Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 09, 1860, Image 3

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    ornado In Western Pennsylvania.
ouses and Larnt Blown Dotcn7'erriic
Hailstorm 1100,000 wort of Properly
l)ctroyedFour Pertont Killed Forty
Venom Wounded.
(Fiom the Clarion Banner, Extra.)
Wednesday last, the 30th inst., will long
remembered in the annals of Clarion
unty, as forming one of its moat terrible
'Ocli3. A boot dood on that day, a heavy
nek clond was Been advancing about thirty
da south of St. Charles Furnace. An awful
aring soand accompanied it, and passing on
the farm of Mr. Shoomaker, !t burst with
rrible fury, tearing his house and barn into
agments and breaking one of the legs of
r. Shoomaker the dwelling of Mr. Thomas
ongborty was next strnck, and which wps
own to pieces, the furniture broken tj
omn, and bis daughter killed ; test the
nse of M'Conucll Henry was blown down,
id 1) is wife seriously hurt. The barn of
iseph Smith was completely wrecked. The
)uso of a Mr. Charles Stewart, three quar
ts of a mile north of New Bethlehem, was
own down, and his wife killed, and other
embers of the family injured. The storm,
passing through Ilessville, destroyed the
vern of Nathan llaoe. and killed bis dangh
r. In passing north of Millville, the storm
stroyed the barns of Jacob Hartzell, John
id Samuel Stuck ; the house of John Mohney
as blown to pieces, and his wife carried
say, and no traces of her bad been found
st night at 12 o'clock, (30th inst )
1 n its course the storm did not strike either
lillville or Now Bethlehem, but beyond the
rroer place it struck the village of Ilessville.
i this place wore a number of dwellings,
rick, frame and log, and also a large grist
ill, and a substantial bridge, spanning lied
ink ; every bouse, barn, mill, bridge, and
ib store or Irvin McFarland, were destroyed,
id four lives lost. Among the killed were
ie wives of Irvin McFarland and Mr. less.
A terrible hail storm passed through a
trtinn of Porter and Redbank townships.
Inch in its eourse did an immense amount of
image. Beside destroying every fence in
s- truck, fields of graiu were badly injured,
id, as a matter of course, beiog left open,
e cattle got in and committed still further
Taken altogether, the hailstorm and torna
3, an immens') injury to lifo and property
is been sustained iu the townships of 1'orter
id Kudbank.
(From the Jcfletii.ii Star, Extra, May 31.)
BnnnKvii.i.E, Pa., May 31st, I860. Since
10 late number of the Star went to press, we
ive received more intelligence respecting
ie ravages and disasters of the storm of
sterday. Its course was from southwest
nvard northeast.
Mr. Daniel Fogle, a citizen of this vicinity,
S3 on his way borne from the mouth of
lahoning, at the Allegheny river, and when
3 had reached Kellersburg, he was a witness
. the passing hurricane or tornado. He
tpposed it was one-half mile north of where
j was, but it may bavo been two miles. It
as in shape, like an invorted cone, in color
rce smoke, a&J well delined in its outlines.
he eight was grand aod imposing. Objects
ere observed in the cooe, and were supposed,
; first, to bo birds, but were afterwards dia
pered to be brunches of trees and other
lbstauces. Cotnirjg on, be took dinaor at
Wm, Shoemaker, who resides not far from
exns, had bis barn, bouse, and all his out
uildings entirely demolished; all of his
imily were injured some of them seriously,
hreo persons ore reported killed north of
I'tlik'bem. North of Millville, four miles
:is side of Bethlehem, houses and barns wero
ostroyed, and a roof carried from one furm
auuiuer. oouaiuan .uuudojs Darn was
One milo and a hulf this sido of Millville,
Ir. Shiek'a house and barn were torn down,
:.d the barn was consumed a if by fire.
'us-sing thence to Mess's dam, on Ued Bank
reck, the tornado did its most fearful ravu.
i'B on the villngo called Mayville. Kight
iniilies have been left entirely homeless
heir dwellings having been entirely destroyed.
"e have it from M r. J. S. Barr, of Troy,
l:o was there giving assistance after the
torni, and Mr. Fogle, that from all of the
welling houses touched by the storm, the
tore-room, the large grist-mill, saw-mill, &e
here appears to be not enough stuff left on
ho grouuJ oat of nbicb to erect one bouse
'ho large bridge over Bed Bank was torn to
lecei, and the abutments badly ir.iured
A Mr. Young, residing there, who was run
ver by a raft some time ago, was not able to
iove around much at tbe time, saw a barn or
table coming towards bis house, and threw
littisell on his bed. I he windows of his
ou?t were blown in, and, in a twinkle, bis
ouse anu the bed on whicb be was were car
led away, nnd be was left on a part of tbe
'oor thut remained. Search was being made
or his bureau, cupboard, trunk, Ac, and not
ven a puticle of any of them was found
.hen our informant left tbe Geld of disaster
Mine of his family were injured.
Mr. Ferry s, blacksmith, was carried five or
ix rods, and hud with bim his child of two
ears of oge. It was cot hurt; he was
lightly injured.
The following is a list of the killed; Mrs
tlcl'arland, David Baucbman, ooe of Mr
laio s children, and a child, name not known
Mrs. Mcrorlond was carried some distance
y the 6torm.
The following is the list of those seriously
njureJ, some of whom are cot expected to
ive. Severul not named in this list were
njurod, more or less, but we give the names
a niobo requiring medical aid : Two of Mr
Irviu McFurland's children, John Hess, Mrs,
Hess and three children, one of Mrs. Ilain's
'jhilJren, Jobn Sarvey, John Shick, Mrs.
Kchiudeldecker, D. D. Boyington and four or
live of his family, Matthias Leight, two
strangers, David lless's arm broken in two
places, Mrs. Ferry's arm broken in two
iilaces and three of her children injured.
