Cclcjrapjjtc $fctos. TIIK M.tCTIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Berks County The majoiity fur the Rsadiiig ticket ii about tiro thousand. (rhutlkill CooDtr Lmcotu's fluidity W bout two tOOUSatld over til. CONNECTICUT. Hat?ob, No- 7. The Kepabin-sn major!' ly in the gtaleia about 10.UOU and lb plurality Will be 8(1,000. NEW JERSEY. TiittAtt. Nn Th returns corns In slowly. From tbe figures received up to this evening. It I thought that tho Fusi.Mi electoral m bas baen carrid by about StO0 majority. NEW TOKK. N.w VonK. Nor. 7 As eeheerJ from tha Republic.n majority upwards ot JH.oy. i ne Albany Jounal estimates Lincoln a majority el , 40,000 in the State. NORTH CAROLINA. WimmoTOit, Nor. T.-The return rodicM that tbe vote of tbe Btaie h.l bean given to Brsckiorldge. VIRGINIA. RicntioKK, Not. 7. Tbe returns from the Interior come in slowly, and it is impossible to state the reiolt with certainty. The Bell party claim the electoral vote, but leading Democrat! express tba utmost confidence that Breckinridge bas a small majority. MASSACHUSETTS. Bostok, Not. 7. The Presidential vote or tbe State, with the exception of cine town, foot op aa follows : Lincoln, 104,407 Douglas, 34,00(1 Itell, 22.017 Breckinridge, 6,092 MARYLAND. Howard county shows a gain of 419 for Bell. It ia now rendered probable that Bell bas carried tba State DELAWARE. Wit.Mi.tOTO!, Not. 7 The electoral vote of Delaware will be cast for Breckinridge, lie bas about two thousand majority. GEORGIA. Acocita, Geo., Not. 7. Bat few couotk-s have yet been beard from. Breckinridge baa prebably carried tbe State. OHIO. Cletelakd, Nov. 7. Corresponding gains to tbe conoties beard from will give Lincoln majority of mora than 40,000. INDIANA. Ikpuhapolis, Not. 7. 1 A. M. The Indi cations are that Lincolu's plurality ia from 25,000 to 30,000. ILLINOIS. Chicago, Not. 6. Seven wards of this city give a Lincoln majority of 1,930. Midnight Tbe returns thus far show Re publican gains. Tbey claim tba Legislature and State by 15,000 majority. MICHIGAN. Michigan baa gone Republican by 25,000 trajority. Four Republican Congressmen are elected. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Not, C.-Midolebt. -Lincoln's majority ia Wisconsin will reach from 10,000 to 15.0U0. Tbore is no doubt of the election of all the three Republican Congressmen gslnofobe. IOWA. Clkvei.ahd, Not. 6. Only eight telegraph offices are open in Iowa, and the returns are slow iu comiag in. t'ligbt returns indicate the success of tbe Republican ticket. KENTUCKY. LorisTtLLE, Not. 6. Tba Dell and Doa glaa men give Kentucky to Bell by from 10,000 to 15,000 majority. Tbe returns are too limited to form any reliable estimate. TENNESSEE. Locistilli, Not. 7. Limited retaros from Tennessee- show gains for Bell, wbo will probably carry Ue iiute. Tbe result is still doubtful. SOUTH CAROLINA. Coi.vmbu, B. C-, Nov. 6, I860. Tbo Leg. 1l!turu to day postponed action on tbe Gov ernor's suggestion to arm the State till TUureday, to ascertain if Lincoln be elected ; then to choose eight electors, six favoring immediate seceesion, two still uncommitted, tot supposed to favor further delay for co operation. To-morrow resolutions will be Introduced ending a couitniseioner to tbe Georgia Leg islature. There is do excitement ; secession s regarded as a foregone conclusion ; cooly awaiting result or Northern electioos. MISSOURI. St. Lools City gives Lincoln 8,062 ; Doug. lis, 8,177 ; bell, 4 132. bcattenng returns from the interior indicate tbat Dooglas will arry tbe state. LOUISIANA. New Orleans, Nov, 7. Returns received indicate that tbe Stale baa probably cast its lot for Breckinridge. TBI ELECTORAL TOTE Of THE STATES. Lincoln over Douglas in the Union 149 Lincoln over Breckinridge in the Uoion 103 Lincoln over Bell in tbo Union 120 Breckinridge- over Bell In tbe South 17 Breckinridge OT r Douglas in tbe South 55 The Pro-Slavery journals of our city are tilling their columns with bullying extracts fcim the Fire-eating Press, whereof tbe fol lowing ere fair specimens : From tha Sumpter (Dec.) Republican. An Aemt o Tek TnocsASB Mxn.--Wt iiave reeo a private letter written by a dis tinguished gentleman residing in Oglethorpe county, to a gentleman of high standing in a oeigbbotiog county, from wbicb we take the followio aeotiment, ottered oy Senator Toombs. Wo are not at liberty to give tbe names of tbe parlies, but if deuied, tbey can be obtained: ' I heard a Georgia Senator say tbe otbet dy ia private cocveraation, tbat in tbe event f Lincolu's election, be would resign before Buchanan's time wss out, come bxme, raise ai army of ten tlioutaud man, and uhen he crossed llit Potomac again it would be vit Hi drown sword. Tkt Senator said there v eri thirty memben of Congress pledged to that position, and would go u ith him, tome from erery Southern State." From tha Moutgoiiiny (Ala.) Mail, lElh. Attention, Southern Men! Tbe young' tneu of this city, thinking tbat tbe time bas I arrived wnn tbey should prepare to resist any further aggression on the part of tbe North, would respeetfally iovita tha young meo of Ibis city and viciuity, between tha ages of sixteen and twenty, to meet at Coo cert Hall, on Friday oigut, Ouiobur 16, at 7) o'clock, for tbe parpen of forming a club, wbose motto shall be, 'Uetistaoce to Liucolu is obedience to God.' If there be meo ahosa votes can be influ enced by such deaioostraUiiiu, we thank Itoodoess that our Tola doea not count with theirs. It is a sad lot to ba a aUve, but to vou aa a slave ia tb lowe.t depth of degra dation A'. J'. V'rt'un. Hokors Fitli Rkstoweh Io r'y Mrs. LdwiuD. Morgan, (wife of Governor u.. -r kt. v...l & a. milliner, and Mrs NatbaoUl P. Bau'ks. ("if of Governor tl&nlia nt M iuuIU. a lid lie tba National House of Representatives.) a factory girl. Yet a prince of tba royal bouse of Knglaad. and beir apparent to the throne, baa daoeed with both of these ladies, who afford sack proof of the aleTatiog character uf wpublicau ioatituUoos; aod oo doubt eon aidored ha was boaond quite a much SS tbey ruutd be by tbs fact. THE AMEBIC AN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1360. JJ. B. MASSED., Editor p.nd Proprietor. To Arjvarisai.