1800 srMNrt k SUMMER 1300 raiUNG&fiUANT'S, MAMMOTH STOIIE MA KKET fUl'AKK. SCNIORY, PA. 1 'Rtf IN" GRANT, r.-.-r illy announce I' tothcii friciulsiimi tl.cp.il-H.-, ltHl Hiy have j,it receive. I till! Very mill 53rs Moil. AND Sl'MMF.ll COOPS SPUING ivor brought I" S.mhuiv, which will I ... ..i .1... , I R.'T l'!JI i:s I. dispose. C Veil iiu roiM iiv riioiti ei:. Vv'c kifp cvcrvt!iin;r ! We Uep ivcivt1iii' - o kici) everyt tliinir 2 : ! si favors, we soli Th:trikfnt 10 our fri. rids lor p l it :l Col nlltillllnmc of I he mil""', ,1U Lnr-irst Store in tVntrnl LY-iinpylvnma Largest awl Clionpi-ct btoir . . Largest and Clie.-ipcst ! ! ! Cull, Sec, and be convinced : FHU,l.(i & (.ka.n I. Sun'mry, M.iv IH. gUNRUliy STEAM FLUUllLNO rpilE subscribers Laving l.iki ii possession of I ,, first i-U H.HI KING Mil. I., nr.- pie i.aifil I-' receive grain tT t,ll kinds, mid to 'I J s" !,' work nt the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists crotiii.l iiniucdi-.it. ly upon ll.cir hoinylort nl tho Mill. A ii is llio inl.-n. Hon of (lit firm lo stock tliu Mill a largo Sup ,,y .t Grain, will be constantly kept o i ban. I, mill ll-wr by 'ho l":in,i'.V t ;ii alw-iys In- ohlaiiiiil. I lio greatest cure will lie l.iki-n to tuili out a su-piTi-T I'luiily ol fl mr, for which the mill is nil mirably adapted. Strict attention will lio paid to tup wants of customers, timl Hi'' patronage of Ihe i.uhlic generally i respect lolly n iiiotcil. MORGAN iV CO., Sunhury. Juno 2o, IRCO. ICO TjnOAUVTAV, HEW VOIIIC. ilalWs French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 411') Ihon'hcutf, Ntw Yorkt VWTAWVW SIIIKT MANITAC'JTKERH, Shirts made to order from Scientific Measured, cf the hr-t material, m woiI hy hand, and war- routed to fit, at less than Ihc usual vjirKTR. UAi.iiOi: iiiiothi:rs. June 4, 18fi(J. 40'J Broadway, N. V rpilK IMIILADI'.MMII A IN (I I K Kit, A N JNUEI'KN I WAT I'nlJ 'IIOAI-, I.I IKK AUY, AN MlMCfch-l.AM-:ui:S nAlieYM.WSIWl'J.K. Tli- lMiiladclphtn lii'iuirer contain:; eight puces ami f t y rui!! culmnna l' iimiltT. It is printed with m w copper tact t type. The lUiii'irijI Dta iLinciiL id' tliu pipci h is l"'ru tiiiir'-ly ju-orrmizctl, mid iiiw current -udciita en n'xit 'l't Inquirer in imU'ieiidcnl in its ilucuisiuu c-n a'i i.-'icB til pulilin intnrrst. Tliu cri-tit uiin di'uit' liKuirr is to Itecnnn n lti liaMc N wvyiti'cr, rt'puiiing promptly ami fairly cvt'iyiliini; n( i.. -ii.- infU'Nt t"inf,;riiiii all pa i lies and all ptiMn men --Mt-iUicr ilt.-i'tituiy inr rx;ii;''ciatinc: lacts It will l ilia dr.-t duty ol' ilie I u-jiiirer, on nil iMTaaitms. t atlvorate tlie pctc'-lioii rl" uiir tloiiit'Btir inaiiitfuL'tiirt-H and of the great n n Mii.l cull in'rrt'His oi I't-iiiibylvaiii.'i. Itinity papt'r, tli Inrpuru will niio tn rein in the p )Mioii wliii-li it h:i luni; rnj.iycd, by continuing to jiuurd and si-nihiiist; with irtt-at fare its ihwh mi t nnveititng loluini', und -clihl'' all innitrrH wIik Ii it would ot: hit y'hpi r to admit willnil ihd family ciirl I Lt liitliMlphiii lniutrt-r in puMiBlml rvcrv innrnine', a:,dKurvcl in the city, mul nil the ditiicin in lriKtl, Hevtriy, Oamdi-n, il'iiirr?tri, Trcntou, Itiirliniit-'it, l.an-v)sti-r, llairitthuii;, KeadiiiL'. I'oluviUe ltauville, Norriii-tun-M, VlIi!iih::t n, Del., i;i!tt'ii, Md , ly careful earners, (a I'wlvf Ceuti a wt'.'k. payable to lliu carrier ut the did o flic vvek. cntby mailtt six dollars per milium, in advance. Ad tin Arfoatisiitff Medium Tin! liii'iuer has no (fjtial in tin City f I'liiladetphin, not (idy from llie i xtert of iln cirfutalion. Itit from its class i. i readers, iv ir. posed i the most intelligent and respecta !lri ;otm -iiy not only in the city, but in all the town .- :T n n a lauidl'r, niik-s AU eiiiM'iut nU inserted f.ir nixcentsa tine for tlic tiist ii. iiriiV'ii, Mid tour ceniH a line cuch mdiNeipit-ut nmci ii !i, 01 .me dot:ir u line a in alii. All letters Lojie ad-1:.--t.d to WILLIAM W 11 A RHINO, No. 1-. t ?. '1'uii.l street, rioluitt-pliltt. II 4 RltlS H 1 1 o v n r n M A It K KT fc5 TJ XT H XX I 1 1 T E It , a t 11 a to H Y, A. . PillLATJELPHIA. I'a;u-r lliiimlii 'laiuilatluicrK, (iwi.i. w.uu:,) niiWI-'.l.l. A. IKiritKK liiivit.!' l.-iliwi-d tollicllNcw St.. re, I . i ni-r I'ourlli unit Miirk.-I flncls, lire linv it. ..il.r lo tile 1 1 nl,- m Liri. anil tUyunt aab,.il iitiit of W.itl H r.ln, I'irc S-n-i-iif, W'llnlowrriirtron Iok-.Ih, A,-. e , of nr went ,n it t ki .I.MniiH, M.'lii the L.wesl iic(kI .tilt. !r tulijc JlluHl li..l, in,,) V clVfl U.jriMHlMIIK. ruri liiisfiB uill.lo Wi-ll to viKil lli ..stn!.lii.l,intMit of IH'W I.I.I. V HOI HKK, N 1". f.,r Potirth :mit M uktt slue.a, I'luludelpioa. tl(-tlH,Cf i;f -i0 'S.uw J. FALIV2ER & CO., Miti-L.-t Ml ,(ir, J'l,ilu,ra, Deal ti n id l'Uli, t het-NC aiitl I'i utIsIoiin. UA I" roiiKt'iully oil Ii.iii.I uil iiwrliiii nt of Diii-il mid I'l.-klt'il I'ikIi, ,Vi-.. viz .M:i(.krri I. Wwil. K-ililmn, li. lf l h, ll,-,iii,.g, Clli.h. 11,-el. I'urk, IjiiiI.SIi, uUlcia, HnH. i.u-a. :in-i.., lii-ans, Ku-e, e. l.ilK.r ii, l-iiu.:jimv . LR. A. W. FISCHER, VTl'.kS Ins rrofes-ionul M-rviri-a to tho eili zriin of SuuLury mi, I vicinity. Mire at the Drinj Mure. Niiuhuiy, June :iti, ln:;l. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Ss KETAIL, SA'll.l.Mi & taiA.NT (at the Mammoth More,') have just receive! Mill ttn. of Solar (round, t..lur and t iuo ,vat, V00 .Sack of iroiind S.dar Salt cury sack warranted to contain U'Jj ioun,U ol .Sjll and Sllrt ImRaofKalt c-nilaiiiiiij; one liusiu l cai h. Tlii H ilt i the l-ot and utrongasi now maiiufaiturcd anJ in noirkrt. Call and me for yoursclvca. Suuhury et., 8, INflO. 