Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 02, 1860, Image 4
SHERIFF SALES. rY iittto of sundry writs of Vksditiom Hahuas nntl writs of Levari Facias, is- mi .1 jiu if the Court of Common Picas of Nor thumberland county, to me directed, will lie expo sed to Public Sale, at the Central Hotel, in the bo- tiiugh of Sunbury, Northumberland county, I'er.iifylvanio, on Tuesday, the nth doy of Juno, (18(10,) at 11 o'clock A. M., tho following do bcrihed property, to wit: All that certain two story building, situate in the town of Trevorton, in Zcrho township, Northumberland county, containing 20 feet in front and IB feet in depth, situate on Shamokin htrect, and Icing lot No. 1 1, in block No. 107, in the general plnn of said town., taken in execution, and to be sulJ as the property of John David. ALSO, At the same time and place, a certain lot of giound, situate in the town of Trevorton, in Zerho township, Northumberland county, Liciitu; lot No. 5, in Ulock No. KM, bounded by lot No. i, on the west, and lot No. 6, in same II lot k on the east, an alley on the north, and frontii.g on I. 'oiil street on the fcnuth, containing 2! lectin front. and l.'O feet in deplb, Seized tiiken in ex ecution and to be Bold as ihe property of Charles Wetkcl. A I. SO: At the some lime and plucc, nil that certain . htick huildiinr or (ins House, being HI) feet in front, and 211 feet in depth, situate upon a cerium lot or piece of prim nil in the IhitoukIi nl Sunbury, Northumberland county, on the east side of a -It feet alley, extending iioillnvard hum Fuwn street in said borough, urj. lining on the south, the (!ut on t'.ie eaht and north. Seized, taken in ex ecution and to be sold ins the properly of Theo dore D ALSO, At the smile tin.e and place, two full equal and undivided third parti of und in a cril.iin tract of land of eighteen hundred acres of coal land, commonly called "The Mclulyre Lunds," embracing the Locust Mountain, situate formerly in Shamokin, now I'onl township, in tho counly of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Ad jcining on the North lot No. G, thence by land surveyed in the name of George Colrain, now Messrs, Boyd cV Co., and land formerly of Wm. Tomlinson, now Messrs. Boyd & Co., thence by allotment No. 8, thence by the Mahanoy Moun tain, containing eighteen hundred and seventy, four acres and seventy perches, strict measure, being sundry tracts oml parts of tracts of land surveyed on warrants bearing date the 1 5th day of March. Anno Domini I '.);!, granted unto Edmund Huff, James Urter, James Jenkins, Richard altnon, Richard Manning and Thomas rosier ; also, parts of tracts, surveyed on warrant bearing dalo on the loth day of November, Anno Domini 1331), granted to Daniel Hrautigani and .allies Hepburn, und allotted to Valentine Brohsl ad No. 7, necording to a certain partition of I wcnly-live tracts of land, commonly called the "tirunt Lands." Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Edward McCube. ALSO, At the same time and place, two contiguous lots of ground, situate in the town of trevorton, in Zerbe township, Northumberland county, bounded on the north by Mahanoy street, on the south by Kailroad street, or. the east by lot of Harrison lleim and lMghth street, and on the west by lot No. 1 1, said lots being numbered in the general plan of said town as Nos. 12 and 13, in hlock No. 50, containing each 150 feet in depth, und 25 feet in width. Seized, taken in execution, und to be sold as the property of Isaiah Morgan and Mary Morgan. ALSO, At the same lime and place, a certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Little Mahanoy town ship, Northumberland county, hounded on the south by the Trevorton Kailroad, on tho north by Mahanoy creek, on the east by land now of Samuel iioailurinel, and on the west by land of the heirs ut Vt illiatn Koadarmel, deceased, con tsining t of an acre, more or less, whereon is erected a two story fiaine tavern house and a frame stable, outbuildings, Ac, now in the occupancy of Mathias T. Boliner. Seized, taken in execution, and to lie sold as the property of JJuiiicI Kramer. ALSO, Al the same time and place, a certain lot or piece ol ground, situate, in Sliamokm township Northumberland cour.ty, adjoining lands of Isaac Arnold on the south, V aters heirs on the west ,ohn Doughtier on the north, and the public road leading from Snydertown to the Centre Turnpike on the east, containing 3 acres, more or less, ail of which is cleared, whereon is erected a two stury frame dwelling house, out kitchen, a well of water, a frame stable, outbuildings, oic Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Isaac Martz. ALSO, Al tho same time and place, a certain lot or piece of giound, situule in the town of Trevorton, Zerbe township, Norlhtimbeil.uid county, bound ed on the north by Mahanoy street, on the south by Kailroad street, on the east by lut No. 0, and on the west by lot No. 1, it being marked in the general plun of said town as lot No. 5, in block No. 55, whereon is erected a ouo story lug bhunty. Seized, taken in execution, und to be bold as the property of Martin C'Neal. ALSO. Al the same time and plucc, a certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Sun bury, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the west by Fawn street, on the north by a lot of Samuel Snyder, on tho south by a lot of ,ohn Salman, and on Ihe east by an alley, contairing in front, on Fuwn street, 2S feel or thereabouts, and 2UU feet in depth whereon is erected a two sury frame dwelling house, a well ot waler, outbuildings, Ac. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property ol Williuiu L. Dew art. ALSO, A Iso, at the same time und place, (by virtue nf writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of said Couit, to me directed.) the one undivided hall part of all that certain tract or parcel of laud, situate in Turhut township, Northumberland' county aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit : On the south by Milton Cruiclcry, on tho eust and north by land of William Heinen, and on the west by Iho Snnhury Sc Frio Kailroad and the West Branch Canal, containing twenty-two acres and a half, more or less, whereuu is erected a lime kiln, all of which is cleared. Seized, taken in execution, anj lo le v!d as Ihe property of William J'. Marr. ' ' 3 ALSO : At the same time and place, (by virtue of ano ther certain writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of said court, to directed, a certain tmct of piece of land, situate in the borough of Sunbcry, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : beginning at lhu miililla of the wing-walls of Ilridge across Shiinokin crpek below the town of Sunbury, ihence north 5J degrees west, 4 perches to a post ; north 6 degrees east eight and six-tenth perches to a post ; thence north 15j degrees eust liHy-two twu-leuths per ches to a post j Ihence noi Hi a degrees cast 31 perches to a large willow j thence norlh 85 de lines west, 2 perches to the river Susquehanna ; Ihence down said river, the several courses and and distance! thereof to Shamokin creek ; and thence up said creek, the several courses and dis- auce thereof, to the place of beginning, con. taming J acres more or less, (heing all the land, formerly to Benjamin Hendricks, lying Wfs, 0 he centre of the front Koad, leading from Sun. bury to M.r.nV. Kun,)-.U of which is cleared whereou are ereeted two frame dwelling Houses', waler- "(?" and shed, and othe outbuilding. Seized taken in execution and lo le sold as the property of Ira T. Clement. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff ShcrifTa Office, 1 .bhciuT. Sunbury, May 12, I860. FOR S-A.X,eI rpWO LOTS situate in Market atreet, in the town of Trevorton, Noa. IS and 13, in Hock Appiy to wm. UAUlil.fcK, fck-lin grove, or H. B. MASHER, Sunbury. l'LASTEH ! PLASTElf! ! f(") TONS prime Nova Scotia 8ott Plaatcr for UXJ aale Ly BiilUIIT & SUN. fc'uubury, April 7, I 60. CENTRAL HOTEL, I SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa- PIMIIS large and rninmodion Hotel, now -- managed by J. H. KCKBKJT. It is situate at the Kailroad Depot North East corner ol Market Square, Snnhury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury iV Erie and North, em Central Railroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The priprictnr will give his exclusive atten tion, totre comfort and convenience of his guests and is determined to make this establishment rank arnonrf the first in the 5tnte. Hi3 table will be supplied with tho best the market can produce having the advantage ot daily civminuiiiuntion by cars direct from Halli more, and also from those bringing produce from the surroundini! country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors tho market can produce Ca-cful and obliging sfrvnnla always in at tendance. A share ol the local and traveling community is most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 12, 18(i0. The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal ! AWARDED to C. MEYEK, tOHlllS TWO PIANOS. LONDON, OUTObl'.U I j, MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the public, eenerally that he has con stantly on hand Pianos, equal to those for which ho received the I'rize Medal in London in IS51. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection olid packing the same. He has received during the last liltoen years more Medals than ony other maker from the Franklin Institute also, firt Premiums in A'os' ton, New Vork and Haltimore. Warerooms No. 722 Arch Street, below h , south side, l'biladelphia. April 1 !, .8(i0. 3inw HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS. M. C. GEARHART, Has returned with a new Slock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. I Tseeics as if a new age, a new life was open JL nig upon us, animating every Heart to noiiicr deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to devclope sub liiner beauties and grander conception. 7'he business world too must feel the new in fluence and every' part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge in on w ith electric speed to the consummation of greater things thon was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share In wards "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the pood peo ple ofSl'NULKV and the public generally, that lie has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock uf Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is ulso manufacturing nil kinds of Confectionaries, &c, to fill up orders, wholesu'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectionaries, may be found : French SccretB, Iturueil Almonds, ('renin While, liCtnoii Kme, Vimilln, Common PecrcU. Liquorice, Ha until is, Dates, Cum Drops, ullkmCi of scent, J.ovc Oioiis, Mint Drops, red and white, .Ml)' Cakes, Knot Dnijis, Htick t'titiiltes, of all scents Rock Candy, Almond Cunay, FRUIT. I'ruHea, t'ies, Citrons. CurruntB ducd, Alitiuuus, Unisons, Nuti of all kind! LKMOX SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, &c, all of which is otTered cheap at wholesale or retail. ITS'" Kemember the namo and place, jsrj M. C. UFA KHAItV, Market tt., 3 doors west of L'. Y. 1) right & Sun's store. Sunburv, April 14, 18C0. ly THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug, Paint and Glass Store, s. v. tun. roi'HTn &, CALiAvnii.LTKi;i: r, nilhADKI.I'iliA. 1 IU'( CISTS, MiTcliuiilB, Farmt-rv, and llic puIiIm; I tvtTvw iit-rt, 1 wilt sell utwliiles..le Mini n-inil, t-j J l lie SjiriiiK Tnitlc of l-(iu, a licuvy Utk ol liiuun, Mult- ! tuiica, t'ticuiicuU, Alv. Ac, Ac. ! JO.IHiO lioxcti ul" ViaUtw Olass, a&u rud kjzes anl riuitlilu'9. ! iUjlXfU PuiitHlnof rutty, White, Ulack, littl, Ac, m ItuTk j or Ltl;uUlfi8. (.00U On Ions l.msml Oil, Sj)iiiu Turpentine, Cainj liriiu j AU'olnil, Ac. i Tuni i Pure While l.t'ot.. in bbtt., J Mil., Iu0, 23 30 Tons of Siitw While I.tsiJ, in bblf, J bbls. If f), : 0o, -' mid 1-J1. lb kt'f 40 Ti'uh t.f .New Vt-rk hue Lead, in bbln , J llu, 110, ; .Ml, 'J niu. I 11 Ik kfpe. j 35 Tons ol' Puie 1 rench While Zinc, in bbls, i bUs. 1I.U , 60. 