6jM THE TORNADO. Further Accounts Houses Swept Away, and Forests Uprooted. "W continue to receive the most painful account! 01 tbe terrible toroade is Western Illinois and Eastern low. When tbe facte are ell gathered op, end a full statement of then) mode, it will appear that no similar calamity ever bag began to equal this one In actual destruction of life and property, and in all tbe attendant frightful circumstances. Severe as the storm was, and great as was the damage done, on the Illinois side of the Mississippi river, the storm visited with far greater violence the section of Iowa lying between Cedar Rapids and the river. An extra sheet received from the press of the Mount Vernon jVewc, .Mount Vernon, Lino county, Iowa, contains the following thrilling nccouut of tbe tornado and its disastrous effects in that quarter. Tbis extra sheet is dated Monday, Jane 4th. About sis o'clock last nigbt a terrific whirlwind, or tornado, .passed, a mile South of our town, from west to east. When within two miles of us, while people were seeking safety in cellats, or, as in some cases, running wildly about the streets, it veered on its course, and swept by in full sight sublime but fearful. At a little village or hamlet one and a half miles west, known as St. Mary's, the scene of di-solation beggars description. At that point tbe house and shop of a Mr. Cunningham were entirely destroyed j him elf and family much injured. A few steps farther on, scarcely a vestige remained of the houso end two large barns of Mr. James lSurge. Two of his children, a grown up sou and a small daughter, fatally hurt, have since died. Mr. William Wain, brother of K. D. Wain, of this place, and a young man, by tbe name of Columb is Sparks, were found dead. As the blast approached, Stephen .Smith, son of Joscphus Smith, was seen to ride up, and spring from bis horse ; was afterward picked up mortally injurod. A little east ward, the house and burn of Mr. Clark Thompson were utterly demolished. His family, by running down iu the cellar, es caped ; for some reason ho did not go with them, end so lost his life. Close by, Mr. Josephus Smith aud family were much hurt, but not dangerously. His house waj torn down ; bis lure barn turned partly around end carried fifty feet. The power oud force of this "demon of the elements" must have been immense. We reached tho path of its fury less than an hour after it went howliug on. Wo found a hundred men standing uround mute end aghast. Tbe sufferers had been borua away, but there were other evi dences of its -fearful mission. Houses gone, utterly gone, end nothing but bluckened and smeared foundations told where they had been ; trees, ono and two feet in diameter, und even larger, uprooted and hurled many rods, robbed of brauchos and foliage ; car casses of horses, cattle and swine strewed the former barnyard. One man found the blude of a shovel plow so firmly driven into a tree that he could not pull it out. Kast of Lisbon, a Mr. Piper injured, two children killed. M r. Latimer and family in jured, Mr. William Andre and wife missing, probably killed j five killed in one family, uamed Allen. West of the Cedar, five persons are re ported killed. It is nlso reported that several houses were blown down, and severul persons killed North of Cedar Kapids. At Mechanicsville are ten bodies, brought in from the country, North. In tbe vicinity of le Witt, fifteen or twenty ore killed. Thirty-seven lives lost at Cauiaucbe, and many injured aud missing. Speaking of the town of Camancbo, tbe editor of the Chicago Press says : Horses and cattle are lying in every direc tion, killed from the effects of the Btorm. The buildings all look as though they had been torn in small fragments, scattered over tho whole country, and feathors from the bed clothes line the ground, uud then all bud been overswept with rushing waters. We went into oue building where were fifteen bodies, some mangled in tbe most frightful maimer, and only wrapped up in a sheet, and put into a rough box, ready for liuriul. Lr. Howell mloruieU us teal, irom Sunday evening to Monday noou, he bad visi ted mnety-one wounded aud set twenty-three broken limbs. We saw twenty-eight dead bodies, uud there were eighty-two tbut re quired strict medical attendance, and as many more tliat are morj or less hurt, yet aro able to be nrouud. In addition to tbis number, tsveuty-eigbt were swept from a raft iu the river that was passing at the time, and ten nre yet missing from tbe town, that are sop posed to be buried in the ruius, or are blown into tbe river ood drowned. Willi the esception of half a dozen bouses on the uorth side of tho town, every single luilJlng is either torn down, unroofed, or otherwise damuged. In one family, all that was lelt were three little girls, the father and mother ond two children having been instant ly killed. We saw where a ftuce board bad been forced clear through the side of a bouse, endwuva, nod hundreds of shiugles had forced themselves clear through the clap-boards of a bouse. We yi.ited the grave-yard, and saw twenty-eight graves, side aud side, all dug, wailing to receive the rough boxes con taining tbe remains of the slaughtered people The Pequea Silveb Mines. Somo of tbe New York papers recently reported tbe dis covery, in Pennsylvania, of a rich silver ore, which, alter various essays by Prof. Forney, of the United States Assay Office, was pro nounced to be richer than tbe famous ores of Washoo end Arizona. Tbe Lancaster Daily LVmess says that the ore referred to is none ether than that of the Peqaea mines in that rmintv. und describes the mines as follows: "We visited them yesterday. The mines, I or rather tbe quarries, iuclude two large and splendid farms. Although there are many subtetraoean workings, (some of tbem begun by English miners in tbe year 173G,) the ore is uow obtained entirely in open quarries. There is a lurge bill of the most splendid limestone, in which the ore is diffused with singular regularity. The limestone is burnt up lor lime, and sold out at the actual cost of production. The labor of the quarries is thus paid by tbe lime, leaving tbe ore, whatever it may