YAMCY, TI1K FltlE EATBR, IN OHIO. Mr. Yaocy epoke two hoofs. a,nd elicited the closest attention of tbe crowded audience. He eeeoied gradually to win the listeners to his Side. The cheers became louder, longer nun more nearly until lbs close, when be was greeted with shouts of applause. Two or three incidents occurred during his speech worth rotating. Mentioning hemp as one 01 me products 01 tne Soutb be Ban! they iutenueu 10 Keep a good stock ol it ou band "What for?" asked a Republican. ''To bang ytfu gentlemen who dome down toouiu to steal onr slaves I" 1 he retort called for great cheering. At another time he said "Somo of your papers remarked to day that tne larco ol disunion would be enacted upon this stage to night. I love this Union. The heroism of our common aifcestry. the bkiod they shed in the cause of freedom, our mutual prosperity, demands it. link if the Union is to bo sustained by trampling upon the Con stitution and oppressing my section because it is weaker, then (folding his arms and stamp ing his foot, while his eyes dashed fire.) am a traitor, and you can make the most of it!" This wag received with immense and pro longed cheering, mrrfly rising up and whirling their hats, and many of the Indies waving their handkerchiefs. This accompanied by a volley of hisses coming from all parts of tbe house. Th orator stood immovable, with his nrins folded, as tbe shoutors attempted, time und ngain to drown the hisses. Finally, order being restored, he, his urms still folded, iu a soft tone, said : "Eighty years ago, when young Freedom wrrs compelled tohide in the caves aad secret resorts (if the country, a noble spirit in the Virginia House of iiurpeees, bravely lifted his silvery voice in behalf of bis beloved mis tress' liberty. As the patriotic words gushed from his musical lips, the minions of power were there and dared, like minions of power here to night, his at tbe language of truth and justice." This produced another outburst of applause which was prolonged for several minutes. No more hissing was heard during the deliv ery of the speech. At one time much disposition was evinced to question Mr. Yaucey, apparently to'hia delight; but tbe few questions that reached his our, were bo sharply answered that the interrogators were quickly silenced. On the whole, the hearers seomed to be much pleased. A SOUTHERN VHStVOP LINCOLN'S ELEC TION. There is a vast deal of nonsense exploded nlioiit the Direct of -Lincolu's election. In the first place, wo do not believe that Lincoln Will bo the next President, aud if he should bucouie IJucl'uuou's successor, we do Dot im pqine that any irremediable barm wiH bo done, lie has only a veto power, and cart do uothing to injure the South in reference to auy of Cr ln-culmr interests, till the Seuttto and Su preme Court ore radically changed. If the titutes south of us choose to convert this re public into another Mexican Confederacy of uiieeruble, factious, warring States, on ac count of some fancied wrong which may or moy not hereafter be imposed npoo ns, we can only sny that such Stales will lose the most sensible portion of their population. Let every extreme Sonthern Statesocede and sot up for herself; let her begin asystem of taxation adequate to tho support of an independent government, and the conserva tive, las paying citizens will leave politicians to manage the whirlwind, whose terrors they have awakened, and will crowd into Tennes see and the Middle States and their cities. Should the secession of one or two South ern States occur, if let alone by the Federal Government for six months, such States will secede" again, backwards into the 'Union. Abe Lincoln need not use tho navy, or the in my ; we could cot fight our brethren of the .South, however unjustifiable the quarrel it) which they may involve themselves; but there is no need for aO army or navy to bring sece ding Stutes to their senses'; we will bo en riched while ttvoj will be irtVpov.erished by nuch a movement, till ne'ceSsity would invoke rewiii, iwd the iier.y politician fcbom ambi tion has maddened would be dethroned, and the Union wbnld soop again be perfected on a more durable basis, if possible than that on which imorf rests. AllTIIMIAL I'KOPAOATION OV SALMtVlN. The following description is given by the! London Time? or tho prunes ot preparing the Sulmen epuwi for tho hatchiug- boxes, the writer having witnessed the operation on the rivor Tay : "Mr. llamsbottom, who hos experimented sueceaslully for the Messrs. Ashworth on the Louiih Corrib water in Irelaud, has tbe sole L niUUay.euieut Ul mo yuuoo. ouiunmj was a remarkably fine day for tbe.season, and we were privileged iu being present at tbe oporuliou of stripping the fish. When we arrived, Mr. llaitisbotloin bad got about 10, tnjfj ova la round tin cans, and be showed us nn aval shaped tin box witb a lid, wbicb con tained a small male fish swimming in water' which, he said, was waiting for bis mute. Presently tbe uet wus shot in tbe Tuy at the mouth of tbe Almond, when two fine female fish, ripe for spawning, from eightoen to to twenty pounds in weight, along with a email mule fish, were caught. Mr. ltaoisbol torn, having taken the largest female in bis left hand drew bis fingers hitnly down both sides of tbe belly of the fish, when the ova ilowod in aftreum into the tin box formerly mentioned, in which there were a few inches of water. The fisb was instantly returned to the river, and after a short time sailed off as if nothing bad happened to it. After the ova bad been washed by water beiug poured on and off, core beiug taken never to allow it to ba exposed to the air, the mule tiidi was brought, which all thjs lime hud been iu the river uuder a fold of the net, and manipulated in the same manner as ihe femule, only a small portion of the milt being On the milt being shed, a'elight chuoge was seen to take place iu the color dfj tbe OVa, WUICn oecaum puitir. i but again poured on and off, when the operation was complete. The ova was then poured into round tin cases, and carried to tbe ponds. When wa left tha river side npwurd of 400, 0U0 ova, in a fine condition, bad been obtain ed We obsesved tbat a few of the ova, after impregnation, turned white, instead or being clmon color. Mr. ltatnsbottom said . k barren ova. In ttrb month of March tbe fry will have turs D8r shellsi when we hope to report further., TVf.Y(iHii Lawyer om tbb Punch m. T W. Gerard, kuowo 88 "Adonis of i. ' Ki'i-'vnrk Har." was lately at tbe'Teoep lion of Ward School No. 10, in Wooitoi atreet, and at tbe request of the I ifteeutb Ward School officers, made a fe tPiki. le alluded to the visit ol the Prince- of Waies aud in tbe course of bis allusioa, spoke about the'ease with which crowds were collected in .uu ...nir. It was not so in Europe, and Mr. Gerard said he doubted whether the i..; r tv&lni had ever seen socb a crowd before as tba one which welcomed bim here, even upon the occasion oftht coronation o hu royal motktr. M r. Gerard also express u ' . j - i)Aa 1 3 ft v mm A nt. and E that he had remarked to the Duke of Newcastle that be wished we had a King to - f hnik fni A ltOVai rule over tbis country, t un "Vm7 - non i much better, and Air. " 1 uh him. M , .tWard then uaid very blgb compliment to woman, who U thought was fully enUled to the prmlege . . . ...i.i r.i-t ha would like to .see H 01 III uil - cobtiued to tbeaa. A Stkkl Locoxotiv.