Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 05, 1861, Image 2
Hfisccllancou 3. " THIS MOIIRSVU-l.K MI II0ER. lhathlid Cvnfttfinn of one of (ht Murtltr trt, oik arrest of hit AccoiKplict, We bad Hurtling report from Pottsville yesterday, that David Humbert bad died in Ckoifltiill oontif V Ctrl 'I'hlirBilnr Ami nn l.ta ;.. - j -" deathbed confessed tbal he slid Sumnel 1 1 oil- j ner, of tbe Mme county, with the murderers of Adeline lla.or, near Mubrsvillo, in thin cos-nty, on lha 7th of October, ih par ticulars of which bloody need are mill fiesh in th recollection of our renders. According to Humbert' Confession, be held Him yontio,. "u lu- '". " rienoer inmcled th fill woondi from HhichMdiml. He... I per was, on tbe raith ol tin testimony. rri . j ted, yesterday morning, and Indeed in jail nt ! l'oltsville. to await n r ntiitf it inn frnm tl. I .nk...:i ..f ti..i 1 f UllluritlUB Ul UITHS CUUtJiJ. Il wilt bo remembered thnt II pilnpr hue been twice before arrested on suspicion of hrmii couuected in tome wny with I lie murder tit Mm Mavor. The first nrrert was mude pn ibe 13lh of November, ly.i7.nn oiith made before Aide rm mi Meni! I, by IVter Fisher, and he wag brought hers fur exnminalioii iflel, it appear, mailt complaint, becausu llelhier in part answered to llm ! txtriptmo of the rnao wbo was peen lullowiii", i he eirl on tbe day tbe murder was committed. Ilcilner bad told Fisher that hu hud been in thu county for nine day, during which limn the Fair wag beld. Mr. Kantner, of Windsor Castle, bad seen Heiluer early one morning at a p'jmp and was reiiiested by lleilner not to say that be .was there. All the witnesses said be was not tbe man ft bo bad lollowed Adeline, but it was also proved thnt bo wore light clothes about the time of tbe murder. 'I ke evidence against him was entirely circum stantial, and although some suspicious cir cumstances appeared, they were uot consider ed suQicieot to warrant his deteutioO. He was accordingly discharged November 21st. On March 29tb. 1808, some boys pursuing rabbit, found in a bollow tree where tbe murder was committed, a while linen shirt and a coarse cotleo undershirt, cut and por tiully saturated with Mood. One of the gar. rueuts was traced to the person wbo made it, and finally to Samuel lleilner, who bad been arrested examined and discharged four months before. Another warrant was issued and on April 14tb, be was re arrested. Da vid Humbert the man wbo has ju6t died, was subsequently arrested aud detained as a witness, and a man was also lodged in jail, under tbe impression tbut he was a person named Tom Williams, wbo was also snspec tt d. It appears that about two weeks before tbe marder. lleilner, 11 umber and Williams, in company, stopped at gtulzmao's bouse near Hamburg. A week after, lleilner and Unmbert left for Philadelphia, tbe latter leaving the shirt at the bouse to be washed. A duy or two after. Williams left taking with him the Bbirt. Tbe Stntzmao family attempt ed to identify too shirt by tbe buttons, and by bole burned by a segar io the bosom. Kabseqoently however, John Rapp, so elderly man, swore positively thnt the shirts were his and that tbe blood run from a place in bis arm where be had been bled, lie did not wish to send tbe articles to the wash, and bad placed them in tbe tree where they were found. His wife and daughter also swore positively and identified tbe maslio shirt by the gussets, and by tbe sewioS, the latter being partly done by a person wbo sews with the right band and partly by one wbo sows with tbe left, Mrs. Dr. Winters, who assis ted io tbe bleeding, identified the undershirt as belonging to Rapp. In the face of this testimony, there was oo ground for holding tbe suspected parties, and, oo tbe 29lb of April, tbey were discharged. If the report we now have from Pottsville be true, tbe old adage that "murder will out" m about to be verified in a remarkable .mari ner. C3" Tbe above, from t,be Reading O'azetle, it since prooonoced ontrno. A Mother Wanted. Some unknown per son left a tiahy on tho step of tbe Industrial O -1 I I. L 'l . j ..... . . . ocuudi. 1 1 uau cnea onin it was Dorse Detore it was beard by one of the boys (inmate of tbe Home), It was taken In warmed, fed and clothed, and now waits for some kind hearted lady to take it to ber fostering caro. None need apply unless they belong to some ortho dox church aud have menus to supply its future wants. Tbe above advertisement appears in the columns of a Cleveland paper. Tbe idea that it would be improper for the Industrial School to place au urcbin that needs food, raiment and jhelter, in the cars of any perron "unless tbey belong to an ortodox church," does not soeni well calculated to foster a catholic spirit wbicb would gladly welcomo tbe aid of all, irrespective of theological dog mas, who would unite io doing the Father's work. We suppose that "liberal" provender is as bealthy for babies as "orthodox" food one digests perhaps as well as tho other. If we were io that youngster's place, we wouldn't tare whether we got Unitarian or Trinitarian potatoes, whether our bread and milk was Ualvanistic or Parkeristic, whether our shoes were urnde with liberal or evangelical pegs only so tbo fiotaloes were sound, tbe bread and milk palatable, aud tba 6Loe,s a comforta ble "fit." How rT was Manaokix We bear that on Christmas day Major Anderson dined for mally with the secession authorities chiefs in Charleston, and was duly carried lack to Fort Moultrie by early mooulight, appa rently very much overcomo by the good things drinkable set before biui. Tboee io charge of the ateamer posted in tbe channel to watch his tuoveineols in tho fort, therefore thought it would bu safu for tbeiu to relax k..; ..;..:! i .i . i. . . i : . . p,..M.,,w biiu ,usiudi.c9 b vin 1 nu 1 night frolic, and iu the midst or which Anderann anil Ki'j r.p or.iL n.l M .mnlrli'l vuoir iKuuiice anu iiiemseves lane u v.iirn -. . . r ' " " .."