be, as a cleur profit. The ore is worth from S300 to S700 per ton, and it appears that every man engaged in quarrying lime stoue will average about 20lte. of the ore per day. When the kilns are erected, from two to four hundred men can be employed in quarrying lime, all of wbicb would find a ready tiiarket if sold at tbe actual cost of produc lion, thereby inducing several hundred lime kilns Daw in operation, within a radius of sevn or eight miles, to relinquish the busi ness The mine or quarries will thus become a vast depot fcr tbe production of the oori vallud Peqaea lime, now commanding Troin ten to fifteen cents per bushel. "Tint Farmer and Gardner" for June is fin our table, and as usual, is tilled to over flowing wilb choice matter and handsome illustrations. The Publisher announces im rorUut changes in tbe July number, "lbe form will be changed to a royal octavo of 32 . . r.A il, editorial charee of the Horti- ni.ftnril Denartment will be assumed by m'mi;... s!,.,.n,lnr. the distineuisbed writer In addition to this, a large number or the Agriculture in tbe country. havo consented to contribute to the pages of tuo "f armer auu u. . 7 C attraction, it will be one of the best, T. it is now one of the handsomest and cheap ... n..kiictioni in tbo country. Person! desirous o examining the work, can procure a copy witnom cnarge, vj f Peblwber, A. i. Ppangler, I'tiiaoeipnia. HlailLY IMFORTAftT ISTF.IXlGClrR. Settlement of the Chinese Difficulty trith France and Fnglaud Assassination nf the Tycoon of Japan, Spwkqkiki.d, Mo., Sunday, June 10. The uveriand Mail uoncb, Willi six passengers and Ban Francisco date to the 21st May, three days later than by the Pony Express, arrived here at 8 o'clock this morning. Tbe San Francisco papers famish tbe following highly important news from Japan and China. The schooner Page, which left for tbe Bay of Jeddo April 23, and tbe steamer Zagtze, with news from China to April 10, reports mat tne uninese nave concluded to pay the cngusi and Irene h Governments, tbeir ex penses and accede to all their demands as the ports and the navigation of the rivers are to oe iree. The Americans charged by tbe China Chroniele with having been engaged in tbe uooite trade, and a proclamation bas been issued by a distinguished Chinese official, warning tbem against tbe practice of kidnap ping. ASSASSINATION OF TDK EXTEROR OP JAPAN. The Prince Uoitairo. who was at the head of the Japanese Government, was assassina ted on tbe latb or March, lie was going from bia bouse to tbe palace with his train, wheu be was attacked by fourteen Japanese, dressed as travelers. Tim Wat to, Quikt Wakeful Rabies. Mr. Itupel, tbo correspondent of tbe London Times, ia bis "Indian Diary," impaits the fol lowing piece of information, wbich wilt eo doubt be gratefully received by those whose responsibilities, tbough small, are on that account none the less burdensome : "Our friend tbe Tbakoor also visited up, and he excused tbe none-appearance of bis little son, on tho ground that he was asleep under his water fall. 1 had almost omitted to mention the curious habit of the hill peo ple to wbich litis phrase of the Thukoor's related. Whenever a woman wishes to put her child to sleep, she takes it to one of the numerous places fur tbis purpose, which are ull over the mountuio sides wherever there is water. They consist of a shed or sheds in in which there are stone troughs fill ad with a running stream ; and from these troughs are little pipes made of reed or hollow stems from tbe trees, which spout out water with a gentle trickling full, under wbicb the child's head is placed at the distance of a few inches, the effect is almost immediate. The child closes its mouth and eyes, and fulls into a profound, and heultbful sleep, which endures so long as it is left under the water spouts. I have seen dozens of children thus lyiug fust asleep, and as Tar as 1 could ascertain, uo evil etlecls whatever can bu attributed to the practice It certainly seems an admirable preparation against colds in the head ; and if a devoted mother would only make tbe experiment iu this country, and it were found successful, she would be a blessing to her specios, in introdu cing such a delightful custom, pleasant to children and invuluablo to parents." The Mania for Hark Kooms. American women have a st range mania for dark rooms, but bear what Florence Nightengale, in her "Notes of Nursing," says on tho subject : "A dark house is utmost an uoheullhy bouse, always an ill aired bouse, ulways a dirty bouse. Want of licht stops growth, ond promotes scrofula, ricket3, etc., umong the children. People loose their health n a dark bouse, uud if they got ill, they cannot get well ogaiu in it. These out of mauy "negligences and ignorances' in managing the health of houses generally, 1 will here mention as specimens. First, that the female head in charge of any building docs not think it necessary to visit every bole aud corner of it every day. How can she expect those who are under her to bo more careful to maintain ber bouse in a healthy condition than she who is in charge of it? Second, that it is not considered es sential to air, to sun, and to clean rooms while uninhabited; which is simply ignoring tbe first elementary notion of sanitary thingg, and laying tbe ground ready for all kinds of dis ease. Third, that the window,, and ono win dow, is considered enough to air a room. Don't imagine that if you who are in charge don't look to all those things yourself, those under yon will be more careful than you are It appears as if tbe part of the mistress was to complain ol her servants, and to accept their excuse not to show tbem how there need be either complaints made nor excuses." Tue Great Hack Between Flora Temple and Patciikn. The race over the Union Course, L. I., on Wednesday, June Cth, be tween Flora Temple and Geo. N. Patcben. is said to have been one of the finest exhibitions of tbe powers of the trotting borso that bas ever taken place iu this country. The race, which was miln beats, in harness, was won, after a most desparate struggle, by Flora, in tbe remarkable quick time of 2 21, 2 24, 2 21) tbe