500 l'"UnJ" of,"Ala,ET KMi.S wanted llt me atore t DCKaiT V S( SAVE YOUR FRUIT " 151 INm.J MAS"-N s I'-t'M Hiect Metal fci-rt-w Top ri:iEi i: jar. .ii.iou.i s 1'ATENT MIKET METAL (.RKV Tt)' ! M that is neret,ry Mu , Sl.r,.w p . upon lie KuliU r tiusk. t. wl... t. i, ,,," njaiu the .hould-r of ,h. J.r. 3 t .,'f ,, , ' contact wiih ,l0 !uu'. "'JUr4,i '' ' . . H on-w Jars, i leavinir thrir urdria will) J, " " Jars, ,-an I .uiu.lio.l l,v U. .11 rt?M,li. nuunury, 2, m,;,. A Kl'llt, E. Y. JWUOUT & SON 11 ML now 011 In, 1,. I cioihs. uu,ki," J " '" f " Twid, K.IL kl i ' ' .alli.eics, -'lk M.icd l.oati.,,5., Viu,Ba, (Jotion- k'les, A. Buubury, JU11. .jj A xtHKsH h""''l-V OK MainniotUKtorB. A)w(i DRl'liw .t the a new lot of iH.r. aim r uiii-v A rlii li Very cheap. Surburw M. .'I-INU & u'UAM THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THE MAMMOTH STORE! RRSrECTFnLI.Y be? lenre to unnminrn to the citiirn of fI?NIH;H V nj vichiity, thai thrir EXTEKSIVK PTORB KtnM Imnoreii fillrJ to a jHrfri-t jnm with The largest Ptoi-k rvcr brouylil to this part of the country at ono lime. We have now, not only the Iminlsoini it, lint tho LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! nml a Mnrk r .KV it()IW whirh. in extont, Variety, quality anj loivnoss in iirice, ve UiX RIVAJiiaa)! Wo nml not i-jriiculuri-.!. for VT 33 IIAVIS EVERrTniNCrH' Wi- hnvc con iiiilly on linml nil kirnln of DKUiS, HAKDWAHi:. lilT.ENSWARK. IjIJV l.tntD.s, KEADV-MADU CI.OTMINU hi t ,.i vri.v i J.100 AMI 'siMlKS, OnnCEIilES. Ac, Ac. hi.-h -r.U .li-r-.'M' f "l U'O LIU I.OM LST )'1UC:.S. tuutry lV,!Ucc taken in im'hnnK at Hit" Intln-m inii ti. Cur Miinil i oiii- ol iI.k uhli-ht in this section of country, nml has nn. I.n i. .. I.AU(a:sTni..l r. K.s T run nf cUKton, in the hiivo nictuvril in tin- last, nnil hope Unit by a . . - , , custi.iu.-r, ami in cons..-.i.i,-n.-c of the lara.-iit-w a, t-itllllllllltlie.lT "I till: M1!iUiU IIIIII mMtl W Ml M inn tPfll0, Ae cordially imile you to ive , , cull! IJOMK ALL J Vou will never regret a visit to the cry i.arsiM ana ion of llic tnli-!! Kemeiiih. r the ol,l In tills sertii llotia Sunluiry, May 1!), UMiU. ly HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE 8AY. The unUr.-knp. Invlnrr nvtf Prof--r IIPM PHRKVa' Bl'KCiriO li'iMKrATII(C lti:Mi;i)Ii:r in ur families Willi tin tn't atHfrictta-y results, and liavini; fidl cnfl i1'ii' In t'trir "imm'-'ifH, pnri'y, an I etU-'ni'.v, clieerrully ret'iannicnd tVtcm to all pennm who ivMi to Jian safe, re li:ih!o, nn l ctUcacU'Uti rviaedies ut hand fur private ur du-ini-tu u"'. Ttt )--y. Wm. !! timer, p-litr nf "The N'Tthcrn Inde pendent, " Aulnirn, N. V. ; the lt '. K. II. Crcsscr, P.O., Hector of ft. I'ftt r's 4'hureh, Aatairn, N, Y. ; the HeV, H. I. Ivs, (M'flididti of (he Aalnirn ttnte 1'rlson ; the Rev, Pptnfer M. Hl-e, R - tnr, New iVdford, Mass.; the Rev. A!Mi Hii't lr, New-Vrk C-nU'eretice ; the Kev. Samuel Nichnh, K-Ht fi"iui' f (' mfervace, N. V. ; tlie Rev, 1'. 8. IVntt, Uai-M-t. VI.; the Ilvv. Jin K. KoMpuOThIo ; A. C. H-tri, I'll.-i, N, Y. ; the Hon. Ne-d I)..w, P.-rtland, U, ; 1he Hon. fhnI. r CoiraK, S.mth-U"iid, 1ml.; the Hon. iear-e Hunii.lir- H, N. V. ; Henry l. Omk, Kiq., K-lHor of Thf Ohio ftat. Xmninl, OolumhiH, Ohio; the Unn. H. II, tiriliam, Mol'me, 111.; the II. m. TIumiiii .T. Chnse, Mntl-r-U-., I'H.; th.? II mi. J.wph lhn"tkt, I'tlca, N. Y. ; Win. Ilrixtol, r:-j., ril.-i, N. V. ; A. 8. Pond, Ejq., UUcft, N. Y. ; Jaaied l'hnikelt, Nahvitlc, Teun. LT OF SPKCIl'IO KKMKDIE9. -F-.r y.-vi r, C'.iri'''?l1-n, ami Iiitlilminattrin. -F.,r W.,nii Fever, W.irm r,.ic, Vt'-ulnir the Bed. -for Colic, Crying, Tc-Uiin, anit Wkefaluesa of K.. 'I ti.i. Iiif:lit1l. N . 4. Far Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Summer C tmi'lalntm. No. 6. J-'rtr riHfl, (Irlpln:, iftwentery, or Rlondy Flui. N i. 0. Tnr rh dera, t'hnl.-ra Morhns, Vomttlnfr. Is,,. 7 K-r O-mvhs, OoM. inllueiiia, ami Sore Throat. N,i. S. Pur Tuiith-ni'he. Faee-ju'lie. find XeurMcU. jiu. 9. Fur lleadauhe, VertiKo, Heut und Fullness of the llean. I 10. Dvipi:rsu Pii.tj Fir Weak anil Deranged; S'.uniaeh, t'.tiili.illcn, and lm-r (,iinphiint. Nn. u. Kan IVv auk li:iu:iii.HiTii--') Scanty, Painful, o? 1 ftrvir's.?d Peri'xls. Ni. 12.--F'tr L-ucorrhea, 1'rufnse Menses, and Dearlnfj : Down o F ''i-h". I Vo. ;;t ,r Crau,v Hntsr Cui'-'h, Rad Rre-Idnff. tin. H. Sot HaiaM lu.iji Fur Krsljtelaa, Lruptlons. Pin.pWi on Hi.- Fai'i. N.. . it"i:i Mni- Pnt.-P'-r P.dn, I.riinenoos, or Stir ! tu:6n in the CliMt, H ick, (win, or Limbs. J A. Far Fever nti.' Aruc, CUid Fever, Dumb Ague, 01' Mlmnui:i'."-.l Ai-iK'i. P. r,r t' h-s, Wind or lti-Mln?, Internal or F.xtrnai. o'.Kur iurf, Wi',.k, ijiiljuned i.yc.1 and Eyelids; Fall bur. Weak, ur Ularred Ul. j C P'-r C itarrh, d h -j: sI-mkUii-; or recent, tUhcr with ohtruetM'ii or iir.'K.. e 'li-.-ii tr-e. W. L'. F- r Wh -f.ti,- C UcH, abut'mg Its violcnca and Slt(aiiilii'' it cui.r.-f. In all uealtf di. n, vn.!i as Fiv.rn, Inflammation, Diarrhea, Dvieut ry, Crvup, It'-utualism, and such erup tive disuses" a S;:trttt Ftv r, b aUf, and hrsipelus, the W-lvuntJii'e ot j.-ilin.: the pii'r remedies pnmiptly inoli viou.", anil in all na h can- lhj soeeitii's act like a charm. The entire di- a-e U ..)t-n arretted at i-nee, and in all eaes the violence of tie atiaek "w inodtraUd, the di.a slairt eued, and rendered lew danrennan. Couidis and Colds, .l-U nreoi Mich rreipicnt occurrence, nnd which so often lny l!ic luinoatH'ii of dlreased ln,',s, Itrotteldtls and citisuniptioii, may all be ut onett cured by tlie Fever and Ouh l'il!s. In allelmai'n di.se. i , mi. h ni DvsprpMrt, Wenk Htfjinach, Colistlpittion, 1u-er t.'oii.plai.'it , F- niale IMdllty, utid Irregularities', i Id l!e:--i:f.dt-, Sore or Weak Kyvs, Catarrh, f ait Itheuiu, and tli-r nM erupritai", the ease han specifics whimB proper tippliait n wiil ail ad u cure in aiinol every instance. Often the etire of a nintle dironie dillieulty, tudi Hit itpfp-la, Pile- or I' .-itarrh, llt iotuehe r Feflmle WcmW ua, lum rnre tl.au paid IVr the ease ten tiuas uvcr riuci:. f se of n0 vials cot" i -Me, in m .rocco, and Bunk Case of '.'a vial-, ;m I liu-k, pi. tin Case of I'' nu'iihtrt-d hui-s, and Howl: 0aie of ti h.ixe", nu'ahered, ai:t Ho k Siu-le i.iiatl.t red ho,. nitl, .liiuftiuii .. 4 . U . 1 i cents. tiinpU tellti-e.i h- Xen. with dlreethaiM '0 Ci.ut. Laitfu L'ane id t i. ia!r, 1- pUuitetu and phtilaii.. .. 10 AI0 FIMTIFIPS. Pitini-h'. Oppr. td, P-.h AvT'nu .a: I'm hi-c. oppn 'd, DilticuH, l.ahurial llre:tlhiii'.', at'einkil C'utlrrh and r xpet-Oaatln. Price, ll M-ttts k r ln.x. F"ii Kit li--ii hw-h O'Si . D'.