- . guns and landed safely in Fort Sumter. Tbe fethi0.1!!0"'100 n!in J" bUl ' 'tint to have the very effect it did have. . (V A special dispaich from Washington the New York Kitniug I'oft, dsled 00 Monday last, states that Mr. Lincoln Las offered 1 laces in bis Cabinet to Alexander II. Stephens, of Georgia, aod Robert T. Scott 'f Virginia. Mr. Stephens is oue or the blest men in the South, acd a patriot who nobly stands by tbe Union in the very midst of tba fire eaters. T Si,,. JTwUrlboTt six "inches Gl SUOW Laa cn.. .1. . : . b' 11 . aieiKumg ouiy toleia- ue loundation is rather r0ul.h f. .... runniivr 0 ' 5latrst bjj JTcIrgraplj. m.t . I l-'ur tltt AmtrtiunA WAJ. ANDERSON BESIEGED IN ! FORT BUMPTER. ! Wasiiinoton, Jaunarv 3 i lutell.geucs raceivad U,t night that furt uui7i is now nesiesed that .11 vi - Anderson's communicaL, Jr. c,it ff Moultri. ba. been repaired VD, ,.la, .,d readytoopeo fi?. IZZTT.t batteries being opened around him bv seces- tiooisti. 11 M neyooi aoubt that scombioa. tioo , is formed to t.ks forcible possession 0f eminent at Washiogtoo 00 or before the Government at fosrth of Msrcb. Tba Convention In I.'in. bavs passed so ordinsncs aud deolaring that 6 lata out of tbo Union. Forts and arse nals io Georgia srs io possession of Stats troops. THE AMERICAN. 8UNBURY, PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 18GI. n. D. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. Tn Amnm. . -The cirenlatMn ,.f tNs amkmca, nmon.the uirTeren, t..w...n the flirnnehanw. i, t ,.!, ir ennnie.) ,iy ,y pn(, pui,iiihcd m Nnttieni Pemi.ylv.iiia. (Mr We are indebted to Messrs. Hound, bitel and others, of the L,)giilture, for Legislative documents. . CJThe President I as itpr. o'nted Chambers MvKibliiu, of Philadelphia, Collector for th Port r Charleston. The new Collector will, of course, hold his ofiiee In a vessul of war, hacked by a tufficieiit naval fotce to protect biui. - - - - - . - . Kin Tiik IJai.i, given by Grant's Cornet Bund, ut tbe Cenlral Hotel, on the evening of the 1st of January, was a spirited and lively affair. There were about six cotillionf ou the Boor, euoughto make a pleaeuut com pauy, but not enough to bo remunerative. ff-d' Tiik ISkcksbion -Movkmk.nt. Much of our space is occupied by news from the South The tire eaters begin to reoli.e some of the evils atteudaiit upon their treasonable move menls. The isolated planters in tbe iuteiiut where the slave population greatly predomi. uates, are fearful of insurrections, having by thsir own conduct impressed the slaves with tba idea that Lincoln's election would release them from slavery, Io many districts there is oot half enough grain to supply tbe neces saries of life, ani no money to procure them, and their credit entirely destroyed by their own ruicidal conduct. Another favorable indication is tho election of a majority of co-operalionists to the Ala bama Convention. Should Georgia elect a majority opposed to immediate, unconditional secession to bcr Convention, secession may be confined to South Carolina. C3 Tub Fair lately beld at Sbamokiu, by tbe ladies connected with tbe Lutheran Church, of that place, has been quite success ful, considering tbe timu. Tbe receipts were about $350, and expenses about 5100, leaving $250 or clear profit. Tbe fair got up by the ladies of the Pres byterian Church, io this plaee, was closed on Friday evening, tbe 28tb nit. We have not been iuformed what success has attended their efforts. 0 HCSINKSS (jCIDK OF TtlR PkSNSYLVaMA Railwat and also of tub Norther. Ckx. trai. Railroad. Tbis is a volume of over 200 pages, containing an accurate list nf all individuals and business firms at each station, town and village on tbe liue of these roads between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and Baltimore and Williamsport. It is a useful volume for reference, and is cheap at 50 cents. To be had of Jacob Sbipman, at the Telegraph Office. NEW YEARS LITERATURE. Tbe new j ear is generally inaugurated by the different professions and classes of society in various ways. Among the printers there Is a superabundance of verses, got up in imitation of poetry. Though these produc. tions are not intended to take rank as literary efforts, there ere, occasionally, lines nat wholly destitute of rythm aud metrical ar rangement. It is a kind of local and eplie. meral literature, and serves a double purpose io filling up a column, as well as filling up tbe vacuum of the carrier or newsboy's pocket. In this view of tbe case, the editor's criticul di.crelion is supposed to be, as tbe lawyers lay, in abeyance, or not brought into requisition, as the carrier, wbo is generally tho youngest apprentice, engages bis own bard to do tba rhyming fur the occasion, and the only jingle for which he feels uny special I mteresl, is that produced iu bis pocket. Some years siuce, we occasionally tried our baud on aubjects of tbis kiud. but of late years there era others, outside of tbe press, wbo are not unwilling to mouut the "winited borse," aud if poor " Pegasua" should ou such occasions be euvtloped iu a mitt, or stuck fast io a ditch, every allowance should be made for tbe juded animal, who is, at such times, often rudely mounted without "rhyme or rcatou by iucipieol poets, who embrace the occasiou to take a free ride into tbe regions of faucy, without much risk to them. vi mi.j rfivmi ,iijuijr iu lueir reauen j describing tbe adventures of