best ever made on this track, inus has Flora Temple (owned by Mr. Wm. M' Donald. of Baltimore.) oiiain earned for her self the proud title of "Queen of tho Trotting Turf." The race was lor Sl.OOl), and was witnessed by thousands of spectators. Seve ral days ago the betting wos decidedly in favor of Flora, but on tbe race course, on Wednes day. 8100 to 8"0 was offered on Tatchen Tbe result of tbe race created the greatest enthusiasm among tue friends of rlora. Old Newspapers. Many people take newspapers, but few preserve them ; tbe most interesting reading imaginable, is a file of old newspapers. It brings up tbe very age with all its genius, and its spirit more than tbe most labored description of the historian. Who can take a paper dated half a century ago, without the thought, that almost every name printed there, IB now cut upon a tomb stone, at tbe bead ot an epuapn i ineaoc tor (quack or regular) that there advertised bis medicines, and bis cures, has followed the sable train of bis patients the merchants bis ships could net no seenrity on bis life, end tbe actor, who could make others laugu or weep, can now only furnish a skull for bis successors in Hamlet. It is easy to preserve newspapers, and tbey will repay tbe trouble for, like that of wine, their value increases with aee, and liko old tiles bave sometimes been sold at prices too startling to mention Ukcallkd for Letters. Ad act of bo little importance to business men recently passed Congress, euinonsing tne return oi uncuiieu-ior letters 10 me oiuce irotn wmcu they were first sent, if tbe name of tbe writer is endorsed on tbe letter, we puonsn tue act for the information of our readers; That when any person shall endorse on any . .. . . letter his or ber name and place oi residence, as writer thereof, the letter, after remaining uncalled for at the office to which it is di rected, for thirty days, or the time the writer may direct, shall be returned by mail to said writer, and no such letter shall ne aoverusea nor tbe same be treated as dead letters, until so returned to the post office of the writer, and there remain uncalled for one quarter. Approved April 6, 1800. Mr i. Jane Elizabeth Jonea, one of the meakeri at the recent Woman'! rights Con -. : K' V...I. I. - V e U I i u u iu law tmi, ii mugwuBt ivisig upon the masculiuea who flourish in tbe at ojospliere of millinery stores. Hear ber : "Tbe other day the eaw a man milliner holding op a bonnet on bit soft bands and ex piating on its merits. A lady tried it on and be went into ecstaciei, it waa aucb fit and o becoming ! He complimented the bonnet and then he complimented tbe lady tine could but think ibis man wai out of bia sphere, and bad crowded tome woman out of ber iphere. In a shoe store, instead of sprightly girl to try on woman', gaiters, you bod strong man, who tries it, and fusses over the gaiter and over tbe foot until the young lady is almost tempted to propel bim mto bis true sphere. Laughter. Wbeo and where was it discovered that Ood made man to fit ladliV .-.; i:'. f Laughter. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad grade is MO feet above tide-water at Harrisburg , 488 feet nl Lewiatown C10 feet at Huntingdon t BBC. feet at Tyrone ; 1108 at Altoona j at the west end of the Allegheny mountain tunnel, 2181 feet ; at Greensburg 1131 feet; at the Canal Hridge, I.ibory street, Fittsbnrg, 741 feet. The bottom of the Ohio river at tbe after place, ie 700 feet above tide-water. Reliable estimates show that 11,000 wagons passed Plum Creek on their way to Pike's Peak this spring, up the first of May. Esti mating Tour persons to each wagon, the total emigration to the new gold region tbe present spring, would be 44,000. Tim population of the region Is supposed to be 12.,000. NewAdvertisements. $350 REWARD. llfHEREAS, the Coal Breaker of tho Big ' ' Mountain Improvement Company was destroyed by fire on the night of the 28th Inst., and WHEREAS, the Company have reason to believe that the fire was the result ol design, NOTICE ia hereby given, that a reward of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars will he paid for the detection and conviction of the instigator and perpetrator of the deed i and further, if any person or person? be the instruments of another's malice, he or they shall, after giving the Informa tion necessary to convict, receive the above re ward upon conviction of the principal, and the Company will not prosecute the informer. By order of the Board cf Directors. WILLIAM P. JENK8, President big Mountain Imp. Co. Philadelphia, May 30, 1800. NEW GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS ! U fflHE subscribers have just received by Railroad a new Stock of Ready Mady Clothing, con sisting of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS which they are selling cheaper than can be pur chased any where else. Their stock consists of the very best of materials, made up in tho latest style, such as COATS, VESTS AND PANTS. VESTS from $1 to 5. of tho finest quality. A large assortment of Coots, Shoes, Gaiters, Trunks, Carpet .Lags, Umbrellas, ice. a large variety of ready made Shirts, in prico from CO cts. to i 2,1)0. Also, a large assortment of Mens' and Boys' HATS Sc CAPS, of all kinds. Persons who nre in want of Clothing should call at once and examins for themselves as no charges will be made for showing goods. Nore Room on the corner of Market and fawn streets, nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel. SUll W EITZE H, 11 r.ll.D KO. A Lit & CO. Cunbury, June 9, 1R0O. lyjanc SIIA2IOKIN BANK. STATEMENT of tho Shamokin Hank, as re quired lv tho second section of the Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, ap proved the 13lh day of October, A. D. 1857. ASSETS. Specie in vault and specie funds in ruiladclphia, 1S.