Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 10, 1860, Image 3

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    foreign ctos.
Arrival of the Steamers Adriatic and
Prince Albert
The Austrian Charter Great Concestiont tit
Jf angary The Emperor to be Crowned
King of Hungary The Warsaw Confe
rence Trouble between Sardinia and liut
tia. The steamship Adriatic, from Havre via
Southampton, arrived, at Nsw York oo Mod.
day, the 6th Inst, lier advices art from
Liverpool to the. 26th.
Tbe steamship Prince Albert, from Galwey
cd tbe 23d of October, arrived at St. Johns
oo Friday night, the 2d ioat.
The 3fnniteur publishes decree suppress
lag tbe Gazette of Lyons.
The Timet' I'aris correspondent says
"The decree suppressing the Gazette de Lyons
shone that the Government is irritated, or
seriously disquieted at tbe language of tbe
clerical jnnronU in treating tbe affairs of
jiome. i ua tiazette Dad advocated very
attongly the cause or thi Pope.
The official ll'tevter Zeitung publiahea a
manifesto of tbe Emperor, introducing a
charter (diploma) founded upon the basis of
tij Pragmatic Sanction, to be binding upon
nil heirs to the throne, to be drawn op for all
the provinces and to bo enrolled among the
federal laws. Tbe charter announces that
henceforth the legislative power will only be
exercised with tbe co-operation of tbo Pro
vincial Diets as well as of the lleicbsrath.
The number of members of tbe latter is to be
increased to one bundled by Coancillois
elected by the Provincial I Mots.
Tbe Ministers of Justice, Holigion, and
Interior, as universal central authorities, are
suppressed. The Couit or Chancery is re
stored in Hungary, and oue for Transylvania
in to be established. The Chancellor of the
Hungarian court is to be a member of the
Ministry. Tbe affairs of the other provinces
are to bo represented in tbe imperial councils
by a Minister of State.
A special Ministry is to be appointed fur
public instruction.
The judicial affairs of all provinces not
Hnngsnan am to be represented in the min
isterial couueils by the president of tbe Court
of Cassation.
Counts Tbum, Kadasdy, and Tbicry quit
tbo Ministry.
General lienedekis appoiuted CooimanJer
iu-Clifef of the army in Italy.
V', Oct. 23. Tbe Emperor's chaMor
hud everywhere been favorably received, more
especially in Crotia. Among the eilucuted
clusjes a Hungary it met with a most fuv oru
tile reception. Pelb and liu-ia am illu mi
nuted in consequence of a resolution takeu to
tbe municipalities.
Tbe Kmperor of Russia arrived at Wursuw
October 2Ulb, and was wurmly received.
The Kinperor of Austria ouly is staying at
the Cbuteuu Liizienki.
The Kuiperor of liussiia and the Prince
Regent have taken op their rsidonce at tbe
The ceremony of laying the first stone of
the uew bridge over the Vistula would take
pl ica on the ()tli.
The Piince Hegent arrived at Warsaw on
the 2 let, and was heartily cheered. His
itoyul Highness, accompanied by tbe Kmpn
ror of Russia, procoeded iu an open carriage
Iroui the railway to the Belvidere.
The Russian umhaasaJor at Turin has been
Tbe Sardinian minister al St. Petersburg
has beeu recalled.
The totul population of Russia is 79,000,
CUD Tho lower orders, serfs, putty traders
em! artisans, form a tutnl of 63,500.000.
Tbe njbles and the higher guilds of irudara
about 1.003,000. The nobles still pusses
2l.ODU.000 Serfs. The populntiou of Siberia,
including tbe wandering tribes of Kasau,
ActruUu and Orenburg, is 4,000,000.
It i assorted that the enlistments fur tbe
.J'outiScal army have ceased, and that Gen.
I.ainoriciere will positively return to France.
Tbo vote ou tbe question of annexation,
ir .is taken October 21. An imineuse crowd
of people assembled.
An immense number of people have voted
for annexation to Piedmont. In twenty pro
vinces tbe voting is known to be almost
uuamuious in favor f annexation.
An otliciul despatch says that tbe Uaribal
dians have eutered Capua.
Naples despatches of tbe 21st ultimo, an
nouocd that the vote cn annexation was then
being taken. M uch enthusiasm existed, and
immeusa crowds bad assembled at tbe voting
places. A II was quiet at tbe latest dates.
The Kioz of Naples had issued a protest de
claring that be would consider tbo voting
null and void.
A Naples despatch, of tbe 21st pit, says
thut Garibaldi has officially declared that tie
would hy down tbe Dictatorship ou tbe arri
val of Victor Emmanuel.
The Lend of Geo. Cialdioi's columns en
Countered unl defeated a corps of Neapoli
tans at laurnia. The general commanding
the corp., with li s officers and o'JU soldiers
aud Ujg, wero taken.
Another despatch says that Cialdibl cap
tured a porliou of the Neapolitan artillery.
"Victor Pmaianuel urnved at Salonia ou
.the 2 1st of October.
It was reported that provisions began to
fall at Casta.
It was also reported that the French Min
ister of Mariue bad recuived a despatch an
nouncing that Garibaldi' ships of war had
captured a vessel btariug the Spanish
colors and another tearing tbo Austrian Aug.
The same authorities contiuue to assert that
the Austriau demonstrations on tbe Italiao
frontiers were increasing : hut on tbe other was said that Austria bad given tbe
most positive assurances that she would Dot
lraw the sword uuiess an attack was made oo
The Fa'is correspondent of tho Timet
eays: If the Emperor, -Francis Joseph, flat
tors himself that be will conciliate tbe Hun
garian exiles on the charter which he has
vouchsafed to their oative country, he will
find himself, I fear, grievously ia error.
Tbe same correspondent says : A French
(traveller, arrived from Veroua, confirms all
that bae beeu said as ta the great prepare'
tions for war made by Austria, in Veuutia,
for some time past.
Verona alone contains within tbe citadel
end tbe entrenched camp which protect! it,
tine hundred thousand men. Ha adds that it
would be difficult to form an idea of tbe im
niense works which have been raised for its
defence. Tbe citadel cau alwayi be supplied
with provisions from the mountains. Mantua
and Pescheir are likewise strongly garri
aoued. Tbe Austriau forces io July are eeti
mated at one hundred end tftv thousand
men. Tbe plain of Mantua is ttedded wtb
fortifications, and X'escbeire is little
The Pope has assuted tbe representatives
of France al Home that be bae aw intention
tot leaving tbe Eternal City.