their jouruev 1 J selves or any special injury to their readers - uov. rAUttR k siESSAur. w ar8 iuJubt8j 10 Packer Tor 4 cop, . , , , . . .. ul bis luht annual nipsnn'ra tn lh I.iim.1 ' o - - -- ..vD.w. lure, wbicb came, however, too late for this week's issue. Tbe oiessagn is an able docu uient, highly creditable to Governor Packer, whose views on the great questions of the day will meet the approbation of every liberal minded and patriotic citizen of Peuusilva nia. Tbe message commences by reference to ! the financial condition of I'enna., wbicb I notwithstanding the mouetury difficulties, are 1 highly satisfactory. The public debt is now $37,969,747,50 the " " r.. . " istale indebtedness uaviiiir been reduced I ilurmg tne jtdiuiiiiftrallon tl Gov. I'arker, S2.2:;t,rib2,l 5 and Ibis too, bile tbe Mate tax has beuu reduced from 3 to 2) mills on the dollar. Himo July 135rf the Pennsylvania Rail road has refused to pay the tounags tax, aud there ta oow due the Slate $674,29G,22 without interest- In regard to the Kuubury Si F.rie Railroad 1 to n ' ,U "rl "'Pi ZV' open, to mart!" "Cl'U f C0UD,r' il The SLW La, in ,.tai!I 1 ,le "bows that the kLI l lus-s slaves, and puiu orrennsyUauia. io this rseV lbs Musuuri Compromise I i... i. .nd.d, if necessary; " "utloo of; , 7 SALE or THE LAST ASSETS B fcl.O.IHMn TO TIIK LANCASTER BANK. A I many of our readers feel eo interest io the proceedings connected with tbe assets of this defuuet institution, we publish the fol lowing list of tbe last lot sold at Lancaster on lbs 2Ulb ult. A large number of persons were io attendance, but as most of tbe assets were considered worthless, tbey sold for little or nothing, and for the notes of the defunct institution, which are uow considered almost entirely worthless. The judgments and notes sold, ss given by the difierent Individuals named, amount to s much larger sum when luterest is added v Two judgment notes of Andrew Muhaffey sold for 2,450 00. One by James M alone of 8800 for $25. One by W. L. ll.lfeiisteiu of SI 1,104 23 for $80. Ouo by W. I,. lUITenHtein, endorsed by D. Longnecker aud It. C. Uacbmau, of $11,104 2M for $400 One by W L Heireustein, 8 10.000 00 for $Xi0 4.804 12 50 ' " " 3H:i::t:t " 40 " " ' 3.333 33 " 25 " " " 3 333 33 " 25 " " " 10,000 00 ' 135 Four judgment notes by W. Rickle, Trea surer, endorsed by D. Lougnecker, of $25, 000 for 8300. One by II. Longnecker, endorsed by I). Longnecker, ol 4,000 00 for 84,0u0 00. One by the suuiu of $1,800 00 for $175. (.'tie oyuiesaiiie ol tfi.lHHI U0 lor $I!MI. I One by (i. II. Lougiiecker, endorsed by J. I 1. Uacbmau, of 15,071 53 fur $100. One by It. O. Hucbman, endorsed by 1). Longnerker, of $215 00 for $50. Oue by J. F. Shroeder, endorsed by D. Longnecker, ol $4,100 for $250. One by Thomas Uaumgarduer, or $11,802 38 fi r $3,450 00. Oue by B. D. M'Conkey. endorsed by John Rawlins, or $250 47 Tor 475. Oue by lo. Hrown, endorsed by S. D. MTuukey, or $247 91 lor $80. Two by Colt, (iuskin & Loiuison, endorsed by W. Donaldson, $1.8011 (ID lor $1,0H0 00. Oue by Win. F.vans. endorsed by l.onge. necker and U. Lougnecker, of $2,031 00 lor $W0. Six by K. F. bhoenbergeror $30,000 origi. nally but now amounting to $44,500 lor $4,000 00. One by James Moore of $912.00 for $20. 308 shares of stock of the Sbamokiu Val ley and .Pottsville Railroad company for $45 25 per share. 188 6hore8 of stock of the Western Railroad company for $10 00 per shore. The above, amounting to $241,002 61, due the Rauk by tbe above individuals, sold lor less than $18,000. In addiliou to this, seven small brick houses io Philadelphia were uUo sold for about $2,000 each, thus redeeming some $32,000 of tho Lancaster Rauk notes. It is stated tbut over $150,000 of the notes are still in circulation, which were actually presented at the counter of tbe Rank for redemption after its failure. These will be utterly worthless to those who bold thorn, us this was tbe last sale of the asi 13 vt tbe institution. 44 . - - - - GtlVCAMMlo APPOIMTEO .SMIllTARV OF THE TREASURY. We learn from tbe Hurritburg Ttlryrajih tbe arrival home of Ueu. Cameron, wbo has returned from a visit to President Liuculu, at Springfield, Illinois. General Cameioti pro ceeded, ou Friday, the 28th ult , to Spring field iu consequence of a special request, made by . President Liucolo, aceouip'tuied with the intimation of his intention toteuder him, io person, a place io his Cubioet, aud his desire to moot and confer with him on tbe condition of public affairs. A very full con sultation 00 the affairs wbicb uow c 11 g roes tbe attention of the couutry, was held at Spricgfiuld, between President Lincoln, Ucu. Cuutrou aud Judge Rates, who bad also been called there, and who accepted a phice in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. The appoiotmeut of Gou. Cameron to the office or Secretary or the Treasury, is one or the greatest importance to Peunsylvauia. In 6nanciul ability the General is ucknowl edged to be oue of the ablrtt mtu in tbe State. His appoiutuieul is ami a coucession io favor of tbe great manufacturing interests of Pennsylvania, aud a tariff that will in.p:re new life and vigor iuto our coal and iruu interests, will be the result. ty Culekino Sions. Coveiuor Hicks, of Maryland, applied to Lieutenaul General fc'cotl to kuow if there is any necessity for arming that State, in view or tbe present aspect or political affairs. The reply was that he saw no causes for such action. rno.M VAiiir.ii Affair in the Cubintt The .'nu eci elai g of War Huh rule in CltarUstunl'euceuble Coercion Snsjiention of Mull .Scrt ire. Til li CAIJ1NKT. WAsniNoro.v, Dec. o0. All conservative men were delighted to learn that the Presi dent accepted the resignation oT Governor Floyd, tendered become a majority of the Cabinet, Messrs. Holt, Toucey, illuck and j Stantou refused to comply with the demand I of the Coinuiiasiiiuers from South Carolina, j that Major Andertou t-hould be humiliated j by being remanded to Fort M online. 