-twir from tT e F ir. Die renh of Svarlel F-ver. M.-ai-Uf. or .M- rem inls. F r Noift-tf in tl.e ll In il' l.'M-t, I I :n J. lli.rdn nl II inn ii, ai.i Illuming 1' e- l.'- pel' hiV. ii-, Kidateed and Indurat-i.r.-, S r.'iui'ms Cachtxy of F-ilt S'Ki'i i Fiila: : t-d T,nt..L, -A-u;m-H ...A C- iMif a. I'rif.-. M e. Ml Fi.i; Oi.si mi t'i nil nv Filhwr Ihe Ke-iilt t.l fci'vi hailin l)i ''. liitria , I i FaK l1iu,. FI'll -1 A" g'.-n,.ily S.-.-tvti-iti. I'l i- ' Fik Sl'.v Si ' sf:h? l. V'.niitliiw. ri;er.iu..-a from -I lift! .lid 1 It , ., rln - P.. r Nervous Weakness. Medication, or Kx- per b'.X. . Tumid SHeHit)gs,nHli r hov. , VtrlVo, Nausrn, "lit.n. PrUe, cents , i:--e- . t , in ii .-..al-iiio: , .'.tt eellt J tl.iy i-M-ii i-:ii' r ti r li.. .'v.a fitiNiliV l)lisii. t'-.r ir;iv,-l, tti-i.al r,il,-utl, U'llt nill, I'.iii.fol L i iik.-.i ii, li; -,-..-s -lilt Kiiiu.il. i'lice, 10 .-..!. . r l"-v. 'u HruiN-Al. Vm'-'i.'N's. liiv.'liii.nry DiJ.-t.nrir.'l ari'l ('..ii.)..,1iii-.t l'i t-i i i-i ii atl Ii. Ii'.'iiv, I: ! Ki-ills ..( Ilvil llat.itn. Is;,..- iii".-l FU.-i-fssf'il an, I t-!li,-:. M rinn-Iy kn'-wn, nn,l i.i:.y l,e r.-!U-,l uh.u iu. u cure. 1'ritc, Willi lull uircc IImiu., i ,.T ti'.x. lV-ihclw" hI.u uifli trt j.linw llioii pclvi'R uii.tiT the ,r,f.'l l,u, il .-.ir. I k n.lvl.-e "f 1'r .f. Mi mi-iihui", enn ,ln .1,, :it 1,'s ,'lU :c U',- ilr,K.,lv..iy, daily U'oiu 5 A.M. to b I'.M. or by lolli-r. fii-rt liKVKturs n v i.ir.. I.,k over t',e li-st ; in..l.c up a fine of Mt kl"il rru c .niil Ir,cl..He tl.i u ntil Wi .-.ii rolit II, U- or .lalii)., t,v li t,' nr nMivs nt No. M'-- ilr.-Kilway, Ntw-Y'-rk, au.t II. e inwlttllio will U ilulj- rcluineJ l y uiull ur cilirifel, r,r ,'f ,'l'Hr,:.-. Al'.KNTS .'AXTI'n. Vt?u-le an art!ve,fl1clit AiMM.t for ll.e J...W of r.ur l:.'nifil,s in i-vt-ry t.ovn r conniiuiity lu lue I'uluJ SMUl. A,Ur.. I'r. K. HfMI'lllSKVH 4 Co. N. Ui Ili.iAI,WAY, Nl.W-Yuai. A. W KISlIi:i!,ASent. Kunbury, Ta. May SJfi, IKiiil. ly " 1 i) " 0 7 U 2 2 7 4 5 17 1 3 0 2 7 These fiinirt'S are intended to 8 n draw your attention t the iniH,iljnt fact, that tho ilace isli. ru you can tet the most goods for the least money, is at the One i'rirc ftoru of liiaUHT & BON. Sutihurv, Jiitm 1 fi, ISfil). 11' is iuiorlaiit lo tiie i-Al'IliiS to Know tliul KnliiiU iSc (iiant, hae ll.e Ix-st and largest assortment of Dress floods in the county, bunhury, June S. IbtHI. THE PHILADELPHIA tasa JJrug, v&wt and Glass Store, ; .'.in t'lii irt'ii i ni i.ii.'iin . u-au. ... -.n.. I'lllt 1K1 I'lll i vHI ih.kn M.r.iin.i. I-,.,..!.',. ...j.i .. nil the ni.Mi eycivwluie. I u-iil ..-il t.l u'li..lrw.lti itini ....... i ... llie fiuiiin Tra.le of Iwio, u luvy ..H.-k ul lilU;;., Alcdi. L-ilir., riieiiocak., Ac , In , Ar. jo.uoo li.'Xi-u ol W uiilow liiaiui, aaanrtt'd sizes ami quiilllli-s. lo.oou l',.iiii.lBiif Fully, White, lilu.k, ltd, 4e.,m Uulk Jd.lKhl I ill l,,n I.IIKi.-J Oil AU-.il.,.!, A-.-. Sjiiiils TuiiH-iiliiir, Canijihrne Jll T.iiii "I I'ure White Loud, in 1,1,1.., 1 iuo Jo aa uu.l f.'j ll.k.-ts. j 3uT 'i,.,f IVj.I s.m.w White Ia-s.1, in ll!s, J 1,1, la inn 60, -J'. I .". Hi. k'-es " ' ID To... ol" .New i , rk ii, lu l..:.J, iii 1,1,1. i 1,1.1,, iUj ill. iiii..l l-.'l II.. k.r " ' ' Ji Tom "I I'uie I ii ii.-Ii W hile Zine, lu 1.1, U, 1 .'Hi. -.'i ami l-J Ih k, s i 10 T"ii- "I iu, n.-..ii s.i-w While Zme, in U.I., j hUs Iuo ' iAK n.1,1 I'.M Ih k.-- I Hi T,,ii. ,, l'ln-li Anient an Zim-. ia t I 1 -.-In li Anient an Zim in I.I.Ib. 1 ),! loii -rat i i n i'. l. .... ' ' ' O T . .. -J I .. : . . f 1 .r .. . iuo 5 . ,V i. r '" "W- Wi Tom of Muieisl I'i.uiti, f didirent golurs dry 1;..uii,i in no. I (".,.. ,h .in t reiH-n Ureeu. Chrome Gn-cii, Yel- I i i.si , ' i .' l''k, '' "' "il- I """'myfli ll.Mll...ll..,,.U.,,,l oil, vurni.1,,., J,,,,,, V a .i.iii.,.r i.u.irlieiil ,.l ..Lu. ... ,.i. ... .?"? ! cUm OuoUa uubiai-ui Ui Lbs uiuy una I'diai Ua.oiesa. .isi y.W. It . min C-emei.f"0' !!!!! li und llyitiaulie Crment. Ae. ...... -u.lu , will Mil nt ...lcile uihI HeUll .1 lluia 1U lo -JO utr ft.u.1 L.. . """"h ' -"' MUl.H..lllUeUlA IIKNHV O. U. UJtNkl, i.u . j . , ''"iwielor '( Ih I hiliutelphia Cn.h l),u, I'.n.i (;! m,Me Ma," T.'-X"" -wu.i. h. . fail. JV l.i-inhl.orhoo.l. We nre thankful for nntrnnair. a continual effort in ,.,...., ioi ... t. i ... i ..... tl uiiniioiiiiiv UMI I1HUII9 nuu vrll.ty of dur sto.k) we wi nCri, nJ tccciv0 E; .tp(( titorv, st.iml, MARKET Mjl'AKE, nrar the Court rniMo & GRAKT. iatovi:n x nxui ivs FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 'IMIK andersiiriied, Clergymen of vuri"usdeii"inmntion, I havinir port haKed ami uw-d in oi.r families tiR(H KR liAKKH'f M hmi I I'annlv Sewing Madiine," Uike pleasure iii r hmiiur tl e ! Miniit'iiihiiir it an mi innlrntueut tuily etu 1 u a V''d machine. Its heitutiful snriiieitv,e:t.e inawa-'i ni'-nt, and the ptrem-lh and ei:i5'ieilv nl It f Bti!eh. nnUi' t-i retult-r il n niiicliiiifr nii- Jnip;in(i((l h any in the in nket, and unc which we feel CtMilident will give satislaeln-n to all who may purchase and use it. Ki-v N Viiti.atit, I K.-V It H Vanl, f litv (' l.arur, J Ilrv K I K.nlpiTK, D.I). Nt w York. lit W M Spmu 1HJ Kev .1 A Caini.ladl, HI) Ifev eharles Anderson, I!ev Charles llawlrv. Kev Oatiiel II. Temtile, . Auluirn, N. Y. Kev 'J' M Hoi kins, Kev Wm lloBiner. Kev () 11 'l illany, I) I ' Vj J ,'nwen, " J on a Cross, " John McCmnn, 0 U ialliinnre, Md. " W T li ('leinui, I " W II Chapman, " F. S. Kvnns, J ' R 11 (.iilbruith, Cnvanstown, Md. " T Dauln-rty, Wayneslioro, 1'a. " Tho E I.ocke, Westtnoreland co, Va. Rev W A Crocker, ) John I'aris, S Norfolk, Va. J K I.nnnean, Salem, Va. Oh. llankel, I) U, ) C A l.oyul j ('harlcston, 5. C. A A l'orter, Selma, Ala. .l.iM'I'h .1 Twise, Speedwell, S) C. I) 1! Koss. Mol.ile, Ala. J. 1. Michaux, Knlield, N C. A 0 Harris, l ti F Harris, ) Hi-mlrrson, N 0. Henry A Kilt-y, A I. J'o.-t, S Montrose, Fa. W 1) ilson. 