renfltTLYARU LEmLATt7RE-KMIO"l OV 1861. KJ4ATB. (Newly elected member! marked witb, a tier.) let Dlatrict PAt7ofei.ia. J. Nicrio'.a, P., Jobo II. I'arker, li., Ueorge U. Smilb.U., Ueorge Uonoell, It. 2d Chester and Delaware-. 'Jacob 8. Berrill, R. ZA Montgomery. Jobo Thompson, B, 4th Buck. Mablon Yardley, U. bib Lehigh and Northampton. Jeremiah Sh'.odel, 1). Clh lierki. llir-sler Clymer. D. 7tb Schuylkill. Robert 11. Palmer, R. Sib Curioti, Monroe, Pike and ll'ayn. ileorj 8 Molt, D. 9th Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan and Wyoming Ueorge Laudoo, R. 10tb .tiztrrt. VV. W. Ketchum, R. lltb Vtoa, Poller, M'Kean and Warren. Isaac Ueosou, R. 12th CViiton, Lycoming, Centre and Union Andrew Uregg, K. 13tb Snyder, Northumberland, Montour and Columbia. "Franklin Iioaod, R. lilhCuMerland, Juniata, Perry and Mifflin. Dr. IS b Crawford, I). 15tb Dauphin and Lebanon. A. R. Bouabter, R. Uiib Lancaiter. William Hamilton, R. John HiPBtaud, R. 17tb York. William 11 Welsh, D. 18th Adams, Franklin and Fulton. A. K. M'Clure, li. I9tb Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon. S S W barton, R 20th Blair, Cambria Clearfield. Louig W Hall, 11 21t Indiana and Armstrong. J. K Mere lKb, R. i!2J Westmoreland and Fayette. Sinilh Follor, R. Washington and Greene. Oeo. V. Luwreuce, H. itb Allegheny. John l. Fenny, R., Fiius 11. Irish, R. L&lh Beaver and Butler. Da L. Jmbrie, Rep. 2litk Laurence, Mercer and Venango. .lamed II Uobinsou, K. 'iT'.h Erie and Crawford. Darwin A. Finney, R. 2lu Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and Elk. K. L. liloud, U. Republican Senator, 27 Democratic Senators, 6 Republican majori!y, 21 IIOCSB Or BEPKBSKNTATIVKS. Philadelphia I Joseph Caldwell, D. ; 2 Thomas li Uuskill, D. ; 3 I'at McDonough, D. ; 4 Robnri K Randall, D. ; 5 Jos Moore, jr, R. ; 6 Daniel Thomas, R ; 7 Dr J 11 c-'eituer, R ; 8 J li Uidgway, R; 'J Honry Duiilau. I : 10 11 U Leieenring, D ; 11 1a Sheppard, R; 12 "Richard Wildey, Rj 13 W D Morrison, D ; 14 G W II Smith, D j )5 John F i'n-etuo. R; la T W DulIiuld.D ; 17 Cl urles F Abbott, R. Ptluware Chu'.kle Horvey, R. Chester William T Skal'er, R; Caleb l'tiiee, R; Isaac Acker, R. Montgomery Dr John 11 Hill, D ; John Stoimbuck, D; John Dismant, D. .Bucks Joseph Baiiisley, R ; Dr Asber Reilv. R. Northampton Jacob Cope, D ; I F Eiloo berger, D. Lehigh and Carbon Wei H Butler, D j V C Lichteiiwallner, I). Monroe and Pike Cbarlcs D BroJheaJ, D. Wayne A B Walker, R. Luzerne Lewis Pughe, R j H P Hilman, R ; Peter Byrne, D. 6'j(iif Anuria Georfja T Frazier, R. Bradford lleury W Tracy, R ; Dr C T Bliss, H. Wyoming, Sullivan, Columbia and Montour Tbouias Osterbout, U ; Hiram R Kline, 1). Lycoming and Clinton W 11 Armstrong, R ; II C Dressier, R. Centre William 0 Dnncan, R. Mifflin Adolpb F Uibboney, R. Union, Snyder and Juniata Thus LI ayes, U ; Jnhn J Patterson. R. Northumberland Amos T Bisel, R. Sciittylkill Darnel Koch, li j Hoary Flubo, 11 ; Liu Bartholomew, K. Dauphin William Clark, R j Dr Lewie Hock, D. Lebanon Jacob L Biirksler, R. Berks H i'eon Smith, Dj Michael P Boyur, D ; Honry B Rimed, D Lancaster Henry M While, R; Joseph Hood, R ; Michael Ober, li ; John M. Stub- U13I1. U. York John Manifold, 1) ; Daniel RielT, D. Cumberland and Perry Wm B livin, R; Wiil'uin Lowther, R. Adams Henry J Myers, D. Franklin and Fulton J arnos R Brewster, K ; James C Austin, R. Bedford and Somerset Kdnard M Shrock, R ; Charles W Asbcoin, R. Huntingdon Brice X Blair, R. Bluir lames Roller, R. Cumbria Alexander C Mullin, R. Indiana James Alexuuder, R. Armstrong and Westmoreland J R Me Coiiignl. R ; James Taylor. R ; A Craig, R layette John Collins, R. Greene Patrick Donley, D. Washington John A Harper, R ; Robert Anderson, R. Allegheny Kennedy Marshall, R ; J'bos Williams, R ; Charles L Uoebriog, R; Wm 7K)iml-is. R :. Alexauder H Hums, R. Betver and Laurence Jos 11 Wilboo, Rj I W Ulanchard, R. Butler W M Graham, R ; Thomas Robin Kill. R. Mtrcer and rnani Gecrge D UciGns, S ; Klisha W Dvis, U. Clarion and Forest Wm evios, D. Jitt'crson, Clearfield, M'Kean and Elk Piac H. Gordon, R ; Samuel M. Lawrence.R Crawford and Warren Hiram Boiler, R; j t'owuo, It. Arte Henry Teller, R; (iideon J Call. R. iter and Tioga S 11 Klliott, R ; B U trung, R. UepublicaDS, 71 ; democrats, 29. KECaPITCLiTION. Rep. Dew. House of Representatives, 71 29 beoate. 27 6 98 25 35 Rep. maj. on joint ballot, 63 A Novel Rbmedv for Co.ssi mption. A iter in the Norwalk (O ) Itejlector describes Uit which be paid last mob'.b lo a lady at ledo, Ohio, who takes six live frogs as a aedy for consumption, febe was recom (.dud to do it by an Kuglisbimn, who said wus cured io that way. In six weeks this ;;ular medicine bas restored ber from a :a of great weakness to strength. The lor saw the lady take a live frog from a aud swallow him whole, without chewing, r daughter also did the tame, oxt, and Prarij Have Been Foihd in ,8ai R. P. Wadsworth writes from Clio. Douglas county, to bit brother in Erie ity, Ohio, that the drying up of the bed creek discovered a valuable coal bank on urin, and that bit family bad gathered pearls, and bad clams enough on the bank 100 more t Tbey average over a pearl to t clamt ; most of them are small, some brilliaot, some giving out rainbow bues. rt of a brownish color. Two tent to a lusky jeweler are pronounced geuuine valuable. Llevtiana Ltader. alped. A voong roan named. Mark Ralfa ecently stabbed io three placet and tbnt i timet, scalped and left for dead by the a Indians, but afterward regained bis iiuusnets and walked thirty-five miles to of safetT and toccor. He bas now y recovered, bat bat obW two locks of left upon bit teadi a all toe lest was Kit tfc a'?. A Niw Clah tT Livb Stock at Aont cpi.TCBi. Fairs It is stated that a man in Williatnstown, Miss., tits a large lot of bullfrog, all fattened for a foreign market. Some of them have been highly fed for iee rul year, and are of enorm nu siz, weighing about 40 pounds I Although do premjum is offered on this stock, be iutends to exhibit them at the Hooeac Talley fair. Kcmifa ArrLKs. A correspondent of the Furmers' Journal says be took a keg full of applet last fall, which he teeorely beaded tip and sank to the bottom of a mill pond. On bringing them to the surface a few days ago, every apple was found to be quite free from peck or rot, and as sound and oowrinkled at when taken from the tree. New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALE. TY virtue of aplorint writ of Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to me directed, will be exposed to public tale at the Court