Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 17, 1860, Image 2

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    TWO lTs.rB-i rflOM EVROrlV
Bombardment of Gada Prevent d bg Franc.
Important fr.m China,
Francs .Formidable nev-il p-epretlora
are goin,f mi, nnd some wnt.-rs c mtrue
recent crone, of wr at 8t. Ulond as palpi,.
bW indication of au t-tf Mirnl campe'Rii.
Th ldnp- ror, on thrt Slut, reviewed 20,000
mod near Pur. liivouackiiijr and all the
proceeding of a regular campuliiu wet rer
It tvpnrtsl that tk Antrir envoy
bnd notified tbe Emperor that, unless the war
like preparation of I'tedmoitl were discon
tinned, nod the Hungarian legion disbanded,
Austria wonld taimediulely oofflaitoce hostil
ities. Fire bond red of the Irish Purl hrlo.d
had passed through France tit rvutt lot Ire
land. Judicial proceeding hid beeo Instituted
i!iiifV the Opinumt Aatwnalt, fur tbe publi
cation of false tiw.
The London Doilt JVriri of th .tint sava
the Emperor cf tbe'Freuvh hue placed four
ship oftbe lioe before Uacta, with ordere to
prevent an attack on ibut frtr-a by Admi
ral Fereaoo, and if tiecesaory, to link bit ships
tinder these circumstance.
Admiral Periooo will take do part ta the
npproacuioi siege of Ueeta. Tbe Daily
Jttvs announce thie as direct intervention
by France, and eays EoroDe most not be b1
lowed to remain a victim to all this mystery
and repeated surprise.
Victor Emmanuel sod Garibaldi, whore
operations were combined, were preparing for
battle. V .
Tbe London Mornina Advtrtiter asserts.
on tbe authority of ati official despatch, tbat
v icior jcioanuel was ItniueuuUly to bombard
Ueeta, by tea and land.
Capua had beo definitely occupied by
uarioaiar troops.
It was reported tbat King Victor Emman
eel would confer on Garibaldi the title of
Prince Calafirol, with an Income of three)
thousand livrea, and would deoorate lien with
. tbe order oftbe Annunciation.
Laoiorlciere bad been created a Eomao
fcoble, and a medal struck lo hit honor.
The China mailt are not yet received, but
the following details bad come to hand oftbe
taking of tbe Tako forts. Tbe northern fortt
were captured after three hours' fighting, and
& other surrendered, t be Allies lost 1,
400 killed and wouoded. Tbey occupied
Tien Tien. Tbe ambassadors were there, and
would looo. proceed to rekin with a cuvel
The vessels had withdrawn from Shanghai,
Tbe Timt$ considers tbat snleit torn an
foreseen event change tbe fortonet of war
a few days mast suffice to drive the Bourbon
tovereign from Uaeta.
Chief Justice Tahet. TbI distinguished
friend of Uen. Jecksoa cordially re echoes
tbe sentiment ef Amos Kendall, io deoooo
eiog every attempt to break up tbe Union at
ireatonaoie to trie last degree. uvh cALiruRMA-
St. Joseph. Nov, 9. The Pony Express
witb datet to October 2(ilb, Inclusive, orriv
d to day at nooa. Through tome error, tbe
iewg wet uot Intercepted at f ort Kearney,
senator lsaker, of Oregon addressed an im
men audience at ban Francisco last eve1
Ding He avowed bit intention to abide by
tbe doctrine of non-intervention with slavery
io tbe territories oot a a principle but as a
Tbe great New Alaiadea Quicksilver Mica
cose is Btill ponding iu the United States
t.'ircoit Court. Tbe argument was opened
for the claimant by T. C. Peachy, whose
speech ocenpted o week s lime, lie was fol
lowed by Edmund Randolph for tbe Uovera
meot who spoke during tbe entire session of
another week. JUou. J, r. Ueoiamin, lor
tbe claitnaut, has beeu speaking coalinuooely
for toe past three days, aod bas closed. Mr,
Randolph, baviug commenced bit reply
rleverdy jodosoq win speak next lor tb
claimants, when Randolph will make tbe
closing arguments for the Government A
an intelligent struggle, this sale bet seldom
bad an equal.
Fori Ekarkkt, Nov. 10. Tbe pony ex
press, irom boo raocisce, on the olst Ooto
br, passed Dere at 0 au this f. it.
Br tbit arrival we et tbe following news
Tbe Pony Express from St. Louis on tbe
17tb of October, arrived at Has Francisco
The argument of tbe New Alamadlo Quick
tUver Mice case continues, Mr. Randolph
having spoken continuously, on the tide oftbe
goveroiuetit, every day tiuce tbe departure
of the last express. lie it still in the midst
of bit argument.' Hod. Kuverdy Johnson
speaks next, when Mr. Kaodolpb makes tb
closing argument. Tbe court-room bet been
crowded during the trial, nearly all tbe
lawyers of tbe city giving constant attention
to the great Intellectual struggle.
Tbe political campaign draw towarJs a
cUite, with a lest excileaieut thuo wet aulioi
pated. Tbe disastrous Eastern news seems to
paralyze both wings oftbe Democracy.
Senator U win and ex-senator Weller, In
their political tonr, were coldly roceived,
ometimes postpoolog tbe meeting for want
of an asdleoce.
Tbe Dooglsi tes fare little hotter, and all
parties concede Liocolo't election.
Oo tbe evening ol the 29tb instant, eight
roeu, wiih masked faces, went Into tbe store
of Peartoo ft Co., at Peru, io Eldorado Co.,
aod dvmaoded tbe keys of the safe, at tbe
tame time presenting their pistols at Mr.
