4i t. cTtttmrn lSRf IG& 01? ANT'S. JOTH STORE! i' fQIJAKE, SU.NIH.H., I'Ai (.HAN'T, respectfully announce friends and the public, that they have 'l.avgchi nml Ileal Mork 'Cf of ivn .vn trxtMri! noons in.im1t to Suiihnrv, which will lr disposed 'the verv I.OWK.-af PRICE for CASH 'COlN'i'RY PUDDLCE. Wc kei'p cvprytliin: ! Wc keep tvci ytliiiig ! ! We kccji c vevj tliing ! ! ! Thankful to onr liiuuls for pact favors, we soli tit a continuance ot Hit' same, at the Lnrgest Stove in Central rtnnsylYiiuiii Lnrgest nfrii Cheapest Store ! '. Largest and Cheapest ! ! ! 0 Cull, See, ami lip convinced ! FRIM.N'G &. CHANT. Sunbury, May 19, IKfiiJ. I .f 1" ; SUNIHTRY STEAM FLOURING rpHE subscribers having taken possession of tliia lirst clas FLOUtlNG Mil. I., arc pre pared to receive grain f all kinds, and to do cus tom work at till) Shortest Notice. Customer will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As it is the iiiten. tion of the linn tn stork the Mill a large Sup' ply ol Grain, will he constantly kept on hand, and Hour by the quantity ran always he obtained. The greatest rare will be taken to turn out a su perior quality ol flour, for whic h the mill is ad mirably adapted. Stiict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronago of the public generally is respectfully requested. MO IMS AN & CO., Sunbury, June 23, 18"0. 409 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (e y. s) Ballou's French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 409 liroadicay, New Yuri, PR EMI CM SHIRT MAN UFACTURERS. Shirts made to order from Scientific Measures, cf the lest material, sewed by hand, utid war ranted to fit, ul led than the usual prices. BALLOT BROTHER. June 4, 18V.I. 40U Broadway, N. Y. " ecf.iving tall and winter H, flOODS. ( ' liiiiteil Cashmeres and Delaines. Mack and colored wool Delaines. Muck Silks, Alpacas, Bombazines. Frrncli, English and American Prints. BOYS WEAR. Cloths, Cass'iineres, Ac, for pants and jackets. Fine and low-priced Clonk ings. Kino Ulack Cloths and Cassiineres. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, by the yard or piece. 4-5 Butchers' Linens, by the yard or piece. Fine Pillow Linens of every desirable width. Sheeting Linons in variety. Unmask Table Linens, a large stock. Spot anj Damask Table Cloths of every grade. Napkins and Doylies by tho single dozen or quantity. Fine fringed Hui k and Damask Towels. Low priced Towels and 'Fundings. Blankets, Marseilles guilts, Ac. COOPER A CONRAD, E. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets, Sept. 8, IHftU Philadelphia mifP.PMII.ADKI.PIIIA l.'i(t lltl'.H, AN IMIK.PKN- i,r,.n i nnjiii.Aii. 1.1 i r.n .aiv i , a.i i o. UNKOI 8 DAILY NLWrM'Al'KK. The thilii(lt'lphift Inquirer cimtaiiiseiglil pii?cJ ami f. ty eihT coluiluiB of mitllvr. It la i.rinu-J Willi new cpiht- lactHl typtt. The Kttitorial 1vuj jttiicnt ol' the rtupur Iium tieen entirely re-or:uiiiZL-1, uvd nsvv cirrcxaili-utH eu gnircd. Tlie liifjuirer is iudtit;iiUcnt in Us diBCUunuu on all topics of public liitcmtt. The great uim of me lnoiiirt-r is to tieroirm a Itelinlfle Newspaper, reporting prouipll) oiui fairly eveiythin of pul.lii inlereMt coiieeriiing ull panics tint! all puhlm men iicilher dititorlin nor extiueratiiif; fuels ll will he lha firvliluty of the liirpiirer, on all oeeiiHions. to ailvoeate the proteclioa ef our domestic manufactures and ot the rcat irini and ciniI ui'erests of lVnutylvunia. Asafuniily isiper, the Impure will aim to rctaia thu poRitliin which it hus long enjoyed, hy eonliliilinn to uuurri and scrulinuie with ftteut care its news and titlverlmuiir columns, anil exclude all matters which it would ue im proper to admit witliin the tuiully cirt-le. The Philadelphia lnfiuirer is pal-tlihcd every mnriung, and served in the city, mat all the ttiitncls in ifrivtol, lluverly, Camden, Gloucester, Trenton, llurlini-toit, Ini. cuatcr, Harrishuii;, Iteailini;, Poltsville, llanville, Norri. town, Wtluonctcll, Del., Klklon, Md , by careful carriers, for Twelve Cents a week, payable to the carrier at tin end of the week. Scut by mail at six dollars a:r annum, in advance. As an Adeerlisiug Medium The Inquirer lias no eo,uul in the City f IMnlndctphis, not only from the extent of ilscirculatlon. hut from ils class ol readers, coir.poeeuol me moat iiiiejiieul ami respects. hie persons, not only m the city, but in all lliu towns wnatii a uunarni nines Adveitiscuieiits aiscrted for six cents a line for the tost insertion, and lour cents a line cucb sulsc.pieut inser tion, oi uue dollar u hue a iiaaiili. All letters to he ad druued to WILLIAM W HAItniNU, No. J 1 S. Thlidstiect, Phlludeplua. Pepteuibcr S-J, If flu. Ill Ull 18 PALMER, Q 1 1 o r n r y at 2. a lu MAHKKT SyUAItR, U U" 3ST 33 UK Y, X A. . June S'l, lHHO. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Ss KETAIL, fV.lLlNW A tiRANr (at Hie Mummotli Store,) have just received 500 lbs. of Volar Cround, Solar and Firio Salt, 700 Sacks of (.round Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pound of Salt and S00 bai;sof Salt containing ono Uushel cadi. I'll is salt is the best and strongast now manufactured and in market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, IHI'iO. fvQQ pounds of CARPET H(LS wanted t ,,v v 7 the store of IIIMIiHT SO SAVE YOUR FRUIT MAKO.'8 Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW Tit P ! n.'in'.V i,.,,",T'"a.7 ,M'i" lo ""' !' Capdown o Ub,r,' ti'"11""' wl,i'h ".iJ KitaST,"" ' ,u Jur a 4 ,,f - nuiiliiirv .Ins.s) i..- V iWM.sac IDflll, Agent. E. V. BllKiHT soy II AV h now on hand a ,1...:... 