4F . LATER FROM EUROPE. The Melancholy Letter of the Pope tie trill not Quit HnmeAjjairi in Syria 'I he Saltan titsohcil on Jledrtsting the late Outrage. Fathkr Toint, Au(r. 27. Th steamship Nova bcoliau, from Liverpool, Ann. 19lh, lor Ouebec, passed this Pit this afternoon. The. Pope of Homo is said to have written n most melancholy letter In his Cardinal in v..i.n n i rh it recuruB an as iosv. i llinneli convinced that ha shall die by die by tbe hiillrt nfan aasin. he declares that lie will quit Home under no condition no price. V UoNSTASTisorus. Ang. 11. Advices from ' Damascus to the ilh, state that Fuad Cacho ' has surrounded Lebanon with troops, arid threatened to put them to the sword if the .,. m. j:J t .....a.wlaii in Inn fiftlff. Tyl and nearly e'itn'othef7 Important arrests have i 1 A thousand camel loads of the plundered ; property have also been recovered. j Tbo .Sultan has made n spnech, expre?1ing j his resolution to punish tlio Syrian offenders I nmbt severely, as wi II a? his intention nf re- ( dnciiig the vast list of sinejurs now occupied , by bigU functionaries, aud otherwise effecting economy in tba liounces of his (loYerntne nt j Th Lallan is also about tonddresa another I letter to Queeu Victoria and Kmperor Napo- j leon, expressing the desire to have the sole j control over the punishment of the ofleodeis. ; The news of the massacre at Dalbec has j been confirmed, but uo details have jet been j received. j At Villi A AS ITALY. When Louis Napoleon stopped short of fulllilling his promise of restoring the inde- peiideiice and nationality ot liaiy, ann mane a peace which left Venetia st.il! in the hands of Austria, be left just such a state of affairs us satisfied the world that trouble would soon ensue and Kurope probably be plunged auaiu into war. The peace ot lllul'ruuca may have beeu forced upon Napoleon 111 by tl,e then existing complications dangerous to France, but tbe reBulls of tbe peace only bulf satisfying the more ardent and sincere friends of Italian freedom, they are Dow under the hemic Garibaldi, disposed to finish the work by ridding Italy entirely of all influen ces, nilver'o to bor unity and nationality. , (iuribaldi having freed Sicily from ber Nea- i .oiit:n tyrants, first threatens Naples, und ; then Venetia. These threats have aroused ; Austria, and in turn she threatens that if. Garibaldi lands iu Naples and endangers her j possessions, she will take the initiative, march to tho defence of I'rancis II, and assault j ... . r i 1 liaribuldi wherever ins armies are louua. Kha also notitius the covernmeut of Pied mont of her pnrpos-e, aud intimates that . liaribnldi's operations might have beeu pre- i vented by proper vigiluuco on the part of j that government. I These threatening indications are further nccompanied by preparations for a contest. A uftria has collected 250,000 men in Venetia j mill i3 strengthening her defences on the Mu.eio. i'lu.lmont h )3 ordered under arms I her conscripts of 1858 and 11559, which act I las given new umbrage to Austria. Gen. l.nmorieiere, the French leader of tbe Papal troops, holds' out the menace of attucking Gunhuldi ir. Naph s. In the meantime the Liberator of Italy is pursuing bis own plaus, apparently but littlo concerned with tbo9e iiieiiaeing complication. He moves the in. no ca.itiou.-'ly, perhaps, from the odds he has to contend ngulnst, but not the less resn lutely. Thut Austria will undertake to fulfil lo-r menaces seems prohuble, but if she does to, Italy will again be in arms, fighting ujuiust ber old foe, without the aid, however, nf her recent ally, Napoleon having warned Pfii'.monl to beware provukiug Austria to liott I. ties, for, in the event of collision, I'mt'to'H uss;RtancH could uol be rtckoued uion. Hungary might give some trouble to Francis Joso-ph, but he is endeavoring to ap pease the popular clamor there by concession dot usually granted by Austria. Whether these hostilities will ensue or not depends upon the progress of Uanbuldi. That in- will succeed Bgairit.1 Naples, if he under-ik-s the task, seems highly probable. The f.riny and navy are disinclined to act against bun. tforim ot the principal officers ot the Utter huve resigned their commands rather thai: execute, the King' order to destroy liaiibaldi' woiks at Messina. Fraucis II si-i-'ii to anticipate some such i.-ojue, for Lu h i t-ikeii him to Vienna. Though France -i.l F.uglund are pledge to non-intervention, H pi-ems scarcely probable that one of them, ut l.-at, can keep out of tho couflict if war should ensue. Napoleou woulil at least want to Fettle the conditions of peace. J'hiladtl'u. t.tj'jtr. in bitiLY. Alexander Pumas is in Siiily. lie is a citizen of Palermo, and is the l.iptiiioRraplie r of the war. His letter are verv i . .1 1 testinij, and read like chapters in the "Three OuarilsDiiu." I give you, in conclusion, an ex I. ,ii l hum bin I oU Promising that tbe day alter tl.c hn:'l" of Melazzo, which he witnessed ashore, I-,: went on bourd his yacht, which, for safety, loot renmined outside the harbor, and tailed In t lie entrance, w hen "Scarcely had 1 cast anchor when a boat bear ii. u a until, with a red shirt. (uo all Garihaldians me dressed), directing- iurlf toward the yacht. 'i"iie. Ociicrnl had sent rre an order to the position behind ti e Tuchcry (steamer). A quarter of an hour uitcrwards I occupied ihe position indicated and repaired on board the Tuchery. "The (ijueral received me calm and serene, a he always is. You will never tee a luce o placid as his. Tiuly, ( Dante ay. 'it is the lion tint so repose ' "Whilst we conversed, there arrived an oar boat. Tbe General exchanged several words with the man on board, and afterwards gave t.nlcrs to his uiJit. One of them said to me in a low voice, new from Messina, we will have woruiiuw on Loth side. "The Gi octal only aid two words. 