.KMOX SYKU1 of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars end Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionanes, fruit, I oys, rVc, all of which is tillered cheap at wholesale or retail. VST Remember the name and place. JfJ M. C.OEARHART, Market at., 3 doors went of E. V. Bright & Son's atore. Sunbure, April 14, 1810. ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fnr Store ! John Tare Ira. No. TIK ARCH Street, be tween ?th, and Hih, Sta. rilll.ADI'.I.IMIIA. ir (leite of eiS .Market Sir.,) Importer, Mnuuftirtnrer of and Dealer in nil kinds of FANCY FLRS. Having removed to my New Store. TIP ArcftSt..and beins now enfttifred entirely in the Manufacture and &ile of Funcy FurB. which, in aeeordaaee with the "One I'riee Principle." I have marked at the lowest possiMc prices conaistent with a renaonable probt. I wiaikl aolieit a viait from thoae in want of Fura for either levdiea' orChtidrena' Wenr.and at inspection ot my aeleetioa of those soaata. satisfied, as 1 am, of my ability tu pteuse in every desired esscnttul. rV Persona at a distance, wbn may find it inconvenient to eatt peraotially, need onlv name llie article, they wish toaether with the price, and inatructioua for Bendinp;. nnd forward the order to my ndtlreaa money accomiMinyiug to inauie a aatisfactorv cnmpliance with their wishes. Philadelphia Aiif;usttlr1. IS-ftl SmSJ. w HEGEIYIAN Sc COS COIIDIAL KLIXIK OK CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by IIF.CKMAN ft CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists snd Druggists, 161, 3U9, Sll aud 756 Driwdway, New Vuik. TUB virtues of PERUVIAN BARK ss a Tonic have been loo loiifc known to need comment. The CALISAV A ('or King's Bark,") is I he moat valu able of Ihe uumer sua vnnetiea nf the Peruvian bark, and in the KLIXIK la combined with other insredieulB that iucreaae ita etficacy and at the same time overcome the intensity ul iu bittei, rendering it a must Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living in FF.VF'R and AOI'F. diatriela.it will be found invaluable as a preventive. Half of a wtue- Klaaa full laken night and moininft, rendering the system mucn leas sutijec i to the uuliealih) intiueiice ol the attm nhere. DIRECTIONS Dose for an adult, half a witiegbias full before breakfuat and dinner; children fioin one to two tensjaxins lull i it may be taken with or without a Utile water For sale at this ufTiee. Mareb 17, lh6o LOOK HERE, IF VOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. 10 TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received Jf ""in Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists ot Gen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boota. Children's Calf Boots. Also a variety of i omen s i all l.ace Hoots, w omen s Marivco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CAM!. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco fur aale for cash. WM. H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1660 FROM U joniliiff Valley to IMilladi-lplilsi. New York, llalllitiorc, AND ALL P01XTS NORTH, SOUTH S? WEST. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURU RAILROAD. STJIWMEH ABHANOEMENT. Two Daily Pnseenrer Trains will he run Iwtweeu Scraulon and Nurthuintwilaiid, aa loliuwa: MOV1M1 SOUTH : live Phil's Mail. N. V F.x Scrant 10 A.M. 4 P.M. Airtveat Pittaliai, 0 rW 4 M Kuigstou, 7 us j go ShickBhinny, 7 60 6 vr, llerwick, b a M liliaimabuig, 8 ill 7 30 Unpen, U Ml 7 Ul Danville, ft its g 10 Northuuilrland, In lai e t.i MuVINU NOK I'll : I-enve N. Y. K.. Phil's Mail. Noiu-umberhwd, A 30 A.M. 4 15 P.M. Arrive at Danville, t Oi S 90 Hnpcit, V". 