House in the Borough ofSunbury Northumberland county Penntylvania, on Monday the Slh day of November next 1860 at one o'clock P. M., the following discribed real property to wit: All that certain tract of Land, situate in tba Borough of SUN BURY, of Northutbrland county and state of Pennsylvania, bounded at follows : Beginning at a post on the south side of the Centre Turnpike; thence running sontb two and a half degrees east sixty-three perch es and two-tenths to a post; thence south four tcon degrees west thirty-four perchet to a post : tbunce south niuety one degrees, three fourths west thirty six perches and three tenths to a post ; thence south thirty-one de grees, three quarters west twenty-one perches and four-tenths to a poit ; south oighty-three degrees three quarters, west fifty-seven perch es and three tenths to the Gut ; thenca in a northwardly direction nlong the eastern side of raid Gut to the Centre Turnpike to a post ; thence south sixty-Gve and a half degrees, eusl forty pert het and eight tenths to the place of beginning, containing thirty-eight Acres and ore hundred and tweoly-six pcrche tirict measure. Also, all that certain pait of an out-lot, sita elo in the borough of Suobury and marked in th general plan of said borough number eight, beginning at a poet at the north east end of an alley, which intersects Crauberry street at the end of Fawn street : thence north sixty-Cve degrees west twenty-five perches to a post, at the corner or out lot Dumber five ; thence south twenty four and a half degrees nest eighteen perches and three tenths to a post, south sixty-Gve degrees and a balf east twtttity-Gre perches to a post on the west side of said alley ; thence along said alley nottb twenty-four and a balf degrees east, eighteen perches and three tenths to the place of beginning, containing two acres and one hun dred and thirty seven and a half perches strict measure. Also, all that certain piece of land, situate in the boroupt) or buubury, bounded and described as follows : beginning at the south west corner or out lot number two ; thence south eighteen aud three quarter degrees, west eighteen perches and one tenth to a p-ist, being tho corner of the fence as it now stands in an out lot cumber one; thenco along said fence and front lot number one and tho adjoining out lot south eixty five degrees east forty six perahes and eight tenths to a post in the alley ; thence by the alley norlh twenty five degrees east eighteen perches to the out lot number three; theusn i'V suid out lot and out lot Dumber two south sixty five degrees west forty eight perches and seven tenths to the place of beginning, containing five acres Gfty nine perches and a half perches strict measure. Also, all that certain lot of crour.d, situate in the borough of Kunfeury, aforesaid, number bve bounded aud described as follows : bo ginning at a post ncrtb tide of Cranberry street ; thence by out lot number eight north twenty fur and three fourth degrees east thirty live perches and eight tenth to a post ; thence by out lot number six north sixty five end one fourth degrees west twenty four percues and one tenth to a post ; tbence by an alley south twenty four and three fuurth degrees nest thirty five perches and eight tentnrto a post ; thence ty Cranberry street nforesaiJ, south sixty five and one fourth degrees east twenty four perches end eight tenths to a post and puce of becinnim', cou laining fire acres and sixty perches and eight tenths strict measure, all or winch is cleared. Also, the Buubury Canal, incorporated bv an Ac of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, aud the several supplements to the said Act, and ail the Capital Stuck in said Company, being four hundred shares, together with the appurtenances. rirized, luUon in execution and to be sold as the property of David Lonjnecker, Thos. Baumgarduer, W ill mm L. llelfenstein, Fran cis W. Hughes aud Charles W. Hegins and DAVID WALDRO.V, Sheriff. SherifTi Office Suiiburj, Oct.SU, I860. 'siieWfFTales. f?Y virtuo of ctrtain writs of Venditioni Ex - pons. isued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to mo directed will he exposed to puUio sale at the Central Hotel, in the borooch of Sonhury, ISorthumher land county, l'enmylvania, on Thursday, the 1st Juy ol ."November next, I860, at 2 o clock I. M The fallowing described real property, to wit ! Two certain continuous Lots of Ground, situ- eto in the town of i Zerbe township Northumberland county. Pennsylvania, beiiif lot No. t and 2 in Block No. b'9 on the general plan oi sard town, bounded on the south by Mar ket street, on the cant by lot No. 3 in same Mock, liuil Road street on the north, and street on the west, containing each 2!) feet in front and ISO fet in depth. Seized taken in execution and to be cold as the prperty of Issiah Morgan and V.ary Morgan. ALSO x At the same time and place, all that certain lot of ground situate in the town of Khamokin in Coal township, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded on the north by Dewart street, on the south by a lot of George Keely, on the east by a street, and on the west by a lot now or late of George II. Coder, whereon is erected a one and a half story frame house. eized taken in oiecu tion and to he sold as the property of Jacob Mulchler. ALSO t At the same time and place, two lots of ground, situate in the town of Shamokin, Coal township INor'humberland county, Pennsylvania, being lot No. h and A ir. block No. I on the general plan of said town, boundtd by Runhury street on the east, and north by lot of Dr. At water and a lot of John Bordueron the west, whereon is erected a two story double Irame Houae a frame stable, outbuildings, dec. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Hennin. ger and Benjamin Marts. ALbO : At the same time and place, two certain con. tigunus lots of ground, situate in the town of nhamokin in Coal township, Northumberland county, being lota Nos. I and 3 in block No. 91 on the general plan of ssid town, fronting en l ine street on the north, and bounded on the west by third street, east bv a lot of Washington Sinink. and south by . Containing each 25 feet in front and ISO feel in depth, on lot No. i.wiweju is ereciea a two story frame bouse, a well of water with a chain pump, andal small frame stable, and on lot No. S is elected, an out- aucnen, a coal house, outbuildings, &c beized taken in execution aud to be sold a the property of Daniel C. Buunck. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Bunbury, October 13, 1S6U. OHE8NUT8 WANTED, for which (be bib est market price i" ! r u-.l. b ' ' . :if AST. fnnban, t'k -. ,,, , . LIST OF CAUSES, For 7 rial in the Court of Omimon TfOi of Northumberland County, Nov. 'J'., 18C0. Geo. Sbadt-I'i lixrs. vt Buffing ton & Bbadel, Ltzarus Brymire, Ao. vt Uorreli & Gaucher, John P. Bummers vs Jobn McUeyoalds, Stacy T. Beans Vt Amot E. Kspp, Ira T. Clement vt A. K. Wright, George Lyons vt Fegely, liobiut & co, Joseph Weitiel vt Carbon Uuo Imp. Co. Thomas Bower vt E. Y. Bright, Mary Aon Fillnian vt Jobn Divel and wife, Marr & Uriffy vt Joseph Weitzel, Jobn Vincent's adm. vt David Watson's ad. Abraham S. Bright vs David Waldron, O. O. Potts ft co. vt Smelts & Waiter, Ira T. Clement vt James Beard, James Beard vs Henry Weise et el, William McWilliams vs tame, Andrew Gntelius vs li. & M. S. Orwlg, David Soydur vs Thomas Barr, Isaac Kupp vs Jere. and Jane Pennypacker, W, L. Dewart vt Joseph Weitzel, Daniel L. Miller vt Edmund Francisco, Same vt D. E. Arnwine and wife, Jobn W. Friting vt German Kef. Church, Jacob Deal vt Clement, Hower & Casset, F. W. Hughes vs Henry Weise, rjolomoo Suyder vt W. N. & K. Bastiao. J. B. Masser vs Big Mountain Imp Co, Maria Uouger vs LMeaeooacker and Deotler, Gross & Kuokle vt James Covert, Wm. Blair vt Samuel Blair, Johu Dreber vt The tp. of Mt. Carmel, Same vs tame, Michael Graham vt William H. Marr, Matbew C. G rutty vs Christian Albert, WilliBtn H. Mueucn vs Jobo Foy, John Kissinger vs John F. WolGiger, D. 11. Dneabaucu & wiio vs juiiuuq uries- baucb, Sarah Aon Hoover vs II. A. Sbissler & wife, John lleflner vs John Weutzel, Abraham Gurman vs Green & Bowman. DANIEL BECK LEV, Proth'y. GRAN) JUROllS. ) November Sessions, 18C0. 1 Frederick Wagner, Lewis, 2 Daniel Wolf, Jacksnu, 3 Benjamin Hoover, Upper .lugusta, 4 Samuel Eckert, Turbut, 6 John Kimel, Delaware, G 4daiu Fox, Cbllisquuqtie, 7 Jacob Ilollman, Turbut, 8 yohu Bingemau, Lower Mahano;, 9 Samuel Rhodes. Milton, 10 Henry C. Martin, Suobury, 11 ,ohn Weaver, Zerbe, 12 Peter Carl, Turbut, 13 Benjamin Zottlemoyer, Suobury, 14 George Evans, Milton, 15 E. Thurston, Lower Mahaooy, 16 .esse Yocum, Point, IT Isaac Brown, Milton, 18 Benjamin Luke, Coal, 19 Samuel Hoover, Shauiokin, 20 Peter iJougbner, Coal, 21 John Watt, Turbut, 22 John Watson, Lewis, 23 Johu Ei9ler, Jordan, 2i Jacob Evert, Upper Angusta. TRA VERSE JURORS. 1 Enoch Cole, Mount Carmel, 2 Stephen Eilis, Delaware, 3 Jurues Young, Lewis, 4 'ucob Hnosicker, Lewis, 6 Andrew Forsyth, Zerbe, 6 Jacob Billmao, Mount Carmel, 7 Edward Truusue, Delaware, 8 Samuel Funnau, bhatuokio, 9 Joseph Graven, Delaware, 10 KoIoiood Haas, eUiuiiiokio, 11 William Derricksou, Cuilisquaque, 12 Hiram Young, Northumberland, 13 Peter Rued, Washington, 14 Michael 1'ieon, Washington, 15 David J. Lewis, Mouut Ctf'el, 1C Michael Koapp, Zerbe, 17 Duyid Bowmuu, Jordan, IS Peter Lilley, Turbut, l'J David Fersler, Washington, 20 John CreasiUger, Jordan, 21 Cliutoh liuhrbach, Suobury, 22 Joseph Iteuder, Uusb, 23 Hubert Kussel, Delaware, 24 William It. Dunham, Northumberland, 25 John lloutz, Miltoo, 2b' Charles B. lienniugor, Northumberland 27 Isaac WilUerson, Nunbury, 28 Sulomou Hill, Mount Carmel, 29 Charles llino, Northumberland, 30 John Voris, Chilisquaque, 31 John Dressier, Washington, 32 George P. Merlz, Point, 33 Teats, Khuinoktn, 34 William Johnson, Uusb, 35 Jacob Stahl, Turbulville, 36 ylndrew Clmgei, Mount Carmel, 37 Isaac II. Keller, Lower Mahanpy, 33 Jucob Bartholomew, Lower lug'usta, 39 Samuel T. Burrows, Lewis, 40 .-Id am Weutzel, Jordau, 41 Samuel Blair, Milton, 42 -lilen Moodie, Shauiokin, 43 Henry J. Reader, McEwensville, 44 Lambert Pitner, Rush, 45 John Montgomery, Lewis, 46 Joseph Desbler, Turbut, 47 Samuel Savidge, Coal, 48 Samuel Gurvick, Zerbe. PETIT JURORS. 1 Jobn Hetricb, Washington, 2 Reuben Stambauch, Coal, 3 Jobnalhan Clingur, Mouut Carmel, 4 William Hoover, Sunbury, 5 Jacob Kkudeiibach, I'oiut, C John Sieiner, Lewis, 7 Samuel Clapp, Turbut, 8 John W. Friliug, Kuubory, 9 Botijjmin Miller, Milton, 10 John Hammer, Point, 11 William Dejipeo, Jackson, 12 Jobn Ott, Turbut, 13 Josiah Shadel, Upper Mabanoy, 11 Benjamin Kuttoruiao, Low. Mabanoy, 15 Jobn Fidler, Milton, 1G Christian Bausblaugb, Shamoklo, 17 Henry J. Ktrouse, Zerbe, 13 Jonathan llifhel, Cbilisquaqoe, 19 Isaac Soper, Khamokin, 20 John Hiuey, Delaware, 21 Charles Balliut, Turbut, 22 Dewitt Kline, Sliamokin, 23 John Beckley, Cbilisquaqoe, 24 William Durham, do 25 John Bohner, Shamokin, 26 Thomas Johnson, Point, 27 John Moore, Khamokin, 2d Lorenzo D. Metlar, Rusb, 29 Peter Kobel, Jordan, 30 Michael M. Soper, bhsmokiu, 31 Samuel Williams, Jordan, 32 Peter Weikel, Cameron, 33 John Wirt, Jordan, 34 Daniel Leiser, Delaware, 35 George htrine, Miltoo, 36 Justus Sweuk, do Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County: NOTICE is hereby given that appraisements of real and personal I roperty have been made to the widows, respectively, of the follow ing named decedents, agreeably to the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided I 1 Bineaman Jacob, late of Lower Mabonoy township, deceased. 2 Dunkleberger niram, deceased. 3 Kreilicb Jacob, late of Upper Augusta twp., deceased. ' 4 Keyser Samuel, late of Cbillisquaque town ship, deceased. 6 Ooaks J smes, late or Delaware township. deceased. 6 Kiddle Charles W., lute of the borough of McEwensville. 7 Hitter Thomas V., late of the borough of TurbuUilla, deccaeed. khankweiler Andrew, deceased. And that the tame will be presented to tba Orphans Court for approval on Tuesday, the I Sih day of November next, unlets exceptions therein l filed before that day. J.B. MAWtP, rTi.O. C r-- .