-A locomotive bas been bo.H io Koglaod of puddled etetl LiNcot.x nn Sni'THKRN Statesmen. The Boston Courier makes the following refund able statements : "Letters have, to our certain knowledge, been quite lately address ed by persous in the full possession of Mr. Lincoln's confidence, to leading statesmen of the South. We are able to name the writers of some of these letters, and the in dividuals to whom they have been address ed. In some instances, these letters have been conGned to an emphatic assertion .of the conservative character of Mr. Lincoln's ad ministration, in general terms, lie will Dot recommend a repeal of the fugitive Blave law Dor the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, nor a prohibition of the slave trade between the States and his opposition to the admission of Dew slave States will Dot extend to those carved out of territory south of tbe 30 degree of latitude. To some persons who, it bas been thought, might be approached confidentially, indirect over tures nave been made to tbe eilect tbat Mr. Lincoln would by do means confine himself, as fur as tbe South is concerned, to his own party, but wonld be willing to place dis tinguished southern statesmen of the Union party in bis cabinet. We have beard the names of five distinguished statesmen four of them members of tbe cabinets of Messrs lyler and Filmore that have been ap proacbed in this way. These letters, of course, have cot beeD written by Mr. Lin coin himself. ''Honest old Abe" is to shrewd to be caught' in that trap; but they have Deen writton with bis knowledge and appro' vul. A Lovr Missivk. One PhilaBder Tierce, a colored resident of Georgia, lived unhappily with his wife, and she came alone to Chicago where she has received several sharp letters from bim. On Tuesday afternoon, tbe clerks in the Post-office at the city named, were thrown into consternatiou by a series of ago nized screunis, evidently coining from a wo muu, Ilusteuing to tbe spot whence tbe noise proceeded, they found Mrs. Pierce speech iosj with terror, but able to point significant-. ly to a green adder, then crossing the lioor, ood seekiug the oir of perfect freedom. Some' of the men lied, but enough remained firm to capture tho serpent, which was tukuu to the City Marshal's office. There esplanatfbus ensneu. It seems that the womau bad found ttn'u pustboard box aud a letter at tbe office, and had hastened to open tbe former, not doubting tbat it waB a gauge of returning affection. She was surprised to hear from witbin it a slight hiss, and was quite trans fixed with horror, wheu from the uncovered prison shot the ugly green head of the snake. Jost then sne dropped tbe box -and the screams came in. The letter accompany ing this infernal machine wua hideously sar castic, but not otherwise entertaining. Uakihai.di as a Cook. On the march up from KeL'nio, Garribuldi nnd bis stall' bad contrived after many hours fasting, to pro cure a large joint of beef, this tbey pro ceeded t.o roust, the Dictator hinisoll under taking to turn an extemporary spit, (a ram rod,) while tho others prepared tho rest of the din hit. One stall olbcer in spurs, and weariug a heavy cuvulry sword, wus mildly cutting up tomatoes aud onions, while a priest, ot goodly presence, was mixiog some thing in a tin polO suddenly the holy man looked np from his labor of love and saw tbe meat burniug, while Garibaldi, in deep thought, was walking some distance off. Some aid du camp was appointed to the spit but tho mischief wus done, and when the revereud father had "blessed tho meat," he turned to the Dictator, and said sternly. "General, the man who deserts his post in war time " "Should be shot," interrupted tho self convicted Dictator. Letter in Daily Tclcgrajih. AllDEI. KaDKR KftCF.IVBS TUB AMERICAN Phesknt. Oar Deyruut correspondent writos says the Boston Traveller, that the arrival of tbe beautiful case of beavily Silver mounted Coil's revolvers, with a box containing over two thousnbd cartridges, from the President of the United States, as a present to Abd-el-Kader, created some sensation there. It was on exhibition fgr several days at tbe United States Consulate, aud the pistqls were great ly admired. Tbe present is worth about 1,000, and was accompunied by a compli mentary letter to tbe Algeriuo Chief. Tbe old hero was much a flue ted upon the reception of this unexpected appreciation of his humane efforiB by the government of the United Slates. SrinbROK a Southerner from Fear of a Slave lKsi'Rn'TioN.'-Tlie Louisville (S. 0 ) lleruld states thut lust week a citizen, in tbe upper part of that district, Isham S. Boll, committed suicide by blowing out his brains witb a shot gun. It seems tbat be bad been much harassed in iniud witb tbe fear of an insurrection for some time, uud had lain witb n;s arms beside bim the r.iVht hefura his death. lilondin has offered to carry any clergyman on bis bacu across his rope, wbicb is stretch ed two hundred feet above the ground at Jones' Wood in New York. We hear that there are severul parishes which would be willing to contribute a miuister for the expe riment ol course, merely U lest lilondin s powers New Advertisements. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL of MILLINERY GOODS, at the FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTAB LISHMENT OF .nil us jo.sF.rnixE shot. IS8 SHAW has just returned from the rity Willi tho latest INcw lork and I bila dclptiia style, comprising or every style, pattern, fashion, material and price. MILLINERY GOODS, HiUions, Feithcrs, Flowers, Silks, Collars, Edg iugs, Caps, Notions, etc., etc. The handsomest, the moat fashionable, ever brought to Suobury. Call and tee her Fun. All the new and tasteful styles of the season, with every variety of Trimmings, will be sold cheaper than ever. Orders iyr articles not on hand, will be sun- plitd from the city, at the earliest possible moment. MISS J. SHAW. Bunbury, October 97, 1800 4t "WINTER GOODS. FOR MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Ueaver Overcoating, Ulaok Doeskins, New Style Cassimercs, All Wool Tweeds, . Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinetts, bi)i Mixed Coatings, Huper Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vsst'tnur. Black Satin Yesling. f ancy hhk velvet vesttngs, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting. Nice Casaimera Vestings, In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boys' wear, can be found at tbe People' On Price Store of E. Y. .Bright & Son, who have just received by Kailroad splendid stock of all kjjds of goods, suitable for cdN weather. Please call rnd be convinced. B. Y. BKIGHT & SON. Sunhury, October 87, 1860. CHEMN UTS WANTED, tor which tha high, est market paice will I paid, by v 'vtiMiAnr. 6unbury, Oclohi i i.i, . uV FRESH WINTER GOODS! THE NEWEST STYLES I and a ::aitdsoie variety at luCTW PRICES 1 Just received by At tbe People's ONE PIUCE STORE, OF E. V. BRIGHT & SON) OUR STOCK is very large, and our Handsome Assortment, presents IURE ATTIIACTIOXS, and SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS to purchasers. We are in the receipt of New Goods weekly, thus offer in? to the public all novelties in Dress ttonds. Please rail and examine. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunhury, October 22, IStiO. New Goods for the Ladies JUST RECEIVED AT BRIGHT Sc SON'S I Plain, all Wool Delaines, Neat figured Delaines, Handsome t-nsh mores, Jllh Colored De laines, 8triped Dusters, Nice Silk Pop lins, Mixed Mehair Dusters, Plain French Merinos, Printed French Merinos, Persian Twill, Brorado No- venu. Plain Co hurgs, Dark mixed Dchegc, Hnnds'e Illnck Silks, New Stylo Dark Prints, Gloves of all Kinds, Hosiory of all Kinds, New Style Nubias, Opera Caps, Chenille Semi", Mohair Head Dresses, Needle Worked Collars, Ac, &e, &c. But it is useless to attempt enumeration the great Taricty of O'oods we have now in store, suitable for Ladies' wear. We invite an inflec tion of our store. E. Y. B KIUHT &. SON. Sunhury. October 27. lHf.U. T.-'Kil'RKl) WOOl, PKI.A INKS. -F Auction loli from 3S to7.1cnts. Jhil'lrvii' i'lniils unci lleliliues IHJ toSOcts. 1 .npin'B finest French MerinofM from suction Three very choice ntsatMI,H7 and 04 til. , I'taiii oil wool Caahiucres from auction, chsp at S5 and 6.5 emits. Fiirureil Chiniz colors, CnKhmercs,, IIP, 60 aatl t5() cut. l'ltntl, fllripcil ami fu'd Valencia!, 23 to 40 els. FlgM and striped Krtmch I'oplins. lll.ACK DRKSS GOODS. Auction lot? Muck French Meriiiuca, 6J to SIOU. Auction lotflhhtck Wonl Delaines .In to 50 CIS. Suhhmf riinhty I J yards wide at SI SS. Jti'Ml&f vent ulucK Wool Delaines ill town, illnck Auielinus uud lig'il AlpneaH. S. E. cor. NINTH and MAKKKT streets. October 37, lBO. Plnludilphia. FALL AND Wl.NTI.R CI.OAKX, Of ull the new it vies, Keud7 Madf ,or Made to order An eleirnnt Rt'K'1,8 uf Clotlia from wlncli to select . Fitcli work ul popular prices, and ullgarmenls guaran teed to fit and please. Oenteel, well inudu Cloaks at mmlernto prices for first clyrts people. Cloths, of just tha right kinds Tor Ladies, Misses and Hoy's waur. COOI'ER & CONRAD, NINTH and MA It KET Streets. flctoh S7,J90. Philadelphia. To Persons Out of Employment WANTEU, IN every county of the United Slates, to engage, in the sale of some of the best and must ele gantly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of the Partner, Mechanic and Merchant; they aro published in the best style and bo'jnd in the most substantial manner, and are worthy a place in the Library of every Household in the land. I o men of enterprise and industrious habits this husiness oilers an opportunity for profitable employ meut seldom to bo met with. i ersons desiring to act as agents will receive promptly by mail full particulars, terms, Ac, by addressing LEAKY. GETZ, & CO., Publishers, No. S24 North Second Street, Philadelphia. October 27, 18(10. INGRAINEDlJARPETSr MANCFACTI RKD andferSnle by M. I'eiper A Co: Iseihrnmlt and McDowell1! bmlilinp, NurtU ljuit coiner, Second and Rate utreetJ Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. OcUiber 47, ItSO. NEXT COURT. HK Jurors for the first week, need not at tend until Wednesday morning. The civil list will not he taken up until the 2d Monday of the term. 1 he first 20 causes on the list, will be for trial. By order of the President J mine. DANIEL BECKLLY, Proth'y. Sunhury, Oct. 19, 1860. NOTICE. IS hereby given to the different Tax Collectors of Northumberland county, that unless the duplicates previous to the year lr'GO, are settled by tbe November Court next, tbeir bonds will be placed in tho hands of tbe Attorney of the Coun ly for immediate collection. The funds of the eounty are in such condition, that no longer in dulgence can be granted. JOSEPH EVER ITT, PHILIP CLAKK, Commissioners Oflire, t Commissioners. Sunhury, Oct. 20, 1660. J Admiiiistmtbr's Notice. WTOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad' i ministration having been grunted to the subscriber, un the estate of Michael Knapp, lata ol Trevorton, Zerbe township, Northumberland county, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, aim those hiving claims to present them for set tlement WM. V. SILVEUWOOD. Administrator. LowerAugusta twp., Oct. 20, I860. fit Dissolution of Partnership. TOTICE is hereby given that the lata part- ncrsbip eiisting between (J. W. Arbogaat & Biibb, in Georgetown. Northumberland county, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 22d inst. The honk of the late firm will remain in the hands of U. V. Arbogast, fur collection and settlement, and all person indebted or having claims, will call on him for settlement. G. W. ARBOGAST &, BUBB. Georgetown. Oct. 27,. 1860 it Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County: TV OTICE is hereby given that appraisements ' of real and personal property have been made to tbe widows, respectively, of the follow, ing named decedents, agreeably to tbe Act of Assembly in such case made and provided : 1 Bingaman Jacob, late of Lower Mahonoy township, deceased. 3. Uunkleberger Hiram, deceased. 3 Kreilicb Jacob, lata of Upper Augusta twp., deceased. 4 Keyaer Samuel, late of Chillisquaque town ship, deceased. 6i)oak James, Ute of Delaware township, deceased. 6 Riddle Gharlc V., late of Ihe borough of mcr.wensvuie. 7 Kitter 1 homa V., lal of the borough of a uiuut.iiie, ueceaaeu, 8 Shankweiler Andrew. And that th same will b presented to the Orphsji Coflrt for approval on TmJu. tha 13lh dsy of Novmbr next, unle. eiceplious ims-v. v uicu wiuri inn aiy, i.B. MASisER. CBt, O. C. u.. -y, M. 17iU lafiO. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of tplurius writ of Levari Facias issued out or the Court of Commou Pleas of Northumberland county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in tbe Borough of Sunhury Northumberland county Pennsylvania, on Monday the 6th day of November Dftxt 1660 at one o'clock P. M., the following discribed real property to wit: All that certain tract of Land, situate in the Borengh of SUNBUTtY, of Northumberland county and state of Pennsylvania, bounded as follows : Beginning At a post on the south side oflHo Centre Turnpike; thnoe'e running south two end a half degrees east sixty-three perch es and two-tenths to 8 post; thence south four teen degrees west thirty-four perches to n post : thence south ninety one degrees, three fourths west thirty six perches and three toutbs to a post; thence south thirty-one de grees, three quarters west twenty-one perches and four-tenths to a post ; south eighty-three dogrees three quarters, west lil'ly-seven perch es and three tenths to tbe Gut; thence in a northwardly directiou along tbe eastern side of said Gut to the Centre Turnpike to a post ; thence south sixty-five and a half degrees, east forty porches nnd eiuht-tentbs to the pluce of beginning, couteiuing thirty-eight Acres and one hundred and tweuiy-six pcrcbe strict measure. Also, all tbat certain part of an out-lot, situ ate in tbe borough of Suutiury and marked in tho general plan of said borough number eight, beginning at a post at the north east end ol an alley, which intersects Cranberrt street at the end of Pawn street : thence norm sixty-five degrees west twenty-live porcbos to a post, at the corner of out lot number five : thence south twenty four aud a half degrees west eighteen perches and three tenths to a post, south sixty-live degrees nnd a half east twenty-live perches to a post on the west side of said alley ; thence along said alley north twenty-four aod a half degrees east, eighteen perches end three tenths to tbe pluco of beginning, containing two acres and one hun dred and thirty seven and a half perches strict measure. Also, nil tbat certain piece of land, situate in tbe uorougu ot fuubury, bounded and described as follows : bogiuiimg ot tha south west corner of out lot number two ; thence south eighteen and three quarter degrees, west eighteen porches and one tenth to a poBt, being tbe corner of tbe luuco as it now stunds in an out lot number one ; tbence along said fence and frout lot number one and tbo adjoining out lot south sixty five degrees east lorty six perches and eight tenths to a post in tho alley : thence ty tne alley north twenty 6vo degrees east eighteen perches to tbe out lot number three; thence by said out lot and out lot number two south sixty five decrees west forty eight perches 1 and seven tenths to tho pluce of beginning, I nr.. - i coillniuing live acres uny uiuo udiulcs uuu a half perches fetnet measurn. Also, all that certaiu lot ol ground, situate in the borougb of Sunbury, aforesaid, number live bounded aud described as follows : be ginning ut a post north sido of Cruuberry street ; thence by out lot number eight north twenty lour aud three iourlu degrees cast thirty live perches and eight teulh to u post ; thence by out lot number six north sixty live and one fourth degrees weal twenty four perches and one tfiDtli to a post ; thence by an alley south twenty four aud three fourth degrees west thirty five perches and eight tenths to a post ; thence by Cranberry street aforesaid, south sixty live and one fourth degrees past twenty four parches ond eight tenths to a post nnd place 01 beuiuini!, con taining Irve acres and Sixty porches and eight tenths strict measure, all ol which is cleared. Also, tho Suubury Canal, incorporated by an Ac of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, und the several supplements to the suid Act, and ull the Capital Stock iu said Company, being four buudrcd shares, together witb tbe appurtenances. .Seized, tukon in execution and to be sold as tbo property of David Longoecker, Thus. Uauingardner, William 1j. llellenstein, r run- cis W. Hughes and Charles W. Ilegius and terretenauls. DAVID WALDUOX, SheiilT. Shcriil"s Office Sunhury, ) Oct. 20, I860. ) IjrYiiaIm'Ijourt sale op Valuable Real Estate ! IN pursuance of an ordor of tho Orphan's Court of Northumberland couuty, will be ex posed to public Bale, at the Court Uou6e, iu tho borough of Sunbury, on Saturday, tbo 3d day of November next, a certaiu tract of laud situato tn tho township ot Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Michael Shipe on the nortu, luiid of John Parnsworth on the east, Shamokin creek ond land of John W. Pryliug on tha south, Bnd land of Joseph Cuss ou the west, containing 83 acres, more or less, about "0 acres of wbicb are cleared ond iu a high state of cultivation, whereon are erected a two story log dwelling house, wealherboarded, a large bank barn, a two story frame tenaut house, with cellar aud ico house under it, and other outbuildings; also, a good well of water, a good orchard, .ve. A lso, a certain other messuage and tract of land situate in said township of Upper Au gusta, adjoining Sbamskin creek and land of Joseph diss ou the north, otber land ol sam intestate and Joseph Savidge on the east, land of John W. Peale aod Samuel V. Sickle on the south, and land of Philip Survey on the west, containing 'J J acres, more or less about CO acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation whereon are erected a large two story log dwolling bouse, rough cast, a large bank barn, wagon shed, and numerous otber outbuildings, a good, never failing spring of water, a good peach and apple orchard. Ax. The Shamokin Valley Kailroad passes thro' both of tbe above mentioned farms, about '.'J miles east of Suubury. Also, another cerium messuage and piece of land, situate iu said town of Upper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and luud of Joseph Gags on tbe nortb, and adjoining tba other land of the suid Silas Wolverton, deceased, last above tueutioued and described on tbe east, south and west, containing three and a half acres, more or less, all ol which is clear ed and in a good Btate of cultivation, whereon are erected a one and a ball story log house, a frame stable, a good spring ol water, Ac. Also, a certaiu other oiensuage and piece ot land, situate in said township of Upper Au gusta, adjoiuing Shamokin creek and land of the estate of said intestate on tbo oorlb, land of John W. Pryliug on tbe east, land of Jos. Savidge on the south, and otbei land of said intestate oo tbe west ; all of wbicb is cleared and iu a good Btate of cultivation, and con taining six acres, more or less. Late the es tate of Silas Wolverton, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the terms and conditions of tale will be made known by WILLIAM utt.r.u, Administrator. Bv ordor of the Court. ) J. It. Masshr, Clerk, O. C. V Sunbury, Oct. 0, I860. ) SHAMOKIN VALLEY P0TTEKY. npHE subscriber respeellully inform me putnic J- that he is now manufacturing at bis Pottery, 4 mile east of ISunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of Red Cement Clay. This clay produces the test and most desirable kind of ware, equal, in niany respects, to tone ware, and i Us liable to crack by sudden heat aud cold. . The (ubsorilier refer to Friling &, Grant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDOE. Oct. 13, 160. ly Suubury, Pa. BK1TTAN1A KIOPPEKtstor JL bar bottle far al by ... Cieneral IOIci lion PUOCLAMATION. 