Pearson. He gave op tbe ki-y, wbaa tbey
opened tbe tefe aod took all tbe money and
specimens it contained. Mr. Peartoo made
a inovemeot to leava tbe room, wbeo two
abott were fired at blm. one taking effect just
over the tight eye. He is uot expected to
till men were sitting arcood the store
wbeo the robbery was committed, but, beiug
eoarmvd, they did oot offer any resistance.
Lare quantities of or of tbe Colverat
copper inmet await purchasers. Hao Fran
rUoo b'pprt will only pay thirty-five dollars
jr lou lor it, landed oo tbe wharf.
The n ioerr are still busy rnooiog .luonele,
CitU' toil t a 1v.vuab A strange
kffair le recorded Hi tbe H ui.ganao journals i
"A Carter wa, a Urn days ago, charged to
convey from Urosewardieo to Klauseuberg,
among otbi r tbiogs. teverul botiles, of wbicb
he was directed to take tbe fpecial care.
Thinking that tbey contained excellent liquor
after going some distance, be opeoed one and
gave some nf the contents to half a d'ieu
peasants, reeerviug a glass for huiwelf. Two
of tbe pe4anlt immediately fell atUvp, and
tbeir eiumber wee ascribed to the liquor, and
be ofiired mure to oiber persooe j tbey bow.
ver, also full asleep, aud be bluieelf became
leriooely iodiapotd. liefore long tbe first
two peattott died, and it turned out tbat
vb it tbey bad taken was chloroform. Tbe
carter, in dismay, hastened borne, but be wat
so ill tbat bit llle is despaired of."
'Sovsbodt taye ibe prettiest trimming for
mail's bonnet It a good humored face."
eiiteuce should be iusunbed with letters
in every lionet hold. Seldom ' ia eo
k,,'b eomprmed io as fxw words. Tbe
'"'iiiiitiis in tbe worlJ look well io
"a good hoiriortid face." Lldiel,
kinhar tbit fuel.
II. n. MASSHIl, Editor and iTopriotor.
W-J-'iL' .'.ia-.;;i'ii i..,.-,mi i
To AOvrnTii ...Tria elroltlofj of the 9ert
AataiCAN amung the difTttnt tuNenapn the PotoMhunna
la not excMdnd, If eqaalle4 ij any papet paltiatted la
Nnttirn remiaylvanla.
535 The late rains have caused a eaddeo
riso io the Sntquebnnoa. Onr coat operatoti
were obliged to ttop shipments for several
days on account of high water.
$? Court. 4Tbe boeioess la Court lbis
the second week, was brought to a close on
Wednesday. . Hut few of tbe cases oo the
list were tried, most of them hr-ing continued
C2T SnERirr'a Sals. Sheriff Waldron ad
vortices for enle, at tbls place, on the 3d of
December, tbe Valuable coal lauds, collieries,
Aa belonging to end known as the"Urecn
Ridge Improvement Company." Tbe reel
estate bxlongiog to the compxny embraces ten
tracts of coal laud, tbe actual value of which
exceed, perhaps, one baodred thousand dol
lars, i
63T Doling court week Mr. Rker, onr
Dew Commissioner, entered np on tbe duties
of bis office. Mr. Ruker will make, ao obli
ging aod attentive officer.
C" The excitement Io regard to the trees.
tion of Sooth Carolina aad Georgia, teems to
be subsiding. Virginia will Dot favor tecet.
sion, nor will Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Jefferson said tbat "as long as Virgioia and
Pennsylvania bold together, nothing North
or Sooth will fly off."
C3" Johs 0. Heena. Tba vorilable
Heenao and American champion of the
poglistic riog, passed tbrongh this place on
Thursday morning, oo bis way to Harrlaborg
to company witb Aaron Jonee, bis trainer and
others, Io ell eight profeieort of tbe art.
Heenao occupied a seat on tbe engine of tbe
Sorjbory & Erie road, from wbicb he descend,
ed, and at toon as tbe engine of the Northern
Central came op, re-mounted, and after being
introduced to Mr. Cobb, the engineer, by
Mr. Rankin, engineer oftbe Sunbory & Erie,
quietly took hit teat, torreyiog the crowd,
many of whom were looking for Heenao io
the can.
0 Godey't Lady's Book, for December,
it really a splendid comber. Tbe principal
engravlngt repretent Cbrletmat in tbe city
and io tbe country. Tbe Fashion plate rep
resent! a bevy of bridesmaids. Still further
improvement! to tbit excellent magazine are
promised for tbe oew yoar, and Godey always
keept hit promlres. Subscribo for it.
S3 Look oct for counterfeit five dollar
bills oo tbe Westoro Bank of Philadelphia.
Tbe counterfeits are well done, and calculated
to deceive even good judges.
GT Drsb Tbe huntois in the Nortbero
countiet have killed a large number of deer
tbe preteut season. Mr. Miles, of Bnowshoe,
Centre county, shot a large buck, which had
jumped into tbe yerd while tbe family were
at breakfast. Venison sells in tbat region
for teo centt a poond.
y Tcbsips. There it oo crop more pro-
doctive, or one tbat pays better thao tbat of
tba turnip, wbeo properly cultivated. At a
general thing our farmer! do not pty euffi-
eiiot aiieotion to root cropt, wbicb are
essential for winter feeding for cattle, io tbe
production of good butter. These remarks
were induced by the large yield of one of our
farmers, Mr. Jebn Strob, of Rush township,
wbo last year raised about one thousand
bushels of very fine turnips from a small piece
of land, most of wbicb were sold io this place.
Tbit teasoo Mr. Btroh raised another crop of
about seven hundred bashers, from one and a
half acres of ground, most of which were told
io this place, at pricet varying from 2f to 30
cents per bushel.
