Treasurer's Sale of Real Estate. Agreeably to the provision of tlio Act of Assembly, entitled "an Act to reduce tbe State debt, Ac, pawed the 29tb day of April, lf44, for nonpayment of taxes, and its sop pleniftit thereto, tbe Treasurer of Northum berland county hereby gives notice to all persous concerned therein, that unless the County, SUte, lload and School Taxes, Ac, due on tho following real estate in the county of Northumberland, are not paid before the llay of sale, the whole, or such parts of each Ml ..It 1 ns wm pay me cnarRes and costs, chargeable, theroon, will be sold at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, county of Northum berland, on Monday, the 11th day of June next; and the sale will bo continued by ad journment from day to day, for arrearages of taxes duo the said county, eud the cost accruing on each respectively : Amount of Tax Coal Township. 1 Lot, No. 4, block 53, S. M. K BSC, 1 year, $0 13 31 " 'm. Ivichline, 2 years, 8 22 8 " Francis Kennon, 1 year, 80 8 " Christian Kefrr, 1 " 60 2 " No. I and 8, block 11)8, James Luckes, 2 years, C3 2 " No. 10 A 11, block 130, Geo. I.eisenring, I year, 21 8 " l'.arry McOran, 1 year, BO 2 " No. 423 & 424, block 7, Btoca & Company, 1 year, 32 1 " No. 2, block 89, Leah Fisher, 1 year, CI Zerbe Township. 3 1 1 122 No. 1, 2 3. block 78. Wm. J. Phillips, I year, 3 33 No. 13. block 13, US, Jonas. Hergstresser, 1 year, CI No. 11, block 23, Ueoreo eaver, 1 year, 5 ten acre lots, " " I " 3 one aero lots, " " 1 " 1 Lot, No. C, block 134, John Camp bell, 1 year, 1 " No. 1, 2. block 118, Abraham Zartmnn, 1 year, 2 " No. 12, 13, block 92, Daniel Slopick, 1 year, 1 " No. 3, block 121, Wm. Stan, ton, 2 years, 3 " No. 6, 7, 8, block 92, Pbister Davis, 1 year, 1 " No. C, block b'C, Levi John, I year, 1 " No. C, block 125, Jonas Rei ser, 1 year, 1 " No. 7, block 119, Peter llanghanout, 1 year, 2 " John Zimmerman, 1 year, 1 " No. 5, block 88, Isaac Taylor, i years, 41 No. 10, block 13C, Thomas Foulds, Sr., 1 year, No. 8, block 78, Joseph Kel ly, 1 year, No. 9, block 40, Charles Ileg gens, 2 years, Thomas Highlander, 2 years, No. 5 or C, block 130, Har mon Uutlrp, 1 year, Ho. 1 and 2, block 55, David Donbacb, 2 years, No. 3, block 93, Simon Cam eron, 2 years, No. C, block 55, Martin Oueal, 1 year, No. 3, block 54, Sarah O'a- lanpy, 1 year, No. 9, block S'J, John Bates, I year, No. 7, block 131, Thomas Drison, 1 year, Mount Carmel Township. No. 25, 2C, block 51, William Persing, 1 year, No. 14, block 61, J. 13. Mi nich, 2 years, No. 3, block 23, Robert Mnr fy, 3 years, No. 14, block 41, Thomas J. Morgan, 2 years, No. 5, block 22, James Ken nedy, 1 year, No. 1 A 2, block 43, Jonas Thomas, 1 year, No. 1, block 67, Thomas Jen kins, I year. 39 45 12 90 1 CO 55 24 1 25 96 CO 1 30 51 1 08 42 2 40 21 159 1 Wm.L.Uewart, 3 years, 137 48 No. 23, block 23, I'utrtck Carter, 3 years, 1 5G " Alexander Jordan, 1 year, 20 10 " No. 9, block o2, 1 nomas harl, 2 years, " No. 12 & 13, block 23, Duvid Davis, 1 year, Lower Mahanoy. " Peter Herald, 1 year, Coal Township. acres, Martin Weaver, part of McCarty A Weaver's tract, 1 year, " Jos. Mathows 1 " " McCarty A Weaver, 2 " Zcrbe Township. " Malhias lleed, 2 " CO 1 15 12 1C 3ti0 C 00 3ti0 " 1C4 " 112 " 43 " 130 " 17i3 11 83 28 00 " Carbon Run Imp. Co.2 1 " George, 3 ' Mount Carmel. " Jane or Jos. Stephens, 2 11 Mt. Carnipl Crinin "2 157 13 63 47 1 Kimber Cleaver, 2 Lower Augusta. 6 21 o CO 100 Martin Ranolds, 3 " Henry Reiser, 3 " Susan Rrstino, 4 " 1 Ja.2p. John Renn, 3 " i " Michael Greasinger, 3 " Rush Township. 20 " William Leffler, 2 " 2 37 Point Township. :t. " William Cook, 1 " . 3 40 CO " William II ousel, 1 " 43 Lower Mahanoy. 12 " John Herold, 1 " C 33 CO " George Herold, 2 " 2 26 2 " Harrison Herold or Philip. 2 " 51 JACOB F. ROI1RUACII, Sunbury, April 14, 1890. Treasurer. TREASURER'S SALES. A LIST of the Unseated lands advortisod L "- for sale by J acob F. Rohrbach, Treasurer of Northumberland county, agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly of tbe Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13tb day of March, 1815, and the supplement thereto, entitled an Act directing tho mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes, will be exposed to public sale, at tho Court House, in the Borough of Sunbury, on the llih day of June, I860, at 10 o'clock, . m., the following described Tracts of Land fur arrearages of Taxes due and the costs accruing on each tract respectively, to wit : If not sold on the day above meuliooed, to be adjourned from day to day. Avics. j arraDiee i Barnes. Antis Henry 1 A 11T . . . . Ain't Due. Aaams I nomas 1C74 Jcukins James Antis Frederick Attains Robert l'oster Thomas John Jenkins K. Antis U. Adams 1704 Richard Salman Richard Manning Edmund llotT James Cirier Thomas Urier Coal $78G 58 Mt.Car'l 477 09 Robert Cbtmplsin Thos. ChampUin 9C7 Wm. Morrison James Btephensea James Cowart Isaac Ntff Mt. Carmel,' 374 07 l.i9 147J CO 210 40 314 50 3 lnj 425 100 ICO Bnily John N. Znrbe $5)1 00 ISoyd John Coal 12G 25 llrosious Poler " 22 98 Hillington Thomas M t. Cormel 23 57 Hellas Much 16 20 Bower Christian " 19 20 Hoylo Luke Cameron 1 85 Button Samutd " 9 47 Hctterton Uenj. Bhnmokin 9 55 Uertram Alex. Point B0 liarran John, jr. " 1 28 