Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 12, 1860, Image 4
THE HAHIMOTHSTORE ! .TJIHiTlSTO- FSPEOTFl'LLY beg leae to announce the EXTENSION f thnr Ktorc-IJuum is (filliriir their piitire 0!tntUliinrnt to I'cifcctjim,) Imvo nrrivcJ. We havo now, not only the taiidsoinest.hin the LARGEST STOKE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! snd a slock- "f A KW COOD" which, in extent, variety, quality and lowncss in price, ire UN HIVAI. I.I'D! We nrcd not particularize, fur W33 HAVE RVXJSIY THIHGMI We have consluuilv on liaiul all kinds of WIUUS, I1ARDWAKF., QCEENSWARE. LliY OOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHINO HOOTS AND SHOES, OROCERIES, A: , . ... which we will dispose of et the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce taken u; i ' cSiaii r;o al the hi :he-t price. l-isr ttnmt id one of the oloVst in this section of country, and hot always been favored hy the !..-k';tiSST a'nil Bl-XI'tun nf custom in the neighborhood. We am thankful for patronage we received in the past, and hope that hy a continual effort to accommodate onr friends arid i.i v.moM, and in consequence of the largeness and variety cf our ttock, we will merit and receive continuance otthosuppoit end Rood will of the people. A e cordially invite jou to civo us a call ! t;i).ME ALL ! You w ill never regret a visit to the Very Larpc! and Clicnpemt Store, In thin section of lliu State : I Rtinemjirr the old House. Hnnbury, May 28, 1659. ly PALL & W INTER JUST ARRIVED AT THE STORE OF EI. K(a:i of Sunburjr, Pa., A n l-ndid stock i f FALL r.nd WINTER J.IK. ('edi from Philadelphia, to which he its -cihillv invitcB hia icnJs and the l'uhlic to (nil nod Ir.npoft, h" will spare no time in show. ii-C 'hern. Anionp- his stock of poods will he i-.i' riNE iti.n: anu black FESilTCJH CLOTH I inn 1 li,.'k and Fancy Casimcres. '1 weed, Bat inetts, Jems and Fancy Vesting, also a largo ns initment -f Ready-Made CLOTHING for men and lifv'i t"'.lirviji.) 'FOR LADIES WEAR, Els'ck and Fancy Dress SHU very cheap, Silk Tii'tue, l!fn ((os, (.'liaii and Chali Robes, Uerego IWsr.ii:, 'i rege l!oho3, Fig'ircd Brilliant and a .ktiuty ofoihor Diess Goods, Spring and Sum mer .-"hir.vls, Mantillas, Pnrasols, a good assoit t t white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish I. men, tfl.ii t fronts, Marseilles, I'rillinnt Arc. A fiicrl '' fjriment of domestic Dry Cornls. Ale ) a hrgo stock of Hats and Caps, Boots ond ihu-.-H, Hardwarp, Queen and (jilnsgware, : Ccdaiwnrc, Stone and r.arlhenware, Olio's and Vaiiitx, Vult, Finh, Cheese, Hun, Oil, 1 .ir ov. ic. N. y Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Tal.leOil Cloth, CarpetH, all the atiovc will be aolJ it low pricea lor cash or country produce la. ;:. in exchange for doodrf. J. II. ENGEL. Sunhory, Nov. 19, 1&0H. tf. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE. Sr.LIXS.IlROVE,Pl., THIS PclitKl is intcinTp'l to nlTonl the vrv liont ntlvnil t'IS, nto niotlrmtdflmrrif! to rii"Ii ne innv bfi entrust d to aire. The IwiMinx ta lurrrc, well nVriinpi'tl, and urnthljt'i! with evciy Uiiiut nerpsisary to health nud com ott- ntroitu anu (itinulmns nr invited to examine iti c In imp mid to wpptt it nity jii eo far ub it may be t'JUud u poF5 rrni FAOl ;i,tv. Pev O. C. nAUGIlMAX, A M , rrmcipl. Mr. M. I,. Uatohmas, 1 Mi'ia I. V. Kvkkkli., Asiisinnt Teachers. Mi ll L1A A. Catun, J Dr K IIOI.M; Kcv. II. KVRTZ.P D. I. UV. Ror nairiitip. tuition in the n enlar cnrre Iticlmtine I.a'ih. .vxthtntr, Iipht. futl nnil une of IiiiiiijIuhI ntom per session nf fi monthf, gSO 00 Fee (or Reading Room, 1 (n) DAY SCHOLARS". Tuitnm in Die C'llczinte Drparttnrnt uersesaioiii fr15 00 AcMtomic 44 " 10 00 InctJrnttil charge tor fuel, ink, rhalk, &c. I 50 KXTHA CIIAUGKS. Music on t)c Pmiio with ueof lnilrtimet;t, 11 20 00 " Mrl'Klcoii i 17 ihj " " Tnitiir h w ' Harp, 20 00 t-n-H-jal mBtructi'tn in V'-otd Muic 5 00 Jri'v1iif with life of model? , 8 (Kl Ud VmiuMiff, " ' l. on Unrrk, (irnnn nnj IVeneh each, 00 rtymeme tn ie made h-di in advance, and the bulunce TA th- middle of the icrhkhi. 1 hi re will be io deduction for absence, except in eufrt of protructcd steknecs. A Ii'ickiI d'.iluction wdl be inadt i.i f;ivnrtf the dautrhten of Ch-rgyniun. Pol CircuUra AddccKB. ncv.C.C HAX GIJMAN, Or Rev. H. DOMI Jt. PuHim-Crnvc, Ta., Sept. 10, lOU. ly PVfl. ECONOMY . ' ' 4 1. 11! A iinoiil.'nla ntill l.anhnn ava n II ,n,dnU f,.m! lies, it ih very de(ir:ddc t have ttome cheap undconveiucat way fur repuiiing 1'urniture, Tuys, Crockery, &c. spallu:gs prepared glue met-U all hiieli friuereucicM, and no lmuetisld can uilrd to Ih without it. it is itlwayu ready and un to the stickiuu p 'lid. Tiiero is no lunger a necessity fT linipi:it chairs, rtiiin'efs veneers, headu-)?K dolts, and broken cradk-s Jt in j. lit the irtiele lor e me, shell, andoiiiir tirnamental work, s pfpuliir with ladies of n-huemcnt and t:i;te. TOis udmiralde pit pariti m m used ruld, heniclietnically h Id in solution, and osnenf nig all the valuiJ.le ruuhlienof the best nhmet ii!u.;cr"s Glue. U luay be turd in the place of ordinary mucilage, buinp vastly mure adhesive. "rsm i'LiN i:vj:ky nouti; N U A Ifriihh ncc-impnnies each bottle. Ti ice 'itj ten's. Wholt ade Depot. No 4H (Vdar