1:... r clou.. 111...1 1 .. '"'" Mixed CK : Huubury, Juna 23, leCO. A FRESH SUPPLY OF DRI GSuTa I. Mammoth Store. Also a ,... i.t J'uu.cry, Hoaps and V 8unb,y.M.,,:6,0,L,:S'U&tJ'A' THE MAMMOTH STORE ! FHILiIN'O- cSc IT ESPEGTFULLY beg leave fa announce to their EXTENSIVE 81 UKK ROHM has The lamest Stork ever brought to this part of the country atone time. We have now, not only the handsomest, hut the LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL P E N N S Y L V AN I A 1 ami a "tuck of NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality and lowncss in price, are UN RIVALLED! We need not particularize, fur WE HAVE EVERYTHING Wc have constantly on hand all kinds of DRUGS, HARDWARE, yKEENSWARE, DRY GOODS, HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO BrtOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac, Ac. which wc will dispose of t the VERY in exchonce at the hiehest prices. Pur stand is one of the oldest in this section of country, and has always been tavored by the LARGEST and BEST run of custom in the neighborhood. We are thankful for patronage we have received in the past, and hope that by a continual effort to accommodate our friends and customer, and in consequence of the largeness and variety of our stock, we will merit and receive a continuance ol the support and (rood will of the people. A'e cordially invite you to Rive ua a call ! COMK A LI, ! You will never regret a visit to the Very l.argCBt and Cheapest Store, In this section of llio State ! ! Remember the old stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Court House, Sunbury, May tPCO. ly FRILIXG Si. GRANT. Mcifi Peoji HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. TV mi.lt.r.k'iM'.l bflTl-ie u l Pmf.-or IICMt!mKYS, M'KCIKIO HOMKorTHI0 It KM KIUM In our fututtifa with the tini-l attr:ntnry r.rtuit nii-i Mftvmg inn conn- lrn:e (n tfvir ri'iitiliH iii-.-H, nirtty, eincocy cneenuny n-ctuimifii'l Ihfin ttt nil n-rjo!M wlio wish to liuve tare, ro UabV, mi l iilk-acloiw iLiitt'lua ut hainl fur privute or do tn'iic w. Thr tt-v. vim. ll' mir, rmnr ot " th iNnnftero intic- pfiislttit Auhnrn, N. Y. ; t'l-j llt-v. K. II. iri-ifcy, lll.r of tt. 1VU r'n Chur.5.1, Autmrn, N. Y. ; the Ktr. W. I. tvv, Ctiilinii nf the Au)uru Hnto lTH'-ni tne hpt. KMK'rr M. Ill'', Koi!trt New-iu-'lloni, .mhm.; me nev. f! '"!, ."VtW-rK "JtUaWTeilCP ; HIV duiiihci Ni-liils, KiKi rtitC4w C'ltirerT-tu', N. Y. ; the Kct. P. 8. I'ntt ti-ir-ut. Vt. ; tht lt"v. J.tlin K. Rhe, HutTulo A. C. Hirt' K-'i., l.'ilt':i, N. Y. ; the linn. Nt'Hl Im, FortlanJ. Mc , tli- M-.ri. Pi-huvl'T '.IfH, H.uiih-H'nil, Iml. ; the Hon. (i.'t.rjr.' Iti!nihrft, N. Y. Hniry 1. t'tiok, K., tJltor ol the ohl- h' tl- j 'uru iK Coltimhiw, Ohio; the Hon. K. II. ),rh'it,it M.lim-. 111.; the H". TlKmian J. I'hni-e, Mmitt- I1 t. Kill. ; ttiv Hoik .loft ltfl ji-tu-'IK-m. i ikm, . "'" itrUi-.i. k..j.. Vt'wti. N. Y. : A. iNiifl. tticaV. N. Y. ; JtiiiMU lnuiikvtl, ti'i., Niiohvilla. Thud. M tfT OK ItKMKDIr. Xo, V F"f lVvtr. ron'jtthm. fttiJ luflammnUon. K.. t. K-r -no KVv'r, Worm Colic, Witting the BeJ. jj,,. H r'r Colic, CiliiK, IVaJtldng, ftuJ WkfulneN of n;.. 4. K t ILirrl;c:i, CUulcrft Iiifantuin, anil Summer Cmihtlil. ytK p,, j.-,r I'-i-iw. inptnc, n; ftiury, ot innonj nux j,,, ij, rVr t'hol. rii, CK'i1th Slorhiu, Voinltlnjr. H i. i, K-T C.'ut'ii.i, C-.tfU. ItitlMfiuta, nl ior Throat. 1S. K r Tt"lh-r.'he, Krii-K b, tuxl NurnltU. HKK y,. Knr H ;H!iii;Uf Vertigo, lluut and Fullnea of the I i. X... 10, n-Hi-r-rM Ptuii For Woak and Deranged fti.tmrf -li. tinfUisfttiMti. find Mvtrr 0"milnint. yv. U. K'Hl t liM AI.K lultKUL'tAUllllsd, tkftlltjT, Pttluful, 01 Min.nri'.-rt-tl lVriuii. ij. K.ir Uriworrlwrt, Pfifusc Meneee, and Bearing U.'Avu of r.-nmli". Nn, Kor i'rojip, Iloiir-f C"U!:h, B:ul Bri'fitMnpT. Ng. L i. S i .t Khklm Vtu For Er ii)Ut, fcruUot)i. IHniiOws fin ilu- Vivv. Uiim m Ttc piti F.r Ptln.Lamenea.orSere ne in the Hurt, Muck, lyuin, or Limbs. A. F.ir FfwriSW1. A-'tu, Chill Fever, UunJi Ague, OW . F-.r I'iln. W.mA or lUff llmr, Internal or F.tlwnfil. 0 Fur Srj, Vc:tH, or hiihuucd Hyts and KytilWU; Fall ?ps, Vi, or lilurre-l Sil.t. C For C.aarrh, of l,uc r:it-Ui) tr rMciit, eltlier vttb tbsrtu.Hoii or riu!v ttiM-hm (. VV. V.y-'T W hoopiuif Cmt'li ubutjiig Its vi-'leiwe aud fUrrteiiln i. cuut'. Lti uU itcutf ilU--ar..i, fiKli tin Vvt', lodnnmrnti-mi, fHnrrhtr.-i, l;iit.Tv, C i"-u Ml-yum Ism, and iuch rru tive dlsujiHod at Stiirl. t IVv-r, U ;iftsji, and Kr MtUi, the aUvHUtikfrf of L'liit' the prujH'r remcdifs rotn)tly l ob Vouji, mid in nil mkIi cne Hip rHH'ith'b a t like a charm. Hut i-ntlrv tlWi-c W i.ft-ii arrictil at oticf, and in all cksm tlttt vioknee the uMti. k Is iiidrutt-d, the disue lUiuit filed, Mid rendrrtd diuij-'U-otia. Couj-'l and C'I'lv, nl.Uh aruoi nwh frequent occurrence, and fthtcb gu ofliii hty th Kititdulion of tlit:atd Iuhk. Lroiidtitli aii'l eonmin it!oii, may ull be ul once cured by Hit- K-vur and Cii'h 1'ills. In allclirotilr dUtMoMK-h hp lppfj.4a. Weak Ptomacb, &iuHiitnii(in, l.vr Cuoiluliit, I'iUtt, Ktaale lKhillty, and nvtilarltHi, H.n-lu. he, .rv or Weak Fyes, I'utari'b. PrOt KhiiUui, aid th r .H cruiiiuiii, Ihw cntc hae iperiflea whoa id-Mjr ai'i'tii-athtii Mill nil or '1 a cure In alnioat every livttatiie. Ofit it the 'uri uf a nfv ottrutile ditlU'i.y, sin u as IKn'iu pchi, l'iltt or t itt-tnh, llvadachv or Kunale Weak now, lalu Usore-tlutu :i it-r the iimv tin Umoa over PUICK. Cftfr f.f 90 vial- cminiU-tf, In utnroeeo, and Ilook tiiie td vial.-', ainl Itvik, plain.. 4 Cie of K nuiithurv'd b-ixt", and Itock Oils- of hoxco, nuitsbort'd. and H "k 1 Hlliltr IMltnbiTiHl tM..t5, Wllh dtrvcthi. . . ?A ovtite. Sinf U Iviiwrtnl tu.r, utth lir'cfiii $) ccitte. Lu'u duv of v. vlnl, for jil.mur und pj.)biclajit....i3 A1.0 HI'ht'U'H 8. FoH AfliHM oh Pin iihk", Opprns.-ti'sl, I'lfTicuIt, labored IIre;ttNlui'. atU-ntUd i. 1th t'oujjh and K.vpwctoralioii. i'rice, tH) reiiL jwr Fa Kik Dkii.hhkh trt IKTSiy. 1ljilafirjft.K from the Knr, the n-!iilt f ,i-rh-t K-vr, .Mt-a-k, or MfreuHalf. bVr oUt'D in tl - IK'ttl, ll;ir-)ns of llf.ihnjr. and UuiKhig In tl.e K!u, mid F.ir-m-hf. Price, f" ivnt pr b-i. fiiKN'Hori'M. KnlnriM-d htinl, hnl;irt.'cd itnd Indurnt vd T.iittlls, SMfUini.'it art.) lil.l n.-er.--, fecruf uloue Cucliexy of CMt'lrvir. Pi n t". .'