llovd John " 64 IGCi Drtuiv John Coal 117 37 4." Urady John " 131 15 258 Urady W. P. " CO 82 13 Hratly Walter Low. Augnsta in 164 72 iietlerton Ken). Chilisquaque 1 36 78 403 liig Mount n. Imp. Lo. (Joal 6i 309 197 390 200 J. iloglin Coal .1. Iloglin " Wrm. Adams A others, Coal liohanan James Mt. Carmel Brook John " Cleaver Kimber " Cleivcr Kimber " Cleaver Kimber " 101 66 2 33 128 31 56 00 26 97 67 14 8 6 4 2 2 12 178 1C9 2G24 3U0J Cleaver Kimber Coal Conden John Carson John Zerbo Coal Cameron 83 01 20 16 311 55 13 90 32 91 27 85 Cook Wiliiam 947 399 264 250 Carbon Run Imp Darr John Did John . Co., Coal Conic run Darr Mry Darr Poter " Darr Luko Did John Up. Mahanoy Darr Mary " Darr Peter " Darr Luko " Dewnrt William Lit. Mahanoy DettartJnhn " Dewart Wm. Low. Augusta Dnwart John " 9 8 11 50 80 78 98 68 2 5 4 6 130 100 159 181 1974 35 92 87 1 60 220 1 3 2 76 196$ 148 14 36 303 Klliott William Mt. Carmel Elliott Wiliam F.pley Andrew Foint Evens Smith Mt. Carmel KstrichAco , ownurs, " Fegely Reuben " I'Vgnly Wm.A Solomon, Coal File Luke Cameron Wm. Pritchord Mt. Carmel Wm.Sheed, (part) " Andrew Shuber " . " William Boyd " Wm. or C. Boyd " Merrick Stnrr, (part) " Valentine Brobut " 41 12 23 36 524 115 92 4 90 100 80 42 78 3 29 884 300 90 280 170 13 61 209 37 69 23 10 45 70 165 327 29 17 20 5 60 42 53 11 OS 181 36 23 173 Gordon Joseph 7 84 Grant Thomas " Grunt Thomas Zerbo Grant Thomas Cameron Gray Robert Coal Green William " Grant Thomas " Grant Thomas " Gardner Archibald " Gardner Archibald " Gurdner Archibald " Gardner Wm. P. Jackson Gardner Archibald, Point Gardner Wm. P. ' 29 259 120 2074, 253 103 06 4 99 87 67 130 90 l0 4 22 3 9 1 1C0 100 300 100 10'Jj 300 129 2001 300 250 100 40 100 426 219 57 2184. 104 193 221 60 80 203 203 94 300 354 1G(U 66 2881 20 200 187 315 327 220 215 107 103 08 300 80 200 121 31 156 29 140 100 50 111 200 50 200 96 10 50 211 110 103 89 206 J Gardner Archibald, Lit. Mahanoy 1 CO Uardner w m 1 " Harrison Wm Cameron Harrison Wm, Up. Mahanoy 11 ousel John " Hunter Alexander Shamokin Hunter James Lit. Mahanoy Hall Charles " Hoffa Alexander " 40 83 35 74 o 4'J 7-J 46 50 Hall Charles Low. Augusta 3 11 ubley Bernard Zerbo C3 66 73 36 Ileimelrich Henry " Heimelricn Henry Coal Heller Jacob, Zerbe Hileman Isaac C. Cameron Jackson Jeremiah Mt Carmel Jackson Jeremiah " Jordan James Low. Augusta 61 79 34 20 C 5 60 C5 5 1 14 o 65 50 05 84 Irwin Robert Up. Mahanoy irwio Koueu 1 oint Kroll Michael Coal Kroll Michael Zerbo KiddJohn Lit-Mahanoy Kintzing Abra'tn Point King Ezekiel " King Ezekiel C'hilisquaquo Lukins Abigail Coal Lukios Smith " 45 09 30 10 a 30 16 bO 50 49 59 1 1 34 3 o 4 2 2 1 Lake Richard " Lake Richard " Lake Richard " Lewis James " Lake Richard Jackson Lake Richard Lit. Mahanoy Lyon John " Like Richard Point Lake Richard Chilisquaque Morgan Samuel Mt Carmel Maury Peter Zerbo 27 53 83 40 44 40 64 CO 90 17 53 93 40 Martin J G " 11 94 40 50 75 bO C5 SO 60 78 88 Miller John " 5 Moyer Georgo " 4 MeaJling John Cameron 1 Meadliug Johu Up. Mahanoy 4 Martin Peter Point, 1 Martzner John D " Martin Peter " 1 Marshall Wm, owner, Comeron 23 Marshall Wm II, owner, Coal 1 Miller Christian, Up. Augusta 1 Noddonant James Point 1 80 70 I'rinco George Coal Rees Sarah " llees Sarah Sit Carmel Itecs Danii'l Cool Hecs Thomas, jr, ' ltustan Thotiias Mt Carmel Kustan Mary " lioynoltls yuhn " Rustan Charlotte " Rees Daniel, " Reea Tboruaa Jackson Rees Thomas Lit. Mahanoy Sasseman Teter MtCurrael Shannon Wm " Smith Mary "' Stetman William " 43 05 47 C3 40 43 81 30 S5 80 1 63 3 39 1 C'J 3 90 3 37 82 1 20 84 fiG 30 70 1 3 90 5 C4 4 82 15 31 3 75 3 28 9 15 3 85 1 18 21 43 45 90 2 37 309 127 231 211 269 233 100 23'J 188' 333 235 ic;:: 171 43 107 88 300 171 117 173 3 341 2034 170 197 227 303 297 203 200 48 304 216 318 40 35 Scott Abrubam Smith Lake Smith Abigail Camtiroo iMiillb r.vans Smith John Scott Abraham Smith Daniel Scott Samuel Up. Mahanoy Shamokin Lit. Mahanoy Cameron Mt Carmel Tunes Richart Titswortb JobQ Coal . 1 itsworth John " 1 Taggart Robert " 2 Tyson Joseph " 8 Titsworth John Shamokia C Taggart Robert " 4 Trickel Cbas. G, Jechfon I rtekel I baa (J, I. it. Mahanoy 1 Thompson Mt Carmel 20 18 hitesJohn Coal 114 39 Wileon William " 41 31 W'alker Lewis " 31 40 Weikel Jacob " 141 Yortbimer Henry " 24 65 Zeiglcr Ibacc Zorba 21 35 Zeigler Isaac Coal 23 20 Zimmeriniui Math. ' n7 49 5 300 jaluu r. UUIIIMIACM, Treas. Treasurer's OOice, ) Sunbury. April 14th, 1800. TAVERN STAND rOPl SALE. 11 R sulmcrilier olVurs at privuli-ule, on rr:i- - sonatile terms, tlie wtll known TAVKK.N STAND, in h'unbury, NurtliuiiihoiUnil county, I'a., kr.t as such ty M iclia. I W'llvcrt. The house is located on Kawn street, near the Sha mokin Valley and PotUville Kail Koad Dt )ot, and is doing an excellent husincss. The build ing is a l.AKUK KltAME HUL'SK, being near ly new. 1 here la also oa the premises a large Stable and IShed, lately erected, with an lie House and other conveniences. The property is in good repair, with a good garden and choice fruit on the lot. He ah oflera Tor sale a valuable Lot in the upper end of the town. F or further particulars apply to .. t ' EMANUEL W1LVF.IIT. March 31, 1800 Buuburv.l't. WILLXA1C 3. C1T7DE?., MANUFAGTUKEB OF . FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tho most Fashionable Style. 