street, New York. AddrcFi, JlliNR Y C AL!JI. 4 C(., liox No.S'io, New York. Put up for Dealers in cases containing Four Fsplit, and Twelve D 'Zi u a beautiful Liihogrupluc fchow Curd uc e iiipany inu euch packatie. I if A biuelu Itotileol Spalding's Prepared Glue willauve Uu times it k cfl aunuallvto every household. t1 ll l.y ull pr. tnuu-iit Stattoni?, Drugsifets, Hardware and rurinlure Derd- rs, GrtKern, oad I'ancy btnies. Count i y Meielntnts mIkhiM mukea note i4 hpuldiup's prepared (due, whvu they make uji Unir tint. It wil stJiid any For sale at this office. Ar.uch 10, IOU. 1y LOOK HERE, IF Y.1U WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. I O TO WM. H. MILLER, ho ha received L fl from I'liiludi lphia a large stock of BOOT Cl C2IOES- 11 in stock CuiisUts of flen'li KipptHi'Ots, Youths' Kipp Booti. t.'hildieu'N Culf KootR. A I ho a variety of Women Calf Lace Pools, Women's Morocco l.aefl i;oot, Children' Morocco and Calf Lace IJoi ts, nil (1f wind, lei will icll cheap fjr CASH. Cilland examine for yom jclvcii. ALSO, fust ijnalily of Tjinpcro Moroco for file t-r cnh. WM. II. MILLER, i-'unl.ury, January 7, lSliO. CUKAriifT! nUS'lV! LARGEST!!! (15,00 -'vs for .Tallinn in Single and Doable Fntry Dook-Kcoo-.K, Wrillim, Coimmreul Alllhineticsiiil lX..,.- .exp.8'"''' 8;li"""''-7. J-u.tiouSM.'en.ire t lime from ( to tt) weeks. F.wv Hiuilent umm ' -"im., mi iiuahhtU to cum . salary Zl (,1a, ioo to eiooo. plw" l "y l""',-No vaeauon-ncview at Jl!'.! f',.,?.''u,-' f' Husiiicss Wiitin for Win. 2 ."hi """"h J T'ol'-lelpliuiand Ohi r-at. Fairs. fZ!'. twjd Fans ol tac taurn fui U. pit lour PT f?.',"""' ''ved l half prie.. jt si, oo.-o'e, Z ,.r,..-..o.vr,1. vs. 3S! "iV THE MAMMOTH STORE! 5c QBA3STT, Id ihe cltl pin of SUNBTJUY and vicinity, that romplclet . and that their stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Court FKII,I.G & CHANT. NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Storo of NO. 1 MAltKl.T S-fltKKT, t-LM)lKY, l'A. rpH E sul's-i-rilier lias jnxt opened at hi well I. known estalilit UmciU in iS'uiihtirv, one of the heapc nt and most desirallc atotku of Fall and Winter Goods, thai haa ever hecn offered in the place, and which no will sell fur CAfc'H or exchange for Country Produce, 'i'liose desiring to purchase goods will do well to call ond examine Iiir stock. ELACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Detain, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colora, Iieautiful Drciss Rohis, Ca'hincrcH, Shaded, i'lain and Striped must bo teen to form an idea of the extent and variety. .Mantle, Mella, Chenille, French sol Shawls, Thibet and llrochc Shawls. CI0II13 Cassiracres and Satinet, For Men and Hoys' Wear, black C'assimeres, Fancy Cnsimcrc3, side stripes heavy, Doc tkin Ca'simeres, Satinets all kinds. Fr.A.isrisrELe, V lute arid Red Flannels, all grades and prices, I3ay Stato Sack Flannels; colors finest qnaltios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Doots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &e., 4c., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HA HOW A UK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, yer.!-,ware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in 6tore, Carpet Chains, Arc., Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore received ho will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury.Oct. 82, 1859. To Housekeepers. C.l-.TIH0 M;V 11. T. UAUIJITTS BEST Kj .11I.1IIVI.AAL. tAI.l-.KAl US. C51 l manufacture.! from common salt, anj is pre- po CCpired entirely i.'itfcrent frmn olhcr alriutoa. All line ui'ii'Tnrnmt mailer extracted iiicurtia manncii AND as to pr.xliice IJroacI, llistnit, ami all kimls ofAKD !-.iKtr, wiianai caiii.iuiinii a particle of rfolcnilits TQ wtien Hie Uren.l r take 'is-baknl ; il.crely pro- v ilaeiiig wIioIcslmiiu results. Kvcry pirtn le of ' 0 .uer.iuiB is tiirnnd to pas anil pusses throuli tliu; jUrmi or I'iwnit n-lnl. tiakinir ; coinequently limlliiiig remains l.ut emninon fait, aurnn(l FI"iir. Von will readily perceive ly the tasic lof this Sali-ratus that it it entirciv ililluiuiit fr.un (jy olliL-rSalernliis. fJQ t It is naekti! in one nonnil win.T fnoh iwn.iO .ll I'mmleil, "J!. T.'s ilest Meilicii nil' aliTiitiis j ulsn, picture, twisted loaf of bread, i0 with a cluts of ilicivtseiiic water en the Ion 1 () When you purchase one "paper you should pre- T() iS'rvc Ihe wrapper, mid he particular to pet the -q'iwxi exnttly like tne lirsl liraml as nliove. 05 I'ull directions for niakiiu: Hiead with this haleriitus and four Milk or Cram Tailnr, will AJID . r i I i s"i-.', iii.iii.i. niinA iinnkniir all kinils of Pnntiy ; also, for mukini So- I H ilti Writ.