1 Tbe Secessionists were troubled by thin un expected resistance to their schemes for breaking up the L'uiou. 1 hey say that Sec retaries Thompson aud Thomas mutt nut resign, b it must remain and aid in the accom plishment of the carefully arranej plot, and hope to gut Floyd to reconsider bis resigna tion. TIIKkB CIIFKKS FOR IWk Ki Till r. As the President bad refused to take the responsibility, the casting volu was that or the Secretary of the -Navy. Mr. Hull's devo tion to tbe Union no man can question, and both JuJfe Black and Mr Stantou know to well tbo seutunenl of Pennsylva nia to hesitate. Hut Mr. Toucey, it was thought, would be influenced by bit colleague of the War Department, and side with bini io the division. All honor to him lor his patriotic independence. COUMl'MCAIION tn hi r, Tbe wires betweou ''ii'wlustoo and tbis city are unquestionably under survellauce, tbe Associated Press despatches, it is well known here, give a very partial and milk aud water account of what tiauspires St the "seat of war." Despatches from newspaper writers here to their correspoudeuls at Charleston are not answered, aud yet there are almost hourly messuges passing between the Commissioners and their home Government. These dee- Catches are in Cjpher, Secretary Trescott aving acquired all the arts of diplomacy while iu the service of the United Stale. TUB CAROLINA tMiUSKV. The house io Franklin Row has been visit ed by ull the secessionist Coeresuieo, clerks Ac, who bavs been urged by the Cemmission srs to do everything to bring about tbe hu miliation of Major Anderson. Tbey ars squally severs on Lieut. General Scott, wbo is deooooced io lbs Comtitutwn tbis morning iu oomtssurad terms. TUKt XlTlB AltrN. TLo Cuuiiuistiouers bars received iuforins' lion that Capt N. L. Cottr. who hss receipt fd for his $1200 per month sod rations since October, 1845, has permitted tba revenue cutler Aiken to be seized by tbe Carolinians. It is rumored that ha has resigned bis V. S. CommiFsion, sod taken one io tbs navy nf bis native State, ss commander of tbs Booth Carotins man ol-wsr Aiken. ESriTIMO Rfl.lES lit C0NOSK9S. An exciting time is anticipated at the Capitol, when tbe President's proclamation on secession is read. It it thought that ftenalor Benjamin will open the debate io the Nenate, and show that tbe South is in a position defy coercion. TUB OKKAT ROHRKRV, Lost evening liailey wrote a letter to Sec retary Thompson, desiring an interview, at which be proposed to make important disclo sure!). Secretary Thompson craoted the in terview, receiving Bailey in tbe custody of I tbe Marshall at his office, at eight o'clock j last evening. Nothing pnblio on the subject ' is yet made known, but astonishing develop j ments may ba anticipated. j TIIK OOVKRNMRNT I.OAX. ! The New York Bank of Commerce tele graphed last nijtht, to the Secretary of the Treasury, that they would taka the balance , of the five million of Treasury note at twelve 1 per centum. A meeting of the Cabinet (ul j lowed, and the proposition was agreed to. COTTON STATKS. General Kcolt thinks, though the Cotton 1 States may favor secession, that Louisana, : Ironi her geographical aud convenient pnsi 1 lion, will not unite io any tmh inovemeBt. . JOK t.ANfi. 1 1 1 is said thnt the secessionists are urging the appointment of Joe Lane to fill the va cancy caused by tbe retirement of Governor Floyd. ; TIIK POI TH CAROLINA COMMISSIONERS. , Tbe boldness of these gentlemen increases with lb" weakness of thu Administration. ' Thny threaten to leave nt once if their ile iiiaml.1 are not complied wilb. j l'KKSIDKSTIAL KLKCTION. The Republicans perceive the design to muk i! trouble when the election returns aro J counted. They rely, however, on tho Border ! Slates as faithful to tbe Union, to prevent j civil war, which it is supposed would lollow a , disturbance of thu constitutional luw. I A despatch has also been received by the ; Secretary of the Treasury, stating that the f captain of tho Revenue cutter which has been i i-talioned in Charleston harbor, brought her ' up to the city and resigned his position as an ! officer or tho United States. The vessel was ' without a captain, and the inferior officers. ; not knowing what course tn pursue, allowed I ber to become en easy pr-y to the mob wbo I poured upon her decks, aud the Palmetto ; (lag now Moots where the standard of the toiled slates has hitherto been unfurled. A FIRM ST AM). The reports from Charleston have added fuel to the excitement already existing here. I he reeling is irenerul that it is now tune lor the government to take a turn stand. A Cabinet meeting was called immediately upon tho receipt of the denpatches in relation to the capture of the Revenue cutter, at which Mr Floyd, the Secretary of Wur, did not present himself. He was promptly sent lor and his attendance requested by the Presi dent, but he contented himtelf by siiding the rcHinalion which, much to bis surprise, was iacc- ptid without discussion. Thu President was extremely indignant at the want of moral courage displayed by his retiring Secretary, and the worst motives aro assigned as a rea son for tbu abrupt resignation, I'OeT Ol KICKS IN SOUTH CAROLINA TO UK IMS. CUNTIM'KP. Pobtinabtrr-Gencral Holt will issue orders, on tho 1st or thu month, to the Postmaster throughout tbe remaining States, to ceuse all postal intercourse with South