Clkr rog Ocbns. Tbe "Gazette Madi
fata" of Prunes says tbat. by an accident
charcoal bas bees discovered to be a cure for
hums. Ml UvinsT a piece of cold charcoal
unnn a burn, the pain subsides immediately
JJy leaving tbe charcoal ou ooe hoar, tbe
wound is bealed, as has been deaooatated oo
several oceasions. Tbe remedy is cbtap and
simple, sod certainly deoj ei a trial.
W have been placed In possession of the
ootline of a straogH eloty, which has almost
too much Munchausen about it to seem true,
yei, we are miormed, It Is substantially cor
rect. In tbe summer of 1803, Jobo Uardwick
poor mechanic of Pittiburg, was induced,
by the gold excitement then raging, to try
uis iuc io toe miues at uaiilorma. lie ac
cordinolj left bit wife and two' children be
bind and took passage - around tbe horn for
ins im uoreao. ua arriving there bis money
bid given out, and be was obliged to go to
work at a mere pittance, to keep from
starving, lie made bit way, however, at fast
at be could, and having entered Into partner
ship with another man commenced tbe work
ing of a claim. Uardwick prospered, and be
gao to think that, at the end
would be able to go borne with a large pile of
dost. Human calculations are sometimes
wrong. Mr. Hard wick's calculations were
wrong for he wat taken lick and came Dear1
death's door.
W ben be cot well his partner had denart.
ed, and takeu with him the earnings of both.
The poor man was almost discouraged. He
had been away from borne eighteen months.
and bud lent nothing back to bis family.
He wrote to his wife, eivina her a true state
ment of his condition. 8be never received
tbe latter, and consequently he never received
any letters from her. Uardwick went to
work again, but tbe times grew bard and he
earned but little. He frequently wrote to
nis wile, but she, straoge to say, never re
ceived a single line from him. It is needless
to go through every particular of hia biBtory
suffice it tosuy, that, hearing nothing from
his wife, he concluded that she was glad to
get rid of him, and would not trouble herself
to write to him. He therefore determined to
stay in California till he wat rich, aod then
return to the A tlunliu States. He set bim
sll to work assidiuusly, and made money,
Ilia i business relations were tucb after a few
years that be could not leave California, but
stayed and accumulated a handsome fortune.
Jo tbe meantime. .Mrs. Uardwick, thinking
ber husband was dead, after three years, mur
ricd another end emigrated to St. Louis
Her two childieo, of whom John Uardwick,
whs father, died, and all traces of John were
obliterated except from a very remote corner
of ber heart. Mrs. Mathowt was a good wife
to her second husband, to fur as we can learn
nod bore bim two children. Mathews wag in
tho grocery trade, and throve well, but about
a year a;o he wag taken sick with a fever and
died, leaving Mig. Mathews and the children
without a protector, as she thought, but with
a snug income.
John Uardwick, tired of California life,
aud tired ol business too, collected together
bis effects, which amounted to a nice fortune,
and started for home by tbe overland route.
He arrived in this city two weeks ago, and
reoiaiLed a few days to rest before taking the
curs for Pittsburg.
Oue moruitig while walking through Broad
way Uiurkt-t, Mr. Hard wick saw a familiar
face, it was the first familiar face he had
seen pioco no bad left ban Francisco and
that luce belonged to a woman. He quicken
ed his pace, ano1 came up to a stall where the
lady about to purchase a beefsteak. Mr.
LI aid wick's beurt beat wildly beneath his
ffaUtUuut. Could it be possible 1 No.
''What should Jane be doiug iu St- Louis ?"
thought be. He was about to turn away,
wueu the lady raised her head, and their Vyes
met. "John Uardwick, as ture as 1 am
liviug I" exclaimed she. "Jane, is it you 1"
said John, it proved to be both of them,
aud alter mutual explanations, Mr. Hard
wick accompanied tbe lady home, carrying
her market basket for ber. Two children
met tboui al tbe door. They were blue-eyed
and roy cheeked just like thobn John bad
left belied, aud just as large but they did
not have leutures like Jubu's. "What mat
ins it," thought cir Lero "my two children
are dead, aud theee are sent to take their
places 1 will be a father to them." Mr.
John Uardwick was as good as bis word. He
holped Mrs. Mathews formerly Mrs. Uard
wick, bud destined to be again to dispose of
her propor-ty ; then calling a clergyman, they
bad the matrimonial link t.ed agaio strong
aud fast. In two days they started for tbe
Kait, where, we hope, in Pittsburg or tome
other delightful town, bey are enjoying, at
the meridian of life, another boneymson as
pleasant bs the hut. .i . l.uuxs liulUlin of
The F.mhkkou N'APoi.tON a.vd the Ameri
can Mimstkk. The l'aris correspondent of
tbe New York 'Jimtt writes tbut tbe Ameri-
an Minister to Paris (Mr. Faulkner) was
recently summoned to the palace of St.
Cloud to del:ver into tbe bands of bis majesty
tbe letter of recall of the Count de Sarliges
as Minister at Wasbiugtoo. This ceremony
where ministers ouly are concerned, is usually
performed with tbe Minister of Foreign
Attain ; but the Emperor desired, no doubt
to show a special attention on this occasion
to the agent of the United States, lo this
tuturview .Mr. Faulkner was retained a long
inie in inenaiy conversation with Lis .Majesty
u which tho latter displayed that wonderful
general knowledge ol aflairs all over tbe
world, fur which be is remarkable, and re
called, iu its details, with many expressions of
delieht, Ms visil lo tbe United estates. He
spoke of bis astonishment at the wonderful
activity of New York, after arriving from
luggiah Europe, lie referred at length to
he war-lears of England, and deooucced
those fears as tbe greatest absurdity. He
bud not uow and never bad a thought of pro
voking a war with England. His pride and
ambition was to elevate France to a high
position of commercial aod agricultural pros
perity, and be could best accomplish this by
remaining the Irieud and ally of England.
lo euppuse that be would go to war with
England fur revenge was a small compliment
to his statesmanship, i'be Emperor was
warm io his eipressious of friendship to the
people of the Culled Stales, and promised
his good will in the conclusion ol a new com
mercial treaty.
