telegraphic Tcfo$e lO.IVEMTIO OF THE SECE.DI3U OEMUC. HACY. Ptrmantnt Organization 'Pic Conrtntion to Adjourn till June 21.'. Ktcbmond, June 12. The Southern Pemo" emtio Convention re-assembled at 10 o'clock' thin morning. John Erwin, of Alabama, wns telected as rreiiilent, with one Vice President and Secretary from each Stato represented, except New York. Mr. Hatch, of New Orleans, oflered the following resolutions : Itesolved, That, tbe delegates to this Cop mention having been appointed on the basis of the majority platform, adopted at Charles ton, we deem it unnecessary to take any further action io relation to a platform at tbe present time. ltesolved, That when this Convention ad lourn. itnriinnrn tn moot, nonin in Richmond, on the 25th of June, unless the President stall deem it necessary to call tbe Convention together at a sooner day. . Mr. Jones (Ua ) said it woulJ be highly improper to take any action at this time nn the platform. We expect, shonld we not be able to harmonize at Unllimore, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, North Caro lina, Delaware, Moryland and Virginia in the Cenvention with nswben we reassomoiiK--and it would be improper lor us to take any final action now on the Platform. The vote was then taken on the resolution, ond was adopted unanimously, with tbe ex ception of tbe vole of South Caroline. Mr. Knelt (3. C.) announced that the dele gates from tbat State were ready to proceed at once to the business for which they were delegated. ... On motion, the day of the re assembling of the Convention was changed to Jbursduy, thn 21st. ... . a The Committe on Credentials reported that the delegates were present from Arkan sas, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Mississipi, South Carolina, Georgia, and second district of Tennessee, and the seventh district of Vir ginia. A letter from the New York Commission ers was read, declaring that they are here as promoters of peace and harmony. That they nre also here to give tha. assurance that New York would be true to the South, and true to thn North, should a crisis arrive. Col. Baldwin (Syracuse), said New York enmo here to assist to throw oil on tbe troub led waters to nrgo you to do so as yon have dono to take no decisive action here, ond to go to Baltimore. Tbe Commission ers, ha said, agreed with this Convention in deploring tbe nomination of an individual whoso selection would be ns injurious to him self as it would be destructive to the Democra tic party, and dangerous to the Union. Mr. Baldwin proceed at some length to deprecate the dissolution of the Union, and to say that ho was one of those who could not see bow tho Uuion could be dissolved. Mr. Dawson (Ja ) called tbo gontleman to order. Mr. Baldwin resnmed, and continued for n few minutes in the samo strain, when Mr. Barry (Miss.) rose and said that whilst we of South have avoided all discussion of these question, we cannot permit others to open the discussion. We have allowed the gentleman from New York to epeak by courtesy, and be bas abused that courtesy. Mr. Baldwin resnmed, and was speaking Thcn a motion to adjourn was moved and adopted unanimously. Cries were mode for a speech from Yan cey, but he declined, saying that he bad much labor before him at Washington and Baltimore, and would take occasion to ad dress the citizens of Richmond on bis return. TIUHTY-IXriI CONGRESS it Scssl.n. Washington, Jnne 12, 1860. Tbe Senate concurred in the House amend ment to the Pacific Telegraph bill- An amendment was adopted appropriating $400,000 for the distribution of the Govern ment arms among the militia of several States. A recess was then taken from 4 until 6 o'clock P. M. Evening Session. The Senate re assembled at 6 o'clock The amendmfnt appropriating $10,000 for teeds and cuttings fur tbe J'utent Oflico, was stricken out, but afterwards restored. In the debate Mr. Ivorson (Ga.,) showed that the Agricultural Bureau bad abused the r.pproprutions made for these purposes, by paving the funds out to mere sinecures, and buying seeds in New York and Pennsylvonio, and distributing them in other sections at an immense expense to the Government, which could be bought at any store, in any town io the country. Mr. Brown (Miss.,) denounced thi9 seed contribution &3 a humbug, and doubted if the Patent Office over sent any valuable seeds tbronghout the country. Mr. Milan (Mass.) ibtimated that tbe agri cultural bureau was about to investigate tbe ciiuu uiseuse. Mr. Brain beped the nation wonld not turn tow doctors. Mr. Mallory(Fla) said tho agricultural reports were made out of material ulacarized from books that ought to bo in tbe library of etrn-j, uuimiuriEi. The bill was considered until after 10 0 flock, wben the Senate adjourned. Mr. Gurley (Ohio) from the Printing Com iniltee, reported a resolution, which was pass til, to print fifty thousand extra copies of tbe mechanical part of the Patent Office Report j ten thousand for the use of tbe office and tbe remainder for the members of the House. Evenina Seision. Several ceotlemeo ob tained leave to print their speeches in tbe Globe. ' Mr. McQueen (S. C.) objected to punting slanderous speeches on Southern Institutions. It was decided that this objectiou came too 1UIH, Cold i Cambria Cocntt. Some of the workmen engaged in excavating for the Branch Uoad on tbe farm of John Thomas, fttiout four miles from Ebensbure. on I burs t'ay of last woek found a few rich snecimens "f quartz rock. They are about the size of ncKory tuts, and rich with gold. Old Call lornia miners have examined the specimens, and the rock formut inn from which they are chtuined, and have no hesitation in asserting vue eiitience ol trolJ tbereabouts : but wbetb cr il can bo obtained in sufficient quantities to justiiy the wotkiug of it, has not yet been ".rininna. some ot