'iuiui IJi lb kvjH j 0 Tinm of American r?ii"W While Zinc, in bbU, j I ibis (Kt 60, 23 und lb kft-B. 'JO Ton of lelni;li American Zmc, m bbls, )4 bb!a, 100 SO, 'J.i, and 12 i lb. kejjs '25 Ton of Zinr I'-ui ti, of dulrieut colon, in bbls, j iibls. 100, GO. 25 and I'J- lb keys. 30 Tiu of .Mil itr hI i'itiuia, vi dlK'ienl fKira dry or ground in Oil. 10f000 muiimU ot puie I'rencli Green, ('lironic Grt n, Yd- 1 jv, Hluc , H lac It und other colon, dry oi in oil. 1,000 pnuixlMo. Siiinltfc atiiortcd IJlue, Ulack, Itcd, Green, ' and other coui. lou l'iti'kn til" tiold l.ef, Glazier' Uani')miiit Glaziurh' I'titty, Hawk Knivei, Ac. j J.O0 G(H.nJ I mi let) nil, vitiniNhes, .lapniiH, inn Dryer,! Ac. fulfil, Vanmh ami 'alMiimiie Uruslies, ti-crther with it e 'inpktc H'irtnieiit of cuhm Goodti embruLxd ia the lru- and l'uint iJutiueiia. Al,iO, 3.000 l.bln. Roman Cement. :t ono HtiHeiidale and Hydraulic Cement. I.imi " I'ulciin-d, .:tnd, lJrniiHtrv, Custin ri;iBlcr,Ac. IV" AM -rf wtncli I will aril ut Wholesale and Kei.ul, ut hum 10 lo 20 u r cent lens llian oilier cttalibnliiiien!. IIKMtY O. U. liAhS, ri"ii ietnr of the ritiluiUIj.hta C.isli Pin.', I'ah.t iintl HIjiss Slttir, S 'uili-Wrnt corner of Fourth and (Julluwliui Sla., I'hiia. Maieli 3, l-tt. :inm A NEW STOCK OF LL) CO sjJ? OLi w Sj C . 'I''H K sulu-crilicr has just ri-veirrd hy (UilroaJ a new Ktotk of Ktmly Mady t'lolliiug, con-bi-.l ill of SPRING AND SUMMER GO0D3 fllcll K COATS, VESTS, PANTS, GAlTEllS, SHOES, &c. a l irgo variety of ready made Simla, in price from SO eta. to 3,U0. AUo, a largo assortment of Mcn' and Iloy' HATS &z CAPS, of all kind. lYi.oim who arc in want of (Motliing ahould call at once an th.'V will kavc nionry. Slori' Kooin on llif I'oim r of Murke and Fawu utri'i-ts, nearly niiu.-.lln ravi i' Motel. tst' 1 1 WEITZ E It , 1 1 K 1 1. It lit IN . E 1! & C t J. kiuiihury, April 7, I mill. Ijjunc FOR J3J.3L,E. A FULL SETT OF UKAS3 L'ANU INSTUUMEKTS. RANT'S Cornet Band f,(Ter f. r lalo tLeir full aett of instruments consisting of 12 iuce, several oflbem buin? rotary valvei. For further particular! apil to TIKIS 0. UHANT, Leader, or JAUI1J U. III. IN, r resident. Kuntury, March 3, 18C0. JOSIAII BRYAN k CO. Hour and Grain Factors, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fm 8U! nf Produca in General, Br.d Sue.,, b.,.w Vme, Vt ..d, rtULAUEU'IHA. Dettmbcr ?, 4.3ni "WILLIAM 3. OITYDEIV MANTJFAOTTTBEH OP FURNITURE AMJ CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Horn, IHvnn and Lounges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, ifWVi, ISrealant and Dining Tallies, and also VENETIAN BLINHS, eqttol to Phil dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In fhort.rvcry article in this line of his business rIMIE subscriber respectfully calls tho attention of the public lo bis largo and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to recommend itself to every nr who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and . plcmlid finish, made up of the best stink lobe had in Hie city. No elTort is spared ill the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscriber is determined t keep tip with t he many improvements which arc constantly h ing made. He a'.so manufacture all kinds andqualities CIIA1KS. ncluding varieties never before to bo had il Sunbury, such as Maiiikiant, k Val!ut ANII Ct H1.KII MArLK (iBKCIAM i AJiO WlMISOB CHAIKK, ami fa n c t PiAfo Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Tho subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about, the quality and finish of his waro and Chairs These articles will be disposed of on as good term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try pioduce taken in payment for work. L'NDEWTAKINli. Having provided a handsome Hkaiisk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, nnd attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient, distance from this place The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased tho right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Ciould's patent Fxcelsoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. WILLIAM S. SNYDER. Sunbury, January 14, 1H0O. SUSQ UE II A NNA FEMALE COLLEGE, s i: 1. 1 s - c; it o v i: , r , THIS School is iii1cii'!b1 to niTonl tho very heat n-lnn Ci'.M's, al n inoi!iraUrliiirui' to 8ti!i us tuny Im tut rue I d to it ean Tin; luiiMiug is larue, vll ni raMfil, and urnifln-tl Willi every ll.nm necewn y to heulih and coin ott. Tari'iits mid ttirinltaiiH tire invited to etaiimu? its eliiiinf uti'l to smppoit it only in bo tar lis it may Le tumid lo puescss real incut. r a(i irv. Itev. O. C. nATfiUMAN, A. M rrmeipnl. Mrs. M. 1.. nM'iaiMA.x, ) Alius , W. Ili'Ni'KM-, ' Amislanl Tcuehcri. JMms Jri.LA A. Catlin, J Vt It HOLM; lt.-v. li. KrnTZ.D.D. U lD.: IlcV S. UO.M Kit, A. M , l.ecliiici(i. KXl'K.NKS. I?.i:iuU)ic. t ti it i ii in iho reuular courite iiu'lii'linir Latin, wisliiti?, liuMitc, tiu-l ntiJ use of futnifihed loom wr scHsion 1. 