Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 22, 1860, Image 2

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TrfnTMASEBEditor and Proprietor.
the railroud wat lost for want of tim.
I Laughter and epplaose. When your lie
presentative retorns borne, end joo ask him
wby the Pacific Kailroad bill was not passed,
lia will tell yon, "I wss fur it, aod the
majority of my party was for it. It wss only
loat for waut of time, and we will anrely pass
It neit session." The next ression the same
thiog occura again, and ao it goea on Tear
after year, 1hi O'Rro oecopying the whole
attention of Conirrese and the white mao
having no ahow whatever. I think it ia time
that we ahould banish the ngr from the
bulla of Congress, refer the slavery question
tn tho people, to decido as tliuy please, and
then give our attt'ution to the nmtril iuter
esta of the white ami), for which thia (Jovern
ment was triad. (Imnivbia applause. 1
hold that this Government ana made ly bni
Lie J, for the benefit or white uit-y. lo bJ
administered by while men foiever; ami
wherever we have the misfnitui." l V.','
Negroes among o. each Stat and each ter
ritory moat provide for ita owe hegioea.
The people of other States have toiist-rencM
7.ii .n in IVnnavlvniiin and we in
n -, mm jv. ... .... - j -
- .
ruvuiiuiv tw vv - r -
manage yonr own affair to so JoqwIm.
take cari of yonr own negroes, rnin.l joorwn
huaineaa, and let yonr nejghbor. alone.-
. .j u. ..,, kotweeo tne ;
Booth, the KaJt and the WMl.aud every , J0BEPH LANE, of Oregon.
portion of tbi. Confederacy a. ...
principles, in my opinion to which Ue
Wcr.tic party i. Pj'fS'J- ,,. of
t have no hope 01 miinwi...g r-
To ADrMii'- -Tln circulation of th. 8vat
i. not .!!, If efloalM b lP" VMrt" '
N.mherii I'aaiiaylraiila.
DCMocnaTii; woMisATiont.
la the Regular ConrfOlloo.
HER5CHEL V. JOHNSON, of Georgia.
a. Lot them provide for their oegroea
ling to their own coo.ciencea and M
laible to God and posterity. 00
yonr own affair to so JoqwIm.
ari of yonr own oegroef. mindyourowo
. 1 , neighbors alone.
toaiDraa, auu ir , T.rri. r " ,
Applause.) If every Bum Md "'J' I J0HN c. BEECKINEIDGE, of Kentucky.
Ill lh aeredera' and Disunion Convention.
thia country eicept by a Brm .Mw
theae irreat Democratic principle. How
ihn Wl -naiotain ll.o.e
Ooly by adhering firmly to regular nom,D..
If f
Or Wkstworki.ami).
.1 mm u u "
bolter. (Ure.tenthusia.m) Whenever joo term, and compromi.e. wUh bollor..
vou bold out a bounty for every faithleaa mar.
lo bolt in the future. (Cheer. )l ot one. 1
can never fuse, ( Voicea-"never !") and never
will fuse with a mao who telle ma Ibat the
Democratic creed ia a dogma contrary to :
reaaoa and the Constitution. I
(Tbia aentiment waa received with a terrific
etorm or epptauae, which laeted aeveral
rnioutea.) Let na atand firmly by oar pnn
oiplea, muintoio our honor and our integrity,
and then trust to Uod and to the people.
(Cheera ) I have fought no leaa than twenty
aix pitched battlea aince I have been io public
life, and I never yet treated with the enemy,
or aarrendered my priociplee, (cbeer. ;) and
if I do not mistake the troe apirit of the
Democracy or old liorka, they will .land by
their colora, and .corn all alliance., either
with Northern Abolitiouiata or Southern
Beceaaioniata. (Voicea, "We will," and
lo coocloaioo, I have only to .ay to you,
my fellow citizena, that 1 have reaaou to be
grateful to you for the courteey with which
yon have received me, and the attention with
which you have liatened to me. (A voice,
"Go on. lt'e- not dark yet, and we want to
hear yoo that long." No, my friend, 1 shall
not go on. You are right io Baying that it
ia not dark yet. There never wa. political
darkneaa io old Berks. (Great applause.)
Here the snn or Democracy ever (bine,
brightly, and I trust that it will not be
dimmed by anything 1 may otter. (Applause)
I have ooly to' renew my aincere thank, to
joa for your kindoea. on tbi. occasion.
At the concluaion of bia apeecb, oine cheera
were proposed and given foi Doogtaa, aod
the loimen.e crowd .lowly dispersed.
Thr Fate or Mr. Lchsdkn and Fa milt.
The New Orleans Picayune ha. the following
atateoient of a colored boy, who wa. on tbe
steamer Lady Elgin, and wa. saved, concer
ning the fate of Col. Lunisden and family.
"i saw Mr. Lomaden a few minnte. before
be went down. He asked me if there wa.
much danger. Bis wife and family were then
standing near him. Ilia wife appeared very
much frightened. Hi. eoo told him be bad
better get a table leaf and bo prepared for
tbe worat. He did not do ao, however but
told bia family to atand where they were while
he went to aee what tbe danger waa. Mr.
Latnsden left. The son then advised bi.
mother aod sister to take off all their opper
clothing. Tbey did Dot do ao. Sood after
tbe captain came into the cabio and advised
tbe passengers to secure each a atate room
door and go out on the quarter deck, which
all did except Mr. Lumaden's family, wbo
contioued to wait for bim io the cabin. Io
tbe meantime, yooog Lumadeo got three table
leaves ready to float off,
"The boat then went down, aod 1 saw no
thing mora of them till I was in tbe water,
when the little girl caught bold of me aod
called out for her father, aod asked where he
was. lie answered 'here,' and asked where
she waa. A bis wave then swept over os all.
and when I came to tbe surface again the little
girl waa washed away aod I saw nothing more
01 mem."