Mrs. Ilain's ribB were broken, aod one leg so
badly crushed that the physicians had to
amputate it. Dr. Straessly, of llinggold, was
there getting shoes on bis horses. His bnggy
was taken up and torn to pieces, and tbe
harness was stripped off bis horses. Ilia
own boots were torn from bit feet and bis
clothes from bis body.
Different persons in Mayville, seeing this
moving destroyer from different positions,
give different descriptions of its appearance.
Some say that it was "a column of midnight
darkness BtreaKej witn ligntning," others "as
a mass of smoke surrounding fire," and others
Bay it was "like a whirlwind of bre."
Passing from Mayville across Red Bank
creek, it demolished Paul Uearhart's bouse
nnd barn, tbe Utter being consumed by fire,
Before the storm reached tbe boose Mrs. G,
bad left it, and taking bold of some bashes
uot far distaot, was uninjured. Passing on
towards the northeast, it destroyed the bouse,
burn, and all of the other buildings belonging
to lsaao Motter, near Zioo Church, in Beaver
township, this county, lie and all of bis
family were badly injured.
There were nearly twenty-five buildings in
the town of Mayville, all of which were des
trojeJ. We have intelligence from along
nearly fifty mile of tbe track, and all build
ings, Jsc, were demolished by tbe storm.
Drs. Meecbling, of Brookville, Browo, of
Troy, Stewart, of Ureenville, Clarion county,
nnd Vanvalzub, of Clarion, were present
kbortly after tbe disaster, rendering yeoman's
service to those in distress. Di. Jlitl, of
Kinggold, came iu the etening.
Hogs, dogs, poultry, and sherp were h U'-'l
Apple trees were lifted out of th u''"""'1
and carried away, "root and brum h." The
gardens were entirely destroyed. The trees
in thai vicidity which were torn down present
a peculiar tight. They fell from tbe outside
of the track with their tops towards the centre
of the track. Two new wagons, just painted,
were literally torn into mere particles.
From tbe region of McLain Ferguson's the
storm passed crossing tbe Brookville and
Indiana road botween Jobn Montgomery's
and Alex. McKinstey's.
Tbonce near Knoxville, in Knox township,
where it did considerable damage. Here
follows the next disaster :
About six miles tip Sandy Lick from
Brookville, a fearful storm passed on Wed
nesday about noon, prostrating trees, Ac
The track of tbe storm was abont one-half
mile wide there. Samnel Montgomery was
working in a clearing, near where Joseph .
Hall's dam on Sandy Lick is, and was over
taken by the storm. He bad bis knee and
bip joints either broken or put out ol Joint oy
the falling trees. Tbe horse be was riding
wss killed, wbile another one escaped. This
one is so hemmed in by, tbe fallen timber,
that he will have to be fed there several days
before he can be gotont.
It passed on, and crossed tbe 1 ike at
Henry Amcr's, near Reynolds' took the roof
off bis bouse went to Dietrick's where it
tore his buildings to fragments. At the
country line, it did similar damage. Mr.
Deitnck s boy got a leg broken, and a man
bis head badly cut, and thus went the Btorm
in its career of destruction sweeping all be
fore it, away towards tbe northeast.
The rain and hail storm of Wednesday last
will be long remembered by the citizens of
this immediate vicinity ; but the tornado
whicb passed over a part of Beaver township,
this county, on tbe same day will have a firmer
hold on the minds of the people of that vicini
ty, since so much damage was done. We
have tbe following facts from porsnn
witnessed the scene. They saw so
winds, one of which was terrible '
and did the damage. Tbe track
troyer was not more than two i
Henry hparr 8 barn aud bous
down, and nearly all of lb.,
orchard were torn out of r-
tbence to McKaio Farguson'
tore bis large double frame
aod laid tbem flat on the e-
them in as regular order as ir '
Two horses ond a colt wen'
time and were not hurt.
a held, was lifted up and c
and turned npside down, a
with sucb force as to smash -
His large two-story frame i
upper story torn away, or
boarding of tbe first story w
The same persons, on their wa'
saw some of the weather boai
from the place it started. .
Mr. Ferguson's was sligh
leveled, and trees stripped t
One hulf of the roof of lsaa.
was torn off, and carried froi
or four rods. Shaffer and 1
neighbors. Who does not .
those who have met with thi
Tun Western Tormado ! ',
Chicago, June 5. The deva" "'
which visited Eastern Iowa and
Illinois, on Sunday night, was '
between Marion uud Cedar Ka ,
coanty, Iowo, goiug northwest oi ,
in three separate currents, and .
track of tbe Chicago railroad seve
At Lisbon the depot buildings, a '
warehouses in the village, were et
molished. A train of ten freight ci '
loaded, were lifted bodily from tbo .
dashed to pieces ! Before reaching
it bad killed sixteen persons. On
passed north through Mecbanicsvilk
isniiig everytning in r
sixteen persons, .i
through Union Urov
course, am
currer ,
. iu th .'
seventeen persons. 1 .
tbe ruilroad, near Du
seven persons, sixteon o,
the fumily of Tboir
passed south of the t
Lowmeor, demolishing
Millard, killing Mr. Mil
bis family. Tbe current
of Camanche, on tbo '
point tbe loss of life is .
urst reported. From V
cannot be less than 55
alone. Some reports gi't
estimate, but the bodies ci
There are also 125 woundet.
are fatally injured, and 10 a.
this place, a large lumbor raft,
twenty-four men, was scattered,
one of tbe men were lost. Two i
were on board, were also drowoi
Tbe tornado is koown to bav '
distance of ninety miles in Iowa,,
in Illinois. The loss of life cul
than, one hundred aud fifty.
During yesterday, two trains ,
run every hour from Clinton to .
disaster, with relief for the sufferei'
1 1 1 KCA TTLE V IS EA Vk '.
