Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 17, 1860, Image 4
ANOTHER AR.UIV.AL OF NEW GO O D S,; j. it. r jsunbury. ri-. n AS jut arrived with splendid STOCK of SPHINCt AND Sl'MM Kll tiOODS, (rotn PhiUdelphig, to. which he respectfully invitee his frieruls and the I'ublic to chII and inspect, be will spare no lime in showing them. A"o"? Ilia stuck of goods will befound, IMMi Ul-tu AM) BLACK FPtElTCE CLOTH; Fine lluick and f.ncy l'imt.' 'J steels, inetrs. Jeans, Ula.k Italian 1..ih, t'g.hmetette. . .. i ...... Hull. Linen t be a, . OlIOl.BOe, .,I.M,"-, ''! ' , nii'l Fa" cy Vrslmr. "I"'1 Fcioviiiaile Cl.OTlHNO late ' fur 11111 d bojt (' ;r laiii:s WEAR, vm.ty of o-I.e. Dr.- N"'" .J.;"". mi r Mh.wle. Mantilla. r" ... Mi. -lit J WHIT F .,!.., A.O. A i.Miu.. Shirt Hunt.. M nr-riu. - " ...nj.ri.1 IUJ jrtmeiit ol ii. ti" "'"- AIo a large ttok of Hate And shoes, I nntwsre, vj.ieri.. - ceric,, 'edarwere. Won. and La. henwa.e Dr? and !. l lu,-,e' ,l3'"' 0J' '"VV Wall and Window Paper, Floor enJ Tulle Oil Cloth,, hII the glove Will be uld k( low puces fi cah or country produce ta eu in txi'l.aiigc fur CunJa. , J. II. ENdLl.. .iml.iiry. May. HI, IcfiO. If. New Air Line Route T O NEW YORK filCiRlllST IN MSTANCK AND ylUCKKST I.N TI.MK lielween tli two Cllit of NEW YORK ANOIIAnRISBUEO. VI. HEADING. At.I.hNTOWN AND EABTON. M.,i,i,n t .inrnM Wm Ictivn Ni'W York at 6 a. m . and i'i .!-. 11. ...... ..'i ti a u rrii'.. .it lli.ttlpl,tlfl. at I'l 4J V. M c uiii'itiiiir at liainal'Ui( wllh train Ml Ninthern Cfntml hoaJfot s'uuijory, mianirpotr, ia nnycii nu nui- Mil i Tnim Writ iMivra New Y.itk at i uonn. and nt 3 1111 P U . I'Dlliifrlllitf With limit Oil Nuttlf iniiiil lloiiil ii.r uitiKiK us aiive, awl alao on all Villih.a,.rt Mini Ktniim. i..i Ti..i I'.iiiii irHi',' ni,rriit,ii!tf bt P. A M . and nr. tun at I'l.iluilt'lliliiu at 1 I . M . una NW YolR ot J 30 m. m ti.n 1.. tnti IhIhI i r cm H fi it H-tfclOII. tc tf. l int F.inre Kjft Imvii lluiribli :it 1 IS. on atnval of N'urthrm Central Ttniii, nml urrivei ut I'hilMdeliibla al e 15 P m and New York Htiir.'M. No chnnfe of ennor UirHitb L-lw'ii New luik or l'tiilndelplnaand tlimitluip Pur beauty of teenery and per J. curnfolt atM arcumtiio, tliit ?"Ute btuenti auoerwr lndocclneiitt to ttitf liavclitiir pullie ,,,,,, Otr.i'e m New Y,.rli.fHitf t'nurtlai.d atteet, PUladel uti. Bt.mJ and Calkiwhtll itteeti fare between New Yurk and llaruilttrg FlVtDOL 1 -AK!. , . r'ui 'I'.cketi: F me lit or Miier iitfurifnitiim. apply to J.J CLYDE, lieneial Apeut. Dairiibitig.Janc 30,lettu ly DANVILLE ACADEMY. ri'HE Acudeniio yenr commeneea Auguit SO, 1WW, to 1 rimlinue furty-rnur weeki. The i hiil il divided into a Piiinnty and a H her Da I'ttltme'lt, ttich under Hi topectlva TeOcuer. Sclioton ale utlln tied at any time. Ample provision is mda for all tha requiiementa of a llinroiiith and extensive coulee of studv, iiicluding tlie Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Classics, Modern Lan cuares, Dtawinn, Music, etc. S( h"lars from abload rati obtain Doald Willi fticllltics for home study, on veiy moiteiute terms, on application to tlie Priivipal. The Pnneipnl, tliankfut for his past iienernus support, assures Ins potions of Ins unwearied efforts to moke the sctiool all that can be d. sired lor the acquisition of a thuiough education. For pariienlara apply to J M. VlvTON, Principal, Ferry street, ueai Doeli's iloUl. D.uiville, July 89, 1S0U. 3ia LIBERTY STOVD WORKS AND HOLLOW-WARE FOUSDRV, 'IllI.ADF.LriHA. ABBOT Ss NOBLE, M oiufartiirersut' tho most approved styles of STOVES ol everv description. P'tmple and Sale Itooms le Water Stieet, New Yolk. 17410 Brown Street, Philadelphia. N. II. Send for Cuinkirue. August 4, 161.0. 3m w DRESS COATS OF the best quality aud latest style, just received aud for sale at SWKITZIiU. UEILBKONNER i CO. Kuubury, August 11, 1SC0. The Paris Mantilla Emporium. two. tus cnKSNUTSTRr.i;T, riuLADi;i.rniA x Kstuhlished lit 155 lor the ejtchisivc display and sala ol tlie Litest novelties in Paris, London, and the finer pro dilutions of home manufactured CLOAKS te MANTILLAS, To which has been added a Fl'H DKPART.ME.NT! winch embraces the largest nsoilment of Furs of all Ntilions: including KenJ Kuasian ?able. Fine Park Hudson U.iy Sable, Russian and American Mink Sable, Royal Ktinine, Chinchilla, Fine Durk Siberian Squirrel. A:'c.t inaJe up in the most fashionable styles lor Ladies W4uter Catumc. All Goods wairanied One Fixed Price from which no devintion can lie mnde. Tt.e Paris Mantilla, lI'Aik tind Fur F.mportuin,.o 7Ud Chesnut street, (aliove Seventh, south S'de ) J. V. FROCTOH CO. October 6th, IgtiU 3'n T AR Iron, Steel, .Nails, Ticks, Urub-Hoea and Mason Haruiuers, at low prices. BlUUHT &. SOX. ftmliury. June S3. 1060. IIAIlltltj l'Al.Ti:il, 1 1 o r n r i at 2. a b , MARKET SyUAUE, HUNBUKY, r A . June 23. IsCU. IJHILADEL?HIA. I'aper Hanging Mainifat (urerf, (FALL TRADE,) HOWELL Jk bOlTtlCi; having if moved to their New Store, Corner Fourth and Market streets, ait now pitpaisd lo ofUr u. II. e trade a large and eleitaiit utsoit uislil of Wail Papeis. Borden. Kite Screens, WinikW Curtain Goods, Ac, Ac, all of the newest und best designs, tioni the lowtit ptiutd Ult.cle to the finest tJold and elvet Decorations. 1'urohasers will du Wall to visit the estabhslnnriit of ' IIOWKLL V Bui RKfc, N E Cor Fourth and Market slices, I hiladciol as October , IbCrj Jititv J. P ALIER Sc CO., Mailtl Strr't H V.i(, I'liilaJa. IhuUrt fc. I'UIi, C lteose tind I'roi lulono. HAVL c-iiKfntly rn hand an sssortment of Dried and t'.ckled Fish, Ac, vii Mji kerel, Shad, Salmon, L.ut Fih. H.-rriugt, C.Jhili. Reef. Poik, Laid, Shoulders, hums. Sides. Cheese, Hermi, Rice, A tciot-er 6. Immi 'linw DR. A- W. FISCiUiR, FTr.R3 lai (jrul. zi.ii)ii il m rvii m to the cut 7eti of S uiiLury and vi.inily. itl.iv ut tlie llriiii Mors, unbiirv. June :-IO, l3l. SAVE YUUR i'RUiT Y I'-l.N's MA.xil.N'cJ Tatei.t Mic.t a' .r... T..i, I'lMSPPVH l tu Metul M MUTAL M i:r.v T.i l- ! A :l I- lil-rivsmy ., ,g lo o l '1 lo Hol.'i-r l.j.k. i. .viii li i. l f 'ap.loivn t-il ouUida Upol, tan: I lion!,, i ,,t j ., .4 a ,,, .,, .,,,1, ,l,.. oin lliu top : i.,, , nl rlit- .if the ,i. . ' oa.