-123 59 Due from llanks, and City Bankers, 3,"(G7 30 rSotca and Checks of other Banks, 1,:)70 00 Bills discounted, 78,794 19 $102,355 14 32,935 00 30,089 04 613 27 LIABILITIES. Circulation, Due Depositors, Due other Banks, $64,217 31 I, Chas. W. Peale, Cashier of the Shamokin Bank, leing duly sworn, deposo and say that the above statement is correct to tbo best of my know ledge and belief. CHARLES W. TEALE, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before mc this 6lh day of June, 1800. W. P. V iTRiNOToy, ISotary Public. Shamokin, June 9, 1800. State of the Bank of Northumberland, June 7, 1860. ASSliTS. f-naui amt Diacnunts, - NiuiliuuilwrlHiiit Bunk flocks, Oilier stitks 3M.41? l 6,1'TH IKI I.H50 Ml fO.I.-M 78 H29 I'l ..4.')5 -0 t,M V3 Due by otlicr Banks, - -utes ami Checks of other Banks, Splice in Vuulls, Ileal lsiaie, - LIABILITIES. Notts is cifcalnliun, 237,809 18 S,WI 75 e3,lU7 IU 1,0XI 16 Lme oilier jiiinks, uepuftimrs, Cuininonweutlli, ftttG,U'.ie Oil I certify that ths above statement to Ue correct anil true to the best of my knowledge ami helief. J . n. fKll-.plL.cx , cannier. Sworn and subseribed belure me. June 7, lalto. GsoKflt Mekbick, J. P. YTAVINO received extensive encouragement throughout tho County, I oiler myself as a candidate for CONGKEHS ; subject to the de cision of the Democratic Party, at its next pri mary election. J.J. BEIMEL SIS YDER. Jone 16C0. Last Notice. ,i LL persona having any clijiras against the t- estate of Jacob Ituker, deceased, late of Lit tle Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, J'a., are hereby notified to present them for settle ment to the undersigned residing in the town of Trcvurton.in said county. Those knowing them selves indebted to the estate cither by note or book account, are the last time notified to make immediate payment. All account! remaining un settled after the first day of August, 1800, will be placed in the hands M a proper omcer for col lection. HEN BY Z. RAKEK, Adm'r. Trevorton, June 2, 1800. 4t SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! AW that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the Rubber Casket, wbich is placed outside upon the shoulder of Ihe Jar. 3 4 ef an inch dis tant from tbe top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of the Iruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Personsdesiring these Jars, can be snpplied by leaving their orders with II. B. M AosF.H, Hunbury, June 2, I860. Agent. A NEW LOT OF HARDWARE Sc SAD DLERY. Also, the best assortment of Iron Nails and Steel to be found in the county, at the Mammoth store or FIULIJNU & UK ANT. Kunbury, June 2, 1800. 0! YE LOVERS OF SOUP! Afresh supply of Macaroni and Confectionery at FRIL1NG & GRANT'S. Sunbury, June 2, 1860. IT is important to tbe LADIES to knew that Friliog Si Grant, have the best and largest assortment of Dress Goods in the county. Kunbury, June 2. 1860. 1)ARRIS' Soothing Syrup, for Children teeth imr. For sale at FISHER'S October 16. 'f8. LIVE Barrels Portland Kerosere Oil, Ihe best L ia market, at FRILING & GRANT'S. Sunbury, January 28, 1860. Tsr F.T everybody know that Friiing & Grant IJ bave Ihe best assortment of good of all kinds and that tbsy are selling tbem cheaper than ever. Sunbury, May 26, I860. pOTO FRILING & GBANT'8 and aee the V largest and cheapest assortment of Dry Gnnds every brought to Sunbury, j Miry, May 26, 1860. lAOSEP.'S PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER. Ai Improved for 1850 and CO, By E. KETCH AM & CO., 23 Tcarl-Strect, New-York. THE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the eream the other removes it as fast as frozen Tbe most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical In cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. Kor sale In all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieezer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 5 quarts, $3 00 4 quarts, . 4 00 6 quarts, S 00 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 13 00 Apply Iu M. D. MASSER.Sunbury. June 2, 1860. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. HE subscriber will offer at public silicon the premises, on SATURDAY, the S3d day outlet;, next, at 10 oclock A. M., the follow inn valuable property to wit, vizi THE WELL KNOWN TAVERlsr ST-A.OXriD, now kept as such by Michael Wilvert, situate on Pawn street, near the Shamokin Valley & Potts ville Railroad Depot, in tho Borough of .S'"N'. BURY, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. The buildings are a largo Praino HOUSE, near ly new, a Frame Stable, Shed. Ico HoHse and other outbuildings. A Well of water with a pump, at the door, a good garden and very choice fruit on the lot. This stand is doing an excellent business, hav ing tho safest and most reliablo custom of any Tavern in tho County. An indisputable title will he Riven. EMANUEL WILVERT. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Three hundred dollars to be paid as soon as the property is struck down. Three hundred dollars in ninety days, when possession will be given to the purchaser. Five hunured dollars on tho first day of April, 1861, and tho hallanre in four equal annual payments, with intcri-at from sale. . A discount of fl percent will be allowed for whatever cash payment may be made over and above the sum of $il)0, above mentioned. Sutibury, May 2fi, 1H00. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of ihe Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale al tho public house of WM. M. WEAVER, in the town of Shnmoltin, on Saturday, tho .'10lh day of JUNE, I860 : The undivided half pait or moiety of a certain Tract of Lund, situate in Coal township, Northumber land, bounded on the north by hinds of tho Phil adelphia ami Sunhurv, (now Shamokin VulK v & Pottsville) Rail Road Company, on the south by the Martin lands, and or. tho east and west by lands of Jeremiah Brown, containing two hundred acres, more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling House and Barn, it being part of a larger tract originally surveyed in the name of Daniel ltees. Also, The following described Lots of Ground situate in tho town of Shamokin, of which ho died solo seized, viz.: a triangular piece of ground bounded south by Wall street, went by lot of late H. Yoxtheimcr, and on tho north by street along said P. &S. now S. V. it P, Railroad. 2. Another Lot of tiround bounded on the south by Wull street, on the west by the Car' on Run Railroad, on tho north by street along the said P. & S. now S. V. ct P. Railroad, and on the east by lot belonging to the estate of lbe late 11. Yoxtheimcr. 