C-J" Tbe Gazette of last week contains tbe
following in regard to tbe watchmao who
fell from the Ruilroad oridge at Nortbom
bcrlaod :
"On last Monday oigbt, immediately after
tbe oigbt .express train bad crossed the
bridge between sunbury and Norlhuiuber
laud, tbe watchman wbo was crossing tbe
bridge io tbe performance of bit doty, fell
from tbe board path, and wat drowned. Tbe
river being very high, hit body bat not yet
been recovered, ile wat an Irishman, and
resided at Northumberland."
C3T Gaarxt. For a comber of years past,
oonsiderable attentioo Las beeo paid to tbe
collar of tb grape, and lb Isabella aod
uaiawoa were considered the only grepe
wormy or cultivation. J bey are, unques
tionably, both very fine grapes, tbe former,
however, much tb best for tbe table. 0
late years, however, oew varieties have been
Introduced, tucb at the Concord, Diana,
Rebecca, Delaware, aod a number of others
Tb Delaware bat beeo greatly puffed, and
Io our opinion, greatly overrated. It is i
grape of fin flavor, but eotirely too small.
about tb tixe of tbe largest of tbe cherry
currants, and about tb tame io color and,
at ur friend Major Frees ssyi, "ought to be
eaten witb a tpooti." Tba Diana, wbicb is a
seedling from tbe Catawba, w tbink, is quite
or nearly equal io flavor, and has tbe advao
tag of beiug much larger, though smaller
tbao tb Catawba, but teveral weekt earlier
Tbe Major bad impressed at to highly io
favor of tbe Concord, personally, and by bit
paper, tbat we were anxious to test tbeir
quality. . Tbit we did torn weekt lioce, end
fully couc or iD the opiuioo of the able editor
of the Germantown Tileyraph io regard to
tbe tunerior Quality of tb grape. Tbe
buocbee are not ouly larger and mor com
ptct tbao the Isabella, but tbey come nearer,
io point of flavor and texture, to tb black
Hamburg, tbao aoy other ottiv grape we
have teen. They fcav. beside, tb desirable
quality of being harly anl tery prolific.
. ..... "" .
ni it Disunion movbmf.jit.
Mcb ofoor pepe tbi week is taken p
witb the treasonable designs of the dlEonlort-
Istt which fortunately are mostly confined to
iootb Carolina aod Georgia. That there
will be aoy :toal secession by any Stat we
do oot believe, bat matters have arrived at
tucb crisis as to Creole great cause for
alarm. There appears to bo tome difference
of opinion at to tbe right of a 8tat to secede
from the original compact, but the weight of
authority both North and Sonth, heretofore,
hat beeo almost unanimous agaiost the
right of secession. There it certainly nothing
Io the Constitution that provides for aoy
tucb emergency, enlest It is Revolution,
wbicb, if unsuccessful, wonld be nothing less
than treason.
It it tald, but wbicb we very much doubt,
that President Buchanan admits tbe right of
South Carolina to Recede peaceably, and will
oot resist soch a movement if tbe Convention
to assemble next month should determine in
its favor. Resistance, It is thought, would
produce results more disastrous than seces
sion. Such were not the opinions of General
Jackson, nor would be bave permited tucb buld
aod treasonable designs, lie once threaten
ed to "hang as high at Hainan'' Sooth Caro
linu't favorite ton, Jobo C. Calboon, for
timilar conduct. Already trade aod com
merce ie prostrated .in Charleston, and tbe
Banks bave most probably suspended.
These things will bave their effect. But
if Charleston should open her ports to foreign
commerce, tbey will, no doubt, be blockaded,
io vindication of our reveouo laws, oor
wonld any recognition of ber pretensions, by
any foreign powers, be allowed by our govern
The November term of Court opened oo
Monday, tbe 5th Inst., with his booor, Judge
Jordan, and bit aeeociates, oo tbe bench.
Commonwealth rj. Jo An Gray. Tbe de-
fondant was charged with having broken
open a store io Delaware township, and with
othera, abstracting therefrom goods to the
amount of teverel hundred dollars ; at also
with tbe larceny of a horse and wagon, which
wat osed io tbe conveyance of the goods to
parti then unknown. The goode were re
covered in the State of New York, io the
possession of one Charles Cromwell, upon
whose testimony the prosecution relied main
ly for the conviction of Gray, he having been
ao accomplice.
Cromwell's record is not eo clear at would
be desiroble. He ie a bright "larkie."
At sixteen years of age be was tent to Cherry
Hill for four years, oo the charge of assault
aod battery witb intent to kill. While there
be experienced a change of heart, (?) and was
taken into tbe care of tbe Young Men's
Christian Association, wben discharged from
prison. He was on night, shortly after, taken
to a Methodist preacher's borne, to lodge, but
was mission next morning, with various little
trinkets, tneb us tbo wife's handsome jewelry,
a gold watcb, teveral hundred dollars in
money, etc.
Tbe oext that it beard of him he it in
Schuylkill county, committing teveral bur
glaries; next in tbit county, at Trevortoo,
where he was charged and convicted of bur
glary and tbe larceny of a bor6e aud wagon,
but it appearing to tbe court that he was not
eotirely sane, be was detained, without sen
tence, for tbe determination of his eanity.
Charlie, deeming bis quarters uncomforta.
ble, broke jail witb other prisoners, aud made
hit escape oo a Thursday nigbt. On the fol
lowing Sunday eight the above stated offence
wat committed by a gacg, none of whose
names were disclosed except Gruy's. A
abort time after thie Charlie was captured io
tba Stat of New York, as a member of a
gang wbo bave beon carryiug oo operations
extensively io tbat State and Pennsylvania.
Tbe jury, do doubt, thought it dangerous
to convict oo tbe testimony of ono to infa
mous, aod therefore rendered a verdict of
acquittal io favor of tbe above defendant.