1 o iiinniJiri, Fee for Heading Itot in, DAY SCUOI.AKS. 8-n po l ui Tuiticn in the CttlN'ciate Dfparlntfnt prr schnon, A''adcuii! " 41 " Incidental clutre lor lucl. ink, ehii!k, c, l'XTlt A CIIARCKS. Music on the Pianowuh use ot Instrument, " ,M-todLOl " " (iuitar " (1 IJar, " Sperm I nistnu-iit'n in Voeal Mueic Dniwn uitli life oi'inrxleiii, (il rutntiii, " Greek, ticTiufin and Freneli each. Sis i JU IK) 1 51) V) no IT mi II ui SO (Ml A IHI I t- (Kl 1-J (10 i 0 (HJ I rnynieiit tn he made hiilf in utlvnncc, mid the balance at ttie middle ol the netH'ou. There will he im deduct inn for Hhseiiet, except in rases of prntnictrd fK'kiu-M. A hhcral deduction will Le, niude iu favor of the daughters of Chrpyinrm. I'oi Circulars Addresu. ltev.C C HAUiUMAN Ot Hew S. DO.MKK. Srliiis-firovr. Pa., Sept. in, ly ECONOMY! v CO J'" Save tlie Pieces ! Asufewieuts wdl happen, even in well-rccnlnted fami heN, il is very ile.irnble to have Borne eheap mid cmvemeiit way fur resiling rurniture, Toys, Croekery, Jke. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all tvieh meri;eiirii-i, nnd no liniiieh"!d ran niford to he without it. It ii always ready and up to the at irking p iint. There is im litnct-r u nccesKity for limping chairs, l'!iMteri vi-neers, hi iitlicitu (IkIIh, nnd broken riudlei It ia jiit the urtielf fr com-, nhell, und other ornamental wurk, no p".ul;ir with Indies of lefiiieiiifitt mid taste. This admirable piepiiration i uaed euld, lniuijr ehemiwillv li-ld m sluiirtu,iitid ost;f8Pii,jf nil the valunble ii:ili;ietof Ihe b'-st e.ibiuet-nmker'ii Glue. It may be tned in Ihe place of oiilniui y iinieiliie, being vutlly iiittre adhesive. "ISI'l I I, l KVrilY IIOCSK" N. B A Uruhli uerjmip:ini g curb b iltle. "i'nee 'io cents. Wh"U'bule IJepot. o A- Cedar street, New York. A.ldrcss, JJKNKY C.H'AI.IHMi & CO., iio No. 3.WJO, New York. t it up for Dealers in eas s eontaiuitijr Four Kmht.and Twelve l)'Zen leauiiful I.ithogniphic Show Curd uc Coiiipanyiiig eat:h p:u:k:.ure. Asmle bottleot Sjwddiun's Pri'pared Glue will save ten limes its ct uuuuaili lo every household. K'lttbyull prominent Stationer.-t, Pi Uiiit Hardware and rurnilure Dealers, fi hirers, und Kauey Stores. Country Merchants tdiould nmke u note oi Spalding's prepared (ilue. when they make up their Im. It wil slaiul any climttte. For sale at thiaofuce. Mnich 10, .-fin. ly 3LI1TES iLlTD SHAPES. B. J. WILLIAMS, iVi). lfi AVJ Sirth Street, 1'11T.ADKLPIllA IS Till-: MOST I.XTKNSIVK MAN I' I' A DTI' II Kit OF Venetian IBIintlat in WINDOW SHADES. IV THE LAUIiEST AND FINEST tsiiurtiiieiit in the City, at the Lou cat Cash Prices. UT Store Shades made and Lettered. April 14, I Mill 2m 11UWAUD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent institution established by special l'.nthwment, for the l'tlief of the Hick und J Hxtresttd, u(iticled with Virulent and JCpi demic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of I lit easts of the Sexual Or y ant. A ED1UAI, ADVICE given gratia, by the Acting Burgeon, to all who apjily by letter, with description ol their condition, (age, occu pation, bal'it. of life, Sic.,) and in rasca of extreme poverty, Medicine furnished, free of charge. V A l.l.'A 1H.E REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, ami other Disease, of the Sexual Organ., and on the .NEW RK.MKU'KS employed in the Dinpen aary, sent to the elllicted ill aeialed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three atamp for iiostunu will le acceptable. AJ.Irc... lilt. J. ciKII.I.IN HCrGHTON. Acting riurgeoii, Howard Aociulion, No. t South Niiilli istieet, Thiladelphia, Fa. by order of the Uircctora. t'UA 1). HEARTWELL, rreaident ('no. KiiKi iimii, Secretary, January 14, IS.Ml. ly NOTICE 4 1.1. peraoni indebted to the firm of Filling & Orant are resjiectfully requested to come forward and pay up their account between thia and Ihe Ut of April, ai tbej wish to go to the city to lay in their epring supplieav. I-Kll.l.NU & GRANT. Bunbury, March 10, lb 00. NEW GOODS At the Uammoth Store of ia i n.iMii vr, NO. 1 MARKET STREET, BUNUURY, TK. HjlHE luhscriber hat just opened ot his well L known establishment in Sunbury, one of the hen pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods. that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell fur CASH or exchange for Country Preduce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine bis stock. TtT.Ar.TC AWT1 FANCY SILK. All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, Ueautiful Dress Sbflded. .Plain and Striped- must be teen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and I) ruche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Uoya" Wear, Ulaclc Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. FLANNELS, , White and I!cd Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay Sliito Sack Flannels, colors finest qnattioe. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, HaU and Caps, &c, $ c.t all of which were selected with great care, nnd will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II A 111) W A Kit, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, C)ticenswnref of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, &c, Taints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the luture. 8unbnry,Oct. 2, 1859. , To Housekeepers SOMETHING NKW.-n. T. BABBITT'S BF.ST M KDI CI N A U SA LKK ATUtt. f.Q' Ifimiimifiirtiirt-tl fnun common salt, nnd is pre- fG pnrctJ entirely diflrreiit from ntlicr Sulpriitu. All tlie tlck'tcrinus mnltur cxtmctett iiintirlin Trimmer and us to ptoilnco Bremt, IJisruit, and nil kinds of' AND Ctike, without continuing a particle of 8m lei ut us "Tf when the Hreutl or Cuke is btiKed ; thereby pro. 