Curoliua, anjl not to make up aoy mail mailt r for the edict s within ber borders, on tbo ground that there are no postmasters tbero in the service or tba United Slate L Mail mailer will be sent Io Georgia through South Carolina, aod ir its traosil is iuleilered with, it will be a subject forlheto Slates to settle between tbeiu I selves. l'HAKl.KTu. TO I1K DFXI.ARKD NOT A TORT OF KNTKV. A bill will be immediately introduced into the House of Representatives declaring Charleston ou longer a port of entry, and it will then become tbu duly of the President to enforce the law by a strict blorkude. Tbe feeling is increasing in inteut-ily hero, tbut it lb necessary for the PresiuVnl to take active stepa to preserve the dignity and respect of the American people, ni,d in this opiuiuu all party lines and political feelings are last being merged. LI MO I.N 'S CABIN XT. Tbe reports tbat Lincoln has solected Duytou of New Jersey, or Wilmol of Penn sylvania, for bis Cabinet, are not credited here io well iuformed quarters. Lincolu will select a Peoosylvanian aod a tariff nmu. liK.N. SCOTT DOBS NOT AUVISB MARYLAND TO AllU. Governor Hicks inquired ofCeneral Scott, if be thought tbe exigeocy was such as to re quire Maryland to be put in a condition or defence, aud be replied be saw no necessity for Maryland pulling herself iu such condi tion. Governor Hicks is faithful to tbe Uuiou, and holds out firmly aguinst the dis uniooisls. Pennsylvania should be careful, during the excilumeut wbicb will 00 doubt follow upon the news to-day, not to wantonly alarm ber sister State of Maryland. Tbo country peo ple ol Maryland, and the mass are undoubted ly Uuion lovers. If Gen. wcott thinks Mary land ueed not be putiu a condition of defence there cannot be much necessity fur Penusyl- 1 vatlia arming ber-elt' immediately. There is I no doubL that soma undur.tandiiiir eilala bp. - n tween the I. leutenaul General aud the Gov ernors of Virginia aud af Maryland, that any rebellious attack, from any quarter, upon tbe city of-Washiugtoo, would be at once resist ed and put down. In view of the ceourunbi- cal poailiou of Washington, it is lortunate that these two States have true sod faithful men at their beads. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Dec. 3! The city has been agitated all day by rumors from Charleston that hostilities would commence this after noon, unless nets was received there tbat Majar Auderson would be recalled to Fort Moultrie. TUB CF.NTRAL CONFBDKRACV. The Senators and Representatives from tbe Border Stales have all (with the excep tion 01 senator rearce, or Maryland,) signed Ibe call for a Convention to be beld at Balti more iu Fobruary, Many think tbal this is the initiative step towards the formutiou of a Ceutral Confederacy, as the easiest way for recuiifh ucling tbis Government. The Con stitution, amended to suit tbe Sootb, can be adopted, an J the entire machinery of Govern meut can go ou. Seceding Stales cao bs ad mitted ss tbey corns forward, sod Ibe New F.uglaodera cao coma io or remain out. TUB rftKSIPEkT CHOWS FIRMBR. Mr. Buchanan, it is said, is becoming mors decided now tbat be la relieved from tbs couusels of Cobb aod Floyd, sod be svinces a mors decided determination to execuls lbs laws. CF.N. FLOYD'S KXC'USK. Tbe communication from tbo ex Secretary Of War, explaining his acceptances, was read io the House tbis moroiog, but produced little eflect. It is sipected tbat the report of the Committee of Inrestigatioo will niuke tutus btraegs dutlotuus. fl.OVln KhMnNAlfO AfTM'IMl. The President has pent Mlrr 10 Who. 1 I Flnyd, accepting his resignation. In ii he expresses the hope that peace will soon bu restored to the country. , SXCRKTART OF WAR Postmaster Holt will occupy the leading position in tbs Wsr Department, on Thurs day next, and will be seconded by Genera) Scott in reforming existing abuses. TIIR CABINET DIFFKTI.TT. The President had determined to appoint Gen. Srott Secretary or War, bot as .Secre taries Thompson end Thomas threatened to resign at onto, Postmaster Holt was ap pointed Secretary pro tempore. MAJOR AMIKRKOS'S CASK. The Cabinet resolved not to withdraw Major Anderson from Charleston, but are undecided on reinforcing him. AID FOR FORI Sl'MTKR. It rumored that forces have beeo sent to Charleston already, for the strengthening of Fort Sumter and tbe Federal position. COMMISSIO.VKRS IN'PIO.NAN'T. i Sooth Carolina's Commissioner's ore in , dignunt at the non-compliance with their nxiraorainary demands, and expect to be ordered home to OharleslDn, when, they say, hostilities will surely commence! Tllfi NORTH IlISA RMFD. The House resolution to inquire into the location and other facts connected with the government arms and munitions of wur, will show that the North is virtually disarmed Thb Committee will meet earlv 00 Wednes. i day morning.'s aME.VPMKNT. . Tin Secessionists threaten to withdraw if the House pass Ilolnian's amendment, lj. reeling tbe Committee of the Judiciary to inquire into the best method of enforcing tbe laws in .South Carolina. COMMITTER OF THIRTY TIIHKK. A stormy debate to dny took pluce in this Committee on the assertion of Mr. Millson, or Virginia, that ir Hie Norlh did notestah lich n Compromise Liue legalizing shivery in the Territory below it, now or hereafter tn bo acquired, that they would bitterly regret it within six months. Mr. Morse, or Maine, said if that was the issue the North would accepl it. FKOFLK OK DISTRICT, VOI.CNTFKKS. I The proposition is made by the citizens I bore to form a volunteer force to preserve ' pi-ace till the fourth of March. It finds great favor. I KNFORCINO OF RKVKM'F. LAWS. I Members of Congress who have been home j to Ihe North, report thai during their visit I they have fouod that there is a generul de sire lo see the Keveuue Laws enforced. Mr. Sickles says that New York will furnish lirty thnusuod men to sustain the Federal (juv eminent. ' J TIIK LATLST FROM WASHINGTON. I Washington, Jan. 1. All the Secretaries were "at home," with tho exception of Mr ! Stanton, wbo was engaged, il is said, at a ' conference of politicians Irom the Norlh and I the iSoulh, who desire to niuke one more I effort to have the existfug difficulties urrang ' sd by Congress. SKNA101I9 AT IIO.MK. Senator Douglas probably received more culls tbun any one except the President, ami bin palatini mansion was crowded ull day. Mrs. DoUL'luS. llllliuKLll! ami .1 iiiin.liLn rui-uio. : cd the guests as tuey entered, and w.