Same pi. William 5. Adams Indictment,
for. aud bat. True bill. Verdict, guilty.
Samt vs. Augustus Fislier. Charged with
passing a counterfeit back bill. Verdict, not
guilty, bnt to pay costs.
Samt vs. Jvhn Philips. Indictment, for.
and bst. Verdict, oot guilty, and tbe prose
cutrix to pay costs.
Samets. Jvhn Gray. InAwtment, assault
and battery. Plea of not guilty withdrawn,
aod defeudaut sentenced to pay a fine of $10
aod costs of prosecutioo.
Samt vs. Eliza Bird Charge, infanticide.
Tbe Grand Jury baviug investigated tbe
charge, ignored the bill.
Same vs. Mathiat Kershntr. Misdemean
or. Bill ignoramus.
Same vs. Samutl Mantz. Charge, assault
and battery. Bill ignoramus.
Sams vs. John Conrad. Indictment, telling
liquor to minors, drunkards, and on Sunday.
Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fine of
2f, fiftee, days imprisonment, costs, &c.
Same vs. Michael Kerney and Ann Kernty.
lodlc'.meot, larceny.
Same vs. Allen Bwensox Iudictruent,
paisiog counterfeit bank notes. True bill.
Tbakxsoiviso Proclamations, though al
ways pleasant to contemplate, are usually
formal in text. That of Governor Banks, of
Massachusetts, however, is really fresb and
original of its kind. Mark tbe cadouce of
tb litany, wbicb rises and fulls io every
sentence :
"For tbe favored position which separates
onr beloved country from tb political com
plication! tbat torture other cations, and
tecuret to us well regulated liberty and uni
versal peace ;
For tbe preservation of tb States anited j
For tb public health and prosperity
For the ricb harvests ot the year;
For tbe privileges of general education ;
For tbe capacity aod hope of future im
provement ;
And tbe never failing coutolatioot of Chris
tiao faith ;
Let ut remember, io every act of thanks
giving for our inappreciable privilege, lb
opportunities that are offered,
For tbe relief of those in want ;
Tbe succor of tbe oppressed ;
Tbe consolatioo of tbe aQlieted ;
Tbe comfort of tb imprisoned ;
Tbe eucouragtment of tucb at art cait
down ;
And tba recognition of all men of whatever
caste, condition or clime, at cbildrea of a
commeo Father, aod subjects of oo universal
and incomprehensible destiny."
Ri'NxiNa Orr Slaves. Jacob F. Forney
was arrested oear Carlisle, oo Tuesday oigbt,
tbo lib inat , iu rnuipauy witb thro slaves
from Maryland. Tbry were ill leded io jail
i at rar!,;le.
TvrtkOF Tiita aotiTiiEHN nui. -Baltimork,
November 11th, I860. Sever
al Booth Carolinians are now io thil city,
sportine tba Bio Cockade. They are pur
chasing good. They formerly dealt io Phila
delphia. I bey were roucD ieited, ana com-
piaio moco ot toot Btetea wnico nav sunn
ed tb Fugitiv Slav Law.
Some prominent efficert or ueorgia ana
Sooth Carolina banks are now ber. Tbey
express great confidence io the liability of
the Union, but think there will 0 a great
deal of trouble befur tbiogt are perfectly
Intelligent persons htre from Washington,
slate tbat tbe excitement there it abating,
but lliere.ttill exists much anxiety to know
tbe President I intentions.
The President's Posititn.lh will Wait.
V arhikoton, November lltb. 8ermooe
of a Political character were preached io
most oftbe churches to-day. The proclama
tion of the Goveroor of Georgia, asking
praters for Divio support io tb trials of
secession, were read from many polpitt and
complied witb.
Witb tbe exception of Judge M sereins,
oo Vacancies in Federal omcua will be tilled
io South Curolina, at tbe other resignations
oo do take place till tbe fourth of March,
tbe time of tbe actual secession.
Io Alexandria, to-day, much feeling per
vades. Tbe streets are lined with people.
The conservative sentiment predominates.
x ou uiay rest assured Virginia will not follow
id tbe wake oftbe seceseiooists.
Private advices elate other Senators will
follow tbe example of Toombs, Cbesnot,
lvorsoo and Clay. It is doutful wbetber
they will resume tbeir seats at tbe ensuiug
Extreme measures will soon be taken by
the Georgia Legislature.
Tbe Lieutenant Walker, who resigned bit
commission in the army oo account of Lin
colu's election, bas oot beeo in-active service
fur years. He is do actual loss.
The Preeldeot will make do public exposi
tion of biB views till tbe annual message is
presented three weeks from tomorrow.
Northern goods to be taxed. Senator Toombs
and ChesntU resigned. A Crisis The
Maooh, Nor. 1C, 1860. A conveotioo of
the people will be called oo or before tbe
The electioo of a United States Sonator to
succeed lversoo bee been indefinitely post'
A bill will be brought op before the Hons
on the 13th, providing for a tax of 25 per
cent, on all imported goods from such
Northern States as bave opposed the Fngi
live .Slave law. Tbe bill exempts foreign
Columbia, S. C , Nov. 10. In the Hoose
to-day, tbe Speaker announced the reception
ol a communication iroui benator Cueenul,
resigning his seut as United State Senator
from boutb Carolina.
A bill was Introduced to provide a police
surveillance over persons coming from States
hostile to tbe South.
Mr. Aldricb made a report from the Com
miltee oo Federal Relations, making amend
ments to tbe Senate bill calling a cunven
tion of tbe peoplo, by substituting tbe 6th of
December for the Clb of January, as the day
of election, and tbe 1 7 lb of December instead
of tbe lOtb of January, as the day of meeting
ot lua cooventtoD.
