Cclcgrapjjic Ifctos. FROM THE rEUBHAL CAPITAL CONSTITUTION At. ruNVPSTION. WATBtNOTON, Nov. '25. Tli President is Bow or tli opinion (hut nothing can save the ITninn hnt a convention for amending- the llnnitiintinn. He exiiremc hopes that til) Kothern Mi at will iirevocubly secede UUtil aach convention shall have, nu t. Washington, Nov. U -A new Republican tioffepaper, called th National Repuultcan appeared lata this evening. Its lending edi torial drims that it Intends to become the organ of any special diijite. Chief Juslico Tanry bns resigned, bnt it wss not Intended to make a pnblm announce ment antii it was certain that tho appoint nipnt of Judge Black wan contirmed. .Secretary Cobb in packing op to retorn to Georgia, lie will probably resign shortly hKSlfiN T10N Of TIIK CIIARI.mTilN.I'OSrHASiKR I'ai.timork, Nov. 2fi. A despatch fioin Columbia, S. C, received tn-rtnv. suy. that the Legislature met, and that 'l !' . The i'oftmaitsr at Charleston telegraphed to Gov. (J iit tbut be would resign as soon as Eouth Curoliua seceded. LOYAL AND DISLOYAL M aNU KSTATIONS TUB STARS AND STRIPES VS. THK PALMETTO Fl.AO- Baltimore, Nov. 26. Tba ineuibjrs of an assi eiation, calling themselves the "South ern Volunteers," displaying the "palmetto ting" rom tbeir pltice or meeting to-rioy. A large crowJ was attracted by the novulty of tl display, and the plaudits of the "Volan teers" were mingled with groans aud biases In m the more patriotic. Cupt. J ones, nf the barque Isabel, also dis played the "palmetto flag" from the roast bead of bis vi'SBel ibis morning. All the ships, lying io the vicinity, immediately ran up the "Stars and Stripes." RETURN OP THE MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS Warsaw, Mo., Nov. 2Cth. Ir. Milton, a resident of this city, arrived from Fort Scott on Saturday, whither be had 6een ou business connected with the Land Office. lie reports that Moutgomery, in person, mas encamped witbio five miles of that place, with seventy-five or eighty men. A detach ment bad entered Fort Scott, and on fiuding 1 that tho Government cQicers bad fled, and the Court, wbicb was to" have been held on Monday last, broken up, they seemed to be satisfied, and did not molest the towo in any way. Montgomery's object for the present, it is aid, was only to muider the officers, and thereby break up the Court and prevent the trial of some thirty of his friends who were in custody. He publicly declares that bo 1 will remain to prevent tbe land sales, wbicb are advertised fur tbe 3d of December, oud also to take possession of Vernon and ButeB counties, la tbe meantime, Montgomery is said to be regularly encamped, witb large and comfortable teutB, plenty of provisions, Ac. Tub Latb Stokij Tnic Weather. The accounts received from vessels arriving at New York represent tbe easterly gale of Fri day night as very severe along the whole coast, and it is probable that we shall yet bear of serious disasters to vessels which were exposed to its fury, the storm on tub lakes. Tbe storm opon tbe lakes baa. been the most severe yet experienced. Some vessels went ashore aud were wrecked near Cleveland and others, wbicb were overtaken by tbe storm, were compelled to beave overboard portions of their cargo. At Buffalo the gale began from the west at one o'clock Saturday morning, accompanied witb rain, wbicb chang ed to snow. It raged fearfully for several boors, and is reported to buve been very dis astrous ta shipping on Lake Erie. Much damage was done to vessels at tbe wharves. Telegraphic despatches from Oswego repre sent the gale as very violent, and accompanied with a blinding snow storm, r.n Lake Ontario the thermometer indicating 24 degrees. Buffalo, November 24 Tbe steamer City of Cteveland, from Lake Superior, arrived to ulght, leaking, witb tbe loss or one wheel, and she bad to throw out to-day titty tons of cop per ore from tbe Pewabic Mine, thirty barrels copper ingots from the Wyandotte, and fifty eight tons pig iron ; total value, $30,000 The copper is insured. Some flour in ber bold is damaged. A small vessel, name unknown, weent to pieces on the ceast, a few miles west of here. Crew saved. AT RICHMOND. Riohmonp, Va , Sunday Nov. 25. It bas been bitter cold to-day. Ice was made oearlv two inches thick. A DISCARDICU LOVER S HALLfcKKE FIUHT HIS RIVAL. TO Pedro A. Orzeli, an Italian, li vine at No 216 William street, yesterday caused the ar rest of a young French artist, named Lamore Loots, whom be charged with sending him a challenge to tight a duel. The accused had become enamored of tbe same lady oo whom the affections of Orzali had been set, and, as a cousequence, tbey became eneinie. Tbo fair one seemed to favor Orzali's suit and a day or two ego an encounter occurred be tween two rivals, wbicb resulted ia tbe thrashing of the Frenchman. He, therefore, gave bis emotions expression io the following cartel : New York, Nov. 1, 1SC0. Italian Coward: Without heart, with out soul, without shame, and without pity you triumph, for yon have stoleo my mistress the nuly being I had open earth, and, more over, in Ibis foreign land. I have loved her, I do love ber, and I shall Ibve her as long as r breath of existence remains in me ; and however disgusting to have ber come soiled by your arms, 1 ehull still receive ber, and cover ber face witb sincere kisses that which you never bad for her, for you have ooly t-toli'o ber through the bait of your gold and yfur money. This values nothing. But 1 love her, and I hate thee. I leave her to thee, coward ! The only thing I desre is that there was io my miserable breast enough of blood to make it move. Tell roe whetber vou are able to spare it for your courage. Then take arms I Let us cross tbe water oue fine evening, aud there, alone, without wit nesses, or witb witnesses, iu the face of Li od let death decide. There will be more credit for joa to kill me thus, than to assassinate me without arms, as I uui thrown dowo into dirt without eivirjer me time l, rio At twenty-tive paces, if you want it, we shall fire I togemur unin ouepr us two be dead. If not ceti j..urHii upon your guard, f ,r I declare Io yoo vendetta, and I shall kill you as Soon as I could I shall, perhaps. be hung, but this ts imrnateria to me, for J he nothing i u., -ur.ii wuicii an ache. Ul9 to it, if jibe not my good richt for my Susr.nne to weep over my deceived love, and to din witb sorrow io cov.rtng her witb kU.e.. Fight loyally J eqtuUrms, and 1 shall retract the name of coward von de,e,v, by your con- weuS I.J.A,L0RK.VUu,,: Ko- 23 Woet Broadway. J . 