-re pre sented to her by Ibe "Littlo Giont," who J does uot as yet despair of saving the Union. j I'ROBAUI.B ATTACK ON FORT rll'MTkT.. I Southern gentlemen who have seeu tho , Commissioners to-day, say tbal there are radons fur apprehending an attuck oil Furl j Kiiinlo.-. It is added tbat il any revenue culthr should attempt to enter Charleston I harbor, that she will be immediately attack- cu, jiroouoiy iroin con moullrie. 6011 HERN PORTIFH ATIONS. It is rumored that tbe Administration will at once garrisou ull the Southern Slates, re calling (he troops from Texas. MOI.UIl's I'HOroslTION. Mr. Uigler's proposition to hold a Con" veutiou o? States is guiuiug favor here 111 Suveral quarters. TUB NKW APMINISTRA1ION. Mr. Baker, of Oregou, will address tho Senate to-morrow, and il is almost certain tbut he will speak with some authority in the measures proposed by tho next Adminis tration. As stuled yesterday, ho has recent ly returned from a visit lo Mr. Lincoln. Il is an uble orator, and his speech will allrutl much attention. COLLKCriON OF THE RKVF.Nl'F-S There is no doubt that tbe President ha3 determined upon active measures to collec1 the revenue at Charleston ; aod as a conse' queue he is denounced by the Secessionists. Oue of the South Carolina Coiuinis.-inncrd was asked today what position Ihe President would probahly occupy. Thu reply was, ' Wo has joined the Black Republicans. " Tbu Ambassadors are worthy, and threaleu to leave the Lulled Slates aud return lo Charleston. 1I!K AI.LF.GF.D COMfACT WITH CHA RLF.STON. The President is reported to have said to day, io speaking of Gov. Floyd's reasons for resigning, "Tbe agreement was made be tween Ibe Secretary or War, wbo bad no right to make it, and the leaders of the mob at Charleston, wbo bud no power to keep Well informed parties here think that Sec retary Thompsoo will certainly resign to-morrow. 1 think il more than likely. His only reason for remaining in tbe Cabinet is lo protect his reputation in regard to tbe ab straction or tbe Indian bonds. It is understood that General Scott will be the ruling spirit at thu Wnr Department, he and Secretary Holt being ou good terms, which is more than can be said iu respect to uur. 1 -lovu oroeucrson wavu, Willi nuillier ot whom the Commander was ou speaking terms. .MORR TREASON. It is rumored tbat tbe loaders or the seces sion movement iu Charleston have sent dea patches to the leaders io tbo other Cotton States, to seize at once 00 Ihe Government properly within their respective borders. The Northern Central Railway. The arrival of Passenger Trains on Ihe North ern Ceutral Itail Koad from Sudbury, is as ful ows : AtllVAL. 4. sap. M , D,IA A. M , l1.6 P. M , 3,:M A. M., pm-ASicaii ,nn p. M V.60 A M' P. M 3,10 A M M:nlTraia, Norlh, " South, Nis,ht l-lpress, Norlh, ' " Moulh, Bunbury ft Erie Sailroad. The sinvsl and dailur of I'assengcr Tmiua on the Vunhury A Kailtoad at llus place, as follow s : Arriral. Depaiture. Mail Train, Norlh, IMP. M., VnO P. M ' " ""i ,toA. M., e.UIA.M. Night F.ipie, N.wih, Ift.M p. M., P. M " " '. 3,'Jtl.H., J,tiiA.N; Freight and Aceoiu., Norlh, T Vt) A Al ia, S U0P. M Tk Shanioklll Valley aa4 FalUvllia Hailr..j Pssiengec Iraiu leaves Hunl.uiy at . SftuAM. wi. Laraici, . I.3UPM. I.kttkrs from Politicians aod despatches about accession are all the go at present while Congressmen aud their constituents are equal ly excited. Tbe state of mind of Ihe public does not. hnwawar inlarfuptt nith tl...;. ciatiou ol seasonable and fashionable clollmn; ! aim customers nnck as usual to the hum Stoua Clothing Hall of KucUull and d Nos tUJ aud bijj Cheduul ttltcr, abofe "iaI h 1 'Vil ilMCl'toil 'I'" I'm M-m I'-IH'lv." lull 1 1 ol '" I ' 'I'- ' -v'imiviijsj". nSTAll'f" Hnl II. min. Ar, l.tirniiniator i ( rl' ll T" lli'l-lim I'.xirniiiiiiitor CUSTAR'S" tlei-trle I'owder, fur Innei-H, Ac. tHlOH INiTANTLT. Rats richm Mica Mil Uiound Mice tlrrt-Dueii Ann Moiln Mnaquitoea Flnia Inserts on Plxiita, Fowls, Ainmsls. Ss., Ac in short, every form and spc cimoS VKR.MIN. IP years rslablishrd III New York City usrrt by the Cily Post Offices lh City Prisons nnfl ftntlon llousrs pie City summers, rhips. A .'