the dul will be washed ua lurtuer examinations will be made. , Latest Iavk.ntion Some "cute" Y kee bas iuveuted wbut be calls tbe "Patei JBver-tailinir Gerdt-n lnr.,r r, lien. . lker." Tbe invoution consuls of a small instrument, something like a spur, only con siderably longer, wbicb is attached to the bind part of the hen's logs, pointing to an of forty five degrees toward tbe ground. ben the hen, with the instrument on her legs, enters the garden in the spring after seeds, and puts ber foot forward to scratch, tha walker" catches in tbe gronud aud forces ber forward, and thus she is walked, in ber iia nas applied for a patent. Hn'JT W,ntAT--T:bVsrLouT Vnion or the ",MJ" ."V-n. flr.1 J0, of new Wheat ItlA 'a Vh'!, ?Mk consisted of thirty three and a half bushel., received from M.S. llU "iV -VV io 1)8 Sotocouuty, Miss, and was sold in Memphis at 82.50 per bushel. a"!? ' "M esl,iuj n ehng tb' morning nd bids were rec.i.ed, bat the competition as not spirited-th. qu.ijt, falling far short or tha first N.w Wheat received last year. It was bought by tbe S.xony Millsat $'165 per bushel, including bigi THE AMERICAN. HTJNBTTBY, FA. "sATURDAYi JUNE 16, I860. II. B MASSEB, Editor and Proprietor. ?a'dttim. The circulation of tho ficsmrJaT . . . .,, tha different towni on the Buin.uehs.niM j. not exceeded, If equalled by any paper published in Northern Poiuisvlvsiiia. OEMOCnATIC STATIC NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, HENRY D. FOSTER, Of Westmorland. ra- Tm Bat.timorb Convention. Excur sion tickets can be had at the office of the Vnrtl.prn Central Railroad, tare to Balti- more and return, $.').&5. The tickets will be good from the loth to the 31st of June, in clusive. CS The Ladies' Strawberry Festival was held last week. The weather was most unfa vorable for the ladies and borries, as both loose somewhat in attraction in wet weather. Yet the receipts were quite equal to their expectations. m s JT Wiiitk Spider. We examined, a few days since, in a botlle, a beuutiful white spider, taken by Mr. P. B. Masser from a laurel blossom. A dotted line of a beautiful pink color describes a circle on the back. Wben taken, it had just fastened itself on a straggling honey bee, to which it clung until life was extinct, and then the spider leisurely commenced feasting upon its victim. C Strawberries. The strawberry sea son is now in its prime Wo have in tbis place a number of very fine varieties io onr gardens. So far as our own experience goes wo aro inclined to favor the Boston Burr-pine, though we think Wilson's Albany and tbe Hooker aro among the surest bearcr9. "We havo bad in our garden, some of the first named, which measured nearly four inches in circumference. KS" Tho Japanese are still in Philadelphia- The rnmor that they would pass through hero is not well founded, and it is doubtful whether they will visit Niogara Fulls. The reported death of the Tycoon of Japan, the political head of the Jupanese Empire, is not believed by them. C Accident. A few days since, Samuel Rucb, a son of Abraham Rucb, of Upper Augusta township, aged about 15 years, while retnrning from tbe field with a cultiva tor on a sled, tbe horses ran away, dragging him and throwing bim against the fence. Tho flesh on bis legs was very much torn and bis bead severely cut and bruised. Dr. E. II. Awl dressed bis woncds. Cf Tbe Monument to tbe memory of the late Hon. Robert T. Conrad, was dedicated at Laurel Dill, Philadelphia, was dedicated with tbe usual ceremonies a few days since. Speeches were made on the occasion by Judge Kelly and D. Dougherty; of Philadelphia, and David 1'aggart, Esq., of Northumber land. C2" Tho Rev. Mr. Dickson was installod on tho 30th ult., as pastor of the New School Presbyterian Church, in Northumberland. C3T Oca Stores. In nothing bas tbe growing improvements of our town been made more manifest than in our mercantile bouses. l'he stores in this place are not only large and capacious, but their business bas been greatly augmented. We noticed somo weeks since the Block of Messrs. Friling & Grant and that of J. II. Engel. Tbis week we notice the arrival of a hoavy stock by E. Y. Bright & Son. Mr. Bright is well known as one of tbe most energetic and enterprising merchants in this section of country. 11 is largo stock and extensive variety has, for some years past, attracted customers from every section of tbis and tbo neighboring counties. We are pleased with tbis increasing evidence of prosperity in our merchants, whose enterprise and industry will not go unrewarded. Tub Burning op thb Bio Mountain Coal Brkaskr. The bearing of the case of John Douty, Richard Douty, Matthias Kerohner and others charged with conspiracy in burning the Big Mountain Coal Breaker, was had be fore Frederick Lazarus, Esq., on 1 uesdoy last There was in attendance a large number of witnesses from Sbamokin. Tbe case was adjoarned from Esq. Lazarus' office to the Court House. After a potiont investigation, The defendants were all discharged excepting Mr. M. Kersbner, who was bound over In tbe sum or $2,000 to answer at the next Session. For the Commonwealth J. B. Pecker and W. M. Rockefeller, Esqrs. For the Defend ants Henry Dunuel and Joshua W. Comley, Esqrs. John Douty, one of the defendants, is also a coal operator, whose mines and breaker ad join tbe breaker destroyed, which was occupied by Joseph Bird. The character of the parties and tbe belnousness of the offuuee, creatod considerable excitemect amongst our Sbamo kin neighbors. 