Tbe Senate met at seven o'clock io tbe
evening, to consider tbe amendments of the
Moose to tbe bill calling a GonveoliuD oftbe
Judge Magratb, Connor, Colcock and
Cunuiugbam addressed tbe crowd.
Judge Magratb eaid be hoped South Caro
una would oot b in lb van of her sister
States. He was oot there to prove to tbem
tbe right to secedo. He said she bad tbe
right to secede ; tbe peoplo say she bas ; tbe
Legislature says the has, and heaven will say
she bas tbe right ; and if tbe Government at
Washington should say she bus not tbe right,
then let tbem prove it by taking the right
away i
Mr. Colcock said that, although there was
such a large crowd present, be wished to
see one more, and tbat was Mr. Uocolo
He weuld take him by tbe band, bring him
to tbe platform, tell him to look upon that
crowd, aod ask if be ever expected to wield
the sceptre ol the President over tbe beads
ol tbat people. "Honest Abe wonld ao
swer, witb downcast eves, "Never I"
Tbe Minute Men's meeting adjourned after
bearing lb most excited aud animated
A delegation of tea Minute Men was bp
pointed to attend the Military Convention
wbicb meets next week at Millcdgevile,
Tbe crowd was greatly rejoiced to learn
tbat sooth Carolina had passed tbe leu
veutioo bill.
Milledoevills, Nov. 1C. In the Leciela
tore, oo Friday, tbe resolution of tbe electiou
of a United States Senator came op, when it
was moved that tbe time fixed for Monday
the tith lost. Others days were proposed
Mr. Seward, of Thomas county, favored
a postponement. He was opposed to doing
anything so early to indicate that Georgia
intended to submit to Air. Lincoln s elec
Mr. Haines, of Worth coooty, inquired
of Mr. Seward, if he favored tbe secession
of Ueorgia I
Mr. Seward, after torn objection aod Id
terruptioo, eaid tbat be was io favor of
secession, if Georgia to decided in tbe Slate
Conventioa. He thought tbat Georgia would
Dot be sustaining the other Southern Slates
by thus early indicating a willingness to
submit to Mr. Lincoln t election. 11 coo
sidered that tbe safety of tbe Sooth lay io
actiug as a unit:
Mr. Lawton, of Chatham county, favored
tbe utmoit delay to tbe electioo of a Bene
tor. There was do necessity for speedy
action, at Georgia would be represented in
the Senate till tbe fourth of March text
ile agreed witb Mr. Seward, that so speedy
ao indication of submission to the electiou
of M r. Lincoln would place Georgia io ao
tagonism to ber sister States ; as tbe news
would speedily be seut over tbe country tbat
Ueorgia acquiesced to tbe election of Lin
Mr. Spalding moved tbat tbe resolution
be laid oo tbe table for tb preseut, wbicb
was eaopteo.
A bill was introduced heavily taxing maun
lac la red articles Irom Massacbusetis, Coo
necticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Micbi
gan, Wisconsin and other Statet nullifv
log the fugitive slave law. Also, preventing
iue cititeo! ol ouending state Irom tuing
lo tb Courts or Georgia.
Tba Legislature adjourned from Friday
till Monday. .
Adousta, Ge., Nov. 10. A large meeting
in uvor or soaihero right u being held
inn evening.
Tbe Savannah resolutions wereananimous
ly adopted, with ao amendment declarfug it
to be tb sent of tb meeting tbat lb
only remedy for Liucon't electioo wat im
mediate secession.
Amid tbe loud and prolonged cheering it,
wat moved aod adopted that tb thaokt of
tb people or tb south are due to lb gallant
men of tb North wbo attempted to roll back
tbe lid of fanattciem la tb recent election
Resolved further. That tbe meeting pledge
the citiieot to submit to an increased rat of
taistion to rait a million of dollar to arm
ad nb-an,zo tlie Utilittry of tb State.
A further reeolotion was adipled, roo
umoiiig tbe actum of the citis-i' nielwii(
tbit afternoon, and declaring that the remlu
tino adopted thereat did oot txpregs ll
sense of the community.
Aroi'BTA. G.,Nov. 10. A lorg meeting
of cltlsens was bold io the Council Chamber
thtt afternoon, Mayor Bloodgelt presidiog.
Tbe Mtyor ttated that he bad received in-
formation tbat two Cltlceoa naa oeeD nouneu
to leave by uoauthoriied person. Tb
meeting wat called to consider whether we
should protect ourselves by upholding the
law aod tb preiervatloo or order, or auow
an uoauthoriied body of men to take tb law
Dto their own bands.
Mr. Jobo M. JacksoD moved that com
mittee of twenty be appointed to prepare
Tbe chairman selected a highly respecta
ble and influential committee, wbo reported
tbe following t
Resolved. Tbat we live coder uovern-
ment of law and order, and it it tb bouodeo
doty of every good citirens to tee tbat all
rlghtt are respected andwroogt speedily re-
d reused In the forms provided by law.
Resolved. 1 bat tbe eeoios ol our Insula
tions forbids the punishment of a citixeo
without fair trial by jury.
Resolved. That tbe assumption by indivi
duals, however respectable, of any of the
powers of Government is subversive of ell
civil liberty, and its tendencies fatal to the
vital interests of the community.
Resolved. Tbat if tbe existing laws are In
sufficient for the protection of the rights of
citizens, tbe proper courses is to apply to tbe
Legislature to amend and modiiy them, as
the interests of society require.
Unusual excitement sometimes prevailed
during tbe meeting. Addresses were made
by Colonels Camming, Wright, Cane, Sneed,
Montgomery, Dorotie, Ford, and others.
I be conservative sentiments prevailed and
the resolutions were adopted.