6 so ULairaabutg, 6 ii C 141 Berwick, T I A a 31 hhickslitnny, 7 a 1 05 KinnBtun, 8 3o 7 45 I'ltUton, H 47 6 to peranum, is S 45 'l'h Laekawauiw and Dha-navbutg Railnawl conuerts with lha Delaware, lckawsnna and Western Railroad, al Soriiiitnu, lor New Y ork and Phikidelph.a, and nilerme diale iHiiuia I jut ; also for f.reat Uend, Bitiglwiuiiat, (Syracuse, Buffalo, N'iaawa Kails, and all important points West. At Riiieit it eonnecla with the Caltawiaau Rail road, for points both F-ast and Weal. At Nwilhumbeiland it eonnecla with the Buuhury aiai Krie Ruilroad. fm pomis West aud South. M .W.J ACKrKJN, ap't. Kingiton, Augutt S3, ltaStl. New Air Line Route TONE "W yOR K. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between the two Cities of NEW YOBS AND HABKXSBTJKCt vis READING, AI.LKNTOWN AND EASTON. Monona; tvl press West Icaivea New Vrwk at 6 A. M . and rhiladelphui at H a u , arrives at Harriatnirg al III 45 r. M eAainectins al Hairtaburg with train oa Nia-theru Oeutial Road fur Buuuury, VS lUiauiaport, Lock Haven and uiler mediate statluns. Mail Train West leaves New York al IS uonn, and Philadelphia al 3 30 r. sr., euuimctini wilh Usui cm North fit CsnUul Road for statuais as above, aud also 011 all trains on tbe Williamaport and K.lmna. Mail Train Kasi leaves Harrisbuig at t, a. at , and ar rives al Philadelphia al I r. M., aud New Y.ak al 3 30 r. M., in lime to lake boat or ears fur Ibavton, fte. Pst Cxpress East leaves llarriabu at 115, on airtral of Northaru Central Tiain, and arrives si Philadelphia al ISr H.andNawYoikaiwr.M. V bI,0?'!!'0''?.'" b-Aween New Vork or Philadelbiaaud Harrisbuig. Fur beauty of acsneryaial speed, enmfott aud aecosamn. dation, una route preavuiu superior uulucainajiLs to ths traveling publia Oifios ia New Vork, for of Courtland slrsst, Pkluvdel. phaa, Uriaid and CalluwhiU atraets. LARS b4Wta ,NW Vo" ,,d H'r,sbarg FIVE POL FurTickeUi Prsigkt or other Informsikm, apply In t l. 11.1 Uh, Ocasial Asent. Birri-Imr Juiie JWj. IMO-Oy CJILVER WATCHES. A few doubt km ir sals st very loss Prfv-w by H. B MAt-t-ER. ilVE'MlMUlREEZER, As Improved for I Hfi 9 an4 60, l)y E. KETCH iMft CO., Sua Peart-Rtreet, New-Totk. THE only Freeier constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens tha freezing of the cream tha other removes it ss fait as frozen. Tba most rapid in freezing, wilh tha least quantity of ice. The moat economical in cost, as it is the moat simple and durable in structure, Kor sale in all the principal cities snd towns in the t'nioTi. Esch Fleeter accompanied with a book of re ripes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 3 00 4 quarts, 4 DO 6 qusrts, 5 00 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 nil 20 quarts, 12 00 Apply to H. B. MASSER. Sunbury. June 2, 1800. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT 8TRF.KT, SUNBI RV, PA nHE subscriber has just opened at his well 1 known establishment in Sunhurv, one of the hea pest and most desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell fur CASH or exchange for Country Preduce. Those desiring to purchase aoods will do well to call and examine his stock. j BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Dulaini, Figured, Striped snd Plain,! French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, "lain and Striped I must be seen to form an idea of the extent and ! variety. j Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls ; 'Thibet and Urocbe Mliawls. j Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet i For Men and Hoys' Wear, lilac k Casanneres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy. Due- ! Skin CasRimeres, Satinets all kinds. FLA3STJSTELS, v hite and Red r lannela, all grades and prices, ' Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qualtios. READY-MADE CLOTlllNO j Boots and Shots, Hats and Caps, Ac, c.. all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards quality, stvle and price, with any in the country. II A HDWA KK, a Kill tt.ortim-ut. Wood and Willow Ware, lueensware, of all descriptio'is. Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, etc., Paints. Oils. Glass, Dye Stufls. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv.tlcL il, 185!!. THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug, Paint and Glar.s Store, 8. W. COR. FOURTH ft CALLOW HILL STKKKTS, iiii..iii;i.riii a. D RVOGiaTS, .Mfrcliniit, Farn.cri. nn.i the p.it.tie everywhere. I will sell at wllolralr und re . tne Spring Trade of lexin, a heavy stock ol liiuge, Medi Clues, Chemicals, fte, &c, Ac. -Al.ixio Uuxes of Window Ulass, assorted sizes snd qualities. lu.Utal Pounds nf Putty, White, Black, Red, 4c., in Bulk or Bladdeis. 20,00g Oa Ions Linseed Oil, Spiiits Tiitiienline, Cannihene Alcohol, fte. 1.1 i Tons ul Pure White Lend, in bbls., 4 bbls., liart. 40, 44 and lai lb kegs. 311 Tons of Peal Snow White Lead, in bbls, I MHS. 100. 411, 24 and I'.'J lb keKa 40 Tons of New York hue Lead, in bbls , 1 bl.ls, llJ, SO, ai and I'.'J lb. keps 34 Tona of Pute French White Zinc, in bbls, 1 bbls, 100 ftO. ii-iand I'iJ lb keKa 10 Tuna ol anicricau Snow While Zinc, in bbls, I bbls lllfl 40. ir, and l'J lb keea 20 Tuna uf lrhiph Antertcuii Zinc, in bbls, I Mt, I0U 40, 25, and lij lb. tegs 2.1 Tons of Zinc I'm la, of dllTrreut eul ns, in bbls, I bbls. Il l), 40. 25 Slid I2 lb kecs. HO Tons of Mineral I'. .nils, uf different colors dry or ground in Oil. 10,000 pounds f pure French Green. Chrome Green, Yel low. Blue. Black and otlirr colors, dry ot in oil. 1.0110 pounda ot 'Smalls' assorted Blue, Black, lied, lireen, nod uther c,ois. IfO Packs ul Cmld l-:if. Glaziers' Diamonds, (!la7iera' Putty, Hawk Knives Ac. 2.0111 Oallona lanleil oil, varniahes. J.ipnnB, Zinc Diyer. fte. Paint, Yurimh and C'lilaouuue Itrtinhra. ti-itellier with a complete aaaortmeilt nf clava liuoua emlrucrd 111 the Drug aud Paint Business. At.ao, f.tmobbls. Roman Oeiuent. 3, into Roaendule and ilvilranlie Cemrnt. I.OilO " Calt tiled, i.ind. Ilculistrv. t.'uatnis; 1'l.ister. Ac. I a" Allot' which I will sell al Wholesale ami Retail, at Irum III lo 20 per crnl less than other establishments IIIAIIT II. li. IIAk, Proprietor ol" llie rhiladclphia Cash Drue. Paint and lilusa Stole. Soitih-Weat corner of Fourth and lullowluil Sla , I'hi a. March 3, ItSo. 3m e SUNBURY ACADEMY. rpiIK Sunbury Academy will be reopened on Monday I the 27th of August, lean, utaicr 1.1c caie ul S. P. OI.VF.RTO. Tne comae of luatruction will einbracs everv depart ment of education tuna. In 111 our la-at Academics, preparing atuiletila one eilher lot a prolcsBioii or to enter any class 11, College. TF.RM3 IT.R Ijl AIUTX: Common Schrad Branches, st no 1 1 isrticr loiftliali Brancltca. 4 ihj lltlliatid lireeL languages. 7 (10 All entering before Ihefruiildle of the ( Juarter will be reipiited 11 pay lot Ihe whole term of tuition, unless spc- cialairaiicuieiil ia mude Taillou lo be paid before the noddle of Ihe term. Ifcsird can lie had III private turn. lies at liuuiftl 74 to 2 25 pel week. Sunbury, Augual 25, IrrW. Watches, Jewelry &, silver Ware WK would respectllilly inform our frien la, patrons snd the public gi-nrrullv. that we nave imw in Store and offer WHOI.F.SAI.K. AND RKTAIL, ul Ihe lowest Cavh Pricea, a kirjre and veiy choice slia-k 01 WATfilKS J1.WKI.R Y, SILVLIl AND PI.ATLD WARM, eveiv variety and atylr. F.veiv descriuiion of DIAMOND WORK and other JF.WF.LRY, made tu order, nt alwit noticu A.I tiiaala Warranted to be as represented. N. B Funicular attention put,, to the rep'iitiug of Watches and Jewelry ol every deacripnoii. M'.U KI HK II MILKY, No. 622 Market street, Smth Side, Philadelphia. September 1, Iron. -3m HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution eatalilinhed l if tpecial Endowment, for the Relief oj the Sick and l'islresseil, ajllirJed u ith Virulent ami Epi. ileniie Diseases, and epecially for the Cure of Dileaset of the Strual Oniunt. 