8. I f the loves me no more, klie W,'tbo,D,y dX'i b' .U L"r 10 bB l '' I'1'" of battle, and I will permit myself to be killed wm.uiM ucieuui iv .i.yiitut when f4liu- i shall still cry, l love thee rorgive cf08,d "V l?.Un ber"r'" Jl' eltb aud examined. II- then f. upoo bis knees, and made most abject apologies for bis iiidiburetioo. stating that be did uol iuleud to injure Onali at all, aud bad wiilieo what be bad io a moment of mcittinsot, Tba Magis trate beiug satisfied that bis ofleuca was the result of a love addled biain, n ptiinanded him and let bim go. THE AMEEICAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1860. n. D. MASSEll, Editor and Proprietor. To AovEKTiiitm.- -Th circulation of the Sckbout Ajusicas amnne the different town on the (Suniuehann la not exceeded, if equalled by any paper published in Noitliern Pemuylvuiila. - C5T N'OTH-K TO DELINCttKNT SlBSCMIIKRS. All those who have been receiving the .imrnVan for years, without ptiying anything, will be cut olTou the Hrst of January next, unless tin y pay stnnehing towi r Is the fiist cost of paper and iuk, to say nothing of our tabor. Hg- The old Hiddirrs ofltflV!, will meet at Captain Jlufifl, Milton, oo Tuesday next. Cg" Boat Sink in tiik Bay. Wo regret to li-arn that the canal boat, loaded with coal, bulonping to Mr. Isaac Campbell, of Upper Augusts, was snuk iu Chesapeake liay, du ring the late storm. tJS" Choick Arii.Ks Wui. Hoover bas purchase I tbe line lot of apples brought to this place by Mr. W. Dunham, 1C3 barrels, Bucb as Kbode Island Urpeoiug?, Spitzen burgs, Seek no Further, Northern Spy, and other good varieties, all of which be oilers at the original price, or $2 50 per barrel. J3" Latkst Nkws. There bas been a rupture io tbe Cabinet. Secretaries Cobb, and Thompson, who favor secession will ! resign. l'rince Albert and suit arrived borne safe, California bas gone for Lincoln. trjr Tiianksoivino Day was duly celebra ted in this place oo Thursday last. Tbe stores ware closed the churches were open, ed and the tables were supplied with turkeys aud tbe usuul accompaniments. In the ab sence of tbe latter, pork and sausoges were, most probably, substituted, or, perhaps, a roasted joint of good mutton, wbicb, in our opinion,' is preferable to either. eJT- SiiA.MOkiK Bank. Tbo following is tho Board of Directors recently elected : F. W. Pollock, Stephen Bittenbender, William M. Weaver, Charles P. Ilelfenstein, S. R. Yuaricb, John M. Taylor, J. F. Linn, Israel Reed, Isaac Burkbart, George Knterline, Joseph Hoover, Henry C. Kyer and Solomon Miller. F. W. Pollock was re-elected President. C3T Friend John, of tbe Sbamokin Register, thinks our remarks in regard to tbe stores io this place rather fishy. Tbe only thing scaly we see in the matter is tbe Register'! mutila tion of our remarks, by extracting three iso lated lines and commenting thereon. But enough of this. A friend at our elbow re quests us to ask of Friend John, who has bad "twenty years' experience in mercantile buBi Deps," what effect the secession movement is likely to hove on tbe "demaud for Razor Strops." (2r Tbe editor of the Harrisburg Tele graph, op to Monday last, had no turkey in bis coop for Thanksgiving Day, but acknowl edges tbe receipt of a "free pass" to a Thanks giving Supper. A turkey, ready roasted, is certainly preferable to tbe aforesaid feathery biped io tbe coop, especially for a hungry editor. Thanksgiving Day, without turkeys and pumpkin pies, would be as mach of an anomaly, witb many, as Easter without eggs, or Christinas without cake. CAniNKT Marino. Messrs. William Itaupt and Benjamin Heckert have taken tbe shop lately occupied by Wro. S. Snyder, in Fawn street, as will be seen by their advertisement in another column. They are both graduates from the Cabinet Making establishment of Sebastiao Haupt, of this place, wkoBe work, for beauty, durability and finish, is well known, and cannot readily be sorpassed. They will, no doubt, be able to turn out work to the-entire satisfaction of their customers, and thus merit the patronoge due to young beginners. C3T I hangk or iimk. I be following is the new time table which went into operation oo Monday last, en tbe Northern Central and Sonbury Sc Erie Roads : Mail Train, North, leaves Sun bury at 5.0C P. M " " South, " " 0,45 A. M. Express Train, North, leaves at U.OU P. M. " ' South, " " 3,40 A. M Sunbury Si Erie Accommoda tion Train leaves at Aud arrives at 7.00 6,00 A. M. P. M. The storm of wiud that succeeded the rain on Friday night, was accompanied by a degree of cold wbicb, for intensity and sudden change, has not been equalled, perhaps, for forty years, at so early a season. On Sunday morning, at 8 o'clock, the thermometer stood at 10 above zero. Oo Monday it begun to moderate. Tbe Susquehanna at this place, though well up, was about half closed, and was running thick witb ice. Tbe canal was kept opeu by the numerous bouts, aud we truat that we sbull have at least three or four weeks more of moderate weather, to enable our coal operators to supply the greut de i in mid for coal ul ibis tct;ou of tb year. We would rail tba attention of any who may witb au honorable end orolilable occupation, to tbe card iu our columns, bead ed, "A Profitable Iluine." Mr. Thayer, who repreaents the eaatero interests of tbe house witb which be is connected, has given as au iokight iuto tbuir sj.luin