-pninl -i..i.l'.if9 ;W1J 1 Oi nriU r lft r miTH s n n with B. T. BABBITT'S 70 UCMVarrnntc.1 doulile the streinrth of nnlinnrv P..t ash ; put up in cans 1 lb., a lbs, 0 lbs, 6 lb., inn! KD in ins. wiui lull iiireetiinis for making Hard anil pn .Soil Sinn. Consumers will Inn) llnH .l...,,....i ,Or5 Wl '. itVII I.. ....L.. 1 .'II 'i"i -1. '-'i lM uiuiaetured and for sale by B. T. HAIIMTT, I.Nos. Ca and 70 Washingion-st., New-Yurtt, and .No. 3d ludiu-tt., iionlun I June 11, 1S5D.Iy Je 70 NEW DRY GOODS AT T.a. can win VARIETY STORE, Market Square, one door West of the Post Ojjicc, SUXIiL'lir, Pa. THE subscriber has just returned from tho city with an entire new stock of Dry Uoods and a cer.eral vnrirtv if Xiiii.tna ir;.. selections, which are different from anything ever urougni to mis place, have been made from the most extensive wholesale establishments in Philadelphia. His stock consists of BlatU Moths, Fancy CasNlmcrca Silks, Cinghams, Delaines, Alapacos, Chintz, Calieoos, White Cioods, Flannels, Muslins, Circulars, Mantillas, Shawls, Merino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS A 1ST ID CAPS. Flats, Children's Bonnets, Trimmings of every variety, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirt llosoms, Shirt Collars, Gingham Cravats,.iilack Silk Cravats, Fancy Scarfs, &c Ae. Tho list of NOTIONS comprises in part, Head Drrstes, Read Necklaces, aney Heads, Fancy Baskets, Toys of all kinds, Fancy Hair Pins. Fancy Bracelets, Gold Kar-Drops, Gold Breast Pins, Gold Studs, Gold Pens, Ladies' Recti cules, Buttons, Brushes, Toi lets, Combs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Fancy China Waie, STATIONElt Y, PICTURES, and a variety of other Fancy articles too nurre rous to mention. All articles not on hind whi n asked for will be onleied from Philadelphia immediately, with out extia churpe, the ptopri.tor having made arrangements to be supplied with deficiencies whenever required. His stock will lie disposed of encash princi pies, deducting ft per cent, from purchases a mountiiig to more than oi:e dollar. By htrict attention to business, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. f 0 invites all to call and examine for themselves, and he convinced that he bason hand the largest stock of Fancy Goods ever brought to the place. TIIO.S. G. COOPER. Sunbury, OcIoIht !5, lS.rii). EOCEEFELLER & EOYElt, Attorneys at Law, 4. Jordan Itocki f ltrr .ml raini,.. - -wv-was.w.. II. Hojer, respectfully announce that they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their -jiuioiuu, .uu mi- continue to attend to all busi- r.ftUa entrUSted tO tlllir l.h.rrr. in ll.. .! r Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, inuui-Miy, luiiiuunv anu cuieiuliy. Special at tention will he civen to tlia I'lll.l eii'iovu OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be h,f in UKRMAN language. Ollice, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel Sunbury, February 4, IbOu. 1 . ViCTfmitixM Muff and t'ulTa, large assort mont of Fura different styles, si.os ami prices for ale at COOI'KB'fi VriotTr;torc. Koport Of thQ Auditors Of Northum- ueriuna uounty xor lH5tf, i .Tivc lt .c.',..-nH 77. n .. . ' u4,wiiiiyi i cuffui err, ifi ucLfunt vilh tht County nf Norlhumherland, from Ihe frst day of January, 1859, to tie last day of December tf the tame year, inclu- fll'C. To amount in hands of Tceisurcr, ta per last Auditor'a Report, $3,218 5PJ To amount of outstanding county tax for 18S8 and previous years, 0,307 81 To amount ol lax aseciscd for 1859. 9,108 29 received on seated land book, 4 84 Tocasli refunded by collector! which hod been exonerated and after wards paid, 19 28 To amount received for rent of pub lic buildings, 30 4,J To cost refunded In case of Common wealth vs A. Strouse, 26 00 To Commonwealth costs, JI. Flickingcr 34 15 To costs from J no llcinpgeld and others 63 36 To amount of Jury funds and Court funds 58 00 To amount received for lumber, sta tionery, Ac, 4 04 J To redemption money, paid by A. Jordan, for Wm. McCaffee en lot bought by Commissioners, ( 23 Oil 05J CR. By nmeunt of outstanding taxes for 1859 and previous years 8,048 10J By amount exonerations allowed Collectors, 437 61 Commissions, 424 03 " Kriors in duplicates, 03 23 " Paid on county orders, 12,001 85J " Treasurer's commission on 12,001 8fiJ, 300 01 J " Depreciated money, 1 1 00 " Balance in hands of Treasurer 25 18 J $21,011 OoJ JlfSH M. SimntOll. T'xo . Trt.nsurt-r nf .Ve. thutnbcrlantlcuuiity,in account with the same rejecting Ulate Tax on lival ami Ptrsonal. To omouiit in hnnds of Treasurer, 08 per report of Auditors, Jan. 1659, for tbo year 18f3, S2305 18 To omotitm of outstanding Stato Tax, ns per repoi t of Auditors, Jon. 1859, for the year 1858, 3S73 16 To amount of State Tax assessed for 1859. 13,701 03 1 o amount npscssed on unseated lands in unseated lnml book 785 C5 io amount ovcrpuiu by County Treasurer, 1 15i CR. 5 I3y amount of outstanding tax for 1859 and previous years By amount of exonerations for 1859 nod previous years liy amount of Comruissious allow ed collectors, Hy ei.; - in Dnplicato, By cash pun ikate Treasurer, ns por receipt of Feb 9th, 1S5D, By cash paid State Treosurer, as per receipt of Jnly 2Dth, IS." 9, By obatemcot allowed by SUto Treasurer, By amouot outstandinfj on unseat ed land book for 165'J, By Treasurer's Commission on $13,210 69, By cosh paid State Treasurer. 09 per receipt, Jan. 25tb, 18C0, By Treasurer's Commission on 115 41. 20.CC3 22J 1691 45 3S7 90 492 93 4 50 991 13 12,219 71 613 II 735 C3 132 11 115 41 1 15J $20,CC8 22j Jcse XT. Simpson, Ro., Treasurer, in account with the Commonu-callh of Pennsylvania, respecting Licenses for llcstaurants, Liquor Stores and Taverns, for 1S59. DR. To amount received for License for Itee tauranl, 330 00 t. By ooinmiFsion of 5 per cent on S.150, pirj po liy Slate Treasurer's receipt, llali ll July 20. 