1 1 F.llli: I. A1) I('K iveo oruli atis. by tl e 1.1 Artiiiff riurrreaiii. to all who autilu l,w L.ti m - - n . . -117 "V with a descrifitiun ul their riindilion fa,. e.e.. pation, habits of life, Ac.,) ami iu csaes of extreme poverty, Medicines furniahed free of charge. VA I.IIA BI.E KEPORTS 011 Spermstorrhtr., snd other Diseases nf the Sexual Organs, and oil tha iVEW REMEO'ES employed in the Dispen sary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will las acceptable. Address. UR. J. BKILMX HOUGHTON. Acting Burgeon, Hnwsrd Association, No. X South Ninth -Street, Philsdelphia, Pa. By order of tha Directors. EZRA D. HEAirTWELL. rreaidenU (to. FAiHrumn, Secretary. January 14, IN59 ly FOR SALE. WWO LOTS situate in Market street, in the r7 iT" ? 'rr,vo',on' No ' nd I3,i block No. 80. Apply to WM. OAUGLKR, 8eli.. r0vVo-: HMASSER. Bunburr. Uryv-w ALL FM'LIES-HEi;"EM at LO H Bennne, which removes paint spots gresse, 4c, tVe, and cleana gloves, silks, ribbons. Aa., equal to new, without tba slightest injury to color or fabric tsold by all Druggists, also at ihia ollica. ti cents par bottle. STOVES "pOR BALE an excellent second-hand Cook- ing 8tova, also several Cylindar Coal Kto.es Enquire al this eiflica. I tOV'B HOOTS snd MIUKM, cheap for cash WM. MILLER-IS. tun ury, August 17, I guy. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. riHE subscriber respectfully inform the eikl JL tens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that be bss opened a Store at the north west corner of Market squsre, oppoiite Vandyke's Rsilrosd Hotel, where SsV is receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour,Feed, F ruit and provisions of all kinds, eoch aa WHEAT, RYE Sr BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oali. Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in lea son, Esrly Vegetable! Fruit Ac, from the South. He will'cftnstantly receive, by Ranruad, from Baltimore; and Philadelphia, all the delicacies of the season, ss they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1869.- ly. 04 Dominion COFFEE POT TOaEL Pot, Betas based, as Dr. Hall, of tha Journal of Health, says, "on acienoa and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. AUThTR. ftURNHAJf. t GILROT. 117 & 119 S. Tonth St., Philadelphia! Sole Manufacturers under ths Patent, "-Fnr Bale hy Dealers In Ilonaee kerpln Articles, and Storekeepers Irenernlly. December 4, l&.'fJ. J- STEWART DEPUY, VTciiRNKl.ll r MAIIAN fi, Nn ti6:iSoiilh. Hceoiid streets, (nt-xt diwa to C. II. Mcuch'al e rtoladelplna, w.-tild invite the attention of their; frieuda and customers, ind Ihe public in general, .0 a large and well selected stork of r5 OARPETINOS, fr- nnaiatiiig of Velvete. Tapestries, Thrce-Plva.' lucrum, and Veiiil'ima. Alao, v o Tf SIlAllKrV.IHI.CI.ulHS.M.V TTINtiS, ORI'ii-i J' ItKTr. Itllir", .MA I'S, STAIR ROUS, Ac,; which be aclls very cheap for cash, wholesale and retail. March ill, lf-90 ly O e-H f a o H ! DR. Etf ENWEINS TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA i PECTORAL, 1? tlit Wat Mt-itifihe in the world fir the Cir of CnoKhi mid :m1i,i. Croup, Bronrhiiin, Aottimn, IliyfiruMy m I Hit-iiihuip, t'ttlpitiitiMi. nt ihr llrurt, Dipihrria, nnrl f. r 1 tin rrhrl nf pnlii-iila in the ttiivuiicrd ttHcci nf Cs-nfump-tiMi, tifzHticf with all Dmeitswrp f the Thruat and Chft, j mnl which pretiispner t CoiiBumptiou. ! i icculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. j ninfT pippnrr(. by a prmtioiil Phya'cinn miH DruraiM, , nnd one of great eApt rience hi the curr f the vauoui I dineiiftefl tn whirh tlm Iliiniiin frmiit in li,i!k'. I It ii offered to the nflhrted wilh the grnitfil c.infid.