-o - i ir, It utl I-. I04 aotl'ail ., II, t Kul.larr. liijuieil ly t;i tiling 1 ri-. li-.U-iuii IPae J.,,, 1 aup.ird hy Itai in,, il 1, on!, r with 11. U. A.r;l!, rU'llii,IV. ,ll,l,e -J, lUtjO. A Ki'lit. . v. . GENISSI.IJ SALT. 1NU H tillAN'i" (at the Ma,,,,,,,,!!, 'rouno have juat roteived 600 ft., ol Solar laround N,.r ,,! fine bait. 700 Kacka of iilainS8kB.H every ...k warranted to containing ,ltJ, uf8alt and ttoo bagsof8li o-at gJ gtronliel etU. 'ri a,u i, , markeL Cgll anj ,ow luaniilaclurcd d n, "t'""1 e.t., 8, fvr y yjuiaHjlvui. 50O ,H,t""lt fc-Rp. - alie f aVVKAtiS wauled at Th. -IT t, KOIN imH.fl.l tu 1Jie LAuujgr onJreaaGuod. i ,hSa l.rg, V. Jul,.- 'i, iomi, VUUV THE MAMMOTH STORE ! . . :. ' FIlTIjIlSra- 1 ' prvcTFl'I.I.Y beg leave announce to the citiiens el 8UNBURY arnj vicinity. that K, Ihiir EXTENSIVE 8T0RK ROOM has been filled to e perfect jam with XBU MUU JkTstt .jrJgJja-aw The lertet Stork ever brought to Ihii rert of tko country at on time. We have now, not only tha handsomest, but tbe LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! J g utot-k of .NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality and lownesi in price, ire l)?f RIVAl LED! We need not particularise, for ' WB IIAVBBVERYTHINGMI We have constantly on hnnd all hind'' of DRCGS, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, v DUY LiOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac, Ac. which w will dispose of at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce taken in eiubeiige at the highest pticre..,, tPnr stand ia one of tlie oldeat in this eection of country, and hss always been lavored hy the LARGEST and IlEsT run uf cuatotn in the neighborhood. We an-thankful for patronage we i.hvb received ill the past, and hope that by a continual effort to accommodate our friends and customers, and i.i consequence of the largeness and variety of our stock, we will merit and receive n continuance of the support and (rood will of the people. As cordially invite you to give in a call ! COME ALL t You will never regret a visit to the Very Large si and n thia section tf the State ! 1 iemembcr the old Huute Sutibury, May 19, IrCO ly PiPECIFlV HEME 1001 HE R WHAT THE PEOPLE BAT. T'ip imilratvnM tuv'ne jiscil Pror-"or IlL'MPnRETS' PlMJCiriO IIDMlKtir.VfUIC UKMKIIIM In our families n-ttli the must stlrnctcry reanltl, and Itav'.nK full contt ilcncs In thtlr cariulnenel, parity, and ellk'acy, clieerluHy recotntnend tkoin to all persmts who uiali to have sare, l e llAbl,., and eiUonutous remedies at hand fur private or do inpstlc u?e. Tiie ll.-v. ym. Il-smer, editor of " The Northern Inde wndeut," Auburn. N. V.; Ihe RfT. K. H. Creaky, D.D., Re.Hnr uf !t. Peter's Uhureh, Auburn, N. Y. : tlie Rev. B. L fres, Clmpluln of the Aub-trn ftate Prison-, the Rev. Piiencr M. ltlce. Rector, New-Red ford, Mass. ; the Rev. A!i Stuele, Nou- Yjrk Cuntereiiee i the Rev. Samuel Nhholl, t;u-t C.nference, N. Y. J the Rev. P. 8., liura.-t, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. R',W, Muffalo! A. 0. Hurt, Un . t'tlc.a, N. T. i the Hon. Neat Dow, Portland, Me ; the lion. SAu.ler Oulfat, 8outli-llnd, lnd. J the Hon. (t.-or,-e I1.iml'll'-v N. Y. ; Henry D. Cook, Esq., Editor ot in.. it.;.. J,.i,r,,l Cliimliiis. Utdot the Hon. R. H. Oi aluun, M iliac 1U ; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase. Monti- eeiio. f in ; t ie iion. cpiii inrau. :;"' ': ' W llrhrtol. Phi . t'th-i. N V. ; A. 8. Pond, taq., LUua, N. Y. i J imea I'lunkelt, t'i., Sstivlll. Telin. HeT OK SPEOIMC REMEDIES. jl K..r Sever. ('onietl-n, and Inflammation. Ko t for Worm fever, Worm Collo, Wettlna the Bed. tij. 3tjr Colic, Crliig, Teething, aud Wakefulness of '"Sol'i Pur Diarrhea, Oliolera IiJantum, and Bununar C.'i.p.'itti''. , No. r. Por Colk, Oili'ttiM, Dysentery, or Rloody Flux. So Kor Chulvra, Cholera Morbus, Voniillnfr. H.,. I. For CoiiKhs, CoHs, tiitliienta, and Sort Ttiroat. tvu' t. For To"lh aohe. Face-ache, and Neuralirta. Hj 9. For llcaduohe, Vcillno, lluat and Fullness ot tha "'so.' lo. Dvsrrnni rn.ta F..r Weak and Dtrangtd Motnaoti, Cmalipallon, and Liver Comilab,t. N:-. 11 Foil FtMAUi lahsotLAaiTiM, tkauty, Painful, or S.nil,recd Periods. No. IS. For l-eucon-liea, Profuoe Menses, ana Bearing Dovn ot Females. pit, ift F-ir Croup, Hoarae Totish, Bad RreaShlne. No! 14. t-it.T Riihtil PiLta Fur Erystpelaa, ErupUorn. PLnipl ou the Face. . . tio. to. U.iacsiATio Pit.i.5. For Patn, Ijmanes, or frs neo iii the Cheat. Rack, llns, or Limbs. A Pur Fsver f4 A-ue, Cliill Fever, Dumb Ague, Ok" SPvimT,n.reo Agues. . , j. F ,r piles, lllltid or Hleaunif, lntarnal or r.tternal. 0 S re tVenk, or Inllaiucd Fyes and Eyelids; FaO t-g, Weak, or lliurrcd fiiiL C For Oaiairh, of long standing or recent, either with chslrur.ttoD or pruluise d! liaise. W. C For W hooping Cun.h, abating Its vlotenct and stiortenlng lis Cuurac. In all acute dtaeaaes, such as Fevers, Ipiammatlons, DUrrlwa, Dvaeutery, Crni, Hhcutuutlsiii, and such erup Uve diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Krysia-las, the sdvantaye of glvlug tbe proper remedies promptly Is ob vious, aud In all such cases the specitkes act like a charm. T)is entire dkent is ofteu arreted at nuce, and hi all cases til violence of the attack is moderated, Die disease short ened, and rendered less ilatuteruu. Courhs and CoMe, whleh ui e ol such freiticnt occurrence, and which so often lay the tnuiiduliou of diseased lun;s, bronchitis and coiisniniilloti, luny utl be at once cured by the Fetur and Comth P.lis. In all chronic diseases, uet as rrspp!,la. Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Uotuplalnts, Piles, Female Debility, and Irregularities, old Headaches, Sore or W eak Fyes, Catarrh, Bait Rheum, aiul oUier old eruitions, lite case has specifics those proper application ill aiford a cure In almost every tustauce. Often the cure of a sbu-tc uhronlc dilficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Plies or t'uturrh. Headache or Female Weak atan, has uioie tiiuu paid for the cuse leu times over litlCT. Case of 2ft vials oomplete. In mor.toco, and Book Cast of Vt Vlttls, ami Root,, plain. Case uf lo nmulwreil hoxe-i, and Hook Cat- of 6 boxes, numbered, aud Uook ttnffle nunibereil bofes, ailh dir:tlons o 4 1 !A cents. ..M cents. elluals lelteveil boxes, with directions. Larue casv of J us. vials, for pliuriers and jiliysicla ..119 aijo spHcinca Fo Asri'lta 0 PittHlstc Opprene.1, PIlTl.