1) U i W F Curry, A M. ( (ieneva, N. Y. Elbert SliiiBcrlunil, Scotia. N. Y. Prof. John Foster, "I Rev. Francis t. (irat, i Scheuect'y.N Y. ! J '1 urnliull Uackus, 1) L. j , Frof. Uenj. Stanton, J ', Rev F (' l'rush, Xenia, Ohio, ! U XV Chidlaw, .V AI. ( W Perkins, J ('inciaiiuli, O. V. (irand (iirard, Ripley, U. A II lake ) E C Hensin, A M. fiamhier, O. .1 J M'Elhenny, 1) . ) F Chester, Ironton, O. E F Hasty, ('aiiiliridKC city, Ind. J C Armstrong. Saline, Mich. Arthur"sa.ey. 1 A Hunt, ) (ialena, III. Knstein Morhouuh, Cambridge cily, Ind. Richard White, Milton, Ind Calvin Vale, Marliushurgli, N Y. Joseph Eldridue, No, folk, Conn. John Ji iiiiins, i 11 I, U'ayland. Worcester, Mass. Win I'hiips. ) Osmond C Dakcr, llishop of ,M E Church, I Thoa nthav, (Concot.l, llonry E 1'urker, J N. H. It N Judd, Monlnoinery, N Y. A M Stowe, Can,indai:ua. N V. Win l.onn, eiiil'.Mine, Mich. Olliceg of Exhibition and Sale: 19.ri llroid way. New York. Chestnut Street, I'hila dolphia. 1st Baltimore Street, llaltiinore. SENU FOR A CaRCn.AK. March 2t. lhlit). ly FIT What the Fcople say, must bo true. The lV'OVile say, Uriht & Son sell their goods very cheap. The People say, T.right & Sun keep almost every article of Merchandize. The People fay, bright & Son have the best assortment in town. The people say, Bright & Son's store is the place to gut value tor 'your cash. The People say, Bright k Son sell goodi to all at the same prices. The People say, Bright & Son have the cheapest Shoes in town. The People say, Bright & Son have a splendid stock of llats. The People- say, right & Son have handsome Dress Goods and sell them very cheap. Sunhury, Juno 10. 1C0. INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. W. C. NEM AN No 33 North SECOND St., oniosito Christ Church, FHIIiAlJEl.l'HIA. E AS for Sale, the best family Cooking Stoves - in the Market a good and faithful servant; tho great provider for the Family ! Every house hold should have a reliable l.ehigh Oas Burner Cooking Stove always reliable, always cc liuiuical. Also, the great Gas consuming Heating Stove, lor 1 arlur Ac. will hum less fuel and emit ulore 'lct "y other Stove For Sale with I a large assortment of nil kinds of COOKINU and HKATINU STOVES, Wholesale and Ke tail. WIEI.IAM C NEMAN, No. 33 North Second St, above Market, Phil advlphia. Keference. Hon DAVID TAOGART, H. I). MASSEK. SepU-mber 8, IHfiU. -3m w 00T8 V SHOES are sold cheaper than ever at the Mammoth Store. (- all and see our assortment and ascertain our prices, and you will not fail In buv. FKIUNU ik GRANT. Sunhnry, May 2(1, IKfitl. A FEW lilil.S. of those Choice Herring and Mackerel ioxt r reiveil ut that Mainmnrh I 4 Store. FKIMNG &. GRANT, Sunbury, JunelM), IhliO, RH,I(i A. filt A NT have just received b X r lilrotd Ihe largest assorimeut of QL'EENS WAKE and OLAsHW ARK ever brought to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY UOOD8, consisting of Spring Dress (joods, Prints, Mus lins and Notion. ,Ur 7. IH6U. COTTAGE BIBLES. rt BALK, cheap, threa eopiet t the - Cottaga Dihlo, iu two Tolumeg, with com mentates. H. li. MAaSKU. IJK'KI.ES of various kinds, lobsters, 8r. dines, Ac., Ae., just rociived and for sale alia Drugblure of A. W. FISHER- S'uiitijiy.Aufu.l, 157. ly ASUPERUTIVl TONIC,DIURETIC," DYSt't? lHYPRAHtifi CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apnthernries, Drupglits, Groceri om! Private Familiea Wolfe'i Pure Cnfrnnc Brnndy. Wolfe's pure Madcrin, Cherry ami Port Wine, Wolfe's I'nre Jnmaicn and St. Croix Hum. Willie's Pure Scotch nnd Irish Wtiiaay. A I.I I BOTTKKS. 1 Iwtrlnnveto call the attention of the citizens of the United itnle to the ntmve Wines and I.iqimrs, Importeal hy I'ooLrHO Wolk. nf New York, whose nnine is hum liar in every part of this country for the purity of litsrele h rated Schiednn Schnapps. Mr. Wnlic, in his letter to me, speak inn of the puiily nf his Vines4ad Liquors, snys: 'l will stake my reputation ns a nuui, my standing nsu tnerehnntnf thirty ypars's residence in Jhe City nf New York, that all the Hrandy nnd Wines which I bottle are purr as imported, and of the hcHtqunhty, and can he relied upon hy every purchnser ' Kveiy lvttle has the proprie tors name ui the wax, aim a lucsimne 01 ins snennture on th eeitificnte. The imhlic are resnretfnlly invited to cull and examine for themselves The public are respectfully invited to will oud examine Pr themselves For aulti nt Retail by nil Apothecaries andfirocers in Philadelphia. oeoR(.i ll. yiHTOSi, fi'. few rtiarseisi , I'tui a. Head the MI.iwiikt from the New York Courier : K.NoRMOfS MlT4tNKS FOR ONK NkW YoRK MRKCHATfT M are Iihi'PV to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the phymcum, apollircary, tin I c 'iniirv nierch ant, c in so and on reliant; pure Wines nnd I.Irju tm. ns pure ii" importi d, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an ela Iterate deaeiiptieii nf this meiclmnt's extensive business, alth"unli it will welt repay any stranger or citizen to viptt Pdolpho Wolfe's extensive waren-aise. rns. is, vuiiihi aa, neuver street, ana na. 17, lihiud'21, Murketfield street. His stock nf tchuanps on hand ready fur shipment could not have been less than thirty thouwnd eases : the Htnndy, wme ten thousand canes Vinlftvesof IKJtl to 1H56 ; nnd ten thousand cases of .Mmlcira, Mietry nuu rort Wine, rc ten nnd Irixh Whisky, .lainaicn and St. Croix Hum, some very old and equaltoauy iiithisctuutrv. ilenlso had three Inrite cel lars, tilled with iirnndv. Wine Ae , in casks, ander Cus tim-Ilousc kev. rt adv for bottliuz. Mr. Vo(e's sales of Seliuapps last year nniouutetl to one hundred and eighty ttiousauu dozen, tun) we nope in less 1 nun 1 wo years lie may Ik equally sueeensful with his Hnmdies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover o his species. Private fnrwrlies who wish pure Wines and !.( rpiors for medical uto should send their orders direct to Mi. Wolf, until every Apothecary in the land make lip t heir minds to discard the poisonous MulTi'mm their shelves nnd replace it with Woi.fk's pure Wines and Ijmiors We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealeis in the country, puts up assorted cases of Win- s mid Liquors. Such a man, and such n merchant, should be sustained ncainst his tens of thousands nf oppo nents in the Cintetl Stati-s, who sell nothing but imitations, rum.