'SO, l'l'l ill Ly fcute Treasuier's receipt.daled Juu., '60, 114 69 DR. S320 00 To amount ree'd. for License for Taverns, I 212 50 CR. By commission of 5 percent, on f loot), and 1 ner cent vn t224 50, ' By State Treasurer's receipt, da:ed July2ilth, '99, Uti 0J OUTSTANDING TAXES IVR Years. 1S51, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, II 1857, II II 1853, Collectors Names. Jacob Bingeman, Wm. B. Irwin, Joseph Kcbort, James Lynn, A. J. Conrad, l'eter Porsel, Jacob Bloom, Aothony Galaspey, George A Keeler, Samuel Stahluockor, Joseph Hocondoebler, J. B. Wassor, Jacob Miller, William Hoover, George Zimmerman, Klias Kisenbart, J. F. Bucber John Kerstettcr, James (lakes, David Hain, V.lias Kieenhart, William Pardo, John Kerstotter, James Oakes, Dauiel Wolf, Kdward Baum, Jacob Hunsickor, Jacob ll. Clark, George Harris, Philip ICerstettor, John V. Uoodlandcr, David IKiser, II. 11. Cu!p, Joseph Johoson, U. P. Mertz, Abraham Kckman, Benjamin Bohner, Johu G. Young, John Lanpbar, Joseph Bitter, John Faruawortb, Abraham Geist, John Buuiford, Towxstnrs. Lower Mobanoy, Delaware, Milton, Sbamokin, Zorbo. ISunbury, Northumberland, Zerbe, Mt. Carmcl, Lewis, Milton, Mt. Carmcl, 1'OlDt, Snobury, Upper Aogusta, Coal, Chilisqnoque, Cameron, Dolaware, Lower ijahanoy, Coal, Chilisqaaqao, Cameron, Delaware, Jackson, Jordan, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Lower Mabanoy, Little Mabanoy, Milton, Mt. Carmel, McEwonsville, Northnmberlaod, Point, ltush, iShamokio, Suubury, Turbntville, Turbut, Lpper Augusts, Upper Mabanoy, Zerbe, 1859, Thou marked with a star () have since paid. Statement of rinunccs of Northumberland County, January 1st, 1600. tin To mount of outstanding Commissioiieis' orders i iv-.ia, nun previous years, C170 25 To deiit'irncy assessed for Slate pur noses I. .r l A!,to meet the amount fixed by she Revenue Coniuussioneis lor Noiijiuuiberland county for 1.-59, .n. To excess of county fuds above the indebted, lies of the county, o sa ,aJ By balance in handsuf Ju, M. Simpson, K?!'''1'1 6 county treasurer, " ,a. By uumuulol i.ut.ianding County Taxcsfor If59 and pievious years, tfilS 101 By niiiount due fiom Fraseis Dueller of uhiel. lu lias been uid to Jacab Robrbaeli, the un seal Treusuier, r son oo Ve the undersigned Auditors of Norllonnber laml eoun jy, feline ol Pruiii) Ivauia, do certify that in pursuance of UlC 41U aai!l,lli III III sail An! B-....l. . . . . slops, ,.s.ed ihe 15th .lay, ie.n, we mei al th. vo...iuiMi..iiura' tiihce, in Ihe lioioaebof Sunbury, on the j -..u.,,, ,ouo, ami uiijourned Horn time to inue, and did uudit and settle the suveiul acoouuis required BEAD AND CIRCULATE the Teuutijlvaiila Stato Journal." J. M. BOSTIAN, Agsnt January 7, 1860. KL000 WECES of Wall Paper just sccciv. ed from New Vork, fiO different style try low at FK1L1.NG 4- GRANT'S Sunbiwy, January H, latJO. By flaw Treasurer's ftccipt, dated Jaii.W.IMn, T 43 tin. ' mini uo To m'e received for Wcense for Liquor Stores, tli 00 Cll Fit. .mnnluln. aI . mm a A.. .An. t I ft . liy Suil. Treaturei's receipt, dated J illy Jfl, '10, 913 IS I MS 00 Jetse At. Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account utth the QommomvcaUh of Pennsylvania, respecting Retailers, Millers, Dreweriei Billiard Rooms, Patent Mediaines, Coal, Lumber Yards, j c. DR To Mercantile Appraiser's Report, $1,750 00 io amount due uommouwcaitn as per Asuitors iieport, tor itiiv, u CR. 5i,75o eo tlr exonerations. 8IH3 00 Hy eonimirsion of 5 per cent, on 11000, and 1 ficr cent on ffKs. oa oa y R. II. Friek's reeeipt'for publishing Mercaa tile Appraiser's List, !!1A names, lor IMP, 14 00 By C l. Hnr-hmnn'a receipt for publishing Mcr twiine Appraiser's nit, n nnmes, lor '.w, m mi Dy J. O. tc A. A. Vonnsrnnu's receipt for publish ing Merenntile Appraiser's list, 210 names for '59, 21 Co By Suite Treasurer's receipt, dated Feb. 0, IS30, 60 Hy State Treasurer's Receipt, dRtetlJnn 25, 100, 1,4(8 611 uy anaie Treasurer s Keceipt, uateu Jun !IT, i, o vj DR. et,7S0 90 SO 00 To 12 oopics Tamphl I Laws, CR Hy commission of 5 per cent. 3 0 fly Slate Tieasuicr's receipt dated July 39, 1659, 8 7 0 0 00 Jtsse M. Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account ivith the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, re specting Militia Fines, 1859. DR. To amount due Commonwealth, as per Audi tor's Report for I'M $399 S1J To amount of said fines outstniuline for I&57 and previous years, as per Auditors' report of lt58, 405 47) CR. SbOl 09 By State Treasurer's receipt, duted Febiuary Uli, lKit), (399 51 17 amount outstanding Pee. 31 t , lSsO, H7 43 Ity exonerations allowed collcclora 4 00 Hy commission allowed collectors, 5& 2J Hy commission nllowed Treasurer, 1 W Hy Suue Tiensurer's receipt, dated Julv 2S, 159, 0J 57 My Slate Treasuier's receija dated Jan.' 25, IMiU, 103 27 fcrOl 9 Exoenditures and Receipts of Xorthumber land County, from the 1st day of Jan., 1859, to Dec. 3lst of same year,both days included. DR. To 125 Oiders issued by Commissioners for re viewing and surveying roads and bridges, fl OS 00 To DO orders for Fox Scalps, M 58 To Ol orders for Hridge building and repairs, 2,20 00 To l:r orders for Coroner's