3. Also, another lot of ground containing ene eighth of an acres, moro or less, adjoining lot of Dr. Robert Philips, Miamokin crrek, a braneh of Shamokin creek, and triangular bit No. 441 on the plot of town laid out by MrCarty, Davis, Warner and Jordan Lute the estate of David Thompson, dee'd. Salu to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said diy. CONDITION OF SALE. One half of tho clear valuation money to re main charged on the land during life of tho wi dow, the interest to bo paid to her annually to be secured by Bond and Mortgage. 10 per eenl of ballunco to be paid as soon as tbe property is struck down and the remaining 90 percent on the first day of April, 1H61, also be secured by LI oud and Mortgage. II. J. WOI.VEUTON. Trustee. By order of the Court. B. MASSER, (.Ik .O. C Sucbury. May 19, 1X61. To the Democratic Voters of Northuinbcr land County. FELLOW CITIZENS I Encouraged by many of my friends, I here by otter myself as a candidate for the oilico of S II E R I I F , subject to the rules of Ihe Democratic party. Should you see proper to nominate and elect me I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office faithfully and to the best ol my ability. JOHN B. HELLER. Chilisquaque twp., May 12, ISG0. To the Democrats of Northumberland County. IJ'eit.ow Citizkhs : I hereby offer mvself as a candidate lor the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Should 1 be nominated and elected. I will perform tho duties of the ol'nco faithfully, and lo iho best of my ability. ISAAli U. 11A1YL.11. Little Mahanoy tp., May6, I SCO. To the Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. Fulow Citixeksi I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the oilice of SHERIFF subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Should you see proper to nominate ana elect me, I shall discharge the duiies of the office fuithfully and to the bctt of nry ability. MAKIl'v UASS. Shamokin Twp., May 19. I860. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Gestlzmz 1 1 offer myself as an independent candidate fur the Oihce of SHERIFF of Northumberland county, at the neit general election. If you think proiier to elect mc, you shall bave my thanks, and I pledge myself lo execute the oilice faithfully. C. W. BNYDEK. Shamokin Twp.. May 19, 1860. To the Voters of Korthutnbcrtaud County. TTUlio-w Citizz!s: Encouraged by many - friends, I am induced to olfer myself to the people aa a candidate for the othce ol Sill. 1(11 r at the approaching- election, and rospectfully solicit your tutfrsges, pledging that, in case I am elected, I will perform the duties incumbent on that oilico faithfully, impartially, and to the bet of my ability. M. K. U AU11.M I Lower Mahanoy tp., May fi, 1800. RAH pounds of CARPET RAGS wanted at ukj w the ,tor, of BKIUHT ti bON IVOW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Everybody buys Good there. Why t Because they can buy them cbeape than anywhere else. Sunbury, May SC, I860. HOOT3 & fcHOES are sold cheaper than M JJ ever at tua Mammoth store. Call and sea our assortment and ascertain our prices, and jou will not fail to buy. FKILING & GRANT. Sunbnry, May IS, I860. THE MAMMOTH STORE I THE MAMMOTH STORE! TTtt F.SPECTFtJLLY beg leave to announce to the citizens of 8UNBUHY and vicinity, that JLlU 'heir EXTENSIVE STORE ROOM has been filled to a perfect jam with The largest Stork evor brought to this part of the country atone time. We hate now, not only the handsomest, but Ihe LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! and a stock of NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality ard lownesi in price, are UN RIVALLED! We need not particularize, for WB HAVD EVER? THING!!' V e have constantly on hand all kinds of DRUGS, HARDWARE, QUEENsWARE, DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING DrlOTH AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Ac, &C. which we will dispose of at the VER LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. Our stand is one of the oldest in this section of country, and has always been lavored by the LARGEST and BEST run of custom in the neighborhood. We are thankful for patronage we imvo n-rciveu 111 mo pasi, ami nope mar ny a continual cllort lo accommodate our Trienils and customers, and in consequence of the largeness and variety of our stock, we will merit and receive a continuanee of the support and good will of the people. A'e cordially invite you to give us a call ! CO.MK ALL ! You will never regret a visit to the Very Largest am! in mis section or the State I ! Kcmemtier Hie nouse. Sunbury, May 13, 1SC0. ly Slieriflal ty. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fkmow. Citizens : Encouraged by many friends, I am induced to ofirr myself lo tho people as a candidate for tho office of SHERIFF at the approaching election, and respectfully so lieit your sufi'rafrcs, pledging that in case I am elected, I will perform the duties incumbent on that oDice faithfully, impartially and to the best of my ability. O. M. RENN. Sunbury, April 81, 1800. To the Democratic Voters of Northumber land County. FELLOW CITIZENS : I hereby offer mvsclf as a Candidate for tho office of SHERIFF, subject to tho rules of the Democratic Parly, Should I be nominated and elected, I will perform the duties nf the ollicc laithfully and to the best of my abililv. M. E. BUG HER. Sunbury, April 23, 18C0. To the Democrats of Northumberland County. Fi;lLow-Democrats : I hereby offer myself as a Candidate for the office of PIU)THONOTARY,&c. subject to tlio rules of tho Democratic party. Should I i ie nominated aud elected, I will fulfill the duties of the offices to Ihe best of my ability, and pledRO : ... uui ,u nti lei iv t-it-iiMjii kuiti uuum, ; bclievini; tho one term principle to ho the true ' emocratic one. CHAS. .1. BRUNER. Sunbury, April 29, 18C0. l'llOTIIOXOT.