-us alike to human health and happiness. r ut sale hy UKtHtUK liKlUM 1 , Agent, unnury, ra. Pcptenibcr P.T-flO flm p. SUNBURY ACADEMY. riMlK Sunhury Academy will lie reopened on Monday J the arth of August, 1S60, under tiie cure cf S. P. W OlsVKIiTO.N. The course of instruction will embrace every depart nieut of tdueiitjoii tnuelit in our best Academies, preparole students one either for a profession or lo enter uny class in College. Common SchtHil llrancheg, ? 00 Higher Knuhsh Hrunches, 00 laatin and tireek Isanguugea. 7 00 All catering before the (middle of the Quarter will Ins quired to pay tor the whole term nt tuition, unless sue. end atiangemeut is made. I uiti-ai to tic paid before the middle of the term. Hoard can he had in privuto families at ftoin fcl 75 to Jf7 a.j per ween. Snubtiry, August 2r, sfiO. Vat hos, Jewelry & Sliver Ware TTT. would respectfully inform our friends, patrons T iiuo the public geaerallv. that we have now in More mid offer WIlriLKSAI.K aS'O li I VIA 1 1., nt the lowest Cnfch Prices, a laiee and vcv choice stock of WATCH KS, JKWi;i.RY, SllaVKU AND PLATED YVAKti, ol every variety und stsle. Kverv drsdhttioit of DIAMOND WORK mid other JKWKIMIY, made to order, nt short notice. tV All CotxU Warranted to be as represented. S. II Particular attention given to the repairing of aicaes aim jewelry oi everv ncccripiun. STALPH.H t HAR1.F.Y, No. G- Market StreU, South Side, Philadelphia, September 1, l-tUI. Uin It CO WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1BC0 NKW YORK LINKS CAMDEN A AMHOY AND PHILADF.LPU1A AND TRKNTON RAILROAD CO.S 11 NKS, rrom Philadelphia to Sew York and Way I 'laces. From Walnut Street Wharf nnd Kensington Depot, i iiiiaueipiiia, win leave as ioiiows, U va At 6 A M via Cumden und Aiulioy C A A Accom modation, (2 25 Al o a .l, via uatuden and Jersey City New Jer sey iicuiuunodatiou, g 23 Al !' A .il, via LamUeii and Jersey city Morning Mail, 3 (to AMI) A.M. via Kensington and Jersey city, W ts- tern Kxpress, 3 no At l'JJ P M vm Camden and Amboy, acctaiuntHlntiou a W At V P AI. via Camden and A 111 boy C and A. Kx- rei, 3 00 At ti p .M , via KeusmgUui, and Jersey city. Kve- 1111111 Hapless, 3 0C At 4 P M , vm Kensington und Jcr ey city, ad Clam Ticket, 3 v5 At 6 PM. vm Camden ft Jersey city F.vening Mail 3 hi At 11 P M, via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail 2 35 At 5 P M . via Camden and A 1 1 1 1 n y -AccomiiKHla- tion. (Fieightand l'ussenger,) 1st clussickett 2 2d " 1 All The G P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Southern Mail Saturdays excepted. For Helvidere, Ivisiou, Flemim;ton, Ac., at 0 A.M ., from Wulnul street wharf and 3 P. M . from Kensington. I- or Maudi hunk. Alleiitnwu and Ik-thlehem, ut ti, A M. Via Lehigh Valley Uailnmd. l or Water liup, Stroudsburg, Sernntoit, Wilkestmrre, Mouuose, tiieiit Hend. Ac, at B A M, via Delaware, l-iekawauna and Western Railroad F. i Freel.Mld. tit 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly, at 6 and 9 A M , and 2. and 4i P.M. WAY LINKS, For Rrintol, Trenton, fte., at 3 and 4 P. M., .from Kensington. For Paliiiyrn, Delanco, Heverly, Darlington, Dordeu town, Ae., al 12J,.'I. und IjP. M. Fifty pounds of Itaecage only, allowed each passenger, Passetmers are pi oh i hi ted fmin tukniff anything as It ti? (face but their wearing apparel. All Hagiige over fitly poanda to l paid for extra. The Comiany limit their refwniml.ility for Uair-raiie. to One Dollur per pound, and will not Ih; liable foi any amount byonU 110 Dollais, ex cept hy special contract. WM II. GATMKR, Ageut C. ft A. R. R Co February lMki. 'wholesale dealekTn BRANDIES, WINES, G.INS.&C ri'HE subscriber having oneil in Thompson's llrick IJuil.ling, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brandsnf Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish M'hiskey, Fort, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquora fur FAMILY USE. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and una, Itinerated article. Cllleing determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of tho public. All orders promptly at tended to, JEREMIAH S.HALL. Danville, Jure 18, 1860. Ladies1 One Price Fancy Fnr Store ! John rarcfra, No. 718 ARCH Street, be tween 7lh, and 19th, l. PillUVDELPUlA. - (Late of 61S Market Str.,) Imiviter, Manufacturer uuU Dealer limit kinds ut FANCY F t ltd. Iluvmg removed to my New Store, 718 Arch St., and lieoit; iii.w engaged entirely iu the Manufacture and Stile of Fancy Furs, winch, in accordance with the "One Price Pnneiplr," 1 have marked at the lowest possible pi ices consistent with a reasonable profit. I wotki solicit a visit inuu those in want nl r urstor ei'tier 1 JHiirs' oriinhirens' Weur.und ai inoe'tioii of my selection of those ods, satisfied, as 1 am, uf my ability lo please iu every desired ewteniiul. IV Persons at a distance, who may find it ineonvement tn rail personally, need only name tiie article, tiiey wish, tngelber with the price, aiwl lost rue tnais for awiduig. and lor warn tuc ortier u my aoireas money accoiu.Minyiitg to iitsuie a ntikfaeU)ry ctHiipimnee witb their wssbea. PhiUdelphia AuHut 25. lukl 5ni5w STOVES- 10 R SALE an excellent second-hand Caok in Stove, also several Cylinder Co Htn . Enquire at this ollic. P"uiaAftUDHi'EH,i large assortment a W at FRII.INU A URAN 1 Buubory, January tB, j6t. HIGHLY IM TORTANT NEWS M. C. UKAR1IAHT, Hat relurneJ with a new Slock of Confectionariei, Fruit and Toys. IT acorns aa If a new agft, a new lift was open Ina nnnn in. antmatins evary heart lo nobler deeda and higher alma! Art, Literature and Kci ence will plow anow and acck to devclopa uh- limer heautiea and grander conception. 2Tie huaineaa world too must feel the new In fluence and everv'narl hcuuickened and atremrth- ened by an increased vitality, which shall urrre us on with electric speed to tho consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated ry the entnusiasm wnicn prnTa.u-B all classes, and desirous of doing Ins share to wards "The groat events of tho Ago," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the pood peo ple of SUNHURY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city f Philadol phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionnries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Conlectionaries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confoctionaries, may be found : French S.