A despatch from Newark, N. J!
tbe cattle disease has appeared in 2s
four out of seven beasts already ba .
from its effects. Tbis is a startling
intelligence. Tbe ravages of the e
tbe New hncland States have been t.
ded and thorough thut public mee ,'
now being called to devise means to ,
tbe further spread : the Massachusetts
lature have appropriated a lurge sum ot j
to tbe same object, all of which has t( '
eXDended Without AnV imnnplnnl vaaii,-
subject is discussed earnestly in the r f
pera ; a message oas Deen issued
Banks; and all other Questions of?
give way to this vital one.
Upon a laree and most imnortant.
the population there could full no In,
blow than a mortality among their live si-
so unnatural aod mysterious and appare j
irrepressible. It is not wonderful tbot
regarded by many as ao afflictive disp.
of Providence, a dire token of tbe di
of heaven. Engrossed with the anxiou
of trade and politics it is only some sue t
dv iuo very vuais oi our domestic svst
serves to recall us to a sense, nf i t. f
teoce. We eat tbe fruits of tbe busba f
but of his toils and trials how mud I
know 1
T h is rfisaoaea la .a t
ioij vuuiuglOQS.
close uron as, and unless the utmost vieiiau
iu. uerus oi our own State w
be infected. We trust thnt tha ;h nr f
will be at once invoked. No mr rm.
seems yet to have been devised. The mn $
spreads and kills, aod distress follow A
Uur neighboring State should hav .n
resources of scieotific research and applies' T
at our command, even on selfish reasons, i
During tbe beavv storm nn Mnr.,i , 1
the house of John U. Musser, residi..
u arris j p., centre CDunty, was struck
lightning and shattered in a terrible mam i
1 ;rom the chimney tbe lightning took itscoot S
through the bouse in different direptinn.
setting and breaking stoves, tables, chairs f
and scattering tbem about in tbe greatest '
confusion. Everv dish in the ennhn.. f
broken, tbe works of tha clonic -
tbe case and cartiallv meltori .nt . Ji '
burst open. There were eight persona In tbe
boose at tbe time, none of whom hn,.
except Mr. Musser, who was severely stun!
ned, and ooe of the children bad the Lair of
its head nearly burned off. Tbe bouse was
fired in several places, but tha flm. ....
extinguished before any serious damage was
done in that way. A fowl roosting on a tree
Bear by was killed, aod the leaden water pipea
were melted a rnnrirlomM.. ,ii.i.n. i. ' !l.
limbing in Liberia may be very pleasant,
but must bo a little risky A recent paper
from the colony states that a negro woman,
who weut into tbe water for a batb, was sud
denly "taken in out of the wet" by ao alligator-
The voracious monster devoured tbe
colored lady wilbont any dressing.
Bogus gold dollars of the date of 1854, have
been put into circulation in tbis community
recently. They are so wall executed that it
is difficult to tell them from the genuine, ex
cept by weighing tbem. They are too light.
Look out for them. Muncy Luminary,
New Advertisements.
BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal
j411 that is necessary bei ng to screw the Capdown
upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outsido
upon the shoulder of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis
tant from the top ; prevent the possibility of the
flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in
contact with the Rubber.
Persons desiring these Jars, can be supplied by
leaving their orders with H. B. MASSER,
Sunbury, June 3, 18G0. Agent.
DLERY. Also, the beit assortment of Iron
Nails and Steel to be found in the county, at the
Mammoth store of FRIL1NU & G 72 ANT.
Sunbury, June 2, 1800.
10! YE LOVERS OF SOUP ! A7vc7h
supply of Macaroni and Confectionery at
Sunbury, June 2, ISfiO.
IT is Important to the LADIES to know thnt
Friling & Grant, have the best and largest
assortment of Dress Goods in the county.
Sunbury. June 2. 1860.
ITAVING received extensive encouragement
throughout the County, I offer myself as
a candidate for CONGRESS; subject to the de
cision of the Democratic Party, at its next pri
mary election.
June 2, i860.
Inst Notice.
4 LL persons having any claims against the
estate of Jacob Kuker, deceased, late of Lit
tle Mnhonny township, Northumberland county,
Pa., are hereby notified to present them for settle
ment to the undersigned residing in the town of said county. Those knowing them
selves indebted to the estate cither by note or
ook account, are the last time notified to make
mediate payment. All accounts remaining un
tiled after the first day of August, 1 SCO, will
laced in the hands of a proper officer for col.
n. HENRY Z. RAKER, Adm'r.
-rton, June 2, 18C0. 4t
t-ed for 1859 and CO,
t CO., 280 Pearl-Ptreet,
i constructed on scientific
a revolving can and spring
one hastens the freezing of
removes it as fast as frozen,
n freezing, with the least
1 in cost, as it is the most
principal cities and towr.s
panicd with a book of re
$3 on
4 (10
s no
i 00
8 00
12 00
MASSER, Sunbury.
vill offer at public sale.on the
ATLRDAY, the S3J day
J o'clock A. M., the follow-
to wit, viz: THE WELL
Michael Wilvert, situatt on
Shamokin Valley & Potts
in the Borough of Sl"N
'ind county, Pennsylvania,
rge Frame HOUSE, ncar
.0, Shed, Ice House and
A Well of water with a
od garden and very choice
I excellent business, hav
reliahle custom of any
e will be given.
jrs to be paid aa soon as
k down. Three hundred
when possession will be
Five hundred dollars on
.481, and tbe ballance in
acuta, with interest from
Mit will be allowed for
may be made over and
'tvo mentioned.
rder of the Orphans'
tlauJ county, will be
he public house of
- lonrn of Shamokin,
JUNE, I860: The
of a certain Tract
ihip, Norlhumber
y lands of the Phil
Shamokin Valley
.pany, on t!:o south
n the east and wet
rawn, containing two
whrcon are erected
being part of a
i the name of
f Ground
hkh he
Vlot of
by street
. r. Railroad,
bounded on the
j west by the Carbon
th by street along the
& P. Railroad, and on
I to the estate of the late
f ground containing en
.e or leu, adjoining lot of
iiamokin creek, a branch of
isngular lot No. 444 on
1 out by McCarty, Davis,
Late the estate of David
j at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
' ar valuation money to re
land during life of the wi-
ba paid to her annually
Jond and Mortgage. 10 per
' naid as soon aa the property
.a remaining 90 per cent
pril, 1861, also be secured
LVERTON, Trustee.
urt 1
0. C.
J & GRANT'S and see the
: eapest assortment of Dry
o bunbury.