'Let us p i and see your yacht, A pafyer was brought lo l-.mi to eitn; it was a credit of 500,0110 francs ctieiirit l . . r him. Feigning it, he looked towardd IHV littlo vessel and said, 'I should he rich to pos e.-s a yschl hue yours.' "Hear me, then, what I say Sicilian, my n : input. iou, Italians, my brother this man that ill i-ni of the lnonev and blood of Sicily ; thut (lives to day two million of men to Piedmeiil, and nil) probhly give to-morrow the Kingdom of Naples to I ietiT Umaiiucl ; this iuun is not rich cnuujih to buy a vessel worth only $5,000. Veterday 1 compared him with Cincinn itus. But the contrast with this man, that ha not w hereon to by his head the evening of a battle but bis saddle, Cincinnatus was a millionaire Cmcinnaius, laying aside hi swurd, returned to his plounfi. Cincinnatus then had plough and I V ronsrijuenre some land. Garibaldi has uolliing hut his ruck of Caprera." A LlTTI.K Uikl Cabriku TiiKoiua A Cl l. vmr and ism tuk ISuii'.kiu.. During the very heavy rain yesterday, a little girl BRed about eleven years, daughter (if Jacob l ul mer, through tome meaoi got into a stream of water that swept through Locust Alloy, and its furce being ao great that the waa unable to help hureelf, the child carried oil' with the current about fifty feet ui then ptuutjed iuto a culvert, through which ahe passed a distance of cue haudred aud eighty feet, and from that out iuto the Uuahkill, hriuginjr up liually on a rock in that itream. I he culvert ia tbrea lis those who taw thu child carried Into it b'y the'', wir inougui tuui ids would aieel ber death by being dashed against it tides or be drowoed, but their surprise may be imagined wheu wa state that only a few bruises on one of her log aud about bur bead oould be dis covered when aha u taken, very niuctt rrigbtuned, from tbe rock in the Uuahkill. The escape of tbe little girl is one of the most remarkable that we have beard of for tome time. y.'ti.-i i j:.rV,tstt .iuguit ID. Fatal Mistakic. The Ji.bntientowo hcho save that a woman named Clarke, residing at tbe Sooth Park, in Croyle township, was bit ten by a rattlesnake oo Monday evening. 6 to iust., and now lie la critical condition. 1 1 seems that some one of the family discovered the snake in the immediate vicinity or tlie house, aud upon making known the fact to Mr. i-u.ko. ahe procured a hatchet for the purpose or decapitating me repiuo, oui, uomic near-aighted, alio mistook tho tail for the head, aa.l whacked it ulf (!) The snake, or that nortioo of it which was left, took imme diate refuge in some weeds, but was followed by Mrs. C, who, while purling the weeds with a view to airain discover and finish tbe snuke. received the fatal bite on one of her hands, from the effects of which it is doubtful whether she will recover, although her attend ing physician entertains hopes of the kind. Copt of tiik Cknsi-s of 1350. The cenfits of 1850 cost $1,31)2,500, exclusive of printing or almost six cents lor every neati enumera Me. Its schedules are comprised in Hourly one sheets of blanks, and three thousand two bun- dred and thirty one assistant marshuls. Kew Advertisements. i Estate cf Frederick Ileckart, Deceased. l'bili Unrkiiit ) In ilir OrpliHim' Crnit of j vs j Norlliiiinbeiliiiiil enuntv. The w illow nml Collateral S lit of paitition and val I heinof frnU-re k ll.-c-kuil, I nntiou. H eiui liable lo April ! ilec'd., wliii ilieil liilulule. J Term, A. L) Into. T.i I lie ei.lln.eMl lieirs nf mild ilereileiit, via : lt. Philip I Ileekait. " liiollier; '.'ml, Jaeob lleeliurt, Jolnl lleekurl, ! Cutlmrnie, iiiterinairieil Willi Jonah Tuehopp, anil Mary. : niteriiiairied with John llnlz. elnlilren of "Ioiiioii Heck i oil, a lirnllier of saiil ileertJellt, ni.w ileei-afeil ; ;(J, Hie j elnlilren of Ka.iilielh, 11 sisler of mill l-'ieih riek lltckail, J ilee'il., who was tuleiniarneii Willi I'lnlip Zell'e, (shetliid ' her hubliaml both ilcail Ixf.ire tho ileum ol sou 1-riMeiieK lleekarl, viz: J.-lin .,'tiw. Ji'Sfpn Ziil.e, Uavnl .ei.)e. lk-iijiiiiilil Zeil e, I'ailip Zeilie, I'eier Z.-rhe. anil .Maii(ari-l i y,,rl.e, who was ilitiillairniil Willi (ieoree lliimenilin, tlie ! Saul tieorgebeiap now ileeeaseil ; KliZahc-lli Zitv. Inter- murrietl Willi John liuer, S.111I I'.li.al elh liavnia died lie I fore the Interline, leai'ilift her sual Inlrlriiiid survivui her i mid iwae, tnihriel Iji'ier, Alary, niterma ried with Jacob J ((iiinin, l:iizahftli, inlenmrried with Jaenl, tehroyei( Petrny Mlir, a Hilii-r. who has for her guardian John A. I SMiyder, Maria, nilen'nurried with Andrew Tsehnpp, Julia, - who wns ititennairied with Iteuben Ijiupr said Julia ' heme now di-eeayeil. leavinv issue Jniinihan and lleniy j tinier, minors, who have for then guiudian l-'.liaa Welsl ; llciijanliil Ijnier, S ipluil Unler and Klizabr-lh Ijiaer, who have foi their fuaidian J0I111 A.!-i!dci ; 4lii- the children ; ol Catharine, u mu'er of said Intestate, who was inlertnar ; ned wiltiJolin Tsehopp, (she and her husband Items both ! ripail lirlitru said I ntestnte.l VIZ: John Tsetionp, lletsy, ' inieimairied with li'inyJ ry, l.vilia, iiiterniariied with ' Wiliiinn Sii)di-r, K.