-0 ?vu per k'ta (ti-shRai. Dhitu.nt. Ph h'.al fr N.-rvoiii WeiknttM. liUir Hit-nt-Mjli of pL kinN-s, Ksrvs.lvw Mi-tlu-alloii, r L.t tmtiftiiur Pi.harL'M. pti.-f. M t-t-tiU p-r lm. ft .a lnnufV. Fluid Act'iiiiiuhtii'iiif, Tmuld SweltlugS, with SoMitty H.-crviiot.. Prh cvu nr bx. fja Ht: Snksi.f In-mMy t'u-kn!, Vcrtiert, Naaiwa, YimiliUt. ickfitJ from ridlia; or inotiou. Price, W eente per box. VuR fwsinv Ihk For lirav.tl, Kerml falonu, Difft euJt, P'dntul t rUitt'U, IH-tii.i-i Kit the kidney. Price, CO eunu t l. tx. FfiH SfMisi. Kmiix-I"!..-1. InT"lunt'try Pi'harpc anil Coihmu.-iiI Prftr;ttVn and ! Mlii , II td ItcanlU of Fvll llnhUaL llie tiMtnt Piuctwful and elii.ifiit rtmedy known, sml urny h- rtliwl uison u a cure. Price, with full dire; ("in, t) l jmt IkiX. PerMo who wlalt to Juv4 thentw1rw under the profoi tbipd cure, or t mti advlc of prof. Hi vviwir a, can do hi, at Uit i)ue iMi Alrundnuy, dail fruiu 4 A.M. lo b P.M. of by l-iu-r. OlH RKMLIHIS UY MAIL. Iink oTt-r ti e Iwt ; tuaku up a cute of what Vint) you .'hu. and Ini-love the amount in a eurrent note or utaiiire by mall to our addntx, at No. Mi liroa.lwtiy, Svw-Yoik, anl ih iiiLliciij will b dnt rvluriiL-d b mad or ejjtrce. frt.-a of chai'L'C. AiKNT.S tt'ANTIcn. MVJtj-ilre an active, eflWlenit Acnl for tl.e mile of our Ue'iiei- in every tun ri r "iiiimiiitty 1U the Inlted Sl:iU. Addic - Dr. F. HI" MIMillKYS ft Co. Nw. t'W lUtoinwAir, Nkw-Yu&c. A. W FISHER.Agent. Kunbury, Vu. May Ufi, 1MG0. ly 1 a G 7 l 2 2 7 4 5 17 8 4 3 9 2 7 0 These figures are intended to draw your attention to the important fact, that tho place where you can net the most goods for the Ivact money, is at the One Price Store of uuiuiir &. SON Sunbury, June 16, lKfiO. IT is important to the 1-A DIES to know thut Friling & (irant, have the liest and largest assortment of Dress (foods in the county. Sunbury, June 2, I860. THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug:, Faint and Glass Store, . W. COU. POL It Til A CALLOWMILL, 8TKfcKTr 1'IIIt.ADKI.I'lllA. nRl lililSTS, Merchants, Farmers, and the public everyw here. 1 will sell at wlioleauls and retail, u lha Spriuit Trad, of Istio, a heavy st.-k ol biujis, Medl ernes, l-,emieuls, Ac., Ac., Ac. Hu.uou iioxes of Window tiUus, asanrted sixes and tplalllies. ln,0U0 Pounds of Putlv, White, lllack, Red, Ai'.,iuUulk ot lllailtlers. -AMIGU C,a sai. Liuseod Oil Spirits Tuiia-iitiiie, Caiuphene Ak-on-d, Ac. Jtl Tons ol Pure White Lead, iu bbls., t bbls , u0, 30, 55 and ISJ Ibkccs. 00 Tons of I'cul f now White Lead, in bbls, 1 bids, lliu, 50, -J' and l-.M lb. kevs. 40 Tons of New ork V hue Lead, iu bbls., 1 bbls, !!, AU, iiaml -.'J II,. keys. 33 Tons ol Puis French Whit. Zinc, iu bbls, Lb!., ou IU Tom of American now Whits Zinc, in bbls, 1 bbls lao SO. tMand I-.') Ibkeu'S. 90 Tons M Ia Inilh Auieriiun Zme, ia bbls, 1 bids, 100 JO. , n.l li lb. kegs ' S3 Ton. of j.nu- V011U. ,4 dillrreul colon, ia bbls, I bbls. IKl, .?0. . and l-.'J lb keys, all Tons of Mineral Puiurs, of dilferenl vol,.,, dry or trruuiul 111 ( hi. lo,oui ..und. .rf pure Kreia b (ireen, chroiue fireen. Vol- low. Illue, HUek aud other colon, div ill oil. V' lT.'1--"'''' Ul,li.t., ,0..i, tui Pa. k. ,a lioki .ef, Clsziers' Diuinoads, it .,.,.., Ac Paint, Viirui.h aiul b'.I.Huiu. Braslwa Carlher will! a r,Hnplet a.rnuul of tuo Ouoo. euu,. .1,! Drug and Puuil bu.tucs. ALSO. l.issi W.I.. It., man Crinrnt. '- 3.ISXJ tienu.le and llydrauli. Cemeirt V9r All uf wUi.k I will sell .1 Wh,de.l, ?,J wS.il ii ''" W to W P cent lc. Uu l, ItSuT IIKNIIYO U. U4N.I, bl , . , .. Proprielor ir tb lh r v?l ' C"". 's't nd (ilau Ptore, THE MAMMOTH STORE! GRANT, lha citizens of 8UNBUHY and vicinity, hat been filled to a perfect jam with LOW EST PRICES. Country Produce taken 4m ROVE It A: IIAKEIV FAMILY SEWING MACHINE- f IMIK aiulersisnpil. Clerir-inrii of vnrimisfl-noininntioiis, J. luivini; ptirt-husctl uii.l iiserl in our fiunilies '-OaovKB & Uakkk's Crlfliriiteil Kionily revine Murhine," lake rilejisnrr in rt-coiiiiiiiiliii)i it us nil instrument fully coin ittiinc tl e esHeutifils nf a iforKl inat-liinr. Ils hniutiful simpliriTy.eiise of maHaet-inent, anil the strength and eliistieity of its stitch, unite to remler it a mnrlnne un surpusseil hv any in the market, anil one which we feel coiiliih-nt will give satisfaction to all who uiny purchase and tire it. Rev. VV P Strickland,) Rev N Vairzant, i New York. Rev R U Yard, f Rev O Larue, I Rev E P Rodger, V.V. He VV U Spraguc, Ul) Rev J N Campbell, UU Rev Charles Anderson, ) Rev Charles Hawley, I Rev Daniel H. Temple, Auhurn.N. Y. Rev T M Hopkins, Rev Wm Hosmcr, Rev O 11 Tiffany, 1) a C J ZJowen, " Jona Cross, " John McCronn, D D L'ullimore, Md. ' W T I) Cleinm, I " VV II Chapman, " F. S. Evans, J " R lKtalbraith, Covansluwn, Md. " T Uauijhcrty, Waynesboro, Pa. " Thos E Locke, Westmoreland co, Va. Rev W A Crocker, ) John Paris, S Norfolk, Va. J F Lanncan, Salem, Va. Ch. Hankel, L) Ll, 1 C A Loyal j Charleston, C. A A l'ortcr, Selina, Ala. Joseph J Twiso, Speedwell, ft C U U Ross, Mobile, Ala. J. t Michaux, Enlield, N U. A C Harris, 1 o F Harris, J Henderson, N 0. Henry A Rih-y, ) A L Post, 4 Montrose, Pa. W U Wilson, 1) V ) VV F Curry. A M. (.'cneva, N. V- Elbert Slitigerlaud, Scotia, N. Y. Prof. John Foster, j Rev. Francis O (iratz, 1 rtrhencctVN Y. J Tumbull Ilackus, DU.f I'rof. Hcnj. Stanton, J Rev P C Prugh, A'enia, Ohio, V W Chidlaw, A M. VV Perkins, Cincinnati, O. E Grand Uirard, Ripley, O A Ulako ) E C Benson, A M, Gambler, 0, J J M EIhcnny, UD. ) F Chester, Ironton, O. E F Hasty, Cambridge city, Ind. J C Armstrong. Saline, Mich. ArthurSwaxey, 1 A Hunt, J Galena, III. Enstcin Morbough, Cambridge city, Ind. Richard White, Milton,' Ind. Calvin Vale, Martinsburgh, N Y. Joseph Eldridge,Nobfjlk, Conn. John Jennings, 1 H I. Way land. S Worcester', Masa. Wm Phinps, ) Osmond 0 linker, Dishop of" M E Church, I Thos Hathay, j ContoiJ, Henry E Parker, J K. II. G