RESPECTFULLY beg leave to announce to the citizens of St'Nfll'R Y and vicinity, that
their F.XTENSIVE 8TORE ROOM has been filled to a perfect jam with
The largest Stock ever brought to this part of tbe country at one time. We have now, not only
the handsomest, hut the
and a atock of NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality and Inwness in prire, re UN
RIVALLED! We need not particularize, for
We have constantly on hand all kinds of
U'vrrs and shoes, groceries,
&c. ,&c., which we will dispose of at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce taken
in exchange at the highest prices.
Our stand Is one of the oldest in this section of country, and has always been tavored by the
LARGEST and BEST run of custom in the neighborhood. We are thankful for patronage we
have received in the past, aud hope that by a continual cff-t o accommodate our friends and
customers, and in consequence of the largeness and variety of our stock, wa will merit and receive
a continuance of the support and good will of the people.
A'e cordially invite you to give us a call I COME ALL ! You will never regret a visit to the
Very liarscsl and Cheapest Store,
In this section of the Stato ! ! Remember the old stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Cour
Sunbury, May 19, 1860 ly
Ttic nnilcr?lm.1 hnvlnir osM Prnfessnr nUMl'IIltETfl'
Sl'KL'lHO HO.M'KOI'ATIIIC ItKMKDIM In our fniiiillw
with the mnsl Atirn'tnry rculu, and ImvinK full cotift
dVnce In th-ir Kenuiiit-m'M, imrity, siul ellji-ftcr, cheerfully
recommend them to nil pertm who nih to have safe, re
IWhie, an-1 efficacious remedies at hand for private or do
mestic ne.
The Rev. Wm. HostmT, e.lltor of "The Northern Inde
pendent," Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. E. II. Cressev, D.D.,
llcclor of 9L tvtcr a (Jhur.-h, Auburn, N. V. ; the llev. 11. 1.
Ives, Chnpln'n of the Auhurn. Slate Prison; the Rev.
Spencer M. Ri--e, R-ctor, New-Ileilf'.rd, Mruw. ; the Iter.
Allen Steele, New-Yrk Conference ; the Iter. Samuel
NVho!, Kt-fleneee Conference, X. Y. ; the Rev. P. 8.
Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Her. John K. Ruble, ItulTiilo ; A. C.
If art, Kan., I't'ra, S. Y. : the lion. Neat Dow, Portland,
Me. j Ihe Hon. S huvler Colnix, Sonlh-llend, Ind. ; the Hon.
(ieorpo Humphreys, N. Y. : Henry D. Cook, Esq., Kdltor of
Tiie Ohio Slato journal, C"l'immi", Ohio; the Hon. R. IT.
e-llo, Kli.'; the ilon. 'Joseph llenedict, files, N. y'. ; Win.
Ihistol, Kq., nira, N. Y. ; A. S. Pond, Kj., Utlca, N. Y. ;
Urahnm, M"litie, in,; ihe ll in. Thomas J. thase, Monti-
V. 1. F ir Vvor. C"ntrc'ifinn, ami Inflammation.
N . 2. K'tr AV'ini. Kt-vor, Wurm CjIic, WcIHhr the Bed.
N'. it. For Colic, Co ins, Tor..i.i.g, ati'l Wakefulness of
Ni. 4 Fur iJiarrlfa, Ciioltra In fan turn, and Summer
CiiitmiiL'(. i
N(. ,V F ir Cllr, Orii'!n?!', Pysrntcry, or Hloodj Flux, j
No. rt. F-ir ChdUTii, I'h'ilpra Sforhus, Vomltlrur.
No. 7. Fr Cui;h, Coll, Influenza am) Sore Throat.
N(. S. For T't" li-:fhf F.icc!Hhc, nnd Noiirnlpla. '
N. 9. For llfnihiche, Vertigo, lit-iit and Fuluioss of tlie
N. 10. Pv-trrrn F-ir WVik and Deranged
8Lotnrh, CMtisMpnti-.n, nnd Liver ('omfiliint. I
No. 11. Fm F?tMAi.K Iit;iw;LLAHiTiu.s, Scanty, ralnfnl, or
Sirprtwe.l Periods. 1
No. 12. Frir liicorrhcn, Profuse Mrnsc ami Charing
Dwn 'f Fr-nnii'i". i
No. IS. For Crmiii, irtirse C vili. B.vl nreatli!n!T.
fo. 14. Smt llni;i'M Pii.ij Fur Erysii":las, Eruptions.
Plmplr in the F'e. !
ir.. liiu-inrtr Pn.T.q. F r Pain, Iimcnesn, or Sarft 1
nrra in Uie Onnt, llt'k, Liin., or Lln.l'H. !
A. r.r F.Ti-r a-i.1
Miimnnajel Air-iei.
Atfue, Cliill Fever, V:mb Ague, OIO
P. F r Pil-'t, ln'm.I or THi limr, Infernil nr FTternnl.
O. For H.'r. WiV. rr I-ifljuneJ 1'yvs and F-y.-lids; Fail
Inc. Weuk, ur Illurrc I SU.
C. For Calarrh, of ! t f.u l!: ;-r reeftst, cither with
ol!"Tri!cti"n r uromsn di-ffntrin'.
W. c For WhnojiiiiK tm:h, abr.tifS Irs vblcnco anJ
flhortvniiip its coursi1.