2T Tbe proceedings of tbe Democratic meeting at this place, ou Saturday last, will be found in another coluin. Though not so large as it might have been, tbe meeting was still respectable in numbers. Major Dewart was called to preside, who stated the object of the meeting. The Major's remarks were brief, but well expressod and to tbe point, and, were creditable even to a member of Congress. Tbe speeches of Gen. Clement, Judge llelfenstine, Col. Cameron, 11. Donuel, W. P. Withington aud Dr. Livermore, were well received. Judge llelfenstins reviewed Mr. Ilotten siine's conrscat Charleston, with considerable damage to bis Democracy. But friend Hot tenstioe, who was not preseot, sent an epistle, in which bo takes shelter behind a new posi tion. H contends that every man, woman and child, not present, is to be considered ai approving bis course. Tbis is certainly ori ginal, if oot Democratic. Mr. liottentlioe is instructed to support Jodge Dosglas. Ebould ba refuse, Major Dowart is appointed to supersede bim. Sl'NBUR Y A ERIK RAILROAD IMPKOVI MB NTS. We noticed the fact last week that this company were making examinations for tbs purpose of selecting site for an engios bouse, machine sbop, to. After mature con sideration Mr. Gay, tha Vice President of the road, selected a position on Col. Cake's farm, just above the boroogb line. Soma of our citizens, with a view of securing the loca tion in the borongb, got np a subscription, and in ft few hours raised one thousand dol lars for the purchase of tbe saw mill lot. containing abont three acres, fronting on Cranberry street, and offered to present the same to the company, to be used for tbe above purpose if deemed advisable. Mr. Gay examined the location, and felt strongly in clined to accept tbe generous offer, but re gretted to say, after ft careful survey of tbe ground, that although it might answer for tbe present, yet in view of the future business of tbe road, wben completed, the ground was too limited and restricted by tbe basin and railroad track. Mr. Gay stated that a safe foot bridge would bo constructed over the trestle work, for tho workmen and others to pass to and from town, and that the distance wonld be little, if any further from Market stseet than the buildings of tbo Northern Central road, below town. The contractors commenced work on Wed nesday, under Mr. Macklin, tho Superintend ent, and Mr. Foster, as engineer, and expect to have tbe turn-table so far completed that it can be used on the 1st of July, wben the Sunbury & Erie Company will resume pos session of their road, and work it themselves. Tbo Northern Central cats will be run throngb to Lock Haven, but the conductors, engi neers, with their engines, and tbe employees gonerally, will stop here, the terminus of tbo Northern Central road. Tbe Cattawissa trains will be stopped at Milton, and will be taken from that point by the engines' of tbe Sunbury & Erie road, though we learn that company intend to contest their right to run under their lease. THE GAZETTE A 3 D OIHSEL.VES. We can assure our neighbor of the Gazette that our temper is not, nor has it been, in the least, ruffled. We did not undertuko to lecture the editor of tbe Gazette, although wo thought we had just grounds to complain of him in misconstruing our language, instead of meeting our arguments fairly and squarely. In regard to our course on the question of tbe Presidency, nothing we bavesaid or done would justify the assumption that we intended to raise the namo of Gen. Cameron to tho bead of our columns, bad bo been nominated. Tbe long personal friendship between the General and ourselves, could not have in duced ns to leave tbe party of our choice, whatever our feelings and wishes might have been towards bim, personally. We profess to be a Democrat according to the doctrines of the party, as laid down by Jefferson and Madison, beforo such renogade old federalists as Mr. Buchanan and Caleb Cushing bad interpolated the heresies that bave nearly ruined tbe party. Those who know ns best, know that we have always been too independent to bo an office seeker, if we even had any such inclina tion. Tbe emoluments, to ns at least, are not sufficient inducements, and as for tbe honors, we think tbey aro entirely too cheap to allure ns from our position of indepen dence. Onr neighbor says he would prefer Edward Everett, on tbe Cincinnati platform, to any other man. But would not this be reversing tbe old fablo, by covering tho lion with the ass's skin ? The cars might not stick out, but the tail unquestionably would. We look upon these platforms, composed as they often are of crooked nnsonnd and rotton planks, in most instances as pit fulls, through wbicb politicians aro :onstant)y falling many of them to riso no more. These platforms, io both parties, are sim ply compromises among office hunters for a distribution of tbe spoils. No, friend Jobot we bave no aspirations for office, and much less to be an organ, or in other words, the 6lave of a party. We play our trumpet to Buil ourselves, and those who do not like the music need not pay the piper. tjf Tub Jafakesk. Tbe Japanese ar rived in Philadelphia on Saturday last, having been in Baltimore on Friday, where tbey met with ft warm reception from tbe Mayor and citizens, including the military. Upon their arrival at Philadelphia they were met by tbe military under the command of Major Gene ral Patterson, the Mayor and City Councils, Governor Packer and tbe Slate officials, the Judges of tbe Supreme Court and tbe other Judges, Navy Officers, and an immense as semblage of tbe citizens. After seating the Japanese in carriages, with tbo Committee of Arrangements, members of Councils and other dignitaries, the procession moved up Broad street to Waluut, out Walnut to Nineteenth, np Nineteenth to Arch, down Arch to Tbird, down Third to Cbesnut, and up Cbesnut to tbe Continental Hotel, where quarters bad beeu provided for tbe accommo dation of the strangers. The scene along the route is described as having been a most brilliant one. Every available Epot was oc cupied, and it is estimated that not less than 300,000 persons witnessed tbe procession. Warm