N Judd, Monlgomcry, N Y. A M Stowe, Canandaigoa, N Y. Wm Long, CIIHT.Mine, Mich, Offices of Exhibition and Sale : 495 llrond way, New York. 730 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia. 181 lialtiiuore Street, Valtiiuore, SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. March 21, INfiO. ly rF" What the People say, must be true. The 1'cople Bay, Bright & Son sell their goods very cheap The People say, Bright & Son keep almost every article ot Merchanuizo The People say, 7right k Son have the best assortment in town. Hie people 6ay, Bright & Son s store is the place to get value for your cash. Tho People say, Bright k Son sell goods to all at the same prices. The People say, Bright & Son have the cheapest fchocs in town Tho People say, Bright k Son havo a splendid stock of Hats. Tho People say, Zfiight k Son have handsome Dress Goods and Bell them very cheap. Sunbury, June 16, 1H60. IKDUSTRIAI STOVE WOEXS. W. C. NEMAN, No. 33 North SECOND St., opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. TYAS for Pale, thn heat family Cooking Stoves in the Market a good and faithful servant; the great provider for the Family ! Every house hold should have a reliable Lehigh Li as Burner Cooking Stove always reliable, always ecuno noinical. Also, the great fias consuming Heating Stove, for Parlor 4c. will burn leas fuel aud emit more heat than any other Stove For Sale with a large assortment of all kinds of COOKlNCi and HEATINU STOVES, Wholesale and Re tail. WILLIAM C NEMAN, No. 33 North Second St., above Market, Phil adelphia. Reference. Hon DAVID TAGGART, H. U. MASSER. September 8, 1BG0. 3m w BOOTS & SHOES are sold cheaper than ever at the Mammoth Store. Call and ace our assortment and ascertain our price, and you will not fail to buy. FRILING & GRANT. Sunbnry, May 2, I860. A FEW lJUl.S. of those Choice Herring and , Mackerel just received at the Mammoth Store. FRILING & GRANT. Sutihnry, June20, ISHU. 1HILIU A. GRANT have just received by 1 I ...Ir... J lha lar.,.1 .Ui.rlfi.M.I of (J I ' P. F. VA. W.KK ... ,j. r-MWABK ever ITrouaht to Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, I . ' Nolloll. apr 7, I860, ! COTTAGE BIBLES. 10 It BALK, cheap, three copies f the -- Cottage Dible, ia two volumei, with com mentaries. II. U. MASS Kit. PICKLES of various kinds, Lolwtors, Sar dine., Ac, &c., just received and fur sale eilhe DrugStoia of A. W.FISJIER- Suubdi y,.usUil, 1807. ly A tUPlRlATIVt 7TONIC, DIURETIC, AT' DYSf IHYICOfWINGt CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apntherniies, Prupglita, Croccraond Trivntc Familiei- Widfe'a Purr Citpunc Ilmndy. Wt.lfe'a PtireMmU-na, Wierry and P"rt Win. Wnlte'a Pure Jam-nidi and St. Croix Horn. Wulie'a Pure Skih and trinh Whiaky. ALti IM IIOTTKKS. 1 iHMtlenvetn cnll the ntteiitioH of the eitizenn of the llnitnT Slnti the almve Winea nnd Kiquora, iinpnrted l.y L intt.PHO Woi.ru. f New York, whose nmue ia faini bar in every part l tbia country for the purity of hia cele brated iMiiedi.m Mmnppa. Mr. Wolfe, in hi letter to tiif, apenkinrrnftliepitiity of hia Winea,and Lifjuora, anya: "I will ttnhft my reputation ni a tnnn, my ainndin naa merchant of thirty ymra'e rraidence ill Jhe City of New York, that all the Hrniidv and Wmea'whirh I Ixdlle nie pnreatiiiiii'irteil1 ami of tin bt-at quality, and rnn be relied ii M ii by every purchaser 1 Kvery bottle bus the propne tor'a inline on the wax, mid a facsimile of hia sirnnture on the cnrUn4iT. The public tire rewpwt fully invited to rail and cxiunine for thenieelvea The public are reapot-tfnlly invited to lull mid extimine fur ibenwlvea rr anlb at Ketail bv nil AolheeniifB amlttrorrra in Philadelphia. 'liRORui 11. AhtoN,No Market at , Phil'a. Kend the f"ll.)viinr from the New Ycrk Courier : KsimMotr lluaiKRiiR for onr Nrw York Mkrciia?t We :ire huppv to inform our fellow-eitizena that there is oiienlHce iiioiircitv where the nhvateimi. nwtthrrnry. and entintry merebntit, can ff and purrhtme pure Winea and I. iipior. ns ptire as imported, and of the lest fpmhly. We do not intend to Rive an eluborute dfM-iiptirit of this inetchmil s extensive business, although it will well repay any stnuiper r citizen to visit I'dolpho Wolfe's extensive wnrrtmntie. Nos lS 2tland ti, lleriver street, aud Noa. 17, P.iandl, Mnrketrield street. His stock of iMinnpps on hnnd renly for shipment could ind have been less than thirty thousand discs ; the Ibnmly, some ten tboustmd e.ises Viiiliifresol Ir-M U IKVi ; and ten tbouRiutd chscs of Minleirn, Slietry and Port Wine, Scolch and lrith Whisky, Jmwiiea nnd !t. Crotx Rum, acitne very old nnd equnltoniiy inthiscLiintry. Ilenlso had three lure cel lars, tilled with Urn iid v. Wine Ac. in CMks, amlef Cus loin-House key, nndy for iKtltliiu;. Mr. Wolfe's sales of Si'lumpps Inst yenr iimounled to one hundred nnd eiuhty iiioiisiom aozeu, anil we nope in lesstimn iwo yeura nc muy becriiKilly siieeesslul with his Itruudiea and Wines. II is huftiues merlla the ntronmre of ever luvef ot his specien. rriv:itctniuiues who wish pure Wines nml l.i (i"rs fot medical nso sliouhl send their ordeia direct to Sit. WoLf, until every Apothecary in the land nrike up Ihr-ir minil to diftrnrd the poisonous siulTl'rom their shelve ami ftp In re it with Wkivk s pure U uiesuiid l.itiunrs We understand Mr. Wolfe, lor the acYvmttii Kbit inn of sunn deniers in the country, puts up assorted cases ol Wiiten nnd I,iiiors. Such a tiimi, and such a iiicr'-hant suoiihl he siisidined asfiiiiBt nis tens ol thoiisntids id opp ju'IiIh in the I'uited St:il s, who sell uothine but inuliitions, ruiii'iun n like to hiinum henlth ami Imppinehs. I' or Kile by UKORr.K UiUtiHT, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. September f, dm p. "sunbury "academy fpHK Sunbury Academy will be reopened on Motid.iy 1 the 4Tth of August, UOU. under tne caie ol is. P. WdiA'KHTON. The com se nf instruction will embrace every depart ment of education