8ofnfl, IMran and Lounges Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, Sofa. Ureal fast and Dining Tablet, and bIko VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thil dclphia manufacture BEDSTEADS, of every pattern anil price CUPBOARDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thin line of his business rilier rei'M'tfullv rail" tho attention nf the public lo hi Inrgc and splendid as . V -r.... -...i . anrliuciil nt every iiunniy . - which rniiiint fiiilto reiiiiurnend itself tocvery IIP who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnil splendid finish, made up of the best stuck to be had ill the city. No effort is spared in the iiiiinufiif ture of his ware, and the subscriber ih 1t ! rin I l tn keep up Willi t lie many improvements which aro constantly b ing iiimli'. He f No manufacture all kinds anduualitics CIIAlliS, ncluding varieties never before to he had il Kunbury, such ns MAiinnA5T, Black Walsct AMI t.t I1LKII AlAl'LT. (llir.CI A5 ; A!U WlJUISOB CHAiHS, ami fanct I'lAyo Srooi.s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by nunc imnuilactnrci! in the Cities or elsewhere. I he subscriber is determine J that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchaxe furniture In the cities, as every commence can bo entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and 1 nairs These articles will be disposed of on as good term as they can he purchased elsewhere. Csun try produce taken in pavment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IIeaiisk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient, distance from this place The Ware Boom is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufnc turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. WILLIAM S.SNVDKI1. Sunbury, January 11,1800. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE. S E L I Si S B O V E , PA., THIS School ii intended to nfford the very licrt ndtnn lniii!, nt a moderate ehnrge to iucli na may be entrust d to ns cine. The building is Inrire, well nirnnged. mid lirmshrd with every thinir neeeswity to health and com oit. Parents and Unntdi.-ina are invited to examine its claims and to anppoit it only in Bo far oa it may be fonnd 10 puascsB real niei n. FArfl.TY. Rev. C. C. nAl tlllM AN, A. M , Principal. Mrs. .M. I.. IIait.hmak, 1 Miss I.. W. HcxnriLi., f Aaaistant Teachers. Miss Jclia A. Catlis, J Dr R. HOLM; Rev. B. Kl'RTZ.D.D. L. L. D. 8. DO.MI'.R.A. M , Leclmus. KXI'KNSKS. Boaidinir, tuition in the regular course including Rev 1-alin, wnslunir, liplita, tuel and use ol (utuithed room per seaion ot 5 mouiha, Fee lor Heading Room, DAY SCHOLARS". s?o do 1 00 Tuition in the Collegiate Department peraoainii, $13 OU 111 (10 1 0U neutivuiie liieidcntul charge tor fuel, ink, chalk, Ac KXTHA CI1AKGU. Music on the Piano with use of Instrument, 11 20 PO " .1 u .Melndcnu " 7 no " " " (illlUlt " 14 (III " " " Harp, " " go (hi peelal inaiructKai in Vocnl .aiubic s 01 Drawing with use of models, ). 00 Oil Painlilifr, ' ! (10 lireek, Uerman nnd French ench, 6 tKJ Payments to he made hulf in advance, and the balance ai trie muinie nt tne seBii'oii. 1 here will be no deduction for nhsence, except in eases of protracted aickneas. A lihend deduction will be made Hi luvor ol the daughters of Clergyman. For Circulars Address. Rev. CO HAl'fiHMAN, Or Ht v. S. Df).Mi:U. Peliua-Grove, Pa., Pr,t. Ill, lbOU ly ci. - ur -rim0 ' r. 27 ECONOMY! i Save the Pieces ! Asurciilruts will hspiwn, even in wcll.reirulated fnml lies, it in very ue.iruliie to have some cheap anu convenient way for reKiinng I- unuture, toys, Crockery, Jk c. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLTJE meets ull sui'li etnerencies. und no houttetiold cun nltord to he without it. It is always rtsnly unci up to t lie slickuii p oint. There is no longer a necesHity for lininini' ch.-tiis, splinters veneers, headless dolls, and broken ctudUs It is juxt the article for out', sliell, and other ornamental wwrk. do i"iuu wmi luuic ui leuueineni ami lasie. This adimrjble piejunition is used cold, being chemically held in Solution, und roesusKiiig all the valuable qualities of tho best cabinet-maker's Glue. Jl mny be used in the place of ordinary mucilitfre, beniR vuully more adhesive. "L'SKFL'L l EVKKY llOL'SK" N. B A Crush accompanies each bottle. l'nce iio cents. AVholesale Depot, No 4f Cedar street. New York. Address, UKNKV C hHALDINti V CO., Uox No. 3,iM. New York. Put up for Dealers in cases eontninirifr Four Kicht, and Twelve D'-zen u beautiful Lilhogrupluc lliow Curd ae Ci"iany ins each package. t A single buttle ui imklinii's Prepared Olue willsuve ten times its cost aunuulU- to every household. h-ld by all prominent ttaluaiersj, Drugfjmts, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Gnwers, and Fancy Stores. Country Morcluinis should make a ii"te of Spaldiiin's prcparetl (flue, when they make up their list. It wii bUiiid uny climate. For sale at thin olTice, March 10, lt60. ly BLI1TEG iLlTD SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, Xo. 1 6 North Sixth Street, rillLA DELPHI A IS THE MOST LXTENS1VK M ANVKADTLItliR OK Venetian ISUmls AMU WINDOW SHADES. cr the: largest akd finest Assortment in the City, at the Lowest Cntili Prices. CE" Store Shades made and Lettered. April II, 1800 2m LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO ViM. II. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists ef flen'ls KippBoots, Youths' Kipp Boot. Children's L'ulf I) outs. AUo a variety of nnirii a Calf I.aee Boots, Women's Morocco l air H0..1-, tl.iMreu'e Morocco and Calf Lace Hoots, ull ..f winch he will sell cheap for CASH an uuu riuiiiiiie lor yourselves. ai.mj. lu.i ouuliiv of Tsmiiero Moroeo for HU ui ca.u. w , . WM. H.MILLER. unl.ury, January 7, 18tU. NOTICE I.I. persons indebted lo the firm of Fiiling & - (.rant -are respectfully requested to come lorwurJ ami in. K.;. ... i .1 7 . I I ounia Deiween Una and the 1st of April, .. ibey wish lo go to the city lo lay in their spring supplies. i m L 'K'l'lJNU St GRANT, fcunbury, March 10, Ueo. STOVES- TOR SALE an excellent second-hand Ceok. "'I Move, also aeveral Cylinder Coal A , Ca. -8 NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of I A T CMiJIUNT, NO. I MARKKT STRI.ET, SUNDCRY, fA. r"MIE subscriber has just opened at his well .1 known establishment in Sunburv, one of the lies pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which nc will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, , All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. beautiful Dress Kobes, Cashmeres, Shaded, "lain and (Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, 1 hibet and Uroche Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Boc Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. FIjANNELS. White and Bed Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltios READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, Sc., II nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HA ItlMYAKK, a lull assortment. Wood end Willow Ware, tjueensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock ill store, Carpet Chains, &c, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1859. To Housekeepers. SOMK.TIIINU NKW. II. T. BAUUITT'3 DKST MKDICINAL SA1.KKATLS. Ju' Ismnuufactureil from common salt, and is pre- HQ naied en'irelv different front other Sderatna. All tJO ttie deleterious matter extracted in such a manner! and aslo produce Dread, Hiscuit, nnd ull kmda nsaD It aKe, witlioul eonunuing n pnrneie ni ewieiatns! 'f when the Hrend or Cake is baked ; thereby pro-'H ilucing wholesome results. F.very particla of! jSalcratus is tunnel to gas and pnascB through the ;l?rtad or I iseuil shile Raking: cotiseguentty Inothing remains but eommon Salt, W'ater ant) 'Flour. Ynu will readily perceive by the tnstej lof lliift S.-iltmtii Hint it ! entireiv dilferent fronn (J otherSalrratu. ((Jg ntr hmnddl. T. Itnhltil'i ient Medirinnl !,D ,Sjilpnitu ; oisrt, pietuie, iwmtfd loiil nf brem1,!A:'iD I wit h ii crtfiRti nf tri'i'Vf sU'iiiiT wntfT (ill tlii ti in ! TiYxx'i.... 1 i T. i i.i .. jacitc me Hiuici,nuu no niiiii ui'ii in gti, sue, (Jo1 (tirertiona for m.ikiitt; Hiwitt with IhU. xn in;ikiiifj all kimls f I'antiy ; ulno, for making (j V ' niAKK Vl)I It UW KOAP with 33 - T - B ABB ITT'S PI'RK rNTKTII ATI-'.n IOTSIf ro OS Wnrnuitwl doulite Ue itretiptli of urtlintiry Pot jjioh ; put up in c-hiip 1 Hi., '1 Hid, 3 llm, G lbs., anil Ku ti Mi. with full direrti'ms for inukin Hnrdmul jStl't Sm. Coiitumera will iind tlui cheapen f lol;mli in ntiukrl i vi Manufucturcd and for fair hv 08 - It. T. HAHHITT, N'oi. GS and TO Wnithiu)toii-t., New-Yoik, nnil No. Ctn Iiiilui.ait . ItiMimi. I June 11, 139. 1y Je CHEAPEST I PKST! LARGEST ! Pays for Tuition in Sincle and Donhle Tntry Bk-Keep- nif:, i iiiing, oiiiuieri'i:!! Aiiiutueiic unu irfciures. BoordS weeks Stationary 7, Tuition $05. entire expenses I'sual time from 8 to 10 weeks. Fverv Student, upon graduutitig, is guaranteed competent tu manap the books ui uuy uusiuesa, unu cuauueu iu earn a s;tiary vl Hum $f)00 TO $1000. Students enter tit uny time -No vacation Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Best HusineKS AVtittne for 1')9, received at Pittsburgh, Philrdt-lphia and Ohio State Fairs. Also, at the principal Funs of the L nion for the past lour years. IV MiiiiRters1 Sons received at half price. For Circulais, 8peritmns and Embellished View of the College, lucluse live letter Mumps to K W. JKNKINS, Pittsbuigh, Tu. .r.inunry 21, 'Ott. Oct. 8, 'uy ly Dll. ESENWEIN'S. TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL, IS the lieat Mi'ilicine in t lie world fur the Cure of Coughs and (Jultifl, Croup, Hronchitia, Afthma, Ditnculty ill Hicatliini-, i'ulpitatiiiii ol' the lluurt, Dipthenn, and t'or the relit'l of tmtieuta in the advanced alftcea of CoiiBtimp. lion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Cheat and whieh predispose 1 1 Consumption. Jt is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prppared by a practical Phyaiciitii and Druggist. und one of great expenence 111 the cure of the vaiioua ditrnsesto which the Human lr:ime IB liable. It la otleied to the altliclrd with the greateBt confidenoe. Tiv it and he eonviuceri that it is luVMluahle in the Cure of Kroi ehlal ailictious. Trice 5Ucellts per Uotlle. ITS'' I'Kil'AktD onlv by lJr. A ESKNWEIN .V CO., l-)ruggists and Chemists, N. W. Cnmcr Ninth and foolar Sis., Phileilrluhia W SOLD Uv cveiv