-beec.i, intermarried with Ktiiiiiinel I Meckarl, Potiv, vho wns ititeriluin ie.1 with Samtn 1 Wertz. ! hilt is now neccAitcri. It-avnig a minor child, Calhaline, married lo C.'riicln s Wiltner. who lias 1 01 bur jtnar.lian John A. Snyder : Molly, who wns iiilermnrrlid with l'.iias J laig. bat is now detid, leavme issue three minor children, John, (tenure nml Amelia, who have for their piiardian Ji hnSpatz ; Julia, who was intermarried with John Ijiner, lint is it'iw dead, ieavtnii issue one minor rlulil. M-itildj, w ho Iris f.trher cnnrdliin Ueorce Searer : fith, thed' eend antsol' Mieliael lleekatr. who was a brothel of Raid Intes tate, but dieil befof him. viz: Joint lleekntl, ilt-tsey, 1 iutei married with John llarnci. I.ydia. iiiterinarri.d Willi I John Wolenil. I'olly. iiiternlarrtnl with ItenHcn I'.isenhart, ! Cathnrine, inlHrmarrted with fleorci- Similar, stiisannah. ! iiiterniariied with Jneoh Sh"trn'T. Christiana, niterirarrie.l i with Michael Helltian, Ann, who was intertiiame-.l with j Jacob .Meek bat now ih-ad, lefiviiifr issue one el lid, Mary t'aroline, who is a minor, and has fur her pnntdinn J-hn MineWlei lllh. J- hn lleckatt, a brother o said Intestate; 7th, Jonut Hecknrt, a brother of said Intestate ; and Hth, Anna Mary Ileckart, intcrniamnl with Daniel Miller, dectmrd. You and each of yon are hereby noiiiied Ihat by virtue of the atmve writ of pnttition and valuution, ro me direc ted, an impiest will be held ul the lute residence of said Fiederiek Ileckart, deceased, in Lower M.-ihanoy town ship. Northulntielland eoiinly. 011 Tuesday, O'e 2--lh day of SUplemhct next. (IMKl.) at 111 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of making partition of, or to vulile mid appraise ths leal eslale of Vaid deeh-ut At which time sud place yoti limy attend, if you think proper JAM KS VAXDYKK, Sheriil'. Shcrid's Ode, Snnlairv. ) Aug 85, letill. J CNtnlc of J oli n Kloorr, 1'trasie(l. Elisha C. Moore, 1 Writ of Paitition orval va i uation issued out of the The collateral heirs of Orphans' Court of Nor' John Moore, deceased J thuiuhcrlaiid county. returnable to November Term, A. D. 1S60. To Michael Moore of (us it is hrlievcd) St. An thony Kails, ill Ihe Male of Minnesota ; Hnnnnh wife of James Merrill, and Sarah Fulkerson wife of William FulLereun, residing at Liberty, Tioga county, Pennsylvania; r.stbir Moore. rMitamiah wife of Joseph lloupt, and Llisba C Moore of Noitbumberlaiid county. Pennsv Ivania ; ami Catharine nifeuf John llotliali. Harriet wife nf William Naber, Ann Elizabeth Moore, Charles M Moote, and Mary Alice Moore, (the said Charles M, and Mary Alice being minors) child ren of Isinc Moore, deceased, who reside al Jack' son, Lyc'iniing county, Pennsylvania. Vou and each of you, are hereby notified, Ihat by virtue of the above lo mo directed an iinpieal will bo held al the late residence, of said John Moore, deceased, iu Shuinokin township. Nor iliumbcrlaiid county, Pennsylvania, on FJVlDAV the '2Slh day Kt-ptemlu-r next. (le''o.) al 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of making parti, tion of, or to value and uppruise the real estate of said decedent, to wit : A certain nicssuago and truet of land, situate in tshumokin township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, adjoining hinds of the heirs ul Ualntl Campbell, heirs ol P'llas I'arrow. decoded, .unuel Kplcr and others eontuitiibg HO acres, more or less, with tbe ap purtenaneea At which time and place yuu may attend if you see pr .per. JAM KS VA.NUVKK, triH. SShenfTs OlTiee, funbury, ) August S.'i, IH60. i I860. TIIE BEST ROUTE 1880. FROM Vt'soiiiiu? Valley to rblladclithlu, New Voik, Itallliuoie, AND ALL VOI.XTS SOUTH, SuVTJI t,- U'EHT. LACKAWANNA i: liLOOMSDUKG KAILROAD. SUMMER ABnAKOEMENT. Two Paily Passeneer Tfuius will be run between Scranlon and Morthuml-eiuiud, as follows: aiovi.no boi:th : Ixnvt Seraul n, Atn vc at I'ltuioii, Kiustiai, HncK.ihiniiy, Ut-rwick , tiiiaausbulK, Kupelt, llanville, Norlhuiuberland I'll. I'a Mail. N. Y V.x IU A. M. 4 M 1'. M 31 4 53 7 lla J t!U 7 611 fl ti H all 7 JO !IVI 7 JO Uti h lit IU isi S 13 .MOVING NOKTII : Leave X Y. V.x. l'hil'a Mail X'.all-iiuiberUiiid, S 30 A.M. 4 ii P.M. Arrive ul llanville, "3 W Kuixrrt, .1 & 111 i. .insbiilg. 4-1 ' "0 lirlAII-l., tli 3S Si,ii KMlin.j , 7 13 7 04 KiiiK'Sloii, 8 o) 7 14 I'lUtton, 8 1- SenintoM, s tt 2a e 45 Tlie l.i-Va.noniJ and lll.K.unbilte Ballioud collllecls with thu llelau'-oe, liekuwduua nnd Weslern Railroad, al Sciuutoii, foi New York and I'hiludrlph.s, und lulerilie dlule points laial: also for freat Bend, Uinehstliton. Syiucuse, Hulfalo, Xiutuia Fulls, and all important punits West. At Kueit it eotiiieets with the CaltawisMi Kail loud, for point, both Kant and West. Al NMIliuliOMiluinl it eonneets with the Sunhury and t-'.rie Railroad t.n p nnu West and South. W. '.V. JAtKSO.N, Snp'l. Kuiaston, Augut25, IWe. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northuaiberland county, will be eiposed to public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the IMh of BEPTEM UER next, all that certain piece or tract of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, beginning al a atone comer, thence by land of Jacob Itbouds aud wife, south eleven degrees east nil perches lo a post ; tbence by mountain land, No. 80, east 13 perches lo a post I thence by John Flamming in right of Philip Kennedy north 1 1 degrees wast bti perches and by oilier laud of aaid l'temining south HO west west 12 perches lo place uf beginning. Contain ing tour acres and thirty-two percbes, lata tlie "' of M'y r'anioworth, deoeaaeJ- fsls to euinaieuce at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, tshea tin terms and conditions of sal will bs made known by PETER MA LICK, Adm'r, l!y order of ths Court. ) S. U.MAfcSEU. Clk., O. C.S Hunhurjr. Aug. 41,1800. JATENT II It ITT A I ll'l'r.lt .i uai puiiici, -. .,t - II. ii MAr-NKIi SHERIFF SALE. fi V virtue of a writ of Fieri Farias IssuaJ out JJjP of the Court of Common Plea of Nor thuniberhnd county, to me dtr.'cted, will be ex posed in public sale, at the Central Hotel in tbe ntirntiqh of Pnnbury, Northumberland csnnry, Pennsylvania, n Monday the 17th day of Sep tember next, (infill,) at 8 o'clock P. IV t!,e fol lowing described r1ril property, 10 will- A rrrta.n lot or piece of ground, situate in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland coun. ty, Pennsylvania, about 9 mile below Sunbury, at lh Water tHatinn on the Northern (,'entral liailway, or that distance below Martin' Run, bounded on the north, east and south by land of denrge K idler, and on the west by land of aid Kiefl'er, which now used a road, containing one acre, all of which is cleared, whereon is erected a large two atory brick dwelling Hous, with a basement, (said house being but partly finished) a small shed, outbuildings, &c. Seized taken in oxecutinn and to be sold a the properly of John P. Helrirk. JAMES VANDYKE, RherifT. Sheriff' Office, Sunbury, ) August 2. 