Other statement., however, affirm that Col
L. and family were seen on a raft ; that tbe
little girl wo. seen ia tbe arm. of Capt. Wil
eon, and all were drowned within few rest
of tbe shore.
port correapoodent sive. aome goaaip con
terning a garden, a eardener. aod a novelist :
"One of tbe greatest corioeitie. I have
seen for a long time ia tbe orchard-house of
tbe Hon. William U. Lawrence, of tbia city
ibe system of cultuue ia, I believe, rather
tew in thia country. Tbe boose is a lean to,
three hundred fret long, built io tbe moat
substantial niauoer. The eolire house ia
heated by bot.water pipes, aod i. divided by
glass partition, into eeclioo. of thirty feel
eacn. tlere one can easily fancy he ia en'
joiog tropical life, for be baa tbe beat or tbe
tropics for tbe entire year, and their fruits,
such aa pineapples, apricota, filberts, tigs.
bananas, together with a great abundance
auu variety of tbe fiuit of more oorlhero
climes, such as strawberries, pears, peaches,
cherries, Ac. All theae fruits are growing io
pots ; aud what is moat remarkable, tbe pots
are simply filled with moss gathered from tbe
woods. Some or the trees grow io hanging
I'attctt. which. I hut iuva mmm irioinfil with
Mr. Airred Chamberlaic, who baa tbe care or
the bouse. Mr. 0. formerly bad tbe care of
tbegardeo of Sir Lyttou Bulwer, tbe noveliat
ho lived seven miles out or London. Ilia
account ia, that 'liulwcr waa accustomed to
come and spend an boar or two with bim in
tbe garden, aod then be woold return to bia
.turty and write with all hi. might.' Tbe
P"u Bnl baalete are gooerally small, aod
"lied with moss, aod, with the trees trained
10 every imaginable shape, some of them
Isdco with the choicest fruit, present a pio
toresqueaod novel appearance."
Mr. Thomai Wuua, of Baltimore. Is
aoout to add to tbe attractions of tbat beao
tnul city by erecting io its most central
locality . hotel, tbe like or which shall not
ove been seen Tn io oar botul excelling
country A correapoodent or the New Or.
' c'"i aaya : "II r. W jnaue ia reputed
1 .?.rlb ttom K felve millione dol-
i.h ? . DoUI ber Mfr" lo. if cooalruc
"o, win be oo a grand scale, coating from one
Ti tw" '""""'I thousand dollare.
.1,. ' UTfour Dn froula. ou 00 H
street, another 00 North, a third on Noll d.y,
lit, k n,r,b oa Tb u w
?h; nl,onlb" rur (t'yett..lrel.)
1 United States court boas 00 the
oppoait. corner 0r North street, and lb- iron
? building , rroutt wuU, jl.u.j.. KlrMt
rUd r ' 'P dilUBl- "
bolId oL .'.M h" cool"DP'". e work of
an, nL ' " b en"n'oceai some time next
mhllL. .1' W " location, bet
matt kI ,lb'. ,rUli be preSUble,
ust be tested b, rotare d.v.lopm.ots.-J
A aw ork World.
Uemooratio County Ticket.
Fur Congrui,
JO H.I UIGUR, ( PutitvllU.
For Senator,
RElDhN KELLER, or Soxdrrl oanlx
Fur Astemlly,
aAMUf.L EHT, of Shamokln
For Sheriff,
DAVID TCALDno, t Mlllon.
For Committiontr,
ISAAC D. RAKER, el LltlU Makaney
For Prothonotary,
VAIXIEL BECKLET, mt ennbary.
For Auditor,
JOIIM Turbitl.
The conferees of this Senatorial district,
composed of the eoanties of Northumberland,
Boy e'er, Montoor and Colombia connties,
after a number of Inefficient attempts to make
a nomination, at Northumberland, adjourned
ever and met at Danville tfn Friday last,
when the present incumbent, Rrcbkm K bl
ur, Esq., of Snyder county, was cominated.
A. Snyder is tbe smallest county in the
district, aod anti-Democratic at that, aod has
already bad a two years' term, while Nor
thomberland and Montour, (the former a Urge
Democratic county,) have had none, tbe re
salt naturally created no little surprise
amoog those wbo are not acquainted with the
mode and manner by which these things are
too frequently accomplished, io tbi. progres
sive age.
Borne years since, when Tbaddeo. Stevens
advised Governor RitDer to "throw conscience
to tho devil," some of our pious and patriotio
politiciao. threw op their bands in holy hor
ror. Bat it is needless to say what i. well
known to all wbo are acquainted with what i.
called "wire workiog" io political circle., that
conscience i. an ingredient, now seldom need,
and deemed entirely too inoperative in despe
rate case.. We confess we were not much sur
prised ourselves, as we generally manage to
keep our.elvea posted io regard to tbe move
ments of these wire workers, aod are no
longer sorprised at any legerdemain or feats
of ground and lofty tumbling that these po
litical Blondins may see fit to accomplish.
But whatever foundations there may be
for the run o:f afloat it is due, alike, to
the people as well as to the eandidntA
oomiuated, that the conferees should, by some
formal and nnequivocal action, clear up theae
Mkrtiko or tbi Drvocratic Standino
Committer, Wo are renuested bv C. J.
Brnner, Esq., Chairman of the Democratic
Standing Committee of Northumberland
county, to say that a meeting of tbe Commit
tee will be held at the Uiand Jury room, in
Soobory, on Tuesday, the 25th lost., at one
o'clock, P. M , where tbe member, are re.
quested to attend.
tty Accident. Mr. Ebeoeter Baatian,
employed in the steam saw mill of Mr. Ira T.
Clement, io this place, had two of bis fingers
cot off, on Monday lost, by a circular saw.
CZ" W'alkkr At Truxillu, tbe scene of
Walker's latest daah at the prize or empire,
tbe British sloop of war Icarus compelled
Walker and his bund of filibusters to evacu
oate the fort at that place. Walker left the
fort aecretly on the night of tbe 21st nit.,
with about eighty men, all well armed aud in
good spirits. Oo the 23d he hud a battle
with tbe Hondurana, in which ooe mao was
killed aod five wounded. It is believed,
therefore, that tbe report of bis party having
been reduced to twenty-five men, is devoid
of troth.
O There was a splendid display of aurora
borealis on Saturday night. Tbe ray. were
nearly white, vayrying In intensity np to elev
en o'ebek.