nsnectable Druggist and Dealer in nicoieuie inntignoui rne cune. i-nuaueiphia, .March ai, leuu. l)-w Kerosene and Coal Oil Lamps ! TIEADQUARTERS and , Manufactory, No. 1 14 South Second Street, below Cheanut and No. 1, Carter Street, 1'hiladelphia. M. U. Dyott a Excelsior Kerosene and Coal Oil burner, Merrill ic Jones' Spring Burner, and all other good burners for Coal Oil, together with the largest and handsomest variety of LAMPS, of every description. CHANDE l.IERS, from two to fifty burners Glasses, Wicks, Shades, and all ajticlcs pertaining to the business, together with the best KEROSENE OIL in the country Wholesale and Retail at the Manufacturers lowest prices. Merchants and othera will save money, hy ex amining our Slock and Prices. M. B. DYOTT'8 LAMP and GAS FIXTURE STORE and FACTORY, No. 1 14 South Second and No Carter street, below Cheanut, Philadelphia. Fehmarv 26, I860. 3m3c FLATFOBM SCALES. OF F.VKKY DKSCKIPTION, SUTAULE FOR RA1LKOADS. Ac , fur weighing hay, coal, orejCj and merchandise generally. Purchasers ruu no risk ; jf every scale la guaranteed coirect, and if, after trial,2 not found autisiactory, can he returned without ebare. (Is Factory at the old ataud, established for more than ininy-nve yeuia. auiiui u uo., Comer of Ninth and Melon Strecta, Philadelphia. March 31, IstfO Snr.'jo WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVEE WARE. WE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons nd the public generally, that we have now in Store andofltr WHOI.KSA1.K AND KK l'AIL, at the lowest Cafch I'riceB, a laige and very choice stock of WATCH KS, V, bll.VKK AND l'LATKD WARB, of a very variety and style. Kveiy descripiioa of PIAMOND WORK and other JKWKI.RV, made to order, at short notice. 7 AU GihhIb Warranted to be aa represented. N. U Particular attention given to the resulting of watches anu jewelry o every description. STAl'KFKIt A HARI.F.Y, No. tii Market Street, South bide, Philadelphia, February V, 1buu.3ui TOLII Ur. HEATH'S llOOKOFtt Vl Travels and great discoveries of the Japanese We and Knit India Medicines, with full directions lor Ihs ear. lam cure of Consumption, llronchilis, Boughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevcia, Heart Disease, licroiula. Cancer, Dvspensia. Liver Complaint, bravel and Unnaiv Deposits Female Complaints, Ao. Illustrated with hundreds of eertihi-ates of cures and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many sutteriiig leuow'twings as posBiuia Iroin premature death, it will beseui lo any part of the eouti- sicjii, iiy aeuunig aa csnia to DR. HEATH, AI? flinaitivav Ku Vorlr I'ltv A. W. Fialier, tunhuryj Conrad Wens", NorthuuitierhuHl ; T 8. Caldwell, lwisburf ; O. M. lia senbuch, Hioonaburg Cyrus lliowu, Uillou j N. U aiul February IB.ltlio ly ASTHMA. IJOR Ihs Instant K.lrnf and fermauant Care of this . aisu easing cowplauit use rSNDT'l DroDcblal Cigarettes, mum wr u. . DBkYMOUR 4 CO., 10T Naaaaa Btraat New oik. Price, ft p koa; acui fras by p.. i-roiEaiaiaui;iuSliis. iuu it, 0..6iq EVANS & WATSON S Salamander Snl'is. Ke. v'i Chemiut Street, above Third. riHLADKt.PIll A, Pillt.DSM'lllA, Sept. 89, IS59. To the President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society : The snliscribers, voiir committee to enmine the eon tents nf n .AI.A1A.MKII SWtf. nf Kvans h tt'alm, after being exposed tos strong fire on lliu fair giounda fur eight hours, respectfully reptesent , That, nfter seven cotds of oak wood nnd thtee f Pine had been conaumed sround the safe, it was opened, in the presence nf the committee, and the contents taken out, a little wormd, hut not even scorched. Several Silver Medala, heretofote received hy the manu faeturera, and large quantity of documents, were in the safe, anJ came nut entirely uninjured. The exoeriment antisfied ua of the capacity nf Sufea n his kind to protect contents from any firo to which they mav be exposed. The Committee awarded Diploma and Silver Medal. m:o. w woodward, JOHN W. GKARY, J. P. Rt-TIIKRFOltD, alfrkds. uu.lktt. STILL ANOTHER. W'n MiNctoN, Sept. 17, ie09 Mcasrs. Kvoa t Wat Bon. Phlludetohln Gentlemen : The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe nf your maufure, pnrcensed liy us from your Agent, Ferris nnd uairett,orourcity, some nine months ago, wna Bcvcreiy tried hv hurglara laBt Saturdnv night, and although thev had a Bleoge hammer, cold chisels, and ganpowder, thcy did not atieceed in opening the Safe. The lock being one of "Hall's Patent Powder-proof," they could not get the powder into it, but drilled a hule bib the lower panel and forced in n large charge, whici was ignited, end although the door, inside nnd out, showed theexplosion not to have been namall nue, it was not forced open. Wesuppoae they were the greater part of the night nt work on it. We nre much grati5ednt the result nf tee ottempl lo enter it, anil if the nlxive factsare nf any service, you ore at hlierty to use lliem. 