- t iTth H-er,. ORPHANS' COURT SALE or Valuable Real Estate I IN pursuance of an ordor of the Orpban't Court of Northumberland county, will be ex posed to publio tale, at the Court House, io the borough of Sunbury, on Saturday, the 3d day of November next, a certain tract of laud situate ia the township of Upper Augusta, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Michael Sbipe on the nortb, laod of Jobn Farosworth on the oast, Shamokio creek and land of John W. Fryling on the sooth, and land of Joseph Gass on the west, containing 63 acres, more or less, about 70 acres of w bicb are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, whereon are erected a two story log dwelling bouse, weatheiboarded, a large bauk barn, a two ttory frame tenant bouso, with cellar and icehouse under it, aud other outbuildings; also, a good well of water, a good orchard, &c. AIbo, a certain other messuage and tract of land tituate in laid township of Upper Au gusta, adjoining Sbaookin creek aud land of Joseph Gass on the north, other lend of said intestate and Joseph Savidge on the east, land of John W. Peale and Samuel V. Sickle on the south, and land of Philip Sarvey on tho west, containing 95 acres, more or less about 60 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation whereon are erectud a large two story log dwelling bouse, rough cast, a large bank barn, wagon shed, end numerous other outbuildings, a good, never fulling spring of water, a good peach and apple orchard, ic. 1 be bhamokin Vulley Uailroad pusses tbro both of the above meuiioued farms, about 2J miles east of Suobury. Also, auolher certain messuage and pioce of land, situate in said town of Uouer Aui:u-ta. adjoining Sbamokin creek and luudof Joseph jass on tue norm, una aujoiuing the other land of the said Silas Wolvertoo, deceased, last above mentioned aud described on the east, south aud west, containing three and a ball acres, more or less, all ol which is clenr- ed and in a good stale of cultivation, wbereon are erected a oue und a half story log house, a Irame stable, a good spring ol water, &c. Also, acertaiu other messuage and piece of laud, situate iu said township of Upper Au gusta, adjoiuiog Shamokio creek and laud of the estate of said inlestute on the oorth, land of John W. Fryling on the east, land of Jos. Savidge on the south, and olhei laud of said intestate on tho west ; all of which is cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and con taining six acres, more or less. Late the es tate of Silas Wolvertoc, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the terms uud conditions of sule will be made known by WILLIAM REED, Administrator. By order of the Court. J. B. Masskk. Clerk, O. C. Suubury, Oct. 6, 1800. SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. flHE subscriber respectfully informs the public -- that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery, 4 miles eat of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Itcl Cement Clay This clay produces tho best and most desirable kind of wore, equal, in many respects, to stone ware, and ia less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers lo Friling & Grant, Sunbury. AdJress, JOSEPH SAVIDGE. Oct. )3, 1H60. ly Sunbury, Pa. Bank of Northumberland. rjpHE Stockholders are hereby notified that JL an election will be held at the Banking house on Monday the 19lh day of November, lied, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M., to choose thirteen Directors lo servo for the ensuing year. The elntej annual meeting of the stockholders will be held at the same place, on Tuesday the Gth day of November at IU o'clock. A.M. J. K. P1UESTI.EV, Cashier. Northumberland, Oct. 13, 1SG0. 4t Register's Notice. IO'i'ICE is hereby given lo all legatees, crodi- tors and other persons interested in the fol lowing named estates, that tho I'xccutors, Ad ministrators and Guardians of the tame have filed iheir accounts with the Kegister of Nor thumberland ccunty, and that tho same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said county, on Tuesday, tho M!t day of November next, in the forenoon of that day, for confirmation, to wit : I lirosinus Georqe, deceased, sottled by his administratrix Catharine Unsious. 'i Campbell Jsc-ib, deceased, settled by his ex ecutor Jeremiah Deeter. 3 Geist Christiana, deceased, settled by her administrator, I'eter Geist. 4 Hower Isaac Harvey, settled by he Execu tors of John F. Dentler, deceased, late his Guar dian. ft llilgert Philip, deceased, settled by bis ad ministrator Philip W. llilgert. 6 Holshue Uenneville, deceased, minor chil dren of, by their Guardian George M. Heplcr. 7 Kline Charles D., settled by James Cameron late his guardian. 8 Kramer Gideon, deceased, by his Executor Jacob Wagnnr. 9 David Miller, settled by his administrators Solomon and Hiram Miller. 10 Kcbock Catharine, settled by her Execu. tor Jacob Wagimr. I I Tschopp John, settled by I. H. Kessler, Trustee, Jfc. 't Wetzel Solomon, settled by his adminis. tiator Michael Lenker. 13 Zimmerman George, settled by his sur viving administrator Solomon Stroh. J. 1). MASSER, Kegister. Register's Office, Sunbury, Oct. 13, i860. J Madame Schwend's Infallible. Powders, FOR the speedy and iffectito! cure a( ull luflimmatinos, i-Vvt-rs, KlieuniHtitin, Dyspepsiu and Liver t'nin plnint, Piles, lirnvel, and oil Acute und ClimiHc Diseases of ttilultsund children, fcrud 3 cent slump t her apenr, U H. JONKS, ll.ix ?U I'liiUMphin I'. U. Hundreds nf testimonials. Agency, H W Cnr Thud and Arch streets. Oct 6, Ititiu tutw New Millinery Store-! ! Market Square, one door east of the Post Office, SUNBURY, THE undersigned, respectfully announce to the citizens of Bunbury and vicinity, that they havejust received and opened at their new Millinery Store, the largest and best assortment of Millinery Goods, ever brought to this place. Tbev also keep a large assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Silks, De l.aiuis, Merinos, Dress and Uonnet Trimmings, &c, &c. Dresses made to order at the slimiest notice and in the latest style. Call and ei amine their stock, no charges for showing Goods. L. & B. 8IIISSLER. Sunbury, October 13, IB0. Estate of Sarah Kerr, Deceased. jVOTICL to the beirs and legal represeo talives of Sarah Kerr, late of Turbut ville, io Lewis township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that by a rule of the Orphans' Court of said couuty, granted at August Term, 1800, you are required to be and appear at ao Orphans' Court, to be held at Sonhury in and for said county of Northumberland, on the first Monday of November oext, aud accept or refuse the real estate of said decedent, ot tba valuation thereof made by an iuquest, or show cause, if any you have, why the same should not be sold according to me Act ot Assemoiy, io such case made and provided. JAMliij VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Banbury, Oct. 6. I860. BAR Iron, ttioel. Xt'tilo, Tick. Grub-Hoea nJ Mum Hsvmmerff, t low prtcvo. BHIGHT cVBON. taixbci7 'on Ws lttA General Election PROCLAMATION. 