1800. J IWMMWANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 10'A Annual Exhibition m the "Wyoming Kattle Grnund" near the H'toming Monu ment, and in the viriniti o f WiUes ISarre, I'ittrton and Scrantnn, in Ltiterne county. ri'HE F.Xt!IHITin will open mi TL'KSDAY, and wil' X continue Tour Days, viz : M'.l'TKMW.It 2Sth, 10th, S8th and S-Uh. The Orimnds. which are most beautifully sittiateil, ar ri'tt only large, hut leiuarkably well adapted to Ihe purpo ses nf lite Kxhihitinn. TIIF.Y CONTAIN SKVnNTY.TWO ACrtf.S. A Fia Track for Hoksss, as well as every other i eonvi-mriiee ni-crssary o Ihe comfort and saltdy of rxhtbl- lois and the animals and arliclcs lliey wish to exhibit, urn provided. Arrangements have been made with Ihe diflWent Itail rood Ci'tnpanies foi the truiisporlatiou of ancles intended for exhibition FltKK OF CHARGF. UOTII WAYS. Visitors to the F.xhibilinn will find nxst ainpla flnoom-nioil-itioiis. at ireHlernte prices. The dnleient Kailroad Coinmnlea will issue F.XCLMtSMON T1CKKTS. Lists of Premiums, Judges, nml Reputations, An., enn be had at all the principal Agricultural W'nreh.aises, from Oen. K. V. Slurd.'Vaiit, at Vilkes Barre, and on applica tion until September 1st. to the Secretary, at Man isbur. After that limn the Seerelury's ullice wilt be at West Pulsion, l.uzerue county. CO.Ml'KTI'nON OI'F.S TO AM.. A. O. HlI'.SI l'.R, CeiTetary. AM8I1SI IW.tl Ut Nttice to School Teachers. 4 PPI.ICATID.NS will be received by the Hoard of School llirertor. Sunhury Hisiriit, for three Male Teacher for Koonis No. 2, 3 and 4 and one Female Teacher for Kontn No. I, up to Saturday, September 1st. when an allotment of the Schools will take place. All applications must be accompanied by a necessary certificate. P. V. GRAY, Secretary. Sunburv, Almost 18, 1S0O. SNYDER'S GIFT ENTERPAISK. fltilK distriliuiion of Snyder' (iift Enterprise, l will take jilaee on 8 A TL'K OA Y , August 2.rth, INKII. and it is expected that all persons holding tickets will be present on that dav. W M.H.SNVDER. Sunhury. August 1Mb, I mho 2t Auditor's Notice. "VOTIOF. 'S hereby given that the undersigned Auditor, ix niipointed by the ( Irplians' Court of Niitlhiiinberlaud eountv. to make distribution of the balance ol rhe moneys in Ihe hands of lr. Joseph F.vsier, Kxeeiltur f.f the last wtll and leiitaiiienl of .Iriini r.ystei. de.eas..d, nnv-liR the heirs nnd levnl re)iresentnttves of stiid deceased, will meet narties interesltHl, foi tliat putPMSe, at his ofnre. in the iHircugli uf Sunbuiy, on Friday, the ?lh day of September, j li-no. eiiotlijl, lllL.1., Auditor, Auaust If, ISfKl ?l CORONER'S BALE. 7V ' I e. i itntn abas writ of Kiphi l-'aclss, i.surd uul of Ihe Court of Common Pleas of Niirtlnimh'i!mtd rnni ty. to me duected, will lie exposed to l'ublie I'nle. upon the premiums, on Wednesday, the 0lnt:iy of rVptemhel next, (IHitl.) al .-!eveu o'-l'H-k A At . of said day, all the title and interest of James Vandyke, of. in and to, all thai certain lot or piece of rr.uiud, siluate on thu North-Lust cuner of Market xritnr and I leer ht yets, in the tmrotigh l Sunbury, .Nor tiiiniibcrUiiat eopul) , PcnMfcjIeaiiui, bound?,! and dis-ril-cd ss f II-1 wa, lo wit On ll.c N'.ntll by Mtii'ierty nllf v ; on Ihe 1-aihi 1-v li-l ii'iiiiIht 11.1, ii"v ov. nrd I v tore? Ittiehl ; I -n tl:ilN-uthb .Ni.trl.el fcip'aie ; urd on tl Wert by I'cr slo-ei ; e.iiiiaiiii.in ix'yl--ct iu flout on Maiket Sipiare, and one hundred and seventy feet in dcplli on llcei street, I and iuarke.1 anil dismnaletl in Ihe l-earnd pl'ol of Mr, trl J ItoroUilil ol r-iinl-iiry flnaeiMiid. as K.t of ei-mnd loiie'.t-r Iwentvtwo (-J- ;) and on wlorh are treel'-d a three st- rv brick Tavern iuind, a frame ice-hntiee and ul I el oudiuttd. nifis. seizeil, Uiken In cxcuitinil, aud to be s 'Id us the property f James YalnUks. CYKtJS tn.VSKY, Coroner. Coroner's 0;ttee. ' ) fiinluirv, Aliptist 1. ISnft. ) A i! 111 in 11 ml or ,olico. "TkJOTK.'E is hereby given that letters of ad XNf uiinistrdtion having been grtinti d to the sohscribor, on the estate-of Jacob A llman, late of Lower M.-ihoiioy towni-hip, Northumberland county, deceased. All persona indelrted to snid estate are requested to make ininicdinte payment, and Iboae having claims will present them foi settlement. JONS TIIEOO, Adm'r. Lower Mabonoy, August 2.1, (Kliy. r.t Atlmlsl rulvr's oll e. jaTOTICE is hereby given that letter of ad- J ' ministrntioi) having been graatid to the un dersigned, on the estate of Mary Karusworth, late f Lower Augusla township, Northunibeiland county, deceased. All persons indeiited are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present ihcm for settlement. PETEiR MALICH. Adm'r. Loner Augusta tnp., Aug. 1H, INTO. lit ' biu'nxs' court saleT iS pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on Ihe premises, on KKIUA V. the 11th day of SEl'TEMUEli, liut,all thatctrlain THAOT OF LAND, situate in the township of Lower Mahonoy, hounded cast by John K linger, north by Bastian Stepp and benjamin Kuheiithal, west by Hubert 8. Krieger, and south bv Abraham lll.isser. con: tainiug about ONE HUNDKED AXP SIXTY ACKEi4 l whereon are erected a two story Log dwelling House with a Kitchen attached, frame Bank Ham, Wagon Shed, Cider Press sud a never failing well of water near the dwelling house a Spring House and other out