In all aut: disc-iS", cucii n Fevers, Inflamniati"n,
Dinrrhei, P.vPi'iitci-v, Cry up, Kh-'iiru.ili'ti, ni.fl niu-h ertip
live tJtMwrtf an HfarUt Fev-r, M--aK-H. a: 1 Krvlpt-la. the
advantarf" of privity tin .rui"r r'iif.i:e prumj tly isrb
vioun, and in nil anch uwi lii act like a charm.
The entire uist-H.ce is v'.teu Hi.'-ti-d :t once, and iu nil ckm-i
the violence of the nt'.-i.-k ir. l. rii;t.d, the disetwr short
cued, mill renlrn.'d Wt. thtiifrcri'ii.
Coupha aud Cold, which ai ! Much frrntpnt offurronc?,
and which no often ny thf rouPil;iti-ti ul diw.wd lnnfM,
broncl.Uis nrd cui,.si!ii tjon, u.uj, ull be ul olcv curvJ Vy
the Fei.-r and CMtah VX.
In all chronic l us.-?, h nn T i pppa, TVVaV 5'omstrh.
Constipation, I.iwr Com plaint, PiIis, Feinalf Inhilliy, ami
Irrciriiiariiien, cU I Ijicht-B. . n-e ir WVnk Kyes, Catarrh,
fc:t 1 1 Kheum, mid other old eniptini, the cf- has p':ifics
whoi prnprr iip,ilk,iulih nitl si! -rd a cure in nlumut tvery
IliBttnce. ortcn the cure tf a hinrle chniilc dilticulty, such
as DyspepMhi, Piles or Cntsrrh, lleadiiche ur Female Weak
nus, hus more than 'aid K-r the cist ten turns ovrr
PP. If F
Cssp of 21 v'U rompl. te. In nionicco, and Itjok
Cnite tf ji vuili. and lt j-.W, plain
Cnse of l.'i inimtiered hoxt nd Hook
.... 4
.... a
CHSB Of 6 1 rXCM, nillUiMTfl, KThI It'll ik ... I
Mnle ii'nubereil t.M.-, uith .tire. tiniia C.t cents.
Sinlc lett re.t tn.xes, with d!iv tiri,s M cents.
l.are cu-c of '1 oz. vials, fm" phtntuis uud physicians.. ,tJ15
For sniMioa PiHHi-h-.;..!, IVflh-ul!, I.n.1. -re.l
Preathliij;, alfndt-d with Colli; h and Kspecl tratiun. Price,
fit' cent per Imr.
Fhk Kau lnsi:HHf,:w isn lmrJi-XH lilschnrpe fnan the
Khi", the result of H'ailct F'-ver, MmiI.-. or Mi-rnirtnls.
For No'es in the 11. ml, Hanlt of lle.irinp, soil Hinging
In the F.rttH, and K;ir-iicb, fy cent- er box.
Fa S ituKi'i.. K.idsrjT'-d ilM'ilt, Kulii '.ed an. I Indurat
ed ToiifciN, P'vul'.in; and Old Urer, Scrofulous Ci.chexy of
Children. Price. !-0 cents per h-.x.
Foa Iikuu iTr. Phiica) or Nervous Weakness.
Either thr reimlt of tSi. !-1-.. r.xct .vve M.-dicaii-ui, or Ka
faatistlnr lHfi-harcM. Price, f0 vkt, .er h"V.
k'ua iMeii-sv. Fluid Accuniulii'htie, Tumi t Hellins, ltli
Scanlv S.vretiot'"i. Pri-f, f-0 tent per t. .
Fuk" Sr.A-Si. nhaw !) uihly Hickiu-s. Vertleo, V.iusea,
Vomitintt. iSicriiiras fiotn ridii.j or uiuliou. Price, fx ceuta
per box.
Foa I binawt Disk .-t.-. For (travel, Ueiml Cnicu'1, Dim
cult, Painful Urinutiuu, Diseases of tlie kiine.. Price, W
cents pr box.
For Hi-mis u. Kmimion.! tnvolMntary Dincharpei and
Conserpuent Prostrath-n nnd Debility, Dad Uenuit of F.vll
Ilftbii. The most succe.-rul mid elTi. t. itt .vnedy known,
and ninv he relietl uptiii as a cure. Price, nilh full direc
tions, 1 per box.
penun who winli t p!i themelves under the profes
sional sre. nr to mV advice of Pr.f. Ilrvrnnf.vs. ran do
so, at his oflk'tt llruii twav, dally from 6 A.M. to & P.M.
or by letter.
T.r.olt ever the lit ; make up a CMtc of what kind ynu
choiiae, nnd lncl.19'- the a:i:oini in R current n te r stftn'pt
by mail t our uddre-, at No. fVi 1; mud way, Nev. VhU,
and the medh-ina lt be duly returned by inii or tvpren?,
free of ebr;-e.
AflKNl'S WANTFTV M desire n active, efficient Apent
for the s-ile of our Kvine-ii.-s in every town ir iv.'i'Miuntty
In ths L'nited States. Addre- Dr. V. Hl MPIIitliYS A Co.
No. f uit Hroadwav, NfW-YouK.