1)imflUANT to an ant f Uws Otttend AwwmW? erf t) CommmiwenlLh of roniiaytvaiiiB, entitled uAn U rotating to tho doc turn of Uiia UtmmoiiwvalUi," acpfi" lb ooiHid day ol Jot), Aunt Doinm, oh OionHiml eight hundrnl nnd O.iriy-nme. 1, JaMK VANUYKK, High Hliarifl of the county of WorUiumlKtrltidt ronruyl vwila, flu hereby mike kmfwn aud give notive to U eJon tora ol the county nfotcnaid, Uint a general election will be haldiiiatitilcjuntyof Northumberland on the MRhT TLfliSDAV, 6th of NOVEMliKR, IpOO, at which lime Uiey will vote byUUot fr ttie aeveral off a ma i mined, via 1 TV EN Ty-SEVEN PERSONS AS ELECTORS FOIl PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES. I alao hereby iuuk known and give nntica that the place Of holding the nf-irt'SniU general election in Urn auv eral borougha and towntttujja within the county of Nor thumuerluud are an foliowi i The Sunbury Diatriut. compos f the borough ot Stuiuury. und Upper Augiuta, at the Coiuuy Court H-M1M1. The Auiruata District, cornpoitMl of the towniOiip nf Lower Augusta, at the liouso ol Ptler lyunkclukrger, in auiri townithip. The Northumberland District, eoinpnaer) of the bomiih of Northumberland, ut the houua ot" C. S. brown, of the borough of Northumberland. Thu Point District, at the houae of Henry Haas, iu the borough of .orthumberlfiud. The Milton District, at the house of Mrs. Sticker hi mid borough. Tim Turbut District, at tfie uoase occupied by Abrahum KifMiuger. The Delaware District, at the Sinking Spriug School II u use. The Chilisqun-jue District at the h hik" ( O. IMf-.e. Tue Turbutviile District, at the house of lluum l.ty holds, in the b:rou:ilio' Turbiiivili?. The Lewis District, at the house occupied Ly Hi ruin Reynold, m the borough ol" Turbulville Tno Niit.noklii DistiK-i, at tho hous of JJ.u Tim Upper Muhuntiy Uistiict, at th houe ol J. H. AIhiii. Ttie Little Muhonoy District, at the h jua of widow F. Uuker. The Ijower Muhoiioy District, at the hioe of A. Uode uniitl. The Rush District, at the Liberty Pole School Houae. Tii Juckjj Disuici, at the house occupied by J.Ouei Smith. The Con! District, at the house of William M. Weaver, iu the town of &.iunioliiu. Tue Zcrtm District at the house of Win. Foukbi, in Trt,vcrt'ii. 'i'no Cameron Dulrict, ut the housu of Jacob Whiict The Jurd;iii Distnct ut lh iiuusa uow or lute of Hciiju mni LrMzl-I. Tlie Al'uut Car i u til District at the public house of Abra h:itu lrch. 'J'iio WaKiiiugton DisLrictat the house of Godfrey 3. Re bn;K. The M'Kwensville District, at the brick School House hcur the Otmuu Churcb. Tho elcciion to open between the houra of 6 and 1U o'clock lit tlie lurcnoon, hiiu siiiill continue w ithout inter ru;ition or auj jutnmeiit until 7 u' hi tho evening when the polls shuil be dost ri. 'Iho svcril inspijctora und Judges elected on the 3d t nduy ol March, lbuL, in purfcuunc u of the M Section of the act t,( the v.l t.f July,, will hulti the election on TuetMhiy the lith day o .November next. -That every ers n except u Justice of the Pessce who shall tuUI uny oihi e or tippsjint'ticut of prolit snd tius, un der the government of the L mt-d tMtis. oi of this Siule, or of any city or mcor pointed diMrirt, whether a rmunu Sionvd olficer or agent, who uliull be employed uiid.jr tne legislative, executive or judtcmry uctrtmciit of this Mute, or the I'm led Sutea, or of any cay r incoipunu d district nd ill that every iiiemutT of Congress tiiid t tlie State Lcgislatuic, uud ol (he selrsct und eoiumon cttun. cil of uny city, o( comiuiHSioiier of uny incorpornteil Dis trict, ia by law, incapable of holding or exercising Hie oiiircuf appointment of Jude. lutpectoror Clerk, of any election of this cttiutnonwcakh, und I hut no Inspector, Judges or uny oilier oriirei of sut-li election, sliull be eligi ble to uny tote then voted for. And the said Act Ai-scmhly. entitled "an act relating to the clec:ioiia of this C nniu mwcoltlt," pafcscd July the 2ml, l&h, lurth'T provides s lollowx, to wil : Tlcil the Inspct lois and Judaea cluiS'-u us ufresaid, ahull lucctui tlie restective plutt lor holdine the elr-ii-n in the district to wlncii they rchpecttully belong b fore uinu o'cltK'k ui tlie luornnig ( the second Tuesday of Oc tober in each and tveiy vear, utut nli ot tcoil luspci l"is anu'l Hp.iMint nie cleik, who b'ia.1 be a quuhticd voter of sued tlikirii't. Shciio. J. That any frud ciintniUcd bv any per. u Voting in tlie ni;tmuT lib vr prcscnlail, hhnil be punitiied hs Mimlar liuud are directed to be punched by tlie cxiht in law oi this Common wi-ulth. ln case the person who kuull h:ive received the scci-ind hiifhesl uunilK-r of vot'.-s for Inspectors shall not titu-nd on the day ol uny election, then the person win thud have received the second highest number of votes for Judge tt.e next prccttln.3 eicclioii, snail net ns tin inpcctoi in his place, uud iu case tlie person elected Judn sluill not attend the Inspector who received the higher number of vtites, fehitll itpjMunt a Judte in his piat e ; und u any vacnucy uii all coiit.iiuu in the uonnt tor the sptue ui h;il;' uit lnur af ter the tune lixed by l;.tv for the openinrr of the election, alio qu iliht J volets iti tlie township, ward or no district, lui whirn such oiiicers shall have been elected, present at she place ol elections, snail one of tneir number to ull such ic;oicy. "It i.ull be the duty of said uAscswra rexpcctiwly to at tend at Ilia place -f hojtiuig cVciy geiicial, special, it township electKiii, ilurnig (lie wiiole tunc said trlcctiou is kept open, for the purpose of giving iiii'onnutiou to the IiiKlie't rj uud J utl whtiii called on, in relation t the nht of uny person ankcRsed uy them to vote ut such cite liun, vf such ttlier tuuttt'is in tcl ili"u to the uschsinciil ot viiU in. ua ihc n;ud inspector or jndu or either of them th'tii troiu tunc to tune require. .o person snuii bo pci nutted to vote at any election as ufurcituid, oiin r tl,un a white free unut ot twenty-one or more, who siiull h:tvi resided in tiie state tit lea t one art und in the election district where he oiFers to vote ut least ten da)s immediately precttdine. tie divti mi, nnd wninu two uars paid state u! county tax. v. inch shall have been assessed at least ten days betcre the election, jtut a ciium of the i utlcd tutfi who had picviously been a quaani d voter ui thirf Kt.itc, uinl removed tVjrciroin uud tt.tun'. d, uud siiull nave tstude-d iu the election httrict, nnd paui tax as aloresmd, Hindi be till it led to vote tiller rt billing in tins state MX moittiiS, Provided, T)i;.t tnc winte lieemvu, citl ieiifc ol ll.e 1' uitcd Stales, Itetwet-n tne ue m twcu'v-t'iio und tvvcaty-twt yeiM, and in Hie i let iii.p distnci ten days nsi iiiorcrmul, .sttali Ijij entitled 1 u vi'u', uuuh lacy small u ! have (wild 1 j. -h. No per m iiad be perinPted to Vo'e whohc innne is n t contained in tiie al ui laxaulc iuh ibitaut.ifiiinirjhcd hy lite conuuisbioneis ut uioies;ml, un: s, I-'nsi : flu prutluccs a receipt I t the payment, witnni two years, of n state or county t.ix af-se-K'-ed iiyretabl) lo