--Tln circulation of tha BsrtavaT Ammicas among tee bfferent towns on the gunaebamia la r.M eieeeded, If equalled. j tny paper publish in Northern Pennsylvania, (2" ItKLidlot-a Notice. Tbere will be ser Tice in tfi. Mark's Cbnrcb, Nortbnmberland. on Sunday next, at 10) o'clock A. M., and o St. Matthew's Chorch, Sonbury, at 7 l M- rU" Lost. I n Market square, a gold pen and part or holder. Tbe finder will be re warded by leaving ft at this oEoe. $3 Frimko A UiAifT'i advertisement en- nouncing tbe arrival of a new stock of fall goods coma to late for this week. fT" K. Y. DmouT & Sort, bas received a fresh supply of fall goods. Advertisement next week. mrThe November term of Court com. menced on Monday, and after entertaining a few motions, was adjourned over notil Wed nesday, after tbe election. Judge Jordan though still weak, has sufficiently recovered his benltb, to enable him to preside. Court will continue next week. 3" Corn. Tbe wet weather has been Lard on com. Farmers have had great diffi culty in gathering the crop, and in many iustancea it bas been greatly damaged. EF Apples. Mr. Dnnbam, wbo bas ad Tert :ed tls delivery of a large lot of apples at this place, this week, requests ns to say tbey wi'.l oot arrhe nntit about Wednesday or Thursday next. (J No Philadelphia papers were received at this place on Wednesday, either by mail or tbe news Venders. Tbe elections must have greatly disarranged matters in the city of brotherly love. O" Fire. We regret to say tbat the bouse of George Zimmerman, io Upper An goats township, was entirely consumed by Gre, with all its contents, on Sunday after, noon lsBt. It is not known how tba Gre originated, which was so sudden that nothing on the second floor was saved. Mr. Zimmer man's less is a severe one, especially at this season. 4y At a meeting of tbe Good Intent Fire Company, held on Monday evening last, the following officers were elected to serve daring the ensuing year : President Hemrt Donnel. Secretary Emanuel Wilvert. 'JYeasunr Wm. I. Greenougb. Chief Director Charles J. Bruner. Assistants Wm. H. Masselman, James Vaodyke and Thomas I). Grant. Pipemen Charles D. Wharton, W. A, Covert, Jacob Feig and Benj. Heckert. rfif Market Street. Tbe Street Com. missioners have been engaged the past week in filling op tbe south side of Market Square. It may be an improvement, but after all only a temporary one. Tbe proper way is to grade tbe streets and pave tbe gutters along tbe side walk, wbicb is not only tbe best mode.ibut tbe cheapest in the end. Btekly Convicted. Tha trial of By erly, charged with fraud in substituting a forged election return, as Judge of one of tbe Wards of the let Congressional District Of Philadelphia, was closed on Monday evening last. Tuesday morning tbe Jury returned a verdict of guilty, Byerly's object in com mitting tbis forgery was to defeat Lehman, a Dooglas Democrat. Sentenced to two and a balf years imprisonment and a fine of $300. O Bccewdeat Floor. We are pleased to learn from Morgan ft Co.t tbat tbey have procured from Elmira for their Steam Mill in tbis place, one of tbe celebrated new Backwbeat Halters, and tbat tbey will be prepared In a few days ta torn out buck wbent flour eqnal to any made in the State. ejy Freshet. Tbe recent beavy rains have swollen tba Susquehanna to a considerable extent, which is higher now than it baa been at any time tbis season since tbe Spring freshet. Wa may look for arks and rafts and increased activity in tbe lumber business. tJjfAs many stoves are filled with clin kers, the following simple method of removing them may prove of use to housekeepers gen erally: After having secured a hot Gre, throw in Eve or six oyster shells aod allow them to burn op. If Ibis is repeated several times the clitkars will loosen aod can be easi ly removed. CJT Below ii a table showing tbe present position of each State io the Union, with the aggregate electoral vote for each candidate t LINCOLN AND IIAML1N. , New York, j Connecticut. 35 6 11 13 Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode island, Vermont, Wisconsin, 4 5 53 Illinois. Indiana, 27 Iowa, 4 M ait), 8 Massachusetts, 13 4 & 6 169 152 17 Michigan, 6 Total, Neceaaary to a choice, JLincolo's majority, ruaixixaiDut and lane. Alabama, 9 I North Carolina, Arkansas, 4 I Soutb Carolina, Florida, 3 Texas, Georgia, 10 I Delaware, Louisiana. 6 I 10 8 4 3 Mississippi, 7 j Total, 64 BKLL AND EVERETT AND FUSION. j New Jersey 7 I Tennessee 12 1 Yirsinia - Maryland Total Missouri 81 DOCGLAS AN JOHNSON. VOV STFCL. 3 California 64 9 Oregoa Total Presidential Election Ho tarn 9 of Nor thumberland County Official. 3'eicnsAiBs. g 2 S O u .S Q fcc J cq Suobory, 39 98 "177 17 Northumberland, 108 82 3 Milton, 3 100 206 28 McEwensville, 20 49 3 Tnrbotville, 41 42 1 Tnrbut, v ' 1 J22 1C7 Delaware, 3 197 147 2 Lewis, 187 67 2 Chiliiqnaqnt, 120 9C 7 Point, 69 110 1 Upper Augusts, 6 75 95 2 Lower Augusta, 21G 80 Rusb, 3 132 70 Sbamokio, ) 244 166 Coal. 29 33 286 3 Jackson, 11 51 58 Cameron, 45 13 Jordan, 1 b'2 49 Upper Mahaooy, 65 44 Lower Mahaooy, 44 228 Washington. 