weather has set in at last. Tuesday last introduced respectablo weather, although a day or two previous a moderate coal fire was not deemed uncomfortable. CjTThk HARRisBfRo Market Butter of excellent quality from 12 to 14 cents fer pound. Green peas 12 cents per balf peck, fresh beans 30 cents per balf peck, new pota toes 25 cents per balf peck, strawberries 10 a 12 els. m a a A Duel, in Gkoruia. A duel was fought ou Wednesday morning at Screven's Ferry, Ga., by Dr. William R. Holmes, of Waynes boro', and Mr. L. A. Neima, of Warrentoo. Tbe weapons used were double-barrelled shot guns and the distance forty paces. At tbe tint fire Mr. Neims, received four shot from the gun of bis antagouist, and was too much frightened to continue the fight. One took effect iu tbe tbigb, seconed io tbe bip, tbird in tbe arm, and t fourth in the shoulder. Fortunately, tbey are all fie6b wounds, and all tbe balls made clean exit. Further proceedings were then suspended. Dr. Holmes received no injury. Tbe difficulty grew out of tbe proceedings of portion of tbe citizens of Burke county, Georgia), ia banging in effigy tbe delegates to tbe CbarUt ton Cooveotioo who did not secede with tbe rtat of the Georgia delegation. Hyln noticing tbe late lecture of Park Benjamin in tbis place, we neglected to men tion an entertainment of different character, in which Sheriff Covert was, not tbe lecturer, but the caterer. We can do no better than to adopt tbe laognage of our neighbor of the Gazette, who was also present, and who is as able to appreciate the good things of this sort as fully as if he bad been pupil of onr friend, the late President of tbe State Agri cultural Society : "During the accomplished lecturer's stay in Sunbury he stopped at the Washington HonBe as tbe guest of Sheriff Covert. On Tuesday the Sheriff got op one of those de lightful dinners, in wbicb be cannot be sur passed, and invited ft number of gentlemen who bad taken an interest ia getting op the lecture, to dine with Mr. Benjamin. Susque hanna salmon, spring chickens, the delicacies of the season from the Baltimore market, strawberries, ice-cream, and champagne, were noticeable adjuncts to tho entertainment. Mr. Benjamin's gay remarks and humorous sallies served as a sufficient condiment, and rendered tbe occasion very spicy." Samuel J. Kistler, Esq., of Carbon county, has paid into the Treasury ef that connty two hundred dollars of bis salary, in accerdance with the pledge made previous to bis election, that if the Legislature failed to reduce the salary of members to $500, he would pay tbo excess of his salary over that amount into tbe county funds. C3" Vanquished. Our old friend, Major Frees, of tbe Germanlown 7'elegraph, for several years past has been waging a war of extermination ngoinst the Curculio, that ruthless and unspaiing enemy of the plum and other fruits. Tbe result of the battle is summed up by the Major as follows : "We shall only add, that our battle with the common enemy was fought with singular courage and obstinacy, and though not nearly so sanguinary, it was of much longer duration than that of any one or either Napoleon. We came off vanquished 1" CaT Pardon. Tho Danvillo American says that an effort is making by some to procure a pardon Tor Andrew McGinly, odw under sentence of death, in the jail of Mon tour county, but thinks the evidence of guilt is bo clearly established, that tho safety of so ciety and the security of human life demand the execution of the law. Democratic) Mass Meeting. In ptirfluanceofneull mado by tha Standing Committee of NurlluimbeiUind county, the mnut meeting of tlie Demo cratic 1'nrty met ill Smbutv, on Sntimlnv, the t'tli hut., a-:U ehofethe Hon. WM. L. DKWAKT, I'reaident oixl Vice I'reiidentflCieorge Uuktr, ol Miltun ; Henry Iteeder of MeKweniville ; Kininuel Ztininermnn of Coiil ; KdwurU Heh'cnatetnof Zerbc; 1 I. Caulof Cliilifl'iuaque ; George Apaleyoi' Norlliumlierljiiid ; John Fnrnsvottti mi L'pper Augusta; Christian Albert of Jnckaon ; Dr. It. Jl. l.iver more of Trevorton : Cnnt. Hunaickerof l.evia; Dr. New b'ikerof Lower Augu'tn ; ttnnon Campbell ot 3hainnkiu; Dc. Chnrlea Weiser ol Lower .Muliunoy and l'eter Weikel of Cameron. Secretaries W. P Wil!n'n(Mnn of Bhnmokin Andrew Foryiheof Trevorum; H. J. liaua of Trevorton andS. Y bavitlge ot ulckweniville. On the committeeof reanluliona were appointed Wm.b, Helfenalcin, (ieorge Armstrong, Jena At. Bimpion, Leo nurd Alleiinin, Christian Ycngtrr, J. Staimn, J. II. Iteeder. Gen. J K. Clement had leave to read a ccminunication from Churlea Hottenstiiie, Ksq., which, alter being lead, on motion waa laid ou the tame. The Committee on Resolutions, returned and reported the fullowniff whn-h were unanimously adopted, including an amendment offered by Henry Uonnel, Ksq., Resolved. That at this crisis in the history of the Repub lic, wheu the fanaticism and sectionalism of Northern abolition and of Southern aeccssiou threuteil to rend asun der the Union, it behooves the Democratic Party to arouse ilsell to a sense ot the impending danger anil ol uicir liigu and sacred duty. Kceolvco, That the late Charleston Convention in the adoption ol the Cincinnati Platform proclaimed again the true principles of the Democrutic Party, and those mem bers iroia tbe rlate of Pennsylvania who voted for aud sustained that Plulfo(m in that Convention, desclve our thanks and our highest commendnlion, while those who deserted and attempted to sacrilice it to the unjust demands ol tiouiheru Uisuniomsts, deserve our strong aud unquuU tied reprobation. Resolved, That the Hon. STEPHEN A DOUGLASS, huving received the inujority of the votes of the Charleston Convention for the Presidency, ought to have teceived the nomination, as he was by all former custom in Democratic Conventions entitled to it, and as he waa aud unmistakably