'A tliicin wholcmmm rcsulUt. l'.very purticle of ,Siilur;itus is turned to c nn(' pufuci through the Urud or 1 ifcnit tvliild Baking; consfqnenlly t nothing rriTitiins hut common Saill, Water and Plrmr. Vnu will readily perceive ly the tnstc Inf thia HiiUrntiiK llmt ir i-nt irtt v dilri-i rnt ffiiin tXherSalerntni. j li ia packed in one ponml papers, cncli winp-, J per hrtinded, "B. T. Bahhit'a iWnt Meilicinulf Siilcratim ; ttlo, picture, twisted loaf if hrend, !,D with a ulnsa of eflerveseing water on the top. i 0 ',a 'nu parchnsu one pnpr you should pre- Q ( serve the wrupper, nnd Im purtu-ulur to get tlie , next cxiietiy likethe first. linintl ns nlxtve. )0 (lir,'',i"1is for making Bund with tlii Siiteriitns mid Sour Milk or Cmmi Tuitnr, will ucrMinpuiiy each pnfknire ; ,nlso, direetions fur imtkiiiif an kuv'h hi rastf y ; also, tor iiiumiir N I IrS ilu Wuleranil Seuliitz I'cwders. iV MAKE VOIR OWN SOAP. with 33. T. BABBITT'S l'l'RK CONCI'.NTIt.Ti:D POTASIt, 05 Warranted doul.le the nlrt-mitli of ouliuiiry Pot n."h ; put up in eiius 1 Hi., 'i His, 3 l!m, li snil KD I It. with full ilirei-tioiiH for inniiiin H;ml an:! '08 Sift Snip. Coin-uiiKTS will find tins clicapcl Potash in maikrt tj Maiiufacluicd anil f-T i-ale liv ! li T IHIUMTT. AND I Not. 03 und 70 Waxliirgliiu-.l., New-Voik, A nnd No. J- liuliu-st., Uo.ton. June II, IV). ly Je cuKArtsT :. m'u: LAiiotsr i : : Tny. for Tuition in Single iiml Donlile l'.ntry nonk-Keep-liig, Wi iliii, Cotniiirrcial Aiilhmetie ainl Lecturtt. . lunl S wt'eks 8'JO, f utionnry S7, Tuition S3o, entire expensi-. fetij. I'snal tune from fi to 10 weeks. Kvciy Pluilent, upon gnitlnutinir, is giiutniiteet! eoiiipeteut to manure tliu beok. ol any business, anil iuulitieii to cum a ..ilury ol from s.juo to eiooo. Students enter at any time -No vacation Review at pleasure. First I'remiumi for Best Business Wiitinn for IPii), reeeived all'ittslxirKh, I'hdrdelphin nnd Ohio State Fairs. Also, ut the prineipul 1'uirs ut the I'unin lor tlie j-usi luur year p. r?" Ministers' Sons received ut linlf price. For Circul.iit!, Speeimeus and Kuilwllishetl View ol' the College, iuelose live letter stamps to F W. JKNKIN9, Pittsbuigh, Vd. .lanunry 'Jl, 'Ot). Oet. e, V(J ly DR-'ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, IS the best Medicine in the world lor the Cure of Coughs uud Colt In, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, DuTiculty in Htenthinp, 1'alpitatioit of the Heart, IHplheriu, and fur the rtltel of patients in tlie advanced staires of Contnimp tum, together with u!l D it eases of the Throat and Chest, and which predispose 1 1 Consumption. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Art h ma, BeitiR prepared by a pnirtieal Pliysieimi rind Drue cist, and one of preat expeiieneu in the cure of the vaiious diseases to which the Human Iramu is liable. It is offered to the lilietd with the greatest confidence. Try it and h eonvmeed that it is invaluuble in the Cure of Broi chialaff.etini). Price 50 cents per Buttle. Hf I'repaked ontv hy Ur. a. i:si:nvfi .V CO., lniL'L'ists and Chemists, N. W. Corner Ninth ami poplar Sts. Philadelphia, t SOI, I) by every rtspectubhj Druggist uud Uvaler in Meitiouie throuliout the Mate. PhiludcIptun.Mareh 31, 1HK). lyw PLATFORM SCALES. OF FVKKY DKSCKUTKJN, bl'ITAULR FOR ItAll.UOAHS. Ac , for weihine hay, cind, i'jCj and merchandise fieuerully. purehasers run no tisk ; r every scale is guaranteed eoireet, and if, niter triul, not found tutismctttry, can be returned without charge. Ctt' Factory at the old stand, established for more than thuty-five years. ABBOTT A CO., Comer of Ninth nnd Melon directs, Philadelphia. Mareh ill, 1K0. 3iu'2jo watchesTjewelry and silver WARE. WE woulil respectfully infonn our friend., patrons am the puliln' gnierully. tliat we liave- now inlStoie aim oiH'r Tiiiii.f.Ai.e. a.mi ki.i aii, at the Inwest Ctoll Prices, a Inlge unit ve'V choice Block uf WATCIIKS. Ji: V, tSII.VKK AND PLATKD WAKH, of eveiy vnriety anil st le. Kverv ilescrintinH of DIAMOND WORK and other JKWT.MtV, made to oriler, lit short uolico. OT All CiiHKls Warranttil to be us representeil. N. U Particular aiieuiion given to the repairing of ivaiuit. anu jewelry 01 every ut-icrmiion. STAI KFKK ft HARI.F.Y, No. U-l-l Market Street, Siulli biJc, l'luludclphia. February 43, lMio. 3ul SO LU l7r"ll 10 4 Til H BOOK OFrt Vl Travels and great UiKoverie. of the Japailcae V uud 1-Uist India Medicine., with lull diieetion. lor Uie eer. tain cure of Consumption, Iiroili'lnli., Bough., Cokls, Cauirrh, A.lhtna, Feveis, lidart DiMiM. aVrofula. Cancer. Dyspepsia. I.iver Colnpluliit, liravel and L'riuaiy Deposiu r'euiHle Coinpluiut., o;e. Illustrated with hundreds of cerliheute. of eure. anil engruvintf.. For the purpose of reacuiiigu. mtmy sulfering lellow'lieing. a. possilila from premature ueatn, it win lie aenl 10 any part 01 the cunt!' ueiit, by sending 4o cent, lu DR. HEATH, Btr Broadway. New York Citv. B.ild,alsn, by A. V. Fisher, fuiibury; Conrad Weak, Northumberland : T 8. Caldwell, Iwitliurg j O. M. Ha yeutiueh, Hlooitislmrg ; Cyrus Drown, Miltmi j N. U and nans at 10., lmiiviue. February 18, loOU. ly. ASTHMA. 1MR tli. Instant Relief and I'crniaiient Care of tail . diatresaing coiuplaint use FENDTS - Ilronclilal Cit(aretle Mad l.y C. B. beVMUL'R ft CO., 107 Nassau Street New Yoik. l'nee.SI per box ; sent free by poet. Lr For Sale at all Druyaiats. niur SW, '60. Dm LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he hai received front Philadelphia a large itock of BOOTS & SHOES. Hi dock consist of Gen'ti Kipp Boots, Youth' Kijip Boot. Childreu'i Calf lioota. Also a variety of Women' Calf Lace Boot, Women' Morocco l ac Boot, Children' Morocco and Calf Lac Boom, all of which he will ell cheap for CASH. Call and examine for jourseNet. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroeo for ale for cash. WM. H.MILLER. Bunbury, January 7, 18li0. EVANS & WATS0H S Salamander SaFci. 