119 21 Little Mahanoy, 18 32 Zerbe, 13C 92 1 Mount Carmel, 17 115 2 Total, 97 23C6 2422 72 THE RESULT-rCSIO AND COHFl'SIO!" The rosult of tbe election in this State must, by tbis time, have fully satisfied tbe tickers of the electoral ticket that the Dem ocrats of Pennsylvania have intelligence enough to know that principles should not be a subject of traffic, or bagain and sale. Tbera can be no question tbat Lincoln's majority in this State baa been increased not less than 20,000 vots by the effects of fusion making "confusion worse coofoouded." This bas been our opinion ever since tbe attempt bas been made at what was called fusion, or in other words, that one man should be com pelled to vote for Gfteeo men, wbose principles or opinions he repudiated, io order that be conld vote for twelve men, whose principles accorded with bis Two. Io tbis county there were many Democrats wbo refused to go to the polls on this accoonti and others who went to the polls refused to Tote, because tbera were no tickets bot tbe fusion tickets to be obtained. Aqdmsome instances, we are informed. Democrats, rather than be constrained to vote against their principles. Toted for Lincoln. These ore facts obtained from reliable Democrats and eye witnesses. It is true that Lincoln's election was foregone conclusion, and tbat nothing could have been done to avert it io this State, or any other, after tbe destruction and overthrow of tbe Democratic party by Mr. Buchanan and the Southern disuuioniits, who stood ready to sacrifice tbe party in order to defeat Douglas. Since writing tbe above, we find in th Now York Times, of Tuesday last, one of tbe ablest and most independent of tbe Republi' can journals in tbe Union, almost tbe same views expressed io regard to tbe election in tbat State : "Tbe fusion bas bort the opposition throughout the interior, by rendering it mi possible to conduct the canvass on any basis of principle, or to adv3cete the election of any candidate. 1 am sutistiuu that II JJou Klas bad been supported by tho Democratic patty resolutely and steadily from the date ( I Lis nomioetioii, lus vote in tbis state would have been 20,000 hither than tbe Fusion vote will be now. Tbe Democrats of tbe country districts are disgusted at being com pelled to give seventeen Totes for Breckin ridge and Bell, io order to secure the privi lege of giving eighteen to the man of their choice. rj3" The Election and tu South. Tbe election on Tuesday passed off very quietly in this place. There was little or no ex citemeot, as all seemed to anticipate the re sult. The South as usual bas been making threats of disunion io case Lincoln should be elected. But we doubt if eveo Sooth Carolina will dare to make such a mad at tempt. Tbe fact is, tke Southern fire-eaters have bot little confidence in their own leaders. Do Bow, the conductor of tbe Southern lievieic, thus speaks of tbat hair brained fire-eater, Governor Wise, of Yir gioia and otb. rs io that State : "I do not ace any hope uf averting adiaaolution of the Union, after the election of Lincoln, uulem Virginia would come forward and aay to her aistera ; ''Stay your movement at aecetaion, and we will unite with you in demanding, through a Convention, auch amendment of the Constitu tion aa will serve ua in all the future, anil, failing in that, pledge ouraelvea to go with you." Such an oiler might have the filed. I am unable to aay. Itwaa proper for Virginia to leaJ, but her rejection of the Carolina proposition, after the John Urown raid, waa not Tery promising ; and the propoaal of Gov. Wise, t raiae Minute Men and arm the Slate, for the purpone of fighting an Abolition Government, in the Union, waa the gentleat roar he had hearj from that lion. I have great respect for Virginia, but the can only be brought into action by outside pressure ; and when ahe is brought to the election, none doubt what ahe will do. She baa permitted Abolition lata ta find a home in her midst, and they par alyze her. Her true tons admit it, and urge other cUales to take that lead which, in the dava of 'Tfl or '98, belonged to her." ty At a' recent meeting of the Datb and Weat of Englajid Agricultural Society, Lord Portman stated that the elm planks which were taken up out of the Thamea previous to the building ot the new London Bridge, were quite aeund, although they bid been in the water 8U0 yeara. CF Counterfeit five dollar notes on the Wes tern Bank of Philadelphia. Over five thousand dollars ol this counterfeit stuff have been recover ed. Tbe notes are well engraved, and good imi. tations of the genuine. (7 Wild Gehi.- Tbe flight of these birds I o the sunny south is a rtrtain indication of the near approach of cold weather. Bryant's Oimnion on tbr Winan's Steam er. W. Cnllen Bryant, tbe distinguished editor of the New York Evening Post re cently passed through tbis city and was taken to sea tba cigar steamer of Mr. Wioaoa. In a letter written to bis paper from Mount Savage, Md., Mr. Bryant tboa describes tbe reflections suggested by tba visit i A trial trip bas lately been made with this steamer. "It raa round one of the fastest sUamers In tbe harbor," said a gentleman to puling aoooi u una mark about a sailing packet." 1 do not know what may ba tba expectations of tbe Messrs. Winans in regard to its speed, but tba talk at Baltimore ia or makioar tha caasasa to Kurona in fan 1) five days, bearing witb it tba mails and specie 15 aod a few passengers. As 1 looked on tbis aoormeue iron abuttla, tba Telocity of which can ba acarealy mora affastail h inrni mil beadwinda than tbat or a Cab, and thought of it darting through tha sea witb tha annad wbicb is claimed for it, it occurred to ma tbat 4 j if a sailiog vessel should come to Its way it ! most ba pierced through and through, like a ( nuu soiugie oy a ouuet Foom las London Star, Oct. ISlb. TBI FROCK OV WALKS At TUB TOMS OS" Vf ASHirtQTO.1. History records few scenes more pregnant wilb instruction tban tba Tlslt of homage paid by tba Prince of Wales to tba tomb or Wash ington. Eighty five years ago tbe man who ventured to predict tbat