1UltHIIANT to an oct f the Ooncral Assembly of the CiHimi'iliwuillh ul Pniiiaylrsiim, enlitlnl "An nit relating I,, the elueliim nf tins Culinnnnwcullli," sppr"" Ilia , mil diiy of JulvV Anno D.iminn, i"i IIi"IIiih1 eirjlit lnmclrcil nnd thirty-nine, I, JAMK9 VAMlVM',, llhth t!ietiirf tlio county of N,irllniinlierlniiil, 1'ennr.yl vtinm, rlo hereby niaka known and pivc notiec to tlis deb tors of the county nl'iiresniil, tlmt a general tleetlon Vv ill bft hold in srtid eonnly of N'Tthumbfliluml tin the KIHIST TUK!HAV, flih of NOVKMHHit, IHW, ot which lime they will voto by ballot fr Ihe several ellicen named, viz : TWKNTY-SKVKN N:!tSON9 AS KI.KCTOII9 FOIl PR KflUENT AND VICE l'KKSIDKNT OP TIlliSE L Nli'l'.D STATUS. alo hereby maks known and plve notlcs tint tba places of holding the aforesaid i-mcritl election in lh 'v ernl bornairhi and lownfhips within the comity ol" Nor thninbcrliiiid arc as folloWM : Tho Snnlmrv District, composed f the boroopli ol Sunbtiry, uud Upper Angusiu, at the Oouuly Cunrt House. The Angnsln District, composed of tha township ol Lower Aiiiisia, at the liunse ol I'eler iJunkelbsiger, in siiid township. The Norlhnniberliiiid PUtriet, corn)oscd of lbs boronih f Nortliumhfilnnd, hi Ihe house ol C. X. llroWH, of the borough of Northumberland. The Point District, nl the liouss of Henry Hnus, in tht) boronirh of Norlliiimberliind. The Milton District, ul the house of Mrs. Sticker in said buroueh. Tbo'Tnrbtit District, at tbs house occupied by Abrnhanl K iKsinger. The Delaware District, at the Biitking fipriHg Heboid House. The Cliilisu:uue District at the lenise of H. RilHe. Tlio Turbulville District, ut the housu of llnuni Itey nolds, iu the horouuhoi Turbutville. The Lewis District, nt Ihe bonne occupied by Hiram He) uoltls, in Ihe horoih til Turbulville. The Mhmuokln Distnel, at the house of John Ncsbit. Tim Upper Mahonoy District, ot the houfee ot J. II. Adiiiu. Tbe l.ittlu Mahonoy District, ut tbo house of widow 1-'. linker. Thu Lower Muliuuoy District, nl tho houe of A. Kode anncl. The Rush District, nt Ihe Liberty Pole Heh-vd House. The Jackson District, ul Ibu housu ueeupieU by J.liulcil Senile The Coat District, nt tbo bouse of "William M. "Weaver, iu tlio town of rileiiuokiii. The 'crhe District nt the house of Win. l'oulds, in Trrvort-'U. The Cameron District, nt tbo house of J.ie ,1, Wnyner The Jordan District ut the house now or laic of iicuja mm l.eilzel. The .Mount Ciumel District nt Lhe public houcof Abra ham I,' rcli. Tlio Washington Dtstrictnt the house of Godfrey B. Uc bevk. The MT.wensville District, ut tho brick cleiil Housu near the German Chuiiii. The election to oicn between the hours of 6 and 10 o'clock in tile ton-noun, uud siiuil continue, without litter rupfion or nt"in iiuiciit until 7 w'eloek in the eveuini- ! When Ihe polls shall be etose. j Tho several Inspectors and Judges elected on the 3,1 Friday ol .Maieb, l-.',!l. Ill pursuance of the ;Jd Section of I llie act of Ihe .,! of July, will hold the election on j I il,-s,luy tile bill nay ol November next. " That every pers Ml except u Justice of tho Peace who cliall hold any i itieu or appointment of profit and li usj un iter Hie yovei lUiiLlit of the United States, or of this Slate, or ol any city or incortKiiated ilistrii t, whether n commis sioned orhcer or tigcur, who ahull be employed under trie legislative, executive or judiciary department of this Stale, or the I iiiled S'ates, or of any city or lncolMratrd disti icl uud also that rveiy incmlw r of t'ongiess ami of lhe Stale l.egisl.ituie. and ,u the select and common coun cil of liny city, or commissioner ol uuy incorporated Dis trict, is by law, iucnalle of li,.,lmir or CAcrctsing Ihe ottieeor uppoililinellt id' Judge. Inspector or Clerk, of uny election of tins eommouweiilih. ami that no Inspector, Judges or anyollier oibeei of such election, shall be eligi ble to any oMico tone men voteii o,. And Hie said Aet of Assembly, entitled uau net relating; to the ehvlions of llits Commonwealth," pussed July the 2nd, l:l', inrther provides as tollows, to wit : 'That the Inspectors uud .Indues chosen as aforesaid, filial! meet nt lhe respective pieces lor holding the election iu the district to which they respectfully heloitg before nine o clock in the morning ol the second I uesilay ol I Ic- t in c:i,-!i ti, ,i1 every year, uud each ol said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualilicd voler of such district., . SKcnoN 'J. That nav fraud committed by uny person Voting in Ihe manner above prescribed, shall be paniMicI us similar Hands are diieeted to be punished by tiiu exist lug laws ol Hos Commonwealth. "In case the pers n who shall have received lee secoad biehesi number of votes lor Inspectors shall not attend on the day ot any election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number ,, votes for Judge the next preceding election shall net ns nn iuspectoi in bis place, mid iu case the person elected Judge shall lint attend the Inspector w ho received lhe litghcsl number of votes. uhiiil uppouit a Jlnte in Displace; alien anv vu, ancy shall com i nne in t lie b oariblor lhe space of hall" an hour ni ter the. 1 1 1 itc- lixed by law for Ihe opening of the election, she iinallfted V"teis ol lhe township, ward or no district, for which saeh ollieers shall have been elected, present at she place of elections, snail one of their Number to lill such vacancy. 'It shall be tbe dutv of said assessors respectively to at tend nt tin, place of holding every general, special, or township eleettoieduiittg Ihe while tune said election is kept open, for Die purpose of giving information to the Inspectors uud Juduc, whmi culled ou. In relation to ihe light of nuy person assessed by thenl to vote nt such elec tion, or such other mutters in relation to lhe assessmeul ol voters, ua the said inspector or judge or either of thciii shall iroin tune to tune require. ".No person snull be permitted to vote at tiny election as aforesaid, other lhaiiawhite free man ot twenty-one or more, V ttv shall have retailed ill the slate at lea t one eai, uud in the election district where he oilers to vole nl h-asl leu days immediately preceding the cleeiiop, and within two years paid slate ot county tax. w lueli shall have been assess--,! at least lendays before the elect i n, Hut a eitlen of tl.e United Slntcs whu had previously been n qualified voter of tins state, uud removed thcrel'i'oiii and resinned, and shall have resided iu the election district, anil paid lax ns aloressul. sliull lie entitled to vote ulter residing in this state six months, Provided, That the white licciucn. citi Zens of the l ulled States, between the age ol twenly-oiie nnd twenty-two yeiirs, and i:i the elect loe district ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a vole, although Ihey hull noi have pud taxca. No