A. W FISHER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa.
May 20, 1800 ly
TX pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
S- of Xorthumberland county, will be exposed
to public sale on Tuesday, the 19th day of J L'X E
next, on the premises, the following described
rcil estate to wit: The one equal tndivided
half part of all that certain TRACT OF LAND,
situate in Delaware township, Xorthumberland
county, bounded and described aa follows north
by part of same tract of lands lying in Muncy
creek townbhip, Lycoming county ; east by lands
Belonging to the heirs of (ieorge Masteller, dee'd.;
south by lands of John Eysler, and on the wet.t
by lands of Elizabeth Eysler, containing NINE
TY ACRES, more or lew, all clear, on which
are erected a two story Dwelling House and bank
Darn, and other outbuildings. Late the estate
of Edward Transue, dee'd.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.,of said
day. when the terms and conditions of sale will
be made known by
By order of the Court
,'ourt, )
it o. c S
li, 1800. )
J. 1). MASSEK, Clk
Sunbury, May 2i,
To the Voters of Xorthumberland
I pillow CiTixiKi. Encournged by many
friends, I am induced to olfer myself to the
people aaacandidate for the office of SHERIFF,
at the approaching election, and respectfully
solicit your suffrages, pledging that, in case I am
elected, I will perform the duties incumbent on
that olfice faithfully, impartially, anil to the txsi
of my ability. M. K. B ACHM X.
Lower Mahanoy tp., May 6, 1800.
pounds of CARPET R AGS wanted at
tbe store of BRIGHT & SON
" Everybody buys Goods there.
Why 1 Because they can buy them cheaper
than anywhere else.
Sunbury, May 20, 1SC0.
BOOTS & SHOES are sold cheaper than
ever at tha Mammoth Store.
Call and sea our assortment and ascertain our
prices, and you will not fail to buy.
Punbnry, May 28, 1680.
TRILINO Ac GRANT, respectfully announce
to their friends nnd the public, that they have
just received the
Very I,argel and Best Stock
evor brought In Suulmry, which will bo tlisposr.,
ofnt the vorv LOWEST PRICES, far CASH
"Vc keep everything !
We keep everything ! !
""Wc keep everything ! ! !
Thankful ta our frivmls for jmst favom, we soli
cit a continuance of the same, at the
Largest Store in Central Pennsylvania!
Largest nnd Cheapest Store ! !
LargCSt 111(1 ClieapCSt ! ! !
" 1
ITT Call, Sec, and be convinced !
Sunbury, Mny 19, 180.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Feiiow-Citizens :
KncournRcd by many friends, I am tndured
to ofT.'r mysnlf to the people aa a candidate for
the office of
nt the approaching elrttion, and respectfully so
licit jour guffraRcs, pledging that in case I am
fleeted, I will perform the duties incumbent on
that ofiicc faithfully, impartially and to tho best
of my ability.
Sunbury, April 81, IflCO.
To the Democratic Voters of Northumber
land County.
I hereby offer mvself as a Candidate for
the office of SHERIFF, subject to tho rules of
tho Democratic Fnrly. Should I bo nominated
nnd elected, I will perform the duties of the oliice
faithfully and to the bct of my ability.
M. E. lil'CHER.
Sunbury, April 23, HC0.
To the Eemocrats of Northumberland
FfctLow-DRMornns :
I hereby offer mvself as a Candidate for
the office of FKOTIIOXOTARV, &c, subject
to the rules of tho Democratic party. Should!
be nominated aud elected, I will fulfill tbeduticit
of the ollices to the best of my ability, nnd pledge
myself not to ask for a re election to mid offices,
believing the one term principle to be the true
democratic one. CHAS. J. DKl'XEK.
Sunbury, April 29, 1 Still.
To the Dcmecralic Voters of Northumberland
Tkliow Dr.MoenTs: I hereby offer myself
as a candiJate for re-election for the office of
Prothonotary, Ac, subject to the rules of the
Democratic party. Should I be nominated nnd
elected, I will perform the duties of the office
faithfully, and to the best of my ability.
Sunbury, May 8, 1800.
To the Democratic Voters of Northumber
land County.
Kncouraged by many of my friends, I here
by oiler mysolf as a candidate fur the oliice of
subject to the rules of the Democratic party.
Should you see proper to nominate and elect me,
I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the
office faithfully and to the best ol my ability.
Chilisquaque twp., May 12, 18U0.
To tho Democrats of Northumberland
Ij'j.lLow Citiiess : I hereby ofTer mynelf as
a candidate tor the office of COl'NTY
COMMISSIONER, subject' to tho rules of the
Democratic party. Should I be nominated and
elected, I will perform the duties of the olfice
faithfully, and to the bett of my ability.
Little Mahanny tp., May ft, 1SG0.
To the Democratic Voters of Northum
berland County.
Fniow Citizens : I hereby offer myself "
a candidato for the olfice of
subject to the rules of the Democratic party.
Should you see proper to nominate and elect me,
I shall discharge the duties of the oliice faithfully
and to the best of try ability.
Shamokin Twp., May 19, 18S0.
To the Voters of Northumberland
Gentlemeh : I offer myself as an independent
candidate for the Oliice of
of Northumberland county, at the next general
election. If you think proper to elect me, you
shall have my thanks, and I pledge myself to
execute the olfice faithfully.
Shamokin Twp., May 19, 18G0.
IT IS NOT NECESSARY to tell the people.
A that the Mammoth Store is a "one price store"
as they always knew that, but it is necessary to
let them know that we have repleni.hed our stock
and will continue to receive new Goods every
few days. We are determined to supply the pen
pie, with the most desirable good at Ihe lowest
prices. FRIL1XU & GRANT.
Sunbury, May .u, ihuu.
FRESH Si:i'FLY OF DRl'GS at the
Mammoth More. Also, anew lot ot per
fumery, Soaps and Fancy Article. Very cheap.
Sunbury. May 28. 18ti0.
JARKIS' Soothing Syrup, for Children teeth-
- ing. For sale at
October 16, 58.
11 VK Barrels Portland Kerosere Oil, Ihe best
ia market, at FKILING &t GRANT'S.
Sunbury, January 28. I860.
LET everybody know that Friling & Grant,
have the best assortment of goods of all
kinds and that they selling them cheaper
than ever.
Bunbury, May 28, 1BC0.