buildiiius. There is also on the premises, a good apple or chard. The aaid premises will be sold subject to the widow's dower of one thousand and two dollars and fifty cenla ($1,003 SO). ale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of said day, when the terms aud conditions of sale will be mads known by ABItAHAM 131. AfcSER, WILLIAM W EN KHTI. By order of Ihe Court, ) Administrators J. B. Msssn, Clk, O. C. S bunbury, Aug. 18, IfcttiO ) DBESB COATS OF the bust quulity sod latest style, just received and for sale at SWLITZElt. UEILBROXNKIt & CO. Huubury, Adjust ll.lboU. FOR SALE. IHE suhscriher oilers at private sale too val--L uahle LO I S OK (JKOUN l, situate on the main road leading lo Danville in the horouih of Turhutvillo, Northumberland county, Pa., where, on ia erected a large two-story liruk House 00 feet in Iront and 20 feet in depth with Kitchen, the building is suitable for any kind of business. Also, an oulkilchen, stable, Ac. Choice fruit ou Ihe lot. CHARLES ROMIG. Tlllbutville, Aug. II, IHC.U Ut DR. A. W. FISCHER. O FEE US his professional services to the citi sens of bunbury and vicinity. Olliee at the Drug Mors, bunbury, June 'Mi, 1880. lO! YU LOVEK6 OF boUlMXlren supply of Macaroni and Confectionery at KK1L1AO dt GUAM'S, buubury, June J, I860. FeVv J1BLH. of tho-se Choice Herring and VUckcicI just iceiiveJ st ihe Mammoth rh'II INU ii GRANT. ' .i. II V, J'.mtSO, I -ibo. SUKBURY STE M FLOURING THR aubscriber having taken possesion of thin first claw FLUliKIM) Mil,!,, re pre pnrej to reeelv grain of til kinds, and lo do cus tom Work at the Shortest Notice. Customers wilt .have their gri-ila ground Immediately upon their being left at the Mill. As ilia Ihe it-tan. tim of Ihe firm to stock the Mill largn sU.,. pl (it (Sruin, will be constantly kept o i band, and (lour by the quantity can always he obtaint d. The ureatest caie will be taken lo turn nut a su perior quality of flour, for which -the mill is ad mirably adapted. Ulrict atteution will he paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN & CO., Sunhury, June S3, 1810. Danville Institute. f"11in Institute waa founded by tho present Principal, and has always, had a liberal share of tho patronage of the community. 7'he object aimed at in all the exercise tha lustituio, is to secure in pupil proper development of the mental powers, and thus qualify them for self instruction, special attention being given to the formation of correct and systematic habits. ' The field of study embraces English Litera ture, the Sciences, the Mathematics, the Classics and Modern Languages. V,y giving bis untlivi del attention tu tho interest of tho Institution, and securing Ihe r op eration of well q.Qh-.J instructors, the Principal hopes to render atilc lion to his patrons. The next Term will open on Monday, Aueuet 37th, ItjoO. Tbe Principal will receive pupils from a dis tance, as boarders, am! will give them every nt tcntion necessary to their comfort. For partic ular apply to J. M. KELSO, Principal. Danville, Aug. 18, IdfiO 4i To the Democratic Voters of Nortnniber- land County. IKi t.ow Citizknh : Ilaviug received much - encouragement from my friends, 1 have been induced lo offer myself aa a candidate for SIlKRIfF, ftibject to the rules of the Democratic party. If nominated and elected, 1 promise to fulfill the duties of the office faithfully Und impar tially. DAVID YVALbKON. M ilton, Anptist 11, 1800. rnOTHOOTAKV. To tbe Demecralic Voters of Norlhuiuberland County. IjFtLOW Pr.MOcaiTs : J hereby ofl'er myself as a candidate for re-uf.-ctjnD for the oflice of I'rotlionotarv. &c, atibjec' to the rules of the Democratic party. Miould 1 be nominated and elected, I will perform Iho duties of the ullice (aithlully, and to the best i:f my ability. DANIEL DECKLEV. .Sunhury, May S, I SCO. To the Democratic Voters of Northumber land County. ltH-tif Citizi.ss: Encouraged by many friends, I am induced to offer myself to the people as a candidate for the office of SHEKIKE, at Ibo approaching elet lion, and respectfully solicit your suffrages, pledijing that, in ca.-e I am elected, I will perform the duties incumbent on that ot'tien faithfully, impartially, and to llie best of my ability. M. K. HACIIM N. Lower Mabauoy (p., May f, lrti), MirriiialfyT To the To't7 0 XurS-iwdcrlapd Cnuntg. FfcLUlW-ClTliKNS : Encouraeed by many friends, I am induced to off-r myself to the peoplo as a candidate fur the ofl'.ce of SHERIFF at the approaching election, and respectfully so licit your suffrages, pledging that in case I atn elected, I will perform the duties incumbent on Ihat oflice faithfully, impartially and to the best of my ability. C. M. KENN. Bunbury, April 11, ta.Vt.-- To the Democrats of Northumberland County. l'jViuiwr Citizens I hereby offer mvx lf as "- a candidate lor the ullice of (.'Ul'.VIY COM.MlriIUNEK, subject t.i tho rules of the aciniiui n in. ikimj, nit'iiiu i mi iiuilllllliu ti nun ... '.i r .1 1 1 ii sslulssil I Will mrfiirilt ltA i'iitina ssf llin a-illr.A n - ..s.. ui.....i.i t i. .. .. . i .. i laithfully, and to the best of my ability. ISAAC 1). KAKER. Littlo Mahanoy tp.. May S, lRfirt. '0.laI5FS, B I AVINti received extensire encouragement iliroughout llie County, 1 oiler myself as a randiilute tor CO.N'LiKESS; subject to the do cioion of the Democratic Party, at iu next pri mary election. J.J. KEI.M K.NSXV DEI!. June 2, IBG0. To tlie Voters of Nortiiumberlaiid County. Ckntlkmkx: I oiler myself as sn independent ca.ididale.loi the OUice nf SHERIFE of Northumberland county, at the next general election. If you think proper to elect me, you shall huve my thauka. and I pledge myself to execute the cilice faithfully. C. YY. SNYDEK. Shainokin Twp Mjiy Ut, I860. Cxerutor'K Xotlre. LETTERS Testamentary, Laving been trian led to the aubscrilieron the estate of l.'atha rine