the o ltuuli-'u, ami Luie sat 1 41 tic lory evitleiiee cither on his own ojith f.i uftmuu tion, or mi thu outli or athiuiHtion of uiiollier, tJmt he has j Mid slh h tax, or on failure to produce a receipt, biiuil make uu oalh to tae payment thereof; or second, ii he claim a rii;iit to vote ly ben an elector ktvviui tiieaut-Hnl Iwenly-oiie und twenty-two years, be bhull depose on nuth ttr uuiruiattoti, that he has rcided in the Mute ul L'Utt one year next bet ore his upphttnui. and nultesuch pro f ol icsidence im tiie diMiict us is required ty tins act ; and that he does verily believe Irnn tiie uccouut given him deal lie is of the iii ni'urcMod, and ftive such oliier evt tanees us is ictpjired by tins act. wiiereupon the name of tite pertkui so ununited to vote, shall be inserted in alpha betical list hy the insectors, and a note made oppoMte thereto by writing the word '"tax," if he ihail be penult ed to vote by ivut-on of huvmt; paid tax, or ll-e word l uge," if he siiuli he permitted to vote on account ef Ins at-e, and iu either cae tue Iisum;ii of such vot-.n shall be called out to (he clei k, who shall uiuke uotcs m Uie list of Voters kept by them. In uil cases where the unme of the person chirwinir to vote is not foui.d mi the list lurnislicd by tiie Ctnmnouiit 'it ers and Ai&eSo'r, or his riht to vote whether buul there on or n l, is t'bjtctcd to b) any ijualihed citieu, the In spector hi:all examine kucii p -i mi on oath ni to Ins tpiahfi callous, ant) n he csaims U have iCMtled in tiie state one ear or in ore, Ins outn snull be u piool liieieuf, but he shrill prove by at hast oiid competent wiinesit, who sftal! be a (ua;ilied e.ccUT, tuut he leaded Witliiu the dottucl ut leat lea days next tnmiediuiely prceedini: the election, and soul also ioniself s-.veur that Ins Uma tide rrsidice, iu pursu inice of lawful cul'tug is v.iiain t!ie district, uud thai he did not remove into a.J disuici fur the puivsc of voting therein. Kvety pesou qualified as aforesaid, nnd wno shall make prtn l, if reipund, (' resident and payment i f taxes, as mori'said, snail beailuntteil to vote in tnc lownsiiip, ward ordistricl iu which lie shall reside. il any pei son not .piahiicd to v He in this Commonwealth ajj'eeub'iy to law, (except the sons of trpmlitietl citizens, saallapp:ar at any j.lacc of eieetn-n for the purpose of is S'lnitj tickets, or influencing citizens qualified to voje, de shall, oil conviction, forfeil und pay any sum not exceed ing one hundred d iiars for evciy one such utfence, uud be imprisoned for nny term not exceeding thri iimui1is. It snail tie the duty ol svciy mayor, hern), aldeimnn jilhtit-e of the peace, uud cousiuble oi deputy crHistiible, of eveiy cay, county, townohip ordiutru-t wohin thi coin in mweahh, whenever called ujkhi by any ollieer of an election, or hy uny three qunhhed electors thereof, io clear any window or uveuue to uny window, to the place of genet ul election, which shall be oistiucted in sucu a way us to prevent voters tmm approehinir the sniuc, and on neglect or refusal to do so on such reipiisnni, aaid urficn shud be deemetl K'nlied of uuiHienieauor iu oltue anil on conviction stud) he hi ml in any sum u t less than tine hun dred nor more than one thoinctnil dollars ; and it shall be the duty of the respective constable of each ward, district or township, of tins conuuonwenih to be present iu person tr by deputy, at (lie place ol holding nrli election in each watd, district or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid. It shall Ins the duly of every peace olTicer, as ufotcsuid, who shallbe present at nny such disturbance ut an elec tion as described in thisaci, bi report tlie same to the next cou it of quarter sessions, aud also the names of the witnesses who can prove the same. The Judges me to muke their returns for the county nf NorthumtN-rutnd, at the Court House, in Sunburv, on i-'n day, the pith day of October. A. D. 1-ttO. i.iiven under mv hand.ul Sunbury, this fttk 4.iy of Octo ber, A D. Io". and iu the &h year of the independence of the tinted State JAMES VANDYKE. bheiuT. Sheriff's OrTiee, Sunbury, tiel. I I, Ifoo. . AN OT 11 lilt, AUU1YAL OF a? J. Xu Hi GOODS, At the Mammoth Store- CONSISTING in part or l.adis' Fancy Oress Gooiis, UeUines, Cballiee, Prints, lUeached and Unbleached Muslins, Cotton, Flannels, Shirting Stripes, Apron Checks, io. We also havti a very nice assortment of Notions, such as Serpentina Hruid, Crocbet Hraid, Crochet Yarn, Teltiou Yarn, Ladies' Hose, Ladies' ! loves. Ladies' Girdles, Shawl Pins, Gum Hibboti, Gent's Gloves, Men's J Hose, Woolen and Cottoo Stockings. A lull assortment of both Cotton and Sim VELVET BIDBONS, Besides a great variety nf smaller articles. Call and sen them, as we make oo charge fur .bowing our good.irRiLiNG4oRANT Sonhory. October 6. 1BC0. C'JCATKEKS! CRACKERS, just received and for aala by lb barrel or pound, at tba Csmfecuooery store of M. O. GEARH AKT. Pqatrjrs, Ortober 18, l0. No. t2 NOVEMBER TBUM, I860. William Hhlpmtn s. Abraham 8aris, Ens outor of tb Issl will nui ink merit of Hsrruao Hhiprasn. deceased, with notice to Bustn fhip rosa, stiJosr ol Hid tleccesnl; Mary Paris, daughter of ssid deoeaaed, end ber husband Abra hambaxvisi ion Weiwr husband of I.Jfdis Weiser, dcecawd, who was a daughter of asiJ decoased and Juhn Weisrr and 1 homes Uentun Weiser, eons of aaid Lydia Weiser, deovad. and H illiam Hhipaian eon of aahl dwomwl , ail heirs and lgal rcpreaontalivea of said liarnian fchipraan, docesHej, terre-tonents. NORTHUMDEIiLANU COUMV, M. The Common wealth of rminsjlvania l tl; SherifTof .Northumberland county, Ukkktiko i Whereas, William Hliipman, plaintiff, laUil; I.. 8. in our Court of Common 1'Uas for the county aforesaid, before the Judges of the Mime Court at Hunbury, to wit I 2'Jd dny of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiqht hundred and fifty-nine, by the judgment of the same Court, did recover against Abraham Survis, ex ecutoi of Iho last will and testament of Harmsn Hhipman, deceased, as well aud certain dt U of one hundred arid ninety-six dollars and riglit cents, as also eight dollars and sixty eight cents, costs, whereof the said defendant ia convicted, Ac , as appears of record, Ac. Yet the execution of the said judgment rc. maineth lo be inado as on the information of tho said piaintilf, we have been given to understand ; Wlieielore the suid plainlilV besought ua to pro vide for him a proper remedy ix this behalf, and because wo are willing, 'list thoso things that in our s.ime Court tie rt;M!y acted, should be brought to do execution Va command you, that justly and without dcliiy by good and lawful men of yoer bailiwick, you make known t.) tl.t euid defe'.idant, thnt he be and appear before our JuJjzcs at hunbury, at nut Court of Common l'leuH, tnere lo bo held the firs' Monday of No vember next, to shew cause ifrny he has why the said judgment should no' be revived post annum I diem and to rouli.ue lien for live years arid also .