. thr City Hntel."Ati.r," ")"t. Nicholas," 4c end by more tlmii ii,Oifl privai families. CT nrugcists ami Retailns eeervwhere sell He in. l"-Vhiileile Aseiits mall the rrr' fines ami Towns, IT ! f Kkwars f f nf spurions iinitsliinia. yl,Kl ftimple Moxes sent hy Mail. CsT Address orders- or for Circular to Dealers" In IIKNRV R. CTAR, Prinnpnl l)e.t. 1513 llrnadwav. (pre wile St. Nx-holHS Hotel,) N . PoUhy Fltll.l.NU k tilt AN 'I', ttaiibuiy, Pa. April Ul, IHOU. Ilcligioiis Notices llivina service will be held nery SnMnlli in tin U lough as follows : PRKHYTF;ntAN rm rtt'll Norlli west corner v Itlnckbeiry ami Urei streets, Hev J. II. Kkardok, I'nstor Diviue service every Puhhaiti at lo) A.M. Prayer meet ing on Thursttny evening. At Norlhlllnhcrlimd, in Old rchool I'icsliytermn Charch, at U, I. M., every ! blmt h OKHMAN RKFOHMKD rlft nCII North west comer of Hiver and Blackherry streets, Rev. I. W. Ptxii MK77.. Pnslor. Divine service, allernitlely, every SaMmtli at 10 A. M. and G) P. M. Pinyt't meeting on Fridtiy eventiir. KVANGKI.1CAT. t.t'TIIKR AM CIIPRHI Deer street below v.h P. Rsil Itmrl, Rev. P. RizrS, Pitr..r Divine service, slterniitely, every Silihntli nt I P. M. Pmyer meeiing on V ednesdoy eve in A ni . awl evening. MARRIAGES. In Kuubury, on the MMh ult., by Hpv. I l'.lipha llutler, Mr. I'.i.ns Gash, tn Miss I Maroarkt, daughter or John Farnsworth, j Ksq., both of Upper Augusta, Nortbumbtr- land county. j In f anbury, on thu 1st inst.. by tho llev. ' John V. teinmetz, Iacoh H K. Maru ! I of Sunbury, to Miss Maiiv Ann, I j of M shanoy. ; iu-: A T IIS. I Un .Monday iiiurnini;, alter a linjieni'n; ! illnoMS, M AI!Y, diuigliter ol' John and Chnr lotte llouroe, of this place, aged about 8 yars. I l On the 18th nit., in Hollowing I!nn, I lCl.l.AIt KTH, wife of George toiler, aged ' -I'.' years 2 months, and 0 days. ! On the 2.1th nil . in llollowinfj Kun, AH- . I.SAI.OM CONUA'J, aged 34 yeors II i months, and 5 days. I In 5hamnkin.nn the 23d ult., GKOUGKj j A I.BKKT. son or Daniel and r.liz.ibtlb Wua- j ver, t.'ed 2 years and 1 day. ' In Klyshtirs, on the 27tb ult. JOHN ! i NOKCKKK, aged 78 years l months, aud 1" days. On the 'JBtb nit., in Hush towm-hip, Nor thtiniherland county I'enna., UKHKCCA CKlH)UA,daiighler of Samuel and Kleuur tender, aged 4 year, 'I months and 7 days. Fhiladclphia Market. j ' I'llII.AI.KI PIMA, Jan. 2, iHrl. irtAiv There is a fair amount of Wheat i t comit) forward, Sul tho dematiri is limited all a slight decline of 3 els. per bus. .S.ile of TidOll ' ' bus. prime i'enna. red at $1 TJ a SI per ; ! Iiiik. and White al .?l 40 a Si t.i for common inutility. Kye is dull al i.j cents for I'enuu. i ( and "D cents for Southern, ( torn is very quiet and tbe only miles rrpor'.ed aro srniiil lot ol yellow io store al ti. els , and .VX) bushels fair ipiulity at .':' ctb. Ouls are steady at ill a ' cents for Dcluwaro, and 33 a 37 cunts lor ' ; .Slute. 1 j , SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. ' Wheat, Si lOol 30 Hulter, - SO I - Urb. - - 11 rii Tulluw, - . . Vi , 3:1 l.urd, - 12 I S Pork, .... 8 ' fiO Ueesuax, - VI , Kye, - -Corn, Oats, - Ilinkwlictti, J'otaloes, New Advertisements. MT. C ARIEL HOTEL FOR RENT. PROPO.XAI.S will he received at the puhlir ; house of Abraham l.errh, Ml ('nrinel, Northuniherltuid county, V'a., until the Slith day i of .lunuary, I6fil. lor Ihe renliiig of Ihe puldit j house known as the old Ml. Carmel llnii-l. ! A M Us VAsI IM:, Ailm'r. ' Ml. Carmel, Jniiuiiry 5,180 3t I Y'Ol' WANT IT. ytll R U'IFE WANTS IT, yoi'KCim.DKKX WA.V1 IT, ; T Wll.l. ( Kin MNI.V I'A Y. y.u voi; woi ut n.wi: it. ! IF you on y Lnrw how l.sEFl.T,, how IX.sTKUC i'lVK, and how EX rEKTA I.MXG il is. I Wc refer lo that "firt hei-t," (hat largnut, rnont : iimlrui live, most hraolilul, and vet cli'ae.t ' journal in Ihe world for the HOI SKIIOI. I , for I the FA KM, and for the GAKUEX, wz : the j American Agriculturist, I VOL" WANT IT, lwraiie il contains no very many new and UM-fut direction, hiuta, and sue getions about all kinds ol mil door work, in the : Garden, in the Field, in Ihe Or.-lmrd, on Ihe 1 little plot of round, about 1 oiiir.lic Animals, I elr. etc. The Airrirullurist is nut a stale rolia-h nf' theoretical sfulV. such as km the rounds from' one paper to another, lull it i filled with in-elnl I and new praciit al in ormatiun, every word of 1 which ii) reliaMi', hecauso prepared hy hoocl, I practical Working-Men, who know they wiile alwut- Earn volume contains many hundrrda nf use- i ful hints, und il i certain that many of theae j hiuu will ach ba worlh ta you more than i' dollar. As an example, a aulwcriher w riles : '. . . .1 ohtaitied 5 bushels nioto jier acre on a ! 10 aire field of wheat, (or iu all Si) bushel.) aim- ply from a hint about preparing Ihe seed given in my AgiictillurUt," ,, . Another says he oh- I tallied an exlra yield nf II hu.hela Jf corn per! acre on a IS acre field., and wild no ciira cost ' for culture, by applying one hint from the Agri- ; ctiliutul. Anoihir (a villager.) says he got $13) 1 worth extra of good garden vegetables, which he ; attributes wholly lo the timely hints in Ihe A en. i culturikt. which told him front time lo lime hat lo do, how to do il, and w hen la Jo iL Thou sands of others have derived similar advantages. You are invited to try Ihe paper a year, at a coat of only l. If you desire, you can have, free of charge, four or five parrel of choice sreds, which Ihe Publisher w ill distribute anions Ida subscribers Ihe present winter. YOUR WIFE warns Ihe Agriculturist, be raose it has a large amount of valuable and really uaciul information about all kind of House, hold Work, from Garrett lo Cellar. (Jive her Ihe benefit of thia paper for a year. You will find your home made belter, and money saved. YOLIt Cllll.llREX want the Agricultutitl, for it Qontaina a very inlereating, uarlul, ami en tertaining department lor Youth and Children, which will lie of great value lo Ibrir minds and hearts. The above are truthful alalemenla, that will be cheerfully attested hy nearly a hundred thousand of the -reaetil reader of Ibe Agricultural. You are invited lotrv a single volume of tha Asrirul- luiisl, wbicli will rut nnlv SI, and abundantly j pay. Try il lr Iff I O'-l 3" UK WI.K Jl I'D, li-t.s r, 41 t'ik l.'otv, Xew.Yrk. faiiuxy lsM Adjourned Sale of Timber Lands. fpilE Dig Motinlsin Imprnvrmrnt Cnmpaiiv, not having sold all nf