O. Fullmer, deceased. Persons having claims aotiinsi the estate will present them for settle ment to '.Yin. T. (iranl, Esq., and persons in. dobted to the said estate aro uuthorized to make payment to the same. ISAAC H. STEEVER, Executor. August 11,1 WOO. Bt Admimatrator's Notice. OTICE is hereby given-thai letters of admin istration have been granted to the undersign ed, on the estate of Dr. 11. U. Dunn, late of Lower Muhouoy township, Northumberland counly, dee'd. All persons indebtej arc reijues tej to make payment, and those haviini claims to present (hem for settlement lo Ihe subscriber, at tho house of Abraham R.ilhertnel, in UeorRc: town, on Monday and Tuesday the S4th and S5lh days of September,. I860. ' W.DI NN, Adm'r. Aegust 11, 160. (It ii a ii n iT iTi n vk It , a 1 1 o v n r y at 11 a to , MARKET SQUARE, BUNBURY, X -A-. June 83, 18CU. IT is important to the LADIES to know that Friling & tirant, have the best and largest assortment of Dress Goods iu the county. Sunhury, June 2. I860. ' IUII.INU 4- CRANT have just received bv - railroad Ihe largest assortment of tjl'EENS WAKE and li LASS WARE ever bruii;ht to Bunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY (iOODS, consisting of Spring Dress Goods, Prints. Mus. hns and Notions. apr 7, I8ti0. Rl if A I'ounds of CARPET R OS wanted at 0 IJ W ,Ue .tore of UKIliHT K BOX OO TS eV SHOES are sold cheaper than ever at the Mammoth Store. Call and see our assortment and ascertain our prices, aud you will not fail to buy. FrtlLINCJ A GRANT. Junbnry, May S6, 1800. AND V A It R A N1'S. The highest price -'will be tiven for Land Warrants bv the sub .,!. II. H M sKR. 121-2 CENT'S SMALL FIGURED LAWNS. Pacific Lawns, Little Figures, Fast Coloia, Quality, l.sOU. Lilacs, Pinks, Bluss, Drowns, Modes, iisst Styles. COOPER ti CONARP. a K. cornet 8th and JUrkcl, Philadelphia. July "ah, 1800. . Kcw Air Line Route TONE "W O n BHORTIwr IN IllflTANCH AND Ql'ICKWf IN TIMK heiweaii timlwo Ciix-a of MEWIOBE AND IIARHISBVIIG. Vis. nHAtil0, AI.IJ.NTOWN AND KtSTOM. Morninj Kxpress West lesves Nrw Vork al tl t M . aati rlnl .d. ., bin at H , arrives at Harritdmri; at IU ss r m. e rnectine at llairisimrg with irai Northern Centrnl ltod i.ir . i.nljur j , N iliiHinsinirt, Lock llavon and Inter me nate slntiotis. alad Train Wert leaves Nw Vo'k nt 14 non, sd Philadelphia at 3 30 r. M , eonneeiina with Itntn on ,otth cm Central Uontl for tntiiaia as sbove, and also on all trams on the Wiliiamsport and Klmirn. Mail Tiain Kast lenvis Harrisbuie. at 9, a. M, and ar rives at I'hilsdeiphia at I r. m . and N. w Vk st 3 jo r. sr., in time In take lunl or mis lor H m.,n, Ac. tal Cxpres Ktist liavrj 1 1 :.rriKl tttr at 11.',, nit ntnval of Northern Central Tiatn. anil innet at I'hilsdeiphia al 0 l." r M and New Volk atUr m. No i-haniie of earaor l.ai;:mo Intween New Vork or rhlMi'lphtn and HarriMaoa For b.-aaty of afrnery und sped, nittif at and aeeotnino. il-itiiai. this route nreseills superior inducements lo tbe travt-lttiir pu'itie OiIich iu N,-- York. f.n i,f C.imUiud itrcet, ridladul tiniit, Hraid and Pallowbill atrecti. i l-'nre between .New Vork and llarrnl.urg FIVK VlU ' l-'ol Tickets; Frelcld or other iuforniatisi, splily to ! , .1. J. tXVDK, Ocncial Agent. ! Ilarrmliutg, June 30, 1KIII ly DANVILLE ACADEMY. MM1K Academic, year eotuiin.ur J f'.iiiiuue forty-l'-ur week. .U!url VI, 130", to The chonl i divtdl into s Primary and a Ilmhr He- I P'otment, each uuilcr its lespc-ucu Tuiihcr. Henoluiaaie ; adin Ited at any time. I AllUile IITOVltiliiii U. mmln f..r All ll.M 0n.lB nC m . . Ih'irouth and extensive eouise of study, incliulirg ll.e Mnlhernatics, Natural S-iinces, Ckissies, Modem l.an I gimtrca, l'rawiiu;, Mnic,etc. j Srh-'lnrs fi.iin nlaoiid can obtain ll-tnd with facliilies for li'-me study, on veiy nicKlcialc terms. ai ri.ml.intl.aj lo I tar Priu -ipnl. I The Pi ineipal. thankfiil for his past ccneroas sutiport, assures pntinns i.f Inn inm-.-n i,-il Hfirts to uinke tin) "'i--i -1 an ult c-'.n I,- i,.Si, l r.n l.r ,..-..,,..'1 1..,, ..I -. tlloimijli educali'.u. per iiarlieular applv lo 1 i M WI.STllN, Piincipal. ; ... Fenv fliecl, neai Deen's Hotel. . llanville, July J', iMlu. ;im i.iki:i:tv stove woiik.s i ami iiot.i.ow.wmh: loc.xDnr, l ini.ADi.i.i-in v. ABBOT As 3STOT4T.-P! M.iiiiifiicturersol the most apiuoved at, lea of STOVKS I of even .l-trrli.li,,n. Kiiuplp uirl Kde 1'n.tnui i tir l. Wi.l.-i Stiei-t, cw V..i It. j l'-lttl Ho.wn !tiet. I'luladelphis. ' X- I. Send (i .r rinalugiie, i Annual 4, li-tftl. :iu, w ' THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, i KUOADWAY. COIlKK op FRANKLIN STULKT ! NEW YOEK CITY, I OlTr in luci-mpiiU to Mrrrhiinn nml T"iin.ts visitiix ! Nw itrk, iiiiMirpiiNit-il hv liny llott-l hi liw M tr.-nofm ; J lit) ft.lt iWliitT an iiiiHMtg tlie iiilvntiti.i'.-B wlm-h it mhu,W4. Which will hr Utrri'iiin-tt hy nil tuiwtM. ' IM. A c citliui l-rmh ii,nuiv'iiKiit to yUccx ol buaint, I Ut Wi'll a placfit of :nuint-tnt'iit. ' tt'l. SiT'iiuil'Hieiv rl'Min, well fiiniiKltfsi mtthm roi.rrm 1 Willi n iiiimiHluei.t li.j-s-K I'ailur, otniMiiimiii.i; mi fAttti- ' mvr Vit'W i'f lir-'inl AHV .It). I jircc initl wijie-i l.ly furiii.,sil mtimtr Tt"tiw. w , n ritni; !i i li-n t I'urlur, ct'iiiii..iinlii!g un tHrntiva vit'w if (ill. KciiiB riiilii(ti-1 mi I Jn- Fu("P':mi 't:in, ris5(vs. fan livr in ilir It,-"! iv'f, witti tin- ijiujjUht .Ti.in.iuy j filli. It IK i-ohiH'i'titl wit'; T;i)Ihi h Celebrated Saloon, I wltcc vi-itnTc f.