ItMjucsni l?l 1)0 To 4 orders for Stationery s-j 41 To 3n orders for Commonwealth costs 360 08 To 13 orders for Koud Dainugas tIJO 30 " 6D Constables pay for milking ro- turns and unending court 357 34 " 12 " Juror's Pay Jjes 18 a;2 u public Buildings 1 43 'I 4 " " Frederic Haas Commissioner's pay 217 SO " 4 " " Jos Kverilt. Commissioners pay 151 50 " 0 " Samuel Kilt's pay yfl J5 ' 1 " " I'hlllp Clark's pav 50 00 'art " Geo Murtin, Clerk's pay 425 00 14 4 " 11 Prolhonotary's fees iw 00 55 t( Klet.'luai F.xiteuses fri2 49 2 o l'ltsoa Kspensos 12 09 11 Assessoi'sisiy 299 01 " Fuel 12 T5 ' Curt Crier's pay l'jo 00 14 Incidental Kxpeuses 50i O'J Atrieultural 100 (jo (t Auditors' pay for auditing accounts for IMS 109 00 " Unseated ijindsSchnnl Tux 3 18 o Attorney's Fees for County 05 f-0 41 Proseculinir Atloiney 71? ihj " Print ui for counly 353 20 ltel'unding mil 3 o Hasten) Peiietentiary 54 31 ' Sueiill'sFecs, Jarces Vandyke 14;! 70 37 11 4 " 13 "2 ' " I 1 "4 ' " 1 " 1 ' 1.4 6 1 .13 " 1 "J ' 5M orders. Amount of outstanding sounty orders for 1863 and previous years 177 25 Depreciated money 1100 Trimmer's Commission 011 S12, 001 3 J 300 04 j S 12,364 03J CR. By Imlnnee due county by Jesse M. Simpson, Hsq., Treasurer, ns por report of lt." S3,21S Cnsh reeciveo from Collectors tor 11:59 and pro- vious years 012 Cash received 011 Sented IjiuiJs 4 Cash refunded by Collectors, which had been exnneratvd and since paid 19 Amount received for rei.t 01 Public Hnildingi 30 Comiimnwcnltli costs refunded by A Strouse V9 Commonwealth costs refunded by F. Flickmgcf 34 Owls iuid bv Jacob Heniptn-td unit others 93 Amount of Jury Funds and Court Fines, 60 Amount received for Lumber. Siatioimrv. At a 45J ou 15 36 on 4 711 5 n Redumption money paid liy A. Jordan for Wm. MeCaifec's lot bought by Commissioners By amount of excess ol expenditures above tlx leceipis 25 WI 812,3M 03) 1S59 AND PREVIOUS TEARS. Militia, $6 00 47 50 32 50 19 42 19 00 23100 SifiU 45 $8'C46 10 145 42 By amount due from Jacob Vouug as per special Auditor's Report, 1 H79 "7 By Iwlance ngaiust Jacob Voung, omitted by Pi, ciui Auditors. ' 120 SO et0,l7l si County of Northumberland in account tilth Qte Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1859. DR. To nmonnt nXcd by the Bsvtuue Commissioners for Itwll. 24,925 02 CR. By amount of Slate Tax ass cued on sealed lands and personal property foi 1S59, (13.701 03 Hy murium asstaued ou uiueuted Unus lu uu sealed land book for iein, t j By bulauee dae Coqunouwealih, 438 e 14,9-io 63 us agreeHble to the aaid Acts of Aswanbly and supple ments thereto, aieenidlng to the beat of our iudemcuts and uliiliues And we do lurlher certify that upon due exami luitiou of tlie expeuae book f the county, the iudebtedneas ut IU sums yet unpaid iu orders is l?tl .4. C. O. J'ATTON. C F. kl TTl.K, Auditors. v. w. uu JRAV. I A LL pereona indebted to the firm of Filling & (srant are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up their account! between this and the 1st of April, as they wish to go to the city to lay la their spring supplies. FKILINU & CRANT. Sunbury, March 10, U60. TURE AND FKESirGROlCERiES, of ai - kinds, just received by E. Y. BRIMiT SON. Suuhury, Juguat 10, !83!. Si-ATB. C0UNTT. S229 56 $17 44 100 70 121 48 72 79 C2 Cl 93 22 76 32 133 24 335 37 91 51 117 Cl 32G 50 114 85 292 81 2(16 CO 198 11 129 65 310 03 276 22 224 32 118 23 " 97 25 G 93 4C0 79 76 C6 6S5 31 47 14 291 07 448 17 37 58 131 93 397 83 404 37 207 73 149 90 22 01 4C1 C2 2'i3 C4 432 22 89 59 207 88 19 74 64 89 252 90 75 42 123 15 103 86 14!) 47 1C6 23 1C2 51 270 53 233 41 285 43 230 36 882 83 302 53 415 CO C4 77 32o 21 359 53 3C0 19 140 86 55 C7 108 50 EVANS A VAT-n:a I Ji liol fill' a a c r htt. 1 1 M ;;1A. 304 C7im.iu Street, aimvt intra, PHILADELPHIA, PniLtDiLrniA, Sept. 29, 1M9. To Um President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society: The subscribers, ynnr committee to examine Ihe con. lentsnfs lALlMANDKH A 1 K of Kvans tt Wnlaon, sflcr being exposed to a strong fire on the fair grounds fur eisht hours, respectfully reprearnt That, after seven cords of onk wood and three nf pine hod beea consumed around the safe, it was opened, in tbe presence of the committee, and the contents taken out, s little warmd, tint not even scorched. Several Silver Medals, heretofore received hythsraanu faeturers, and s large quantity of documents, were in the sufe. and came out entirely uninjured. The experiment satisfied us of Ihe capacity of Safes o this kind to protect contents from any fire ta which they may be expoaed. The Committee awarded a DipWms snd Silver Medal. OF.O. YV. WOODWARD, JOHN W. OKARY, J. P. Rl'TIIKRFORD, ALFRED S. G1LLETT. m 8TILL ANOTHER. WitMisnTos, Sept. 17, 1S59. Messrs. Evas I Wat Son, Philadelphia Gentlemen : The Salamander Fire-Proof Safe of your manfure, pureensed by us from your Agent, Ferris and Gairelt, of onr city, some nine months sgo, was severely tried by burglars Inst Saturday night, and although they had a sledge hammer, cold chisels, and gunpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Safe. The lock being one of "Hall's Patent Powder-proof," they could not get the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel and forced in a large charge, whio