Death of "Grizzly" Adams. A brief
despatch informs ua that J oho C. Adams, of
Calforoia, of grizzly bear notoriety, died at
.Nepondet, Kuode Island, I rlday muroiog.
tie was a remarkable man, Ibis "Grizzly
Adams," as be was familiarly called, though
he shared lhal toubritqurt with those of "Old
Adams" and "'i'be Wild Yankee." He was
born on the condues of Maine, so far east
that it used to be popularly said that the in-
uaoneuiS Dad solemn duty to perform (or tbe
reel of tbe American world, in wiudiugtbe
sun op everv morninir wuh a ImlluKi
Young Adams was born iu May, 180. under
a pine tree, while bis father was falling tue
timber aod building a log but for tbe recep
. vU u. uioiuer, wno predated tbat, from
;' iircumaiences or bis birth, the child
would be iu with a wild life, and find
happiness only away from the haunts of civi
lization. lo 1848 Adams joined tbe great arm of
golJ-huutar. who left ,b. All.Siio stales' for
he Pacihc coast, and ror the ten y..r. fol.
owing passed bis lime . a huour among
be lorests and mountains of California.-
11 tire uh Mad nuinrAita
with the wild beasts who inhabited the coun
try, aod, taming a number of beara h-i..
them to Ban Fr.ociseo, aod was subsaoaJut-
ly engaged to exhibit tbem io this cut b?
Nixon aud Uaruum. 7
i ne man s name no was killed at Wat,
sootuao fo 1 uefcoav oigbl of last aW ...
Kleiner, brother of I'eler Dear
Muncy Hills. lie left Watsoutowo n,.A.,
the influence of liquor, and getting fast in a
cattle guard ou the railroad a oiebt train ran
over him, completely aeverinc eoa of his Urs
iron oia oonj. n-... k.h i rauntij auun
in if. heo be - --.i . . k naili.t..
(ipirsd apou i 'ii i ...I... i. ..'"'),.iy,,
Church us. Tbe Jimnan Advertiser, loan
article comnlied to show the ImDQSsibiliiy of
at. retert at Kome being aver crowueu,
gives some carious statistics of the compara
tive capacity of the most celebrated chorches
io Europe, We add a column, exhibiting
tba nooiber tot square yards : "Those who
attended at St. Peter's daring tbe eagast
ceremonies of Christmas day might have
imagined that temple, io all parts open to
tne puDiic oaring tbe lonction, as mucu
crowded as possible. To show the Impossi
bility ef St. Peter's being over crowded, we
annex the following statistics of its capabili
ties, as compared with other great chnrcbes,
allowing four parsons to everv quadrate meter
square yard; :
Persons. Sq- Yde-
St. Peter's
Milan Cathedral
St. Panl's, at Roma
St. Panl's at London
St. Fetronio, at Bologna
Florence Catdedral
Antwerp Cathedral
' 32,000
St. Sophia's Constantinople 23,000
St. John Lateran 22,900
Notre Dams, at Paris 21.000
Pisa Cathedral 13 000
St. Stephen's, at Vienna 12.400
St. Douinic'a, at Bologna 12,000
its wildest
St. Peter's, et Bologua 11,400
Cathedral of Sieuoa 11.000
St. Mark's, Venice 7.000
Tim niartu of Ht. Peter's, io
limits, allowing twelve persous to the quad
rate meter (square yard) holds 624,000 j al
lowing four to the same, drawn op in milita
ry array, 202,000. In its narrower limit, not
comprising the porticees or the Piazza Rosli
cod i, 474.000 crowded, end 138.000 io milita
ry array to the quadrate meter. Agra Week'
ly Jtegtfter.
"Nothing to Wkar." The executors of a
lady named Desmond, who died in Uromptnn
Euglaud, lust May, sold the extraordinary
number of eighteen hundred silk dresses,
seven hundred velvet mautlet, two hundred
bounets, and npwards of oue hundrod pairs of
shoe', with innumerable kerchiefs and scafs
of all colors of rainbow, which had been pur
chased 6y the deceased lady withio ten years
of her demise.
New Advertisements'
at the
Fashionable Tailoring Establishment
Market street, Pl'Mll'IlY. Ia.
riHF. subscriber, in addition to hia large stock
1 of
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &c
ia constantly receiving new supplies from the citv,
keeping a full assortment of Ilia most salitlanlial
and latest style of (toods in tho city markets.
lie is prepared to make to order all kinds of
Gentlemen's and Boy'i wear, uch ts
TANTALOONfi. &c. Ac.,&c,
in lha very latest style, and iu the most substan
tial manner, at short notice.
Anv Uoods not oa hand, will be furnished
from Philadelphia, bv Riving two day's notice.
ty Call and examine my stock, no charges
made for showing.
Sunhurv, November 3, IM60.
Irivate Salt.
THE undersigned offers at private sale, a Lot
of Ground, situate in Fawn street, nearly
opposite the Uaptiit Church, Bunburv, Pa.,
whereon are erected a large Lug House waather
boarded, and a largo new Frame House, a good
stable and other outbuildings, eitra choico fruit
en the lot
The property will be sold on very reasonable
terms. Apply to
Sunbury, November 3, 1BH0. Ut
State of the Bank of Northumberland,
November 1st, 1860.
f,oaiia and Ptarnunta,
N"nhai,ib?rlait(l Uaiik Hlocka,
lnhei Stocks ...
Due by other Ranks,
.N'.itta i.l other Hanks,
Hpeai in Vaults,
Keal Kitate,
1 107.50:) 20
S.trto eu
l,Me on
ioi, r.3 si
14,010 V0
. a . 1(17 w
e.isa w
600,814 ti
113.817 IS
10,411 4
m.-jj ii
,' 31
Noti ia circulation,
Due other Haitka, .
" Dcpoiit'ira, -
" CummuiiwealOi,
514,141 32
I eertify that tha above statement lo correct and
true lo the beat of my knowledge aiHl oriief.
J. R. PIIIUSTLEY, Caahier.
9wnrnand sultacriucd belure ine,
Novamtxr SJ, IBM). liaoaoi Misaica, J P
The XXth Volume of the Wkklv Taiaoxionmmeiirad
Willi the iaue of bept. I. Duiiiig the paal year The 'i'i t
Dune has beeu obliged to devote ijuita a large proportion of
lt apuce to Politic-a, but we Khali aoou be able lo forego
fi-huuil disuuaai-,11 altnoal entirely, fur uiontlia if not lor
yarn, and uevote ucarly all our cilumua to subject of lei
uitciiie. but more amdiog, inuicai. Among theae, we
itieaii to pay eipeeiul altemion lo
1. ICoucATio.N. -The whole subject of Education, both
Popular uud (ientral, will ba dmeuiacd iu our columns
throughout the year lbGI,and we hope to elicit
diacuM1 ou aomaoi the prufomideat thinkers and the ubleat
instructors in our couutry. It la at onee our hope and our
rcaolve that the cause of Kdm-ation aiult receive an liu
petua from the exeiiioua of Thi 1 also as in us bdm.i uu
rnig the year lt-61.