C3T A new improvement io the shape of a
ten pio alley, ia io progress, on tbe lot oppo.
site the Central Hotel. It is being built by
Mr. Hoover, aod will be kept by by J. H.
Parker. It will be well got op, aod in socb
a manner as to avoid a. much a. possible tbe
objectionable noise of tbe rolling balls.
C3" Carl Scburz end Col. Curtin are an
nounced to speok at Pottsville, to-day, (Sat
urday.) Mr. Scburz ia an educated and
highly talented German, and celebrated as ao
orator in EnRlish and German.
sIS" Tne On. Tradh Tbe importance of
the oil wells io this State, can not yet be es
timated. Tbe yield of some of theto wells ia
enormous. At a welt recently opened at
Tideout, Erie county, the flow is said to be
one barrel per minute. The oil is worth,
about $14 per barrel, which would make the
yield of this single well worth over '20,000
per day. There are a Dumber or these oily
fountains of wealth. Our Slate is the richest
io mineral, of any in the Union, and by
this new source of profit is adding much and
rapidly to our wealth.
tV Tiik U ft hat Eastern Aoaik. A letter
from the Hod. A. Dudley Mann, to the
Richmond Enquirer, gives the gratifying in
telligence, that ho has the assurance of tbe
Directors or the Great Eastern, who came
oot to this country on ber recent voyage,
that .he will trade regularly to tho water, or
the Chesapeake, if she cm be guaranteed the
requisite quantity or outward bound freight,
to complete ber cargo, and tbat she can
make eight voyages a year.
t7 Pfad headish As an erroneous idea
prevail, that tbe Pres. 1. greatly favored by
tbe system of dead-beadism or free passes,
it will be well to let the public know that
the reciprocity, "as the Irishman said, is not
all oa one side," aod tbat these favors are
but small in comparison to favors granted
In every community by the newspaper press.
Io placing the spur opon the other boot, we
quote the language of a veteran New York
editor, whose experience and position have
afforded Lin the best oppoituoitiel for the
troth of what be tsy. :
"Railroads, steamboats, and stage coaches
complain of dead heading tbat is to say, all
editors and brethren of the craft riding so
much without pay. Tbe newapaper press
endures more of this dead heading than all
three of these modes of conveyance combined.
The pulpit, the bar, and the theatre ; corpo
rations, legislative assemblies, societies, reli
gious. beoevoleDt, agricultural ; mercantile
establishments, railroad companies, steam
boats, stage lines, and every variety of indi
viduals, including political parties and poli
ticians, draw largely opon the liberality of
tbe press. The pres. ia expected to yield to
all tbe.e interest. ; it i. required to give
strength to all weak institution, and enter
prises ; it is asked to puff small preachers
into overshadowing pulpit orators ; to puff
small politicians and unpriocipled demagogues
into great men and patriots ; to magoify
incompetent railroad officers into railroad
kings ; it is expected to herald abroad tbe
fame of q-iacks or all case., bolster op dull
authors ; immortulise weak Congressional
speeches ; it is required to give sight to the
blind, bread to the buogry, talents to fools
and honor to tbievea and rubber. ; it is
asked to cover op the infirmities of tbe weak,
to bide the faults of guilty men and wink at
tbe fraudulent rchumea of scooudrels; it is
expected to flatter the vain, to extol the
merits of those who deserve oothing bat tbe
scoro and contempt of all good citizens; it
id required, in a word, of the newspaper press,
that it become all things lo all men ; and if
it look for pay, or send out its bill for sub
scriptions and advertising, it is denounced as
mean and sordid, and ita conductor as want
ing io liberality. There is no interest on tbe
face of tbia green earth thnt is expected to
give as much to society, without pay or 1
thanks, as the newspaper press or the coootry.
Tbe little sooled mao, who inserts io yo':c
columns a fifteen shilling advertisement,
expect, yoo to write him at least five dollura'
worth or editorial uotices. Aod the obscure
and niggardly mao you have written iuto a
position or importance fur beyond his merits,
considers that bis name adorns your columns,
and gives circulation to your journal."
0"Tlie American contribution to tbe
j Syrian Relief Fund will be very largo. New
York recently dispatched to Damascua the
sum of $13,407.13. There are now in Syria
as maoy as fifteen thousand Christian suffer
ers, many of them widows and orphans.
BHT Tbe territory of Pike's Peak is be
coming important in enterprise and popula
tion. . The week before last, one hundred
and forty-seven wagons left Missouri for
Pike's Peak. They contained nearly a mil
lion pounds of freight for the supply of the
Shamokin Uoul Trurte.
SlIAMIIM.V, Jli-, I mini '11. 1800.
1uM. CWT.
Seut for tbe week euding Sept.
Per last Report,
4.0.13 13
126,595 08
To same time last year,
131.B49 3t
111,123 13
20,425 08
Tbe Northern Central Railway.
The arrival of Panenger Trains on the North
ern Central Rail Road from Bunburr, ia aa fol-own
4.WP. M.
9 fit A. M.
18.10 A M
10,(2 P M.
MnilTraiu, Nnrih,
" Btiatb,
Night ExprtM, Nottli,
4,18 P. M ,
,60 A M ,
13.0.1 A.M.,
10,38 P. M ,
Sunbury St Erie Railroad.
Tha arrival and departure of Paownger Tiaina on the
Buubnty k Erie Railroad at thia place, ia follow! t
Oats, -
10a I 80
. 62
. 40
. 62
Tallow, .
New Advertisement.
Mail Train, North,
" South,
Night F.jpie, North,
" " Bouih,
Frright and Acomu., North,
" " South,
A,1 P. M.,
fl.30 A. At ,
H.05 A. M.,
10,33 P. M.,
6,IS P. M.
4, I. M.
9,34 A.M.
12.10 A M
lUyM P. M
.,40 A. M.
The Shamokln Vallrjr and Fotlsvllle Rallraad.