-ult, Labored Breathing, attended auh Cough and tspecturaiiou. Price, So tents lr box. sua Eaa Dis, u.ianita asn Iiaarstuw. Dischargee from tlie Ear, the resist u( a.-arlet Fever. Measirt, or Mercurials, t or Moists in ti e Head, lUr li.e-s ol 11. Bring, and Ringing In tl Kara, and loo- a -he. Prna, to cents per hot. Fu Sk'HOU'!. . Enlarged Ulalnis, Knlareed and litdurat-s-i lonsils, faellint'S and nld I'leers, Scroiuloiis Cachexy of ChlklreiH 1'ilce. .'.0 eeins per box. Foa lirbAL lntnti.ii v. Physical or Nervous W'takntsa. FlUr the sesuil ol aickneM, fcixceuivw Medication, ur ftix kaustlug Discharges. Price, fd cenlt per bos. g is Daoi-sv. 1 ibid Accunmlalloi.s, 1'umid Sntlllngt, n Stauily tWrcreilons. Piict, ,'il cet-.ts per box. Kua gca-Bicaaaaa. Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, Sansta, Yctult'.bg. feiekitess from liliii or tooti'iu. Print, 50 tenia per box. k'ua L'ataiHV Il'rf-ISLS For Orsvsl. Renal Calculi, DitTI- tilt, PalnluJ Ctituitlou, Diseases of Hit blitntaa Prlct, bO ettila ptr liux. 1'oa F'msaaitis. Tnvi.limlary Discharges and i'lostialeiii and Debility, 11 id Kesulla of tivll Hiibltt. Vit most sueceMtul snd clficienl rwueely known, -and may lie ivlled u'U ut a cure. Price, wlUi full dlrto Uona, i nr b t bcrsuiai wlao tlah lo daot themselves under tht profea sioual care, ur to t.e--k ft-lvlcc of Pint. Hi', can do to. at his intct Suii lliuaduay, daily bum A.M. to P.M. or by itiur. OCR P.r.MFDIKD BY MAIU Look over tlit list ; makt up a rase of ahat kind you choose., aud Inrlote tht amount In a current note or ttame ty rural to cur address, at No. ra2 Rroadnay. New-Votk, and U.t niedtuint alii be duly returned by maiil or tx press, ties of cl.arie. AGE4i re WANTED We desire an aetlrt, afotitnt Aetist for Uit salt of our Heme.ti.-t in everv towu or community tu ti.t kU'.td SiaUs. Address Dr. F. HI'MI'liltf VS Co. MI2 RauanwAT, Nta'-Tuaa. A- W FISHER, A gent. Bug-bury, Pa. Way 28, lHGO. ly vlioi.ESALE DEAI.EKIN BRANDIES. WINES, O.INS.&C 'IHH Kuhscriher having opened in Tliotntiaon'a Brick liiiilding, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete ctm-k of roKEKJN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the let l.r amis of IJrandiea, (Jin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Hrt, Sherry, Mailcria, C'lihiiirngne and other Wines of all Crudes, all of which will be aold Wholesale at Ihe lowest rity prices. Tavern-kef pere by buy ing of ua ran save at leant the freight. J'lisoua desirous of purihaaitig liquora for FAMILY i:E. uiay rely upon Wing furnished with a pur and unadulterated article. IVlicing tlrti rinined to eslahlih g reputation lor celling cheap ha letpectfully golicita the pg Iruimgo of the public. All orders promptly at lemkd to. .IEREMIA1I 8. HALL. Uunville, Jut 10, Id tit). ALFRED D BRICK'S l.JTi:i) STATUS AM) EUROPEAN. PATENT Oi'FIOE, i No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. ! Vf 1). I'ommuniialijiis ly mail promptly atlcinlid to. Kept 21, 1HG0. 1y5 j Another Insurrection I i '111 E whole country ia in g atate of eicilement wilh the ncwa that another CHOICE LOT OF GOODS, baa lieeu received gt the Mammoth Store. Not. withatamline Ilia very large STOCK OFtiOOlW we brought lo Sunoury thia Spring, and the feari of our fiiriidt that we would uot aell them, wa have bet ti compelled (iu order tu aupply the de mand) u get up Blinllu r lot of gooda. We are determined to aupply the people with CHOICE. CHEAP & DESIRABLE fJOODS. Waj are continually roceiving gooda and will keep up our atock. Call at the Mammoth and b. convinced. FRI.I.VU tV OR ANT. Hunhurw. Junti 30. 1 mho. JV.EiVr BKHTAN1A TOPPERSfor bar bottle. fur ,, iy H B MASSER. w Hi THE MAMMOTH STORE! Sc GRANT I ( lunptt More, atand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Court FIUMXtt Oil A XT. mat vi:it a 11 ii Lit' s NOIlLLF.yS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. r I ,HK undersigned, Clergymen of various denomi tint ions, 1 having purchased and used in our families ''UaoVKK k Bakkh's Celebrated Family Sewing Machine," take pleasure in recommending ,1 as nn instrument fully com bining the essentials of a giaal machine. Its lieniitifiil simplicity, ease, of management, and the tlrenitlh and elasticity of its snlch. unite to render it a machine un surpassed hv any 111 the mntket, and one which we feel uonlideiit will give au'.isi'uctiou tu all who may purchase and use it. Kcv. YV PStrit kin ml, "j Bev N Vnnzaitl, ( New York. Rev R I) Yard, f Rev I.arue, ) Rev E P Rotlgera, 1 I). ) Ro W U Sprague, Dl) Kcv J N Campbell, L1) ) . Rev Charlea Antleraon, ") . Rev Charlea Hawlry, Rev Daniel H. Tetuple, Rev T M Hopkina, Rev Wm Houmer. Rev O H Tiffany, D 1) "C J ?owen, Auburn, N. Y. " Jona f'rofi, I John McCrutin, DD Baltimore, Md. ' WT D Cl. nim, I " W H Cliapuiaii, j ' F. 8. Evana. J " It BOalbraith, Covanatown, Md. " T Daughcrty, Wayneslioro, Pa. " Thoa E Locke, Wcstrr.orcland co, Va. Rev W A Crocker, ) Johp Paria, Norfolk, Va. J F I.annran, Salem, Va. fh. Hankcl, DD,I C A Loyal J Charleston, 5. 0. A A Porter, Selma, Ala. Joseph J Twine Speedwell, S C. B B Rose, Mobile, Ala. J. L Michaux, Enfield, N O. A O Harria, ) u F Harria, ) Henderson, N 0. Henry A Riley, A I. Post, Montrose, Pa. W D Wilson, D D ) W F Curry. A M. , Geneva, N. V. Elbert Sliugerlaud, Scotia, N. Y. Prof. John Foster, "I Rev. Francia U (irntz, 1 Scheneit'y.N Y. J '1 urnbull Backus, D D. Prof. Benj. Stanton, J Rev P C Prugh. Xenia, Ohio, B W Chidlaw, A M. ) W Perkins, J Cincinnati, O. E Grand Oirard, Ripley, O. A Blake 1 E C Benson, A M, Gambier, O. J J M'Elhcnny, D D. J F Chester, Irunton, O. E F Hasty, Cambridge city, lad. J C Armstrong. Saline, Mich. Arthur'Swaiey, 1 A Hunt, J Galena. III. Enstein Morbough, Cambridge city, lnd. Richard White, Milton, lnd Calvin Vale, Martinsburgh, N V. Joseph Eldriilge, No, folk, Conn. John Jennings, 1 H L Wayland. Worcester, Mats. VVinPhiips. ) Osuiond 0 Baker, Bishop of) M h Church, Thoa Cathay, Henry E Parker, Concoid, I N. II. (a N Judd, Montgomery, N Y. A M Stowe, Canantlaigua. N Y. Wm Long, ClitV Mine, Mich. Offices of Exhibition an J Sale: 495 Biond way. New York. 730 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia. 181 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. SEND FOR A ClRGL'LAR. March 24. 