-iii'f. Try ttmid he eonviiirnl th.it it 11 invalu.ihle in the Uure 1 of Unit rhml iiff-utionn. I'riec aHicenli per liottle. Ly 1'kki'ABKD onlv ! Itr A KtF.W:iN .V CO., I)rnph'iilB hihI ni(Mtnf. !V W. C"Tner Ninth mid Kiplnr Nr., 1'hilmVllnrt. rt" !f)M) hy erery n apeluble Uruggisl und lnnvt in Medicine throughout th tate. ! J.lT.f1e,',n i.tnrrh 31, lirfln lyw ROCKEFELLER & BOYER. Attorneys at Law SUNBURN, r-A.. A. Jordan Itotkef cller and .Soloimni It. Itoys-r. respectfully announce tu. tiny entered into Cnpartnebip in the praclicu of iheir profession, and will continue tu attend to ail busi r.ess entrusted to their charge in the comities uf IVorlhuniln-rlaiiil, Inion, rinvder and ,M on lour, promptly, f.iitlilully and carefully. Spreinl bi tention will be given to the COl,LE("I'It).s OF CLAIMS, (.'otikultatious can be had in the t;K K.MAN language. OHire, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury. February 4, ls.00. THE undersigned having received a large and well selected slock of Ittre Drugs und C hemicals. Dveetuir, Oil-, Paints, Class and Putly, ia now ready lu till ordrrsat a moments notice. Iu connection with llie above uu will find nn ar-sorluient of Fancy Notions, Toilet .1ricles and Perfumery uf nil kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails und t'lollics ll rushes of every variety. ('ustomrra will' find his stock complete, com prising many srticles it is impossible here to enumerate. KKMEMUER tha 'place, under the olKce .,f the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. 8uiibury, April ?d, 18.V.I. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl'8TI:i: OF TIIK PEACE STJ-JNTBTJlH-br, Office in Deer Street, immediately ojnmsite tht 1'ullic School House. All business promptly attended lo. Monies ollretcd snd all ordinary writings done. Sunhury, April its. (b57 tl KT OEIi Dr. HEATH N HOUKOI'a Vl rravelsaiMl great diaeovenes ,m the Japanea, fc and laial India Medicines, with lull direction, rr the cer. lam cure ,. Coi.auinpllo,,, Bro.nl.it,., It,,,,.!,, 1 1 alarm, Asilmia, Feleta, llarl Disease. SV-roluai.faucer' DysKpaia Liver Complainl. Oravel and I rm.iy Dap,,,,,.' reuiale c. mpl.,,,1., c. Illualraled with bundrnl, ,. ' cernhcale. ol curr. and ciarac,,,;... p.,, ' rcuiiieas many .uftcrni,! lellow-bentp. a. ps,. . preucilure death. .1 will la- sr,,t tu anpaitl,, ,. u iienl, by Bending 24 cents tu ., . BR- HEATH. ..... '7 Broadway, New Yoik t'nv Bold, also, by A. W. F,.her, SunliuVy j ttu.rart Wenk Norrhuuiberlund ; T S.Caldwell, Lewtslmra M H,.' R:n:ft,c-.l';D,:nv,:!,..i C,u' "" n' Fcbruaiy (i, Mio Jy, HENRY iiONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ore opoiif the Court House, Snnbury, Northumberland County Pa. "'rnpt attention to business in a.lioininc, -utilities. - tON rr C i-UUJNUJYlV! J. Save lie Pieces ! 9C Asaeeidenla uoll lnuH ... ., , ., , i-K" "I ii, wrn-rrauiairu laiui. lies, h is very dc.iralue w have aome cheap and caivciiicul way tur rsaniiug Funulure, 1'oya, Cnarkcry, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all anch einerjencir,, ,d ,, household can aib.rd lo ba wilh.Mil it. Il w alwaye ready and up to lha slickm poinl. I here is w huifer a ncerasity fi liuipius chaos, spllutrrs veiHtcrs, headlraa dolls, and broken ciadlrs II is just the article , ocaie, shell, snd m her oruuiuenul work, i-iium wna araisa ol lennenieiil and taale. I hlB ad.nin.IUa .,. ... ....1 ..Ll Kml.b -L.h.uIi- held iusiduiiuu.aiul rileaBkBJtaUlia at II tlaa US. lurl Ills- niiull! I4t III the brat eabiiist-aaasar'a blue. Il amy be nsid in the a r" wi utuinary asaeiiose, lasnig vaati) mors auacaivs. "IBEFI L I.N tVF.HY HOI SK" N. B-A btruak aceomrauiies earb butlla. Price 24 eenls. Waoksala Peput, N 4 Cedar street. New York. Address, HLNKV C SPAl.DINU CO., Bos So. Suo. New Put sp f Dealers ia MSesTunuiaiag Fear Kwjbl, snd Twelve Duaeii a beautifui Litiafrapaic (www Laid a.- to:2 and F.r.,t.,ri-1.. fir.-, a.-I F-- Coanlry MarrHanla slaaiU '",; j,2 II wil prci.rad Glue, whes Ihey "aks up tseir . aund any eluawls. For ssls si Ibisoilics. Mai. k 10, laSO.-lr . i . -L