-erets, Hnrne.l Alinontls, Cr.ion White, I.p.irioii Kuan, 11 Vainlltt, Csinmoii lecrets. LKJIIt'Ut-C, Itiinanas, Ilnt.-ii. Gum Props, nil kinds of scent, js.ve Iliop", Mint Drop, red and white, J.-llj' Cnkra, Kiait l)rnB, Mick Otiultes, ol all scents Rwh O.mty, Alnionil Caiitly, FRUIT. I'rant-s, f ie", Citions. Ciirriints dried, Alinonus, Raisoua, Nuts of all kui.ts LKMOK SYKUI of a superior qualily, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of ("onfectiunaries, fruit, J oya, eve, all ol which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. IT2T Remember the name and place. A M . C. (JEAKH ART, Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. Ilright Sc Sun's store. Sunbitrv, April 14, 1 800. ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rniLAD.LPIlIA. A Ilencrolent Jnstilnlinn established hv rneritd I'.uilmrmcul, fur tlie l'tlirf of the .Vict in J iislrrsseu, luHeil ti tth I trutcnt ami J:,t tlrmic lieanr, ami especially for the Cure of I tit eases of the Stjrunl (hyaus. tlEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by tic Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by U tter, with a description ol t lio i r condition, (age, nccu patmn, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases ol extreme poverty, Medicines furnished' free ol charge. V A I.UA DLE li EPORTS on Spermntorrhiea and other Diseases of ihe Sexual Organs, and on the NEW liE.MED'KS employed in the Dtsicn sary, sent to tliu alllicted in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKIM.IN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Fa. lly order ol the Hir. ctors. EZRA D. HEA RTWEI.L, President. Oku. F.illictiinn, Secretury. January II, lHfi!) ly IIEGEIVIAN & COS COIUMAL KL1XIU OF C A L I S A Y A 11 A 11 K Prepared only by HF.'iF.MAX ft CO., Whtdesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, Hi, 3V0, 511 and 750 Broadway, New Ytnk. THK virtues of PKRI VIAN HARK as a Tonic have been ln lne known to need cimiuenl. The CAUSA V A ("or King's Hark.") is themst valu able of the nmnertMiB vaiieties of tiie Peruvian Hark, and in the I-.LIX1K is combined with other ingredients that iucreHse Us eificaey and al the name time overcome tlie inieiisiiy ut its bluer, rendering it a most Agreeable ls dial. For persons living in FF.VF.lt and AGFF. districts.it will he found invaluable as a preventive, Hall 'of a wine glass full taken night und morning, render inn the system luueii less subject to the uuhenlthy intluence ol the utmos phere. DIKIXTIONS Dose fornn ndntt. half a wineglass full In-fore breakfast and dinner ; children from one to two teaspoons full; it maybe taken with or Without a little wirier For sale nt this office. March 17, IHiu LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO RUY CHEAP FOR UASH. G' O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES- His stock consists ol Ccn'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp hoots. Children s Lull Hoots. Also a variety of omen s Calf Lace Hoots, Women's Morocco l. ace Hoots, Children a Morocco and I. all l.ace lioois. all of which he will sell cheap for CASH. I. all and examine for yourselves. ALSO, (irat quality of Taimiero Muroco for sale lor cash. WM. H.MILLER. Sunhury, January 7, 1R110. DIt. ESENWEIX'S TAR AND WOOD N APT II A SECTORAL, IS the best .M.-ili.-iiie in the world lor Ihe Care of fiinchs anil I'olils, lVi,ii,, llroia-hiti., A.iliaia, Diiriciilly in UiculIiiiik, Pulilti!liiii nl Ihe Heart, l)iillieria, anil f.r the reli.-l ,," pal i. -nt. in the advanced stay.-, of Consump tion, louelher with all Disease, ol" tliu Throat and Cln-st, anil wlneli predi.pime 1 1 Comaiiiptioii. Jt i peculiarly atltted to the radical cure of Asthma. Hcuis prepared tiy a pra. tieal Pliysiriaa and llrnpei.t, and one of irreut expeilence In the cure o the vaiiou. diseasto wh.eti tlie ll.uiiait Iraine is llul.le. It IS oliered to the alllieleit wall the K.reut-st eohfidence. Try il t.ii.1 ts. convinced Hint 11 is iiivaluithle m lh Cure of Hroi .'loi.li.lf.H'tioii.. I'nce 5Ucent per Dottle. If 1'kki'akku onlr tiy lir. A. KPF.NWI-'.IN A CO., lme.c,i.lM and Clicunsts, N. W. Cnrnrr Ninlli and l',.plnr St.., Philadelphia. SOI. II hy eveiy ri.pe.-tniile i)rugijist and Di-.ikr iu Medicine throai;h'llt the Slnle. Philadelphia, . Uarrli ol, IHHI. lyw i860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming VaUt-y to riillariclphlu. New VoiU, Itallliuore, AND ALL V01STS AOUTJJ, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA k BLOOMSBURG ItAILIlOAD. STJMlVIEn AHUANOEMENT. Two Daily rasseiurrr Triiin. will he tun tn-twreu Scranloii aial Nortliuintieilaitd, aa follows: MOVING SOUTH : I.eave ticruiilon, Ainveat 1'itt.lou, Kinir.t.in, Shi.-k.hiiiny, llerwielc, ItUNIIUHllUlg, Rupeit, Lii.nville, Noitt.uiuberUiud, lave Norlt-amt.erlaud, Arrive at Pauville, KuN;lt, Ih'M.in.l.aig, llerwu-k, r-hh-k.biauy, Kiue.ton, Pittston, Phil's Mail. N. Y Kx. 10 A. M. 4 85 P. Al. 38 T 04 7 SO 8 . B 611 9 l e n III ou MOVIN0 NOHTH: N. V. Kx. 4 30 A. M. 6 OS 35 fl 45 IS T 45 6 30 b tn v 4 S3 i an 6 1 6 SS 7 30 T 40 e ia 8 4S rhiPa Mail. 4 45 I'.M s an so t ISl e 35 7 115 T 45 8 15 8 45 Hermann, ti as The ldrkawaiuta and lll.Naiularg Railroad connects with the Delaware, lA.-kawaunn and We.leni Railr.uul, al cVruut'.n, for New York and Ptuladelph-s, andlnterate diale points Kjum ; al ( (Ireut Hend, Boliuiutoil, Hyraeuae, liadMlo, Niaaara KalU, ai.J all linnortaul p.ai.u West. At Kupelt It CHUiecU Willi the Osllawiiw, Kail r.si.1, for rsnnls I.afa K.ast and West. At NwlthuiiiueiUilHl it chiiim-i. with Uie Sunliny and Kne Kailrmd. loi pomu West an,l Aailk. M. W. JACKSON, Sup'L KuiKsUai, Augu.t SS, H0. IT 18 NOT NECESSARY to tell the people, that the Mammoth Ktore is a "one price store" aa they always knew that, hut it is necessary to let them know that we have replenished our stock and wilt continue to receive new (Joods every few days. Wa are determined to supply the pco pie, with the moat desirable good at the lowest prices. KK1L1NU & OKANT. Sunbury, May 28, I sou. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Noithuiiiln.ilnnd Cotjnty.Pa- 'IIIIS large and coinniixliotis Hotel, now X managed by J. II, EOKBERT, It ia situate at tho Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunhury, and-at the terminus of the Sunbury Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modation of Travelers and tha public in general The pnurictnr will give his exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort and convenience of his guestsJ and is determined tn make thia establishment rank among the first in the State. Hi table will be supplied with the nest tne market can produce having the advantage of daily crunmuniiiation by cars direct from Haiti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-cful and obliging servants always in at tendance. A share of the local and traveling community is most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 12, INt.tl. t jr "ftT'TVn AI.4. A . FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for W9 and CO, By E. KETCH AM ft. CO., 29 Pearl-Btreet, new-1 orK. HIE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as last as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with tho least quantity of ice. I he most economical in cosi, as it is tne most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities anil towns in the Union. Eii.-h Fteezer accompanied with a hook of re cipes and full directions. 3 quarts, $3 (III 4 quarts, 4 (10 0 quarts, S 110 8 quarts, fi Oil 14 quarts, 8 (10 20 quarts, 12 (10 Apply lu II. li. MASKER, Sunhury. June 2, INCH. ,ll!V . DETERSIVE This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar ket for mure than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, is evident from Ihc fact, that the Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to incrsase llieir capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Founds per Week. It is docide.lly the best and cheapest (Soup ever made in tnis Country ; Ono Pound of it will go as far, foi any use, ns Three, of the Common Soap in general use. It is made upon a new principle, nf the best materi als, and known only to Va !Iii.i: & Mc Kkiimk. It .Iocs away entirely with the wash board saves the necessity of boiling Ihe clothes It (UK'S not shrink rlannels, iii nni n (.iii ikk, ikk oh 1'ai.vt scols icrfi'itliv, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fully one half the tiino and labor usually Fiieut to do the nashing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other in jurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure ihe clothe. Fur Sale by all respectable (jrocirs, and Wholesale by TIIAIN & M.KEONK. No. 22 and 21 South Wharves. Philadelphia. CAUTION. There being several imitation brands of Deter sivo Soap iu Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except l.n Haaukn & M Kkonkjs Stumped upon each Uar of the Soap as well as the IS ixes. Sunbury, Oct. i'J, 1859. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MAItKKT 8TRKKT, rUJNiSUKV, PA. THE subscriber has just opened at his well 1 known establishment in Sunburv, one of the heapestalid most desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which nc will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring lo purchase goods will do wcM to call ami examine Ins stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and Plain r rencll Merino, all colors, Ucautilul Dress lv'bes, Cashmeies, Shaded, i'lain and Striped must be teen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Bin::n:"Uwic jaw 9 Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls' Thibet and llrochc Shawls. Cloths Casshneres and Satinet For Men and Hoys' Wear, Uluck C'assimeres, Fancy Cassimcres, side stripes heavv, Doc Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. FLAHNEIiS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Day State Sack Flannels, colors finest qualrios. It E ADY-MADE CLOTH IN G Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, jc, all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any iu the country. UAIiUWAKK, a full ubsorttneot. Wood and Willow Ware, Cjucensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Slufl's. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, I let. 22, IH.VJ. v f. Cj rrriMrMurvi . C . TH ? A Tl n C ... TV I OdC IUC IRTt'S 1 As accidents will happen, even in well-recaluted fanii iiea, il i. very detiraliie to have s.ane cheap uadoiaiveiiieilt way for reMii ms r'uruitare, Toyi, Crockery, iic. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE intMfts all iucIi eiucruencics, unit in tioiit-Udd ran nilord to he williout it. It is ulwnyii ready nnd Uf to the sticking point. Them is n longer a necr-ity for liuipinx chuirs, splinters vtiier, htntdltuis dolls, mid broken ciudlcs It is juHt the article tnr cone, shrll, and other omuiuenul wwrk, so iuUir with ladies of lehneinent and tnste. This udnnruhltj pieiKirution is uued okl. beini cheniicnllv held in 'ltiiton,&ud i)osireiiiif all thu vuluulik qtiitlitiesof me iH.i cniiinet-iiuik.er's itue. It nmy b used in ihe place of' ordinary mucilage, being vustiy more adhesive. 1KFI L IN EVERY Iloi'tSE" N. U A Uiusii accnijwnics eucb Uttle. 1'ficc eenu. Whiilctuk Depol, No 44 Cedar street, New Y"rk. Addreas, HENKY fc.hl'AUHXti A CO., ii"X No. a.