their Timber l.mnlw at Kchre's on the X7th nil., have adjourned their salesof said lands till Saturday, Janunry Clth. I HK I, at in o'clock, A. M., at the public house of Diniel Kramer. In Little Mahonoy township, nrar Kothcrincl's Mill. HENRY VAN GAf KIN, Agent. January .', 1801. Administrator's Kotico. IV OTICE hereby given, that letlera of Btlminw intrstion having been grafted lo the nibsrri ber, on Ihe estale nf Absnlem Conrad, Intc o( Lower Augusta township, Northumberland coun ty, Fa., deceased. All persons indebted to tnnl estate, are requested to marl Ihe subscriber mi Ihe Into residence of Ihe dee'd., on Saturday the Oih of February, IH6I, and make payment, and' those having claims to present their) for settle ment. IIE.NRY KIIIFK, Ad.ii'r. l.owor AtigUKla twp January &, ttllil State ef the Batik of Northnmbeilan'L January 3th, .1861. Afsl-;i-. lwiiN nod liinC'Minls, NorthllllllierlHiid lllinK stocks, Older blocks ()rre hy olher Flunks, Notes nl other lltiiiks. Ppci'le In Vaults, Real f'.sfute, S:)GJ,-lTn it o.i To (" I ,r- VI I." .'...lOi "V .i;:) XI.P-J7 U" e,.rSs v-r -t!l,OI.J 'J' Pi.:ri : s.t-w II l..Jfi ti-j tttfH! .il I.1AIIII.I I II Notes is circnl.-ition, Due other Hunks. ir"irors, ... 11 I'oniinonu ealtii. JW.ll.-i t.i I t'frtify tint the ah tve sinlcinr-iit I't I erred Hint true lo lha liewt ol my know-leitt."- (ni! t..-h-f. I II PHIITI.KY, Cashier. Sworn himI sntticriheit Lcioreme, J.inu:iry it l?lil. ie MtrinKK. J r Offce nf the Clerk- nf the Orphan Court of Xnrthnmhrrliiwl enmity, I'u. kT"TI E is hi rt-hy nivrn 'hit appimrriiirnt Xw f real and pernoiial property have In en mailnlo the widoiv, re.-pei-liti'ly, of the lollop ing unmrd driedriil', egreenhly to the aclf ol AsHcuibly, in hiicIi ciim's niude and proMiled, t. wit : I Hon mull Henry, late of .lonhiii ton nln;i. dccrasi'il. 3 Kearney Michael, late of ihe town of 7'ri. vorlon, deceased. :i Kianer Henry, late of Delaware lowuship, llceaed. i McCormlik Hi c'or, late of llcbtvarc town ship, deccai-cil. ft Trehnpp .lolin, lule of I.owrr Muliuiioy ovvn-hi)i, th'ccased. li Yeaer Daniel, hile of Turbtit luivinhip, ilereaed. And llnil the snine will l prcsviiled lo the Orphani.' foitrl for apprirvnl, on Tuemlsy, lb l-'ilh ilnv ol .Untinry next, imltsH excrptnm-, Itheieto lie filed before iIihI day .1 II M AS.-Ell, Cl. rk t). C. Rcgihler'a lllliie, ) Sunbury, Dec. SSd, IRCd. list of Fok Jam ar Tkiiv, Irti!. UUN) JUHDKS. ) Jacob NrileT, Jackson. - M.imuel .Sinick, Jord in. ;i Willium I'rniner, Upper Augur-la. I I'lioinus Fniild, .erlif. .) Sniiinel KiithermHl, Lower Muhauoy. tl (ii-orge A. Keeler. Ml. Curmtl. 7 Jnliii iVsluy, Hush. f Win. liarlbulomew. Lower Angu.ita. !J John l'el.- r, Chillisquaqne. It) l.llas lli'ddin, Sunliury. 11 Johu Kt-efer, Uppi-r Anynst i. 2 Amos lleini, Wuslurgtuii. .l Win. l Nnjtle. Milton. I I David I'eiiiiyl, ."Shainokiii. I.'i IjfO. Snyder. Lower Mnhunoy. Hi (,'liarles H. Itoyer, Cumeron.' 17 Jucnit L ip, Northumberland. 18 Win Koudurinel, Uuh. 19 Win. Lessmun, Lower Mltany. 'Jl) Walter Speece. Lower AuyusU. 'Jl Suntii'l Kohiii9on do 21 David liillmun, Conl. 'Z'.i Morris Jones, Upp.-r Augusta. TKAVKK-sK JLIKMls. I Joseph Iiuller, Chillisquaque. '1 Abraham rvissitifir, Turhul. H David r'eybert, D--luwarH. 1 Allen Moodie, haiuokiu. .'i Hiram Duukle, Turbul. t Daniel sleigh, Comerou. 7 Conrad Wenrk, .Northumberland, fc' Jese C. Ilortoo, Uoint. J Mark I. Mcupham, Suuliury. 10 .1 nines lfuoy. Milt on. II Siiuiiiul Lowtie, Delaware. I'l (ieorce Lyon. Sunbury. I:! Job n lluisli, Ku-li It Alitalia n Leiiki-r, Lnwor .Maliaiior. I.'i Andrew kutz, f'hiliMpiuipie. 1G Win. Conrad, Lower Augusta. 17 Hubert Cnitijiinis, Chilisquuqiie. H Jacob II K ruin, r, tin III Jnsepli lloucheiitlnuhler, .M ilioti. 'JO Thomas li. Cooper, S'lliloirv. l John II. DeWHi-K, Mi. t'nruivl. 'J'J Samuel Kvtritl, TurUjl. Abraham Smith, lela;in 'J I .lollalhull UimIicI, ' In I it., pi h i'i" 'i't Samuel Smith, Upper Mahatmy. '.'ti Johu YutidevendiT, l'otnt. '21 Thomus Hurr, Lewis. ','H J'liiii'H Fox, Shatni.kin. '."J IVter Mmirer, Mt.t.'aime :;i) William Neliit, I'o.ut. 31 David C. Watson, Dilawaie. "M Andrew Ditty, Lower Mabauoy. 31! Henry MeiJi, Zeihe. Ill Naiab It. Davi. Milton. 3 Hiram liloom, Lower Aur-utn. 3'i Ueijamin Ilendricki", Kuiihoiy. 37 John M outer, Point. 3S Hnherl Lyons, Upper Augusta. 39 Charles W. snjder, shamokm. 411 Wm. Kimple, Lower Mubunoy. 41 David Keller, Lewis. VI ('hrislino Yerijer, Lower Mahutuj. 13 Isaac Herb, Upper Mabut:oy. 4 I James Miller, Mtllon. 4j Solomon Weaver, Coal. 4ti Henry ravidg , Lower AcjiusU. 17 Samuel Mantz, Sunbury. 4ti Marcus Htrouse, Zcrbe. TKT1T JUUOHs. 1 Gideon W. Snyder, Upper MaLano7 '1 Daniel Yost, Coul. 3 John Huff, Milton. 4 Benjamin Kriybaum, Lower .Mahauoy. A Hernard Murry, Northuibeiluiid. 0 Ceo. Conrad, L'pper Auj;iita. 7 Henry C. Mamu, buubury. 8 Joseph Scott, Kueh, U Andrew Kerehuer, Lewis, 10 Hugh Caul, Cbill'Fipluque, 11 Samuel Savidjje, Upper AugutU, Vi Charles Hoy, Millou. 13 Thomas Mervinu, " 14 Israel Duokelberser, Little Mabaiiuy. l. I'eter Menges, Lewis. 16 I'eter Meu, urbe. 17 Patrick Maban, Zerbe. 18 Jaied Irwin, Sunbury. 19 (ieorgeSavidge, Lower Augusta. 20 Klijab Uyerly, Lower Mahauoy. 21 Ueo. W. Iloroberper, Upper Mahauoy, 'i'l Malbias I'ersing, Shamoliu, 23 George Follmer, Sunbury, 34 Jacob Fein, Mt. Cormel, '2j Solomon Hummel, Sbatnokin, 20 F.dward T. Drumheller, t gshinstun, 27 I'aul Masteller, Miltou, 2S John Boboer, Jacksou, 23 I'eter Barobarl, Upper Auousla. 30 James 'I' weed, Lewis, 31 Hubert Tilsworlb, Coal, 32 Charles Marliu, Sunbury. 33 lleory Has. tNoilhuUiberiand, 31 Auiandus Miller, shamokiu 3.i t krisliau (Urvutt, Leaiv 3 Johu Keaidanuel, Coal.