before a century should have rolled by the beir to tho British Crown would pay a volootary tribute oi re- vereoce to the last restiog place oi ine area rebel who was then bidding bold defiance to our armies, would have been indebted to hie condemnation as a maniao fot bis escape from coudign punishment as a traitor. Iba cos pot and his myrmibacs fancied, in those days, that tbe world was made for bis exclusive en joyment, and tbat It needed but an effort of tbeir will to bend lis aestines accoroing to tbeir selfish fancy. They might have imagin ed tbat some unexampled good fortune might bave secured for tbe remains of tbe insurgent general tbe shelter of an unknown grave ; could tbey bava had tbeir way, bis bones would bave bleached aod rattled in chains upon tbe loftiest gallows. How would tbe obstinate and wrong-beaded old monarch have greeted the prophecy that bis own great grandson would stand with uncovered bead before tbe sarcophagus wbicb the mouldering dust of the great rebel has converted into a holy shrine ? What expressions of incredulous contempt would be bave deemed strocg enough to give utterance to bis feelings if any one bad dared to foretell that tbe Inderal provinces which bad revolted against bis role would, almost in tbe space of a single generation, grow into a mighty nation, rivalling tbe mother country in all the arts of peace ? To tbe men of tboso comparatively recent times such presages would bave seemed mere idle raving ; yet how brief a space of lime has sufficed to coovert them into mere statements of familliar truths. When tbe noblest bero wbo has ever sprung op, has bnckled on the sword with which be bad vowed to conquer bis country's free dom, he took tbe field as a champion of a comparatively feeble brotherhood of strug gling colonies ; in tbe ordinary course of na ture bis son might now be olive, yet already has the emancipated dependency grown into the foremost of modern empires, and received as its guest tbe beir to the English throne. Is tbere not in this encouragement for fallur palriots, whoso hopes, long deferred, are clouded by that heart sickness wbicb is too often the forerunner of despair t All noble aspirationa alter liberty may not be destined to receive equally speedy satisfaction ; but for the persistent soldier of. freedom the vic tory, though it may be slow is sure. Tbe Prince of Wales, in bowing before the tomb of Washington, makes silent confession that tbe day of tbe autocrats is at an end, for the man to whose ashus he does homage was the living iocurnaliou of the truth that tbo will of the people is tbe only rightful source of power. We are qnite conscious that such outward maaifestatioos or respect for great principles are not always followed by consistent actions. Kings bave before now preluded atrocious crimes by solemn acts of devotion, just as Italliun brigands tell tboir beads belore they murder tbe wayfarer to secure bis paltry store of gold. But still we venture to cherish the hope that our yonng Prince will bring away with him from the spot wbicb derives from tbe presence of tbe dubt of Washington a conseeratioo more sublime tban could bave been conferred npon it by ecclesiastical ritu als soma enduring impressions, whose influ. ence will be perceptible throughout bis future career. The sovereign of these kingdoms, it is true, is politically powerless, according to tbe theory of the constitution j bot, practi cally, the woarer of tbe crown wields a potent Influence for good or ill. If England, under Victoria, has witnessed a growth of social morality which places it in noble contrast with Euglaud under George tbe Fourth, the change, although attributable in some meaa nro, no doubt, to tbe spresd of enlightment and the march of human progress, is also to be ascribed io no slight degree to tbe fact that a God fearing and virtuous woman sits opoo the throne wbicb was disgrcaed by a bloated libertine. In tba same manner tbe popular sympathies of tbe bead of tbe State might legitimately exercise a wholesome in fluence upon tbe tendencies of our legislation and approximate tbe advent of tbat complete political equality, without which tbere cannot exist but a shadow of freedom. Tbe tour of tbe Priuce of Wales in tbe United States Will bave placed hiin in possession of so unfailing antidote of tbe monstrous fallacies with re gard to the effect of democratic institutions, wbicb are clung to with so much pertinacity in tbe aristocratic circles in wbicb those of tbe Blood Koyal move. He bas oot only bad bis own eyes opened but be has gained tbe means of convincing the few honest noodles who cling to such opinions through ignorance, and of silencing the host of crafty politicians who. knowinc tbeir rottenuess, profess them, to serve tbeir own seltisb ends. He bas been in a land where tbe two grand bugbears of the English aribtocracy manhood suffrage and the ballot exist in full operation, not as experimeatal novelties, but as tired aod approved portions of tba electoral organization. He will be able, and, as an honorable English gentleman we trust be willing, to bear bis testi mony that the extension of the franchise does not produce anarchy, and that secret votine does not lead either to wholesale bribery or to utter political demorilizatbo. Ha has dwelt io a laud where no Slate church lays violeot bands on tbe money of conscientious dissenters in order to swell the incomes of its ministers, but escb man is free to give bis voluntary support to tbe teachers of the creed wbicb represents bis own convictions, 1: be be candid be will own tbat under such an organization religion flourishes in full vigor and fiuds no check to the full developemeot of its wholesome influeuce on baman conduct. Took Back His Pbhisti. An exchange published in a neighboring