11. AuaiccLTi'RB Ws have been eomnelled to restuct
our elucidations of tlis great hitereat throughout ltiu, uud
ahaU endeavor to atone ihereha in IbSI. Whatever dis
eovery, deductiou, det.fmination, is calculated lo reudi r
Ihc reward of lalioi devoted to cultivation more uuipie or
wore certain, aliall receive prompt and lull attention
111. MancrACTcaaa, Ac We hail everv invention or
enterprise whereby American Capital and ltbor aia at-
tinctecl to anil aavaoiAireouaiy employ in any oeptirtuiciil ol
Manuiactunng or aieciiamcai imiusiry as a real contribu
tion to tha Public Weal, ntsuri ia ampler, steadier, nijre
convenient, mora reoiaiieraiiiig uunketa to the Farmer,
with fuller employment and belter wages tu tha faimrer.
Tha progress ef Mining, lroll-Muklng, Htei-I-Makiug,
Cloth- Weuvuig. Ac, Ac, in our coumiy aiul the world,
hall ba watched aud reported by us wuh an earnest and
active syn'paiuy.
IV. l-'ottaicN ArVAias. We employ the best corres
pondents in London, Paris, Turin, tlerlin, and other Ku-
r ineau Capitate, to tiauainit ua early and accurate udvicea
of ilia great cbuugea there silently but certainly prepHrinc .
In spue ol tne pleasure 01 Ajoiueeuc roiiucs, our .ewe
from the Old World is uow varied and ample ; lot we
shall have to render it more peifect during the eventful
year just before us.
V. II n Naws We employ regular paid corespond
ents inValiforilia at the Urinous i,f ilanea, iu lha Kocky
Mountahi Gold Hcgiou, and wherever else they seem re
quisite. From the more accessible portions ol our owu
country, we derive our information mainly from the mul
tifarious correspondents of the Associated Press, from our
exchanges, and the occasional letters ol intelligent Irienns.
We ana In print the cheapest general newspaper, with the
fullest and moat authentic summary of useful tiitelligenct,
that ia anywhere adotded. Hoping to "make each day a
enttc ou the lest," and print a better and belter p-ier from
ycat 10 year, as our meaua are araaoiiy enlarged inrouga
the generoue en-operation of our many well-wishers, wa
solicit, aud ahaS labor w deserve, a couUuuance of public
Daily Trihana (111 lasuea eeraanam) 9 00
Piui-Weekly (104 " ) 3 00
Weakly (6 " ) t Ua
O. u . ... t-,.. . . . V..a fn.
11 SS, Tea eopiaa lo ana aoareae lor , aid any larger
number at lha hilar rata. For a eluh or Twenty, an ei.
tra oopv will be sent. Foraeluaof Forty, we aeud The
Daily Tribune giatiaane year.
Weakly i Tares eopiaa for , Eight aoplea for i.0,
aad anv laiaar uun.h., at ika ibu al Bl SO each oar annum
lha paper lo be addressed Iu each subscriber . 'to elube of
Twenty, wa Bend au antra copy
Twenty aoaiea to una aodreas for 9tD, with one extra le
am wan aanda as the stub, rue aacb eluD o una nm
dred, The atailv Tnhuua a, ill ka aeat araua for oue year.
Vt kaa auvlu aaa ba Muearad u ia saaeh aafel loan to
re-tin Kk bills. The aaaaa of law Poat-OlLoa and Huaw
i , h esis be plainly wralen.
. '' e'wsvs iu advauee. Addraes.
f Tmm sr., No. in sa.v,'fr,,
V . i 4, hmw V -rll
HAVING taken lha Blackamlthahop
at Kohrhnch'a Foundry, la Pr,'iY
pared to do all kinds of blscksmithing l( ai 11
to order, Including borseshociug m lheV n
best styla. 9
Thankful for the patronage heretefAre extend'
ed, he hopes by strict attention to business to
continue the same.
Country produce taken In exchange. -Sunbury,
NovernVr 3, I860. Sm
THE FALL TERM'nf the present year was
opened on Tuetdsy, the 16th of October,
Hoard of Instructori.
Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in
Ancionl Languages' and Englieb.
Literature, .
I. 8. Doyer, Associate, and Inatroclor in Math
maiica, Natural Kcienoes, Book Keeping, Ac
Asuistcd by able and experienced teacher.
Tho course of Instruction embraces all the
branches usually taught in Primary, Academical
anil Classical Dnpartmente.
Tbe government of thi Institution Is mild,
but firm, and all stadenl are required to be
diligent and obedient.
Boarding;, room with furniture, per
week, l.i0 to $1,75.
Tuition per Quarter, 4,00 " $7.10
Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical j
Surveying, Ac, extra.
Students admitted at any time during the
For further particulars, adtlre s,
Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa.
Frcehurg, November 3. 1860.
at the
MISS SHAW has just returned from the
rily with the latest .ew Y'nrk and Phila
delphia styles, comprising
of every style, pattern, fashion, material and
Hihhons, Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Collars, Edg
ings, Caps, Notions, etc., etc.
Tho handsomest, the most fushionabli", ever
brought to Kunlniry. Cnll and bee her Fur.
All the new and tasteful styles of the season,
with every variety of Trimmings, will be sold
cheaper than ever.
Orders for articles not on hand, will be sup
plied from the city, at the earliest po-ible
moment. M Iss J. SHAW.
Sunbury, Octiilw S7, lSfiO 4t
Black and Blue Hair Cloth,
Beaver Overcoating,
Ulaok Doeskins,
New tstyle Cassimere,
All Wool Tweeds,
Heavy Kentucky Jeans,
Keal flood Cassiuetts.
Sils Mixed Coatings.
Super Velvet Cord,
Black Grenadine Vesting,
Black Satin Vesting,
Fancy Silk Velvet Vesting,
Plain Silk Velvet Vestings,
Nice Cassimere Vesting,
In fact all kind of goods for Men's and Boys'
wear, can be found nt the People's One Price
Store of E. Y. bright A. Son, who have just
eccived by'Knilroad a aiilemliJ clock if all kinds
of pooils, suital,!i for inhl weather.
Please call and be convinced.
Sunhury, October 27, 1800.
BS hereby given to the dillerent Tax Collectors
of Northumberland county, that unless the
duplicates previous to the year ISU0, are settled
by the November Court next, the ir bonds will be
placed in the hands of the Attorney of the Coun
ty for immediate collection. The funds of the
county are in such condition, that no longer in
dulgence can be granted.
Commissioners' Office, t Commissioners.
Sunbury, Oct. SO, lOUO. J
AdniiiiMrator'N Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration having been granted to the
subscriber, en the estate of Michael Kuapp, late
ol Trevorloh, Zerbe township, Northumberland
county, deceased. All persona indebted to said
e.tate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them for set
tlement WM. V. SILVER WOOD. Administrator.