is the choice of the great luusa of the Democratic Parly, and Ameucnn people, uud he combines more and greater elements of s'K-cess in the coming election, and of cxten sive and enduring usefulness if elected, thun anv other candidate. Not only as the representative man of the gient north west; but as the wise ami courageous advocate uf the best paohcation. Popular lovreiguty, which de clares that the federal Constitution does not prohibit or establish Slavery in the Territories the non-intervention by Congiess and submits the question to be decided by a vote ol the people of the Territories, which if luirly carried out, Will forevei remove from the councils of the nation, the distressing und unfortunate slavery discussions, so pro ductiveof evil and ill. blood Resolved, That the lute of the Morrill Bill, properly amend ed, muy in the nearly eo,ual division of iu friends and us opponents in the (senate, be made to depend upon one vote, and that if the Vole and eflort of the Hon Stephen A. Douglass can decide thequeslion, we are assured from the long lite devotion to biscountryund the interests of work jug cluises, thnt he will give Ins vote and his influence to secure such Tann' to Pennsylvania as is now asked by the united people of this Slate. Resolved, That we heartily and cordially endorse the nomination of the Hon HENRY D. t'OSTKR, whose universally acknowledged persona! worth, and eupenor abilities and long devotion to the great lunlf interests of Pennsylvania, ensure us not only of his triumphant election, but of a Stale administration, which will give still further progress aud higher advance to the prosperity, and to the lame of god old Pennsylvania. Resolved, That we have noticed with much amazement and regret the action of Chahlba Hottemstimk, Ksq , del egate to the late Charleston Convention, aa sanctioning doctrines adverse to the well established principlea of the Democratic Puity as en nciatcd in the Cincinnati Platform, in opposition to the convictions of the great lnaji rity of the democratic parly of Northumberland couuly, ului hostile to the best interests and tl.e piosperitv of the Union and his action excites our surprise the more, as it stuuds in opposition to that ot his distinguished co-delegate from ekhu)lkill county, the Hon. F. Vv. llughra, who faithfully and honorably supported the Cincinnati Platform through out, and for those voles deserves our wannest commenda tion. Resolved, That fully eonvinced from evidences that wa cannot mistake, that the democratic voters of Norlhuinber laudaud Schuylkill counties, earnestly desire the nomina tion for the Presidency of the Hon. Stephen A. Dougluss at the Baltimore Convention, therefore, iu this assembly of the people, representing the democrulio par:y of Nor thumberland ouunly, we expressly Instruct the two dele gates from this district, Hon. K. V. Hughes and Charles Hottenstine, Ksq.. to vote for and sustain the noiniuuliou uf the Hon Slephell A. DiHiglasa. Resolved, That if, as intimated, Charles Hottenstine, Esq , should reluseto comply wiltithese instructions, we hereby declare hui appointment revoked aud his place, lu that eonveutiiNi vacant. Possessing and conliolting lh sourceof the power by which Ins appointment was made, we hereby uoininate and appoint Hon W. L. Dewart, aa his successor, aud delegate to him aU tha power and au thority of bis high trust. Resolved, That a committee consisting of three persons, viz: Robert Montgomery, 11. J. Reeder and KmauuelArt man be appointed to cab uMin Mr. Hottenstine, and pre sent o copy of the alMive resolution j and if Mr. Hotten stine reiuses or hesiuites to comply, then to announce the fucttothe Hon. Wan. L. Dewart, who will ou such an. nouncetiient being made to him, at ouca proceed to occupy the vucaut place of .Mr. Hottenstine. The following amendment waa otTored by H. Donnelr Resolved, That no man can obtain the vote of PennsyU vani4 for President, who la not an unequivocal and firm friond of full protection to American industry aguiuat foreign labor rnud we request our Delegate to the National Con vent urn at Haitimore to vote for no person who does not plainly and distinctly so avow himself. Speeches were made by Gen. Clement, Col. Cameton, Messrs. Donuel, Withiugum and Helfenstein The utmost huruiouy and enthusiasm prevailed through out the meeting, and statements were made by the most reliable meu from the different townships in the eounly, that the decided andalmoat unanimous choice of tbe Dem ocratic Parly of Northumberland county for the Presidency is Hon. Stephen A Douglass. (Signed by lbs Officers.) THREE DAYS LATER FRUlI EUROPE Garibalfli'i Entrance into Palermo Confirmed. Htad Quarter$ Established there, II amfax, June I3.--Tbe Royal mail steam ship Niagara, from Liverpool on June 2d, bas arrived at tbii port. Tha reported entrance of Garibaldi into Palermo it fully confirmed by tbis arrival. Garibaldi bad established bit headquarters at Palermo after fierce combat tod bom bardment both by tea and by land. On tbe moment of bit success the populace arose io bit favor, end captured tbe royal palace from tbe troops, let it 00 fire tod de stroyed it. . The bombardment etill contioued. Tbe reply of tbe Chinese government to tbe English ultimatum, bad been published. It rejects ell tbe proposition! ofiered by Kng-and- y BcacTLfii.t. CotTf Mmtiwo. Tb ! following are the two principal resolution- . passed at tbe Democratio mass meeting belJ ! at Pottsville, on the 4th Inst., in regard to the Presidency and the course of Mr. Hughes, at a delegate to the Charleston Convention. Mr. Hottenstine, who with Mr. Heghei rep resontt this district, is-not even named. Mr. Hottenstine, it teeme, did not Tote wilb Mr. Hughes, bot followed tbe lead of Senator Bigler, even to the extent of supporting Mr. Dayard't resolutions, which