Tauenger tram leaves Sunhitrr at
" " " Mt. Cannel,
4 3UPM.
prisoner, io the custody of th Sheriff
Uradford conoty, escaped from t'le down pas
senger train on tbe Catawiss. Railroad, 00
the morning of the 14th Inst., about 4 o'clock,
within half a mile of Port Clinton, The
prisoner, whose name is Barton II. Barrett,
bad been arrested and convicted on tbe
charge of horse stealing, and sentenced to ten
years' imprisonment In the Eastern Peniten
tiary, to which place tbe Sheriff was convey,
ing him when he made hi. escape. He
managed to break off the iron bars which
were placed inside the window, and then
utting hi. shackled legs ont of the car,
umped opon tbe gronnd, while the train was
in motion. As soon as his absence was dis
covered, search was made, but no clue to him
could be ascertained. Tbe Sheriff offered a
reward of $50 for his arrest, and different
parties went ont to search for bim. He was
finally arrested yesterday afternoon, near the
place of bis escape, by a person from Port
Clinton, and Is agaio safe in costody. The
Sberifl bad three other prisoners In charge,
none of whom, however, attempted to escape.
It is somewhat remarkable that a person
whose legs were shackled, should escape
tbrongh the window of a car, while io motion,
and receive no injury. We are informed that
this prisoner eluded the vigilance of the police
officers for two years before be was arrested
00 the charge Tor which be bag been at last
coovicted. Reading Gazette.
Factories of England, Ac. Enpluod and
Wales have over 3,000 cottoo factories; tbey
pay their operatives $11,000,000 per annum ;
their entire trade in these fabrics amounts to
S25.000.000 annually, giving 1,000,000 opera
tive, employment. They have 250,600.000 of
coin in the Kingdom, exclusive of that held
by the bank. ; their exports of cotton fabrics
alone exceed tbe entire exports or tbe United
Slstes. exclusive of specie.
Till! Coai. Tbaor. Tho quantity sent by
Railroad this week ia 43.415 lf by Canal
35,013 18 for the week 79,029 14 tons
against 82,110 tons for tbe corresponding
week last year. Pottsville Miners' Journal.
Cclcgrapjiic fl'cfos.
Arrival of tbe Jura at Quebec.
The Weather in England FnvnrabU Aspect
of the Crops Movements 0 Queen I ictona I i itching end irritation, e9eiitiliy I elected to d.wharge the duties 'of his olUce with
Garibaltli Approaching Xuples. , upon congestion of the abdominul venous or- ! fUolily and impartiality.
I dilution. This the engorginei.i, . BKNJAMIN HEFFNER.
Quebec, Sept. 17. Tho steamship Jura, j dilution of the veitiB, formation of Illinois, j Lower Auguala, Sept. 22, 18C0.
irum x.iverpuoi, av 00011 01 iiih 0111, via lon- j lieuion napes, pain ana sunering : unj me
donderry, evening of the 7tb, has arrived at 1 disease can only be fundamentally cured lit
this port. . medicine, which taken interuully, relieve 1 1 1 a
(JREAT BRITAIN. ' venous congestion. Hence ointments, wash
Tbe weather continued comparatively fine ! ' evPD injections, are so im-Uvetnul.
tl.rouohoot Knalanrl and Irlmui. and II.h 1 II I MI'HRKYs' UoMKOPATHIC I'll.K SPOTMC
. B '. - . I. I, . .1
simple enar jn, luat-ii mu ur luivr uuit-i
ROAD The arrival and departure of Paaoenger Train
from Norlhmberland :
Mail train Mouth, araivee at 9.40 A. M
" North, leaves ' 4.fi0 P. M
Ex Freiuht, South arrrivea
' " North, Icavca ' 5.20 A.M.
F;owi the Xtw V Examiner, August, 25
Spai.dino's Pbki'abkd (Jlik is designed ft r
repairing furniture in all cares where cabinet
makers' glue is used. 1 1 is excelled for m -n-ding
books, rcfastening the loosened. K-aves
-and covers nuickly and firmly. It ia put up
' in a bottle or gUas glue-pot, with a brmh, and
will become indii-peoBible to the housekeeper.
I'lLF.S? PILt I! iMLKS!'!
! What is it t llmr cured f
j Thousands of persons have Piles suffer
j for years with the disease yet few know
! whut it Is, or bow it ia cured. Kvery case ol
! Piles, whether munifested in the form ofex-
FflHR undersigned respectfully informa
JL citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, thai he has
jual returned from Philadelphia with a large alock
Plain and Fancy Cassimerei, Vesting., &c,
which he will make up to order in the moat
fashionable style at small profits, for caah or
country produce. You are solicited to call aid
examine hia atock before purchasing elavwhera,
11 you wish to get the worth or your money.
Thankful for past patronage, he hopes by
atrict attention lo buaiuesato continue the same.
Punbury, September 54, 1860.
New Boot & Shoe Store.
Market Street, Sunbury, Ia.
IVM. M. APSLEY, late of Philadelphia, rea
' v pectfully informa the citixena of Sunbury
and vicinity, that he haa juat received and opened
for sale at hie new atore aljiningthe Post OrTine,
the largest and best atock of Boole and Shoes, &.C.,
ever brought to thia place, whirh he will sell at
the lowest prices. Having himself worked at
the business, he haa selected hia atock with the
greatost caro, which conaists, in part, aa folluwa,
to wit :
Mena' Bool, from $2 25 to $8 00.
' Shoea from 87 J to S 25
" Gaiters from I 50 to 400.
Wi.mena' Gaiiers from 60 to 2 00.
" Morotco shoea from fi2J to I H7J.
" Leather ahoea from 70 lo I 87$.
Missea Shoes ol different kinds from 40 to I 60.
Boys' Boots from I 00 to 3 00.
" Shoes from 63 J to 1 Ml.
f hilihena' fchoea from 20 to I IX, and also
1'iunka and Yaliee.
Sunbury, Septemlier 82. I860.
To the Voters of KorthuiiibcrlnutI
FBpiJE undersigned having been nominated fur
B the office of I'rothonoturv. &c , without any
aoliritation on hia part, resper'tfully auks the sup
pi t of the independent voters of Northumberland
veruui luinora. irei(wKoi, uircuiuKa, ur luvii 11-111 ouimy ai ine ensuing election, and PromiKei if
E7 Merchant Tailoring-. Mr. Jacob O.