Lower Autfustu twp., Oct. 20. IBfiO fit
To Persons Out of Employment.
IN" every county of the United Stales, to engage
in the sale of some of the beet and must ele
gantly illustrated Works published.
Our publications are of the most interesting
character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant; they are published in
the best style and ho'ind in the most substantial
manner, and are worthy a place in the Library
of every Household iu the laud.
To men of enterprise and industrious habit
this busine'ss offers an opportunity fur profitable
employmeut seldom to be met with.
Person desiring to act a agents will receive
promptly by msil full particulars, terms, ic, by
LEA ft Y, GETZ. & CO , Publishers,
No. T21 North Secund Street, Philadelphia.
October 27, i860.
Dissolution of Partnership.
lOTICE is hereby given that the late pirt-
nerahip existing between (S. W. Arbogsat &.
Untili, in Georgetown. Northumberland countv,
wa dissolved by mutual consent, on the 22 I
itisl. Tho book of the late firm will remsill in
the lunula of O. W. Arbogast, for collection and
M'ttleiuent, and all persona Indebted or having
claims, will call on bim for settlement.
Georgetown, Oct. 27. 1KC0. 4t
Ojfice of the Clerk of the Orphunt' Court of
Northumberland County;
NOTICE is hereby given that appraisements
of rpal and uersonal l roue.rtv havo lieen
made to the widows, respectively, uf the follow
ing named decedent, agreeably to the Acta of
Assembly in such case made at.d provided :
1 Bingaman Jacob, tale of Lower Mahonoy
township, deceased.
2 Uuukleberger Hiram', deceased.
3 Kreilicb Jacob, late of Upper Augusta twp.,
4 Kcysur Samuel, lata of Chilliaqusque town
ship, deceased.
6 Oosks James, late of Delaware township,
6 Kiddle Charlee W., lata of tbe borough of
7 Kilter Thomaa V., late of the borough of
Turbulville, deceased.
8hank welter Andrew, deceased.
And that the same will be presented to the
Orphans' Court for approval on Tuesday, the
ISlhdayof November neit, uulohS exceptions
thereto be filed before that day.
Sunbury, Oct. I7lh I860.
ASU WARRANTS. The highest price
will be given for Land Warrant by the sub
.cfbej. H. IIMAMtB.
and a
Just received by
At the Teople's
I very large, and our
Handsome Assortment,
It ill K ATTIt 1C'T10S.
to purchatpr.
We are in the receipt of New Good weekly,
Ihus ulleilng to Iho public all novelties iu Uress
(roods. PleBSO call and examine.
E. V. Bill (HIT & SON.
Sunbury, October ii, IMIil).
New Goods for the Ladies
Plain, rill Wool Delaines, Nest figured Delaine,
Handsome Canhmen-s, IIikIi Coiored De
laines, Striped Duster. Nice Silk Pop
lin, Mitrd Mohnir Du.'tem, Plain
French Merinos, Piinted
French Merinos, Persian
Twill, Brocade No-
i c.iu.Pluin Co
ding, Dark mixed
Debege, Hainla'e Black
Silks. New Style Daik Prints,
Glove of all Kinds. Hosiery of all, New Stylo Nubias, Opera Cap,
Chenille Scarf, Mohair Head Dresses,
Needle Worked Collars, Ac, &c, &c.
But it is useless to attempt enumeration the
great variety of Goods we have now in store,
suitable for Ladies' wear. We invite an inspec
tion of our store. E. V. BRIGHT & SON.
Sunbury. October 27. IStiO.
L-Miji m:u wool rn.i.AiNi'X
-P Auction lot from :i lo.,ie.:its.
tliitilreu's IMiiulri unil IMiiines It- to JOtrt.
Lupin finest I'nneli .Merin,rsi'ioiu iiui-tion
Ttuee veiy ehoire I IRut -jd7 mxl 04 els.
I'lniii ull Cnslinieres from auction, cheap at S3 ami
ll.i I (-I8.
ripur-il rtiintz rolors, rnshmprrn. ti-1, 31,50 sn,l SO et.
rifinl, KlripeJ nii'l ti'd lo 40 ctfl.
Kig I and silipe.l French l'oplins.
jti.ACK uiti:s onons.
Auction Msli'rick Krem Ii Meriii'ies. fl.'i in t0O.
Auction lottilaelt Wo.,1 1)cI:iiiims :lo to 60 t'j.
Stlt.liitit-iiinltty l yards wide at HI V.)
I'cst II? cent Muck lleli.nn s in town,
lilnck Air.elines and lig'il Aliwictn,.
I'liuPKIl i CON'AKD,
3. K. eor. Nl.NTIl and MAllKKT Streets.
OcIIht S7, IrtiO. I'liiljdeli.lna.
L til' all the nrw styles. Itendr Muit,rir M.tile tneriler
An I'lepinl sti-ek ni Clolhs Iroin which to select
l-'ontclnns work lit popuLn prices, uud all garinciilf guuiun-
tced pi tit uud please.
Genteel, well made Clouts at moderate prices for first
cl'im people.
i loihs,of just the right kinds for Ladies, M uses and
Uoy's wear.
rool'FIt .V CON RAH,
NINTH uud .MAHKKT Sinters,
li' tohtr 1!7, L-rio. riiiluoelphm.
I ngra inj:d carpets, '
MAM'KACTl'HlaD niii. ler Palf by M. IVipsr A C :
Isfilmiiii.t ii'l Nlt'l)owe:i' HniiilitiR, Nfrtii
ctiiiicr, Scc.'ii.l hii I Kiiro Rtrtxtx Phil;itc'lilna.
(it Oh$ IJ l 'A U.INTEED.
t) ll-SC.
1SG0 sriilXU k SUMMER IStiO
piIILIXtJ &. O HAN'T, rcspeelfully am
to their friends uud the public, thut the
y have
just received the
Very. Lapses! and IScst .MorK
ever brought to Sunburv, which will be disposed
of at the verv LOWEST PRICES, for CASH
We keep everything !
We keep everything ! !
We keep everything ! ! !
Thankful to our friends for paxt favors, wa soli
cit a continuance of the same, at the
Largest Store in Central Pennsylvania
Largest and Cheapest Store ! !
Largest and Cheapest ! ! !
E7 Call, See, and be convinced !
Sunbury, May 19, I HfiO.
Ballou's French Yoke Shirt Emporium,
4dl liroadivay, New York,
fchirts maJe to order from Scientific Meaaurea,
if the be.t material, sewed by hand, and war
ranted to fit, at less than the usual price.
June 4, 18M). 40'J Broadway, N. Y.