tauutii in our best Academies, prenatmi: stiidents one tilhcr tor u proieifin or to entcf any ckiss in tuiic;e. TI .ICI! PKK tit All lUK; rommou Sehofd Mr:iuche8, SI (Kl Higher KiitfliHh Mrnuches, b bU Jsutin and Oteelt lniftuai't-s. ? utJ All enter ins: before the f middle of the Oimrter will 1 re hi red to pay loi th whole term id tuition, uiik'tsk spe- eial aitaii(feiueut is made. I uit ion io be iaid In fore tho tiiid.tie ot the term. Ibmrdvan le hud in private families at fiuiu SI T5 lo g'J 25 pel wek. 7uiiliury, August 1M(). Vat iie, Jewelry & Miter Hare Wl would respectfully inform our friends, pntrnus and the public eent'Dilly. that we have now inSinre ami otter Vfimi.KSAI.K A.U Kl.TAII., tit the lowest Cat-n rrices. a Lirce and verv choice stock ut A I t II l-.S, JKWKI.RY, SIl.VKU AND PLATKD WAKIh uf eveiv variety and style. Kverv description nf DIAMOND WOKK nnd other JKWKT.HY, made to order, ul short notice. IV All ttiMls nrmuted to In? as represented. N. H Particular attention given to the repairing of uicuei anu jeweirr m every nrseripuon. HTAl'FFKK A IIARI.KY, No. Market Stret, j?outl. tride, Philudelphia, September I, lMiO3in 1BC0 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1S0O NEW YORK LINES CAMDKV it AMISOV AND l'HII.Alim.rill A ANU TRKNTON HAII.KOAU CO.S .IK.!, Irum t'hiladeli)tia lo jVetc York unit Way l itwes, Krora Walnut PlrrM Wlmrf and Kcnsmstoii I)f.. Pliiluilt-littiiii, will Inivs as follows, ia kxUK At 8 A M , via Cuuulca and AiuUoy C fc A Aci-oni inootitioa, s)2 2 At o A ni, via Uiiirnirn and Jersey City New Jer. st?y iifi.oniiiKKlaliiia, S 2) At ! A ai, via Camden and Jersey city Moriinis; Mail, 00 At lis A M, via Kensingtoa and Jersey city, Wes tern Kftprt-ss, 3 no At 1-iJ I'M via Oiimdrn and Ainlmy, aeeoininiahiluin ! S5 Aia i ii, vin i.ainueii ana Aiuuoy t; and A. J-.x pr. 3 en At 4i r" My via hi-nsmctoii, and Jersey cily, Kve. inns Kxpress, 3 y(j At 4 I M , via Kensington and Jei ry city, id C nifcs I leket, 2 25 At ii I M, via Taindeii A Jersey city l-.venini' Mini 3 I At 1 1 r .M, via Cainilen and Jersey eny N.iith. Mml 2 At S I' .M. via I'ailideii and Alillmy Aei-oiiilii'Hl:i Hon. (1'ieigut aad I'assenger,) 1st cIum tnket, t i.t 2d " 1 SO Tlie 8 1'. M. Mail Line tuns daily. The 11 Soutllern Mud aturiliiys exeetted. For Kelvidere, Kiitcn, Kleinincton, Ac, at 0 A.M., from Walnut street wharf aial 3 I. M , trora Ken.ihc.toii. For Muiii-M Chunk. Allrntowa ajal Uellilelielu, at Ii, A.M. via Lehigh Valley Kailroud. For Water tinp, Stroudshurir. Seriiutnii, Wilkeslflrre, Monlrose, (ileal llenil, Ac., at 0 A M, via Delaware, lekitwailiia and Western Hailroad. Km Kreehold. at A. M. and 2 P. M. Km Mount ilully, at 0 and it A M , and ll, and 41 P.M. " WAYI.1NK.S. t For Hriilol, Trent-ill, Ac, at 3 and 4, P. M., Jrom Kensiiigloa. Knr Pubiivni, llekmco, Heverly, IJurlingtoii, Itorden town, Ac, at 12). 3. and 4(1'. M. Kilty Kunds ol' HiKKnae only, alli'wed eaeh passenrer, Passenaers are piohihited from tukina: aiiytloni; as llin: gsiie hut lhei.r weuun apsoel. All llaugnge over til ry pounda to I paid for extra. The Company limit then responsihllity tor lluftiaiKe to tins Oollur ier pound, and will ii', l liahle lot nil) amount Ixyoud lou ldlais, ex cept by speciHl cintnirt . WM II UAT.MKK, Agent C. A A. R. K Co r ri.ruarv ID. l.no. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, G.INS.&C f IH E suhscrilwr having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brandsof Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of w hich will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Por.ons desirous uf purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. Being determined to establish a reputation for selling rhe.p he respectfully solicit, the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, Jura 19, 1HS0. Ladies' One Fhce Fancy Fnr Store ! Joliu rurclra, No.riS AHCH Street, h. tweea 7th, and Bin, eUs. r-,V l'HILADKl.PlllA. ti-r (lt of SIS Market Str.,) (IIIIHMIC., IMHIIUIIM'MKCr iial Dealer iuall kinds of , . t FANCY PIUS. Having removed to my New Store, 71ft Arch M., and belua now engaged entirely in the Mauufacture and evde of PaiHjy Furs, which, 111 accordance with the ''One Price Principle,'1 I have nuirknl at the lowest pittsible pnees cauiisteut with a reasoiuibl. probt, 1 wia.ld solicit a visit fnua those in want of Furs for either laulies' or Cloklrejis' Wear, and aa inspecUial ot lay selectiu of Uhmmj pwds, aati.lied, as 1 aui, of my ability lo please iu .very desired essential. XV Persons at a distance, who muy find it iiH-muveiiieut lit call uersoiwlly, ueed only luone the article, they wish, Utgelher with the uric, .nd instructions fiv seudiug. and fiawanl the iffder to my aiklress iwaiey accaiiianiiig-w- to nuiuie a satiusctiay mnipiiaiare wita uieir wi.lira. Plnlsdelphis AunsHi. leeXI. SniSJ w STOVES- T."VR SALE an excellent second-hand Cook- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal Stoves. Enquire at this otlica. BOOTtl AND 8HOE8, a large assortincnl at FRILING 4.Gl!AN f 'H Suubury, Jauusry 38, 1400. UIQHLY IM rORTANT NEWS M. C. GEARIIAUT, Ha. returned with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Frnit and Toys. IT senrss as If a new ago, a new life wax open. Ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Hci ence will glow anew and seek to develops sub- timer urauues anu grander conception. Die business world too must feel the new in fluence and everr'part be quickened and strenclh- ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on witn electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the I'liilosnphy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades alt classes, and desirous of doing hia share to wards "The ureal events of the-Age," tha aub cribrr would respectfully inform the good peo ple of BUNBUKY and tha public generally, that he has just returned from the city af Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that haa ever been brought to this section of country. He ii also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionaries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among hia stock of Confoctionaries, may be found : Kreneh Secrets, lliirned Alimnats, Crimn White, " Irf-rnon It, r, Vnmlln, C.minon SKtets. Liquvrice, Rniisiias, Dutes. Gum Drops, all kinds of scent lxve Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cakes, F1111I Drops, Fliek Candle, ( aH scents Rnek Csnrly, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Kiirs, Citrons, ttnisoiis. Nuts nf all kind Currnnts dtied, Almonds, LKMON SYIIUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of St-gars and Tobacco, and a variety of ('otifrctionarics, fruit, Toys, 4c, all of which isollvreu cheap at wholesale or retail. IJr Kemcmbcr the name and place. M. C. KA UHAHT, Market St., 3 doors west of E. Y. bright &. Sun's store. fcunbiirv, April 14, 18fi0 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Iieneeoltnl Innlilulimi cflithlinlicd ny 'pecial luidotrmenl, for tin Uelicf nj the Hick nml Jtistresscd, u filiated icith Virulent and 7-.)it-demic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Ducuses ol the sexual tJrtans. TIIEIHCAI. ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description ol their conuilion, lane, occu pation, habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furuUhed free of charge. VALUABLE PEPORTS on Spermatorrhoea and oilier Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the ISL W KE.MED'KS employed in the Dixpcn sary, sent to the alllicted in scaled letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will lie acceptable. Address, DK. i. SKILLIN HOUfiHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, IS'o. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ity order ot the Director. L.llA U. HEARTWELL, President. (ir.n, KxiHcuinii, Secretary. January 14, 1N59. ly IIEGEIVIAN & COS CO30IAL KLIXUl OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only l.y IIKUKMA A CO., Whoksale and Hutail Chemists and 13ritiatH, t',, 3'.'fi, 511 and TuO llroadwny, New Yoik. rpilK virtues of PKI1V VIAN IIAHK as a Tonic have A lieen too h.nir Known to need comment. The CAUSA Y A ('-or King's Unrk.") is the most valu al.le ol Ihe iiunierfuaviinetius of the Peruvian Hark, and 111 the 1 .1.1 m is cumliiiieil with other itmredicnis that inereHKe Us elfieney nnd ut Uie same tone overcome the inleuaity 01 us Ulttei, rendering it a most Agreeable Cor dial. For persona living in PKYK.lt and AGI'K districts, it will he found inealiudile nsa preventive, Hall' ol'u wine. gin full taken niijht and tiioiuinp, rendering the system iiiuea lesssuoject ro tlie unneaithy intiueiice ol the atmos pbere. DIKK.CTIDNft Dose for an adult, half a winrolaa full before breakfast and dinner ; children fioin one to two le:tBs.u lull j it maybe taken with or Without, little wiimt For sale at this olTice. .Mnrrh 17, IMill LOOK HERE, YilU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR IF OASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES His stock consists el Gen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Roots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Hoots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace limits, all of which he will sell cheap lor CASH. Calland examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. VVM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1800. Dll. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA PECTORAL, 13 the lirnt Medicine 111 the world for the Cure of f'ouphs and Cold., Croup, bronchitis, A.lhmn, Ilillieully III Hieutuiinr, Palpitation nf the Heart, Diitheriu, and for the rebel of patients iu the udvuuced staves of Consump tion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chut, and which predispose t Consumption. it peculiarly adapted to the radical cur of Atthma. Being prepared hy a pnutical Physician and Prnssist, and one of great cxwtteitce Iu the cure of the vuiious di.ca.es to which the Human frame is liable. It is olk-re. I to the altlictexl with tlis greatest confidence. Ttv it anil lie convinced that it is invaluable 111 th. Cur. of Itroi dual ailn-tinna. Price 50ccais per Uottle. 17 PaafAaau only by Vt. A. KPK.NWKIN CO., DruKci.u and ('herniate, N. W. Cornet Ninth and Poplar Sis., Philadelphis. W SOLD by every rcspeciuhle Druggist and Dealer ill Medicine throuuhont the State. Philadelphia, .March 31, lyw 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM WyomlnK Valley to Philadelphia, New York, Ilaltlmore, AND all roisrs Nonni, south & west. LACKAWANNA k BL00MSBURG KAIL110AD. BTJMMEE AHRANaEMENT. Two Daily Paswrncer Trains will he run Ih?i ween Soranton aial Noithuinlwilaiid. as follows: MOVING ejrVuTII: !.eav. ekranlon, A i rive. I 1'ltt.t'UI, Kinastou, Hiick.inuny, Iterwiek, lllouiiiauuig, UuM;ll, Danville, Noithuiiiberlaud, Phil'a Mail. N. V. F.x 0 ll) A. M. 4 la P. M. a 34 - 7 M 7 50 a so 60 9 I ti III no MOVI.NQ Mllt'l'U S3 i l M M 7 30 7 40 e in 13 Phil'. Mail. 4 15 P. U. 80 r on ( AS US Iave N. v. tx Nortl-'jnilierlaud, S 3U A. M. Arrive at Danville, M Rupert, M UHum.buig, . 