of doing busU te, and we wuuu recommend any who wish to enguge io something that trill pay, to call oo buo aud tuveetigate tbe inducements offered. Tbe woik is truly a valuable one, and bas long been Deeded and called for by tbe coinumuiiy. Wo shall call tbe alteotioo of our readers to its contents as sooa as lime will permit. A cursory roview bas sslUfUd us that it will be worth meoy times its coal to any family who pofieesea it. TUB COUNTRY AND THE CITY BANKS. We are pleased to see that our eonntry Banks, or those in the valley of tbe Basque baoDa, have not succumbed to tba measures adopted by tbe city Banks, in suspending specie payments. A meeting was held at Northumberland, on Wednesday last, at wbicb tbe Banks of Northumberland, Sbamo kin, Danville, Lewisburg, Williamsport, Jer. spy Shore, Lock Haven and others, were represented by their officers, who, after due consultation, resolved to adhere to their Original position in refusing to follow' the action of the city Banks, in regard to bus pension. These Banks are all well conduc ted and sound in their resoorces, and depre cate tbe policy of tbe Philadelphia Banks, which have, in effect, placed themselves and their assets into tbe hands of the brokers. Our Banks all have large balances due them in the city Banks. With their country cus tomers they anticipate no trouble or difficulty, nod if any of the city financiers should endea vor to speculate in the currency, wbicb by their action tbey have depreciated, tbey will we presume, be readily accommodated by drafts on their own Banks for any amount they may present. We are gratified to see that our Banks have the ability and indopen- ( aVnce to cut loose from the city Banks, in . refusing to adopt a policy as injurious to their interest' as it is disagreeable in its opora ' lions. Tbe Now York aud Kit-torn Banks : have refused to suspend, and we regret our ( Philadelphia institutions did not pursue the ; same policy. C5" The financial troubles brought about by tbe secession movement at the South, has as was generally anticipoted, caused a general suspension of sperln payments by the city Banks end many of the country. The action of tbe Legislature of Snnth Carolina, author, litig the Bunks of that State to suspend, was followed by tbe ar.tuul suspension of tbe Basks or Virginia, Maryland, tbe District of Colombia, aud of tbe South generally ; and oo Thursday tbe 22d at 1 o'clock, the Banks of Philadelphia, nfter a full meeting or their Presidents for consultation, resovled to sus pend. The New-Jersey Batiks also suspend. ed. The New-York IlAuks have not bus. peoded, but have agreed to make common their whole stock of roin, amounting to about twenty millions of dollars, to pay it out to tbe lest dollar, if demanded, and to expand their loans and discounts to an unlimited extent, to meet the wants of the business community. That tbey will be alio to hold out in this course until the panic has subsided we have no doubt. The present suspension, unlike that of 1857, has been caused by no financial pressure, but originates soluly from tbe politi cal dangers which threaten tbo country. It bas created little or uo excitement, and bus been followed by few failures. It is generally regarded as a precautionary measure to enable tbe Banks to expand their discounts and prevent tbe wild scenes of 1857. The Banks, witb few exceptions, throughout tbe State, are abundantly able to meet all their liabilities. CJ"Stkam on thk Carai.. A steam canal boat is now running in Tide Water Canal, with decided Euccess. The boat is owned by Wm. M'Conkey, Esq., of Wrightsville. Her dimensions are about eighty-foar feet io length, fifteen feet four inches in breadth, and six feet six inches io depth, with capacity for a cargo of eighty tons, and with a motive power sufficient to tow auotber craft of oue hundred tons, which will at oil times accom pany ber. The engine, a propeller of twenty horse power, was built io Baltimore. Tbe wheel is forty-five inches in diameter, and is so placed as not to revolve below tbe bottom of tbe boat and dig into the bed of tbe canal. Tbe smoka Btark is arranged witb hinges so as to be easily lowered in passing under bridges. Tbe fuel used is anthracite coal. She recent ly made the trip to Havre d-(jrace, round tbe bay, a distance of sixty miles, in less than twelve hours, with a c irgo of four hundred sacks of salt- The average speed coming up the Canal was less tban three miles per hour, though of course in wide and deep water a better speed was attained. atXKSMOM IS 1C3-A. Tbe following extract, giving interesting details of tbe secession movement in 1S32, is .from a Charleston correspondent of the Phil adelphia Inquirer, and will be read with interest at tba present time : NulliGcation ic South Carolina iu 1832, as yoo are aware, grew ott of ao inequality in the Tariff measures of tbe day. Parton, in bis Life of Jswkson, says "Calhoun began it Calhoun continued it Calhoun stopped it." Tbe old Jackson men did not at that time speak in very complimentary terms of Calhoun. Tbey charged Lim witb "thinking it better to reinn iu South Carolina than to serve io the United StateK." Jackson (ac cording to Parton,) "in bis last sickness, declared that in retiuctiog npon his adminis tration, be chiefly regretted that he had not had John C. Culhnau executed for treason. My country," said tbe General, "would have suetaiued me in tbe act. aud bis fate would have been a warning to traitors io all time to come." If (here ever was a man dearly beloved, John C. Calhoun was in South Carolina. Nay, be was worshipped and idolized. Tbe bare meution of bis name, even now, briogs the glis.te.ning tear to the eye of a stout heart that would not quail belore a niue-sun battery loaded with grape and canister. 