was ignited, and alshongh the door, inside and out, showed the explosion not to have been a small oue, it was not forced open. We suppose they were the sreater nart of the nieht ai work on it. We are much gratified at the result of tee attempt to enter it, snd if ine anuve lacisare oi any service, you are at liberty to use tiieiii. ivuii, lluiy, BAYNARD & JONES. Great Eire I Another Triumph ! I K.toxvaLS, Tennessee, March 13th, 1850. Messrs. F.vans and Watson, Gentleman It affords me great plcasunetosny to you lhat the Salamander Safe, which I purchased of you in February, tf 59, proved to be what ynu iccominended it a aurc protection from lire My storehouse, together with several others, was buineil to the ground in March last. The Safe full through into Ihe 'cel lar, and was exposed to intense heat for six or eight hours, and when it wns taken from the ruins and opened all its contents where found to lie in s perfect stale, the books and tbe papers not being iniuied any whatever. I can cheer fully recommend your Safes to the community, believing, as I do, that they are as near lire-proof as it is possible fur any Safe to be made. THOMAS J. POWELL. IV" A lursje assortment i f the nliove SA FUS always on hand, st 301 Chcsnut street, (Iale21 kuulU Fourth St., Plai kail .-In is In ' October IS, 1C.59. cty DETERSIVE SOAP 'WUillstiU This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar. ket for more than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, is evident from the fact, that the Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to incrsase their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidedly the best and cheapest Soap ever made in tnis Country ; One Pound of it will go as far, foi any uso, as Three of the Common Soap in general use. It is mado upon a new principle, of the best materi als, and known only to Vau llitr.r.v & Mc rvniNE. u docs away entirely with the wash hoard saves the necessity of boiling the clothes, it does not shrink Flunnels, BE.nevts obeise, I!k on paint sroLS pcrfcctliy, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fully one half the time and labor usually spent to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure the clothes. For Salo by all respcctablo Grocers, and Wholesale by TH A IN & McKCONE, No. 22 and 84 South Wh arves. Philadelphia. . CAUTION. 1 Here being several imitation brands f Deter ive Soap in Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except Van Huge fc Mo Keoxe is Stamped upon each Bar of the Soap as well as the Boxes. Sunbury, Oct. 2, 1859. TAILORING "TAILORING"! ! JACOB O. BECK, TJ ESl'l-XTFCLLY informs his friends and the public JIV generally, that he will hereafter couduet the above business, ut the old aland in Market street, Sejhbory, on Ins own account. 1 """"v"" i J,'w'i" b l,relred to make up all kinds of CLOTH IXj ui the latest and most Approved Style and Fashion. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, i. trusts by reasonable charges and prompt attention to busu.ras. to continue Hit same. IV All kinds of produce taken in exchange for work, at uiarkat price. 1 avynnury, uecember 17, 19 6m LOCATED AT Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, -45. E. Comer Seventh aud Chesnut Streets, -iirmscii- John fl. Myers, I Morns L. Hallowcll. 1 rul, John S. Hurt. H. Cow-perthwalt, J. B. Lippincott. COUNT1NO HOUSE COURSE, Comprises Bonk. Keeping for Mercantile, Banking, Rail, road, and Maiiuiuciurnig Untinesa with Peiimanehip, Cat. calationa. Correspondence, Ac , Ac., fully qualifying the Student for actual business. Sludeuls receive individual Instruction. Diplomas are awarded te graduates. 35 pays tor Lite Scholarship good m seven Colleges' 25 for Psrtial Coarse. IV For Catalogue a id Specimens of Writing, Address, inclosine- two Po.tuv.. August Gt, mo.m VANT 4 8aA. COIJXGIATB DEPAHTMENT a v The missionary Institute, Selinsgrove, Pa., FA C l 'LTV Rev. P. BORN, A. Principal, and Prof kreek and English Literature. THEOPHII.I.H WF.vii'n a xt v: .: . - - - - " " ' -1 ... 411. IVtl , III,- cipal and Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLINO, A. B. O E., Prof el main, trure ajid Applied ) flHE second scholastic year of this Institute -will commence on Thursday, the 2d of fteptembcr next. Ihe Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific and classical course of instruction, including ancient and modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, &c I sans Hoarding may be bad from 1 60 to 2 per week. i union, per session, (of thirteen weeks) 5. $7 and $9, according to the grade of studies pursued. 