I l ,L VI- l,i ,i i-rir-A I I I'I I'D Alf- AM VI.mi'I'I.
The Philadelphia lnuirer ooiilaius eight pagrs and foty
eiuhl coluiims f mutter. It is printed wtb new topper
r'uceO tvoe. The K.ditorul lieiNiitiiient of lha auer Ims
j beau entirety re-orsuuiaetl, aud new corTespoudenis en-
gaiieJ. I'lio Inquire! is ludepeudclit Ul it discussiuu on
all topic ol punnc tmercsi.
Tue (real aim of the Inquirer is to heroine a Reliubte
Newspuper, reporting promptly si.J finny evei)llili(
public interest eoiieernins alt paito a and all public men -
neilherdistortiii nor eiamierating laels It will he the
Srstdutyof llis Inquirer, on all o.-easions. lo advocate His
protw-tlon ef our domeslic uianulai-tgrea awl or Uis (real
lion and co iii'erests ol rruuvylvuiiia.
As a fuiuily puper, tna lieiuiie will arm to return the
position which It has long euj oye.1, by eonUnuins to euuid
and acrulluiM with stout cure lis news and advertising
columns, and sscladn ail nialtera which it wouU oa im
proper to admit within lha family circle.
Tb Philadelphia Inquirer la puhlished everv morning,
and serve.! iu tha eny, a-r! all lh districts lit Bnsba,
Bavarly. Camden, (iloucesler, Treuton, Burlington. Lan.
aaater, Hairiauuig, Koading, PoUsvilla, Danville, Moms
town, Wilmu.guu, Dal. r.lklon. Md , by eareiul camera,
for I'walv Cents a wek, psyabl to th earner at tb
and of th wark.
Uaatby mail at six doliuia par annual, Ul advanoa.
At an Advertising Medium
The Innuirer has no equal in the City af Philadelphia, not
onty Irian tba eatalitof it eireulatiou but from ita etasa
of readera, eoir.poeclof tb moat intslligant and rrapac la
bia psiaons not only in lb eity, but la all tha towns
Wllhiu a hundred mile
Advaitiseraenls mserteil for six cents Una foe tha Si t
insertion, aud four eenla a line each subsequent taasr
ua, oi on aubar a liue a ataulh. AU laUcr ad-
N m I Taud sites, rat!4r,-aia
SalsnVitr N. UM.
l)k I
William Nhipman va. Abraham Sarvis, Ess
eutor of the last will and testament of liarman
Hhipmsn, deceased, with botioato Hunan Bbip.
man, widow of said deceased Mary Sarvis,
daughter of said deceased, and her husband Abes'
haroHarvi, JoSn Weiwr husband of I.ydia
Wetrier, doceaaed, who waa a daughter of said
deceased and John Wener and Thomas Benton
Weiser, anna of aaid Lydla Weieor. doeeaaoj,
and William Mhipman son of said doceasej, all
heirs and legal representatives of said Herman
Mhipman, ili crased, tarre-tencnU.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
Sheriff of Northumberland county, (rstixu i
Whereas, William Milpmsn, plainlifT, lately
L. H. in our Court ol Common I lea for the
county aforesaid, before the Judges of the same
Court at Sunbury, to wt : SSd day of April, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
-...l e.r.- , - ., , . j, . ,
aim iiiiyiiinu. uy me juiiKincni ol tne same
Court, did recover nsainst Abraham fiarvi. rx
ecutoi of the lust will and testament of II ar in an
Mhipman, deceased, as well and certain debt of
one hundred and ninety. six dollars and eight
cents, is also eiht dollars and sixty eight rents,
coats, whereof the said defendant is convicted,
& , as sppetr of record, At.
Yet the execution of the said judgment rc.
rnriineth to he made a on the information of the
said plaintiff, we have been given to understand j
Wherefore the said plaintiff besought us to pro.
vide for him a pinper ih this behalf, and
because We are willing, that those things that in
our same Court are nullity acted. ahouM l,
brought to do execution : We command you,
that justly and without delay by good and lawful
men of your bailiwick, vou make known to the
said defendant, that he be and sppeur before our
Judges at feunbury, al our Court of Common
Picas, there to bo held tho first Monday of !W
vember next, to shew cause if any he has w hy
the said judgment should lint be revived1 post
annum et diem and to continue lien for live years
and also why the said plnintitr, execution s"aiiit
him, according lo the form and effect of the re.
covrry aforesaid, oucjit not to have, and further
to do and receive all and whatever our said Court
shull consider in that behalf Am! have you then
and there this writ. Witness, Alexander Jor
dan, Esquire, at iSuulury, the twenty-ninth day
of August in tho year of our Lord ono thousand
right hundred and sixty.
V. BECKLEY, Prathonotarv.
rrothohotary's Office-, 1
Nlinliurv.Oct. 6, IhGO.
Register's Notice.
IOTICE is hereby given to all legatee, criidi
' tors and other persons interested in the fol
lowing named estates, that the Executors, Ad
ministrators and (iuardians of the same, have
filed their accounts with the Register of Nor
thumberland crunty, and that the same will be
presented to the Orphuns' Court of said county,
on Tuesday, the Kth day of November next, in
the forenoon of that day, for continuation, to wit :
1 Brosinus (ieorga, deceased, settled by his
administratrix Catharine Brosious.
2 Campbell Jacob, deceased, settled by his ex -ecutor
Jeremiah Ueetcr.
3 (ieist Christiana, decrssnd, settled by her
administrator, Peter (rrit.
4 Ho-.ver Isoac H.xrvcy, settled by 'be Exeru
or of John I Dentler, deceased, late his Guar
dian. A Hilgrrt Fliilip, deceased, settled by his ad
ministrator Philip W. Ilili-ert.
6 HoLhue Beuneville, deieased, minor chil
dren of, by their (Juiwdian (icorge M. Ileplcr.
7 Kline Charles !., settled by Jumcs Cameron
late his guardian.
8 Kramer Cideun, doceased, by his Executor
J,trob Wagnor.
9 David Miller, settled by bis administrators
Solomon and Hiram Miller.
10 Rebock Catharine, settled by her Execu
tor Jacob Wagnnr.
1 1 Tsehnpp John, settled by I. II. Rcasler,
Trustee, c.
I'i Wetzel Solomon, settled hv hi adtninis.
tutor Michael I.enker.
13 Z'liiiin rmaii (ieorje, settled by hia sur
viving administrator Solomon ritroh.
J. B. MASSER, Register.
Register's Olfice,
Sunbury, Oct. 13, 1860.