person sliull be permitted to vote whose name is not contained iu the list ol taxable inhabitants furnished by the commissioners its ulotcsaut, unless. Uust : He produces a receipt for the pa uieiil.vilhiu two years, of n slate or county tax assessed agreeatily to the constitution, and gavo Katisl'ue wi y evidence either on bis own oalh or nliirmu ttoa, or on the oath or utlinuation of another, that be has paid such tax, or on fniltuc to prisliiec u reeeipl, shall make un outh to lhe iiayinenl thereof; or second, if be claim a neht to voto bv bcilnr an elector bet ween I he ages of iweiily-oiie and twenty-two ycurs, be sliull depose on oath or ulliruiatlon, lliat he Iris resided lu lhe State at least one yein.next Itelore his iippheation, und make such proof of residence lu the district us is reiuired by this uet ; nu.t that he dvs verily believe from tho account given hint dent be is of the age aforesaid, and give such other e'.'i tlinces us is icquired by tins uel. whereupon the nniue of the person so admitted to vote, shall be inserted iu alpha betical list bv the inspectors, und u note made opposite thereto by writing lhe Word "lax," if lie ihall lie peinnl ed to vole by reacou id" having paid tux, or the word I'age," if ho 'shall be permitted to vote ou uceount ef Ins age, uud in either ease the leasoimf such votes shall he culled nut to the clerk, who shall make notes iu tlio list of voters kept by Ihtin. lu all cases where the name of the person claiming (o Vole li not found ou the list furnished by the ConunlsMou ersund Assessor, or Ins right to vole w hether found there on or not, is objected to by uny quulilicd citizen, the In spector shall examine such peiou on oath ns to his qualm- cations, .11111 11 lie ciuiium io uae iwiuni iiiim-,i.iiv,mt year or iu re. Ins oalh shall be a proof thereof, but be shall prove by ut least one eoiuM'teut witness, who shall be a quulilied elector, that he resided w itliin the distncl at least len days next immediately piece, line the election, and slial also himself sweiir Hint his bona tide residence, in pursu ance of lawful calling IB vllhlll lhe district, uud that he did not remove into said district for the puipose of voting Kvery pes in qualified ns aforesaid, and who shall make proof, if rcpiir.-d, of resident und payment of taxes, :a Htorcsaid, shall be adinitlcd to vole iu the township, ward or district in which he shall resale. if auypcisou not qualitied to vote ill this Commonwealth Sg-eeah'ly to luw, (except lhe sons of qualified citizens, siiallappeur at uuy place of election for lhe purpose of is- a tickets, or intlnenenig citizens qualified lo vole, lis shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay uny sum not exceed ing one hundred dollars for every one such oitenee. and be imprisoned f.r any term not exceeding three months. It shall be. the duty ol every mayor, sneriii, uioeimaii justice of the peace, and constat, l or deputy coasl. title, ef every city, coiinlv, township or district within this coiu liiouwcullb, whenever called Us,n by uny olliecr of an election, or by Illtv three quulilicd elector thereof, (o clear uny window or uvenue to nuy window, io the place m genciul election, which shall bo oltsliueled in such a way us lo prevent voters from approaching the snine, and on Heeled or refusal to do so on saell requision, said ollieel ahull lie deemed g'lilled of inifctleinean or in oliice und on conviction shall lie' lined ill uny sum not less than one huu drl nor more than one thousand dollars ; and it shall be tbo duly of the respective constable of each ward, district or mwnsliip, of this coniinouwealli to be present in person or by deputy, ut Hie place of holding inch elections in cucli wind, district or township, lor the purpose ol preserving tbe peace us nforcaaul. . , It shall be lhe duly of every peace officer, as utorcRiid, who shall be prcseni ul Buy such distil. Unices ut un el.-c. tion as is described lu tin. act, to report Ihe same to be next coun of quarter sessions, uud also the names of the witnesses who can prove the same. The Judges are to make then returns for he county of NortbiiinlH-rland, ut lhe Court House, lu Sunbury, ou r n dav. the Hill day of October. A. 1). INK'. iiiven Ul.d"r uiy baud, at Sunbury, tins St. eay ol Oct ber A D. IhK, and in the colli year ot the independence of ,n. United Slates. Jjm& VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Banbury, ) Oct. I I, 11110. J ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF F-A-IjIj GOODS, At the Mammoth Store. CONSISTING in part or Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods, Delaines, Cballies, Prints, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Cotton, l'lannels, Shirting Stripes, Apron Chccks.ie. We also have a very nice assortment of Notions, such a Serpeutiue Itraid, Crochet Hraid, Crochet Yarn, Totting Yarn, Ladies' Hose, Ladies' Gloves, Ladies' Girdles, Shawl Tins, Gum llibbon. Genl'a Gloves, Men' I Hose, Woolen and Cotton Stockiugs. A full assortment of both Cotton aud Silk velvet ribbons, Besides a great variety nf smaller articles. Call and see them, as we make no charge for sbowiug our goods. FKIL1NU & GRANT. Sunbory, October G, ltSOO. KAtKERS! CRACKEKS, just received J aad for (ale by tbe bsrr.l or pound, at Ihe I Confectionery stoi of M. C GLAliilARI . liunbuiy. Oetober 13, 166U. No. Si NOVEMBER TERM, 1R0O. William Hhipnian vs. Abraham Snrvis, Esse cutor of tbe last will and testament of llarnian Miipinaii, deceased, with notice to Husaii Miip. man, widow ol said deceased; Mary Snivts, daughter of said deceased, nml ber husband Abra ham Sarvis ; Jo'in Weiser busbsnd of I.ydis Wciscr, tleceasrd, who was a rlaiiKhter of su'i l deceased and John Wciscr and Tliomin Denton Weiscr, son of said Lydia Wciscr, deceased, and William Kliiimnn son of said deceased, all heirs and legal representative of said llarman Sliiiuiian, deceased, tcrre-tolients. iNOKTHUMUERLANU OOHNTV, S. Tlie Commonwenllh of 1'ennsylvania tr tbn Shenlfof 'ortbunilicrlnnd counly, Urkkti vii : Whereas, William Hbipmaii, plaintiff, lately t. IS. in our Court of ('oninion J'leas fur the eounty alnreaaid, before tho Judge of the same Court at Wiinlmry, to wit : Slid day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lilty-iiine. by the judgment of the sumn Court, did recover neainst Abraham Karvis, ex eculot of tbe Inst will and testament of Hiiriiinn Sliipman. deceased, an well and eertnin debt of one hundred and ninety-six dollars and eight cents, alsn eight dollars and sixty eight rcnta, costs, whereof tbn said defendant is convicted, ti e , us appear of record, iVc. Vet tbe execution of the said judgment re. liininelh to be made as on Ihe information of the said plaintiff, wo have been given to understand ! Wherefore tbo said plaintiff besought us to pro vide for him a p.oper remedy in this behalf, and because we