-lRY. To the Democratic Voters of Northumberland County. r.i.tow Dp.MocnATst I hereby ofier myself as a candidate for re-election for the oilice of Prothonotary, &c, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Should I bo nominated and circled, I will perform tho duties of the ofiico faithfully, ond to the best of my ability. DANlEli BEL.KI.E Y. Sunbury, May fi, I Still. ClUillill.l Cll'J HEAE "WHAT THE PEOPLE BAY. n.i iitxtpMl-nivl tiavlni! ii"! Tr .ffjinr IlfMPnUETS' FPKOIl'IO HOMilim-Vi'llIO HKMKllH s. In our families with tlie most mllaractury rcsjlH, nnl hiivmn lull cotiii-dcii'-e la Uicir vi'iiuiu''iis puflly, utul clli.-ai-.v, cheerfully rtt'oiiimc-n't Hit-Ill U all .frrf..ll who wish xo iivc ;,ie, re- ll-i!!e, an. I cllkaciuu remedies at haud fir privaio or do-liu-.ilc tw . . The Itt-v. Vtm. IInmer, fllt.ir or "Tin" p..irinern in.ie- P"ii.li-nt," Aut'iirn, N. Y. : the ll-v. K. II. Vtttff, i'l', ll.-clor ol Tl. reier 8 Lriuren, nmmm, .1. 1. ; me m-. n. Ives, Chwlaln of tho Aul-urn Cmlo l'rlsun; the ltev. fpencer M. Hi e, Rector, New Iledford, Maw. ; the llev. Allen Steele, ew-iorK v-Miiereni-e ; ine i.eT. caiuu.-, Nichols, KiHl-il. nesee t'.mltrence, N. Y. ; the Key. 1. fl. nit, llret, VI. ; the lie,-. J.ilin r U'l.ie, iiuuuio; a. v. Hurt, Kn.. files, N. Y. ; the Hun. f.eul liuw, Portland, Me. ; the II . 11. S. hni ler C.ilhix, Rmth H-n l, Iml. ; Ihe lion, lieorre llimijlirey( N. Y. ; Henry D. tlook, Ks-j., Kdilor of The Ohio Siiite J.-urnl, Coluinhin, Ohio ; the lion. It. If. (Iri'taoi, M.iline, 111.; the Hon. Thornm J. Clrise, MnntU cello. Kin. ; the Hon. Joseph lt--ne II. t, files, N. V. ; Win. lliM.il. K.i.. files, N. Y. ; A. . r.nnl, r.vi., LUca, n. . ; Junes rinuLer, Kt., Nhvillo, Tenn. LIST OK BPKCII'IO RKMEDIE3. Vn 1 Vir Fever. Cotieestlon. nn.t tnflnoimslton. No. 2 -K..r Worm Vever, Wo, m cite, Weill,,, the 111. No. a. lor Olio, Cri lag. Teething, uud akefulueu of jf.ltJ. No. 4. For Diarrhea, Cholera lulamum, snu Bummer PomMlalntR. o. Kor I olie, liripinrs, l.yicniery, or i.ionujr nua. No. . For Cholera, Cholera Storlms, Votultlnp. No. 7. For Coiu-hs, Co!.l, littltienxa, anl Sore Throat No. s. For Timtli-tii'he, K.iee-uehe, anil Neurulis. No. H. For lleaitachc, Vet ligo, Heal suit Fulluesi at the "n'o" 10. Dwctsh riiL." For Wealc and Deranged Slo,n;,eh, C Hislii' iilon, ntol I.iver Coio.t,tlut. No. II. Foit Fkuilu iKsuaeianiTiES, Beauty, ra'.aful, or Suj'l'res-e.l I'eriot!. No. 12 For Leucorrhca, Trofuse Menses, and Bearlnj Down of Female". i;i.For Croup, Hoarse eou-.-li, TUtl Ilrenthtnp. No. 14. Jl.l.T RtttcM l'lixs For l'.Tiilelas, Kruirtlonl. rieiplos on the Kaee. No. 1 ItiiKi-uiTic rti.us. For rain, Lameness, or Sore ness In the Che.l, lia.-k, l...ios. or I.iiohj. A. For Fever and Ajtuo, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, OW MiBinatlsei Allies. I 1 i--,,,- Pile;,, l'.litnt or ll'ee.!i)?. Internal or F.-ternal. O. F..r ,re, U'e ik. or Imluiitej le auU Eyelhls j Fall in?. Weak, or Murre 1 SUM. C For Catarrh, of loin rtnriliii; or recent, either with obiMruelion or )ri.iue ,u-eiiarr. VY. c. For voos,,f c.mt., .halms Its vioteuce ana thorletiitil! Ils roun-e. In nil a-'ule nir.-as-s, sun, ss revers, innamir.anpii, Diunhen, ltyet i.l.-,y. C .-tip, II'... umi.tiirui, ut.il such erui tive iliseases m S. uii.-I 1-, er, Me..-.!. ", u::.l la" wipelas, Ihe a-lvatiUCJ of liivin' Ihe l-i.-l-er rero-.lies .roii'l.l'y is ob vious, and In ull sueh es-e lite iee!!';e nu like a eharui. The ei.tird urease U often an eMe.l at coee. sr.-l in ull eures the Tiulvtiee of the suaek is mode ruled, the diiruse sitwlt eneil, Slid reialer. d Its dapper.. us. , Coughs and Coldp, whleh Ht-eot sueh freijtisnt oe.-nrrcnee, and lilrh su olteti lay the leundalion ..f ilife:ie.l InnKs, bronchitis und eoesiir-ption, iua' all be Hi onee cured by Uie Fever aud Coup), T.lls. la allehror.leeiiiease.., surh ns DvM-psta, Weak flf onmrti, , Celisl'ltntiou, ljWer ComplMitils, Files, Female iHhility, and Irreularities, old lieu la.-i.es, ft oe or Weak I'v.-s, Calaitlt, Salt Khcum, and olher old rr-ipti.ns. the euc has s--eeit.es hos proper applicutlon will aU'.-r-t u enre lit almost every Imtam-e. Often the eure of h single ehronie dtfheullj , teich ' as Ilj-Hpepsla, Piles or fatal ih, Ilea. la- he or I'emuie Week- j lie baa tuore Uiuu ta!d for ihe c ten titoes over rillfIX j Case of 2a vials cwmp'ete. In morocco, and Book f5 Case of xa vial-, an. I lloo'x, p'.aio 4 Case of K nuo.hered b..xeS, and Hook.... , i ! Case of H boxets, nutiiheled, Hiol I'ook .. .. 1 , reuxle nuuibei-e.1 boxes, lth .liie.-tions S eenls. Hinvle l.-ttered lio, ith diie.-iiotis . ..M eents. Larjje cuse of 2 ox. t'iuls, lor (dauteis ui.J bhkiai:....S10 ALJO ei'K'iurs. I Foa Asrnwt n Phthisic. Oppr.-fs..!, pilCentt, Uili.-r.-4 ftreathlug, stteutled uilU Coul, aud F.AueetoruiloD. Ihice, &0 cents per box. Foa F.sh Dts-iiAnirsju.n nrirxrss. IHseliarpes from the Vr, Ihe result of rVarlrt F.-ver, M.-isles, or .Mercurials. For Noi-H-s lu the lleml, Uurdt..ui of lle.ii iiii!. and lllo.-ii.g Iu the F n, and F.nr -sel.e. F.ice, (fl .-ei.ls .. r h... For Is bio i i.s. Kt.l.-.r.-e.l (llanos, Folare.-I ami Indurat ed Tonsils, Hveltiui-s and Old I'l -ns.Scroluk.us Cachexy of Children. Price, !al cents per h..x. For IIiukil Ussil.nr. Physieal or Nervous Weakness. Kilher the reault of tu-Wness, llx.-e-sive Mi diekllou, or Fk-liaiistins- lliseharles. pi lee. Ml e.-t is p. r ho v. P. llkoi-sT Uui I A-eiliiiaUll-.u. foo'i Hcntng,ilh gesnly rVcrellr.us. Pri -e. fsl cei ls .. r b .s. Fou Has Kn-isiss. Ii. nl' Jy i. l.lHs, er!ljo, Nausea, Vomiting, tiekueu ftoul iKhnj or uhUou. Pi ice, fa) cents Foli CttHAST Dissapw For (travel, lleital Culciilt. HiM full. Painful Urluatluli, lliscuw. of the Kidneys. Piles, i,tl cents per box. Foa ISi-mish. FMIWlosS Invohtnlnry I'lsi-harces and Conseueot Prostialioa ami l-ebdity, Had lle.uits ..f Kvll llabils. rim most successful und elli eol remedy known, and nisy be relied upou as a cure. Price, itli full dlret lious, (I per box. .... Persons oho isli to ulses tlienisdves under the riroros slnnal .