Madame Schwend's Infallible Powders,
1?OR the speedy mid ifleetimt cure of nit Inftimmations,
Fevers, Hiieuinat.L,.i, Dyspepus and Liver Cora
pbiiut, Piles, lirnvH, and oil Acute uud Chioinc Diseases
of udultsund eiiildrcu. K.-nd 3 een tnni) to her spent,
ti. It. JONES. Mox -J070 i'l'iliidelpln-.i P. O.
Ilundrrds of testimonials. Agency, S V CorTfiir lacl
Arch kirccts. ' I'd 8, tsOO Imw
New Millinery Store ! !
Market Sipiaro, one door east of the Post Office,
r"IHE undersigned, respectfully
the citizens of Sunbury and 1
announce to
ury and vicinity, that
they bavejust received and opened at their new
Millinery Store, the largest and beat assortment
of Millinery Goods, ever brought to this place.
They also keep a large assortment of Lsdtes'
Dress Uoods, such as bilks, He Laines, Merinos,
Dress and Bonnet Trimmings, etc., Ac.
Dresses made to order at the shoitert notice
and in the latest style.
Call and examine their stock, no charges for
showing Uood,
L. &. B. 8HISSLER.
Sunbury, October 13, IS60.
At the Mammoth Store.
CONSISTING in part of Ladies' Fancy
Dress (loon's, Delaines, ('bailies, I'riuU,
Bleached and Unbleached Mutlin9, Cotton,
Flannels, Kbirting Stripes, Apron ChecksA'c,
We also bavu a very nice assortment of
Notions, such as Serpentina Druid, Crochet
Uraid, Crochet Yaru, Tetiino; Yarn, Ladies' I
Hose, Ladies' Gloves, Ladies' Girdles, Shawl
I'ins, Gum Hibbon, Gent's Gloves, Men's
) Hose, Woolen and Cotton Stockings. A
full assortment of both Cuttcu and
Besides a great variety of smaller articles, j
Call and see them, as we make no charge, tor
sbowiug our goods.
Sonhnry. Octnlier C, lHOO.
f MI K subsrril'er respe rlfully informs the public
that he ia now manufacturing at liia Pottery,
4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Larthen
Ware, luade out of
lied (rinrtit Clay.
This clay produces the beat anil moat desirable
kind of ware, equal, in inanv respect, to stone '
ware, and is less liable to crack b) sudJeu heat
and cold
Tha subscriber refers to Friling & Grant
Sunbury. Address,
JUKErll !A ll"JC
Oct. J 3,eCtt. ly "'UrjrL j
ClVxri"l'lrV Cl'l P A M KI (irKlJ(i
bLMJIK fcl-l.AiH UUinwui
13 U. ySd ss
riHK subscribers bavin? taken possession of ,
-i- Ibia first cl Kl.Oliltl.Vti MILL, sre pre-
pared lo receive grain of ull kinds, and to do cu'
loin work at the rihotie.l Notice. Customers
will have their Brut Bf"'1" imuieiiiaitiy upon ;
Ibeir being left at (he Mill. As il is the inten. !
tiou of ihe tirtu to stock, Ihe Mill a large Sup '
ply ut Grain, will be constantly kept oo hand,
and flour by lha quantity can always be obtains, I, J
The greatest care will be taken to luiu out a au i
perior quality ol uour, lor UicU lite una Is ad'
mirably adapted, felnct atujiiiion will U paid to
the waula of cuiUraera, aud tha patronage of tbe
..I.l'.. ..,..u-allu la r..!..ll'iil1i ,d.,,tu.t,l
iiuuiw Kviwis.,; -.-jwwww.-j -i-
1iu-i:avs i-i
Ku.ibury. June t, 180.
CHKSNDTS WANTED, tor whlchth high
si market pile will be paid, by
M.ll CF.4i:iMRT,
ftunbury, October P. IhfiO.
aou I ts AINU Blit't.B, Urge asaortiiieni
siur.rury, January , ibci'.
(xoa'kinc. CLOTHE rAeincnut
Broadcloths, VeaxirMra, Le.
Boya' Caasimerea, good pattertt, W H
atmeto and Union t'swimsra, M W 70 cw.
r artry Cawtmere, from 7 lo I 7."e
rina Black Cassimeres aad Doeskins.
r Dresa CosU, frock Coat. Ovarrast. A.
Ileij(l..ninj.,, Pilot, Tricot, Ac.
Tot LeoWw.,,, of every desirable shade,
rtna qualuv ...d low pnee. by tha yard or pier,
pi ices. unl'ed at lowe.t net cash
a . . ' rorner Kil,lU ni1 Msraet.
Heptembw a;, 86o, Philadelphia.
- Some opening every day.
ritork will be complete.
Orders taken and execute! with despatch.
Child reus and M Uses' Shswis.
H. E. corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
September 23, l8B0.
Hew Arrival of Clothing:.
rpilE larcest and best Hlock of FALL ANl
WINTER CLOTHI.Mi ever brought t
this plarc, srrived at the Mammoth Cloihino
& CO.. ill Market street, nearly opfosila Wea
ver's Hotel.
Their Stork comprises of
Dress Coats,
Over Coats,
Business Cos!, Ac
L'nder'FjhirU, Drawers, Ac.
BOOTS AND KHOEM, of the Inlust style
of every description and quality, cheaper than
Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
Clothing is the most complete !
Their variety and styles most attractive.
And the prices defy all competition.
Cy Call ana examine for yourselves.
8 C W E ITZ E R , H E I L B RON N E It If CO.
Sunbury, Oct. C, I860.
New Boot & Shoe Store.
Market Street, Sunbury, p.
lir.M. M. AP-SLEY, Into of Philadelphia, r.
pcctfully informs the citizens of PMnbury
snd vicinity, that he has just received am! opened
for sale at his new store adjoining the Pont Ufiiee,
tho largest and best stock of Boots and Shoes, Arc,
ever brought to this place, which he will sell at
the lowest price. Having himself worked at
the business, he has selected his stock with the
greatest care, which consists, in part, as follows,
lo wit !
Mens' Boots from $3 !5 to if!) 00.
' (Shoes from 8", J lo 8 2S.
" Giiiters from 1 SO t i 400.
Women' (iuiters from 60 to 2 00.
" Morocco shoes from B2J to 1 S7J.
" Leather shoes from 70 to I 8?J
Misses Shoes ol dillcrerit kinds from AO ts 1 60.
Boys' Boots from I HO to 3 00.
' Shoes from 6 J to 1 SO.
Childrons' Shoes from 20 lo 1 12, and also
Tiur.ks and Valises.