1 merely give the extract to show bow serious the matter was iu 1832, and to convince those at tbe North, who are disposed to treat tbe subject flippantly, thut it it mure serious in 18C0. The nullifying ordinance of 1832, was pass-, ed on tbe 24th of of November, by a Conven tion which met at Colombia. Jt consisted of one hundred and forty membejs. It is said to have been tbe most able body of men that ever conveued together ia I be State Tbe ordinance, which may be of interest to your readers, is aa follows : 1. That tbe Tariff law of 1828, and the amendment to tbe same of 1832, weie "null. void, aud no law, nor biudiog upon this State its officers, or cilizeos." 2- No duties enjoined by that law. or its amendment, (bull be paid, or permitted to be paid, in the State of South Carolina, after toe isi day or F ebruary, 1833. 3 lu no rase iuvolviug tbe validilf of tbe expected nullifying act of tbe Legialatore, ueii ao appeal to tbe bapreme Court of tbe lolled butrs be permitted. No copy of iuuvcuniii auaii ue auowea to be takeo lor tbat purpose. Any attempt to appeal to tbefeupremeCourl, "may be dealt with as lor a eooumpt of tbe Court'' from which the appeal ia takeo. t',e7 otEce bolder ia the State, whether tu. ii,, i or tue military service, and every ptraon hereafter asauoiiog an office, and every juror, shall take an oath to obey ibis ordinance, and all acts of tbe Legislature, in accordance therewith or suggested thereby. 6. If tbe Government of the United States shall attempt to enforce the tariff laws, now existing, by means of its army or navy, by closing the ports of the State, or preventing tbe ingress or egress of vessels, or shall io any way harass or obstruct tbe foreigo com merce of the State, Men South Carolina will no longer consider herself a member of the Federal Union ; thi "people of this State will thenceforth hold themstlves absolved from all Jurtner ooiiga ion to matmatri or preserve their political connection with the peoule of the other States, and will forthwith proceed to oroanizt a separate government and do all other acts and things which sovereign and independent States may of a right do." Tbe commotion which this document crea ted in tbe minds of the people thronghont tbe conotry is yel treat) and green to the memo ries of many of yonr readers. Robert Y llayne, one of South Carolina's most brilliant and eloquent sons, and the master spirit of the nulliners. was elected Governor or ine State. He pledged himself not only to carry out the acts of tbe Convention, but every abt of the Legislature, and every judgment of the courts which might devolve on mm. lie recognized "no allegiance as paramount to that which the citizens of South Carolina owed to tho State of their birth or their adoption." Tbe Legislature endorsed the acts or the Conveniton and tbe Governer, and authorized the raising of volunteers. Medals were worn by many of the most prominent citizens, bearing the inscription "John C. Calhoun, First President of tbe Southern Confederacy." Gen. Jackson promptly mode such deposi tions of the naval and military forces as would enable bim to Bit with swift efficiency. Gen Scott was ordered to this city for the purpose of superintending the safety of tbe forts of the United States in the vicinity. CongreBS met a short lime after. Jackson, in his message, says Pnrton, ''dismissed in a single pftragrspb, the troubles of South Caro lina, oud expressed tbe hope of the speedy adjustment of the difficulty." His memorable, proclamation soon followed, and electrified the country. Argument, warning and en treaty were blended in its composition. It refuted, one by one, the leading positions assumed by the nullificrs. Tbe right to annul and the right o secede, as claimed by them, were shown to be incompatible witb the fundamental idea aud main object or the Constitution, which was, to form a more porfect Union." He admitted that the tariff act complained of did act unequally, "bnt so did every revenue act that ever bad been or ever could be passed." The right of a State to secede was as strongly denied then as it is now at the North It was then held-"To soy that any State may, fit pleasure, secede from tbe Union, is to say that tbe United Ssates is not a nation. How can that State be said to be sovereign and independent whose citizens owe obedience to laws not made by it, and whose magistrates are sworn to disregard those laws, when they in conflict with those passed by another T" General Jadkson, as is well known, was a native of South Carolina, and many, at tbe time, feared be would falter. Hut be was made of sternor stuff. He gave tbe people of South Carolina distinctly to understand "tbat in case any forciblo resistance to the laws were attempted by them, tbe attempt would be resisted by tbe combined power and resources of the other States.' But. Bays Parton, for every word of this kind, "there were a hundred of entreaty." A compromise after a stormy debate, was passod by Congress. It was concocted by tbe eueuues of General Jackson, though be signed it. Mr. Calbooo hastily journeyed home, met tbe Convention at Columbia be fore tbey had taken any additional steps. He fouud tbat he bad to contend witb some fiery spirits, though his persuasive eloquence soon overpowered them, and tbe nullification ordinance was repealed. Since that time a new generation of man bas sprung up, and tbey are all imbued witb the same ardor and spirit wbicb prevailed in tbe bosoms of tbe nullifies of 1832-3. If it took all tbe eloquence of such men bb Jack son, Clay, Bentoo, Clayton, Calhoun, Web ster, McLaneand erplunck, to ellect even a sorry compromise 1 leave it to the wiser beads loan mine to say what it will take now to overturn the revolution which will take place so sure as there is a difference between light and darkness. Tbe biographer i f Jackson spoke prophe iically wben he said tbat it would have been more like Jackson to have vetoed the Com promise. "The time may come when the people of the United States will wish he had vetoed it und thus brought to an issue and settled finally a qucstvm which, at some future day, may as suine more uwkirard dimensions, aud tbe country have no Jacks n to meet it !" Daniki. Wkbster on "Pkaceablk Sucks Bios. A Thrilling Speech. In his last great speech in the Senate, on tbe 7tb of March 1850 Daniel Webster thus spoke of secession. "Mr. President I should much prefer to have heard, from every member on the floor, declarations of opiuion tbat ibis Union could never be dissolved, than tbe declaration of opinion by any body, tbat in any vase, andei tbe pressure of any circumstances, eucb a dis olutioo was possible. 