-Ml vwi tlir:r lilt: m, nr, il tlie-y iltmri- 1 IJtt'V Will 1m: i iiruit-li'it ii I lit li wii n irn i lh. Thr ta.r TH in trie f .! i iih it.wl II. .trim c. j knowUvlijcii v rpiCLllrfe. tt tut ij 't; -i iol ( llml wl ! Ultv Mtlit-r in tl'r i-ity. 1 Willi nil the..; )in')L's, ttir i t-Hi ut Mi tnir in tt, j fnlrTiiiilttillill, It inucl. lit t'v llt.tt "I iiuv rthel li tl (."id I H 'l-I. (jIld.N , 'r priet ru. Atiytit 1. ' It CMir.MJ DKKss (UiODS Sl(il.i: AM) ' l)Ol HI.K WIDTHS. I Chene Wide Silk and Wool Miiturvs. ?henc douhle-vviilth Mohaiis. L'iieue (Jinghams ami lian-Uiis. CJlf A Y MATKKIAI. Kor dresses and dusters, I'glil and n-.edium shudes C'HKAP LOTS (IK (iUOD.s Marked dowr. to such low prices as will iuturo speedy sales. Harece Ivohes, from g:) Ml to 5 Extra Cheap Holies, I lo .ij, ifttt and styles llarcue. :itll'F.K A CUXAI.'IJ. S. H. corner of .Ninth anil Market, l'hda .Inly r, IHiitl. SAVE YOUR FRUIT JY IINfi MASON'S Pater.t Sheet Metal Screw Tup PISEsUtVK J A I!. MASON'S PATENT SHEET ME l'A I. SCREW TOP! u ... i . .1 i i AW llu! is niM'i'Sh.irv iH-inir lo rri'w l!o ( niulnwii - ' upon the Kulibcr liasket, wlii, h i- pl xetl outside upon the shoulder of the Jar. 3-1 ol mi inch dis lani from Ihe lop ; pre,-nt the posibililv nf the llavor ol' the fruit beir.g iojuied by coining in contact with the Knbber. Personsdi'siring these Jars, e.tu be supplied by leaviiic llieir orders with 11. 11. M AS."ER, Sunhury. dune 2, I8B0. A pent. j NEW GOODS : ! XKW GOODS ! ! ! j rBH E subscribers have just received by Railioad ! i a new Stock ol Ready Mady (.'loliiing, con- ' I sislim; of j srniNO and suriMsa good?i j j which lliey are selling iheaper than can t-e pur- , : chased any where else. 'J'heir slock cousista of I tho very hist ut uiuteiiuls, made up ill the Is loot j sty le, such as j COATS, VESTS AND PANTS. ! j YEsTc from t' l to .S. of the liuesl quality. ' J A larpe assor Uncut of ' j Boots, Slioes, Gaiters, Trunks, Bui-pet ' I Ba, Umbrellas, &o. j ; a larirH variety of ready made Shirts, in price from . J 60 cts. to a,t'0. i i Also, a largo assortment of Mens' and Roys' ; ! TS 5c CAPS, J of all kinds. Persons who arc in want of Clothing should call at once and examiiu for themselves as no '. charges will be made for showing goods. Store Room on the corner of Mutket and Fawn streets, nearlv opposite Weaver's Hotel. well WEITZEK. H El I.l! RON NEK & CO. fiunhtiry, June 0, 18011. lyjaiic maoi:arel. AD, Irish Salmon, Cod l'i"h and Prime rime Counliy Ham. A large stock of the above at the store of E. Y. HRKiHT SON. Sunhury, June 23, I8i',0. E. Y. BRIGHT i SON. nAYE now on hand a choice line of French Cloths, II lack Doeskins, Fancy Cassitni res, Tweeds, bilk Mixed Coutings, Vcstings, Coilou ades, Ac. bunbury. June 2X l",i). 1 il j" 7 li -1 2 7 4 5 1 7 S 4 T. 0 2 7 Tlieso figures are intended to draw your attention to the important fact, tint tbe place w here you can get the most goods for tlie least uiouey, is at the One Puce Store of . DKIOH V A. bON. Sunhury, June 16, 1800. IT, lb NOT NECESSARY lo tell the people, aa they always knew that, but it is necessary to -let llietn know that we have replenished our slock I J N K and will continue to receive new (jouds ou-iy few davs. We are drterinine 1 to supply the poo ule, wall ihe must desirable goods at the louus. prices. FlULLNli liRANT. bunbury, May 26, 1S0H. FRfiSH bl PPLY OF DRLlib at the 'A M am inolll Store. Also, anew lot ol per fumery, boaps and Fancy Article. Very cheap. FR1LLNU Si liRANT. bunbury, Msy 80, IbtiQ. NEW LOT OF HARDWARE SAD- DLERY. Also, the best asaorlinent of Iron Nails and btesl to b found in the rounty. at ths Mammoth store of FK1LI.NO UJANT. bunbury, 7uns !, 1H60, BA5 All Iron. Bteel, Nails, Pisks, Urub-Iloes and asou Haisiusts, at low prices. HI'.IliH I eV sort. Bunbury, Juns S3, 1hi. TIIE MAMMOTH STORE ESPK(iTKt"M.Y rioj; Icva to annrtuxco llieir KX'I'liNSlVE fj'MlKK lUJOin has Tlif larRrst Siodt ever l-roi,ght t j tliis .it ul tlie cotintry at 'ne time. We lia nnw, nit onljr ths lianrtRornMt, tut llie LAEGEST STORE I H CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! anil a slnrk of MEW OOOD.S which, in extent, variety, quality an ftuwness in irio, ir, X1S IU V Al.I.ED! We nacj nut particiilnnre. Tor WX5 II A V 13 TIIING'!' We have constantly mi liatnl all kinds of DUUti.S, IIAUDWAItG. ijl KKNW.Ri:. JVHY tittdUS, KCAUV-MADK ( LOIIllNO U'tDTet AMJ fiHDi:, RO( EKins, Ac.tVr.. which wi-will ilisprsf of at the VKKY l.OWKST PKICBH. Coniitty Produce taken in ex t lianiy at the liiijlirst plices. I'ur stain) is ime nf th oldest in this section of country, nnd has always l.een tavorstl hy thf I.AKUKS'r ami UV'.rtT run uf custom in the li'in1il'iirhood. We are thankful for patronage we have received in the past, and hope that hy a continual elVorl to aicomtoo.liile our friends and customers, and in rniiarijuriicu of tlie 'larceness and variety of our slock, wo w ill merit and receive ft continuance nfllie support and Rood Will nf thn people. A'e cordially invite you to pive tia a cull !' I'OMK A I.F. ! You will never regret a visit to Ihe Very liarst'! nl CfirnprMt Store, In tliii section of Ilia Htatc ! ! Keineiiiher tin' old stand, MAIlKET fctUAUi!, near the Cuur House. Sunhurv, Maf 10, If (lit. If 1800. SPRING & SUM M KH 1K0 VJUlaING & (ilvANT'S MAMMOTH STOrS! MARKF.T KjCAKK, SI X Ut'R Y, l'A. TlMI.lIS'fi A (KANT, respectfully announce - to thnir friends and the public, that they have just received llie Very Ijargcst nml ilest Ktotk of SIT.INCi AND SUMMER GOODS ever hroujihl to Sunhurv, which will ho disposed ol t the verv I.OW Y'.fi'V PHlCKi, for C'MSH IU CDUMTKV" PHOUI.CE. Wc keep evcrytliin ! We keep every tiling ! ! We keep everything ! ! ! Thankful to our friends for past favors, ws soli tit a continuance of the same, at the Largest Store in Central rennsylviui'm Largest and Cheapest Store '. '. Largest anil Cheapest ! ! '. PS (.'all. Sice, and W convinced ! KKILI.NU A, t.KA.NT. Sunhury, May 19. Infill. ' L A T L S 1' A R R I V A L X e w j : s T D If. SIGNS Choicest Styles l-'ORKIGN AND DuMI'.STlC li.N KrciixBirioisr, A l ll.d IVipU'i ON K PKICK STOKE, OF E. BRIGHT & SON, Ol.R LARGE AND :.l.a)wi'. xww.' OF DRY GOODS, N O T I O N S AND HOSIER Y, 3?l ID "W ZrL 3 , 3C0TG 1.112 SHOES, liL'EENbWARE AND ULASsWA 111'., (JROCiKRIES, WILLOW AND WOODWAEE, HATS AND OArS, &C, AC, AC., AC., AC. l'KlE.YIs I4ilil'. i l l . I 41 HO YS, and PI'LENDID 1XDI ( EMENJ-.V OLU Lar'e A'f'.'rtiiieiU i-t uini ailed, an l will ho .