0 a Berwick, ' 7 u rhiekidiiiiiiy, 7 43 KiuKWon, 8 311 PilUlou, a 57 tcrauton, a as 7 iS B IS a is 1 h. Lackawaniui and BkK.ni.hurg Railroad eomiMts With the Delaware, Ijiekawajuia and Weateru KailnyKl aiMcraiitou.fiK-New York and Plukidelph.a, and iiiterm.' dial, points Hast; el., f.a- (itoul leud, Bingluwoon, Hyraeuae, lluflalo, Niagara Falls, and all important in.i.us West. At Hupeit it aNinecu with Ihe Callawissa Rail road, for p.ants both Past and West. At Nwihunilmland it o-Minects with the Sunlmiy and F.ne Itailr.Hid. f,H uumui West aud South. M v 11, S.rT" M. VV. JACKSON, bap't, Kuigstun, August tS, 1F60. IT IS NOT NECESSARY to tell th. people, that the Mammoth Store is a "one price store" as they always knew that, but it is necessary to let them know that wa have replenished our stock and will continue to receive new Goods every few days. Wa are determined to supply the peo ple, with the ruoit dstirsble goods at the lowest F'i"- FK1LINU Sc GRANT. Suubury.Msy Sfi, l8(io. CENTRiVL HOTEL. SUNBURY, NoilUuiiiuerlaud County, Pa. rIHIH lara-a iml fnn.n.Mii .... p . . -""" noiei, stow managed b J. H. P. e. K n v u .. ia situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at iu terminus ot ids nuntmry f Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and ia open forlhe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general mo proprietor win give nis exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and i. determined to make thia establishment ran among the first in the State. His table will be supplied with the heal tb market can produce having the advantage of daily communination by cars direct from Haiti- more, and also from those bringing produce from uie surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca'eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. A share ol the local and traveling community ia most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 12, 1800. "lvliSEPSXTElTT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1N59 and CO, Dy E. KETCH AM & 00., 289 Pearl-Btreet, New-York. ly Freezer constructed on; scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. Tlie one hastens the freezing of the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal citios and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 5 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarta, 20 quarts, $3 00 4 00 00 00 00 uo 5 6 8 12 Apply to 11. U. June 2, IHf',11. MASKER.Sunbury. TO DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar ket for more than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, is evident from the fact, that the Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to incrsase tlieir capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidcdly the best and cheapest Soap ever made in tnis Country ; One Pound of it will go as far, fot any use, as Three of the Common Soap in general use. It is made upon a new principle, of the best materi als, and known only to Vis Hxaokn 61 Me Kkokk. It does away entirely- with Ihe wash boardsaves the necessity til boiling the dollies it does not shrink Flannels, hkmovks i.hiihi;, i.k vh rii nt sen Li pfrfcctliy, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fuHy one half the time and labor usually spent to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, aud guaranteed not to rot or injuro ihe clothes. For Sale by all respectaMe Grocers, and Wholesale by TH A IN & Mc KETONE, No. 22 and 21 Sotth Wharves. Philadelphia. CAUTION. 1 hero being severul imitation brands ef Deter sive Soap in Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except Yam Hxaokn & Mc. Kkoxk ia Stamped upon each Bar of the i'oop as well ss the B xes. Sunbury, Oct. 29, 1859. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT 8TRF.KT, SI.NI11RV, PA. T1HE subscriber has just opened at Ma well known establishuientin Sunburv, onerof the heaiestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been oflcred in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped aud llaiii, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, i'laiu and Striped must be seen to form ait idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, 8tella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls' Thilwt and Broche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Hoys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. lute and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay Stato Sack Flannels, colors finest qnallioa. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, lljts and Caps, 4c., e., all of which were selected with great eare, and will compare favorably , as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. llAUDWAHK, a full assortuieut. Wood aud Willow Ware, (juceusware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store. Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronago heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. S'i, IS5U. pre, -e , C unuiax I caw mc rieces! as srchtenta will happen, even iu well-regulated fami nes, 11 is very de.irablc h have some elieap aial onvcuieul - ruiuuuir, I oys, uroekery, AO. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ,. in aucii einerKeiK.les, and no houeliold can allord to iw without it. it ia ulwaysready and u. to the stiekius l-ini. 1 nere is 110 kuiger a necessity f,a- Inupina chairs, splinters veueeis, headless dolls, and broken eiadlea It is ...c .mcie lor cone, si,ell, and other ornamcuul w-ik, sop-'pular will, kuhea of tenneiuent and la.le. 1 los admirable pieparation is um-iI 00W, beiut chemically near in anutlou.aiHl piauKssing all Ihe valuable qualities of or., cainucl-iiuiker s Ulue. It may be uaed lit Ul. rvm o, urunuiry uluellaice, being vastly more adheaiv. "I tfKFL L IN KVKRV HOI SE" B A Blush accmnauie. eaeb bollls. Pile. US cent. Wholesale Depot. No 4 Cedar street, New York. Address, HKNH V C M'AI.IHNli A CO., Box No. 3,MU, N.w York. Put up for Pealers in ease, containing Four Fight, and Twelve Dosen a beautiful Ulhograpluc Show Card ao eomiwuyiiuj each paekaKS. C" A single buttle is Spslding'sPrepsredlilaswillaev. ten tunes us coat ammallv to every household. kVddbyall proiuoienl cautioner., Drnggiu., Hardware and Puriutur. Dealers, (Ir.K-er., and Fury Bbues. Country Merelutuu should niak. a note ol hpaUliug's prcred Glue, wheu Ihejr Bulk, uy their list. It wil stand any clonals. - For sals at thisoffic.. March 10, Into. ly 1)0 YOU AVISII ? DO you wish a handsome Carpel f Do you wish a durable Carpal 1 Do you wish a cheap Carjiet T If so Call tt BRIGHT (V RON. Suulury, June !, I8P0. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. riHE subscriber respectfully , informs the civi A ten of Sunbury and tha mrrrounrling neigh borhood, that ha has opened a Store at the'Jiorth vest corner of Market Square, oppoiite VWdyka'a Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, and will keep on hind, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provision, of all kinds, soch aa WHEAT, RYE 4- BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Cracker., Oranges, Nuts &o.. Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac, from the South. He wiU'constatitlv Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the dclicaeiei of the .cason, as they come into market, and trusts, hy prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a share of tha public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. ll0i Doming,, COFFEE POT AID TOEL Pot, Being baaed, as Dr. Hall, of tho J oiirnal of Health, says, "on kcience nnd common sense," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR. r.URNIIAM, & GILROY, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia Sole Manufacturers under tha ratont "''"' s"le l,jr n.alers In Hons. l;:rrBr,y,, s.ok.:;: December 4, 1S59. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! ' FaNliloaable, C heap ami I Npfttl THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. rpiIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -- ond Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, A c., embraces ' EVF.KY VARIETY, HEFIL AD URVt. SiDTtl in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in In. line can bo had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. Establishment South Kst Corner of Muriel S,unr. tV Those knowing themselves indebted lo the subscriber would oblige him by making pay. mcnt. SEIIASTIAX HALPT. Junbitrv, Nov. 19, 1859 if J. STEWART DEPUY, I A Tt-IHtM:l.ll !M AII N S. X,, . V Second Hreel5. (n.'ll il..,l to C. II .Meneh'i) r l'hilatleltih,H, would invite i nitration of their iro-ndR and ciiMoin, rs. end tint ,uthc m general. E"1 o a lurie 1 well Krirclcd tp-ck of CARPETING9, O onriltieir of Velvets. Tapesuies, Tliri-e.pivi. i Inurains. nnd Vrnitmns. Aluo, WINDOW r Ml AUKS. (ill. ChUTIIS, MVITIMTi. Dltl'ti- H ST' HKTS, Ill liS. MATS. STAIIt ItllliS, ,Ve. 2 which he Kits very cheap for r:mh, wholcali nndrrlnil. (Mnr.1, -Jl. I -rtr, y Short Notice. r"IHE subscriber having retired from business hereby notifies all persona indebted lo him on Book account or otherwise, to call and settle the same without delay, otherwise tliey will be put into the hands of a Justice for collection GEORGE RUHRUACH. Sunbury, Nov. 5. IS5'J tf " UP.TIO- & CHEKICrZlT ElSZrPOIRITj:. flHE undersigned having received a large and M well selected stock of Pure Drills and C'heuilcali, DyestufT't, Oils, Paints, Glass und Putty, i now ready to till ordcrsat a moments nolice. Iu connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Irticles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clolhes Brushes of every variety. Customers will' find his stock complete, coin prising many articles it ia impoible here to enumerate. REM EMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Phy sicians' Pre criplions compounded Accurate If and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April Id, Ifi.SO. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl STK : OF T1IK l'CACi:, STJ3SrBTJK,-5r, FA.. Ojfice in iJcer Ulretl.immediatty ifpusite tie Public School House. All business promptly altetulcd to. Muiiies o! lei led and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April aS. 857 If oiAt ir. 111:4111 M itooKorrs Travel, und great dicovenr. of the Japunett aad Fast India Miilieinea, with lull direction. i,,r ihn , , 1. lain cure of Cou.uiupl llioiirlnti., llotihi, t'o.l.. Cntanh, A.lhma, F.veia. Heart Disease. Seriiuln. C.,ik . lsp4aia. I.iver Complaint, f, ravel uml L'rinau Drpo. Female Coinplaliits, Ac. Illustlaled Willi hundrcls if certificates ol cures sad eugiaviugi. For the purpose ol rescuing as tiuoiy sudermg lellow-liu-s us jM.fc.it.ie i- im prenuiluredeatli.lt will lar sent to any rlul the eo.n,. iivut, by sending VS cent, to Dlt. lir.ATIl IT Itiosdwnv, Ni w otk l iiv. Pokl, also, by A. W. Fisher, funlnir, Cout-id v ,, H , Ncithuilihf-rlauil 1 T . ( aldwrll, lwifchure ; t, M ll . griihiiih. llk.aniiluirg ; CjruaUiuwn, .Mul"a, N 1. -n.l II auk A Co , Danville February is, jni. y. iPURSkLE. fpWO LOTS situate in Market .Ireet. in tin town of Trevortnn, Nos. 12 and I It, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAI'GLKK, Melin grove, or H. II. MAssER, Sunbury. IIENRY D0XXEL, ATTORNEY AT LAV7 UJfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piempt aitention to business in aJjoinin Counties. ROCKEFELLER & BOYER, ' Attorneys at Law STJNjBTJ-"5r, FA.. A. Jordan Ilockefeller and Solomo II. Hoyer, respectfully announce that tin entered iuto Copartnership iu the practice of thi profession, and will continue to attend to all bu r.ess entrusted to their charge in the counties Northumberland, 1'uion, Snyder and Montot promptly, faithfully aud carefully. Special 1 tention will be given to the COLLECTION OK CLAIMS. Consultations can ba had in I GERMAN language. Otlice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's If ol Sunbury, February ), 1 (. I OY'S BOOTS and SHOES, cheap for ci JL WM. MILLER'S Sun' ury, August S7, 1859. I H.ANK Parchment Paier Deeds and hj -sJ Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Surumi Ac., for sals b H. It. MAsftCT USEFUL I.N ALL FAMli.IES-HEGEM. it, CD'S Henxine, which removes paint sj grease, Ac, dc, and clesns gloves, silks, riblu eVe., equal lo new, without the slightest i'ljur; color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also at office. ii5 cents per bottle-. SILVER" WATCHES. A few double English Silver Watches, for sale at verv prices by . H-B MASSE VOW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Evervbody buys Goods there. Why t Bocsusa they can buy them cbo than any, her else. Bunbur May i!0, lb i