AU0A8TA, Ua., .Nov. 10 It is expected
that Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texas and
Mississippi will go witb South Carolina.
He will Address the Cotton Btates.
Cincinrati, Nov. 12 This mornings Com
mercial says tbat M r. Breckinridge has de
termined to make a trip to the cotton States
address his fellow citizens, urging tbem to
abide io tbe Union.
The Rumnr Contradicted.
Lexinoton, Ky., Nov. 12. Tbe rumor that
Mr. BreckinriJge is going South to make
Unioo speeches, or in any manner interfere
with tbe troubles of secession, is stated by
that gentleman to be withcot foundation.
The Scceoion Movement in irginia.
RicHMowD, Nov. 12 Tbe affairs in the
South atliact much attention bere.
Tbe people are calmly awaiting tbe issue.
Meetings will probable be held in the differ
ent counties before the Legislature meets.
for tbe cxprecsion of public opinion. The
vole of tbe State bas not yet been ascertain
ed. Both the Bell and Breckinridge parties
fiugure oot majorities. Several couulies
bave Dt beeo beard from.
SULT. The Louisville Journal does oot despair of
toe ennntry because ot Mr. Lincoln s election.
The Joarnal shows tbat evu if Mr. Lincoln
is disposed to injure the outb, tbe powerwill
not be in bis bands, since tbe Coogrees of the
United States bas the power to check bim
'His election," says the Jtturnal, "gives rise.
Tor tbe first time in our history on a consider
able scale, to one of tbe very exigencies con
templated by tbe framers of the government
in tbo distribution of its powers, and whicb
these framers believed thu distribution tbey
made was entirelv adequate to meet success
fully. We believe tbey were not mistaken.
At any rate we are willing to give tbeir great
handiwork a fair chance."
Aud eloses with this eloquent and earnest
appeal :
"W most not part. We Biraio bave lost
the day, it iB true, but we bave still a country
wortny of our love, and imploring oor pro
tection. By all the stirring memories of tbe
past, by all tbe proud associations of tbe
present, aud by all the glorious hopes of tho
future, let us love her aod protect bor still."
1 he Cbuilotle C). bulletin says :
"No Federal slave, witb sword in band,
will dare to attempt to cross tbe line that
divides North and South Carolina, without
making op bis mind to blot from tbe stage of
existence tbe sons of tbe noble sires who
faced the swords of tbe oppressor iu 1776,
and first declared tbeir independence oftbe
British Crown.
Tbe Lynchburg Virginian, after advising
moderation, shows that tbe election of Mr.
Lincoln was Dot due to those who raged
upon tbe question of slavery, and tbat there
is no desire on tbe part of bis supporters to
interfere witb tbe south. I be I xrgiman
draws the inference from the defeat of Bur-
lingame and Penningtou, that the feeling of
tbe IS orthern people is a conservative ooe,
uoc says :
"Lincoln cannot and will not attempt to
pursue a policy tbat would be. acceptable to
thousands of bis own party, and the remit
will be tbat tbe extremists will leavs bim and
war upon bis Administration. Onr policy,
however, is to wait lb iodicatioos of tb
Io another editorial, the same paper pities
"Po6r little South Carolina," and declares its
willingness to let tbe troublesome member
go, "but for tbe precedent." Tbe Virginian
bas uo lailb id secession. Hear ill
" I bis act It suicidal to the best interests
of Carolina ; and ber people will sot be slow
to htarn it. If sbe even escape tbe evil of
war ; of having federal troops overrun ber
territory ; ebe will find ber stocks end proper
ty of every kind 'depreciating. Her bills of
credit will be rejected everywhere outside of
ner owo limits, aod tbe note ol ber banks,
now circula iog in tbib and other States, will
be Instantly r. turned for redemption. W
advise everybody to refuse a Soulb Carolina
bill. We will have none of them unless tbey
come irom an old subscriber wbo never pays,
Firi On Saturday nigbt last at about 9
o'clock, tbe Steam Saw Mill, belonging to
MetBrs. Folimer & Hollopeter, at Watsoo
towo wat destroyed by fire. It is supposed
it wat caused by an incendiary. Io addition
to tbe mill, a large quantity of sbinglet paling
and lumber wat destroyed lost about $7,000
insured for $4,500 of which tb Lycoming
Compaoy bas 02,500, and York Company
$2,000. W onderstand arrangements are
being mad to rebuild tbe mill at one coat
to commence butineii lo tb tpring. HJilto
The Northern Central Railway.
The arrival of Paaaenger Trains oo tbe North'
trn Central Rail Road from 8unbury, 1 as fol
owe i
AmaiVAi. aarASTtrai
KallTrala, North,
4,tBP.M, 4,WP. M
,0A.M, ,SA.M
Nifht Exprua, North, I3.CS A. M., 110 A M
wuata, ie,w r. t., ie,! e M
Sunbury Ac Erie Eailroad.
Tka arrival and departure of Paueiifcr TiaUw oa lha
anbury Eria Railroad at thie plae, ia aa folkiwa t
Arrival. -,I8
P. M ,
t,MA. M,
19,05 A. M
10,34 P. M .,
4, P. M
Hall Traia, North,
.4 h Buuih,
Night Expiaas, North,
i Bouih.
,3 A.N
19,10 A M
IU,4t) P. M
Fraiihl and Aeeom.. North.
,40 A. M.
" " South, ,! P. M.
The thamokln Vallej aad PatUvllta Rail-tad,
Ptuenftr tmn !eaTa Kunhury at . (MAM
t Cumwl, . 41' i
I. hkjwan" a sin nrioMsncmo rail-
The arrival mid departure u( Paiwenger Trains
friu iSorilimlerluml i
Mail train (South, armet at 9.40 A. M
" " North, leavea ' 4.f0 P. M
Ex. Freight, South arnives .M)
" North, leavoa 5. JO A.M.