Beck has returoed from Philadelphia with a
handsome assortment of goods, and is ready
to fit out gentlemen who may desire a good
suit, at the shortest ootice end on reasonable
, ,,,,,
C3T New Boot and Suob Store. We call
attention to tbe advertisement of Mr. Wm.
M. A psUy, wbo has opened a new store in this
place. Mr. Apsley has an assortment of
boots and sboes tbat will compare favorably
with any wo have seen io this section of the
sjy Killed. Another of tbose shocking
accidents that so frequently occnr on rail
roads roaoing through towns, notwitbstaodiog
all admonitions and precautionary measures
adopted, resulted in tbe loss of tbe life of a
fine boy, about oine years old, on Monday
last. Tbe lad, s soo of Mr. John Levy, an
employee 00 tbe Noithero Central road, bad
got on the bumper of a coal car, which, when
moved by tbe engine, threw him off. The
car wheels passed over and crushed one leg
below the knee and dreadfully maogled tbe
other. Dr. Awl waa called in, but tbe little
sufferer expired before moroing.
PaiNrcL Accident. We regret to
learn tbat Dr. Green, of Williamsport, wbo
is connected with the Sunbury 4 Erie Rail
road at tbat place, was seriously injured at
Miltoo, 00 Wednesday last, by jumping off
tbe train at tbe oew depot building, while
passing at considerable speed. His jaw bone
was broken in tbe fall, aod tbe lower balf of
his nose nearly cut off, and bis race olherwUe
macb lacerated. We understand his injuries
are or so serious a character that bis recovery
is extremely doubtful.
(.JT Hon. lliRiiCUKL V. Johnson, the Dem
ocratic candidate for Vice President of the
United States, passed through this place io
the Northern Central cars, on Wednesday
afteruooo, on bis way to Williamsport, where
be delivered ao address, by sppoiotmeot,
tbat evening. Mr. Jobnsoo returned through
this place next morning, lie was accompa
nied by lion. Risbard Vaux, of Philadelphii
His brier stsy of only s few minutes enabled
but few peraoos to make bia acquaintance,
ejjr judication or an Odd Fellows Hall,
Tbe Odd Fellows Hall at Georgetown, io
this county, was dedicated on Saturday last,
A large cumber or the fraternity were pre
sent , from Halifax, uratxtnwn, buobury
Heliaagrovr, and participated io tba eeremo
nies. Addresses were muda by Mr. O. M
Hill, ofSuobury, Mr. Mclotire.of BloooiGeld
Perry county, Kef. M r. Dilsler, of Womels
dorr, Berks county, aod Rev. Mr. Hagey, of
Liverpool, Perry couoty. There was quit
a large number of the citizens of Ibe ear.
rounding couutry preseot, aud everything
paaaed off pleasantly.
A Lincoln pole 95 feet io beigbtb, was
raiaed near Bingemao'i Hotel, aboot eleven
o'clock, by oar Republican friends of Ibe
lower tod of tbaysouoty.
VST Our Ropubiican friends are making
themselves merry at tbe expense or Judge
Douglas. The Judge, wbo had been on a
visit to bih mother in tbe State or New York,
made several speeches in tbe neighboring
towns. Our friends are cracking all kinds of
jokes oo tbe subject, eveo caricaturing the
Little Giant with a bundle on bis back, in
search of his mother. The Judge, a short
time since, playfully retorted in one of his
peecbes, saying "he regretted that it was
not safe for Mr. Lincoln to visit Kentucky,
is birtb place, to see bis mother."
6 Northumberland The Shamokin He.
gister, referring to tbe adjournment of tbe
Congressional conferees to Northumberland,
peaks of tbat town as "a place notorious for
obscurity and a goose pasture." This ia not
only bad logic, but in bud taBte, aa well as
beiug unkind and unjust. A place notorious
for anything cannot well, be obscure. Per
haps no town of its size in Pennsylvania is
better known in history than Norlhumber-
and. It baa been the residence or men dis
tinguished in science and literature, and our
National Councila. Thongh quiet and nnpre
tendiog io character, there is centered there
more intelligent and refinement tbao in many
or tbe snobbish towns or much greater pre
erSi'EKCHOF Jcdoii Douglas. On our
first page we publish the speech or Jodge
Dooglaa, at Reading. To many it will be a
matter of intereat and all may find iu it
useful political information.
CJ-Democratic Meeting. John Hughes,
tbe Democratic nominee for Congress, ror this
district j F. W. Hughes, Esq , or Pottsville,
and other distinguished speakers, will address
a Mass Meeting io Sunbury, on Monday next
at 7 o'clock in the eveoing.
A Snake Cuarmkr. A Swede named
Wiersen baa recently been giving exhibitions
or bis power to charm snakes. He bad a box
containing twenty-five suakes, among which
were a rattlesnake with seven rattles, a large
cottoo-moutb mockasin, tbe copper head or
rattlesnake's pilot, two different species of
water mockasin. He took first the rattle
sonke io bis hand, shook bis rattles, played
with bim, aod coiled him about his neck.
He next took tbe cotton mouth mockasin,
aod went through tbe same manatovers with
bim, aud so with all tbe others. He had at
one time the whole twenty-five crawling
around bis neck, shoulders and head, playing
with him, toucbiog bis whiskers with their
loogues, and actually kissing him. He pot
them on tbe floor and tormented them, but
not one of them attempted to bite, or to show
the slightest anger. He then picked them
all up and put them into bis bosom, where
they crawled andcoiled for five minutes. After
the others were return. 'd to their box, the
operator took tbe rattlesnake and caused
bun to bite a dog twice, making bim first
very aogry. He then coiled the rattlesnake
around hia own neck, and took out the cottoo
moutb mockasin, which bit tbe dog once
fiercely. From the moment the dog was
first bitten, and he appeared in excellent
bealtb be I ore, lie looked dull and drooped,
and died in ao hour. This was most satisfac
tory evidence tbat the soakes were venomous.