804 CTesnul Street, ahnvt Third. rillLADF.l.rillA,, Sept. S!t, 1SS9. To tho President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Socioty : Th ru!ifrilirr, ynnr rtmimlttre to rxarainn lie con tent. ( . kAUMiKDKH IAI K of Kvmil Wolni. firr lieinn 'iiwit tri Mrnng fire on Iho fair ground, for eichl hrnir.. ri-ipeplfiillT Tlnil, after levfli coidsof nnk wixid .nil lhie f pine hfid li'ii mni.tiiiiPil nriiunrt the mfe, it wn. npp.netl. m tlie priwuce of the rommltteo, end Ihe content, luk out. ft little Wfirmd, bulllut even rcoTrhed. Hevpr.1 Silver Mtidul., hfretofnte receivrd tiv the nmnu fnrttirerlt, Bud Ihtrp qnentity of document., were in the life, mill rnmeoul entirely uninjured. The experiment Minified u. of the capacity of ftnfe. o ihi. kind to tirnieet content, from any lire to which they niny lie expimwl. The l-Ollliriltlce aWOriieoa uipiomn nnu r-nvrr mi-nni, OKO. W WOODWARD, JOHN W. OF.ARV. j. p. rti'Tiii:nFoni), ALFRKD S. UI1XK T T. STILL ANOniER. WiLMiKoTnN, r?pt. 17, 1W0 -Mcnri, Kvaa V Wat aon, l'hilnilelphln Gentlemen : The Pulanwnder Fire-Pruof Snfeof youi mnnfurp, pureenwd liy u. from your Agent, Ferri. ano Hairrlt,nf our city, aoine nine month, ago, wn. eevercly tried by liuriilara lint Piittirdnv night, and althonch they liatl a .leilge hiunnier, cold chinel., anil gunpowder, they did not tneeeiil in opening the Pnle. The lock being one of "Hull'. 1'iileiit I'nwiler-proof," they coukl imt get the powder into it, but drilled a hule in the lower panel and forced in a Inrge chnrge, whic l wn. igniteil, and although tlie d'Mir, inwile nnd out, allowed theexploeinn not to hiive been a .mull one, it w not forced open. We nppo.e they were tlie greater pnrt of the night at work on it. We nre much gralifiitlat tlie renuit of tee attempt to enter it, nnd if Ihe uliuve luclsure of uny acrvice, you are at liberty touie lliein. Voui., tiuly, BAYNARO ft JONES. Great Fire! Another Triumph!! KmxvrLLl, Tennmee, March 13th, 1SS0. MeMr. Kvnn and Walaon, Gentleman It nrTnnt. me frent plm.unetoMiy to you that the Sulainnmlet Safe, whirk purclHi.i'd of you in Febninry, p"5, proved to tie whnt you leciiininenileil it a .tire protection from fire My storehouse, together with Severn! other., whs burned to the ground in .Murih Inn. The Bale full through into the Jed Inr, and wn. exposed to intense hent for six or eight hours, mid when it wus tnken from the ruin, and opened nil its contents where found to lie in a peifeet slide, the Imoks and the pnper. not being injured any whiitever. I can cheer fully recommend your ffufe. to the community, believing, n. I do. thnt they nre a. nenr fire-p!oof n. it i. possible foi anvSnfe to bemnde. THOMAS J. POWKI.h. IV A Inrge iissortinent of the nlnive SAFI alwnv. on hniid. at W Clieinut street, (lute 21 South Fourth it. Philnilr Iphin. Octolier is, ISW. cly iv ' M"-ri DETERSIVE SOAP Thi Celelirutcd Washing tSouii is now in mar kot for more thn a year, and that it has given universal Riitinfailioii, in evident from the fact, tliat the Moiiiifarturcrs of it, 111 order to sutitilv Ihe demand, have been obliged to incrsano their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Tliou- sanil l ouinln per Week. It is tlocidudly the be and clicopcpt Koap ever tnuile in tnia Country : One round of it will go as fur, fot any use, as 1'lircc of the Common Soup in general use. It ut made upon a new principle, of the bent niatori als, and known only to ax IIaaoih & .Mr Kf.iixe. It does away entirely with the wnsh board naves the nect asily of boiling tlie clothe. it does not shrink Flannels, ui:muvi:h hiikahk, ink on ! a i.r KroLS icrleilli v, and from the most delicate fabric, naves fully one half the time and labor usually pprnt to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious ulkalies, end guuraulucd not to rot or injure me clolhin. ror ule by all respectable Grocer., and holceale by Til A IN & M KfO.N'K, No. '2 and 21 South Wharves. Philadelphia. CATJTION. There being several imitation liraml ef Deter sive iSoap in Market, the public arc notified that none is genuine except V Haaukn 5c Mc. Kioxk is Htampcd upon each Bar of the Soap as well as the U are. Sunbury, Oct. 2'J, 1853. TAILORING ! TAILORING ! ! JACOB O.BECK, IJKSI'KCTFIT.I.Y lnf.irins his friends nnd the public V Kencrully, thnt he will hereafter conduct the above business, at the old stand 111 Market street, Punbuky, on Ins own nrcount. He will be prepared lo make up all kinds of CLOTH INijinlho Latest and most Approved Style and Fashion. Thankful for the liliend uitroua.e heretofore received, he trusts by rciiaumlile charges unil prompt attention to busli ess, to continue the same. If All kinds 11 pioduce luken In exiliunge for work, ut market price. Sunbury, Ueceinber 17, IK50 Oin LOCATKD AT Philadelphia, Xeto York, JluJ'alo, Albany, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicayo. PIIILADE1.IMIIA COLLKt.f, 8. E. Corner ISeveuth und Clnsnul Snceia. a ifiiiicii- John B. Myer.. I Morns L. Ilallow. ll, Prof. John S. Halt. II Cowpenhwuii, J. U. I.ippincolt. COINTINO IIOIXB COfR!i:, Comprise. BiMik-Keepiug for Mereanhle, Itaiikiu, Rail, risnl, and MuiiulaelurniH Uusiuess with I'eiiiiiaiislnp, Cul. rutin. .ns, CorrrsiHiuilciu-e, Ae , 4c., fully (piaini ing the Student for actual business. Students receive individual Instruction. Diplomas are awarded to graduutea. 35 pays for l.ue tkholurship good in aeven Colleges! 9-ii for t'jrlial Course, le" For Catalogue a id Specimens of Writing, Addless, inclosing two IVsttiee Stamps. UK Y ANT STRA 1TON, Pliilad'a. August 6th, Ih'O. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT r The Missionary Iiisitiile Selinsgrove, Pa., FA CI 'LTV. Kev. P. BORN, A. M., Principal, and Prof (ireel and Knglish Literature. THEOPH ILL'S WEVKR, A. M. Vice Prin cipal and Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLINO. A. 13. O E., Prof ot Math. (Pure and Applied ) riHE second scholastic year of this Institute will commence on Thursday, the 8?d of September next. The Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific and classical course uf instruction, including ancient and modern languagea, mathematics, natural sciences, &e. Tiaxs Hoarding may be had from $ I 60 lo $3 per week. Tuition, per session, (of thirteen weeks) $5, $7 and $9, according to the grade of studies pursued. Tuition in sll rases, and boarding, if obtained in the InslituU building, must be paid in advance. Ths Principal will be assist! by competent and experienced teachers. For further particulars address any of the Pro fessors. Belinsgrovs, Pa., August 17, 1859. ly 11URE AND FRE8I1 GROCERIES, of all -- kinds, just received by , E. Y. BRIGHT oV SON. Bunbury, August 20, !8S9. CJAWaWood. Cross Cul and Mill 8aws - Superior article at FISHEK'8, BunSurv, July 17th, 1858 ANB WARRANTS. Th hit-has pries -will bs given for Laud Warranu by th sub sctibw. II. B MA he) EH. mm IIOSTETTER'S STOMACHJITTERS. It W a foot tW, t inmo tiorlod, Yerr mem ,f.'hLhumall fum"' su,,3ct lo disens. or dirturbnrice ot lh bodily but, Vith 1 11 nid of good tonlo nnd tho cxcrcifMi Of plain common sense, they may be abl go to regulate the aystcm as to iecure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired ohjeot, the true conrso to pursuo Is ecrtuinly that fchiuh trill riroduce a natural atata nf things at the loast liatnrd of yitul strength nnd life. .For this purpose, lr. Uostcttcr has in troduced lo this country a preparation bearing bis name, iiich is not a new utcdicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who havo used it. The Hitters operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowcln, ana liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Htomnch or Uowclu, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c., these Jjittcrs havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, (0 ffenerally con' traded by new settlors, and caused principally tiy mo cnango or water ana ttict, will be speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a di.tcaso which is probably moro prevalent, in all its' various forms, thun any other, and the cause of which tuny always be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using IIOSTETTEU'S STOMACH B1TTKHS, ns pel directions on tho bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Hitters of some kind; then why not uso an article known to be infal lible T AH nations havo their Bitters, ns n pre ventive of disease nnd strengt lienor ot tlio fj s- tern in general; and among them nil there ii not to bo found a moro healthy pcoplo thun the Germans, from whom tins preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have teaded to prove the value of this great preparation In tho scale of medical science. ' Fever and AaiB. This trying nnd provok ing disensc, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in a short timo, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, enn bo driven from tho body by tho uso of HOSTETTLll S RENOWNED 11ITTEKS. Further, none of iho above-stated diseases can bo cottlracted, even in ciposod situations, if the Bitters are ttfcd as per directions. And as they noil her create nausea nor offend tho palate, ami rcmler un necessary any chnngo of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with tho pro duction of a thorough ami permanent cure 'or l'eriont in Advanced Years, who nvc suffering from an enfeebled constitution nnd infirm body, Uicso Hitters nro invaluable ns a reslorativo of strength ond vigor, anil need only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother whilo nursing these Kilters nre indis pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishment hi inadeciuato to tho demands of tin child, consequently her etrcngth must yield, nnd liero it is where a good tonic, such ns Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, is needed to impart temporary strength nnd vigor to the system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for nil cases of debility, nnd, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if h0 is acquainted with tho virtue of the Hitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho public against using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but a?k for HOSIITTEH'S Cnt-EBHATtD ETOllArU UlTTKllS, nnd see that each bottle has tho words "Dr. J. Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters" blown cu the eido of the bottle, mid stamped ou tho metallic cup covering tho cork, aud obsorvo that our autogrupn signature is on tho label. t'f Propnrod and sold by HOSTETTEH & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., nud sold by nil druKgiats, srocers, nnd dealers generally throughout the United Status, Canada, BuutU America, aud Uermauy. SOLD IJY Gko. CitiuiiT, Sunbury, lv. 13. McCat, Northumberland, Cyri's Brown, Milton, H. M. (1. Wkntk, McKwetisvillo. October 8, ljj59. 1 y LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COMP Y CAPITAL STOCK 8-ioo,lHl, Company's Iliiildlng. Walnut Street, s.fc. corner ol Fouiih l'llll.ADia.l'UIA. Li IK LXSI.llAXCK AT THE US CM. MUTUAL 11 AT lis. Or nt Joint Stuck rules nt nlioiit 20 per rent less or al Total Abstinence flutes, the lowest 111 the win Id. A. WI1I1.UIN, president. J. C. Sims, Secretary. J. P. SIIIMUEL GOUIN Agent, Sl.NUI KV, PA. June H, i59y FURNITURE! FURNITURE !! 1'asjliluiiable, ( heap nnd n IuI THE LAKC5EST STOCK EVEl" OFFEIIEH IX SI'XIIURY. HT'IHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Kunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c., embraces KVt.KY VAIUETY, I Sf.Fl L kSO OK.t. H.liMAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as atiythinit that may be required in his line can In had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. Establishment South liust Corner of Market S-uare. tS" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. 