18fi0. ty fW What the People say, must be true. The Teople eay, Briglit & Son sell their goods very cheap. Tho Tcoplo say, Bright k Son keep almost every article of Merchandize. The People say, right k Son have the best assortment in town. Ihe people say, Bright bon s etore is the place to get value for your cash. The People say, Bright it Son sell goods to all at the same prices. The People say, Bright k Son have the cheapest bhoesin town. Tho People say, Bright k Son have a splendid stock of Hats. Tho People Bay, ZiYight k Son have handsome Dress Goods and sell them very cheap. Sunbury, June 16. lstiO. INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. W. C. N E M A N , No. 33 North SECOND St., opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. I AS for Sale, the best family Cooking Stovea lit the Market a good and faithful acrvgnt; the great provider lor the Family ! Every hou8e hold should have g reliable Lehigh lias Bun Cooking Stove always reliable, alwgy ecr'r liouiical. Also, the great Gas consuming Heating Stove, for Parlor ic. will burn less fuel and emit uiore heat than any other Slovg For Sale with a Urge assortment of all kinds of COOKING and HEATING STOVE. Wholesale and Re tail. WILLIAM C NEMAN. No. 33 North Second St., above Market, Phil adalphia. Reference. Hon DAVID TAGGART, II. U. MASSE 11. September 8, 1HG0. -3i w BOOTS &. SHOES aia gold eheapeThTi. ever at the Mammoth Store. s Call gnd ace our assortment and ascertain eur prices, and you will not lail to buy. FRILING i GRANT. Bunbnry, May 2A, ISflO. FEW BUI. 8. of those Choice Herring and Mackerel juat received at the Mammofh Stora. FRILING it GRANT. Sunbury, June30, IHliO. 11(1 LI G A GRANT have juat received by railroad the largest assortment of QUEENS WARE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dreaa Goods, Prints, Mua. Una and Notions. apt 7, 1860. COTTAGE BIBLES. 10 R BALE, cheap, three copies af tht Cottage Bible, io two volumes., with com- meDtarea. II. U. MASSElt. fJICKLES of various kinds. Lobsters, Sar I dinea, 4c, 4c, juat received end for aale line Drugstore of A. W.F13HER- Sunbmy.August, 157. ly AfUPtrUATIVt ,TONIC, DIURETIC, ulYICflRATIlfR CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apotlieratict, Drupgists, Grocers and Private Families Wolfe'g Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Muderia, Sherry and Port Wine. Wolle'a Pure Jamaica and Croia Kuiu. Wolle'a Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLKS. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United Stale to the above, Wmee nud l.iqoois, imporled hy Cool mo Wolfs ol Nrw ork, whose name la lainl bar 1.1 everv nart of this enuntrv for the ouritv of hiscele- hrated Schiedam Schnapps. Mr. Wulie, in hit letter lo me, speaking of the punly of his Wines.and Liquora, says: "I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty veart't retidence in ihe City of New York, that all tha Brandy and Wines which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon ny every purchaser i-.vety iinuie nnstne prop, ro tor's name on the wax. and a facsimile of hit signature on the certificate. The public are respectiuiiy inviteo mean nud examine for themselves The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves For salb at Ketuil by all ApothecanesancHiiocers 111 Philadelphia. usnRna ,1. ashton, mo. ink maitei si , s-1111 a. Heart the following from the New York Courier : I'.ioHMoi s BitsiNKss roa M Naw Voll Merchskt We are happy to inform our fellow-eitiiene that there isoncp'ace in our city where the phyticiaii, apothecary, and rountrv inercliniit. can ko and nurchnse pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the liest quality. We do not intend togive an elaborate deaciiptien of this meichimt's extensive bustueat, although it will well repay any stranger or citizen to visit Vdolpho Wolfe'texteusivt wnreh iise. Wos. in, 20 ami !M, Heaver street, ana rsot , ,, lllatid'JI,Mnrketricld street. Ills stock uf Schnapps ou htittd ready for shipment could not have been less than tlnrlv thoiisnud cases : the ll.niidy, tome ten Iholirand cases Viiitng. s of 110 to IhS j nnd ten tlaaisniid cases ot Madeira, fheirv ona Port w me. rcotcn ana irisn Whisky. Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. tome very old and etpnltonny inthrsccuntry. He also had three large rep lars. tille.1 with wine AC . ill rasst, amier cui toin-llouse key, n ady for bottling. Mr. Wolfc't sales ol Schnapps Inst year aiuounled to one hundred and enthty thousand doaen, and we hope 111 less than two Venn he may be eipiallv succeaslul with his bramllea aim vt met. Hit business luerlli the pntronaee of evety k.ver of his speru-s. Privatefatnilles who wish pure Win.-a and Li rotors for medical use should aend their ordett direct to Mi. W01. r, until every Apothecary in the land make tip their minds to di.'-npl the poisonous stuff from their shelves and repluce it with Wolfk's pure Wines and Liquors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in Ihe country, puts tin assorted rases of Win.-s and Liquors. Such n man, and such a merchant, should Iw. sustained neniust his tent ot thousands of oppo nents in the lrniled States, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. Fot Sale by CKUKGK BRIGHT, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. Septemlierr.lrGO Gin p. SUNBUB- 1CADEMY. riMIF. Siinlmr I the tttth 1 WOLVF.RTO MlKPiuilmry Acalemy will lr rmpeurd nn Monday 1 iauguii, itw, under l.ic cai ui a. r. ON. The course of initruptinn will embrace every drnnrt ment f tducn'ion twiipht in ntir beil AcademiRi, preparing itudfHtt oue villier for a prufeuioti ur to emer any clan in Collrtfe. TI'.ItMS PER QUARTER: Common School BrHiirhri, ffl 00 lliuher Knulirh Hiauchei, 6 IN) LeHtinand Greek Itanguagua. 