-Ui, New York. Put up for Dealers in fASt-siumtaininac Four Eight, and twelve ihizcn a iHwuium jUluugropuu; bhow UMrd c coniuiiyinc each rweknge. rf A single tMJttleot pnklnig s frepnretl IjIuc will save ten limes ita ooat snnualU to every hous:holtl. feV4dbyall pioHiineut iSiatioupis, lrugs;ia(a, Hard warn and Furniture Dealers, G Hirers, and Fanc-y Stoles. Country Mcrrlianta sIhhiUI lunka a di ol hp Wind's prcucU Glue, when they nuk up Utetr Uai. U wil BUtnd any ehtuata. Fur aale at thiioflice. Mai eh lu, ltdu.ly SOAP V DO YOU WISH ? DO you wish a handsome Carpet T Do you wish a durable Carpel t Do you wish a cheap Carimt ! If so Call at UhlGH'P JL BON. Sunbury, June 16, I net). NEW FLOUR, FEED. FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. rpHL. subscriber respectfully informs the oiti JL xens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that he has opened a Ktore at the nnnh. west corner of Market Square, eppoiite Vandyke's Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, ana will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, soch as WHEAT, RYE a BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, uats, lorn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac., from the South, lie wilPcnnstantlr receive, bv IIilr,l ,.m Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies of the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to ra. ccivo a share of the public patronage, WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1R50.- ly. il0i Doming COFFEE POT Tea Pot, Boiriff based, ns Dr. noil, of tho J ournal of Health, says, "on a-cionce and common sense," aro rapidly coming into use, and destinod soon to supercede aU others. AUTHUR, BURNIIAM, & GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia Sole Manufacturers under the Patent J-Fr snle 1y Hunters In llonsr. krtplnir Articles, mid Storekeeper tcriit-l-Hlly. December 4, 18.r9. FURNITURE! FURNITURE !! rnNlilouable, (li-:i iturl i Nrfttl THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OTTERED IN SUNHURY. rrMI E subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of tho public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, ,c, embraces KVF-HV VARIETY, ISEPl'L AU OH.Vt. SiliVlAI, in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had nt moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. bsiulilishnit.nt Snuth East Comer nf Market Siuarg. l lT Those knowing themselves indebted lo the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SKIIASTIAN HAl.'PT. Sunburv, Nov. 19, 1S50. tf J. STEWART DEPUY. , T COIt M-'.l. It's MAIIAN'S, No VS3!.,olh-i- hkI .ircrls. (nriKlo.ii to C. II. .Minrh't) riiiholrlpliiii, w. -iilil nivilrtliff Hllnitinnl tlifir IiipiiiIs nnd ..R.ini,.r8, Hint III,- pulilic lu entrnl, .o a large un.l well Irl.-elf-.t frt'.ck of CARPETINGS, ! fj; onsiiting of V.-lvets, T.-iprstrirs, Throe-rivt. Imrriiiii.. nnl VHiiitirnm. Als,i VINiir)V rt- SIIADKS.OII. CI.O rilS.MA ITINriS. DKl II- ' I'KIS, KfllS, MATS, f l Allt ItdDS, 4,,., whu li he very cliea fur rush, whnlirtaie and remit. March al, I'M Iv , o n f o H S-H S I W i!iorl otlce. IIIE uuli!crilMr liavint; retirej from luiinosa hercliy nntifies all persons iiulohicrl to him on nook account or otherwise, to cull ami icrtllv Ihesamo without delay, othprwi thpy will he put into tun muni oi a Justice lor colttrtioti GEOUUE R0HKBACH. Sunhury, Nov. ft. 1 859. tf EMPORIUM. T jHE undersigned having received a large and .L well selected slock of I'wrc Drugis and Clicuilcnlx, Dyestull's Oils Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready to till ordcrsat a moments notice. In connection with tho above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, 'Tooth, Hujr ?,ttjg a,i Clothes 11 rushes of every Vuriety. Customers will1 find his stock complete com prising many article il is impossible hero to enumerate. REM EM HER ihe "place, under the office at the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Precriptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. XV. FISHER. Sunbury, April S.I, 1859. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, JI STI4 I p Tl3 li:iCI3, Ojfice in J'eer Street, inimeiliattl y ojpvsite the l'uhtic School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollecled and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. Ih57 tf ft OI.I Ir. Hi: I II HOOM ioFri Jl - Trnvels nnd crent diccnveriti of the Japan.-..-anil Ivintlii.lu Medii nies, with lull diieeli,,iis f,,r Hid eer n.lil cure ol' C, mi.iiiii, I ion. Bronchitia, ll.igha, Culds (Jnl..rih, A.lhiun, l evel.. Heart lis...-, S r. lulu Ciiiu-ii-' lspepia. I.iver I'oniplaiiil. Cravel and Lmiaiy I.-i..siia l-i-niale CuiipluniH, A. IMutlraled with hui.drr.ls of rrilifii-nttl ,, turn nnd .-ii-iuviiijis. Kur Ihc purpose of rru-uincu. im.ny .nfl.-riin! ie!lw-keiu:s us n,.wii.le from premi.liiie ileiuli. ii will leiil to any iiml ,,f lt,c conn llml, hy iKiidiiig iS i-culk lo lift. HI-UTH, I, IT flnvnluav, New Voik filv. ? .M.alsn. I.v A. W. Fuller, Smilmiv; IVurad Weuk .N. rll.un.lK-rlnml ; T . t'uldwcll, lwi.hine ; li M II.-,.' Knihurh, III,. Btsl.iirc j I'yru. Uiowu, Milloa : N.'l. and ItHnk it Co., Dunville. February H, Js-Oll. y. PORSALE. " 'pWllUlTS situate in Market street, in the town of Trevorlon, No, la ,nd i:in block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAl'Ul.KR, Selins grove, or H. H. MASSER, Sunburv. HENRY D0XXEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite Ike Court House, 'Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in adioininc -ounties. 8 ROCKEFELLER & B0YER." Attorneys at Law. A. Jordau Korkercller and Solomon II. 110 er, respectfully announce that they entered iuto Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi r.ess entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at! tention will be given to the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultation! can be had in the GERMAN language. Otlice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunkury, February 4, lHfio. I OY'8J DOOTS aud SHOK.S, ch.ap for cash WM. MILLER'S. Sun ury, August 7, 1859. LANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank iJ Mortgagee, UonJs, Executions, Summons, Vc, for sale b H. D. MAsxCV U8EFI L IX ALL FAMIlTeSHEGKMAN 4 CO'8 Benune, which removes paint spots grease, Ac, 4c and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, Ac, equal to new, without the slightest injury to color or fabric. Sold by all Druggists, also at this olhce. 25 tenia per battle; t"ILVER WATCHES. A few double ease 5 EngliaJj Silver Watches, for sale at verv low prices by H. U MASSKK- OW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Everybody buys Goods there. Why ! Because they cau buy thciu cheaper lhaii anywhere vUe. Sunbury, May KC, lilly. .1.