1 boar witb distress and anguish tbe word "Secession," especially when it falls from th lips of loose who are patriotic, and known to tbe country and known all over tbe world, for their political services. Secession I Peaceable secession ! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see tbat miracle. Tbe dismemberment of this vast country without convuleion ! Tbe breaking op of the fountains of the Great Deep without milling tbe surface 1 Who h so foolisb, 1 beg everybody's par don, as to expect to see any such thing ? Sir, be who sees these Slates, now revolving in barmouy around a common centre, aud ox pects to see thorn quit their places and Uy off', without convulsion, may look tbe Dext bour to see tbe heavenly bodies rush from their spheres and jostle against each other iu the realms of epoce, without causing tbe wreck of the Universe. There can be oo such thing as peaceable secession. Peacea ble eecessioo is an utter impossibility. Is tbe great Constitution under wbicb we live cov ering this whole country is it to be thawed aud melted away by secession, as the snows on the mountain melt uuder tbe influence of a vernal sun. disappear almost unobserved, and run off? No, sir! 1 will not state what might produce tbe disruption of tbe Union ; but, sir, I see as plainly as 1 see tbe sua io heaven what that disruption itself roust pro duce. 1 see tbat it must produce war, and such a war as 1 will not describe, io its two fold character. , Peaceable secession! Peaceable secession. Tbe concurrent agreement of all tbe members of this great Republic to separate 1 A vol untary separation, with alimony oo tbe one aide and oo the other ! Why, what would be tbe result? Where is tbe lioeto be drawn? What States are to secede ? What is to re main I American ? What am 1 to be ? Ao American do longer ? Ami to become sectional man, g local man, a separatiat, witb nocouutry iu common witb tbe gentlemen who sit around Die here, or who till tbe other bouse of Cougress ? Heaven forbid I Where ia tbe flag of tbe Republio to remain ? Where is tbe tagle still to tower? Oris be to cower, and shrink and fall to tbe ground ? Wby, sir, oar ancestors, our fathers and our grandfa thers, those of them that are yet living among as witb prolonged lives, would rebuke and reproach as, and our children and grandchild reo would cry out shame upon as. if we of Ibis generation should diabouor these ensigns of me power or iae government and tbe barmo uy of tbat Union which is every day full among us with ao much joy and gratitude. A Lirn. Bor.'bVioj asked"" Sunday school " Wbal is tba thief and of nasi ?" "The eod wbsl's gut tba bead oo." TI.RKIDI.K Altll)Kr Oo Monday about noon, our citizens startled by tbe explosion of oue l the buiiei ai iba Montour Holliog Mills. I be tire tni were rung In a few minutes, hundreds crowd ed to tbe scene of disaster. We fonud a large . portion of the mill torn away ; while tbe iron brick and timbers lay in one vast beep of rums, uui iuis was not tbe most melancholy part of tbe scene; tbe torn and bleeding bodies of the dead and the wounded nrennnted a sight heart sickening and sad. Ooe man was killed iaBlanlly, eod a large oamber were bruiBed and scalded, several of whom may not survive. The boiler was blown with tre mendous force io a westerly directiou tearing off tbe rudder ofa boat in the slip and lortgiag in the canal some distance below. Brick aud fragments of tbe building were strewed along it path j still it was forlunato that it took that direction. Had it passed through tbe mill, io ao opposite course, tho sacrifice of human life would have been far greater. Tbe following are the killed and wounded as far as we could learn their names : Killed instantly, Joseph Keeding. Martin Henderson and his son William, both braized aud badly scalded. Owen Burns, scalded. Humphrey Cougbliu, bruised and ssalded dangerously. Henry Doyle, bad an iron bolt drawo through bis leg. Wm. l'augn, severely wounded. Patrick Vailelv, badly bruised and scalded and is not expected to survive. JobD De vine Jr., slightly injured. Michael Quiulin, was much bruised. Washington Fields, slightly scalded. Tbe pecuuiary loss to Messrs Waterman Beaver, wilt be very considerable und we pre sume the works will be idle for some lime ; os a large portion of tbe building was blown up, and several other boilers moved from their beds ; while the connecting pipes were broken witb various other items of ilauioge. Mon tour American. 25Uaninjo 'tfHUovial iinii Gclcctcli. Dr. Livingstone, tbe African traveler, bus eein heard of. He was sufu arid well up to as May, and reported that the natives of Africa evince less hostility to travelers tbau formerly. Accepting an Okkkr or Assistance, Tbe Nashville (Teuu.) L'uiou bus seeu a letter from Gov. Gist, ol South Carolina, accepting tbe services of a gentleman of that city, who offeied te raise a corps of volunteers, in case tbey should be needed by South Carolina, in defence of ber rights and honor. C3F Tbe name of Gen. Cameron is men tioned in many of tbe Republican papers, in connection witb tbe new Cabinet. W e doubt much if tbe General would be willing to re linquish bis seat in the U. S. Senate for a Cabinet appointment certaiuly not without some reluctance on his part. A little son of Robert Neff, living on Mr. Ficbthoro's farm in Keily towosbip, on Friday last, was in a stable with a horse, and moved towards its heels, when the animal kicked tbe