Valuable Real Estate.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, in the borough
of Sunbury, on Saturday, the 30lh day of June
next, a certain tract of land, situate in the
township of Upper Augusta, Northumberland
county, adjoining Innd of Michael Shipn on the
north, Innd of John Farnsworth on the east,
Shamokin creek and land of John W. Frylihg
on tha south, and land of Joseph Gass on the
west, containing 88 acres, moro or les, about
70 acres of which are cleared and in a high state
of cultivation, whereon are erected a two stiry
log dwelling house, weathcrboarded, a large bank
barn, a two story frame tenant house with cellar
and ice house under it, and other outbuildings ;
also, a good well of water, a good orchard, Ac.
Also, a certain other messuage and tract of
land situate in said township of Upper Augusta,
adjoining Shamnkin creek and land of Joseph
Gass on the north, other land of said intestate
and Joseph Havidge on the east, land of John W,
Peale and Samuel V. Sickle on tho south, and
land of Philip Sarvey on the west, containing
9" acres, more or less about CO acres of which
arc cleared and in a good state of cultivation
whereon are erected a largo two story log dwell
ing house, rough cast, a large bsnk bam, wagon
shed, and numerous other out buildings, a good,
never failing spring of water, a good peach nnd
apple orchard, &c. The Shamokin Valley Rail
road lasses through both of the above mentioned
farms, about 2J miles east of Sunbury. Also,
another certain messuigo and piece of land,
BltitntA in ti.l f .iiT..L-k in n I. ...... A .
.... yj, , IT11 OgUNOt,
adjoining Shamokin creek and land of Joserh I
f .u- . .i. t i- .. . . i
.'.it- on iiir nurui, nnu nojoinmg tnn otner land
ol the said Silas Wolvcrton, deceased, lant above
mentioned and described on the east, south and
west, containing three and a half acres, more or
less, ail of which is elesred nnd in n good state
of cultivation, whereon are erected a ono and a
half story log house, a frame stable, a good
spring of water, &c. Also, a certain other
mcsflunge aud pieco of land, situate in said
township of 1,'pper Augusta, adjoining Shamokin
creek and land of the estate ol said intestate on
the north, Innd of John W. Fryling on the east,
luml of Joseph Savidge on the south, and other
land of said intestate on the west; all of which
is cleared and in a good stato of cultivation, and
containing six acres, moro or less. Late the
estate of Silas Wolvcrton, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. .M. of said
day, when the terms and conditions of sale w ill
be made known by
WILLIAM REED, Administrator.
uy oruer ot the c ourt
J. II. MASSElt, Clk., O. C,
Sunbury, .May ft, 18ti0
Gideon Derk, ") In the Orphans' Court of
vs Northumberland county.
The heirs of George Writ of partition of valu
Dcrk, deceased. i ation, returnable to August
j Term, 18C0.
To Samuel Derk, residing in the Stalo nf Ohio,
Catharine Dctk intormarned with Adam Fees,
Elizabeth Derk intermarried with Georgo Kcrs
tetter, George Derk, Michael Derk, Daniel Deik,
John Derk, Gideon Derk, Benjamin Derk, Peter
Derk, Maria Deik intermarried with Philip Gra
der, Solony Derk intermarried with Andrew
lvlinjer, all residing in Northumberland county,
and Leah Derk intermarried with Solomon Dolig
residing in Potter county, Pa., all heirs and legal
representatives of George Derk, deceased.
You and each of you, are hereby notified, that
by virtue of the above writ, to me directed, an in
quest will bo held nt tho late residence of said
George Derk, deceased, in Cotncron township,
Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, on
Thursday, the Mth day of June next, (lytiu.) at
10 o'clock A. M., for tho purpose of making
partition of, oi to valuo aud nppraisc the real
estate of said decedent, (to w it : A certain tract
of land, situate in Cameron township, Northum
berland county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Geo.
Hornberger, Elizabeth Sleig, nnd others, con
taining HO acres, moro or less.) At which time
and place you may attend, if von think proper.
Sheriffs Office, )
Sunbury, May 12, 18C0. J
Italc of Sarah Kerr, defeated.
James reitler, "j In Iho Orphans' Court of
vs j Northumberland county.
The heirs of Sarah ) Writ of Partition nnd
Kerr, deceased, j valuation, returnable to
J August Term, 18'iO.
To Jane TeilTer late Jane Kerr, Sarah Lever
ria, intermarried with Wallace Russell, Eliza
intermarried with Ducialow, William
Kerr, and John H.Wilson guardian of James
and Richard Kerr, minor children of James Kerr
and Thomas Kerr, deceased, heirs and legal re
presentatives of Sarah Kerr, late of the Borough
of Turbutville, in Northumberland county, Penn
sylvania, deceased.
You as.J each of you arc hereby notified, that
by virtue of tho abovo writ lo me directed, au
inquest will be held upon the real estate of said
Sarah Kerr, deceased, to wit : Three certain tuts
or pieces of ground, situate in Lewis township,
and the borough of Turbutville, Northumberland
County, aforesaid, on Tuesday the 26th day of
June next, (I860,) at l(t o'clock A. M., for tbe
purpose of making partition of, nr to valuo and
appraise the snid real estate, at which time and
place you may attend if you think proper.
Sheriffs Oliice, )
Sunbury, May 12, I860. )
A N o TlnslfTuiTivA L of
J. II. EXCEL, or Snnl.ury, Ia.,
HAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of
Philadelphia, lo which ho respectfully invites
his friends and the Public to call and inspect,
he wilt spare no time in showing them. Among
his stock of goods will Ufound, FINE BLL'E
Fine Black and Fancy Casimeres '1 weeds, Sat
inctts, Jeans, Black Italian ('loth, Cashmeretie,
Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check,
and Fancy Vesting, also a largo assortment of
Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys
Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk
Tissue, Uereges, Chali and Chnli Kobes, lierege
Delaine, Uerege Rubes, Figured Brilliant and a
variety of other Dress Goods, Spriug aud Sum
mer rihawls. Mantillas, Parasols, a good asort-
meiit of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, lrUh
Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A
general assjrtiueut of domestic Dry Go ds.