town tells about a young chap who courted bia Phcche Ann Matil da for a year or more, during which time he presented ber with a considerable quantity of jewelry and other trinkets, but, discovering short time since, that she had repudiated her first love and taken to another "feller," ba growing desperate, made a descent on the institution, in' vaded the sanctity of tha young female's apart, inent, and laid sacrilegioua band on the linery winch be bad endowed ber with, and with a per severing spirit waded in among a heterogenous mass of peUlcoata,, hoop-skirts, and what not, and collected every article which bad been bought with his money, tbe young lady aud her maternal relative standing by overcome with confusion and rage at such a sscrilegioua tumbling of their household goods, and entirely unable to defend their property from wholesale abduction. He wastsken for larceny, and the decision in the mailer will be looked for with anxiety, aa a pre cedent for ihe decision of similar cases hereafter, Ciinoijnk Done Fob. A a Faria elves tb fashions to every place boasting cf high civi lizatioo, it is fair to presume tbat tbe days of crinoline are numbered. A new style of skirt is meeting with great favor tbere, as it supports tba dress without whalebone or steel, relyiog for this purpose merely oo tba harmonious aod skilful disposition of tha plaited muslin of tvbicb it is composed. Tba multiplied skirt, or tupon multiple, as it is called, supports a series or volants, tapered aod grouped like a fan, which are moved at wt by means of melallio eyelets. For tra ve ling it is quits agreeable, as it occupies littla space. W bat a boon ia a crowded borse-car J nWV? Cu,c-0. Tha Cbi-esgo(lll-) noun-, saya that a railroad official baa recently loft tbat city, io baata, aod thai an eiamioalioo of bis accouola with tha Compaay exhibits a deficit of from $17,000 to 20,000. Ha waa what is called a "fast" young ruao. TUB MOSKY OF TUB 90 FB A Nil TSt at L- A-ad attUAftU KIIKU- Tbe gods era certainly making tha Pop and the Sultan mad. if we wist tudire frntu tha nsa tbat la made of tba money at tbeir disposal. Tha Pope la entirely under tba control of Aotooelil, wbo bat been charged with embecEliog bis funds to a large aniooot. Torlonia, tba baokor of tha concern, after asking leave lately of bit Holiness to speak freely, informed him that Cardinal Antonelli was tba individual to whom ba should apply for money, as he bad recently appropriated "eight millions." Cardinal Wiseman also made tbe tame statement. But the Tope was so infatuated tbat he would oat listen to any charge against bis favorite. Wa can, however, hardly credit tba statement tbat Wiseman came from tbe audience completely crestfalleo, and was beard to say "It was foil time to bow to tba band of Providence, by which the downfall of tbe temporal power was Tisibly directed." When the aetata Wiseman gives np tha "temporalities," it woold seem as if there waa small cbance of their being ratained io tbe possession of the Chorch, Tbe Sultan is equally remiss at managing his financial affairs. The following facts will show tbe besotted nss of tbe rulers of Turkey, who bava been supposed to be becoming sensible, Tbe re venue of Great Britain is about 70,000,000 ; that of Turkey about 10,000,000. Tba sa laries of the English Cabinet, consisting, of fifteen members, at an average of 5,000 each amount to 75.000 a year, while those of tba Turkish Ministry (Mushirs included), amount to about 100,000. Thus tbe English Cabi net, whose large incomes ere a sobject of animadversion in this country, receive much less than balf of what (beTuskish ministers get although the revenoe of tbe English Government is more tban six times as great as that of Turkey. Furthermore the income of the Sultan is $1,250,000 per anoutn, be side a million more for bis relations. No wonder, then, that tha Turkish Government is weak. Tbe Bull an is so reckless In bis private ex penditure tbat Sir Henry Bulwer, the Euglisb Ambassador, receotly felt called on to admon ish him on tbe subject, and especially con cerning the waste caused by his wives j tbis admonition caused Quite a tempest. It is said Iso, that Abdul Meiid is continually buildine new palaces; and that the shores about tbe apital are lined witb abortive or balf.finisbed dificea for bis private use ; which fact be regards aa a good joke. 1 be rope aod tbe Sultan are evidently very "sick.". Glcamng0 Oltorial anii Selittrb. Eari.t Snow in California. The Mays- tile (Cal.) Appeal of tbe 6th of October soys tbere bad been quite a smart fall of snow io tbe mountains east of tbat town. It lay bout e'ubt inches deep ou the road between North San Juan aud Forest City, a distance of forty miles, and bigber up it was deeper. Baooaoe Tbe Sprincfjeld (Maes l Utvuh- lican says the following notice was posted uo a runway station: "travellers should be careful to deliver their baggage to proper persons, as a gentleman, a few days since, entrusled his wife to a stranger, and bus. ot heard of her since." California Wine. The clipper ship E Willets will soou sail from San Francisco for New York. In ber cargo will be sixty seven pipes or California wine, and in future imilar shipments will be made at regular in tervals, to supyly an agoncy established at tbe East. Miss Mary Miller, a maiden lady seed about GO years, wbo lived in tbe family or Mr. U. naosoui, on tbe river road leadmc from tbis place to LewiBburg, drowned herself in tbe river on Friday morning last. Millonian. An Australian savs tbat cobwebs are a complete cure for dyaentery. He takes tbem io puis, lour a day. J bey are also used for fever and ague. A few weeks since a very sudden and extra ordinary rush of the tide occurred on the west coast of Ireland and tjeotland most probably aused by the falling of a large meteor into tbe Atlantic ocean. A good man is almost always a cheerful one. It is fit tbat bad men should scowl, aod look blue and be melancholy ; but he who has God's smile of approbation uuon bitn. should show its radiaoco io bis couoteoauce Pardonko.