-are, or to seek advice of Prof. Hihu, can .lo so, ui Ids riUice Mi hrody, dal.y froai A.N. Iu P.M. or by letur. orn RKMKDIES B? SIAII. Look over the list; make, up a case or bat Vln.l you rnoose, aud inclose the amount In a current note or iaiu bv mud to our a.klrcss, ut No. boi Broadway, New V. ik, anil the medleln lll be duly returued by mail or express, free of charge. AflKSIS WANTKI. We desire an active, efficient Arenl for the sale of our Ueineitlet lu every lo.n or eo.,iniuiiuy la IU tailed gutes. Addre Or F. Hl Ml'llltKV Co. No. bCi BaoussiK, Kse-Yoat. A. W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, Ta. May S6, I860. ly Cluapcjaf Store, old stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Cou' FRILIXC1 & Glt VXT. 18G0. SPRING & SUMMER 18C0 FRILING & GKANT'S E2AIVJIVXOTH STORE1 MARKET SliCARE, M'NBl.PY, PA. T7RILING &. GRANT, respeetfully announce lo llieir friends and thepulillr, thai they have just received the Very Largest and ?8ct Slot k of SrRIXG AND SUMMER GOODS ever bronchi to Sunhurv, which will be disposed of at the verv LOWEST PIMCES. for C Mill OR COI.NTRY PRODUCE. We l;ccp everything ! We keep everything ! ! Wo keep everything ! ! ! Thankful lo our friends for past favors, we soli cit a continuance of the same, at the Largest Store in Central rcnn?vlvania. Largest and Cheapest Store ! t Largest and Cheapest ! ! ! ty Call, See, and be convinced ! FRILING & GRANT, funbury. May 19, 1800. a . KjHifUilLi b UUUKT Qiill.ti np . y cllUflUlC IslCcII tiltO IN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court "- of Northumberland county, will be exposed to I public sale, at tbo Court House, in the borough ' of kunbury, on Saturday, the :50th day of June next, a certain tract of land, situate in the ! township of I'pper Augusta, Northumberland county, adjoining land of Michael fshipe on the north, laud of John Farnsworth on tho east, Shamokin creek and lanA of John W. Fryling on the south, and land of Joseph (lass on the west, containing 88 acres, more or less, about 70 acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, whereon nro erected a two slary Ior dwelling houso, weatherboarded, a large bank barn, a two story fiame tenant house with cellar and ice house under it, and other outbuildings; also, a good well of water, a good orchard, Ate. Also, a certain other messuage and Iract of land situate in said township of I'pper Augusta, adjoining fchamukin creek and land of Joseph I (iass on the north, other laud of said intestate and Joseph Savidge on the ea3t, land of John W. Peale and Samuel V. Sickle on tho south, and land of Philip Sarvey on lbe west, containing U.'i acres, more or less about CO acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation whereon are erected a largo two story log dwell ! ing huse, rough cast, a largo bank barn, wagan I shed, and numerous other out buildings, a good, never failing spring of water, a good peach and apple orchard, Vc. Tbe Shamokin Vulley Rail road passes through both of the above mentioned f.irm-i, about 2J miles cast of .Sunbury. Also, annliier certain messuage and piece of land situate in said township c( I'pper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of Joseph liass on the north, and adjoining the other land ol the said tilas V olverlon, deceased, last above mentioned and described on Ihe ea.-t, south and west, containing three and a half acres, more or less, all ol which is cleared and in a good state ol cultivation, whereon arc erected a one and half story log houso, a frame stable, a good spring of water, ic. Also, a certain other messuage and piece of land, situato in said township of I'pper Augusta, adjoining Bliamokin i creek and land of the estate ol said intestate on the north, land of John W. Fryling on the cast, ,! of J0gri, fcavidgo on the south, and other , , , . . 6 " " ,,' , V . "".u niti-aiuis uii uio wesi ; an oi wnicli is cleared aim in a good state of cultivation, and coiituinuig six acres, more or less. Lato the estate ol fellas olverton, deceased. fcale to commence at 10 o'clock A. J!. of said day, w hen the terms and conditions of sale will be inauc known by WILLIAM HEED, Administrator, ky order ot the Court J. H. MASSKK.CIk., O. C. Sunbury, May 5, 18(10. ORPHANS' COURT SALE'. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Northumberland county,, will be exposed to public sale on Tuesday, the l'Jihday of JL'NE next, on Ihe premises, tho following described real estato to wil : The one eoual undivided half part of all lhat certain 'I'll ACT OF LAND Htuate in Delaware township, Northumberland county, hounded and described as follows . norlh by pail of same tiact of lands lying in Muney cree township, Incoming county j east by lanJs Belonging to tne Heirs ol Ueorge MasltllCT, dec d south by lands of lohn Eysler, and on Ihe west ny lands ol Uiubelh Eystcr, contuining NlNf i l ALlvl-.s, more or less, all clear, on which are erected a two story Dwelling House and bank uarn, arm otner outuuililings. l.ale the estate 01 tiilwarj I ransue, dec d. W .. Ia ... . i.x 1 1 1 . . . ..-an- iu viiuiiiiuiict KI I U O Clof & A. ill., ol saul day. when the terms and conditions of sale will be made known bv JACOB T II ANSUE, Adm'r. I By order of the Court, ) i J. U. MA8SEK, Clk O. C. J I Hunbury, May SR. Kit,!), ) J. P. SHINDEL GUBIN, Attorney Counsellor at Law BUNBUKY, PA WILL allend faithfully to thu collection of claims and all professional business in the counti' a nf Nortliuiuberland, Montour, Union and Sr.yjur. i C'oursel Riven in the Herman language. I Vmf Ollii-o one door east of ihe l'rutl'.onotary's o.Tue. ! Sunbury, May SO, I860. ly ! LIKCOLW. WOOD & IflCIIOLS, 7' j Manufacturer and Im porters, STRAW AIsD M: l,t 'NBflY CCOrS i Silk Bonnets, Freiich Flowers, ; rAN'AMA, PALM LEAK, l.KGHOKN AND STR AW No. 725 Chesnut Street, s doors above Masonic j Temple, PHILADELPHIA. ! May 8", 1800... 4 in IT IMINOI'MECESSAKY to tell tbe people. lhat the Mammoth Store is a "one price store" a they always knew that, but it is nei-tssarv to let them know that we have replenished our slock and will continua to receive new (ioods every few days. We are determined to supply tbe peo pie, with Ihe most desirable ponds at the lowest price. FKIL1NU & tiUANT. Kunbury, May 26, I860. FKESH KL'l'PLV OF DKLua a the Mammoth Store. Also, anew lot of per fumery, Soaps and Fancy A rticle. Very chep. FRILING fc GKANT. unbury,My t, I80. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EGEI. of Sunbury, I'a., HAS just arrived with sjilendid STOCK of fil'KINU AND SUMMKK GOODS, from Fhiludolphia, to which ho respectfully invite his friends and the Fublic to call and incpect, he will spare no time in sliowini them. Amonrr his stock nf poods will befound, FINE U I.I, L AND BLACK FP.E1TCH CLOT3T- Fine lilark and Fancy t'asimcrc 'I weeds, at inetts, Jeans, black Italian Cloth, Caahiiicrctto, Coltonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Cherk, and Fa'cy Vesting, nlso a In-riro assortmetil of Keatly-mado CLOT1IINO for men and b.y (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Uresa Silk very cheap, fSTfc Tiisue, llereges, (;hali and Chali IJobes, Ueree-o Delaine, Uercfio liobes, Fifrured Drilliant and a variety of oilier Dress Ootids, Hpriiij? and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assorts nient of white goods. Collars, Slreves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A. general assortment of domestic Dry Co ds. Also a large stork of Hats and Caps, Boo! and shoes. Hardware, ijucons and Glassware, Groceries, Ccdarware, Stnue and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, .Volt, Fish, Cheese, Hani, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. IV. II. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce tu cn in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGF.L. Sunbury, May. 19, ISfiO. If. lla(c ol' Sarah Kerr, deceased. James Gifi'en, In the Orphans' Court of va j Northumberland county. The heirs of Sarah Writ of J'aniiion 'anil Kerr, deceased, j valuation, returnable to J August Term, 18(10. To Jane GilTenJ la'.c Jane Kerr, Sarah Lever- rin, intermarried with Wallaco Itusacll, Eliza intermarried with BucSalew, William Kerr, and John H. Wilson guardian of James and Uii-hard Kerr, minor children of James Kerr and Thomas Kerr, deceased, heirs and legal re prescntatives of Sarah Kerr, late of the Doronell ol Turhulville, in .Northumberland county, Penn' yivanm, ucccascu. You and each of von are herc-bv notifii'J. that by virtue nf the above writ, to me directed, an inquest will bo beld upon the real estate of said Sarah Kerr, deceased, to wit : 'J'hreo certain loU or pieces of ground, situate in Lewis township, and the borough of Turbtitville, Northumberland Coun'y, aforesaid, on Juesdav tbe SHih dav of June next. (18(10.) at H o'clock A. M ., for tbo purpose ot making partition of. or to value and appraise the said real estate, nt which time and place you may attend if you think proper. J.l.ilP.Sf VAiMmvlS, Khertfi. ShcrilTs Oli'icc, ) Sunbury, May 12, 18(10. ) COOPElt & CONA11D, S. E. Corner Ninth and Market Streets. PHILADELPHIA. INVITE attention to the larcut stock they havi ovir nllrrril. rniniiri-;iniT in Tinrt. LADIES CLOTH CLOAKS Of plain, striped and mixed Cloths, of the newest shapes and material, got up in the most ELEGANT AND ARTISTIC manner, and to sell nt very rcasonablo rates. LACE rOLNTES AND MANTLES, JJLACK bn.K Mantles, Grey Dress Good?, (Jhcnc Mixtures, Barege Angluid, l'ojilincttca, French Bareges, Barcgo Kobcs, I'liiid Goods, Bayadere Goods, Black Dress GooJ?, EmLroderics. Also, MENS' AND r.OYS' WEAK. rir?t rate Black Cloths, for $2 S3, $5 0 and $3 Light Cloakings at $1 2.r, $1 .'iO and S'J. Stock of Cloths is very large, select aud cheap. CASSIMERES. Fanry, neat, plain, mixed and black. Goods especially for Boys' wear. Fine Blaek Cinuimores, $1 to $2 55. Vestings of Silk, Valanria ond Marseilles. CUOPEK 4- t'ONAKU. Ninth and Market Streets, Philadelph a. iprill , into. CENTHAL nOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. 'rMIE subscriber respectfully announces to the - public lhat he is prepared to accommodate them with Saddle-Horses, Horses and Bujo, Sulkies, Carriages, Iteckaways and Hacks, al the shortest notice. His stock of Horses ar admired lor speed and gentleness. The vehicle are neat and in good order. Careful drivers w ill always be in readiness to carry passengers lo any point desired. l"" Omnibussc f,,r parties and pic-nic can bo had at all limes with or w ithout driver. 1 he patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. J. II. El'KUEKT, Manager. Sunbury, April SI, 1HU0. PANEL DOOUS, v ixnoiv-sisu. ait ELIN3 f-4 Fob SriL Br A. A. SHjSsSLEK. bunbury, April C8, FLOWER FIELDS ! I ARDEN, Field ai,,l H,,w..r Seeds, a choice J variety al tho " ioi le- One Fine Sinra" HiiiGiir & sox. Sunbury, A; ril 7, '.gco. TJfcEFLT. IX ALL FAMIL1ES-HEGKMAN fV CO M liiiiine, h). ieh removes paint spot (;rc3e, i Ci cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, &c, equal t ,1 I;c,v, iih.iitt the sliebtesi injury lo c dor or fa ,iric. Sold bv all Druggists, also at this olUoe. S." cent per bottle-. J. STEWAET DEPUY, , A T I'tlKM.I.ll MAI1A.N , No ViJlSotitlr strrns, (nral .Ion l. C II .Mem-h's) rtul.iilt'iliia, w..uiil invite 1 lie ausnli .aut lln-ir i u s .Li.-. rt-xlHitu rs, tin I tlie .iil..,i; in geatral,1 i a .are sis : -1 wi-il s.-iivl.-d ik iT I P., CAKPETINGS, Ht llisistiiig of W.vels. 'l'iij.i.-tii-s, 'Mires-VU-s.' lJ In-jrnii.s, lin.l lutli'Mis. A's.., rtlNDOrt Tf -IIAIil-.S.litl. ('U'i,ilr,MATIiiX. IK i.'-: W"'il"l. Hills, .IAI, ST A I It HoliS, At-,' 'wl.n li ! si-lls vtry Cbrlft for ns!l, w tin!- s;ilr JaiHlreli.il. IMm li i'l, 1-00 ly ' IHIl.INU 4 GRANT have jut.t received by ruilroaJ the laruest assortnieut of tJL'EEX1 .KB and GLASS WA K K ei r bronchi ' Sunbnry. Also, a fre-h supply of DRY GOODS. foiiMsiimt if Spring Dress Goods, Prinis. Mus lins and Notions. pr 7, 160- Miort XoiUc. 'IHE ubscriber Laving retired from business - hereby iiotilies all person indehlej lo hun on Uook account or otherwise, to call and settle thesatiwi wuliout delay, otherwise hey will be nut into tha hands ufa Jusiie for ccllectinii 1 GF.OKGK UOHUUACH. Sunbury, Nov. ft. I ri59.tf " SI1 ING ILS T SITiTg LES 1 rpHE ubcriber has just received the largest 1 and best lot of Miinglcsever brought to this place. Ahm a larpe lot of White Pine Stdinjr. I. ii., Studding, Failing and boioglicg Lalh. which ha oilers vary cheap for cash. Yard in Market Street, Sunbury. ". A. A. MILSSLER April ISM. S