favor tbe re opening of tbe foreign slave trade. He also acted with Senator Bigler in favor of Be ceeding with tbe Southern fire eaters from tbe convention, and voted, we understand, against the admission of reporters to note tbe proceedings of the Pennsylvania delegation, in caucus. Sorely no good Democrat need be nshamod of having his actions published to the world. Had Mr. Hottenstine simply voted against Judge Douglas' nomination, as Mr. Hogbes did, he might have been excusa blo, but when he and a few other Northern dough faces swallowed tbe nigger whole, wool and all, even moderate Southern men revolted at tbo spectacle : Resolved, That the course of our distin guished delegate, tbe Hon. F. W. Hughes, to tbe National Democratic Convention at Charleston, in voting for and sustaining the principles of the party as enunciated in the Cincinnati Platform, meets with our unquali fied approbation. And we believe that all his voles given in that Convention, were prompted by a spirit of patriotism and pore devotion to tbe union of these States and tbe best interests of Pennsylvania. Resolved, That the Hon. Stephen A. Dou glas, by his long and constant public career, and eminent services to the Democratic party, is entitled to our highest admiration and re spect, and we believe (without disparagement to the claims of other eminent candidates) that with him as the nominee of the Balti more Convention, we would be more certain to secure a triumph over tbe combined forces of Black Republicanism, Abolitionists and Disunionists, than with any other candidate. To Kekp Flowers Fresh. It is said that vases of (lowers will retain tboir beauty and fragrance much longer if a little carbonate of soda is dissolved in the water in which they are placed. In tbis way flowers may be kept fresh and sweet for a fortnight. Lmnmmucatc Mr. EniTon : I wish to call your attention to a communi cation which appeared in the "American" Inst week, recommending me as a candidate for Pro thonotory, subject to the decision of the Conven tion of the People's Tarty. I am at a loss to know what prompted "fchamokin," to send in Inis com munication. Was it done in candor, or did some one intend to play off a hoax, and thereby place mo in an awkward position before some of my friends 1 I will merely say, that if the writer iuterded to hoax me thus, that I am able to take care of myself. If his motives were pure he should have consulted me. I therefore, emphati cally, declare that I am no candidate fur the aforesaid ofllcc. l)ut if my friends will nominate and elect me to the office of Sheriff, I will most cheerfully abide their decision, and accept the office, and strive to discharge its duties faithfully. Please, therefore, to strike out Protnonotary, and insert (Sheriff. Respectfully, Yours, 8. A. BEKUSTKES?ER. Elyaburg, June 13, 18G0. Mr. Editob : Please announce to the readers of your journal, that Shamokin township, pre sents S. A. DEIIGSTRESSEU, Esq.. as a suitable person for the office of SHERIFF, Slc, subject to the decision of the Peoples' County Convention. As our township is enti tled to some consideration by the Peoples' Party, wo hope that our claim for their votes in this campaign will be remembered. tStIA.MUKl.. June 1C, 1800. (For tbe Sunbcry American.) Mr. Editor: It is time Northumberland county should present the name of some suitable person lor Mate fcenator. ibis county has claims which the Democracy of the district will not disregard, if a suitable candidate is presented. Tbo importance of being well and faithfully represented in the State Senate is at all times desirable; it is peculiarly so, when a United States Senator is to bo elected. That is one of tbe most honorable and important positions in the gift of tbe people, and no man shonld bo placed in it whose political creed is not such as haB been adopted by tbe Democratio party who cannot bo corrupted, and who is able to advo cate such measures, as one calculated to promote our country's best interests. Tbe Hon. Oeorcb C. Welker, or Suubury, is fa vorably known to tho Democracy or tbe dis trict. I know of no one who wonld be a more faithful representative ; no one whose political record is more purely Democratic Northumberland county it entitled to tbe Senator, and wben a man so well qualified as Judge Wri.ekr ia named, there should be no serious objection made to bis nomination oy npi mil? a '! BUT. SUU&VASAS. June 9,1860 3t Ma. .Editor: I observed in the last -Gazette" a com munication recommending Col. James Cameron, for Congress. We, in this neighborhood, fully concur in the opinion, that Mr. Cameron would make a strong man, in this district, where he is well known for bis practical knowledge, and the deep interest be takes in tha development of our agricultnral and mineral resources. Mr. Cameron is an old resident of this county, and bis interests are necessarily the same as our own, and if nomi nated, bis election is rendered almost certain. May 0th 1860. SHAMOKIN. For the "Sunbury American." H. B. Missr.R, Esq.., We desire to recommend J. J. RF.I MENSNYDER, Esq., as a suitable person for nomination for Congress, in ibis county. He will be an able standard-bearer, who can and will, eloquently defend Democratic principles Mr. Reimensnvder is aUo a practical farmer, and understands thorouchlv the interests of la boring men, and if elected, wilt do all in bis power to protect their interests. MANY DEMOCRATS. Msy 7th, I860. 