The vote kor Breckinridge in tiieHoisk
or Kkprksentatines. Tbe New York Times
r peaking of tbe result or the election for Pres
ident, if it went into tbe House of Represen
tatives, gives Mr. Breckinridge twelve States,
seveuteeo being required to elect. Among
tbose twelve States are Louisiana, Missouri
aod Texas, noil her of which Breckinridge can
get. lo Louisiana two or the four members,
Miles Taylor nod Bouligny, are intensely hos
tile to Breckinridge. This ties op tbe State.
Hamilton, one or the two members from
lexer, is for Douglas, which preveots tbat
State goioi for Breckinridge. In Missouri
four of the seven members, Phelps, Noel
Uraig aod Hark, are stumping for Douglas
Mr. Breckinridge bos but nine States, inclu
ding Oregon, where bis member will nn
doubtedly be unseated next winter, in favor
of Logao, Kepublicau, aud would luck etulit
States, if be should get in the llouee, of
being elected l Mobile JCegitter,
J" Philadelthu Inquire. We publish
io another columns the prospectus of tbe
rniladelpbia Inquirer, which bas been greatly
improved lo character and appeaianca within
tbe last few months.
3" A suit bas been brought. by F.O.J.
Smith against Professor Morse, to recover
fivesixteantbs of tbe amount of money re
ceived oy rroressor Morse from the differ
ent Governments or Europe for the invention
of tho telegraph. Tbe parties have been
connected together in the telegraph busioess
for some tweoty years, aod some time since
settlement wss bad between them, when
Mr. Smith received $300,000, and ber
matters io dispute were left open for tnit
or reference, of wbicb this is one.
ear 1 be fever of political excitement Is
p at tbe bigbest pitch, and yet we think
there is less enthusiasm than heretofore.
Tbe opposition, of coarse, feel mora saoguioe
tbao usual, 00 accouot of tbe dissensions Id
tbe ranks of tbe Democracy.
Tbe natural gsuios of Mrs. Partington was
recently well illustrated when tbe put a tub
io tbe garderto catch toft water when it was
taming bard.
Senator Seward's Horsks Tbe bark
Speedwell, Captain Mayo, arrived at 'this
port yesterday from Burut, Syria, bringing
two of tba borees wbicb were presented to
Senator beward dunog bis recent tour io
tbat country. I bey were a gift from ao offi
cer or tbe Turkish Government. Tbe lot
comprised three animals, but unfortunately
on tbe 1 sixth day out, the mare died 01 some
disease contra:ted before embarkiog, as sbe
cava onmistakable signs cf sickness when
brought on board. Tba others are io fine
condition, and being or tbe celebrated Arubi
ao breed, tbey will attract considerable atten
tion 10 tbis country. lioston Journal.
A Wkddino at a Death Bed. Mr. It. G
Deooing, or Harrisburg, who was injured 00
tbe Pennsylvania railroad last Thursday,
died tbe same oigbt. Ibe llarriatjurg - tele
graph says .
Tbe deceased bad for some time been be
trotbad to an estimable young lady or tbis
city, Miss Gray, aod both looked forwaad to
a speedy aod happy onion. When it was
ascertained tbat M. Denninr eoold not oossi
bly survive, at the mutual reaueat of him and
bis betrothed, aod with tbe cooseot of tbe
parents or both, tbey were married, Hev. Mr
Caraoo performing- tha aolemn and imnreaa
ive ceremony by tbe bedaide of tbe dyiog
man. Tbe bridegroom paaaed from tbe altar
to tha tomb, aod the devoted bride of an
boor changed ber wedding garments for tbe
uauuiuivuie 01 mourning.
What's the Difference- Tha Rraokin
ridga secessiooists say that Congress shall
re slavery where tbe people don't want it.
Tba Lincoln Republicans say Congress shall
prohibit it where tbe people do waol it. Both
ask for the intervention of Congress against
the people. Neither or them ask such inter
vention to protect, or io favor of tha Deonle.
Dooglat lays, let tba people do a they
In what ship aod in what capacity do young
ladies use to engage : 1 a court tuip, at insr
harvest prospects were more promising, which
exercised a buoyaut iiiiluence uu thu fund 9
und cotton.
Tbe Queen goes to Germany on tbe 24tb
of September.
A correspondent of the Daily News soys
that Geo. Lamnriciere's proclamations im
pose on tbe Sardinian Government the duty
or watching the frontiers, aud of prepuriug lo
cross tbem too, in cuse ol necessity. The
Goveroment is already colletiug iu that
direction a force of 20,000 men.
A Naples despatch of tbe Cth announces
tbe arrival of Garibaldi and bis forces at
Salerno. He was expected at Naples imme
diately. Tbe despatch also says the King will leave
here to day for Gaeta.
Eight Sardinian war vessels were in tbe
Bay of Naples, with two regimeots or Berea
glieri 00 board.
The British steamer Orwell, which was
taken possession or by tbe Gaiibuldians, bad
been recaptured by the English war steumer
It was again asserted that Christiana bad
been massacred at Balbcc, and in a village
near Jean d'Acre.
Napoleon is reported to have assured M
Fariua or hie sincere desire to see Italy inde
pendent. When Victor Emanuel shall be
master or Sicily aod Naples, he will be strong
enough to contend alone agaiiibt Austria;
but should Austria prove victorious in a
conflict, France woold not allow ber to abuse
ber victory.
Garibaldi was last heard of at I alnu,
marching opon Salerno, being supported oo
tbe right wing by (jen Lozen..
tour thousand men, under Gen. Leon, bad
disembarked at Capri.
Ao insurrection bad broken out at Saldi,
wbere Victor Emanuel was proclaimed as
It was reported thattliA Austrian Minister
at Naples bad telegraphed to Vienna that
tbe King ol Naples bad resolved to quit his
States, and tbe pictures and furniture of the
palace, aod the Kings bagguge were em
barked on the 4tb on hoard a Spanish vessel.
Other authorities amrm that tbe Kiog bad
adopted tbe desperate policy of uo surrender,
aod woold not leave till tbe last extremity.
ben bdwin James, member of Parlia
ment, passed through Paris, be was received
by Jules Favre and others. He stated he
was going to see Garibaldi, and Lord Pal-
merstoo bad authorized him to tell Garibaldi
tbat he (Palmerston) considered that Gari
baldi would compromise all bis success by ao
immediate attack upon Rome or Veoetia.