1 ours, truly, U.l.AltUit JO.M15. Great Fire Another Triumph!! Knoxvi-llk, Teimesice, March 13th, 1S59. Mewrt Evnns and Wntnon, fJentlemnn Tt nfTonti me rent pIc-HBUnetomy tn you that theHnlninamlt'i &it, which pnrcnaiwi ot you in t ebruary, 3S, prvet1 l lie wiiul ru lecommendwl it a sure nrniertioii from fire Mv tore house, toprthrr with evenilothera, wim liurneil to the f fount, in Aliircli Init. i hct;ilc full through into ttte.cel r, and wan exootrrd to inteime heat for six or eight hcum, and when it wnn tnken from the tuins nnd opened all its contents where found to he in a pei tec-t state, the Immiks and the papers not h?inR injured any whatever, loan cheer fully recommend your Safes to the community, helievinjr, as I do, that they are aa near lire-proof os it is p"ti'le foi mypviie to oemnae. tihimasj. rnni.i.h, 17 A Inrire nftti-rtment f)f the nlmve ft A nlwnvs on hind, at 304 Cheanut street, (late 21 South Fourth st.t I'nuaitf tpnin. uetobef 15, 1P50. cly aEOaadsalaauUliaa DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing Soup is now in inai- kct for more than a year, and that it tins given universal satisfaction, is evident from the fact, that the Manufacturers of it, in order to supp'y the demand, have been obliged to incrsase their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidedly the liest and cheapest Soap ever mode in tnis Country; One found of it will go as far, foi any use, as I hree of the Common Soap in general use. It is made upon a new principle, of the best materi als, and known only to Van Haaki.i & Mc- Keunk. It does away entirely with the wash board savea the necessity of boiling the clothes, it does not shrink Flannels, removes giieask, ikk on paint spols pcrtcctliy, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fully one hulf tho time and labor usually spent to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure ihe clothes. ror Sale by all respcctablo Grocers, and Wholerale by TJIALN & McKLONE, No. 22 and 24 South Wharves. Philadelphia. CAUTION. There licing ueverul imitation brands ef Deter sivc Soap in Market, the public are notified that nonets genuine except an Haagkn & Mc Keomi is Stamped upon each liar of the Soon as well as tho U xes. Sunbury, Oct. SO, 1859. TAILORING ! TAILORING ! ! JACOB O. BECK, IlhSl'hCTFU.I.Y informs his friends and the pulihc V generally, that ha will hereafter conduct the aUue business, at ihe old stand ill .Market Btreel, sk-.NDuav, on his own account. He will he nrennred In troika im nil km. I. rr rt-rri IN'tiinthe r Latest and most Approved Style and Fashion. Thankful for Ihe libera mitmniicA lnrotnr,,r. rii:A he trusts by reasonable charges ami prompt attention to busn ens. to continue the same. 17 All klndBof produce taken in exrhnniri- for work. at market price. Suutiury, Decemlier 17, 1859 6in I.OCATKD AT Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, 8. E. Corner Seventh and Cheanut Streets. itriBiscii- Jolm B. Myers. I Moriis L. Hallowell, I'M. John . Hart. H. Cowpenhwait, J. B. Lippincott. COUNTING IIOL'SB COURSE, Comprises Book. Keening for Mercantile. Uanliinr. Buil. roail, and .Manufacturing Business with Penmanship, Cal culations, Correspondence, Jke., 4c., fully qualifying: Ihe Student for actual buaineta. Students receive individual liisli action. Diplomas are awarded to graduates. 83S pays for Life Scholarship ood in seven Colleges! sV.25 for I'mial Course. Is" Foi Catalogue a:id Specimens of Writing, Addieas, inclosing; two Puatnre Stamps, UKYANT Jt S lit A T lO, Fhilad'a. August 8lh, 1359. COLLEGIATE DEPAHTMENT or The ITIisfcioiiary Institute! Selinsgrove, Pa-, FACULTY. P. BORN. A. M- Princinal. and Prof Rev. Cireek and English Literature. THEOPH ILL'S WEVEIt, A. M. Vice Prin cipal and Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLINCi. A. B. C- E., Prof ! Math. (Pure and Applied.) rilHE second scholastic year of this Institute -- will commence on Thursday, the 2?d of September next. The Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific an J classical course of instruction, including ancient and modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, Ac Tibms Hoarding may be had from $1 60 to $2 per week. Tuition, per session, (of thirteen weeks') f 5, $1 and $9, according to the grade of studies pursued. Tuition in all cases, and boarding, if obtained in the Institute building, must be paid in advance. The Principal will he assisted by competent and experienced leacuers. For further particulars address any of the Pro fessors. Selinsgrove, Pa., August 27, 1859. ly PURE AND FRESH GROCERIES, of all kindsyjust received by unbury, August 20, !83'J. SAWSWood. Croat Cut and Mi: Superior article at FIS. Saws.. FISHER'S. BunHury, July 17th, 18S8 AND WARRANTS. The highest pric '-'will be given for Land Warrant by the sub "it. II. UMA68ER. life .. f f T. L . . . M f f J Wm JSmM HOSTETTER'S STOMACHJiTTERS. Tt la ft fact thai, tt tome period., every mom lier of the human family la sAibjcct lo diseano or disturbance of the bodily functions', hut, with the aid of ft good tonio and the excrclso of plain common sense, they may bo able to to regulate the system as to aecure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, tho true courso to pursue It ccrtivinly that which will produce natural elate of things at the least haiard of vital strength nnd life. For this purposo, Dr. Hostetter has In troduced to this country a preparation bearing his name, which it not a new medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who havo used it. The Bitter operate powerfully upon the