3 Mr Editor : Please annonnce to tbe readers of your Journal, that while they are canvassing the merits of the various gentleman named for office of Sheriff, tbey should not forget that Lower Mabaooy presents ber candidate, in tbe person of I. 11. ItESSLKU, Esq., a gentleman whose integrity, ability and fitoest for tbe office, none who know bim will for a moment donbt. At our township it entitled to tome consideration by tbe People's party, we hope tbat our claim for their votet in this campaign will be remembered. LOWER MAHANOY April, 9th 1860. Sbamokin Coal Trade. BmnoxiH, June 9, 1860. ions. cwr. Sent for the week ending Jeqe VlO, 0,217 11 Per last Report, Last year, Increase, C0.782 IS 19 66,000 10 53,963 08 JI.037 02 The Northern Central Hallway. The arrival of Tast'cnger Trains on the North ern Central Rail ItoaJ from Sunbury, is aa fol lows t saaivAL. BiPARiuai. Hail Train, North, 4,18 P. M, 4, MP. M. " South, 0,80 AM, ,SUA.M. Night Express, North, 12,0$ P. M., 18,10 P.M. " " South, 10,38 P.M., 10,4a P.M. Freight and Accom., North, e,40 A. M. " " " Sonth, 6,13 P. M. The Shamokin Valley anil Pottsville Railroad. Passenger train leaves Sunbury at BOOAM " " " Mt. Carmel, - 4.30 PM. LACKAWANNA ASItTiLOOMSBiTrO RAIL ROAD. The arrival and departure of Passenger Trains from Northmbcrland i Mail train 8oulh, anives at 9.40 A. M. " ' North, leaves 4.50 A. M. Ei. Freight. 8outh arrrives " 0.00 " " North, leaves ' 6.20 A.M. Club. Our advertising columns contains some testimonies to the value of the new article known as "Spalding's Prepared Glue," useful to housekeeper for mending furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is kept in proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it it applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers tbat tbis article has the excellent phrenological quality of "large ad hesiveness." From the Independent, New York, July 28, 1859. Ki.koant and Dcrari.b. The advent among us of tbe Nipbonese Embassy has set people to speculating npon the costumes worn by different nations. Tbe straw sandals of the orientals would be a poor protection against our western snow storms, and their silk robes and embroidered petticoats would not suit our active go-ahead people. On the other hand such elegants nd durable garments as are mado at tbe Brown Stone Clothing ball of Rockhill & Wilson, Nob. C03 and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth, are not only elegant, comfortable and durable but tbey are admira bly adapted to tbe climate and to tbe wants of the people and tbe ago. SATE YOUR lToRSEsT "We take great pleasure in recommending the Mexican Mustang Liniment as a valuable and indippensible article for Sprains, Sores, Scratches or Uulds on Horses. Our men have used it for severe Burns, Bruises, Sores, Stiff Jointis and Rheumatic Pains, and at sny it acts like magic. We use no other Liniment. J. W. HEWITT, Foreman Tor American, llarnden's end Wells, Enrgo & Co's Express." (jonllemen : "I had a negro man worth $1.2(10 who took cold from a bad hurt, and wus useless fur over oue year; I hud nsod everything I could bear of without benefit, until I tried the Mustang Liniment. Il bas perfectly cured him, and I can now take tbe above price for him. Respectfully yours. JAllfcS I'OKKANCb. Every Planter, Teamster and Family should have this invaluublo article. Sold by all respectable dealers everywhere liAUNKS A: PARK., Proprietors New York. lll'MPUREYV SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Have now been before the public for f:ve years. and have every whero won golden opinions from the many thousands who have used them. Simple, free from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready resource and aid ol tho parent, traveller, nurse, or invalid, and have become tbe family physician and medical adviser of thousands of fa.nilies. No where have they been tried without having been approved, and their highest appreciation is among those who havo known tucm longest, and moat inti mately. N. 15 A full set of HUMPHREYS' HOME OPATHIC SPECIFICS, with book of Dircc tions, and twenty di lie rent ICemedies, in large vials, morocco ense, $5 ; ditto, in plain case, $4 : case of fifteen boxes, and Hook, $2. Single boxes, 2.) cents and .i0 cents. These Remedies, by the single box or case, are sent by mail or express, free of charge, to any address, on receipt of price. Address Dr. r. HUMPHREYS & CO., No. 6U2 I) roadway, New York, fold by A. W. FISHER. Agent. (Sunbury, May 26, 18C0. ''Not daneetous to the Human Family. "Huts come out of tlieir holes to die." "COPTAR'S'' Rat Roach.&e., Etermmstr l l l I A K IV Ilrd-bUf l .llermoiator COSTARH" fclecliic 1'owder, lor Insects, Ao IES1ROYS INtTANTLY. Ruts Roaches M k-e Moles Giouml Mice Deil-Cucs Ants Mollis Mosquitoes Fleas Insects on I'lants, Fowls, Animals, ice , Ac in short, every funo and spe cies of V Kit M I.N. 10 years established iu New i orfc City used bv the City Fosr 0:hccs tbe City 1'risons mid Suition Houses the City Steamers, lii.'a. tbe City Hotels. AHor," 'ft. Nicholas," Ac uud by more Hum 0.11,000 private families. IV Drufrc;ists and Retailers everywhere sell them. I ? Whoicsule Agents in all the large Cities and Towns, 17" '. ' ' Kkwark ' ! ! of spurious imitations. l"s?"SI, 00 Sample Boxes scut by Mail. UsV" Address orders or for "Circular to Dealers" to HF.NKY R. COSTAIt. Principal Depot. ol2 Urnadivny, (oprmeile St. Nicholas Hotel,) N j. So April 2I,160, no uy rnnj.u a UKA.t , cuur. nibuiy, l'a. Itcligious Notices. Divine service vnll be held every Sabbath in this Bo rough as follows : PRF.SBYTK.RIAN CHURCH. North west corner o. Blackberry and Deei streets, Rev. J. 1. KKAKno, lhistor Uiviue service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. Prayer meet ing on Thursday evening-. At Nortliumlierlund. in Old School I'leehytcrian Church, at 3 o'clock, P. M., every Sub! mtii. OUHMAN RFFfiRMl.D CHURCH North west corner of River and Blackberry streets, Rev. J. V. Stkin metz, Pastoi Divine service, alternntely, every Sitblmlli at 10 A. At. and 7 P. M. I'tayer jneeling ou Friday eveuiui'. FA ANGF.t.ICAI. LUTHERAN CHURCH -Deer street below S V.ft P. Rail Rood, Rev. P. Hizkr, Pastor Divine