Also a large slock of Hapj and Caps, Boots
and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware,
Groceries, Cedirware, St me and Earthenware,
Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Od,
Tar Slc.
N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and
Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be
sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta
en in exchange for Goods.
Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf.
Attorney 5 Counsellor at Law
EJTJIsrBTXEVX', 3? a. .
WILL itu-nd faithfully to the collection of claims
and all professional business in the counties of
Northumberland, Montour, Union and Snyder.
C'ouiixel given in Ihe German language.
ttT Oliice one door east of tho Prolhonotary's
Sunbury, May 36, I860. ly
Manufacturers and Importers.
Silk Bonnet3, French Flowers,
No. 725 Chesnut Street, 3 doors above Masonic
May :, !e60.-4ra
q q q q t? q
22. IT. BRIGHT & S
INVITE the public lo call and examine their
Stock of
combining beauty and durability.
a very largo variety.
all qualities and prices.
fresh and pure.
II A 11 D W A R E ,
of every description.
of the latest styles.
newest and best designs.
a first rate assortment, Ac, Ac., Ac.
Our stock r.f tlio above is very lar-e.
Purchasers will find it their interest to
call and examine our assortment before
puichasinj el - here.
r-:r country produce
Wnntcil in exchange, at tho highest
Sunbury, April 21, IR'iO.
ci ) oriiir&" CON ARI )i
H. I'. Corner Ninth nnd Market .Streets.
I X ITE attention to the largest stock Ihcy have
ever ollered, comprising in part,
Of plain, striped and mixed (Moths, of the newest
shapes and material, got up in tho most
manner, and to sell at very reasonable rales.
Black Silk Mantle.",
Grey Dress Goods',
Chene Mixtures,
Barege Anglais,
French Bareges,
Barege Robes,
Plaid Good.-i,
Bayadere Goods,
Black Dress Goods,
A No.
First rate Ulack Cloths, for $2 2o, $2 ot) and i-i
Light Cloakings at 2", 41 51) and S2
Stock of Cloths is very lurge, select and cheap.
Fancy, neat, plain, mixed and black.
Goodscspecially for Hoys' near.
Fine Black Casiimercs, $1 toSJ !.).
Vesting of Silk, Valuneiri and Marseilles.
Ninth and Market Streets, Philadelphia,
vlpr il I, I8C0.
Sale and livery Stable.
rI11"' subscriber respectfully announces to tho
public that he is prepared to accommodate
them with Saddle-Horses, Horses and Buggies,
Sulkies, Carriages, Korkaways and Hacks, nt
the shortest notice. His stuck of Horses nn
admired for speed and gentleness. The vehicles
arc neat and in good order.
Careful drivers will always be i.i readiness t.
carry passengers to any point desired.
tV Omnibusses for pnrties and pic-nics can
be had at all times with nr without driver.
'I he patronage of the public is respectfully so
licited. J. II. ECKUERT, Manager.
Sunbury, April 21, IH00.
wixmrn-stsn ami
Eon Sale ur
Sunbury, April 2S, 18r9.- 2m.
Elower fcEEDari-
GARDEN, Field and Flower Seeds, a choice
variety at Ihe "People's One Price Store"
Sunbury, April 7, '.SCO.
To Consumptives
IN 0
flHE subscriber, for several years a resident of
JL Asia, discovered while there, a simple vegt"
table remedy a sure Cure for Consumption,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous
Debility. For the benefit of Consumptives ami
Nervous Sufferers, he is willing to m&ko tho
same public.
To those who desire it, ho will send the Pre.
scriplion, with full directions (free of chargeV
also a sample of the medicine, which they will
find a beautiful combination of Nature's simpio
herb'. Those desiring tho remedy can obtuiu it
by return mail, bv addressing
J. E. Cl'TII DEI5T,,
No. 4S'J Broadway, New York.
April 1 1, lfit;o. 3m
Si CO'S ltet.zine, which removes pjii.t spots
grease, See, eVc, and cleans glove, silks, ribbons,
Ac, equal to new, without the slightest injury to
color or fabric. Sold bv all Drujuists. also at this
office. 2!i cents tier boltlf.
VTOOHNKI.Il'SMAll.WS", No V.V) J,mh!,
rcon.l Strrcll, (llfll lliH.I to C. n Men. !') O
IMiiliiitelplua, wiulit invite I tits a.lrnti..u l' tlieir'
j fr.ettO and customers. l't the politic iu ueu.TuI, t"
. a Utrtre mid well sclecte.) stot-k of
t- onsiitinK of Velvets. Tapestries, Threr-Plvs.'
,: liimiMis. "l Ve.ioiiin. Alio, WINDOW
, MlAIJKS.OII, CIO I'llS, MA TTINGS. Willi-, l-i
y'.liKTS, HWS, .MAIS, b'l'Allt KOIW, Ac, 3
!wlni-li ho sells Very clu-iip for rash, whij.smle ryj
!an.l retnil. lr l. Kl, It-rJU Iv ' -
IRILIMi A. ORANT have just received b
railroad the largest assortment of yCEENS
WARE and liLASHWARK ever Irmght to
Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY HOODS,
consisting of Spring Dress Cioods, Prints, Mus
lins and Notions. t r 7. IBtiQ.
Miolt Notice.
THE suhscrilwr having retired from business
hereby notifies all persons indebted to him
on Hook account or otherwise, to call and
settle the same w ithout delay, otherwise they will
be put into the bands of a justice for collectiou
Sunbury, Nov. S. 1859. tf
1."V")R SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok
ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal
Stooes. Enqniie st this niliee.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Mill E subscriber bus just received the largest
JL and best lot of Shinglesevcr brought to this
place. Also a large lot of White Pine Siding,
Joiee, Studding, P.iling and Sningling Lath,
which he oilers very cheap for cash.
Yard in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.
April SI, 1S60.