boy ia tbe face and bead, and afterwards trampled on his breast, inflicting dreadful wouuds, under which he breathed some hours, wbea death come to bis relief. New Counterfeit. A new counterfeit $20 noto on the Farmers' Bunk of Heading bas made its appearance. It is evidently altered from the plate of some broken "Farmers' Bank" of another State, and being entirely differcut from tbe 'genuine $20 bills of our Farmers' Bank, will deceive no one who is familiar with their appearance. A Thick Skin. During an exhibition of Dun Rice's Circus, at Memphis, Tenn. on the eight of tbe 10th inst., it was proposed to show thut tbe bide of tbe rhinoceros was ball proof. Captain Travis, tbe celebrated pistol shot, then fired a bullet at tbe animal, wbicb fell Battened to tbe floor, not breaking tbe skin, nor even causiog tbe animal to wince, wben struck. "Egypt," as tbe lower port of Illinois bas long been politically termed, has turned up nearly as usual ia the late electioo, notwith standing that State bas gone for Lincoln so largely. Ten couuties of Egypt gavn Doug las 12,218. Lincoln 1,530, Breckinridge 'J72, Bell 822. This is about one bulf tbe region. 1 tie remaining bait, however, is even more . ,.,LUU ? llc' ,or 11 nM B,vtu uoue- J. .!J. Jl It a at -'A I fi 10'uuu a"ia"li' brAGB l at. Al ibb Uoflimau, in eight weeks, has realized within a few hundred of $10,000, making ber income, if measured in the same proportion, more Iheu double that of the President of tbe United Stales. Mr. l'orrest gels even a shade still better terms, and even many stock actors receive a steady yearly income biglrer tban tbat of our Secre taries of State. Mr. Brougham received last season, at Wallack's $175 a week, besides benefits and allowance for bis pieces; Mr. Lester Wallack reeeives 125 a week ; Mr. DlukegU5,aud Mr. Walcot 8100. A. Y. Times, Dkkkcratino tub Pii.riT. Tbe Uoston (Mass) Transcript, alluding to Berkshire county, in tbat Sluto, says : "Tbey have a new way of advertising cewspapera writers in Berkshire, which Bonner should not be slow to adopt. A clergyman in the south purt of the county lately announced from his pulpit that the local paper of tbe succeeding week woold contain a poem, aud such of bis congregation as missed readiug it wonld lose a valuable literary treat. Tbe productioo was by the minister's wife, and of C9urse was geuerully perused." Washington tiossip. Monsieur A. Bergb maus, the Secretary of the Belgian Legation, ft is reported, will soon wed Miss McA , a Philadelphia belle, who has frequently graced tbe White House during tbe present administration. Already tbe diplomatic cir cle is graced by Madame de Treillurd, tT New York ; Madame de Stoeckel, of Massa chusetts ; and Madame Von Limberg, of Michigan, whose btisbumls represent Prance, Russia and Holland. Now, a fair Pennsyl vaoian is to be welcomed, and a series of pleasant entertainments will greet ber on ber arrival. Tub "Wisans Stkamlb," A Stcctss. Tie Messrs. Winans, of Baltimore, Md.. are said to be making tbeir arrangements to begin, at an early day, the construction of auotber steamer after tbe model and construction of that which, for a year or two past, bas at tracted the attention of tbe marine world Tbe new steamer will be 700 feet long, and will be propelled by two wheels driven by eight engines of immense power. She will have a space two hundred feet long and thirty io diameter. The main shaft will, ac cording to tbe specification, weigh thirty tons. The new ship will be constructed witb pressure engines, und tbe builders have no doubt of success. Every advocate of tbe doctrine oi Secession io the free btates, and hence of the- disunion ists in the South, supported Kreckioridge and Lao at the laat electioo. Tb men of this clast claim to be Democrats ; and we perceive that the Boston Post is publisbiug editorial articles ooder tbe title of "Secession not provided against in tbe Constitution," "Tbe coercion of a (State unconstitutional." At moment when tbe Republic is io peril, od when internal enemies, without the slight est causs, are plotting to over throw it, men, calling themselves Democrats, and forgetful of tba example of Washington, Jaflersoo, and Jackson, take the aid of Disunion, and coldly argue tbat ciliceot of a State bate right, at any time, to break p ibe Confede racy I It eaht to be added, however, that lb Boston I 'out, like tbe most of its school, ia paid oat of the nublio Treasury for its treason, at tbe rate of us thousand dollais a year. Sbamokin Onl Trade. mi i.M. .kin, Nov. 24, 18C0. TONS. CWT. Heut for the week euding Nov. 24tb, 6.197 09 Per last Report, ' 183,022 13 189,220 02 1C4.4G8 07 24,751 15 To same time last year, Increase, Cranor in thk Arrival and Drparturk or tub Passrnokr and Freight Trains. A change has been made in the arrival and departure of trains at and from this place, but thia does not make any material differ ence to the people of this and tbe surrounding countios, who continue to rush to tbe mam. moth store of friling and grant's, to buy their goods, as friling and grant have made ao change In their prices, bat still contiuue to sell them at the lowest prices. Ao examina tion of their large stock, and their prices is a sufficient inducement for tbe people to tin all the goods of wbicb they may stand io need. A word to the wise is sufficient. ty Jir-AxtsK. AftOTUna BrtciAL Emsis i in at bint to Tiia Usitmi Statu. A LtrrsarKOM rill EmteRor. The last Bteamcr from Europe brings us ten da) a later news than any heretofore -received. It U statad that the Emperor has written a letter to Friling A Giant, slating that he thought of sending a nother se cial embassy to the UniU-d States, to examine the lorgc and cheap assortment of goods on ex. hihition at tl.cir Mammoth htore, and if possible to make orrungement with them to induce them to open a branch store at Jedtlo. It Tut f . n mv w t n llvim nr I imivi are all in mi uproar, and rumors of wars and warlike picpa rations renouiiu. i lie iieaos oi our comnry content themselves with cultivation friendly re lutions with the rest of mankind, ami wearing when bereft of their natural covering, the grace, ful and elegant Gossamer Wig or Toupee., mails at TtiHrRaland's Wig and Toupee Manufactory, No. 2'J Mouth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. ".Not ftaiifrcioui I" tlif Huinnn Family." 