London, Friday, Sept. ".Tbe News bas
received tbe following despatch :
ArLES, I boraday, 1 0 clock, P. M. Gari
baldi arrived at Salerno this morning, aod is
expected at Naples immediately.
Jt is stated that tbe King will leave here
to-day, for Gaeta.
Very large quantities of wheat, barley, rye
ond rapesecd bave recently been booght in
Austria by I rtnch and boglisb speculators.
Lots of Lift and property Vessels and
Steamers Ashore-Damage at Mobile, 8500,-
000 lialize and Biloxi swept away.
New Orleans, September IT. A furious
gale occurred on Salmday, causiog great
destruction of property. Nearly every house
at the Belize was carried away, and several
lives were lost, including Capt. Kenoey, the
pilot of tbe New York aod Havana Steam
ship Company.
The steamer Galveston, ships Galena and
Sheffield brig West India, and schr. Toooey,
bound out, were all blown asbore at tbe
Passes. Several tow boats are lying bigb
and dry.
Milenbarg, tbe terminus of tha Pontch
artrain Railway was submerged, aod tba
wbarvei damaged.
It it reported that all tha wharves and
bath-houses on tbe lake shore between New
Orleans aod Mobile bave been swept away.
Tba town of Biloxi, Mississippi, is in
At Mobile, tbe storm vas alio severely
felt. All tbe wharves aod lower portion of
tha city were submerged. During tba gala
Pomeroy & Marshall's lima warebous wat
bnroed, aod several steamers were blown
ashore, Tha brig Leghorn, bound from
Mobile to Peosacola, was driven ashore.
Tba loss at Mobile, by tba fire and storm,
is about half a million.
A New P la a n rv Discovered. -Wajainp-Ion,
Sept. 17. On leal 8 ate rd ay night, new
piannet was diacovered at tbe National Ob
aarvatory. Its right ascension is 23 degrees
4 minutes, and fit declination 3 dtgtees 23
miouut ooaio.
per (lav. cures the disease by coring the con
ilition upon which the disease depend. Iluu ,
dreds have been cured by it, even of the most ,
obstinate cases. All will be promptly bene- !
filed by it. Price i'O cents a box. i
N. B A full set of lltMi'HKKVs' Home-,
oPATHif Si'Kcinrs, with Book of Directions, i
ami twenty Remedies, in large three drachm
viuls, and morocco case, $!i ; Oo. in plain cane 1
Si ; case of fifteen boxes, and book $'-.
The Remedies by the single bex or full 1
case, sent to any address by mail rr express, ;
Tree or charge, on receipt of the price. Ail-
dress. '
No. SG2 Broodwny, New Yoik.
Sold by A. W. FISCHER. Agent.
hunbury September 15, 1800.
PERSONS afflicted with the Fever aud j
Ague ahould not spare either time, trouble !
or expens?, to procure Dr. IIosTKnER's Ckl- j
curati.u Bittekr, whose beDeticieot effects j
upoo the system has beeo clearly pioved to ;
those who bave been stricken down in a
short space of lime by tbis dreadful curse, I
whose cheeks are wan and meagre, and whose
uights are sleepless and restless, and whose
eves are dim an sunken, with death staling j
them in the face, Ibis compound must prove a (
blessing; bunching them as it were from the '
mouth of the gruvo. None can know its true i
value until tbey have tested it. When all
others have failed, these Bitters have reMor
ed the sufferers to prestiog health. Their ;
popularity iu all the Western and Southt-ro :
parts should introduce them to all families. !
Sold by druggists and dealers generally i
everywhere. j
tj' See advertisement in another eolutnir j
Vt iiaueeroua to the Human Family." j
''I'.btt cuineuulof their holra t die." !
'roSTAR'S' Rat,Vc , ICkifrmiiifiiisr t
rO!M AK'S" lird-hufj l-.jiteriuiimltT I
'COS I AfVb" tlccttic Powder, tur lutecti, At. 1
RuMRrwhfa Mice Mole timund Mire Rr1-Bii8 i
A in ..thi MiiQuiUt i-'teai liiEH-rii mi Pmnta, :
Fmvii, Aiiini.tls, Ac. Ac ia stinrt, every luriti nmt ur- ;
t int of VKHMIN. j
Id ynn eiiubtiaheU in New York Cily--uitr tv the
Oily iVl U.F.iJM tiic City Pllfcini aitti !iiitlu liouikt 1
the Vy Sitismrri, . hip. Aa th City liotrl. "A n.r,"
t. Nichtjlai," Ac aud by mure than $o,Uwj Ljuvato
fumilit-a. ,
lW Dtuiata and Ketaileta evrywhre iel! Uvin.
r Wlithtffulv Agent in alt ihe lurgc Title aud a'owin.
If!! ! HgwAitit ! ! of aurnui tiniiaiiuna.
IV tVUX'J-umpt Uoiefitt by Mail.
fir Addrr tTdera or i'.r "Circular to Dealer tn
Hfr'.NR V K.COSTAR. Principal le,l.
fil'J l.roadwav, (oppoaite St. Nicliolua Hotel,) N t .
toM ,v r It 1 LI Mi A OR AN i. ISu.iMiiy, Pa.
Atu!:l, 160.
ItcIigioiiB Notice
Divine acrviee will be held ever) Publntb tn tint l'w
luufcti aa follow:
rKFIlYTKRIAN CIII RCH. North wei turner o.