stomnch, bowels, and liver, restoring them lo ft healthy and vigorous action, and thus, hy the dimple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable tho sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any llilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tlw Stomach or llowcls, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, thesg Bitters havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by new settlors, and caused principally by the change of water and diet , will bo speedily regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably moro prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which may nlwuys be attributed to derangements of tho digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Dittersof some kind ; then Trhy not use an article known to no miai lible f All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease and strengtliencr of the sys tem in general ; and among them all there is not to be found a moro healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have tended to prove the value of this great preparation :n tho scalo or medical science. ' Fever and Aoce. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless ginsp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in a short time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, enn no driven from tho body by tho use or HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of tho above-statod diseases can be contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they noithcr create nausea nor offend tho palate, anu rcnucr un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is ro moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough nnd permanent cure1 For J'enons in Advanced l'can, who nro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, Ihcso Bitters arc invaluable as ft restorative of strength ond vigor, and need only be tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother whilo nursing these Bitters aro indis pensable, especially where tho mother's nour ishment hi inadequate to tho demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is whero a good tonic, such as HoStcttar's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho system. Ladies should by nil means try this remedy for all cases of debility, and, before s doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. Wo caution tho public against using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for HolTEfTEVS Cr.LEBRATKD gTOMACU BlTTEnS, and tee that each bottle has tho words "Dr. J. Uostcttcr'i Stomach Bitters" blown on tho side f the bottle., and stamped on tho metallic, cap covering tho cork, and observe that our, autograph signature, is on tho label. 9W Prepared, and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggiBts, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United Statos, Canada, Bouth America, and Germany. SOLD BY Ceo. CnioiiT, Sunbury, Ii. 13. McOav, Northumberland, Cyri's Hrow.v, Milton, 8. M. (J. Wench, McKwensville. October 8. 18.VJ. ly LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COMP'Y CAPITAL STOCK ?SOO,(ioii, Company's UiHlillnp, Walnut Street, P. K. corner of Fourth PHILADELPHIA. LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES. Or at Joint Stock rates nt ahont JO per cent less, or at Total Abstinence Kutcs, the lowest in Ihe world. A. WII1LD1N, President. J. C. Sims, Secretary. J r. siiiMDix com v Aeent, 8f.UfKY,PA. Jims l, 1FJ9 ly FURNITURET FURNITURE!! FaNliloiiakle, Cheap and ('scf'ul THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IX SUM BURY. THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance nf the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c., embraces EVF.IIV VAKIETY, t SEFIL AMD OIl.NA RsF.STAL in housekeeping. Il is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange Establishment South East Corner of Martel Square. UT Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, Nov. 19, 1859. if 409 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Ballou'8 French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 409 Broadway, New York; PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirts made to order from Scientific Measures, cf the best material, sewed by hand, and war ranted to fit, at less than the usual prices. BALLOU BROTHERS, June 4, 18S9. 409 Broadway, N. Y. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. ROADWAY, CORNLH OF Fit AN KLIN 8TREET, NEW "5TOR1C OITY, Offers inducements to Merchants and Tourists visiting New York, unsurpassed by any Hotal iu Ihs iUelropolia. The following are among ihe advantages whica il posses ses, and which will b appreciated hy ail Uavclers. 1st. A central location, convenient lo places of business, as well as places o( amusement. lid. gcrupukmsly clean, well furnished sitting moms, with a magnificent Ladies Pallor, cotninanduif ail calcu sive view of Broadway. 3d. lra-e and sunerblv furnished aminr rooms. nh magni&eut Parlor, ouuiinauding aa uienave view of DIIBUWir, tu. Beiiur conducted oa the Kurnpeto plan, visitors an live la lh best style, with Ihs flakiest suouoinr. 