-W. II. Wilder, who bss served four out of a sentence of ten years in the Louisiaaa fcState prison, for forging U. S. land warrants, bus been pardoned by tbe President of tha United States. A new silver mine has been discovered in tbe Pike's Peak region by a company of young men from Illinois. Tbe ore is said to be superior to Wuoboe. The subscriptions in New York for a testi monial to Captain Wilsoo and crew now amount to nearly 6,000. The Meanest Man. Tbe Utica Telegraph bas round tbe meanest man in tbe world. It says that a man in its city, wbo was requested to act a pall bearer at the funeral of a friend a wile, presented tba bereaved husband witb a bill of ffty six cents for his services in that capacity, and received his pay. Death in a Political Parade Samuel Gladding of Newport, It. 1 , while marching n a v Ida Awake procession, at 1 rovidecce, last Thursday evening, full io tbe street and died immediately. A Pbofitablr Pt'Ksi'iT. A Texas paper states tbat a gentlemao wbo, two years ago, purchased a nock of nbt ep for 900, aod took tbem to tbat State, bas siuce tbeo sold $500 worth or wool from tbem, and now bis flock is worth $3,000, makings profit of $2,000 ac bis investment in two years. The Code or Ho.vos Two residents af Martinsville, La, Mr. Bonvemil, a Pepoty Sheriff, and a young man named Fournet, fought a duel last week, hucb of tbe com batants went opon tbe field armed armed witb two revolvers and aboaie knife; tbey were stationed twecty paces apart, witb in structions at the word, to fire and advance at will tba fight to end witb tbe death of one or both of tbe parties. At tbe second ore, Mr. rouroet, baving been struck stag gered and full, but not witboot retaioing both strength and courage enough to fire twice more upon his adversary, but without eOoct. He died immeuiately afierward. Peatu op Fanst's Sew Fanny Ellsler's son died io Nubia a short time ago. Fanny is rjow Madame van Barnim, and re sides io Vienna. Tba Prince Adalbert of Prussia is united to ber by a tuorgaotio mar riage and tbis wss bis child. '-Brwari of tub Yioders." A short time since io Cincinnati, a young man io a joke, so ba says, introduced a friend to a widow lady of some means. A o iotiniacy sprung up between tbem, wbicb resulted to ao engage ment of marriage. 1 ba was to-be groom, so woo oo tbe confidence of bis intended as to borrow from ber soma sixteen hundred dol lars, with wbicb he soon made himself scarce. Tbe sequel to tba affair is tbat tba widow bas brought suit agaiost the man wbo introduced ber to tha deceiver, as a party to tba swind ling transaction. PuoTocairato Bark NoTsa. 8a rapidly are tbey produced and put ill circulation that it ia impossible to keep the run of them, l'hey can ba very easily detected l the beat and aureat way la to apply a solution of Cyanida Potassium, wban tbe epot touched will turn whila. Another way ta Io draw your fingers over the bill, and If it ia vary smooth aud polished It is doubtlsss a photograph. Tha paper must ba sized for pho to(Tfcihing, which Is not dons In .printing, aod when finished, photographs have a varnished ap Doaranc. A lulls subbing wilb the finger will blur lbs engraving and gis las bill a g'saij fri I. Accident at a Farewell Da- X'1 RATION AT M'lKIOOMKRT, ALA. Aonf yimery Alabama. Xov 3. A DuUftlas demon stration was made at thw wharf, last night, Mr. Douglaa makit.g a farewell speech to a large crowd frem the deck or tha steamer Virginia. While he was speaking the dock gave way, and tba distinguished Senator, witb a crowd gathered around bitn, were pre cipitated below. Fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt. Mrs. Douglas wbo waa also on tba vessel, beld on to tba railing and es caped witboot injury. Both tba Senator and bis lady immediately returned to tbeir bote! and their departure will ba delayed a few days by tbe accident. Cotton by Railroad. Cottoo Is now being aarried by rail, from the Mississippi to the Eastern States. The Illinois Central Hail road recently concluded tba contract to coo vey 2000 bales of cotton from Cario to fJbl cago Illinois, whence it will ba forwarded to tbe is aw Jbogland States. A few nights ago an old man named James George, while walking home from Republican meeting at Latrobeon the Pennsylvania Railroad track, was run over and almost instantly killed by the lightening train. The engineer aaw him when about twenty feet ahead bf tbe locomotive and whistled for him to get out of the way, but it was too lata, for the train went thundering over the unfortunate man before he could make an effort to got off the track. The brakes were applied, hut the train had run on some distant before it could be stopped. One of the brakes men ran back to attend to him, but imagine bia horror on recognising, in the mutilated remains, bis own father. These accidents are becoming painfully frequent, but they are mostly to be at tributed to tho carelessness of the victims them selves. Tub Progress of tbe Times Tbere is no .... . . . , , : uiuiu ueviuau B.iucubvui luuuuvvaiu piugrt-BB i of the times than the Brown Stone Clothing Hall or ltnckbill Wilsoo, IS os. 003 and G05 Chlstnut Street, above Sixth. A palatia establishment, employing its regiment of skil ful workmen, its sorces of cutters and aules men, and with its almost miles or counters and shelves, all loaded with elegantly fashion ed garments, made of choice rubrics, it affords a bold contrast witb tbe limited ideas of our forefathers in respect to first class business establishments. Tbe