-by the said phiiilifj, execution aguinst him, arcordini to tlie form and rrtect of tne re. covery aforesaid, ought not to hrtre, and further to do and receive all and whatever our said Court shall consider in that behalf And have you then and there this writ. Witness, Alexander Jor dan, Ksquire, at Sunbury, tho twenty-ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd sixty. 1. I3ECKLEY, Prethonotary. Prothohotary'sOliice, l Sunbury, Oct. G, I860. ( EVANS & WATSONS e'f Philadelphia Many fact" d Salamaudcr Safes. iY. 30-4 Chesnut Street, rillLADKLPH! A. pHKSB Safes nra now in use nil over the Tinted States, L and 1ns ve hcui tested in luiiny Crcuj tlie f'ltluwmi; sbuws aaoilier insLancc 01 limit ctipuliii ly iu rcsikitiiig tnc : WlIMF.H'S ItHltKsH, Ijincaster TowiiFhip, July 30. 1?B0. Mfmrb. Evans iV Watson, Ucntlemcn : Tne amah aize N'. 1 Snliinntidrr Safe which 1 iur rtasd from yur u'fiit, Mr Ad:nn It. Uarr, in Luucuster City,o:i July VUih, lr-, l)iii been sul jtjct' d to a very severe tcsr, wtnen it withstood in u most S'ltislactory manner. This Sule, con taming nil iny bunks, tujiither with valuiMe pipers bcliiit iin;tu mself and s me 1j my nci-jtilwin mid iriends. and rrprcHfiititig u Viilue of mer Twenty Tli'nisnnd DdUirs, (-.hMH)) wm in my Mill, winch was destroyed on tba mi! lit f the i!Tth o( Julv. nnd passed thruuuh the Gery orilc;il unscathed, The Sale wus n the aeound Hr, mid I'cllto the IxiSt iiient of the Mill, uud wus subjected lor six Imhhb loan intense htut iiniong the ruins, which was i;r cully inereiiRed be the comhustiun nf u Juice ouinititv of irtiiin confined within the bnk wills. After the fire the Wilt upenetl and the hMks und pners tukeit out in a st;ttn id" periVct pres-rMtiun, the paper not even beinjr discolor ed. This tct was, however, t many bystander, n better recomiueiidttti-tn nf your SalcB than couid im expressed iu any other word Irnin ine. Yuura, respeeifully, 8AMVKI. RANCK. Another Victory for Evans and Wat son9 s Sulamander Safe. Oawcno. N. Y.. Murch J7 160. Gentlemen ft alTurds ine Hindi pleasure tu infunn you trim the lale 5, (upright) which 1 purchased ! if Stroud, vour truvebnc Hcciit, has nnstted lhruch on ex- reediut'lv hut fire iu a three sruiv brick buildinir, whn-h heated the Sufe t a white heat, thnt the eurueis of it appear melted; but it preserved my books and vabmble papers to the amount uf severul thoussud nollnis, lor which I teel lltuuktul. Yours, respectfully, J. N T'l.DRtDOE. A In r ire nxrii!ieiit cf the above SA Ffs always on Uu.l. at U'4 Clieanut fiLraet, (latc'l &oatU i'ourtii st., I'hiludtlpNiu. Ociober 0, ly "IlOCirvifATION. jVOICK is hereby given thnt the several Courts of Commoii Pleas, (ioncrul Quurtc-r Sessions of the pracc, andOrphans' Court. Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in uud lor the county of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court He use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 1(1 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, t!ie fifth day of NOVKMUEKncxt, and will con tinue TWO W KICKS. Tlu coioner, Justice of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tilings to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in Mm!!' of the Common wealth against any prisoner are ulso requested and commanded to he then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute airainst him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at Iheir peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, ut the time appointed agreeable to their notices Given under my hand at Sunbury, the Sd day of July in the year of our Lord one thous and eigh hundred and siity and the Inde pendence of the United btates of America the eUlh. God save the Commonwealth. J4Mli-J VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Cilice, ) Bunbury, Oct. 0, 1800. EHtale of Ueorge Oei k, tlccftiNcd, Gideon Dark, 1 In the Orphan's Court vs. of Northumberland Tha heirs of George f County, Aug. Term, Uerk, dee'd. J 16G0. Rule on the Imirs und lentil representatives to accept or refuse to tuko the Keal Kstate of decedeut ot tba valuation thereof made by an Inquest, or show causo why tho suuie should not be sold. To the heirs and lepnl representatives of George Derk, late of Cameron township, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania, deceased, to wil : rSumuel Uerk, residing iu the State of Ohio ; Catharine Derk. intermarried with Ad am Fees ; Klizabetb Derk, intermarried with George KeiMeller; George Derk, Michael Derk, Darnel Derk, John Derk, Gideon Deik, Kenjamiu Derk, i'eter Derk, Man Derk, in ti married with Kenjamin Weary; Medone Derk, Christiauua Derk, intermarried with I'lulip Graher; Solums Derk, intermarried with Andrew K linger, all rssidino iu North uuiborland couuty, and Leah Deik, iuterniar ried with Solouiou Dolig, tesiditig ia Potter county. 1b. You and each of yoo are hereby notifltd, that by virtue of the above llule nf Court, you ore required to be aud appear at au Orphan's Court lo bo held at Suubury, ia and lor the county of the first Mon day, of November n. xt (16CU), and then aud there accept or refuse to lake the U"ul Kstate of tbe said G.rj;e Derk. deceased, ul It val uation thei-of made by an Inquest thereou had. or show cause, if any you have, why lUe said promises should not o sold according to the Act f Assembly id sucb case made and r,Vlri"d- JAM US VANDYKE. Sheriff. Sheriff's O:bo, 1 (Joiilmry. Oct 6. ljO 1 " 13KELETON S1CIBT8- T the Mainmotb Storo -ill b. found a A very lrgu a.sort.nei.t of tikelaoo hkirti from aeveo boops up to lh irty. , Oct. 6. 1B60. FBU.lNti 4 OBAN1. O ! YE LOVERS OF hOUP I A freah IJ anppl, of Macron ran . r iuiiis' Suubury, June . LAND V A K R A N T8. The higheat prit. will bi ilwn tuA WarranU by tha cub " H.BMAbPER. CI.OAKl IXOTH.,..,M. B,.u Broadcloth., Ve.rings, Ac. V "Mln Boye' CaMimeree, good pattemV 8ainee and Unloo Caeaimeee, Fancy Cassimerea, from T lo 1 r ine Ulack Oastfmorce and DrMmk UI.ACK UROAUOLO For Dress Coat, Frock Coal. OverX Hey Overenaiiiigs, Ueaw, Pd ' .Ae. LIGHT OLO AKIN Gi. Foi Ladies' wear, of everv desirable hl t Ina nuntil. ....I I.. ...... k.. .1. . I N,B.