1 uUion in all cases, and boarding, if obtained in the Institute building, must be paid in advance. The Principal will be assisted by competent and experienced teacher. for further particular address auv of tha Pro. ftwsors. Selinsgrove, Pa., August 27, 1859. ly llMairiniv ""'IMIi ax st,-r CKACUS Holder, Knives, Note Books, Be ceiot Books Memor.nilnm H.,.,1.. w..: of all kinds, ate, at COOPER'S. Sunbury, Oct. IS, !8S. SAWS. Wood. Cross Cut and Mill 8a wa, HlUTwaras-lP art if la. aa W t u a a"a a. tT , , " V nonati B, Suulury, July 17th, 1858 ANB WAR KA NT8. The highe price 'will be given for Land Warrant. h th. ...k t,iUM ' H BMAftSER. NSW HOSTETTEH'a STOMACHJITTERS. or diurbance of the b'odn, "JCi bn !t? Jrith the aid of a goo i)Jvi?J3k of plain common sense, they may b W. 0 to regulate the iyatem aa to secure permanent health, la order te accomplish this desired object, the true course to pursue is certainly that whloh will produce a natural state of things at tho least haxard of vital atrrtnirlli .tt.1 life. For thi purpose, Dr. Hostetter has in troduced to this countrv a nsannrnlinn rtunfini. his name, which la not a new nvedlciub, but one that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The llittore operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels. and ltvor. restorina- them ta & KonJinv ami vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro- " vs Eiruugyiemng nature, enable tue fJS' tern to triumiih over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, or any lrtlious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysenlory, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &., these Bitters have no coital. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, to gencTnlly cotv traded by new settlors, and caused principally by the change of water and diet, will be speedily regulated by a brief uso of this yiferiaratltra. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the cause of which mov alwava be attributed to derangements of tho digcetivo organ i, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETIER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on tbe bottle. For this disease every physician will recommena Di iters or some kind then why not use an articlo known to be inful lible T All nations have their Bitters, as a pre vcnlive of disenso and strengthenor of the sys tern in general ; and among them all there is not to be found a moro healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based npon acicntifio experiments which have teaded to prove the value of this great preparation :n tbo scale of medical science.) Fevbr akd Aouk. This trying and provot ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in a short time, ond rendering Inm phy sically and mentally useless, can no driven from the body by tho uso of HOSTETTEU'8 RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, none of the above-stated discaees can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if the JUittors are used as per directions. And as they nuithcr create nausea nor offend the palate, and render un nesosary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure." Pur Persons in Adeanced I'ears, who arc suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters aro iuvaluablo as a restorative or strength and vigor, and need only bo tviod to bo appreciated. And to a mother while nursing these Bitters are indis pensable, eepocinlly where the mother's nour ishment is iuadequato to tho demands of the cmla, consequently Iter strength must yield, anu nero it is wncre a good tonic, such as HoStctter's Stomach Bitters, if needed to impart temporary strength ana vigor to tho system. Lrulios should by all means try this remedy for all eases of debility, and, be for o xe dohig, ehould ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted wifli the vfrtuo of the Bitters, will recommend lieir uso in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. We caution Hio public against suing asy of tha many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for Ilaijj-jTKn's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottlo has the words "Dr. J. llostettcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on the eitio of the bottle, aud stamped on tho metallic csp covering tho cerkf and ohservo that out autograph signature i on tho label. Fropared and sold by HOBTETTEH ft SMITH, Pittsburgh, Fa., and Sold by aU druggists, grocers, and doolora generally throughout the United Btof es, Canada, South America, and Germany. SOLD BY Gbo. Brigbt, Sonbury, R. B. McCat, Northumberland, Ctrcs Browk, Milton, 8. M. G. Wknck, McEwonsville. October 8, 1859. ly LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COMP'Y CAPITAL STOCK 300,(KI0, Company's Building, Wnlnul Street, S.E. cornet of Fourth I'HILADKLI'HIA. LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES. Or at Joint Stock rates at about to per cent leas, or at 1 ouil Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world. , ' A. WH1LD1N, President. 1. C. Sims, Secretary. J. P. SHIMDEL GOBI), Acent, Jane IS, 1659 Ijr ' FURNITURE! FURNITUREM Fashionable, Cheap und Ireful THE LARGEST SCKEVER OFFERED IN 8UNBCRV. rpil E subscriber, long established as a Cubinet and Chair Manufacterer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of th puini. patronage, nts stocK of Cabinet-Ware vnaira, ifc, cmorace EVt.HY VARIETY, USEFUL MENTAL AND RNA in Itttlolr A.irtl n ? -.- ... --. i'lni,. ii u unnecessary tn num. rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. c. uiu in lun rn n n r South East Corner itf Marlvt tJ" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making nav- SEBASTIAX IT A T'pt Sunburv, Nov. 19, 1859 tf 409 BBOADWAVNEW VORK. BaUou'i French Yoko Skirt Emporium. PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirts made tn nnlr f... c: i .i t . . . ouciiuiic Measures, cf the best material, by hand. ,". ranted to fit, at less than Ihe usual price"? uAiibuij UKOTHER8 June 4, I8M. 409 UiDaJ... 