Bunbury, September S2, 1SC0,
i rxjiTs Pi' u it si
ij'AltlMHA & THOMSe)N, old stand No. US Market
street, aove Kiiith, aoutii side, rinlajtipina
We beij leave to cull II. e ulleiition til Hie Ijidie In our
birr;;- unu vune.1 itoek of ladies' and ClnUieu's FA.VCV
l'"l hs. Having hail great experieni-e, enu eij")iug
peeuliul fiicilities ill Hie seleelinii ol Furs, Wue0ii:idciit..
ort'er our new stuck to rtie inip-etiou ol tlie Lnlies, iccl ui
nnsurnl that they will decide with us, in nsteui;u:i:ivullrd
for lea ly uud variety, consist intf us it tl.'cs of ever,
descrijilioiiui' Ainerieuu uud l-.ur'ipeuu Fuis. n,.iiiuuliirrd
in trie latest and mst app.i'Ved sulcs. ci.s.,
Vietorines, Ckka, .Mulls ui.d CuiS't, en LraciiHt rvii.e.
Mink, JStoue, lieriiiuu Fitcn, Sl-erem S i.Trtl,
Freueii !Nhle, French Suniel, Auierieail Filch,
!ltv, r Marin...
ty 'I'luniklul for the very libera! pstronnce heretifra
Xltiided to us, we hope to merit a couiiiiuanre , i
snme, by I jr mining a ff d srtie'e nt ihe lowest tus
N'V. elS Market Street, I'lmautlptna
N It Old Furs altered to fasliiona bit slvles
UctoherB, ltco. amw
Philadelphia Manufact'd
Salamander Safctf,
A. 30-1 Chesnut Strttt,
riMIKSK iafri nre nv in uu all ovr the United,
1 aiitl hbve been tes(d in many tirea; lha fullowii.g
ihuwa auouicr inatance if tliir capubil ty iu rtiiitniR tu ;
WlTMKR'i Bkipjr,
Tajicaatr Tawnahip, July 30, 1W(0. J
MKiaRa. Kva A WatsVik, fiillf men : The mali
izf '. I alimainler Safe whicii 1 purchuRrd fim y ur
nccii, Mr Ailam K. B:irr. in i.micai!tr City, on July !tuth,
Is'iH, hui lieen auli.iecird lt a very f'e ic-ai, whirh it
witliHtootJ ui h in t niititjluciory nuiiuer. Thi Suie, con
tuminn all my btHikn. ttether with valuable puperibclwiir
intr bi in y f It' antj inc tu my neighliuii ami liienda, nj
lepreateLlii'i avniueot over Tv.cnty Tlruauud Dulttira,
(S)j'.Hi) wtn in my Mill, which waa deatmyed un tha
nmli! f,i the '.'Tin oi July, lrij, and passed thfooph the fiery
urdt-id unscnthf, Tht Hut wa on the aecoitd Unor, aii
fell to the ba'nient ot the Mill, and wua subjected tr ate
liouit loan intense heat among the ruina, whii'h was grt at.y
inereuiied by tlie cnnilumti'oi of a lutga quantiiv of ftrtrni
con hi led within the brick. wti's. Alter the fire tiie Sale
w.-isj evened and the bm-ks and fuipera thken out in a atMti
f prrfiTt preservation, tue rmiwr not even being ditcohr
ed. This tiict win, however, to many Lyttunden, a beltec
recomni-udatimof your Salea ttiau could be eipreaaed iu
any other word from me.
Yoara, respectfully, SAMUEL RANCIv.
Another Victory for Evans and Wation't
Siliunandtr Saje,
OtWEOo, . Y., Ma-rb?7 H80.
fsentlemen It atTrda me murh pleanure toinftirin yn
thit the Sale N Rt (upright) which I purchmied of It.
irvHjd, y.iur trawlmpt; tmtut, tma pawed through an ei
reedinitly h't lire in a tiiree uroiy br.'.-l banding. win h
healed the irafe to a white tvat, a tf nt tha cornera of it
tippi nr incited; but it frtierved my b and va'anr'
i-a.tfra to themnjuttlol everil the u Mad tiullma.for which
I It ti th titklul.
Youra. Tei;iertfny, J N nLDRIPGE.
f7 A tarce o irtmeot i f the above IA H- alwaa
on hHti.1. at an4 Chesuul aireet, (lato'Jl onth Fourlb it ,
PhiUdt Iphia.
Ocubjr ti, 1S60. ly
NOICK is hereby given tlint tho several
UourU of Common I'leas, Ceneral yarter
Sessions of tha peace, and'Orjibans' Court. Court
of Oy"' and Terminer anJ General Jail Delivery,
. . . r . I , , , !
and lor tne county oi .voiuiuinueriHiiu, to
i commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
t Sunbury, at 10 oYloi-li, A. M. on Monday, the
fifth div of M r."U U.U next, aIllj wlj
tinue TWO WKKKS.
Tlu coroner, Juttces of the rears and ronMa.
Mes in anJ fort lie county of Northumberland, are
reijuesti'd to be tiien and there in their proper j,er-
i o.)u.' t,.llH.lni;ralK.e,, i0 du t10se thiugs to't!.flr
solis, Willi li en ions, iveimia, tuiiiillloiia, aiel
j several ollice uuvrtaiiini to be done. And all
, n itursse ir,)'. iiilli 'ill behalf uf the Coniin in
i wealth against any prioner are also requested and
I u. I... I f.i 1. li..i, u,,.t .1.
proper persona lo prosecute asainsl him, a shall
be just and not lo depart without leave at their
Jurors are rc4ueMe.ltuUpu11ctu.lm their
attendance, at ilia time appointed agreeable tj
ll.eir iiotiws
Given under my hand al Sunbury, the 8J .lay
Ul iii'J IM Year 11 our l.oru Olie lUoUS.
Slid ei,U' liundred and sixty and ths lude, ol the L'lnlrd htaUs ol America lli
God e-ve he Cnmmonwe.ilth,
i 4 M II S VANDYKE. 8Ueri5.
MherifTs Ollice, i
Nunburv, Oct C. 18A0. J
. t t..i.. :.. .i . . .
- .
, mF.slI SlTPi.Y Of D.Tt'GS at th
"""ia. MainrnotH Hioro. Al.o, a iiew lut of tr.
1 w I L' A . . r
, isuirif , cuai'a ano ( aiiev .-vriieie. V erv clteao.
I r
ftutibury, May 9, 1MB0.
-IKAtKEHS! CKACKERS. ju,t received
and for sale by Ike banal or pound, al lb
i onleeiumery store ol M. C. CEARIlAK 1",
runbury, October 13, If60.
Bl Ol'i'tRh lei
K Ui bottles for sale b
H. B M Atk-LK.