Hkirkbciry and Ucei atrect. Key. J. D. Khahi-os, Pnatr
Divine net vice every tvihlaBlh at It A. M. Prarr Hirel
ing on Tiiurailay ovening. At NonliuiubcrlaiKt. m Did
Si-ho'l Pieabylcrian Chuich, ut 3 o'clock, 1'. M , every
contrr of River uw Itlttckberry elrceu, Kev J. W.Htxin
HKI2, pMtftor. Divine aervtce, alternately, every Sulibatli
nt in A.M. and 7 r. M. riaycr meeting on r riaay
MKTIIH)!STKpirFLCIH'RCH. Dewlterry tre-i
wrii iif S. A K HmiI Ronrl, Kry K. ani J P.
hvNOE, Pantora. Divin erivtre, ailriuiirly, rveivfeib'
bmb Ml lui A M and 7 I' M. Prayer meeting on Tiiura
day eveiitnr.
in d'piuV runorii t7.u.nai.t i..Ln.. a v . n
pni I ina vin i'i a - "
Railroad. Kev. A.J. JUT, Pastor. Prnichmi every ol
tei nate Sabbath ai 10 oVIttck, A. M. Dunne the nie-nt
mouth aa follows: 2iuJ and 4th 8abbatha.LKiuie
every Thurxby evening, at 7 o'clock
afreet below tt V A P. Rail Road, Kev. P. KiztR, Paator
Divine service, alternately, every Sahtmth it IU A- M- and
7 P. M. Piayer meeting on Wednesday evening
At the I'eoj.le's
Cui)iirising bandaome Dress Goods for thu
I. adirs. A full Una of Clotha, Casnimere,
ttattitietta, Vesting, &c. llorneatic (Jooda in variety ; a choice atock of Hosiery, C'luvc,
and Kancy Notion. Pure and' frei-h lirocoru
at low prices I and the
Xj -Aw !R Gr 12 S T ,
On Thursday evening laat, by Rev. J, W.
Sleinmeix, Mr. KREDERICK KASEMAN, of
Shamokin, to Miss MARY STOUCH, of thia
Id Norwich, Sept. 101b, JNO. W1UG11T
Esq., aged 68 years.
Mr. Wright occupied a position ia tbe
community where he was best known highly
honorable, and as a man, a citizen, and a
lawyer none knew bim but to respect bim.
II wat buried with Masonio honors.
Woodstock ( Vt.) Spirit tf th Aq.
ffifce garluts.
Philadelphia Market.
FniLADEi.ruii, bept. 19, I860.
Gail. There is a light supply of Wheat and
a limited demand. Bales of S500 bus. prime
Southern red at S! 23 good Ohio at fl 30,
andwtta $1 43 a I 48. Kye iawantedetSO
eaii to. Corat is Brm, with eelee of gooxl yellow
at 73 oenta. Oat are eteady, with aala of prime
Delaware at 84 cants, and Paanayivanla at 37
rente. New Yerk UarUy ia held at 0t,, and
Bailar Malttt 94 canla per burial.
riease call and be convinced.
Nunl.iiry, September ISfiO.
No. HI South Fourth Street, hiUdeljjIiii..
X' 11. CommunicaUufii by mail promptly
attfinieJ to.
tSept Si, I860. Iy5
rpHKI!IU.AUixPHIA I Q I I It K it" A S N 1 j Kl K S
Thr J'hiiudrlphia Inquirer eouiani t-i((!it pufte and (,.
njib c!uimif nuiUirr. It prmirti vvitii utwoopper
fin ed type. 1 ii Kriitorijl Di,kilmaiil of tha nupr
Ur-ni riiiirely ra orKunizexl, aud new errrptU(ir)ils en-
yKtl. Tf Inqiiiter ia unrpcudeiit in it diacUHiou uii
ail tallica of public interest.
Tiie grtjiii aim of the Inquirer ia to Irect'm H?liaM
Newapuper, reporliuy promptly and fairly eveiytnina: ul
public iiiltjreiit ciiicerniiiR all parliea and all public men
netthrrdihtiTting nor cxugenitiii; facta Jt will btt ibn
fai l duly vt the Inquirer, un atl urcaiona.tti adv ctts? tiie
prtlcttin ef our duiuevtie manufucturea and of the gret
irtn and ctal m'ereata of Fennsylvania.
Aa a family papers tlie Inquire will aim t retain the
positimi wbirh il Ima long enj iyed, by continuing to gunrd
aud acriituiise with gieat rare ita new aud advenmint
eoluiiui. and exclutlti hII voaitera winch it would o im
proper M admit within the luraily circle.
Tbe rhiUtdelpliia Inquirer ia pubbaiifwl every moimi,,;,
and served iu tha city, and all the ditiricia in liriitui,
Beverly, Camden, Uluceater, TieuUn, Burlington, Lan
caster. Hainabuig, Heading. Potiaville, lttiivills. Nurrn-
town, WthningUn, Del. Klkton. Aid , hy careful earner,
fur Twelve Cent a week, payabi to the carrier at tba
and of i he week.
Sent by mail at an dollar per annum, in advance.
At an Advertising Medium
The Inquirer haa no equal in the City f Philadelphia, not
only from the ci tent of ita circulation but from ita clusa
of reader a, coapoecdof the m at iuteiligeiit and reapecia-
urn prrafMia. not luoy m wm ciiy, dui iu an ui town
Within a hundred milea
Adveiliarmenta inaertad for six eentt a line for the fiiat
insvrtioii, and four cnte a line each aubaequent inaer.
lion, oi one dollar a lino a month. Ail teller a to tit ad
di cased lo
W 1 1.1.1 AM W HARDING,
Nn. Ml a. Tlilrd attert, fkiladrplua.
8ltambr M, l&0.
Orosilclotha, Vealinga, Ac.
Boya' Caoaimeres, good patterns. 75 rla.
8atineta and Union Caaaimeras, 60 lo 70 eta.
Fancy Caaaimere. from 75 lo 1 75.
Fine Black Csu'mere and Doeakin.
For Drraa Coat, Frock Coata, Orcreoala, A.
Heavy Overcoalinga, Beaver, Pilot, Tricot, die.
Foi Ladiea' wear, of every deairable shade.
Fine qualilv and low prico, by the yard or piace.
N, U Tailor auppliad at lowest net cash
8. E. coiner Kinih and Markal.
September 13, 160. Philadelphia.
tiuma opening ovary day.
Stock will be com plate.
Order taken and esecuted with despatch.
Children's and Mieaee' 8hawl.
ft. F. corner Ninth and Markal, Philadelphia
Seplarubet 1J, 1160.
M 1 M ..I,