'Kita ci ine uut nf their hAcM in die " "cnM'AR'S" Rat Hnarh,e., Kxterimuulor "f'(ir"TAICS" Hrd-bufr K.xicrininatnr CO:TAK'S" Electric I'nwder, inr limrrii, c. DU1ROTI IMTASTLY. Rati Rnnehrs Mice Motet liiound Mice Bert -Hug A mi Mothi Mioqultnei Fleas Insects on l'lmu, Fowls, Animals. Ave, Ac in nburt, every form and c cienof VKK.MIN. 10 year mtnlihahcd in New York City ui-d by tbe City i' Office tin City I'niom and tfwtinn Hiun the City Bteunieri, tlnr. Ao. Hie City Hotel. "A nor," "t. Nichota," 4c. and by more than !W,000 privuts fhmilie. ry liruRcmU and Retailer everywhere aetl Ihirn. WhuleKile AtenU in all lite lure Cita-a and Town, ri" ! ! ! Hewark ! I ! of ipnricm unitatimia. Wt I.OOSampI Bnxcan-nt ly Mull. Kjf Address ordi-ra-or for "Cireulur to Dealer" to HKNRY K. COSTAIt, Principal Ue-.t. Rta Unwlivny, (nppomle St. Nicholn lintel,) N . Sold by FRII.I.NU A UKANT, Sunbuiy, Ta. April 21, IC60. ICt'ligioii Notice. Divine ervice will b held every Suhbuth in lhi Ho mngh a fottow : PRKSBYTKRIAN Cllfrtrir. North writ corner o. ItliK-kbeiry and Deei itrrrt, Rev. J. I). Rearuox, I'aator Divine service every ftubbatli at 10) A. M. J'ruyer meet ing on Thuradiiy evening. At Noriliumberlnurt, in Old School Pietiylerian Church, at 3 o'clock, 1. M., every Sulilvth GKUMAN RKFORMKD CIU RCH North wet corner of River and Blackberry ntreet. Rev. J. V Sixin mktz, Pat-ir. Divine arrvice. alternately, everv Pahhath at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Piayet 'meeting on Friday evening MK'I'HoniST Fricnpt CHtlRCIT. Dewberry treei weal nf S. A- F. Rail Road. ltev. V.. UtTLta ana J P. Swnoe, Paalnr. Divine service, alternately, everv Sab bath at In) A . M. and 7 P.M. Prayer meeting on Thura day eveiinifr. KVANGF.I.ICAt. UTIIF.RAN Cllt'RCII Peer tree! below S V A P. Rail Itimil, Rev. P. Hukr, Pamnr Divine ervice, alternately, every Sabbath nt 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Player meeting on Wednesday evening MARRIAGES On the 27th int by the Rev. Wempole, Mr. Isaao Hi'mmfr, Mart Catharine Mktz, both of Jacob I' to Mi Montour county. On the 20th inst.. by J. II. Resslcr, Esq , Mr. John, to Miss Jane Snyiirr, of M illersburg. Dattpbin county. ! Vl On the 29th inst., by the same. Josiaii ! Heceart. to Miss Ltpia UoHHOr.. of Lower I Mahanoy, Northumberland county Cjic Iflavhcts. Philadelphia Market. rilll.ADKI.i'llIA, Nov. 21, leCO Grain. There is a fair amount of Wheat coming forward, but the demand is limited at a slight decline of 3 els. per bus. (sales of 5000 bus. prime i enna. red at 1 laagl JU per bus. and White at $1 2.) a $1 35 for common quality. Rye is dull at 7ti cents for l'enna. aud 70 ceuts for Southern. Corn is very quiet and the only sales reported are small lots ol jellow io store at 64 eta , and 'J00 bushels fair quality ut -rb ctfe- Outs are steady at 'M a 34 i cents for Delaware, aud 33 a 37 cents for State. SUKBURY PRICE CURE.EN T. Wheat, $1 lUul Butter, Eggs, Tallow, l.ard, Pork, - -Beeswax, . if Kye, - t'orn, Oatt, Uuckwheat, Potatoes, New Advertisements. HCL7DA7 TCTCl CONFECTIONA1UES. O- GEAKIIART, HAS just returned from the city with the larsest aaaortroenl of CUNTF.C'l ZONA KIES, FKl lT and UX)t$, ever brought to this section of country. He ia determined to supply all with Holvday present, aellng them at whole sale and retail, at prices to suit purchasers. Having the necessary machinery, Ac, be is inanufacturiiiv all kinds of Tovs, and keeiw up hw stock, so tbat purchasers will not be at a loss for a supply of almost any article they may desire. M. C.GEARHART. Sunbury, December I, 18(i0. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! Ken and lanlilouable C'nbiuel Ware. rill E subscribers respectfully inform the M. citizens of Sunbury and the public generally, that thry have commenced tbe CABINET MA KINO busines in the shop lately occupied by William bnyder, iu Fawn Street Suuhury, and are prepared to ajopply their customers promptly with every variety of article in tba line of their buait.eas, on reasonable term. Their work will be niada of tbe beat inatcriaU, aud iu the beat and latest styles. Couatry produce taken in exchange. WILLIAM HAI'PT. BKNJ. HECKEKT. Runbury, December I, IK 60. 'Good Intent Fire Company." A Stated ineelini of the "Good Intent fire Company," will be bald at lb Court Houae, ou Monday eveuing, Dec. S, IH60, at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance ia required. JO. H. M'CAKTV, President, funhaiy. Doc I, l0. J ATENT U KIT I'A MA S lOl'PEKS lor bar bottle tut sal t II B MAssER. A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. wish to engage a number of good sub. stantial business men, to prosecute, a busi ness which is permanent, and in the hand of active energetic persons can 9e made very profits, bis, although we will not guarantee that any man can at first clear $100 or $1.10 dollars per month, yet we do not consider that a man is doing justice to the bunincm who does not clear above all expenses over $50 dollars every month. Any one out of employment will find it to their interot to call on, o write to us. We ha v.; , something new, and only ask to have those who would liko to make money examine into tliu mailer. A branch office of the business hss been per manently located at Sunbury. r'or particular address, or c ill on WM. M. THAYER. Sunbury, I'a. Office opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, December 1, 18U0 Notice to Creditors. nCK&ONS indebted to the aulwcrilicr on honk - account notes or otherwine, aie n quoted to call and make settlement nn or before tho lt of January, after which time the books will bo left witb a Justice for collection. JOHN V. MORGAN. Sunbury, December 1, 18LO. Buckwheat Huller. rrMlK subscribers respectfully inform Hi. -- putilic luat lliey Wave ailucd to the inn, !,!, in their Steam Mill, in Sunbury, a new improieil fuchwbeat Huller and wheat cleaner, whir!, enables them to furnish wheat, and buck In ..... u. mini luuiny. v-usiouicrs prouiMlv attended to. MORfMN & co . IsfiO. 