firm named are known all over tbe country for the superiority uf their garments for gentlemen and youths, and tbeir stock was never in as fine a condition as at present. Poikoniso Rats The best food with wbicb to mix poison for kill'ng rats, is pump kin seeds. Wet them and sprinkle on a little arsenic, which will adhere to the seeds. They will be eaten by rats and mice, while cats, rowls, 4c, not being fond of such food, will not meddle wilh them. Whenever poi son is put for these troublesome pests, water should be near by, so that they may eat, drink and die outside of their boles and billing places. CRANBeRT Ccltcre. About 150 seres have been planted in Burlington county N.J. with cranberries this season. A patch of 10 acres planted by Mr. Allen, has yielded 150 bag. per acre, which be delivers to purchasers for $4 per bushel. The expense of planting them was $25 dollars per acre, and fhe cost of gathering from 50 to CO cents per bushel. The latter operation was mostly done by women and children. Return of an Exile John IJateman, who was sent as a convict to Van Pieman's land, Australia, Tor participation in the Canadian rebellion or 1838, has ruturned from exile, and reached Troy, N. Y. on tbe 24th ult., after aod absence of over 21 years. A Martland Rail Splitter. The Balti more (Md.) Sun snys tbere is now living jo Deep Neck, Talbot county, Md., on honest farmer, who, a few winters ago, went into his woods, felled the trees, cut and maoled 350 rails, and pot tbem on the fence, in one day. Illinois most look to ber laurels. A lady being asked the place of ber nativi ty, replied, "1 am en unfortunate as to have no native place. ! was tbe daughter of a Methodist clergyman." "Now then, my hearties," said a gallant captain, "yon have a tough battle before yoa. Fitht like heroes till your powder's gone. then run! I'm a little lame, and 1 11 start nou." Statistics go to prove that tea is used more or less ny one half of the human race 500.000,000 of people. Tbeioe is the peculiar organic principle which gives tea its value Taken in small quantities, tea is healthful ; but the extract of one ounce taken per day, by one person, produces trembling of tbe limbs and wacdering of tbe mind. Bhamokin Coal Trade. Shaxokix, Not. 7, 16C0. TONS. CWT. Sent for the week ending Nov. 3d. 6,488 02 Per last Report, To same time last year, Increase. 1C4.7T2 30 1T1.260 32 147,183 13 24,076 14 The Northern Central Railway. Tha arrival of i'asaenger Train on the North ern Central Kail Road from Kunburv, ia a fol- aaaiTAi. S.t&P.M., ,SO A M , i; s a. M., e.:m P. M., SUABTVa Mail Tram, Notts., - - South, Nical Kipress, North, ' " fxiulh, 4 . P. M fl,ia A.M. la in a M 10.UP M Sunbury V Erie Railroad. Tha ariival and departure, of Passenger Tisins a tha Sunbury It Erie Railroad at this plaea, is as follows : Arrivul. 4. IS P. M., ,6U A. At , IS.OS A. M., 1U.J5 P. M., S.1J P. M. Departure. 4,i P. M 9,54 A.M. 12.10 A M iiua p. m 8,10 A. M. Mail Traia, North, ' ' South, Night r.xpicas, North, " ' Bouih, Freight and Aeeora., North, Doutn, The ahamokln Valley a ad Pottsvillt Rallraad. Passenger tram leaves ftunhuty at " ' Ml. Carmel. SftOAM. 4 SO PM. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOM kBl'KO RAIL ROAD The arrival and departure of Passenger Tiaina from Northmberland : Mail train South, anives at S.40 A. M North, leavea - 4.A0 P. M Es. Freight, Siuth arrrive M U.f0 " " North, leavea ' 6.30 A.M. FEMALE HEALTH! FEMALK HEALTH; Thousands of females suffer from derange ments pecoliar to tba sex. First, aod most common among these is, Femala Weakness or Whites, or Leucorrhea, witb its constaot attendants, Lassitude, Prostration, Lama or Weak Buck, and General Debility. No one cao be entirely well wbo thus suffers, aod id hundreds or cases health is atterly undermin ed. Old school medicines and dines do bat little good often much injury ; but HUM PHREY'S SPECIFIC HOMLUPATHIO FEMALE PILLS are just tbe thing, re lievioc promptly, and curing permanently, A dollar's worth will do more good than quarts or oostrums, or sit months' attendance od a doctor. Sn boxes for 1. Single boxes 25 Cts. N. U. A full sat of IltMPHRr.vs'flOMKo- patdic Srgcirica, witb Book of Iirectious and twenty diflereot Remedies, io large vials, morocco case, $5 i do. io plain caao, f 4 1 case of fifteen boxes, aod book, These Remedies, by tbe siogle box or casa are asot by mail or express, free of charge, to any address, oo rsesipt of price. Address. Dr. F, HUMPHKKYS Co., No. 662 Broadway, Ntsr York. Sold by A. W. FISC H Kit, Agent. Kuobsry October 'jn, 100- IT 19 A COMMON OBSERVATinv tbat tbera are more sufferers from debility uiuuh nuiericans, man can oe lounu among any other civilised nation. Tbe reason is obvious. Wa take too little exercise, and forget the wants of tbe body in tbe absorbing pursuits of business. In all such cases, ordinary medicines can do little good, What is required is just such a tonic and invigora tor as Dr. J. Hestetter has given to the world, in his CELEBRATED "BITTERS." The weak and nervous denizen or the counting-house, the exhausted toiler upon the shop board, aod the prostrntod student of tho midnight lamp, bave found a wonderful regett. erator in tbe "Bitters," and prefer it to more- retentions, but lees efficacious medicines, ut it should not be forgotloo that the agent which Is so mngical io its influence upon a frame wbicb is merely debilitated, ia equally powerful io assisting nature to expel lh most terrible forms of disease. Whs would oot give it a trial t Sold by druggists and dealers generally everywhere. sW Sea advertisement ia another cnlnmo. From th Springfeld Repnblican, Aug. 19 1859. SpAt.ctNo's PrtKPABEO Ulce, tho same that Van Amborgh glued bis lion tagether with, is doiug wonders hereabouts. A boy up town glued his pluy wagon together "wrong sida up," and the glee did its duty so well, that the wagon had to ba broken again before it could be made right. "Not dsnger"us to the Human KMnllly.,, "Itata come out of tneir holes to die." "COSTAn-S" Rut Roach, Ae., Esterminaiur "COSTA H'S" Bi rt-b-ig Kxtrrmmator. COaTAR'S" Electric r-m-der, for Insects, ilc. DESTROYS INSTANTLY. n.