8F.DA8TIAN HAL'PT. Sunburv, Nov. 19, 159. tf 409 BROADWAY, NEW YORK."" Ballou'i French Yoke Shirt Emporium, uu jiroaUtcay, New York, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, Shirts made to order from Scientific Measures, cf the best material, sewed hy hand, aud war- auicu iu nt, at mss than the usual prices. 11 ALLOC BROTHERS, Juiisj 4, I8S0. 409 Broadway, N. V. "THE INTFNATiONALOTELT ROADWAV, COHNKU OF FKANK1J.N STKliET, NEW YORK CITY, Oflars inducements to Merchanta and Toorisu viailinf New oik, unsurpassed by any Hotel in the Metropolis. I lie Ivlkiwuui ara aim nig ths advantages wlnek U poasca (ta, awl wbich will ba approeiatad by all Uavelera. 1st. A central kioamsi, rui vsuuut lo pbicea of buaiueai, aa well aa places o( ainuaetnent. fid. elenipuWualy clean, well fumialied siUiiur mnana, wua a uuujEuiueent Initios Pallor, coinniwisluig an Uiur aive view of Itroadway 3d. Lara; and aupetbly furnisheal Mtlinf moaaa, with a awTiibul tukjf, euuuuandiu( as uteuavs view taf itiiMulway. till. Hin eondaeted on th European plan, visitors eaui live in tM esssl atyis, witS th grwaiaat aaunuaay. aia. It is euNuaeieil witll Tailor's Celebrated Saloon, whars visitors an kav tbalr anaala, or, if laey deairs they will be (unuabed w Ikau awn ruouu. Sib. I'ha fare served nt tha tMrnksmaaial llotal ia ae kauw tensed y epical os, so a vastly auperiur to liial ot sjir iptiHsr Huwl iu tha city. With alt these advanUttsm, the eoat of livina ia Ihe Internals. !.!, la saueh ucluw tlstt ot any other fcrst ehusi II l A. HtLL-MAN, l'iortiUn. iuos 18, lSj Ir NEW FLOUR, FEED PROVISION rilJIE subscriber respect fu X te n of Sunbury and th borhood, that hs ha opened . west corner of Market Square Railroad Hotel, wher he i; keep on hand, Flour, Feed, i of all kinds, soch a WHEAT, RYE BUCK1 Oats, Corn and all kinds o Oranges, Nut eke., Frei on, Early .Vegrtablei from the 801 He wilt constant! mrtlvr Baltimore and Philadelphia, 1 joe season, as mey come Into oj prompt attention and reas cctve a share of th public pa Sunbury, April 16,1869 NOTlC ADAM'S EaPR Give notice that they have c ems wnn ine Northern t C'ompany, to run trains front I Hninshurg, Usuphin, Halif,, bury, Norlhumberland, Levri.l cy, M'illiamport, and all inte Conneclitig at Harrisburch WESTERN EXPREWJ f, nati, Ml. Louis and the West. Also with Howard & V1 or Honville, Bloomaburg, W'ilk IScroiiton, and intermedials pJti lawissa, Lackawona and Uloom At Howard I anl &. Co., and their Jersey &ncre and Look Haven, 'i'roj, Ehnira, Hochcter. Hull rnnnnel to all accessible points in YV'i and Canada, by which they wil Merchandise, Specie, Dank Nt Valuable Packages of ever Also, Notes, Drafts and i'ills' Experienced and efficient mes and every cll'ort will be made I tion. JOHN 1 Superintendent I'ctin'a L A. W.FItiHEK, Agent fori April 9, 185!l. THS) ll04 Domi COFFEE AND Tost 3? Ecing bnsod. ns Dr. 1 Jou rn rtl of Heal th, says, nnd common senses" a coming into uso, and dei to Bupercedo all others. AUTIU'H, liURNIIAH, i 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., VI Sole M.-tiiiiOturei'ri unde & Si I-or .ni, l,v ptnpr, keciiiim Arlleles, and til fen, I nlly. December 4, 159. emporit: fpilE tiuilrrsi;urd having recei A violl selected sli ck of Pure llniss and I llyetufi's Oils Faints, Ulas am ready to lill onlcrsat a moments In connection niih ihe above y iissnrtineiit ol Fancy .Notions, '1'oi IVrfiimery of all kinds, Tooth, II dollies li rushes of every variety. Customers will' linil his Mork prising many articles it is imp enumerate. REMEMBER the place, undi ihe rtiiitiury Auierican." i'livsiciniis' I'ri'Ciiplioiis cumjiou lv and carefully. A. W Sunbury, April 5,1, ltf.Vj. P. MELANCHTON SHI J I STH i; or THE SXJIsT33TTKY, F Ojicc in Iher Stmt, iiiini,:ilt,il,h l'uhtic School !,,:.! A II business promptly oili iulni collected and all ordinary wnlins i Xuiibury, April S3. lkfu. tf WHOLESALE UEALEI BRANDIES, WINES, G 'IIIE suhscriiicrs h.ive opened in - Hrii lt liuililuiR, Mill street, Lui and coinilete stock of FOKKltiN AMI lioMEsTICI comprising the best buiiil.-,,f lii.iii.l Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, I . M aih -1 in , t 'liauipiiitiie und older Rrailes all of which illlie sold Ihe loH'est city prices. Tavrrn-kee inn of us can save ut least Ihe ln ihI. I'ersoiis desirous of purcliusiug FA M I L V i: s E, may rely upon bcini; furuishtd Willi unadiilierated article. V Ui'loi! determined to establish . lor selling cheap Ihcy respectfully s.'l trounce of Ihe public. All orders p tended lo. SHERIFF & Danville, April 9, 18.)!). I1ENKY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT 3 Ujfice opposite the Court Ho Sunbury, Northumberland Coi I'renipt attention to business in To u n lies. ROCKEFELLER & BOY Attorneys at I 8TJNBURV, FA.. .4. Jordan KockclVllcr and Si II. lloyrr, respectfully announce entered tutu Copartnership in the prart profession, and will continue to attend r.css entrusted to their charge in lhe f JS'o;lhumberland, l iiion, Snyder and proiuptly, faithlully and carefully. S tention will be given to the COLLE OF CLAIMS. Consullations can be I (JEKMAN Isnguage. Ollice,- Market Street, opposite Weavt Sunbury, February , 100. iiemTakd ClTlClLA'. Ihe rcuntjlvanla State Jour J. M. BOSTIAX, January 7, 1860. Ol )l 1 SACKS G. A. SALT just rece 'UU for sale by E. V. BKIUIIT & Sunbury, August 20, 1859. BOY'S HOOTS aud SH0F.8, chesp WM. MILL Bun" ury, August 17, 1859. ALMONDS, RAISOXS. FKiS, LE Ac, Ac., just received a fresh sup for sals at the Confectionary store of M. C. UEAKH. Sunbury, May 16, 1857. LATENT BK1ITAMA BTOPP SV . . . . i f I - 1 bar bottles for sals by H. B MAS BLANK rsrchmeiu Tspsr Deeds an . Mcrtgsgea, Uonds, Executions, Ssj. Ac. for sale b IL B. MASl f