7 00 All enlcfiiifr before thefmuldle of the Quarter will be required to pty for the whol term of tuttion, unlcat. p- cinl orrnngt-iiieiit it nmne Tuitinn to bepnirj before the middle of tht term, lloarilcnn hud in privulo familiei at fium $1 75 to t'2 1 per week, tuiiuury. Augurt 25, lj-H. M atches, Jewelry & Silver Mare WK would rtprrtfully inform our friemla. pntrout sflitd the puMif (renerally, that we hnve now in Store and offer WHOlsKSAI.K AND KKTAIL, at the hiweat Mih I'rirea, a lr nnd vev choice lock of WATCH Ki, JEWELRY. tILVEil AND PLATED WARM, of every variety and tvle. Every deacriotion of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, rnatle ti order, at ahort uutim. (7 All Good Wnrrantrd to be aa renreaentetl. N. B Particular attention given to the repairing of v aictiet anu Jewelry ot every uetcrmium. STALFFER HARLEY, Nn. 6-23 Market Street. South Side, Philadelphia, Septembei !, lhWI.-3m I860 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 18G0 NEW YORK LINES- CAMDKN A AMBOY ANO PHlLADF.I.l'HU AND TRKNTON KA1I.KOAD CO.Ii LINI-a, From Philadelphia tu Ntio York and Way J'laccs. From Walnut Ptreet Wharf and Keuaingtoa Depot, rniiaiieitniu, win leave at rtyuows, u raas. At a A M , via CaniUen and Aniboy C A A Accotn- inotlHtton, f'2 25 At 0 A .vi, via uaniiteit and Jersey City iew Jer- tey act.oniiniKlutioD, 8 25 At 9 A M, via Cuindeii and Jersey city Moruine Minl, 3 00 At lit A M, via Keiigiiiaton and Jersey city, v es- tt-rn Ki press, 3 00 At I'M via Camden and Amlioy, accotn mod ri iron 4 25 At 'i I' AI, via Caiudeu and Aniboy C aud A. Ex- pret, 3 00 At 4.4 f .M, via Kentincton, gud Jersey city, tve- llinr Kxpreaa, 3 OC At 4a f M, via tvensnigloB and Jer ey.cily, led Clriss Tiekvt, 2 is At 0 P M, viu Camden A Jersey city F.veniiit; Mail 3 till At It P M via Canalen and Jersey city South. Mail it 25 At a f M. via Latiiden and Amhoy At-cuimnodu- lioii. (I- leigbt and 1'usscntcr,) 1st c-luss ticket, 1 2S 2d " 1 60 The 6 P. M. Mini Line runt daily. The 11 Southern .Muil &itur.1tiys exeepted. For Helvidere, Masui,,, Fleminctnn, Ac, at 6 . M., from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensiusrtoii hor Mancli Chunk. Allentowu and Bethlehem, at 6, A M via Lehieh Vailev Kailroad. Foi uler Uup, Slroudsbunr, fk'ranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, at 6 AM, via Delaware, Lii-nawauna aim i. esiern nanriva Kol Freehold, at C A. M. and 2 P. M For Mount Holly, at 0 and 0AM, and 3, and 4 r. hi. WAYUXF.S, For Rrittol, Trenton, Ac, ut 3 and 41 P. M.. .from Keuinti:toii. I'tr Paunvrn. Delanco, Reverly. Burluigtun. Borden towu, Ac, at .'JiM, and 44P. M. Fifty pounds ui Hit'Cge ly . allowed each paiaenrer, Piieh-iiirrra are pudtitiited from tukhiff anvthiuff aa Una- iriiiie but their Wearing apparel. All Bagpaga over fitly pounda to I paid for extra. The Cwnipuuy limit their responsibility for Hacffage to One Dollar per pound, and will not 1ms uahic lor any amount bayuud lw jUuiuia, ev cent byapet'ialcontrart. WM H. OATMLR, Agent C. A A. R R Co February 18. IWHi. THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug, Paint and Glass Store, 8. W. CUR. FOURTH It CALI.OWHILI. STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. IvRl'UlilSTS, Merchants. Farmers, and the public every wheie. 1 will tell at wholesale and retail, to tlie Spring Trade of 1&60, a heavy slock uf lirugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, sVc. &e., Ac. 2ii. OKI Boxes uf Window Class, assorted auea and iltialitiea. 10 uou founds nf Putty, Whits, Black, Red, Ac, in Bulk or bladders. SO,oou (ia knis LiiuH-ed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Camphens Aiconol, c. So Tons uf Pure White Lead, in bits., bbls., loo, 60. M and I'JI IbkeKt. 30 Tons of Peal Snow Whits Laad, in bblt, j Iblt. 100, 50, Mand I'JJ lb. kecs 40 Tout of New York Whits Lead, in this , bbls, 100, 50, 45 and 12, lb. kets. IS Tuna ol I'uit French U bile Zinc, in bblt, bblt, 100 60, tViaud I'J) lb keet to Toua of American Snow Whits Zinc, ia bblt, i bblt 160 60, S3 Slid i'it ib ketrs. tU Tons of lhtirh American Ziac, ia bblt, t bblt, 100' 90, 3, and I'JI Ib. kegt ti Tom o. Zinc Valuta, of diflVreul colois, in bbls, t bbls. 100, 60, '.'5 and l'J Ib kegt. SO Tom of Mineral f tuuta, uf different solora dry or ground ill Oil. 10,01X1 pound! of pure French Green, Chroma Green, Yel low, Blue, Black and other colors, dry or in oil. 1,000 poundt of Smalts' assorted Blue, Black, Uod, Oroeu, aud other eoloia. 100 Packs of Gold 1enf, Glaziers' Diamonds, Glaziers' Putty, Hawk Kiuvea, 4e. 3.000 Gallons boiled oil, varmshea, Japans, Zine Dryer, Ae. Paint, Varnish and Valaoinine Brushes, together wilh a complete assortment of class Goods embraced ia tha Drug aud Paint Business. ALSO, t.OoO Roman Cement. S isjo ' Rutandaleaad Hydraulia Cement. I.usj ' Culcinrd, ltnd. Dentistry, Casling Plaster, As. 1 1- All of which I will aeU at Wholesale and Retail, at from 10 to SO per cent lets than other establishments. HKRIRY O. D. BANK., Proprietor o( the Philadelphia Cash Drug, Paint and Glass Store, South-West corner of Fourth and Calluwaul But., Phi la. March ,IMD. Sine 1 3 6 7 9 2 2 7 4 5 1 7 8 4 3 9 2 7 6 These figures are intended to draw your attention to the important fact, that tbe place where you can get Ihe moat goods fur the legal money, ia gt the One Price Store of BRIUHT 4 80.V. Sunbury, June 16,1860. E. Y. 'BRIGHT k SON. AVE now on hand choice line of French Cloths, Black Doeskins, Fancy C'aasimerea, Tweeds, Silk Mixed Coatings, Veatinga, Cotton adet, Ae. Sunbury, June 23, 1800. HIGHLY IM POUT ANT NEWS.I M. C. OliAlULMlT, i Has returned with a new Stock of Confectionarien," Fruit and Toys. TT aeeraa aa If a new age, a new life waa open. ing upon oa. animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glew anew and seek to develope aub limer beauties and grander conception. Tlie business world too must feel the new in fluence end everv)parl be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the peat. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevadea all classes, and deairoua of doing his share to wards "Tha great events of the A ge," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia wilh the largest and choiceat etock of Con fectionariea, Fruit gnd Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing gll kinds of Confectiongriea, 4c, to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at ahort no tice. Among hia stock of Confectionariea, may he found : French Secrets, Burned Almonds, Cream Whits, Inmost Koee, ' " Vanilla, Cemmnn Sec, tit. Liquerive, Bnnsnas, Dates. Gum Drops, til kinds of scent, Love Drops, MinfDropa, red and whits, Jelly Cakea, Ftuit Dropa, Stick Candles, ol all scents Rock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Pruuea, Ftet, Citront, Currants diied, A imoiids, R a lions, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYttUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A auperior quality of Scgarg and Tobacco, and a variety of ('onfrclionaries, fruit, Toys, 4c, all ol which it olTVreJ cheap at wholesale or retail. CV Remember tht name and place. J M. C. (JKA I'll ART, Market St., 3 doors west of L". Y. Hriglit & Sun's store. Sunburv, April 14. I860. ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store ! John l-'uif li-a. No. 71 ARritPtreet, be tween ith, uud etlt, Sis. l'UlLALiKl.I'lllA. (Late of 818 Market tr.,) Importer. M-iiiufrteturer of 3.und D.-uler until kinds ol Ssl FANCY FFKS. Havuif removed to inv New Stole. 7lf Arch St.. nnd heina now eneuied entirely in the Maiiulnelure and Sale of Fancy Furs, wliirh, in accordance with the "tine Prire Pr ineiple," I hnve mnrked at the lowest possible pun s consistent with a reasonable protil, 1 would aoiii-it a visit Irom those in want ol Furs lor either I jiuies- or .iiimrens Wear, and an inspection ol my selection of those satisfied, as 1 am, of my ability to pieuse in every di-siml essential. W Persons at a distance, who may find it inconvenient tocall personally, need only name the article, they wish together with the price, ami instructions lor seiionig. anu forward the order to my address money accompanying to insutea satisfactory compliance with llitir wishes. Philadelphia August 2A. IPSO. 5m.', j w HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Instilutiun established by special Endowment, for tht lleltej oj the iytck and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially for the Curt of Ditease of the Stxunl Organs. 1 1 EDICAL ADVICE Riven gratia, by tie J-vJa. Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description ot their condition, (age, occu ration, habits of life, 4c.,) and in casee of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished free of charee. V A LUAsBLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, anil on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispen sary, sent to the alllicted in s.-iilej letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Addreas. DR. J. BKILLIN HCIOHTON Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 3 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directora. EZRA D. HE ART WELL, President. Of.o. Kitaciii tin, Secretary. January 14, 1H59. ly HEGEIMAN & COS COIllJl AL KLIXIH OF C A L I S A Y A BARK Prepared only by II KG KM AN A CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 161, 399, 611 and IM Broadway, New Yoik. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK aa a Tonic have been too hmg known Ui need comment. The C A LISA Y A ('-or Kiug'l Bark,") it the moat valu able of the ttumet sus val leties of the Peruvijn Bark, and in the F.LIXIK is combined with other ingredients that increase its emcacy and at tht Kinie tune overcome lite intensity uf iu bitter, rendering it a mutt Agreeable Cor dial. and AGl'F. ditttictt, it will be found invaluable aa a preventive, Half of a wine glass full taken night and morning, rendering the system much less subject to tht unhealia) influence ol the atmos phere. DIRECTIONS Dote for an adult, half a wineglass full before breakfast and dinner ; children fiotn one to two teaspouut full j it way bs taken withur without s little water F'or tale at thia orlica. March 17, I860 LOOK HERE, ir 0U WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he bat received from Philadelphia a laige stock of BOOTS & SHOES His stock contitia Gen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Bool. Also g variety of Women's Cslf Lace Buota, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will aelt cheap for CAMl. Call and examine lor yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tauipero Moroco for sale for cash. W'M.H. MILLER. Sunbury, Jgnugry 7, 18S0. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE I860 FROM Wyonilnfr Valley to I'lilladelplila, A'ev York, Ilaltluiore, AND ALL rOLXTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST, LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. SUMBXEB ARBANQEXrXENT. Two Daily Ptsseuger Trains will bt run between Sorauton end Notthumtieiland, aa followat MOVING SOUTH: Leave 8crauton, Air, sa at Hittaloai, Kingston, Shii-kshmny, Berwick, Bluuniabeig, Rupert, Dauvilla, Northumberland, Leave Norumberau,d, Arrivt at Danville, Rupert, Bluomabalg, Berwick, Shicktbuiny, Kiugatou, PlttKotV, Scraatun. Phil'aMail. N. T. Ex. 4 4 P. A! 4 63 eo H6 C 66 7 SU 7 4U ie 46 Phil'a Mail. 4 46 f.As M 6U f 00 S6 T U6 7 46 16 10 A. M. 6 M 7 06 7 au S WJ a mi ot s u IU ou MOV1NO NORTH: N. Y. fci t3U A.M. e 06 Xi 46 16 T 46 a so 67 II 6 46 Tha Lackawanna and BlKnabuig Railroad eonnectt wilh tht DelaWHre, Ijicka wanna and Western Hailriaad, alScranUui, lot Naw York aud Philadelphia, and interme dials point i F-ast 1 alao Asr Great Baud, Binghataiuii, Syracuse, Budaio, N lag ait Falls, and all important points West. At Rupert it oiaiuecla with tha Catuiwiaaa Rail, road, for puiuts both Ksst and West. At N wuiumbei land it aouiiec it with the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, for poiius West tud South. M. VV. JACKSON, Sun'u Kingauia, A r juat S3, lisM. ' " STOVES- TCOR SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok- ing Stove, alao several Cylinder Cl Bloe Eiuuire at this otlice. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland Connty, Pa riMl H Inrge gnd commodious Hotel, now -B- managed by J. H. E C K D K R T . It ia ailuata at the Railroad Depot North Last corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and gt the terminue of the Sunbury 4- Erie end North ern Central Railroads, gnd ia open for the gcconi modation of Trgvelere gnd the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hit table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily cornmunination by cars direct from Haiti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the pureat liquors the market can produce Careful and obliging servants glwgyi in at tendance. A share of the local anJ traveling community ia most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 13, 1860. 10.33EFa'3 FATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. As Improved for Isri9 and 60, By E. KETCH AM 4 CO., SH9 Pearl Street, Hew-York. rTMIE only Freezer constructed on' scientific -I- principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. Tbe one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it ss faat as frozen. The moat rapid in freezing, wilh the least quantity of ice. The moat economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structuie. For sale in all the piinripal cities sod towns in the 1'i.ion. Each Ktcezer accompanied wilh a book of re cipes gnd full directions. PRICES. 3 qtiartt, 4 quarts, 6 quails, H quails, 14 quarts, 21) quarts, Applv to II. B. June 3, I writs. $n no 00 no oo tut oo r, H i: MASTER, Sunbury. DETERSIVE SOAP Tins Celebrated Washing Soap is nnnr in mar ket fur more than a year, and that it has given universal sotisfuctiou, is evident from llic fact, that the Manufacturers uf it, in order to supply Ihe deinnud, have been obliiicil lo inrrsme their capacity to make equal to Hue Hundred Thou- ftunu PountlH per W rek. It is dornlcilly tlie bo-t and cheapest Moup ever mailc in tnia I'mintry ; One l oniiil of it will ;a us l:tr, lot any use, ns Three of the t'oinnion Soup in fjenenil use. It i made upon a new prim iplc, of the best materi als, and known only to Van IIhi'.ks 4 Mi IvEoNt. It tloea away entirely ih the wash board saves the necessity of boiling the clothes it docs not shrink Flannels, h kmov a. a nuiapt, ink on faiVT arni.s perfcctliy, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fully ono half tho time and labor usually spent to do tl:u wn-liini;. It is warranted tree from &'AL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure ha clothes. For Sale by all reppectaMe Grocers, and liolerale by TIIAIN & McKEONE. No. S3 aud 21 South Wharves. Philadelphia. CAUTION. There being several imiliiiiuii brainla af Deter aive Soap in Market, the public are notified that none ia genuine except Van IIhokn 4 Me. Knox a is stamped upon each Bar of the Soap as well aa the B xea. Sunbury, Oct. 39, 1859. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store IRA T. CLEMENT. Of NO. 1 MARKET STREET, Sl.NBl'RY, PA. TV.HE aubacrilier has jut opened at bis well known establishment in Sunburv, one of the hea pest and most detiruble stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or eichange fur Country Produce. Those deairing to purchase gopja will do well to call and examine bis stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .Plain and Striped must be teen to Turin gn idea of the extent an J variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawla. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boyg' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cuaaimeres, Satinets all kinds. FTA.3STJNrEX,S, White gnd Red Flannels, gll grades anil prices, Bay Slate Sack Flannels, colors finest qnatlios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boats and Shoes, Hats and Caps. 4c, ic, all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, ga regards quality, sile and price, wilh any in the country. HARDWARE, a Ml assortment. Wood gud Willow Ware, ijueensware, of all descriptions, Uroceriea, g full atock iu alore, Cariet Chains, 4 c, Paints, Oila. Class, Dye fttuflt. Thankful lor the patronage heretufore received be will spare no paint to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Hit. Z't, 18A9. i rna. a A JV svie -x fA 0 y ECONOMY I T csJ.? ti n VA P CO Save the Pieces! AsmectdenU will happen, even in well-rtfrulatd fa mi. it it vary de.iniblc U tu.v inn elieup audounrcjucat way for rrpairiug furniture, 'luys, Cruekery.lco. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergenciet, and no houtehold can aiford to be without it. It it alwayaready and up to the sticking point. There it no lunger a necessity for limping chaos, tptintert veueert, headiest dollt, and broken cradlea It it just the article for oone, shell, and other ornamental walk, to popular with ladies of letiiiemeiit and taste. Tint admirable pieparaliou is used cold, being chemically held in solution, aud possessing gll the valuable qualitiea of tha beat cabintl-maker'a Glue. It may ba used In the placs ol ordinary mucilage, being vaatly more adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B A Brush accompanies each bottle. fries Hi cauls. Wholetals Dapot, No 4ft Cedar street, New York Arrest, HENRY O SPALDING tt CO., Boa No. 3,100, New York. Pot ap f. Dealers ia enact containing Fuur Eight, aud Twelve Doiaen a beautiful UtkofruiiUTe Show Card ac companying eaack pavkagt. If A single botileol Slding'a Prepared Glus will save teu timet ,lt oott annually to every houtehold. Sold by all prominent Statiimmt, Druggitrs, Iltrdwars and Furuiture Dealers, Oncers, and Faacy Sloict Cianiuy Merchanu ahouid nuke a wm cm Sutldint't prepared Glut, when they uakt up Uitir bat It wd stand auy climate. For aale et this office. March 10, DQ YOU AVISII ? DO you wish a handsome Carpet 1 Do you wish a durable Carpel t Do you with a chap Carpet 1 If eo Call at BRIGHT 4 SON. Sunbury, June IS, laTu). NEW FLOUR. FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STOUE. rltHE aubacriber respectfully informs the oiri Jl tens of Bunhury and the surrounding neigh boyhood, that ha has opened a Store at the north west corner of Market ttquare, opposite Vandyke's Railroad Hotel, where he ia receiving, and wHI keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit end prbvisiosm of all kinds, soch aa WHEAT, RYE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oati, Com and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Orangea, Nuts 4c, Fresh Shad in sea eon, Eaily Vegetables Fruit 4e., ' from the South. He wiirconalanlly receive, by Railroad, tVem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicaeiea ot the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt gttention gnd reasonable prices to re ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 18, 1850.