arc willing, that those tilings tinit in our same Court aro right! v axled, should be brought to do execution : We command )u, that justly and without delay by good and lawful men of your bailiwick, you mnkn known to the said defendant, that ho bo and appear before our Judges nt Sunlnirv. nt nur Court of Common l'lcns, there to be held the iirnt Monday of No vember next, to shew causa if any he has why tho said judgment should not bo revived post annum st diem ami to continue lien for live years nnd also why the said plaintiff, execution against bim, accordion to the form and elTect of the re. covery aforesaid, ought not to have, nnd further to do and receive all and whatever our suit) Court slinll consider in that behalf And have you then and there this writ. Witness, Alexander Jor dan, K.uire, at SSunbury, the twenty-ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight huudftd and sixty. D. HKClvI.EY, Prethonotiiry. Prothohotary'a Oliire, ) Sunhurv. Oct. 0, IHIUI. i E title or George Dei It, deccnMed. Uidoon Durk, 1 In thn Orphan's Court tr. I of Northumberland Tbe heirs of (Jeorgo County, Aug. Term, Dork, dee'd. J 1800. Hule on tTie heirs and legal representatives to accept or refuse to take the Ileal Kstato of decedent at tbe valuation thereof made by nn Inquest, or ehow cause why the same should not be sold. To the heirs and letrnl representatives of (ieore Derk, late of Cameron township, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania, deceased, lo wit : Samuel Perk, residing in the State of Ohio; Catharine llerk. intorniarried with Ad am Fees; Elizabeth liork, intermarried with (ieorgo Kprstetter ; tieorge Deik, Michael Derk, Dauiel Dork, John Derk, Gideon Derk, lJenjamin Derk, Deter Dork, Maria Derk, in termarried with Henjumiu Weary; Medone Dork, Cbristiunna Derk, intermarried with l'hilip Oraber; Solams Derk, intermarried witb A nilrew K linger, alt residine in North umberland county, and Leah Derk, intermar ried with .Solomon llolig, residing iu l'oltor county, l'a. You nnd ench of you are hereby notifltd, that by virtue of the above Hule of Court, you are required to be and appear at an Orphan's Court to bo held nt Sunbury, in nnd for the county of Northumberland, on the tirft Mon day of November next (18011), nnd then ami there accept or refuse to take the Heul Estate of the said George Deik, deceased, at tbe val uation thereof made by an Inquest thereon had, or show cause, if nuy you have, why tbo said premises should not be sdd according to the Act of Assembly in such case made aud provided. JAM E3 YA N D Y K E, Sheriff. Sheriff's O dice, Snnbnry, Oct. 0, 1800. f Kegister's Notices. xVJ"OTICE is hereby given to .HI legatees, credi v ,)rs mid other perwons interested in the fol lowing named estates, that tbe Executors, Ad ministrator and Guardians uf tlio same have tiled iheir accounts with tbo Register of Nor thumberland ccunty, and that tho same will bo presented lo tho Orphans' Court of said county, on Tuesday, tbo "lb day of November next, in the forenoon of that day, lor continuation, to wit : 1 Bmsious George, deceased, settled by his administratrix Catharine Brosious. S Campbell Jacob, deceased, settled by his ex cctttor Jeremiah Decter. H Geist Christiana, deceased, settled by her administrator, Peter Geist. 4 llower Isaac Harvey, settled by the Execu ors of John Y. Dcntlcr, deceased, late bis Guar dian. 5 Hilgert Philip, deceased, settled by his ad ministrator Philip' W. Hilgert. 6 Holsbue Henneville, deieased, minor ihib dren of, by tbeir Guardian George M. Kepler. 7 Kline Charles p., settled by James Cameron late bis guardian, 8 Kramer Gidoisn, deceased, by his Executor Jacob Wttgnor. 9 David Miller, settled by his administialors Solomon ami Hiram Miller. 10 Uebock Catharine, settled by har Exccu. tor Jacob Wagnor. 1 1 Tschopp John, setlled by I. II. Ressler, Trustee. e. 12 Wetzel Solomon, setlled by his admini. Uator Michael Lenke.r. 13 Zimmerman George, setlled by his sur viving administrator Solomon tstroh. J. II. MASSE!!, Register. Register's Office, 1 Sunbury, Oct. I a, I860. J Madame Schweud's Infallible Powders, 1 -soft the siwedv anil itlcetiiiil cure of nil luiliiiimiiitioita. J"' revel a, Klieumutisiii. lvsiepsiii null l'i,in- eliiillt, I'llcs. tirnvel, anil "II Acute iiml t'liioine Disen ol'u.lullsui,,! clulilren. Semi n cent seiinp to ber aeeut. ises O. It. Jt'ol I-:?, liox au.U l'IIIHMIel-IIKl r. II. illinilrrn of lestimoiiluls. Aurliey, S VV Cor Tliil.l und Arch streets. t'ct 6, ltiO ll iw New Millinery Store ! ! Market Sipiare, one door east of the Post Office, SUNBURY, riHE undersigned, respeellully announce to -- the citizens of Sunhury and vicinity, ihnt they havejust rcceiveri and opened at Iheir new Millinery Store, the largest, and best assortment of Millinery Goods, ever brought to this place. Thev also keep a large assortment of Ladies' Dress tioods, such as Silks, lie I. aims, .Merinos, Dress and Uonnet Trimmings, Ao.,ic, Dresses made to order at the slimiest notice and in tho latest style. Call and eiamine iheir stock, no charges for show ing Goods. I.. & B. SHISSLEIf. Sunbury, October 13, IHliO. Estate of Sarah Kerr, Deceased. jVOTTCK to the heir and legul represeu- tativna of .Sarah Kerr, late of Turbut ville, in Lewis township, Northumberland county, l'a., deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that by a rule of the Orphans' Court i f said couuty, granted at August Term, It-GO, you are required to bn aud appear at an Orphans' Court, lo be held at Suubury iu aud lor said county of Northumberland, on tbe first Monday uf Novoinber uext, and accept or refuse tbe real estate of said decedent, ul tha valuutioo thereof made by an inquest, or show cause, if any you have, why the same should not be sold according to tbe Act of Assembly, iu tuch case made and provided. JAM LS VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff oaice, ) cxo.iiiiK cxotii, CASi3i:ni:s Urondelntbs, Vestings, Jtc. Uoys Casaimeres, Hood pstterna, 75 cl. Halinets bud Diiion (.'aiuimeYes, 50 to 70 tt. Pancy Cassimeres, from 7ft to I 75. I'ine II lack Cassimnres and Doeskins. ulack nnoADci.onia. For Dress Ciwta, Frock ("oats, Overenat. A c Heavy Dvercoalinga, Heaver, Pilot, Tricoi, Ac. l.lGH'CI.OAKINGS, Foi Ladies' wear, of every desirable shade. I ine nuulilv ,! irjcc ))V ,he yBrj of etrt N, H. 2'ailors supplied at lowest net rnib prices. J'oopeu & ;onai:d. R. E. corner Ninth and Market. Keptember 52, 1S0O. Philadelphia. ,TI.I, Cl.OAKM IN I'RKIMRAriON. Some opening every dny. Hlock will be rouiplele. Orders taken ami executed wilh despatch. Children's and Misses' Shawls. COOPEH A (JON'ARD, P. corner Ninth mid Market, Pbi!deltliii . September 83. I. "Mill. Hew Arrival of Clothing. riMI F. largest and best Slock of FALL AM) JL WINTER CLOTHING ever brought . this place, arrived at tho Mmninoth Clothim' Sire of SCHWEITZER, H EII.ll UONN Eli oV CO. ill Market street, nearly nppoMio ca ver's Hotel. Their Slock comprises nf FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coals, Over Coats, Husiness Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL K1XDS. HATS A. 1ST ZD CAPS. HOOTS AND SHOES, of tho latest styles of every description and ijuufity, cheaper than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's fiirnUliiiu; Clothing in tho most complete ! Tlrcir variety and styles mswt attractive. And the prices defy nil competition. 