service, alternately, every Snblsith at lu A. M. aud 7 P. M. Piaver meeting on Wednesday eveninir. MF.THOD1ST Episcopal CHIRCH Dewberrv street west of S. A K Rail lload, Itev. E. Hcri.Ka ana J P. Swasoib, Pastors. Divine service, alternately, evervSab. bath at H'j A.M. ami 7 1. Al. Prayer meeting 011 Thurs day evening. BAPTIST CHURCH. Fawn street, below S. V. P. Railroad, Rev. A. J. Hai, Pastor. Preaching every al ternate Sabbath at 3 o'clock, P. M. During the present mouth as follows: tend and 4th Sabbaths. Lecture every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. MARRIAGES. On the 26th of April, by Rev. Jacob Miller, Mr. Joux Towxsekd to Miss Mart Wink, of Lower Augusta township. In Danville, on tbe 5th Inst., by tbe Rev A. B. Still. Mr. F. S. II. Fishkr, Jr. of l'biladelphia and Mies Mary Margaret Dkk.v, ol Danville. On Thursday 7th inst., at tbe residence of Major Josepb Ubodes. by tbe Itev. A. U Dole, Mr. C. F. Hifp, aud Miss Elizabeth b. Khodes, all or Milton. Ia tbe Methodist Cbapel, LewUbarg, Sunday eveninir, 27th nit., by lie v. J. W Hedges, Mr. William Dbiesbacu and Miss Carkib M. daughter of Dyers Ammon, all of L,ewiouurg. On tbe 24th nit., by tbe Rev. E. A. Auld. Mr. Wm. J. M ooui b, of Ashland, to Miss Valeria, daughter of Abraham 'front, of Mineraville, bcboylkill county, l'a. Id Northumberland, on tbe 23J nit., by Rev. Mr. Frice, Mr. Clarkncb McAllisteb, and M lei Ann Kuoap?, all of Nortbumber land. Oo tha 24th ult.. by tha same, Mr. Srv tester Friblev, of Muocy to Misa Liksv 1 cilenbeboer oi uloouisburg, l a. 8UNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat. , S iO Butter, J to Rye, 75 Eggs, U Corn, 6 Tallow, . . . U Oats. - . . 40 Lard, . 14 Buckwheat, 63 Pork, . . Potatoes, lrewi, Ct Sew Advertisements. LATEST ARRIVAL or SUMMER GOODS THE NEWEST DESIGNS AND Choioest Styles OF FOREIGN ANT) DOMESTIC ox EXHIBITION, At tha renple's ONE PKICE STORE, OF E. V. BRIGHT & SON, eTJ2STBTJH,-2-, PA, OUR LARGE AND HAITESOIE STOCZ. OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND HOSIERY, H ABD 'W ARE, BOOTS A1TD SSOES, QUEEJiSWARE AND GLASSWARE. GROCERIES, WILLOW AND WOODWAHE, II-A.TS wA-XSTID CAPS, JcC, &C, &.C., &C., W. TRKSENTS RARF, ATTRACTIONS, anil PPLENDID INDUCEMENTS. OUR Largo Assortment is tmrivallcd, ami will to sold AT THE LOWEST TRICES, and every article WA RRANTED as rcrircsenteJ. EVERT PEESON is invited to call and examine our HANDSOME STOCK, and learn our list of Trices, from which? no deviation will be made, knowing front experi ence that the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, ia the true mo,-!c t( DOING BUSINESS. Wc shall continue to keep up our assortment at all seasons of tho year, intwiluciiiR from time to time, many novelties, and great bargains. We return our thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and shall strive to merit a con tinuance of the same. E. V. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Juno 11, 1SC0. I tf' What the People sny, must be true, jst The People sny, Bright & Son sell their goota very cheap. Tho People say, Bright & Son keep almost every artiele of Merchandize. The Teople say, Bright & Son have tho best assortment in- town. The Feople say, Bright & Son's store is the place to get value for your cash. Tho People say, Bright & Son sell goocLs to all at the same prices. The Teople say, Bright & Son have tho cheapest chocs in town. The People say, Bright & Son have a splendid stock ol lint.-;. The Tcople say, Bright & Son haio handsome Dress Ooods and soil them very cheap. Sunbury, June 1C. 1SC0. l" 3 0 7 9 2 2 7 s r, 1 7 5 4 3 0 2 7 0 These figures are intended to draw your attention to the important fuel, the place whero you can get the most goods tor the least money, is at tho One Price Store of BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, June 10, 1660. 1)0 YOU WISH ? DO VOU Wtt-'h S hnililsilmo fflrnM t Do you wish a durable Carpet ! uo iou wi.ii a cneap Carptt ! II so call at BRIGHT & SON. Sunhury, June 16, 18C0. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GUIS. &C riHE subscriber having opened in Thompson' Brirk Building, Mill street, Danville, a laria and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tbe best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Trish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other M inis of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY IT 8 E , may rely upon being furnished wilb a pure and unadulterated article. tV Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa tronage of tbe public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 1G, 18U0. iJironTAXT. Clavgujoqua, Ireland. WANTED, information of either the widow Catharine McGralh, niniJcn nme Kyte t Rose Kyle. Supposed Io reri.le in Butl r county, Pennsylvania. Any information concerning them will be thankfully received by JoUn McKendrick, Montreal, Canada. June 10, 18U0. 6t Notice to Bridge Builders. SEALED Proposals will be received by the undersigned on Tuesday the S6ih day of JUNE, between the hours of 9 A M.,and 3 P.M., of that day at the Commissioners' office, in Sun bury, Northumberland eonnly. for the building of a Bridge acrcss Delaware Ran, in Delaware township, near the house of William Pouyhcrty. The bridge is to be a Stone Arch Bridge with a span of 1 feet. Between the abutments, the whole length of the wills across the stream, in cluding wing walls, abutments and span 10 fret, is to be 40 feet lonj each aiJe of uriclfe. Tha top of bridge to be 1 3 feet w ide in the clear. Specification will be exhibited ou tbe day or letting for saiJ bridge. SAMUEL ENT, JOSEPH EVEK1TT. PHILIP CLAKK. Coin'rs. Comn.issloner's ollice, ) 8ur.bury, June 10, I860. J STOVES- FQR SALE au excellent second-hand Ceok lug Stove, also several Cylinder C"d tjtovee. I'.n.jiiiie ( (his ollice. 4- l