Thousands of females suffer from derange
menti peculiar to the tex. First, and most
common among these it, Female Weakness
or Whites, or Lencorrhea, with itt constant
attendant!, Lassitude, Prostration, Lame or
Weak Back, and General Debility. No one
can be entirely well wbo thus suffers, and id
hundred of case health Is utterly undermin
ed. Old school medicines and dings do but
little good often much Injury; but HUM
FEMALE PILLS are just tbe thing, r.
lieving promptly, and curing permanently.
A dollar's worth will do more good than
quarts of nostrums, or tlx months' attendance
oo a doctor. Six boxes for 1. Single
boxes 25 cts.
N. B. A full set of Humph revs' Homeo
pathic Specifics, with Book of Directions,
end twenty diflerent Remedies, io large
vials, morocco case, $5 : do. in plain case,
$4 : case of fifteen boxes, and book, $2.
These Remedies, by tbe single box or case
are sent by mail or express, free of charge, to
aoy address, on receipt of price. Address.
No. S62 Broadway, New-York.
8old by A. W. FISCHER, Agent.
Sunbury October JJO, 1860.
tbat there are more sufferers from debility
among Americans, tbao can be foocd among
any other civilized nation. 1 he reason is
obvious. Wa take too little exercise, and
forget tbe wants of tbe body io tbe absorbing
pursuits of business. Iu all surb caes.
ordinary medicines can do little good, What
s required Is jUBt such a tonic and invigora-
tor as Dr. J. Hostetter hoe given to the
world, in bis CELEBRATED "U1TTER3."
rhe weak and nervous deniien of the coun
ting house, the exhausted toiler upon the
shop board, and tbe proslratod student oftbe
miituigbt lamp, have found a woonerlul regen
erator in the "Bitters," and prefer it to more
pretentions, bat less efficacious medicines.
Uut it should not be Torgotleu that tbe agent
whicb is so mngicsi in its influence upon a
frame which is merely debilitated, is equally
poworlul in assisting nature to expel the
most terrible forms ufdiauase. Wbe would
not give it a trial ?
Sold by druggist! and dealers generallv
t& See advertisement in another column.
From the Springfield Republican, Aug. 19
Sfaldiho's Prkfabbd tb same tbat
Van Amburgb glued his lion together with. I
is doiug wonders hereabouts. A boy up towu
(.lued bis play wagon together "wrong side
up," aod tbe glee did its duty so well, tbat
Hie wagon bad to be broken again before it
could bo made rigbt.
"Not dangefnui to II Hainan family. "
"Rule cnuutbf tbeir holes to die."
"C09TAR,9" Rm Rnach,Ae , Extxrminaevr
"COSTAR'S" Bed-bug Exterminator
COSTAR'S" Electric fowdcr, lor loeecia, Aa.
Rata Roaches Mie Molea Giound Mice fJ Bofi
Ann Motln Mntuitfca FIms InaM-ia on I'Vuu,
Fowls, Aiumalt. Ice . Ac ill aliurt. everv fur in and nw
cirs of VERMIN.
10 veara titablinhed III Naw York Cltr utti hv tlia
Cily Pmt Office lha Cily Pntone and Station Hocua
tlie City cHMtmen, : hi), A3. the City Hotlf."Atvr,"
"St. N icholaa," Ac aud by rsara than 20,001) private
t'r" Dnipc;ita ami Retailers everywheie sell them.
lWholt-!iale AKenta mall the iarge Cities an TuM-na.
t4 ! ! ! -Hkwabk ! .' ! of spurious imitaliwiia.
ty 1,00 fampla Boxes sent by MaiL
Lr Acwreas oraere- or lor "i.ireuiaria Dealers" li
Hl'.MlY R. COHTAR. Principal lyA.
S13 Broadway, (oppnslie Ht. Nicholas Hou..) St.
Sold by FHIU.NQ i OK ANT, Bunbuiy, Ta
April 21. IS-60.
thtligioiin iXotices.
Dlvlna service will bs held every Sol,tU in this ho
tough as fcllowi :
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. North west corner o.
Riackbeirv mid Dsei streets. Rev. J. D. Run.. Faster.
Divine service every Saliktth at II' A. M. i'rayer null
ing on Thursday evenine At Northumberland, in Od
School Piesbyterian Church, at 3 o'clock, P. M , avrry
corner of River and Blackberry streets, Rev. J. W. Stiih
kxtz, Pastor. ltvme service, alternately, every fabtaili
at 10 A. M. and 7 P. M. Ptaver meeting on Friday
METHODIST Feiscnur. CH (1R CH Dewbarrv str-
west of S. E Rail Road. Rev. E. Butlib ana J P.
BwAitoia, Pastora. Divine seivlrc, alternately, everv PU
i"t ni- ana, rrayer meeting An Thurs
day evening.
street below 8 V . A P. Kail Road, Rev. P. Rui, ISiaur
iMviue service, alternately, every raonatn 10 A. M and
7 P. M. Piayar meeting on Wednesday evening
On tbe 18th nit., by E S. Uudykunst. Esq .
Mr. J. Hkmry Hail, of Lycoming couui.r. !
and Mia M asoarkt Jan McUihukp, vf i
Northumberland Co. I
Ou the 8th ioat.,hy Rev. Charles Tark, !
Geo. B. II. biWATZE, M. of Moreaburg, j
and Miss Maooir A. Simikotom, of the same I
plate. I
In Philadelphia, on Tuesdav, the 13tb ;
inst., by Rev. John Chambers, Mr. Jciriah
F. Ruhr, of Loch Haven, formerly of Kline's
Grove, Northumberland eo , to Miss Lizni
U. Condon, of Philadelphia.
Oo Sunday, tbe 14th olt., by the Rev. J.