6th. It is connected with Taytor'a Celebrated Salooni, where visitors can bars their meals, or, if therdestrs u.r wo. u. .urnisaeu in own rooms. Slh. Ths far served iu the ttatoons and Hotel is ac krwwledged by epicure., lo be Vastl) upriof to that of aay other Hotel ia th. city. With all IheM advanugea, the cost of lirin ia the InUrnaUoaal, is aaaca besuw that or any other krst eluas Ol.. a. rSbb. nWISMi JiasW, -! NEW FLOUR, FEED. FRUIT AND m PROVISION STORE! TylV. subscriber respectfully informs tho eitl i i "T.? 8"nl,ury " h surrounding n. iKh. -.. ..wu, n.s opened a Store nt the north. R.i 'TV,0 "lS1". nP"Mte V.n.l,kt'. "V', V .""" recu' rr"' "d tUiona o. uii Kinos, socti as WHEAT. RYE 4, DUCKWHEAT FI.OL'lf Oat, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Cracker,, ' Oranges, ISuta Ac, Fresh l,d i ca. son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac, from ihe Mouth. He will constantly receive, hv Itailr.m.l r. ll.llimor. and P.ii.ade.phia. .1 "thlt.ic ti 1 he se.,on. .. the, come into market, and tru.t, by prompt attentton and rea.on.ble price, to ,c.' ceive a share of the public patronage. i , WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 10, 1H59.- ly. NOTICE 1 THE ADAM'S EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arranee mcnts with tha Northern Central Rail Ru,, Company, to run trains from Unltimore foi York Hairlshurg, Dauphin, Halif.u, Trevorton, Sun! bury, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Mun. cy, Williams-port, and all intermediate tstiont Connecting at HarrMmrgh with the t;I(ET WESTEHN EXPRESS for Pittsburg, Cincin nati, 8!. Louis and the Vest. . Also with Howard & (Vs Express at Milton or Danville, Bloomsburg, Wilkcsbarre, Pittslnn, Scranton, and intermedials Stations on Ihe Car', tawissa, Larkawana and lllorninbur Kail Koailf . At Williamsport,hy Howard A CVs Exprcstf' Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Aleo, by ie. arj & Co., ond their connections, fur CsMotr. Troy. Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accrssiMc points in Western New York and Canada, ly which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Noles, Jewelry, pinj Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed and every ell'ortwill be made to render salisfac lion. JOHN BINGHAM, Siiperintcndout Pcnn'a Division, I'hil'a. A. W. FISH EH, Agent for Sunbury. April 9, 1859. pxstxa ll04 Doming,, COFFEE POT AND Pot, Being based, as Dr. Hall, of tha Journal of Health, says, "on kCienee nnd common sense," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, KURXUAir, k GILROY, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Sil Manufacturers under the Patent. ti-For a.l, l,y Ueal.r. In llonse. Kiri.lnt; Articles, and Storekeepers Kcnrrnlly. December 4, 1S59. rilHE undersigned having received a large and X well selected stock of I'Mrc Drugs ami lit inlcaN, Dyrstuffs, OiU, Painty Glass and Putty, is now ready to fill ordemat a niotnerits noti e. In connection with Ihe above ou will find an assortment of Fancy Notion., T,',i(.t Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and ('lollies Brushes of every vnrictv. Customers will' find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is iinpoasible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of tna "Ountiury American. Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate Iv and carefully. A. V. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, 1859. JisTin: of Tim peace, Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monica collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 85. 1837. if WHOLESALE DEAI.EUS IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS.&C frilE subsoribers have opened in Tlio,1,.,on,s - Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a largo and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best bran.lsof Brandies, Gin, Old Kyo, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Msdena, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest ttty prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. Or" Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. SHERIFF ot HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. HENRY DONXEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office oppositt the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prempt attention to business ia adjoining; younties. ' " ROCKEFELLER & BOYErT Attorneys at Law, SXJrJ"I3 UltY, PA. A. Jordan Rotkerllcr and Soloinuu II. Ilojer, respectfully announce that they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all bu-i-r.ess entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to the COLLECTION'S OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had iu the GERMAN language. Office, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, HGO. HEAD AND CIRCULATE tho wrennijTlvaula Slate Journal " J. M. BOSTIAN, Agent January 7, 1860. 0()() SACKS G. A. SALT just received and MJ" for aale by E. Y. U RIGHT & SON. Sunbury, August 0, 1859. BOY'S liOOTS and SHOES, cheap for cash WM. MILLER'S. Sun' ury, August 17, 1859. ALMONDS, RAISO.N8. FIGS, LEMON'S, 4c, Ac, just received a fresh euj.ply and for aale at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, Msy 18, 1857. ATENT BRITTAN1A STOITERS fo bar bottles for aale by MASSER. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Morlgsget Bonds, Eiutione. Summons J c, for aale b ' MAtbLA.