-Tdor supplied at lowest f1 prirw. c,h noOVEH i CON A V H. E. corner Ninth and Mar, Hepteruber 22, ISGO. I'hilado. F ALL CLOAKS IN PKEP4KA 770N Some opening every day. Slock will be complete. Orders token and executed with despatch. Children's and Misses' Shawl. COOI'EK A. CONARD. v 8. E. corner Ninth and Msrkut, Philadelphia. September 33. tHbO. New Arrival of Clothing'. pH E Urgen and beat Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ever brought lo this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Ktore of SCH WF1TZEB, HEILBP.ONNEIt dc CO.. in Maikct street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises of F I INT 23 CLOTH COAT3, Dress Coats, O'er Coats, Business Coats, ica. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. Cnder-Shirls, Drawers, etc. hats isrr CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOEfS, of the latest stylt of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. Thsir assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Clothing is the most complete t Their variety and sty las most attractive. And the prices defy all competition. Call anu examine for yourselves. bCWErrZEK,HMI.BKONNEK 4- CO. Hunbury, Oct. 6, 18G0. New Jtoot & Shoe Store. market Street, Sunbury, Pa. IY"M- M. APSLEY, late of Philadelphia, re ' pcctfully informs Ibe citizens uf Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just received and opened tor sale at Ins new store adjoining tlie l ost OhVe, the largest and best stock of Boots and t-Uoes, Ac, ever brought to this place, which he will sell at the lowest prices. Having lumself worked at the business, be has selected his stock with tho greatest care, which consists, in part, as follows, lo wit : Mens' .Boots from S'- 25 to $G 00. " Sboes from 87 J lo 2 XV " Gaiters Irom I 60 Vt 400. Womens' Gaiters from fiO to 2 DO. " Nloroico shoes from 2J to 1 S7J. " Leather shoes from 70 lo I B'i J Misses Shoes ol different kinds from 40 to 1 9. Boys' Boots from I i0 lo 3 00. " Shoes from 62 i to I SO. Children.' Shoes fioui XU to 1 1 2J, and alao Trunks and Valises. Kunbury, September 2J, 1SC0. AUDITOR S NOTICE. riHE undersiincd auJitor, appointed by tha Ornhans' Court of A'orthumberland county, to distribute the balances of t'.io money in tho hands of Oiasha Newberry, Adminirtrutor uf Albin Newberry deceased, and of Joseph Priest Icy, trustee of said decedent, to and among the parties legally entitled thereto will attend la the duties of his said appointment at his office, in the Borough of Northumberland, Northumber land county, Pennsylvania, on Monday the 'J U day of October next Igr.O. at 10 o'clock A. M. DAVID TAGGART, AuJitgr. September 9th, 1S60. rURSl FURSI FURS I LADIES' FANCY FUR EMPORIUM. -Ij'Alir.IRA ft THOMSON, !. i'nj N.i. tis MhUot JP street, ulmve Kieluh, S'inth side, Hliilu.lelphm. We beg lenve to call Uie atlentKni i f trie liilirs In our i:irceaiid vurieil atnek ul Ladles' unit Clnklreu's 1 .l.Ni.. Y l'l KS. Iljeing lij'l git-iit cjtiieneiies, enJ ei.jt'jn.f peculiut fseihties in Hie serti'in nl Fur, wn cij.ti'lr.iiiy i ller nar new sunk In the inspection of the Indies, leeuuif nssureil that Uiey will deciilc with u, in llsLtu.i; umi.-ulleij for but ly und viiriely, cinsisttnu, as it does ol every description nf American und Knroiieail Furs, illuiiufje'.ured in the latest and most ftppruved 81!es. I'upi s. Tauims, lel'ir.nes, Ct'Siks, .Mulfs unit Culi'i, elnliiucius; Sable, Mink, slone Mitrtin, Ijeriimn Fiteit, Sil-einin S-juirrel, French Snble, French Sijuirttl, Ailieneail Fiuli, and Silver Muitio. IST 'riianklal for tha very lilirrjl patroieifre heretofore extended to us, we hope lo merit a continuance ot tha same, by Isrnuhing a good nrni-le at the lowest Casa li ices. F A li K 1 It A & Til OM SON, No 8I M:irket Street, l'lulaJcl;,l,i. N D Old Tars altered lu failnonable styles. Octobers, IcCu. aimv The Paris Mantilla Emporium. NO. 70H CHKSNUT STBKKT, I'Hll.ArKI.PHIA.-. Kstubltsiied in Ij5 for the exclusive dnipljy nnd sale ol the latest novelties iu I'am, Loudon, and the' finer pro ductions of home manufactured CLOAKS Se MANTILLAS, To which has beenudded a Fi ll DKI'Ali I'MF.N'T which embraces the lareest asuoitinent of Fuis of all .Nations, including Keul lfuhiuii S;ible. Fine Dark Hudson Jluy Sable, ltuss'uii loid Anierieau Mink Sable, Koyal Fninine, Chinclollu, Fine lars Siliertun Squirrel, Kq., imule up in the most f.i.lnounble stvli s for ladies Winter Cohiutue. All lioods waininled One Fixed Frice from which no ileviinioii enii be infide. Tl.e Faiis Muntilis, Cl.ik and Fur rCiiinoriuiil, .No TC hesiult street, (almve Seveutn. south si.le ) J. W. l'ltOCi'OK Jc CO. October fith, l?-rio 'Im J. PAIiTVIEK & CO., Market Street Wharf, Philud'a, Dealers rixli, Cheese uud l'rovlflons HAVK eonrtHiitly on hand an n.sortiiieut f Pried and Fickied Fish, ,Vc.. vi -..Ma.-liertl, SiiaJ. Snlinmi, lilue Fish, tlernnas,, lletl. Pork, Laid, SuouUiora, lluiui. Sulcs. I'lieese. Beans, ltice, Jco. Octobers, 1 tCO. im w DR. A. W. FISCHER, "kFFERS his professional services to tha eitl reus of bunbury and vicinity. OlVu-e at the Druij Store, rjjnbury, June Ho, 18o0. DRESS COATS OF tlie best quality and latest style, just received and for ebIh nt SWUTZCR. ULlLHRONXERi CO. SdiiUuiy, August II, ISCd. MERCHANT TAILORING. Tin tiiroiiitM or FASIIIOM flHK undersigned respectfully informs the L citiifr.s nf Sunlunjr "d vicinity, that he has just returned from Philadelphia Willi a large slot, of CLOTHS, Plain and Fancy Cassimerei. Vectings, &o. which he will make up to order in Uie moat fashionable) allo at a.nall pnnits, for cash or country produe. You are solicited to enll anj etaimiie hi stock before purchasing elsewhere, il'vou wish lo gel the worth ol your inoiit-y. 'Thankful for pasi patronage, he hopes ly strict siteuiun to business lo continue tha same. JACdll O. ULCK. Sunbury, Heptrmber il, INGJ. ALFRSD D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN IaA.T13XsfT OFFICE, No. It 4 South Fourth btreel, I'hiUdelphia. T B. C'onimunicationa by mail promptly v attended to, Hepl 'ii, IKC0 1)5 PHILADELPHIA. Paper llanglus 51auuraclurcrf. FALL TIIADB.) HOWT.LI. k BOI'HKF. Iivn. removed lothaii New btore. Corner Fouilh and Maikct strn-ls, are now pieiaired u irKr Ui the trade a large aial e-cganl assort. lucut of Wall 1'apcis, liordera, FnsSoresua, WiisJow Curiam Goods, 4 c, 4a, all of tha Hewest and best dtsig. na. Mom ths luwast piicad ariielc totha liueal tioid ami Velvet iletMi-Mliuiia Purchaaera will do weU 'r visit the saiaUlisnmeni of HOWFIX VOUsUK, NECoc Fno.Ut aM Uasi WMaV tWelsASa 4, 100 Snrw