Frittinger, Mr. Hehrt Latsra to Miss Car-
olin Zartman, all of Jackson township.
In Philadelphia, oo the 9th Inst., of tvnhnid
fever, ANN' IK, daughter of Fraokliu and
Clara A. l'latt.
Cfet Slav he 1
Philadelphia Market.
Philadelphia, Nov. 14. 1B60.
Grain There is a fair amount of Wheat
comicg forward, but tbe demand is limited at
a slight decline of 3 ct. per bus. Sales of 5000
bus. prime i'euna. red at 81 27 a 1 36 per
bus. aod White at $1 25 a $1 CO for common
quality. Rye is dull at 78 cent for i'eooa.
and 75 cent for Southern. Corn is very quiet
and tb only sales reported are small lots of
yellow in store at 69 cts , and 900 bushels fair
quality at 71 cts. Outs are steady at 34 a 34 J
cents for Delaware, and 35 a 37 cents for
Wheal, $1 10a! 30 Butter, $ to
Kye, .... 74 Egga, ...
Corn, ' . . '6 Tallow, ... 13
Oat 40 Lard, ...
Buckwheat, . . 63 Pork, .... g
Potatoes, 63 Beeswax, . . 2
New Advertisements.
George Brosius' Estate Audit.
OTICE is hereby given to all persona con.
earned, that the underaie nej annninl.t
auditor upon the exception filed to the account
of Catharine Broeiue, Administatrix of Gaorg
Brosius, deceased, will attend to tbe duties oflhe
appointment at hie omce, in tlx Borough of
.-u.iuuij, uu i i.uuj ta ouiu aay or November
1860, at 10 o'clock A. M. -
W. I. GRKENOUOH, Auditor.
Sunbury, Nov. 17, i860.
November "lh, 18C0.
'"HUE Director hava tK, t.. .
dividend of two aod on half percent.,
CHARLF.d W. PE.M.E, r,U,r.
Mnmokm, Nov. 17. 1-V,u n
STATEMENT of the tihamokin Bank, aare-
-5 quired by the second section oflhe Act of tbo
Oeneral Aaoemhly of this Commonwealth ap
proved the 13th day of October, A D. 1857-
Specie in vault and specie funds in
I'hiladelphia, HMS 7g
Ihi from Banks, and City Banker, sail 18
Bills discounted, 115,024 OS
$133,894 92
40. RIO 00
S0,27 7N
6,469 75
Due Depositors,
Due other Banks,
491.667 S3
I, Che. W. Peole, Ctahier of the Bhamokiu
Bank, Wing duly awom. depo and y that the
above statement is correct ta tb beet uf my know
ledge and belief.
Hworn and subscribed before me this 7th day ef
November. I860.
W. P. Witristbto!, Notary Public.
Shamohin, Nov. 17, 1SA0.
A LL person knowing themlvea indebted lo
the subscribers, engaged in the Foundry
business, on note, book accounts, or otherwise,
are educated to settle lb eame without delay.
Tie) neglecting this notice must not complain
if cuats are added to tbeir account.
C. I), dt J. ROHrtDACH.
fiunbury. Nov, 17, 1800. 6m
WpfiMu own &
, ALL,
and examine tbo .i
beautiful 1
5? C! II 1 XV T Vl
una it l a, v.
end UlCB
i j ;-, nurt jusi fptnei l: '
1' -sie bV,t
li E A UT Y A N V D U 11 A B I L I T V ,
now en
At the People's
fur extensive Stock of
'3D 2" G2 CD CD ZJD 53,
Hardware. Carptta, and Oil Clotha, Ac, Ac..
A X I)
Splendid Inducements.
Who wish to secure
For the Smallest Quantity of
Country Produce.
that all goods eold at our eataWishmcnt
tu be aa
. i V? r T Tfl ("
Iu addition to our
V are constantly receiving w: .i. ......
keeping up our aesortment at all aea.ona of tha
?rr; 1..W'"ur""hank. to tb public f,
the.r hb.,.1 patronage, and shall make every
etlort on our part to render aati.f.clion. Be thai tb nimbi, dim. i. better than the
alow quarter, w. shall adhere to th., old time
honored motto :
. "Small profits aad quick sales."
frunbury, N'ov.mber 17, I860. '
IN P""ianc. of an order of th. Orphans' Cour
of Northumberland county, will b. powd
to . public sal. on lh. pramiae, .n Thur.Jay the
Idih day of December next, at 10 .'clock. A. M
sfh T"" ,rM,Lr Piec of UnJ. "fi
at in bhamoktn town.h.p, Northumberland
county, i"a., adjoining, of Aluoi v
George r.n.yl. tumuel O. Urow and other,
coutammg about fifty bin. acre, and ,Ut, two
perches, mor or le, wh.r.on a,, .recud one
and a half story frame house, log barn and other
Alao on th earn day at S o'clock, P. M.. ou
the premise., a certain other tract or piece ol lan l
aituale in May berry tuwn.bip, Montour coumv.
edjuinimng land. f Samuel Mutchlw, Uoliert B.
Bwayi, Enoch II. Voughl and oihe.. contain
ing fifty five acre, more or less, whereon are
erectbd two atory fram dwelling houae, Irani
bam and other outbuiltlinga, all late tbe estate o
Janes Mutdiler, late of Bhamokiu towne!ii. de
ceased. Tbe tarma and condition of aa! will
be mad known by
AMOd VA8TINE. Aim'r.
x .
K-to ;. -,J53
By orJer of th (,'ouri, )
11. MA8SEK. nk., O. f. i
Sunbury, .jv. IT, jS'. J