9 e V H A It S I Sunliujy, December 1 s s q S E Y E X jcnr.ui unrivuiiea lut-cm ii.,.h.... .. j 'COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION ,, wu-cikiiu woru uirougiK-ui ol the Cnuiiuv. every quaritr 1'iinvr the auspices of thia p,.pll:,r I,,.,,,,,,,,,,, tloeo bundled tln.uMnd homo. hve i,wnnj t ' -bybeautuulwork. l a,t ,r .,, , literature onllieii tul.ii-B, the g.t-at .m.fil, dl. 1 ueinrmng a unwnler 11 1,1 Hul,K:iipti..a are now l,e.nR received in a o.t, j u, leled ilh I uy prevmu yeur. 1 TKKMSOF SL HSCHIP rtON. Ail) pi-rsnii can liecnnie a, ,y , d -llara, nir whiehrjiu they will receive tu'vcllhing , to tal .The Iiirjje und mipeib steel t-iigiuvwj, 31) inches, entitled "FALSTAPF mustkring 11m m cruits.-; nf, C"''!' " 5W,f """ l!'fc"""!- '""Mi:. 'THK CnSMUPtll.lTAN ART JOfRNAI.,-' 3d Four adinnisi'iiis, during the srnstm, in Hie allcryol faiuliKs, .'iltUromlMay, k y In addition In the shove brnililf, there will be given t-. siitwiiherr, and gratuitous premiums, ..1 er Five Hundred Beautiful Works of Art ' cnuiiriiing valuable pamlinc,, ,n.urb!e, unaus, 1.1a ,,. , Ac., fiTniing a truly niilliii:ii Lemhi. Tbesiiieib Kngiavmc. whuh evirv euhterihr ..: u-. eelve, entitled. ful.iull ,M ioiei n-.g Ins Kiitum- , "I ine ih"fi neamnili linn l-iMUllar l-liciliviiiex mi .11.. tommy. iui iifiieuu Biei i, Hi tine Ithe linn 1 ' und is printed 11:1 belli v r-!;ite (wiper. UO bv mi-lies nil. 111? a most choii-e 01 m: -nts, lor the h-hIIdoi ra'i, ,- Hie library, pniloroi i.nVe. . Ita rnl-ji-et is the. re .i-t.ixt, .1 scene ol ir John 1'nlMnll m-rivmt, in Jio-ik e Mia'Vu olliee, the rrrrulia which hiive been gnlhertd lor his 'rue gad regiment.' Il could n ,l t.r funmhtdtiy the trade 1 1 less than five dollars. The Art Journal in loo well loiowu to the whole count r to need eoimnenilui It is u uuignifiieutlv illnstri,-. ; ningiizine vf Art. coi tinning fHna, Stories, I'neius (. s sip ,V'v, bv Ihevel) best wriura 111 Aiueru-11 ' Address. C. I. IIKKHV, Aelunrv C A A .SIS llioadway, New-York. N. U S'lbsenpuons leecived und forwarded i,y ,. , H. H. MASMKH, Age,,!. I-or Muniiury and vicinity, where spri-mieu Kn-ruvu,, und Art Journal i-hii be seen. JJeveinlwr I, ledu. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. I . pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ol Northumberland county, will lie rxpused to public sale 011 the uremises oil Saturday, ihe 22Jdyof DECEMBER. IHSS0, All that cci tain tract of land aituale in Jackson township, in the county of .Northumberland, hounded ami ilUcrihed as follows, to wit: on the west bv land of Jacob on the south by land of Michael Deik. east bv lur.d of Michael Pee, and north hy laud of Mark Leader, containing five acre more or lesa, on which ia erected u two story log bouse, a small barn and other out buildings ; being the estate of the minor children of Siinucl Dobson, late of Jdcksou township, deceased. Male to commence at one o'clock, P. M. of said day, when the terms and conditions ut ale will be made known by DAVID SEII.ER, Guardian of said minor children. By order of the Court. .1. B. MASSER, Clk.,0. C. . Sunbury, Nov. 7, 1n(!0. ) Auditor' 0tiV1-. David P. Fislit-r 1 Venditioni Exponas. No. SJ va November. Term 100. Daniel C. Smink. ; rlHE undersigned having I rcu appointed ar, -- Auditor by the Court nf Common Picas id' Northumberland counlv, to distiibule the lnni!- in Court arising from the ante nt 1I10 defendant's real eitate to and among those entitled to it, and to report the lads, in hi oliice nt -Mm.-bury, for that popose, on Monday the lilih d.iv December, next, at 10 u'clock A. M., wli.'n nii persons interested can attend if they see proper. II. J. WOl.VEIiTON, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. 21, Ip't'iO. George Brosius' Estate Audit. JA70 ri('E is hereby given to all persona con ' cerned, that the undersigned appointed auditor upou the exceptions fiicd to the account of Catharine Brosius, Adiuiuistatrix of d'cor.-i-Brosiua, deceased, will attend to the duties ol tin appointment at hi rll'ice, in the Borough or Sunbury, 011 Friday the Uutlt day of Nou-inb. r IS 00, at U o'clock A. M. . W. 1. GltK ENOl'GH, Auditor. Sunbury, Nov, 17, I8U0. SHAMOKIN BANK. NovKMllKR 1 1 la. 'IMIK Directors have lb s day declared a dividend ol two and out. half per cent , payabU on demand. CHAKLL3 W. PKAI.K, lis!itr. Sbamokin, Nov. 17, HoO. It Dr. F. IIL'MPHKKYS' A t o, No. 562 Broadway, New-Yoik. Sold by A. W. FISC H Kit, Agent. NOTICE. VI. I. persons knowing themselves indebted l th subscribers, engaged in the Koumlry business, on nolos, book accounts, or olherivi-.c. are squealed to settle the oaine without delay Tbue neglecting this notice must not compLm if cols are added to their account. C. D. & J. "OIIRBACU. tiuubury, Nov. 17, 1SGU. 5in S II A MO KIN BASk'. STATEMENT of the Bhamokin Bank, a re quired by the second section ol tbe Act of the General Aeinbly of this Commonwealth, ap proved the 13lh day of October, A D. Ilfi7- ASSETS. Specie iu vault and specie fund in Philadelphia, l' 310 ,s n... r.o.n lUi.ka. and Citv Bankers, t,6tt 14 Bills discounted, 115,924 98 LIABILITIES. Circulation, Due Depositor, Due other Bank, 48.810 01) 36,287 7 6,469 75 $91,567 5J I Che. W. Tesle, Cashier of the Shamokin, leing duly sworn, di pose and say that the above .tateuxeul iacorrecl to the heal of my know ledge and belief- . . . v CHARLES W. PEALE. Ca.hi. 8worn and .ulucriVd before me this 7th day ol Noi ember, I860. W. P. W 11 him. Ti n, No ary Public. Miamokiu, Nov. II, ISnP. i