(.DnuU.. f , I k: W.I tl m-oiiim.iiu p ,,nM unmuu ..i irr- uni-UUEl Ants Moths Mosquitoes Mens Ihtrrli on I'Inh Fnwis. Animals. Stc.. A.C. in snurt. evtrrv Turin and r,e. cies of VERMIN. 10 years established in New York Cityused !. tha City Putt Office, U.e City f nsons and Stan, n (b uses the City Steamers, rhirs, 4 a. tha t.'iiy Hotel.. "Asti.r." "St. Nicholas," 4c mud by More than S'J.M'O privala fn-nihes. iy Drugeists and Retailers everywhere set! Ihrin. t.y Wholesale Agents it, all the large Cities ana TvWnl, rir-! ! ! Kewarb ! ! ! of spurious imitations. liF"tl,rsJ Sample Boxes smt hy Mail. Cf - Addrsss orders- or fur "Circular tr Dealers" to HKNRV II. COSTAR, Principal Depot. S12 nndwny, (nppniiite St. Nielioiiis lintel, )N t . P..ld hy KRII.INO 4 UKANT, Bunbuiy, Pa. April 31, IM0. Ileligfion Aoliceg Divine service will ba held ever) guU ath in tin Ho tough as follows: 1RESBYTKRIAN CHUKCH. North west eomer o. Blackberry and Deet strtris, Itev. J. 1). Reaxpox, Pastor Plviue service every rvib'mth nt 11 A. .M. Player meet li; on Thursday evening. At Northumberland, in Old School Piesbyterisit Church, ot a o'docit, P. M., every Sul.liath GERMAN ItKFORMKl) CIILRCH Nonh west coiner of River and Blackberry streets, Itev J W. Stein mktz, Pastor. Ilivine service, alternately, every SubUith at If) A.M. and 7 P.M. Ptuyer 'meeting on Fridav evening M KTIIOPIST FsisrorAL CltfR nr. Dewberry stren west of S. A F. Rail Road, Kev K. Hutlmi nun J P. Swasoxr, Puetnrs. Divine service, alleruatt-lv. eieivSat hrtlh ot lbj A. M.and "P.M. Prayer meeting on Thurs day evening. EV ANGELICA'. UTHF.RAN ClIlRri! Deer street below S V A P. Kni. Hi ad.llrv p., Kittor Divine service, alternate!;-, every Ntt.hnth nt In A M aud T P M. Pnyer meem.g on Wednesday evening MAURI A d E sT"""!"!rB Oo the Oth innt., by thu Kev A. I. llawn, Mr. Mathkw PnviTT, to Miss Kuzaiiktii Smi-MAX, both of Li'Wer Augusta township. I) E A T II S . Io Shamokin, September 23d, W I I.iSON. son of Samul 1. anJ Mary Sebuiiuck, aged C years 3 mouths and "3 days. At Lancaster Collit-ry, September 28th, GKORGK i;VELAND. sged 22 years 4 months and 9' rluys. In Irinh Vulley September 28th, PETEK SCHOLL, Jr., aged 54 years -1 mouths and 24 days. In Irish Valley on tho Ctli u't., PETER SCllOLL, Sr., aged 83 years and 12 d.iy. In this pWcp, on the 5th iutt., BARNEY RKNN, aged about 53 years. In fcbsmoltin oo the 31st of Octiibor, FREDERICK HAAS formerly of this place, aged 03 years. Ejjc par hots s Philadelphia Market. Puii.ahki.puia, Nov. 8, If 60. Graim. There id a fair amount of Wheat coutirg forward, but the dornauu is limited at a slight decline ot 3 ct. pi-r bus. Sales nf 5000 bus. prune r enna. rttd nt $1 30 u $1 34 per bus. and White at $1 35 a $1 fill fur common qftulity. Rya is dull at cents for I'ennu. and "5 cents for Southern. Ctro is very tiuict and tbe only st!ea repurtud are small lots of yellow in 6tore at TO cts , und 5t0 busliois fuir quality at Tl cts. Outs uret.tfi.iy at 31 a 3-1 cents for Delaware, and 35 a 37 cei.U for State. SUNBUBY PRICE CURRENT, Wheat, Kve, - 8' 11) ul H utter, -r'fR, -Tallow, I. aril, Pork, - -llecawax. 0 12 i IS 8 21 Corn, Oata, . Buckwheat, J'otatoes, New Advertisements. BOOT" A X 1) S II (Te MANUFACTORY. 'Corner of Market Square an I Hirer Strcit, SXJ'ISr'BXJJFlY, PA. 'IM! E subscriber rerpcctfully informs the citi m. un oi Sunbury and viciu:ty, that he has opened a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the coiner uf Market Kquaro and River street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at all limes ready to wait upon customers. Having considerable exueru nre, he is prepared j to make up customer work of all kinds, at short notice, in toe latest style and workman. hip. Its keeps constantly on band a lsro iiiort' me ii I of Leather, of the best quaiiiy, wliicb til allies him to make up guod and durable work. l-all and ei amine lor jourselvcs belore ptu chasiug elsewhere aud you will save monry. JUillN WILVEK. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 18S0 ly NOTICE S hereby given tbat tha Commissioners of Northumberland county will meet at th?ir office, ic Sunbury, for the purpose of allowing exonerations to the collectors of the State, County aud Militia taxes, on the following days; tor Shamokin, I pper Augusta, Lower Au gusta, liu.h township and Sunbury Borough, ou Ihe S6th ol Movernher, ltb(. For Coal, Mount Carmel, Cameron, Upper Mahanoy Washington and Jordan townships, on tha 27 ih of November, 1860. Fur Jackson, Lower Mahauoy, Littla Mahanoy Zerbe and Northumberland Borough, on th XSth of November. For Point, I'h lisqnaijua and Utlaware town ships, Turbutville and McEwensville boroughs, on tke tb of November, 1860. For Lewis and Turiut townships and Milton Borough, on theSUth uf November, 18tiU. By order ol Board of Commissioners, 8. I). JOKUAN, Clerk. Commissioner's Olllc. ) Sunbury, Nov. 10th, IMo'O. J , " APPLES f APrrES'fT FT1.HF. auharrihrr hs villi selected from the rsl- A ebratsd orchards at Koohestrr about rh hundred barrels of choice APPLES, consisting of Whode Island Greenings. Baldwins, Norths fpy, 8itienburg, Uoxbury Kusset, aud others, will oner them for aals by lbs barrel, to tha ciiiaena of tiunhury and vicinity, ou or about Thursday or Fiidsy neiL Thsss apples have Wen selected and packed with the greatest rats, aud ars all ia good condition. W. R. DUNHAM. November 10, 18C0. -t