- ly. il0rl Doming,, COFFEE POT ma Too, Pot, Boing based, as Dr. Ilall, of tha Journal of Health, aay s, "on aolenoe nnd common aense," are rapidly ooming into use, and destined aoon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURXHAM, & GILROT, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia 8ole Manufacturers under the Patent afar-For sale by Dinl.ri Its ironies keeping; Articles, and Stnrekeeuers geltes-ally, December 4, 1859. J- STEWARTLEPUY. . , T CORNF.I.Il'S MAHAN'S, No VM Sonth I A a- Second streets, (next doot to C. H.Mench's) Philadelphia, waoild invite tbt attention of their1 friemla and euatotnera, and tht piibins in gaueral,! f .o a large and well telected stock of CJ CARPETINQ-8, frj nnBistiiis; of Velvets. Tapestries, Three. PIvsJ l: liiariiins. and Veailinns. Also IVIMinw- O i t c o r1 o riSHADES.oiI. CLOTHS, MATTINOS, DRI U - jOKTS, KUC.S, MATS, STAIR RODS, io., iwiio.-n ne sent very coctip lor cns.1, wbolesnlel rf 'and retail. M .rrhill, i-8(l ly . DR. ESENWEIN S TAR AND WOOD N APT HA PECTORAL, 13 the liest Medicine in the world for the Cure of Concha and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitation of tha llc-trt, Diptheria, and for the rebel of patient! in the .nlvmii-rd stiicrs nf Consump tion, bigeiher with aU DriHiisrs of the Tliroul und Cliest and which predispose 1 1 Coirsiimptioji. ' It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure nf ! Asthma. i Being prepared l,y a pnirtienl Physician nnd Drnetiat. nnd uue of greiil experience in the cttre of the vunoua ) dr-enscsto which Hie lltitnmi frame is linl.le. It IS otleted to Ihe nfhVlcd wilh tire grcntest conrijence ! Tiv it and li conviili-pd that it is invaluable in tlie Cult ot nroi cniar ini.'L'iiiius. ,-, ice cents per lloule. fs?" PaaPABKu only by Ur. A. FfJ'.NWF.IN CO , lliucgiatN and t'hcmisls. N. W. Cornet Ninth and Poplar Sis., Philadelphia. Ir SOLD hy eveiy rvspectnble Druggist and Denier ia Mciicitie throtighoiit the Stall-. Philadelphia,' .Warch 31, l-i0. lyw VV WNOTKECESSARV lo tell the pepTT ' that the Mammoth Store ia a "one price store" as they always knew that, but it is necessary to let them know that we have replenished our stock and will continue to receive new (iooils every few dy. We are determined to supply tbe peo ple, with the most deairuble goods at the lowct prices. FRILING & GRANT. Sunbury, Mgy 28, I SCO. rpHE undersigned having received a large and 1 well selected stock of Pure lrng aud ClicmirsiU, Dyeatuffa, Oils, Paints, Glut, an, i.utIy u Mw ready to till orders at a momenta notice. In connection with the alve you will find an assortment of Fancy Notiona, Toilet rticlea and .it, j . B Mima, loom, Hair, Nails 0ud Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will' linj his ,to.k complete, com prising many articles it is impossible hare to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of tbe "Sunbury American." Fhyaiciana' Preemptions compounded accurate It and carefully. , . a ... A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April 1,1, 1859,. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL. JVSTHJK OF TIIE IEA STJJVJ-13TJK.-V-- IA E. Ojjice in Deer Street, immediately opposite tht I'ublic School House. All bu.ineas promptly gttended to. Monle. ollected gud all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April S5. 57 tf fTijULn r IIEATIlBnoOKoF VITrayela and great discoveries of tha Janaaea j and East India, wh f.ill direcuVi.T, uS.V nun cure o, Consilium ion. nr., .,,.,.... , ('aurrh, Aslhu.a, Feve,., Heart Dim ,T,.7rE Uyspensiu. Liver Comulaint. bra eel .... IT-...L.T r . Female Complaints. 4o. Illu.t.-t,; -7.,.' . ,..aj, .ullr, ,,,K iriiow-ueiugs as niaj,il.U ,... .renMlu,ede,l,,,t will be sent W any part S7i.J.. nent, by sending M cents to ",e coul" . DR. HEATH, e7 Broadway, New York cue Sold, also, by A W N. nbamherlnttd; T .r.aJTiw.ala.T Mai -pWO LOTS situate in Market etreet, in the of 'i-,evortor, rVow. 18 ,n, ,3,1,, bloeU No. 0. Apply to WM. tlAl'fsLKR, Sslins grove, or H. H. MASSE It, Sunbury. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office opposite tht Court House, ' Sunbury, Northumberland County CoS! aUenti0" ,obu'in"'i joining ROCKEFELLER & BOYEiir""- Attorneys at Law, 8TJNBURY, ' A. Jordan Hot kerolier and Solomon '"Pectfully announce th. , entered tnto Cop.rlnership in ,h. pr.ctic. of heir proleasion. .nd will continue to ., ,d to .1 bu.i! Northumberl.nd, Union. Snyder gnd Montour promptly, faithfully gnd carefully. C I . ops; m g;'vfn '1 ,h SSllOxS Olfice.-M.rketsiree,, Weaver's Hotel. Munbury, February 4. isiKO. JjOY'8 BOOTS .nd BHOKN. chegp fo, . . WM.M1LLKR'. Sun ury, Auguat7, 1859. B'mN.K P,rchment PP" ledTTnIunk Mortgagee, Bonds, Execution., Summon U ErKy it ALL amiues-heuemXn dt CO 8 Heniine. which removes paint spot grease. 4c. end cle.ns glove., eilke, rihlins. 4e., etjuel to new. without the elighteet injury to color or fabric Sold by .11 Druggists, alao at thia otlice. 25 cent per bollltn i isiicr, s.unl,urv: t'oi,rurf w ILVER WATCHES.-A few double e. Lnglub Silver Watchee, f, m at vere low l'nc" "J7 II. H MAK8ER. X OW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Evervbtady buys Oooda there. Why t Uecauae they can buy them cheeper than anywhere else. Sunbury, May 6, 18GS. St IOCS AND Sll"ES, g Urge eaaortment gt FRILING 4 CRANT eJ Sblibury, Iinuary 'ii, IS'iO.