11?" Call and examine for yourselves. bCWEITZEK.HEILEKONNEK $ CO. Sunbury, Oct. C, 18G0. Bank of Northumberland. riMIE Stockholder nro hereby notified that JL an cleelion will bo held nt lhe linnkin house on Monday the I Dili dny of November, next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., ami t o'clock P. M., to choose thirteen Directors lo servo for tho ensuinir Veor. Tho stated annual meeting of tbe stockholder ! will ho held at tho same place, on Tuesday the 6th day of November at 10 o'clock, A.M. J. K. PHI ESTLEV, Cashier. Northumberland, Oct. 13, 1H00. 4t New Boot & Shoe Store. Market Mreet, SiMitmrj . Pa. IVM. M. APSLEY, late of Pbilndeljdiia, res ' pectfully informs lhe citi.etis of Sunlnirv and vicinity, that he bus just received and opened for sale at bis new store adjoining the Post Oliire, tho largest and best stock ul Hoots and Shoes, Ac, ever brought to this place, which be will sell ut the lowest prices. Having himself worked nt the business, he hug selected his stock with the greatest caro, which consists, in part, as follows, to wit : Mens 7Joots from 2 25 to $0 00. " Shoes from H7J to 2 25. " Gaiters from I 50 to 400. V omens' liailers from GO to 2 00. " Morocco shoes from 62J to 1 R7J. " Leather shoes from 70 to I 87J. Missrs Shoes ol different kinds from 40 to 1 50. .Boys' llools from I '0 to 3 00. " Shoes from G2.J to 1 50. Children' Shoes from 0 to 1 12J, and also Trunks and Valises. Sunbury, September 22, 18(10. FURS I FURS 1 FTJUS I LADIES' FANCY Fill EMfOUWM. 1,-AlitilltA THOMSON, old stniiil No. MS M.uket street, llWove 1 iihth, soulli sule, t'liiluilclpliiu. We Ir leave to eiiil ttiu iitt cut iiti ol' lhe ltdtes to our l:irj;e uud varietl slock ol l.u, lies' iinrl Clnlitrea's KA.N'L'V 1'l.ltS. llui-iiii; lnul irreat experience., unit enjoying peeali.ii fueilltics in lhe selection ol 1'urs, we conlnlently effcr our new stock to the liispectiou of lhe ladies. 1'eelin assured I lint tliey will ilecttle with us, iu its belltp uurivnlleil for lien ty aiui vnrieiy, consist iny us it iloea tl everv ilcscriptiou of American ami Lnmpeue Furs, uiunul'iietiired lu the latest unit most approved styles. Cujies, ThIiiius, Viclorines, Cloaks, Mulni ami Culls, eiiiliriieiln. Slltlc, Mink, Stone Murtin, ijeriniiii Fircli, Sil eriiin S,uiirel, French S:itle, Fre.icit S-piirrel, Ainericun Filch, an, I Silver Martin. IV Tliuuklnl I'or the very lilierul patroieipe lieretof'rn exleinleil to us, we hope to merit a ciiitlliiuuueu ol tlio same, by luriiisliiug u j:t,Hl article lit tin- lowest Cash pliccs. FA II Kill A tc THOMSON, No. Mr Market Street, I'lnliitlclpinu. N It Old Fins iiltercd to tasliioiialile styles. Oc toiler 8, lr-Gll. Uinw ..-rsw JiVAUIS & WAiSUIvS R'-lle?i3siif'':.-if ' Philadelphia MttnufacCU Saluiiiaiiflcr Safi t.. 304 Clunuut Street, Ja-i I'llll.AUr.l.llll A. 1 IIF.SK Sufea are now in use nil over the 1'iiitcd States, uud huve hcen tesietl in ui'iny I'm: tha followu'". shows unoiiier iiistaiice ol then cupul'il tv in resisting tit : Wi rMKii's llaipr.e, ) Lnneuster Township. July il", J Mrsshs. Kvsns A- Watson, Ueutleineii :Tiie si'i-,11 si.e No. I Siiliinuimler Site wlncli I piirelciscd Iroin cur inrent, Mr A, lam H. Il.irr, in Lancaster t'lly.on J'llv 'Jlilh, e.H, lets liecu so.,ecletl lo a very Severn 'est. Which II withstood ill a most, suiiseietory ueiiiner. This Sitie, c tn l:llieii! ull my lits.ks, loeether Willi viihmhle piipcrs heloni;. me to uivsell ami some lo my nenitiliors uud Irieiuls, and leplesen'tiiiiT u value 'it ever Twenty Tll'ttisiuid Llollurs, (S'-'u,!'"!1) wus lu my .Mill, which was ileslroyed ou the liiuht follicHrthol July. l!-(HI,uiid pussed llironah thelieiy orHeal iinscslhed, The Sule wus en Ihe se'olid floor, lln.1 fell to the Imseuielit ol tile .Mill. nndS'iis slll'.ieeted lor six lieu is to an intense lieut uinonp I lie rums, w Inch wus fireitiiv inereiised ttv Ihe eoinl'iistion 'of a later oilitnlitv ol emni Citiitiiul witliln the Itrick wills. Allel Ihe tne lliu Su'e wus opened mill the I ks ami jsipera luken out in u fltito ol pcileet preservation, Ihe paper not even IteuiK discolor ed. This met wus, li-twever, lo ninny ItVslunders. n tn't'er recommendation ,," your Sates Ituui fiuld In, expressed HI any other words Iroin me. Yours, respeellully, PA Ml F.I. ItANCIi. Analhcr Victory for Evans and Watson's Salamander Safe. t WE.in, N. Y., MHrcli 87 lciiti. Oenltcmen It ntTords me iiiucli pleasure ttiintorni yon that the Sale No (upright) whleii I purchased til" II Stroud, your Iruvcliujr. upeiil, lias uouted through nn ex cecdniirly hot lire iu a three sroiy In u-k huildinu, witch lieutcil tne Sale to u white lieut, St lliat tlis eoriieisot it appear lileiled; tint it prescivetl uiv b 't.ks Hint vulualile I tapers to the amount ol" severul thousand dollnta, lor wlncli I eel lliutikl'ul. Yours, respeelfilllv, J S. Kt.PRIlHSK. ft" A laree iissorlnient f f the nltove SiAKi-si alwio s on Itiiiid. nl 3n Uhesuul slreet, (InteCt tmtll r'nutlh st , rhiLnli Iphui. October u, G0. ly riU)CLAMATIOX" VUICH is hereby given that tho several Courts of Common Pleas, General tnniter Sessions of the peace, and'Orphuns' ('oint. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county nf Northumberland, to commence at the Court IK use, in the borough ot Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tho tilth day of NUVKMUElt next, and will cou tinue TWO WT.EKS. Tha coroner, Justices uf the Peace and consta bles iu and for the county of Northumberland, are reipiested to be then aud there in Iheir proper ier bous, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and otber reiucnibrnuces, to do those thing to their several ollices appertaining to be dona. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of tbe Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be llien uud there attending in tbeir proper persons to prosecute uuainst bim, as shall lie just and not to depart without usive at their peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their attendance, at tbe time appointed agreeable to their notice , Iiiven under my hand at Sunbury, the 2d day of July in Ihe year of our Lord one ihous. and eiijh hundred siul sixty and th Inde- peudviice ut the I'niled States ol Atactica the It lib. GoJ snv the Commonwealth. JtUKi VAUVKU, Sheriff. Sheriff Oliice, ) Sunburv, O.t. tl, IKoO. throughput