7k 'V THE INTERN attovat tt.- EOADWAV, COKNEE F FRANKIJN BTREET NEW YOHTT r.T-,J "Tl Tb. fsMowfugre''Mvlntagea wkrt ses, and wkieli wig U ippreekted SflTl , p0,,, JeaS. aive view of Broadway ' """""-'""ig etu- Biuadway. 1 wuuuwl-" M aJUansve view of lib. lieini eonduelitil n is.. t can live in the beat atvl ni T7l. ."?'? ""i vuutort 6U.. ll is connected wak eoou"-y- Tayier'a Celebmto - UUIWUSi where visitois can kav. their m..L. .u , kaowledtd by pieu to ll "V U"Ui a.yotKuSTuT.'eT,, "" U-tof Wnh .11 tk ..i." "' Jdns 19, U3i. If A. FREMN, Proprietor. (Mm I UF.Y.SJU NEW FLOUR, FEED. FRUIT AND PROVISION ST QUE I riHIE subscriber respectfully informs the citi A tens of Sunbury andnhrftirrounding neigh- """"""i 't n nas opened a store at the north. "csi corner ol Alarket Square, oppoiile Vandyke's -..t.u iioiri, wnere ne- Is receiving, and will p on hand. Flour. Feed. Fruil and ,,rnvi.i. of U kinds, soch a "HEAT, RYE 4V BUCKWHEAT'R o'.r0? M V""Sn of KceJ. rackera, son F N,UU c- r'h Shad in sea on, Earl, Vegetable, Fruit Ac, it. .in ,no outn. Balttmo r TZLXy'' f"" i-rompi attention and raa.on.M. L ceive a .bar. of th. public' "Z'' S-nbury, April IMgs; H00VER- NOTICE 1 THE ADAM'S EXPRESS CO., Company, to run train, from Baltimore , Ye?k llainsburg Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton S. .,' bury Northumberland, LewUl,'urg , m on'm'' cy, Wilhamsport, and all intcrmediata Si'.r Connecliug at Harrisburgl, wiTh he UR Tt WESTERN EXPRESS for rL"ut rt F nati. St. Louis and the West. g' C'"c"" Also with Howard 4 (Vs Ft,....- . .-. or Danville, BltuKh Scrauton. and intermr.i,,i. n...- ,."ll"on, . """ions on the Cat- Olds'. press to V How. r' pi c ,'' nections, for Canton Iro,. Elmira Kochcstcr, Bullalo, Niagars, aud to al accessible j,, Western New Vork and Canada, b, which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, .tew-chy, ,,, lu.blo Packages of every descriptior, Also, Notes, Drafts and A',, for t;0icctioil Lxpertenced and etbeient messengers emZ'ed andl every efloit tv ill b. made to reUr sa'tile. JOHN BINGHAM. April H, 1H69. ' COFFEE POT AMD Tea Pot, Being based, as Dr. nail, of tlia Journal of Health, says, "on 'enoo ond common sonsc," aro rapidly coming mto use, and destined soon to supercede aU others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GII.ROY, 117 & 119 s. Tenti st, Philadelphia, bole Manufacturers finder tho Patent. December 4, I8.r)f). I3MPORITJM. rpiIE undersigned having received a largo and A well selected stock of Pure Drug, aud Chemicals, DyestulTs OiN, 'ai,s, Glass and Putty is now ready to fill ordersat a moments no.i .....,i.uiusiui ine above vou will .l ... assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet ialtVand IV, timer, of all kinds, Too,!,, Hair, N.iU .,"u Hollies Brushes of every variety. d d .usiomcrs will- hnU his ,toek enmnl r:iusZary ,r,iclca u u im jy i'Srrfi:i,,,rrir,iun,com,,ou8 Bccuma- u , A- FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, 1859. P. MELANCIITON SHINbkl JVSTIUK OV TUB IE4e SUNBTJHV -da E, Offioe hi Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public limine. AllbuMiicss promptly altenJ.-H ,. Mi colleccd and all ordi.mrv wruings June. Sunbury, April 25. IS.',7 tf WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ?.?UADIES' WINES, GIJJS.&C T S'i'r" Thompson's , Dr"-k Building, Mill street, Daaville, a largu and complete stock of .iarga FORKKJN AND DOMESTIC I.HifOK., comprising the best hra,,lsf U,,,.!ies Cm OU Kye. Scotch and IrUI, Whtskev. Port, s'i,.rrv -Maderiu Champagne al,j ,,,;, uf - grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keeper, by buy wg of u can save at least Ihe freight. lerson desirous of purchasing liquors for FA M I L V CUE. may rely upon being furnished with a pyro and unadulterated article. Cr Being determined to establish a reputation or selling cheap they respectfully solicit the pa- . . SHERIFF & HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. IIENltY DOSNl'L, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Uic. opp ositt th Court Hjusc, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. n rrempt attejitioa to business in adjoining -etmties. ' 8 SYMPH0NIAN8, grand musical instruments just received from Suow Hill, London, and lor sal. by r u COOPER. unbury, February U, 1859. 200 8ACKf G. A. SALT just received and '' j r;. y. iiKiuii i c eu.. Sunbury, August ao, 1859. I JOT'S BOOTS and HOKS, cheap for ca.h WM. MILLER'S. Bun'ury, August 27, 1959. aTTIrtt rl rortnn Prieeimr.fnt ND BOYS' WEAK, very cheap, just , anu tor sate ai . COOPJkR'S VARIETY STORE. Tone 18, 1859. ALMONDS, RAIS0N8, FICS, LEMONS. &c., sVc, just received a freih supjily and for sale at tha Confectionary store of M. U. ULAKJiAni. 8unbury, Msy 16, 1S57. lATENT BRITTAKIA STOPPERS foi bar bottle for sale by H. B MA8SER. LEGEU HATS, LEGER CAfS, COLLEGE Caps, Boy.' Cans, Oil Cloth Caps, all th latest style, at COOPER'S. ISunlury, Ort 15, 1859. BLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgages, Vend, Execution. Summons, Vc, for ai b H. V. MABbta. CUA WL8, Cloak, Cp, Nubies,Hood Ac, very cheap, at , M,v. n 5unbury, OotoberlS, 1859.