-..1,1 AT THE LOWEST l'KK'ES, and ev iy article N A RKAN FED a n proM iiled 1 liVKRV PEH30N is invited to call anJ examine our H ANDSOME STOCK, mid learn our lit of Prices, from which deviation will be made., knowing trom eii'iri. i ence mai uui r R I C E S Y 3 T i; M , in lllf Irno inoti of DOING BUSINESS. Wc shall rontinur to keep up our aasorinienl at all seasons ol ihe year, mlrediieing from time lo time, many novelties, and gieat bargains. We leturn our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and shall sinviMo merit s con tinuance of the same. E. V. BRIOHT .V son. bunbury, June li, 18T.0. mVViiu 'wis 1 1 ? DO you isl a handsome Carwt t Do you ish a durable Carpel I Do you wish a cheap Carpel ! If si Call st liKIUlIT A lON. fcunhuiv, June I ! THE MAMMOTH ST0EE! to Ilia ritizetia ol Blt.Mll u anil viumi'v, tli.it hem CMI In a petlect jjta wifli nill.lVfi Si. GR.4T. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF N E W G O O I) S, J. II. i:C,i:i.. of uiilui j, I'a , n AS just arrived with splendid STOtJK of SI'HINti AMI M.'MM K.R (JOODS, from Philadeljiliia, lo w hich he ro:-i eUtilily invilea his friends aud the Piihlic l ' call and inspect, he will spnrc no time in shovvim; them. Among his stock of goods will befourid, FlNE Ml.LL AND BLACK fPsZitc;:-: clct:. Fine b luck and I'nnc.y ('asimrrei '1 weeds, Sat inetts, Jeans, lllnck llnliiili ( loth, ('ashmerclte, ( otlonado, Liuena, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Fafcy Yestiuu, also a large assorlnicnt of Ready inudu CLO'i'il INU lor men aud boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Rlnck and Fsney Dress Silk very cheap, "Si'k Tissue, Uereges, t'hali and Choli h'obes, Hereto Delaine, Ilerege Kol-ea, Figured Ilriiiianl and variety of o. her Dreva (ioods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort- rtictit ol whiln goods, Coiiars, Sleeves, Irisii I Linen, Shirl fronts, Marseilles, liriliiunt oVc. A i geliertil asjjrlinent of doinesuc Dry Uo ds. ; Also a large stock of Hats and (BpJ, Doois ' and shoes. Hardware, tjuoens and C-lasitVi-ar, , (iroeeries, Cedarwaru, Stone and Earllieuwnra, ; Druss aud 1'aiiiU, .Salt, Fish, Chcsse, Ham, Oil, : Tar iVc. I N H. Wu! and Window Paper, Floor and ' Table Oil t'l. .'.Il, Carpets, ail tho abovo ill Iu ; sold at low prices for cash or country produco la en in exchango for Ouods. .T. II. ENUEL. i Sunhury , M.iv. I 'I, 1 BfiO, if. ICOOIVKU cc (JONAKUi 1 .i'. L. Curnvr .Xiitlk and Market -V.'.-oct. pz:l2xelf2:a. 9 N V1TE atlentioti to the lnrg' sl slock they hae i-vei olli'i'ed, comprising in art, i LADIES CLOTH CI.OAK.S j 'f plain, striped and mtveil Cloths, ot the nswss I ) shapes and material, got op in the moil j E LEI i A. NT AND ARTIS'ytO iiisni. cr, h n J tu sell al very ruasoiiaiiiu rates. i LACE roINTES AND MANTLE.-.;, j Black Silk Mamleo, ' l.iiov Dress (iiiij'l-;, LlirliO ..ilMlU Co, l;irej:c Ati'aii, l'oli!lrU", French Cni eH. Bi'ivyo Robes, l'l.ii.l Gootl.-i, Bayadere Gooda, Black Dress Gvoda, ' Embrodoriei. ; Also, MLNf AND HOYS' WE Ml. i First rale lilsek Cloths, for S 'Jf, 'i 1'I and H j l.iht Cloakiugs at ) '-5, l fiO anj t block of Cloths is xery UrijC, i-ciect ai.d uhsip. ! CAbIMEREs. '. Fain v. neat, plain, tuixed and black. 1 I .ooila especially for Hoys' wear. ; Fine Ulack Csssimorcs. $1 to $4 '.". I Yesliugs of bilk, Yuleneiti and Marseilles. I COOPER i- CON A III.'. Ninth and Market StrseU, PiiiinJulphia. j rti 17 1MIK). 1TSV ir.'JZIZ CTCPaS. I No. 93 Maiiuct SiHinr, II utiinlit no. ISHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOOKS, .Mu-ltul Irtltiiii1lite Cittiorallj . PIANOS, MKI.ODKONS. OL'II'AES, VIOLINS. I'LLTKS. i AccoRnnoNs, , 0. C. E. CAHTE-. ! PI V.N Tu!.'l as.l n.-p-iiri-.t l.j- 11. L lii'0-l.b( by a.;.'.-.iterii ( it. i- iit.ove ii..ouit stoic. Auuusi '2(1, I ly j Jtt.'K I.l. S ot varim s kinds. Lobsters, Sai- uiues, , c, ive., jusi receivco anil lor ns.o aiiho DiusStore of A. W.FIbllEi:- buub.ii-y, August, IH57. ly y What the People ssy, must bo true. The l'eojih' say, Rrigltt ci Soif sell their jjoods verv thcitti. The lV-i-ole sav, Rri-.'l.t - S on lvCl itlniost every article of Merchandize-. Tlie lVojde say, Lijrht Son liavw tlm i bestasfftirtmeut in town. The coiile s:iy, Rri-lit A- Foii';: e-toret ! i tlie jdiice to j:ct value for yuiir ! IMsV). ' The lVi'i'le ?ry, Riiglit A- S-n sdl to :ill at tin; siinu I'lit-cs. ; Thf lVot.le s iy. Ihi;rht ,v Sen hnvt? tl cheapest Sli"o in town. Tlie lYo.le :ly, Rrihi ,S: Smu Lb , Sllcllilill htock of llu is. Tiie l'l'i'i'le fay, Uiilit k Son .ni- i handsome Di e-. t.!')oi! and sell thetu i ery ehenj.. ' buubuiv. June lli. Ml'lt. Another Insiim clion ! 'JHE whole lotuitry ie ia a stale ot i'i:itint:it with lite i.ena that aiiotlii i (iiou i: loi' or (.Doits. has been received si the Msmni 'th ?toru. N -withslaii.liiig tiie very large K'l'OCK OFLiOi)D." tie broui;ht lo bunnury this bprinc,, and tho Itati of oui tin nils ll.st we ivoold not sell them, wa have been compelled (in order to supply the de mand) to i;elt:p another lot of mods. ', We aro determined lo supply the people with CllOICE.CHEAP 4 DEsIKALLE liOOI'a. ; We are continually reecivini; gooils and will keep up our stock. Call at ihe .Mammoth and I convinced. FKlLINti & OIIA.N I . I bunbury, June U ), I Bt"-0. I LbTERf AND DKIb blLIT lO MATCH. btnjied Puslsis. Mantillas, Mued do. K.hJbilk. ('bene do. 'sydeie do. Mlk Challydo. Lace Mantles. Full Hacks. Plain Sly les, (eiileel. i ace Dournouv ronpEK ,v con AKP. 8. E rernei 9tisni Metkri, Phils lelplns July T, 10 4- " a.